#scp doctor hamm
peace0ut-004 · 4 months
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Doctor Raymond Hamm doodles
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peace-12coffee-98 · 3 days
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Redesign of dr Hamm
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
LGBT Canons: A List
Megamind: Bicurious, but I don't think I really acted on it with Roxanne and all
SCP-049: Might've been Acearo spec? That or I didn't care. I probably woulda married Doctor Hamm if we perfected the cure, which is why it hit so hard. If ykyk
Katsuki Bakugo: Unlabeled; You'd think I'd be Acearo spec but no, I just didn't care I had ass-kicking to get to dishing out
ScoutTF2: Trans Bisexual and I hope to SOMEONE the top surgery scars feel the same as they did then
Won't do unkinfirmed kins but the OC's are Pan Agendergirl, Pan genderfluid, and I think pan
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scpaftermathau · 1 year
In his sparsely furnished cell, SCP 049, as the False Doctors called him, (although he was partial to Ms. Arachne's nickname, Corvus) was hunched over a metal dining table, working on his medical journal. He was fully engrossed in his writing, the monotonous scratching of his quill on the paper echoing off the plain concrete walls. He paid no mind to the False Doctor who stepped into the observation chamber, a glass-walled balcony on the side of the cell.
“SCP 049. We have news, courtesy of Dr Hamm.” He turned his head, anticipating the cruel words that always followed that sentence, as he sent an icy glare at the False Doctor, then resumed his work.
“No doubt you know of the containment breach that occurred yesterday.” He continued to pay little attention to their words, instead etching his notes into the sides of the margin.
“The corpse of SCP 049-J2 was found earlier this morning.” Corvus froze, pausing mid-writing, his hand giving the slightest of trembles. He forced himself to continue, his mind racing. Surely not. He reasoned with himself, Julie couldn’t possibly be…
His thoughts were interrupted by the False Doctor again, “It will be incinerated and the ashes disposed of at noon today.” Corvus checked his pocket watch discreetly, 9:45am, and stifled his shaking hand. “I have a scrap of its cloak, if you desire it?” He looked up, eyes widening at the familiar pale purple fabric. They were goading him, daring him to breach, to do something, anything.
He clenched his gloved hand into a fist, knowing exactly what they would do to his remaining descendant, Junior, or 049-J, if he showed even the slightest sign of care or affection towards him. He had done his very best to stay distant, and dare say cold, towards the two of them, but even that hadn’t saved 049-J2 from her fate. He hated to admit it, but despite his rough attitude towards them, he cared for both of them deeply.
It killed him, to know that Junior would have to deal with this alone, to realise that his younger sister, with whom he had grown alongside, was gone forever. He was painfully aware of how much Junior would hate him once he heard the news, but Corvus was struggling not to despise himself, for trusting the Foundation in the first place, for allowing them to create near-clones of himself, and for letting them be separated from him.
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arctic-shard · 1 year
Heyo so since SCP-132-ARC exists in your universe, I was wondering if SCP-049-ARC exists somewhere too? I imagine if he did, 049's ARC would be more like a cold blooded murderer and less talkative (like he just wouldn't talk to anyone at all after the original interview and responded to everyone with a side eye glare lol)
SCP-049-ARC exists only in that I use a bit of it in my version of 049 - mostly the '049 and 035 know each other and 049 is happier after chatting to it' and it having the 'very human-like' gray eyes from the original pictures.
Since you brought it up, I can think of one way to have 049-ARC looped into the story, but I'd drive myself nuts with the 'well, if we had another Plague Doctor that we archived, why didn't anyone mention it to Hamm or anybody when the new one got brought in?'
Trivia: I've been in and out of the SCP archives for many years, and when I first read the '049 and 035 know each other' bit, my theories weren't 'shipping' but 'both are Haunted Masks so like you could put the Plague Mask on somebody else and they'd become the Plague Doctor but they don't melt because 035 is Death and 049 is Healing and I wonder if they'll come up with a Life Mask sometime?' But I never had any further ideas on it, and then 049 was rewritten and 035 got looped into Alagadda and now I like them to smooch.
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So I was reading scp-049, the pestilence scp-049 is referring to is death or like fear maybe, right? In the first interview after capture with dr. Hamm I guessed it might be death and as I kept reading the more convinced I am. But it could be like a doctor with immortality that went crazy over time after seeing over half of Europe die cause of plague and not accepting it’s virtually gone. What do y’all think?
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crossover-enthusiast · 10 months
Addendum 049.4: Post-Incident Report Interview
The following interview is an excerpt from the 4/16/17 049 Incident Report. The interview was conducted by Dr. Elijah Itkin, and took place three weeks after the start of the initial investigation.
Date: 5/7/17
Interviewer: Dr. Elijah Itkin
Interviewee: SCP-049
Dr. Itkin: SCP-049, we are conducting this interview to close out our investigation of your actions taken on April 16th that resulted in the death of a staff member. Do you have any comments to make?
SCP-049: Only that I look forward to the day when you will allow me to resume my work! I have spent the last few weeks compiling my notes and constructing a new theory for how the Pestilence was able to infect someone in such an insidious manner that I nearly couldn't detect it.
Dr. Itkin: Have you experienced any remorse for your actions? For the death of Dr. Hamm?
