#scat personals Swords
queers-gambit · 9 months
The Battle Above the God’s Eye
part one: Sands of Time
prompt: decades after the Stepstones, it's his turn to be rescued.
pairing: Daemon Targaryen x female!reader
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
word count: 6.3k+
note: i'm not the happiest with this piece, so i'll most definitely (probably) write an alternative when the time comes and the show does the Battle. y'all know me by now, you know i love me a good ol' reader-insert and i didn't want to wait years to publish some kind of sequel so here we are.
warnings: reader isn't explicitly a Targaryen but we had to make this work and i'm burnt the fuck out. so fuck it, dragon rider reader. cursing, books spoilers, violence, imagination required, maybe Red Priestess reader, mention of more Little Birds (let author live), toxic family (duh), heavily encouraged imagination, depictions of death, angst, some hurt and comfort i think ? missing warnings 'cause wonky brain goin' wonky.
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"There's rumor, Mistress, of a dragon the color of night," the hooded figure informed. "It nests in the Ruins of Ancient Valyria, seen by farmers and countryfolk; they say his wings beat like thunder. It's a colossal shadow they fear to engage, but after hearing your ransom, they reported it."
You hummed as you took a sip of scalding tea, finding comfort in the heat, musing, "I've been to the Ruins myself on two seperate excursions, I promise you, friend, there is no dragon that nests there."
"It's come from the East, a new beast in the sky."
"I require proof if I am to pay the ransom."
The man with a hood over his head reached for his rucksack and rummaged, a moment later, placing two items on the polished mahogany table between you both. One was unmistakably a dragon's tooth, and when you examined it, there was still clotted blood on the root - assuring it was a fresh pull. The second was a large black scale that weighed at least a dagger's worth.
You smirked, "This is promising. Where in the Ruins has it been seen? Who procured these artifacts?"
You discussed specifics with the man for an hour, offering him a hefty finder's fee after getting the name of the village the man had gathered his own information from. It was a messy journey from there; leaving the home you had made in the decades since the Stepstones to head for what was probably another dead end in Ancient Valyria. You were something akin to a magistrate, the people saw you as a figurehead, a leader; their person of authority who they were all too happy to follow.
Your village flourished, growing in size, number, popularity, and strength by the passing day. The people seemed happy, wealth flowing from exports and trade, and apparently, a few cartographers have begun the process of updating a few maps to add your village's name to history.
Much had changed in your time away from your Rogue Dragon Prince, but you knew that was all coming to an end soon. Your Lord of Light had shown you much in your flames, one of which was a repeating image of you, mounted atop a dragon all your own, soaring over the Narrow Sea with distinct purpose. You weren't a Targaryen, but your religious devotion seemingly gave you the ability to walk amongst beasts and their flames.
Exploring Ancient Valyria took over a year on foot.
You had plenty of encounters with the Stone Men, but all met their merciful demise - those left after that steered clear of you and your Valyrian Steel sword. Around the ruins of the ancient volcano that hadn't erupted since The Doom, you found a graveyard of goat, sheep, and cattle bones. There were bigger skeletons of aquatic creatures, something you found incredibly fascinating - what fully grown dragon went deep diving?
Soon, you found scat. For those who don't spend time in the wilderness or who are simply unfamiliar with the term, "scat" refers to waste produced by wild animals. Yeah, you're reading correctly, after you found the plethora of skeletons, you found dragon shit.
So, you knew you were closer than before. But the fucker still alluded you to the point you felt insane circling the Ruins.
You located about three different potential caverns, investigating them all with caution, but finding them all empty. Feeling exhausted from the months of searching, you claimed one of the caves as your own; hunting for a meal after gathering adequate fire wood. You listened to the untamed wilds of Valyria as you ate whatever you roasted, trying to distinguish familiar sounds of an approaching dragon.
Or perhaps even a distant one!
You'd take any sign!
It'd been weeks since you found the dragon droppings, no other signs appearing. You would search new areas for days, then return to your cave for rest; feeling disconnected from reality the longer you lingered in the ruined empire. You wondering what your village was doing, you were curious if the young woman, Ferona, had a baby boy or girl, if they had erected the new buildings you left blueprints for in an effort to create opportunist housing and houses of worship - as your people had requested.
How did the krill and shrimp season fair? What weddings happened this past spring? How was the irrigation system holding up?
Weeks drug by slowly. Weeks turned to longer months. Two years, you spent in that Gods forsaken ruin of a city - but couldn't find it in you to abandon your search.
Your Lord of Light had yet to send word, yet set your heart ablaze every time you "decided" to go home. You stared into the flames every night, desperate for any indication you were on the right path, but nothing was seen - nothing was said - nothing was shown to you. Until one night, during a torrential downpour and thunderous storm, you were shivering, drenched to your core, fighting the wind to let you keep your flames alive.
And there, in the dying, flickering warmth, you saw it. With wide, unblinking eyes, you stared into the flames harder; unsure how long you remained in the tranquil state before a particularly strong gust of wind nearly pushed you face-first into the embers. You gasped, looking around as the smoke nearly choked you as it filled the cave; stumbling out into the rain as you coughed and patted your chest. Stumbling slightly from malnourishment and delirium, you leaned on the outer shell of your "home", panting with relief before there came a screech so fearsome, you were then cowering into the wall with fear.
You dropped to your knees, huddled into the rock formation; the ground trembling as something enormous touched down. You gasped when through the haze of sideways rain, two nostrils flared and heaved thick plumes of smoke; reddened from the ignited flames deep within an invisible chest. You flattened against the wall, four taloned paws striking the ground and causing it to crack, quake, and tremble. With the fleeting clouds, you used the moon's light to distinguish the beast that loomed closer to you; over you; and then, in your face.
A long, blackened snout nearly pressed into your chest; fabric of your tunic caught in the razor sharp teeth. You had faced death, you had faced beasts, you had faced hacking axes and swinging swords. You had faced the wrath of the Queen Alysanne's court, the rumors of the common folk, and judgment from both man and God. But nothing was like this moment: a wild dragon staring you down, sniffing your chest and stomach, debating if it should just open it's mouth and eat you whole yet or not.
Thankfully, it chose an alternative route.
You're not fully sure how it happened, but you dedicated two years to finding this terrible beasty, and yet, it only took about 6 weeks to bond with the (obviously) young thing. Time with your Dragon Prince proved most useful, creating a bond so secure, you were beginning to wonder if someone deep in your bloodline had mated with a Targaryen. It was natural, the way you both became accustomed to one another; living together on a carbon-dated land long doomed.
The lessons from Daemon came flying back to you. You practiced your High Valyrian, laughing when you obviously got a word or two wrong because the dragon would snort at you. In the light, she was still the color of the night, but her scales were dusted the same gold as her eyes. She was impressive, she was huge in size but nowhere near Vhagar. In fact, you'd wager she had outgrew Caraxes - the only dragon you had true experience with.
Speaking of Caraxes, you were on the shores of Old Valyria, debating how you were going to convince your new companion to join you back "home" in the village, when suddenly, your beast gave a defensive growl.
Looking to the skyline, you spotted the distant dragon and frowned. This dragon wasn't the color of flames like Caraxes was, no, instead, it was a murky blob in the sky with two wings. You offered calming words to your dragon in her native language, not sensing danger, but your beast was unhappy leaving you in the open. Her tail curled around you to corral you back into her body as the muddy brown dragon landed with a thunderous shake a respectable distance away.
Your name was begged by the rider descending from who you recognized as a wild dragon by the name of Sheepstealer.
"Nettles? That you, love?" You asked in skepticism, managing out of your dragon's grasp. "What're you doing here? You all right?"
"I needed to find you," she panted. "I-I need you help - it's all - it's all gone wrong! Please!"
"What's wrong? The fuck's happened?"
"Do you know nothing, Auntie!? Do you know nothing of the war!?"
Your eyes rolled, "Watch that tone with me, girl. The Dance of Dragons is of no concern of mine, it had barely started when I came here."
"Well - it's your concern now," she insisted. "You took me under your wing - you helped raise me in a village you built from the ground, despite not ever needing to - "
"Your mother was a dear friend of mine," you cut her off sharply. "She was kind to me when I came back to Essos, let me stay with her and your father. When I set out on my own, she was always a friendly face, and when my settlement was established..."
"She came to you for help after getting pregnant with me," Nettles nodded. "You've told me this before."
"Then you should know better by now that I owed your mother more than my life, so, raising you was the least I could've done. A life for a life."
"And as such, you let me go into the world with stories filling my head of a handsome Dragon Prince that saved you from the Crabfeeder!" You scoffed at her words, ready to argue, but she rushed, "He's in trouble, Auntie."
You paused, finding no lie in the girl's eye. Slowly, you asked, "Come again?"
"I found him, Mistress," she nodded. "After I got back to Westeros, I found your Prince Daemon - the ones from the stories! He's... He's brutish and harsh, they call him Rogue, but he was kind to me when I told him I knew you. When he heard your name, Lady, he just - he insisted on keeping me close. He protected me, even against his wife - Princess Rhaenyra."
Your head cocked, "Hmm... He usually did have a taste for younger flesh. I'm not surprised he took to you - "
"No, no, no, Mistress, not like that," she insisted desperately. "He was kind, educational - similar to a mentor."
"I see."
"He needs your help."
"Prince Daemon does not need rescuing, he is no damsel."
"He searches for Prince Aemond," she informed, making you lift your chin slightly. Though lost in the wild of Valyria the past two years, you were still well versed in the affairs of King's Landing; staying updated, curtesy of your Lord, the Lord of Light: R'hllor. In your village, you were known to pay for any accurate information - eventually hiring your own spies to relay trustworthy information from around surrounding cities and villages. Nettles was one of your Little Birds.
You sighed, "And? What of it - Aemond killed Lucerys, did he not? Since he married his niece, her children are now his step-children, right? Daemon is within his rights to want some form of vengeance - it's war, Nettie, it's never fair to anybody.
"He will not survive this, you don't understand! It's horrible, Mistress, please, he-he-he's deranged. Mad with grief, lost to his wife's useless fucking war. It'll be the death of him, Auntie, please!" She paused, seeing you just stare back at her; so she begged again, "Please!"
You nodded, "What do you want me to do, Nettie? Hmm?"
