#sayitaliano staff
sayitaliano · 2 years
Who wants to see a few pics of my hometown??
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bubblycider · 3 years
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I posted 2.380 times in 2021
15 posts created (1%)
2365 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 157.7 posts.
I added 111 tags in 2021
#aww - 27 posts
#😍 - 19 posts
#baby - 10 posts
#wholesome - 10 posts
#as always - 9 posts
#yes - 8 posts
#🥺 - 8 posts
#😍😍😍 - 8 posts
#😂😂😂 - 6 posts
#if i stop reblogging miette posts just assume i’m dead - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#as someone who isn’t a twig sometimes the cycle of blame and overeating because you feel like shit anyway is difficult to break
My Top Posts in 2021
Tumblr+ thought experiment
Let’s assume someone monetised a blog post: can you then reblog it? If not, how can you spread it when the whole site is based on reblogging? If it could be reblogged, would it show up as a blur in other people’s dash until they pay for it?
What if it were one of the additions in the reblogs, the main thing that made a post worth reblogging? Would the revenue be split then? Probably not, but this discourages engagement!
That’s a whole host of problems @staff will have to contend with and I don’t think they’ve thought them trough to be honest.
28 notes • Posted 2021-07-22 08:00:22 GMT
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If any one is a fan, Hannah Gadsby, the stand up comic, will be performing in Milan on the 31st of January 2022. I’m going with one of my friends and we’re gonna be in the middle price range seats, but some of the closer ones to the stage are still available.
Please note that she’ll be performing in English without translation, if it’s a problem for anyone to understand.
(Tagging @sayitaliano and @unearthitaly especially because of their language skills and because they might want to boost the event)
45 notes • Posted 2021-06-12 16:58:09 GMT
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My friend saved this tiny hedgehog 🦔 from the side of a busy road and I’m 🥺💕💕💕
70 notes • Posted 2021-07-08 20:39:48 GMT
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Since no one else dared to say it.
117 notes • Posted 2021-09-14 14:23:14 GMT
On the 18th of April 2021, the people of an Italian town stopped traffic to help 12 little guys get back to their mom. 💕
2246 notes • Posted 2021-04-25 19:59:44 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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sayitaliano · 2 years
I was talking with my mom and I realized this thing: my aunt, her and me, none of us basically went to kindergarten. We basically learned some stuff at home before going to elementary school. But that's not what struck me. It's the fact that my aunt became an Italian language teacher (+ history and geography, as a middle school Italian's teacher has to do all of them), my mom is a kindergarten teacher degreed (she's an educatrice with a diploma), and I am here kinda teaching Italian to you.
Do you think there's some sort of correlation? Cause it's a very fun coincidence.
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sayitaliano · 2 years
I was looking at some videos on youtube and I came across a video of an English guy teaching English words' pronunciations to Italians. I thought it was cool, and indeed it was helpful remembering a few words I had forgotten about. But if I had to be honest, he made me think a lot too about my own behaviour on here.
I have to say this guy was being kinda rude while teaching imo. I mean, his tone wasn't very welcoming. Ofc some might like it that way, but honestly it made me feel occasionally bad for not remembering all the pronunciations perfectly. But at the same time, it helped me noticing that he was making mistakes in Italian (I mean grammar mistakes, not just pronunciations). I was like "uhm, sir...?". I know well that a native can teach their own language better than anyone else, they can give you tricks and tips and all, but when they're using another language in which they are not as perfect, I think they cannot be rude and demanding. And, even if they were perfect, I don't think this is a good way to teach anything: if you're teaching something, it means the other person simply doesn't know much about it, so why you're being so full of yourself? You may not know many other things. What's the point of this tone?
I'm a language learner as well, as you know, and I know how hard it is to get to a point of perfection in grammar and pronunciations in other languages, but I also know that if you don't start speaking and making pronunciations (and writing) mistakes, you won't learn nor get anywhere. From my point of view, I also think that learners needs to enjoy and be encouraged in their studies and tries, not to be called out like in "don't say this cause it's annoying" "why do you say this letter, we never say it" "I don't wanna hear anyone saying this word this way cause it's too wrong", everything said with a tone similar to "don't make me pronounce this cause you should know how to say it, idiot" or "I bet you heard this 100 thousands times already, how can you forget". I mean, it could be a problem of different languages' intonation, or a marketing strategy but... I don't know.
