#scotty sire tour
vsquadgoals · 4 years
Can I get something along the lines of you are on tour with Scott and he starts acting weird and you think he’s mad about something but then surprises you by asking you to be his girlfriend on stage please and thank you! I love your writing so much, you’re amazing💕🥺
I’m sorry this took me so long! I loved this idea so much and I really wanted to take my time on it! I hope I did it justice my love! 
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Y/n and Bruce had been friends for years, since he first moved to LA, she was the one who took all his pictures and did most of the behind the scenes for his videos so when he started dating Carly she was so excited for him and grateful when he introduced her to their friend group. Y/n fit right in with the ‘vlog squad’ they all were obsessed with her sweet but shy personality; little did they know at first that her shyness would quickly disappear when she got comfortable around them. Y/n had been taking pictures since she could hold a camera and now that she was living in LA and living her dream of being a fulltime photographer, she couldn’t be happier. She developed such an amazing friendship with the group, and she was so grateful to Bruce for that but mostly she was grateful for him introducing her to Scott. Scott was who Y/n clicked with the best and got closest two, they were both just such creative and artistic people it was hard for them to not attract each other; this was also why her and Bruce got along so well but with her and Scott there was something different there.  
It was a normal Sunday afternoon, Y/n was sitting in her office at her apartment editing some pictures from a recent photoshoot she had done. She had her a playlist playing from her google speaker that Scott had made for her full of songs he said she would fall in love with, he was right. Y/n was interrupted by a text from Bruce.  
Brucey: Can I come by quick? I have to talk to you about something.  
Y/n: doors open, in the office.  
She answered him quickly before turning her attention back to the photos, Bruce lived in the same apartment building as Y/n, so it wasn’t long before she heard her apartment door open and close. “Hey y/n/n.” He said as he walked into the office and sat on the couch she had against the wall. “What’s up bud?” She asks giving him her full attention and resting her chin on her hand. “Well...” Bruce chews his lip and smirks looking at her. “How would you like to come on tour with me and Scotty and do all the photography?” He asks the smirk on his lips spreading when her eyes almost bug out of her face. “Jesus Bruce, you don’t waste any time do you.” She says giggling caught off guard. “Is that a yes?” he asks looking hopeful. Y/n giggles and rolls her eyes. “Obviously, you know I’d do anything for you and Scott.” She said making him smirk again and raise his eyebrows. “Don’t even say anything.” She says pointing to him. Bruce was the first one to accuse her of having feelings for Scott, he knew Y/n and Scott too well to not be able to tell when she likes someone, it wasn’t hard to tell though, her and Scott were almost always with each other and if they’re together chances are they’re flirting as well. Bruce held his hands up in defense and chuckled. “I wasn’t going to say anything, all I know is Scott is going to be so happy you said yes.” He says as he stands and starts to head out. “Bye Bud.” She shouts as he heads out of her apartment.  
It was now two days before they left for tour, Y/n was in her apartment with Carly scrambling to get everything packed that she would need. Carly giggles from Y/n’s bed watching her run around like a chicken with their head cut off. “Y/n, relax, you still have two more days if you don’t finish today.” Y/n frowns at her finally sitting on the floor next to her pile of close on the floor and suitcase. “I know, I’m just so nervous, this is the biggest thing I’ve ever done Carl.” Carly smiles at her. “I know, but you’re made for this, you’re so talented and TJ hasn’t stopped talking about how amazing the pictures came out for when you shot emo nite that time.” Y/n smiles at her friend, she was right, Y/n had nothing to be nervous about for this tour, she thinks the reason she’s most nervous is being with Scott in such a small space for so long, it was going to be torture.  
“So, I will pick you up tonight at 5, our flight is at 7:30.” Y/n has her phone proped up on her desk while she works on her computer. She looks at her phone and smiles at Scott through the screen. “Okay that sounds good, I’m just finishing up my last project and sending it off then I’m all yours for the whole tour.” She tells him catching him smirking “I like the sound of that.” He teases making her blush. They had already done their show in Anaheim and they’re next show was in Sydney Australia, Y/n was so excited, they were going a few days early so they could explore and enjoy themselves before the show. “Of course you do.” She says teasing back. “Who are you sitting with on the plane?” She asks looking away from the phone and back at her computer trying to not get too distracted by Scott’s handsome face filling her phone screen. Scott and his management had taken care of all her fights and stuff, so she had no clue what the seats were like or anything. She knew of course that they were taking a tour bus for most of the tour but that’s really it which she didn’t really mind too much. Scott almost doesn’t hear her questions because he’s too busy watcher her, the way she takes her bottom lip in between her teeth and chews it while she works, or the way her eyebrows wrinkle together. He clears his throat trying to pull himself out of his thoughts when he hears her asking him a question. “Um... We’re all in first class, Bruce is sitting with Chris and Patrick and you’re sitting with me.” Scott says which makes her smirk and glance over at him on the phone. “I should’ve known, you love to hog all of my attention.” She says making him chuckle. “I could say the same about you.” He teases making her roll her eyes. “As If.” Before Scott could say anything else Bruce was walking into Y/n’s office making her almost jump out of her skin and scream. Scott’s eyes went wide. “Y/n? Are you okay?” He asks worried. Y/n glares at Bruce before sitting back in her chair. “Yeah sorry, Bruce just came into my apartment and scared the shit out of me.” This makes Scott laugh and shake his head. “Okay well I’ll see you later.” He says before hanging up.  
