martinjost · 11 months
Aliens: Wieso sollten sie friedlich sein?
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„Es gibt einen seltsamen Widerspruch, der in der Naivität und Gutherzigkeit der Menschheit im Universum zutage tritt: Auf der Erde kommen die Menschen auf einen fremden Kontinent und zerstören dort mit Krieg und Seuchen die verwandten Zivilisationen, ohne auch nur einen Gedanken daran zu verschwenden. Aber wenn sie zu den Sternen emporblicken, werden sie sentimental und glauben, dass es sich bei den außerirdischen Intelligenzen, wenn es sie gibt, um Zivilisationen handeln müsse, die an universelle, edle moralische Regeln gebunden sind, als wäre es Teil eines offensichtlichen allgemeinen Verhaltenskodex, verschiedenste Lebensformen zu lieben und zu schätzen.“
Liu, Cixin. Die drei Sonnen. 11., Korrigierte Auflage, Bd. 1, Heyne, 2017. (Aus dem Nachwort des Autors auf den S. 549 – 556; S. 555.)
Das GIF stammt aus der Verfilmung von «Die drei Sonnen» in der TV-Serie «Three-Body».
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humanoidhistory · 9 months
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Bruce Pennington's cover art for Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke, 1973.
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schlock-luster-video · 2 months
On July 26, 1986, Swamp Thing premiered on West German television.
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kwebtv · 5 months
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From the Golden Age of Television
Series Premiere
Verdict From Space - ABC - August 3, 1951
A presentation of "Tales of Tomorrow" Season 1 Episode 1
Sclence Fiction Drama
Running Time: 30 mnutes
Lon McCallister as Gordon Kent
Martin Brandt as Professor Adrian Sykes
William Lally as Prosecutor
Bernard Lenrow as Judge
Watson White as Defense Attorney
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revginapond · 1 year
Has a great cast for a low budget sci fi: Mira Furlan (!!), Bruce Boxlietner, Bill Mumy, and Doug Jones!
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"Where Machimos had been built with a practical sort of elegance, Anostos resembled a vast blot upon the ocean blue horizon. The mass of chains and anchors corrupted the mountain of coral beneath the city, giving it the appeal of some tentacled behemoth that blighted the land around it. The horrid yellow lights certain indicated the massive city had power, but the sickly glow it gave could have only meant that any civilization within had long met with some horrendous plague..."
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xxgalaxycatxx · 2 years
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kamreadsandrecs · 5 months
0 notes
they-loved-in-2075 · 1 year
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Science fiction. The journey (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1387441056-science-fiction-the-journey?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Javid117&wp_originator=OYan9R5%2FxEUlzDLh8Gk959f6bcBvZlZzGhUIgMebZGKSiscZ%2BxW2bMYPY8zShTF7IU2dd6RiMjs4poPgucicABZexLep%2BqTAJCjyXIVO77H%2Ba6ZDG2gtEpTp5t66WPj2 In this short science fiction a town on Earth is completely destroyed after its collision with another planet. And in this town, that now has been abandoned by the authorities, only one person survives. This survivor is visited by a stranger, and the old man ( the survivor ) does not like his presence around him. This visitor is actually on a secret mission and that has something to do with Planet Earth and the only person who survived when an alien planet collided with Earth. The visitor makes an offer to the old man. An offer that could change his life forever and also ensure Earth evolves for the good of all. To know whether or not the old man accepts his offer, read this short and thrilling science fiction.
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tjchristian72 · 1 year
Siren Songs - Available WIDE!
I mentioned in a previous blog post that I was leaving the Kindle Select program and would be going “Wide” with all my publications. Well, today was the first day that I could make this happen with one of my titles. I just finished my setup of Siren Songs over at Smashwords and I’m happy to say, the book is now available for all your digital readers from your favorite online retailers. Rather…
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Klaatu barada nikto
Peter Knifton
Title Unknown
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mistyforestbooks · 2 years
Blind date with a book! Mistery book box
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📖I invite you on a blind date to spend a lovely night with a book of your choice! 📖
You will receive a book of a genre of your choice, with a bookmark included.
Genres to choose from: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, Fiction, Mystery, Romance and more.
The books are mostly used, with visible signs of use: bends in binding, bumped corners, perhaps a tear here or there, but never anything that impacts the readability of a book.
