stars-n-spice · 3 months
Silly Squad Pride Doodles!
Happy Pride from the sillies :)
Clone Wars Version here!
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Find out more about the Silly Squad here!
Close ups and personal headcanons/identies under the cut!
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Tube twins!
Tech is greyromantic
Crosshair is demiromantic
Both have complicated feelings with romantic attraction/don't fully understand it but it doesn't make them all the less capable of loving or being loved
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Hunter and Jung are both MLM!
Hunter is an oriented aroace - he feels aesthetic attraction towards men/masculine individuals
Jung is asexual and a demiboy (uses he/they pronouns)
They're in a queerplatonic relationship
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Itri and Omega are transfems!
You can pry transfem Omega from my cold, dead hands
Itri is Khea and Wrecker's daughter - Khea found her when Itri was around 5-6 years old
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Phee is bisexual!
Tech is quoisexual - meaning he doesn't really relate to or understand experiences or concepts of sexual attraction and orientation/feels confusion towards his feelings of attraction - one thing he isn't confused about? He loves Phee :)
Wrecker is omnisexual and Khea is pansexual! - While similar-ish identities the two do vary when it comes to attraction
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Echo and Viram are both Demisexual and bisexual/romantic!
Though Echo leans a little more towards being both demisexual and demiromantic than anything
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Cross doesn't like labels but he likes men - he knows that much
Tay is bisexual! Though if you ask him, he'll jokingly say he's 'Cross-sexual' because he's absolutely whipped for his man
Also I totally didn't draw the bi flag upside down - Tay is just an idiot
Achillean hearts! Because they're men attracted to men and I think the flag is pretty and wanted to include it
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stars-n-spice · 4 months
oooh boy more wips-
ok so I was in a really really shitty mood,, fucking,, idk what's up man,, I've been in a funk lately so I was like,, I need to do something to fix it and,, I ended up looping "Te Amo Y Más" from The Book of Life to try and relax and then my brain started thinking and I-
It's like 3 am right now what the hell,,
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Because when I'm in a shitty mood and can't sleep apparently all I've got to do is loop Diego Luna singing while drawing my sillies being soft and domestic and shit,,
I'm going to end up making stuff for the rest of the song,, this is just the beginning-
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stars-n-spice · 5 days
추석 WIPs
Because it's the perfect excuse to draw the Sillies in different hanboks! Probably won't finish them before 추석 is over but oh well-
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The actual Korean families first! Ft. a modern baby Itri with Wrecker and Khea! <3
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Prince! Crosshair with a Guard! Tay :) And a Scholar! Tech with Phee <3
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Last but not least we've got a buchaechum performer Viram and Echo as a samulnori performer!
Waaa I had so much fun with these so far,, hopefully I'll finish them soon lol
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stars-n-spice · 1 month
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Trying something new!
I'm going to attempt to post something Silly Squad related - be it headcanons, one shots/fics, or art - every Saturday! Because Silly Squad Saturday has a nice ring to it and it eases into OC Sunday pretty nicely :)
That and I want to try and motivate myself to do more with these guys because I post about like,, 10% of the collective lore I have about them while the rest of the 90% stays up in my brain.
So welcome and hello to the first-ever Silly Squad Saturday!
We're kicking off with some excerpts from the first chapter of fics I have planned for them and the Bad Batch (plus the headers for the fics)!
Each fic is dedicated to either Jung, Viram, Khea, or Tay and goes into detail about their lives before meeting the Bad Batch, their families, and what lead them to finding a home with our boys :)
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A forgotten relic of a fallen religion.
Jung can remember the fire. 
The blinding lights of red and gold. Of blue fury. Of an indescribable heat that could only be described as pure and utter hatred; burning hotter than the brightest stars.
He remembers the smell of smoke that followed from that fire. That sickly haze that still haunts him like a ghost and suffocates him in the silence of the night and his mind.
He remembers the weight of his saber in his hands. How the once familiar cool of metal felt heavier than any burden he’d once carried, suddenly foreign during a time he so desperately needed it to protect like it was designed to do. 
But worse than the sight of the flames, the smell of the smoke, and the weight so heavy in his hands were the sounds of screams. 
Of cries that pierced the night. Calls of confusion. Of desperations, betrayal, and fury. Sounds that should have never echoed against the Temple walls. Sounds that would now forever echo inside Jung’s head. 
Jung could remember it all. 
The sound of sudden blaster fire. The relentless pursuit of a blue blade radiating pure anger and fear. The sight of dozens of familiar helmets hiding what had once been men behind visors that only reflected the terrified faces of children and the desperation in those called upon to protect them. 
Those like Jung. 
In robes of hold and white, with intricate masks to hide his face. White to surrender his identity. Gold for knowledge and commitment to the Order. And a mask–like the rest of them–to conceal what had once been a person. 
Jung had served his Order well. After all, he knew of no other life. No other path. No other name. Nothing but white and gold robes, a mask, and a pike in his hands. He’d done his part, but nothing could have prepared him for the day that the Order fell. 
Everything he had known–everything he once was–fell away to fire and smoke from a blade wielded by one of their own and blaster bolts from their own army. 
A religion, millenniums in the making, nearly completely destroyed overnight.
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A medic who helps everyone but herself.
Since Viram could remember, she wanted to help people. 
As the oldest of four, she’d always been in charge and had the responsibilities of looking after her siblings and taking care of them. She cooked, she cleaned, she made sure they did their academy work and stayed out of trouble. With her parents out more often than not, Viram assumed the role of ‘mom’ and ‘dad;’ growing up much faster than those her age. But it was okay, at least to Viram it was, because she understood it was something that had to be done. 
