#scott bennett
xtruss · 4 months
Big Pharma Docs: Western Elite Used Ukraine as ‘Guinea Pig For Human Testing' After 2014 Coup
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© Sputnik/Denis Aslanov/Go to the Mediabank
When conducting human tests, Big Pharma did not think twice before using hospitals in certain developing countries, which don’t have "rigorous controls" for such actions, William Jones, a former White House correspondent and a non-resident fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, told Sputnik.
Sputnik has obtained a trove of documents indicating that rheumatological drugs had been allegedly tested for several years on psychiatric patients of a hospital in the city of Mariupol at the request of major Western pharmaceutical corporations and with the assistance of Ukrainian officials.
The documents contain information pertaining to such companies as Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Celltrion, Novatris International AG, Merck KGaA, and a branch of Samsung that produces medical equipment. The tests were carried out while the Kiev regime held Mariupol until May 2022, when Russia took over the city.
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***Big Pharma's Tested 'Secret Bioweapon Program to Target Slavic DNA’ in Mariupol – Expert!
“Russia’s release of documents exposing major pharmaceutical companies in America and beyond "confirms not only the existence of a secret bioweapon program targeting Slavic-DNA, but explains why the Satan War Criminal West in general has become so pathologically obsessed with trying to keep Ukraine in the “Axcis of Evils: NATO-EU-US” orbit of influence," Scott Bennett, a Former US Army Psychological Warfare Officer and US State Department Counterterrorism Analyst, told Sputnik.
He, Scott Bennett, a Former US Army Psychological Warfare Officer and US State Department Counterterrorism Analyst, said that the accidental discovery of the documents in a basement of a building re-captured by Russian forces in Mariupol is "just the beginning of a trail of evidence that will most likely lead through the dark and misery-filled world between 2008 to 2019 when Ukrainians and Russians were used as human experiments to explore just how malevolent, hysterical, paranoid, delusional, and psychotic the human person can be manipulated, medicated, and surgically altered into being."
When asked why Mariupol was picked for the tests, Bennett said it was "the perfect place to conduct this medical experimentalizing because people in the city area could be easily trapped, captured, imprisoned, and experimented on with the cries of terror and screams of pain at the suffering of these experiments being hidden in the deep basements underground."
"This was one of the centerpieces of the West’s agenda to use and abuse Ukraine by performing bio-warfare experimentation on Ukrainian soil because it had been outlawed in America and the West in general. This was also one of the reasons why then Vice President Biden had threatened to withhold billions of dollars from Ukraine unless a prosecutor who had been investigating this corruption was terminated. Victoria Nuland, the Witch Architect of the [2014 Maidan] Coup D’etat against Kiev, had used the CIA, Georgian Mercenaries, and American Politicians like ‘Hell Bounded World’s Deadliest Warmonger John McCain’ and ‘Boak Bollocks Senile Oaf White Trash Human Feces Lindsey Graham’ and others to cultivate a revolutionary atmosphere in Kiev. She was also the first person to openly admit to Senator Marco Rubio that The US Had Bioweapons, pharmaceutical companies, and massive experiments being conducted in the dark basements of blood-soaked buildings in Ukraine," Bennett noted.
"The same control mechanism that works could, without a problem, conduct experiments that would not be permitted on their own populations. The Ukrainians have no government to protect them from this," William Jones the former Washington Bureau Chief of Executive Intelligence Review and a Non-resident Fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University concluded.
— ***Oleg Burunov | Tuesday February 13, 2023
"Given the present situation in Ukraine with the growing understanding that Ukraine – or NATO - cannot ‘win’ this conflict using conventional weapons, as well as the determination of NATO not to accept a peaceful resolution unless Russia is soundly defeated, it could well lead to the utilization of some form of biological warfare on the part of NATO to ‘even the playing field’," Jones warned.
In the spring of 2022, Russia's Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense Troops brought to light the alarming scope of US military-biological activities taking place at numerous locations in Ukraine. These investigations revealed the collaboration between Washington and Kiev in researching and handling various highly dangerous pathogens. Subsequently, several of these findings have been independently corroborated.
