#scream 6 lockscreen
peachy-ash · 9 months
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𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝟔
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taylorswiftt1 · 13 days
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77 notes · View notes
myriaeden · 6 months
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Jenna Ortega Lockscreens
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dawnoftime22 · 2 months
| W.M -> N.R
Undeserving of a Love Like Yours, Chapter 7
Chapter Warnings: A little overthinking here and there, but thats basically it
Summary: After days of trying to move on from a break up, you were still stuck in your head, although when you're in a walk outside with Lucky the pizza dog, everything jumps the start of a change.
Series Summary: When you're stuck in a complete hole of confusion and hurt with the one you thought you loved most, a certain redhead finds her way into your life.
Word Count: 4k
Category: mostly fluff, some hurt/comfort?
A/N: just wanted to say I'm giving hugs to all of you :]
Series Playlist
| Started on 31/03/2024, 7:10 AM |
| Finished on 08/04/2024, 12:00 PM |
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
<- Chapter 6 Chapter 8 ->
"Every decision is sensitive anyway."
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A week or so later, as the birds flew in a small group, the morning air wakes you up gently. The cold orange glow filling the walls told you the sun had gone up. You hadn't been in this bedroom for a while now, but even so, New York's feeling with the cars bustling in the background was still captured.
You blink the sleep away, the comforter around you keeping you warm while the chilly air still met your face. This was the best part of a morning. A feeling you almost can't describe.
The bed was only big enough to fit you, so it didn't feel like there was much of an empty space beside you, but it's not where the heartbreak would just end instantly.
You turn on your side, your hand clumsily grabbing your phone as you yawned. The cable charging the phone moved along with it, making sounds of it hitting the side of the bed.
All that was in your mind was to simply check the time or catch up on anything you missed whilst sleeping, but when your thumb clicks on the power button, the screen shows a whole load of missed calls along with messages-- both from yesterday, today, and all the days before.
Deflating a bit, you sigh, your hand holding the device falling down onto the bed as you tried to ignore the gnawing feeling in your heart.
You stare at the walls and ceiling for a moment, your hands gripping whatever they held before you turn back to your phone and let your finger impulsively tap on a button.
Clear Notifications
They disappear from the screen, leaving it empty and now only showing your lockscreen. But you don't linger any longer on your phone, putting it back down and facing the other way instead, where the windows sat with its edges illuminated.
Technically they aren't entirely gone. Though, at least they aren't sitting there screaming at you just as you look at your phone.
You wanted to pull the covers over yourself and bury your face into the pillow, the comforting warmth of the bed only luring you to, but, you started to see the light only growing brighter as the sun was going further up.
As you took a deep breath to prepare for the day ahead, you pull the covers off yourself, begrudgingly pushing yourself with your arms to sit up. You wouldn't be able to go back to sleep anyway.
And besides, if you did, you were sure Kate or Lucky would come in your room and wake you up so you weren't just stuck in your bed all day.
Slowly, you move to let your feet touch the floor before finally standing up, the bed creaking slightly. The small breeze in your movement and not having any more protection of warmth from the covers had a shiver going down your spine, but it soon faded away.
The trail you went to get to the bathroom was slow. Well, it was more just you lingering by leaning your back on the frame of the bed, pulling the curtains slightly to look out the window, stretching, or resting your elbows on the chestdrawer as you ran your hands down your face to gather yourself together.
The way the sunlight fades away due to a cloud blocking it and darkening the room, it only made you want to just further on give up on all the things your body needs.
But you shake your head, going into the bathroom as your thoughts dissolve only to one, and that is, going into the bathroom. You turn on the sink, splashing your face with cold water so you could wake up.
That definitely did something. You blink and reach over to grab a towel, wiping the water off your face. Yet still, a yawn makes it way out your mouth as you walk to the shower. You peel your clothes off to then step in, making sure the temperature was right.
The water ran down your skin and soothed your sore morning muscles. Minutes pass by later with warmth and you soon step out the bathroom with your hair dripping. The curtains at the windows swayed along with the wind from the ceiling fan, making the sunlight peeking through, dancing along the floor and the walls.
You open the closet doors, letting your fingers gently grab the clothes that were stored within it to slip on. Once you finish, you walk over to your bed to grab your bluetooth headphones, your thumb clicking on the power button.
When it didn't turn on, your shoulders fall down slightly. It had ran out of battery and you forgot to charge it. Reluctantly, you change the wire on your charger from your phone's and plug it to the headphones. Then, your eyes linger on your bedside table, seeing your wired earphones sitting atop it, one earbud dangling off the side and moving slightly.
Your hand picks it up and you grab out your phone, connecting it so you could play some music. The earbuds fitted your ears comfortably as you made your way to the bedroom door, opening it with a click.
Looking out, you find the living room and kitchen to be empty, but you do find a sleeping Lucky laying lazily at the couch. The refrigerator hummed quietly while your legs took you to it, the doors opening smoothly. Feeling fancy as the gentle rhythm of your song continued on, you grab some eggs, opting to cook it and eat it with some toast.
When the doors closed, you see a bright colored note stuck onto the fridge, written down by Kate it seems. It had 'take Lucky out on a walk!' upon it, and you tilted your head, humming. There was nothing much to really do today anyway, so maybe it would do some good to go out on a walk. Especially with Lucky.
You grab the pan and turn on the heat, warming it up before cracking open the eggs. The sizzles sound out through the apartment, and right as you were about to move and get a drink from the fridge, you feel a nose boop against your leg.
Looking down, your eyes land on the golden retriever that was sitting on the couch earlier, looking up at you happily, his tail wagging gently.
A soft giggle made its way out your mouth at the sight. "Morning, Lucky," Your hand gently goes through his fur, scratching behind his ear for a few seconds before you boop his nose.
He follows you as you go to the fridge, grabbing out the carton that held orange juice. You check on the eggs and make sure you don't accidentally get them burnt, finishing them up first by sliding them on a plate before pouring your drink into a glass.
The plate gently clinks as you set it down on the dining table, and you were about to sit down, but in the corner if your eye, you catch Kate's bow sitting right in front of the little training room she had.
Your eyes flicker from your meal and the bullseye, then you decide to walk over to the bow, picking it up. Lucky sits down near you, tilting his head in curiosity.
Carefully, you grab an arrow and place it in between the middle and the bowstring, then firmly grip everything and pulling the arrow back. Your eyes focus on the target and you aim, until finally, you release it, making it fly across the space with great speed.
The arrow lands right near the edge of the bullseye, but it was lodged in between the red line. Lucky barks, and you laugh, the anticipation of drawing an arrow back then finding out where it hits doesn't fail in giving a little serotonin. At least, when you're just having fun.
Wanting to do at least one more, you grab another arrow, placing it in the same place and getting your stance kind of right, having learnt from Kate...once.
Out of your vision, in the meanwhile, Kate had woken up, her bedroom door quietly opening and closing as she went out. Kate's eyes travel to your bedroom door, tilting her head to peek into your room. When she found the bed to be empty, she looks around the room to see you standing at the archery area.
She smiles slightly and speaks up, walking towards you, "You know, we should--" she cuts herself off when you quickly turn on your feet, your body following the movement as you unexpectedly heard her and get jumped.
"Whoa there!" She splutters out, instantly putting her hands up with a nervous chuckle as she saw the arrow being pointed at her, already drawn back.
