#scarlet gabriel
six-another-timeline · 10 months
Laura and Kenedy are leaving the UK tour early and will be replaced by Lucy Aiston and Scarlet Gabriel??? Bliss 2.0 reunion when
i mean theres a rumour going around that jade marvin is joining the uk tour as aragon so i can definitely see that happening
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unwrittenemmy · 11 months
Day three hundred and forty one of posting every six queen
Scarlet Gabriel as Anna of Cleves
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zoe-oneesama · 9 months
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Quick, get out of the blast radius!
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So, controversial topic. taking in count that in a month, the webcomic "scarlet lady" is gonna end ¿what are your feelings about it?
I know that there's people out there that don't like it for the chloe salt, but i have to admit that the damnation that chloe went through, at least for me, gave her more agency than canon, for the fact that it wasn't manipulated by outside forces like canon did, it gave her the right to choose to be better or worse.
Another great element is that it does what canon refused to do: five back Adrian his agency by letting him vent his frustrations AND let him realize that his father is a bastard.
If you don't agree, that's more than excellent, i want to know your take in this topic, that being positive or negative 😄👍
My friend, you are talking to a big Scarlet Lady fan, so I'm happy to give my thoughts! Get ready for some gushing and in-depth discussion of the adaptation process. That's really what all fanfiction is, but Scarlet Lady is more of an adaptation than most since it's a true canon rewrite that often requires you to know canon to fully appreciate its jokes and meta commentary.
Before we get into it, I want to give a link to the comic for those who haven't read it. The artist/writer is @zoe-oneesama and this is page one of the comic. I'd follow the comic link if you haven't read it as the comic is nearing its end, so going straight to Zoe's page will spoil you on elements of ending.
General Thoughts on Adaptation
Adaptation is an art, not a science. There are things that are objective elements of a story. Things you really cannot change if you want people to feel like you're telling an adaptation of a given tale. But there are also plenty of elements that are more subjective. Things some people might consider vital, but that aren't truly necessary to stay true to the story's core. (Yes, the character core thing applies to stories too!)
For example, to be a Cinderella adaptation, you need to have some sort of big reveal moment where "the prince" finds Cinderella, but that moment doesn't need to involve a slipper and the prince doesn't need to be an actual prince. My favorite modern Cinderella adaptation is A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song and it twists both of those elements while keeping the major story beats in place, making it fully deserving of the Cinderella label while also being its own unique story that isn't a straight retelling, it's an adaptation.
I bring all this up because, as readers of this blog may have already guessed, Scarlet Lady does a lot of things that I personally would not do when adapting Miraculous. A big one being that I prefer a more complex take on Gabriel, but that's simply a matter of preference. A complex Gabriel is not a requirement for adapting Miraculous. Complex Gabriel vs comedic villain Gabriel is just a choice you have to make when it comes to adapting canon because canon is such a mess that both options have straight up backing in the source text. Even if they didn't, Gabriel's core role - villain - is one that leaves you a lot of room for interpretation based on other factors that we'll talk about in a second.
I'll close off this section with this: having read all of Scarlet Lady, I'll be so bold as to say that Zoe and I almost perfectly align when it comes to identifying the flaws in Miraculous because I've agreed with pretty much every change she's made. She did a fantastic job staying true to the core of canon while also telling the story she wanted to tell. It's not the way I'd redo canon, but it doesn't need to be for me to call it a fantastic story. Plus a lot of the different choices I'd make come down to narrative style and tone.
Narrative Style and Tone
I'm a novelist at heart, which means that I favor serialized storytelling. For those who don't know that word, it means stories that are one coherent whole just broken into chunks. Stories where the order matters. You can't start watching at a random episode, you have to start at the beginning. And skipping an episode usually means that you'll have no idea what's going on.
Miraculous is not a serialized show. It's primarily an episodic show, a word that means that episode order doesn't matter. Every installment stands alone.