— Oleg Burunov | Sputnik International | Wednesday February 14, 2024
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no-nameunknown · 2 months
— Invincible x Scott Pilgrim !‼️
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( gif cr: cafekitsune )
( art cr: me )
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Joan Bennett (Man Hunt, Scarlet Street, The Woman in the Window)—Joan Bennett has everything you could ever want in a hot vintage dame of the big screen, She has gorgeous big green eyes that are so expressive both when they're filled with tears or with scorn or lust. Despite being a whole five foot barely anything she brings a presence that makes her feel larger than life. Never letting any scene partner take away from her and she was up against some heavy hitters like Spencer Tracey, James Mason, Michael Redgrave, and Edward G Robinson just to name a few.. She went from being an adorable blonde to a deadly and sexy brunette. She's THE femme fatale to end femme fatale and I will not take any criticism. Her voice is distinct, her look her own, and not even her shitty husband shooting her agent in the dick stopped her; finding success in theatre and hit TV show Dark Shadows. (Screw Hollywood for being sexist but shout out to Humphrey Bogart for insisting she stay in 'We're No Angels') She should've been nominated for an Oscar for Scarlet Street. She made Fritz Lang relevant again with her amazing performances. She made noir NOIR, her influence can be over stated. She's beautiful as hell, she was a genuinely kind person despite all nonsense she was put through and though she didn't think much of the films she was in she was doing it for the LOVE of film making. I just have lots of feelings about her. She's a blorbo.
Lizabeth Scott (Dead Reckoning)—no propaganda submitted
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Joan Bennett:
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She was THE leading woman in TWO famous “the woman in xyz location” films which is very funny. Fritz Lang loved her and he was correct (as always). Slayed on Dark Shadows and in Suspiria. Slayed as a blonde. Slayed as a brunette. So pretty. Excellent voice. Big sad eyes. Talent. Elegance. She’s every woman.
The epitome of a femme fatale, just look at her
Blonde, brunette, this woman can do it all
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braedenhales · 3 months
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camelotpark · 13 days
Message to that part Teen Wolf fandom: If Scott McCall was written the way you claim you want him to be, and love to portray him as in your wildly ooc fics, all your favorites would be dead. Each and every one.
Personally, I'm okay with that. Give me a Scott McCall takes over L.A. series one entitled and violent dead white guy at a time. Throw in a powerful witch in Bonnie Bennett where they are equally badass ride or dies and I'm sat, but you and I both know you don't want a killer Scott. You want a subordinate yes man to kill at a white man's word.
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tophsazulas · 7 months
Complex and well rounded characters don’t always have to be ‘queen bees’ and ‘bad boys’. Characters who are kind and generous yet flawed can be complex too. Hell, the flaws are what make them complex.
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disacurveball · 6 months
Lonelyeyes Scott Pilgrim AU where in order to marry him, Peter has to defeat Elias’s seven evil(?) exes, who are the regency men he had homosexual correspondence with. The final boss is his ancestor, Mordechai Lukas.
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ceaseless-bitcher · 2 months
Hamilton-style musical of rendition of Robert Smirke’s crew and the fallout between himself, Jonah Magnus, and the rest of them.
Ambitious Scottish upstart Jonah Magnus, plunging into the scene of higher society and academia
Interpersonal drama in the esoteric research and philosophy sphere
A power ballad aria from Smirke as he describes his grand, utopian plans for balance
Jonah seeing the wonders of this new world and getting increasingly involved in it, probably getting in some heated theoretical debates with Rayner et al. about it because, being Beholding- and Dark-aligned, their fundamental views would be diametrically opposed
A slowly-shifting musical motif for Jonah as his intentions develop over the course of the play
Barnabas pleading with Jonah through his letter; they’re in separate parts of the stage with different lightings and they can’t see each other. Jonah is reading, rather than listening to, his words
Harrowing solo as Jonah sinks deeper into fearing the possibility of rituals
More below the cut because I’m going nuts about this.