"You've told me those stories! I remember them well! You always said he came back for you, saved you from The Crabfeeder," she reminded, making you stiffen. "Does he not deserve the same? Or at least a chance? Rhaenyra will not help, she'll kill him herself I fear, but you can - you can help!"
You nodded, "I will consult the flames - "
"I am telling you - "
"I have heard you, girl!" You snapped, glaring at your Little Bird. "But there are greater forces at work than what you know, I cannot just so willfully trust the word of a child before flying off across the Narrow Sea. Allow me my time with my Lord, I will have an answer for you." Turning from her, you gathered whatever materials you could; setting it up in a small teepee before stepping back.
In High Valyrian, you gave your command. From over your shoulder, your beasty opened her mouth and shot a single flame at the structure.
On your knees, you muttered repeatedly; chanting, summoning your Lord of Light to come to you now in a great hour of need. And He did. Through the flames, you saw what R'hllor wanted to show you: the two Princes engaged in a brutally epic fight that would claim them both in the end...
Unless you left right that moment, as your Lord commanded.
"Make yourself safe, Nettles, go back home," you told her in a rush, catching the pouch of Gold Dragons she tossed you when you sprung into action - and for the first time, mounted your dragon. Like your minds were connected, the Great Shadow took to the sky - leaving Nettles and Sheepstealer behind, and you'd never see either again.
You remained high in the sky, being a blob to the naked eye should any dare to stare at the sun.
You only paused to let the Great Shadow dive into the Narrow Sea for a meal; surfacing with creatures in her jaws as you swam an exhausting broad stroke. Was it terrifying to swim in the open water? Absolutely, but your dragon seemingly kept any threats at bay. When she was satisfied with her meal, the Great Shadow scooped you onto her back and relaunched into the air again to continue your flight for Westeros. You both dried in the air.
The trip was draining.
It was grueling on you both.
Yet when you saw the distant shore, you couldn't help the spike of relief in your heart and veins.
Once in Westeros, you were forced to ground yourselves in the open area of the Stormlands because you needed to know where to go since Nettles hadn't been sure where to send you specifically. Using the usual thunderstorm as cover, you had to separate from the Great Shadow; leaving her in the dark as you ventured to the closest village.
With the pouch of Gold Dragons Nettles gave you, you paid for information that you needed. You were told all the nitty gritty details about the Dance of the Dragons that you've missed, understanding what (Nettles and) the Lord of Light had been trying to tell you for years: the Black Queen would be Prince Daemon's death.
The time had come for you to return his favor from the Stepstones. If this worked the way you wanted it to, you wouldn't be his first, second, nor third wife, but his fourth and final. You knew what you had to do.
"What do you know of their whereabouts?" You asked the innkeeper who wiped down the bar you leaned on.
"The Princes?" She asked, tisking right after. "The One Eyed Prince has been burning the Riverlands for almost two weeks now. The Rogue Prince was in Maidenpool but he's called his nephew to meet him at, uh, oh... Oh, bullocks, what's that haunted castle? The one that was torched?"
She snapped her fingers at you, "That's the one!"
"Fuckin' Hell," you muttered, wiping your eyes. "What's your thinking, love? 'Bout this war?"
She scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Stupidest thing I've endured so far. How silly, the House of the Dragon does not know who rules it, or so says our liege lord. So we must all pay their price in Fire and Blood."
You nodded slowly, "Who do you think holds the better claim t'the Throne?"
"Depends on your views," she muttered, "but in truth, it doesn't matter to me - so long as this all comes to an end. But between us?" She leaned in, glancing around before muttering, "The Bitch Queen would burn us all. Can't say if King Aegon would be much better, but at least we'd know what we were dealing with."
"And if he was another Maegor?"
"Can't be worse than the Black Queen. Hear they call her Maegor with Tits."
You smirked, chuckling lightly, "Thank you, ma'am, for your words." You offered her a few Gold Dragons, repeating, "Harrenhal?"
"Harrenhal," she nodded, accepting the payment. "I do not know if the One Eyed Prince will answer the Rogue Prince's challenge, but that is where he lures Prince Aemond - Harrenhal. Now, how's about a nice bowl of stew? You look drenched, love, and a bit skinny - you been eatin'?"
"Your kindness is refreshing in this shit-for-a-kingdom."
You winked at her and tapped the bar in parting before turning for the door, and into the rain you ventured once more. You didn't notice the cold, your Lord kept you warm and moving; finding the Great Shadow, mounting, and shooting off into the unknown sky again.
It wasn't easy directing a dragon without a saddle nor any stabilizing reins, yet your beast was something of a decently smooth fly. You minimally directed her as you went, but in truth, her instincts directed you both more than anything. When the storm broke, you were soon flying over charred scores of land; homes smoldering and burning, the wind spreading the embers and never letting the fire fully die out.
"The fuck..." You muttered, sitting up straight as you flew through the carnage. "Seven Hells, he burnt it all, didn't he?" You whispered, needing to hold onto the spinal ridges of your dragon to keep balanced. "Gods be good," you gaped at the damage beneath you.
The sun moved into position, getting ready to set when you heard the horrible screams of feuding dragons. You couldn't see Harrenhal yet, but you heard the fight, and then, as the sun began to set, there came flashes of bright firelight that lit the sky to a new level.
It was nearly the shade of daylight with the way the flames danced against the setting sun. You were desperate to get closer, and after directing the Great Shadow over a set of charred rolling hills, you finally had Harrenhal in sight. "Go! Go, please! That's them - we need t'get there!" You begged through a small sob of panic, and if possible, your dragon flew all the faster.
You were so close, yet felt so far.
The air trembled when the pair of dragons, Vhagar and Caraxes, collided in the sky once more. They grappled and snarled and shrieked and blew flames and gnashed their teeth and slashed their talons. You paid no mind to the pregnant woman standing on the shoreline of the lake they fought over, and instead, focused on your task; feeling as if you were moving on pure instinct and adrenaline.
The Great Shadow dove low to the lake's surface as Caraxes and Vhagar came barreling to the ground. It all happened too fast. As the two dragons fell, you saw one man - in black armor - leap from his crimson beast with his Valyrian sword winking in the dying light. Just as his arm extended to pierce Dark Sister into Aemond's blind eye, the dragons were tussling enough to turn over and forced Daemon off their hide.
You gasped as you reacted - no fucking thought to your actions.
As the Great Shadow glided over the surface of the Gods Eye lake, you were leaping off her back to launch into the air; tackling the Rogue Prince hard enough to disrupt his impact on the water's surface. You hit the water all the same, but instead of it being like hitting fresh pavement, it was a softer landing due to the Great Shadow's expert and quick maneuvering.
Two dragons hit the water, three human bodies; sending a wave of water higher than the towers of Harrenhal's fortress. It was a shock to land in something so wet and cold, but your adrenaline was stronger than any feeling of freezing water. Your arms kept an iron-clad lock around Daemon's unconscious waist, surfacing as the lake rippled and churned from impact; turning a seeping red from the open wounds on the dragon sinking into the depths.
Prince Aemond never surfaced, and years from now, he'd be found still chained to Vhagar's saddle with Dark Sister still stabbed through his skull. His Red Witch standing on shore couldn't save him, it appearing that your Lord preferred the Rogue Prince to the One Eyed.
Keeping Daemon afloat was difficult, but to your shock, you were being gently propelled forward to the shore by a fatally injured Caraxes. You encouraged him best you could, trying not to choke on the water splashing around your frantic forms. When you were able, you started heaving and dragging Daemon up the lake's embankment; the crimson dragon crawling out of the lake behind you, slowly, heading towards Harrenhal. You wanted to offer the loyal beast aid or comfort, but you were much too preoccupied with his master that was dead weight in the water's surf.
You trembled as you swiftly hoisted his dragon winged helmet off to leave bobbing in the surf; unhooked his armor, shucking it off him and compressing his chest rapidly - just like a fisherman taught you to do.
"C'mon," you grunted. "C'mon, Daemon, breathe - fucking breathe, damnit! Please, come back to me - don't do this. I just found you again, c'mon, my Prince, breathe. Breathe, Daemon, don't give up - not now, not on us! Don't give up on us, c'mon, my Prince, breathe, w-we finally have our time." Sobs wracked your form. "Breathe, Daemon, please! Please! I'm back - I finally found you, please, my love, breathe!"
You shoved harder into his breast bone with increased ferocity until water came suddenly spewing from his lungs. You heard the Great Shadow land in the near distance, turning Daemon on his side to help him breathe better; choking the water out. You spoke in relief, "There, there you go, c'mon, love, breathe! Thank fucking Gods, you're all right, you're okay, get it out - you're okay, just breathe, my love."
Daemon choked your name in pure disbelief, holding one of your wrists in a vice grip that only briefly concerned you. He panted and relaxed into the embankment, loosening his grip as he turned over to look up at you in shock and wonder. "How is this possible?" He wheezed.
"It's a bit of a long story," you teased softly, caressing his cheek. "Bit of a boring tale, 'M afraid."
"How? How is - how can this be?"
"You needed me," you explained, "thought I'd return the favor since you saved me all those years ago, huh? You got me out of the sea, I got you out of the lake - we're even, yeah?"
He still panted, only staring at you as if he couldn't believe himself. "You've not aged a day," he whispered.
You smiled, petting his cheekbone with your thumb daintly. "You need rest, reprieve, aid," you whispered.
"No, no," he gulped, "not when I just got you back. T-Tell me 's done. Tell me we're done being apart."
"You have a wife still, Daemon. She won't let you go, she wouldn't let us be together."
"Tell me what your flames say."
"Now you trust my flames?"
"When they bring you back to me, yes - oh, fuck yes, I'll believe whatever those fucking flames say. Please, love, for us - consult your flames, tell me what they've said."
You frowned, petting a soaking wet lock of hair from his forehead. Quietly, you whispered, "My Lord showed me what was to pass if I did not come for you... This war, this Dance of Dragons, would claim your life, Daemon. Your wife, your niece... She'll be the end of you, my Prince. You will not survive if you go back to her. Neither of you will survive this... My Lord has shown me that Rhaenyra will meet her end in flames, but following her will cost you your life in water," you glanced at the lake. "Not a death befitting of a Targaryen Prince."
"And now?"
"Now, she will fight her own battles for the first time," you whispered, "and I will return home, and you will make a choice."
He smirked, "We've gone lifetimes apart, like you said before."
"We have."
