#scooby apocalypse spoilers
mcgnagallsarmy · 2 months
Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (March 2024)
A Different Kind of (Sunny)hell by OffYourBird [Adult Only]
Between juggling a New World Order, a bothersome Council, wayward magic, and – as always – some much with the confusing time travel, there is never a dull moment in Sunnydale for Liz and Elly. This is Season 6 as it exists in the Jumpverse (beginning with A Different Kind of Hell and followed up by A Different Kind of Wedding). Fair warning: if you have not read the previous installments of the Jumpverse, this will not make any sense.
A Totally Random Occurrence by Herself [NC-17]
The stake slipped from her fingers, and she had to take a deep breath to stave off the dizziness descending on her like a hood over her head. "You—I thought you were dead." A reunion in New York City. Set post-NFA, spoilers for all of BtVS and AtS.
Cavalry by Holly [NC-17]
Buffy and Spike are enjoying life on the open road, but when they learn monsters have taken over Sunnydale, they have no choice but to head back to the Hellmouth.
Dusk Rising by HappyWhenItRains [NC-17]
"It doesn't matter. If Dawn dies, I'm done with it, I'm quitting." What if quitting wasn't all Buffy promised? -Challenge by Loup Noir Glory is defeated. The portal is closed. Except this time, the Scoobies decided to take matters into their own hands. While Willow restrains Buffy, Xander pushes Dawn off the tower. The rest is darkness. In the absence of Dawn, Buffy becomes Dusk.
The Footprints Left Behind by Willow91 [NC-17]
In the wake of an unknown attack on the American Frontier and the subsequent loss of contact with the friends they still had stateside, Buffy and Xander sneak into the country and begin a long, dangerous journey to find old friends and the source of the near apocalypse before it spreads throughout the rest of the world.
For You To Be You by lafillesauvage [Adult Only]
Alternate ending for 7x13 The Killer in Me. What happened after Buffy and Spike returned to an empty Revello Drive following the chipectomy? Well, in this story, Buffy realises just how much she cares for Spike, which leads to some fluffy reconciliations involving chocolate ice cream and Walker, Texas Ranger. She also gets her period, and adult-only fun is had by all.
Golden Hour by kennedynoelle [R]
Response to a challenge set by emilise: Spike never came to Sunnydale during the first few seasons. The first time Buffy sees him is during The Harsh Light of Day, sunbathing on campus adorned with the Gem of Amara. Oh no, she thinks, the pit of her stomach dropping and sending tinglies all over, he's hot. They start dating, Buffy unaware that her new boyfriend is a member of the undead. Of course, she has to find out eventually…
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by fortes775 [NC-17]
Buffy has spent the summer grasping for something just out of reach, but when Dracula arrives at the peak of her frustration, all bets are off. In which Buffy finds her fix, her man, and herself, not necessarily in that order…
Manifest by EllieRose101 [R]
The hardest demons you have to fight are your very own, but a little help can go a long way—if it’s the right kind. (Set after Tabula Rasa but before Smashed.)
Mixed Signals by phoenixjustice [NC-17]
Two people who were never supposed to meet. She had seen everything, up to the Dragon that destroyed everything she loved. He had only the lasting memory of her words of love before he burned to cinders. Could they bridge the gap between them?
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sunnydaleherald · 2 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, April 20th
Wesley: *What* are you doing!?! This book is twelve centuries old! Harmony: Okay. So it's not like I messed up a new one.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Do You Want to Play a Game? by NotASlayer (Anya & Dawn, T)
Freedom by Enigmatist (Angel, not rated)
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[Text chat between Buffybot and Anya] by scooby-group-texts (not rated)
Angel kisses Cordy back in Parting Gifts and it changes everything by vampandvisiongirl (not rated)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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With Arms Wide Open, Chapter 32 by jaybird023 (Buffy/Giles, E)
Thirty-ish Days (and Thirty-ish Years), Chapter 27 by Dynapink (Buffy/Giles, T)
A Reincarnation in Sunnydale, Chapter 37 by DracoRim98 (Buffy/Angel, M)
Gemini, Chapter 6 by BuildMeUpButtercup_x (Buffy/Angel, M)
Wish Granted, Chapter 8 by faewm (Anyanka, Harry Potter crossover, T)
An odd Couple of grumpy old Brits, Chapter 13 by julikobold (Giles & Spike, T)
Rebehold the Stars (Love from the Other Side of the Apocalypse), Chapter 13 by asokatanos (Emryslin) (Buffy/Spike, T)
Raven, Chapter 12 by sparrow2000 (Xander & Spike, G)
Greatest Love Story Postlude, Chapter 14 by FalseGinger (Angel/Spike, M)
With Sprinkles, Chapter 40 by dogbertcarroll, Narsil (Xander, multiple crossovers, M)
The Stars to Hold Our Destiny, Chapter 12 by Hermione2be (Buffy, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds crossover, G)
You’re my always, Chapter 5 (complete!) by ronanceisrxmance (Willow/Tara, T)
Object of Affection, Chapter 2 by felixsfishnets (Xander/Spike, E)
Highlands and Tropical Islands, Chapter 2 by QuillBard (Buffy/Faith, M)
The Scoobies and The Party, Chapter 2 by StrangerThings_Writer011 (Scoobies, Stranger Things crossover, G)
She's in Parties, Chapter 1 by betweenfactandbreakfast (Spike/Drusilla, E)
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Surviving Together, Chapter 18 by ionlylikebadboys (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Love Lives Here, Chapter 51 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Meow, Chapter 5 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn: In The Dark, Chapter 2 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
What Love Looks Like, Chapter 2 by DeamonQueen (Buffy/Spike, R)
Going Astral, Chapter 1 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Out For A Walk... Bitch, Chapters 14-15 by MaggieLaFey (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Early One Morning, Chapter 34 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lie to Me, Chapter 24 by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Cradle of Love, Chapters 2-3 by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Buffy ensemble, Buffy & Angel by Hippano (worksafe)
Artwork: Dusk Summers by isevery0nehereverystoned (worksafe)
Artwork: Same robin and nikki doodles by aa-arttss (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy by deathoftheartist (worksafe)