Your eyes widen when you see Kate with her own wide blue eyes staring back at you. "Oh--" You quickly loosen your grip on the arrow, and a small smile comes up on her face, although, you can see a hint of fear.
"Okay, let's not kill anyone here." She says quickly and softly, then takes a few steps forward, lowering the bow you held.
"Sorry." You said sheepishly with a small chuckle, letting go of the bow and arrow as she ends up gently taking it from you with care, storing it back in its original place.
"It's okay, its not all the time I accidentally sneak up on someone and get...an arrow pointed in my face." She waves her hand off, then feel Lucky licking her skin, to which she pets his head and then kneel down slightly to run both her hands through his fur, his saliva going on her cheek slightly.
"I didn't mean to, you came out of nowhere!" You utter out, your face apologetic as you watch her stand back up properly, laughing slightly in her walk to the kitchen, her eyes lingering on your breakfast that was still warm.
"Hey, at least you're not the first person thats done it." She shrugs, grabbing two slices of bread and placing them into the toaster.
"I'm not?" Your face instead contorts into a curious one while Kate leans back on the kitchen counters, shaking her head with a smile.
"Nope," she said simply, and you raise your eyebrows, a hum coming out of you, but don't push on more to it. You walk back over to the dining table to sit down and finally start on your breakfast.
"Since you want to shoot something thats not a target so early on, you wanna join me for archery class?" Kate casually says as she grabs the carton of orange juice you had left on the counter, pouring herself a glass to drink.
You thought about it for a moment, then thought of the people, then thought about possibly getting scolded by the teacher for getting a stance or shot wrong.
"No, no, it's okay." You shake your head, insistently waving your hand as a gesture to add to your expression, awfully too worried about doing anything new at the moment.
"I can actually get you in, you know." The toast jumps out brown, and Kate slides it out, making a quick sandwich for herself.
"I would really love to, but...maybe next time. I'll probably take Lucky on a walk for today." You turn her down as kindly as you could, giving her a tight lipped smile that she didn't mind.
Kate takes a bite into her sandwich with a crunch, then turns around to put the orange juice back, and finally sees the bright note she had left on the fridge the other day. "Ah...I forgot I put that up." She said quietly, her head moving in a gentle nod, returning the orange juice before closing the fridge and looking back at you.
"Well, if thats what you want." She shrugs lightly, making sure her phone was in her pocket and she had her keys as she walked to the front door.
"But call me if you're staying out after the sun goes down." She points her finger at you, standing by the door with her other hand on the handle, her face more serious.
You nod, a warmth filling you at how much she cared, although a thought did cross your mind that it was because you were bringing Lucky, but no. it wasn't just that. "I will," you say quietly, but she saw the mouth movement and her face softens.
"Okay, bye!" Kate said as she went out the door with a wave. Quickly, you mirror her hand movement, echoing her goodbye and adding in her name along with it, "Bye, Kate!"
You settle back down in your seat at the dining table again, the quietness of the apartment somehow only being louder than it should. What if, in honest truth, you shouldn't be here? Kate's just too nice.
A touch to your hand from Lucky's nose snapped you out, the dog noticing how you had stilled and spaced out suddenly. You turn to look at him, his smile seeming to be the most comforting on earth at the moment.
"It's just you and I, huh?" You whispered, barely even above the sound of a breath as your hands petted his head.
You then cup the sides of the pizza dog's head, looking into his almond eyes. He stared back at you, his face clueless and almost understanding at the same time.
A heavy sigh escapes your mouth, feeling the weight of your body growing rather than lessening. You were taking steps forward, but it wasn't easy to not stop or reverse here and now.
Your hands let go of Lucky and turn back to the toast and eggs, finishing off the last of it. There were few places you could bring the pizza dog to-- the dog park, a pizza place...Your eyes linger on the empty pizza box that was yet to be thrown out. He's definitely had some just a day or so ago. It's probably better off to not spoil him. The dog park it is, then.
Pushing off the table, you pick up your empty plate and glass, taking it to the sink. Having already showered, you decide to simply change your outfit into something more fitted for the outdoors.
Lucky was laid down, chewing on a pizza toy of his, the little thing in his mouth making very quiet squeaking sounds as you walk back into the living room.
When you grab the leash, he instantly sits up more properly, his eyes widening at the sight. You chuckle, making your way over to the dog.
He met you halfway already though, leaving his toy and looking up at you, the golden charm on his collar swinging from the movement. "You know it. We're going out, buddy," your hands work on putting the leash on the collar, making sure it was properly on there.
After that, you stood up and walked to the front door, Lucky following behind you. Of course, you check you've gotten everything before going out, the door creaking slightly.
You weren't outside quite yet, needing to go down the stairs. Once you were out, the streets were calmer than usual, but not peaceful. It held people on their phones looking all ready for business, taxis passing through, people with their children and all that.
Luckily, the path you were taking seemed to slowly turn emptier, you and Lucky walking in step with each other and weaving through obstacles. You still had your earphones on, playing music as you went.
The sun kissed your skin gently, but still the cold air of New York let off a comforting temperature, mixing in with the warmth.
You feel the pace of the golden retriever's steps beside you slow down, which had you curiously looking down for a moment, seeing how Lucky had his head and eyes locked on something.
You follow his gaze and see nothing that could interest him for a moment, until your eyes travel up and see a pizza logo, the giant sign obvious as it hanged from the front of the restaurant, and it seems you took too long to realize the path held a troublesome situation.
You feel the tug on your hand from Lucky pulling the leash, the start of a run to get to the pizza place as he went further out of sync with your walking.
"Lucky, wait!" You yelp, thankfully the streets being emp...well. You thought it was, until you bump into someone, making Lucky instantly stop and turn to look at you.
You regain your surroundings soon and blink, feeling the slightest pain on your chest and arm from the hit of someone else's body. "Sorry! He gets..." You quickly apologize, until trailing off when you see the person in front of you, their own eyes slightly wide from shock.
"Oh, you're..." you take a step back, quietly saying the words as you try to process if you got dizzy and were imagining things, or if your eyes were actually seeing a redhead in front of you. One particularly familiar.
"The one in the rain," she utters out quietly herself, her eyebrows furrowed as her brain probably tried to process it the same as yours were. The breeze of the cool wind ran through her hair, making her seem all the more graceful and taking both your words and breath away.
"Are you okay?" She asks, and you hear the bit of rasp in her voice as she checks you for any sign of visible pain, and you were only rubbing your forearm.
"Yeah- I...I should be asking you that, I'm sorry, I didn't accidentally hurt you or anything, right?" you ask, your own eyes darting on her while a nervous chuckle comes from your mouth, but she shakes her head gently.
"No. In fact, you seem like you got hit harder," she said gently, her face holding a look of concern. Lucky was standing by, watching and now curious about what was happening, but he was more impatient to go to the nearby pizza place.
"Good," You nod, the smallest warmth coming upon your face as you gave her a tight lipped smile. There was a beat of silence, but it wasn't long until she spoke up again.
"So, we both went to New York." She tilts her head, about to slip her hand into her pockets until she felt her hand getting sniffed, bumped by the nose and licked by the golden retriever that caused this situation to arise.
"Yeah, that's..." you trail off as you notice Lucky barely keeping his excitement as he introduced himself to this kind stranger you only briefly met from the airport. You try to get him to give the redhead space, your hands reaching to gently pull him back. "Lucky, calm down."
She chuckles softly, and even though the sound was just a breath, something about it made you question what was happening. Such as, reality, or dream, or movie. "It's alright." her hand reaches down and pets him lightly. "Is this your dog?" she asks, glancing up at you.