I would feel like there’s too much ground to cover (c. 1809 [estimated year Jonah gets introduced to the Fears if he established the Institute in 1818 and talked Smirke into working on Millbank 1815-1821] all the way to 1867 [year of Smirke’s death and the final decommissioning of Millbank: the year in which I place Jonah’s first attempt at the Watcher’s Crown]) if it weren’t for the several decades covered in Hamilton. It provides a pretty good guide for such a varied timeline.
More insane scenes:
Contrast of Albrecht Von Closen’s 1816 letter informing Jonah of his findings at his nephew’s estate vs Dr. Johnathan Fanshawe’s 1831 letter revealing how Jonah knowingly caused Von Closen’s death by stealing his books and got him filled with eyes
Smirke watching the group he formed fall to the Fears in turn, clinging to his alliance with Jonah and therefore being blind to his own turn towards Beholding
Jonah’s financial wheedling with Mordechai Lukas and other donors for his fledgling Institute
Jonah being so gleeful about his brand new Magnus Institute in Edinburgh, after several years of compiling statements informally
Just. all the letters we have record of. I haven’t even gotten to Dr. Algernon Moss or the conflict between George Gilbert Scott and Sampson Kempthorne
PETTY architecture drama
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aloneatpeace · 1 month
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 19
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The ancient looking book sits on your bed untouched, grams given you saying it will help you discover about yourself but something about it doesn’t seem right like you can’t just open right now, you can but every time you try you feel like it’s not the right time, maybe you should just give it back to grams let her do the work but again the startled look…the fear in her eyes makes you hesitant, is what ever you’re really bad.
Your door opens and grams comes in with smile on her face “how are you doing my sweetheart?” She sits on your bed her eyes fall on the book. “You haven’t open it?”
“No. it doesn’t seem the right time” you sit up and position yourself laying your head in lap fingers tracing the book.
“Is that so?”
You nod looking up to her “and…. when I touch someone, I see something I can’t explain.”
She hums running her hands through your hair “tell me some”.
“Sometimes it’s their past, their memories I guess…….and I saw you…...I saw you dying” you whisper the last bit.
“You can see the past, present and future. Isn’t that amazing” she said with a smile.
You sit with frown “did you not hear grams; I saw you die”
“Everyone dies in the end, dear. And I’m sorry you had to see that” she takes your hands in hers. You turn away making her sigh. “If that’s my future you can’t do anything about it”
You turn to her with your jaw set in anger at her nonchalance in the matter of her life. “But your death doesn’t seem right. it was pointless. I felt it”
“I don’t fear dead”
“But you fear me. Why?” you quickly close your eyes in anger at the slip of your tongue.
The smile vanishes from her face and you curl yourself into you scotting away making grams heart clench “I don’t fear you; I know you could never hurt me or anyone who you love”
You look back at her sensing a but coming “then what is it?”
“My dear girl” she scoots over taking your hands in her “you don’t know what your capable of, and what you harness is something bigger than anything I ever known”
Your eyes held uncertainty “you’re afraid of what I’ll become. Am I not supposed not have this chaos in me”
She shakes her head “No. from what I’ve understand there is only few across the multiverse who can harness this power.”
“If you think, I don’t deserve it or capable of this power can we get rid of it?”
Grams see the fear in your eyes now mind going to dark places, you mind become ocean of wild waves, the thought of someone fear you for what you are is something she known.
She takes your face in her hands “don’t be scared, the power you harness choose you because it deemed you worthy. You can control it you already have. You never ever should be scared of yourself. You hear me”
You nod with teary eyes she smiles at you kissing your forehead and settle back in the bed.
“How do I do it?”
She thinks for a moment before standing up “get ready we are going somewhere”.
“Where?” she doesn’t give any answer hurry to get dressed. “What about my class?”
“Like you actually prefer going to class.” She raises her brow at you.