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Comic: Willow vs Ulquiorra Page 4 written by MattanzaMFedora & illustrated by RichCass on DeviantArt by MattanzaMafiaFedora (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Cordelia&Angel | The 1 by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Fanvid: Faith & Angel || Slayer and Vampire [Bring me back to life] by Charmed 567
Fanvid: Giles/Buffy - When you find me by Kiss The Librarian
Fanvid: I Wanna Be Your Slave | Buffy & Spike by Werepaca
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Review! (Spoilers!) by SundayScariesReview
Video: Doublemeat Palace-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Podcast: Episode 26: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Discussion Part 1 by Friends Talking Nerdy
Podcast: Help S7 E4 Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast by Lisa M. Lilly
Podcast: Language in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by A Girl, A Guy and A Buffy Podcast
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Vid rec: Final Hour (tribute video) [old version/2011] by Narvinek recced by I_want_to_believe_99
[Fandom Discussions]
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Season 5 literally could have given us insane lilah and wesley divorce by all-seeing-ifer
Buffy Summers for the character asks by laufire
Angel btvs for the character ask game by laufire
Character breakdown: Cordelia Chase by nicnacsnonsense
the scene where Faith in Buffy’s body seduces and has sex with Riley by nicnacsnonsense
They have Cassie tell the audience/Spike that Buffy will tell him she loves him by raisedbythetv89
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The First's Plan by NoShip
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Rewatch thoughts and questions continued by multiple posters
Why Giles wants Spike dead continued by multiple posters
Spike and the first continued by multiple posters
What is something you dislike about your favorite character? by The Whirlwind
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How would you 'fix' Angelus on Angel? by ethihoff
What was the original plan for [AtS] Season 4? by CuriousHedgehog636
Why are they still SINGING??? by Syn_33
How come Superstar be better rated than Beer Bad? by lua121
Lindsey and Faith parallel by IntelligentPumpkin74
Xander and his need for a woman by Iluthradanar
[1/22] What's your favorite episode 1 across all seasons? by jonaskoelker
Watching Buffy for the first time - what makes the slayer special? by UltimateEel
Are slayers genetic?? by Grocery-Full
Rewatching as an adult [Giles in OMWF] by MiniKb
This Year's Girl - Why did Buffy come crushing through the window? by brwitch
If you could skip only ONE episode per whole rewatch, which one would it be and why? by DistributionRight620
what are answers from Buffy [things in canon you pretend are not] by Independent-Rise2480
What are some of the worst line-reads in the series? by To55ursalad
Man I really miss Doyle, I wonder how different the show would've been if he had still stayed on for it by AxelNoir
Things you noticed upon rewatch that you missed before (non-verbal only) by dragonsrawesomesauce
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Video: Why Did Joyce Have To Get A Brain Tumor In Season 5 Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer? by CrasHNburN
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Sarah Gailey on "The Vampire Slayer" and more! by Open World Chat
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all-seeing-ifer · 10 days
tell me about "origin of species" and "who's spike" !
ok so who's spike i'm not gonna say much about bc it's a very short and silly comic i've been drawing and i feel like if i say anything about it it will just. spoil the entire joke, so instead have some half finished spikes and drus from it that I like how they're turning out
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origin of species on the other hand i will literally yap on about for four billion years bc it is my baby. it's basically an angel au where season 4 still happens but cordy survives - she wakes up from the coma around the time of conviction and just rewards and sticks around this time - and has to deal with the fallout of everything that happened to her as well as everything that's changed while she was gone. it's not quite full psychological horror, but has definitely ended up leaning that way. it's very much about the aftermath of being possessed and turned into a tool of the apocalypse for several months on end and trying to adjust to normal life again and what the hell that even looks like, especially when all your friends are now working for the evil law firm that were once your greatest enemies.
oh, and also lilah's still around as undead liaison to the senior partners, but that's just bc i really wanted to write lilah.
anyway it's hard to choose a snippet to post bc it is currently sitting pretty at nearly 50k (!!!) but here's an early bit I quite like that's also not particularly spoiler-y
"It had been Willow who told her that, a lifetime ago, back in Sunnydale. She’d been dating Xander at the time. Remember Xander? She’d caught herself wondering about him over the past few weeks, now and then. What was he up to now? What were any of the old scooby gang up to? She’d tried to grill Angel about it while she was in hospital, figure out if he knew anything. He’d just told her they hadn’t been in contact with anyone from the Sunnydale gang in a while. Then Cordy had asked him if they were at least, like, alive, and Angel had told her that as far as he knew they were all fine, but Sunnydale had been destroyed in a big battle around the same time that everything with Jasmine went down, and also that they’d done something that meant there were now hundreds of slayers out there in the world. She hadn’t known how to respond to that. She supposed the destruction of her hometown should probably have had more of an impact, but instead she’d just felt a slight twinge on top of the ever-present dull ache in her chest.  Sunnydale was gone. And she was still here."
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juanabaloo · 7 months
Can I get some October/Halloween movie recs? Preferably heavy on the spooks and scares (or just fun vibes haha, non-horror welcome too!) + light on the gore :)
Light on the gore is tough for me (as we've chatted about) but here's my best shot! And trying to keep it spoiler free so there's some vagueness. (Def do your own gore / content checks.)
Vampires vs. The Bronx - Vampires! Gentrification! Some kids decide to fight back. Excellent movie. And it's set in the present day, which I really like.
The Craft - I prefer the original but I appreciate the new one too. The vibe of the 4 in the original is great. And some classic lines that remind you of the scenes: "Light as a feather, stiff as a board." "We are the weirdos mister!"