"No. No, he belongs to a friend of mine." You reply, watching how she and Lucky interacted, as if it was natural. He seemed radiant, but you couldn't tell if it was because of her kind presence or the way there was a fresh pizza brought out by a waiter, seen from the restaurant window.
"He's cute," she said simply, her hand still going through his soft fur, then landing on the charm on his collar. You presume she was reading his name for a moment, but you didn't mind.
"Yeah. He...gets excited when he sees anything with pizza because he loves eating it." You smile gently, shaking your head as your mind goes over the dog's antics, especially with him turning his head from you and the redhead.
"A dog that eats pizza? That's the first I've heard." She slides her hands smoothly into the pocket of her brown coat, her expression curious and intrigued.
"Yup. He's a special kind." Your head moves in a the gentle motion of a nod as you went to lightly pat his head, and he only derpily had his tongue out. You can see the green eyes of the redhead watching your movements.
The two of you were quiet for a moment once again, your heart beating faster than normal, for some odd reason. Perhaps both of you were questioning whether it was fate that had you two meeting once more, or a coincidence.
"...What do you say to grabbing coffee sometime?" she said suddenly, but her voice was calm. Your eyes widen for a moment in surprise, but you regain your composure after blinking once or twice.
"Well, it's only fair since you saved me from the rain." She raises her eyebrows at you, and you try your best to not focus on your ever growing heartrate, although there was a hint of a smile on her face.
"No, I'm kidding, I'd love to grab coffee with you." you shook your head, your playful side seeming to be coming out a little too much, but the corners of her lips raise up more properly anyway. You shared each other's contacts after a few seconds, having put it in your phones.
She checks her watch, glancing down the street in the direction she was going in, then looking back at you. "I have to do something, but just...contact me whenever," the words came out rushed, but yet gentle while you see her start to walk away.
"Okay...Uh, stay safe!" you say with a slightly louder volume so she could hear you better. But she only turns back around to take a look at you with a chuckle.
"You should be the one staying safe." She turns back to her own route, and the sentence made a small laugh come from you.
Feeling oddly more light and warm, you were about to continue walking, until you realize Lucky wasn't moving, then he gently, this time, walked forward to pull you to the pizza place. You held your ground though, determined to only go to the dog park.
"No, you already had pizza just a few days ago." At that, he surrenders and turns back around to walk with you, his ear raising up as he looked back at the restaurant, whimpering quietly.
"I'll get you treats and play fetch." Upon hearing his other favorite words, his disappointment seemed to fade away.
The walk didn't last much longer, and you soon arrive to the park, the space, once more, not being too crowded, but not empty either.
You roam the grassy area until you find a place where it was completely empty, a beautiful tree sitting with shade catching your eyes. A perfect spot to hang out at.
You went and sat down on the grass, your back against the tree as Lucky followed beside you. You smile slightly, your hand going in your bag to grab a small ball.
He perks up and prepares, watching as you raised it up then threw it. He jumps and bolts off to grab it, his speed making you chuckle in surprise.
Soon he quickly retrieved it, coming back to you with his fur moving all over the place and dropping the ball beside you.
"You wanna do it again?" you ask, and he only stared at you. You threw it again, trying to do it a little farther on. This keeps going with a few tricks here and there, rewarded with some treats you brought.
The both of you gets tired sometime later, and you were now completely laid down against the grass, Lucky having his head on your stomach with his paws curled up.
The breeze of the wind lightly brushes your face and goes through your hair as you stare up at the sky, watching the clouds move.
This felt all too familiar.
Every memory, everything, except in different places.
Your gentle breathing, and the weight of a head on your body.
Your hand reaches up into the sky, your fingers uncurling themselves as you felt the wind.
This wasn't even the same park.
Yet, it still flooded through you like you had just experienced the moment yesterday.
Lucky had his eyes closed as your hand dropped onto your chest and you look down, away from the sky as if to not think about it anymore.
The device in your pocket felt more obvious as the seconds went by, and you start to give in, grabbing your phone from your pocket.
You check it, and you see the high amount of numbers in the corner of the calls and messages icons, an obvious red background behind it. Deciding finally, you tap on the messages app.
The texts written and sent to you by the brunette was short. Sent in multiple messages that make up one or two sentences. The first one was a paragraph of an apology, and your eyes skim over it, your heart already aching.
Your thumb then hovers over the missed calls, a decision in your head...
end of chapter 7. <3
Series Masterlist <- Chapter 6 Chapter 8 ->
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lea-noah · 5 months
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you are gone
"You're gone and took everything with you. Anakin, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. [Please come back to me, please, please...]"
obikin edit from Across the Stars series made by l e a n o a h | # 1 | # 2 | # 3 | # 4 | #5 | # 6 | # 7
and heartbreaking obikin fanart by @mandhos 😭😭❤️
pin | deviantart c | 04. 01. 2024
The lockscreen Version. 👇 Free to use and share (please credit or link) Thanks.
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fanart : @mandhos overlays : Carllton | brushes : redheadstock textures : mart-production cypher-s ravenorlov pai
" . . . "
Sand. Sun or suns, for it’s fiery hot. Burning. Everything burns. He’s on his knees, one hand dug in searing sand and the other clasping his robe, where his heart is trying to claw itself out of his chest. It burns too. No, more. Much stronger. He can’t breathe. He is chocking. Or crying, screaming, perhaps all together, and his eyes are burning with tears like blood. He can’t hear anything clearly, but the screams echo in physical waves through him and he doesn’t need to hear it, he feels it. The wrenching agony bleeding through the broken voice. It’s his voice. He is screaming. It could be his death he calls or curses, yet it’s a name. He knows it, for his heart is ripped open every single time he cries it out. And it’s only that name.
He feels the force constricting inside of him, or that could be his mind. Still, there’s this… hole, it’s the absence of something, which he senses, like his soul being sliced in two, leaving him with the broken part, that persistently is reaching for the other, the missing half. He realizes then, that the name belongs to it. He calls it out, screams it and whispers, in splitting despair, reaching out for his half, that no more exists. It’s gone. Forever. And there’s cold grief breaking out to his very bones at that knowledge. Grief and something other. Something ugly, disgusting, revolting, something so very wrong, it’s undoing his whole being, corrupting him.
He knows what it is. He thinks it’s hate, and he’s not wrong. Only it’s worse.
It’s guilt.
It’s self-hatred.
With each call of that ruining name, it gets colder and not even all the suns and stars in the universe would ever free himself of that lacerating cold. The world freezes. The sand is dust as his heart became.
Only a name is flying dust across the emptiness of dead desserts, far, far away from him. To another time. Another universe.
| Chapter 2 from "Chosen: from the Ashes" by lea noah
91 notes · View notes
vicsnook · 8 months
Cowboy Let Me Take You Away | Rhett Abott x Reader
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word count: 1874
warnings: SMUT, MINORS DNI, 18+, Fluff
notes: Hi Y’all! I think it was about time I finally wrote a little something something for my Rhett girls. In this universe Rhett and Bob are twins so think maybe Bob Abott or Rhett Floyd 👀? Anyways I hope you all enjoy and please don’t forget to like/reblog (thank you for your previous ones 🫶🏼). I might do Rhett Fridays from here on out so be on the lookout!
