#screaming WHY MUST EVERYTHING HAPPEN AT ONCE !!!!! at the top of my lungs while driving down unfimaliar roads
milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Drove around for an hour after therapy scream singing music and I screamed FUUUCKKK at the top of my lungs a couple times while driving on empty back roads and it didn’t fix me :/
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unfoldingmoments · 1 year
I am Dead
Life is beautiful, but it has an end. One Sunday afternoon after church, I made plans with my best friend, David. We were excited to meet up and have the opportunity to see the greatest baseball game ever. We had waited for a very long time for this to happen. The best two teams were going to play against each other that afternoon. They were the best of their division, with the best record, and it was going to be a faceoff. The weather couldn’t have been any more perfect than it was that afternoon: Mid-70s and blue sky, not even one cloud in the heavens.
David and I grew up together watching these two teams play, way back from childhood. I asked him to meet me by my house, as he lived within walking distance from my place. We were going to drive to the stadium in my car. We were amped up and fired up and ready to go. David was cool, easygoing, tall and slender, with jet-black hair and light brown eyes, and
he enjoyed the gym. He had a charisma with the girls. I was medium built, with jet-black hair, dark brown eyes, and I loved working out.
David and I were inseparable and the best of friends. As he approached my house, I was waiting outside in front of my car. He yelled out, “Hey John, how’s it going today? Are you ready to see your team lose?” I laughed out loud. We got in my car. “I must say, John, you keep this car in mint condition, beautiful and shining. This is a great sports car.”
As we headed down the road, I was so tempted to turn on my CD player and pump up my Christian music. But I felt a little uncomfortable doing that; you see, my best friend wasn’t a Christian, so I didn’t want to offend him. As I turned on the radio and was trying to tune to a station that would be OK, all I heard was David scream at the top of his lungs, saying “Watch out!” And then the world went dark.
What is life? What is its value? What price tag could you put on it? Why are we here? It’s funny how we get a birth date, a place where we are born, and a time to die. But what happens in between these events? I heard once that as soon as we are born, we start to die. In the meantime, we grow up, go to school, travel, make friends, make career choices, and get a job. Many people choose marriage, while a few remain single.
Life is a journey. We know that the station where we get on the train of life is called the birthplace, the hospital. As we travel through life on this train, we pass many stops, circumstances, situations, and opportunities, but we never know where and when will be the final stop. As I opened my eyes, not having a recollection of where I was, I found myself surrounded by doctors and nurses. As I tried so hard to put the pieces together, I realized that I was in the intensive care unit of a hospital. I heard the voice of the doctor; he reassured me that everything was going to be OK. But in a flash I remembered my dear friend, David. As I turned to the doctor, in a small whisper I asked, “How is my friend David?”
The doctor bowed his head and in a gentle voice said, “Your friend didn’t make it. He passed away.” There was a cry in my spirit, knowing that David wasn’t a Christian. That night I fell into a deep sleep because of the medications given to me, and I had a vivid dream.
In that dream, I was in my house. It was a beautiful day, and as I stared out my living room window I saw the mailman approaching the house.
I jumped out of my recliner and ran to the door, down the three steps of the house, and to
the mailbox to get the mail. As I shuffled through the letters I saw a light bill, a phone bill, my mortgage, and in between there was an unusual envelope, an envelope like I had never seen before and with very unusual writing on it.
All it said on the envelope was, “A letter from your best friend, David.” My hands started to shake as I opened the letter. My breath was heavy, and worry and fear came over me. This is what I read:
Dear Best Friend,
I hope this letter finds you well. As for me, I wish I could say the same. I find myself in a place where you can’t count the days or the time, the months or the years. I was given this one opportunity to write you this letter. Here goes. Why, why, why?
We grew up together, we denied each other nothing, we wore each other’s clothes, we went to the same elementary school together, we skipped over to junior high school together, and we landed in high school. We shared many classes throughout our education, we knew each other’s best secrets, but there was only one great secret that you kept from me. His name is Jesus Christ.
Why, why, why, did you keep this one secret from me? I thought that you loved me as your best friend. Now I find myself in a place that words can’t even describe. A forever place of no rest, sadness, sorrow, grief, torment, torture, and, all along, you knew about this place and you kept this away from me, the truth. Who would have known if you had shared your faith with me, like you shared everything else with me?
As I write this letter to you, my tormentors are waiting for me. These are my final words to you, my dear friend. You were a Christian, and yet you kept the best from me. Were you embarrassed; were you ashamed? Why would you do this to me? I could have had Jesus in my life, but look at me now. Farewell forever; I will never see you again. The tormentors are waiting for me.
How is your evangelism to the dead world that we live in today? Are you ashamed of the Gospel, or are you living for Christ? Are you a mouthpiece for Jesus Christ, or has the devil shut you down? Are you standing on the tomb of the dead and calling people out, or are you just passing them by? We are called to sound the trumpet. My question is, does your trumpet have the sound of Jesus Christ? Ref: Chapter 11 : I am Dead, From the book: "Unmasking the Devil: Strategies to Defeat Eternity's Greatest Enemies" by John Ramirez
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
I’ve got you, I promise
Loki x fem!Avenger!reader
Summary: Y/N has a nightmare about her mum’s death, her being murdered by HYDRA because of her powers when Y/N was a child years ago, her daughter hearing everything. Haunted by the memories, comfort is found in a certain God of Mischief.
Warnings: very angsty but fluffy/soft ending, Readers Mother Death
Word Count: 1662
Message/ask if you want to be added to the taglist <33
Requests are open loves :)
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“Stay here, do not move, okay?” I could faintly hear her mumbling, hiding me under coats and blankets in the storage cupboard, I could feel her hands shaking, matching the scared expression she held. She was trying to put on a brave face for me, despite knowing that I could hear the booming explosions outside and the banging on the door. I didn’t want her to leave, I knew what would happen if she set foot outside that door.
“Please don’t go” I spoke, only to be hushed quickly, her thumbs caressing my face and wiping away the tears that refused to stop flowing. My grip on the end of her sleeves felt deadly, silently begging her to stay, hoping that if I hold her tightly enough, she’ll hide in here with me. Her lips were the last I felt of her, the gentle kiss full of love pressed against my forehead, her tears falling onto my cheek and mixing with mine.
“I love you, sweetheart” She smiled, her eyes beginning to glow purple. It was time to go.
“I love-”
Darkness. One turn of a key and she was gone. The sounds weren’t though. I heard the gunshots. The explosions. The men’s screams. I’m sure if the coats weren’t on top of me, I’d be able to hear the punches, it was that loud. I thought once the noise stopped, I'd feel relief. It was over, surely? She was coming back for me. She has to be. It was only when the door was opened, well, kicked in, that i’d realised. She wasn’t coming home.
I sat bolt upright, sweat pouring off of me as I tried to catch my breath. This was the third time I'd had the same nightmare this month. I put it down to it being my mothers birthday in the upcoming weeks, my subconscious must be taunting me. As I began to ground myself, reminding myself to take deep breaths, I noticed how dry my throat was. Water. I need water. Before I knew it, I was shuffling quietly towards the kitchen in the Avengers compound, trying to not wake anyone as I filled a glass and went to look out at the city. It was so quiet outside. So peaceful. I felt a pang of jealousy, ‘The city is getting more rest than I am’. The city that never sleeps. The irony.
It felt as though I stood for hours, watching cars drive the streets of New York and the occasional bystander pass their flat window, realistically it was only a couple of minutes before I heard someone clear their throat behind me.
“Can’t sleep?” Loki.
I turned slightly, smiling at the God standing behind me, holding up my glass.
“Thirsty.” I murmured before turning back towards the window, silently hoping he’ll return back to his room.
I had no problem with Loki, ever since the New York incident, we all agreed to be civil, besides the occasional bicker between him and Stark, but generally we all tried our best to co-exist. Loki and I often found ourselves in discussions, I’d tell him about how I became an Avenger and the different missions I'd been on and he’d tell me about his life back in Asgard. I usually love hearing about his tales, especially about his mother. It’s obvious in the way he talks about her that he adores her. However, I don’t think I could handle it tonight.
“Now now, I like to think that I know you slightly better than that my dear. You seem troubled.”
“Reading my mind there, Loki?” I questioned, receiving a chuckle and a faint smile as he walked to stand beside me. As I looked out the window again, I could feel his gaze burn the side of my head.
“Not so much as reading your facial expressions. Your eyebrows furrow a certain way when you’re troubled. May I?” He asked, holding his hand out towards my face. Despite not knowing what exactly he was asking, I nodded in response. His thumb gently pressed against my forehead, smoothing out what I assume to be lines of anxiety found there. It didn’t last long before I flinched backwards, trying to avoid his touch. Not there. Upon seeing his slightly concerned glance, I spoke again, still not meeting his eyes.
“I’m- I’m sorry. It’s not you.”
“No, no don’t be sorry. I shouldn’t have invaded your personal space. I must ask though, are you okay?”
He raised his eyebrow, nonverbally questioning my answer.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
It was a strange question to me. I’d always kept this part of my life to myself. The rest of the team had no idea about this part of my past, sure, they knew my parents were out of the picture, but I hadn’t explained any further than that. This loss, I’d never shared it, never spoke a word about the nightmares or why I lock myself away on the same day every year. I don’t think they thought to question it. We all had our past, our memories, our losses. As Steve would so kindly put it, we walk it off. But here Loki was, God of mischief, standing before me and offering to listen to it. Something about the way he was looking at me, patiently awaiting for me to make the next move, I don’t really know what happened, I heard myself before my mind had processed it.
“It’s my mum’s birthday in two weeks.”
“I’ve never heard you speak of your mum” He spoke, appearing to look relieved that I had started to talk to him, however, still being patient with me and letting me decide how far I let this conversation go and what I say. The next sentence, I’ve never said aloud.
“She died.” My voice cracked. With arms crossed at my stomach, the glass of water long forgotten on a side table, my eyes finally met his. I could see the sadness floating in them, I’m sure he could say the same about me.
“I’m so sorry, love.”
“I was young at the time.”
“That can’t make it any easier”
“No, it doesn’t” I mumbled, tears now starting to fall again. I gave him a small smile, barely noticeable i’m sure, nonetheless, he returned a sympathetic one. His silence felt like a cue to continue, I breathed deeply as I started to talk again.
“It was HYDRA. They killed her. I never really knew the reason for sure, I assume it was because she wouldn’t join them and they saw her powers as a threat on the opposite side. She locked me away. Kept me hidden as she went to fight them off. She never returned.” The last sentence leaves my mouth as a slight whisper, my gaze returning to the city again.
“That’s terrible. I’m incredibly sorry for your loss, my dear. Is this why you’re up?” He asked, stepping slightly closer towards me, but still giving me my space. I nodded, hesitant to share more, but the look in his eyes and feeling him stood so close gave me a sense of comfort. Like I could trust him. He’s told me personal things about his life on Asgard, I can trust him with this.
“I can still hear everything. I can’t imagine how many men there were outside attacking us, but I could hear their pain. Their screams and the darkness haunts me. Not once did I hear my mum scream, I assumed that was a good sign, I still remember the spark of hope upon hearing the silence. But when S.H.I.E.L.D agents appeared in front of me, I remember feeling it fizzle out twice as fast. I thought it was her coming back. I didn’t think that her kiss and her ‘I love you’s’ would be the last I had of her.” My breaths started to shake again, remembering everything as I was saying it out loud.
“I didn’t- I thought”
“Shh shh, hey, hey, Y/N, Look at me, hey” The God spoke, crouching down slightly, his hands on my shoulders grounding me a little. His messy black hair and green pyjamas all looked like a blur through the tears pooling in my eyes.
“Deep breaths for me, in for 6, hold for 2 and then out. Do it with me” He spoke slowly and clearly, starting to demonstrate his breathing, trying to encourage me to follow. I started to slowly follow his lead, gradually feeling more air reaching my lungs with every breath we took. After a few minutes, he gently took my hand, and placed it on his chest, where his heart was
“Feel that?”
He took my other hand and placed it at the same spot, but on my chest instead.
“Focus on the beats, okay?”
I nodded, still not relying on my voice to communicate for me. It helped a lot, following his breathing and feeling our heartbeats begin to settle down and fall in line with each other.
“Loki?” My voice sounded small, like a child.
“Can I have a hug? Please?”
“Of course you can darling. C’mere” He stood up, opening his arms and beckoning me into them. Soon, his heartbeat could be felt right at my temple, it was more soothing than I had expected. We’d stayed like that for a while, tiredness had started to take over, something the man above me noticed.
“Would you like to stay with me tonight? You don’t have to, I can return you to your-”
“I wanna stay with you. Please.” I mumbled, barely audible mainly due to tiredness.
“Alright, let’s go. I’ll protect you from any nightmares. I promise.”
Loki may be the God of Mischief, known for his lies and tricks, but he kept to his promise as he held me through the night, using his seidr to settle my mind and anxieties. I’ve never slept so well, all thanks to him.
Taglist: @horrorxweasley​ 
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show-choir-gal · 3 years
How You Two Meet - Slashers Preference
Masterlist of Masterslists
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Thomas Hewitt: You were walking by the house after escaping a potential assaulter You had been walking for what seemed like hours. You had sliced clothes and open wounds. You were shivering uncontrollably and your eyes were swollen from sobbing. It was dusk when you came across a lone farm house in the middle of who knows where. You were so tired from walking, the attempted assault, and crying. Your body was finally starting to give out. You started to trip over almost every little thing. A sheriff car rolled up behind you. "Hey there, I'm sheriff Hoyt. Are you lost?" The man said as he rolled down his window to talk to you. That was the last straw and your body finally let go and you fell to the ground crying. Hoyt got out of his car and grabbed you and placed you in the passenger seat. Once you two were parked by the farm house, Hoyt called for a woman as he grabbed you and carried you into the house. He placed you down on a chair in the kitchen and a woman came running in. "Oh gosh, what happened?" The woman asked as she looked at you then Hoyt. "I don't know, she was just walking when I found her." A man in a leather mask walked into the room and immediately he was drawn to you. He stared lovingly at the woman in front of him. "Thomas, please stitch this young lady up so she can get better." The woman said as she sent the man to fetch his supplies. "I'm Luda May. I think Thomas really likes you. He'll stitch you right up and I'll fetch you a glass of water and you can explain everything, alright?"
Bubba Sawyer: Your car broke down by the farmhouse You were driving down a long dirt road when all of a sudden your car started to make a strange noise. You tried to power through it but to no avail. The car slowly came to a stop and would not turn back on. You screamed at the top of your lungs. When you looked back to the scenery in front of you, you can see two men walking towards you. "Everything good?" One of them said. "M-my car just broke down." You replied. "Ah yes, that often happens on this road. I'm Nubbins." The second man said as he smiled. "I'm sorry miss, I should've introduced myself. I'm Drayton. Nubbins and his brother are pretty good at cars and can get you on your way in no time. Would you like to come into the house to get away from this dreaded Texas heat while they work on your car?" "That would be great actually. I really appreciate the help. I'm Y/N." Nubbins stayed behind and Drayton walked you to the house. "We have a guest!" Drayton yelled as he lead you around the house and then finally lead you to the living room where an old man and another man with a mask. You sat down as Drayton explained what happend. Every now and again the other man, named Bubba, was always seeming to be staring at you. As soon as Drayton left, the old man spoke up. "Could you help me into th-" He started to ask with a smirk. "No." Bubba declared, which startled you. The old man began laughing, "Bubba seems to really like you."
Michael Meyers: You were stalked during your babysitting Your parents were going to a Halloween party and called you to come and babysit your little brother. You drove from your college to your childhood house and greeted your family as they waited for you in the living room. They handed you $20 for dinner and kissed you and your brother goodbye. You two ordered some pizza and fries and hung out for a little bit until you looked at your brother and told him that he needs to do his homework. "But why?" He begged. "Because I don't want to be yelled at for letting you get away with not doing homework. Besides, I'll do homework with you so you're not alone. After we're both done we can bake some Halloween cookies, deal?" He took and your hand and shook it, "Deal." "Alright kiddo, we got this." You two finished your homework about an hour and a half later and then once that was cleaned up you two started on the cookies. The cookies finished baking and you took them out of the oven and put them on a cooling rack. "Yo, who is that? Is that a friend of yours?" Your brother asked as he looked back out the window. "What are you talking about?" "Look!" You looked out the window to find some person in coveralls and a pale white mask, "I have no idea who that is, they're probably just trying to scare us." You grabbed a sandwich baggie and put some cookies in it and grabbed a handful of candy that was meant for tomorrow and you opened the door and looked in the direction the person was originally standing. "Halloween is tomorrow asshole, but I like your spirit. Here's some candy and cookies for the night. Make sure you stay warm, it's a bit chilly out." You placed the items on a little stool on your porch, "Have a goodnight." You said before you went inside. Michael was hiding in the woods, but suddenly felt this warmth inside him when he witnessed your kindness and just not being scared or freaked out by him.
Brahms Heelshire: You were looking after Brahms (in doll form, obvi) This goes right along with the movie, but before Greta. Forget Greta even happened.
