katyahina · 4 months
Godwyn and Fortissax fucked + I have an idea WHY Godrick's genes are so weak (his closest relatives' too)
Short post but I really like this topic hfhfdsf Okay so I double-checked the description of Draconian Tarnisheds and Godrick's dialogue, and:
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The notion about Tarnisheds with dragonic roots having shorter lifespans makes me think that this is the reason; dragons and human(oids) are not the best mix! Godrick's closest ancestors might have had actual connections with dragons! Since it IS possible:
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Dragons can shapeshift, so yeah.. existence of dragonian Tarnisheds likely implies that Godwyn and Fortissax fucked fsdhfdhs I assume her not just because of them being close, but also because she is unique amongst Ancient Dragons in being dark-colored and these Tarnished have coal skin,
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At first I wondered if Fortissax' color might have been an effect of corruption, but then, again: if all Ancient Dragons are just stone grey, Draconic Tarnisheds could have had stone grey skin then because whatever connection made Draconic people had to happen before Godwyn became Prince of Death! Her corruption should then be referring to her losing a lot of her skin, with so much more gold insides showing through, and dark skin of this type of Tarnished revealing her actual color! (+ also post ( x ) on WHY I believe Fortissax is a she)
As for Godrick's and his close relatives and ancestors like Godefroy! Whereas Ancient Dragons refers to the rocky dragons from Farum Azula, there is another kind of dragons - feathered Greyoll's kind of dragons!
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I used one of the babies around Greyoll and Agheel as volunteers, but you can see the dragon's body Godrick uses is certainly the same type of the dragon! Again, wings of Ancient Dragons for comparison, are also rocky and lack the feathers:
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This makes sense that the branch of dragons Godrick is apparently related to is that of Greyoll's! We never see him use anything bolt-like, however, he does use wind-based attacks, like the rest of the Stormveil. His children do so too!
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^ Worth to mention that Dragon Communion has connection with Godfrey (lion face is his mark), but the dragons laying in these churches are the Ancient types! These might be remnants of war with Gransax and others, since they did try to "defeat dragons by becoming them" as set of Dragonic Sentinels suggests! @fantomette22 offered another idea that maybe these Ancient Dragons instead were 'keepers' of these churches, and somehow had conflict with Greyoll's line of dragons. So, these churches came after Godwyn made peace between Ancient Dragons and Golden Order, and people were supposed to specifically consume hearts of Greyoll's dragons, not Ancient!
I don't know which idea I am leaning towards more, but I wanted to bring the Dragon Communion up just in case! Still, Godrick calls the dragon a relative and shows frail health, whereas act of eating dragon hearts gives you serpentine's eyes and makes you into a wyrm (most likely gradually lol). None is seen on him or his children, so I assume relation refers to mixing blood, not to the act of him or his ancestors consuming the hearts! In other words, if Ancient Dragons could turn into humanoids and have children (+descendants like Draconic Tarnished), maybe Greyoll's type could do this as well? 🤔
@val-of-the-north on the other hand, suggested an idea that rather than Greyoll's type of dragons being directly involved, it is all the same kind of genes of Ancient Dragons but having "evolved" into being like Greyoll's type! So, like her kind of dragons are more 'earthly' type, that evolved from Ancient Dragons straying further from perfection and divinity but instead adapting to whatever effects them (looking at you, Dark Souls!), similarly Ancient Dragon genes IN Golden Lineage changed too. And in roughly the same from-stone-to-feather manner, to mirror evolution (or corruption?) of the dragons themselves! I think this idea is very good in terms of how Fromsoft can't have enough of reusing the concepts!
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^ Grafted Scions are also showing grey hair, despite being very young! It is not all grey yet and original color is likely black; same as hair of wandering nobles, which would make sense for whatever women Godrick slept with apparently to be noble too. Early grey hair could be manifestation of this poor health and shortened lifespan! Maybe humans with dragon blood in mix die early because they age early, but for Demigods it is just early aging.