Obviously Miraculous isn't completely episodic, but that's fine. Purely episodic narratives are rare these days. Most stories have at least minor serialized elements even if those elements are often ignored for multiple episodes at a time. This is where both Miraculous and Scarlet Lady fall. They're mostly episodic stories with serialized elements popping up every now and then.
Miraculous does this element poorly because it acts like it's a purely episodic show and then takes that to an absurd extreme. Rules, characters, and lore can never be counted on to stay the same from episode to episode even though that's not actually how episodic stories work. Scarlet Lady doesn't make this mistake. It understands that episodic narratives should have STORIES that stand alone, but that the WORLD the stories take place in must stay consistent.
Now that we've gone over the basic format stuff, let's talk about tone.
Generally speaking, tone is the vibe of your story. It can be serious, silly, dramatic, and so on. One of Miraculous' biggest flaws is that its tone is all over the place. It's a silly romcom that brings in serious topics in serious ways and then handles them with all the grace of a hippo performing ballet in a china shop because of course it does! Those topics are horribly suited to the show's overall tone so it has no way to properly address them.
This is one of the many things I love about Scarlet Lady. It takes the show's absurdist tone and honors it. That's why Zoe's version of Gabriel works so well! He's a silly cartoony villain in a silly cartoony comic as he should be. It's also why my versions of Gabriel tend to be more complex. More serious serialized narratives are where more serious complex villains thrive. Neither option is better than the other, it all comes down to how you're adapting the original work. Zoe's choices are perfect for her version's style and tone. If mine are even close to that good for my preferred style and tone, then I'll be a happy author.
Narrative Weight & The Chloe Thing
This is getting long, so I'll end with a note on Chloe since you brought her up as it's another great example of the fact that there are very few choices that are inherently right or wrong when it comes to adaptation.
I don't know if I'd say that I'm a Chloe fan, but I certainly don't hate her. I also love what Zoe did with the character! It's a prime example of a thing that I've talked about before: the issue with Chloe is not a lack of redemption. The issue is that Chloe was given too much narrative weight to be what canon made her.
Quick definition: narrative weight is the importance a narrative places on a person, event, thing, etc. The more time you dedicate to an element of your narrative, the more weight that element has in the eyes of your audience. The more they expect the element to matter. The way that you develop the element will also shape audience expectations.
In the context of canon, Chloe has more development than almost any other side character. We know more about her family, her childhood, her personality, and so on. This was an absurd choice for canon to make because Chloe is not actually important to the story they told. You could pull her out of canon and almost nothing would change. Gabriel can make akumas do whatever he wants so, lore wise, he didn't need Miracle Queen. In fact, he arguably shouldn't have made Miracle Queen. He could have just taken the miracle box and jumped right into the plot of season five. Similarly, Chloe being mayor was an absurd one-note moment that's easily replaced with something more logical.
Because of this, there are a lot of things you can do when adapting Chloe. Everything from turning her back into a one-dimensional mean girl to redeeming her to what Zoe did: take Chloe's narrative weight and petty brat behavior and lean into both to make Chloe a main antagonist while also acknowledging the fact that Chloe is a messed up teenage girl who needs some serious help. I'm super excited to see the end of Chloe's arc in Scarlet Lady as I think it's going to be one of my favorites in the fandom. That is admittedly not a high bar as I'm very picky when it comes to Chloe content. I think most of it falls flat because most of it fails to let Chloe hit some sort of rock bottom when she absolutely needs to if you want to do anything interesting with her. She's not the kind of person who will easily change or see the error of her ways.
Scarlet Lady is a fantastic adaption of Miraculous and Zoe is a fantastic and funny adapter. The comic might not be to your tastes - and that's fine, nothing has universal appeal - but it's still a great example of how to honor source material while doing your own thing with it, which is a true skill. One of the problems with many modern retellings and reboots is that the people running the show don't understand how to adapt a narrative. They take far too much creative freedom and end up with something that doesn't feel anything like the source.