And while some would crumble under the weight of expectations, Viram thrived. There wasn’t anything the Mikkian couldn’t tackle and everything she did–she did it to honor her parents. 
Her father was a well-renowned doctor while her mother was an inspiring teacher, and Viram respected and admired them from the very start. They were the perfect picture of an Inner and Mid Rim family. Well off and respected, her parents were shining lights in their communities that were constantly helping those in need with their skills and talents. Viram so desperately wanted to be like them. 
So, she did what she could to follow in their footsteps. She excelled in school and at home she looked after her siblings when her parents worked late. Some might’ve pitied her and thought she was forced into her duties and dreams by her parents, but Viram didn’t care or listen to them. It was her life, and she wanted it to be just like her parents’: 
Well at least, Viram thought that was how it was and would forever remain. 
For a good part of her life though, that’s how life was. She graduated with honors, watched her siblings grow up and follow their own dreams, and she started to work under her father and learn his practice. She had studied to become a medic at the academy on Coruscant and as soon as she had graduated, she took everything she had learned to her father and started to learn even more from him out on the field. 
She could finally help people in the way that she forever had wished that she could, with every wound treated, every assessment diagnosed, every bandage so delicately placed, Viram was achieving her dreams. Everything was perfect. 
And then the war started.
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A little starbird with no way back home.
Khea wished she couldn’t remember her roots. 
She wished the beskar she wore wasn’t her own, that her tongue didn’t speak foreign words and her mind didn’t know ancient legends and myths. Khea wished that the blood in her veins didn’t burn bright like the fires in the Great Forge and that the last name she carried wasn’t shared with any clan. She wished that everything she ever was and everything that came before her would fade to stardust and leave her with a blank slate.  
Because to be a Nultez was to be a wanderer. To be a Nultez was to be cursed to forever be…
Her father started the curse, when he left Chandrila to escape an ancient tradition, only to find himself as a lowly performer in a traveling circus until he met her mother. Her mother then shared the curse when she decided to marry him and take his last name–leaving her clan to start her own and finding love and life outside of Mandalore. Then they gave it to their children–Jovaz, Khea, and Mitcan. 
Jovaz Nultez, the zealot. Khea Nultez, the wander. And Mitcan Nultez, the dreamer.
Siblings bound together by a last name, but not bound to stay together.
A destiny that was decided before they were even born, fate woven into the stars; something so out of Khea’s control yet something she felt at fault for every waking day and every sleepless night. Because she had made promises to her brothers: To Jovaz, she promised that she would always stick with him–no matter what. To Mitcan, she promised she wouldn’t leave him–that she wouldn’t let him down. 
But when Jovaz came to her, speaking of honor and ancient ways, asking her to join him and run away from all they’d ever known–she couldn’t bring herself to go with him. What he spoke of was something she couldn’t stomach and like a coward she refused and let him go down a dark path, leaving her with guilt and the new burden of being the oldest child. 
It was a guilt that was haunting, one that pushed her to try and bring him back, only for her to break her promise to Mitcan in the meantime. 
She hadn’t planned on it, but Mitcan wanted to go with her to bring their brother back. For a few years they searched for him and when they finally found him–Khea broke her promise to Mitcan. She couldn’t protect him. Couldn’t save Jovaz from himself. Couldn’t be the big sister Mitcan saw her as. She let Mitcan down–and it led him to his death. 
Khea wishes she never made those promises, but they weren’t the only promises she had made.
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A merciless merc all caught up in strings.
Tay doesn’t remember much from his past–and that was probably a good thing. 
He didn’t know exactly how he ended up in The Cauldron–a colosseum that had always felt so giant and grand to him when it should’ve been seen for what it was; a cage. He couldn’t remember how he–a chagrian with nothing to his name– found his only home to be one of cages and chains. 
However, as he got older, he had his theories. Theories that all boiled down to one obvious claim: his parents–whoever they were–didn’t care about him enough to keep him. Instead, all he was to them was a quick paycheck, sold to slavers who took him away to the colosseum to train and fight until the inevitable day he died a gruesome death in the name of entertainment and credits. 
And maybe he should’ve died a gruesome death the first time he was put into a match once he was old enough, but he was determined to prove something. He was determined to prove he was more than what was assumed of him. To prove to his bastard parents he was more than a paycheck–wherever they were. To prove he deserved every right to exist in the galaxy like the rest of them. 
So he fought. He fought and he won. Again and again.
And the cheers and praise that came once he’d won his debut match? They were addicting. 
It didn’t take Tay long to thrive off the attention and acknowledgement that came with winning matches. Suddenly he was more. He had a purpose. And to the young, cocky chagrian, it felt an awful lot like respect. But most importantly, it felt like love. 
The people loved him. They couldn’t get enough of him. Every fight. Every opponent. Every win. Tay was addicted to the crowds and they were addicted to him. 
Tay brought crowds. He brought in money. He was more than anyone who had bought him could’ve imagined. That’s because more than a fighter, Tay was a performer. He could put on a show. He had learned how to capture the audiences with his natural charm and it wasn’t long before his ‘holders’ began to see use for him in areas outside of the ring. After all, there were a lot who would pay a pretty credit or two to be up close and personal with Tay’kaa, the reigning champ Chagrian...
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If you enjoyed what you read and would like to be notified when the chapters are officially published - feel free to join the tag list! Just let me know in this post, dms, or fill out this form!
If you're new to the squad; check out these links to learn more about them: 💫 Silly Squad Masterlist 💫 Baddies Batch Masterlist 
Thank you so much for reading!! 🩵💫
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stars-n-spice · 4 months
ScompScope Mermaids!