Books are first in series or stand-alone, mostly paperbacks books, but occasionally hardcover book might pop up.
All books are above 3.5 stars, rated on goodreads.com.
0 notes
jackxcinema · 2 years
“THE EXPANSE” IS SIMULTANEOUSLY EXCELLENT & UNSATISFACTORY IN GENERAL, I TRY TO AVOID WATCHING SERIES THESE DAYS Since the fundamental problem of a series is: it always goes on. Whether it is released old school in a schedule “TV-style” or dumped all at once”Netflix-style”. Either you constantly wonder in the back of your mind, how the series will continue, or you simply click “next” after the…
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layla4567 · 11 months
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TVA!Loki x Fem!reader
Summary: ⚠️Takes place in the events of ep 5 of Loki⚠️ (with a twist). After the loom explodes and the TVA workers return to their original timelines, Loki must reunite the band back. Warnings: No proofread, fluffy Loki x reader interaction
Word count: 5k A/N: Despite being a Loki x reader, I was tempted to make Loki and Mobius flirt in the scene where they are chatting in Don/Mobius' house xd
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New Jersey 2002
You stopped in the middle of the city near a square to photograph the buildings. The golden light of the sun reflected on the glass windows and acted as a mirror where the blue sky and some passing clouds were reflected. The golden hour, always the perfect and ideal time for photographers like you. You crouched down to get a wider shot of the tall building, you shot your camera a few times from different positions until you were satisfied with your work, you stood up and admired the photos with a smile. The square was full of people walking their dogs or children playing with balls or hide and seek, smiling you decided to go closer to see if you could photograph some people in motion.
When the blinding white light began to dissipate, Loki slowly opened his eyes, fearing that he would hurt his eyesight. With his body tense and breathing somewhat nervously, the Asgardian god remained frozen in place trying to process what had happened. With his eyes he looked around the place without moving his head, and he realized that something was missing, too much silence. Slowly his body started moving again and he scanned the entire place, he was alone. His friends had disappeared, including Sylvie, except for him for some strange reason. Scared and confused, he began to walk through the facilities and corridors of the TVA, nothing and no one. Loki went to the pie's room, the war room, even O.B's office but he found nothing, it seemed that the place had been abandoned decades ago. Now more desperate to be alone, he ran through the corridors again until a strong pain followed by a familiar jolt made him stop abruptly, his body was mercilessly torn from space-time to be returned a second later to the interrogation room.
"THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING AGAIN!!"-he growled like a beast
Loki continued timeslipping relentlessly and faster than before to places he didn't know and to others that were familiar or had been before. An eighties McDonalds, outside the window of a jetski shop, etc. Until I return to the TVA again. With a strong and violent shake followed by a hairflip Loki groaned in pain.
"I need to find the others, right now.."-he gasped tired
California 1994
A man with glasses and a small build dressed in a mustard-colored jacket walked through the aisles of the bookstore carrying a heavy hardcover book in his hands. When he arrived with the receptionist, he gave her the book to pay for it.
"The Zartan contingent.. I don't think I've ever seen this one before"
"It's really good! he's one of the greats. I read everything he does!"
"Hmm, I'll have to check it out"-said the woman not very convinced
"I'd hurry. There's only a few left on the shelf"
The woman ran the barcode reader through the book but it didn't seem to work, the receptionist frowned while the little man looked around nervously.
"How weird, It's not reading the barcode"
"I can give you cash, I don't need a receipt ot anything"-he hastened to say, taking his wallet out of his pocket.
"Yeah but I have to ring it up or..."
She interrupted him by opening the book to see the flap where the author's photo was visible, then frowning, she looked at the man again.
"Are you buying your own book?"
A plump woman with short hair approached with a tired expression towards where the two of them were.
Then he grabbed five more books with the same name and handed them to Doug.
"I told you to stop putting your sci-fi books on our shelves"-she sighed
"Sciene fiction is a well-respected and thought-provoking genre.."