SCP-049: (Waves his hand) Ah, yes. Well, the death of a colleague is always regrettable, but in the face of the Pestilence we must be swift, doctor, and act without hesitation.
Dr. Itkin: Dr. Sherman noted in his report that you seemed to be mournful during your initial interview.
SCP-049: Mourn- (Pauses) Perhaps. I had not thought that… It is lamentable that a fellow doctor became infected, but the work continues. Regrettable as… as it was, Dr. Hamm's death provided important insight. Living human subjects are the only way to proceed forward, I am decided. My cure is of little use on dead flesh, and I have gleaned all I can from your generous supply of corpses. My desires turn towards tending to those still living who suffer from the disease.
Dr. Itkin: I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.
SCP-049: (Laughs) Oh doctor, I wouldn't be so sure.
1. The robes and gloves are identical to a thick hide built up on the skin, while the mask is composed of a kind of chitin growing out of the bones of the face.
2. The entity claims to have originated in 15th century France, though admits that it is "particularly well-traveled".
3. The space within this bag is seemingly anomalously large, as SCP-049 has been observed pulling objects larger than the bag itself from within it in order to operate on deceased subjects.
4. SCP-049 had stated its desire to work on human subjects several times between this occasion and the earlier provision of an orangutan, noting its discontentedness when they would not be provided.
5. SCP-049 has expressed that it does not require sustenance, but enjoys it and feels that the food helps to put it in the right mind to operate.
6. SCP-049 added to this statement by saying "This is, of course, elementary knowledge for the practical physician. I would have thought you would have learned this during your education!"
7. Notably, SCP-049's journals are not written in any known language, and attempts by linguists and codebreakers to decipher them have been unsuccessful.
And that is the end of this article
Ohhhh, interesting. This guy is neat
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itsthevioletqueen · 5 years
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049 memes
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
This is for the request lmao
Headcanons for the doctors and what the shenanigans they pull in site 19! (If you wish, you can put anyone from whatever series or mini movie or oc's : dr. Miller, stan, sora for example)
General Site 19 Thoughts
[Warnings: Like, none?]
[AN: Yes ofc you may. ALSO this ends up becoming like,,, just whatever I view Site 19 as?? Very campy. I put my worldbuilding in here lmfao. However, for the Foundation Squad, feel free to send this as a separate ask because I have a lot of thoughts abt what my OCs, other characters that aren't as well known like Miller, and Quill, Sora, Icarus and Tjme would get up to separate from this-]
The break rooms are treated as holy places. You ever see those posts that are like "drop down your weapons and rest by the fire for a moment before traveling further"? Yeah that's how they view the break rooms. You do not mess with the break rooms.
Still, this gets broken from time to time by everyone and for the most BS reasons.
One time, Iceberg bit a pen and sent ink everywhere. It's still staining the linoleum.
Gears is immune to all the BS people throw at him. It just doesn't bother him. He does a curt "hm" and tells you to clean up your mess. Though, his attempts at humor aren't awful.
Bright will get things he shouldn't from 294 and will switch out the contents of drinks just to liven up the site.
Because most of the doctors I'm talking about surpass clearance levels that they shouldn't even be at, they're breaking rules CONSTANTLY and no one says anything. Who's gonna tell on them?? The level one who got introduced last week? Absolutely not.
Agent Strelnikov is not allowed to haze the new researchers. He makes them fear for their lives.
He's not allowed to hold any seat of power during faculty events either. The last time they let him in charge of the annual Halloween haunted house... Let's just say the janitors were NOT pleased.
Bright will join Strelnikov and often. And then Clef gets involved.
It is absolute hell to be in the same room as the three of them because they fuel each other's awful-ness lmfao.
Rights and Moose have a running joke where they "co parent" everyone of site 19. If you have any emotional problems or are neglecting yourself and don't want to talk about it to Glass, go to them. They're always there to take care of you
We all miss Dr. Hamm.
I like to think that even though the 0-5's frown greatly upon personal ties, they let certain wings of staff leave little "shrines" to the staff they've lost and were near and dear over the years. Dr. Hamm's is a special one.
Yes, Clef and Bright poke the bear when it pertains to him when grilling 049.
It's always disrespect 049 hours.
Arguing with 035 about classical music is a right of passage because Clef said so.
There's certain hazing processes that the senior staff might pull on newer members that involve poking SCPs or other doctors. It's entertaining. Never enough to cause an incident, but enough for the person getting pranked to say "oh really?? This again? Grow up."
Honestly, everyone knows each other a tad too personally. When you're working at the foundation, and specifically a site like 19 (or any site that's known for it's high activity due to said anomalies), you kinda become a family in your own right. Do they all love each other? Absolutely not, but ribbing and taking the piss is a normal thing because what else are you going to do than scrutinize an anomaly??
Kondraki's photography is highly sought out for personal and professional reasons. If you ask him to take a selfie, he might fight you.
Being at site 19 is jarring and everyone knows it.
Crow will act like a legit dog if he doesn't want to associate with you for whatever reason. He might growl at you.
Inside jokes vary by site and 19 has tons of them!
There's some office spaces that are considered more rambunctious than others. Guess who I'm referring to.