"I would not go another day," he coughed, wincing in pain. "I do not think I can fight anymore anyways, love. Please... Please."
Daemon never begged. You swallowed harshly, asking him, "No? No more fighting?"
"No," he agreed. "'M so tired, my sweet. I-I can't do this forever," he half-slurred, making you perk up slightly in attention. "Retirement sounds all too appealing now. Rumor will spread that neither Aemond or I lived, it'll be the perfect escape."
You nodded in agreement, flinching when a new voice screeched, "YOU BITCH!"
The pregnant woman you saw on shore stormed towards you, making you chuckle dryly as you had already foreseen this Alys Rivers - pregnant concubine of the One Eyed Prince Aemond and fellow Follower of R'hllor. Alys was unique in the sense that her training was decent enough to ensnare Aemond (it seemed), but not so decent that the Lord yet favored her.
She wasn't more than ten feet from you when the Great Shadow opened her mouth and showered the Red Witch in holy flames; an end she surely did not see coming - not that R'hllor would've showed her. This all caught Daemon's attention, who flinched slightly when he had to turn and look; not expecting the flames nor the beast.
Then his eyes drifted over the land, breathing hitching, and he sat up with a painful groan. "Daemon," you worried, but instead of trying to get him down, you helped him up.
You knew what he saw.
When at Caraxes' side, you helped Daemon lower to his knees at his dragon's head. He whimpered and moaned, belly slashed open, wing torn apart; bleeding out into the cold soil he rested on. The Great Shadow moaned gently in sympathy, lowering herself around you three to let you grieve in peaceful, protective privacy and ease Caraxes to his next life.
The moon was fully in the sky when the crimson bloodwyrm took his final breath with the ebony giant's flames to warm you all. You weren't sure what could be done, but Daemon was pressing a tender kiss to his dragon's head before turning to face you - a lost, confused, vulnerable look coating his features. "Come on, love," you eased gently, helping him to his feet; knowing a few ribs were shattered and probably his clavicle, too.
"Where will we go now?"
"Well, I have somewhere safe for us t'live," you grunted in assurance, wobbling a little under his weight. "But we need rest for tonight. Any ideas?"
"I doubt anyone will venture to Harrenhal this night, should be safe..."
You agreed, and together, you and Daemon settled in the empty castle with the Great Shadow resting on the outskirts of the Keep. She was too big for the interior of the courtyard, so, she was left outside with Caraxes' corpse as you and Daemon settled in the room he had commandeered.
"How is this possible? How can you be here?" He asked, holding your hips as you worked between his spread legs. Daemon had minimal supplies at the ready; hopping up on a work bench to let you care for his injuries and wounds. He watched your every move with a softening look. "I thought I wouldn't ever see you again, that I'd be cursed to only remember you in my dreams. Rhaenyra said I say your name a lot at night, when I sleep."
"I'm really here, Daemon, ease yourself," you offered an assuring grin, tending to the head wounds he obtained from the fight.
"Nettles," you repeated with a smirk. "She's one of my Little Birds, Daemon. It was not entirely coincidence she found you..."
"So she said," he frowned. "But how - "
"She told me you needed me," you smiled softly. "And when I consulted the flames, I was shown what could be. I made a decision, I just wanted you safe, no matter what that meant."
"I just want you. Fuck," he seethed, squeezing your hips, "'s been fucking decades since I've even touched you."
"You're delirious," you teased. "Sleep deprived, maybe concussed."
"Perhaps all at once, but I finally have all I've dreamt of. Please," he whispered, "do not deny us longer. I've endured lifetimes - "
"Daemon, being here and now, you know I can't walk away. But we've time t'talk it all out, I need you to let me help your wounds - so sit still."
He nodded, "One thing I do not understand, though - the dragon? How did you...?"
"Spent two years in Valyria, looking for her."
"Why were you there?"
"Searching for a dragon, of course," you smirked. "She's impressive, isn't she? And from her size, I wager she can easily support us both back across the Narrow Sea."
He grit his teeth when you cleaned his open cuts and wounds, wrapping whatever clean cloth you had around the larger wounds; easing him out of his tunic to have better access to the blackened ribs he sported. "Would you tell me?" Daemon whispered some time later.
"Of what?"
"Your life since the Stepstones?"
"Oh," you chuckled, "sweet love, you know it was dreadfully boring without you."
"Doesn't seem it, you being in Valyria two years? That's not heard of, what was it like? How'd you survive? Why go looking for a dragon?"
This lead to you both laying in bed, hands held together, resting, but not sleeping. You just spoke quietly, fingertips tracing idly over each other's faces; sharing in each others lives that the other missed, reminiscing together in fond memories.
When morning broke, you had to move swiftly. Caraxes was left where he laid and after a final parting to the loyal beast and commandeering his saddle, together, you and Daemon mounted the Great Shadow. She wasn't a fan of the restraints, but once you and Daemon were mounted, she did not fuss as it was evident you humans had an easier time with the leather contraption.
"I must confess," Daemon whispered in your ear, using you as an anchor and leaning into your back, "I fear I might feel something akin to guilt for fleeing home."
"That's natural," you assured, "you're leaving family behind, 's never easy."
"There was no winning this war," he admitted, sighing. "I lead so many to their death... Destroyed my family - "
"From what I have heard, this is not your doing," you argued sharply. "That night, when Aemond attacked Lucerys, what were you to do? Leave that kind of atrocity without consequence? No, that is not in the Targaryen's nature. You did not start this war, Daemon."
"But I knew..."
"You knew what?"
"I knew Jace, Luke, and Joffrey were Harwin Strong's, not Laenor Velaryon's. We thought if we married her sons to my daughters, nobody would care much else about lineage - but we were wrong."
"It's okay to be wrong," you promised, leaning your head back to let your forehead rest against his temple. "It's okay to make mistakes or have regret. Tell me, do you wish to return to your wife? I will take you now, no quest - "
"No. No, I do not wish to leave you. This is... This is Rhaenyra's war, I've done my part. I'm free and finally with whom I belong."
"Now it's time to heal," you told him.
"Time to rest," he agreed, squeezing your waist and placing a few kisses to your neck. "This is where I should've been all this time... After the Stepstones, I should've stayed with you, none of this would've come to pass. I regret leaving you everyday - "
"I told you, for us to get here, to this point, now, we had to separate. But look where we are," you smiled back at him, the Great Shadow soaring higher in the sky to keep Westeros at a distance, "we will not be apart again. 'S you and me, love... Until our end, which we will greet together."
Daemon's lips found yours at long last, whispering, "Together," against them before sweeping his tongue against yours.
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The port was lovely this time of day, sun high in the sky to give light to the fishermen and vendors hard at work. Sailors made port, calms were being shucked, different Aristocats trying to barter and trade on their journeys abroad. You smiled at the people you passed, grateful to be home after a prolonged absence; arm looped tight with Daemon's as you both strolled the pier.
"It's hard to imagine you've done all this in a lifetime or less," he mused, a hand folded over yours, dressed in the best clothes you could find. "It's s marvel, my sweet," his compliment was sincere.
"Thank you," you whispered, hugging his arm as your skirts swished around your ankles, just tickling your bare feet. "This season's expected to be bountiful," you told him, pointing to the various teams bringing crustaceans, fish, and other sea life in different crates and traps. "I expect there won't be much of an off-season."
He glanced around, "And you don't collect taxes?"
"Why would I?" You scoffed. "We're more dynamic than that. Everyone works for their place, if you wanted to think of it that way. They are not expected to contribute, but the village seems happier that way. Being close knit, helping one another, sharing wealth. No one person has complained, so, I figure it's working so far. Even if it didn't work, I still wouldn't charge them taxes - it'd be like charging them to live. Always seemed silly t'me."
"Morning, Mistress!"
"Morning, Don," you beamed, leading Daemon towards the dock. "How are you, kind sir? Looks as if you've been working all day already."
"Aye, up before the sun," he nodded, wiping his forehead with his sleeve. "Wanted t'thank yah, actually."
"Yeah, yeah, with that dragon? We're hauling in more ships," he chuckled, and just overhead, the Great Shadow glided over them all to head out to sea to fetch another round of ships. "Gets us out there quick, brings us back when done, 's like a wee bit of an assembly line, ain't it?"
You chuckled, "Sounds like it, friend. Uh, Don, have I introduced you to my husband?"
"Husband?" Don grinned, cocking his head, "No, Mistress, I wasn't aware you even had a suitor. Mariam don't tell me much gossip these days," he snickered, referring to his wife. "It's nice t'meet you," he told Daemon, "name's Don, just Don - no, it ain't short for nothin'."
Daemon smirked some, shaking the man's fishy hand boldly, "A pleasure, Don, Just Don."
"Oh, this one's got a bit uh humor, don't he?" Don laughed lightly. "What's your name, lad?"
"Daemon?" A voice answered for you all, and just above you, a little further on the pier, stood an aged Laenor Velaryon.
"Excuse us, Don," you spoke swiftly, confusion marring your features. He understood or sensed the slight tension, backing off to let you approach the "dead" knight.
"Oh, my - Y/N," Laenor breathed, another aged man at his side with what you assume to be his children. No question could be asked yet as your old friend launched himself into your arms, laughing merrily, giving you a tight squeeze with his still-toned arms. "Oh, the Gods are good for this!" He laughed, rocking you slightly, "Oh, how the Seven bless us."
"You're so dramatic," you laughed back, patting him happily until he pulled back. "But I must confess, I am so fucking confused - what is this? How are you here? I thought you died, Laenor, that's what ever spy reported."
"They should've," he nodded, glancing at Daemon, "but perhaps, the explanation will be better received after some wine?" He caressed your cheek in affection before looking at your husband, nodding, "It's good to see you again, my Prince. Or is it King Consort?"
"Neither, just Daemon," he corrected, your heart soaring a little at the idea that he would abandon his title so easily. Yet you knew, there was nothing to go back to for him.
"Well, how about I introduce my family?"
"Family?" You grinned, seeing him present the others.
"My husband," he gestured, giving his name. "And our kids," he introduced the other three.
"How?" You asked simply.
"We found a Red Priest who was willing to officiate the ceremony," Laenor explained, "and the kids were sired by different mothers, too."
"Whores," the husband smiled.
"Huh," you nodded in impression. "Well, perhaps wine is best to hear that tale, as well?"