"Nobody buys it here"
The amateur writer regretfully grabbed his books and walked slowly to the exit of the bookstore, and when some books slipped from his hands, no one had the decency to help him. Doug headed to his "super secret lair" as he liked to call it, it consisted of an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city, it had been empty for years and no one had ever come to try to clean it or give it a new use. Still feeling discouraged, the man with glasses closed the iron door with bolts and went to the center of the large room to type something into his computer. When he turned around to leave his books piled on the floor, he could barely walk a few steps when a tall figure dressed in a brown jacket and pants appeared out of nowhere in front of him, making him scream and fall backwards as he dropped the books from his hands. It was Loki
Loki searched the place and then looked at it confused but there was no time to waste, he wasn't sure when he would start timesplipping again.
"What I'm about to tell you is going to be hard to believe"
Loki tried to speak calmly and with slow movements so as not to scare the person he knew as O.B, but the man lying on the ground seemed more surprised, fascinated than scared. Doug stood up slowly and cautiously, blinking and swallowing nervously but still looking at Loki.
"So it's true…"
"Of course I believe you, It's a dream come true..!"-he started to smile
"I think I wouldn't be understanding you"
Doug (or O.B) grabbed a Rubik's cube and sat on a table surrounded by his books stacked like towers of Babel.
"One of my character has come to life and needs my help!"
Loki approached a whiteboard full of notes, they looked like ideas for books. There were names and possible endings and plot twists. Suddenly he grabbed a book and read the title.
"The sons of Yoren? are you a writer?"
"Yes! of science fiction!"
"I'm doomed..."
Loki grabbed his head walking around the factory trying to come up with a plan B since apparently that man couldn't help him.
"Well actually it's just a hobby, my job is to teach theoretical physics at Caltech"
"Wait, so you're a scientist as well?"
"Yes, at least until I can be a full-time writer."
"Yeah yeah, of course. Could you help me now?"
"Yeah, What exactly do you have to do?"
Loki explained to him without giving many details that he had to return to the moment before the explosion, where everything had gone to hell. I clearly spoke to him about the loom but without revealing its use.
"Ok so you time-traveled in a place that has no time right?"
"But that's impossible"
"I know but.."
"You're travelling to a place that doesn't exist anymore, It's equally impossible and therefore It's something you might be able to do"
"That's not sound like science"
"But it's sound like fiction"
Loki looked at him as if he had been told a bad joke, to which Doug sighed and told him to sit on a bench next to him.
"You neeed to control your timeslipping"
"But I can't just decide where I'm going to appear, it's random"
"Even so, you ending up exactly in the places where the people you are looking for are, you are evolving, now you are not only moving through time but also through space. You are like an improved version of those tempads"
"You say it like it's a good thing.."
The man with glasses thought for a moment, pursing his lips.
"Listen, for science there is always a what and a how, but in fiction it's about a why, now, why do you want to go back?"
"Why do I want to go back? I'll tell you, if I don't go back to before everything collapsed, there will be nothing left. I need to save the TVA."
"Good, focus on that why and try to control your timeslipping"
"You mean, right now?"
"Yeah, why not?"
Loki, a little hesitantly, stood up in front of Doug and took a deep breath, opening his arms and looking at the horizon, trying to concentrate.
"Remember, you want to save the TVA."
Loki closed his eyes and exhaled through his mouth, then pushed his chest forward slightly but nothing happened. He tried several times, raised his arms, jumped in place, spun as if he were dancing and moved his arms in circles as if it were a windmill but nothing worked. He stopped breathing hard and combing his hair back.
"This is not working.."
"But it has to"
Doug or O.B got up from the seat and went to get a cup and several pens, he handed the cup to Loki and held all the pens in his hand.
"We get the band back together"-then he placed all the pens inside the cup
"This doesn't look very scientific"
"You said every one of your friends has a temporal aura, right?"
"Well, that's means a group of people would have a collective aura unique to that moment in time. If we can get everyone together in one place, you can read that aura and it will be like coordinates"
"So if I collect all the temporal auras, can I return to that moment?"-Loki said hopefully.
"No!"-He responded smiling.
"W-why not??"
"Because we don't have one of those tempads you told me about"
"But you can build one right?"
"How? It would take me decades to learn all that knowledge."
Suddenly Loki remembered something and took out of his jacket the TVA manual that he had saved before timeslipping, he handed it to O.B.
"What's this?"
"It is a guidebook with everything you need to know, you wrote it"
"So I finally wrote a bestseller!"
"Well, yeah sort of. How about we get to work and-"
At that moment Loki started timeslipping again and disappeared from O.B's sight, throwing the cup with the pens on the floor.
