artthatgivesmefeelings · 10 months
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Cornelis Kruseman (Dutch, 1797-1857) Savoyards and Italians, 1840
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steellegacy · 1 year
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⚜️ Savoyard cavalry helmet, late 16th - early 17th cent.
Guys, we publish the next exhibit from our exhibition project 2015-2022
More photos on website http://sl-armours.com/en/gallery-of-medieval-arms-and-armour/helmets/158.html
Made by Creative Workshop "Steel Legacy" in 2015
Images by Valery Sibrikov
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⚜️ Кавалерийский шлем "Мертвая голова" (савойский), конец XVI - нач. XVII вв.
Друзья, публикуем следующий экспонат с нашего выставочного проекта 2015-2022 гг.
Больше фото на сайте http://sl-armours.com/ru/gallery-of-medieval-arms-and-armour/helmets/158.html
Шлем изготовлен в нашей Художественной мастерской "Стальное Наследие" в 2015 г.
Фото: Валерий Сибриков
#helmet #steellegacy #armororder #orderarmor #стальноенаследие #шлем #armsandarmor #Savoyard #cavalry #Кавалерийскийшлем #Мертваяголова #савойскийшлем #TODENKOPF
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melancholy-lute · 1 month
G&S + TS: "When a wooer goes a-wooing" + "Hits Different"
"tears that blister" & "feelings fester"/"food for fishes only fitted" 🤝 "threw up on the street" & "my sadness is contagious"/"I slur your name"
I should think of someone newer
But I'm left here feeling bluer
When each memory is truer
It hits different 'cause it's you
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pilferingapples · 2 years
LM 1.2.13 History Notes: Petite Gervais, and Savoyards
Haven't seen this in the tags, and I still think it's really interesting context, so here, have a post about Petit Gervais before he's completely Gone from our narrative! (note: this is largely taken from Graham Robb's The Discovery of France: From the Revolution to The First World War , a book I definitely recommend to anyone wanting more French History Context!): Petit Gervais is definitely a chimney sweep. Hapgood's translation cuts that specific phrase out (others leave it in!), but to someone in Hugo’s era, even without the specific mention of him being a chimneysweep, it would be obvious that was his line of work, because that’s what migrant Savoyard boys were. Every year, a large migration of new kids headed north, towards Paris. When they got there: 
...they split up into village groups. Each had its own dormitory and canteen. A Spartan building in a  particular street might look like a part of Paris when in fact it was a colony of Savoy controlled by a Savoyard sweep-master. The master might also sell pots and pans or rabbit-skins and keep an eye on the boys as they went about the city shouting “Haut en bas!” (”Top to bottom!”). If a boy stole money or misbehaved, he was punished according to Savoyard traditiion. Boys who fled into the back streets were always found; chimney sweeps knew the city as well as any policeman and better than most Parisians…
The sweeps who avoided asphyxiation, lung disease, and blindness, and who never fell from a roof, might one  day set up on their own as stove-fitters.  Nearly all of them returned home to marry. Their tie to the homeland was never broken.  When he emerged from the chimney onto the roof of a Parisian apartment -block, a Savoyard sweep could always see the Alps.” - Graham Robb,  The Discovery of France
 So Petit-Gervais– and other Savoyard children like him (it was supposed to be just boys, but of course some girls joined too, with all the extra risk that entailed)  isn’t just a randomly wandering parentless kid. He’s a boy learning a trade, and he’s either off to Paris to essentially serve his apprenticeship, probably working for his money along the way,  or coming back home from Paris. Given how young sweeps were when they aged out of the job (only REALLY little kids can fit in chimneys, after all) and how much money Gervais is carrying, I’d *guess* he’s on the way home from the big city, but it could be seen either way. 
Anyway, point being, Petit-Gervais isn’t some Random Encounter with a poor kid; he’s part of an organized child workforce, with parents who probably lived through the same thing--a workforce that took on an enormous amount of risk, as Hugo shows, however cheerful they might be.
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eato · 10 months
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mooncustafer · 2 years
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ueinra · 2 years
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Les Misérables | Savoyard Boy ( Illustrated by Jacques Pecnard, 1963 )
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francepittoresque · 1 year
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BRÈVE | L'ours Marco : animal au grand coeur du duc de Lorraine ➽ http://bit.ly/Ours-Marco Le duc de Lorraine Léopold Ier possédait un ours appelé Marco qui, durant l'hiver 1709 fit preuve d'une intelligence et d'une sensibilité dont bien des hommes peu charitables pourraient s'inspirer pour s'amender
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jezatalks · 2 years
Pour le réveillon 2020 à 2021 on s'est fait un marathon des films barbie.
Pour celui de 2021 à 2022 les pires suites disney. Avec en bonus, la bande à picsou et le secret de la lampe.
Cette année ce sera Shrek 1 &2, La Véritable Histoire du Petit Chaperon rouge et Princess Bride.
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Recette Tartiflette
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Apprenez à préparer une bonne Tartiflette savoyarde maison, en suivant cette recette de cuisine facile et pratique à réaliser.
© Photo par salsachica sur Freeimages.com
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melancholy-lute · 1 year
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dixvinsblog · 2 years
Les recettes du blog-Petits plats régionaux traditionnels –La fondue Savoyarde
La fondue Savoyarde Plat d’origine suisse, composé de lamelles de fromage que l’on fait fondre à la chaleur dans un caquelon avec du vin blanc, jusqu’à consistance de crème, que l’on aromatise de kirsch et que l’on déguste en y trempant des cubes de pain rassis au bout d’une fourchette. Mon panier pour 6 personnes – 200 g de gruyère suisse mi-salé– 300 g de vacherin Fribourgeois– 25 cl de vin…
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A very happy Savoyard helmet, he's having a great day! :D
Northern Italy, circa 1600-1620
from The Museum of Art and History, Geneva
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ectocosme · 17 days
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une Miku Savoyarde! (French historical region)
[2nd version you can reblog]
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enlitment · 1 month
The Voltaire-Rousseau Beef aka V v. JJ part III.
