#saw this post on my dash and RAN to my laptop i had a vision
hesgomorrah · 1 year
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Witcher Of The Night (Chapter 1)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: You've woken up being hunted by an Alghoul. You were in a death race and hollered for help. Though, it seems like the human you've first seen didn't exactly appeared to look human all through out as his eyes glowed beneath the moon light. You've talked to him but he didn't seem friendly at all except for his awakened friend. The words coming out of their mouth seemed baffling because they were acting like they didn't live in earth, and deep inside you were in denial because they really weren't.
Warnings: Monsters? The word 'whores' and cusses? Blood? A lot of modern references because reader lives in modern day era in earth.
Words: 3,800+
A/N: Hello! Yes, this is my first Geralt fic! There will be eventual smut in the future chapters. I can just tell. LMAO. I ain't good with medieval things but I'm trying! I hope this isn't a failure nor a disappointment, spuds! 😅 Reader lives in modern day earth in this fic but magically woke up in The Witcher’s dimension, alright? This turned to be comedic because of the modern references from the reader. 😂🤣🤣 I had fun writing this! FOR REAL! 
Taglist: @alyxkbrl @himarisolace @barkingbullfrog​
Disclaimer: PNG's used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters and said monsters aren't from moi as well. (GIF taken from Tumblr!)
MY WORKS ARE NOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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Tweaks of branches echoed around the unspecified woodland. The satisfying crack of the frail wood felt on the soles of your feet which wore some nasty pink Havaianas slippers as the night sky became colder than from what you were accustomed with.
You were running away from god knows what as you've heard a loud thud beside the tree you've woken up with. Taking a trip down the memory lane, your forgetful mind could only recall a lake in which you were drowning in and the sudden flash of lightning occurred above you as the water rested upon your face.
Then after that terrifying nightmare, you suddenly woke up in the middle of nowhere. A slightly dead looking forest before you've heard the rustle of some twigs and leaves beside you.
Having a vacation in the forest of Switzerland has never been a dream and considering how God smacked you in the head unconscious and teleported you in Switzerland was entirely bewildering from the start.
Your heart was hurriedly pounding out of your chest as you sprinted as fast as you can. Abnormal shrills whistled with the wind that made you mewl as you ran for your life. There has been cuts and bruises across your knee from how you've stumbled upon a large log that hid beneath the earth-like soil. No pain has been sent to your nerves yet because of the adrenaline rush rising in every part of your veins with the need for the hushed voices to stop.
"Ah!" Another loss of one's footing, you've tripped over a large rock and fell face flat. Face now covered in grime and soot as you've heard the intangible whisper of words for the tenth time.
"Leave me the fuck alone! If this is a prank, it's not funny because I'm hurt!" you shrieked in the night and no one in particular. Limbs were turning feeble and shaky, but you've offered all your will power to survive in the damn forest if you were about to get murdered and be found after a year where your body has already been eaten by some wild animal.
The hushed voices were coming closer to a definite scare that took your heart out of your chest. You've pushed yourself up and began sprinting with a limp as you saw the end of the forest; like a meadow was waiting for your damn demise as you won't be outrunning the murderers behind you.
You stood in the middle of a grass field. So, this was the end for you. The voices inside your head spoke as you've scanned the whole area and saw a peculiar wooden house in the middle of the vast area.
The wooden house seemed to be made of Hazel twigs, daub and wattle. Its whole structure was darn weird to be seen in the era you knew you were in. Year 2020. It looked medieval, old and superannuated. The house's structure had a timber frame with a light glowing inside the open panels of its windows.
Human. Someone can help you. Based on the clothes that hung on the sides of a wooden fence in logs, you knew there was someone living inside the peculiar looking house.
Then, you've heard a loud roar. It was enough for you to spun on your heels and see who had been chasing you like a wild boar.
Yet, it wasn't a normal wild boar that could calm you down just a slight because it was just an animal.
The one chasing you didn't seem a murderer nor an animal. Its body appeared to live on the ground, like a zombie who came to life and had no lower body. Though, it had a large stomach and uses his burly arms to chase you down the forest. With Bright cardinal eyes wrathfully staring you down as you stood rooted on the ground in the middle of the field; your heart seeming to run out of oxygen because of what you were witnessing.
You didn't know if it was an alien or a zombie. Proper thinking thrown out of the window as you were running away from the nightmare that was bound to kill you in your sleep, if you were even sleeping.
Your feet ran a trek to the house; looking behind. Focal point completely at the fast carcass crawling to where you were, tons of disgusting looking saliva dripping out of its eroding jaw and you were screaming for help as you skedaddle away.
Until your head hit a hard wall, but not enough for you to fall unconscious.
Vision falling like a kaleidoscope world, you blinked repeatedly and squinted you eyes up at the wall. Though, you were met with a clothed robust chest and a strong warmth he radiated through the crispy, cold Autumn wind. You've scanned him from chest to face and noticed a coin-like silver necklace just a meter away from your face that had a symbol of a wolf.
You didn't know if you were just still dizzy from your newly awakened-self but it was as if your world spun around you as the brawny, marvelous man towered over you like a lion over a mouse. His jawline impressively great enough to cut a bitch; a prominent, cleft chin that can be quite tempting to poke at and eyes that were glowing in Aurum like a star in the night sky or a pot of gold in the other end of the rainbow, with majestic half-tied hair that ended below his shoulders tinted in ivory that stood upon the Tartarean night.
Though, despite of how dashing, grimy and haggard he appeared before you. The scowl on his face was enough to take you to step back from how disturbed he looked like.
You've seen him somewhere. In the movies back in your laptop when you were having a marathon of something.
Lord of the rings. Right, you were dreaming about it in the middle of being chased in your nightmare. That explains why he appeared.
You clapped excitedly as you lifted your chin to stare into his beautiful blazing gold eyes. The grumpy looking man cocked his head to the side as he scrutinized and studied your filth-filled face and you couldn't help but notice the concealed scrunch of his nose if you weren't staring a little bit too closely.
"Hmm," it was the first word you've heard from this intimidating man standing in front of you and hearing such an impossible, low timbre of a hum that vibrated from his chest could get your knees weak from such a tone because you didn't know if it was scaring you or telling you to run for the hills instead.
"Legolas?" your voice croaked out loud, voice turning small when you've received only a grimace that wouldn't be considered as a fake smile, much to your dismay. Your scrutinizing eyes noticed something different from one of the Lord of the Rings character and it was the maturity of his face, "--a middle aged Legolas! Help me! Use your arrow thingy--" he pushed your shoulders to stay behind him, making you stumble from the impact but not enough to ignite another bruise to your knees. Your eyes staring weirdly at his back as you studied the long metal knightly looking steel wrapped around his thick, large, powerful looking palms.
"---Oh, a sword would suffice." you muttered, suddenly uninmpressed because you wanted him to have an arrow instead of a sword to live in your fantasies and continued to hid behind the large build of his body, taking a peek as you saw the bizarre looking creature who screeched so loud that it echoed all over the meadow. You've unconsciously held onto the hem of the wool sweater behind the first human you've ever encountered other than the creature who planned to eat you alive.
"There's a zombie!"
Geralt felt the hand tugging at his sweater. He was close to jumping from the sudden physical touch because of how sudden you've reach out for him regardless of meeting him just tonight. His eyebrows in a tough knot and expression unreadable as he eyed the Alghoul running towards you. The hand holding the hem of his clothing was instantly right out of your hands as he prepared his stance and tread towards the critter like he was confident enough he could eliminate him.
He swung the sword, aiming for the head using just one hand as he lifted it with no trouble; like it was his own weapon and you couldn't help but watch the whole scene unfold before you. The Alghoul jumped using its arms but he was stronger, faster, braver and definitely had no sweat with the upswing of his sword as he slashed the head off the creature with one blow.
Well, he was great. Too great with the sword indeed.
Black blood spurt as he'd cut his head off with no remorse, some of its blood flying off to your grimy sleeveless top and face as you winced from the gore and stared at the head rolling on the ground till it hit your toes.
You just wanted to scream out loud but it seems like your jaw has been stuck and you had no voice to start.
The man seemed to be unruffled at the fact that he just cut the creature's head off with his sword, turning his back at face front that you saw black fluids on the smooth wrinkle of his forehead and cheeks.
"It's an Alghoul," he abnormally grumbled so deep that you mistaken it as a growl. You could feel your tongue stuck in your throat and heard his heavy footsteps coming close. Your eyes still focused at the monster's head scratching your feet that you haven't realized that the man who saved you was actually in front of you already, grabbing its head and throwing it away to save you from another nightmare.
Faded set of footsteps came echoing in. Lighting up a startle from you as you heard a door swish out loud in the open. Until, a budding pitch of a man has said the name of your gory savior in the middle of the night.
"Geralt?" Jaskier hesitantly stepped on the creaking, wooden porch. Eyes still weary of sleep and fatigue as he blinked to the both of you who stood at each other in just an arm reach.
Your savior mumbled another distasteful hum as he observed the short woman before him who seemed to be in total shock; staring at the ground where he'd took the head of the Alghoul away before sighing and taking a step back and away from you to take a look at his bloody sword. "Why, who is this adorable, small grimy lady here in the middle of the night?" the light tone of the man's voice made you blink twice; snapping you out of your reverie.
You turned your head and studied the somnolent man standing outside of the porch, hair disheveled like he'd been disrupted by such a beauty sleep. He looked younger, like he was in his 20's and had a youthful beam with lean muscles beneath the white undershirt wore under a Tunic. Jaskier placed both hands on his hips before pointing a finger at you, sending you a bright smile other than the moue you've received from the man named 'Geralt,' "You came here for Geralt, I suppose? One of your..midnight sashays with him?"
Geralt didn't need to look at his friend and ignored everything he said by walking towards a beautiful brown horse, "Jaskier," he lowly reprimanded as he eyed his horse with an indecipherable expression of his.
Jaskier deeply sighed, his shoulders going up and down from how he did and you eyed him with a baffling twist of your eyebrows.
"First and foremost, you ruined his nap and now he can be as grumpy as an--an Alghoul! An amputated Alghoul!" he blinked in surprise, peeking behind you to see the creature who had its head cut-off laying on the muddy ground.
Geralt continued to pet his horse as your eyes snapped to him, his back on you as you heard his horse neigh, the man named Jaskier still rambling about the creature who laid dead on the ground.
"Alghouls appear in old necropolises and crypts," he scratched his temple with a finger, walking down the path till he was studying the corpse on his foot, "It's a miracle that they've hunted you down. They seldom appear in the forest! Also, they knock down their victims and eat them alive. Right, Geralt? You've taught me these!"
Geralt ignored him and continued petting his horse.
You eyed the man named named Jaskier and watched him walk back to you, a solemn smile on his face because of your unfortunate experience with the forest. Suddenly, realizing about the information he'd uttered, you were sure it was just like those creatures in the movies like Resident Evil or The Walking Dead.
"So, it's basically a zombie!"
Jaskier stared at you like you've eaten a dead mouse. Forehead creasing as he tried mouthing the word you've said, giving his friend a once over as he does, "A zom--what? please do enlighten me, Geralt as to what is a Sombre when I can see with my own splendiferous eyes that the monster he'd killed is an Alghoul--"
You've huffed and bit the insides of your cheeks, fists tightening on either side as you stubbornly bantered, "Z O M B I E. Zombie."