Oklahoma 1982
Sylvie left the McDonalds with a paper bag in one hand and the keys to her truck in the other, it was a beautiful starry night. She left the bag of food to the side near the back of the vehicle. Suddenly a sound made her turn around and when she did she saw Loki standing in front of her.
"This is gonna sound strange, I know you don't know who I am"
“Loki, what are you talking about?”-she said confused
"Wait, do you still remember me?”
"Yes, why wouldn't I?"-She said as if it were something obvious and looking at Loki as if he were a poor stupid guy who doesn't understand anything.
"Well because no one else remembers me, their lives were reset."
"I know, I was there."
Loki was even more confused and slowly approached her trying to check if he had heard correctly.
"I'm sorry but this was not how I imagined it would happen"
"What did you expect then?"
She couldn't say anything else because Loki returned to timeslipping in front of her, she saw how his body stretched and deformed for a few seconds until it returned to normal.
"Ok why don't we sit down and chat for a while, it seems like you need it"
Sylvie grabbed her bag of food and sat in the back of the truck and then pointed to her side for Loki to do the same. He sighed and sat next to her, clasping his hands in an attitude of defeat.
"I need you to help me bring them back..."-he started slowly
"There's no chance I'm doing that"-She laughed nasally
"And why not?"
"Because they are where they belong, living their lives. It's what they should have done from the beginning"
"But that wasn't what they wanted, Mobius liked being in the TVA, he said he didn't want to live any other life other than that."
"Oh yeah? And guess who put them in the TVA in the first place, that's right, He who remains. Mobius said that because he didn't know anything else other than the TVA."-She said grabbing a mcnugget and putting it in her mouth.
"I think you are not understanding the seriousness of the matter, if they do not return to the TVA everything will collapse"
She rolled her eyes irritably, looking away indifferently, Loki frowned.
"Don't you care?"-Sylvie shrugged her shoulders- "Of course not, you're so selfish"
"And? If I want something it's being selfish, so yes I am, what's wrong with wanting to live, huh?"
Loki was reaching the limit of his patience and turned his body a little to face her more.
"What life are you talking about? I'm telling you that even if they don't want to, they have to come back if not everything would disappear, I saw it Sylvie! I saw how the TVA began to fall apart, don't you understand? The TVA is a necessary evil"
She huffed boredly as if someone was giving her a spiel about good manners. Loki poked his cheek with his tongue, shaking his head and looking at the McDonald's, annoyed by her defeatist attitude. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw how the large yellow "M" of the building's logo began to transform into thin spaghetti that disappeared into the air. Alarmed, Loki hit Sylvie's shoulder and pointed towards the sign. She turned her head and dropped the bag of food, the "M" had completely disappeared and now the roof of the building was beginning to disappear as well.
"We have to get out of here"-She said worriedly and jumped out of the truck.
"Oh now you believe me?"-Loki said ironically.
Sylvie ignored his comment and took out her tempad, with a quick touch she opened a time door.
"Come on"
She was about to go through the door when Loki quickly grabbed her arm, causing her to walk away angrily.
"We must find the others first"
"Fine, but quickly. This place disappears very fast"
The McDonald's had almost completely disappeared while the trees and bushes were dissolving into threads that rose towards the sky. They both crossed the door without thinking twice, leaving behind the empty and black place.
Ohio 2022
"Ok guys we have a new rule and that is any toy found outside your room is gonna clasified as garbage!"
The gray-haired man dressed in a white shirt and a blue vest began to gather toys that were lying in the yard of his house. Suddenly he stepped on a toy soldier that seemed to have melted in part of his body.
"Is he burnt?"-He grabbed it and sighed- "Yup he's burnt, how did he get burnt?"
Then he saw his son sitting on his back holding something in his hands, he seemed to hide it so that his father wouldn't see it.
"Kevin who gave you the matches?"
"I stole' em"-He simply said with a mischievous smile.
"You have to return them right now"
Kevin smiled even more and ran away ready to do more mischief while his father called him uselessly, his other son, Sean, approached from behind curious to know where the voices were coming from.
"Ugh Sean please, go get him, hurry! If you do I will give you a puppy"
"And a snake?"