Cimmerian is often heard whistling around the halls and that's a bit of a joke in itself.
There are regular bids about MTF groups. What the topic is changes, but there is a pool for it.
There are incidents that aren't recorded because it's almost embarrassing that it happened. Has nothing to do with the SCPs, just the dumbass researchers.
The medical wing is really tired of seeing Gerald, but like, they take care of him regardless until he reties. Clef and Kondraki got Gerald a punch card.
I can't actually recall if Mann is here but if he is just know he's a local boogeyman(n).
People get lost in there and the staff we're used to will either help you or get you even more lost. That's the rule if you make it to your destination depends on who you run into.
It's a different society, and functions in a different moral area as well. It's simultaneously more crude and prudish than anywhere else.
They're still people of science, so while the shenanigans isn't to the level of leaving a classroom of freshmen unattended for like 4 minutes, it's still a much more relaxed area as the people you're around most often get weirdly used to you. It's a good balance.
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wolveria · 3 years
The Raven’s Hymn - Ch 2
Pairing: SCP-049 x Reader
Prompt: For the wipbigbang​
Series Warnings (18+ only): Eventual smut, slow burn, violence, horror, monsters, human experiments, dark with a happy ending
Chapter Summary: Your boss interviews SCP-049 to investigate its new, troubling behavior.
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(Moodboard by @purpleyin​​)
Dr. Puli had indeed been interested in the SCP’s sudden change of behavior, and now you stood in a different observation room, this time with a few of your other colleagues. The assistants and doctors wore bored expressions, and why wouldn’t they? SCP-049 hadn’t shown activity in over a year, but everyone knew of the infamous “plague doctor” and its obsession with what it called the Pestilence.
This earned the SCP mockery more than interest, and even now, your colleagues were only here because it was standard procedure. Changes of behavior, especially in sentient SCPs, were to be documented and studied extensively.
Only two people gave this SCP full attention; you were one of them. You’d read every document, watched every interview with every sentient SCP in the facility as part of your training, and SCP-049 was no exception to that. You’d been surprised with how cordial and polite it had been in past interviews, not to mention well-spoken, and it was easy to see Dr. Hamm’s fatal mistake. He’d grown too comfortable with the entity, and he’d paid for it with his life. Dr. Sherman had been more hostile in their interactions, but in the end, 049 had ended his life as well, citing the Pestilence as validation for “curing” another life.
Dr. Hamm and Dr. Sherman were testaments that SCP-049 could never be trusted, and it was far from predictable. Even though the subject had a violent history with past personnel, Dr. Puli had insisted on conducting this interview himself. He was, after all, the other person who gave 049 their full attention.
Dr. Puli was in his late 50s, average height with a full head of salt-and-pepper hair, originally born and raised in Delphi, India, and he had no remaining family to speak of. Concise and with a sharp mind, he was the most well-equipped to deal with this interview. He sat at the standard interview table in the middle of the white room, his notes at the ready and a recording device close at hand. There were cameras and microphones hidden in corners of the room, recording everything as well. Even though this SCP had no documented effect on electrical equipment, the redundancies were standard.
The Foundation was nothing if not efficient.
Speaking of efficiency, two minutes before the interview was scheduled to be conducted, the door at the other end of the room slid open. Four guards in heavy gear marched inside, and between them, restrained in manacles and chains, stood SCP-049.
It towered over most of the guards, the intimidating dark robes and hood making it seem even larger. The Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness looked like it was a formality rather than something that could actually stop it from violence. The locking collar around its neck was attached to two extension poles, and two guards used them to guide the SCP forward to the chair opposite Dr. Puli. It had to walk slowly with its chained ankles, and it sat in the chair with careful, calculated movements.
The SCP said nothing, its cold, grey eyes sweeping across the room, gliding over the doctor as if he wasn’t even there, and settled on the one-way glass of the observation room.
They stared right at you.
You fought the urge to swallow and made no reaction as you watched. The SCP’s hands were covered in metallic mesh “mittens,” locked at the wrist so it could not remove them. Only its hands were lethal, and with the locking restraints and the protective hand coverings, the interview should be relatively safe.
Should be. Site-20 wouldn’t make the same mistake as Site-19. The guards stood nearby, still holding the extension poles, and the ones not actively holding onto the SCP placed their hands near their utility belts and the many weapons holstered there.
The SCP took all of this restriction without complaint, its eyes still trained on you. When Dr. Puli cleared his throat and started the recorder, it finally lifted its heavy gaze away. You breathed a little easier.
“This is a standard interview with the entity designated SCP-049, conducted by Doctor Amin Puli. This interview is taking place at Site-20 on [    ] and will last until all questions are asked and answered to the best ability of both parties. The subject will remain cooperative and non-hostile during proceedings, with the threat of privileges being revoked in the case of violent behavior. Do you understand the terms, SCP-049?”
The SCP said nothing. Heavy silence hung in the air for several long seconds, and Dr. Puli said, “Your silence will be taken as acknowledgement,” and proceeded to ask his questions.
They were all fairly standard. What was SCP-049, where had it come from, when had it come into being, why it had come into being. Questions about its abilities, past associates, and places of residence. Dr. Puli conspicuously didn’t ask about the one subject this SCP was always willing to talk about.
