#scott as a vdh
terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Okay I’ll throw in one last one for the road: Van der Humphreys + children?
VDH + Children
“...so that’s Eric and Jonathan and Jenny and Nathaniel in the east wing, Daniel and Blair and Serena and Vanessa upstairs, and I thought we should put Scott and Natalie in the largest bedroom, since they’re bringing the baby with them.”
“Fine by me,” Rufus says, coming around to set a fresh cup of tea beside Lily’s laptop as she studies the details of their rental in Kauai. “They’re definitely coming? Traveling with a two-year-old is – a lot.” 
“They already RSVP'd,” Lily confirms, lifting her Freddie “Boom Boom” Washington mug to take a sip. “Plus, we’ll all be around, so they should be able to take at least one night off.” 
“True,” Rufus agrees, one of his hands gently kneading her shoulder. 
“So,” she twists her head back to look up at her husband as he peers down at the screen, his own Welcome Back, Kotter mug in hand, “what do you think?”
“Hmmm, I don’t know, Lil,” he muses, “you sure we’ll have enough room?”
“Oh, stop,” she chides as he laughs, dropping into the dining chair next to her and scooting closer. 
“It’ll be great,” he amends, setting a hand on her knee. 
“And this way, every couple will have their own bathroom.”
“That’s smart. Save us from a repeat of the Hot Water Incident of 2016.”
Lily laughs at the joke, but that’s why she chose such an extensive property for this family trip. During their last one in Telluride, Dan and Nate had to physically put themselves between Blair and Jenny. 
“Was that really the last time the whole family was together?” Rufus asks. 
Lily makes a dissenting noise. “Eric’s wedding,” she corrects.
“Oh, that’s right,” Rufus nods, “Nat was pregnant with Dylan.”
(Named after Bob, a fact which they both loved, though Rufus is the only one who’ll admit it). 
“Our numbers have gone up,” Lily says lightly.
“And they’ll keep on going.”
She raises her eyebrows. “Do you know something I don’t know?”
Rufus blinks, puzzled for a second. “Nope, but don’t you think?”
She laughs, tipping her head back. Rufus moves to stretch his arm across the back of her chair, and she settles into it with a sigh, her eyes still on the screen, still displaying all the details of their Hawaiian dream rental. 
“Do you think sometimes maybe we have too many children?” she jokes.
“Maybe,” Rufus props his chin on her shoulder, “but I kind of love it that way.”
She smiles, and reaches up to pat his cheek. “Me too.”
It’s a perfect afternoon in Kauai, though Nate’s not sure there’s any other kind of afternoon here. 
Lily always goes all out for these family trips, and this one is no different. The villa she rented is massive. Hilariously oversized, Jen called it on their arrival, and while that may be true, it’s nice that there’s enough space for everyone in the family to do their own thing. Plus, it means Nate won’t have to hold Jenny back from jumping her sister-in-law for hogging the bathroom, at least on this trip. 
Right now, Nate is parked on the sectional sofa in the main living area, next to a huge set of windows displaying the ocean down in the distance. He’d taken Jenny out on the water this morning, but now he needed to carve out some time with the stack of study materials he’d brought with him. 
“Yikes. You do know you’re on vacation, right?”
Nate looks up from the packet in his hands to see Serena, already twenty percent tanner than when they’d all got here three days ago. She’s wearing the look she and Jenny have both classified as Island Niles: a brightly-colored large and flowy Hawaiian shirt and denim cutoffs (Nate’s in love with a fashion designer, he notices these things now).
“Haha,” he says flatly. “I don’t have a choice. I got a physiology exam the week after we get back, so I can’t let all the information leak out of my brain.”
Serena drops down onto the other end of the couch. “Look at you,” she croons, poking his leg with her foot, “Nate Archibald, the academic.”
He looks back down at his reading, flipping Serena off as he does. 
He hears her laugh, and spots the toss of her head out of the corner of his eye. “Don’t worry, Vanessa’s just as bad, she’s been elbow deep in Final Cut pro all day. So, I came to see what everyone else is doing.”
Nate shrugs, tapping the end of his pen on his lips. “Scott and Nat left for a romantic getaway on the big island this morning, so most everyone else is taken with the baby.” He gestures with his pen to the window behind him, to the lawn and the pool where no doubt Jen, Dan, Eric, Jonathan, Rufus,
and Lily were all still entertaining Scott’s little girl, Dylan. (Named after Bob, which Nate and Jen both agreed was a really awesome name).
Serena hums, following his point to look out the window. She laughs lightly, smile breaking over her face. 