"Perhaps," Laenor grinned. "Uh, but first, we should find accommodations - "
"Oh, come off it, you're staying with us," you waved. "Your belongings?"
"This is it," he half-shrugged, you eyeing the few rucksacks around their feet, neck, shoulders... "We heard of the prosperity here, thought it was worth the move."
"How right you are," Daemon answered. "Come, old friend." He picked up a few sacks for the kids and you looped your arm with Laenor's to lead the way. How good it was to have your friend back, your husband at your side, and a functioning, happy village with your placement amongst them most important... Everything you could've wished for, it seemed, came true.
And in your womb, a Dragon Seed was planted; soon to make its announcement known. Truly, a happier ending than you thought deserved - but R'hollr worked mysteriously, blessing those deemed worthy to spread his flames.
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requesting rules and masterlist
HOTD masterlist
note: i'm not the happiest with this piece, so i'll most definitely (probably) write an alternative when the time comes and the show does the Battle. y'all know me by now, you know i love me a good ol' reader-insert and i didn't want to wait years to publish some kind of sequel so here we are.
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hitchell-mope · 3 months
The whole being dead thing by Hades, Persephone, Persey, Hadie, Pain and Panic.
Hades: Hey, folks! Begging your pardon
Hadie (forcing his way past the dead to stand next to his father): 'Scuse me, sorry to barge in
Persephone: Now let's skip the tears and start on the whole
Persey: Y'know, "being dead" thing
Hades: You're doomed, enjoy the singing
Persey: The sword of Damocles is swinging
Persephone: And if I hear your cell-phone ringing
I'll kill you again
Hadie: The whole "being dead" thing
Hades: Death can get a person stressed
Persey: You should have carpe'd way more diems
Hadie: Now you’re never gonna see 'em
Hades: I can show you what comes next
Hadie: So don't be freaked
Persey: Stay in your seats
Persephone: I do this bullshit, like, eight times a week
Hades: So just relax, you'll be fine
Persey: Drink your fifty-dollar wine
Hadie: And take a breath
Pain and Panic: Welcome to a show about death
(Hadie is dressed like Bert in the chalk painting and strumming a ukulele)
Hades: You're
You're gonna be fine
On the other side
Persey (dressed like a punk rocker and headbanging): Die! You're all gonna die!
You're all gonna die!
Hadie (still strumming the ukulele): I'll, I'll be your guide
To the other side
Pain and Panic:Though in full disclosure
It's a show about death
(Hades pulls a lever and the gondola falls down a level)
Hadie: Everybody gets on fine here
Persephone: Like Rodgers, Hart, and Hammerstein here
Hades: The women's bathroom has no line here just
Persey: Pee where you want,
Hades: the whole "being dead" thing
Persephone: You're just gonna love the folks here
Hadie: Yeah, I know you're “woke”, but you can take a joke here
Persephone: And every show I do, like, a ton of coke here
The whole,
(She snorts a mile long line of cocaine)
the whole "being" dead thing!
Hades: Nobody is bullet-proof
Persey: You worked out,
Hadie: You ate clean!
Persephone (pinching the bridge of her nose): Jesus, pass the Dramamine
Hades: Time to face the brutal truth
Pain and Panic: Dies Irae
Hades: 'Cause you were on our hit list
Persephone: You didn’t live 'till Christmas
Persey: Or choked to death on Triscuits
Hadie: Hey, that just statistics
Hades: So take a little break here
Persephone: Kinda like a wake here
Persey: The scenery is fake here
Hadie: But there's some giant snakes here!
(Pain and Panic turn into hydras to scare the dead)
The Pantheon’s: Welcome to a show about death!
(Hades is on a stage and dressed like a sleazy lounge singer)
Hades: You're, you're gonna be fine
(Everybody applauds him)
Hades: Thank you!
On the other side
How you doin'?
(Helga Sinclair bursts into tears of terror)
Hades: Oh, not good!
(He scats a little)
Hades: I'll,
I’ll be your guide
To the other side
Persephone: Seriously, though, this is a show about
(She pulls a leaver and the gondola falls down yet another level)
Pain and Panic (flying overhead and irritating the dead): Death is taboo, but it's hardly something new
There's nothing medical professionals can do
'Cept maybe just bill you
Hades: If you die while listening to this demo
It's still gonna keep playing
Pain and Panic: There's no destiny or fate
Just a terrifying wait
Filled with people that you hate
And on a certain date, the universe kills you!
Hades: That's the thing with life
No one makes it out alive
Persephone: Toss that body in the pit
Persey: Gosh, it's awful,
Hadie: ain't it tragic?
Hades: Blah, blah, "Bible Jesus" magic
Persephone: When you're dead, who gives a shit?
Persey: No pilates, no more yoga
Hadie: Namaste, you freakin' posers
Hades: From the cradle to cremation
Pain and Panic: Dies Irae
Persey: Death just needs a little conversation
Persephone: I have mastered the art
Pain and Panic: Dies Irae
Persey: Of tearing convention apart
Pain and Panic: Dies Irae
Hadie: So, how about we all make a start
Pain and Panic: Dies Irae
Persephone (writing to the north corner): On the whole
Hades (twirling to the south corner): being
Persey (twirling to the west corner): dead
Hadie (twirling to the east corner): thing
The Pantheon’s: God, I hope you're ready for a show about death!
(They flush the gondola and its occupants down into the depths of Tartarus)
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royalstranded · 13 days
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was in the embassy when the outbreak happened.
lost two of his children that were with him at the time. the other child was last known to still be in serbia. wife ended up missing.
has a sword he took from the embassy and a bow.
bodyguard died.
encountered the group when they were raiding a place near where he was holed up in. saved elijah from being overwhelmed by zombies. joined the group.
more tba.
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animechoron · 11 months
I’m looking for truly filthy, delusional posts to add to my collection. Something similar to this depraved nonsense.
Text: oh my fucking God I wanna make him nut till he cries I wanna have him bend me over a table and eat me out I want him to lick every nook and cranny of my body I want him to handle me how he handle them swords I was his tounge up my ass I want him to breed me I was his nut in my ass my throat and my kewchie at one I was bro to get me pregnant I want him to fuck me till I'm purple and blue if bros into scat he could piss on my face he could honestly piss in me l'd do flips on his dick I'd suck all how old is he 28 l'd suck all 28 years off life out of his balls imma milk him of everything he got in his balls I'd let him fuck me while I'm on my period I'm not a period sex person but gawd I'd let him rainbow kiss me I honestly want him to stick a sword handle in me and go in and out till I bust on it and he licks it off I want him to fuck me anywhere and everywhere Walmart lets go target hun okay bet omfg he could take the mouth part of his mask his fuck me senseless I want him to chain me Up and eat me out till I'm blue in the face I want him everything I'd make porn videos with him I honestly want him to treat me like his personal sex toy I want him to take me and spin me around on his dick I want him to tie me up and fuck me I want him to eat my ass he could whip my ass I want him to fuck me and slap my ass I'd do anything with this man. And I mean anything and I mean let him piss in my mouth I wanna use his nut as my face cream my shampoo and my toothpaste i want him to bruise my throat I want to let him devour me like a 4 course meal want him to whip it out so I can get to work on it I want him to slither in my ass like a snake I want him to drop me on his dick like omg I want to grip his dick like a tampon I want him to ride his nose I'd let him fist me I'd let him fuck me in the middle of a room snake I want him to drop me on his dick like omg I want to grip his dick like a tampon I want him to ride his nose I'd let him fist me I'd let him fuck me in the middle of a room full of people I want him to play miss Mary mack inside this ass I want him to spread my cheeks and shove his face him my ass I need him I'm craving him my kewchie is literally beating be of how bad it wants him he makes me so ngh I need him in me in every hole on my body I need him all in me immediately. #jujutsukaisen #gojo #satoru #gojousatoru #jik #jk
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pokenimagines · 2 years
Submission Guidelines
Request Template:
In order to make things easier, please copy and paste one of these six templates depending on what you're requesting. I ask that you use this so that not only will I have a clear view of what you want, but so people reading my content will be able to make an informed decision if they would like to read the contents of the request: (Bolded words are for you to fill out)
Platonic SFW Character | Headcanons | Request Information
Platonic SFW Character | Fic | Request Information
Romantic SFW Character | Headcanons | Request Information
Romantic SFW Character | Fic | Request Information
NSFW Character | Headcanon | Request Information
NSFW Character | Fic | Request Information
Character = The name of the character I'll be writing for.
Request Information = What you're wanting me to write. If you don't fill this out, I will delete. Don't just state a character, I need something to go off of.
Romantic vs Platonic = How you want me to go about the request. Will I be writing them in a romantic or a platonic way.
If you want to gush about characters or say something to me personally in a request, you're more than welcome. Just state the request beforehand.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or Queenie on our main blogs @salticart and @queeniesrose or ask in the inbox. Queenie and I aren't able to DM on this blog as it's a joint account.
Things I will write:
NSFW (All NSFW posts will be tagged "Spicy Salt", so if you don't wish for this content to appear on your feed, block that tag).
Romantic Relationships (This will be for 18+ characters only)
Friendship/Platonic Relationships (I will write for the minors of the series with these relationships exclusively)
Found Family Dynamics (Can be for any character)
Soft Yandere (If it gets into anything that is iffy and goes into the Non-Con/Dub-Con category, then I won't write it)
List of Scarlet/Violet Characters
List of Sword and Shield Characters
List of Sun and Moon Characters
List of Legends of Arceus Characters
Things I won’t write:
Romanticizing Underaged Characters: I will age up characters for certain requests, however if it involve anything romantic or sexual on a character that is canon underaged, then I will not be writing it. I understand a lot of the games don't state character ages, but there's some characters that you just know are underaged.
Non-con or Dub-con
Suicide/Self harm, eating disorders, mentions of rape. Mainly things that can trigger people or myself!
DDLG, Water sports, Scat, I refuse to write it so never ask.
Pet play of any kind (including puppy play, kitten play, pony play, etc) [NO HORSES]
Things referring to kids or pregnancy, or being parents. I know it’s a weird one but I have a bit of a phobia of children and such due to my job so I’d prefer not to write that stuff.
Disabilities: I don't think I can accurately write for a disability that I do not have, and I don't want to misrepresent serious topics. In order to stop this from happening, I choose not to write it.
I know there’s more when I remember them I’ll update this!