Jason Voorhees: You were renting a cabin for the summer You just wanted a nice and peaceful summer, so you rented a cabin right by the popular Camp Crystal Lake a few towns over. You pulled up to your cabin and took a little tour before you started to bring your bags inside. Unbeknownst to you though, while you were bringing your bags inside, Jason was watching you bring your bags inside. Jason would normally be observing to kill but, he was intrigued by you. You weren't loud and partying, you didn't dress in only sleazy tops and short shorts. You were by yourself, quiet, kept to yourself. He watched as you finished unpacking and sat on the front porch and...just started to read a book . The wind was blowing your hair out of your face and you were smiling gently to yourself. Jason really liked that about you. You were different to the people he killed, and he liked and appreciated different.
Billy Loomis: He saw you at the local coffee shop You had just moved to Woodsboro with your parents. You moved because your father found a better studio to write for and so you all moved with him. You weren't one to complain, this could be worse, it could be a lot worse even. Once the final moving boxes were put away, you kissed your parents goodbye and heading to find some nice places around the town. You found some nice boutiques and parks and a beautiful movie theatre but you came across a really cute coffee shop and chose to stop by. You ordered a latte and a muffin and started to subtly people watch. Your eyes were caught on a boy who was already looking in your direction. You smiled at him and he smiled back and you finished your latte and you left. Stu was going on and on about how he should make a move, but Billy just watched you as you left the shop, a smile never leaving his face.
Stu Macher: You were assigned as partners for a project This was the final English project before midterms and you were just hoping that you didn't do all the work again. Your teacher was assigning groups aloud when she called your name, "You're working with Stu Macher." Kids snickered and the teacher shushed them all and you just slung your head back. "If you can get him to do his work, I owe you a spa day." Your best friend whispered in your ear. "You just earned yourself a bet!" You exclaimed in a whisper as you held you hand out to shake. The project was a breakdown of a book turned movie and the differences between the two. Class eventually ended and you packed up your things and headed straight to Stu's locker. You spotted him and made your way over. "Hey Stu, we got assigned as partners for an English. We can talk about the project tomorrow in class. I chose Psycho for our project, I think I remember you talking about it a few times so I hope you don't mind. See you tomorrow." You said with a smile as you walked away to your own locker.
Bo Sinclair: You stop for gas at his gas station You were on your way to visit some friends and had to make a quick pit stop to use the restroom and get gas. You pulled into this run of the mill gas station and went inside to use the restroom. Bo had been staring at you since you pulled up but you brushed it off thinking that it's just his job. You walked out after washing your hands and grabbed a few snacks on the way to the counter. You placed your items in front of the gas station attendant - Bo. "What is a pretty young thing doing here today?" He asked with a smirk. "Just making a pit stop while heading to see some friends." You replied with a smile. "Well they must be lucky to have a friend like you. How much do you want on your pump?" "$17 please." "Snacks are on me, as long as you give me your number." He said with a wink. You blushed and wrote your number down on some receipt paper and handed it to him. You grabbed your snacks and headed out to your car and then started to fill it up.
Vincent Sinclair: Bo takes you home to kill you You were just chilling at the local bar when gas station attendant Bo started to strike up a conversation with you. You two hit it off pretty well so you two decided to ditch the grimy club and head over to his place. Bo was a gentleman and opened all the doors for you. He gave you a brief tour of his house and led you to the living room, he had you sit on the couch and he asked if you wanted anything to drink. You said you only wanted a water and he smiled and went to the kitchen but there was immediately some commotion. Vincent came out to see Bo's newest victim, but when he looked at you he fell head over heels for you. Bo didn't like this, but Vincent never felt this type of way for anyone so Bo gave up his blood thirsty ideas. He came back with some water and said, "My brother Vincent thinks you're pretty and wants to get to know you." Bo said with a smile
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renchinworld · 3 years
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Renjun x fem reader 
fluff & angst // word count: 3.2k
This is the story of Renjun’s childhood friend who he left in Jilin when he followed his dreams of becoming an idol.
Now six years have passed, dozens of awards, hundreds of thousands of fans, and a triple million selling album later... he comes back home to see her engaged to another man. 
A blizzard is coming to Jilin and it’s the strongest one China has ever seen. 
___ ___ ___ 
 “I passed the auditions!” Renjun hugged you tightly, shaking you from side to side in joy. “I’m going to Korea!”
“Congratulations.” You smile, tears forming at the sides of your eyes.
Renjun’s dream has always been to be an idol, but your dream was always him. To be with him. 
For him to spill out the words that his eyes never fail to say everytime you catch him staring at you. 
For him to realize that maybe he didn’t give you his coat on cold winter mornings when yours did not make you feel warm enough just because he thought of you as a friend.
For him to tell you that what he truly wants is to just be an ordinary man in Jilin, grow old with you, chill with each other in the warm fireplace as you look back on your lives in old age.  
To leave it all behind and choose you.
But that would be selfish. That would leave Renjun always wondering with what ifs. He would be with you but his heart would be stuck with a dream he never got to achieve. Like an empty vessel of a person you once loved. You can’t bring yourself to do that to him just to make him stay. 
You love him so much to cut off his wings when he wants so badly to fly. 
“Shouldn’t you go home and pack?” You ask with a forced smile. You’re on the verge of crying in front of him. He needs to go before he sees your tears.
“Right!” He jumps. “By the way, you’re the first one I told. I’m gonna prank my family and tell them I didn’t get accepted first hehe. Serves them right for trying to stop me from going.” 
“You meanie.” You chuckled and he smiled. 
“Come on. You know I love them and it’s just for light fun,” Renjun ruffles your hair and you almost tell him not to leave you then. You bite your lower lip to stop yourself and his eyes land on your lips before he clears his throat. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You’re always the first one he told everything to. That was your place in his life. But now, seeing him walking away from you, you realize he no longer belongs only to you and you to him. 
He will be loved by a thousand screaming fans and he will perform for them in return.  He will end your calls at night earlier than usual because he has to meet other girls and boys in the morning for a fansign event. He will eventually stop messaging you as he becomes busy and you’ll wonder if he forgot about you completely.
Renjun will get his wish while you can only dream of yours. 
He will be shining as always. Under the bright, blinding spotlights and the glowing eyes of his many supporters. While you will be at your hometown, staring out at the snowy mountains, reminiscing the days when he looked at you the same way his fans look at him now.
Then you will wake up one day and realize that maybe this is bearable enough. 
Maybe it’s okay to continue on, knowing that in this short life you met the one you’d choose in a hundred lifetimes, but he couldn’t choose you in this one. 
Maybe you’ll finally agree to that arranged marriage your parents have been trying to set you up to. 
And maybe you will change your dream to an actual goal instead of a person who will end up leaving you. Maybe, just maybe… you will forget about Renjun too.
And that’s exactly what you did. Or so you thought.
“Honey, remind your fiancé that we’re having his family over for dinner,” your mom says, poking her head out of the kitchen. “Call him, okay?”
You nodded and proceeded to just text Hendery. This arranged marriage isn’t out of love and you both know it. He’s in love with someone else and you’re not willing to give your heart to him. There’s no reason to call each other over things you can just text.
“He says they’re coming.” You said, walking towards the kitchen and making yourself green tea by settling it over ice and waiting for it to melt. Someone you once loved told you this is the best way to make them.
“You didn’t call him?” Your mother asks, concerned. You shrugged. “He’s a nice boy, sweetheart. You’ve been engaged for years and yet you still--”
“Mom, please,” your smile never reached your eyes. “We’ll be fine.”
“Is it because of Renjun?”
You gulped. The mention of his name felt like the cold air that hits you when you step out of the house. It felt like beautiful smiles fading into the background. Like a thousand dreams that were thrown into the fire but the ashes keep on coming back, smothering you and making it difficult to breathe.
“No.” You said almost immediately. 
“I heard he’s back home, taking a short vacation.” She presses on, concern plastered on her face as she studies your expression. “Have you talked to him yet?”
“He’s probably forgotten about me.” Your heart was clawing at you from the inside. “Let’s stop talking about him, mom. Do you need help?”
“No, honey. I’m almost finished. You should just get ready.” She pats your back and goes back to cooking dinner. 
Finished with making yourself look presentable, you went down stairs. 
You stopped halfway when the doorbell rang.
No one rings your house doorbell. Hendery texts you whenever he’s in front of your house. Your father just goes in when he comes home from work every month. 
Only delivery men use that contraption. But it’s night time right now. What delivery company would be on duty at 8 in the evening?
“Sweetheart, open the door for me, okay? I’m setting up the table.” Your mom called out from the dining area. 
Something feels off. What if it’s a murderer? Nah, you’ve been watching too many true crime documentaries.
You looked at the peephole just to be sure. 
You wished it was a murderer instead. 
That would’ve been better for your health than Huang Renjun carrying a bouquet of flowers in front of your doorstep.
“What happened?” Your mom walks towards you. You look back at her, the color in your face gone. “Why aren’t you opening the door?”
She grabs the doorknob but you stop her, shaking your head. You hissed. “Don’t!”
Your mother’s eyebrows furrowed. She peeks in the peephole and sighs before she uses her strength on you and forces the door open despite your struggling.
“Oh look, it’s Jilin’s superstar! Welcome back!” She smiles, genuinely happy to see the boy who made your entire province proud. Asian parents amirite. “Come in, come in. Just in time for dinner.”
“Thank you for your hospitality.” Renjun says as he steps in and pays his respects. His voice was deeper than you last remembered. He was taller, more regal looking and even more handsome. How is that even possible?
Your eyes meet and a million memories flood through your mind. Him hugging you, telling you that he’ll be back soon. Not soon enough. You crying every night until one day you just stopped because you became numb. Not numb enough. Him saying goodbye on the phone one last time before he ghosts you. You cursing him on the top of your lungs and crying in the middle of a storm, wanting to just sink into the snow and freeze outside for years to come.
“Hi,” he says and hands you the flowers. Your eyes flutter, your hands are shaking as you receive it. You don’t know if you should be angry or what. “How are you?”
How are you? You chuckled bitterly. “Great, thanks for asking.”
“Hang his coat, honey. I’ll be in the dining area if you need me.” Your mom says quickly to mask the contempt in your voice and leaves the both of you. If your mother noticed anything, she pretended not to notice. The tension was so thick, it probably suffocated her.
“Won’t you ask me how I’ve been?” He smiles and your throat constricts. You don’t say anything so he sucks a deep breath, continuing. “We’re triple million seller idols now.”
“C-congrats.” You say, forcing yourself to not say more because if you do, you might say things you'll regret. You place the flowers down and he hands you his coat for you to hang. A whiff of his perfume passes. He smells like how a cozy and warm morning would be if it was a scent.
“I’ve missed you. I’m sorry for not reaching out--” You didn’t have enough time to process what he said because your phone suddenly rang in your pocket. He nods, eyes never leaving yours. “Go ahead. Must be an emergency.”
It was Hendery. You picked up. He only calls when it’s really important.
“Yes, Hendery?” Renjun's expression darkens at the mention of Hendery’s name. “A blizzard? Okay, I understand.”
You walk past Renjun and went to the dining area where your mother is. “They can’t come, mom. Can’t drive because the blizzard suddenly worsened.” 
“Oh no,” she pouts, then her expression changes when he sees the man standing behind you. “No worries, we have a guest to help us finish the meal. Don’t we, Renjun?”
“Of course, it’s an honor.” His honey voice from behind surprised you. You didn’t know he followed you. “Careful.”
He caught you in his arms when you almost tripped. You were quick to stand up and remove his hold on you. Your mother just stared amused. You were always too composed and collected, but Renjun brings out a clumsy side to you she’s never seen before.
“It’s a shame her fiancé couldn’t meet her childhood friend.” Your mother sighed when all three of you were seated. You and Renjun sat across from each other while your mom was beside you. “The blizzard really did it this time.”
“Fiancé?” His brows knitted, mouth hanging open, waiting for your mom to say he heard it wrong. 
“Hendery.” You said, not looking at him while taking a bite of the steak. “We’ve been engaged since 2018.” Since you stopped talking to me.
“Ah, of course,” he takes a bite out of his food but his eyes are still glued on you. “Congratulations.”
“They’re to be married next month. So exciting!” Your mom exclaims beside you and brings more food to your plates. “Eat up, babies. You both grew up so fast. You’ll probably have babies of your own soon!”
You cleared your throat, feeling the heat on your face. You probably looked so red right now.
“But…  next month?” He asks again, this time not bothering to cover his distaste of the marriage topic. “Isn’t that too soon?”
You said nothing. Why does he care anyways?
Your mom explains for you that Hendery’s parents have been trying to get you both married since last year but you keep on saying you’re still too young. 
“Right!” Renjun extends a hand to prove his point. “What if she changes her mind?”
He looks at you, trying so hard to steal your glance from the food. You give in and look at him. You almost gasp. This is the first time you’ve ever seen Renjun look this desperate. Not when his parents told him not to go to that audition. Not when he talks about becoming an idol. This was much more intense. Like he was about to do unspeakable things to you if you don’t answer him right now.
“I-I don’t think I’ll change my mind.” You finally say, feeling the heaviness in your chest spread through your body, tingling at the end of your fingers. 
“Of course you won’t.” Renjun leans, shoulders rolling back as he adjusts his posture. He says nothing to you throughout the whole meal. He smiles and humors your mother when she shares more stories but he has never looked at you again.
“It’s dangerous for you to leave now,” your mom says, worried. Renjun insisted on going home because their house was within walking distance, but the air was blowing outside at terrifying speeds. “Just stay the night like you always do when you were kids, hmm?”
But we’re not kids anymore. Now, we’re young adults who are totally frustrated with each other. That’s not a good idea. But going outside is evidently much worse.
“You can use her brother’s room.” Your mom laughs from the living room where they both are. Your brother Lucas has rarely visited since he married. “You’ve always been like a son to us anyways, even her brother gets jealous of you sometimes.”
Renjun laughs with her, remembering the good ol’ days. You roll your eyes. 
“Thank you so much. I’ll behave, I promise.”
Your mom turns to look at you. You’re washing the dishes in the kitchen. “She’s always insisting to hand wash instead of using the dishwasher. I taught her well.”
“I’ll help her. Please get some rest.” He smiles warmly at her and walks towards you. You both hear your mother go up the stairs, leaving you and Renjun alone again.
“Next month, really?” He asks, grabbing the plate from your hand.
“We’ve already talked about this over dinner.” You sigh. “Just drop it.”
“Are you even sure you want to marry him? Don’t you like someone else?” His tone carried a meaning behind it. Like he knew. 
What does he even know?!
"I'm marrying him and that's final." You say sternly, your patience drying up. “That would make me happy.”
“Since when did you start lying to yourself?”
The ticking bomb within you explodes. Years of sadness turned into rage and it filled your heaving chest. Your eyes started to water. Renjun settled the plate down when he saw your expression and faced you, apologizing immediately.
“Please don’t marry him.” He suddenly pleads as he kneels down, touching your hands and looking up at you. “Come back to me. Please.”
“What? Why are you so--” you stop to breathe out loudly. Tears began spilling and your heart felt like jumping out. You wanted to shout in his face. Why do you care?! Why are you begging?! What are we?!
But only a fountain of tears followed. Years of practicing what you would say if something like this happened just blurred in your mind. No amount of practice will suffice once your first love comes back and tells you something like this. None.
“I’m so sorry,” Renjun stood up and wiped your tears away. His eyes also started to become teary. “I know I’m not in the position to tell you that but I still did. I also know I’m way too late, but I just want to tell you that I love you. I really, really love you. I tried to forget my feelings because I know it would be difficult for you to end up with someone like me, but I just can’t get you out of my head.
“Every time my group members asked me if I liked someone, I would say no but in the back of my mind all I see is you. Whenever someone sings your favorite song, I would remember how beautiful you looked when we sang it together. Every moment I go up on stage, I always wondered if you’re watching me from somewhere in the crowd. Every winter when it snowed in Seoul, I would think of how the snowflakes fell softly on your hair here in Jilin. I may have left, but my heart stayed with you.
“I’m sorry I stopped talking to you. I knew you liked me back so I thought it would be selfish of me to let you wait for so long because of the path I chose. You didn’t stop me from following my dreams back then despite that. So I thought to myself, ‘she sacrificed for me, but I can’t do the same for her?’ and I decided that I needed to let you go. You deserved to be happy, too.
"I stopped reaching out so you could forget me and finally be happy in someone else’s arms. I was ready to let you go. But when I heard you were getting married next month, I couldn’t bear it. I can’t imagine it. I’d rather die. I’d rather give up on everything than see you walk down the aisle for another man--”
His voice cracks. Head drooping down into yours as he hugs you tightly. As if he let you go now, he would lose you completely. As if he doesn’t squeeze you like this, you will end up continuing with the marriage. 
You looked up at the ceiling, tears flowing and mouth hanging open from his words. Isn’t life funny? For years you were scrambling for answers and in just a mere minute, everything has started coming together.
“Renjun...” You say, your voice low and shaky. “I can’t breathe.”
He loosens his hold on you and looks you in the eyes. His hands cupped your face. “Did you hear me? I said I love you. I said I really, really, really love you.”