“Aren’t you glad Scott finally had a kid?” she asks, propping her head up with her arm on the back of the couch. “Really takes the pressure off.”
Nate narrows his eyes playfully. “What pressure would you be under?”
“Umm, me and Vanessa, that’s two uteruses, so: double the pressure of the rest of you!”
He laughs. “Sure, let’s go with that.”
Serena tilts her head in thought. “Is that even the plural of uterus? Or is it uteri?”
“Uteruses,” Nate confirms. 
She grins. “See? That studying is already paying off!” she pokes him with her foot again, repeatedly this time, until Nate has to swat her away with one of his textbooks.
“Fine, fine,” she relents with a giggle. “But, seriously, tell me how school’s going.”
Nate does, trading his stories from nursing school for Serena’s about her photography and writing freelancing. She’d shied away from it for a long time, not wanting to be like her mother, but eventually, with Vanessa and Blair and Eric’s prodding, she couldn’t deny it’s what she loved to do, even if she still refuses to call it photojournalism. 
There’s always the text chains and emails and errant direct messages on social media, but Nate loves these gatherings because it’s a chance for him to really catch up with his best friend. Blair’s only a couple hours away in Paris, but S and her girl were on the move so much Nate really only gets to see them at official van der Humphrey gatherings. It’s lucky he and Blair both fell for people in her family. 
Their chat is interrupted by a high-pitched shriek of laughter, and they both turn to see Dylan giggling in Jenny’s arms as she twirls them around in the shallow end of the pool. 
“She’s cute,” Serena says. 
“Yeah,” Nate didn’t realize he was smiling until after he speaks. 
“Soooooo,” Serena says suggestively, waggling her eyebrows like a cartoon villain, “does that mean you’re next?”
Nate snorts. “Nope. Not likely.”
Serena lifts an inquiring eyebrow. 
He shrugs. “We’ve talked about it, and neither of us are anywhere near ready.” He drops the packet in his hands and stretches. “Jen has plans to launch her own label by the time she’s thirty, and I just want to survive clinicals.”
Serena nods with a laugh. “Completely understandable.”
“We’ve tabled it indefinitely,” he turns in his seat, mirroring Serena’s pose, hand propped on his arm. “Or at least another ten years.” 
“Yeah. Us too,” she shrugs, looking down, hand dropping to pluck at the fringe of one of the throw pillows. “V would be great at it.”
“You would too,” he says softly. “But you don’t have to want it.” (It’s not too dissimilar from what he told Jenny, but the sentiment remains.)
Serena shoots him a grateful smile, then turns to look back out the window. “So who do you think will be next? Eric or Dan?”
Nate hums thoughtfully. “Well, Eric’s the one who gave your mom the white wedding, so he should at least give Dan the chance to win back some points.”
Serena giggles, and as if she could sense their direction of the conversation, Blair comes padding into the room, in shockingly casual dress: leggings and an oversized, faded NYU t-shirt. Nate would have expected her in one of the resort collections Jen’s been pouring over for weeks now. 
“How are you doing there, B?” Nate teases. 
Blair makes a grumbly noise in response, and sinks down onto the couch between them, putting her head in Serena’s lap and her feet in Nate’s. 
“Hungover?” Serena asks with a pitiful pout, brushing Blair’s hair back from her face.
That’s funny, Nate doesn’t remember Blair drinking at all last night. Or the night before. Or on the flight from Heathrow to LAX—and there are few things Blair Waldorf loves more than a cocktail on an international flight.
“No,” Blair insists. “I’m just exhausted. Must be jetlag.” 
“We’ve been here for a few days now, B,” Serena says gently.
“Well, it’s delayed jetlag,” Blair snipes. 
“Does that exist?” Nate asks. 
Blair scoffs, rolling onto her side, kicking Nate in the process. “I need a nap.”
“I thought naps were for the weak,” Serena teases.
“Yeah, isn’t that what you’ve said at every other van der Humphrey family vacation?” 
Blair kicks at him again, but Nate knows he’s right. His best friend has never been one for sleeping in the middle of the day, unless she was pulling a Camille, or when she was…
“B,” he says firmly. 
She turns to look him in the eye, and he meets it. He’s been Jenny’s partner too long to be cowed by a withering stare, and known Blair too long to fall apart from hers. 
“What,” she asks flatly, challenging. 
“B,” he repeats, matching her tone, arching an eyebrow.
Her eyes widen, caught, and then he knows. 
“Okay,” Serena waves a hand, interrupting their staring contest. “One of you needs to start talking.” 