Things to keep in mind:
- I'm more likely to write your request if you put in the proper formatting that is at the top of the post.
- When sending in a request, please only do one character. It takes me a lot longer to do multiple characters at a time, and clogs up the ask box. So one character per request. Thank you!
- Please do not ask for a specific gender. I do non binary to keep it all inclusive. If it's for a smutty story, I will be writing two versions if what's in the pants is absolutely necessary. There’s plenty of gendered imagines out there, I want everyone to feel included. Hella hard when you’re non-binary or the opposite gender and you’re trying to read an imagine with a gender you don’t identify with.
- If I’m uncomfortable with a request at all, and it’s anonymous, I’ll just delete it. So if you sent an interesting request that ends up not being written, please don’t send it in again. I don’t delete anything unless I refuse to write it.
- If you sent in a request when they’re closed, I will also be deleting said request. You can always resend it in once they’re open. This is to just help keep my box as clear as possible so I can focus on what needs to be done. Don’t ask me to keep it in the box for when they open up again. That’s counter intuitive to my box being closed and makes me a bit upset.
- If I have an imagine already written but it doesn’t include the characters you like, you can always send and ask for a continuation with the characters you like, I’ll be more than happy to do so!
- It might take a while to get to certain imagines. I work a full-time job and and run another writing blog for Twisted Wonderland, so I'm vey busy.
- You can request more than one thing, I don’t mind, just don’t send me a list of 100 things to write, please.
- If you happen to find a list of prompts you’d think would be fun for me to go through, send it to me. I’ll totally do requests off prompt lists
Discord Server
Hello everyone! As the new games have been released we wanted to do an ad for our discord server! We have been revamping the server in hopes of creating a better experience for all who join and that we will get some new friends!
We do have some rules for the server, along with a few perks. This includes:
To join the server, you MUST be at least 16 years of age.
Similar to here, anything underage/pedophilia related will not be tolerated.
No transphobic/homophobic/terf behavior will be tolerated.
Advanced notice of when the inbox is open!
Reward roles! With a bot we have in the server, the more you level up through chatting, the more cosmetic roles you can get. (This is new, and will go live after games are released.)
For those who RP or are interested in trying out RP for the first time, we will be revamping our RP section. We hope to get this more active again.
Besides the Pokémon related stuff, we have also have a writers section and an artist section for you to share your work!
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spicy-moths · 11 months
You may know me from my SFW blog @mothgodofchaos. Here is an adult space where anyone with no age/underage in their bio will be blocked. If you want SFW content, go to my other blog.
As of right now, I have no intention on doing requests on here. If you don't have a way to contact me that isn't through here, you don't have the right to make a request. I will do whatever sin comes to mind, and it's probably going to be targeted at a specific person. However, you are still welcome to send in thoughts or ideas you've been rotating, and I may answer them with a little drabble. That is to my discretion.
Additionally, as is with my SFW blog, I do not do RP content of any type, especially not through Tumblr.
DNI if you don't have the ability to treat someone with kindness regardless of their ability, race, sexuality, gender, etc. Or are a minor.
All kinks and such will be in the warnings. Pay attention to what is there, and simply do not read something if you're not into it. It's not that deep.
Shit I will not write: underage, preg/childbirth, age play, bestiality, SH, incest, WS/scat, hard pet play, rape
Consent is sexy, y'all.
Masterlist Headcanons Recommendations Tags below:
Actor: #sassy snakelet Darkiplier: #monochromatic master Google: #sixteen wires Heehoo: #fifteen foot hunter Illinois: #crass cave explorer Murdoch: #meat sword stabber Necromancer: #mystic crystal cuffs Yancy: #restraint repurposer
Antisepticeye: #kinky knifey boy Marvin: #magic finger man
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ofwolfandmuses · 2 years
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Is that [RYAN GUZMAN]? No, that’s [SOLOMON VOLONTE]. The [31] year old [ALPHA] [CIS-MALE] is a [CAREGIVER] in the [SABRE] pack. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be [GOOD-NATURED] & [CALM], but they urge you to be cautious, because they’re also known to be [DISTANT] & [DISTRUSTING]. Their friends also say that they’re into [ROUGH SEX, ORGASM DENIAL, BREEDING, INTIMACY] but don’t even think about trying [SCAT, GORE] with them.
Name: Solomon Volonte
Nicknames: Sol
Age: Thirty-One
Secondary Gender: Alpha
Occupation: Caregiver in the Sabre pack
Height: 6′1
Weight: 217 pounds
Build: Athletic
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Shaved/Trimmed/Natural: Slightly hairy
Wolf Color: White, with brown on the nose
Wolf Size/Build: Slighter larger than average in both size and build
Kinks: Rough sex, Casual Sex, Marking, Pump and Dump, Choking (giving), Power Bottoming, Intimacy
Anti-Kinks: Feet, Age-Play, Mutilation, Humiliation (receiving)
Life for Solomon Volonte had never been easy – at least, for the first portion of his life. Ever since he had been squirted into his dame’s belly, and subsequently left on the doorstep of an orphanage, he’s had to fight tooth and nail to get what he wanted. Pickpocketing people as they passed in the streets, begging for scraps, fighting the older kids to keep what was his… Many would assume that such a harsh upbringing would leave the wolf to be easily-angered, one triggered by the tiniest emotion, but the truth was, that was hardly the case for Solomon. Sure, the wolf was often finding himself in fights, but not because he was instigating them. No, instead he found himself stepping in for some of the younger wolves, despite being not much larger than a bean pole, and fought the older pups off and protected them. It was during one of these instances, though, that he caught the attention of a nobleman – a retired knight – and when asked where his parents were, he told him the truth… he didn’t have any.
The nobleman took him in, then, and brought him to his mate where he was given the first meal he didn’t have to defend from other kids, the first meal that was made with fresh ingredients and not rotten food or anything that had been pitched, and as he ate, he was asked if he would like to live with them, as their son. They began to explain that they had tried to have pups for awhile now, but they just couldn’t and the knight had been heading to a healer to see if he was the problem when he saw Solomon and thought to take the boy in. And while Solomon was certainly not the youngest pup at the orphanage, as he was eleven years old, he agreed – on one condition, that they also take in a younger pup that was born blind, one that he had taken a strong interest in protecting. Seeing the kindness in Solomon’s heart, the nobleman agreed and from that day on, Solomon found himself with a last name – Volonte.
With two loving parents to watch after him and his younger brother, Solomon began to thrive and grow. He was enrolled in reading lessons, taught sword-play by his father, and even learned how to cook with his mother. And with his kind heart and calm personality and protective nature, many couldn’t help but think that when Solomon grew up, he would grow into an Omega as he seemed to exhibit all of the signs one would expect of such a wolf. But on the eve of his twenty-second nameday, he awoke in a rut and shook away every assumption made to him. But despite his presentation, he didn’t let it affect him. Instead he remained the same kind boy, the same wolf that wanted to help others and ensure that they were looked after… but what did affect him was something quite simple. Omegas. The nobleman had wanted to set him up with an Omega to mate with, someone to raise his station and ensure that Solomon’s children wouldn’t know the same upbringing he had, and while Solomon wanted nothing more than to make him happy… He wasn’t sure an arranged mating was the way to do it. Eventually he argued with his father, telling him that he was happy to meet with the omega children of his noble friends but that he would decide who he would marry, and they were happy to settle on that agreement, but that Solomon must marry by the time he turned 30.
There were a great many Omegas out there, and Alphas too, that he found himself mesmerized by but there was one in particular that had drawn his eye more than most. He was an Omega that seemed to care very little about the Alpha, one that didn’t swoon or whine at a single flash of Solomon’s dimpled smile, but he always seemed to come back. Solomon wasn’t quite sure why, just that it must’ve been because the Omega wanted him. Every time that the Omega spent time with Solomon, the more that Solomon found himself falling deeper and deeper, and eventually, the two were wed just a month shy of Solomon turning thirty.
For a year, things seemed to be great. They were happy and they looked like they had the kind of marriage you’d want yours to be like, but Solomon soon learned that things weren’t what they seemed. One evening, after attending one of his father’s parties, the Alpha returned to the home he shared with his mate to find the scent of sex strong in the air and another scent, one of an Omega, clinging to the Omega’s skin. But instead of getting into a fit of rage, instead of getting angry at the Omega, Solomon left and headed to the local tavern… only to show up to their home, hours later and completely inebriated, to find their house up in flames. Panic shot through him and he quickly hurried into the house despite the flames that licked at the walls, and he found his mate’s body. With his strength, he worked on getting his mate out of the house but it was too late, and as he loomed over his mate’s body, one of his neighbors approached and immediately assumed the worse – that Solomon had been responsible for this kill, that the poor orphan that the Volonte’s took in still had some of the streets left in him and that he killed his mate for cheating on him. And despite his pleas, and the burns on his body, his neighbor didn’t believe him.
He left before the sheriff could come and arrest him.
Finding Athos had just been by luck. Sure, he had heard stories of the village, but he had never actually cared enough to find out where it was. Following a group of travelers, he managed to make his way to the city… only to find them in the throes of celebration, celebrating the day that they had left a tyrant city. Frankly, Solomon wasn’t quite sure and he didn’t care, but upon arriving, the three packmasters allowed to give him asylum after they listened to his story, and when they asked him how he’d be able to contribute to their way of life? He looked over at the children playing and pointed in their direction, a fond smile upon his face.
Children had always been something he had a soft spot for, he said, and he promised that the children of Athos would not be treated like the children in the orphanage he grew up in had been treated. And while the younger pups may have been frightened of his scars, he was quick to become a favorite among the older pups, often playing with wooden swords or tag around the village. But as he plays with the pups, there’s one thought in the back of his mind, and it’s that he can’t wait to have kids of his own.
He just isn’t sure he’s ready to open himself up for love. Not after his heart was causing him both the feelings of betrayal and grief that he was still plagued by.