#Alive - zombies! If zombie deaths / attacks are too gorey then ignore this. But for a zombie movie this is relatively light on gore. (I love that this movie explores a zombie apocalypse in a dense urban area, esp tall towers. So many of us live this way but the zombie movies focus on sprawling low-density suburban settings.)
Ouija: Origin of Evil - this was alright! A Ouija movie set in the 60s. I watched it bc Mike Flanagan wrote and directed it. (Of Midnight Mass and The Fall of the House of Usher fame)
Donnie Darko - There's some time stuff here, which I'm a sucker for. A scary rabbit figure is creepy af. Darker than I remembered on a rewatch.
Practical Magic - zero gore. Late 90s Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman as sisters who are also witches. It's cute.
Simply Irresistible - zero gore. SMG in a magicky movie where she is a chef. Similar vibe as Practical Magic, but this is not as good.
Scooby Doo 1 and 2 - zero gore. Scooby Doo is Halloween vibes! And it's got SMG in it.
Bonus for this list: Skinamarink - I actually don't reco this, in that I won't ever watch it again. I found it mildly unsettling, way too long, and sort of sleep inducing by the end. It would have been excellent as a 10 minute short. But it's kinda scary at times and maybe you will like that? Or you will find it annoying and sleep inducing so you can be proud of a supposed scary movie not scaring you?
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viewfromplanetx · 1 year
Samurai film reviews part 3 (spoilers)
Six String Samurai - Loosely based on a novel called The Stand by an obscure writer named Steve King. This movie depicts what could happen when too many retards survive the apocalypse (in whatever form it takes, in this case nukuler). The Dark Man is played by zombie Elvis. Mother A is a hooker with a heart of gold. The main protagonist is a retard with a guitar and a sword who somehow despite his shortcomings manages to kick ass and spill guts with honor. So, they call him a “Samurai” even though he never has to eat millet.
Samurai Trilogy 1 - Historical drama about some forgotten dingus named Musashi something. Washed out colors, no vibrancy, cheap tricks like fog, dark shots. Boring philosophy and commentary on war. MILFs but not really many retards. He did have to eat some millet, so points for that. Couldn’t watch the whole thing. No inclination to watch parts 2 and 3. Probably more of the same.
  The Twightly Samurai - This is your mom’s samurai flick. The main character is a handsome single dad who works as an accountant at the castle. He used to be a samurai but he sold his sword because, you know, guns. He spends his days counting beans—green beans, red beans, soy beans, all the beans. There’s no action, one retard, one hot chick and no ninjas. Boh-ring themes of pointless loyalty, duty, exploitation and oppression yada yada ya. He struggles to stay groomed while raising two daughters until he meets a young divorcee. They live happily ever after for three years, then he is ironically killed by a bullet in a pointless war.*
Sword of Doom - I’ll never get those two hours back. Typical Orson Wells flick about a crazy motherfurker who gets an evil mind and kills everything in sight. I mean everything, old men, ladies, furniture, drapes—holy cow. It’s much easier to watch the anime remake Scooby-Doo and the Samurai Sword. Not so much killing, but you do get ninja robots, shuriken, a lady sensei, force powers, force ghost,  the usual hot chicks and morons, and of course Scooby-Doo ending, but it comes in the middle of the show. Go figure.
  Ugetsu - “One of the most beautiful films ever made.” they said. Pffft! That’s another hour-and-a-half I’ll want back on my death bed. This movie is so French, I’m surprised there wasn’t more smoking. Waa, waa, life is all sucky illusion.
  Namakura Gatana (The Dull Sword^) - When a man gets to a certain age, he reaches a square figure. That is, his pants size is 34x34 for example, not picking anyone in particular. This means my, err his cross-section cut would be his inseam over Pi. It helps to think of it visually. I know, it’s gross to think about your cross-section visually.
Star Wars SC 38 Reimagined^ - A documentary about the greatest sword fight that ever was. The duel is fought between the champions of two armies. It has everything—cutting, slashing, stabbing, punching, kicking, force pushing, dudes catching fire. It’s a bit long, but worth the payoff in the end to see the evil villain get justice right thru his cross-section.
Romeo + Juliet - This timeless tale of star-cross'd lovers from opposing clans takes place in a modern, but fantastical Verona Beach, CA. The knight/soldiers of each house all have unique sword/guns. They are constantly showing off and looking lovingly on their sword/guns and even name them. Soon, just as you’d expect (duh) sword/gunplay breaks out instigated by thumb biting. But, eventually the lovers hook up and live happily ever after …NOT! Spoiler alert: they all die.
One Cut of the Dead - See what they did there? The producers were too cheap to pay for an editor, so they just kept the camera rolling. They film the actors and crew whether or not they are acting. It gets real confusing, real fast. Lots of good Samurai sh!t tho--blood, guts, severed limbs, gore, puke, creepy locations, drunken retards, hot chicks, etc etc.
*See there’s the difference between irony and satire. Irony is created by the situation. Whereas, you have to work really hard yourself to create satire.
^video on Wikipedia
^video on Youtube
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donovanoliver715 · 2 years
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This is Donovan Oliver, and today I’m counting down my picks for the Top 10 Kevin Conroy Batman Moments. For this list, I selected the scenes of where the legendary actor made great roles as the cape crusader. If you haven’t seen all the DC projects beware the Batman and watch out for spoilers ahead. Which Kevin Conroy moments do you cherish with? Share your memories of this legend in the comments below. #RIPKevinConroy 10. Bruce Wayne hires Terri McGinnis (Batman Beyond) 9. Outsmarting Darkseid (Superman/Batman: Apocalypse) 8. Batman gives Joker another chance (Batman: The Killing Joke) 7. Batman sings Am I Blue (Justice League: Unlimited) 6. Dooming Justice League (Justice League: Doom) 5. Batman and Mystery Inc (Scooby Doo and Guess Who?) 4. Robin in the Shadow (Teen Titans Go!) 3. Past and Future (Justice League: Unlimited) 2. Making the Joker Laugh (Batman: Arkham City) 1. I am Dark Knight, I am Batman! (Batman: The Animated Series) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClD1KMVuPp_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oracleact · 2 years
Here are some fair warnings/spoilers for Scooby-Doo apocalypse
1. scrappy doo looks like he’s on 20 different steroids most of which are experimental.