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(Video by Zullie the Witch ( x )) ^ At this rate I wonder whether these wings and feathers were actually grafted though, of they are sort of a side-effect of this "heritage" xd Like, sure, Stormveil is very much associated with the hawks, but modern Dragons ALSO having feathers makes me wonder! Especially since Godrick himself doesn't have any wings and feathers grafted on him, but the Noble Scions do.. Imagine feathers just showing on them because they are young, and maybe Godrick also used to grow feathers but they fell out by now due to simply his age!
Conclusion: don't have children with the dragons while Godfrey isn't looking or something they will turn out kinda sick and frail idk
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fatedroses · 4 months
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Adventurer Zenos and G'raha cause I had to draw my silly guys. I just enjoy the idea of Zenos hanging out with fellow bookworms and being begrudgingly (though occasionally willingly) helpful.
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holly-tea · 6 months
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Prince Erato, Scion of Spring 🌷
A gift for my good friend @nightfaeses !!! it’s their birthday go wish them a happy birthday rn or i’ll explode you with my mind
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fisherrprince · 6 months
“Ch’ari. What are you doing.”
The aetheric silhouette that is the Warrior of Light freezes in the middle of hobbling across the hallway. “I am… getting… a drink?” He says. 
“Oh?” Y’shtola raises an eyebrow. 
His aether flickers. The shape inches forward slowly, as if she were a dinosaur and couldn’t see him if he moved really slow. “I am… getting a very specific drink. From… Othard.”
“Are you now.” 
“…You are getting me a very specific drink from Othard?” Ch’ari tries. 
Y’shtola reaches behind her for her staff, and Ch’ari turns and scuttles as fast as his body will take him back into his room where he’s supposed to be. 
Alisaie scowls. “I am bored.”
“No kidding,” Ch’ari whines. “When are we allowed to leave?!”
“I am allowed to leave tomorrow. You will be staying here until you have resolved not to be a fool and throw your life away for a victory lap,” Alisaie snaps, and then her expression turns down. “Or at least until you can walk again.”
“Seems hypocritical to me. They’re letting you out early.”
“I’m almost healed!”
“By the loosest definition.”
“It wasn’t even a wound, Ari.”
“Look—“ Alisaie says, pride in being Not Bedridden stoked by his dismissals, and pushes her way out of her bed at Dawn’s Respite to march over to Ch’ari’s bed, indignant. And still, notably, a bit shaky, after concentrated lightning magic left her too hurt to stand. Ch’ari still thinks they’re all stupid, every Scion, right back at them, for not tending to their own injuries well enough to heal themselves before pouring almost the entire Ragnarok’s worth of aether into him. Stupid, dumb, idiots. They’d already saved the universe at that point. We don’t need eight incapacitated scions when we could have had just the one. 
“You look like a baby amaro,” Ch’ari says, instead of voicing any of those thoughts. “Like a newborn foal. Damnation, looks like you’ll have to stay here and keep me company.”
Alisaie flicks him — gently, even though he’s not even got a head wound. “Ari. I promise we’re not going anywhere. And you know if you asked him to, Alphinaud would stay with you for days reading fantasy novels or textbooks at you for entertainment.”
His ears droop. “I know. But he needs to sleep.”
“And so do you.”
“And so do I,” Ch’ari grumbles in concession. “I am just not used to not moving. I want to kill something.”
Alisaie coughs out a startled laugh, and Ch’ari grins. “Gods, as do I, but we have our orders! Two weeks. No travel, no fights.”
“Sneak a coblin in here when you get out of this joint and I’ll pay for your sweets for a month.”
“Not a chance.”
“Not that I doubt your s-sSS-killed hands, Krile, I would never. But do bandages need changing thisoften?”
“In this specific case, yes,” Krile says, clearly not willing to entertain him while he chatters distractingly. “Might I remind you you were falling apart before we got to you with healing magics, and therefore you will be suffering the consequences for as long as a normal wound takes to heal naturally.”