Thus, at the retort; Jaskier had his hands on his hips with his chest puffed out like he was trying to intimidate you. But, it was a failure because he never looked intimidating from the start, "A zombie. Alright. I understood you but not entirely, dirty maiden. Geralt--" he looked over his friend who was now already on the side of you, startling the both of you and sky-scraping from your side as you lifted your chin to see him oddly closing his eyes, breathing you in.
Was he smelling you?
You eyed Jaskier like you were finding it peculiar and he just gave you a shrug, "Your scent..It's...It's...otherworldly, " Geralt uttered, completely resonant and low-pitched that vibrated your calming nerves, "It attracted the Alghoul," he continued with a frown and another sniff before humming in disdain.
"Very out of the ordinary," the latter muttered beneath his chest, a snarl coming out of his mouth as you swallowed the butterflies wanting to come out of your mouth by how monumental he was and you feel so small, "Who sent you?"
You took a step away from the man, eyeing him weirdly as he stubbornly took a step close like personal space wasn't known to the world you are in, "Uhm, no--no one?" a pathetic stutter came out of your lips and felt the tremble of your fingers because of a thought running in your mind that he was also as dangerous as the Alghoul they were saying; maybe even more treacherous, "I came out from my mother’s reproductive organ? You know what, Geralt--"
Jaskier suddenly cut you off, crossing his arms behind him as he watched his friend tower over you, an amused grin etched on his face because you were actually crumbling like a rat before the ginormous cat, "Geralt. A letter G. Not a J. G E R A L T---"
"---Alright, GERALT!" you stopped taking steps back and declared out loud, mocking their accent that you couldn't distinguish. Your palms were outstretched in front of you, ceasing Geralt from pushing you away but not enough to be touching his torso. A pleading look in your eyes that made him breath out of his nose, "---Just please tell me where the airport is and I'm off to my country,"
The man in front of you stared you down, completely uncanny at what you were voicing out. You winced and realized you wouldn't get an answer from him and tried to ask help from his friend instead, but Jaskier was fast to distract you and criticize the clothes you wore, "What even is that clothing?"
You blew out air out of your mouth loudly, not believing their words. They were acting like they weren't actually living in earth at all, "It's casual! Don't judge!"
Jaskier also gave a huff, not believing the outlandish behavior from a lady and continued complaining to the Witcher who seemed to never have the decency to give you space, "Cas--what? Geralt, this woman is foolish. Don't even attempt to ravish her in any way. Utterly not worth it! She's a cuckoo with that flimsy short trousers, an odd looking footwear and a thin top like the Alghoul has taken all of her silk. Unless, this woman is actually your type, well--I wouldn't judge you for your taste in women because most of the time it is utmost round the bend--"
His spouts were cut short as you managed to get a proper look at the strangely, beautifully rugged man before you, giving him one of those tired, puppy eyes that made his frown much less more like it as he waited, "I just wanna go home," your voice sounded so vindicated and you were sure his eyes were really glowing under the night sky, "---please tell me where the airport is and I'll go, or you can probably help me with my wounds first before you shoo me away,"
You've felt the burns from your wounds and ungracefully tried to avoid those glowing eyes that seem to suddenly make your heart pound. Damn you and your horrid types, "Do you...have a car?" you asked no one in particular as you watched the stars that also seemed to be peculiar because of how many they were.
His horse neighed from a distance which gave you an idea that their house didn't have a garage nor do they have a car. You peeked behind Geralt and saw his horse standing behind the stables, "Oh, you have a horse. A beautiful brown horse, I take it we're in a province, I see."
Again, no response from him other than Jaskier's sighs. It was like taking to the wind, but actually talking to a corpse.
You could feel the heat of his stare and it was making you conscious of how you actually looked like, so you continued to avoid his eyes and looked at anywhere but him, "We're in Switzerland right? Or in a province in the U.K, Scotland or Australia considering your accents?"
The only response you've gotten from him was a mere seven word that made you scrunch your nose by how weirder they get, "You aren't from here, I can tell."
"Way to tell her that she's a woman and not a man, Geralt. Stop stating the obvious,"
You ignored their utterance as they've also ignored your question. All you needed was an airplane to get you back to where you came from and escape from this madness. Yet, they seem like to be beating around the bush which began to slightly irritate you because you were sounding like a broken record, "So where's the airport, gentlemen? I still need to feed my cat at home and I'll tell the entire universe that its the end of the world with the zombies. Gotta' tell them a zombie apocalypse is happening--my phone!" you patted the pockets of your shorts and felt your Android phone inside. You've fished it out and pressed the home button, the bright light gleaming beneath the night and both men couldn't help but stare at you in oddity.
"Your what?" was the only thing Jaskier has muttered, looking at what you were holding. Geralt  observed the unfamiliar looking thing in your hand and squinted his eyes shut at the bright light, "It's--there's no signal! Where are we?" you tapped on your phone repeatedly and found the GPS not working as the results were indefinite.
Jaskier marched till he was beside his friend, clasping a cold hand on his burly shoulders, cocking his head to the side and clasping his other on his own hip as he gave you a look, "Not just simply absurd but also a strange one, Geralt. You definitely pick the best ladies, First was Renfri; the rebel princess, second is Yennefer; that cunning beautiful mage in which you’ve been in love with and the other hundred are your whores--"
Geralt cocked his head to the side, an unexpected small smile lifting his lips as he continued laying his golden eyes on you, "Year 1268. In the far north kingdom of Kaedwen,"
You nervously nodded, crossing your arms at how exposed you feel from the man before you especially that your clothes were also thin for a weather you were in. Fingers were feeling like ice and you couldn't help but shiver, "Kaedwen? Padawan? Star wars references, I see. Okay, okay, this is getting out of hand and I know you're still in character but please tell me that this is a prank and you're just fond of cosplay,"
"Hmm," His smile was quick to fall, like it has only been a hallucination of your imaginations. Geralt studied you from head to toe. Your breath catching in your throat at how barren you felt with just a simple scan of his eyes and also by how beautiful he looked. Such a pain but soothing for the eyes. He caught the bruises and wounds all over your body and heavily sighed another one before turning his back away from you and letting Jaskier lightly stumble on his feet after giving him a manly tap on the shoulder.
"He's letting her in," Jaskier mumbled to himself and watched Geralt walk away, completely amused as he couldn't believe it, "He really is!"
He scratched his disheveled bed-head and huffed another one, pointing at the retreating man who entered their wooden cavern. "Based on how long I've been a friend with this grumpy Witcher, that answer was either a yes, or a no."
"---Unfortunately, it seems like a no because he took off without a word," he gestured with a finger and used his other to welcome you like a humble gentleman giving way for a princess, "---but also an approval that you can stay in our humble abode to cure that wounds you have which is oddly strange because he never lets anyone in, yet here you are. A grubby ground breaker,"
He eyed the Alghoul's blood on your top and face, his face morphing into disgust as he pointed a playful finger at you, "---And you, small rat. Need a bath," before waggling them around to tell you his point, "---However, you don't get to take my bed,"
The hopes of having your sleep or tightly shutting your eyes, repeatedly wishing inside your head to wake up on your mattress back at your apartment would definitely be a difficult task especially from what you've witnessed. Though, maybe closing your eyes shut and having a nap was the only cure to the nightmare you were living in; taking note at how long this dream of yours have been occurring. It was technically a nightmare full of magical creatures and magic that promised you would only be a mere dream of yours.
That is, when you've opened your eyes after repeatedly wishing up at the sky to wake you up in your dream and saw Jaskier walking in, leaving the door open for you to make yourself at home completely answered your questions.
You weren't dreaming and it appears to be like you were in a different dimension.
"Oh, I'll be damned,"
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wolf-555-writer · 5 years
Target On My Back
Hope you guys like this!  
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow x Reader
Summary: Takes place before Natasha joined SHIELD and Avengers, hence the name Natalia Romanova instead of Natasha Romanoff. Reader is an Agent at SHIELD.
Word Count: 2,676
Casually walking on the sturdy pavement with a relaxed pace like there’s no worry in the world. A strand of her red hair playfully swings back due to a man in a cheap suit rushing by her, probably too late for his boring appointment. She simply continues her path with a calm and friendly look in her beautiful, sparkling green eyes. A ray of sunlight manages to break through the tall skyscrapers and shines on her face, causing her to close her eyes for a moment while a subtle smile of enjoyment emerges. Reaching the end of the block, she makes a sharp turn around the corner, passing a hipster coffee place that’s likely filled with freelancers and their laptops. She’s in casual attire, wearing skinny denim jeans and a black leather jacket that’s unfastened with a basic black t-shirt underneath. Losing sight of her for only a second as a large garbage truck drove by. It has become quiet on this part of the street, no other persons or cars around, it’s just her, Natalia Romanova.  
“I’ve got a clear shot. Permission to take out the target, Coulson?”, you affirm, staring through the riflescope, fully concentrated and locked on. How can this woman be so deadly? You wonder, considering you followed her for a while, patiently waiting on this rooftop for the perfect opportunity to arise. You’ve taken a good look at her. She seems so innocent and doesn’t look like a cold-blooded killer at all. You’ve read and studied the files, seen her pictures- well, the limited amount thereof, because there’s not much information about the Russian spy. It’s mostly a lot of speculation about her involvement in a significant amount of cases, but has never been proven.
“Confirmed Agent (Y/L/N). Take the shot”, you receive back. Seeing her in real life makes it different though. It shouldn’t, you know that, but you can’t help it. Doubts have flooded your mind, is this really the Black Widow? However, you got your orders and cannot ignore them. Actually, you never would, ‘cause there’s nothing and no one else you’re more loyal to than SHIELD.
Quickly snapping out of your thoughts, can’t get distracted now. Your finger is on the trigger, ready to pull and you squint your eye a little more to get a better visual through the scope.
“Wait… What the hell!?”, you shout out unwittingly. Shocked, yet still actively in shooting position with your fingertip fairly pressed against the trigger. “H-how did she-”. 
A pair of green eyes are staring right at you from afar and a provoking wink with a matching grin shows up on her face. But only for a brief moment since Natalia already started running towards a more crowded area on the sidewalk, where she skillfully evades innocent pedestrians. You almost had her, almost…
“My position is compromised, I’m going in pursuit!”, you state while jumping up from the stake-out post. In a moment of not clear thinking and haste, you leave the sniper rifle behind and sprint towards the fire escape at the corner of the rooftop.
“No Agent (Y/L/N)! Stand down!”, Agent Coulson orders through the comm with a loud and authoritative tone. You ignore him blindly, ‘cause you are the closest one and probably SHIELD’s last chance of catching her this time. ...Right? Well, that’s what you told yourself anyway.
Sliding down the rusty staircase as fast as you can so that you won’t lose her. Once back on solid ground, you hop on your bike parked nearby and put on the helmet. Okay, once in a while you do ignore a direct order, but it’s for the greater good, for SHIELD, for… um, yeah, the exact reason is not that important at the moment. You tighten your grip on the handlebars and accelerate as you speed out of the narrow alley. Beating yourself up for getting distracted back there, you can’t fail this assignment, because you never fail. So this sure as hell ain’t gonna be the first slip-up of yours. Gotta keep your head in the game. 
Turning a sharp right, you end up on the road and immediately notice a covert SHIELD SUV in your side view mirror. I guess not so covert after all. Your attention is quickly shifted towards a woman up ahead, also on a bike, passing an intersection and driving through a red light at full speed.