“Fuck Bruce.” She says putting her hand to her chest. “You scared the shit out of me, I’m pretty sure I’m having a heart attack.” She says making Bruce laugh. “Sooooo dramatic.” he tells her, as he sits on the couch. Y/n finally sends out the final product of the project she was finishing and turns off her computer. “What's up?” Y/n asks Bruce who hasn’t said much since he sat down. “I think me and Carly are gonna break up.” He almost whispers making Y/n’s heart break, she knew that Bruce has been struggling with a lot of person mental health issues and sometimes is put a damper on their relationship, but they were so good together. She frowns at her friend before sitting on the couch next to him, “Bruce I’m so sorry.” Y/n tells him hugging him tight. Bruce hugs her and sighs. “We’re gonna take this tour as time apart and see how we feel when I come back.” Y/n nods she doesn’t say anything else about it, she can tell he doesn’t really want to talk about it, more of a distraction from the situation. “How about we go get an early dinner before Scott comes and picks us up for the airport. Bruce smiles and nods.  
Bruce and Y/n go to a restaurant that’s walking distance from their apartment, they have a great dinner and talk about tour and how excited they both are, Y/n doesn’t bring up her and Scott though, she doesn’t want to talk about her feelings while her best friend is about to go through a break up. Bruce tells her all about their first tour and how much fun that one was, this time was way bigger and they were taking a bus so it was more official, never mind the fact that they were going to fucking Australia.  
Bruce and Y/n walk back to their apartment building and Scott had already texted them letting them know he would be there soon to pick them up, they separate at the elevator and go to their own apartments to get their bags and settle everything before they leave. It's about 5 minutes later when she hears a knock on her door. “Come in!” She yells assuming it’s Scott or Bruce. She’s in her bedroom putting her last-minute things into her bags and putting her carry on together with, a change of clothes, headphones, charger, laptop, camera, batteries, batterie charger and some snacks. “Hey sweetie.” Scott says as he walks into her bedroom. Y/n turns and smiles wide at him, “Hey Tushie.” She says wrapping her arms around his torso hugging him. Scott rolls his eyes at the nickname but secretly he thinks it’s the cutest thing in the whole world and loves when she calls him it. Scott holds her close and kisses the top of her head. “Are you ready to go?” He asks when they both reluctantly pull away. Y/n nods and zips her backpack closed before singing her arms through the straps and putting it on her back. She grabs her huge suitcase and rolls it out into the living room after making sure everything in her bedroom was unplugged and nothing was turned on. Scott chuckles when he sees her come out of the room with her suitcase, this thing was huge. Y/n was short and all, but this thing was almost past her hips it was so big.  
Scott helped her bring her things to his car and she climbed into the passenger seat while he went to Bruce’s apartment to help him with his stuff. Y/n was on her phone scrolling through social media and answering a couple emails when Bruce and Scott finally got back to the car. While they drove to the airport Bruce talked about everything going on with him and Carly with Scott and Y/n, the whole situation broke her heart, knowing how much to two actually loved each other and the hard time Bruce was having mentally; However its true what they say, you can’t love someone if you can’t love yourself, and Bruce has a lot going on in that pretty head of his. While Scott talked to Bruce and tried to give him the best advice he could his hand was planted on Y/n’s knee, this wasn’t something knew but what was new was him moving his hand to her thigh and rubbing his thumb back and forth slowly, she wasn’t complaining at all, it was just new.  
Y/n was sitting comfortably in her seat with her backpack under her seat, Scott was putting his stuff in the overhead bin, Y/n was happy to see that Bruce, Chris and Pat were sitting in the seats across the aisle from her and Scott and Bruce was in the aisle seat next to her. Y/n was not prepared for the 18-hour flight, she had never really been out of the country before, so she’d never been on a plane for this long. It was currently almost 8pm on Tuesday and they were landing on Wednesday at 2pm La time which made it actually Thursday at 9pm. Trying to figure all that out made her head spin.  