"That's negotiable, come on, go"
Meanwhile near Mobius/Don's house a time door opened and Sylvie and Loki passed through it. Only they know the several attempts it took them to find Mobius. Loki saw him from afar and for a moment hesitated whether to go talk to him or not, she looked at him out of the corner of her eye.
"You better hurry before it's too late"
Loki looked at her with a worried expression.
"But you have to come with me"
"What? Why me?"
"Because I need your help to enchant him, he needs to see his memories"
"If you say so.."
Loki and Sylvie headed determinedly towards where his friend's variant was.
Loki looked at Sylvie to introduce herself as well, nudging her.
"Hi"-she sighed
"Hello, do I know you?"
"No, well yes but not yet… but you will! I mean.."
Sylvie rolled her eyes irritated by Loki's attitude, he looked like a teenager.
"You have to go back to the TVA, I can't believe I said that."-She said that last thing quietly.
"Don't you mean ATV's? Because we have plenty and I could sell you one."
"No actually the TVA is an important thing because, well uhm.."
Loki gave Sylvie a quick glance with his eyebrows slightly raised giving her the green light for her to use her magic on him. She wasted no time and approaching Mobius placed her hand on his arm. Sylvie's hand flashed with an emerald glow while Mobius's temples glowed the same color. He closed his eyes in a grimace of pain. When she moved her hand away Don's look was different, he opened his eyes in surprise and looked around lost.
"Mobius..?"-Loki said cautiously as he slowly approached
"Loki, where am I?"
Loki sighed in relief, holding back tears of happiness while Sylvie smiled with her hands on her hips, proud of her work.
"Mobius listen to me, what is the last thing you remember?"
"I remember we were all together at the TVA and then the loom exploded and…and…I don't know, I don't remember anymore."-He blinked in confusion.
"Perfect, I promise I'll explain everything to you later, but first we have to find the others."
Loki was about to take his friend by the arm when a time door opened and O.B came out with a large, more rustic and rudimentary tempad. Loki looked at Sylvie asking with his eyes if she had opened the time door but she shook her head.
"How did you build the tempad so quickly?"-Loki asked
"Well I don't know if 19 months is fast, I had to move when I lost my job and my wife left me"
"Do you want me to enchant him too?"-she said, completely ignoring what O.B. just said.
"We don't have time, Mobius, why don't you go change first? I'm sure you'll find clothes just like mine at your house."
Mobius, who now remembered everything, went into action and a few minutes later he returned with a uniform almost exactly like Loki's. Without wasting time everyone including O.B programmed the new coordinates to visit the other person, and Loki knew it would be hard. In a flash everyone passed through the time door
New Jersey 2002
The four of them arrived at a street with little traffic, there were no people or cars watching which was a good thing because anyone who had seen them leaving through an orange holographic door would have fainted. Loki looked everywhere trying to find you.
"Are you sure these are the correct coordinates?"-He asked O.B
"That's what the tempad says, and I'm sure I configured it correctly"
"Let's go then"-Loki clapped his hands and sighed.
With the god of mischief at the head leading the group, they all walked through streets. People looked at them confused, thinking they were actors in costumes, or crazy. Soon they arrived at a square with people
"Ok, what do you think if we split up? Loki and I will go one way and Sylvie and O.B will go the other."
They all agreed and each one went one way. Mobius and Loki walked through a large part of the park with their hands in their pockets. Mobius seemed calmer but Loki was restless, what would he say to you when he saw you? Could he resist the pain of knowing that you don't remember him?. Suddenly Mobius pulled him out of his thoughts by pointing to a woman sitting on a bench with a camera, it was you. Loki felt his breathing increase and they both headed towards where you were.
You sat on a bench in the square with your camera ready to shoot once again, cautiously you photographed some children running around with fun or loving couples hugging and rubbing their noses like Eskimos. You sighed excitedly, you always wanted to find your better half and live happily ever after like in fairy tales, but that wouldn't happen, in this bustling city no one would want a serious relationship and you were also always busy with your photography work, which It wasn't a bad thing but sometimes it took you away from other things. You brought your camera back to your face to continue photographing your surroundings when with the lens you saw a tall, handsome man walking towards where you were, he was accompanied by a man shorter than him with gray hair. They were both dressed in brown jackets and pants which made you think that perhaps they worked in the same company, or were they lawyers perhaps?