The results of her little stunt are the least of your problems right now, however the situation could have been better… Multiple collisions, smoke formation under the hoods and honking cars with angry drivers inside, loudly cursing while making offending gestures to one another. The road is blocked and a traffic jam is preventing you from continuing the chase. It’s a total mess and Black Widow got away. There's no other option. You rapidly steer to the right and bulldoze over the sidewalk tiles, almost hitting an innocent bystander who dove aside just in time. The adrenaline is now rushing through your veins, it's a feeling you haven’t felt in a while. Though it has become so addictive that you're always craving more. Back on the road again, you proceed with the hunt and enter the busy highway. The black, armored SUV is gone now that you don't notice your fellow agents anymore, probably forced to take another route. 
Highly focused on safely passing the cars, you use dangerous maneuvers, switching your weight from left to right. You're on her tail, but it takes a lot of effort to keep up. She's fast… really fast. And she knows that too, because there hasn't been a single moment she looked back over her shoulder. Or is she always looking over her shoulder? Anyways, you can't keep this up for long, so you have to find a way to stop her. Grabbing the Glock from the holster on your upper leg, you aim precisely and fire. The bullet pierces through the thick rubber back tire. Natalia doesn't even flinch and immediately reacts when hearing the gunshot. 
She hits the brakes powerfully, a trail of smoke behind her, and pushes herself off of the leather bike seat. She shoots high up in the air, only to make a perfect backflip and lands on both feet right after. Meanwhile the motorcycle has tilted on its side and the metal body scrapes over the asphalt, making an awful, high-pitched sound while leaving dark paint marks on the road. 
After putting the handgun back fast, sight partially blinded by the smoke, you instantly hit the brakes too and stop. Opening the helmet cap and using your left foot to push down the kickstand. “Coulson, I've captured the target. My position-”. Before you could even finish that sentence Natalia already ran towards the concrete edge, slid over the hood of a stopped car first, and jumped from the bridge. “What the fu- Again!?”.
“Copy. What is your position Agent (Y/L/N)?”, you hear back, a voice much calmer and not as loud as before. “Um… 4 kilometers south of the primary location”, you reply a bit unsettled, not sure about the state Romanova’s in, because -let’s be realistic- she just flew off a bridge...
“We’re 8 minutes out. Suspect is secure? In custody?”
“... No, um, not really… But I'm close. Well, kind of”, you mumble as you dashed to the edge and watch her on the road below, apparently all alive and well. “I still got a visual”, you declare, starting the engine again and closing the helmet visor as you’d run back to your motorcycle. First, you need to exit the highway. The closest one was a couple of hundred meters back, so you make a 180 with skidding tires and go against traffic. Always choose the shortest route, which is possibly also the most dangerous one. You gotta hand it to her, she has got a serious amount of determination and doesn’t get caught easily. Something you weirdly start to admire about her. She’s also not getting rid of you that easily though, 'cause you’re not done yet either.  
“Can I expect a report back? Hello?!”. Judging by the tone in your ear, you apparently missed his question the first time, or the second time? Maybe even the third, you don’t know. She's seriously messing with your head, in more ways than you dare to admit. “I’ll report back when I have her detained”, you assert while driving head-on towards oncoming traffic that you bypass with ease.
Once you safely exited the highway, you race towards a dark alleyway between some abandoned and degraded buildings where you last saw Black Widow. The headlight on your bike makes it possible to spot Natalia fleeing in the distance. She’s still on foot, which is a disadvantage for her as she’s way more slower than you are. Eventually you have her boxed in. A high fence with barbed wire on top is preventing her from continuing her course. You give a short update about your current location to Coulson as a precaution before coming to a halt with screeching tires. Rapidly jumping off the vehicle while you grab your gun.
“Stop! There’s nowhere else to run!” 
She slowly puts her hands up at the sound of a click, knowing the Glock’s safety is off. Knowing that you’re ready to pull the trigger. 
She turned around, now face to face, and you stare into her eyes, still with the gun pointed at her. “The previous SHIELD Agents would have already given up by now”, she says with a calm voice, “but not you”, while she checks you out from head to toe.
“Aw, I'm not your first?”, you taunt back, in a more relaxed state since you've finally completed your assignment. Third time’s a charm, right? A grin appears on her face. “You're cute”. Without breaking eye contact you reach for the handcuffs on your belt, you can’t let her distract you. Not again. 
In a flash of a second she kicks something your way. Don’t know what it is but it gets you startled as it grazes your forehead. Before you even know it she’s in front of you and slams the gun out of your hand. Trying to follow its trajectory with your eyes to see where the gun drops, but your field of vision doesn’t let you because Natalia has grabbed your extended arm and throws you over her shoulder onto the dirty ground. It’s an unpleasant landing but you quickly push yourself off and stand up again, only to catch her leg mid-air with both hands since she wanted to land a brutal kick to your left side. This doesn’t stop her though. She hooks onto your shoulders with her hands and pushes herself off to swing her other leg around your head. Both her legs are wrapped around your neck tightly, her thighs are choking you now that you can’t breathe anymore. You want to free yourself from her strong grip and swing your arms about but lose balance. Due to the weight, you fall backwards and touch down on the hard ground again. The restriction around your neck disappears. Gasping for air you get up once more and your jaw meets with Natalia’s fist. You luckily counteract the next punch and slip and block while retaliating with a fast, but powerful left hook. Directly after you pivot and want to do a roundhouse kick, but she smoothly ducks down and sweeps you off your feet instead.
“You ready to give up?”. She’s even letting her guard down. Now she’s just drawing you out and taunting with you. You look up at her and scoff. “I got this completely under control, okay”, wiping the blood from the corner of your mouth. There are drops of sweat on your forehead and your breathing frequency is faster than usual. Natalia is a worthy opponent. It’s a challenge, something you haven’t had in a while as most of your missions are routine jobs and have become boring. You’ve missed this, it feels so good. Your heart rate is rising and you get that surge of adrenaline once more.       
Natalia blows a strand of red hair away. “Oh, okay. You sure about that?”, she answers with a light chuckle and moves one eyebrow up. 
You get up from the ground, once again. Sensing some painful, nagging spots scattered all over your body, but you suppress it, ignore the aching parts, and defensively put your hands up high to protect your upper body and face.  
“Yeah, I’m totally sure about th-”. Barely able to finish that sentence, you get floored again by Natalia. She has used her legs to grab your neck and moves you downwards. With a great impact you end up on the asphalt, head first and flat on your stomach. Natalia has got you pinned down while she’s forcing you in this position with her knees buried in your back. Not the most comfortable situation you’ve been in... 
You move your head to the side and let out a deep groan. A bit disoriented due to the smack on your head, but suddenly, hidden in between some pieces of trash nearby, you notice your handgun. Without hesitation you grab it and roll onto your back with all the strength left to hold her at gunpoint. Natalia backs away and puts her hands behind her head. 
“I've got her Coulson”, you state, speaking through your comm while you painfully stand up. “Coulson?”. Still pointing your gun at Natalia. “Are you there?”
“You lost this?”, she taunts, now opening her left hand which she’s moved from behind her head. It's your earpiece. “Wait, how did you-”. With a puzzled look you glare at her. How did she do that? You have to admit, you’re kind of amazed by her skills. The way she fights and moves, it’s impressive. She’s impressive. 
Although, it pisses you off that you keep losing.
“So…”, she drops the communication device on the ground and crushes it with the ball of her foot, “it's just you and me now”  
“Yeah, I guess so…”. You’re out of words since you don’t know what to say next and deeply stare into her intense, fiery green eyes. There's something holding you back. She could have killed you, several times already to be fair, but she didn’t. It’s like a game. A game you seem to enjoy very much. Still aiming the handgun at her, yet it’s like you’re in a frozen state. What should you do? Take her in and complete the assignment, keeping a spotless record, which actually doesn’t seem that important anymore. 
...Or let her go. So that there will be a chance of seeing her again, hopefully in the near future. No, I can’t… My loyalty is with SHIELD, you keep repeating in your mind. Convincing yourself. Or better said, trying to convince yourself. Is it working?
Slowly lowering the gun and turning your head away as you gaze at the ground. “You don’t have much time before the other Agents are here. Go. Now”, you suggest with a low, hoarse voice. Natalia doesn’t need to think twice and takes this opportunity for granted as she jumps on your motorcycle. It feels as if you’re not in control of your own actions anymore. What are you doing?! Realizing you let your target escape, willingly, and on top of that, on your bike. How will you explain this? 
There’s something about her… something that makes her special, that makes this all worth it somehow. No regrets at all. She’ll still have a target on her back though, because SHIELD will not stop. But as of now you got one too. You watch her put your helmet on and she winks at you again, with that same signature grin too. Before closing the visor and driving away full throttle, she locks eyes with you one last time and softly speaks:
“Till next time, Agent (Y/L/N)”   
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chicksung · 5 years
Renegade- A JJK Oneshot
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Genre: Hybrid AU, Bandit/Runaway AU, angst, romance, and if you squint, there’s a bit of fluff.
Pairing: Rabbit Hybrid! Reader x Human! Jungkook 
Warnings: Crimes, stealing, swearing, a small hint of violence, a dash of anxiety and slowly growing feeling.
Summary: Choi Jae-Hwa is probably the most wanted criminal in her small village. The rabbit hybrid is forever trying to find a safe place to hide, but is always fund by the police. Humans have never shown her any type of respect, even before her family was taken away from her, but when a human bumps into her when she’s running from the police, what’s a bunny to do?
Word count: 5.2k words
Post Date: 22/05/19
Part of the Green Tea and Melodies series
Song: ‘Run’ - BTS
A/N: Hey TaeCups and SugaKookies, I’m so sorry I haven’t been active...like at all. I kinda broke my laptop so I couldn’t get started on this as soon as I wanted to. But, this is a collaboration with the one and only @worldwidebt7 so please keep an eye for an illustrated version of this oneshot. Please enjoy the show!
The Oneshot ll The Comic
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“It has recently been reported that that troublesome hybrid, Choi Jae-Hwa, has been apprehended by the local police this morning, let’s hope that they have her for more than 24 hours” 
The TV outside of the temporary cell blared on about things happening in the world, which was quite enjoyable, despite the fact that it was muted. The local radio made up for the lack of sound. The shackles around my wrists was nothing new to me. It’s been like this for years. Since my parents had been hunted and killed by a pack of wolves, I have been on my own since I was 11. I remember what happened so clearly.
~10 years prior~ 
We had gone on a walk in the forest, hand in hand with my parents, Yoona and Taemin. My parents’ relationship baffled quite a lot of people, considering my mother was a bunny hyrbid and my father was a fox hybrid, but they somehow made it work. I ran ahead of my parents, looking at the flowers that grew.
“Eomma, look!” My eleven year old self called out to her, pointing at a Lily of a Valley. My mother walked over, looking at the pretty flora.
“Very pretty, just like you!” She exclaimed, pressing a kiss to my cheek before joining my father once more. Suddenly, I could sense the worry of my mother. She was turned away from me, looking towards the deeper part of the woods. Her ears were at their fullest height and her body was tensing up. 
“Honey, are you alright?” My father asked, turning her face towards him. My mother’s coffee brown eyes were scared, terrified. 
“We need to get out of here. Now! Jae-Hwa, come on, we’re leaving.” She answered my father before calling out to me. Just as I grabbed my mother’s hand, a pack of wolves jumped out from behind the trees. 