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for @stars-in-the-night , @headsinsand and other great (and amazingly patient) readers
part 1 ; part 2 ; part 3 ; part 4
7. THE ORPHANAGE (to be read in Eliza Hamilton's voice)
The one thing from his personal life that Rousseau is probably best remembered for is the fact that he gave up all five children he had with his long-term partner, Thérèse, to a Parisian orphanage. One after the other, in what could be called a rapid succession, a simple case of salut and adieu.
The reasons he gave for his behaviour differ from ‘I have fallen with a bad crowd in Paris and this is just what people around me did’ and ‘I basically had no other option anyway’ (not true, he could have married Thérèse and try to make it work. Sure, money was tight, and someone could make a few snarky remarks about the first baby looking surprisingly big for a six-month old or whatever, but these things happened quite regularly. Also, Diderot married his working-class mistress despite his father’s stern disapproval. Just saying) to – now this comes up somewhat later in the Confessions and is significantly darker – ‘I really hated Thérèse’s family and thought it would be better to let my kids be raised by the state than be around them’.
If this was him trying to break a cycle of generational trauma though – perhaps one of the side of his own family as well –  I’d argue there were far better ways of going about it. There’s also potentially one even darker, quasi-psychoanalytical reason for this now infamous choice, but it’s probably best to steer clear of Freud. Nothing good usually comes out of it.
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Of course, doing something like this would make anyone seem like a douchebag, but a guy famous for writing a treatise on how to best raise children?* Guy who repeatedly argued that the single purpose of a woman’s life is to be a mother? Now that’s a hypocrisy so deliciously juicy that one simply cannot resist sharing it with the world!
*interestingly enough, he insists in the Confessions that he wanted to reveal this information in his On Education (aka Emile), and that in one of the book's passages, he alluded to this episode in such a way that he ‘basically confessed to it already’. I haven’t found that part yet, and I remain somewhat sceptical about whether this is truly the case.
V on Julie, or the New Heloise: „silly, middle-class, dirty-minded and boring“
V on Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar: „I read his On Education. These are reasonings of a stupid nurse in four volumes, of which forty pages directed against Christianity. They are among the most daring that have ever been written, [but] by virtue of inconsistency worthy of this head without a brain and this Diogenes* with no heart, he uttered as much abuse against the philosophers, as against Jesus Christ.“ (letter to Damilaville, 1762)
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*calling JJ ‘Diogenes’ was definitely a trend in the 1700s, and what seems like V’s go-to insult for him. Calling him a ‘lackey of Diogenes’ does potentially get a bit kink-shame-y though...
The last post featured an earthquake in Portugal, now get ready for a distinctly Swiss natural disaster!
To be perfectly fair to Voltaire, although he was certainly not a person who was above spreading gossip, he did have a good reason to publish what he knew about Rousseau and let all hell break loose, since...
in Rousseau’s Letters Written from the Mountain published in 1763, JJ had exposed Voltaire as the author of the infamous Sermon of the Fifty, an anti-christian work that had the potential to get its author into serious trouble. Voltaire could not and would not let this slide – especially when he had the perfect weapon on his hands. Payback time!
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Voltaire therefore went on to publish a short anonymous pamphlet titled Sentiments des Citoyens (aka How Citizens Feel – since JJ proudly called himself ‘citizen of Geneva’ in his works and he championed sentiments over reason – see, it’s all very clever!) in which he exposed details from Rousseau’s personal life. This of course included the most shocking, most hypocritical, and most memorable detail of all: Rousseau, Mr. Family First, Mr. Let’s-raise-precious-children-in-a-way-that-won’t-corrupt-their-natural-godness had dumped all of his offspring into a Parisian orphanage! Not so virtuous now, is it?
Interestingly, Rousseau never put two and two together and realised Voltaire was the real author of the fateful pamphlet. It would be interesting to see how he would react had he known.
That said, much like d’Alembert’s article on Geneva a couple of years earlier, the Sentiments des Citoyens led JJ to pick up a pen once again to do what he did best: to defend the poorest and most oppressed souls against the cruel and unjust world. Which usually just happened to be himself.
And thus, as Roger Pearson, an author of one of Voltaire's many biographies concludes:
“we have Voltaire to thank for (…) being the catalyst of Rousseau’s Confessions” which he calls “one of the world’s great autobiographies”
(no, not like that @chaotic-history. Though now I cannot unsee it every time I read the quote)
Tune in next time for the (mis)adventure in Britain which will feature:
another philosopher - David Hume - dragged into the mess
a fake letter from Frederick the Great (that was actually penned by the most messy gossip of a person in the 18th century)
a genuinely funny statue story with an appearance from d'Alembert
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lurking-latinist · 4 months
By the way, I'd heard of the Stanford Savoyards' production of Patience with the rival aesthetic schools as rival fandoms (Who and Trek), but I hadn't got a good look at the chorus of fangirls' costumes before:
Delightfully Classic Who. I especially love the girl in full Androids of Tara rig, the Time Lady of course, and the for all I can tell at this resolution perfect Eighth Doctor cosplay. I wonder how many of them were preexisting cosplays.
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