049 answered none of them. Its eyes remained on your boss at least, and it did seem to be listening, but it either had lost the ability to speak (less likely), or it simply didn’t wish to engage (most likely).
After five minutes of questions going unanswered, Dr. Puli paused to remove his glasses and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket to clean them.
You leaned closer to the glass. Dr. Puli wasn’t just any researcher, he was the Head of the Department of Cryptopsychology. Subtle manipulation and subversive tactics to get a sentient SCP to talk were his bread and butter. There wasn’t much he could do with a catatonic SCP, but one that showed interest in something? That was more than enough leverage for Puli to ply.
The doctor finished cleaning his glasses, folded his hands in front of him, and gave the SCP the full weight of his attention.
“You’ve been isolated and strictly contained since your transfer to this facility, and for good reason,” Dr. Puli began, his tone even. Almost friendly. “I realize this containment may seem harsh to you, hence your withdrawal and lethargic state. So perhaps you could explain something to me. Something I don’t understand. Why has your first display of curiosity been in my research assistant?”
Your chest tightened, a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. The SCP was dangerous, but your own curiosity was piqued.
At least, until 049 slightly raised its head and once again turned its gaze on you, pinning you in place with its eyes. In past interviews, its voice had held a metallic quality behind that mask. That effect was harsher now with disuse, its words rusted and cracking.
“The Great Pestilence… festers within her.”
Its answer quashed your curiosity and filled dread in its place. There was no such thing, of course. Nothing had been proven or documented as evidence to show this Pestilence existed, but what was very real was the fact that those diagnosed with this strange malady most certainly found a fatal end at the SCP’s hands.
That’s not going to happen, you reminded yourself. You weren’t a fool like Dr. Hamm or distracted by anger like Dr. Sherman. I won’t screw up, and the subject will never get out of its cell.
The knowledge was a cold comfort, but 049 was relatively easy to contain. As far as SCPs went, there were worse ones to have focused on you. You just had to be careful, and you would be fine. In fact, this sudden change of behavior was a good thing. It meant studying the entity would finally yield some interesting results, and the higher-ups were always looking for a reason to give more grant money.
SCP-049 finally returned its focus back to Dr. Puli, its eyes narrowed as it sized up the doctor. Apparently, it wasn’t done speaking yet.
“And when she perishes from this most unfortunate affliction… you are all going to die. Painfully. Slowly. In ways you cannot comprehend.”
You blinked, but Dr. Puli didn’t miss a beat.
“Interesting,” he commented neutrally. “Can you tell me more about that? Such as how you know she’s… afflicted?”
The SCP narrowed its eyes once more.
“For the many long years I have been held in your laboratories, not one of your men of science have taken the Pestilence seriously. Not one has looked at my work and understood, or even desired to understand. Why would you be any different, sir?”
The longer it spoke, the more rust was dislodged from its voice. By the end, it was as eloquent as it had ever been, though there was a quality of weariness there that hadn’t existed from past recordings.
Was it possible for an SCP to feel such things? To grow tired of its lot in life? To be bored and suffer from ennui? They were interesting questions, and you were already mentally notating them.
Your churning thoughts were pulled back to the present when Dr. Puli gave his own retort.
“In its methods and goals, this facility diverges from those you’re used to. We conduct research and studies along with standard containment protocols, because we seek knowledge. We strive to learn, Doctor.”
The SCP slightly raised its head at being addressed with the title, but otherwise didn’t give any other reaction.
Dr. Puli added, “I myself am head of a specialized program dedicated to studying sentient SCPs. Unlike the inanimate objects we contain, those that are living beings deserve more… consideration to their confinement. To deny otherwise would be cruel.”
SCP-049 seemed to consider the doctor, though it was difficult to tell with nothing but its eyes to show expression.
“While your goals are laudable,” the SCP said, its tone indecipherable, “I require no specialized accommodations. All that I require of your Foundation is to continue my life’s work. I must discover the perfect cure, beginning with her.”
It said this last while turning its head, eyes once against fixed on you. Those weren’t the only pair of eyes; your colleagues had also started to pay attention to the exchange, and now it was as if a spotlight was fixed directly overhead.
Dr. Puli continued the interview as if the SCP weren’t staring daggers at you through the one-way mirror.
“I appreciate your predicament. To be denied one’s true calling is a sad fate. But involving my researcher with your studies is out of the question.”
SCP-049 returned its intense, bird of prey-like stare on Dr. Puli, and seemed to consider.
“You care for your apprentice.”
“I do.”
A surge of pride swelled within you, but it was ruined in the next moment.
“Then I implore you, good doctor, allow me to treat her.” The SCP leaned closer, quickly pulled to a halt by the guards holding the poles of its collar. It ignored them, full attention on Dr. Puli. “Her life, all of your lives, hang in the balance. I can spare the tools I require, but she must be remanded into my care—”
“She is perfectly healthy, as are we,” Dr. Puli interrupted, lips curling into a frown. It seemed he had chosen to not indulge in any more of 049’s delusions. “Your single-minded obsession with the Pestilence is—”
The SCP slammed its hands down onto the table hard enough to dent. The guards yanked on its collar, but Dr. Puli had already flinched back, as had you.