2, both Scrappy and Scooby are dogs that Velma experimented on to give human abilities too, for Scooby it’s the ability of speech while Scrappy got speech abilities and some implants courtesy of Velma to give him a more anthropomorphic body,,, a yolked one at that.
3, Daphne has serious issues.
4, Fred dies, comes back as a zombie with his sense of humanity and dies again.
5, Velma and her biological family are either bullies or in Velma and her brother’s case, super geniuses on the same level as Franklin Richard a,k,a, Mister Fantastic when I comes to pure unfiltered genius.
6, shaggy has a body similar to Oliver Queen a,k,a, green arrow, goatee and all.
first of all, I’m absolutely losing my mind over fred. that is beyond hilarious are you kidding me...the poor man just can’t catch a break.
dies - woohoo I’m back - oh fuck I’m gone again.
second, I’ve never seen a dog so weirdly jacked before ?? I have no idea what to think of him at first glance.
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these comics sound like (and rather look like) one giant acid trip from start to finish - of course I’ll be reading them soon.
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safeashousespdf · 5 years
anyway now onto my favorite moments
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damn shaggy really said
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and speaking of which
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also shaggy really saved the fuckin world in his polkadot pajamas so fuck yeah i guess
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THE WORLD’S UGLIEST BABY. (and his name is fred. imagine looking a baby in its fat baby face and calling it fred) and, bY THE WAY,,, why is SCOOBY the godfather??? a DOG??? why not QUENTIN???
but let’s also talk about the fuckin FRAPHNE?????? because
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i’m a little mad??? all i wanted was for daphne to :) fuck :) a :) zombie :) and i didn’t get it???? instead she just made out with a fucking year old corpse???? kinda unsexy if u ask me. also this “my sweet daphne” shit can STOP who talks like that tf
not to mention that the ending was cute af?? good for you guys for saving the world?? i’m a proud parent.
anyway, i feel like scooby apocalypse ended too soon, and could have lasted longer if they’d kept on keith giffen and dale eaglesham but i guess they needed them on more mainstream stuff
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doocentral · 5 years
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I’m really REALLY sad to share some news I found from Bleeding Cool stating that the “Scooby Apocalypse” comic book series will be coming to an end in April 2019. The comic series will finish with an even 36 issues after monthly releases over the past 3 years. It’s crazy that it’s already been almost 3 years since “Scooby Apocalypse” hit the comic book shelves.
I’m hoping that the series will have a fantastic ending as Issue #33 that was released this past Wednesday established a new major foe for the gang to face. This spin on Scooby-Doo is bizarre and in many ways unprecedented so I hope it goes out with a bang!
If you’d like to read the SPOILER article about “Scooby Apocalypse”’s upcoming cancellation, you can go here. 
What are your thoughts on this? Are you happy it’s coming to an end or do you want more “Scooby Apocalypse”? Let me know!
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gayfraphne · 6 years
Shaggy: So, Velma and I have some big news- um, let’s just say she’s going to be tyrading for two from now on.
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Daphne: Dean had him right by the thigh!
Cas: yoU WHaT
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cometcrystal · 4 years
rating (almost) every fred jones look
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classic fred (several movies and series) - you truly cannot go wrong with this look. there’s a REASON they keep going back to the OG outfits and it’s because they rock. the ascot was a cultural reset and it still is. 10/10
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what’s new scooby doo fred - a really nice, modern spin on the classic outfit. love me a stripey shirt. this is a fred who would bring me ice cream at 3:00am because i was crying because my girlfriend dumped me and he’s my good friend and lesbian ally. 9/10
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a pup named scooby doo freddie - im just gonna say it i DON’T like this fred and it’s all because of his haircut. like my mutual marce said, he looks like a trust fund baby and he should have kazoo kid hair instead. 1/10
more under the cut
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mystery incorporated fred - some people aren’t a fan of this series’ art style, but i don’t really mind it. he’s chinnegan junior and this series leans into that. some of the sdmi designs change a lil bit but this is just OG fred but pointy. he gets bonus points because this is one of my fav freds in terms of personality and that’s not really fair but this is my list of freds not yours. 7/10
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scoob! fred - why the fuck his eyes so small 3.5/10
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zombie island fred - THIS IS A TOP NOTCH FRED hes got his vest on his camera ready and god help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen. also this fred proves you don’t NEED the ascot to have a great fred, the ascot is just a bonus. 100/10
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be cool scooby doo fred - okay we all KNOWWW the art style in this show is ugly as hell and i think fred looks the worst out of the gang besides scooby but he gets 3 sympathy points because the show itself is REALLY GOOD 3/10
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live action fred 1.1 - VERY good casting for him and this fred also gets a bonus because freddie prinze jr. and michelle gellar were engaged and thats so cute. points are deducted from 10 for his weird OOC sexist comments 8/10
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live action fred 1.2 - DO NOT LIKE THIS HAIR ON HIM i hate the bucket hat haircut and im glad it died. points are added from 0 for his improved behavior 5/10
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live action fred 2 - HE’S NOT EVEN BLONDE 0/10
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scooby apocalypse fred pre-issue 25 - a lot of panels and covers make him look like too much of a gun-slinging action hero (i found the best panel i could) but this is still a good fred. devoted to his kween and still the heart of the group, despite this series’ bleak plot. 8/10
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scooby apocalypse fred post-issue 25 - UMMM SKIP THIS FRED IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS FOR THESE COMICS IG. i’ve still got a few issues left before i finish this series so i’m not sure how it ends or if fred is brought back at all but THIS IS NOT FRED THIS IS SOMEONE ELSE POSSESSING FRED’S BODY AFTER HE WAS IN-CANON KILLED OFF BY ZOMBIES. VERY EVIL THERE IS NO SCORE LOW ENOUGH/10