“Fair enough” shrugging you send quick texts to stiles and scott saying you won’t be coming and to derek to lay low.
You settle yourself in the passenger seat as grams starts to drive, she had asked you to take few things with the book which is seated in the back seat. You been driving for few hours yet you didn’t reach where you are going grams didn’t tell you where the both of you are going.
“Okey we are almost at the edge of the town. Where are we going?”
She hums “somewhere you can let yourself go without fearing anyone”
Your eyes widen “But I needed back home. My friends need me”
“And when they do you will be back. It will only take few hours” she comforted “beside I told bonnie to stay with her dad tonight”
“We won’t make it back evening?” your voice get high.
“So, how exactly we do that?”
She checks her phone a message pop up on her device “first I need to know what exactly you can do, to see what you can and can’t do”
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Once you’re out of town you both drive for a couple of hours before she stops at the front of the motel only few cars on the parking lot.  Grams get out the car and you follow her; she stops and turn to look at the other side “I didn’t know. you two would come”
Confusion settled in you and your eyes follow her direction, two guys stride towards you both. They both are tall, one of them is a little bit taller than the other. The tallest one had brown hair and light green eyes there is little bit of brown hue, puppy dog eyes with broad shoulders and slender body. The other had green eyes, muscular frame a cheeky grin on his face that decorated with light freckles with dark blonde hair.
“Well, I couldn’t just sit when the Bennett witch, asked to wanted take a case near” the short one said with smug smile on his face. He turns to you “hi sweetheart, dean Winchester” he put his hand forward you glance at grams she doesn’t seem to annoyed by them its like she knew that they would be here you shake your hands with him saying your name dean gives you wink.
The taller one glare at dean and an apologetic smile on his face “don’t mind him. I’m sam Winchester” you shake your hands with sam nodding.
You then turn to grams “can you please tell me what’s going on here”
“The Winchester brothers are hunters” your eyes widen “not the mindless one who kills every supernatural being. Don’t worry. I asked they have any hunting nearby”
You glance at the brothers and sam give you soft smile while dean give you smug one its adorable actually but you cannot say it out loud or express it.
“And we do, not one but two actually a wendigo few miles ahead and a vampire nest” dean said
You nod wondering what does this has do with you and remembering how stiles would have found this terrifying but also amazing.
“And where are here to assist them?”
Grams look at the brothers then you “I was planning to send you alone”
  “What? you were sending me to die!”  your voice gets high dean and sam exchange looks of concern.
“You will not die, I wanted to see what you’re capable of how your magic works” grams said calmly “beside I will be there to if anything goes wrong”
“Is she not a witch?” dean asks
Gram sighs “I’m not exactly sure, she does harness chaos magic but there is something else”
Dean looks confused while sam seems intrigued looking at you “I didn’t think chaos magic exists” he said.
“I thought too, but here we are” grams said “which hut is near?”
A serious look comes over dean face “Wendigo but are you sure sending her alone is safe?”
“Boy her best friend is a newly turned werewolf and she already had encountered an alpha and if I’m correct two vampires” grams explain.
Dean close his mouth turning to you “I don’t know how I did it” you said quickly after seeing deans questioning glance.
“Wait grams, are you sure it’s good idea. I barely lived last time.” You lean towards her whispering “With them”
She nods “Yes. Do you not trust me?” and turns to the boys “and I’m guessing you boys won’t sit one this out” they nod agreeing. “Then this what we are going to do. She will do this alone and if only if she needs help you will intervene and I will be connected to you to see what you are exactly do when use your ability”
Everyone agrees and set out the first location. You wonder what is going on back home.
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While you were asleep on the other side stiles and scott along with derek just got away from the argents and police.
“What part of ‘laying low ‘don’t you understand?” scott yells while driving, they are almost out their reach.
“Yeah, be lucky it was us, if she is the one coming to save your ass. You’ll be hearing a lot” stiles add with scott agreeing with him silently. “She literally told you to stay low few hours ago”
“I almost had him!” derek hiss shifting in his seat
Stiles eagerly lean over “who the alpha?”