“A family I see, a full course meal.” The biggest and clearly the leader called out to the pack and my family, licking his lips. He charged at my father, knocking him to the ground. He started to bite him, first his arms, then his stomach. 
“Yoona. take Jae-Hwa and run!” He called out weakly, attempting to bite back to no avail. My mother was about to turn when she was taken out from behind and in the same position as my father. There was nothing I could do. 
“Jae-Hwa, run!” was the last thing my mother cried out before she couldn’t do anything but accept her fate. I followed her words, turning on my heel and running away from the scene. I was quite fast for a rabbit hybrid, being able to outrun the female wolves that ran after me. I ran as far as I could before I reached the small village I called home, but this time, returning without my only guardians.
Times sure do change, don’t they? I had been caught up in my own thoughts, not realizing that it was now dark outside. Well, time to execute the plan...again. I always kept a bobby pin in my hair, which it pinned back my fringe. Despite being handcuffed, it was surprisingly simple to grab the sliver of metal. With the bobby pin in hand, I began to pick the lock on the cuffs, hearing a satisfying ‘clink’, telling me I succeeded with step one. I quietly shifted to the other side of my cell before a voice interrupted me.
“Escaping again, I see.” Seungri’s voice rung out across the empty hall. I smiled softly at his voice. Seungri had been the only person who actually bothered to talk to me from behind his own bars. 
“You’ve seen me do it so many times, yet you still haven’t told them. I can’t help but wonder as to why. Care to tell me?” I responded, pressing my back against the wall, curiosity getting the better of me. 
“I know you only do this to survive, you’re nineteen, you can’t do anything about it, it’s your way of survival.” He called out, leaning forward on the bars that kept him in the small human enclosure. I smiled weakly, before parting my lips to speak again.
“Hey Seungri, thanks...for having my back.” I mumbled sincerely, grabbing some loose bricks on the wall. He smirked and gave you a kind look.
“No problem, kid.” He finished the conversation before heading back to his small bed. Just as I started to squeeze through the small window, a guard began to walk down the hall.
“Hey, what are you doing!?” The structured, wide shouldered man started yelling, pulling his keys out of his pocket and unlocking the barred enclosure. My fight or flight instincts kicked in. If I don’t run, I will possibly be thrown into some sort of pit. Then again, I’m already destined for hell. But I can’t possibly fight this man, he’s probably been through a lot of training and there is no way that someone like me will be able to win, especially a rabbit hybrid. I squeezed my thin body through the bars and dropped to the ground below just as he entered. A cold sweat broke out on my forehead and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I’ve escaped this place many times before so this wasn’t difficult to do. Now, where to go now? So I did the only thing I knew how to do since I was 11. 
I ran.  
I was well away from the small community jail, even though a statement had been issued for my arrest...again. The evening markets were lit up like a Christmas tree and the smell of the food was causing my stomach to rumble. I flipped up my dirty lilac hoodie and tried my best to flatten my ears. I walked into the bustle of the market, chatter and the laughter of the small village children echoed throughout the small venue. My attention was turned to a stall that seemed to be selling baked goods, cakes, bread, pastries, the whole lot. The short and plump woman that stood behind the display table was busy talking with customers and making sure the bread in the small portable oven was burning. ‘She won’t notice if I swiped a few things, will she?’ I thought to myself, taking a loaf of bread from the table as well a blueberry muffin and was reaching for a croissant when the woman grabbed my bony wrist in her hand.
“And just what do you think you’re doing, young lady?” She asked, her eyes piercing holes in my personal bubble. I attempted to shake her hand off but her grip only tightened. 
“I asked you a question, now answer me, girl!” She yelled with an authoritative voice, her other hand flicking off my hoodie, revealing my ears. Being one of the few hybrids in town since my parents were killed, people immediately recognized me. A wave of anxiety hit me and once again, fight or flight kicked in. I could either confront the woman and end up being handed in to the police or run with food in hand. The latter seemed to be the better idea, so with a final glance towards the woman, I sped off. I could hear the woman yell something along the lines of ‘You mangy animal!’ but I couldn’t hear her. Some people tried to chase after me, but being an animal with agility, none of them could catch me. I was looking behind me as I kept running through the market, smirking when I saw how far behind me they were. Doing this however meant I didn’t see the figure in front of me. I ran into them, knocking me to the ground. While the loaf of bread stayed in my grasp, the blueberry flew out of my pocket and into a nearby bush. 
Well, there goes dessert... 
I held my head for a moment to stop it from spinning. Suddenly, a voice spoke and a hand was in front of my face. 
“I’m so sorry, miss. Are you alright?” The voice was one that sounded like it belonged to an angel and when I lifted my head, he certainly looked like one. His soft brown hair hung in front of his eyes, his skin was like honey but his most mesmerizing was his big doe eyes. If he had a tail or antlers, I would have mistaken him for a deer hybrid. I slowly took his hand, the break still in my hand.
“I’m fine.” I said coldly. I didn’t let his features get in the way of the fact that he was a human. Humans were ruthless and they cared not for any hybrids, only to lock them up, sell them and mistreat them. I stood up and brushed off my knees and went to walk away from him when he called out to me.
“Hey, be careful. There’s a swarm of people down there looking for someone who fits your looks. I would suggest heading back into town. It’s safer there.” He informed me and smiled warmly. I nodded before brushing past him, walking in the direction that leads back to the village. I climbed the small hill that wasn’t that well lit. I saw the plump woman wailing to a policeman, probably about our ordeal. I smiled to myself, knowing that I escaped their grasp twice today.
Sunrise was always the prettiest over the village. Especially when you are perched on top of the school building roof, it’s where you got the best view. My chestnut brown hair didn’t look greasy in the light and it made the freckles on my mocha skin visible. I loved these times, where I wasn’t constantly on the run from the police, being given stares from parents and shielding me from their children’s vision like I was some sort of beast. I was used to it though. Most people in the village resented or were afraid of me, well, everyone except one. Kim Seokjin, the owner of the local cafe and the person who has known me since I was a baby. Which I was on my way to see. He always supplies me breakfast and never gave up on me, even after I started getting into trouble with the police. I pushed the glass door open, the bell above it ringing. Seokjin’s gaze snapped up from wiping down the breakfast bar/counter and gave me a loving smile. 
“Well, if it isn’t Snowy Valley’s most wanted. Welcome back, JaeJae. How have you been?” He announced as soon as he saw me. I smile at my nickname and went to the counter.
“Oh, you know. It was on the radio again. I was able to escape. If they keep putting me in the same cell, they are never gonna learn that I can escape so easily. Although, I ran into someone last night. I’ve never seen him before, but he wasn’t scared of me, nor did he seem to recognize me but he warned me of a search party that was assigned to me.” I explained, my ears turned sideways in confusion. Seokjin smiled and walked towards to the barista coffee maker and started making me my usual, a mug of hot mocha. 
“I believe that’s the new kid. He came in here a few weeks ago and introduced himself as Jungkook. He seemed like a nice kid. Said he recently moved in to finally live on his own. He was very quiet and reserved however. He did seem comfortable talking to me. Overheard the news report on you and asked me if I knew you.” 
“To which you replied yes?”
“Well, considering you are like my daughter, I had no choice but to say yes. After I confirmed that, he smiled to himself and whispered something about you being adorable.” I blushed at the last comment. 
“Jin, stop it. No he didn’t. How old is he, he seemed pretty young to me.”
“Only a couple years older than you, he’s 21.” He looked younger if I was being honest. 
“He’s still a human, but a very good looking kid.” I admitted. I watched Jin frown before smirking.
“But not as handsome as me, right JaeJae?” I burst into laughter.
“Of course not.” 
Out and about today was quiet, very quiet for Snowy Valley. The reason for this was probably that it was Monday morning, which meant school went back for another week. I wandered around aimlessly before I stumbled across a newly opened bakery. I peeked inside to see a tall, thin woman who seemed to be in her mid-thirties behind the counter, a kind smile on her face. I slipped inside and looked at the assortment of baked goods that chanted my name from behind the sliding glass door. This was one of those bakeries where they were able to be used by the customers. My stomach rumbled immediately.
I’ll just grab a few loaves and some muffins and I will be gone.
I reached for the bread, successfully grabbing without being detected and with a couple muffins stuffed in my pockets, I headed towards the door. That’s when a shrill voice screeched “Hey! You didn’t pay for those!” At those words, the plump woman from last night appeared from the back, rolling pin in hand. 
“It’s you again, you feral animal!” She shrieked, running from behind the counter and towards me. 
Well, now I was battered, no food and extremely hungry. It was late at night and no one was around. I was in the back alley behind an apartment complex, near the dumpster. My eye was bruised, my muscles hurt and I’m pretty sure my stomach was bruised. 
Looks like I’m sleeping here tonight...
I picked up sounds of footsteps but couldn’t be fucked opening my eyes. 
“Hey, are you alright?” A familiar voice asked, causing me to open my eyes. My gaze was met by the doe-eyed boy from last night. His eyes were glazed with concern and worry. I scoffed.
“Do I look fucking okay to you?” I spat coldly, crossing my arms over my stomach, only to remember that’s where it hurt the most and hissing in pain. 
“Wait, let me help you. I’ll take you to my apartment and I’ll treat you.” He calmly said, grabbing my hand. I ripped my hand from his grip, staring daggers at him. 
“Unhand me, human! Don’t touch me!” I exclaimed, trying to get away from him and run, but my legs refused to move. 
“Okay, I won’t touch you. But please, you’re hurt and if you aren’t treated, it’s only gonna get worse.” He explained with a hint of concern in his voice, as he knelt down to my height. While my brain didn’t trust him, my body acted according to my heart. I followed him with my head hung low and not saying a word. He led me up several staircases and to a door with the number ‘97′ on the door. He unlocked the door and opened the door for me to enter first. I scowled at him and entered the small apartment. I looked at the dark room, my night vision being one of the best thing in the situation. I heard the door slam behind me and I turned around, my ears pricked all the way up in fear. My eyes grew bigger and a small whimper escaped my lips. 
“Woah there, Bugs, no need to freak out. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He smiled, revealing his teeth that looked similar to me. I didn’t realize how much he looked like a rabbit, so much so that it was almost scary. Before a single could escape my lips, he grabbed my wrist and guided me to his bathroom, his grip remaining tight despite me struggling to release myself. He finally reached the bathroom and lifted me up quickly and placed me on the counter, our faces only a mere few inches away. I scowled at him, my bangs covering one of my eyes.
“I can walk myself, you know.” I spat, eyeing him suspiciously as he grabbed ointment and bandages from a cupboard. He only looked at me and chuckled a little.
“It was the best way to make sure you didn’t run away. I can’t let you leave untreated.” He replied, unscrewing the cap from the ointment and instructed me to extend my arms. I still didn’t trust him. My experiences with humans were not pleasant, as my body clearly showed. This was the only way I could survive. I hissed in pain as I felt a cold liquid drop onto one of the scrapes on my wrist, retracting it back as quick as I could.
“That fucking burns!” I shrieked at him, examining the invisible damage. He grasped my wrist and yanked it towards, causing me to growl slightly. 
“Stop being a baby, Jae-Hwa.” He commanded, not looking at me at all, but that right now was the least of my concerns.
“How the hell do you know my name?” I hissed sourly, squinting my eyes as I stared daggers into his soul. He finally looked up and sighed through his nose, only to giggle.