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free-my-boy-grumbot · 2 years
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year in review woah
I posted 1,740 times in 2022
That's 1,333 more posts than 2021! remember when i would only post 3 times per day? yea that was pathetic
166 posts created (10%)
1,574 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most (i love how its only hermitcraft blogs)
Most used tags or smthn
#cameron monologues - 65 posts
#hhh - 55 posts
#hermitcraft - 49 posts
#[deadname] monologues - 48 posts
#mcyt - 33 posts
#grian - 22 posts
#dream smp - 21 posts
#relatable - 21 posts
#dsmp - 19 posts
#danganronpa - 19 posts
broo my mf tumblr tags deadnamed me
Longest Tag: 87 characters
#no wonder you don’t read that often mf you’ve never felt a single emotion while reading
that was me slandering ppl who dont read angst
My Top Posts in 2022:
MAGIC USERS AND THEIR DEFINITIONS (because i’m mentally unwell and needed something cool to research)
FOREWARNING: In this, I do say that “witch” and “wizard” are not gendered terms and witches are different from wizards. This is literally just my headcanon (for lack of a better word). Most fantasy media does say that they are the 2 magic genders, but it’s my post and i’m going with the definition that I like.
Abjurer: Specifically deals in protective spells and the suppression of others’ magic.
Alchemist: Focuses on potion making, chemistry and alchemy (I know, shocker).
Artificer: Magic craftsmen. They do not cast spells, and instead can infuse objects with magic (such as a sword or wand).
Bard: Casts divine magic using their music and charisma.
Cleric: Their magic is a favour from the Gods to them. They pray at the beginning of the day every day to get their powers.
Chiromancer: Specialises in palmistry or fortune telling.
Diviner: Uses magic to foresee or predict future events or to discover hidden knowledge.
Druid: Wields nature-themed magic. Like clerics, they get their magic from the gods.
Enchanter: A general name for someone who uses magic.
Hydromancer: Specifically focuses on controlling water or liquid.
Illusionist: Uses magic to create illusions. Also known as evokers or conjurers.
Mage: Similar to the sorcerer, but instead of relying on willpower and instinct, they are more uniform, while sorcerers are more on the creative side.
Necromancer: Specifically focuses on reanimation of the dead.
Oneiromancer: Specifically focuses on dreams and prediction of the future.
Pyromancer: Specifically focuses on controlling fire.
Sorcerer: Does not learn magic, and instead has it within them. This can be, for example, because it is in their bloodline.
Warlock: Gains magic from a divinity or higher power. The magic equivalent of fucking your teacher for grades.
Witch: Does magic that is particularly focused on plants, herbs, healing, and cooking. Witches mostly make potions and have familiars (most commonly cats, frogs/toads, rats or ravens)
Wizard: Learns magic from books and study. Many also have staffs, wands, or another means of casting spells.
Let me know if i missed anything!
585 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
ah, the magic gender discourse post
886 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
i could have just put all the actual song titles
every will wood song
[scatting] babygirl i am severely mentally ill
932 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
whys it always the will wood posts fr
wait so you guys know how the hermit species is canonically short? and how they all keep calling bdubs short? i like to think bdubs is only a tiny bit smaller than the rest of them. like, not enough for an average person to notice but enough for the hermits to notice. i’m just picturing like
Grian (literally tiny compared to Joel): lmao bdubs is so short am i right
Joel (an 11-foot-tall god that can’t see the difference between them): uh. yeah lmao imagine.
2,026 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
this one was unexpected fr
My #1 post of 2022
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2,735 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
god every time i see this post i remember the person who said that scarian had more content than grumbo and i dont wanna engage in Shipping Discoure because im mature and have grown out of shipping wars but someone actually fucking hold me back. you come into MY house-
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-pen-in-my-hand · 5 years
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Scat personals évora and scat personals Maarianhamina
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livingalifeofasimp · 3 years
Incurable Love
➳ Dynasty Au
➳ Warning : This content contains Yandere themes if you are sensitive please refrain yourself from reading it. This is purely for entertainment purpose, arts and pictures are not mine credits to respective owners, only the content is mine.
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❖ You leap through the time to some dynasty and found yourself in the dark forest sunlight scatting through the leaves, on waking up you saw yourself surrounded by some men, the look on their faces made you feel some kind of outsider. They were dressed in traditional wear layers of clothes warped around them secured with leather belts, long hairs, head decorated with pretty accessories.
❖A man came forward glaring, your clothing style made them even more suspicious of you " What is your name? Who sent you here?", Starling you with his strict voice pointing a beautifully crafted weapon yet deadly in your direction that you assumed was sword. "Is this some kind of sick joke, some social experiment Hahah I ain't falling for this", you shouted looking around you for hidden cameras where are they? Other than that, it's illegal to bring people without their consent.  
❖"Stop fooling around answer or die" something in his voice told you this all wasn't a joke as he put his sword near your neck. You cut your skin slightly in the attempts to push the sword away realizing it's not a play. "Do you wanna die so much?, General she doesn't look like an assassin", a young looking guy came forward, "Suspicious, everything about her is suspicious, her words, her clothes, her etiquettes, which country are you from?", Everything felt wrong you took a step back ready to run for your life while they argued with each other.
❖Your heartbeat accelerated as you ran faster than anything to save your ownself, curiously you turned your head and saw an arrow shooted towards you, subconsciously a scream left your mouth before you were pinned by the sharped arrow on the woods. "How bold are you?", General guy mocked you already on his way to grab your neck.
❖"Stop what's is this chaos for?", A deep commanding voice stopped him, he kneel down and bowed followed by all the other guys. "A sceptical girl has appeared, your majesty", he reported to the tall man dressed in all the luxury who made eye contact with yours, you adverted your eyes not wanting to offend these dangerous men after glaring at him. "Is this?", The man bend down and grabbed your chin to get a full view of your face, to find out from where you are.
"I believe people don't want to die unreasonable deaths I will ask you once where are you from?",
 "I am from South",
❖You lied through your teeth making an innocent face these sharp men, hopping to not get caughted by them, his face held a cold expression clearly not showing whatever is going in his mind. "South? From felecoia island?, You hurriedly nodded your head after all you wanted was to get away from them and find your way back. "Why are you here?", "Work I need money to eat", you babbled out anything that could at least save you from his threatening presence. He was surprised, your clothing did amused him, even tho your speaking lacked manners according to the era.
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❖You were forced on Emperor Zhongli's laps reminiscing, if you would have not said the things that you said would you be somewhere else in life, why did it ended up like this?. "What are you thinking about? Today is my birthday, you should be enjoying", he said playing with your silky hair,  you looked at the other side of the hall court officials drinking wine, enjoying, young girls dancing who were selected by the empress dowager so that Emperor Zhongli could choose one of them to be his wife or concubines on his birthday as gift, girls of powerful and influence families, beautiful and perfect in literature were dressed in a seductive way to win Emperor's heart but here he is looking at you with his heart eyes demanding your affection.
❖His face buried in your shoulders leaving kisses and smelling your intoxicating smell that always manages to calm him down, as you try pushing his body away with your hands that he took in his slowly intertwing, pulling your form closer, his left hands encircled your waist as he deepens the kiss running with passion as if he wants you to feel all his love towards you, his overwhelming love and desire that he can't hold back. Noble women looks at you with envy warning you to not get closer to the guy that they love.
❖Zhongli holds your hand to make you walk along side with him which was not done by any other Emperor before. Zhongli knows its wrong but he wants you to love him, piecing pain passes through his heart whenever you say you won't love him, leaving him at the verse of crying. Sometimes his love, loneliness, caring and gentle personality towards you melts your heart but his tendency to get jealous easily in small things makes you think otherwise seeing you pet an animal, he pushes it way and put his head in your lap asking you to caress his hair instead, trying to keep you closer to him all time and hugs you without your consent, making you think maybe it's a good choice to stay with him since you are not able to find your way back home.
❖Whenever you mention your timeline he holds you tight in his embrace afraid to let go so that you won't disappear. Zhongli do not show you his darker side, killing officials or their daughters and maids who plot against you on the spot, cutting their wives, husbands, concubines, sons and daughters' tongue but he isn't afraid to show you his clingingness, holding you down in his bed with him and making you his hugging pillow, trying to win your affection by showing you his pityfull and pathetic, lonely self. Surprising you that the most powerful Emperor who won each battles and states kneel infront of you begs and threatens you to love him.
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❖You remember the time when you said, you liked cherry blossoms in one of your friendly lunches with Emperor, the next day you saw your backyard filled with exotic beautiful cherry blossoms trees making your jaw drop, unbelievable how did he managed to do such thing. 
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❖"My lady do you like it?, it's specially designed for you, each patterns are threaded perfectly, Royal tailors had spent sleepless nights to make this masterpiece asked by the Emperor", a representative tailor girl said as she carefully put the luxurious red robe around you looking for some mistaken errors trying not to displease the ruthless Emperor. Suddenly guards announced his arrival which caused head maids to retreat back, bow down and leave the chamber immediately as Zhongli springed towards you, trapping you in a hug.
❖"You look so beautiful my Empress, this should be enough", you tried to moved away from him "Empress who?, I am not any Empress", Zhongli poked your cheeks "Quit joking my love", he walked around you and stopped behind you causing you to be nervous who knows what he is planning?, Zhongli caressed your back or rather the pattern design, thread made of gold, it's Dragon's symbol which symbolizes protection, power, luck and wisdom most importantly possession of Emperor, with this on, no one will dare to come closer to you or lay their eyes on you and disrespecting you would be equal to violating Emperor's order, the punishment served will be execution, it's a simple warning to everyone.
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❖Zhongli's touch caused you to jump and due to reflex you turned around to look at him, just what is this man thinking?. Zhongli grabbed your right wrist and pulled you to him making you clash against his hard toned chest, he affectionately caressed your left cheeks too drunk in your view to realize your struggles and kissed your right cheek lovingly before whispering in your ears with his deep husky voice a templating offer, "Be mine, let me love you and I will give everything you want, you are the only one I need, I am not asking much, my Goddess please be kind to me, grant me the chance to get your love, your precious than any treasure I own", before enveloping you in a desperate hug.
❖When he hugs you so affectionately but securely telling you how much he loves you that he can kill anyone, forcing you to promise that you will never leave his side whenever he finds out about your escape attempts from the shadow guards, dangerous then any other trained soldier who were assigned to guard you more like to prevent you from escaping, no wonder you always get caughted some or the other way each time you try.
❖You where gazing at all the other princes ( Emperor's brothers) gathered in imperial garden who knew they looked so handsome when Zhongli turned your face towards him by holding your chin with his index fingers " Your Highness.....what?", his angry face scared you after all he can execute anyone he wants "Go inside and wait for me", stealing a delicious view away from you "But", "Show her way inside", he commanded your maids who draged you inside.