“Blair’s not hungover,” he says gleefully, “because she hasn’t had a drink all week.”
Blair pushes herself into sitting up. “Nathaniel Archibald –”
“Because,” he drops his voice to a stage-whisper, “she’s pregnant.”
Serena’s squeal nearly breaks the glass behind them. “Really?” 
“I – how –” Blair sputters at him. “How did you know?”
“I am a medical professional now, remember?” he picks up the course packet he was reading earlier and waves it in her face. 
“You’re a student,” she snarks back, swatting a hand at the book, “you aren’t a professional anything yet, Archibald, don’t be so braggy.”
“Oh, I’m gonna brag a little.”
Serena bounces in her seat, clapping her hands together. “Oh, this is amazing! Congratulations!” She playfully shoves Blair’s shoulder. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” 
“I can’t believe Dan hasn’t told everyone on the island,” Nate jokes.
Blair shushes them both. “That’s because I haven’t told Dan yet,” she whispers forcefully. “So you two better keep this secret, because if he hears it from one of your girlfriends first, I swear to god, I will end you all.”
Nate meets Serena’s eye over Blair’s head, the both of them grinning wide. 
“We’re going to hug you now,” he announces, serious. 
Blair’s long-suffering sigh is muffled by the two of them wrapping their arms around each other, squeezing Blair in the middle. After a breath, her hands slip out to settle over their arms. 
“Whoa,” Nate hears another feminine voice come from the stairs’ general direction, “did I miss something?”
Serena pulls out of the hug first, then Nate, who turns to see Vanessa entering the room, straps of a swimsuit top peeking out from beneath her sundress. 
Nate shares a glance with Serena, still bubbly with excitement, and Blair, who’s eyes may as well be flashing WARNING and DANGER. 
“We – uh…plead the fifth?”
Serena bobs her head in a nod, and Blair slumps back into the couch. 
“Okay…” Vanessa drags out the word. “Well, I was just gonna walk down to the beach, so…” she trails off, and shoots a meaningful look over her shoulder at Serena before slipping outside through the sliding glass doors. 
Serena blinks, then smiles wide. “Bye!” she chirps to her best friends before dashing out the door behind her girlfriend. 
Nate turns back to Blair. 
“Not a word,” she points a finger at him threateningly. 
Nate solemnly draws a cross over his heart, just how they used to make promises to each other when they were kids. He holds his arms open after, and she obliges, throwing her own around his neck in a hug. 
“Congrats, B,” he says sincerely, without an ounce of jealousy or regret. They now both had everything they ever wanted. 
“Thank you,” she says back, equally genuine.
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strideofpride · 2 years
ok so the stuff I know I want to happen next in MoF I just have to fucking write it:
Rufly’s anniversary party / Dair 2.0’s nyc coming out: there’ll be live slug reactions from rufus and eleanor and serena and maybe a musical number and I know what I want it all to contain, I just have to do the thing and put the puzzle pieces together.
and Scott and his fiancée continue to be a part of things and I have a vision of Carly the fiancée and Blair getting smashed in her penthouse and them talking about life and love etc etc.
There’s also potential for vdh silliness which I know you love. One bit I have in mind is The Girls (Serena & Blair & Jenny — & Lily? Maybe? ooh there’s a thought) taking Carly shopping and there’s an offer to get her into the Manhattan bridal salons, and Blair says something unhinged and offhand like “I still have Vera Wang’s personal cell number” and they all look at her like 👀👀👀👀👀
!!!!!!! God I can’t tell you how much I love the idea of The Girls and them all hanging out together!! Serena & Jenny sisterhood is very important to me (also I’ve been quietly waiting for Serena to make a big appearance in the MoF universe again) and Carly is maybe my single favorite OC in this fandom, you’ve done such a good job with her, so all that to say, I will happily take more of her!
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ml-pnp · 4 years
“So President Trump, if you are listening – and I know you are – first, government needs to make the loans directly to the owner,” he said. “Cut out the hiring requirements, and if the owner can’t pay it back it’s on him or her. They did this after 9/11 and it worked. The loan should also have a long payback period, to reduce thoughts of suicide. ‘Cause that’s where debt can lead.”
this is how well informed creative contrarians, actual free thinkers work. the are a very rare breed. One would think with the exposition of content creators you would see more of them.
Micheal Malice  ?
Jordan Peterson
Scott Adams
Charles Murray?