“You’re probably the most controversial citizen, let alone hybrid in this village. How could I not know you. I’m Jungkook, by the way. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” He held his hand out for me to shake, but I stared at it before looking at him with my cheeks puffed out.
“Who said you were an acquaintance of mine?” I seethed, my ears flattened against my head in distrust. Jungkook looked a little dejected at my words but I didn’t care. 
“Well, you seem pretty comfortable with me touching you, despite what you’re saying, but Jin said you didn’t like humans that much, him being the only acceptance.” His words sung out almost like a melody as he wrapped my  wrist in a clean, white bandage. I tensed at his words as my eyes wandered down to my wrist, wearing his sculpted hands guided the bandage around my wrist and the lower half of my palm. He secured the white cloth with some medical tape and grabbed a small plastic band-aid and placed it quickly on my cheek. I was slightly taken aback by his action but didn’t say anything. He looked at me for a second and saw the way my arms were folded across the lower half of my stomach. 
“Is there anywhere else that hurts?” He asked, eyes watching my expression carefully. I scoffed and blew my bangs out of my eyes.
“No.” I replied bluntly, lying straight through my teeth. His eyes softened at my words, clearly still concerned.
“Jae-Hwa, I know this may sound weird but, may I look under your shirt?” He requested hesitantly, the fear of rejection smelt so strong, it made me crinkle my nose.
“I-I...fine.” I mumbled in defeat as I lifted my shirt no higher than my middle. A large blue and purple bruise covered the majority of the left side of my stomach, the right covered in red hand prints. Jungkook’s eyes were blown open, clearly terrified at the sight he saw.
“J-Jae-Hwa, how badly does it hurt?” He questioned timidly, his eyes still fixated on the blue and purple flower that was bloomed on my stomach.
“Does it look bad to you, genius? It hurts to even fucking breathe.” I cursed at him, eyes glowing a soft amber before returning to their natural color. 
“S-Sorry, that was dumb question, I get it. But can you please stop acting like such a jerk for five minutes and let me bandage it please. If it stays uncovered, it’s not gonna heal as fast.”
Just let your guard down for a one moment, please...    
I inhaled deeply and looked at him straight in the eyes.
“Fine, but I’m extremely thirsty and a bathroom isn’t exactly a comforting environment.” Was any place comforting to me?
“Oh, yeah, sure. I’ll make some tea, and then we can just talk, so I can understand you a little bit more.” Jungkook excitedly replied, practically bouncing on his toes. I hissed as Jungkook suddenly placed pressure onto my bruise to wrap it up in a similar white cloth that was around my hand. He secured it and moved onto my left elbow. He squeezed a little bit of ointment on, causing me to hiss in pain again. He wrapped up the disinfected graze and weaved his way out of the bathroom, supposedly the kitchen. I groaned as I slipped off the counter and down the passage that connected the rooms together. I saw Jungkook hunched over the stove, preparing to cups of tea and looked at me as he realized my presence.
“I only have green tea. I hope you don’t mind.” He smiled awkwardly as he placed a teabag in each cup. I smiled to myself, making sure he didn’t see, as I played with the strings of my hoodie. That was when I realized how disgusting I looked and felt. Damn my stupidity for not realizing before he dressed me. 
“You alright, Jae?” He asked, using the nickname only Jin called me, hence catching me off guard. Normally, I would have spat a melody of swear words at him, but remembering what he had asked me to do in the bathroom refrained me in doing so.  
“I feel disgusting.” I spoke my mind in a hushed voice, embarrassed at my state. Jungkook chuckled before brushing past me and down the hallway, disappearing into his room. This would be the perfect time to escape, however, I remember that I have nowhere to run, the major factor is that, my feet remained rooted to the ground. A few minutes later, Jungkook emerged from his room with a pair of sweatpants, an oversized shirt and black hoodie in a pile in his hands. 
“I found some clothes that I don’t wear much so you can change into these for tonight. I’ll wash the clothes you’re wearing now if you want, that’s if you’re staying.” He said in a voice that was almost asking, if not begging, me to stay with him. I took the clothes in my hands, simply nodding and quick-walking to his bedroom. His bedroom was small, but not as small as I expected. I decided not to dwell too much and quickly stripped off the lilac hoodie, the white shirt, ripped jeans and the socks with way too many holes than I was willing to admit. I let the sweatpants sit loosely on my waist, the waistband hidden by the shirt several sizes too big and finally the hoodie. I slipped out of his room and back into the kitchen, where Jungkook placed the two teacups on the table and sat down.
“Take a seat.” He said simply, brushing his bangs out of his face. I followed his instructions and slumped into my chair. 
“Now, there’s one thing I want to know, why do you hate humans so much?” He goes straight for the personal question, doesn’t he? 
“Personal experiences, I’ve only been exposed to the evil side of humanity.” I said shortly, looking into the cup of cooling tea before taking a sip.
“But why are you so close with Seokjin?” Jungkook asked, lowering his head in an attempt to look into my eyes under my bangs. 
“I knew him before my parents died. He was best friends with my father, who introduced my mother to him. He consoled me after their death, and I stayed with him until I was discovered by his landlord, who certainly didn’t like hybrids. He threatened Seokjin with homelessness if he didn’t get rid of me. I couldn’t let him live on the streets so I took my leave from the premises. It was for the best. There, you have your explanation. I steal because I have no money whatsoever, therefore I can’t buy anything, besides, I love thrill of being seen but not so much being caught.” I downed the last of my tea before standing up. 
“Thanks for the tea and for treating my injuries, but I have to go.” I said abruptly, not sounding thankful at all. I turned towards the door but before I could leave, I felt a grip on my wrist.
“Oh, no you’re not. You are staying here until you’re 100% healed. It’s too dark and cold out there anyway. Please, Jae-Hwa. Be rational. Just..stay here. Take my room, it’s the least I can do.” Jungkook gave me his big doe eyes, which were utterly adorable that they made me go weak in the knees. 
“Fine, but no funny business.” I said flatly, giving in. I brushed past him and entered his bedroom, pulling back the covers and slipping between them and falling asleep.
I didn’t intend to stay as long as I did. I only planned to stay there for two days, but two days slowly turned into two months. I don’t know how I convinced myself to stay, considering I was staying with the species I hated the most. Jungkook was sweet, kind and considerate, despite me giving him the cold shoulder more often than not. He always made me green tea when I had breakfast and the beverage slowly became my favorite taste ever. The days and nights passed quickly but I often went out at night. Tonight, Jungkook insisted that we went to the markets together as he always got the best food for the best prices than he did at the small supermarket we had. With my newly washed hoodie over my head, Jungkook and I stood in a sea of citizens of the valley. My eyes wandered, spotting the woman who caused me the injuries that littered my body. I felt my blood boiling that such a kind looking woman could make such a cruel act. I latched myself onto Jungkook’s arm in an attempt to keep myself from picking another fight with her.
“What are you doing?” Jungkook asked, looking utterly confused. 
“Just roll with it, Jeon.” I said, calling him by his last name. I guess we grew closer than I first thought.
“Alright, Choi.” He responded coolly. 
He dragged me to almost every stall in the markets, his hands occupied by brown paper bags, filled with a range of different items. He finally stopped at the stall I had been dreading, the bakery stall. The plump woman hadn’t noticed me standing behind Jungkook, clearly blown away by his beauty.
“And how can I help you, sir?” She asked, her voice so sickly sweet, I almost burst into laughter. Jungkook’s eyes scanned the display table before pointing to a loaf of bread and two blueberry muffins. The woman flashed him a smile before grabbing grabbing two different white paper bags, one long one for the bread and a smaller one for the muffins. Jungkook paid the woman and was turning away from her when she finally spotted me. She immediately stopped smiling and her face wrinkled in disgust.
“You filthy animal! What are you going to steal from this nice man? Police! Police!” She yelled, catching the attention of quite a crowd of people. A policeman came running up to the woman, panic written across his face.
“Ma’am, what’s wrong? What happened?” He questioned, watching as the woman broke into fake sobs.
“It’s the hybrid! She tried to rob one of my customers.” She fake cried with a subtle smirk on her face. The policeman saw my lilac hoodie and started booking it after me. My instincts kicked in as I grabbed Jungkook’s hand and started running from the scene. Jungkook exclaimed in surprise, dropping half of the bags, including the loaf of bread. The policeman was hot on our heels as I rounded into an alleyway and climbing on top of a dumpster. The policeman rounded the corner and we were cornered. 
“Choi Jae-Hwa, stand down and we won’t need to do anything irrational.” The broad man commanded, his eyes dark and serious. I looked up at the roof above me before looking back to me. 
“Jungkook, I need you to trust me for a second. It might seem crazy but we’ll leave with our lives.” I said, my eyes filled with sincerity and uncertainty. I had been so cold to this boy and now, I was suddenly asking him to trust me. 
Real smooth, Jae. 
Jungkook looked at the officer before looking back at me. I extended my hand, part of me hoping that he would take my word and trust me. 
“If it means you’re safe, that’s all that matters.” He whispered and took my hnad. A soft blush crept across my cheeks before I jumped up and grabbed onto an low ledge and pulling myself onto the roof above. I reached my hand down for Jungkook to grab.
“Oh, no you don’t.” The policeman called and attempted to grab Jungkook’s ankle. Thankfully, I was able to pull him up, the officer missing him by less than an inch. I looked into Jungkook’s face, just centimeters away from mine. I walked on the tiled roof of the abandoned building...her house. 
“What is this place?” Jungkook asked, looking around before his eyes fixating on the beautiful view of the moon and stars. 
“The place I grew up before all of this.” I explained, pointing to myself, indicating my criminal record. 
“Why did you give up? Why did you rather have been hated for this than trying to fit in?” Jungkook asked. Silence fell upon my lips before I parted them.
“I’ve given them a reason to hate me. No matter how many wounds were on my feet, I always remember one thing...how to run away. It was the only thing I really seem to remember from my childhood. The first time I shifted with my parents and ran around with them. I know they wouldn’t be happy with what I did, but at least they know I’m surviving.” I smiled sadly, until I felt Jungkook take my hand.
“Jae-Hwa, you don’t have to do this alone, you know.” He said calmly as he looked into my moonlit eyes.
“What are you saying?” I asked, my gaze wandering over his features. 
“That I have been crushing on you for far too long. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I love you and I would love to give you the best life I can, even if it means I gain my own criminal record.” My eyes widened. He is really willing to give up his entire life to be with me.
“I-I love you too, Jungkook.” I whispered, looking around. His face moved closer to mine and looked at me with love in his eyes.
“Are you really willing to give everything up?” I asked him, my heartbeat quickening. He smiled with his teeth and intertwined our fingers.
“For you, I’d be willing to give up my life.” He whispered before he pulled me in to kiss him. His lips were soft and sweet, moving professionally across my lips. I broke the kiss and smiled happily. 
“What do you say, shall we go cause some trouble?” I asked with a sneaky smile. He laughed.
“Let’s do it, for we are the renegades of the entire valley.” 
A/N:This is my first one shot ever. I am really proud of how it turned out and I’m sorry if it’s kinda cringey. Reminder, that this onehsot will be illustrated by the magnificent @worldwidebt7 so stay tuned for that. Until next time, my friends.