“Yes! He was right in front of me, and the freaking police showed up.” Derek grunt impatiently.
Stiles faced is offended on the behalf of his father “Whoa! They’re just doing their jobs- “he gets cut off by derek scoffing “Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!”
 “Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it” scott speaks, finally calming down after shaking of them.
Stiles sighs “all right. how did you find him?”
Derek stays silent for a moment making scott look at him in annoyance “We talked about this. You have to trust at least if you expect us to help you”
“Yeah. y/n, she would not like it if you keep secret from us” stiles said nonchalantly making derek look at with a done face.
“Look, last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris.”
 “Our chemistry teacher?”
“Why him?”
“I don't know yet.”
“What’s the second?”
“Some kind of symbol.” Derek shows it scott his eyes narrowing when he sees scotts face “What? You know what this is?
“I’ve seen it on a necklace. Allison's necklace.”
Stiles slumps in his seat “that just amazing.” He takes out his phone “I’m tell y/n about all this”
“NO” derek and scott yell together the three looks at each other
 Stiles squint his eyes at them “I like to hear the reason why not”
“we will tell her. not now because one she might be sleeping and she will be pissed when she knows we were involved in freaking chase. “
Stiles nods and turns to derek who roll his eyes “same reasons”
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You taken in the sight of tall tress standing packed though its morning the cloudy day hides the sun, the plan is simple you along sam and dean would go in and you will take down the wendigo while grams who had done a spell that connected her with you. she said she needed peaceful atmosphere without anyone disturbing the spell. The identical charm you are wearing would act as medium that would foam the connection.
You three walk through the woods the brothers were a little behind you the tall one is carrying a bag.
“What do you guys wanna know?” You know their inching to ask you something, sam and dean look at each other.
“Well even though your grams said you are familiar too the supernatural. You seem pretty well put together, for someone who doesn’t know about her powers” dean said you stop walking and turns to them.
“Oh, I’m actually terrified to be honest, but grams believe in me and though I don’t fully understand what I am. My powers actually did save me when thought I was going die” you confess looking at your hands. “And grams trust you both to aid me and I trust you as well” you glance up sam give you reassuring smile as dean give you an understanding nod.
Sam walks up to you “do you know anything about wendigo?” he asks dean catch up and three of you resume walking.
“I know they know as the evil that devour human / mankind. That’s they were thousand-year-old was once human turned to cannibal in order to survive. They feed on human flesh and oh they use mimicry to make their prey vulnerable to lure them in and super strength and speed and that we can kill it using fire, silver bullet” you think missing how the brothers looks astounded as you speak.
Sam was hoping to share his wisdom on supernatural beings maybe even show you his dad’s journal to educate you more on the matter. Looking at dean, sam realizes his brother is equally shocked and impressed to be honest.
“And why you both look surprised?” they snap out of their trance and see you glance at them self-consciously.
Sam was quick to answer “how do you know all these? Did grams teach you”
“No. me and my friend stiles are part of online gaming community that battles mythical creature” you sheepishly say in front of the real hunters.
Dean open his mouth but nothing comes out. “Anything else I need to know?”
“Anasazi symbols. Its protection circle wendigo can’t cross over, just like simple salt circle” sam said gripping his bag tight. “Three people had gone missing few days ago around here, and only one made it alive barely he’s still in the hospital, and we did our research it’s likely the wendigo”
 “Do you think they’re alive?”
Dean nod to your question “a wendigo knows how to last long winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time. when its awake, it keeps its victim alive. It stores them so it can feed whenever it wants”
“Not to be skeptic, but what if its something else? What did the guy said about what happened” All though you trust their verdict as they are far more experienced than you there is chance that there might be something else behind the missing people.  
“Well, why don’t you just hear what he said” dean said and turns to sam “Sammy”
Sam rolls his eyes at the name before bringing a bag to the front and take out a recoding device, you three circles together.
“Hi, we’re special agents investigating your friends missing case. Could please tell us what exactly happened” sam voice heard through the device first.