“Peachy,” Ch’ari groans. He should have been better at avoiding that dumb voidsent Zenos summoned, but it always hid right out of his line of sight until it pounced. Clearly, a cheater, even if its master wouldn’t do a thing like that. Nah, he’d challenge him head-on, evening the playing ground until it was just strength against strength, no tricks, no unfair advantage. Pure, untouched adrenaline, bloodlust, the hunger for feeling alive. 
… Ch’ari will not miss him. But he will think of their encounters as long as it takes him to find something like it, if he ever does. Which is exactly what the prince wanted, drat. He should have taken Zenos to the Gold Saucer. Maybe he’d get really into chocobo racing instead of death matches. 
He’s jolted out of his thoughts by a sharp tug in his ribs. “Ow!”
“Sorry! Sorry,” Krile says, already casting a light soothing glow over the sticky mess there. Ch’ari buries his head further into the pillow with a groan. 
The door creaks. “My, someone sounds grumpy they’re being tended to,” comes a voice, and Tataru trots in with a small box in her hands. Ch’ari’s ears perk up. 
“Am not grumpy, I’m injured. What’s that?”
“Medicine,” Tataru says bluntly, and then gets a sly grin. “And a handful of pastry fish, fresh from the oven.”
“Tataru you’re my favorite. Have I ever told you you’re my favorite? You are. Hands down,” Ch’ari says, already sniffing the air to catch the smell, his tail whacking the edge of the bed. “I don’t even care that it’s bribery to get me to drink that foul tincture, I love you.”
Tataru laughs, bright and open, and even Krile huffs a bit in amusement. 
Alphinaud is asleep when he wanders into the main rooms, and Ch’ari considers dropping something onto the table to wake him up, but decides against it. He’s not all that sure how mana works — or mana overexertion, or… well, Lyse called it a chakra, but Ari isn’t a monk, and he’s not sure what straining or breaking one of them entails. He just knows the kid needs to sleep a bunch to get his aether back, and Ari shouldn’t be startling him so bad he breaks something again. If that’s how that works. He’d rather not risk it. 
Instead, he wanders over to Estinien, who is brooding in his Dragoon Corner. Also seemingly asleep until one eye cracks open, trained on his approach. 
“Dragoon,” Ch’ari says.
“…Cat,” Estinien replies in greeting. Ari snorts, the joke he made about having nine lives clearly amusing or at least annoying the Elezen to this day. 
“Guarding your nest, are we? I didn’t think we’d see you stick around this long.”
Estinien grunts. “Aye. Under normal circumstances I’d rather be off by now. But as long as…” he frowns. It’s always difficult for him to differentiate between draconic instincts and his own, and then subsequently translate them into human words, something he and Ch’ari have only spoken of briefly when Nidhogg’s lingering presence wanted to clash with what was left of Hraesvelgr in Ch’ari’s body. Simultaneously feral and overtly made of higher thought, the presence of the dragon is as long-lived as the beasts themselves. “As long as my ward is in need of protection, I will stay,” he settles on. And then his expression squishes, pained. “And… the pink one threatened me if I were to leave without a clean bill of health.”
Ch’ari laughs, then covers his mouth quickly to muffle it. “Ah, the jailer. No escaping that.” 
“Raha, you need any help with anything?”
G’raha looks up from his books, surprised. The Warrior is standing over his shoulder, swath in bandages and a simple shirt and slacks, his tail swishing. “Do I need any help with anything?”
“Well, no, I don’t think so… resigned to being monitored as we are, I have no new tasks which require my attention, and so…”
“Let me rephrase,” Ch’ari interrupts. “Please do you need help with anything.”
G’raha blinks. And then splits into a smile, ears giving a quick one-two wiggle. “My friend, I am quite sure we can find something to do. Something very calm and stressless, but something nonetheless. What is your opinion on magic circles?”