~ Kookie’s Cup of Tae 
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theroadtoindigo-go · 5 years
Undesirable Truth, Part 6
               It was time for the spring festival. The entire time Tails and I were working in the shop, the nearby village was preparing for the festival and we hadn’t even noticed. It would have passed us by if we hadn’t gone into town to visit the hardware store. The town was already a very lively and well-kept place but they went all out for the spring festival. Even the trees had prepared their branches with soft pink blossoms. The air beneath them was thick with the smell of their pollen and the sky was shining bright blue through branches. Every storefront and street corner were decorated with bright flowers and there were vibrant banners and flags everywhere. I could see the town square from where I was standing, it was full of people gathering there to set up strings of lights, carnival style games and more vendor stands. The noise from all the hustle and bustle was overpowering the sound of music pouring out from the already up and running stands that were selling food, art work, toys and all sorts of attractive things. I felt inexplicably drawn toward the smell of fried food and popcorn that was wafting over on a cool breeze. Children were running around, playing and having fun, they all carried flowers or some manner of plant life in their hands as if they were the heralds of spring itself. It was a picture of joy and festivity, not too long ago this was a place I could’ve only dreamed of!
               As I was taking it all in, Tails became distracted by a vendor selling sparklers, glowsticks, and all manner of light themed fun. I could see he was already calculating the price of the vendor foods against the price of the sparklers in front of him and the amount of money he had saved up. I chuckled and left him to make his very tough decision so I could inspect one of the banners with the festival information printed on it. As it hung from the lamp post I read that the dance that Amy mentioned was taking place tonight. I hadn’t even thought about it until now, but I didn’t think I remembered how to dance. This wasn’t a dire realization, after all I could sit back this year and then participate with more confidence next year. But there was the sinking feeling that Amy would not let that stand.
Speaking of whom, she was quick to spot us. After we greeted each other, she asked a very poignant question.
“When are you getting ready for the festival?”
I blinked.
I hadn’t thought about that part either. All of this actually took me by surprise.
Amy laughed.
“You’re going to at least clean up, right?”
I looked down at my hands, they were oil stained and a bit worn from working on Metal all this time.
“Ya’know…” I stated, “I probably should.”
“Why don’t you join me at my house and we can get ready for the dance together? It’ll be fun!”
Amy had a house?
“Uh... Sure! That sounds fun!”
“Alright! I’ll stop by and pick you up!”
We soon waved goodbye and parted ways. Tails walked over with two packs of glowsticks in each hand.
               “Ready to go home?” He asked.
“What about the hardware store?”
“…Oooh.” He groaned and sulked back to the light vendor to return a couple of his purchases.
He seemingly forgot to add the prices of the parts that we needed to his mental calculations.
               Metal’s rehabilitation was going very well. His parts, though a little on the haphazard side, were mending nicely. We had attached his head back to his torso, the arms were also attached but we had the wiring wrong so he couldn’t quite move them yet. All the hard work I put into reprogramming him did make a dent in his violent tendencies but it didn’t necessarily make him play nice. He was still stubborn in regard to his mission objective which I was having the hardest time overwriting. When we entered the workshop again, we found Metal off the worktable we had left him and crawling across the ground on his arms which until a moment ago we thought were inoperable. As soon as the door swung open and we walked in, all the movement was caught by the motion detectors in his eyes and he made a mad dash for us though his arms were fighting him. They seemed to move on their own the same way a baby’s arms do, he reached for me but instead of a reach it was more of a flail. Baby arms or not, this was dangerous.
               Tails and I knew what to do, if we just stood still, he wouldn’t see us and give up. He was inches away, he paused, reached out at the air just in front of us as a way of feeling out if anything was there. Once that came up with nothing, he turned around and started dragging himself across the floor to find his other pieces. Tails started creeping behind him to reach the laptop so we could shut him off. Neither of us dared make a sound. He had almost reached the computer when Knuckles walked in behind me.
               “I thought I told you two that you weren’t allowed to work in here without me!”
Metal turned around immediately, his eyes burning at Knuckles, the two were about to charge at each other but I warned Knuckles not to move. Metal shambled toward us as fast as he could then stopped halfway, he turned his head to look for us. I made the barest whisper.
“Stay… completely still.”
He followed my instructions as Metal continued to look for us.
Knuckles breathed back, “Why is this working?”
“We used motion detectors for his eyes, remember? He can’t see us clearly unless we move.”
We stood there frozen; our eyes locked on Metal who was trying his best to find us. He even called out P0-L0 as if I was dumb enough to fall for it. Knuckles grumbled a bit.
“…This is a bad time for my nose to itch.”
Tails could just barely reach the laptop but he was on the edge of Metal’s peripheral vision. He took the chance and reached as slowly as his could in hopes of grabbing the computer without being seen. Metal whipped around and started toward him. Knuckles charged forward to protect him but Metal caught Knuckles’ fist and started to squeeze. Knuckles reacted on instinct and tried to shake him off. It was like watching two feral crocodiles fighting. Tails was startled by Metal’s charge and had dropped the laptop. He was doing his best to get it working. With Metal distracted by Knuckles, and Tails unable to get the laptop to shut Metal down I needed to use the song to put him to sleep but I couldn’t remember what it was.
               “Tails! What was that song we were supposed to sing to put him to sleep?”
“I don’t remember!”
Metal heard my voice and remembered his mission, he swiped at Knuckles and cut him with his free hand. As Knuckles reacted to the pain. Metal pushed himself at me and nearly grabbed me but I jumped up onto the worktable to avoid his grasp.
               “Cherry!” Knuckles exclaimed and ran over to help me but Metal turned and swiped at Knuckles again, almost cutting his legs. Knuckles stopped just out of reach.
Metal tried to climb up the table while also keeping Knuckles away. Knuckles never took his eyes of Metal. He and Metal were in a mental battle against each other, Knuckles was trying to land a punch in the right place and Metal had his hand ready to grab Knuckles’ fist. It seems he had adapted to his rewired arms quickly. Then Knuckles paused. He sang.
“Your last surprise~”
Tails and I sang in unison and Metal slumped into the floor. It worked.
               With that disaster over a new one had begun, Knuckles was furious.
“I told you not to put that thing together! Why doesn’t anyone ever listen to me?!” He exclaimed.
I stood up on the worktable so I had the higher ground for once.
“We were doing just fine until you showed up!”
“You call a killing machine running loose in the workshop ‘doing just fine’?? What would you have done if that thing got a hold of you when I wasn’t here?”
“He would have been shut off before he even got a chance!”
“No way! You’re lucky I showed up in time to save you two! Maybe next time I’ll just sit back and watch so you can learn your lesson!”
“The only lesson I’d be learning is how much easier things would be if you just stayed out of it!”
“Oh, yeah?! Well you-! You’re still too small to be taken seriously!” he crossed his arms and turned away.
“I am NOT too small!” I retorted then I saw something red on his cheek.
He was bleeding. I sighed heavily. With all this excitement, and all the tantrums I had forgotten that he probably was as scared as we were and he had gotten hurt on top of it all.
               “Alright, you big baby, let’s go clean up that cut on your face.” I grumbled and climbed down from the table, “Do you guys have a first aid kit?” I asked Tails.
Tails was busy bemoaning his poor broken laptop to notice my question. Knuckles seemed surprised he was injured in the first place; he touched his cheek to try figuring out what I was talking about. I led him into the kitchen and told him to clean off his cheek with soap and water while I looked for some bandages. They weren’t anywhere in the kitchen, I checked the bathroom, not there either. I had almost given up on looking for them when I checked a drawer in the coffee table in the living room. Why on earth were they kept there? I came back to the kitchen to find he was drying off his cheek with the back of his hand. By the state of his gloves I knew that wasn’t a sanitary idea.
“Nuh-uh! Wash it again.”
“What do you mean ‘wash it again’? I just did that!”
“And you dried it off with your grimy glove, so do it again!”
He grumbled and went back to the sink but not without sending me a glare over his shoulder. I watched him clean up the cut and handed him a paper towel to dry off with. He protested to putting on a bandage and we fought about it for a while.
“I’m not walking around with that stupid thing on my face!”
“Quit being such a baby! It’s fine!”
“And stop calling me that! I’m taller than two of you combine!”
“So you’re a big baby! So what? Just let me stick this thing on your face so I can get back to work!”
               By the time I finally got to go back to work, Tails had left to go to the hardware store again to get parts to now repair the laptop. Knuckles and I had the workshop to ourselves, unfortunately. As soon as put on my work apron Knuckles asserted his opinion on the matter by promptly picking Metal up and carrying him away.
“Hey! Where are you going with that?” I demanded.
“To the dump!” He replied.
“Oh no you don’t! What would Tails think if he found out you threw away his project?”
“I’ll live.”
He was on his way out of the workshop but I grabbed his tail and tried to pull him back in. His back straightened and he looked back quickly.
“Hey! Let go of that!”
“Put him down first!”
He grunted and reached back to grab me. I stepped aside. He reached on the other side and I stepped again, we spun in a little circle until I tugged just a little bit harder.
“Hey! Quit that!” He grunted, “I’m not a toy!”
“And that’s not trash!” I tugged again.
“OW! Quit it!” He glared at me.
I glared back.
“Don’t make me pull your squiggly tail off!”
“…It’s not squiggly!” he muttered and dropped Metal on the nearest desk.
I sighed with relief and let his tail go. He went and sat down in his usual seat against the wall and scowled. I could finally work in piece.
An hour went by and Knuckles had fallen asleep, no snoring this time. I detached Metal’s arms and switched him back on, his eyes flickered on and he looked at me.
“ChR-Bm…” He chirped.
“Shush now, you’ll wake up Knuckles. Ya’know, it wasn’t very nice cutting his face like that. You’ll need to apologize as soon as you can talk.”
He looked away stubbornly.
“Heeeey! Don’t be like that, be thankful he didn’t tear you to pieces. Or throw you in the dumpster.”
Metal looked at Knuckles and chimed.
I chuckled, “Don’t call him a bum! Do I have to sing you to sleep again?”
Metal dimmed his eyes and replayed a recording of Knuckles’ snores.
I wheezed.
“Stooop! Be nice! He’s gonna be one of your friends someday!”
I started to laugh. This was the Metal Sonic I knew. It was good to have him back.
“He’s not gonna like that when he wakes up and sees your being a stubborn bucket!” I teased.
There was a knock on the door to the workshop then Amy stepped in.
               “Cherry?” She called.
“Yeah, I’m over here~!” I shut Metal off so he wouldn’t scare her.
“Oh, wow! It’s… kind of a mess in here.” She stated and walked in, “Tails wanted me to let you know he was going to send time at the festival. Do you want to go get ready?”
“Oh! Um, yeah! Let me just clean up a bit.” I started putting a few tools away.
“Should I wake up Knuckles and let him know?”
“Naw!” I snickered, “Let him figure it out.”
               At Amy’s house, I was surprised at how much space she had and how much tidier the place was. It was a bit of a relief stepping into her home after being in Sonic and Tails’ bachelor pad for so long. I took my shoes off before stepping anywhere past the front door. This was that kind of home. Amy thought it was funny.
“You don’t need to take your shoes off, it’s fine.” She stated.
I left my shoes off anyway.
“Okay,” Amy began, “I’ve got my makeup-set ready on the bathroom counter. And I thought maybe we could style our hair first.
I shrugged, it seemed like a good plan though I knew she’d be doing most of the work unfortunately. We started on our hair there were a few tools I was familiar with like the straightener and curler but since Amy was a hedgehog, she had a lot of other quill shaping tools that I found rather frightening. I picked one up and inspected it. It looked almost like a potato peeler with a fancy handle.