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shaggy and scooby doo get a clue fred - he’s in a total of like 2 episodes but this might be my favorite fred design/lewk ever. HE IS SO ROUND AND FRIENDLY. TOP MARKS IN ALL AREAS ∞/10
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mystery map puppet fred - STOP GIVING HIM A BUZZUT -5,000/10
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where’s my mummy fred - love me a fred in a vest. this is just zombie island but a different color but still fun 6.5/10
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PJs fred (shaggy’s showdown, possibly others) - COMFEY but why does he still tuck in his shirt even when he’s going to sleep. he’s so dumb i love him. 10/10
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winter fred (several appearances) - this is a GOOD boy look at his little hat and his warm cozy jacket. props to the 2nd one for including his ascot. one point deducted because the striped one doesn’t have a pompom. 9/10 
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intro animation fred (several movies) - this boy looks sunburned 4/10
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frankencreepy opening fred - this is a character from monster seeking monster. 7.5/10
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stage fright opening fred - i love the retro style!! AN INTELLIGENT BOY A HANDSOME BOY A BOY OF MANY TALENTS AND HE LOVES TO POSE FOR PHOTOS 10/10
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first frights fred - when i agreed that i wanted young fred to have kazoo kid hair i didn’t mean like this never like this. what the fuck -5/10
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xbox/ps2 fred - he’s going to kill me on april 23rd 2027 at 6:02pm 0̷̢̙̻̱̠͆͑͆̊̀̈͆̕̕1̸̛͉̳̙̞̭̺̯̺̹͕̤̀ͅ0̷̻̀̐͋̈́̌̀̇̈́̄̅̚͝/10
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lego fred - LEGO BOUCE. LEGO BOUCE. 10000/10
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, January 27th
WESLEY: Fascinating. A hart. CORDELIA: It's not a heart, it's a bambi. And we expect him to read this teeny tiny print? WESLEY: No not h-e-a-r-t, h-a-r-t. A male red deer or staggard. Often associated with rural mysticism. GUNN: Yeah, they all got animals on them. Probably just a bunch of demon bedtime stories.
~~Through the Looking Glass~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Long Winter's Nap by Rabid_X (Xander/Oz, E)
Comfort + Cuddles = 2 Happy Vampires by Kandiii (Spike/Drusilla, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 102 by Tuxedo_Mark (Buffy/Tara, E)
Forever My Willow Tree, Chapter 7 by Eagleblaze (Willow/Tara, E)
Tomes of the Apocalypse: Conquest, Chapter 24 by v_o_x (Xander/Spike, M)
Xander the Teenage Witch: Something Wicked, Chapter 8 by v_o_x (Xander/Larry, T)
Buffy The Princess Consort, Chapter 3 by MattanzaMFedora (Buffy/She-Ra, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power crossover, M)
For The Dark, Chapter 5 by CharcoalTeeth (Buffy/Faith, E)
They Know Exactly What We're Here For, Chapter 5 by MadeInGold (Angel/Riley/Spike, E)
Back undead and little again, Chapter 3 by AnkiKind (Angel & Spike, M)
Straight to the Heart, Chapter 3 by QuillBard (Buffy/Faith, M)
Blasphemy, Chapter 2 by wickedrum (Robin Wood, Buffy/Spike, T)
The End of Destiny, Chapter 3 by ConstantCommentTea (Angel/Cordelia, T)
angels of small death, Chapter 1 by ohdearsansa (Buffy/Spike/Drusilla, E)
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The Undine and The Landman, Chapter 4 (complete!) by holetoledo (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn, Chapter 8 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
In Any Life, Chapter 3 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lie to Me, Chapter 1 by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
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Rules of Engagement, Chapter 8 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Chapter 18 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, G)
Love Lives Here, Chaper 14 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Coming Through, Chapter 7 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Angel and Wolfram & Hart doodles by bethabw (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Giles and Buffy || Are You Bored Yet? by Lucy Whiskers
Fanvid: Buffy + Spike - Rodeo (lyrics not worksafe) by All Choseny
Fanvid: Angel&Wesley | Crawling Through The Window by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Fanvid: Btvs Season Two Tribute by Faith Victoria
Artwork process video: BUFFY x LEIA - Buffy the Vampire Leia by Splintered Studios - The Art Of Stephen Quick (worksafe)
Video: Characters Who Kill God by Tale Foundry (Buffy part starts from around 11:05)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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ReWatch: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - S7, the end by kimannebb
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Video: Afterlife-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 5 OVERTIME | TWASM by T Watches A Scary Movie
Podcast: Grave S6 E22 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
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Fic recs: Best Part by spuffyduds and Girls’ Night Out by magista recced by February Fangfest
[Fandom Discussions]
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the reason faith didn’t come into btvs s7 earlier is because it would’ve made buffy summers way too gay by antlerslayer
Comics aside, what job do you guys genuinely think Buffy would go into? by corvidyus
Should Buffy have stayed in heaven? answered by medievalfantasist
“Pangs”: I’m always so conflicted about this episode by kat--writes
I think that Morticia and Gomez should adopt every Buffy character into the Addams family by musingsfromthelagoon
i HATE the part in Buffy when Buffy sees Giles in his wizard costume by musingsfromthelagoon
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The Scoobies and lying to themselves by garfan
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Restless by txtrigg
Willow question by Tsole96
Riley's Dorm by daydrunk_
Was the Buffy episode "Smashed" magic inspired by the recent hit comedy (at the time) Sabrina? by Tsole96
In seven seasons we had many hangouts and yet for me they never topped the library by Sink_Rude419
The computer class makes no sense by Tuxedo_Mark
Xander & Dawn (spoilers for comics) by Both-Artichoke5117
First time watch along with The Normies by __ButWhy__
Rewatching for the nth time... I have thoughts by Illustrious-Double33
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dimonds456 · 2 years
Please explain to me what Pibby is about give all the spoilers I'm terrified
Step 1: Watch this. Tw eye strain, flashing lights, horror, blood, character familiarity (yes I feel the need to tag it that), spoilers
Step 2: Click read more because I cannot say anything holy shit
It's a giant crossover between a TON of cartoons in Warner Bro's catalogue, featuring such hits as Craig of the Creek, Steven Universe, Unikitty, Scooby-Doo, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Adventure Time, The Powerpuff Girls, and a SHIT-TON MORE.