The two men approached you and you slowly lowered the camera. Loki studied you up and down when he was close to you, but the gray-haired man looked into your eyes, smiling. Loki noticed that you looked very different from your TVA uniform, you were now wearing flared jeans with a pink three-quarter sleeve blouse and your hair was styled in two sewn braids. Loki's gaze pierced yours and made you feel uncomfortable, slowly you got up from the seat and clearing your throat you asked
"Hi, can I help you with something?"
You only looked at the mustachioed man because you couldn't stand the penetrating but beautiful gaze of the black-haired man, his ocean-colored eyes had a look between sad and anxious and seemed shiny. Even so, you looked at him quickly out of the corner of your eye from time to time.
"Yes, we need to talk to you, can we walk for a while?"-Mobius said since Loki did not decide to speak.
You said yes with a shrug and stood in the middle while the two men followed behind you. You noticed that the tall man continued to look at you with pity and continued to make you uncomfortable, but damn, his face was so beautiful that he looked like a scared and lost puppy, to hide it you hung the camera around your neck.
"Well? What do you want to talk about?"
This time Mobius gently nudged Loki to make him say something.
"Well I know what I'm about to say will sound strange but you don't belong here."
Mobius looked at him angrily, that was definitely not the way to start a conversation.
"Really? Because I'm pretty sure I was born here in New Jersey."-You laughed sarcastically.
"No, I don't mean that, what I mean is… I…-"
Loki wanted to continue talking but the moment you looked at him with your beautiful eyes he felt lost and fell silent. Mobius rolled his eyes and helped him.
"What my silly friend means is that you were actually somewhere else but you don't remember it. A place called the TVA."
Loki frowned, grimacing, and turned to look at him, opening his arms.
"Ok maybe that sounded better in my head"
Far from getting angry, you looked at them both for a few seconds and then burst out laughing.
"Alright that's the craziest thing I've ever heard in my life, you two look like the men in black."
"What? men in black?"-Loki asked confused
"Oh I love that movie!"-Mobius smiled
You were about to add something else when a short man with glasses accompanied by a blonde woman appeared behind the men you were talking to. The little man seemed nice and was holding a strange thing in his hands while the woman looked like she hadn't smiled in decades. She had a certain charm although that horrible old-fashioned hairstyle did not flatter her at all.
"I finally find you!"-Sylvie said, approaching with long steps.
"Will you excuse us for a second?"-Mobius said to you
The two men approached the woman although she only spoke to the tall guy in whispers, they seemed to have known each other for a long time and you didn't know why that bothered you, as if a thorn had stuck in your heart.
"So? Do you want me to check her memories or not?"-she whispered
"I don't think she'll let you get close, let me try to convince her without having to use your powers."
"I hope you know what you're doing."
Loki and Mobius returned to where you were waiting, sighing boredly.
"Ok where were we?"
"You were telling me that I belong to something called the TVA and blah blah blah" - you said making a circular motion with your hand and before one of them could speak you interrupted them - "Are you sure you don't want my services?"
"Services?"-Loki asked
In response you pointed to the camera hanging around your neck.
"No, we-"
"Actually, yeah! We were looking for a professional photographer."
Loki looked confused at his friend and he winked at him knowingly.
"Well you would have started there, follow me, my house is near"
Before following you, Loki grumbled to Mobius.
"What are you doing? We have to take her to the TVA."
"I know, I know but this way we have an alibi otherwise it will be impossible to convince her, remember how distrustful and stubborn she was, in this timeline it must be the same. In fact, it reminds me of someone."
"Hey!"-Loki said offended, because it was clear that Mobius was talking about him
"You go with her, I'll wait with Sylvie and O.B."
Loki nodded and ran nervously to your side, adjusting his hair and the lapels of his jacket.
"Your friend isn't coming with you?"
"No, in fact he has other things to do first."-he said downplaying
After a long time of walking in silence with Loki giving you quick glances, the two of you arrived at a nice house with a wooden fence painted white, at the entrance there were rose bushes that Loki stopped to see, you turned to look at him and you smiled. When you opened the door you invited him in. Inside was the kitchen, your house seemed small but everything felt so warm, and not only because of the brownish color of the walls or the soft yellowish light of the sun that wafted through the curtains of the windows but everything felt comfortable. and familiar, perhaps it was because everything had your presence intact in it.