They had been flying for about 3 hours now and Y/n was cuddled into her seat a blanket over her and she was watching a movie with Scott on his screen, she couldn’t believe the amazing seats that they had gotten them all for the flight, they literally laid down completely. Y/n sat up in her seat a little looking peaking at Scott watching him while he watched the movie, she would never get over how incredibly beautiful he was. Scott smirked and looked at her from the corner of his eye. “Can you stop staring at me?” He whispers chuckling a little. Y/n blushes and pulls her blanket over her head. “What if I don’t wanna.” She whispers still hiding under the blanket, Scott chuckles and pulls the blanket down, “At least try to make it less obvious.” He tells her making her blush even more. Y/n covered herself with her blanket up to her eyes peaking at him again making him shake his head, he placed his hand on her thigh and kept his eyes on the screen in front of him but he couldn’t pay attention, he could feel her eyes on him.  
Y/n was fast asleep with in 10 minutes and she slept all the way until hour 8, Scott looked over at her every once and a while smiling to himself, she looked so beautiful even with her mouth slightly parted with soft snores slipping past her lips. Bruce looked over at his friends seeing Y/n passed out but when he looked at Scott, he couldn’t help but smile, he was watching y/n sleep with the most love in his eyes.  
It was finally hour 17 and Y/n was starting to get super stiff. Everyone was wide awake at this point, Y/n puts her laptop by her feet and leans over to Scott. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom, I’m gonna explode if I don’t stretch my legs.” She whispers to him; Scott nods and squeezes her thigh before moving his hand off of it. Once she walked away and was out of view Bruce jumped into her seat and leaned over to Scott. “So when are you going to tell her?” He asks not even trying to be subtle at all. Scott’s eyes widen when he looks at his friend totally caught off guard. “Um.... What are you talking about dude?” He says scratching the back of his neck. “Listen,” Bruce looks around making sure she’s not coming back “She likes you, and you like her. I don’t see the issue.” Bruce tells him making Scott sigh. “I can’t ruin this friendship Bruce; she means too much to me.” Scott confesses making Bruce sigh. “Just trust me.” He pats Scott’s shoulder before going back to his own seat. Y/n came back a few minutes later sitting back down in her seat and putting her lap top back on her lap. She was working on editing some of her own pictures that she had done a long time ago but never has time to work on.  
It was weird, the rest of the flight Scott barely talked to her and his hands stayed to himself. They finally had landed, and they were waiting by baggage claim for all their bags. Y/n already had her camera out and she was taking some pictures of the boys while they were waiting. She grabbed her back off the belt and stood next to Bruce since Scott hadn’t said a word to her since she went to the bathroom earlier. Y/n was even quiet the whole way to the hotel and was a little grateful to find out that she was sharing a room with Bruce and not Scott. Y/n sat on her bed in the room and put her face in her hands sighing, she didn’t understand why Scott was ignoring her, she couldn’t think of a single thing she could’ve done. Bruce walked out from the bathroom and frowned putting his hand on her shoulder. “Y/n/n? What’s wrong.” when she looks at him, she has tears in her eyes. “Scott is ignoring me.” She says her voice cracking. Bruce looks at her confused. “What? Since when?” he asks sitting next to her on the bed. She bites her lip trying to rub the tears from her eyes. “Since I went to the bathroom on the plane. I didn’t do anything, when I left my seat, we were great, and I came back, and he hasn’t talked to me since.” Bruce stands up and shakes his head. “That’s not right Y/n.” He says getting upset. Y/n shakes her head and grabs his hand seeing him inch toward the door. “Please don’t say anything, I just wanna shower and go to bed again. Bruce nods his head and sits on his bed. “okay fine.”  
The next to Y/n was so excited to explore Sydney and take pictures but she couldn’t help but feel a little sad still not hearing from Scott. She got dressed into a pair of acid washed skinny jeans, a blush flowy crop top and a pair of white sneakers. She did her hair and makeup before sitting on her bed and putting all of her stuff for the day together, she put her extra fully charged batteries, her camera and an extra memory card just in case. Bruce came back into their room and hands her a coffee. “Good morning” he says making her smiles. “Ugh you’re a life saver, thank you.” She says happily taking it and sippy the hot liquid. “Are you ready to head out? I think everyone's gonna meet in the lobby.”  She nods and stands slinging her white backpack over her shoulders. Everyone is standing in the lobby waiting for the two of them. The plan was to go and get breakfast before they start exploring the area, Scott and Chris had been there before, so they were the tour guides for the day. “Good morning.” Y/n coos smiling at everyone she nudges Scott with her elbow and smiles at him. “Morning Tush.” She says softly so only he would hear. “Hey.” he says before putting his arm around her shoulder and kissing her head. Y/n smiles loving the sudden contact with him.  