“Oh, that’s a quill sharpener. I use it on my bangs to curl them.”
My eyes went wide and I gingerly set it back down. She snickered and shook her head.
“Don’t worry, we won’t be using that for you.” She teased and started examining the fur on the back of my head. I never really called it hair; it was too short to be called that in my opinion.
“It’s gotten a little longer!” She stated.
“Wait! Really?” I reached back there to see what she meant, sure enough. It was longer! I could run my fingers through it and everything. I never thought it could really get that long, at this rate I might actually have a full head of hair if I left it untrimmed for long enough. It made me wonder why this never occurred back at the base when I was working. Then I remembered the brush. I was given a brush that pulled on my hair every time I used it. I hated it but it was the only one I had. It must have been designed for keeping my fur short.
Amy smoothed down my hair and curled the ends up with her fingers to see how that would look.
“Hm… That seems like a good look for you. But why is your fur so rough?” She asked.
I shrugged.
“Don’t they have any conditioner at Sonic’s place?” She teased but when she registered my blank expression her tone changed. “Do you… not use conditioner?”
“I… No? I just used soap? Was… -Am I not supposed to?”
“Oh, you poor thing…” Amy tisked and shook her head. “No wonder your fur always looked so dry. Here…” She handed me a bright green bottle, the label read ‘two-in-one body wash for sensitive skin’, I popped the cap open, it smelled like lavender. “I want you to use this on your fur from now on. You can’t keep using bar soap like that. It damages your fur, okay?”
I sheepishly took the bottles, “Okay… But how much am I supposed to use? Do I really use this on everything?”
I ran my hand through my newly discovered hair again and found a piece of plastic from one of Metal’s parts in it. Amy tisked and insisted I clean up in the shower.
“I can’t style anything with plastic in it.”
She was right about the body wash versus the soap. My fur was so coarse before but now felt cleaner and silkier. I didn’t think I could really feel that soft, and my fur seemed to shine. When I was done, I put on my new dress and helped Amy with her quills. She wanted to curl them, she showed me how to use the curler but I already seemed familiar with it. Soon all her quills were curled perfectly and it only took a few minutes. I supposed that I had a muscle memory that stayed with me all this time. Next, I helped her with her makeup, that didn’t go as smoothly so we settled for doing our own. I still needed help. It was frustrating knowing what I wanted to look like but not being able to implement it.
I was very thankful for Amy’s patience. As soon as we were ready, we marched out into town to celebrate the festival with our friends. We found them in the park waiting in line for the bumper cars. I could see Knuckles was irked that I left him asleep in the workshop by himself. But soon the grimace on his face transitioned to withdrawn confusion all the while he was peeling off the bandage I had stuck on his face. I smacked it right back on.
“Don’t touch it!” I warned.
“Tiny??” He sputtered then growled, “What’s the big idea ditching me in the workshop, huh?”
               “He was scared that you drew on his face again.” Tails snickered.
“I was not!” Knuckles retorted.
               “You ladies wanna join us?” Sonic asked.
“Only if I you promise me a dance.” Amy teased and batted her eyelashes at Sonic.
“No thanks, I’m good!” He turned away and tried to play it cool.
“I’ll dance with you, Amy.” I teased and gave her a smirk.
She snickered, “Girl, thanks. Sorry Sonic, you missed your chance.”
We all had fun in the bumper cars, I did my best to target Knuckles as much as possible. He gave me enough grief that day and it was time for some pay back. After the cars, we went and played some of the little fare games a lot of the small prizes were flower seeds, or bouquets, I saw a little arts and crafts stand and tried to learn how to make a flower crown out of daisies. It was a lot harder than I thought. Tails won himself a kite and immediately wanted to try it out. We found a spot in the park and sat down to have vendor food for dinner while Tails tried to get his kite as high as possible. We had to tell him flying it up there himself was cheating. His food was getting cold anyway.
               With all the people around and with all the noise I was starting to get a little overwhelmed and snuck back to the workshop to get some peace and quiet. I sat down next to Metal and sighed. He didn’t get to have fun like I did today. Even though he was scary sometimes, there was a personality underneath all that machinery. I just needed to dig it out. Knuckles walked into the workshop to see me pensively staring at Metal’s powered down face and huffed.
“Why is it that I’m not allowed to ditch the party but you get to leave whenever you want?”
I woke up from my rumination and looked up at him.
“Oh, it’s you.” I pouted.
I leaned forward on my arms against the worktable. I wasn’t ready to go back to the party yet.
“Don’t you think you’ve spent enough time in here already?” Knuckles asked.
“It just didn’t seem fair that I got to go have fun without him…” I replied.
Knuckles was obviously confused.
“But he’s just a robot!” He said as he took a seat next to me. “It’s not like he feels anything like that.”
“I know…”
“What’s got into you anyway? Suddenly you’re treating him like he isn’t a threat, like he’s a person and for what? It’s not like he knows what that means.”
“He isn’t a threat, he’s a friend!” I sighed, “It’s a long story anyway…”
“…Well, I’m not in any hurry to go back out there.”
I looked at him to figure out if he was actually interested. He returned my gaze with expectance.
“Back at that base, I didn’t have any one. I was pretty much the only living thing in that place the whole time. But I had Metal. I just really wanted someone to talk to, it didn’t matter if he wasn’t a real person or not. At least he was there. After a while, I started working on making him act like he was alive, I taught him games. How to make jokes. He started playing back recordings as a way to talk. For a little while it almost felt… real.”
Knuckles bowed his head, he seemed to be familiar with the kind of loneliness I was talking about. I continued.
“One day, Eggman called him away on a mission. I didn’t see him for months. I missed him so much, that I even tried to call him to find out where he was. He never answered. When I finally got to see him again, he was torn to shreds. It made me really upset to see him like that. I did my best to help fix him, but Eggman took over the whole process and pushed me out. By the time Metal was all patched up, all my hard work was erased. He didn’t even hang around me anymore. All the time I spent making him a friend went out the window because it ‘wasn’t what he was built for’. I lost my only friend… Even if it wasn’t real. I just… really wanted to see him again.”
Knuckles looked at Metal’s empty head on the table then back at me.
“So, all this stuff you’ve been doing is about that, huh?”
“I guess...”
“Then, if you ask me, Metal was never your friend in the first place.”
I glared at him, “How could you say that?!”
“You were just filling him with parts of yourself. That’s what you were friends with.”
That caught me off guard, but he was right. The more I thought about it, the worse it felt.
“I can’t totally understand what it was like in that place, but I know what it’s like to be completely alone for a good part of your life. The thing is, you have friends now. You’ve got Sonic and Tails and Amy...”
“And what? you?” I scoffed.
“I wouldn’t go that far. But you’ve found people in your life now. So why go back to the robot?”
“I thought it was to give him a second chance… I thought for sure I was seeing something alive in him all those years ago. But now that you put it that way…”
“Are you finally gonna drop this whole thing already?” He asked.
“Well… But when he-!”
“He? Tiny, it’s a machine! A bunch of scrap for a body and a bunch of numbers for a brain! Just drop it already!”
I turned away. I didn’t like that he was starting to raise his voice or that he was starting to make sense. He sighed and scratched the nape of his neck.
“Cherry… I know it’s hard trying to put your trust in new friends. But it’s worth the risk. You just gotta put the effort in.”
“…What am I gonna do with him then? I can’t just leave him.”
“We can figure that out later. But right now… Why don’t we go back outside? I… Kinda wanted to see fireworks…” He bashfully admitted.  
I lightly chuckled and looked back at him.
“Look at you being such a big softie! If I didn’t know any better, I’d start to think you have a soft spot for me~!”
“Don’t get any ideas!” He retorted. “This stays between us, got it?”
We went back out and rejoined the group. We were just in time for the fireworks. We sat and watched the bright colors blast into the sky and gracefully fall and fade away. Once that was over the dance began. I followed my original plan and stood in the back as I watched everyone else dance. The slow dance was announced and the quick beats of the music started to die down to a slow ballad while everyone started shuffling away from the dance floor to let the couples, old and young, take the stage. I watched Amy do her best to pull Sonic onto the dance floor with her, she had a good grip on his arm and was tugging with all her might but he had a strong grip on a light pole with his other hand and would not budge. It was pretty entertaining. I knew Sonic really cared for Amy but he was funny about the way he showed affection and this kind of public display was not his forte. Poor Amy just wanted to dance. Maybe later I’d ‘accidentally’ leave some music playing in the workshop and ask them both to ‘turn it off’ or something.
Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Knuckles. What could he want? He looked a little flustered. Did he want to ask me to DANCE??? Dear Lord No!
“Hey, I uh… Didn’t get to say this earlier. You look really different; I actually didn’t recognize you when you walked in.”
Was that a compliment?
“Thanks… I guess.”
               “Hey!” Tails exclaimed, “They’re gonna play my favorite song soon! Do you guys wanna dance with me?”
“Only if you make sure this Big Baby doesn’t step on my feet!” I nudged Knuckles in the ribs with my elbow.
“No promises, Tiny!” He replied with a smile.
               The couples dance was soon over. Too soon for Amy to get that slow dance she wanted unfortunately but she’d have her day yet. Next was a bop for the friendships. People were bouncing onto the dance floor with whoops and smiles. I was still hesitant. I still hadn’t figured out if I could dance. If I couldn’t I knew Knuckles would never let me live it down either. I almost backed out of my promise until I saw the eager smile on Tails’ face. I had to do it. I looked to Knuckles for reassurance. He had the same drive. And to be honest, Tails was like everyone’s favorite little brother, and if he asked you to dance with him, how could you possibly say no? We strutted into the crowd of dancers and started moving to the music. The rhythm of the song was easy to identify, before I knew, I was moving in tandem with it and having fun. My feet moved freely and at that point it didn’t matter how any of my motion looked. What matter was who I was dancing with and the fact that we were all having fun together.
               Sonic was quick to join in, Amy followed. We had a whole group of our own but Knuckles seemed to be slipping to the back to try avoiding any attention. He really was a big baby! I stepped toward him with the purpose of getting him back into the click. He wasn’t getting off that easy! He tried to wave me off but I only grabbed his hands and pulled him back in. I told him to just follow my steps and follow the beat. It really wasn’t that hard after all.
He seemed to finally be enjoying himself when there was a loud whistle like a firework going off and something flew right past us. It landed and tore up the ground as it halted to a stop. Everyone backed away, it took me a while to see what it was until the dust cleared. Through the clouds of debris, I could see the bright red lights of Metal Sonic’s eyes staring directly at me. But how? How did he get here in one piece? How did he repair himself? I didn’t have time to think. All my friends charged at him. Striking when they could to keep him from reaching me. But Metal had the crowd to his advantage. Any time they were ready to strike, he would duck behind an innocent bystander. No one could get out of the way fast enough; he was always able to find new cover. Sonic tried to out match Metal by trying to predict where he would go next a beat him to the punch. They moved so fast that the others couldn’t keep up. Tails flew above and tried to crowd control people to safety to try removing Metal’s advantage. Amy was doing the same. Knuckles stood his ground next to me. Ready for when Metal would eventually try to gun it for me.
I looked around at all the panic and havoc, people were screaming and running for safety. This was supposed to be a time for celebration. This was supposed to be a place of comfort. This was a small village where everyone knew each other, they all depended on each other and now they were scattered. This was all my fault! If I hadn’t brought Metal to this place, they would all still be safe! I wanted to help. I thought about his shut-off code, if he could hear it, there was a chance he would shut down and we could bury him for good. As much as it hurt to have to do that to him, it was the only way.