Douglas Murray
there are some likely hiding in the entertainment industries that don’t know they are
As wonderful as they are i wouldn’t put Thomas Sowell or Krauthammer on that list and why the ? marks
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gaymusicchart · 5 years
GAY MUSIC CHART – 2019 week 06
 Welcome to the Gay Music Chart, the LGBTQA related music videos TOP 50 actuality and most request.
Please notice that we received dozens of suggestions, and it's impossible to present all of them in the same week edition because the video would be too long. We have three months late to catch up, so it will take some times.
 Vote for your favourite LGBTQA related music videos by leaving a comment for this post on :
YOUTUBE (in the comment section of the video of the week) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7yfp-xq-b08tD6mAWwclA
BLOGGER : http://gaymusicchart.blogspot.fr
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/GayMusicChart/
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TUMBLR : http://gaymusicchart.tumblr.com  
 Here are some other sites which also makes LGBT charts or presents some LGBT artists :
Don’t hesitate to visits their sites !
 Here is the recap for this week :
 OUT : Ariana Grande - "thank u, next" LW: 18 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 18
OUT : Peter Wilson & Sean Smith - "Verona" LW: 20 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 01 (x2)
OUT : LP - "Recovery" LW: 23 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 15
OUT : Halsey - "Without Me" LW: 25 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 14
OUT : Jeff Carl - "Buried in New York" LW: 34 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 17
OUT : Openside - "Character Flaws" LW: 37 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 11
OUT : Monique Heart - "Brown Cow Stunning" (Mitch Ferrino Mix) LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 39
OUT : Echo Black - "Poison Apple" LW: 41 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 37
OUT : White Lies - "Tokyo" LW: 43 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 43
OUT : Sam Bluer - "Body High" LW: 44 / WO: 11 / PEAK: 03
OUT : Reigen - "High on U" LW: 45 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 45
OUT : Alex vdH - "Georgia Summer Dream" LW: 46 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 46
OUT : Emmanuel Moire - "La promesse" LW: 47 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 47
OUT : Milow feat. Matt Simons - "Lay Your Worry Down" LW: 48 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 48
OUT : Zee Machine - "Dangerous" LW: 49 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 31
  01 (+ 2) : Troye Sivan - "Lucky Strike"
LW: 03 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 01 (x2)
Australia - 2019 - from the album "Bloom"
It's his ninth music video which is #1 in less 4 years! Troye is definitely the little prince of Gay Music Chart.
 02 (+ 7) : Jax Jones, Years & Years - "Play"
LW: 09 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 02
UK - 2018 - from the EP "Snacks"
 03 (- 2) : Calum Scott - "No Matter What"
LW: 01 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 01 (x2)
UK - 2018 - from the album "Only Human" (Special Edition)
This really personnal song tells the story of Calum Scott telling his parents he was gay and their reactions of loving him "no matter what". It's a deep and emotional power ballad.
 04 (- 2) : Lizzo - "Juice"
LW: 02 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 02
USA - 2018
 05 (+ 5) : Mark Ronson feat. Miley Cyrus - "Nothing Breaks Like a Heart"
LW: 10 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 04
USA - 2018
An excellent collab.
 06 (- 2) : Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper - "Shallow"
LW: 04 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 04
USA - 2018 - from the OST "A Star Is Born"
This song won the Golden Globe for Best Original Song 2018, and is nominated to the Grammys and the Oscars. The movie is about seasoned musician Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) discovers-and falls in love with-struggling artist Ally (Gaga). She has just about given up on her dream to make it big as a singer - until Jack coaxes her into the spotlight. But even as Ally's career takes off, the personal side of their relationship is breaking down, as Jack fights an ongoing battle with his own internal demons.
 07 (+ 4) : Sam Smith - "Fire On Fire"
LW: 11 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 07
UK - 2018 - from the OST "Watership Down"
"Watership Down" is a BBC mini-series adaptation of the book, which tells the story about a warren of rabbits fighting to survive numerous perils as they search for a new home.
 08 (=) : Silva - "Duas da Tarde"
LW: 08 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 08
Brazil - 2018 - from the album "Brasileiro"
 09 (- 4) : Calvin Harris, Sam Smith - "Promises"
LW: 05 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 01 (x1)
UK - 2018
 10 (+ 5) : Jão - "Me Beija Com Raiva"
LW: 15 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 10
Brazil - 2018 - from the album "Lobos"
It's the first time the singer talks about his sexual orientation with this song, writen for an ex-lover who broke his heart.
 11 (+ 8) : Michael Medrano - "Love Somebody Else"
LW: 19 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 11
USA - 2018
The song was previously presented in our chart, but the music video was only released during our break.