Breakfast went amazing, Scott sat next to her and his hand planted on her thigh rubbing small circles as they joked with their friends and she took some pictures, oh and the food was pretty good as well. They walked around the city for hours, taking pictures sightseeing and then were now about to do a ferry ride. Scott took her hand helping her climb onto the boat safely and she smiled thanking him before she made her way to the front sitting on the couches that they had set up. Bruce came and sat next to her looking out at the water. “God this place is so beautiful.” he said happily making her smile, it was good to see him happy right now. Instead of sitting on the other side of her Scott was talking to Chris and Patrick leaning against the railing, Y/n took out her camera again snapping some pictures of the boys and then the scenery around them. “Do we have to go home?” She asks turning toward Bruce frowning. Bruce chuckles and shakes his head. “Unfortunately, we will have to eventually.” He says making her sigh. It was so beautiful here; she had fallen in love with the country already and they had only been there for such a short amount of time. Y/n was standing at the railing walking the city go by, they were already heading back to the dock and it was dark out already. Scott came over and smiled at her, “Hey sweetie.” He says making her turn toward him and smile. “Hi Tushie. Are you having fun?” She asks leaning her back against the railing. Scott tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and nods. “Are you?” He asks standing close to her his hand cupping her cheek. Y/n bites her lip looking up into his eyes, her stomach was doing flips when she realizes how close the two are, one wrong move and their lips would be attached. “Yeah.” Was all she could choke out in a small whisper making Scott smirk. They stay like that for what feels like forever, staring into each other eyes their noses almost touching. “Fuck it.” Scott mutters before he’s crashing his lips against hers. Y/n’s eyes widened before they fluttered shut and she wrapped her arms around his neck loving the way it felt when their lips moved together, Scott wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. The pair only pulled apart when they felt the ferry slow and start coming to a stop at the dock, y/n didn’t want to open her eyes because she was so afraid that if she did it would all be a dream, she bit her lip and slowly let her eyes flutter open to look up into Scott’s blue eyes. Scott smiled at her and ran his fingers through her hair and pecked her lips one more time before moving away from her to grab their stuff and leave the ferry. Her skin ached to have him touch it again but she couldn’t dwell on it too long because everyone was starting to climb off the boat and onto the dock, she grabbed her things before catching up with her group. She happily took Bruce’s hand as he helped her jump off the boat and onto the dock, she thanked him and he just smirked and winked at her. She was so consumed with what happened with Scott she hadn’t even thought about the fact that everyone probably witnessed their steamy make out session.  
They walked back to the hotel and Chris and Pat decided they wanted to go out and get some drinks and dinner, Bruce agreed to go with them, Y/n on the other had was exhausted and wanted to order take out and lay in her bed watching netflix. Scott looked at Y/n when she said she wasn’t gonna go cause she was too tired, he chewed the inside of his cheek trying to decide what he wanted to do. He obviously wanted to spend time with her, but he also had some serious fomo whenever the guys went out without him. Y/n looks at Scott and can see the inner struggle he’s having; she smiles at him and looks back at her phone scrolling through google trying to find what places were close by that she could order food from. “I’m gonna stay back, I’m pretty tired too.” Scott finally says making her look up at him surprised, she bites her lip trying to hide the smile on her lips. Bruce hugs Y/n and tells her he’ll see her later and not to wait up for him, she nods and smiles before following Scott into their hotel. While they wait for the elevator, she looks up at Scott who’s staring at the closed doors, “You’re starring again.” He teases making her blush and look down at her feet smiling. “Sorry.” She mumbles making him smirk. “Why didn’t you wanna go?” She asks as they walk into the elevator and Scott presses the button for their floor, he shrugs and leans against the wall looking at her. “I’m tired.” he says simple and she nods fiddling with the hem of her shirt. “So, what are we gonna order?” He asks making her look at him again and smile. “You’ve been here before you tell me.” Scott smirks. “Deal go change into something more comfortable. I’ll order us food and you meet me in my room once you’re ready.” Y/n smiled wide and nodded before they went their separate ways.  