Rhett and you had been introduced by his twin brother Bob at a work Christmas party and had been talking ever since, still you weren’t sure what exactly you two were. Yet here you were landing in Wyoming to see him. You spot the baggage claim sign easily as you disembark and head down to the first floor to get your bag. To say that you’re feeling nervous was an understatement. This moment had been months in the making and it was finally here.
Sure Rhett always texted you good morning, sent you letters, gifts on your birthday, and wasn’t seeing other girls but neither of you had taken the step to make things official. You never planned on falling for Bob’s brother right before a 6 month deployment and surely you didn’t expect him to wait on you but things seemed to be working in your favor. Your hands shake as you pull your bag from the carousel and head towards the front door to meet Rhett and even though you’ve imagined this moment a million times over the past few months, nothing could prepare you for how you felt now. He was standing with a bouquet of flowers on one hand and smiled as soon as he saw you.
Your heart feels like it might beat out of your chest as you let go of your bag and jump into his open arms. His head resting on yours as you bury your face in his chest, inhaling the scent of pines and leather that you’d missed so much. Loving never came easy for you but here in Rhett’s embrace, you couldn’t help but want to scream those 3 words. While pulling away, you think of kissing him but are interrupted by him handing you the flowers. Daisies, your favorite.
“I um, got these for ya.” He says with that crooked smile you love so much. His ears have a tinge of pink as you give him a peck on the cheek and thank him. You both sneak glances at each other on the ride home while making small talk and he finally grabs your hand after you set it on the console. When he drives into the town you’ve heard so much about over the past couple of months you feel the need to pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming.
You take a deep breath as you follow him up the steps to his small apartment. The walls are wooden, various rodeo posters are hanging on the wall, and on the nightstand you spot a picture of you both that Bob took the night you met. The same picture that was your phone lockscreen now. He sets your bag by the bed and you finally meet his beautiful blue eyes but you can’t seem to say a damn word as he takes a step closer to you and his hand grabs the back of your neck.
“Been wantin’ to do this for a while,” he whispers, finally closing the distance between you. Your fingers play with his hair as he kisses you softly and you can’t help the moan that escapes you when he tugs at your hair. Months of daydreaming and crappy phone sex all leading to this. His calloused hands make their way to the back of your thighs and you press closer to him as he lifts you up into his arms and pins you up against the wall.
Your fingers crumple his shirt as he kisses you roughly and passionately now. To feel him hard against you had you nearly begging him to rip your clothes off. He moves on from your lips and down to your neck, leaving sloppy kisses on it. “God, you taste so sweet darlin’. Where’ve you been my whole life?” He mutters against your ear making shivers run through your body.
Your fingers undo the buttons on his shirt and he presses you even harder against the wall as he rips it off, the last few buttons scattering on the floor. Rhett pulls off your shirt and his hands are instantly pulling down the cups of your bra. You blush at his stare but can’t even think about it too much because his mouth is quickly sucking on your swollen bud. “Fuck Rhett, I need you,” you moan as he nibbles on your nipple. He leaves your nipple and captures you back into a heated kiss while making his way to the bed, carefully setting you on to it and climbing on top of you.
But as your hands make your way to undo his belt, you’re interrupted by a knock on the door. “Who the fuck?” he grunts against your neck and you chuckle at his exasperation. “Here baby,” he says as he passes you your shirt and pulls his back on, not bothering to try and button it up.
“Bob? I thought you weren’t in ‘til ‘morrow?” Rhett asked Bob who was the one that’d been knocking. You mentally cursed yourself for forgetting to tell Rhett that Bob was supposed to come today and you’d mixed up the dates. “Y/N didn’t tell ya? She got the days mixed up.” He replied, making his way inside and waving at you. “Oh shit, I’m interrupting something, aren’t I?” Bob knew the messy hair and swollen lips were indicative of your previous activities with Rhett and wanted to kick himself for not texting before coming. “No shit.” If looks could kill, Bob would certainly be dead thanks to Rhett’s stare.
“Okay okay, my bad, I’ll see y’all at moms for dinner.” Bob said, raising his hands in defense and scurrying out the door before anything else was said. “Now, where were we?” Said Rhett, making his way back to you but was interrupted by the door once again.
“What now?” he asked Bob, annoyed at the continuous interruptions. “Sorry, my truck won’t start. Can I borrow yours? I’ll come fetch y’all later.” Bob said hurriedly, his hands were in his pockets and his eyes looked at the floor like it might just swallow him. “Here.” Rhett said, handing him the keys and shutting the door before Bob could interrupt anything else.
“Come here, baby” You said, sitting up on the bed and pulling him down to you as he reached the bed. He was quickly back on top of you, discarding yours and his shirts. Rhett moved his hand behind you, undoing your bra with ease and throwing it to the floor and in turn you pull off his undershirt, trailing your hands through his chiseled abs. At the action, he pressed his hard cock against your clothed cunt and you rolled your hips forward, moaning at the friction.
Rhett’s lips crash again onto yours and you lift your ass as he pulls off your jeans trying not to break the kiss. “My favorite color,” he muttered as his eyes flicked down to the lacy red thong you’d picked out earlier in the week. “Just for you,” you mumbled into his neck, as he tore the piece of underwear off you and stuffed it into his jeans pocket.
His hips rolled against your bare cunt, making you arch your back while he grinned. You tried reaching for his belt but he was quick to swat you off. “Not yet,” he said, trailing kisses down your chest and only stopping once he reached your thighs. His blue eyes burning into yours as he kissed the inside of your thigh then used his fingers to spread your folds open. He didn’t break eye contact as he began to suck on your clit and your hands instinctively reached down to tug on his hair.
You whine as he pushes his index finger in and out of your cunt. “So wet for me,” he whispers against you, and you try to respond but the words die on your lips as he pushes another finger inside you. Your legs squeeze against his head and Rhett lets out groan against you, sending shivers down your spine. Pleasure washing over you as he increases his speed and soon you’re gripping his sheets, moaning loudly as you reach your high. “That’s it, cum for me honey,” he commands as his fingers work you through your high and you’re pushing him away shakily.
He moves back up and pulls you in for a kiss, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. This time he lets you pull off his belt along with jeans and underwear. The feeling of his cock against your cunt makes you arch your back and Rhett takes the opportunity to press open mouthed kisses on your neck. You feel him line up against your entrance and slowly he sinks his cock into you until he bottoms out.
“Goddamn, you’re so tight honey,” He moans as he begins to push in and out of you, slowly letting you adjust to his length. Your place your hands on his shoulders and he lifts your leg slightly, allowing him to sink deeper into you. “Fuck Rhett,” you moan as he picks up the pace and the head of his cock continuously hits your g-spot. “Feel good?” He asked in between breaths but you couldn’t even reply because he thrusted harder into you.
He could feel you clenching around him as you scratched his back. His fingers played with your clit and you both moaned in unison as his thrusts started to become sloppier. His other hand gripping your waist tightly. “That’s it darlin’” He cooed as you arched your back and your legs began to shake. “That’s it,” he continued, fucking you through your orgasm. His grip on you tightened and you could feel his cock twitch as he spilled inside you.
Rhett leaned in and placed a kiss on your cheek, both of you breathing heavily. “Was it better than you imagined?” you asked, your eyes still closed. “Ask me again, after I fuck you tonight.” He responded, pulling out of you slowly, you could feel his cum pouring out of you and onto the sheets. “Be right back,” He said as he disappeared into the bathroom and came back with a damp towel. He was careful as he cleaned you up then helped you into one of his shirts, finishing by pressing a kiss against your temple.