 12 (+ 5) : Pabllo Vittar - "Disk Me"
LW: 17 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 12
Brazil - 2018 - from the album "Não Para Não"
She was definitely the most successful drag queen in 2018.
 13 (NEW) : Manila Luzon - "Go Fish"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 13
USA - 2019 - from the album "Rules"
 14 (+ 13) : Sam Smith, Normani - "Dancing With A Stranger"
LW: 27 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 14
UK / USA  - 2019
This is a passionate duet about coping with loneliness and trying to get over a lost love.
 15 (NEW) : Netta - "Bassa Sababa"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 15
Israel - 2019
This is her first single her victory at the Eurovision Song Contest 2018, still composed by Stav Beger.
 16 (- 3) : Greyson Chance - "Good As Gold" 
LW: 13 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 10
USA - 2018
The song was already in our chart in September, but the music video was released during our break.
 17 (- 10) : Bilal Hassani - "Roi" (Lyrics Video)
LW: 07 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 05
France - 2019
Bilal Hassani won Destination Eurovision 2019 and will represent France at the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Tel Avivwith this song about self esteem.
 18 (- 2) : Theo X - "You Don't Wanna Dance"
LW: 16 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 09
Denmark - 2018
In this cute music video, a young teen dares to give an invitation to dance to another boy. Love is love.
 19 (+ 3) : Blair St. Clair - "Irresistible"
LW: 22 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 09
USA - 2018 - from the EP "Call My Life"
This is the third single of her first EP. Her EP was #1 on Billboard
Dance/Electronic Albums Sales Chart.
 20 (- 8) : Troye Sivan and Jónsi - "Revelation" (Lyric video)
LW: 12 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 11
Australia / Iceland - 2018 - from the OST "Boy Erased"
The song was nominated on the 2019 Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song. The movie "Boy Erased" follows the son of Baptist parents who is forced to take part in a gay conversion therapy program.
 21 (+ 12) : Allen King feat. Amor Romeira - "My Boy"
LW: 33 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 03
Spain - 2018
 22 (- 1) : Not.Your.Regular.Boy. - "It's All Yours"
LW: 21 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 21
The Netherlands - 2018
This is his third single.
 23 (- 17) : Years & Years - "All For You"
LW: 06 / WO: 16 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
UK - 2018 / from the album "Palo Santo"
 24 (+ 5) : Lauv & Troye Sivan - "i'm so tired..." [Official Audio]
LW: 29 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 24
USA / Australia - 2019
 25 (+ 15) : The Diesel Tykes feat. Tim'm West / LnK - "Every Day Is Earth Day"
LW: 40 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 25
USA - 2018
It's everyday time to save the Earth with this catchy song by Scott Free !
 26 (NEW) : Hatari - "Hatrið mun sigra"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 26
Iceland - 2019
The industrial gothic trio from Reykjavik is selected with this song to Söngvakeppnin, the Icelandic national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019. They won the Best Live Band Grapevine Music Awards 2017.
 27 (+ 11) : Scott Free - "We Honor The Dead" (World Martyrs)
LW: 38 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 26
USA - 2019
A tribute to engaged LGBTQ men and women who died while defending LGBTQ Rights around the world.
 28 (+ 2) : Charli XCX & Troye Sivan - "1999"
LW: 30 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 05
UK / Australia - 2018
The music video is a real revival of what made the year 1999.
 29 (- 3) : Federica Abbate - "Finalmente"
LW: 26 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 20
Italy - 2018
This song came second in the first part of the Sanremo Giovani 2018 Music Festival for emergent artists. The lyrics talk about a love relationship badly judged by the entourage. If the lyrics aren't specifically gay, the music video is, with the portrayal of a young man who comes out to his father who rejects him in return. So, the young man can only be reconforted by his boyfriend and his friends. Until... Beautiful.
 30 (- 6) : Gloria Groove - "Coisa Boa"
LW: 24 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 24
Brazil - 2018
 31 (NEW) : Pabllo Vittar - "Seu Crime"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 31
Brazil - 2019 - from the album "Não Para Não"
 32 (- 18) : Panic! At The Disco - "High Hopes"
LW: 14 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 06
USA - 2018 / from the album "Pray For The Wicked"
 33 (NEW) : Scotty Dynamo feat. Alina Renae - "I Could Be Your Trainer"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 33
Canada - 2018
 34 (RE-ENTRY) : Courtney Act - "Fight For Love"
LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 27
Australia - 2018
The drag queen came 4th at "Eurovision - Australia decides", the Australian national selections for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019.