Y/n put all of her stuff into her room, she changed into her ‘Don’t be sad’ cropped hoodie and a pair of black high wasted leggings and a pair of slides  before she left her room making sure she had her key for later. Scott sat on his bed after changing into a pair of gym shorts not bothering to put on a shirt, Y/n had seen him without a shirt plenty of times, he ordered from his favorite take out place near the hotel and loaded up Netflix on his laptop setting it on his bed. It was almost 10 minutes later when Y/n was knocking on his hotel room door, he opened the door and stood to the side so she could come in. “Nice hoodie.” He teased causing her to giggle. “Thanks, some guy I know gave it to me.” She teases back before sitting on his bed, she was kinda glad Scott had his own room cause she would hate for one of the guys to walk in on them even if nothing was happening. “Sounds like a loser.” Scott says smirking at her leaning against the wall in front of her.” She frowns and shakes her head. “Actually, he’s kinda the greatest guy I know, besides Bruce.” She winks at him. Scott bites his lip and shakes his head. “You must think pretty highly of this guy.” Scott says making her look down at her lap “you have no idea.” She mumbles under her breath hoping he doesn’t hear but he does. “So where did you order from?” She asks changing the subject quickly, Scott sits on the bed next to her and lays back looking at the ceiling. “It’s called ‘’made in Italy’ one of the best Italian restaurants I’ve been to here. They have amazing pizza.” He tells her but she barely hears what he says. She’s too busy admiring him, his body, his facial features, how beautiful he looks so effortlessly and the way his shorts sit loosely and low on his hips. “Does that sound good?” He asks pulling her out of her dirty thoughts and making her look back at his face. She clears her throat and nods. “Yeah sounds amazing I can’t wait.” Scott smirks and rolls onto his side and starts scrolling through his Netflix account. “So what do you wanna watch?”  
It was about 30 minutes later and maybe 15 minutes into the movie when they heard a know on the hotel room door. It took them so long to decide to watch The Wolf of Wall Street which Scott argued that she had seen far too many times and didn’t need to watch it again, but when she gave him those puppy dog eyes and stuck her bottom lip out into a pout he quickly folded. Scott pauses the movie after y/n pulls herself off of his chest so he can get off of the bed. He opens to door and tips the delivery man before closing the door again. He places the box of pizza on the bed and y/n sits up happily as the smell of the food wafts through her nose. “Smells amazing.” She almost moans making Scott chuckle trying to ignore the twitching in his shorts caused by the moan that slipped out of her lips. Scott wasn’t wrong, this one of the best pizzas she’s ever had in her life, they both ate in silence watching the movie while they finished the whole pizza. Once Y/n’s stomach was nice and full she was laying back down on his bed slipping under the blankets leaning her head against Scott’s shoulder while he finished his food. They were both pretty quiet while watching the movie except Y/n quoting her favorite parts in the movie under her breath. Scott shifted under her making her sit up so he could get comfortable, he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close to him making her smile, the two of them had been cuddling since she laid on the bed but they hadn’t talked about what happened earlier in the ferry and it was all the two of them could think about even though they didn’t know it. Suddenly she was sitting up and pausing the movie turning her body toward Scott who was looking at her very confused.  
“What’s wrong?” He asks running his fingers through his messy hair. Y/n bites her lip and looks down at her fingers picking at her nails. “Are we gonna talk about what happened earlier?” She finally gains the courage to ask, Scott sits up a little surprised by her question but he shouldn’t be. He blows out a breath through his nose before rubbing the back of his neck. “We can if you want to.” He says to which she nods “I can’t stop thinking about it. You can’t just do that and then not expect me to wanna talk about it.” She tells him and he nods “I know… I just don’t know what to say.” “Well where does that leave us?” Y/n asks afraid for the answer. Scott’s standing now pacing the small space. “I don’t know Y/n. I didn’t really think that far.” She sighs and stands up from his bed. “Maybe I should leave you to think about that then, because I know what I want from this but I don’t think you do and I want you to figure that out before anything else happens here.” She crosses her arms over her chest, she wasn’t mad at Scott, she had no right to be but she was a little frustrated. You shouldn’t kiss someone if you don’t want to deal with the consequences. Scott frowns and looks at her “If that’s what you want to do I can’t keep you here. But do I want you to leave right now? Absolutely fucking not. I want you to stay here with me, cuddle and finish watching our movie.” He tells her but talks again before she can say anything “but you’re right, I shouldn’t lead you on if I’m not 100% sure what I want to happen.” He kisses her forehead then tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and pecks her lips before she sighs and leaves his room heading back to hers. Once she’s back in her room she lays down grateful Bruce isn’t back yet, she buries her self under the covers and tries her best to fight back tears. She doesn’t understand how he doesn’t feel what she feels between them, and see what Bruce sees when she looks at Scott. She cries herself to sleep that night praying one day she would get what she truly wants from her relationship with Scott.  