“I heard, dumbass.” You cough up a small laugh, the tears won’t stop falling. “I love you too.”
He sighs, relief washing over his face. “Marry me instead?”
“Dude, don’t you think you’re going too fast?” You say, your hands planted on his chest. Eyes puffy. Renjun only found it cute. 
“The last time I stalled, I almost lost you. So I’m going all-in now.” 
“You’re a kpop idol. What am I supposed to do if you're on tour and I need to give birth, hmm?”
"Don't you think you're moving faster than me? I'm just at the marriage part and you're already at pregnancy." He chuckles. "Then again, maybe we can rearrange the order of things…" 
You smacked him on the chest lightly. Who knew he could make dirty jokes like this now?
"You told my mom you would behave."
"Your mom likes me and wants grandchildren. I don't think she'd mind." 
"Shut up." You say with a smile and he kisses you. You didn’t expect him to come in stronger than a blizzard and break down all your defenses. His kiss. His truth. His love for you. Him.
There’s still a lot to be done before you two can be free to love each other without worries. But it doesn’t matter. No matter how challenging it is from here on out, you two will have each other and that's all you need. It would be like this. Always. 
Renjun's kiss deepens and he smiles victoriously as you melt into his arms. A dozen awards and a ton of trophies he received, but none of those comes close to winning your heart.
From upstairs, your mom smiles to herself. She heard everything when she went to ask what's taking so long but backed away quietly when she heard you both crying.
"I knew these kids just needed a little push. Oh, oof. We have to cancel that engagement…."
___ ___ ___
a/n: Dude I loved writing this so much I actually didn’t want it to end lmao
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Spin the Bottle pt.2
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Shawn Hunter x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1695 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Reader walked out, but Shawn isn’t really going to let that slide.
Part 1 ——————————————————————————————————
“Why you could never like me like that”
Your words echoed in Shawn’s head for a moment before he spoke, his head basically spinning at the turn this had taken. A second ago, he thought he’d be fully making out.
...Not that he really minded.
Clearly what you were going through was really bothering you and he wasn’t going to just brush over that. He cared about you far too much to ever do that.
This had to be gone about in the right way, gently, not that Shawn had ever been good at that.
“Is that what you think? You think that there’s something wrong with you?” he laughed, finally getting you to look up from between your knees.
Was he laughing at you?
What part of this was possibly amusing him?
“Please Shawn, you saw how they reacted? They think this is a joke. Even they know that there’s no way you could actually want to be in here with me” you scoffed again, gesturing back to the door, indicating the whole gaggle of teens.
This was going to be the talk to school for weeks, and you would be the butt of the joke.
All they saw Shawn as was the poor guy who got locked in a closet with you.
...And again, he laughed.
“I don’t care about them. They don’t know anything about you” he had a point, sure, but that didn’t make their ridicule any less hurtful and that didn’t make your point any less valid.
You knew that he was just trying to be a good guy and you didn’t want that. You didn’t want to be some charity case, just because he cared about Cory.
“Don’t worry about it Shawn, really. It was my mistake for ever thinking I belong here” you sighed, standing from your seated position to leave before he could even think to stop you.
At the moment, it didn’t even matter if you had to walk home. Anything would be better than having to make a fool of yourself any longer.
You were met with a chorus of oohs and ahhs when you opened the door, the room full of whispers and hushed laughter but you didn’t even pay that any mind.
Not one of them could phase you after what you’d just been forced to realize.
You were right.
There was never a chance of Shawn caring for you in the way you cared for him and that was enough to break your heart, even if you thought you had it all figured out before.
“Hey Hey, What’s going on?” Cory tried, grasping at your shoulders in an attempt to stop you, which you could have easily stopped. All you had to do was keep walking and he wouldn’t be able to keep you from leaving.
...But you stopped anyway.
This wasn’t his fault.
“Nothing, I’m just going home okay?” you assured, doing your best to put on your brave face, though at this point, you may as well have been sobbing.
Everyone could tell that there was something wrong, and while most of them didn’t care, there was no point in hiding what you had going on.
It was like he said before, they didn’t know anything about you.
“Did something happen? Are you okay?” he asked, always worrying even when he didn’t have to. You could have seen this coming a mile away but still, you nodded.
“I’m fine Cory, I promise” you assured, heading up the stairs without even bothering to look back. For the moment, Shawn was just staring at the floor in that closet, trying to figure this all out, but you didn’t know how long he would be.
You know one thing for sure, and that was that you weren’t going to be standing here when he finally put the pieces together and came back out into the light.
Talking about it once was bad but having to say it all again would drive you out of your mind, so you made yourself scarce.
Or at least, you got out of that house.
You only got to the curb before you stopped, sitting down right there by the street. You still weren’t sure how you were getting home quite yet, but you knew that wandering alone in the dark wasn’t a good idea.
Maybe once everything had cooled down a little, you would go back inside and call Eric to pick you up.
If you had gotten the chance that was.
Before you could even think straight, Shawn came rushing out of the house, having just figured out what this was really all about. He felt like an idiot.
“There you are!” he hummed, more to himself than anyone else, rushing over to where you were sitting. He had no idea what he was going to say or why he even thought this was a good idea, but he didn’t care.
Right now, all he wanted to do was talk to you.
“I was worried you left,” Shawn sighed, sitting down beside you. At this point, he wasn’t sure if you even wanted company but that didn't matter. He knew you well enough to know that being alone wasn’t what you needed.
Even if all you wanted to do was yell at him for being an idiot, he would let you.
The worst part of this whole thing was that you knew that, and it made you feel guilty.
All he wanted to do was play some stupid little party game and now you felt like you’d ruined his whole night.
“I should have” you shrugged back, not even bothering to look at him. The cold night air was nipping at your skin and your head was beginning to throb but even still, the tension between the two of you was the worst of it.
There just weren’t words to make it all better.
“Maybe, but I’m glad you didn’t” he smiled, watching the way you fiddled with the tattered sleeve of your sweater, nervously picking at the fraying knit.
You were so hard on yourself, and somehow he hadn’t realized until now.
Frankly, when he looked at you, he didn’t see a single thing he would change. Sure, you weren’t a size zero, your thighs touched and your tummy bulged above the waistband of your jeans but he didn’t care about any of that.
Shawn had dated nice girls and girls who couldn’t have been more nasty to him, but not once did those things have anything to do with what she looked like.
...And he’d never turned down a girl because of what she looked like.
Though, you must not have thought that same rule applied to you. If anything, Shawn would have thought you’d be more inclined to tell him how you felt, seeing as the two of you already had so much history.
“You don’t really think that, do you? That I wouldn’t like you because of the way you look” he asked, after letting the air between the two of you settle for a moment or so.
That was the part that bothered him the most.
You didn’t even give him the courtesy of asking him, or telling him how you felt. That could only mean one thing-you must have really thought he was some kind of scum bag.
It would be a lie to say that didn’t hurt.
“Shawn, you don’t have to take it personally. That’s just the way it is. Guys like you date hot chicks like Libby Harper and there’s nothing wrong with that” you shrugged again, genuinely unphased by it.
In your eyes, that was just the way it was always going to be and there was no use fighting it.
“We’re friends, and that’s okay too. Just pretend I didn’t say anything” you suggested, finally daring to look at him, your eyes shining lightly in the dark, telling the male you’d been crying.
You were really shook up.
“No. You don’t get to just do that to me” he started, turning fully to face you, snatching up both your hands in his own to make sure he had your attention.
Was that really how you were planning on ending this whole thing? By just pretending you’d never said anything.
That was crazy. 
“You can’t tell me how I have to feel, because you’re wrong” he scoffed, practically yelling by this point, though he wasn’t upset. He just wanted to make sure that you heard every word.
This was quite possibly the most important thing he would ever say to you, and while this wasn’t really how he thought this would go, it would do.
“Now you listen to me when I tell you that you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and if anything, I was scared you wouldn’t be into me” Shawn laughed, thinking back.
There were so many times that he’d nearly been caught ogling you, or made a joke at your expense just to see the way you faltered. The only thing keeping him from admitting it was his own reputation.
From where he was sitting, you deserved much better than he could ever give you, so he kept his opinions to himself.
It wasn’t until he realized, standing in that closet, alone, that you felt the same way about him that he did for you.
“What, why? That doesn’t make any sense. You’re Shawn Hunter” you laughed, rolling your eyes at that. For as long as you could remember, Shawn could have had any girl he wanted.
Now he was trying to tell you that he was afraid of you rejecting him.
It didn’t make any sense.
Even still, when he leaned forward, gently bracing your jaw just like he’d done in that closet, you found yourself leaning into his touch all the same.
It didn’t make any sense, but it was hard to sit in front of the man and tell him that he didn’t know his own mind. As much as you wanted to scream at the top of your lungs that he was wrong, his kiss proved you wrong.
Maybe you had been wrong after all.
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
good times
things come to a head, as it were. part 3 in this lil trilogy.
warnings: kinda long, almost all smut, probably one of the dirtier things I’ve written in a while
A/N: once again, I apologize this is so long and there’s no keep reading break. Even if tumblr did work on my laptop, my cat chewed up my charger and it’s dead so.. yeah. Sorry again.
The next afternoon finds you and Grayson in his car, munching on a lunch of Monty’s and sitting in otherwise companionable silence as Cudi’s album plays quietly from the speakers.
You had slept like a rock the night before. The heat from Grayson’s body in his almost too-comfy bed beneath the fluffy comforter, with his arm slung around your waist to keep you close to him all night, had lulled you off to sleep faster than you can ever remember having done before.
The orgasm might have helped, too. But it was him that had kept you safe and cozy and warm enough to wake up feeling like a new woman.
Enough so that you let him coax you awake in the middle of the sunrise this morning, his eyes puffy but cheeks full as he grinned down at you sleepily and pushed a rogue chunk of hair out of your face. That gruff morning voice convinced you to do the unthinkable — leave the bed and go on a morning jog with him.
“Fine,” you had grumbled, not sounding nearly as sexy as him with your raspy, unused voice. “But you owe me.”
Grayson chuckled, and you felt the dip in the mattress as he stood up and stretched. “Owe you what?”
You cracked an eye open and watched him, the thick muscles all over his body elongating as he lifted his arms over his head with a big yawn. He’s just wearing his underwear, and you’re suddenly very conscious of the fact that you’re similarly dressed in a pair of his boxers and his hoodie he had given you after... everything.
He says your name, and your eyes zip to his handsome face; away from where they had been admiring the perfect curve of his ass in those skin-tight briefs.
He’s full-on smirking at you, and frustratingly you can feel the flush creep into your cheeks despite yourself. You groan and bury your face in the pillow. “Shut up.”
To your surprise, the bed shifts again as he climbs back onto it on his knees. You turn your head just in time for him to dip down and press his lips to your temple gently.
“I said you can tell me what I owe you after we’re done with our run.” He yanks the covers back, and your disapproving whine turns into a giggly yelp when he smacks your ass lightly. “Chop chop, little onion. Let’s go.”
The run wasn’t bad, even though you had to borrow a pair of shorts and some tennis shoes that were a half size too small for you from Kristina. He let you pick the playlist to play through the speaker on his phone, and you actually enjoyed the rush of crisp morning air around you. But after putting you through a watered-down version of his calisthenics workout after the run, you decided that what he owed you was a nice, juicy vegan burger to replenish yourselves.
“You know what I just realized?”
You’re halfway through sucking a big bite of ice cream off your spoon when he breaks the comfortable quiet between you. Your brows raise in question, and he casually throws another fry into his mouth before continuing, eyeing you through the side of his sunglasses.
“After all we’ve done lately... we’ve never even kissed.”
That throws you for a loop. Your gaze drifts unseeing out the windshield as you consider his observation. Now that you think about it, you can’t recall that happening, either.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” you say, pulling the now-clean spoon out of your mouth. You scoop a bit of whipped cream onto it, and slip it in again as you look up at him with a smirk. “At least, not on the lips.”
He gives a little huff of laughter through his nose, accepting the bite of ice cream you offer him. There’s a brief moment of silence as he sits back in his seat a bit and swallows. “We should change that.”
You’re hunting through the cup of milkshake to find the perfect chunk of Oreo when he says it, and you jerk your head in surprise. “Oh.. yeah?”
Grayson nods and smiles. “Yeah.”
You swallow. Why are you suddenly so nervous? “Now?”
He shrugs. “Now. Later. Doesn’t matter. I just think we should.”
What a dumb question, you tell yourself, mentally giving yourself a face-palm. Grayson seems unfazed by it, though, and just keeps looking at you softly as he sucks a bit of salt off his thumb before crumpling up his napkin and stuffing it in the paper bag.
“Just doesn’t sit right with me that I’ve licked your pussy and not — well, your other lips.”
“Grayson!” He’s unbelievable, saying stuff like that so casually. You reach for his tea and take a big chug, feeling your face heat up while he laughs heartily.
“What? It’s true!” He snatches the drink back and takes his own sip, pushing his sunglasses to the top of his head. “Are you forgetting that the first time I saw you naked was when you masturbated for me? Don’t get shy on me now, babe.”
You pout at him, annoyed,because he’s right. You don’t even have an explanation for why you’re being like this; one of the reasons you and Gray always got on so well from the beginning is because you had basically no filter with each other, both comfortable with talking about everything from bathroom habits to hookups. But there’s a level of intimacy you now share with him that does, indeed, have you... well, shy. Anxious.
Grayson must sense a shift in your energy, or maybe he just notices the way your eyes suddenly can’t stay off his lips, try as they might. He sits the drink in the cup holder, and you both subconsciously shift in your seats to face each other better. His hand reaches out and cups your cheek, his long fingers curling around your jaw and into your hair, his thumb brushing your lower lip gently.
His hazel eyes dart to your mouth, then back to your eyes, and there’s a mutual movement the both of you make toward one another, so that neither could claim or decide who moved first. But suddenly his lips are planted softly on yours — much softer than you would have anticipated for Grayson to be. They’re firm for a second as you both process the moment, but it’s definitely you who quickly lets out a little gasp and shifts just enough so his full bottom lip gets trapped between yours.
His breath is warm as it escapes through his nose, and there’s pure electricity when he pulls you closer with that hand on your face that slides to the back of your neck. Your own hand clutches at his arm as the other uses the console for leverage to push yourself towards him, too, all while you take turns sucking and nipping each other’s lips.
Your mouths are slippery when you finally part for breath, however much later that is. You both sit back in your respective seats, chests heaving a bit as you smile to yourselves and consider how amazing that first kiss was.
He looks at you, brow raised but swollen lips lifted.
“I don’t want to stop.”
Grayson’s eyes darken, heat smoldering in his gaze as he lets out a deep breath, reaching for your hand. “Fuck. C’mere, please.”
You shake your head, even though your body is screaming to give in to his request and scramble into his lap. “Too busy outside,” you point out, nodding to the hustle and bustle of LA right outside the window.
Grayson sighs again and interlaces your fingers together. “Buckle up, then. Let’s go home.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice, and before you know it he’s putting the car in drive and taking off down the road.
“Too bad we’re not in the Tesla,” you say slyly, unlocking your hand from his so you can rub your palm across his lap. You grin when you feel the start of his erection beneath the thin shorts he’s wearing.
“God...” Grayson takes your hand again and kisses the back of it before tangling you’re fingers again and holding them together over the gearshift. “Next time, baby, next time.”
Your heart thrills at the thought of a ‘next time,’ but for now you concentrate on making it home for this time.
By some kind of miracle, there’s hardly any traffic on the way back to the house. The air is electric between you the whole time, and Grayson barely has the car in park once the gate is shut and you’re in the driveway before he’s unbuckling and throwing himself at you.
You welcome his kiss with a moan, sliding your fingers through his thick hair as you welcome his invading tongue past your lips. It slides against yours with practiced ease that has you positively melting into your seat — which you’re made aware you’re still trapped in by the locking of the seatbelt when you try to lunge at him to get even closer.
Grayson grunts, and presses the little red button for you as he rips his mouth away, then leans across your body with his eyes locked on yours the whole time to open the passenger door.
No words are needed; the look you two share does enough talking. You both scramble out of the car, holding hands as soon as you meet again. Grayson leads you to the front door as you hurry behind him, and you follow him past the threshold closely. Luckily, there’s no one between you and his room to stop and ask questions or pass judgments, and the click of his bedroom door is the final barrier you need before you’re on each other like wild rabbits.
You reach hastily for each other’s tops right at the same time, and you both smile quickly. He lets you go first, raising his arms above his head so you can whip his t-shirt off with relative ease, even though you have to go on your tip-toes. You barely get the chance to admire all those smooth muscles before you’re blinded by the fabric of your own shirt.
“I’ve wanted this for so fucking long,” Grayson says lowly, admiring your tits in your sports bra for a second before he’s removing that, too. You smile shyly and help him rid you of the constricting garment, throwing it across the room once it’s cleared your head.
“Me too.” He’s pulling out your ponytail next, letting your hair cascade around your shoulders freely. You step back and kick your shoes off while he does the same, tugging off your shorts and underwear as well before jumping back into his arms once you’re both naked.