 35 (NEW) : Erik Altemus - "Desidero"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 35
USA - 2019 - from the EP "DESIDERATUM"
 36 (NEW) : Electric Fields - "2000 and Whatever" (Lyrics Video)
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 36
Australia - 2019
Zaachariaha Fielding and Michael Ross mix electronic music with Aboriginal culture. This song came 2nd at "Eurovision - Australia decides", the Australian national selections for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019.
 37 (NEW) : Trinity The Tuck - "The Face The Body"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 37
USA - 2019
 38 (- 10) : Urgence Homophobie - "De l'Amour"
LW: 28 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 10
France - 2018
As homophobic attacks have increased by 15% in 2018 in France, 70 French celebrities made this song to fight homophobia.
 39 (- 7) : Tiago Braga - "Ilusão"
LW: 32 / WO: 23 / PEAK: 06
Portugal - 2018
A story of infidelity.
 40 (- 9) : Sam Tsui - "A Million Pieces"
LW: 31 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 31
USA - 2018 - from the album "Trust"
 41 (+ 9) : Clean Bandit feat. Marina & Luis Fonsi - "Baby"
LW: 50 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 41
UK / USA (Puerto Rico) - 2018 - from the album "What is Love ?"
In this music video, during her wedding with a man, a woman remembers her love for another woman in a summer camp.
 42 (- 7) : Miss Benny - "Rendezvous"
LW: 35 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 35
USA - 2019
Miss Benny is the new project of Ben J. Pierce aka Kid POV, aka Benny, well known here for his previous singles, included "Boys Will Be Boys". Welcome back!
 43 (NEW) : Calum Scott - "If Our Love is Wrong"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 43
UK - 2018 - from the album "Only Human"
 44 (- 2) : Ricky Merino - "Miénteme"
LW: 42 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 42
Spain - 2018
This is his second single, and the first on after Operación Triunfo 2018.
 45 (- 9) : Hatari - "Spillingardans"
LW: 36 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 36
Iceland - 2018
Disturbing. Scary. Intriguing. Exciting... The industrial gothic trio from Reykjavik is selected to Söngvakeppnin, the Icelandic national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019. Not with this song, but when you listen to this, you are already intrigued and excited...
 46 (RE-ENTRY) : Jussie Smollett - "Hurt People"
LW: - / WO: 3 / PEAK: 25
USA - 2018 - from the album "Sum of My Music"
The singer and actor from "Empire" has been hospitalized after a racist and homophobic aggression by two masked men while he was walking on the streets of Chicago. The emotion in the USA is high after this hate crime.
 47 (NEW) : KEiiNO - "Spirit In The Sky" (official lyric video -  nature)
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 47
Norway - 2019
KEiiNO is a trio composed by Fred Buljo, Alexandra Rotan and Tom Hugo. This song,  which mixes dance and Sami ethnic sounds, is selected to the Melodi Grand Prix 2019, the Norwegian national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest.
 48 (NEW) : Brandon Stansell - "Hometown"
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 48
USA - 2018 - from the album "Slow Down"
This song is kind of a representation of his coming out story, with his family who didn’t respond very well. It was named one of the TOP 10 COUNTRY MUSIC VIDEOS of 2018 by Rolling Stone.
 49 (NEW) : Bilal Hassani - "Copines x Tout Oublier" (Aya Nakamura / Angèle Cover)
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 49
France - 2018
Bilal Hassani made a huge buzz since he will represent France in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019. His victory in Destination Eurovision has amplified the homophobic cyber bullying. He has just filed 213 complaints for homophobic messages, mainly on Twitter.
 50 (NEW) : Harel Skaat הראל סקעת - "Honestly"【בחיי"】
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 50
Israel - 2018
 JORDY - "Just Friends"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
This love declaration failed to enter in our chart, but is now #1 on Tad's LGBT Music Charts. Will you give it another chance ?
 Marc Wayne - "Drowning"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019 - from the album "FindingMarcwayne"
#1 on The Weekly Top 40 #LGBT Urban Charts.
 Kevin Chomat - "La vague"
LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 18
France - 2018 - from the album "Mon renouveau"
This is the second single taken from his second album. It's actualy #1 on the LGBTQ Music Chart. Will you give it another chance ?
 Electric Fields - "2000 And Whatever" (Live @ Eurovision : Australia Decides 2019)
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 36
Australia - 2019
The duo came 2nd in the Australian selection for the Eurovision Song Contest.