It's mer-may ya'll! Not doing prompts or anything, lol, just wanted to draw some sillies as mermaids :)
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Background is something I put together on Canva <3
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Check out the others! (soon to be finished-)
Wrecker & Khea // Tech & Phee // Crosshair & Tay // Hunter & Jung // Omega & Batcher
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Individual shots and information about the fish they are and why under the cut!
Echo as a Beluga Whale!
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This was mainly because Belugas use ECHO-location, lol
But they're also pasty as fuck (at least TBB Echo is)
Also they're good mothers
Viram as an Axolotl!
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Originally I wanted her to be a jelly fish (specifically a purple stinger jelly) because it fits her color scheme and I kinda had a jellyfish in mind when I was designing her
But then like,, I wanted a swishy tail and decided to make her an axolotl instead
It fits her color scheme and they both have those external gill like things coming out of their heads
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stars-n-spice · 24 days
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Summary: A medic who helps everyone but herself. There are many ways to fight. Some with fists. Some with words. Others with weapons of destruction or blades of fire. But as there are many ways to fight, there are even more things to fight for. For most of her life, all Viram Cossa wanted to do was help people. She wanted the perfect life her parents had; ones where they made a difference in people’s lives by helping. She got that chance when the war started, but it wasn’t everything she thought it would be. Viram learned the hard way that even with her knowledge and skills, there were only so many people she could save. Then when it came time to save the person who meant most to her–she couldn’t. In a galaxy as cruel as that one with the growing evil of the Empire looming, Viram learned it wasn’t enough to just help by healing–she needed to learn how to fight. For those who couldn’t. She found a new purpose and along the way met someone, who like her, had lost and was ready to fight for a better tomorrow.
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Chapter One: Prologue
Since Viram could remember, she wanted to help people.
As the oldest of four, she’d always been in charge and had the responsibilities of looking after her siblings and taking care of them. She cooked, she cleaned, she made sure they did their academy work and stayed out of trouble. With her parents out more often than not, Viram assumed the role of ‘mom’ and ‘dad;’ growing up much faster than those her age. But it was okay, at least to Viram it was, because she understood it was something that had to be done.
And while some would crumble under the weight of expectations, Viram thrived. There wasn’t anything the Mikkian couldn’t tackle and everything she did–she did it to honor her parents.
Her father was a well-renowned doctor while her mother was an inspiring teacher, and Viram respected and admired them from the very start. They were the perfect picture of an Inner and Mid Rim family. Well off and respected, her parents were shining lights in their communities that were constantly helping those in need with their skills and talents. Viram so desperately wanted to be like them.
So, she did what she could to follow in their footsteps. She excelled in school and at home she looked after her siblings when her parents worked late. Some might’ve pitied her and thought she was forced into her duties and dreams by her parents, but Viram didn’t care or listen to them. It was her life, and she wanted it to be just like her parents’:
Well at least, Viram thought that was how it was and would forever remain.
For a good part of her life though, that’s how life was. She graduated with honors, watched her siblings grow up and follow their own dreams, and she started to work under her father and learn his practice. She had studied to become a medic at the academy on Coruscant and as soon as she had graduated, she took everything she had learned to her father and started to learn even more from him out on the field.
She could finally help people in the way that she forever had wished that she could, with every wound treated, every patient diagnosed, and every bandage so delicately placed, Viram was achieving her dreams. Everything was perfect .
But then the war started.
Everything changed after that. Nothing would ever be the same the day those droids were deployed and those blaster bolts were first fired. No matter how much Viram pretended things to be, things changed and Viram was forced to change with them.
Her picture perfect life shattered as everything seemed to change in an instant. Shortly after the war broke out, her father was called upon by the Republic to tend to the wounded and Viram went with him.
There she would be met with sights that would forever haunt her. Sights that radicalized both her and her father. Sights of dark red blood, deep wounds and gashes, protruding bones, shattered jaws, and missing limbs. Sights of young men with barely a name to call their own, dying in a war that was never theirs to fight in. Sights that made her realize she wasn’t doing enough and that she might never be able to.
She learned the hard way that she couldn’t save everyone. Not with all her knowledge and expertise–she couldn’t save them all. So many men, civilians, and Jedi alike, dying with a look of hope that she might be able to save them. So many times Viram felt the warmth leave someone’s hand, saw the light of hope in their eyes fade, or heard the shaky finale exhale of yet another person she couldn’t save. So many nights she cried herself to sleep thinking it was her fault she couldn’t save them. And when the time came–she couldn’t even save the person who meant the most to her.
When the war finally ended, Viram had hoped that things might go back to normal; or at least, that she’d be able to pretend that things were back to the way they were, but of course, that wasn’t the case. The pieces of her life were shattered once again just as she was beginning to pick up the pieces.
With the rise of the Empire, her father was “requested” to retire. His life’s work–his purpose–what he loved to do was suddenly taken away as the Empire came into power. Without the war, they claimed they had no need for a doctor such as her father–but Viram knew the real reason for it.
They didn’t need a Mikkian doctor such as her father.
Knowing this made Viram furious to no end, radicalizing her further and igniting a fire that rivaled the spark she’d tended to as a young child into a blazing inferno she couldn’t keep to herself anymore.
And the fire that once fueled her father? Snuffed out by the Empire, leaving him broken; a shell of what he once was.
At first, her father had mirrored Viram’s fire. He refused to back down from his job, he insisted that he stay and continue to perform his work–continue to help those who needed it–but the Empire quickly doused that fire. They broke him down, the once strong man that Viram had admired and longed to be like–completely shattered in a matter of days, stomped underneath the boot of the Empire.