If I found out that Zoe somehow got hired to adapt something I love, then I wouldn't have any concerns. I'd have no idea what she'd do with it, but I'd be confident that it wouldn't spit in the face of the thing I love. I'd personally read a hundred Miraculous re-imaginings with her at the helm.
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bochkakvasa · 7 months
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fun fact: now i have two different comfort characters to put for. :}
ill post one of them in the future! (btw i can post him now but i dont want to post everything in one day.)
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ultraericthered · 23 days
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Gabriel Agreste Appreciation Post
Love him or hate him, he's a fun villain to watch and to dunk on!
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comicwaren · 3 months
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From Scarlet Witch Vol. 4 #001
Art by Jacopo Camagni and Frank William
Written by Steve Orlando
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artzychic27 · 1 year
HC for SB & IB AU, Gabriel sometimes has nightmares abt his canon self & his abusive ass. But what scars him the most is Hawkmoth's outfit.
Literally created a whole new butterfly/moth themed line just to spite said nightmare.
Gabriel: *Wakes up in a cold sweat* Oh, God! Why do I keep having that horrible nightmare?!
Emille: Oh, the one where you have the Butterfly Miraculous, I’m dead in our basement, you’re basically terrorist, and emotionally abuse our son?
Gabriel: Yes!… And my outfit was still horrid!
Emille: Sweetie, it was only a dream. You’re still the fashionable man I know and love.
Gabriel: Dear, that’s kind of you to say, but I can’t keep getting plagued like this! *Pulls out his sketchbook* Come at me this time, you wretched nightmares!
Emille: Okay, love you, too. *Goes back to sleep*
*Weeks later*
Marinette: *Showing off her butterfly wings backpack to Alya* I heard he came up with the line as some sort of self therapy. Wonder why.
Adrien: *Wearing purple sneakers with butterfly wings on the sides* Oh, he keeps having nightmares where he has the Butterfly Miraculous and is just more of a villain than Monarch.
Nathaniel: *Walks in wearing a purple hoodie with white butterflies printed on the black sleeves* ‘I am so a villain!’
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awakefor48hours · 9 months
Along with my other polls (Cat Miraculous)/(Ladybug Miraculous)
Please consider reblogging for a larger sample size
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lethesbeastie · 9 months
90% of my ocs are bonded pairs that should never be separated and 90% of my stories are about the consequences of separating said bonded pairs
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flightlessribbons · 1 year
When Bridgette was 16, she was given the ladybug miraculous from Sabine. Sabine told her she herself wasn't in the condition to wear it anymore, and that it was safer with Bri. Sabine didn't explicitly tell her daughter to take up the responsibilities of Ladybug, but began to be her mentor and train her when Bridgette expressed an interest to protect the city.
Deciding against keeping it a secret from Marinette, Bridgette confided in her little sister since they shared a room and Mari would get suspicious eventually. Tikki grew fond of both girls and stayed a member of the family- hanging out with the four at meals and other home family activities.
Felix was gifted the Black Cat miraculous from his mother Amelie, and kept it secret from everyone else in his extended family while she trained him.
Felix and Bridgette were partners, going by the names of "Tuxedo" and "Scarlet Dancer". No other miraculous holders joined them in their time, but the two helped out with crimes and helped everyday civilians out in this quiet peace.
Tuxedo was a more serious Chat Noir, and served as the reasonable and pragmatic one. He did have a sense of humor, and was often laughing when around the more joking and carefree Scarlet Dancer. The two had feelings for one another, Ladybug taking a liking to Chat first soon after meeting, and Chat beginning to grow fond of her after a while. They never told each other how they felt during this time.
Around a year and a half in of the current Ladybug and Chat Noir, Emilie's health declined, and she fell into a coma. This spurs Gabriel's reluctant transformation into Hawkmoth.
Hawkmoth sets an akuma in the beginning of the day to wander around itself in search of a vulnerable enough host, so he doesn't really know when an akuma attack will begin. (It's also his way of trying to lessen the guilt of subjecting innocents in this- but the guilt still hits hard).