“Knuckles! I need him to hear the song!”
“The song that shuts him down. I need him to hear it!”
Knuckles looked back at me in aggravation then back to Sonic who has now fighting Metal one on one. Knuckles motioned for me to climb up on his back.
“Alright, Tiny, you’d better be right about this!”
We got close enough for Metal to hear me and I shouted my lungs out. It was nearly working; I could see his eyes dimming but he’d snap out of it somehow. Sonic joined in when he could, when he did it seemed to work enough to slow Metal down so Sonic or Knuckles could get a strike in. Eventually Metal shut down. I got down from Knuckles’ shoulders and took a breath.
               “Not bad, Cherry!” Sonic winked.
I shook my head, “This is all my fault…”
“You didn’t tell Metal to come to the party, did you?”
“I’m serious! I… I should never have started this…”
               “Hmph!” Knuckles crossed his arms, “That’s what I’ve been saying all along! It’s about time you listened!”
I looked down at my reflection in Metal’s powered down eyes. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had lost something.
“Hey, don’t feel so bad.” Sonic reassured me, “You did your best to give him that second chance. It’s not your fault that he didn’t take it.”
I started to smile again.
“Thanks guys, I-”
Before I could finish, Metal Sonic awoke and took the opportunity to grab me and bolt. Sonic and Knuckles chased after each one grabbing my hands. I held on to them for dear life. Metal made tight turns to throw them off and at one point I nearly lost an arm. I tried to pull Sonic closer but my muscles were too weak. Knuckles took a leap and grabbed onto Metal’s back, I held onto Knuckles to help him stay on. Metal thrashed around to shake him off. He sped past a tree a couple times, making a gash in the trunk with each pass. As the tree broke and fell, Metal ran through the branches. Knuckles got smacked in the face with a particularly strong branch and lost his grip. Sonic was on the other side of the tree blocking Metal’s path. Metal rammed into Sonic, knocking the air out of both him and me. Sonic got back on his feet, Knuckles was close by and Amy and Tails had returned to the fight. By that point Metal realized he could not get away with me in one piece but that I was his bargaining chip to escape. He held my neck with one hand and pressed the tip of his finger from the other hand into my temple. He was starting to apply pressure and I hissed in pain.
Everyone had to stand by. Metal started to back up, taking me with him as everyone looked to each other for ideas then back to me. I reached for them, I tried to pry Metal’s hand from my throat but he just squeezed. By this point I was shaking and tears were streaming down my cheeks. Don’t! I thought, Please! Don’t let him take me away! At this point there was nothing they could do. Then I heard Eggman’s voice played back on Metal’s mission recording:
“I don’t care what it takes for you to bring her back. Even if you have to kill her!”
If they tried anything, he was going to kill me. After having successfully sent his message across, Metal scooped me up and took me away from my friends and my new life. I watched them shrink in the distance behind us, my new life was over.
.   .   .
Thank you for reading!
You can find the previous chapters here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13241826/1/Undesirable-Truth
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i-fan-misha-do-you · 7 years
Misadventures Pt. 2
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Word Count: 1650 Warnings: Cold, Sam’s freezing hands, and a confused little angel A/N: Found this in a folder, edited it, and decided to post it so y’all don’t die while I work through my writers block. Enjoy!
    You were roused from your peaceful dreams by the feeling of coldness settling on your arms. Scowling, you sleepily dragged your comforter up and over your torso in an attempt to block out the cold. Turning over, you tried to go back to sleep, but your leg was now sticking out of the covers. Sighing, you turned over again and pulled your leg into the warmth of your blanket, but you couldn’t fall back asleep. You were wide awake now. And you were cold.   Sighing, you flung the layer of warmth off of you and climbed out of bed. You gasped when your feet hit the cold floor, and your first instinct was to find socks; which you did. Thick, fuzzy socks. Next was a sweatshirt, then sweatpants over your sleep shorts.   You raced into the bathroom and quickly got ready before running to the kitchen to confront the boys about the cold front that had flooded the bunker.   “Dean, why did I wake up to the Arctic Circle in my bedroom?” The question was out of your mouth before you’d even entered the kitchen. Walking in, your jaw dropped at the sight of the Winchesters. I mean, you knew they wore layers, but not that many layers.   Dean had at least three flannels on under the sweatshirt he was wearing, as well as two pairs of fuzzy pj bottoms. You had to refrain from giggling as you saw his purple reindeer socks peeking out from under the hem of his pants.   Sam wasn’t any better. You could count a sweatshirt, a sweater, and a hoodie on the larger man, plus thick jeans and multiple layers of socks.   “Well, hello sleeping beauty, nice to see ya.” Dean said, ignoring your question as he attempted to pour coffee from under his layers.   “Dean, what did you do?” You asked, placing your hands on your hips and staring him down.   “Why does she assume it’s my fault?” Dean asked Sam, placing two cups of the caffeinated liquid on the table.   “Probably because it is your fault, Dean.” Sam replied, taking a sip from his coffee as he flipped through an old lore book.   “Ok, so I might have broken the heating system- “   “Is that why my room felt like it was thirty degrees below zero?” You asked, glaring.   “Calm down, princess, it wasn’t that cold.” Dean gave you a disbelieving look as he sat down, pulling out a chair beside him for you. You plopped in the seat ungracefully as you shook your head.   “Nope, it was. I was just missing the penguins, and I could have been in the North Pole.”  Sam snorted slightly before going back to ignoring the conversation, leaving you and Dean to finish bickering through the rest of breakfast.
 “Well, that officially makes no cases.” Sam sighed as he shut his laptop, sitting back in his seat and stretching for the first time in several hours.  “That means we can have the day off, right?” You asked, giving the boys puppy dog eyes. Dean groaned as he ran a hand up and down his face.   “Sam, I told you not to teach her that.”    Sam shrugged. “Not like I meant to.”  Dean glanced over at you again before cracking. “Ok, fine. Day off, whatever. Let the whole world go crazy, see if I care.”  “Yes!” You pumped your fist and shot up from your seat, giving Dean a quick side hug on your way to your room. Dean gave his brother the ‘This can’t be good’ look. Sure enough, thirty seconds later you reemerged with bags of popcorn, movies, blankets, and Castiel trailing behind you.  “Cas, what are you doing here?” Dean asked, confused.  “To be honest with you, I am not exactly sure of the reason myself. Y/n called and said it was an important holiday.” He explained in his gruff voice.  “Holiday Y/n, really?” Sam gave you an amused look. You shrugged as you got to work setting up a movie.   “We don’t get days off very often. Plus, I checked, and it’s like three days till Christmas.”  Dean caught Sam’s eye and both brothers shared a guilty look. You’d grown up with hunter parents, so you were used to missing Christmas, but they still felt bad that your idea of a holiday was a day off from work.  “Ok, sweetheart, what movie are we watching?” Dean asked after a moment. You grinned up at him.  “Home Alone.” Both boys raised their eyebrows at one another before Sam chuckled.   “She’s the boss.”
 “I do not understand,” Cas said about halfway through the movie. “Is it not irresponsible to leave a child by themselves while the parents go elsewhere?”  “Yeah, Cas. That’s the point.” Dean said from his spot to your right. You nodded as you looked at Cas, who was sitting on your left.  “It’s funny because it’s unrealistic.” You added.   “I see.” He said, though the look on his face told you he still didn’t quite understand.  You heard a beeping sound and excitedly jumped up to get the third batch of popcorn out of the microwave. You poured the hot popcorn into three bowls and added everyone’s preferred toppings before heading back into the living room. Returning to the couch, you passed a bowl to Sam, who was sitting next to Dean, and another to Cas, sharing the last one with the green-eyed hunter beside you.  Sitting down, you immediately noticed how comfortable Dean’s side was due to his extra layers. Snuggling deeper into Deans side, you felt yourself start to slip away, and before you knew it, you were asleep.
  Your eyes shot open and you jumped, letting out a yelp and landing on the floor. Sam stood above you laughing as your sleepy brain pieced together what had just happened. Narrowing your eyes, you glared at the still laughing Winchester.  “Not cool, Samuel. You’d better watch your back.” You threatened, using the coffee table as leverage to pull yourself up.   “What? You don’t want me to do it again?” Sam teased, not taking you seriously.   “It’s not funny, Sam! You stuck your freezing cold hands up my shirt while I was sleeping!”   “I thought it was funny.” Dean commented as he leaned against the doorway. Cas, who was standing next to Dean, simply shook his head and left. Probably a wise decision.   “Stay out of this, Dean.” You said harshly, causing him to put his hands up in surrender and walk away.   “So, you didn’t like it, then?” Sam asked, smirking.   “Samuel freaking Winchester, do it again and I will cut all of your hair off.” You warned, turning and walking into the kitchen.  “Wow, someone’s grumpy.” He commented as he followed you. You halfheartedly glared at him as you made yourself some hot chocolate. After letting it cool off a little, you downed it in two gulps, shuttering a bit from the sugar rush you felt immediately after.   Sam had been watching you with amusement the entire time, shaking his head when you finished your drink.  “You good now?” He asked with a small smile. You sighed before nodding.   “Yeah, sorry I was grumpy.”   “You gonna cut off my hair anytime soon?” He asked, raising a brow and stepping closer to you. You shook your head.   “Nope. Scouts honor.” You assured.   “You were never a Boy’s Scout.” He said, grunting slightly as he scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder.  “Sam!” You shrieked. “Put me down, this is a lot higher than it looks! Put me down!” You gripped the back of his arms as he began walking, trying to stabilize yourself.  Sam laughed. “You want me to let go?” His hands dropped from their position on the back of your knees, and you screamed again as he did so.  “Sam! Knock it off, stop letting me go!” You hit his back with your fist, but he only laughed before reaching up and holding you again, this time slipping his ice-cold hands under your sweatshirt. You yelped as his skin came in contact with yours, and through the hair hanging in front of your face you saw someone walking towards you in your peripheral vision.  “What’s going on here?” You heard Dean ask.  “Dean, save me, please! Sam’s kidnapping me!” You shouted, half joking half serious.  “I’m not kidnapping her, I’m carrying her around.” Sam reasoned as he continued walking.  “Don’t listen to him Dean!”  Being upside down, combined with the height difference of Sam’s shoulders to the ground, was probably messing with your head because you heard the words you spoke next, but you didn’t believe you were saying them.  “Save me and I’ll give you a kiss!”  This made Sam freeze, and you could see Deans mouth fall open before he suddenly rushed at Sam, and before you knew what was happening, you were flipped around and off Sam, then suddenly Dean was carrying you bridal style and dashing away from his brother.  He finally stopped in the living room, falling onto the couch with you on top of him.  “Thank you for saving me, my knight in shining armor.” You said dramatically as you fell back onto the armrest.  “No problem, princess. My only question is, do I still get my kiss?” His green eyes stared intently into your own e/c ones. You nodded your head, sitting up and hooking an arm around Deans neck.   “Close your eyes.” You whispered. Dean did as he was told, leaning in expectantly. He felt something brush against his lips, but instead of skin, he felt something cold and metallic. You jumped off his lap before he could open his eyes and the object fell into his lap. Looking up, he saw that you were gone, and sitting in his lap, was a Hershey’s Kiss.  He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well played, Y/n. Well played.”
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