Grayson groans and hoists you up, and your legs lock around his waist as his lips find your neck. His dick, already completely hard, gets trapped between your hips and his belly, and you rock into it slowly. You sigh with modicum of relief it brings, and your eyes roll back when he bites down at the junction of your shoulder. You thread your fingers tightly into the hair at the back of his head to hold him there. “Fuck... Gray..”
He grunts in response, turning to walk you to the unmade bed you had both vacated just that morning. You cling to him as he lays you down, unwilling to let him go far even though he’s quite literally completely on top of you. He puts enough space between your torsos so he has room to gaze down at you beneath him. Hair fanned out on the pillow, dark red marks already rising to the surface of your skin, breasts full and heaving.
“So beautiful,” he says, sliding a hand up your side, stopping to squeeze your waist, which makes you squirm, before cupping one of your breasts in that calloused palm.
He’s the beautiful one, really. His eyes are soft and sweet, glowing a certain shade of green you’ve only seen a couple of times by now. His muscles bulge, his lips extra pink and puffy. His dick stands tall and thick between you.
He’s almost too much, too perfect. But you can’t let this go any further without making sure he knows what you really want of him, more than anything.
“Gray,” you say his name again, getting his full attention. You grin demurely up at him, and reluctantly take his hand away from where he’s squeezing your tit pleasurably. Eyes locked on his, you kiss his warm palm before murmuring. “I don’t want to stop.”
He looks a little confused, and his thumb strokes your cheekbone slowly. “I know, baby. Isn’t that what we’re doing?”
You nod, taking a deep breath. “Yeah. But I just — I don’t want to stop ever. I want to be able to have you all the time. Whenever.”
Grayson keeps staring down at you, and you blush furiously even as a smile breaks across his handsome features. “Are you saying you want to be together? Like for real?”
You sigh in relief, and hold his hand still so you can nuzzle your cheek against it. “Yeah. I - you know I suck at words.”
Grayson chuckles and lowers down to his elbows, his mouth so close to yours you can feel his sweet breath against your lips. “I do. It’s fucking adorable.”
Your smile turns wider for a second, but in the next you bite your lip and you wrap your arms around his neck to keep him exactly where he his. Your fingers dip down to blindly trace the lion tattoo on his sinewy back. “Do you - I mean, do you want the same?”
His expression softens, and he stares down at you for a moment before answering you with a gentle kiss.
“Absolutely,” he mumbles against your lips. “Didn’t I just tell you: I’ve wanted it for a long time now.”
“Let’s not waste any more, then,” you whisper heatedly, the drive to become completely consumed by him glaring up in your chest, your belly, your pussy once more.
Grayson seems to be on the same page, because the kiss he meets you with this time is hot and heavy and has you grinding into each other with thick moans and hands all over one another.
You wiggle your hand in the minute space between your bodies to grasp his dick, which is already slick from your juices. You watch his face as you give him slow, steady pumps, swirling the precum around his slit and twisting your fist at the head.
“Want this dick inside me,” you whisper, a fierce edge to your voice that has him biting his lip with a groan and his hips thrusting hard into your hand.
He shakes his head, whether in disbelief or an answer to your demand, you’re not sure. “Lemme eat your pussy again.”
Any other time, you would already be pushing on those broad shoulders, but not now. “The last couple weeks have been enough foreplay, I think. I want all of you, right now.”
He stares deeply into your eyes, as if he’s checking to make sure you’re sure, and you nod at him.
Grayson sighs and slips his hand down to join yours, wrapping around your slimmer one to guide him inside you together. You both inhale sharply, and let go of his cock as he sinks deeper, eyes locked once again while he slides home.
“God... damn,” he whispers harshly, tucking his hand behind your neck and dragging you up the short distance to meet his mouth.
You whine in return against his lips and hitch your knees higher up his waist, rubbing his back comfortingly as you both acclimate to him being inside you for the first time. He’s already stretching you out better than anyone has before, made even more intense by the fact that it’s Grayson in you, on you, around you.
“Fuck me, baby,” you beg sweetly, the pet name slipping past your lips with surprising ease.
You nip and suckle his earlobe, moaning loudly when he obeys and pulls out almost completely before pushing back in to the hilt slowly.
Grayson builds a rhythm like that, steady and perfect as he follows your cues to give you exactly what you want. When you whimper for him to fuck you harder, he sits up just enough to hook your knees over his elbows, then leans down over your body once again to thrust into you with an even better angle with better leverage.
“You want it like that?” he asks shakily, his voice gruff and full of sex as he pumps in and out of your pussy with dangerously smooth, even strokes that have you crying out his name in answer. Your hands claw at his thick, round shoulders, nails digging into the snake head and the bird feathers inked into his golden skin “Fuck, your pussy feels so fucking good. So fuckin wet, baby.”
You force your eyes open and stare at his flushed face, admiring the sweat clinging to his chest and brow and the way his chain dangles between you. One of your hands leaves his shoulder and hooks a finger into the silver, using it to tug him down for a deep, wet kiss that has your toes curling in the air.
The angle change has you gasping against his mouth, your lips dropping open against his as you tell him desperately, “Right there, right there...” and slide your hand between your bodies to rub the perfect slow circles on your clit.
He must feel you getting tighter around him, because he groans into your open mouth, sliding his tongue inside to meet yours sloppily. “Oh my god, baby, you gonna cum? Huh?”
You let your loud, breathy cries be his answer, until your moaning out his name as you clamp vice-like around his dick.
Grayson’s hand knocks yours out of the way when he feels it falter, and he takes over for you so you can ride out the bliss without distractions. He slows his thrusts inside you, until your breath has calmed down some and the flutters of your pussy fade away.
You open your eyes to find him enthralled by your blissful features, and smile up at him tiredly. Grayson lets your legs fall from his arms, and you wrap them instead around his waist, your hands finding the sweaty planes of his back. “Holy shit...”
“Yeah?” Grayson smirks down at you. His hands find your breasts and squeeze them, his thumbs rubbing your nipples, before letting one hand travel up to your jaw. He slips his thumb past your lips, letting you suck on it with pure seduction in your eyes as your hips twitch beneath his.
“Your turn,” you murmur, arching your back when he sits up to his knees and takes hold of your waist. You thrust your arms beneath your pillow, letting your tits bounce enticingly with every hard thrust he gives you in search of his own release. His eyes flit impatiently between where his glistening cock is disappearing over and over inside your swollen pussy, to your chest, to your pretty face begging him with both eyes and quiet whispers to let you have it.
It doesn’t take long for him to let out a guttural growl and pull out quickly, jerking off over your stomach as he shoots ropes up your torso. You hum contently and take over for him, thoroughly enjoying the warm liquid white streaking up your skin as you watch him fall apart.
Grayson collapses next to you weakly, chest heaving as he comes back down to earth. You grin and slide over to snuggle up to him, kissing his pec when he throws a heavy arm over your shoulders to hold you there as best he can in the moment.
You give him the time he needs, until he’s turning his head and coaxing your lips to his. You indulge him for a moment, then pull away with a low hum.
“We should shower,” you suggest with a happy sigh. You look down at your tummy and breasts, chuckling. “Your cum kind of got everywhere.”
Grayson laughs. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
You smirk and grab his hand, using his own finger to collect a streak that’s managed to stay almost completely on your skin, scooping it up and sucking it into your mouth with your eyes on his. You give him a wink.
“Won’t be the last, either.”
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local-space-case · 4 years
Bakugou Katsuki is Not A Loser
Word Count: IDK
Rated: T (mention of abuse, self-loathing, cursing)
AO3 Account: FerociousFerret (out here only posting first drafts on a whim why?)
When Bakugou sees the looming  silhouette of Endeavor at the hospital outside of Todoroki’s room, he thinks he feels a million emotions at once.
Some he’s familiar with like fury, annoyance, and the protective fire he venomously denies exist are the ones off the top his head. But there’s also fear. An emotion he’s embarrassedly familiar with. A deep anxiety clawing it’s way out of his chest while still somehow keeping a tight grip on his lungs. It commands he stay rooted in the middle of the bleach white hallways that even so quiet he thinks they must be louder than he is. He wants to say something. He wants to yell, scream, curse, kick the fucker out the goddamn window, but he can’t.
Until the number piece of human shit takes a step closer to the door.
“OI! You can’t fuckin’ go in there!”
It comes out like the nasty snarl he was hoping for. The pro hero glances at him with a look disdain before reluctantly taking a step away from the door. Bakugou assumes he must not want to cause a scene. Doesn’t stop the stubborn shit from arguing with him though.
“He’s my son, I have a right to visit”. His tone was clipped, formal, placating, like he was delusional enough to think Bakugou was going to lose this fight.
Bakugou Katsuki was not a loser.
“Last time I checked, trash belongs outside not stinking up disinfected air.” He lets his gaze linger on a door across the hall. “Besides, I don’t listen to losers.”
Endeavor seems to puff up like a pissed off cat. God, so that’s where Strawberry Shortcake gets it from.
He looks like he wants to beat Bakugou into the ground and Bakugou lives by the philosophy of ‘If it can crawl, it can brawl.’, so he’s up for anything this fucker has to offer. But he doesn’t, instead he closes his eyes and inhales like he’s having an fucking asthma attack.
“You shouldn’t insult your elders.” Endeavor says after a beat. Bakugou huffs a laugh.
“Or what? You’ll hit me?” It’s an attack and based on the way the hero recoils, he knows it. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows it because it was broadcasted on live television. It was like a car crash, so gruesome but you just can’t tear your eyes away until you see that everyone is okay.
However, like a car crash, it’s abundantly clear that no one in the Todoroki family is okay. But, Bakugou didn’t find out when the crash happened. No, he knew the truth deep down when he saw the unsteady swerves of one of the drivers who had the audacity to essentially give him first place at the Sports Festival.
Bakugou thinks about that moment a lot. Usually at night when he can’t sleep because he feels like someone’s watching him, he wonders what Todoroki saw that snuffed out the fighting spirit he’d paraded around before their round.
He’s young, but he’s not naive. Not anymore. He knows, undoubtably, that during their fight Half ‘n Half didn’t see Bakugou’s drive to win, he saw his father’s flaming fists.
He feels his usual scowl paint itself onto his face, “How does it feel knowing your entire family is afraid of you?” The older man doesn’t say anything, deciding that floor is much more interesting than the conversation Bakugou wants to have. The conversation he needs to have.
“Number One Hero, hah?,” he mocks, “You know, that’s really fuckin’ funny. That’s a hoot ‘n holler. You could be a stand up comic.” he gives a pause waiting for a reaction. He doesn’t get on.
“Too bad they don’t like sacks shit lyin’ around.” A pause. “You didn’t answer my question by the way, so tell me, how does it feel knowing your whole family is afraid of you? That you have no friends because you decided you didn’t need them, you only needed to be on top. Well,” a sharp bitter laugh echos through the hall, “congratulations.”
He stalks up to Endeavor and gets up in his personal bubble. He can see a blue eye trained on his own red ones. With a pointed grin, the blond knows he has the man’s attention now, so he keeps going.
“How does it feel knowing that you lost? And before you open that fuckin’ cavity ridden mouth of yours, you’re gonna listen and you’re gonna listen good.” Endeavor had tried to open his mouth to object because apparently the idea of losing something was getting to him. Bakugou could deal with this.
“How can you call yourself a hero after everything you’ve done? How do you do that? How do you sleep at night knowing that the so-called number one hero can save a civilian but fuckin’ torment his family?”
Endeavor is trying to ignore him. He can tell because his eyes are once again back to the floor. He won’t let him though.
“How does it feel knowing that, after all these years, even though you won, you lost.”
Bakugou is, and has always been competitive. He wants to be the best, he needs to be the best, because only the best people can be heros. He’d always adored All Might growing up, but not the same way Deku did.
When Deku saw All Might, he saw a beacon of hope, a peace bringer, an unstoppable force of nature. He saw a role model. A mountain of a man who was as strong as a tiger, yet gentle like a rabbit. Someone who uses their power for good instead of evil.
When Bakugou saw All Might, he saw a winner. A strong man who beat villains into the ground and obtained more money and praise than anyone else could ever hope for in a lifetime. He didn’t see a man, he saw a king who had kept a tight hold on his crown. He wanted to take it. So, yes he liked All Might for his position of power, but he respected Endeavor.
Endeavor may have been the number two hero, but Bakugou saw himself in him. He saw the fights on tv with the walls of fire, the punches, the yelling, he saw it all. Endeavor was not like All Might, he never backed away from a fight, never bothered to try and find a peaceful resolution, but he always won. He won with fiery fists and scowls and he didn’t smile for the press, he wasn’t fake.
Bakugou thought he felt hate for Deku, but now he knows better. This is hate. This feeling in his heart that’s screaming, hurting, burning.
This is hate.
This is hate because he can see his reflection in this monster draped in human skin.
He sees himself pushing Deku away because he thinks he’s superior, kicking, hitting, burning, screaming, he can see it all. He can see Deku become smaller and smaller and he remembers how happy it made him because Deku knew his place and that meant he won.
He sees Endeavor hitting his wife, screaming til he’s blue in the face at Todoroki, his siblings tear-streaked faces when they realize Touya is never coming home. He sees Todoroki’s determined expression flicker with fear before dropping to the ground like a rag doll. He sees Endeavor’s please smirk turn into a sour scowl because his son didn’t get first, he didn’t win. He sees Todoroki sitting in the main area while all their classmates pack up to go home for the holidays with raised hackles and paranoid glances at the slightest noise. He sees what once was Todoroki Touya on live tv telling the whole world his father’s sins and he wants to make him pay.
He sees the ambition, the anger, the low tolerance for anything that isn’t the best, the need to be the best at everything all the time but, Endeavor didn’t win, did he?
Endeavor became the number one hero because his rival fell, but he did not win. He was a martyr to the public, but a monster to his family. He was the monster under bed, the demons in their heads, the footsteps they should fear, and the man they should not love, but worship.
He took and took and took until his family had nothing left to give. He sleeps at night uncaring that his family don’t have a home they have a graveyard full of phantom memories of the lives they never got to live and the dreams they never got to chase. They get the ghosts in the mirror, a walking corpse for a body, and the perpetual state of mourning the love they’d never receive.
Then again, maybe Endeavor didn’t win or lose, because you can’t win a game you aren’t even playing. The moment he insulted, or raised a hand to his wife or children, he was disqualified.
Bakugou knows he’s no saint, but he’s not a loser. He’s worked hard to get his head outta his ass because he already loss. He lost his best friend and any dream filled nights that may have come to him. He learned.
Shaking his head out of his thoughts, he glances back at the man he’d looked up to and respected for many years. A man he hopes karma kills as slowly and subtly as he had with his family. He huffs.
“Yeah, I don’t like losers. Now, go the fuck home before I call security.”
He backs away but doesn’t leave the doorway as the sack of shit made the right choice and shuffled away. Bakugou makes a noise of satisfaction.
The explosive blond glances inside Todoroki’s room where the staff drugged him up on sedatives and silently wills him to get better. He’ll never say it out loud, but they were friends, and he did care.
(He also fears, that maybe, the news is right about how insanity runs in the family and that maybe he didn’t chase Endeavor off fast enough before Todoroki lost it completely like his mother and brother. Bakugou hopes that maybe he finally did something good.)
The vibrating of his phone jolts him from his thoughts and he reads the notification.
Shitty Hair: hey bakubro we wanted to know if ur still coming to movie night
Shitty Hair: no stress tho!!! a lots happened so we get it if u wanna skip
Another huff of laughter, this time less bitter, escapes from his lips.
He allows himself to smile and tells Kirishima he’s on his way and that they better not start without him. Yeah.
Bakugou Katsuki is a lot of things, but he’s not a loser.
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vanillann · 4 years
five star conversation (r.p)
a/n: i’m going to cry, i can’t believe this is the last part of my favorite mini series:(
word count:
5 star conversation masterlist
place four: a 1 star gig
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Flynn was always on top of things, she always was, but when she wasn’t you didn’t want to be lodged on a tour bus with her. She had already tried to throw her phone out the window, thank God Alex was looking for his hat and he caught it.
“They canceled our reservation! That must be illegal!”
I curled closer to Julie on her bed, letting my head rest on her shoulder every time Flynn let out a line of words. Reggie had a small panic attack with the yelling and Flynn tried to apologize but he didn’t blame, he was just as mad. So now the boy walked around the gas station we had stopped at and Julie and I let Flynn rant to us, she deserved it.
“Maybe another venue will host us,” Julie spoke up when Flynn didn’t yell again, her feet had finally stopped leaving marks in the carpet from pacing.
“I’ve already called two and they said their full, which had to be a lie, and plus how do we get the word out to the fans!” Flynn reached down and grabbed my knee, looking at me with sad eyes.
I pulled my phone from my pocket, waving it in the air while I sat up.
“I can always do a live and explain everything, why don’t you get some air,” I rubbed her shoulder, hoping she would take my advice, She had always given Reggie and Alex a heart attack and maybe going to the little nature walk across the street would be good, she could throw some rocks at some trees.