Anyway, I started to think if I ever have been rude to you, but I don't think so. I often tell you how we Italians don't really care that much about perfect letters/words pronunciations, cause we too are not taught about them in school (unless we go to a specific school). [check my posts about the letters R and S, for example] And regional languages affect a lot our pronunciation, so much that sometimes the same word can be pronunciated differently in different part of Italy: this at times makes us worry as well about the correct pronunciation of a word (and even verbs' conjugations, but this is another story) and even how to write it (look at my last post). Not to mention I know I'm not perfect in English, so...
As I often tell you, I'm really really happy that you're trying to learn about my native language and country. And I'd still be as happy even if you just learned 3 words/sentences, no matter what type. And I honestly don't care if you write or say something in a wrong way, I'll gladly help you and correct yourself if you want me to, but that's all. Also, as for Italian pronunciation, perfection does not really exist in everyday speech, so... it's fine. Once again, it's always fine.
Ofc, if you want to reach an higher level of knowledge, you know I will try my best to give you all the basic rules and help you need (you can already find something in the grammar masterpost and ofc you can ask for whatever you need), but I don't think that one has to own a language fully (unless they need it for work or to do something with it, but i'm talking especially about people who just learn a language for fun or to understand what someone says without looking for a middle translation by someone else, which can often change the original meaning). I think you can stop to any level you feel like it's good for yourself, for whatever you wanna do with that knowledge.
Well, okay, I stop here. Sorry for this long post. Please call me out if I ever am going to be rude with you. I don't wanna do that. I appreciate, thank you and respect you for learning Italian (which is a complicated language, much more than even we Italians are aware of), so I wanna show you my feelings by at the very least not being rude.
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sayitaliano · 2 years
Scusate se sto postando meno, ma mi sta decisamente sudando il cervello e non riesco a concentrarmi più di tanto. Prometto di provare a registrare un video domani e di scrivere un post per i prossimi giorni, ma... abbiate pazienza :')
Maturandi, esaminandi, vi sono vicina.
I'm sorry if i'm posting less (these days), but my brain is literally sweating itself and I cannot focus too much. I promise I will try to record a video tomorrow and write a post for the next days, but... please be patient :')
Students, I'm by your side (supporting you).
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sayitaliano · 2 years
Just in case... if you wanna know me, the person behind @sayitaliano, a little bit more (despite I probably made some introduction posts/vids somewhere) feel free to write/ask. I don't mind :)
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sayitaliano · 2 years
what part of Italy are you from and how did you decide to teach Italian? :)
I'm from a city between Milan and Turin (you can see and read a few things about it here). And... well that was totally by chance! :) I had another tumblr blog on which I used to post the randomest things, in particular some stuff about volleyball (I used to play and I'm still a fan of that sport). I started translating Italian players' interviews for my mutuals asking, and then noticed that many were curious about my mother tongue and kinda studying it and my culture, so I decided to open this blog with an Italian friend to help them and... it got bigger than I ever thought it would have :)
Thanks for asking<3
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sayitaliano · 2 years
Hi friends! I will be taking a few days off from writing posts. I will only answer to some short questions (other questions will be answered from next week).
Feel free to still send whatever you want and request whatever you need!
Take care, 💙
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sayitaliano · 2 years
Diario #1
Una ragazza chiude la telefonata con un sorriso. Io, tra me e me *Ah, l'amore! Che meraviglia! ...peccato che non lo proverò mai.* Vedo una macchina che arriva a mille all'ora *...soprattutto se attraverso ora la strada -.-'*
Diary #1 - ENG
A girl ends her phone call with a smile (on her face). Me, thinking *Ah, love! Such an amazing feeling! ...too bad I'll never get to experience it.* I see a car coming in at a very fast pace *...especially if I cross the road now -.-'*
a couple of insights:
1 - chiudere una telefonata = literally: to close a phone call 2 - tra me e me = by myself, in my head, thinking (literally: between me and me) 3 - mille all'ora = literally: one thousand (kms) per hour (meaning: speed); an exaggeration to stress how fast the car is moving
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sayitaliano · 3 years
on a side note, i have started this blog @mydiaryofthoughts in which i write about random stuff (not sure if i will write in italian as well or not) but feel free to come there to ask for or submit whatever you feel like that is not italian/languages related or to get a random hug.