Today was the day of their first show and to say Y/n was nervous was an understatement, she also hadn’t heard from Scott since that night, she couldn’t help but think that she pushed too hard and made him mad at her. Bruce said that when he went to lunch with Chris and Pat that Scott didn’t come, he also didn’t answer anyone's texts yesterday. Y/n had texted Scott a couple of times but didn’t want to push too hard and push him further away from her. However, it was show night, her and Bruce decided to go to dinner just the two of them before they had to get ready for the show. Y/n sat picking at her food almost forcing herself to eat, Bruce sighed and put his hand on her forearm. “It’s gonna be okay, everything will work out I promise. Scott loves you too much to lose your friendship no matter what he decides that he wants to do.” Y/n nods and smiles softly at him “Thanks Brucey.” The rest of dinner they avoid the topic for her and Scott’s relationship, instead that talk about how excited and nervous they are about the show. Y/n can’t wait to be on stage with her friends and taking pictures of them doing what they love.  
It was finally time for them to start getting ready before they had to leave for sound check, obviously she didn’t have to be there, but she wanted to get some pictures during sound check. Scott had made baseball jerseys for everyone that was in the band and on the crew that had ‘What’s going on’ on the front and a nickname for them on the back. Scott’s was ‘LilSadBoy’ and Y/n’s was ‘PicturePerfect’ which Y/n thought was a little narcissistic, but Scott reassured her that it was absolutely perfect. Scott had told them that they could wear them whenever but he was going to wear his first show so she decided to wear hers as well, she tied it in a not in the front turning it into a crop, she also wore a pair of short jean shorts and a pair of vans. Normally she would dress up a little more for a show but since she was going to be running around back and forth onstage, she wanted to be more comfortable. She did a very simple make up for the same reason, also not a single person was going to be paying attention to her, she slicked her hair into a high tight ponytail to keep it out of her face and now you could read the back of her jersey. When she came out of the bathroom Bruce looked at her and smiled wide. “You look great Y/n/n.” She smiles at him and blushes, “Thanks Brucey. Are you getting nervous?” She asks as she gathers up her equipment putting it all into her backpack double checking to make sure she has everything that she needs and that all of her batteries were charged, and she had extra memory cards. Bruce shakes his head grabbing all of his things as well. “I was the first tour but not this one, well maybe a little cause I’m performing more of my own stuff this time.” he packed away his guitar into its case and any other things he needs. Just as they were finishing getting their stuff together Bruce’s phone started ringing and he picked it up quickly “What’s up?” He asks slipping on his vans. “Yeah we’re about to leave the room now, we just finished getting everything together.” He pauses for a second. “Yeah we’ll meet you in your room.” and he hangs up his phone putting it into his front pocket. “Scott wants us to meet in his room before we get the car to the venue.” Y/n nods a little nervous and throws her backpack over her shoulder and smiles at him before slipping her phone into her back pocket.  
They finally made it to Scott’s room a few minutes later, he opened the door smiling widely, and pulling Bruce into a hug. “You ready man?” He asks stepping out of the way so they can come inside. “So ready, How about you?” Bruce asks sitting on the bed pulling his phone out of his pocket. “I’m so excited. I can’t wait to kick off this tour.” Scott beams, this is one reason she started developing feelings for Scott, his passion for his music and how his face lights up when he talks about it or shows someone a new song. Scott pulls Y/n into a hug and kisses the top of her head. “Nice shirt.” He mumbles into her ear smirking as he releases her from his grip. “You too.” She winks before sitting next to Bruce. “You ready to kill it with the pics tonight?” He asks her while he finishes packing all of his stuff. She giggles and looks down at her lap trying to hide her blushing cheeks. “A little nervous.” She admits before looking between him and Bruce who both shake their heads. “Bud, you know you’ve got this in the bag, WE know you’ve got this in the bag, so you have no reason to be nervous.” Bruce tells her patting her thigh making her smile at him and nudge her with her shoulder. “Thanks, Brucey.” Once Scott has all of his stuff together and looks at the two who are chatting. “You guys ready?” Y/n stands and smiles wide. “Let’s do this.”  
