shsl-box-split · 2 years
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Hajime Hinata: @schrodingers-rufus​ (paid)
Gundham Tanaka: @majorheelturn​ (paid)
Kazuichi Soda: @majorheelturn​ (paid)
Nekomaru Nidai: @pigtailsandwrestlingboots​ (paid)
Chiaki Nanami: @schrodingers-rufus (paid)
Sonia Nevermind: @clueless909​ (paid)
Ibuki Mioda: @distantfoxx​ (paid)
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yourfaveisakomaeda · 2 years
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Alex Kralie from Marble Hornets is a True Komaeda!
Submitted by @schrodingers-rufus
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actual-lea · 5 years
For the MH prompts request: Something that explores Jay's interests that don't directly involve the investigation. ( Maybe something post - series, with Jay trying to figure out and / or remember what else he likes beyond Things Directly Related To Alex Kralie. )
“Ididn’t know you were into music.”
Thetopic just surfaces one day, as so many have; they’ve spent so muchtime in the same space, on long drives in one car (have to save gas,have to save money, can’t be sleeping on the streets with Alexaround), in awkward silences that drive Jay nuts, that he just has tostart talking after a while, barraging Tim with the most inanequestions he can think of.
It’sthat kind of thing that’s brought them as close as they’ll probablyget to normal conversation, as if they’re just old friendscatching up rather than two basically-strangers haphazardly throwntogether by circumstance and necessity.
Jay’slearned a lot about Tim; his favorite movies, his vague interest inwoodworking, his absolute adoration of big fluffy cats – he’dseemed a little embarrassed about that one, initially, until Jaystarted saving the cutest cat gifs he could find onto his phone tosend to Tim anytime he’s in a particularly dark place, and it seemsto help, if only a little.
Hetries to avoid talking about himself as much as he can; maybe out ofsome lingering distrust, or maybe just because he doesn’t want tothink about how much his life has fallen apart over these years, howmany fragments of himself he’s lost and tried to piece back togetherinto some abstract mosaic resembling an identity. Tim has managed topull a few details from him here and there, about the comics that heused to enjoy, about his interest in cooking (and complete lack ofskill at it), and now this.
Jayshrugs. “I used to be into it, anyway.”
“Doyou play anything?” Tim asks, giving him a quick glance.
Hepicks at a worn spot on his jeans. “I was…kind of okay at guitar,once,” he recalls, laughing a little. “And I had a crappy oldbass guitar, but…” He trails off, his thoughts drifting to newsreports and apartment fires.
“Well…hey,”Tim begins, taking one hand off the steering wheel to gesture as hespeaks. “I have like…an unconscionable number of crappyinstruments.” He shrugs. “It’s mostly old keyboards andsynthesizers and stuff, you know, things I’ve just kinda picked up atyard sales and thrift stores, but I’m pretty sure I have a fairlydecent guitar you can have, if you want.”
Jayis already shaking his head before Tim is finished speaking. “No,you don’t need to do that. Like I said, I'm– I was never reallyeven any good at it, and I don’t want it to just collect dustin my trunk or something.”
Thecar comes to a stop at a red light, and Tim turns to meet Jay’s eyes. “Imean, right now it’s just collecting dust in my attic, so like…”Another shrug. “Seriously, once it’s safe for us to go back, it’syours.”
“Comeon, buddy, we gotta have something to do after all this isover.”
Thewords take a moment to sink in, like a foreign language that hehasn’t quite mastered.
Hehasn’t really thought about an after.He hasn’t had time to, or the capacityto; as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, the idea of there beinganything after all this, of it ever being over,has never really seemed possible.
Thelight turns green, and Jay studies Tim’s face as he returns hisattention to the road.
“Okay…”Jay starts nodding, slowly. “Yeah. That would be… I’d really likethat.” He feels himself smiling. “Thanks.”
Timglances back over to him with that half-smile of his own, and asmall laugh. “No problem.”
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phantom-tastic · 5 years
I'm spending (part of) my Saturday repairing broken props I got for Halloween that I either didn't get to use, that I used while broken, or that broke while I was using them. ( r. i. p. jersey devil tail; you lasted less than five minutes before falling apart. )
Damn idk what I love more, the fact that you have several halloween costumes youve dedicated your time to mending, or the fact you specifically have a Jersey Devil costume?! That sounds lovely and therapeutic as hell.