“I’ll get some air, yeah okay.”
She hurried off the bus, most likely to throw or kick rocks around the parking lot as Flynn never liked nature trails, it was nice to dream. If she dented this bus, we’ll be in debt.
“I can’t believe the venue canceled, it was our last gig on tour too!” Julie stood, looking down as I laid on her bunk and played with my phone in between my fingers.
I didn’t have to heart to tell the fans that we didn’t have a venue, that we wouldn’t have a final gig that was supposed to help release the new album coming out in five months.
It might have seemed small, we were blessed we even had this opportunity but it doesn’t change the fact that the one we're most excited for now was not happening.
“I’m going to find the boys, you coming?”
I closed my eyes, the boys. Everything they worked for was now becoming a nightmare, their idea of the perfect tour was ruined with falling through plans and missed opportunities.
“No, I need to go live and get the word out anyways,” I brushed off Julie, I didn’t have the heart to look any of them in the eye and tell them. To break their heart like everyone else in their life has, I just couldn’t do it. Julie waved behind her, I waited until the bus door shut before I let my head rollback.
I looked up at the bunk above me, Flynn’s, and let my mind wander over the past few months. They were perfect. Watching the fan scream their name for hours and they showed them in their element. The pictures that have been taken, many saved in my phone of the people I would always turn to. The edits that have been made have made me laugh harder than I imagined. Before this tour, nobody knew me, not that I ever cared, but I was behind the scenes. Now, the fans want me on the stage even if I don’t contribute to the music.
The music, the music had been show-stopping. Luke has been through four journals the past few months, writing back fast food drive in’s and doing stupid things with friends, that how the new album was coming out so fast. They were all so excited, Reggie was so excited to have one of his own songs featured as a single.
I let my hand run over my face, feeling the embarrassment from the incident at the fair. Watching his face move closer to mine, like a slow-motion picture and then ripped away when it was ripped in half. I took a minute and tried turning it into a moment, but it was never our moment. All the giggles and inside jokes hurt my chest and I thought back to the more recent time of the tour.
The motel, the way the light shines across his face and we wondered would the world cave in around. The feeling of his hand gripping my shirt because he always felt he had to be touching someone, he said it reminds him not to act so dead.
The diner when he gave me sweet little comments and took my fork from my lips. When we laughed about food poisoning and wondered would we ever be the same people after he played with my finger from across the table.
The fair where I gave him his first horse, then named it after an artist I introduced to him too. The way the wind passed his hair like he was made to run away from the world that had disappointed him more than once.
Every one-star establishment that made me believe could kiss my butt because now we had nothing. I didn’t need any more one-star buildings and places in my life. They’re just cheap and used for people who have no other options.
I sat up quickly, so quickly my head hit Flynn bunk.
No other options and cheap, exactly what someone in our situation could use right now. I let my phone spin between my fingers, unlocking it quickly before finding my search bar. We sat in the center of California, there had to be a one-star building somewhere near, one that we could turn into a dive bar or something. I smiled when a cheap bar popped up first, the area large enough to hold people and a small stage the band could work with.
Larry’s Bar was suddenly open for business. I dialed the number quickly, praying for the first time in a week something would go my way.
“L-larry’s Bar,” the woman sounded out of breath but I couldn’t care.
“Can we rent out your bar for a band?”
“We need a venue for a band performance,” I realized why Flynn handled this and not me, this was out of my comfort zone.
“Are you sure you have-”
“Incredibly sure, yes or no?”
The line went silent, for a minute I thought she hung up on me and I considered crying with Reggie’s stuffed horse for a minute.
“The bar’s yours,” the lady's voice sounds light suddenly like we finally both got some good news. She definitely made my week without knowing.
“We’ll be there in forty-five minutes,” I didn’t wait for a response, rushing out of the tour bus to find someone. When I spotted everyone leaning against an ice machine outside the gas station with sad faces, my legs couldn’t stop me from rushing. I was happy Fylnn already kicked all the rock because otherwise, I would have felt.
“Hey,” Alex's voice was sad and sincere, about to place a hand on my shoulder but I was bouncing on my toes.
“Whip off your sad faces, I got us a gig!”
“Just got off live, the fans are going to spread the information,” I yelled throughout the bar, and Luke and Jessie, the lady from the phone, moved the last few tables around the bar to make more room. Reggie and Alex did a quick soundcheck, we were currently renting amps and such from across the street since the owner's daughter was apparently a “Luke Girl”.
“Thank God, I would hope we don’t do all this work for nobody to show up” Alex called back as he did the classic comedy drum sound, giving a smile as he grabbed the extra drumstick from his back pocket.
I rolled my eyes, hopping off the stage to the small table at the door for Flynn and me to sit at for tickets and shirts, CD including, and a special code for the single Reggie was presenting tonight.
Luke and he had been fighting over it for ten minutes because Reggie changed the one he wanted to release last minute, it must have been good if Luke was letting him get away with it.
“I can’t believe you pulled this off,” Flynn sat in her seat with her arms crossed, people would be arriving as soon as possible and we were prepared for anything.
“What can I say,” I smiled brightly, taking the seat beside her.
“What made you think of this?”
I wanted to say, Reggie, that he almost always somehow inspired my best ideas but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Almost everyone knew of the almost kiss and how awkward things have been between us, so awkward I couldn’t say his name.
“Just about what happened at the motel, how we had to make it work.”
It wasn't a lie, that was for sure.
“Well, you saved the tour,” Flynn leaned over and squeezed my shoulders, her bucket hat titled as it smashed against my face. I hugged her back, smiling into her shoulder, I saved the tour.
The crowd screamed as the band finished off “Bright”, sweat dripping down them as they gave wide gestures.
“Thank you! Now it’s surprise time!” Julie passed the microphone to Luke, who looked so excited for his next set of words.
“The rumors about the new album are true,” he let the mic drop until the screams died down, “and we are here to show one of the singles for the said album that will drop on March 3rd at midnight!”
The crowd went crazy again and I laughed against Flynn, we both decided to stay in our chairs for the performance as we had an amazing view and we didn’t want to push through everyone. I was scared that everyone would see the one-star and turn the other way but every ticket that was bought came.
Reggie smiled as he took the stage, his bass switched for an acoustic, which confused me but I didn’t think much about it, I knew he liked to mess with it sometimes.
“Hi everybody!”
Reggie gave a peace sign to the crowd, the few girls who wore Reggie’s face on their shirt screamed at the top of their lungs.
“This is a song I wrote a few weeks ago on tour called “Five Star conversation.”
I looked over my shoulder at Flynn, her eyes wide as she watched Reggie get situated on his stool in front of the mic.
“What song is this?”
“Uhm, this one?”
All she did was point and I decided to go back and watch him play. I could always ask later, I’d have to make merch with it anyways.
“Dingy bathrooms and motel floors, I’d never wanted you more than right now,” Reggie's voice came out rough as his voice played with the melody just right. His finger-picked at the string and I was shocked by the slow melody. This definitely wasn’t a song I’d heard.
“The city lights across your face, I swear you fell from grace. The world around me seemed to disappear the second you spoke,” that when it happened, the moment he turned his head. He looked in my eye, the words rooting themselves in my chest, tattooed across my heart.
“Our five-star conversations were softer than the pillows beneath me, I wish you could have really seen me.”
I felt myself chew on my bottom lip, feeling my eyes turn to me as his attention never left my face. He was watching me, the same way he had in every other one-star establishment, but this felt different.
“Oh, you wouldn’t know the five-star conversation I had with your soul.” The medley rang out, Julie’s soft humming joined in behind and I wondered how anyone could focus.
How could anyone think straight when someone was looking so adoring under the flashing light of a cheap bar that smelt like feet?
How could I pay attention while he looked at me like I hung the stars in the sky when he hung the moon?
“Crappy food and screaming doors, I wonder if you knew of your own grace!” His word rang back in my eye, like a bug that wouldn’t quite go away, not that I would ever want this to stop.
But it had to stop because I was suddenly the center of attention and I couldn’t handle it. I couldn't know the world more than I did. But I was rooted in place watching the boy I had fallen so hard for a look at me with his puppy eyes and wonder where we would stand after this.
“Don’t let me lose our five-star conversation in a one-star world after all,” he strummed the last bit of the song, I barely processed half the word before I let my legs go. I was walking somewhere, wherever my feet would allow me to go. I was outside, the brick wall of the bar brought me back to reality.
The same reality where I didn’t think boys wrote songs that sweet and they didn’t look at you like that. They didn’t look at you like you spun gold strings and gave them pretty smiles, but he did.
He always did, he always looked at me like I belonged next to him saving tours and making horrible plans. He looked at me like I could be his muse for the rest of his life, of death is more appropriate. He looked at me as if I was more than his because I wasn’t his, I was myself and that’s all he wanted.
He was in love with me, the same person from the motel, the same person for the diner, the same person from the fair.
I was the five-star person in the world star world, I was the extra star he was always looking for.
As soon as I watched his body slide out the door of the bar, I walked to him. I didn’t realize how far I walked until he started rambling.
“I’m sorry to put you on the spot but I couldn’t stop-”
My hand gripped the thin jacket material, not thinking twice and my lips smashed against his with force. He fell back slightly, his hand grabbing my wrist for a second before he was running them over my shoulder and down to my elbows. He pulled me closer if that was possible, and I let my hand touch over his heart.
The heart that wanted me, Reggie wanted me. There were girls who would wear his face on a shirt and he wanted the person that made those shirts.
I was his five stars, even if I loved him in every one-star and three-star establishment.
I felt myself pull away, our forehead resting on one another and I took a shaky breath.
“I’d give that kiss two stars.”
He smiled down at me, raising his eyebrows and letting his tongue run over the side of his cheek with a smirk.
“Give me ten minutes and I’ll make it five stars.”
how do we feel about the end??
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jatp taglist:
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reggie peters taglist:
@miisacore @starjane312 @sunsetcurving @well-hes-just-cute @hrandomthoughts @glowstick-lesbian
5 star conversation taglist:
@voidmalfoy @tapdancing-writer @stargazing-dreamer-girl @slytherhoes @youngervolcano
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
v e l o c i t y - chapter ii
The one where John’s your true mate, but he doesn’t want you to be his.
In a universe where fate grants you a new mate whenever you lose yours, John has lived quite comfortably for many years with the knowledge that he was alone after Mary. That all comes crumbling down the second that he meets you. How could the universe choose someone so young to be his omega?
for general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist. It’s being constantly updated
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John’s P.O.V.
God fucking damn it. Just what the hell was going on back in Bobby’s house and why the hell wasn’t he picking up the phone?
For the first time since I left her behind, I found myself considering I should have at least given my omega - no, not my omega, just Y/N - enough attention to ask her for her number. At least it would have been handy in a time like this one, where my heart was pumping loudly, shortening my breathing, and making it difficult for me to focus. I just wanted to know what was going on, but there was no way I could tap into an unfulfilled bond to see what had scared Y/N so badly.
A sharp pang in my stomach had me abruptly turning the impala around and returning to the direction we had left behind two weeks before, much to the boys’ surprise. I made sure to ignore their open mouths and raised eyebrows, but I should know better than to hope that they’d quietly accept this change of plans.
“Where are we going?” Dean asked, while Sam rubbed off the sleep from his face.
“Back to Bobby’s,” I barked, and I knew that my tone didn’t allow for any follow-up questions. Still, Dean couldn’t help himself. He had been (sometimes not so) subtly teasing me about the girl, making jokes about how I probably wouldn’t even be able to handle the needs of a young body, anything to get a reaction from me.
“Forgot something there?” I knew what he was implying, and even though it couldn’t be further from the truth, I couldn’t find it in myself to explain just yet. Terror made my heartbeat clear and quick on my ears, and I hated it. It wasn’t a feeling that was familiar, but considering it truly belonged to someone else, it was just beyond irritating.
“Something like that.”
Stepping on the pedal as I was once again flooded with a panic that didn’t belong to me, I found myself praying I’d be able to make it there in time to stop whatever the hell was going on. To whom I was praying, I didn’t know, just as I couldn’t explain why the hell I cared.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I squeezed my knees tighter to my body, trying to make myself smaller while attempting to control my breathing at the same time. It wasn’t easy, especially since my heartbeat was all over the place.
At least the screaming has subdued. Although that did little to appease my concern, it did help in my task of hiding in this safe room inside the empty basement. Just before Bobby managed to shove me in here, the last thing he told me was to keep quiet and still until someone came to get me, but now that his voice had been gone for a while and he still hadn’t reappeared, I doubted anyone would come looking for me.
Still, I couldn’t find it in myself to uncurl my body from this somewhat calm-inducing position and actually step out of the room to go explore the house. Not when I could still remember so clearly what I found when my dad was murdered. And I couldn’t see the same done with Bobby. I just couldn’t. Not when that meant that I was completely alone, with no one to worry about me in this entire world.
Tears rose, prompting me to blink them away, scared that once I allowed myself to grieve, I wouldn’t be able to stop. This wasn’t the time or the place. My life could very well still be in danger. And I couldn’t let Bobby’s… disappearance be for nothing. No. He put himself at risk for me, I’d abide by his wishes.
First things first, I’d stay right here, not moving a muscle. If nothing came to find me, then I’d slowly make my way out of this hiding spot… once I deemed it was safe enough to do so. 
But for now, there wasn’t much I could do, other than focus on my breathing and keep quiet. Real quiet. And watch time slowly go by. Praying that if something did come to find me, it would come in with a friendly face.
John’s P.O.V.
“Shit.” It was all I said as I barely managed to park the car right outside Bobby’s place before leaping out of it. It was pretty obvious something had happened over here, if not by the fact that the front door was slammed open, at least by the tracks of something that had been dragged over the front lawn, looking too much like a body not to make every single nerve end on my body stand to attention again.
At least I was feeling something again, and even if it was from my own system and not hers, I considered it a good sign. Halfway through the drive the panic that had been steadily building had completely disappeared, and I almost believed, if only for a second, something had happened to her - only to realize that if someone had killed my mate, I would have definitely known.
I still didn’t want to think about her as being my mate, but the existence of this connection between us was undeniable, especially as I bursted into the house, gun in my hand, to find blood fucking everywhere. The feelings of worry skyrocketed - I wanted to attribute them to her, but I knew they were mine. Just what the fuck had happened here and where the fuck was her?
I could hear the boys walking around the house behind me. I couldn’t give them any attention. My mind was occupied with her and only her, needing to know that she was safe, almost desperate to know where the heck she was. 
Bobby was a smart man. If he had noticed even an inkling of something going South, he’d have found a way to protect her. I just had to figure out what it was. Gun still in hand, although it was pretty clear that whatever it was that had been here had left long ago, I encircled the sofa and started to make my way down to the basement, remembering a conversation I’d had with Bobby one of the many times I came to visit.
“There’s an old closet in the back of the room downstairs,” he’d said. “It’d make for a good panic room, if I ever ended up having something I needed to keep safe.” Despite never having seen it, it wasn’t too hard to find it once I managed to turn on the lights. It really was made to be imperceptible for someone who wasn’t looking for it, but since that wasn’t my case,  the difference in the wood texture of the walls sorely jumped out to my eyes, and I reached out to curve the barely existent nail of my thumb on the indentation until I was able to pull it open. 
And there she was.
She was asleep, head resting on her knees, tucked away into the corner of the closet-sized room. A sigh of relief fell out of my mouth before I could reel it in, my heart clenching at the adorable sight before I snapped myself out of it. Fuck, no. This wasn’t any sentimental mate shit. This was me, worried about another living human being - one that had been placed under my friend’s care after having lost her entire family. That was all there was to it.
Still, I was careful when I reached out to put a hand on top of her, hoping it would suffice to pull her from her slumber. What I wasn’t expecting, however, was for that fucking connection to call out at the feeling of her skin under my calloused fingers, her eyes snapping open in shock and her mouth opening in clear intent to scream her lungs out.
“Shhhh… It’s just me. Shut the fuck up,” I groaned, one hand clasped over her mouth as I pulled her up with me and drag us out of the panic room. From the corner of my eye, I could see the boys had caught on to what had happened, and were clearly relieved to see her safe, despite the lack of indication as to where Bobby could be. 
After the initial shock, she finally stopped mumbling against my palm and took a deep breath, probably taking in the reality of the situation. It was just us. No immediate danger around.
I don’t think she even noticed when I slipped out from behind her, finally uncovering her mouth so I could try to understand what the hell had happened around here. The lack of contact between our skin, however, was sorely felt by my alpha genes, that begged me to look for her softness again, keep it close to me.
“Bobby?” Just that question made it clear we wouldn’t be getting much answers from her. Before I could say anything, Dean shook his head with an apologetic smile, and despite her falling down on a couch nearby, much to my surprise, she didn’t start crying or screaming again. If anything, she took the news (or lack of them) with quiet resignation, something that intrigued me to no end.
She’d lost everything, but instead of behaving like some poor little omega, she just accepted that this was her life now. 
“Didn’t you hear anything?” I finally asked, and had to suppress a smug grin when her eyes immediately snapped up to meet mine, easily abandoning Dean’s gaze. 