You watched him slide on his underwear and felt your heart squeeze as you realized how much you didn’t want this week to end. The offer he made you of moving with you to California until your contract was over, now had an easy answer. “I’m so glad Bob dragged me to that Christmas party,” you told him, laying your head on his chest as he rubbed circles on your back. “Yeah?” He kissed your head, pulling you closer. “Mhm, and um, yes.” You replied, smiling against him.
“Yes what?” He asked, pulling back to look down at you. “I want you to come with me to California.” “Wait, really?” His eyes lit up at your statement and he pulled you in for a hug as you nodded. “I’m so glad you let Bob’s aggravating ass drag you to that Christmas party, baby.” You smiled, for once letting love be easy.
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acesofspadess · 10 months
Live {6}
summary: after a silly little comment on Niall's live, who would've thought it bring you...well here....
a/n: The end is near...... this gif was too cute not to share..... and sorry for the really late update..... but back to the show
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He pulled you into him and gasped softly at the immediate warmth spreading through your body, rooting from the contact of him. You looked up, lips brushing against his and you could feel every heartbeat against his chest.
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There was a two month break in between the last show you filmed and the lives. You went back home for a few weeks then came back to start rehearsals. With the lives coming up you had been rehearsing constantly. Atticus got tired of hearing your love songs and told you to do something about it. You asked Niall if you could meet somewhere, and he was more than excited to do so sending you his address.
The night was going smoothly, your head in his lap as you and him talked as if nothing happened between you at all. Truth was, you both really missed each other, Niall wasn’t sure what was going through his head when he decided to write an album about you and then never speak to you again. “I have something for you.” He finally told you as your head was laid against his chest, legs swung over his. “Yeah what is it?” he tapped your legs so he could get up and walked to the door to his music room. “Are you coming?” you got up with a giggle and followed him inside the dark but glowy room. He walked over to the record player and pointed to vinyl. 
“You're taking the piss, this isn't what I think it is. Is it?” he nodded with a big smile and you screamed softly. You dropped the needle and the familiar tunes of ‘Heaven’ played through the speaker. You looked up at him with wide, happy eyes and he pulled you into his chest.
For 30 minutes you both listened to the vinyl and at the end of it you had tears in your eyes. “Ni, this is- it's amazing. You always tell me how I can tell a story, make people feel the song. It's you who does that. The inspiration behind it all, it felt personal.” you explained, he moved you from the side hug position you were in and lifted you onto the dresser next to the vinyl standing in between your legs with his hands on your waist, squeezing softly. “That's because it is personal to you. I wrote this album because of you-for you. You are this album Maia. Heaven, If You Leave Me, Meltdown, Never Grow Up, The Show, You Could Start A Cult,” you giggled as your eyes clouded, “Save My Life, On A Night Like Tonight, Science, and most certainly, Must Be Love.” he recited to you looking deep in your eyes. “Every. Single. Song. They all connect back to you Maia. I always connect back to you.” he rested his head against yours, noses brushing against each other as your eyes fell close.
He pulled you into him and gasped softly at the immediate warmth spreading through your body, rooting from the contact of him. You looked up, lips brushing against his and you could feel every heartbeat against his chest. It was like chasing a kiss, mouths parted in desire to feel each other in between, but the circumstance at hand poisoned the air you both inhaled. “Ni.” you pleaded, asking-no- begging for him. “I know, baby girl, i know.” you were impossibly close together, inhaling his exhale. “We can’t.” you cried softly, hands tangling into his hair to pull him closer as his lips brushed against your neck the same way they had in the photo on your lockscreen. “I know.” he cried back, “I know. Be mine though. I don’t care if I can't hold you, or if I can't kiss you. Be mine.”
“I'm yours. Always will be.”
“Semi. Finals.” Niall spoke through a large grin around a few weeks before live tapings. “Deadly.” you answered in disbelief causing Niall to laugh and you who could never get enough of your boyfriends laugh, laughed back. “I never thought I would make it.” you shrugged truthfully. You were starting to come to terms with the fact that Kelly let you go because you weren’t meant to be on her team, not because you weren't good enough. “I’ve always told you this.” Niall said immediately. “Even from when we first met all those years ago when you rolled out of bed.” he laughed and you slapped a hand over your eyes, “oh god.”
Maia, Maia Quinn. My girl. I'm so proud of her. I just knew from the moment she started singing, it was so unique and familiar, and then seeing her again. All she had was audition nerves, and I was right. Watching her grow and take off through the season more than she ever thought was possible. I've never seen such a transformation in such a short period of time. It's been nuts. She is singing ‘Adams Ribs by Jensen McRae. It's a good one.”
“Yes this is so good.” Niall clapped to emphasise he really meant it and you squealed happily. You did a little happy dance and Niall shook his head at you with a small smile. “Is there any way of keeping it smaller for longer so that she can hold onto that last part?” Niall asked the band who agreed and made the change. “It seemed to get…” he paused, “Irish very quickly.” an uncontrollable laugh fell from your lips. “Was that the best you came up with?”
You ran through it one more time and then called him over to help you with a certain part. “I don't know what I'm doing here, it almost sounds messy.” He sang it to himself and found what you could do. “When you're wailing, make sure you still finish the words.” 
“Right.” you nodded knowing you had to emphasise really well in this song.
“This is exciting.” niall smiled giddy and you clapped lightly with a small smile. You ran  through a few more times and made Niall scream with excitement on how amazing you sounded.
“This is a special song.” you nodded in agreement knowing how crazy you were to be singing this song. “I think we've found your pocket now with this haunting and alluring sort of vibe.”
“Team Niall slay.”
You made yourself comfortable, hands resting against the mic stand as the audience cheered.
I tried to bargain not to get thrown from the garden Too fast I fell to begging, have you ever lost heaven? Feel like the product of such a savage harvest You break it makes me bloom, it's like I'm made of you It's like I'm made of you
The audience clapped softly as you paused
I can't lose you yet I refuse to let you go Loving you is in my bones Something's gotta give Adam will you claim me as your own?
You took the mic out of it its stand and leaned against it
This heartbreak quietly rewired me My world is ending now, don't tell me to calm down This love letter begins "to Adam from your ribs" So called intelligent design, without you I would die Without you I would die
As you riffed the audience clapped again and your eyes opened falling onto Niall like a magnet
I can't lose you yet I refuse to let you go Loving you is in my bones Something's gotta give Adam will you claim me as your own?
The high is worth the bruise
As you went into a very high octave, Chance’s “holy.” Niall looked at him before looking back to you 
I'd still eat the fruit The high is worth the bruise I'd still eat the fruit
You held onto that note until the crescendo peaked and the audience roared in applause
I can't lose you yet I refuse to let you go Loving you is in my bones Something's gotta give Adam will you claim me as your own?
You looked to Niall as you sang and you watched a smile form as he saw you looking at him
Claim me as your own
You finished off the last note strong but delicate and heard through your ears the sounds of the applause. Niall was up -and damn did he look good in his suit- clapping for you as you walked down the stair to meet Carson. “Let's go right to Chance.”
“Wow, Maia, that was breathtaking.” you shook your hands excitedly as he continued, “one of my favourite performances from you so far in this and uh- yeah i don't know what to say- i'm blown away. That's crazy, this is live!” you nodded at him in appreciation, "amazing job you should be proud." and Carson called on Niall.