The SCP breathed hard, almost panting, and the guards were having to use considerable strength to keep it in place.
“Did you not hear me, sir! Your facility is doomed, your people will die screaming, choking upon their own blood, unless you allow me to cure the rot!”
Dr. Puli’s cool demeanor was gone; his face had lost some of its color, his forehead shiny with sweat, but his expression showed uncharacteristic anger.
“That’s a person you’re talking about. A human being, not some disease. This interview is over.”
Dr. Puli stood from the table. SCP-049 mirrored his movements, growling as the guards attempted to jerk him backwards by the collar. Its grey eyes were narrowed and sharp, and you imagined if it were possible, it would have bared its teeth.
“You condemn her to a fate worse than death! You condemn them all!”
The guards were only able to drag the struggling SCP from the room after pulling out what appeared to be pepper spray bottles, but what actually held lavender water inside. As soon as the mist hit its face, SCP-049 became quiet and still, and allowed itself to be led away.
You’d never heard the SCP so out of control during an interview before. Judging by the hasty way Dr. Puli wiped his brow with his handkerchief, he hadn’t either.
Dread shifted in your stomach. Why had the SCP chosen you as the newfound object of its obsession, especially after being inactive for so long? You didn’t know what this meant, but you did know your workload was suddenly going to involve a whole lot more of SCP-049. Your colleagues must have known it too, their gossiping whispers barely contained behind their hands.
You ignored your chattering coworkers, attention landing on the sizeable dent of the interview table.
All you could do was stare.
Next Chapter
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peace0ut-004 · 5 months
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Dr Raymond Hamm
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(Credit for the log/ entry: http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-049. Edits made by me.)
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(Credit for drawing: @just-another-researcher​)
(Note: 049 uses they/them and he/him pronouns) (the foundation uses it/its pronouns for him.)
Item #: SCP-049
Object class: Euclid
Special containment procedures: SCP-049 is contained within a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector-02 at Site-19 and is to be given three meals a day. During transport, SCP-049 must be monitored by no fewer than two armed guards.
While SCP-049 is generally cooperative with most Foundation personnel, outbursts or changes in behaviour are to be met with elevated force. In the event SCP-049 becomes panicked, the application of lavender (L. multifida) has been shown to produce a calming effect on the entity. Once calmed, SCP-049 generally becomes compliant, and will return to containment with little resistance.
Description: SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, roughly 1.9 meters in height (6.2 feet), with white skin and yellow eyes. SCP-049 has been noted to always wear the thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of the profession of a medieval plague doctor, and says that it is as such. The entity has also been noted to have black, raven-like wings. These wings have wingspan of 6.9 meters (22.6 feet). It has also been seen wearing a crown made of lavender.
SCP-049 is capable of speech in a variety of languages, though tends to prefer English or medieval French. While SCP-049 is generally cordial and cooperative with Foundation staff, it can become especially irritated or at times outright panicked if it notices that someone nearby is sick and/or injured and is not being helped. Foundation researchers have noted that the heath of others appears to be an issue of immense concern to SCP-049.
SCP-049 will become panicked and overbearing with individuals it sees that are injured and/or sick, often having to be calmed should it encounter such. If left unchecked, SCP-049 will generally attempt to smother any such individual; SCP-049 is capable of pulling medical tools out of its bag that seem too large to fit inside. How this occurs is currently unknown, and questionings of SCP-049 have invariably been inconclusive. 
SCP-049 has expressed frustration or remorse if it sees someone sick and/or injured die that the foundation didn’t help or allow him to try and help, indicating that they could have done something to try and help, using the lavender and other healing items in its black doctor bag that it carries on its person at all times.
Addendum 049.1: Discovery
SCP-049 was discovered during the investigation of a series of healings in the town of Montauban in southern France. After asking around, and some questioning, SCP-049 was found in the home of an middle-aged man, appearing to be helping him with a gash on his arm. 049 expressed concern about leaving. After the man was helped and given amnistics, SCP-049 resisted at first, but then willingly entered Foundation custody.
Interviewer: Dr. Raymond Hamm, Site-85
Interviewee: SCP-049
SCP-049: (In French) So then, how should we begin? An introduction?
Dr. Hamm: (Aside) Is that French? Can we get a translator-
SCP-049: (In English) The King's English! No need for translation, sir, I can speak it well enough.
Dr. Hamm: Good. My name is Dr. Raymond Hamm, and I-
SCP-049: (In An Excited Tone) Ah! A doctor! A like-minded individual, no doubt. Wherein is your speciality, sir?
Dr. Hamm: Cryptobiology, why-
SCP-049: (Laughs, Continuing To Sound Excited) A medical man, such as myself. Wonders abound! And here I worried I had been abducted by common street thugs! (Looks around the room) This place, then. This is your laboratory? I had wondered, as clean as it is, and with such little trace of sickness here.
Dr. Hamm: yes, will we do try to keep the place clean and germ free.
SCP-049: that’s wonderful. I have seen to many succumb to their injuries and illness! Due to lack of access to proper care, or from the people around them not caring at all!  (Leans back in its chair) Fortunately, I know how to help! It is my duty in life to do my best to heal the sick and injured, you see. To help cure others of their pain!
Dr. Hamm: ah, I see.