“Screams. But I couldn’t make out what was being said, it just seemed…” She hesitated then, like she needed to gather some strength to keep talking about it, but still, she pushed through. “It just seemed like they were torturing him, you know? It didn’t last long, but it was…”
She didn’t need to say it, it was easy to understand. Haunting. Devastating. I can’t imagine how it must have been like to be stuck in that spot, desperately wanting to help - because I knew it had been the case, I could feel it through our… bond, as nonexistent as it was - and being absolutely terrified about what could be waiting on the other side.
I had the overwhelming urge to wrap my arms around her, feel her body against mine again and comfort her mind with my presence. It was so strong, in fact, that I had to bury my fingernails in my palms in order to stop myself from doing that, but since the urge remained, I distracted my animalistic side with some practical tasks that needed to be dealt with.
“Okay, let’s get the hell out of here. Sam, did you pack her stuff?” Knowing my youngest had gone up to the second floor and was easily the most prepared out of all of us, it didn’t surprise me when he answered by simply holding up a duffel in his hands. “Alright, then let’s hit the road.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Taken by surprise and ripped from my admittedly dark thoughts, I whipped around to stare at the older man who looked like this was just another ordinary day, like he hadn’t just very clearly tried to alter the course of my existence. But instead of providing me with any sort of explanation, he just reached out for my arm and pulled me from the couch, dragging me all the way to the main floor of the house and out of it before I was able to speak again.
“Stop! Hold on!” I managed to release my wrist from his grip, but I don’t think he would have even realized I was speaking if it weren’t from the sudden lack of contact between our bodies.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” The omega in me wanted to recoil at the sight of her alpha looking at us with such anger, but he wasn’t our alpha. And he definitely had no right to come here and take control of my life like I had no say in the matter whatsoever.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I shot back, and his mouth hung open in surprise. It almost made me feel smug about myself, knowing I had the power to shock the great John Winchester, who thought he was too good to become someone’s mate, but I was too angry to even acknowledge that. “You can’t just come in here and take me away, that’s not how it works.”
“I’m trying to keep you safe.” From the little I knew of him, considering our limited encounters and the stories Bobby and other hunters had told me about, I knew he was a man of few words, but even my irate state of mind could identify the warning bells on the way he uttered that simple sentence, paired with the sight of the veins on his forearms as he clenched his hands into fists.
Still, I pressed on.
“Who gave you that responsibility? Bobby was my godfather, my father trusted him, I know next to nothing about you. In fact, I want to keep knowing next to nothing about you. Just the same as you want when it comes to me, I’m certain.”
Waves of anger radiated from him, and even Sam and Dean seemed tense from a distance, where they stood by the car, watching our altercation. Guess seeing their dad this furious wasn’t as usual as I figured it would be, considering the Alpha inside of him.
“Why is it so hard for you to just obey? Get inside the car. I’m not gonna ask you again.” Of course, he could have made me obey, if he wanted to. One order from their alpha and any omega would fall to their knees, the genetic pull too strong to ignore. But he didn’t use his alpha voice, he used his John voice, and if at first that surprised me, believing it to be from a place of respect, the realization that it was most likely because he didn’t want to recognize that our bond even existed only filled me with even more anger.
“I am not getting in that car with you.” I braced myself for what he could do, trying to harden my soul so it wouldn’t hurt to see him leave - that’s what I wanted, right? - while also preparing to fight if he finally relented and took advantage of his manipulation power, but there was just no way I could anticipate him shortening the distance between us and easily throwing me over his shoulder like I was nothing more than a sack of potatoes. 
John’s P.O.V.
Fucking stupid ‘mega. Is she actively trying to get herself killed? Everyone around her has died in the last few months, what makes her think she can survive on her own? Why the fuck couldn’t she just be a good fucking girl and obey me? I hated that I had to resort to this, I hated having to touch her again, and especially have her over my shoulder, where I could feel the smell of her hair as it fighted against the wind and she tried to punch my back.
I grunted as I deposited her on the copilot seat, immediately locking the door so she wouldn’t be able to run away. The boys took their places in the backseat while I made my way to the driver’s seat, and although Dean didn’t look all that happy to be confined back there, it couldn’t come close to the burning expression with which she regarded me.
“Don’t you look at me like that,” I growled. “You’re coming and that’s final.”
“You don’t want me! Why are you taking me with you?” She was nearly yelling by then, arms waving around like a lunatic, and I had to to grind my teeth together so I wouldn’t reach out and…
I don’t know what I wanted to do, to be honest. I just knew that my head was pounding and I could still fill the weight of her body over my shoulder, like her skin had burned the fabric of my shirt and imprinted the shape of her body on my soul.
“You must be really fucking stupid if you think I’m gonna leave you out there, all alone.” That, thank the lord, was enough to shut her up, but I figured out pretty soon that she didn’t need to open her mouth to find new ways to annoy me.
“Driver picks the music,” I warned, lightly slapping her hand when she reached for the radio, but the infuriating little thing only slapped mine back and changed the station anyway.
“Maybe on a road trip. If you don’t want this to be recognized as a kidnapping, it’s the least you can do.” God, she was infuriating. I clenched my hands on the wheel, mulling the words I wanted to say over my head and I still wasn’t able to stop the threat from spilling.
“I swear to God, I’m not above pulling over and spanking you until you’re not able to walk for a whole week.” The second her eyes met mine, I knew trouble was coming my way, and still I was unprepared when the next words fell from her lips.
“And you think that’s punishment?” I couldn’t help it, the question provoked me into thoughts I definitely did not want to be having about her, my ears burning up as I realized that she could very easily read my reactions to figure out what was going on through my head - especially since my eyes automatically trailed over her body.
“You know what? I changed my mind. Take me wherever you’d like.” And with that, she threw one leg over the other, a dangerous smile taking over her face. “I think you and I are gonna have a lot of fun together, John Winchester.”
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kyber-kisses · 4 years
Going Under
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: cursing, spn level gore, drowning
Bad Things Happen Bingo
Square filled: Drowning
Summary: When the reader and Dean are captured by a nest of vamps, things take a slight turn when the readers life is suddenly put in mortal danger. Will Dean be able to save her in time?
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“I can’t believe you.”
“Are you seriously going to bring that up right now?” You hissed, eyes blazing as you leaned forward to look at Dean.
“You’re damn right I am!”
“Dean, look around you. Now is really not the time.” You tried to gesture to the room around you but ultimately failed due to your zip tied hands.
So. . . Things may or may not have gone terribly wrong while you, Sam, and Dean were working a case. The three of you had been expecting a few vamps but somehow it had quickly turned into a full nest. One thing led to another, you and Dean were captured and Sam was yet to be found.
“Oh it never is, is it?” He grumbled, his eyes focused on his own restraints as he tried to figure out how to get out. He couldn’t have been more than four feet in front of you, the two of you facing each other. But it wasn’t the person in front of you that had you worried- it was what lay directly behind you.
The two of you were being held in the natatorium of the high school all the victims had attended, the air humid and filled with the strong scent of chlorine. The only lights that were still on were the ones embedded in the walls of the pool, the reflection of the water dancing turquoise on the tiled walls and ceiling. Your captors had yet to come back, the only sound being the lap of water hitting the edges of the pool.
Unlike Dean, you had your back facing the water. The back legs of your chair resting on the lip of the pool. Apart from your hands being bound together with zip ties you also had to worry about your ankles. Thick rope dug into your skin, binding them together. The other end of the rope had been looped through one of the holes in a cinder block, the piece of concrete partially sticking out over the ledge of the pool. All it would take was one small nudge to send you sinking.
Needless to say; this was not an ideal situation to be in. . . And to top it all off, Dean was still mad at you for the so called “hiccup” on the previous hunt.
“I told you, I’m not gonna apologize!” You snapped, leaning forward once more in your chair.
“Well you should! What you did was reckless and stupid!”
“I was saving your fucking life! You could be a little grateful every once and awhile!”
For a split second you expected steam to come out of Dean ears, his jaw clenching as he glared at you. “You jumped into the line of fire!”
“Yeah, to save your ungrateful ass! If I hadn’t done something you would be dead!”
Dean opened his mouth once more to respond, but was stopped short when the doors leading out into the hallway banged open, revealing what had to be the biggest vampire you had ever seen. It was like looking at a six and a half foot tall pillar of solid muscle.
“Well what do we have here?” He grinned, stalking across the concrete floor and towards you and Dean. “A Winchester tied up all pretty for me? It must be my lucky day.”
“And you must be the big ugly vamp I’m about to kill.” Dean fired back, twisting his hands in his bindings. His words getting a loud chuckle from the vamp, but once his amused expression fell he was driving his fist into the side of Deans face, his head being whipped around by the force.You wriggled in your seat, the instinct to kill growing tenfold.
“Hey big guy, hands off him!” You tried to leap up but didn’t get very far with your ankles and wrists bound, the failed action making you drop back into the seat. You could see Dean giving you one of his warning gazes, silently telling you to back off.
The vampire turned, his back now facing Dean as he took a step forward. “And who’s this?” He grinned, grabbing your chin forcefully with a calloused hand.
“Don’t you dare touch her!”
The vampire paused, looking back over his shoulder at the struggling Winchester. “Is she yours?”
“I ain’t nobody’s, you big ass freak.” You spat, taking your opening when he turned back to you,and slamming your head into his full force. He stumbled back with a string of curses, hand leaving your chin to slap over the point of contact.
“Why you little-“
“Bitch? I know. Very original.” You deadpanned.
Lowering his hand from his head, the vampire set his gaze on your before bringing hit hand back and connecting it with your cheek in a harsh slap that echoed across the pool. Head knocked back by the sudden force, you stretched your jaw. You gave yourself a moment before looking back up at him, a bloody grin on your face.
“I know pillows that hit harder than you do.”
He raised his fist again.
“I said don’t fucking touch her!” Dean growled, the plastic chair he was bound to creaking loudly as he tried to free himself.
Where was Sam? Sam needed to find them and quick before this dude did anything to permanently harm either of you.
The vamp smiled, clearly getting a kick out of seeing a Winchester squirm in his seat. “This is mildly entertaining to watch.”
“Fuck you.” You snapped, leaning forward once again. All you wanted to do was keep this guy away from Dean.
“Alright, and that’s enough from you.”
What happened next was so quick neither of you had time to properly process what he was doing. The vamp stepped forward and nudged the cinder block with the toe of his boot. The block disappeared over the edge of the formerly still pool with a loud splash and you were pulled back with it. Deans eyes widened in pure terror as you let out the beginnings of a yell before being swallowed by the water as well. It was as if gasoline was poured onto the spark of fear in his belly. One moment he was frozen in shock and the next he was struggling harder than ever before against his bindings, eyes flicking back to the number on the edge of the pool saying his deep it was.
8 feet.
There’s no way your gonna be able to fight yourself to the surface with your ankles bound to that block.
“You son of a bitch- I’m gonna fucking kill you!” Dean hissed. The adrenaline pumping through him was at an all time high. A sudden idea tumbled into his skull and Dean was suddenly planting his feet on the floor and pushing himself back with all the energy he could muster. The plastic chair careened backwards, and between his weight and the concrete flooring, the flimsy piece of furniture broke, pieces of plastic shrapnel flying out across the floor.
Meanwhile, you were struggling. A lot. Your head was pounding, every cell screaming for oxygen as you struggled at the bottom of the pool, your hair rising upwards like seaweed as you tried to break the zip ties, your body arching in your struggle. You tilted your head in the direction of the cinder block, the one thing keeping you from the oxygen your body so desperately needed. It felt like every inch of you was throbbing, your lungs on fire.
When was the last time you were this scared for your own life? You couldn’t remember.
Blackness slowly began to seep into the corners of your vision after a solid thirty seconds of struggling. You needed to breath. You needed to take a breath. And even though you try and fight it, you suddenly inhale whether it’s air or heavily chlorinated water. Just like that a cold flow of water is thrust up your nostrils, a stream cascading into the back of your throat and nose, sending jets of pain through your body. The steady hum of the water in your ears slowly begins to fade into something softer, gradually muting into silence, one with the darkness. You give up on the fighting and thrashing, allowing the water to hold you in a suspended position beneath the surface as everything goes black, your body giving one last spasm before shutting down. . .
Dean rolled to his feet quickly as the vamp lunged at him, using the plastic handles of his chair to somewhat defend himself as the monster attacked. He blocked the first few blows before he lost the upper hand, the vamp bowling him over and sending him sliding across the floor.
“I would just give up. She’s probably gone by now.”
Dean ignored him, crawling to his feet again before slamming into him. Once again, he only got a few punches in before he was pinned beneath the massive body. Solid hands wound around Deans throat, beginning to squeeze. It only lasted a second though before Dean hears the distinct whistle of a blade moving through the air, and the vamps head is suddenly freed from his shoulders, revealing a very bloody Sam behind him.
The younger Winchester let the machete drop from his hands as he pulls the corpse off of Dean, chest heaving. “Where the hell is Y/N?”
Dean is up and on his feet in seconds, rushing across the concrete floor as he quickly shrugged off his jacket before diving into the lit up water of the massive pool. It’s not hard to find you, but the chlorine burns his eyes as he dives to the bottom. The rope keeping you tethered to the cement block is thick, and Dean is thankful for the blade he keeps stashed in the side of his boot.
He works fast, his adrenaline still pumping as he saws through the rope. His lungs have never burned like this before and everything in him is telling him to go to the surface for more air. . . But he doesn’t. After what feels like an eternity the rope finally snaps and Dean wishes he could let out a sigh of relief. Wrapping his arms around your torso he searches for his last bit of strength and kicks upward.
That’s the first thing he hears when he breaks the surface, taking in lungfuls of air as he tries to tread water. You are dead weight in his arms, and its difficult to keep the both of you above the waterline. Through the water in his vision, he can just barely make out Sam, his brother on his knees at the edge of the pool.
“Sam- help-“
Dean somehow managed to get close enough to the lip of the pool that before he knows it, Sam has his hands underneath your armpits and is hauling you out of what almost feels like a grave. Dean sucked in a breath before bracing his hands on the edge and pushing himself out of the water. Its only when hes on his knees next to Sam that he almost freezes at the sight of you.
You look like a rag doll, your body limp and lips a light shade of blue. Fear runs rabid through his body still and just like that he is back in action.
“Sam, cut the bindings on her hands.” Dean spoke quickly as he pressed his ear to your chest.
Heartbeat. He needed a heartbeat.
After a moment he pulled back again, rolling up his sleeves as he started the compressions on your chest.
“You are not allowed to die on me, you hear? And definitely not like this.” Dean huffed. A small part of him was afraid that he might break your ribs with the amount of pressure he was using, but the desperation to see you breath took over and he ignored it.
“Dammit Y/N-“
Tilting your head back slightly, Dean lifted your chin and pinched your nose shut before placing his mouth over yours to create a seal. He gave you two breaths before pulling back and continuing the compressions.
His eyes stayed glued to your face, hoping beyond anything he would see a sign that you were still with them.
And then his mouth was back on yours as he tried desperately to breathe life back into you. “C’mon sweetheart. I got some things to say to you and I can’t do that if your dead.” He pulled back, hands going back to your chest.
Sam let his brother continue the cycle two more times before he was clamping a hand over Deans shoulder.
The hunter swatted him away, continuing the compressions. “She’s not dead. She’s alive. She’s alive and she’s staying that way!” He panted,ignoring the sting of tears in his eyes as he leaned back down to give you another set of rescue breaths.
Apparently he was right because barely a second after he pulled away, you coughed. . . Or more like slightly gargled. A spray of water leaving your lips as you choked.
“There we go!”
Dean let out a sigh of relief as his shoulders dropped, the hunter helping to roll you to the side as you emptied an unhealthy amount of water from your lungs. His hand rubbing your back softly. Filled with relief he let out a light chuckle, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
Unfortunately your body was still too weak to keep you conscious and once the water was out of your system you were slumping back onto the wet floor, your head coming to rest on Deans thigh.
“She’s out. But we need to get out of here Dean, I took down a bunch of them but I don’t know how many vamps are still here.” Sam sighed.
There was silence, Dean too focused on the unconscious Y/N in his arms to hear his brother properly.
Snapping out of his state, Dean looked up- your head resting on the crook of his elbow. “Yeah, yeah. Okay. Hand me one of those towels.” He pointed behind Sam towards the rack, several towels rolled neatly and stuffed into it.
Sam popped up into his feet, quickly retrieving one before handing it over to his brother- who wrapped in snugly around you and then hoisted you into his arms.
“I got ya. I got ya.” Dean breathed, cheek coming to rest on your wet hairline. “We’re gonna get you back to the motel, and your gonna rest up and everything’s gonna be fine.”
He couldn’t tell if he was saying those words to comfort himself or you. Maybe it was both. Both would be preferred.
With Sam taking the lead, the two of them navigated the empty halls of the high school wanting nothing more than to leave it all behind.
*. *. *. *. *. *.
When you first eased into consciousness the first thing your body registered was that you were breathing. And this time it was actual air and not water. The second thing you noticed was that your body felt like lead, even your eyelids were struggling to open. Your fingers wiggled against the soft sheets as you slowly attempted to opened your eyes, the morning light trickling through the blinds of the motel room to illuminate the space.