He didn’t eat. He didn’t speak. He didn’t rest. Her father turned into a ghost.
And like those of whose ghosts still haunted her after the war–Viram couldn’t save him.
She didn’t know what was worse though–the ghosts of the dead she couldn’t save still lingering in her mind or the ghost of her father, still walking amongst the living as a constant reminder that no matter how much knowledge, skill, or talent she had–she couldn’t save them all.
That alone should’ve been damning enough. It should’ve broken her spirit like it had broken her father, but Viram refused to let it.
No longer did she want a perfect life where she helped people–no.
Now she wanted a just life where she could still help people but fight for them as well.
She couldn’t save her father when he fell into a deep, dark depression in his retirement, but she vowed she’d fix things, somehow. One day she might save him, but in the meantime, she was going to save and fight in the ways that she knew how to–for those who couldn’t.
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A03 Link 🩺 Next Chapter >> Ask to join the tag list! Or fill out this form here!
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stars-n-spice · 1 month
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Welcome back!
I'm going to attempt to post something Silly Squad (Bad Batch x Baddies Batch) related - be it headcanons, one shots/fics, or art - every Saturday! Because Silly Squad Saturday has a nice ring to it and it eases into OC Sunday pretty nicely :) 
That and I want to try and motivate myself to do more with these guys because I post about like,, 10% of the collective lore I have about them while the rest of the 90% stays up in my brain. 
This week we've got: Prologues!
Here are the prologues of Jung, Viram, Khea, and Tay'kaa's stories!
Join each of them as they attempt to adapt to an ever-changing galaxy, facing challenges both external and internal as past memories and broken promises haunt them. Join them as they all search for something; be it identity, purpose, a home, or love, in the vast galaxy far far away...
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A forgotten relic of a fallen religion.
Jung can remember the fire. 
The blinding lights of red and gold. Of blue fury. Of an indescribable heat that could only be described as pure and utter hatred; burning hotter than the brightest stars.
He remembers the smell of smoke that followed from that fire. That sickly haze that still haunts him like a ghost and suffocates him in the silence of the night and his mind.
He remembers the weight of his saber in his hands. How the once familiar cool of metal felt heavier than any burden he’d once carried, suddenly foreign during a time he so desperately needed it to protect like it was designed to do. 
But worse than the sight of the flames, the smell of the smoke, and the weight so heavy in his hands were the sounds of screams. 
Continue the story on Ao3 >>
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A medic who helps everyone but herself.
Since Viram could remember, she wanted to help people. 
As the oldest of four, she’d always been in charge and had the responsibilities of looking after her siblings and taking care of them. She cooked, she cleaned, she made sure they did their academy work and stayed out of trouble. With her parents out more often than not, Viram assumed the role of ‘mom’ and ‘dad;’ growing up much faster than those her age. But it was okay, at least to Viram it was, because she understood it was something that had to be done. 
And while some would crumble under the weight of expectations, Viram thrived. There wasn’t anything the Mikkian couldn’t tackle and everything she did–she did it to honor her parents. 
Her father was a well-renowned doctor while her mother was an inspiring teacher, and Viram respected and admired them from the very start. They were the perfect picture of an Inner and Mid Rim family. Well off and respected, her parents were shining lights in their communities that were constantly helping those in need with their skills and talents. Viram so desperately wanted to be like them. 
So, she did what she could to follow in their footsteps. She excelled in school and at home she looked after her siblings when her parents worked late. Some might’ve pitied her and thought she was forced into her duties and dreams by her parents, but Viram didn’t care or listen to them. It was her life, and she wanted it to be just like her parents’: 
Continue the story on Ao3 >>
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A little starbird with no way back home.
Khea wished she couldn’t remember her roots. 
She wished the beskar she wore wasn’t her own, that her tongue didn’t speak foreign words and her mind didn’t know ancient legends and myths. Khea wished that the blood in her veins didn’t burn bright like the fires in the Great Forge and that the last name she carried wasn’t shared with any clan. She wished that everything she ever was and everything that came before her would fade to stardust and leave her with a blank slate.  
Because to be a Nultez was to be a wanderer. To be a Nultez was to be cursed to forever be…
Continue the story on Ao3 >>
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A merciless merc all caught up in strings.
Tay doesn’t remember much from his past–and that was probably a good thing. 
He didn’t know exactly how he ended up in The Cauldron–a colosseum that had always felt so giant and grand to him when it should’ve been seen for what it was; a cage. He couldn’t remember how he–a chagrian with nothing to his name– found his only home to be one of cages and chains. 
However, as he got older, he had his theories. Theories that all boiled down to one obvious claim: his parents–whoever they were–didn’t care about him enough to keep him. Instead, all he was to them was a quick paycheck, sold to slavers who took him away to the colosseum to train and fight until the inevitable day he died a gruesome death in the name of entertainment and credits. 
And maybe he should’ve died a gruesome death the first time he was put into a match once he was old enough, but he was determined to prove something. He was determined to prove he was more than what was assumed of him. To prove to his bastard parents he was more than a paycheck–wherever they were. To prove he deserved every right to exist in the galaxy like the rest of them. 
So he fought. He fought and he won. And the cheers and praise that came once he’d won his debut match? They were addicting. 
Continue the story on Ao3 >>
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Taglist: @stardume, @perilmax, @tbnrpotato
If you enjoyed what you read and would like to be notified when the chapters are officially published - feel free to join the tag list! Just let me know in this post, dms, or fill out this form!
If you're new to the squad; check out these links to learn more about them: 💫 Silly Squad Masterlist 💫 Baddies Batch Masterlist 
Thank you so much for reading!! 🩵💫 Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!!!