(SCP-049 appeared happy)
Dr. Hamm: I see. Right, well, the man our agents encountered at that house, they were hurt when you encountered them, yes? And you were helping them?
SCP-049: yes, I did! And I was happy to do so! Now that man can live his life!
Dr. Hamm: So you help the sick and injured?
SCP-049: Indeed. I do my best to make the care most effective.
Dr. Hamm: Have you ever failed to help someone?
SCP-049: (Pauses and looks at Dr. Hamm sadly) Yes, well, sometimes I am unable to reach the hurt in time. But I know I can do better with transportation. And further learning! I have spent a lifetime helping others, Dr. Hamm, and will spend a lifetime more. Now, we have wasted too much time. There is work to do! I will require a place to stay, and assistances, if you are willing to provide them.
Dr. Hamm: I think our organization will be willing to-
SCP-049: wonderful! Fetch your coat and show me to my quarters please, doctor. (Gestures with pointed stick) Our work begins now!
Interviewers note: SCP-049 was told to be more careful with its pointed stick, or it would be confiscated. SCP-049 then proceeded to apologize profusely, and stated that it would be more careful. It also insisted that scaring anyone was not it’s intention, and that it was simply excited.
Addendum 049.2: Observation Log
While in containment at Site-19, SCP-049 has spent a considerable amount of time studying and helping the various injured d-class it has been provided. It will also document its findings in a thick leather journal stored within its doctor's bag. SCP-049 will often seek to share its findings with members of Foundation staff.
Observational Log 049.OL.1 SUMMARY
Subject: SCP-049
Preface: A test subject (D-85123) was introduced into SCP-049's containment cell, feeling exhausted. The entity expressed sincere concern.
Observation Notes: SCP-049 began by asking D-85123 several standard medical questions, as it began removing lavender from its bag. Shortly after handing D-85123 the lavender, SCP-049 stated that D-85123 must simply be tired, and suggested that they rest more. 
The subject then stood up once SCP-049 was done, stating that they understood, and would take his advice. During this time, SCP-049 was observed taking notes in its journal, and remarking to the watching research staff about what it was writing. Security personnel entered the chamber to move SCP-049 back to containment, and the subject was seen smiling a little. The security team dispatched the subject from the room, and SCP-049 returned to containment with no resistance, stating that it was pleased with the results.
Observational Log 049.OL.2 SUMMARY
Subject: SCP-049
Preface: A test subject (D-76582) was introduced into SCP-049′s containment cell. The D-class had a large gash on its arm. SCP-049 expressed great alarm and panic at the sight.
Observation Notes: SCP-049 laid the D-class down on the table immediately, asking them questions as it pulled lavender and rudimentary cotton pads from its doctors bag. SCP-049 expressed great worry for the subject, but reassured them that it had dealt with injuries like this before. After examining the wound and making sure that it wasn’t infected, SCP-049 cleaned the wound, then wrapped the wound in bandages. The D-class expressed great gratitude at SCP-049′s efforts.
Observational Log 049.OL.3 SUMMARY
Subject: SCP-049
Preface: A D-class (D-56791) was introduced into SCP-049′s containment cell. The D-class had a broken arm. SCP-049 expressed worry for the subject.
Observation Notes: SCP-049 pulled up a chair next to its table, instructing the D-class to sit down and put its arm straight out on the table. Once the D-class had done what it was told, SCP-049 produced bandages and a smooth stick from its bag. After doing its best to make sure the subject bones were aligned, it put the subject’s arm into a makeshift sling. SCP-049 turned the subject over to Foundation security team, expressing its concern, suggesting that the foundation uses the proper equipment to check the subjects bone, just in case. The D-class was taken in for an x-ray, where to was discovered that the bone was alined and in place. When told of this, SCP-049 expressed great joy.
Observational Log 049.OL.7 FULL
Subject: SCP-049
Preface: SCP-049 was provided the corpse of a recently deceased D-class that was too late to save. SCP-049 expressed shock at the subject.
Observation Notes: SCP-049 quickly began to study the corpse, expressing great concern. SCP-049 was observed giving the watching research staff a confused and upset look, stating “Why... why did you give me a dead body? I don’t understand...” SCP-049 was given some fresh lavender, and a platter of thin crackers, salted pork, and hard cheese as it requested.
When the Foundations security team came to retrieve the corpse, SCP-049 was heard mumbling to itself, saying that “I-I don’t get it...”
Observational Log 049.OL.9 FULL
Subject: SCP-049
Preface: SCP-049 was provided with a sick cat. SCP-049 expressed worry for the animal.
Observation notes: SCP-049 gently put the cat down on the table, then proceeded to check it’s heartbeat and study it’s condition.Once it had confirmed the status of the felines heartbeat and condition, SCP-049 looked at the observing research staff and stated, “I’m not a vet, but I’ll do my best from here.” SCP-049 then began to gently rub the felines stomach and requested that some water be brought in. SCP-049 spent the remainder of the test time carefully observing that cat, gently rubbing it’s stomach, and giving it water, until foundation staff came to retrieve the cat and return SCP-049 to its containment cell. When guards came to return SCP-049 to its cell, SCP-049 requested that the feline receive proper care from a vet.