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mtg-cards-hourly · 29 days
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Scion of Vitu-Ghazi
Artist: Willian Murai TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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charlottedabookworm · 21 days
#3 - Tempest
feat Nadir
i restarted this four times before i finally landed on something that stuck
“I am afraid I have no idea what that is.”
The leader of these ‘Scions’ blinks at him, as nonplussed as if he had just stated he’d never seen a summer squall. “Pardon?”
Nadir frowns. “What is a ‘primal’?” Perhaps if he states it more clearly then the Eorzean’s will understand.
The room erupts into noise, everyone talking over one and other, and the sudden uproar sends his horns ringing. He flinches.
(they are not screaming the sky is not burning their aether is untainted all is well)
One voice, that of the cloaked figure, makes itself known above the others. “Dost thou perhaps know them as eikons?”
“…’tis necessary for crafting high mythrite, is it not?” Nadir has no talent for alchemy himself, nor blacksmithing, but he had spent many shifts at the Great Work. He’s certain he has heard that term before.
Once again, these ‘Scions’ burst into noise.
Nadir wishes desperately for the scale armour of the Host and the quiet hours of silent guard duty. He wishes for his cousin, laughing silently at his side, as they watch the bustle of their people.
He wishes for home.
Swallowing, he casts his gaze towards the small window, high in the wall, and focuses on the blue sky above.
It is not burning.
There is no screaming, there are no blasphemies, his people are well.
(He will make certain they are well)
He breathes in. (Master Vrtra entrusted him with this). He straightens his shoulders from where they are hunched below his horns. (His Satrap entrusted him with their people’s future). The sky is blue. (He will not fail).
Nadir coughs politely.
The tumult falls silent.
“Would you please explain why I am here?”
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wingedlightsss · 4 months
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Showing off my island's flag because it may not be the greatest pixel art ever but hey I'm hella proud of it
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hug-kiss-marry-kill · 3 months
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There’s something so…gorgeous about how the story of Vermax laying dragon eggs in the crypts of Winterfell works as piece of symbolism. It doesn’t really matter if physical dragon eggs exist down there imo because this story adds so much meaning to Jon’s status as a hidden dragon and also his status as one of the last remaining scions of House Targaryen. Plus it does a lot to contextualize how Ned’s action of saving his nephew’s life is in line with centuries old magic, even though he never intended it to be such.
Because Jace and Cregan quite famously made a pact which was called the “Pact of Ice and Fire”, in which they promised to join their houses through the union of marriage. We also have the canonical representation of Starks as 🧊 and Targaryens as 🔥. Two opposing sides that could do harm to each other have decided to come together through marriage and procreation. Through this pact comes a new life that will be a balanced union of ice and fire.
Then we get the story of Vermax laying eggs in the Winterfell crypts. An act that symbolizes the continuation of life. It’s so interesting because we know how this story ends. We know that after this, the dragons will die and will be no more in Westeros….BUT there’s the exception of the eggs in Winterfell. They may be unhatched but they are like a promise of life. And it’s Winterfell’s crypts that keep them hidden from danger and Winterfell’s heated walls that cover them.
What’s even more gorgeous is that this pact is made in a period of civil war that threatened the survival of the Targaryen dynasty. And like… isn’t that Jon Snow’s life story?! He was born at the tail of of Robert’s rebellion which saw the death of the Targaryens. Aerys and Rhaegar (and Rhaegar’s children were dead). A child Viserys, Rhaella, and an unborn Dany were all that was left of the Targaryen legacy.
And then comes the unexpected Jon Snow. Born of the union of Stark and Targaryen, ice and fire. Ice and fire were on opposing sides in the war and killed each other. But then comes Jon Snow to mend that rift and heal that divide. He is born after a period of death to represent new life and new beginnings. He’s just a little baby but he symbolizes so much!
It’s why I think Jon serves better as a symbol of spring and not winter. Because everything about him represents the promise of life after death: born at the end of a civil war, him being represented by a winter rose, him being symbolized as the corn king (a mythical figure who represented the cycle of life and death), his presumed death at the end of ADWD but the promise that he will be resurrected, etc.