Banners and dividers all made by me :P
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stars-n-spice · 6 months
Viram Cossa Info Sheets
Went a little crazy with Canva (my beloved) and made these little info cards!
This way the basics on the different members of the Baddies Batch are all in one place :D
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Bonus Relationship Sheet!
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More info can be found here!
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stars-n-spice · 6 months
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Scompscope Ship Sheets!
Since I'm a bit of a sucker for cute/creative ship names that aren't just the individual's names combined, I decided to call Echo and Viram "Scompscope"!
'Scomp' is obviously due to Echo's scomp link while 'scope' is like 'stethoscope' since Viram is a medic! :D
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More Information:
Baddies Batch (squad of TBB S/Os) Scompscope Basic Info Sheet Wrecker x OC Ship Sheets Crosshair x OC Ship Sheets Hunter x OC Ship Sheets
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stars-n-spice · 2 months
Behold! Silly Squad ten(ish) years later after the rescue on Mt. Tantiss!
Or aka my "Somehow the clones magically age normally and Tech is alive" AU in which they all get happy endings and their own families :)
And yes the cadets and Sami also get adopted by the families :D
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I will probably post more in depth things about each individual family later but there's some basic information like what their lives are like on Pabu, what the kid's names mean, how they got adopted, and so on about each under the cut!
Guardians Family - The Yuns
Hunter and Jung decided to adopt Mox and Sami (who didn't want to go back to her family)
Later they find and adopt Huihana, thus completing their family!
But it doesn't account for all the other kids Jung and Hunter have adopted mentally and spiritually since they run a school on Pabu
Huihana means "lily/lotus" in Maori and 'Hana' means "one" in Korean
Huihana is half human and half Mirialan - later on when she's older she'll get tattoos similiar to Sami, Mox, and Jung's
Huihana is two years old and the youngest of the Second Gen kids
Mox gets the Pantoran facial tattoo to match with his sister :)
Sami ends up being Jung's padawan basically and ends up adding to her facial tattoo to match the ones Jung has
The family runs a school/camp! Mainly for Force sensitive kiddos, but Hunter also teaches them practical stuff as well
Hunter and Jung are the last of the couples to get "married"
I say "married" because they're already practically married (in a QPR) but they have a whole celebration for the sake of Omega
ScompScope Family - The Cossas
Echo and Viram decide to adopt Deke after he starts to join them on their missions with Rex and Chuchi
And then they have two sons of their own - Tikan and Zisanu - once they feel they've done their part and finally settle down
Put the three together and you get "Dee," "Tee," and "Zee" (that was a complete coincidence btw)
Tika[n] means 'Heavy' in Tsonga
Zisanu means 'Five' in Chichewa
Yeah, their names are meant to honor Hevy and Fives :) I thought it would be fitting
Rex is their godfather (and is totally not bitter about them not being named after him, totally not at all)
Echo and Viram continue to do rebellion work for a while before finally deciding to settle down once their part is done
Every now and then they do go and help Rex though, usually they'll take Deke with them and leave the two others with their Tíos since they're still kinda young (T and Z are not super happy about it)
When they're on Pabu, Echo helps wherever he can and Viram continues her work as a medic and helps out at the clinic
Third of the group to get married - they'd already waited long enough and they decided it was better late than never because they'd pushed off their relationship for the sake of their duties
Starburst Family - The Nultez Clan
When you have a clone and a Mandalorian as parents, you're going to have a TON of kids
Khea had already taken Itri as a Foundling before her and Wrecker got married
Wrecker and Khea adopt Stak in a heartbeat and he becomes a Foundling as well
Marama and Maia are twins (32 minutes apart) and are absolute trouble makers
Marama means "moon/bright" in Maori (fitting with the Star motif of Khea)
Maia means "brave/confident" in Maori (fitting of her personality and her parents')
Elio means sun (again fitting with the star motif of Khea, and going alongside Marama)
Dha'ika is Khea's cat and Lula is the kids' cat
But to be fair, they have a TON of other pets
They basically run a farm on Pabu - Khea still is a mechanic on the side and helps fix things up around the island
First to get married - they'd been dating the longest and it was spontaneous
Techphee Family - The Genoa Family
You do NOT want to mess with the Genoa siblings - they're a force to be reckoned with; intelligent as all hell, charming as fuck, witty, resourceful, talented pilots - they have it all
Except for good eyesight :/
Vela is farsighted
Rangi is nearsighted
Vela means "viligant/watchful" but it's also the name of a constellation taken directly from the Latin word for the sail of a ship (which is fitting considering Phee is a pirate and Tech and her are both phenomenal pilots)
Rangi means "Sky/heavens" in Maori (again, fitting that pilot thing)
Honestly, Rangi is just Mutant Mayhem Donnie if I'm being 100% honest with you (even his voice, I imagine it to sound like Micah Abbey's)
This family is all over the place - while they have somewhere to stay on Pabu, usually they're out exploring the galaxy together and doing various fun (dangerous) things
They practically live in Phee's ship - and they love it honestly
They always bring back souvenirs and stories for everyone whenever they return back to Pabu
Second of the group to get married - you can bet that after supposedly losing Tech, Phee made sure to tie him down and put a ring on him
Sharpshooters Family - The Marr Family
Last ones to adopt because Tay's not confident he's good with kids (it's the one thing he actually doesn't think he's good at)
Because of Tay's insecurities, Crosshair was fine with it just being them but deep down he really did want a kid
So when he was out on a mission helping Echo and stumbled upon an orphan, he didn't hesitate
Took a while for Tay to accept it though because he was terrified he might hurt their new daughter or something, but he soon proves to be a natural
Meet Akona Marr! She's half Nautolan and half Pantoran!