 Courtney Act - "Fight For Love" (Live @ Eurovision : Australia Decides 2019)
LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 27
Australia - 2019
The drag queen came 4th in the Australian selection for the Eurovision Song Contest.
 Alfie Acuri - "To Myself" (Live @ Eurovision : Australia Decides 2019)
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Australia - 2019
The singer came 5th in the Australian selection for the Eurovision Song Contest.
 HATARI - "Hatrið mun sigra" (live @ Söngvakeppnin 2019 SF1 )
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 26
Iceland - 2019
"Hate will prevail, Love will die" ! The trio is qualified for the grand final of the icelandic national selections for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019.
 Alen Chicco - "Your Cure“ (Live @ Eurovizijos 2019)
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Lithuania - 2019
The queer singer, former contestant of X-Factor in Lithuania, is qualified with this song for the second semi-final of Eurovizijos 2019, the Lithuanian national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest.
 Madonna - "Erotica / You Thrill Me MEGAMIX 1983-2016" by Narvinek
LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 17
Great news ! The Queen of Pop will perform at the Eurovision Song Contest during the interlude in Tel Aviv (for 1,5 million dollars).
 Sergey Lazarev - "You Are The Only One" (Live @ Eurovision Song Contest 2016)
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Russia - 2016 - from the album "THE ONE"
Great news! Sergey Lazarev will be back to the Eurovision Song Contest to represent Russia once again ! He came third in 2016 with his incredibile act "You Are The Only One". No doubt that Russia wants revenge after its first elimination in its history in semi-final last year : Sergey, we have high expectations about you! Sorry Bilal Hassani, but you have a strong contender...
 N.E.F.O.R.M.A.T - "Чужие Судьбы" (Aliens Destiny)
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Russia - 2019
For their first music video, these two have guts to do this kind of music video in their country: they show their homosexuality, they kiss, they flirt half naked in bed, they rebel for freedom. Respect, men!  
 Анна Плетнёва / Anna Pletnyova - "Воскресный ангел" / "Sunday Angel"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Russia - 2018 - from the album "Сильная девочка"/"Strong Girl"
 Tuure Boelius - "Vihaan rakastaa sua"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Finland - 2019 - from the album "Christ"
A music video probably inspired by his recent 3rd place in "Tanssii tähtien kanssa", the Finnish version of "Dancing with the Stars".
 Saara Aalto - "Dance Like Nobody's Watching"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Finland - 2019 - from the album "Wild Wild Wonderland"
A music video about a transgender teen who wants to do ballet against the will of his father.
 Osvaldo Supino - "How Do We Know"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Italy - 2019
 Someone Who Isn't Me - "Gomenaki"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Greece - 2018
 Pavlos Pavlidis / Παύλος Παυλίδης & B-movies - "Ένα αλλιώτικο παιδάκι" / "A different kid"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Greece - 2018
 Tokio Hotel - "Melancholic Paradise"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Germany - 2019
 Kim Petras feat. SOPHIE - "1,2,3 dayz up" (Official Audio)
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Germany / UK - 2019
 Pet Shop Boys - "On social media" (lyric video)
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
UK - 2019 - from the EP "Agenda"
 Nakhane feat. ANOHNI - "New Brighton"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
South Africa / UK - 2018 / from the album "You Will Not Die"
 MNEK - "Girlfriend"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
UK - 2019 - from the album "Language"
 Greyson Chance - "shut up"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019
 Christopher Sorensen - "Afterglow"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
A touching music video about a teen dating a mature man, but his life collapses when he discovered he's a married man with child.
 Esteman - "Solo"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Colombia - 2019
 Daniela Mercury feat Caetano Veloso - " Proibido o Carnaval"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Brazil - 2019
 Adriana Calcanhotto - "Ogunté"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Brazil - 2019
 Phillipi & Rodrigo - "Retrogrado"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Brazil - 2019 - from the album "Paciencia"
 As Bahias E A Cozinha Mineira - "Das Estrelas"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Brazil - 2019
The music video follows a transgender woman dating a man who has already a girlfriend. It doesn't end very well for the transgender woman who is beatten by her boyfriend. Heartbreaking.
 Silvetty Montilla - "Tô Adorando"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Brazil - 2019
 Philip La Rosa - "Fable"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Australia - 2019
 Carrie Underwood - "Love Wins"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018 - from the album "Cry Pretty"
 Ariana Grande - "break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019 - from the album "thank U, next"
The bisexual twist doesn't content everybody: some people say it's only for sensationalism and clicks.