And then we have Ned Stark being the unwitting proxy to his ancestor Cregan. Ned took this dragon egg and hid him away within Winterfell’s walls. Then he took Jon’s mother and also placed her in the crypts. It’s no wonder that Jon has so many strange dreams regarding the crypts. Symbolically, the secret of his birth being hidden away in the crypts ties in quite nicely with Vermax’s hidden dragon eggs. In both cases, a symbol of Targaryen life is hidden within the walls of the Winterfell crypts. Then there’s Summer’s strange vision of a winged serpent as Winterfell burned. Many fans has often wondered what this vision meant. I’m not sure either, but it would be a nice touch if this is a symbolic representation of Jon Snow. As it was with Summer’s vision, Jon is the dragon that has hatched and left the confines of Winterfell’s walls, and he is ready to do some damage.
#jon snow#asoiaf#valyrianscrolls#i don’t believe physical dragon eggs in the winterfell crypts will be an important plot point#I think this story is mainly there to symbolize jon#a little dragon - scion of house targaryen- hidden away by the Starks of winterfell#Also wonderful that we’re told so many times that the crypts represent the power and legacy of the starks#It’s where the dead stark kings reside- the kings of winter with their stone direwolves#Then we have the dragon - the symbol of house Targaryen’s power#These two things come together and bam we have mr jonathan snow#An unassuming inheritor of the legacies of these two houses#But he is something special because he’s something that has never existed before#Ice and fire coexist with him and within him#He was not intentional but he is here#And he is here when it matters most - after all the world needs a savior#I think this puts quite the spin on the idea of a promised prince#Because there was a pact many many years ago that didn’t come into fruition in its intended time frame#But it’s been realized now when darkness threatens the land#Oooooh the ~Jon is the prince who was promised ~ truthers win every single day 🎉 🪩 🕺#It’s so interesting that the original pact was between a Targ princess and a Stark lord#At most the children born of this union would’ve only been lords or ladies#But with the union of Rhaegar and Lyanna it’s switched#Jon not only is a prince through his father but he has also been made an inheritor of winterfell#He is more powerful and important than the original pact intended#He’s both prince and lord - he’s a KING#And he has claims to both sides#No one is doing it like him I fear#canonjonsnow
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mrlarkstin · 6 months
Why you should consider a Great Wyrm
Want someone to cherish you like the treasure you are? Consider a Great Wyrm!
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manasurge · 1 year
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@sunsrefuge Your comments are always so cute and sweet and adorable!! ;o; (tysm!!!!) They always make me so happy, so I felt compelled to return the favour with Mourynn giving a lil' smooch in return to your newest magical rat fren <3 (I hope xey don't mind)
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hiscursedness · 9 months
The D&D artist sighs as they open their mail and read another message from Jeremy Crawford "Give me an absolutely fucked up little fish man, the more disastrous the better."
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icewitcher · 11 months
Just realized it's been a week I didn't play FFXIV and that after I reach that Heavensward part.
The " A smile... better suits a hero." part in english.
And in french "But you... You have such a beautiful smile... Try to not forget mine...."
Definitively in my top 5/top 10 lines that hurt my soul deeply.
And Alphi and the others doesn't make things easier when they say "I didn't know you were so close/had such a relationship.". Like bitch... Are you trying to make me cry ? Like I don't need to know. I know that Haurchefant was flirty with the WoL but not sure I would be able to handle it if they were in a romantic relationship or a queerplatonic relation so deep that it hurts bc WoL reaction was already hurting me by dropping to the knees and holding so gently his hand with their own so adding this and make it canon ?
It's the killing blow.
Well done Yoshi-P, well fucking done. But also you goddamn bastard. How dare you hurt my feelings like this. Do you want to take away what's left of my tears that Honkai Impact 3rd chapter 25 of main story, "Everlasting Flames" animation, the end of the Kolosten arc, "Thus Spoke Apocalypse" animation and the whole Elysian realm arc hasn't take from me ?