You tried shifting your position, your body stiff as you let out a groan. Your sudden movement and noise gaining the attention of the other people in the room.
“Y/N?” Suddenly setting down his glass at the small table, he turned towards you, clearly surprised to see you awake. “Hey, how you feelin?” He spoke softly, sitting down besides you on the bed before reaching for your hand.
“What- what happened?”
Bracing your hands on the mattress as you tried and sit up. Dean was besides you in an instant, sticking a pillow behind you before helping you up to lean against the headboard. Why was Dean suddenly being nice to you? Last time you checked he was mad at you.
“You almost died, that’s what happened.” Dean scolded, sinking back down onto the side of the bed.
“Dean-“ Sam began, quickly being cut off by you.
“I’m sorry, what do you mean; almost died?”
“I mean, you almost drowned to death in a pool.”
Dean watched your eyebrows furrow in confusion. Drown? That didn’t make any sense. You knew how to swim. How the fuck could you possible drown?
“What were we doing at a pool?”
“What were we-“ Dean choked on the words, unable to believe you just asked that. “Y/N we were hunting a vamp nest.”
That’s all he had to say before it slowly came back to you. Bits and pieces falling into place. Some parts were still blank, but you remembered a good portion. Dean and you being caught. That big ass vampire. . . Something having to do with a cinder block?
“Wait Y/N, what all do you remember?” Sam spoke suddenly, worry crossing his features.
“Everything up until getting caught. . . And maybe a little more. But I don’t understand the drowning bit.”
Turning his attention from you to his brother, Dean looked at Sam with wide eyes. “Why doesn’t she remember?”
“I mean in some cases of drowning if there’s a lot of water in the system and depending on how long she was under. . . There might be some brain damage.”
“I’m sorry, brain damage?” You and Dean spoke in unison. You sat up a little straighter, suddenly worried.
“I don’t think it’s too serious, but I can call Cas. See if he can’t stop by to check on you.” Already pulling out his phone, Sam left the room leaving you and Dean to sit in silence. It felt like you sat like that forever before anything was actually said.
“Do you have any idea what I’d have to go through if you’d died last night?”Dean spoke suddenly, looking across the bed towards you.
“Years of guilt. Crippling, self loathing guilt.” He continued, eyes darting down to look at his hands. “I know what you were trying to do last night. Antagonizing that vamp to keep him away from me. Putting yourself in harms way like you always do.”
Oh. Oh. That’s what this was about. You may not remember last night clearly, but that didn’t mean you didn’t remember the times before. It was what Dean had been angry about before as well.
“You’re not supposed to die for me, Y/N.” He added. “And neither is my brother. But no matter what I say, or how hard I try to drill it into your skulls, you’re not gonna stop trying.”
“You’re right. I’m not going to stop trying. I love you too much to.” The second it left your lips, you were slamming a hand over your mouth.
Okay so maybe you did have brain damage. There’s no way a sane person would just let it slip they love someone. Nuh-uh. No way.
You watched Dean with wide eyes, trying to judge his expression. His own eyes widening for a moment before a soft and knowing smile fell across his features and he was reaching across to pull your hand away from your mouth. You didn’t realize until that moment how close he really was.
Dean gently leaned in, giving you more than enough time to pull back. . . But you didn't. His lips eventually pressing against yours softly. And no, it wasn't some sort of powerful, passionate kiss. It was a gentle and close-mouthed kiss like you do when you’re in eighth grade and you’ve never held hands before with a boy. It’s almost as if he’s testing the waters, seeing if you really want this. You do. More than anything.
“You know, I’m falling for you so much that it’s freaking me the hell out.” He paused. “That’s why I got mad. I don’t want you getting hurt, especially for me. Now I know that’s no excuse for me being a dick, i just- don't ever scare me like that again. I thought I lost you last night-”
“I wont. . .wait, You're falling for me?”
“I thought you hated me?”
“I could never hate you.”
SPN Taglist: (Still Open)
@familybusinesswritingbro​​@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti​ @callmekda​​​ @jordangdelacruz​​ @orphiceseum​​​ @andthatsmyworld​​ @marvelfangirllll​​ @fandomnerdespressourself​​ @gladiosamicitias​ @castielsangelsx​​ @lxstgxrl-ck​​ @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit @amendoise @phoenixuprisingsstuff​​ @ericalynne007 @kaitlaitlaitl​  @totallyluciferr​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​ @dolanfivsosxox@supernatural-ocs @emptycanvasposts​​ @akshi8278 @defenderrosetyler​​ @heyyy-hey-babyyy​​ @supernaturalenchanted@emptycanvasposts @vicmc624 @all-will-be-well-love@busy-bee-angel-misska @starsandmidnightblue​​ @lilulo-12fanfiction @beanie-beebo​​ @xoxoaudreymarie​​ @greenarrowhead​​​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​​  @mysticalfuncollectorus​​ @brebolin​​ @biahblue​​ @noahandthegiraffe​​ @hhiggs​​​ @mila-dans​​​ @mrsmaybankhere​​ @malindacath​​  @littleagxs​
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Opposite Sides - Part 3 - The girl we want
Summary: Working at a diner never brought you much attention until not one but two Winchesters show interested in you…
Pairing: Mobster!Dean x Reader, Mobster!Sam x Reader
Characters: Charlie Bradbury, Benny Lafitte, OFC Earl Fitzgerald, unnamed persons
Warnings: angst, mentions of illness (cancer), sadness, characters death, jealous Dean/Sam, concurrence, both men are brothers but hate each other, one girl between two dangerous men, mobster business, lies, language, a hint of blackmailing
Opposite Sides Masterlist
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“Listen, me being an annoying bastard wasn’t the best way to act, I know that. Just let me help you, sweetheart.”
Dean holds out his hand while Sam is torn between just grabbing you and run and being patient and wait at the sideline for Dean to mess up.
“What happened, cher? How can we help you?” Benny is the one to break the tension when he holds out his hand and you reluctantly take it. “Now tell me what’s wrong.”
“The nurse, the one taking care of my mother while I am at work just quit. She said my mother’s insurance doesn’t pay any longer and that the money I offered her is not enough. Without any further word she just left my mom’s apartment.
That bitch! I paid her twenty bucks extra when she stayed for five minutes longer and now, she just grabbed her shit and left.
Now my mom is alone at home while I have to work.” Sniffling you wipe your tired eyes. “I can barely sleep but with the nurse gone I don’t know how to do this any longer.”
“Let me drive you home, Y/N. Cole and I can help you find a nurse and all.” Sam offers but all he gets is a cold glare. 
“Sam, this is not the time for a charm contest. Let’s take a deep breath and try to do what’s best for Y/N.” Dean tries to step closer but you slap his offered hand away.
“I don’t need your fucking help! I did well so far. I’ll make this work…somehow. Maybe I can take over a few shifts at the café at the other end of town. I don’t want you to ever talk to me again. Get out of my life both!��� Screaming on the top of your lungs you try to keep the tears at bay.
When you finally let all out you storm toward your bicycle to drive home. “I have to take care of my mom and no time to waste with men not knowing how to treat a girl right. Did you ever consider that girl loved you both and was torn?” 
Dean’s eyes meet Sam’s when you huff audibly. “Thought so. You were too busy to fight each other to ever ask her what she wants.”
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“Shhh, …it’s okay, mommy. We will make this work. Earl will pay me more and I can take care of you.”
Sniffling your mother tries to smile at you, but cancer let the once strong and independent woman slowly turn into an empty shell of her former self.
You can feel her hand touch yours and you try to put on a brave face when you see a tear roll down her cheek. “Don’t worry, mom. This is nothing I can’t handle. Now sleep a bit and in a few hours.”
Her eyes lit up when you whisper, ‘I love you’ and for a moment, you see your mom looking back at you before the ghost she became is back.
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“I don’t understand. Why are you here and who are you?” Looking at a doctor, two nurses, and a guy bringing random medical supplies into your home you don’t understand why they came here.
“We became an order from our boss to come here and take care of your mother. I already called your doctor and talked about your mothers’ condition. We will check on her while you are at work.” The doctor explains.
“I still don’t understand. Nurse Patty said my mom’s insurance doesn’t pay for her care any longer. Now there are two nurses and a doctor?” Ludicrous you look at the nurses who started to check on your mother.
“All I can say is that your insurance called my boss and said we shall come here, Miss Y/L/N.” Adamant the doctor refuses to answer your questions. 
“This can’t be right, Doctor. My mother’s insurance wasn’t the best. That’s the reason the nurse quit not three days ago.” Your words do not impress the doctor or keep the nurses from taking care of your mother.
“If you want to call them back, here’s the number. The name was Charlie Bradbury and she said your mother's former boss paid for a policy and it will cover anything your mother will need.”
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“Great job, Charlie.” Dean smiles, even chuckles as he watches you talk to a friend in your mother's apartment. It’s been a week since the doctor, the nurses, and a maid took over all your duties.
“She looks happy.” Sam looks at a different woman. There is even a tiny smile on your lips when you walk into your mothers’ room to find her watch TV. “…and you are sure she’ll never find out it was me and Dean?”
Dean’s eyes narrow and he can’t stop his hand from sliding over his hidden gun. “What’s that supposed to mean? Only as it was my idea it must be a bad one?”
“I had the same idea, Dean!” Charlie rolls her eyes when the brothers start to fight again. “You only want to get in her pants, admit it!”
“You are the one trying to kiss her! I suggested we leave her alone, but no. Sam Winchester believed he kisses the girl and she falls for him.” Dean’s bumps his body against Sam’s, ready to attack his brother.
“Guys, it was a pleasure to work with, or rather for the both of you again. You should’ve listened to the girl’s words. What did she say?” Charlie smirks watching Dean’s face darken as Sam dared to glance at you on the monitor.
“Maybe you should think less about you and your needs and realize what the girl of your dreams wants. That girl, she’s a smart one.” Arms crossed over her chest the bubbly redhead smirks up at Sam. “She said that Melody had a thing for the both of you…maybe Y/N is the same…”
“Wait…what?” Dean’s eyes narrow as Charlie points toward you stroking your mother’s hair. “You mean she wants us both? Oh, that's…”
“Not in a million years I will share her!” Stubborn as always Sam glares at Dean who tries to not punch his brothers’ nose.
“Can you two not stop fighting and do what’s best for the girl you want meanwhile? I mean, look at her. It’s been only a week and she looks so much better.” Charlie’s eyes fill with tears when you press as a soft kiss to your mother’s cheek. 
“Imagine what you and Dean could do for her without Y/N even recognizing. You have more money than anyone could ever count. Power, influence, and people at all the right places. Stop trying to get into her pants and start caring for her.” Sam’s eyes drift toward you and your mother again and his stomach tightens.
“What else can we do to help her without Y/N noticing? I mean, we can’t pay her more…oh-fuck! That’s it.” Smirking Dean elbows his brother and for the first time, Sam chuckles. “I got an idea.”
“You want to blackmail Earl to pay Y/N more money and give it to him?” Brows furrowed Sam smirks at his elder brother. “Let me handle this. He almost peed his pants last time.”
“Dude don’t give that old geezer a heart attack or something. Y/N will lose her job if he dies.” Charlie snickers watching the Winchesters bicker about nonsense. It almost feels like in the good old times, before one girl parted the brothers.
Charlie only hopes, history will not repeat itself with you…
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“You want me to do what and will give me what?” Earl stammers as Sam towers over him like a titan. “I would never lie to Y/N, Sir. How could I look into a mirror not hating what I see?”
“Listen, we will give you money, you lie and tell her that she will get more wage. My brother and I want to help her. There’s nothing wrong with helping people.” Sam becomes impatient when Earl looks at him with disgust.
“She will not want your money, Sir. Y/N knows you are no good men, you and your brother. The girl always kept her distance to bad boys.” The mobster is taller, younger, and stronger but Earl won’t give in.
“Last chance to be cooperative, old man. We want to help her without Y/N knowing. She deserves a bit of happiness. Now agree or I’ll…”
For the first time, Sam doesn’t know how to threaten someone. He can’t hurt the old man, or you would know it was one of them.
“You swear this is only to help her? No strings attached?” Earl nods silently, hoping he doesn’t make your life harder by agreeing to the deal. “Okay. I’ll offer her more money, but I can’t promise she’ll take it, Sir.”
“That’s all we want. Charlie will talk about the details with you. Now…uh-ahem.” Dean looks at the pie you baked, licking his lips, before he eagerly points toward it. “I want the pie, no all of them. I miss her pie…”
“You are going to be fat soon if you eat them all,” Sam smirks, a mocking tone in his voice. For the first time, he wants to tease not to kill his brother. “Maybe she’ll go for me then…”
“I bet Y/N likes her man with meat. Now, back to the pie.” Unimpressed by his brothers teasing Dean buys two pies. “I’ll feast on her pies today.”
“As longs as you do not feast on her.” Charlie groans when Sam starts to fight again. “You know, this doesn’t mean we are brothers again. It’s only an armistice to help her.”
“Got it, Sammy. I knew you wouldn't be man enough to take one step toward your brother. Who, if you would use your heart once in a while lost Melody too. Twice, by the way.” Dean leaves the diner with two pies in his arms while his brother follows him with sad eyes.
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For a while, everything seemed to turn out for the better. For a while, you even had hoped life can be not cruel and soul-crushing but - you should've known better.
One day you joked with your mother, hugged her tightly and the next you have to watch the paramedics fight for her life.
When the heart monitor shows asystole you know, this is the end.
This wasn’t how it supposed to be. You wanted her to stick her feet into the sand and feel the sun warm her skin for the last time. 
You almost had the money you needed to rent a car and make a short trip with her before the end comes closer. Now all your mother saw was her room and the tears run down your face before she closed her eyes for the last time.
“I am so sorry, Ms. Y/L/N. We did all we could, but her heart was too weak. Do you need a moment?” The doctor asks and you nod silently. Everyone leaves the room to give you space and time to say goodbye to your mother.
Her skin is still warm when you kiss her forehead. “I am sorry, mommy. I wish I could’ve invented something to save you. Maybe if I was a better daughter, a smarter one…”
Sniffling you run your fingers through her thin hair. “I love you, always will. Please be in heaven and wait for me.”
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“Why did you wake me at 2 am, Charlie? I need sleep and…” Looking at the monitor Dean’s heart drops. “What happened? Why is Y/N crying? Charlie?”
“Her mom, she died minutes ago. The doctor and paramedics tried anything but, in the end, they were as helpless as Y/N.” Charlie sniffles silently. “It feels wrong to watch her, boss. Shall I…”
“I…I gotta call Sam…right? I mean it wouldn’t be fair if I just rush over to her apartment to take the chance to soothe her. I…we need to help her.” Dean dials his brothers’ number already running out of the room.
“Sam, Sammy…we got to go to Y/N’s place. Her mom, she just died…”
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Hi I would like to request creeper or hank you can choose! I would like the number 29. And 41 and can it be angst and maybe some smut please?? I was thinking where creeper or hank cheats on their old day with one of the vickis girls, and they found out because the girl that he cheated on her with brags and their old lady overhears but can it be a happy ending ??
Thanks to me lovely beta reader @chibsytelford for editing 💘
29. “I fucked up everything”.
41. “Who's that bitch”.
Wearing that tight black dress that drives Creeper crazy and your hair falling like a cascade on your back, you walk towards your car. The crew has been out for almost one week, and usually your boyfriend goes straight home, but seems like the shipment went better than expected. So they're having a party and, of course, you must join them as his Old Lady. Parking next to the motorbikes, you put some perfume on your collarbone. This one that he brought you from Las Vegas, when he fell in love with the smell, saying that it remind him of you.
You're desperate to see him, hug him and tell him how much you missed him every day. But there's a scene happening next to the ring that it's screwing you. Getting out of the car, you listen the talk between Creeper and one of Vicky's girl.
“Go”. He demands pointing the main metallic door with a hand, without noticing you.
“Why?” She asks crossing her arms on her chest. “'Cause your ‘reina’ doesn't know wha' happened when you get shot? I can remember that you enjoyed it pretty much, honey”.
“Who's that bitch?” Your brain is about to explode because of the fury, walking towards them with big steps.
You've never seen Creeper so pale, like he just watched a ghost. The girl is laughing loud, till you slap her on the face, making her tremble.
“'Amma fuckin' kill you!” You yell at him, pushing Creeper with your hands on his chest. The tears ruining your make up, falling down your cheeks.
“Baby, reina, listen! I can explain it!” He begs you, right before you hit his nose with your fist. You growl too, knowing that someone is happening in your knuckles after it.
Running to your car, feeling stupid for first time in your life, you start the engine watching how he tries to reach you. But he's not fast enough, and by the rear-view mirror above your head you can see the whole crew completely confused. You don't have a place to go, driving with no direction and your gaze blurred because of your crying.
And when you think you're far enough of Santo Padre, parking the car by a side of the road, you hit the steering wheel with both cuffs. Resting your forehead against it, you let go all the pain you've been carrying inside you the last hour with a noisy scream, till it rips your throat and you start coughing. You trusted him, blinded, without doubting. You didn't say anything about his nights in Vicky's house. And who knows how many time it happened?