“I'm so proud of you. I said it in the VT but it just insane like, the person that you've become on the show. The confidence you've shown on that stage tonight, walking around like you own the place. It was amazing to watch. You know, a completely different person that auditioned came on the stage tonight. Another unbelievable performance from you. We’ve got something incredible planned if we make it to the finals, so please, please vote for my Maia.”
You smiled bashfully as Carson started telling the people how to vote. You sent kisses to the camera in front of you and smiled and waved before throwing up a hand heart before thanking Carson and walking off the stage to hug Niall quickly as he kissed the top of your head.
You were close to the stage when Niall went on to sing ‘Meltdown’ promising him you wouldn't miss it. You loved watching him sing and the smile and emotion that he had when performing.
When he found you in the crowd he always stayed on that side. Making sure to sing to you.
You loved how he truly got lost in the performance, dancing around like he won't be complaining to you later about ‘his dodgy knees’. You truly loved him and were so proud of how far he had come since his last album’s sad demise. He was on a high, but you didn't care, you were already high off him.
“The time has come to reveal the finalist, we’ve never done anything like this, so please welcome centre stage, your Top 8 semi-finalist.”
You and Ryley walked hand-in-hand from backstage to the main stage. “Before we get on to are first finalist we have a question for Maia from Team Niall. ‘Its been so fun watching your journey on the show with Niall, what did it mean to you being reconnected with Niall all these years later?”
You chuckled softly at Nialls surprised face. “It has truly meant a lot. Niall had been such a great influence for me as an artist and as a person, and finally being able to reconnect and let the relationship grow is more than a girl like me could dream for.” 
Niall rested his head on his shoulder with a pouty smile and you couldn't help but melt at how soft he looked. 
“I will now reveal the name of the first artist saved by your real time votes, and advancing to next week's finale. By the way, I'm revealing these names in no particular order. Here we go.”
Carson had called two names which were not yours or Ryley’s and it made the nerves tingle throughout your body.
“Your third finalist is…. From team Niall….” 
You and Ryley looked at each other with big grins 
…Maia Quinn!”
Your face dropped as you heard Carson start talking knowing it would be Ryley but when you properly heard him you turned to Ryley with a shocked face as he hugged you before hugging Novias. “A stunned Maia Quinn gets some love from her fellow semi finalist.”
You ran down the stage and jumped softly into Nialls arms from the top of the steps and he laughed, swinging you from the top to the bottom to hug you properly. “Yes!” he praised into your ear and you smile so glad you were here, with him.
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@youcan-nolonger-run @ravenclawdirectioner
@luxiorchive @maeflowers653
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nightowlspawn · 1 year
Addy: It goes under and over and this side goes over and under. Like that!
Nate: *Gets it right the first time somehow*
Luis: Wow. This is beautiful.
Addy: What the hell did you even do?!
Nate: You didn't follow the fucking pattern Luis! It's criss cross then tie!
Luis: *Swears at him in spanish*
Nate: *Calls him a swear word bronwyn taught him.*
Luis: *Gasps* No the hell you did not.
Nate: Yes the hell I did.
Bronwyn: Did you bring water?
Their future kid: Yep.
Bronwyn: *Checks their backpack* You're one person. Why do you have 6 bottles?
Their future kid: Of course one for me, we're gonna get some gatorades later, and for dad and uncle luis.
Bronwyn: Aww thats sweet! But you didn't have to do that.
Their future kid: I thought it was a good idea. They might need to touch some grass later. *points behind her*
*Nate and Luis spinning on the baseball bats they brought, and then Luis falling down and having to chug a bottle of saurkraut*
Bronwyn: What the hell-
Kate: Nate, you can be scary sometimes.
Nate: How?
Kate: This how. *shoes a picture of him dressed as billy from scream*
Nate: That's a cool picture.
Yumiko: Isn't it just kind of like, yknow, after everything-
*Maeve giggling at her phone*
Nate: What are you laughing at?
Maeve, struggling: Look at- okay this- its- *interrupted by more cackling and shows him her lockscreen while holding her stomach*
*A picture of him and addy is frog onesies and facemasks making baby faces*
Nate: *Also laughing* Delete that shit right now.
Bronwyn and Maeve's Aunt: It's so nice to see how close you all are! And i just love the relationship your sister has with her brother in law. *mutters to her mom* I wish that was the case in my experience you know what i mean?
Bronwyn: Brother in law?!
Nate, spinning Maeve in a circle on his back: Sorry what?
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maygrantgf · 1 year
im shaking in my boots! this is my haven au im very excited about it but it is currently in fucking shambles idk when imma post it. here's the beginning of the first chapter <3
was tagged by my beautiful lovely gorgeous friend @bigfootsmom
He feels hands gripping and clawing at him, but they gain no traction. Faces contorted as they scream in fear and agony. The bonds between humanity and order are absolutely broken as he watches them. They reach and grab for him, but he doesn’t even flinch as he is not afraid. He feels giddy- absolutely thrilled that he finally has the privilege to witness the carnage and wreckage. He feels a smile creep on his face. Yes he thinks, this is what it feels like to be-
Buck sits up jack straight in bed with a gasp, as if he has been electrocuted. Cold sweat drips down his face and soaks his sheets. He breathes hard, like he’s just run a marathon in his sleep. He closes his eyes and tries his hardest to get his heart rate back down. 1, 2, 3, 4…  he counts in his head, trying to distract himself from the visuals that have imprinted on his brain. He knows that after a few minutes he won’t even remember anything about the dream, but right in this moment it haunts him and makes his brain feel like it’s on fire. 
He doesn’t know how long he sits there for, just trying to remember how to breathe when his phone rings. He steals a quick glance towards his bed side and sees his boss’ name on the lockscreen. On autopilot, he reaches over to pick it up and notices the time; 6:45am.
“It’s a little bit early, isn’t it?” Buck says snarkily. 
“Oh, is it? Sorry, I just got in. I didn’t wake you, did I?” Bobby says distractedly. Bobby’s a great boss- the best one that Buck has ever had, if he’s being honest, but his boss has a habit of dialing phone numbers without paying attention to the time of day. 
Buck pinches the bridge of his nose, which is still a little damp. He’s gonna have to take another shower. “Um, no. I-I was already up.”
He hears Bobby pause on the other line, “Nightmares?” is all he asks. He’s known Buck for years and knows how prone he is to getting them. 
“Yeah. It’s all good, though. What’s up?” Buck would rather not dwell, yearning for a distraction from the images his mind has created for him. 
“I got a case for you- Haven, Maine. I’ve already emailed you the files. I need you to find one Jonas Lester and bring him back. That’s all.” Bobby says, insistently. 
Buck shrugs even though he knows Bobby can’t see him, “Sounds easy enough. I can be there in a few hours.” He’s already getting out of bed and aiming for the shower. 
“Sounds good. And Buck?” Bobby says and Buck stops to listen. 
“Focus on the job, alright?” Buck thinks Bobby’s words are strange; why wouldn’t he focus on the job? But his head is still muddled with twisted faces and claws reaching out for him, so he mumbles an affirmative and hangs up instead of asking.
Getting to Maine was a breeze, hardly any cars on the road and the scenic views were absolutely breathtaking. He finds his mood improving due to the fresh salt air flowing through the windows and settling over his skin. He hums along to the radio as his eyes excitedly jump over the mountainous views and the greenery surrounding him. As the song changes he thinks he sees a figure in the middle of the road. He gasps and then swerves hard to avoid collision. His rental car ends up nearly teetering the tip of a cliff. He briefly wonders how he’s going to explain this to the rental company when he hears a knock on the passenger side door and he jumps. 