Follow Up Interview
Dr. Hamm: We've watched you work for several weeks now, and honestly I'm impressed with your medical knowledge.
SCP-049: (pauses) Oh, thank you!
Dr. Hamm: You’re welcome doctor. But if I may ask, why are you so persistent in helping others?
SCP-049: You do not understand my motives? Doctor, I hate to see others harmed and/or unwell. I find myself getting highly stressed if someone is harmed. It is a cruel predicament, I fear, to be hurt and unable to help yourself.
Dr. Hamm: I see.
SCP-049: (SCP-049 goes silent for a moment, then speaks) Do you feel the same way doctor?
Dr. Hamm: (Dr. Hamm is silent for a moment, then speaks) For me, it depends on who is injured.
SCP-049: What do you mean by that?
Dr. Hamm: What I mean is, I wouldn’t help someone who deserves that pain they receive, if they knew what they were getting into, or them being hurt if required for important reasons.
SCP-049: Why would anyone be required to be hurt?
Dr. Hamm: (Dr. Hamm is silent for a moment, then speaks) For the safety of others, a sacrifice if you will.
SCP-049: Oh... (Deep breath) I see...
Dr. Hamm: Now, is there anything else I can help you with?
SCP-049: (Pauses, looking at Dr. Hamm) No, that will be all. Bring in anyone that might need help if you wish. I’m happy to do my best to help.
Attending Researcher's Note: SCP-049 does seem to genuinely want to help others. I have watched it now over several weeks, and while the outcomes do seem to ever change, SCP-049 continues to claim that it is doing it’s best. I think the entity may be more honest and kind then some think.
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stoic-grump · 4 years
First day of the job and already Gondor feels a sense of unease as he stares up at the menacing building of SCP Containment; nevermind all of the security checks he had to get through just to step on the property. ID clipped to his wrinkled, button up shirt and tie loosely around his neck like a noose, the new scientist takes his leather bag and makes his way into the containment.
Of course, he has to go through another series of security checks before he can be safely escorted to his designated area. Gondor (or Dr. North) is handed his first assignment, which is study the behavior of subject SCP-049.
Gondor merely glances at the files he's been provided before looking back up at the other. "You realize I'm a biologist, not a psychiatrist; I'm not here to study the behavior in anything, only their function."
"I understand, Dr. North," the other staff member agrees. "But since our recent death of our former scientist, we are still looking for a more permanent doctor to take Dr. Hamm's place."
"So you hired me at the last minute. I see."
"On the contrary, Dr. North," the other sputters. "You see, we find you an excellent man, er, monster...of sorts..."
"Just get on with it." Gondor sternly demands.
"Right. It's just a temporary position. As soon as we find Dr. Hamm's replacement, we will place you in a more appropriate position for your field of work."
"Of course," the tiefling mutters. "Why would I expect any less?"
"That's the spirit, Dr. North! I knew we could--" Before he could finish his statement, Gondor shoves the files back in the staff member's hands and heads for the exit. "W-wait!" He follows Gondor, desperately trying to step in front of him. "Please, we need you. 049 is biased towards humans and he's less likely to kill someone like you and--"
"Is he sick?" Gondor cuts him off.
"Mentally, yes, but he's healthy for a...whatever he is."
"Is he in need of medical attention?"
"Then why am I here?" Gondor questions.
"You're a man...monster of knowledge, right? 049 is a special case. He's also a doctor, more or less. Maybe you could learn a few things from him?"
Gondor can see the desperation in the man's eyes. It's obvious they're short on hands and no one else would take the position. He sighs through his nostrils, thinking it over for a moment. "Take me to him, this...049. Then I will decide if I want this case."
The staff member claps his hands together in glee. "That's the ticket! I knew you had it in you, Dr. North."
So he leads the tiefling over to SCP-049's chambers, but before heading inside, they give Gondor a window to look through; where he can see in but the subject inside wouldn't be able to see out. "What is he doing?" Gondor asks, curious about the animal corpse the subject has with him.
"Uh, he's 'curing', sir."
"It looks more like he's doing a school project on a dead animal," the tiefling remarks.
True to his word, Gondor gives 049 a chance and he observes him before he makes his final decision.
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hermesserpent-stuff · 4 years
The Dilemma of 049 being a ~*Medieval*~ doctor: a ramble from a history nerd
TLDR: I am a tired history nerd who got invested in some plague doctors and did some research. As they say “ I kriffed around, I found out.” bird boi doctors are not medieval not even close. I have a fiction writing dilemma and I'm thinking maybe of grinding axes. 
More below the cut cause, hahahha, oops. I wrote this as thought to text so its just a bit weird and whole lot of rambley. It was going to be an authors note, but no, I need other opinions on this mess. 
OKAY SOOOOOO doctors wearing beaks was like a 17th 18th-century thing so I guess this is when the bois (049 and 049-J) be from (violent shrugging.) I mean I was putting them, in my head in that first big plague that is super famous in the 1300s…. Cause medieval aesthetic is king. But I guess technically, small towns were still functioning similarly, with feast days and the like, with just a lot of trade and the whole Americas thing going on. and technically there was more than one plague.