Akona means "to enthuse" in Maori (fits her personality)
She gets a crosshair tattoo to match her Pa and Tay gets something similar and he also caps off his horns so Akona doesn't hurt herself since she likes to climb him
Akona is nonverbal and has a tendency to bite people but her Dads love her anyways
She is spoiled ROTTEN though because like with Crosshair, Tay cannot say no to her
They're a family of fishermen! Tay and Akona are both amphibious races so they enjoy being in the water and Crosshair's enhanced eyesight helps spot fish in the waters despite the glare from the sun
Fourth of the group to get married - Tay took too long to ask (he was nervous) and Crosshair never really expressed wanting a wedding because of everything that went into it and all the attention that was going to be on him during it
💫 Tag List: @stardume 💫 Join the silly squad taglist here! 💫 Silly Squad Masterpost
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stars-n-spice · 4 months
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Silly Squad Mermaids!
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Been working on these babies all throughout May and I think it's the first time I actually finish a set of drawings?? Lol??
Couple shots/closeups under the cut!
Find out more about the Silly Squad here!
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Jung as a Korean Seahorse and Hunter as a New Zealand Fur Seal
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Echo as a Beluga and Viram as a Axolotl
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Wrecker as a Wreck Fish and Khea as a Queen Purplefish
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Phee as a Sailfish and Tech as a Mototi Ocotpus
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Tay as a Caribbean Reef Shark and Cross as a Hawaiian Conger Eel
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Omega & Batcher!
Batcher as a Grouper and Omega as a Masked Swallowtail Angelfish
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stars-n-spice · 4 months
Silly Squad 2nd Gen WIPS!
started on a little something something because I can't afford therapy to fix what s3 caused so-
Silly Squad families 10 years or so into the future :)
Find out more about the 'Silly Squad' here!
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Star Wars said, "oh no sorry, the interracial poc couple can't be together" so I said fuck that!!! and made all of them poc/inter-species couples with mixed kids!! no i'm not biased at all.
Also, let's pretend that the clone aging thing isn't a,,, isn't a thing because 1) too much math and 2) too much angst potential.
Though it is funny to think about the clones with their fast aging and then their partners are all notoriously slow aging people ("black don't crack" and "asian don't raisin" sort of deal). You got this super old dude and then you look at their partner and they don't look a day over like 30.
No, I didn't cry while drawing this what the fuck are you talking about? Aha,, aha...ha...
Additional info about the families under the cut!
Starburst Family!
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ok so since I've had Khea the longest, her family is the most thought out at this point
In order, from top, left to right: Itri (14/15), Marama 'Mara', Maia 'Mai' (both 10, 23 min apart), and Elio Nultez (7)
I made a post about them earlier so for more detailed info on their kids you can find it here!
Khea found Itri when she was about 4/5 years old and decided to take her in as a Foundling (she's also trans)
When Khea brought Itri back and showed her to Wrecker he was in complete shock (he thought she was Khea's biological daughter) but immediately took to the role as being a dad
Twins were an accident (oops) and an absolute handful but Khea and Wrecker wouldn't have it any other way
I saw a lot of people say that Wrecker would have a lot of kids and I agree, he's be a great dad (and he is!)
But pair that up with a Mandalorian wife? I'm sure both of them would adopt any and all kids that come their way
Not pictured is the twenty-something pets that their kids have adopted over the years - they could have a farm at this point
Sharpshooters Family!
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I don't know where the idea came from but one day it randomly hit me how I wanted their family to be - but essentially after finishing s3 I knew Cross was just a girl dad through and through so I gave him a daughter
That's Akona and she's half Nautolan and half Pantoran! Oh and a HUGE menace!
Akon is eight and Cross found her when she was six
Since Pantorans have the yellow tattoos to mark their clans, Akona and Tay both got tattoos to represent Crosshair's, well, Crosshair tattoo since they're their own little clan
Tay also capped off his lethorns to prevent Akon from hurting herself and getting poked because she loves to climb all over him
Idk how they came across her but I'm thinking Cross decided to go out on a mission with Echo just this once and found her (and Tay was probably sick at home or something, idk)
Tay was super unsure about it (he's terrible with kids) but Crosshair assured him that things would be fine
And things are fine and better than ever :)
Scompscope Family!
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I don't have names for these kiddos yet but I know I want them to be in tribute to Fives and Hevy!
So like,, I know technically Echo probably can't have kids and originally I was going to have them just adopt some clone cadets or something but uh,, me being biased I wanted biracial kids so-
BOOM! He can have kids in this AU.
They probably took some time to decide on the decision to have kids though since Echo and Viram are both dedicated to the cause of helping clones but eventually they do decide to settle down
Like all the Sec Gen kids, these two are absolute trouble makers and never back down from a challenge
They're a little less than a year apart, but they're 8 and 7!
TechPhee Family!
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wow, I can't believe that this is actually canon guys!!! :D Isn't that amazing????
Anyways, Techphee kids don't have names yet but I am open to suggestions!!
Also,, these kids are an absolute THREAT. They're smart as hell, they're witty, they can fly a plane like it's nobody's fucking business, they're skilled with pistols and a vibroblade, there is NOTHING these kids can't do.
Except have 20/20 vision. Whomp whomp.
Hey, nobody is perfect.
Daughter is far-sighted and son is near-sighted!
Daughter is 11 and son is 8!
Guardians Family!