Using the broken brooch alongside the overwhelming power from Null drains Gabriel very easily, causing him to grow gradually weaker the more he uses the miraculous.
As akuma attacks begin, Bridgette and Felix are in unfamiliar territory that even their mentors are unsure about.
Tikki teaches Bridgette how to purify akumas, and the more enemies they fight, the more Tikki notices similarities in their powers and mannerisms to that of old fae friends that she had known in eras past. Tikki concludes that these strange akumas are not just the work of the butterfly miraculous, but Null as well- and that he's the one fusing akumas with the powers and fae he's absorbed. Purifying the akuma causes the faerie's spirit to pass on.
There is no miraculous ladybug cure, but when a faerie's spirit passes on, its energy undos any physical damages the akuma itself caused to the city.
As the attacks seem to get more dangerous, Sabine pleads with her daughter to stop, but Bridgette refuses- knowing that she needs to save the city and be there for her partner.
This routine goes on for months, until an especially dangerous akuma comes into play. This battle lasts two days until Ladybug was able to purify the akuma- but not without a cost.
Felix's legs were badly hurt in the battle, and Bridgette hoped purifying the akuma would heal his wounds but it didn't. He asks her to take him to a specific alleyway, where Scarlet cries and apologizes and Tuxedo promises her they'll be okay. But he says that she has to go or else she'll see who he is, and convinces her to leave. When she's gone, he calls Amelie to pick him up and tells her what happens when she arrives.
When Bridgette comes home, she gives Tikki the earrings and tells the fae to find a more suitable holder. Tikki objects, but Bri is adamant that she has failed and let her partner get hurt. She refuses to take the earrings back, and only begins to cry again when Tikki has flown out the window with the earrings. Marinette comes home to her crying, and listens to what happened, and sits with Bri through the night.
Tikki, unsure of where to go and reluctant to leave the only family she's known for centuries, hides in the cluttered attic and ponders what to do.
Felix is hospitalized and is told that he is paralyzed in both of his legs from the injury. Realizing he can no longer be Chat Noir, Felix gives the ring to Adrien hours later when he comes to visit and asks him if he'd take on the responsibility- or at the very least return the ring back to Amelie at a later date if Adrien chooses not to. His young cousin talks with him and finally decides to keep the ring, introducing himself to Plagg and letting Felix and the faerie say a proper goodbye before he leaves.
When Gabriel learns of Felix's injury that is too close to Chat Noir's injury, he puts the two together and falls into a bad state. Refusing to send out more akumas because of what he's done to hurt his nephew, Gabriel calls off the deal with Null, telling him to release Nooroo and find another to do his bidding. But Null refuses.
From using the broken miraculous, Null's power, and emotional grief, Gabriel is extremely vulnerable. Using this as an opportunity, Null uses the powers of multiple faeries and takes control of Gabriel's body.
Null visits Felix in the hospital, looking out for the ring but sees nothing. Felix quickly suspects something is wrong with his uncle and calls Amelie when Null leaves.
Amelie, who is with Adrien at this time since he came right to her after his visit to Felix to see Amelie as his mentor, hangs up the call and asks her nephew if Gabriel has been acting differently recently. Adrien tells her about how he's been really tired, but he's always tried to spend time with him when he could like usual so he'd just been chalking it up to work.
Amelie knows there's more they don't know, but until they know exactly what- advises Adrien to be careful. Knowing well how to hide things from her own ex kingpin father growing up, she gives him pointers on how to hide Plagg and the ring well and sneak around. With promises to visit often and do his best, Adrien goes home, leaving Amelie worried for all members of her family.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Gabriel's villain costumes always look like pimps or tampons or condoms... He chose the weirdest way possible to tell us he misses being inside of his wife.
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zoe-oneesama · 10 months
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How do either of you go out in public when you act like this….