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sayitaliano · 3 years
BTW happy heterochromia iridium day from your **fav** heterochromatic person lol ;)
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sayitaliano · 4 years
Cosa sta succedendo cos’è questo nuovo font cosa sono queste notifiche sulle attività là in alto DOV’È BUGO???
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sayitaliano · 4 years
Quindi: domani è venerdì 17, l’anno è bisestile, siamo già in quarantena senza contare tutto il resto... 
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sayitaliano · 4 years
Quarantine Tag Game
I’ve been tagged by @sciogli-lingua grazie cara! ♥
1. Are you staying home from work/school?
Yess (I usually work from home most of the time anyway...)
2. If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
My parents, my brother, my grandma
3. Do you have pets to keep you company?
Just birds, bees and lizards - quarantine blocked me from adopting a dog (probably)
4. Who do you miss the most?
My closest friends
5. When was the last time you left your home?
I’m lucky enough to have a small yard so I occasionally leave these 4 walls, but I don’t go out on the street in front of my house from the last week of february.
6. What was the last thing you bought?
A red skirt - meeh. But I’m occasionally wearing it inside my home haha
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed?
I’m really moody about it. Some days I’m really sad, others I’m okay.
8. Are you a homebody?
I like staying home, but I also like to just go out for a random walk or whatever I feel like doing.
9. What movies have you watched recently?
I watched a few movies I had got for free online: Storks, Crazy Stupid Love and Going in Style
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
A couple of photography and art exhibitions, two concerts, two sport events I really wanted to see live. And well, the OG and Eurovision too, if I have to say something more international
11. What’s the worst thing that you’ve had to cancel?
Not sure if it’s about a very bad thing or how hard it was for me to cancel it, but if it’s about a bad thing well nothing luckily just a boring meeting if anything
12. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel?
As above -- a few trips (esp. one to the sea, one to visit my friends that live in another city), meeting with my high school classmates after ages, two (maybe three) photography sets and possibly working on a new project with some new people
13. Do you have any new hobbies?
Nothing totally new. Or maybe, reading random stuff for you in Italian and making videos!
14. What are you out of?
Nothing, for now. Oh wait, toners! The colors one, especially (I had another black one hidden in my closet yay!). My brother is studying and he needs to download and print a lot of stuff
15. What music are you listening to?
A lot of different music tbh. Also our playlists on Spotify :)
15bis. What shows are you watching?
I’m not watching any right now
16. What are you reading?
The free epubs that were donated by publishing houses during this quarantine, and also some of the books I had on my to read list. I’ve just finished Dai tuoi occhi solamente by Francesca Diotallevi (about the photographer Vivian Maier) and I believe I’ll start one between La Dragunera by Linda Barbarino or L’Allegra compagnia del sogno (The Unlimited Dream Company) by J.G. Ballard
17. What are you doing for self-care?
Exercising (esp. something similar to yoga) and concentration. I also try to find some alone spots and stay in silence for a while. I try to do what I like, when I feel like (except a few things I have to do ofc). I don’t wanna push myself too much as this situation is already tough as it is. I’m trying to be more kind with myself.
18. Are you exercising?
Yess, a lot. It helps my mind but I need that also for my body’s problems.
19. How’s your toilet paper supply?
Fine, thanks!
20. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine?
Not yet, but I think I’m going to cut them myself sooner or later. I’m tired of them already haha
I tag @foxlanguages @zorume-star @languagetrash @language-aholic @polyglotswede and whoever feels like doing it. Ofc, only if you feel like - no pressure
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sayitaliano · 4 years
And all the masterposts links are now updated once again with the most recent stuff -> check out the top bar on @sayitaliano homepage or the 5 resources dedicated posts on @sayitalianohome​ (1st post on there is a general masterpost about all the subjects you may need to navigate here)
All the resources to spend these quarantine at home (books, movies but also news posts) can be found under the hashtags #italians vs coronavirus #quarantine #italian quarantine (there are a few more -also with “everybody” instead of “italian”-, but these are the ones I used the most)
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sayitaliano · 4 years
Ciao! I might have fixed (at least for a while) my technical problem. I also fixed the latest posts and added a few links.
Feel free to send again questions and requests, so we’ll be able to see if I am back for real :D
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