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not pictured is the ten to twenty other kids that Hunter and Jung have adopted over the years
the super lovely and wonderful @taraneen and I were talking about this timeskip and she mentioned that she thinks that Hunter would eventually go back and adopt some kids after Omega leaves and I couldn't agree more
Him and Jung probably run some kind of orphanage or something where they talk in kids and if they so happen to be Force-sensitive, Jung helps them out with it
Look at these three, they're like,,, having a "who can grow out their hair the longest?" competition (Jung is winning)
Of course Omega loves all her new cousins and siblings as well :)
Omega is around 24 years old here so she's also like a big sister to all of them and they all look up to her and admire her deeply
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stars-n-spice · 22 days
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Welcome back!
To yet another Silly Squad Saturday! Aka my attempt to post something Silly Squad (Bad Batch x Baddies Batch) related - be it headcanons, one-shots/fics, or art - every Saturday! Because Silly Squad Saturday has a nice ring to it and it eases into OC Sunday pretty nicely :) 
That and I want to try and motivate myself to do more with these guys because I post about like,, 10% of the collective lore I have about them while the rest of the 90% stays up in my brain. 
This week we've got: SecGen WIPs!
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I started on these like,,, probably MONTHS ago and realized I was biting off more than I could chew :/
Only recently did I decide to go back and at least get the full-body designs done! Will eventually do full on character sheets but so far I've got the Techphee, Starburst, and Sharpshooters families done and have sketches for the Scompscope and Guardian parents and kiddos (that aren't included because they're super rough sketches,,)!
If you would like to see headshots of all the families, check out this post!
Anyways, here are the families so far! Further information about them will be posted once I finish all of them :D
The Genoas!
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Tech and Phee Genoa!
Plus their children Vela and Rangi Genoa!
Vela is farsighted and Rangi is nearsighted (lol)
Vela takes after Tech while Rangi takes after Phee a little more
Both are autistic! Vela has a special interest in topography/cartography and Rangi has one in entomology and riot racing!
Their family loves to go on adventures and will occasionally stop by Pabu to see everyone and bring souvenirs and stories from their travels!
Tech -> "Dad/Pa"
Phee -> "Mom/Ma"
The Marrs!
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Tay'kaa and Crosshair Marr!
Plus their daughter Akona-Mae Marr! ('Mae' as in "Mayday")
She's a Pantoran/Nautolan hybrid that the two adopt!
Tay and Akona both get the crosshair scope tattoo as per the Pantoran tradition to have their "clan symbols" tattooed on their face
Let's ignore the fact that she's like six and was allowed to get a tattoo
Akona is spoiled rotten and is nonverbal!
Their family spends a lot of time out on the beaches and in the ocean as they're fishermen and Tay and Akona are both amphibious species
Tay -> "Apá" (or she tugs on her front two tendrils)
Crosshair -> "Papa" (or she taps on her left cheek)
The Nultezs!
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Wrecker and Khea Nultez!
Plus their foundlings: Stak and Itri Nultez!
And their kids! Maia and Marama (the twins) and Elio Nultez!
And of course, their two loth cats: Lula and Dha'ika!
Itri was found and adopted by Khea before her and Wrecker got married and they adopted Stak shortly after his arrival to Pabu
Maia and Marama are 23 minutes apart with Maia being the older one!
Maia takes after Khea more and Marama takes after Wrecker more
Marama is hearing impaired and uses aids Khea made for her!
All their kids are ADHD, Autistic, or both one way or another
Itri is trans :D
Wrecker spends his time fishing but him and Khea essentially run a little repair shop and help fix things up around the island
Though with all their pets and kids it looks like they own a farm
Wrecker -> "Pa"
Khea -> "Buir/Amá"
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Last Week's Silly Squad Saturday
If you're new to the squad; check out these links to learn more about them :💫 Silly Squad Masterlist 💫 Baddies Batch Masterlist 
Tag List: @perilmax, @stardume
If you would like to join the tag list, let me know or fill out this form!
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stars-n-spice · 5 months
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Max // 21 // They/Them // Aspec // Korean + Mexican 
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Welcome to @disaster-by-chance's Star Wars side blog aka the place where I yell and cry about this space opera like it’s a full time job. If there’s absolutely one thing to know about me is that I’m an absolute slut for found family and a fucking whore for Wrecker. Oh, and canonically a space cowboy as well. 
🩵 DMs are always open if you wanna chat Star Wars, make requests, or just marvel at how incredibly bad I am at carrying conversations (I promise I’m approachable)! 🩵
Or just hop into my inbox to say hello! please I need more Star Wars mutuals/friends
⚠️ I will occasionally post nsfw things (will be tagged as #nsfw and #max-night posting) but will probably only do so super late at night, but just a word of warning for minors! ⚠️
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I make Star Wars themed dividers! Mostly I’ve done Bad Batch themed ones, but those aren’t the only ones I’m open to doing. 
So if you'd also like a specific kind of divider, let me know! Just tell me the theme/character/symbols you would like, the more specific the better! Even better if you have the images you want saved and ready to go. It doesn't have to be super specific. Like if you need a divider for a fic or other, you can give me a general summary of the fic and ask me to base a divider off of that. I may ask for further elaboration or other, just so I make sure I get it right and to your liking. 
🩵 If you would like to request a divider feel free to send an ask, DM me, or fill out this form! 📝
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That all being said, here is all my stuff in one place! Thanks for visiting :D
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Link to my Caard! It’s got all the other links to my other social media platforms and whatnot. 
Like my work? Feel free to buy me a coffee :D It is very much appreciated <3
Have you ever wanted merch to show just how much you love the copy and paste men of Star Wars? Look no further than DISASTER’S SHOP STOP for all of your clone needs! 
✩ A03:
Occasionally I write! Not as much as I would like to, but when I can and have the motivation, you can find my fics here! 