“Need a hand?” Buck turns his head and thinks he’s stopped breathing. 
The stranger is quite possibly the most attractive man he’s ever laid eyes on. His hazel brown eyes, dark hair, and strong jaw makes him look like a supermodel. His dark brows furrow in concern at the lack of response from Buck, so Buck nods his head. 
The stranger nods back and disappears from the passenger window. Buck briefly thinks that the guy just up and fucking left him when he appears again at the driver’s side. He gestures to the locked door and Buck unlocks it. The stranger then reaches in the car and grabs Buck by the shoulder, hauling him out. When he turns around on solid ground, the car is already over the edge of the cliff. There go my new shirts he thinks morosely. 
“Damn,” the stranger starts. “Shame about the car.”
Buck shrugs, “Eh, it’s a rental.”
The stranger glances down and notices that Buck is armed, a gun holstered at his waist. He swiftly steps back and draws his weapon. 
“Woah! FBI! Who are you?” Buck exclaims as he draws his own. 
“Haven PD! Who are you?”
“I just said FBI! Are you deaf?” Buck says, exasperated. 
“Identification! Now!” the stranger demands. Buck starts to reach for his ID, which is in his upper right jacket pocket. The stranger starts to protest and Buck looks at him, annoyed. He puts his empty hand back up. 
“Dude, what am I gonna do? Pull out another gun?”
The stranger looks at him warily but nods to continue. Buck pulls out his badge, and brings it close to his face for ID comparison. The stranger squints, his eyes assessing. 
“Cmon, I showed you mine.” Buck gestures for him to take out his own badge. The stranger complies, flipping his badge to show his ID and brings it up to his own face. Eddie Diaz, the fine print reads. Buck lowers his gun and Diaz follows pursuit. 
“Sorry,” Diaz says, warily. “Can never be too careful, y’know?”
“Yeah, I get it.”
After a beat Diaz says, “need a ride?”
Buck is half tempted to be a brat and say duh, but he promised Bobby a long time ago he’d stop doing that because he’s an FBI agent and people need to “take him seriously”. Instead, he walks with Diaz towards his car. 
“Nice truck,” he says genuinely. 
“Thanks,” Diaz replies. “Had it since I was nineteen.”
Buck opens the passenger door and Diaz leans his hand on the frame, looking at the truck admiringly. 
Buck whistles, “how’d you keep a car that long?”
Diaz shrugs, “I don’t go driving off cliffs.” He says with a smirk and a teasing glint in his eye. Buck glares at him with no heat. 
“Too soon?” 
Buck rolls his eyes and slams the car door shut, not realizing Diaz hasn’t moved his hand from the frame. He promptly slams the detective’s fingers in the door. 
“Oh shit!” Buck says in a panic. “Dude, I’m so sorry! You okay?” 
Diaz doesn’t even flinch. “It’s alright. I’m fine.” He says nonchalantly. He then goes to the driver’s side and starts the car. Buck stares at him, confused. 
“Did you… did that not hurt?” 
“Nah, I’m good.” Diaz says, something guarded in his eyes.  
“Uhh, okay.” Buck says intelligently.  “Have you seen a guy named Jonas Lester recently?”
Diaz glances at him as he puts the car in drive, “Yeah, just left him.” He points the car towards town. 
tagging ... uhh @allysghostinthemachine @lovebuck @fairytaehl @honestlydarkprincess @swiftiebuckleys @yearsandyears
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gunsmiths · 1 year
what’s your phone wallpaper : at the moment, my lockscreen is astronaut hello kitty and my Home Screen is just a regular pink frilly background
last song you listened to : rabbit hole by aviva
currently reading : . . fanfiction
last movie : scream 6
last show : scorpion
what are you wearing right now : pink pajama top and pink pajama shorts
how tall are you : 4’9 I think
piercings / tattoos : I only have the traditional earlobe piercings but I do want a nose piercing one day
glasses / contacts : glasses RAHH
last thing you ate : waffles and sausages
favorite color(s) : light pink, baby blue, white, black
current obsession : scorpion . . tiktok, lumi athena
do you have a crush right now : yeah, my girlfriend <3
favorite fictional character : kai parker or stiles stilinski . . or percy jackson I dunno
last place you traveled : uhhh I honestly have no idea I think florida
tagged by : no one
tagging : you !
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peachy-ash · 9 months
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𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝟔
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taylorswiftt1 · 10 months
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Masón Gooding
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basbearship · 1 year
Tengaku (angry Freddy is a crazy thought, so I had to ask), Love Love Sugar, world execute (me), please!! This ask game has some absolute bangers 🤌
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-Tengaku: What does your F/O act like when they are angry, no, enraged, no, absolutely fucking feral and fuming?
So I hc that it's real hard to get Freddy angry, irritated is possible if you're persistent but outright feral rage? Something extreme to the nines has to be happening, because in a potentially scary show of sentience he will completely override his coding.
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If he's that mad it's probably because there's a major threat to the children at the Plex, or some kind of permanent fatal threat to his loved ones.
At that stage, he would prioritize their safety over any other procedure. You don't get asked politely to leave, he's running at you full force ready to do whatever it takes to remove you as a threat. He doesn't want to harm or kill anyone but uh...he will if he has to.
He'll give one warning, an enraged, wordless scream as he gears up to run the threat down, and if that doesn't work then whoever or whatever he's pissed at is getting charged at.
He loses track of his processes and systems, focusing solely on the problem, the closest he can get to "seeing red", and he loses track of his own strength if the situation escalates or drags out for any significant length of time.
He's horrified he's capable of all that after the fact, even if any damage he does is minimal.
the other two are under the cut just so this post doesn't get annoyingly long to scroll by!
-Love Love Sugar: Just gush, but in the most over-the-top yearning way you possibly can. Please overuse the heart emojis if possible.
I'm trying to shake off being embarrassed about this still but I'll do my best-
I just think he's neat, I really love how friend shaped and visually calming he is, he makes me very happy just to even see, I keep a few pictures of him on my phone and my laptop just in case I need em, and my desktop background has been a pic of us for about 6 months already 👉👈 my lockscreen isn't but my phone wallpaper is a different pic of us.
I love his lil ears and his nose, I love wearing his hat and playfully threatening to steal his bowtie. His eyes are so vivid and pretty, despite everything he has such gentle hands and words, I wanna hold his hand all the time forever.
He's not soft and squishy like a lot of other people's partners but he doesn't have to be, we build up nests of pillows and blankets so we have flecible means to cuddle and be close and it makes my heart weepy every time i see him in rest mode or just.. relaxed, away from the busyday at the Plex. Just getting to wind down and not have to perform.
I'll stop there tho or I will get i n c o h e r e n t
-world execute (me): What is the saddest song that still suits your F/O?
So avoiding FNAF fansongs lol, "Leave me alone" by I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME
Can't be good being the star of the show all the time...
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infi-delity · 5 years
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It Is The End Merch Designs As Lockscreens (Click For HQ)
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lea-noah · 5 months
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never forgive me
"Master, please never forgive me. Master, Hate me. Kill me. [anything] please..."
obikin edit from Across the Stars series made by l e a n o a h | # 1 | # 2 | # 3 | # 4 | # 5 | # 6 | # 7 one of my favourite (heartbreaking again 😭) obikin fanart ❤️❤️❤️ by @mandhos pin | deviantart c | 09. 01. 2024
The lockscreen Version. 👇 Free to use and share (please credit or link) Thanks.