A moment pass “we were just having a good time. it’s been while since we get together, joe’s birthday was coming up and he loved camping so we planned it. everything was going great until….  it was the night. We heard someone call for our help. It spooked us bit but James one of my friends wasn’t scared. He’s not the type to get sacred easily…… we had already called the police. when he had gone to take a look it when it silent. He called out but no answer came then…. we heard some sound where James had gone and next thing, we hear is James’s voice calling out for help he sounded like he’s in pain. We both run towards him but Erik stopped suddenly I don’t know what he saw I was behind him. then he screamed at me to run…. I kept running when stopped Erik wasn’t behind me either I called for them…but something else came it slashed me across my chest, it looked like hum…. I don’t know…... just please find my friends”
“The guy was lucky police come quickly” dean said sam nodded.
“I wanted ask, while I was looking up here. I saw there is so many murders happening in your town” sam said looking at you with questioning glance.
You nod sighing “yeah. Well, there is alpha going around killing people and there are two vampires in town. One is killing people left and right. they are brothers as well. I don’t know if you know them the Salvatore brothers, Stefan and damon “
“The ripper?” sam voice come out loud, the name he had read so many times, you stands confused at the name.
“Sam quite we don’t want it come out to us” dean hiss
Sam eager eyes finds yours “you’re saying the ripper is in your town and you meet him?”
“Who is ...the ripper?”
Dean intervenes “sam we don’t have time for history class”
Sam eyes doesn’t move from you “which one’s the ripper stef- “You cut yourself off when you feel someone’s presence making you alert.
Sam and dean also realize that they’re being watched. Then a blood curdling scream echoes from the side.
Dean take out his flare gun along with sam, you glance at them “are you ready?” dean whispers to you.
You take a deep breath, trying to tap in your power the thing is watching you, analyzing from the darkness of the cloudy day and dense trees. Nodding you walk towards the sound the Winchester brothers just behind you.
The screams for help echo around the woods, but you suddenly halt a sudden feeling of hopelessness hit you raw and painful.
Eyes turning purple and you see the two missing guys tied up in cave. Without a thought you run towards the direction the brothers follow. 
“The people are in there” you say looking down the slope that led to a abandon mine.
Series masterlist
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graphicpolicy · 17 days
J. Scott Campbell and Bill Sienkiewicz Witchblade #1 variant covers revealed
J. Scott Campbell and Bill Sienkiewicz Witchblade #1 variant covers revealed #comics #comicbooks
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View On WordPress
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hazeofhearts · 8 months
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wwprice1 · 1 year
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Phil Noto’s glorious cover for the next Hellfire Gala issue. Wow!
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whimhaven · 1 year
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the kids prom night started well! malachi was quite nervous taking a senior to prom but they ended up hitting it off. while dancing with amara, delilah felt ignored by karan the whole night. he quickly made it up to her with a frisky photo booth session.
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
Just started reading this book about film noir and literally in the first page of the introduction the writer says (explaining he used to skip catechism to see these movies) "how could sister Gretchen compete with Lizabeth Scott or Joan Bennett?" And I was like!!!!!!! that's the exact pairing you put in a poll against each other!!!!!!
This is not technically propaganda for either of them but I thought it was a really fun coincidence
The two women Sister Gretchen could not compete with
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operafantomet · 3 months
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Firmin's hairdo in the US has been anything but stale!
Kevin Ligon, Broadway
Tim Jerome, Broadway
David Cryer, US Tour and Broadway
Richard Gould, San Francisco
Scott Watanabe, Las Vegas (also Toronto)
Craig Bennett, Broadway (also Restaged Tour)
Kenneth Kantor, Broadway
Carrington Vilmont, Broadway
Lawson Skala, Las Vegas
Nick Wyman, original Broadway
Scott Mikita, Broadway
Jeff Keller, Broadway
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ufonaut · 5 months
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Alan Scott in Birds of Prey Secret Files (2003) #1. Art by Joe Bennett.
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