"You should be my concubine"
"No way I will never share my husband with anyone I want to be his only wife and him to be my only husband".
❖You smiled to yourself satisfyingly he got no chance other than to leave you but instead of seeing a disappointed Zhongli you saw a blushing Zhongli, his Chief assistant was shocked who immediately turned his head in some other direction to not get his eyes plug out by the tyrant.
❖"How can I be so stupid, you shall be my only wife and be mine forever I shall be yours forever my dear wife", Zhongli said taking your left hand in his long pretty muscular hands and kissed your ring finger as your smile disappeared realizing that you digged your own grave.
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puppygirlrowan · 2 years
hi im rowan 💕
stuff about me:
- im a (cis) girl and I go by she/her! im ✨queer✨ and I like a lot of stuff.
- Asks are welcome, as are DMs (for now), but pls be aware I am not here to find partners, and I will block you if you’re gross. Please no genital/nude pics or detailed fantasies involving me without asking me first.
- I DO sell content!!!! I have lots of pics and videos for $ale and I am open to discussing custom work! Pls dm for pricing 💕
stuff about this blog:
- it’s explicit. I keep the Images to a minimum because Rules but still. 18+.
-I think formal DNIs are kinda silly but just so it’s out there: i don’t want any homophobes/racists/predatory kinksters round these parts. this is a safe, sexy place where we can take part in and discuss kink as consenting adults.
- I’ll say it again to be clear: the activities discussed in this blog are meant for risk aware consenting adults. Some of the scenarios or activities discussed here are purely fantasy, some are not, but safety, communication, trust, and mutual respect are at the center of any experience in kink. (Aka - if you’re a “daddy dom” who gets off on misogyny because you really actually just hate women? maybe go to therapy.)
kinks and content warnings under the cut
Hello again
this list is subject to change bc im a human person but here’s a short list of the kinks I like and which you will find content related to on my page.
Top kinks:
- Shibari/rope bondage/restraints in general
- dom/sub power dynamics, general dominance and control
- puppy play (!!) including cages and all the puppy accessories!! Leashes!!! Collars!!!!
- impact play (spanking)
- choking
- cnc (with very established boundaries and safe words)
- kidnapping
- knives in the context of threats only.
medium-ish “time to time” kinks:
- bladder control/piss
- dumbification
- pet or animal play other than puppy
- monster/beastfucking
- degradation
- “ddlg” - as a fantasy form of dominance only, not as an age play dynamic
Hard no, you will not see:
- blood play/gore
- 24/7 enslavement
- scat
- emesis
If it’s not mentioned here, then I probably am ambivalent on it or forgot it exists.
The only thing I tag is knives or swords - I tag those as #sharps.
Ok that’s all!!! byeeee
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♦️ Harriet Hook
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Harriet- stims, alot (all the hook siblings do) hers is lil taps with her hands, and popping her lips. she has a vocal one too, but its hardly noticeable (whisper scatting basically). uses her hands to talk, seriously stay out of arms length when she rants, she packs a punch even when she doesn't mean to. she has a bouncy walk....idk how else to say it, she just kinda, do dodos along. Harry calls it her happy walk but she bounces even when shes pissed (Evie thinks its adorable)
can NEVER wear nail polish, bites her nails all the time, and picks at her polish if she's wearing it. the only time she has ever tolerated it was for her brothers wedding. (to who? i think yall know) shes fucking silent as all hell. scares everyone without even meaning to, someone will be talking casually, she walks up behind them; not even meaning to be quiet and just says "oh yeah i (blank) too" and the convo and convee will just *screech* cuz HOLYHELLWHEREDIDYOUCOMEFROM
Harry is the only person who can *sometimes* hear her walk up. (yes, this means she has scared some of the big big bads before, completely by accident....not.
good with her hands, likes to knit (NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW. her siblings tease her relentlessly) decent artist. pretty damn good cook (kinda have'ta be on the isle, unless your Harry, Gil, or Mal; who cannot cook to save her life) is sword fighting a hobby? I'm counting it, she practices knife throwing as well. makes most of her clothes (helps CJ and Harry do that in turn as well) whittles wood, collects pretty things, writes, and once she gets to Auradon; gets really into photography. her greatest hobby is sailing though, just like all the hook kids.
Put a symbol (or several) and a character/characters in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon.  Yes.  Do it.
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starleska · 3 years
big win for us colin enjoyers this episode aka the sunscreen scene 👌😳 what did you think of the episode as a whole?
an EXTREMELY big win oh my god i'm still recovering!! 😳💖 god bless the WWDITS writers for giving us all of the excellent Colin content we need!! honestly choked a little bit seeing him slathering suncream all over his bare chest. the active choice to continually portray Colin as being as sexually explorative as the other vampires fills me with great joy. i also unironically love Rascal Flatt's 'Life is a Highway' so this episode was made for me 😂 overall i thought the episode was one of the best of this season - it's definitely my favourite episode of season 3. what a sweet, heart-warming message about taking care of yourself and the parts of you which make you feel alive. i feel that the A and B plots worked really well together, and i adored getting to see clips of the whole gang hanging out and having fun together. Nandor and the Nadja Doll doing sword fighting together was adorable!! 😭💖 Nadja's path of self-discovery and the growing dependence and understanding between Guillermo and Nandor were both so lovely but oh lord Colin really was absolutely the highlight of this episode. i just have to supply some of his excellent quotes here:
"I know, it feels good though. Hey, can you get my back?"
"Haul ass, smoke grass, let's go!"
"Really? 'Cause I'm getting more of a Colin beckoning, to be honest."
"Is it me, or is she...hideous?"
"Call Dick Clark, 'cause he's gonna want her on Bandstand."
"Yeah, I'd give a year's salary to watch her lay a couple eggs."
"Maybe life isn't a highway - maybe it's an ocean."
"It's not the first time a beautiful woman has shit on my shoes."
"Well, when she's singing I can't resist her, but when she's not singing, I don't...want, to resist her."
"If you guys could maybe give me a minute? I'm going to beat off now."
there were so many fun and sweet moments with him!! Colin and Laszlo stealing a boat together? Colin fixing the Nadja doll's boot? Colin singing with the Siren and doing his cute little dad dance? Colin telling her he thinks that she's really special? Colin calling her 'sweetie'?!?! you gotta understand, that made me giggle like a schoolgirl. he is genuinely so kind and caring and it makes me soft 😳💖 i also adore the development of Colin and Laszlo's relationship - it's such a wonderful bond, full of mutual understanding, respect and care. but it's a little heartbreaking too because it's becoming painfully obvious that Colin is in desperate need of love and companionship. it's interesting that a character who drains to feed is both capable and willing of giving so much love to another person. when he was talking with the Siren - much like with 'Colin's Promotion' - he's aware of and seems dismayed by how people don't want to be around him because he's an energy vampire. it makes me wonder whether Laszlo's assessment of Colin's infatuation with the Siren is correct - perhaps Colin is projecting his own feelings of isolation, and not being worthy of love, onto others in a similar situation through no fault of their own. i feel that Colin can see the beauty in others the way that he wishes others would see the beauty in him. he's a darling and i hope, hope, hope he finds what he's looking for 💖💖💖 also, because i know everyone wants to talk about it; the hilarity of Colin being confirmed not only as a scat fetishist but also arguably into oviposition (the Siren) and WAM (the suncream). dude's a cornucopia of freakiness and honestly, i couldn't be more delighted 😂
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rambles-on-arcana · 3 years
Featuring non-apprentice OCs ;; Daravin & Zenta, a traveling swordsman and mage that have been working out of Vesuvia.
We were doing this list in Sol’s server, so I now have all these answers. Just compiling them into a singular post.
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Daravin will pick up his partner (assuming they're smaller then he is) and carry them to the bath.  They're taking a hot bath together. ((Unless they're on the road, then they're taking a cold river bath alsdkjfasdf)) He needs to be clean to sleep. He appreciates cuddling afterwards because he’s tired and it can be nice, but he's not going to be adamant about it.
Zenta is basically clinical about clean up and caring for them and, if she got involved, herself as well. She is surprisingly snuggly afterwards, though, and will request the other person to stay.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Daravin likes his shoulders a lot. He has no illusion how nice they are, not just in breadth but in the muscles from years of swinging the big ass sword. In partners, he likes hands, stomach, and hips. Especially the hips for grabbing.
Zenta could care less about herself, body is a body. But if she's got a partner with a thing about certain body parts/shapes, she might alter her form for them for a time. On others, she likes their skin. She loves smooth skin and blemished skin and freckles and scars and stretch marks and---- she could go on for hours with praise and attention. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Daravin likes creampie giving. If he's receiving, he'd rather outside for easier cleaning up. He likes making his partner come multiple times before he bothers with himself getting there.
Zenta is intrigued (everyone smells and tastes different) but she couldn't really care which way it goes in the end. Her goal will be to wring as many orgasms out of who she's with as they can humanly take. It is not beyond her for them to have to safe word tap out or black out before she'll give them a break.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Daravin doesn't really do secrets but he is curious about being with someone bigger then he is. Cause he's usually the tallest one in the room. But he's never going to admit that.
Zenta doesn't do secrets in this manner because she's down to try anything to see the outcome.  
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Daravin is like... moderately experienced? He's canoodled more people than both hands together but also he's not like... poking everyone. He has had some flings while on the road but he prefers at least trying to build something at least semi-long term if they’re going to be somewhere for awhile. (No, he's not been stupid enough to try anything with Zenta.)
Zenta has had.... lots.... of time to experience all kinds of stuff.  But she likes learning and playing more. She might come off as inexperienced at first just to kind of... lull them into a false sense of security as she learns their preferences and likes and feels them out. And when she’s learned more about them and learned their boundaries and preferences? Then the gloves are off.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Daravin likes mating press and standing and holding them just with his sheer strength. Also partial to pinning them against the wall in basically any way.
Zenta doesn't give a shit;; she's down for whatever drives her partner up a wall.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Daravin is serious but he is easy to draw into a gentle laugh. Like he has a serious face but he can be lighthearted. This is intimate but it's not that serious. You're bumping uglies, you can't be too serious about it. 
 Zenta is not quite a goof in the normal sense but this is definitely a game for her.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Daravin is neatly trimmed, it's one of the things he's very strict about.  Yes carpet matches the drapes, albeit a little darker in color.