It was released as a fake trailer on Halloween and got extremely popular extremely fast. How Adult Swim works, this means that chances are high that it will be made into a real show, or a mini series at the least.
It was about to take her, too, but then the episode "ends," and she sees the end credits and the CN logo, leading her to go on a multiversial adventure to recruit more "heroes" to help her defeat it. But, as we can see, it goes terribly. A Superman-esk character is taken, along with Fred Flintstone, Amethyst, Bubbles, Craig, Gumball, Porky Pig, Finn & Jake, Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Velma, Buggs Bunny, and so much more.
Pibby learns she can bleed ("What is this red water?"), recruits a Robin-type character named Alloy-Boy from what I can tell from the fandom (?), and an Ursula-like villain who's name starts with an M, but I forgot lmao. I love her design, sidenote. We can also see she got to Lion, Allicorn, Unikitty, the grandma from Courage, Buttercup, and a ton more.
The glitch appears to work through contact. If you touch it directly, it takes you and you become a glitch zombie. The zombies can split off from the glitch, and when they do their features contort in a Mandella Catalogue sort of way, with long mouths filled and dripping with the glitches and pupiless eyes. They appear to be mindless husks of who they used to be. And the more people the glitch takes, the larger and more powerful it becomes. But again, this is all speculation and popular fan theory.
Another one, as suggested by finnthepony, is that the glitch represents the death of TV. No one watches cable anymore, and so all these cable shows are being killed since everything is moving to streaming. That is super meta, but a show like this could very easily go there.
A couple things I noticed that I fucking love:
It's being extremely loyal to the original show's animation styles. I thought that was vintage footage of Fred Flintstone before he got fucking murdered on-camera. The Scooby characters appear to be from the "What's New, Scooby-Doo?" show (and people have pointed out what episode, too!), and there was a few easter eggs sprinkled here and there, like the Spongebob background.
Because Pibby is from a preschool show, she works like a character from a show like that even when she leaves. When she, Robin, and Ursula are being hunted by Finn and Jake, she shushes her friends and goes "be quiet." Then, the word "QUIET" appears on-screen and announces the word in a loud voice, as if they were about to explain what the word meant. That gives away their hiding place. Idk, I thought that was super clever.
The grandma from Courage has her husband's mallet. Either she or another mallet-user bonks Velma in the background at one point.
The liquid isn't necessarily a liquid, which makes it scarier. We see one of the Jetsons (I forgot his name, fuck) chasing Pibby at one point, and the glitches on him are moving like a spider. This means nowhere is safe.
Buttercup is somehow the last one standing?? Even though she's always the one who flies in fists-first??? How did that happen?
Pibby weaponizes a Care-Bear
In the greyscale/1930's part, there's film grain and those lil black lines that run across the screen. Very vintage. This means... *sigh* Bosko and Beans may very well make an appearance, too. They were some of the first Looney Toons, so that would be cool
On that, the Animaniacs may also appear.
Wiley Coyote is probs going to get yoinked at some point, since one of the backgrounds is from the Roadrunner shorts.
One of the glitches at 1:45 looks like a top hat (off to the right, go frame-by-frame), meaning the villain from Villainous might be here
The word "Acme" appears several times and as a fan of older Hannah-Barbara cartoons, this fills me with much joy
FOUND FAMILY! I REPEAT, FOUND FAMILY! We see this villain, side-kick, and 5-year-old come together to fight, and Ursula gives Pibby her coat before bed, looking at her sadly. This hints that they form a sort of small family, and I am SO HERE FOR IT AAA
The main guy in the glitch liquid IS BUN-BUN, Pibby's friend that she tried to save at the beginning! The one she promised she'd always protect! OOOO I'M HERE FOR THE ANGST! He's a Big Boy now, and is VERY SCARY.
Anyways, like I said, it's not real. It was a fake trailer created for Halloween. HOWEVER: Adult Swim has done this Thing™ in the past where they release a trailer, and if it's popular enough, they make it a real show. THIS SHOW GOT 1 MILLION VIEWS WITHIN ITS FIRST WEEK, within the first 3 DAYS if I remember right! That's MORE than enough for a whole show! So chances are high that we'll be seeing this soon! :D
The fandom for this is already huge. There's a huge FNF subfandom, and people have been crossing it over with every fandom on the planet, mostly Poppy Playtime since that was big at the time, too. I really regret not watching this trailer sooner, this is so cool.
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honeyed-beans · 3 years
hey I’ve never listened to TAZ, but lately I’ve gotten an insane urge to do so... is it ok if I start with this new one? Do I need the context of all others?
Is Travis a really bad DM???
(I’m so sorry this answer came out very long because I went on a Graduation analysis so if it’s too much than scroll to the bottom!)
To start with the first q. You can absolutely start on Ethersea first if you want! The fun part about TAZ is that it’s a anthology series. And the McElroy don’t tend to spoil or make large connections to other campaigns. At most they might reference a character name as a joke, but they don’t tend to dwell on it. It’s only vague references at best. So I would always suggest picking up whichever season speaks the most to you aesthetics wise, and/or whichever one is currently running, cause tbh it’s always nice to see real-time reactions from fans if you want to be in fandom spaces. AHS rules essentially.