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xx-rosswoodpark-xx · 6 years
Jay Merrick: Foolish Gremlin
Thanks, @schrodingers-rufus, for influencing me to post this.
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upstartgeek · 6 years
schrodingers-rufus replied to your post “to spite disney i will cosplay Buzzy”
buzzy disneybound flashmob 2k19
(runs straight into the Cranium Command pavilion) I LIVE HERE NOW!
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kaijutegu · 7 years
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Home Depot has a baby skeleton horse now, in case your full-size skeleton horse wants to experience the joy of parenthood. (Ok, it’s sold as a pony and not as a foal- but come on, who doesn’t want a skeleton horse family?)
They also have accessories for your skeleton horse- you can go with scary reaper-esque horsie or western horsie. (H/T to @schrodingers-rufus!)
But if you aren’t a horse person... well... maybe you’re a dinosaur person?
In that case, they also have a nine-foot “T. rex.”
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And I thought the horses had some anatomy problems...
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What's your opinion on Jay? Do you think he should get the answers he's been looking for? Is he useful? A hindrance?
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He’s amusing.  and a fool who doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into. 
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shsl-box-split · 2 years
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Kaede Akamatsu: @liebrenado​ (paid)
Shuichi Saihara: @liebrenado​ (paid)
Rantaro Amami: @kalliopii​ (paid)
Miu Iruma: @ondore (paid)
Korekiyo Shinguji: @schrodingers-rufus​ (paid)
Maki Harukawa: @shslprince​ (paid)
Kaito Momota: @shslprince​ (paid)
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stellar-stag · 7 years
oh sweet mercy. the only things i really know about Furry Tumblr are the stuff i've picked up from being on the internet since birth and really liking animals, but if i had a fursona, it'd probably be a crow, which'd add, like... twelve extra quotation marks onto "intellectual" . i just. i'm dyin' .
ahaha yes good
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actual-lea · 5 years
Throwing more hornet asks in here: What do you think Jay would do if he survived the series? I could see him continuing to try to find answers, but what if the trail ran completely cold? I'd like to imagine him settling down, finding a job that works well for his puzzle brain, maybe going back to school, making some friends, but I'm not so sure about Jay "self-destruction via obsession" Merrick. Readjusting would probably be hard.
I don’t think he’d ever truly re-adjust. From the outside he might be able to achieve some semblance of normalcy, get a job, get a little apartment, but I don’t think he’s the type to ever be able to actually let it go. Even if he did finally manage to settle down in one place, I don’t think he’d ever feel quite settled, like, maybe just always feeling like anywhere that he lives is just transitional, temporary, and there’s always SOMETHING ELSE still out there for him somewhere that will actually silence that nagging feeling in the back of his head that there’s still an answer just waiting to be found. 
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phantom-tastic · 5 years
For Hip Purposes: 🐊
OH!!! I assign you with Locked In The Trunk Of A Car!! Which is my favourite song of theirs btw. Its dark and spooky and matches your blog B)
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schrodingers-rufus replied to your post “OOC: Well I don’t know about you, but I think this theme night went...”
*still recovering from Habit killing Jessica* That was really well-executed and a fantastic punch in the soul. (I kept having to repeat to myself, "Tonight's not canon, tonight's not canon, tonight's not canon..." XDD)
OOC: Always happy to play with people’s emotions ;)
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upstartgeek · 6 years
schrodingers-rufus replied to your post “so were y'all gonna tell me there's a Kidz Bop cover of Werewolves of...”
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i-want-it-on-fire · 7 years
Playlist: I forgot to study and bombed the Turing Test
I forgot to study and bombed the Turing Test: an eclectic collection of songs by and about robots (mostly.)
Short Circuit - Daft Punk
Miku (NES Version) - Anamanaguchi, Hatsune Miku
Utsusemi Disco - killchord, GUMI
My Girlfriend’s A Robot - Compressorhead
I Am Not A Robot - Marina and the Diamonds
Untrust Us - Crystal Castles
Send me a made up playlist title and I’ll make a 5-10 song playlist for it
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prof-byona · 8 years
That Aurora Borealis vid made my Christmas season! Bless this lovestruck eldritch abomination.
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I’m very happy to hear that, thank you!
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