Zenta didn't think to have hair so she's hairless down there a;lkskdjfasdf
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Daravin is secretly a romantic but that doesn't always fit into their lifestyle a;sldkjf He wants to be very gentle and intimate but also? He would like to just get lost in things sometimes and emotions are not involved beyond that horny braincell.
Zenta doesn't understand intimacy as;dkljfasdf if someone read too far into what she's doing and is getting lovey and intimate she may just bluescreen for a moment trying to process what weird ritual they're instigating. ((She was just playing what are you doing stop that.))
  J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Daravin would far rather find a partner for that, he's not really into touching himself so there's not really ever going to be a chance to have someone walk in on him for that.  Depending on who he walks in on, he may lean against the door frame and ask if they want some help.
Zenta doesn't feel urges so she doesn't touch herself.  Would absolutely ask someone if they want help with that if she walks in on them. Like matter of fact, not trying to be smooth like Daravin was.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
They’re both partial to size differences.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Daravin likes having the privacy of a room but also  there's just something about pulling someone into an alcove or alleyway, something kind of public but not really, and pushing them up against a wall for round one. To make the walk back to the room more interesting.
Zenta does not care, it's all basically the same to her tbh this is 100% based on the partner's desire.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Daravin they have to be blatant about "Hey, wanna fucc?" or he'll just write off what's happening. If they’ve been together a lil while?  Show off the tummy/hip area. Make a show of bending down to pick stuff up. etc. Especially if they're doing it in public where he can't just pin them against something and has to wait until the opportune time to carry them off discreetly or they get home and then it's on.
Zenta is another one they have to be direct with about it.  Unless they’re getting horny first and she smells it on them. Then she's gonna fuck with them and tease them until they beg or are direct.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Daravin doesn't want to hurt them.
Zenta doesn't want to leave permanent damage.
Neither one are into like... blood, scat, urine, etc. Basically food is the only thing allowed to be making a mess. 
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Daravin has rarely been on the receiving end but he's happy to be giving.  Long nimble fingers and a very skilled tongue. He's very good at what he does and it will be one of the ways to wring those multiple orgasms out of them. If they can take his size to the base in their mouth he's gonna fuckin melt he doesn't realize how good it's going to be.
Illia doesn't much care for receiving unless it's how she's riling up her partner. She does like giving, though, because she's controlling what they're feeling.   She's good at it and will use magic to augment what she's doing.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Daravin likes both.  Something quick and rough to start but he is more into endurance and taking things slow and dragging it out.
Zenta doesn't much like quickies, she wants the time to really tear their ass up.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Daravin only likes quickies as the appetizer. That is not about to be the whole show, abso-fucking-lutely not.
Zenta doesn't even want them as an appetizer. They’re putting time aside for her or they're not getting a damn thing.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Daravin isn't much into big risks. He's okay to experiment if his partner wants that, but he's only okay with like. Small risks. Like public stuff. He doesn't want either of you getting hurt.
Zenta is game for basically anything.  Her partner has to be the one with sense to not get them in trouble.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Daravin has a lot of stamina.  He's in his thirties and has decades of training with a sword, honing his physique, and traveling long distances. He only wants one or two rounds from himself but he's going to make them last and his partner is going to be cumming as many times as he can push them to.
Zenta is a monster in the light of this question a;skdjfasdgjf she can go forever.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Daravin doesn't own any and wouldn't bother to keep any because of traveling so much.  But if his partner has one or wants to use one during (either him using it on them or them using it on him) he'll be down for it.
Zenta doesn't own them, doesn't need them.  Her partner is going to be plenty occupied. magic seggs
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Daravin is not much in teasing his partner outside of just a little messing with them in public to get them started so they're in the mood.
Zenta is a huge tease because she loves to fuck with people. It doesn't help her voice can start to drive them mad if she talks too much so she's going to tease them in basically every other way available.  All of them. Constantly. It can be for pushing their buttons until they try to toss her down or while they're doing the do and she's delaying their orgasms.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Daravin is very quiet. He's not super vocal besides some low grunts and growls and the occasional praise.
Zenta is quiet.  It's kind of unnerving if her partner has the mental space to realize it. But she's very focused on making them make lots of noise so they're usually not.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Daravin nothing really comes to mind because he's a pretty straightforward kinda guy.  
Zenta keeps what looks like a necklace in one of her bags.  She may or may not add a jewel for each partner. Good luck seeing it though.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I skipped this one.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Daravin has I guess a moderate one? He'll match his partner but if there's a long time in between he's just eh about it.
Zenta is content with 1-3 times a week (unless there's multiple people, just one person wouldn't survive more than that a;skddjfasdf) but she won't really ache for it or go out of her way too hard for it.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Daravin gets into a kind of peaceful calm. He's not sleepy but he's not wired. He's very zen and winding down calm. He'll make sure they're both clean, hydrated, and snuggled up together and then he'll snap out basically immediately because he finally fully relaxed.
Zenta is like bouncing off the walls energetic afterwards because she got all hyped up and had fun. She'll make sure everything's cleaned up and good to go before she snuggles down but the act of snuggling down is like a switch and she fucking dies for the night. Like getting a sugar rush and then a hard crash.
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2p Spain/Andres Fernández Carriedo
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’s not the best at providing aftercare, and sometimes he will deny you aftercare because he’s a sadistic asshole 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Of yours it would be your private parts, his reasoning for it is super shallow
With his own it’s his shoulders 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He doesn’t give a fuck about where it goes 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He once used the handle of his sword as a dildo on a partner  
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He certainly knows what he’s doing, but he hasn’t had too many partners, mostly because of his sadistic nature  
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Anything where you are restrained 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Usually if he’s being goofy, it’s also while being sadistic  
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
It’s a mix, sometimes he shaves, other times he doesn’t 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Surprisingly enough he can actually be romantic and intimate, but only when he wants to 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He does it when his partner isn’t around 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Roleplay, with you being weaker than him (it can be any type of roleplay) 
Knife play
Blood play
Impact play
Restraining his partner
Slight daddy kink
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere in his house is fair game
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Act weak and innocent for him and it’s an instant boner 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do)
Scat, he doesn’t like cleaning it up
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He prefers to receive, and he’s sadistic when he gives  
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s very fast and rough 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s into it  
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s very much into experimenting 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Around 5-6 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He has a lot and prefers to use them on his partner 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s a big tease, he does it to the point where you are crying 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
A mix of moans and groans, at a medium volume 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Sometimes he drags you to other 2ps houses and fucks you there, he loves the thrill of it 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s average  
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Fairly high 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It depends on the time of day, though at afternoon it happens almost instantly
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
Phoenix Mountain serves a purpose for so many things that it’s once of my favourite moments in the novel. It told us about the soup incident and that JZX will stand up for a servant, but while good intentions he only knew one side which was good foreshadowing for his death. Good intentions but not understanding the full picture. We see how much WWX loved JYL and she loved him and they make it clear it’s a familial bond and they always stood up for the other.
We get JC showing up after the conflict happens and only hears people talking about how arrogant and disrespectful WWX had just been acting and JC takes their word for it. Maybe he doesn’t fully believe them but he lets their words influence him way too easily.
We even get a privilege aspect to it, right after we find out while WWX took a third of the prey, JGY doesn’t reveal until after everyones scatted that NMJ had killed over of the prey and LWJ takes note of it. So while everyone got on WWX’s case of taking a third, no one dared to say anything about NMJ and if we say they didn’t know, JGY still didn’t bring it up until everyone was gone and LXC even laughs saying that’s how NMJ is. So while NMJ gets a pass, WWX gets the brunt of it. Not that LXC was one of the people going after WWX, but it shows how no one went “well that’s how he is” and laugh it off for WWX like for NMJ.
There’s no much that happens in this flashback and I love it, I always pick up new details I missed whenever I reread it.
Yeah, Phoenix Mountain has so much going for it! It’s great! It does a good job of summing up WWX’s position, too; he’s got JYL’s support and (although he doesn’t know it) LWJ’s love, but the rest of the world will target him even if he’s not doing anything different from what they’re doing and JC will side with the people telling lies about him despite the fact that there’s no reason for him to believe them.
You know, I didn’t even really notice the fact that NMJ basically does the same fucking thing WWX did but JGY doesn’t even mention it until everyone’s gone and everyone who does hear that NMJ also took a solid third of the prey just... laughs it off. It’s only a problem because it’s an inconvenience that JGY has to overcome, which is easy enough to do just by increasing the size of the hunting grounds; what can you do about it, NMJ’s just like that, we can hardly stop him from being a badass! But when WWX does the same thing, just using the demonic cultivation that the sects praised all throughout the war instead of a sword, he’s arrogant, it’s improper, how dare he “cheat” like that. JYL is the only person to call them out on the fact that WWX didn’t break any rules or do anything wrong, just used all the tools at his disposal; they didn’t complain about NMJ going all out with his sword and killing everything he could, so from a purely objective standpoint there is no reason for them to complain about WWX using demonic cultivation. Of course, the real reason is that they think WWX is too powerful; reading deeper, the real real reason is that... WWX is, as far as the sects are concerned, a commoner. He’s reaching above his station. The mere son of a servant has no right to embarrass the sects so thoroughly. It’s fine for NMJ to take a third of the prey, he’s a sect leader, but WWX? WWX is nobody. None of these high fancy nobles want to face the fact that this nobody son of a servant is stronger than any of them, and in fact probably stronger than most of them put together. 
And since WWX is the power behind the Jiang sect and less power behind the Jiang sect makes it easier for JGS to shove his boot down JC’s throat (no, I am not done with the “JC is a Jin bootlicker” comments and I likely never will be), that makes him a target even beyond him being the son of a servant. It’s not just the sects making a point of targeting him in particular, the Jins are also push for him to be seen as a target. Note that JGY deliberately waits for everyone to leave before saying that NMJ did pretty much the same thing WWX did; anyone who might have gotten as upset about NMJ as they did about WWX is gone when NMJ’s actions come up. The whole targeting of WWX is actually fairly brilliant on the part of the Jins; they combine JC’s blatant disregard for and unwillingness to defend his brother with societal beliefs on people climbing up the social ladder into what is essentially the perfect storm; all they needed was the opportunity to unleash it, which WWX and to a certain extent WQ unwittingly give them when she goes to him for help with the Wens. It’s... horrible and evil, but brilliant.
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