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fanart : @mandhos overlays : Carllton textures : erinaeErae psd : ciaracoloring
[ inspired/based on ]
Guilt. There’s no other feeling more human than guilt. Nothing can expose the human flaws, its own confines better than guilt. For only then, you’re made aware of your human condition. The utter misery and absurdity of it. [...] No, you must have everything, given everything you ever could wish for, power, fame, luck, love, have the world at your knees or thinking yourself above it all, above death itself, above everyone, for only you have the right to have it all and do whatever you want with it. You are free, you are able and justly entitled to decide what should or shouldn’t happen, what is your own, who is yours and belongs to you. For you are none other than Anakin Skywalker. The one and only Chosen One this galaxy had ever known, the legendary Jedi, the “Hero with No Fear” every being in this galaxy has heard about, fearless since the famous hero forgot he’s just a human. He didn’t forget. He acted like he did, because it was easier. It was easier to live in the illusion of him being invincible, ‘cause otherwise… he would remember what he really is, like when his mother died. A human. No, less still. A small pathetic weak human and he knew it then. Fear. Even with him still having his cherished “all”, he threw himself to gain even more. To get more admiration, more recognition, more honor, praise, love… but most of all, power. Only more power, the supreme power could face his fears. Could crush it. Erase it forever. Wipe out this annoying defect blemishing his existence. He’s no ordinary human. He’s above it. For he has it all and can have even more. Yes, he can. He will… it’s what he thought.
He never actually asked himself why was he offered so much?! Why was he given everything that made him feel important, feel wanted, feel…happy. Oh, the answer is never simpler. Because it will make a karking good show of watching him lose it all. It will be so much satisfying to see everything he had, crumble before his very eyes, no, better yet, blasting it all with his own hands, will it not? Falling to degraded mindless scug, no, even lower, for he became nothing more than a slave…willingly. To Palpatine, to power, to fear. He threw away anything left human in himself because he was afraid to live as one. Anakin Skywalker would have been dead to the world and to himself foremost, since to think himself alive, to call himself with that name again, would mean to accept everything he did. Everything he destroyed. Everyone he killed. At last, accept he is only a human or even less, for he can change nothing. He’s helpless. He can’t erase his deeds or revive the ones he killed. He can’t ask forgiveness from the loved ones he betrayed, as he never will be forgiven. He has no right to be forgiven. He may die for the world, for the whole galaxy, save it, save every living soul on it. He may burn alive for them, let his screams of pain entertain them, let his blood wash the dirt on their soles, let his tears choke a whole flaming river, let his knees grow in stone and it still wouldn’t be enough. It will never be. And this he knows now, it’s what is called guilt. His guilt. To want to do all of that only to lessen it. A fraction. A scrap. A breath lighter to take in, a tad less feeling like rotten sand are filling his lungs. Like the air carries screams of whom he slayed. He’s dying. That’s what humans do. Worse yet, as he’s doing it himself, slowly, oh, so very slow, with every taken breath, with every strangling beat his heart dares to pound. His body knew of pain that nearly wiped out his mind with its intensity, however even that paled beside what his guilt feels for him now. And it gets worse. Since he is given it. A second chance. Warmth. Love. Trust. Happiness if he chooses to forget everything. He’s given so much, more than he ever had… and with every small smile, warm hand or caring gaze he’s gifted with, everything that Obi-Wan gives him, with it Anakin Skywalker dies. His guilt is killing him, and the slashes are getting heavier, sharper, unbearable more. For he understands he doesn’t deserve any of it. He can’t have it. He shall not. He was not forgiven. He will never be.
| Chapter 24 "Guilt and Peace" from "Chosen: from the Ashes" by lea noah
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kinokomynx · 2 years
Cute Headcannons of Ejirou Kirishima
Warnings: Intercourse mention and biting 
Authors note: Isn’t very detailed and may be shorter, as I have writing block. Sorry! Following and r3blogging is very appreciated!! 
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Kirishima is very dorky, even if he’s a top 10 hero; he still has the dorkiness of him. He loves to tell you jokes, puns and a fresh batch of dad jokes. He especially loves it when you tell some back. Though, Due to him being dorky, doesn’t mean he isn’t always happy or feeling good. Some days, he gets uncomfortable in his own skin; specifically his quirk. He is phenomenal communicator, he always tells you how he’s feeling, and if he has a problem; he tells you and rants to you. He also wants to hear from you, like how you’re doing. 
Due to him being tall (6′6 or 6′8) he always wants to make your life way easier in any aspect he can, whether him bringing food to you, making your lunch, opening doors for you, carrying your bags and coat, or  carrying you home after a tiring night.
Loves it when you help him with his hair, by meaning; possibly by dying his hair, touching it up or even staying in the bathroom to keep him company.  Purposely messes up his hair, hoping you’ll come over and fix it, kisses your face while you help his messed up hair.
If you are at the Beach, this shark man, will carry you on his shoulders if you two are swimming in the deep ends. Loves building sand castles with you, as “childish” as it sounds; he loves doing competitions with you to see who has the most tallest, or most detailed sand castles. 
LOVES TO CUDDLE, after he comes home from a rough day of hero work; you bet he’s in your arms, relaxed and has in face in your neck smelling you. You then force him to get into the shower, after he gets out; he’s back into your arms and cuddling on the bed. He loves any cuddling position, that makes him feel like he’s protecting you; big spoon or laying on you. Speaking of showers, he will ask you to jump in with him every time he’s at home. No matter if you’ve taken one, he’ll ask you to jump in with him because he missed you. Loves tickling you, loves hearing your laugh.
Hugs hugs are very affectionate, same goes with his kisses. He loves coming up behind you, hugging you tightly around the waist and resting his head on your shoulder or on your head. He loves kissing your nose, and jaw. He finds them very manly! 
Always compliments you throughout the day, they're not basic compliments, he tells you what he thinks about you and what he LOVES about you. Nicknames for you are; Gorgeous/Handsome, Love, and Babe. Loves the cheesy names. 
Due to him being strong and huge, he still works out. Always invites you to his workouts; He loves when your on his back, counting the push ups. Or, if your under him, he’ll kiss your nose every time he goes down. 
If you guys are out in public, he will intertwined his fingers with your hand, and rub circles on your palm. He will also have one of his hands on your waist, signaling people that you belong to him. Plus; you are his lockscreen, and homescreen. If your ever uncomfortable with the bakusquad or at a hero meetup. He’ll make an excuse so you two can leave
He has this little thing called, “Shark Attack” where he screams it and spins you around and bites you very gently. Both of you land on the floor, laughing your asses off. 
Self care weekend, both of you in the bathroom floor, putting face masks on, painting nails, re-dying his hair, and massages. 
Always asks Katsuki about cooking, loves making your favorite meals and loves making you sweets. Will wake you up on his rare days off, and brings you breakfast in bed. Makes sure it’s very special, all in place and loves kissing you and cuddling you while your eating.
After incourse, he’ll make sure your okay. Ask you if he did okay, if he hurt you or if he was to rough. Makes a bath, with your favorite scented candles and puts out pajama’s out for you both. Washes your hair, and puts lotion on you while telling you you’re very pretty. Makes sure to be soft while washing the bite marks and putting lotion on top. 
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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