For example, I’ve really gotten into Taz this past year, but I have never finished TAZ Amnesty so it’s definitely dealers choice.
Taz Ethersea is kind of a unique scenario because they’re doing a new game system. So the first couple of episodes are just world building and explaining the new system. It gives you time to decide if you want to listen to it now or not, because despite the first ep coming out today, the real game doesn’t start for another 3 weeks or so. Dw you’re not missing much right now.
The brief, no spoilers, descriptions of each campaign:
- Balance = A comedic globetrotting adventure story, with modern elements on a fantasy world. Techno music, very tongue in cheek. It’s the longest one, so storywise it’s a bit of a slow burn as the McElroys find their style. But because of its length it gives more time for the characters to breathe and thus it’s sorta the iconic golden child of TAZ. Most people would rec this one but I know the commitment can be kinda big if your not feeling it. So if another season takes your fancy more than go for that one instead.
- Amnesty = small-town americana, cryptids, sorta scooby doo / monster of the week vibe. Very eerie southern music.
- Commitment (superheroes) / Dust (what if Halloween town had cowboys in it) = these I wouldn’t suggest for a first time listen because they were experimental short stories. With 4 episodes each. None are DMed by Griffin. But very fun in their own right.
- Graduation = Comedic, intrigue, fantasy, takes place in one location (a university), plays on the themes of growing up. Very soft, lighthearted, calming soundtrack with a lot of slow notes. This one is Travis as the DM.
- Ethersea = we don’t know anything about it yet. Post-apocalypse underwater season. Very dreamy water inspired music?
Ok so q2: Is Graduation Bad and is Travis a Bad DM?
Short answer? This campaign was polarising. There are some real critiques to be made on Travis’s style. But I think some aspects of critique have been blown out of proportion. In essence he wasn’t fully prepared to helm a show with a really demanding fan base that had high expectations. But I think Grad was good actually!
Longer answer:
Some people bring up stuff about his disabilities or how he acted outside of the show. I’m just viewing it from a objective stance of someone who listened to the episodes as they came out.
Trav has a tendency to have a lot of ideas he wants to show off and unfortunately tended to jump around a lot. So plot points that I personally may have wanted more time to explore got introduced and dropped a lot. Made worst by the fact that it’s a short season. If there’s not a lot of time to explore everything than weaker pacing becomes more evident. Moreover he wasn’t Griffin, and some people think Griffin can do no wrong and there is certainly favouritism for some fans.
BUT I loved it!! Definitely my favourite! It had a really engaging setting I was all over. And it had the strongest main cast out of all of them. Each main character had a good plot, with good progression, and most importantly they spent time developing a bind with eachother. Something that some of the campaigns don’t spend much time doing. They were a trio for a reason, not because events forced them to be. And it sucks that people are dismissing Grad so much because of it!
People got so upset it wasn’t living up to their expectations of Balance that they got hostile which made Grad likers hostile in return. On Twitter every post from the official page had comments begging them to end Grad immediately because it was shit and we deserved better?? So they tried to end it quickly to please these yelling fans and that only made a ending with more plot holes, and thus more complaining. There was a episode where Trav made a joke that a character handed them a chalice full of liquidised drugs at a party, and than the main cast decided to drink it. And the tag was just filled with people saying that Travis was encouraging drug taking to kids?????
At the end of the day Grad was still a fun comedy dnd podcast with lovable characters 🥰 I would suggest listening to it if it’s your cup of tea. As long as your aware that Trav is clumsier with pacing than Griff than you’re in for a pretty wild and very very ‘fun with little consequence’ campaign! Ironically most of these problems would be fixed if Graduation had more episodes lmao.
Tldr: Pick whichever one you like! TAZ is a anthology that doesn’t run into eachother so follow your heart! Technically Ethersea hasn’t started yet. I love Graduation a lot but Travis struggles to keep all his balls in the air so if that will annoy you a lot than I would understand leaving it for now. But I don’t think it’s as bad as some people make it out to be.
This was probably a lot of info to drop on you but if you want to clarify anything, or just chat don’t hesitate to send me a dm! TAZ is super fun and a nice way to occupy your time while your doing other tasks. I hope you enjoy it! ❤️
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greycappedjester · 3 years
Since I log the fanfictions I read, I’m realizing that June 19th marks the first day I read one of your fics! I read All in the Cards and was blown away by the storyline. Then, I continued to read your HQ series, the other cards fics, and your Dr.STONE fic too. I want to read your DC fics as well. I don’t know much background on it though, so I’m working on it. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your writing and how it has honestly made this past year a lot better. With all that being said though, what’s your favorite thing/theme to write in each of your individual series? Like world building, relationships, etc.? Also, what inspired you to write in the first place?
Ahhh, thank you so much! This is honestly such a sweet ask and I am so, so glad that I could make your year better.
For what's my favorite thing/theme to write in each series, that's a tough one as a lot of times in changes; but, after thinking about it, I think these are my favorite things overall for each....
(I also thought I'd do something fun and put what my favorite line to write was in the last few chapters for the ongoing works. I always wonder what lines are people's favorite so figured it would be fun to add mine)
Hq at Hogwarts: I really love writing Oikawa and Hinata's relationship. Which is kinda an odd thing to say since they purposefully only have a few conversations spread out through each story. But, they're my two favorite Hq characters to write hands down and so I absolutely love showing them as foils to each other in the series. That said, I also love writing them (and especially Oikawa and Suga) as foils/parallels to the Giant and Hisashi (Suga's grandfather). I love both foil relationships and writing parallels between generations--especially if the next generation is completely unaware/uninformed of the previous generation's mistakes
Favorite Recent Line to Write: Kenma met his eyes and his voice broke: “Why am I the only one you have to hide?”