"Sorry for not offering you anything to drink, my refrigerator is a little empty."
"Don't worry, I'm fine"-Loki said, looking around the place.
"Follow me, my portfolio is in my bedroom"
Loki followed you slowly, feeling a little uncomfortable knowing your bedroom since he considered it an intimate place. And as soon as he entered your bedroom again he felt that warm feeling like a mother's hug. In front of him there was a window with a balcony and long translucent curtains that reached the floor, your double bed was practically in the middle of the room and a desk with a lamp was in front of the bed. Loki approached the walls, they were full of photographs and paintings, most of them were polaroid photos, some of you but almost all of them were about nature or animals. You walked over to the desk to grab the portfolio and handed it to him.
"Here, this is my job."-you smiled
Loki grabbed the portfolio with smooth, elegant movements as if he were afraid of breaking it. You sat at your desk and took your camera to discreetly take a photo of him. Loki ran his fingers through the pages admiring the photos, you knew how to use lights and shadows to your advantage as well as angles. Your wide repertoire denoted your great talent. Suddenly Loki felt a noise and looked at you, you slowly lowered the camera, biting your lips in embarrassment, he had heard the sound of your camera going off.
"Sorry, you just have a pretty side profile."
Loki smiled sideways and you approached him to show him the photo, the light from the window was shining in front of him and making him look like an angel fallen from heaven. You smiled proud of your work and then looked at him. They both stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds that seemed like hours. After a while, Loki wet his lips and swallowing, he asked you.
"You really don't remember me?"
"Should I?"
You stayed silent, looking at him with a frown, trying to remember his face. His soft features, his gentle blue eyes piercing your soul, the wrinkle on his forehead when he raised his eyebrows in a worried gesture. Something about him told you that you had seen him before, a face like his was not common and would be difficult to forget, even so, you weren't sure if you had seen him in a dream or in reality. Everything was a confusing haze right now in your mind
"I'm not sure but… I feel like I've seen you before…"
Loki raised his eyebrows a little hopefully, he looked down and saw your hands, he slowly brushed your fingers and took your hand gently, intertwining his fingers with yours, you gasped softly.
"How does this feel? Do you remember this?"
The warmth of his hand felt good, the soft caress of his fingers felt good, and familiar.
Loki continued slowly raising his hand from your elbow to your shoulder, he placed it delicately on your cheek and caressed your face with his thumb.
"And this? What can you tell me about this?"
You sighed, closing your eyes and took his wrist to deepen the caresses, within your being something told you that this was not the first time someone touched you like that, with divine elegance and grace. No, it wasn't the first time HE caressed you.
"I think so…"
Loki placed his other hand on your other cheek and brought his face closer, carefully observing your reaction, ready to move away at the slightest sign of discomfort, but that signal never came, your eyes looked at him with calm tenderness, inviting him to make the next move. Finally Loki connected his lips with yours in a sweet kiss. Unconsciously you raised your arms and with your fingers you intertwined and combed Loki's curls like you used to do, like you used to do? since when did you know that? You didn't care because now you felt complete. Loki put his hands on your back, bringing you closer to his body and deepening the kiss. You were both exploring each other's mouths, and God knew you didn't want to break away from the kiss but a word crossed your mind and took up the whole place.
Loki raised his eyebrows, furrowing them in the center, and a wide smile crossed his lips as his eyes watered.
"Now you remember me"
"I still have gaps in my head, but I remember few things, they are more sensations than anything else. I remember feeling your warm touch, I remember moments like this"
Loki laughed shyly, feeling relieved, maybe you didn't remember him completely but you saying his name was better than nothing. Loki bumped his forehead against yours, he was fully aware that he needed to hurry back to the TVA but he wanted so badly to stay here like this with you.
"But, you know, maybe I need another kiss to remember better."
Loki laughed at your mischievous attitude and granted your wish, kissing you passionately. There would be time to tell Sylvie that enchant you and save the loom.
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otome-mondays · 7 months
Virche Evermore -ErroR:Salvation- First Impressions 🥀
This will be my first time doing a first impressions post, since I started Radiant Tale before starting my blog, so quick rundown of how this works: I play through the prologue of a game (maybe part of the common route if a prologue is too short) and give my initial thoughts of the game and any love interests that appear. These posts are going to be relatively spoiler free for most the plot, but I won’t limit myself from spoilers of what I’ve seen for those who want to play a game completely blind. I am writing as I encounter things so if it seems all over the place then haha yeah it is!