 Brian Justin Crum - "We Are The Champions'
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019
A cover of Queen.
 Michete - "Yum Yum Big Slurp"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019
A song with sexual explicit content.
 Aja feat. Shilow - "Jekyll & Hyde"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019 / from the album "BOX Office"
 Super King Reza & Groovebox - "Horchata"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
 Tim'm West - "Shoes"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
 D. Prime - "GAY" and "HAPPY-NESS"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019
 ABearNamedTroy - "THICCK"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2018
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
USA - 2019
 Crazy Harder - "Fire Vibe"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
The Netherlands - 2019
 St Woods - "On Me"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Spain - 2019
 Eddy De Pretto - "Random" (Live @ Les Victoires de la Musique 2019)
LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 46
France - 2019 - from the album "Culte"
The rapper was nominated 3 times to the French musical awards "Les Victoires de la Musique", but won none. A lot of fans are shoked.
 Christ(ine and the Queens) - "La marcheuse" (Live @ Les Victoires de la Musique 2019)
LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 46
France - 2019 - from the album "Christ"
The artist was nominated 2 times to the French musical awards "Les Victoires de la Musique", but won none.
 Emmanuel Moire - "La femme au milieu"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
France - 2019 - from the album "Odyssée"
 Patrick Bruel - "Pas eu le temps"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
France - 2019 - from the album "Ce soir on sort..."
 HUSH - [ 鬍渣 ] / "Hú zhā"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Taiwan - 2019 - from the album 『换句话说』/ "In Other Words"
 李德筠 Li Te Yun -【我的世界沒有孤寂】/ "My World isn't Lonely"
LW: - / WO: - / PEAK: -
Taiwan - 2018
This is another song from "The Rainbow MV Film Project" which fights homophobia in Taiwan.
0 notes
terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
What fic do you really want to write but have been struggling to put any words down with?
How much time do you have? Lol but really I’ve been feeling that way over pretty much everything I’ve tried to write lately, life, both personal and professional, has really been hanging heavy on my head and shoulders so not much writing has gotten accomplished. Like, I thought I would have finished all the prompts in my inbox by now rip. 
So there’s….a few weeks back I mentioned that I wanted to write/was trying to write a s5 au in which to get away from the toxic men in her love life Blair convinces Dan to lie for her and they say that her child is his. Friends to coparents to lovers. Angst abounds. I got like, an incoherent outline, a fraction of a scene with Blair & Alison, and the big italicized oh moment for blair (which consists of Dan writing letters to their kid ala the climax in Beach Read—except nothing like that, but kind of like that, you’ll see. Hopefully. I ran out of spoons because I was tired and I wasn’t sure if, upon finishing it, anyone would even care. 
Another is I started a Hart of Dixie-flavored au that sort of aligns with the last ep of s3 and the frist 3ish eps of s4 in HoD. the central couple that has the Zade journey would be Vanessa/Nate, and there’s of course van der humphrey shenanigans and a side-helping of Dair (I’m me I can’t help it), and Serena being the AB to Vanessa & Blair’s Zoe & Lemon (the bathroom scene in 4x02 is really what inspired me). It was coming along pretty easily but I just ran out of steam and it’s been on ice ever since. I know how I want it to go, it’s a matter of timing now. Hopefully talking about it helps?
Like I told S in her ask box last week-ish, I know where I want to take the MoF series next: it involves Dair coming out as a couple over Rufly’s fifth anniversary weekend, and there’s lots of Feelings involved on all ends, plus Dan’s last year of grad school and his sophomore novel coming out, plus Dair figuring out their future, plus the VDH gang and co. going to Scott’s wedding, plus more of dilf!Nate living his Lorelai Gilmore plot, etc etc. I’ve been thinking about it forever, but have put virtually nothing down, because I didn’t know if I updated the series if anyone would care? I put a lot of soul into the last multi-chap work, and it felt like the emotional heavy lifting I did for it didn’t really match the engagement I got in return. And though I write first and foremost for ME, idk it was still disheartening.
I think I mentioned this before, which is why I’m ok talking about it now, but for the holiday season I realllllly want to finally write the nancy meyer’s Holiday AU I’ve wanted to write for two christmases now. Dair & Natessa. With some Milo on the side. After I finish the last however many prompts I may just block off the rest of fall to work on it very slowly. Because I want! To! Do! It! 
And in that vein I have mentioned kinktober but tbh I have like 3 ideas on the smut stove that I haven’t been able to take anywhere. So who knows. You’ll def get the Dan/Carter I have banked but after that, possibly nothing.
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