*Note: Okay, technically not the most recent chapter but fun fact: I wrote the Kuroo/Kenma conversation waaaay in advance and used it a lot as a reference to where I wanted this relationship to be headed and I viewed this line as one of the biggest break points (along with "I am waiting" from the dance)
Cards: This one is the most tricky for me to think of one since it changes a lot. I love doing the world building for this one (like the huge long time line I have for the history of the country). I love writing fantasy politics. As I consider a Hearts Civil War story more, I'm getting back into the groove of just really love writing Oikawa's complicated relationship with being King. And, of course, I love writing Tsuksihima and Hinata's relationship
Favorite Recent Line to Write: Oikawa swept across the office, never seeming to pause for even a second as he pointed a quill at Iwaizumi. “So, tell me, are invasions just like a semi-annual thing?”
The Hq/Scooby-Doo AU (Investigations Inc.): the humor and banter
Walking With My Eyes Open: I think this might be my favorite romance thing I've ever written. I really, really wanted to show a view of romance that emphasized the choice to be in love (and the work that goes into a functioning relationship). I especially wanted to do this with Hanahaki since this trope is so tied to the forfeit of choice on the patient's end and the inherent unfairness/weight on the person they're in love with. Couldn't imagine it with any other characters but Senkuu and Gen tbh.
Favorite Recent Line to Write: But, human shoulders weren’t meant to bear the expectations of divinity.
*Note: Lol, this scene got cut and reworded so many dang times in editing, the one thing that stayed consistently I feel like is me really wanting to keep this specific line
After the Fall of Olympus: Three things and I find it really hard to pick which one is my favorite.
(1) I love that this story format lets me show the slow growth/aging of Dick as a character and (I hope) that each chapter shows how he's grown to the point that Dick at age 14 in Ch. 1 is noticeably younger in internal monologue than Dick in his 20s in the latest chapter.
(2) I love writing tricky political/social issues where all characters have their points and there truly is no write answer...with that, I love writing Dick and Jay Garrick's relationship.
(3) If I had to pick, I don't know if it's my favorite but I think it's the most important element of the story. I very much wanted to show a more realistic view of grief where it feels like the world ended; but, it's not actually an apocalypse. They recover. At the start of the story, it is without a doubt the lowest/most devastating point, but they rebuild. It's slow and there's set backs but they are rebuilding a world that isn't (and shouldn't be) the same but is there and is new and is important. I know a lot of stories that focus on grief view it as a tragedy and an end which it is in a huge way. There's the phrase "it gets better" but a lot of times I think it's viewed as "things will go back to what they used to be" which is understandably hard for people to believe because a lot of times, it fundamentally is impossible for what's lost to be regained. That doesn't mean it's the end of everything. I think sometimes we forget that the previous world (be it actual in this story or what feels like the entire world) may not exist anymore but something different can still be built. The new world and old should never be compared because they can't be. It won't be the same. But, it can be good and they can be happy.
Which is honestly the recovery of what Dick Grayson, to me, should represent rather than the constant grief/vengeance of Batman.
Favorite Recent Line to Write (technically the last line here, just doesn't make sense out of context)
“You need someone with you. I’m not just leaving you alone!” Selina shouts.
“No? Why not?” Dick spits back. “You’re so good at it !”
Selina flinches back and Dick is viciously, painfully glad.
“You don’t get to care just when it’s convenient, Selina,” he says and it hurts, a wound that’s never going to heal. “I needed someone eight years ago. I needed someone when Bruce died, when Batman was gone, and the city was falling apart, and you weren’t there. You didn’t call. You didn’t check on me. You didn’t even say bye. And that’s fine. I lived, I rebuilt it.”
He steps away. “But, you don’t get to come back now and pretend it never happened. I don’t have to let you just because it hurts either way.”
Flash Facts of Bart Allen: Lol, what might be my least popular but in my opinion best written story. Favorite thing is Bart and Len's relationship hands down, followed by showing Bart's relationship with how he navigates the weight of the Flash legacy while feeling like he's fundamentally different than the Flashes that came before.
Partly since this is getting so long and partly because personal story, I'm putting why I started writing under the break.
I started writing for a lot of reasons.
My first fic--and the first book I ever finished--was the first Hq at Hogwarts story (Mirror of Erised). For background, I started the story when I was in my first year of getting my master's degree (which was surprisingly a lot less busy than my undergrad for a number of reasons but me getting sidetracked into that is a whole other ask about grad school).
My first reason I started writing was that I had more time. I'd had the idea for the story for years; but, I finally had enough details that I was like "okay, now, I gotta write it" so I did. I'll say exactly what the final straw was when I actually get the series finished since it's a major spoiler.
My second reason probably didn't consciously occur to me at the time but is what I consider the most important reason I write and continue to write. I fundamentally want to write stories that make people's days better. It doesn't have to be anything big; I just really wanted to write the kind of story that people could get lost in for a few hours when they're scrolling through AO3 and looking for a distraction. I wanted to write something with happy endings.
Here's the more personal part. I really don't mean this in a sad way so please don't take it as such. However, when I started writing and posting, my dad had just died completely unexpectedly a few months earlier and right before I had to move cross country for masters. It was definitely a hard time (though I had friends and a good support network, again please don't worry--it was years ago now). But, writing then definitely helped me be in a positive happy attitude while thinking of plots and friendships in my favorite anime that always puts be in a better mood.
My point here is that while that was never the reason that I wrote, it's something I reflect on a lot for why fanfic can be such a positive force. Someone can have either the worst day ever, a mildly inconvenient day, or a perfectly fine day and still want distraction. To have a community with both writers and readers interested in the things you're interested in. To have a site where fic can be easily shared and for free. There's something just wonderful about that.
So, most of all, why I write: I want to show people that care about each other. I want to make someone's day better and often that day is mine.
That's really all there is to it.
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