Trigger/Content Warnings: violence, murder, suicide, body horror. Please be mindful of your triggers and don’t interact with this post if you’re not in the capacity to handle such topics! I’ve put a read more for those who would like to avoid these triggers. I am not aware of all the triggering content in this game yet, so please look up a full list if you feel the need!
For Virche Evermore, I played the prologue and Chapter 1 for this post. I am trying to do these posts before the first necessary dialogue choice, but because of how short the prologue was and how you only see 3 of the 6 LIs at that point I decided to wait until a bit later. I started playing January 15, 2024.
Also, I’ll note my most anticipated and least anticipated with the respective emojis: ✨ and 💥
General Thoughts
Oh my god this starts out so wild??? The prologue portion was INCREDIBLY short and I immediately saved after and it said Act 2 so was that Act 1? No clue. Anyways, this poor girl has gone through it. I feel so bad for Ceres. I don’t like that everybody but Salome ignores her essentially. Ok so I didn’t realize we’d be taking a Piofiore route of introducing religion but that’s fun. I struggle with games addressing religion sometimes because of some personal issues so I’m anticipating this game will take me a bit to get through like Piofiore: Fated Memories.
He seems very nice! He’s definitely one of the pretty boy characters and I have a stellar track record of picking those ones as my favorite. I did think he was wearing a dress at first and then was sad for 0.3 seconds when I discovered he wasn’t.
Lucas ✨
Oh boy another pretty guy. We’re off to an amazing start people. I was not expecting his voice but it fits, they almost always do. OH HE’S A TEACHER COOL! I am begging for at least one of these guys to have a full on dress at some point please they’d all pull it off flawlessly. Especially Lucas or Mathis. Oh he’s coughing that’s not good…I wanna fix this fictional country’s problems just to save this dude from dying he’s too pretty.
I have seen this man for 10 seconds and he is already getting on my nerves omg. Now to be fair, he is another pretty boy character…they probably all are now that I think about it. I was not expecting that voice from him though.
Ok this is the cover art guy…immediate first thought is he’s a little strange. I’m 99% sure he’s that kid who saved her in the fire. Yeah he basically instantly confirmed that, cool. Oh sweet the game confirmed it quickly on too, makes my life a lot easier. Somebody with braincells yay!
Adolphe 💥
Ok so I started my thoughts here at the first official time he makes an appearance. Interesting, I like him more than I thought I would when I was just seeing his sprite. He’s got some braincells unlike most these people so that’s a win. What’s not a win is the older brother-little sister dynamic we have here! Cute for anybody that’s not a love interest! Something from seeing his sprite enough now, does the dude wear a shirt because it doesn’t look like it?
Oh my god he’s wild and not in a good way to start off! Ok he’s scaring me genuinely wow. But he is pretty…ok what is he even talking about. Oh and that’s it there’s the op. Well let’s see how this game goes!
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fipindustries · 1 year
and another thing about rob as a writer,
any genre fiction book worth its salt will try to create its own quaint little neologisms. either in magical names such as Käelendria and Uzth'mos or sciene babble like Nexus ressonace and Quantized Neutronium.
but noone does it with as much penache as rob, genuenly some of the most fascinating musicality, the crunchiest, stankiest noises entering my eyes and dancing in my inner ear. nowhere else ive seen such beautiful balance of sounding completly new and alien whilst sounding believable, grounded, like words that someone might have come up with in some obscure physics textbook decades ago.
in previous texts we've seen beauties like pneuma, exechamp and mundum and solenoid entity, and in here, no lesser, we come across terms such as Arbitration, Kosmopoietes, 'crash, rebase, mirzakhani, the dominant eon, the anomalings, the list goes on.
these are not the types of words that you struggle with the first few times you come across them in the book until you roll your eyes and then proceed to mentally skip, not even bothering to narrate internally when reading them. these are the types of words that get in and you feel glad to have bouncing inside of your head for the rest of the day, maybe even ocassionally reciting them in whispers as you go through the day, finding joy in the mere act of articulation of the sounds.
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