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Should've expected it tbh
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icepandawarrior · 2 years
Because F*CK IT, WHY NOT
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Lindsey Morgan // Barbara Gordon
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Gratiela Brancusi - Franciska Farkas // Wanda Django Maximoff
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Yuliya Snigir // Natalia Romanova
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Ivanna Sakhno // Yelena Belova
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Keke Palmer - Elizabeth Gillies // Anna Marie
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Samara Weaving - Tati Gabrielle // Felicia Hardy)
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Dev Patel // Stephen Strange
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feanoryen · 2 years
Respect Magda Eisenhardt & Gabrielle Haller!
This message is mostly for Cherik shippers.
I want to start of this post by saying I really like Cherik. Their relationship is very compelling and the actors who played Charles & Erik had amazing chemistry.
I’m not trying to say anything anti-Cherik here but I do believe Cherik shippers who enjoy Cherik family content should respect the role the mothers of their children have in their children’s lives.
Gabrielle was the one who raised David, and he is they way he is because of her.
Magda may not have been the one to raise Wanda & Pietro, but she did everything in her power to keep her twins safe.
What I’m saying is, it’s fine if you want married Cherik with a family, Gabrielle’s relationship with Charles was short lived anyways and you can say Magda divorced Erik and they’re both co-parenting with Cherik but STOP PRETENDING WANDA, PIETRO, & DAVID DON’T HAVE MOTHERS WHO LOVE THEM!!!
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natedogx15 · 1 year
One Villain, Two Fake Heroes, Two Real Heroes, One Without a Mask
A prompt based on @zoe-oneesama's Scarlet Lady au and my Butterfly villain and Fox hero Lila prompt.
Instead of Hawkmoth having both the Butterfly Miraculous and Peacock, Lila is the one who wields the Butterfly Miraculous and uses it in conjunction with the Fox Miraculous to become a famous hero by making villains with the Butterfly as the mysterious Empress Viola and defeating them as the Fox heroine Volpina. She would repeat this process with every city her family moved to, and it worked great until her family moved to Paris.
Upon arriving in Paris, Master Fu senses her malicious aura and her Miraculous. Fearing the worst, he sends out the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous like in canon. Unfortunately, Chloe steals the Ladybug from Marinette before she can discover them.
Que the first Akuma. Lila was expecting another easy time playing hero and becoming more famous. However, her plans are thrown for a loop when she meets two new Miraculous users for the first time since she found hers.
Now she has to figure out how to get rid of the rookies so she can keep monopolizing the attention of being the only hero hunting down the mysterious Empress Viola. Unfortunately, Paris immediately falls in love with Scarlet Lady due to her Miraculous Ladybug power fixing the city. So, any form of a smear campaign won't help against her. Luckily for Cat Noir, though. Scarlet Lady's arrogant personality causes Lila to focus mostly on putting her down instead of him out of anger and spite.
Cat Noir now has to babysit Scarlet Lady against Empress Viola, with another fake hero secretly plotting his and Scarlet Lady's downfall and berating him for getting in her way since she's the more experienced 'hero' of the three. In the meantime, he, Marinette, and Master Fu try to figure out who Empress Viola, Scarlet Lady, and Volpina are since Master Fu is wary of the fox heroine but unsure how to deal with her.
To add another loop in Lila's plans, you can make it so a different Miraculous puts Emiliee in her comatose state, and the Peacock is fine. So, she could arrive in Paris and begin her latest hero campaign as Gabriel uses the Peacock to start his own villainous campaign to gain the Miraculous and save his wife. Now she doesn't have the luxury of faking or manipulating some of the battles in her favor since there's another villain capable of creating villains. It would also cause Cat Noir, Marinette, and Master Fu to have four people to worry about since they think Volpina and Empress Viola are two different people at the start.
An interesting idea you could do when this story is nearing the climax or to prolong the story into a new arc is to have Gabriel, Lila, and Chloe join forces after Volpina and Scarlet Lady are exposed as the fakes they are. Now, Paon (Peacock Gabriel), Empress Viola, and Chloe, with the newly repaired broken Miraculous in Gabriel's custody, work together to try and bring down the real heroes and take their Miraculous to fix their lives.
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