Sound check went amazing as expected and she got some great pictures of the guys. They were all sitting in the greenroom of the venue and Y/n was getting all of her stuff together to make sure she was fully prepared. “Alright, as tradition everyone has to take a shot, except Bruce of course.” Scott says as he passes shots around to everyone including crew which included Y/n. She sighed and took the shot from him before tossing the burning liquid down her throat sending shivers down her spine. “Fuck.” She groaned under her breath. Scott and the rest of the boys took theirs like total champs of course, while everyone was messing around and getting hyped for the show Y/n was taking all the pictures she could and they were turning out amazing she was already so happy with them and the show hadn’t even started yet. Scott had done a meet and greet before the show and it warmed her heart watching how happy Scott and Bruce got when they met everyone, and how many people supported them and loved them so much. She was also taking pictures for the meet and greets as well which was a lot of pressure for her since she would have to go through every picture and edit them and then send them to the fans through Scott’s tour email which he had given her access to. Y/n was sitting in the middle of the couch leaning against Bruce while she showed him some of the meet and greet pictures giggling at some of the silly ones and showing him some of her favorites, she was very excited for the fans to see them. Scott sits next to her and puts his arm over the back of the couch leaning over to see her camera. She looked at him and smiled nervously before leaning over so he could see as well, Scott smiled wide looking at the pictures. He took out his phone and told her to scroll through them so he could take a video which she nodded in response to, she scrolled through the pictures while her recorded them a wide smile on his face which she mimicked. “Guys! I can’t wait for you to get these meet and greet pictures!” He slowly pans from the camera to her before he continued. “Everyone thank my lovely girl Y/n for absolutely killing every picture she has taken for the tour so far and will continue to kill throughout I’m sure.” Y/n barely heard the rest of his sentence, her brain was too caught up on him calling her his girl, Scott didn’t mean for it to come out but once it did there was no taking it back, if he redid the video it would probably break her fucking heart and he couldn’t break her heart more then he already has these last few days. He tags her in the video before he posts it on his IG story and snapchat. Bruce could see in her face the effect that his words had on her and his heart ached for her, he knew that Scott didn’t mean for it to happen but there was no going back now, he just hoped Scott would come to his senses before it was too late.  
The show was going better than anyone could’ve expected, not a single thing has gone wrong and the pictures she was taking were out of this world, she was even surprised by herself, Bruce opened the show and his set was beyond words, she was so proud of her Brucey boy. The crowd was also so incredible which she never doubted, her friends had the best fanbase which had become her fanbase as well which made her so happy. Scott was pretty much finished with his set he just had one song left which was one of her favorites, ‘Words’. What she wasn’t expecting was for Scott to stop everyone from starting to song, he takes his mic from the stand and paces the stage while he talks to the crowd, “How’s everyone doing tonight?” He asks and the crowd is already screaming making him chuckle and smile wide. “Good! I hope you guys have enjoyed the show! We have one more song left, which is one of my personal favorites, ‘Words’. The crowd screams and he smirks again, “Oh so you’ve heard of it?” He teases. Y/n is standing in the back on the stage on the drum platform standing next to Patrick while taking pictures of Scott talking to the crowd. “Well this song is very special to me because I wrote it about a certain someone...” He pauses and looks around the stage before his eyes lock with hers and he smiles before looking back at the crowd. “I’ve had some strong feelings for this person for a really long time and I’m tired of pushing these feelings away and letting my doubts get the best of me.” Y/n’s heart was pounding so hard she thought she was going to pass out, Patrick was smirking at her and nudged her making her let out a breathy chuckle. “So, with that being said, Y/n will you come join me over her sweetie.” He says turning back to her and holding his hand out to her. Once she makes her way to him, he grabs her hand and raises it over their heads. “You all know Y/n right?” He says making the crowd scream again and making her blush. “Well the song is about her, me wanting to be with her and having these feelings for her and not knowing how to ask her out.” Y/n knew none of this, she remembers when he first showed her the song it brought tears to her eyes, it was so pure and it also made her sad thinking that he thought these things about someone else while she was so in love with him.  
Scott turns around and nods to the guys before kissing her forehead as they start the music, Scott sings the whole song with his eyes on her, Scott makes her lower the camera when she tries to take picture. Y/n bites her lip feeling so exposed and self-conscious but all of this fades away as she listens to the lyrics for the first time knowing they’re about her.  
‘Blank when I look at you Can't think when I'm talking to someone so beautiful Yeah, suddenly something about me has changed And now I can't even remember my name Fine dining and breathing is all that I know so Uh, uhm, I mean- did you maybe want to get dinner? Breakfast? We could go’
He sings right to her his hand cupping her cheek throughout the whole verse and as he comes to the chorus he breaks away from her almost forgetting his putting on a show, the crowd is singing along with him as he jumps around on stage and she finally brings the camera up taking pictures again which makes him shake his head at her. Scott comes back to her and grabs her hand putting her arm around his neck getting as close to her as he can with the mic still against his lips as he sings into it.  
‘My mind goes... (I think I should be yours, I think you could be mine) When I talk, when I talk, when I talk My mind goes...’