But wait!!!! The SCP site says “a medieval plague doctor”, but technically the medieval period ranges from about 500 BCE to around 1500 BCE. Far before burb mask bois were wacking people. I might just combust. SO the question is as follows, what in the haran do I do. Fall to the aesthetic of the medieval age and suffer the misery that is being a history fanatic writing history incorrectly on purpose, OOOOORRRR go with the correct way with 17th and 18th-century bois in bird masks with no medieval flavor text mixed into the backstories. 
(And then there’s the whole mess of other things I’ll have to consider, like martin Luthor drop kicking Germany in 1500’s and making those fractures different branches (how would that affect the troupe of doctors from Jay’s past in a 17th-century backdrop? Religious debates? Edmund- maybe fleeing England cause king henry the 8th who wanted to rid himself of a wife that didn’t pass the vibe check and then that sending the country into Protestantism after a brief and bloody stab stab from queen mary? Or in the medieval route the fact that it’s been like 700 years these birds have been roaming free and no one thought to burn them. Also alchemy and astrology are going strong in the 1300’s. anD THere was crusades and the church. The church is still around in the 17th century but crusades lasted till about 1400s (i think)
Honestly, a very small part of me wants to both toss myself into a furnace and/or find out who put ~medieval~ as a descriptor for a bird boi when that outfit was not around till Charles de L'Orme decided to invent the *look* 1630, a time distinctly after the generally accepted medieval times, which end in 1500, cause guess who walked through the door with lattes and confidence, that’s right, the Renaissance and it’s printers, artists, and thinkers (around 1400s it started up cause history is messy and there’s no such thing a clear lines) and the whole globalization thing that spun in on the heels of 1492 ( but was already vibing with trade to the east through Mediterranean routes and the Medici, who had mula. Any way. I am undecided as of yet what exactly I’m going to do, cause I like to try for accuracy but I also am addicted to bardcore.
gimme any opinions if you got them
(please dont ask about plague naming conventions cause that also changes with the time period that 049 could originate from making the whole: “When you say "The Great Dying", are you talking about the bubonic plague?” from doctor hamm a slightly absurd question as Im not sure when that title came into use and if bird boi over here had ever heard of it. If hes a medieval doc boi then they prolly had some latin name. frickle, now i gotta do research of names for plague in two different times. but also the pestilence is prolly something else. slag it all now i gotta look into that too and check community thoughts on that. I mean I have my own but mmmmmsmmsmsm) 
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mrsegbert · 5 years
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Dr. Sherman: Your cure cost Ray his life!
SCP-049: No good SIR I have saved it! You would allow this world to slip back into the, the- the despair of disease and death, ignoring that I have created a miracle and-
Dr. Sherman: (Talking over SCP-049) What disease? What pestilence? He was a healthy man! He was a good doctor!
SCP-049: -am offering it freely to the afflicted! You are not worth this argument, sir. You are shortsighted and foolish. Dr. Hamm was sick, and I… (breath catches) I cured him. I am the only one who can do this. My work must continue, there is so much still to learn, so much to do!
SCP-049: And others can be saved! Even you, though you do not deserve it, might be saved! I can save them all! I can cast down this plague, once and for all. I can do this! Only me! I… I… (labored breathing) I saved… I saved him… Dr. Hamm, I… I cured him… he was sick, I know he was sick, I know he was, and I… you are all sick, but I… I can save you. I can save all of you, because I… I am the cure.
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via-the-ghoul · 4 years
Hello, my fellow 035 x 049 shippers, I did some studying for personal reasons, and I came to a pretty depressing conclusion if you ship them, see them as friends, well if you see them liking each other in any way, this is a sad conclusion.
Addendum 049.3: 04/16/2017 Incident
Starting shortly after SCP-049's initial containment, Dr. Hamm conducted a number of interviews with the subject regarding its anomalous properties, and over time began to note its displeasure with its subjects and the SCP-049-2 instances. This continued for a period of several months, during which SCP-049 never exhibited any aggressive behaviours.
On April 16th, 2017, as Dr. Hamm was entering SCP-049's test chamber to conduct another routine interview, the entity began to grow anxious and asked Dr. Hamm if he was feeling well.
So basically, 049 would have had to be contained “several months” before April 16th, 2017. Now, the word “serveral”, to me at least, brings to mind around five at least, so the latest possible time for him to have come into containment is late 2016. The earliest, judging by how they don’t say years, would still be 2016, so “049 came into Foundation Custody in 2016” is a rather likely sentence.
This begs the question: what does 035 have to do with any of this, and where is the angst pontental? Well, dear reader, let’s take a look at our mask boy’s file to see if we get any information on when he was brought into custody.
Additional: SCP-035 was found in a sealed crypt in an abandoned house in Venice, in 18██.
035 was contained in the 1800s.
These two would have been separated for a little over a century. And judging by how 035 was sealed away, perhaps longer.
And judging by this bit in 049’s file:
SCP-049: Ah! A doctor! A like-minded individual, no doubt. Wherein is your speciality, sir?
Dr. Hamm: Cryptobiology, why-
SCP-049: (Laughs) A medical man, such as myself. Wonders abound! And here I worried I had been abducted by common street thugs!
049, by this line, appears to at least, pre-containment, not known too much about the Foundation, which means we probably can’t justify a reason for him to know what happened.
Let that sink in.
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