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Sundew: Sundew has Leafspeak, which is the ability to communicate with and control plants.
She’s canonically Sapphic and is revealed to have a her girlfriend named Willow and hangs out with her girlfriend within her own book, The Poison Jungle.
Also she’s named after a carnivorous plant, which is cool.
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valeriefauxnom · 11 months
You know, the castle story "That Which Remains" is very effective at wounding me emotionally. Specifically, what is shown developing and then dashed against the rocks without mercy.
That is, Euden's and Audric's relationship in particular.
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Now, at this point Audric hasn't learned he's forcing his magical Alzheimer's to him specifically on everyone else. Sure, there's been some weird instances people where couldn't remember things about him, but in general he's been sticking around pretty consistently for relationships to form.
Especially with Euden, since Euden seems to have developed a pretty close relationship with Audric. They've been working together regularly and often enough that Euden is maintaining so much sentiment about Audric that he feels ill-at ease when Audric is away. Enough to feel a need to vocalize his more selfish desire that Audric could stay, which is something considering Euden's tendency to push down anything he views as 'selfish'. He holds Audric in very high regard enough to send him on complicated, delicate solo missions.
He even seems to have figured out or is piecing together that Audric is Aurelius. Euden's about to potentially get his father back in some form, even an otherworldly one. Euden might have been able to get some actual parental support from his dad that he's missed since Aurelius' abrupt death, and Audric might have been able to get some quality time with at least one of his kids. Being able to help guide the next generation and ease some of his guilt.
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...But by the time he returns Euden has forgotten him outright.
Though he doesn't remember anything about Audric, there still seems to be something that's distressing Euden. He flees uncharacteristically, whether it be because he is having sudden concerns for his own health/memory or strong emotions lingering that he has no context for now.
Either way, to me it's a very sad idea that they were growing so close, only for Euden to forget it all because of Audric's... problems. It was so close to that little bit of happiness for the both of them, only for it to be dashed against the rocks. It also then seems to drive Audric to be more isolationist? As he accepts the idea that nobody is remembering him and that he deserves it, and then resolves more to take solace in actions that he's doing than forming any bonds since he knows they'll wither away just as soon. While he pretends to be fine with it, I'm sure it's still an emotional hardship that you can't form any meaningful relation with another and will be near-instantaneously forgotten as soon as you're gone.
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To me, this exchange later in the main campaign almost sounds like Audric talking to himself, trying to stop himself from wallowing in the dream he would be remembered, and focusing on the actions he can take to effect change.
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Even so, he's still trying to encourage Euden to remember something about their interactions, though he's accepted he himself won't be a part of them. He's trying to leave something behind to his son.
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He's remembering what he once had with Euden, both his own and this world's Euden not all too long ago.
I think that's a huge part of Audric, aside from all that guilt and self-loathing: memories. As everyone else forgets, he remembers, and can only hope to use those memories for good to leave behind something.
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Be it saving Euden from supposed-dead insects and their venom, or encouraging Emile to become a better ruler and person by using his memories of Emile as a guide to know what to say, to helping Nedrick understand that Euden and him needn't be enemies, Audric's- and Aurelius'- memories are what allow him to accomplish so much and influence his children on a better path.
And then, just after he dies, once and for all...
They might have started remembering.
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This conversation is specifically noted to have occurred days after Audric died, which seems to fall greatly outside the range of time it normally took for people to forget Audric or details about him. But Euden and co still remember his existence, his identity, and his death.
Despite his constant affirmations that Audric knew he'd never leave behind anything of himself aside from any results of his actions, he might have left memories behind after all. It's just a shame his earlier bonds he had begun to form with Euden, old friends (Raemond) and new ones alike weren't able to survive beforehand.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 9 months
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Scion of the Ur-Dragon
"I am the blood of the ur-dragon, coursing through all dragonkind."
Artist: Jim Murray TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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