Scott finally drops the mic lower as he finishes the song and she has tears filling her eyes as she looks into his so full of love. Every doubt she ever had about his feelings for her are gone and all she feels is his love washing over her. He brings the mic back up to his lips smirking at her. “Y/n will you be mine?” Scott asks making her blush and a nervous giggle leaves her lips, she smiles wide and nods before realizing the crowd probably couldn’t see her. “Yes.” She says into the mic her voice sounding so small as it fills the giant venue. Scott drops the mic on the stage before wrapping his arms around her waist picking her up and spinning her around, the crowd is screaming and cheering and so are all of their friends on stage and backstage. Scott finally puts her back on her feet and grabs her face attaching their lips, something she has been dying to feel again since they got off the ferry just a few nights ago. Once Scott pulls away, he grabs the mic again and smiles wide at the crowd, Y/n gets behind him again so she can take more pictures before he wraps up the show. “Sydney!! You were amazing!  Thank you so much for helping me kick off our ‘What’s Going On’ Tour! We love you so much!! Good Night everyone!” Scott is yelling into the mic, he feels like he's on cloud nine and he never wants to come down, he finally has his girl.  
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dobrikshouse · 5 years
I’m taking my sister to see a Scotty show!! I’m hella excited and I was just curious about what times everyone got in line? How early would you say to be there to get really good spots?
I’ve got VIP (not the one that has the vlog thing included?? It’s the other one but I forget the name??) And how did they go about getting VIP people together?? It’s gonna be my sisters first ever concert n I just wanna make sure I give her the best experience!!
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tagged by @ma-milkovich 😊 thank you, this was fun!
Rules: We're snooping in your playlist! Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 people.
(this has got to be the most random list of songs, i forgot half of these existed😂)
1. Mustang Kids by Zella Day
2. Tous les garçons et les filles by Françoise Hardy
3. Paradise by Khalid
4. Long Way Home (Live Version) by 5SOS
5. Finally Free by Niall Horan
6. Don’t Stop by 5SOS
7. Lie To Me (feat. Julia Michaels) by 5SOS (the superior version tbh)
8. Today by Willamette Stone
9. TikTok by Ke$ha
10. Gotta Be You by One Direction
Tagging: @princewilhelm @iwannabewhereyouaremickey @dadd @elizabetholsens @gardenerian @benjislatteart @lucifersmorningstar @nickismyspiritanimal @wilhelmsimxn and anyone else who’d like to try it😄
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choiaerastour · 3 years
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Tickets would be on sale on October 13!
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auraorange · 5 years
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Since this is my only Tumblr im not embarrassed to have my face on im posting this here. This was my first show working that I was truely excited for. I was moved off stage right twice because of my back injury but finally got to go up there and enjoy the show while Brian did the real security down the ramp from me. When you work the meet n greets you don't get to be apart of them. Scotty and Toddy came out the back door at the end of the night which i was helping guard and i got to say hello and managed to get over my anxiety enough to ask for a picture. Some of the nicest talent ive had the pleasure of speaking with. They were both super friendly even though Scotty wasnt feeling great. He made his actual meet and greet unique and special which isnt something you see often sometimes its the exact same thing over and over and you start to feel bad for the kids. Just a touch of variety makes a world of difference because some people don't really do that. Sonreal and Bruce were also very chill and pleasant. Even their crew were nice. It was a really great show and I'm so happy I got to be a part of it. It's nights like last night that make me adore my job. Also their videoaugrapher is super cute and nice. Todd's hands are also the softest ive ever shakin.
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davidsvlogs · 6 years
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coachella 2019 preview 
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redline-cth · 5 years
it’s been a whole ass year since my Views tour date and since I got to hug David :( i miss him (and jason!!)
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gloomgirlxx · 6 years
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// David Dobrik //
lockscreens comment if you saved
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twilightmilf · 5 years
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these are so pretty
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sinsirely · 6 years
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omg how is it over already wtf
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vlogsquadlibrary · 5 years
Ruin Your Party Tour Vlogs
We're Finally Ready to Take It to the Next Step - Vlog # 405
Ruin Your Party Tour Week 1 - Vlog # 406 
Ruin Your Party Tour Week 2 - Vlog #408
Ruin Your Party Tour Week 3 - Vlog # 410
Ruin Your Party Tour Week 4 - Vlog # 411
Vlog Squad Attends Final Show - Vlog # 413
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alexstables · 6 years
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i wish i could see them on tour😭😭
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Tonight was great. I also go to meet Heath, Zane, Scotty, and Todd!
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whippedforspidey · 6 years
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AHHH so close to seeing the Vlog Squad! I’m excited
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davidsvlogs · 6 years
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that’s a look
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