Add me on discord! disasterbychance Join my LGBTQ + POC-friendly Star Wars server! You don’t necessarily have to identify as either of those two things, but considering what a toxic space the Star Wars fandom can be, I went ahead (as a queer POC fan myself) and created this server as a safe space for fans like me :) So feel free to join! Here’s the invite! 
A collection of my different masterlists. 
Divider Masterlist The Baddies Batch Masterlist The Silly Squad Masterlist  Khea Nultez (OC) Masterlist
A collection of tags I have to help you find things better :) 
#max’s musings - me talking/rambling/venting about star wars related things #max’s masterpieces (or also #my art/#my fics) - for my art and/or fics  #max-box - for inbox answers/replies #max-night posting - for late night posts (most likely will be nsfw) #queue were the chosen one - for queue posts #tbb on the go/tbb trip pics - travel pics of my bad batch legos in places I’ve visited #clone shorts - updates/information on my clone shorts  #nsfw - pretty self-explanatory  #baddies batch - squad of TBB significant others #silly squad - The Bad Batch x The Baddies batch #guardians - ship between Hunter & Jung (OC) #scompscope - ship between Echo & Viram (OC) #starburst - ship between Wrecker & Khea (OC) #sharpshooters - ship between Crosshair & Tay (OC)
Join a tag list! Let me know what you would like to be tagged in or fill out this form here!
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stars-n-spice · 4 months
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Everything and anything you need to know for the Silly Squad! Aka the squad made up of the Bad Batch and their significant others.
To learn more about The Baddies Batch, check out the Baddies Batch Masterlist!
More to be added eventually-
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Basic Info:
Basic Introduction - a quick introduction into the squad of the bad batch's significant others aka the 'baddies batch' Relationship Chart - chart mapping out the relationship dynamics between each member of the silly squad Alignment Chart - a collection of silly alignment charts and where each member fits on them Second Generation - the bad batch kiddos Skulls and Hearts: A Bad Batch Series - a collection of fics regarding how they came to meet
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Guardians (Hunter & Jung-Myn): 
Introduction Ship Sheets Playlist  Pinterest Board
Mermaids - Mermaid!Guardians
Nameless Relic - ongoing fic about Jung's background and meeting Hunter
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Starburst (Wrecker x Khea):
Introduction Ship Sheets Khea's Masterlist One Shot Collection Playlist  Pinterest Board
Starburst y Selena - Khea and Wrecker ft. Selena songs Starburst Meme Redraws - Some meme redraws of the two Starburst Batch - Original batch of Khea and Wrecker doodles Mermaids - Mermaid!Starburst
Sickly Sweet - Flufftober Piece - Khea suspects Wrecker has a habit of eating her favorite candy in order to make kissing him all the more sweeter. Pabu Showers & Late Hours - A rainy day with Khea and Wrecker on Pabu. Plushie Problem - Wrecker and Khea have too many plushies. Buir be Ner (Father of Mine) - Wrecker meets his daughter for the first time. Lost Star - ongoing fic about Khea's background and meeting Wrecker
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Scompscope (Echo x Viram): 
Introduction Ship Sheets Playlist  Pinterest Board
Mermaids - Mermaid!Scompscope
Damaged Healer - ongoing fic about her background and meeting Echo
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SharpShooters (Crosshair x Tay):
Introduction Ship Sheets One Shot Collection Playlist  Pinterest Board
Meme Redraw - 'Ah yes. Me, my boyfriend, and his 1 ton lucra hound service dog.' Listening to Selena Comic - Crosshair associates "Contigo Quiero Estar" by Selena with Tay Mermaids - Mermaid!Sharpshooters
A Shot in the Dark - Tay confronts Crosshair one night on Pabu. Crosshair struggles with his hand tremors. Canciones Para Crosshair - A collection of scenes throughout Tay and Crosshair's relationship in which Tay serenades Crosshair Broken Horns - ongoing fic about Tay's background and meeting Crosshair
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Dumb Shirts pt. 1 Dumb Shirts pt. 2  Ace Awareness Week w/ the Squad Pride Post
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One Shot Collection "Old Faces, New Finds" - Khea and Tay are old friends with benefits, a fact that doesn't go over well when Tay accidentally reveals it to Crosshair "A Piece of Cake" - The Silly Squad attempt to throw Omega a surprise birthday party.
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#sillly squad - everything involving the bad batch + the baddies batch #baddies batch - everything involving the squad of bad batch's S/O #guardians - everything hunter x jung #starburst - everything wrecker x khea #scompscope - everything echo x viram #sharpshooters - everything crosshair x tay
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stars-n-spice · 6 months
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Guardians Ship Sheet!
Since I'm a bit of a sucker for cute/creative ship names that aren't just the individual's names combined, I decided to call Hunter and Jung "Guardians"!
This is really only because they're both guardians in one sense or another. Hunter of Omega/his squad and Jung was formally a Jedi Temple Guard before, y'know, everything went to shit.
I realize that they're the only ones not with an 'S' ship name; all my other ones are Starburst, Sharpshooters, and Scompscope. And then there's "Guardians." Ah well...
Also! These two are in a QPR (queer-platonic relationship). They do a lot of "normal" couple things like living together, sharing a bed, raising Omega together, and "romantic" things like holding each other's hands or giving each other forehead kisses and whatnot, but that's as far as it goes. They are not sexually intimate and have no desire to be. (I'm a huge fan of the aroace Hunter headcanon if you couldn't tell-)
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More Information:
Baddies Batch (squad of TBB S/Os) Guardians Basic Info Sheet Wrecker x OC Ship Sheets Echo x OC Ship Sheets Crosshair x OC Ship Sheets
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