Your phone dings. One text. Two. Three. Four more. Lying on your seat with your eyes closed, you take it. You know it's not Creeper. You know that probably Bishop took his phone to avoid more problems. And yes, it doesn't surprise you when you see Vicky's name in the notifications. With a heavy snort, hitting again the steering wheel, you're about to read it without opening the conversation.
💬: Neron was high
💬: I didn't know
💬: Bishop is furious
💬: So do I
💬: She's gonna pay for it
💬: Come to my house
💬: We have to talk
‘Neron was high’. You re-read the message thousand times, hoping that it doesn't mean what you think she's trying to tell you. Starting the car, you turn around, typing on the gps the location, 'cause you don't know where the hell you are. Desert on both sides. Desert behind your back. Desert on the horizon. Sand is everything you can see in the middle of the night. Stepping on the gas, wheel screeching leaving a black trail on the asphalt, with the radio turned off to focus on the road, going as fast as you can.
The dunes are left behind when you almost arrive to the illegal border with Mexico, next to Vicky's place. There are no motorbikes parked, and the lights of the second floor are turned off. The woman is sitting on the main stairs, smoking a cigar. Raising her eyes to your car, she gets up shaking her jeans with a hand, while she's having the last smoke before throwing it.
You stop the car, cleaning your tears with a tissue, trying to fix your make up. At least, you don't look like a dying raccoon. The older walks to you, surrounding your body with her arms in a warm hug, hoping that maybe it could help. You don't say anything, following her inside the silent house. On the main table, in the living room, there's one of those beers you usually drink. Sitting in front of her, having a sip, you keep your eyes on your reddened right hand. Vicky notices it, going to the kitchen to find some ice.
“When Neron was shot, he was there. High all the time because of the morphine. Mariela took advantage, but he can't remember it. No one saw anything”. She explains, offering you a bag of frozen beans, placing it on your knuckles. “Look, I understand you're angry, or upset, or whatever. But I know him since eight years ago. He has been shot, stabbed, hit... I want to think that even once he was run over. And I've never seen him crying. But tonight... Tonight he was collapsed and broken”.
Your inner lip is trembling, picking up the beer to drink till you need to breathe, cleaning your mouth with the back of your free hand. You can't look at her, feeling ashamed and a completely blithering idiot.
“You know what...?” Vicky takes your hand, after she pulls away the bottle, to make you raise your dark eyes. “When he met you, he came to talk me about a beautiful and smart girl he knew in a supermarket, buying tequila”.
A soft and shy smile appears on your lips, feeling a tear running down your cheek. That was very weird, 'cause you were to buy alcohol for a party and a man who looked like he had just come out of jail approached you. He talked you about the different tequilas, about the graduation, about the origin. About anything that would allow him to have a conversation with you. He was fun and, finally, he got your number. The rest is pure history.
“Then, when he proposed you, he brought us all together. Do you wanna know for what?” You nod in silence. “He was angry 'cause he had a lot of photos of you, and he didn't know which one he could use as his phone' background. At the end, he made one of... those collages with all. We were more than an hour. Taza almost shot him”.
You can't help but laugh, imagining the situation, while she narrows your hand lovingly.
“Talk with him, mi niña. He truly loves you and he truly care about you more than the club. There are no men as Neron, in a world like ours”.
Biting your inner lip, you nod again getting up of your seat. The woman cleans your tears with her fingers, before leaving a kiss on your forehead.
“Mariela will not work in Santo Padre, nor in the surrounding'. Bishop demanded. I approved. She disrespected you, and a Mayan. There's no place for people who betrays the family”.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
Taking a long breath enough to fill your lungs, you unlock the front door of the flat. There's light inside, finding Creeper on the sofa with a rag with some ice in. He doesn't move. He knows you well, and he knows if he gets closer you're gonna punch him again. Probably. You can see his right cheek is slightly swollen and red, and you can't help but feel guilty, putting down your eyes to your hand. When he notices it, he practically jump off of his seat, wanting to heal you in some way. So he places the ice on your knuckles.
“I fucked up everything. 'Am sorre'. I was fuckin' stoned”. He says with a broken whisper. “I can't rememba'. If it happened, it didn't mean anything fo' me, I promise”.
Clicking your tongue, you push him closer to you by a hand on his back-head, pressing your lips against his. It's been one week since the last time you've been together. For you two, is too much.
“Did you... really call the crew to show them a bunch of pics' mine?”
At first, he seems confused, till he understand what you are talking about. He takes his phone, unlocking it after type de code.
“I use it when 'am out”. He says, while he shows you the screen. “When 'am here, I use that one where you're sleeping on top of me”.
You don't know if it's better laugh than cry, with your brain failing for an instant. Leaning towards you in a slow move to give you enough time to run away, he finally kisses you again. And there's no resistance on your part. Letting the ice falls down, you surround his neck with your arms, feeling his big hands pressing your back to him.
“Forgive me, mi reina, please”.
“It's okay, Neron... It's okay”. You shake your head before giving him some careful kisses on his cheek. “Can we... just go to sleep? You look tired after the ride”.
“Will you be with me when I wake up?”
“You're like a fuckin' koala, what do you think?”
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billyspotato · 5 years
you and billy can’t stand each other because i’m a slut for enemies to lovers, and when billy has a little too much to drink at a christmas party he drunkenly admits his feelings for you but doesn’t remember it the next day and goes back to acting like he hates you, but you start messing with him by doing things that’ll get him turned on because you know how he feels, like bending over in front of him with a skirt on, just little things to rile him up because you love messing with him 🤭
Burning Fire - Billy Hargrove
[Requested] - I just changed the skirt for jeans, because it’s winter and I was so cold when writing this that I felt bad for the fictional character.
Words: 3.116 words
Type: Angst (?) & Fluff
Summary: What’s written on the request
Warning: English is not my first language. Sorry if I misspelled something.
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A/N: Gif’s not mine.
It’s no shock to anyone, that you and Billy hate each other… Only if there’s someone new in school. That poor person would think you two are friends before anything, until he/she sees the random middle fingers, the glares, the arguments, etc.
You can’t lie when you say that you get some sort of satisfaction when: you feel Billy looking over you from the other side of the classroom and you always make something to make him feel annoyed and look away), or when a girl is trying to get ‘something’ with him, (there’s nothing like whispering to her how Billy has a non-ending list of STDs).
And Billy always gets some sort of satisfaction when annoying you. It can be by: ruining your dates, your notes or your locker. There’s nothing like seeing you walk in school with a scowl right as you see him.
Everyone, today, as been talking about this Christmas party on Tommy’s house (tonight). You really don’t know what will make it a Christmas party, since it will be like any other party at Tommy’s, but you’re still considering it.
“Hey Y/N!” Tommy shouts from a few cars far away from you in the parking lot.
You look over at him to see Tommy and his friends, including Billy, looking over at you.
“What?” You ask him while opening the driver’s side door.
“Are you going to my party?” He shouts back.
“Probably not” You shout, and he tries to hide his disappointed look.
You get in your freezing car and start driving to your sweet, warm home. You turn it on and start driving.
You walk inside the warm house to be hit right away with the smell of alcohol and tobacco. The loud music coming from the speakers fills your ears and makes your chest vibrate with the bass.
You walk to the kitchen and get yourself a cup, filling it to the top and sipping it a few times.
As you slowly take steps to the living room, the sight of teenagers making out and rubbing on each other, comes to view.
You lean back on the wall as you look around, waiting for the alcohol to do its job. Your eyes run through the room and they stop on the blonde mullet.
You keep looking at Billy as he stays focused on his drink and on whatever this one girl was saying to him. He leans forward and the girl stops talking to close the gap between them quickly, starting to make out right away.
You tense up and look away, and in the matter of three gulps, your filled-to-the-top cup is now empty, and you are getting a refill.
In the matter of half an hour, the alcohol has kicked it enough to make you relax and let yourself go. The jacket that you walked in with, is now somewhere in this room, but you couldn’t care less as you had fun with random people (that you never saw before).
You walk away from the huge group of people and make your way to the bathroom. The hallway filled with couples eating each other’s face off leads you to the bathroom, which has the door closed.
You patiently wait for the person to leave as you mumble the lyrics to the song playing in the living room.
The door opens next to you and you look over to see Billy walking out.
Your drunken thoughts take over your head and you can’t help but notice how hot Billy looks. Shirt mostly unbuttoned, making it easier to see the sweat that made his chest glisten and his gold necklace, which moves, as he walks, pants that hug his muscular thighs and hair looking like the perfect mess that it normally does.
You go in the bathroom as he keeps walking away, not even noticing you next to the door.
As you walk out, you go back to the kitchen, to find Billy sitting on the counter, playing with his plastic cup while moving his head to the notes of the guitar solo that is playing.
“Girls got tired of you, Hargrove?” You ask while filling your cup making him look up at you.
“You wish” He says, and you look over at him confused, “You just want me all to yourself”
“That’s a joke, right?” You ask as he jumps out of the counter to stand next to you.
“Nop” He says before laughing at his own word, “You like me, Y/N. Like, a lot”
“And you’re very drunk” You comment, as he leans closer to you.
“You almost like me as much as I like you” He says, and you stop yourself from answering. “And that’s a lot”
“Billy-” You start but he shakes his head.
“Don’t try to deny it” He says while looking at the ceiling, “I know you like me, it ain’t no secret”
You don’t know what he drank but it sure was strong.
“You like me?” You ask, still confused.
“Fuck yeah” He says before laughing again.
“Why? And since when?” You ask, putting down your drink on the counter.
“Because you’re hot as fuck. Like hot hot. Like burning fire hot” Billy says making you smile at how childish he sounds, even though he ignored your second question.
“Burning fire?” You ask him and he nods, looking at you.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with ‘burning fire’?” He asks and you shake your head while smiling, “You look beautiful when you smile”
“Only when I smile?” You tease and he shakes his head, scared of what he just said.
“No, no, no. I didn’t mean it like that” He says quickly, and you look at your feet, laughing.
“Oh, tomorrow is going to be fun” You tell yourself.
You look back at Billy and he is just staring at you, he smiles once you look each other in the eyes and he leans forward, quickly making your lips meet in the space of one second.
You stay still for a few seconds until you give in (probably from the alcohol you’ve drank). As the kiss evolves, your hands go to his broad shoulders and Billy picks you up to sit you on the counter.
You wake up and once you open your eyes, you notice that you’re in your bedroom. Everything from last night is foggy, you can’t remember much.
You know you made out with someone and that Billy was in that party. Nothing else.
You sit up and as you do it, it’s like somebody just hit you right on the head. You let out a groan and the headache intensifies.
You make your way to the bathroom and look for some aspirin. You quickly take it as you find it and you sit on the cold floor, waiting for it to do any effect.
As it started showing some effect, you get up and start stripping out of your clothes to take your morning shower before school. The warm water, which was previously turned on, hits your body making you almost immediately relax, and start thinking about yesterday - as you get your bottle of shampoo.
What happened before making out with the guy?
Who was the guy?
You think harder and you gasp loudly as you remember the conversation with Billy.
“Oh shit” You say out loud and there’s a knock on the bathroom door.
“Are you alright, there, honey?” Your mom screams and you sigh.
“Yeah mom, I just got excited over the new conditioner” You say but almost face palming yourself.
“Alright” Your mom says with a confused tone and you continue your shower.
Oh, today is going to be a lot of fun.
You turn off the water and wrap a towel around your body. As you run to your room, you start thinking of what to wear.
You dry your body quickly and put on some underwear. You look through every piece of clothing that you see, and you grab every pair of jeans that you own.
The tighter and the one that makes your ass look better, are the ones.
As you choose it, you grab a random wool shirt and slide it on.
You prepare your clothes for PE as well, before shoving them inside your bag with a huge smile just as you think harder about your plan.
You get your jacket on before walking out of the room with your bags in your hands.
“I need to leave earlier, mom. I’ll eat at school” You tell your mom as you look inside the kitchen to find her looking at the TV.
“Alright, sweetheart. Have a nice day”
Oh, you will.
You walk out of the house with your car keys in hand and you open the passenger door to throw your bags inside. You run around the car and get in it.
You drive to school and you park right where you planned, right next to where Billy usually parks his Camaro.
Almost nobody is here yet, so you decide to pull a book out of your bag and entertain yourself as every single parking spot was taken, in the space of a few minutes.
You turn the page of the book and the grin in your face grows as you hear the roar of Billy’s car. Like expected, he parks his car right next to yours and Max runs out of it.
As you keep looking over at the book, Billy looks to his side and he sees you inside of your car. His heart almost skips a beat as you look up and look over at him, but this time, you didn’t anything offensive, you just shook your head while grinning.
That made Billy very, very confused.
“It must be her new strategy” Billy whispers to himself and he grabs his bag before walking out.
You watch his every move with the corner of your eye, never looking up or moving a muscle (expect for the hand that turned the pages that you weren’t even reading).
Billy throws his bag on top of the hood of the car and gets a cigarette from its box. He lightens it and lets the smoke fill his lungs, while sometimes looking over at you.
You check your watch and you notice that it’s your cue to leave, since Tommy and Carol are almost getting here.
You put your book inside one of the bags before grabbing it and opening the car door. You step out with one of your bags and you walk around it, to Billy’s side, after closing the door.
You open the passenger’s side door and you bend over to get the other bag from the ground. Taking longer than you actually needed.
As planned, Billy’s eyes are glued to your ass as you grab the bag slowly.
You close the door and lock the car. You throw the bag over your shoulder and look over at Billy.
“See you in PE” You say with a smile before walking away to the main school building.
As confusion built up in Billy, his eyes didn’t leave you or your ass as you walked to the building.
Why are you so sweet to him today?
Were you hit in the head this morning? Are you sick? Possessed?
You walk to the gym of the school behind some other girls from your class and you walk in the locker room.
You change out of the tight jeans to the short shorts from your volleyball team and change from your sweater to a baggy t-shirt.
You grab your water bottle and shove everything inside the locker. The girls next to you keep talking about the new gossip in school and you, since you’re very early, sit down and listen to everything, while looking like you’re interested in your gym shoes.
You wait for all the girls in your class to get in and out of the locker room and only then, you walk in the gym next.
The guys that walk in with you, steal some glances at you, but you ignore them while walking to your side of the gym.
Billy walks in the gym and walks to his class’ side with coach. Your eyes follow him, and he looks over at your class, looking for you.
You look away as Billy’s eyes widen at what you’re wearing and some of the guys follow his gaze.
Oh, everything is going accord to your plan, and you couldn’t be happier.
As you played volleyball with the girls in your class, you kind of got distracted at that you were supposed to be doing. Seducing Billy.
You look over at Billy as you got put to the side from the game, and you find him sitting on the bench, right next to everyone’s water bottles.
You walk to him and stay silent as you grab your water.
“What are you doing?” Billy asks without looking at you.
“Drinking water” I tell him as I close the bottle, after sipping it.
Billy nods at your words, trying to hold himself back for making another question, and you put down your water. Billy looks up at you and you wink at him before turning around and going back to the volleyball court.
You walk in your last class of the day and you couldn’t prouder of yourself. All day, you just made something to catch Billy’s attention and to get him to be always looking at you; his confused look was now gone after lunch, but now he just looks pissed off, and you loved it.
You were one of the last people walking in, so you take the seat right in front of Billy.
He keeps talking to his friends and you open your notebook, getting ready to listen and take notes about what the teacher is going to say.
The whole class, Billy glared at the back of your head as: you let him put his feet on the back of your chair (something that you would yell at him for); and as he remembered every single ‘accidental’ smile or wink in the hallways.
“Mr. Hargrove, can you answer the question I just made to the class?” The teacher asks him, and you hide your smile behind your hand, “Or can you at least tell me what I just asked the class?”
Billy, not trusting his voice, just shrugs and shakes his head at the teacher, who sighs and steps back to go around her desk.
“At least stop looking at your classmate and pay attention to my class, please” The teacher says, and everyone looks over at him. Some of the girls thought that the ‘classmate’ was their friend or even themselves, so they all sent smiles and waves in Billy’s direction.
Billy looks down at his notebook and starts drawing random lines and circles on it, trying to pass time.
You stay still and quiet the whole rest of the class and Billy, on the other hand, couldn’t stay still on his chair as he remembered the PE class and how you looked, and he would just randomly start talking to his friends.
The class ends and you start packing up your stuff slowly, letting everyone leave the room and you let your pen fall.
Ready to make the oldest trick in the book. You get up and bend over to get it.
You shove everything inside your bag and zip it up, acting like nothing happened.
You feel a hand grab your arm and start pulling you outside of the room. You hold in your smile as you notice that it’s Billy and you let him take you outside of the school, close to the parking lot.
“What type of fucking game do you think you’re playing?” Billy asks you, annoyed.
“What do you mean?” You ask faking a confused look, holding in your laughter.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about” He says, and you start to slowly walk to your car.
Billy follows you and you smile at your idea. You walk to your left and take seat on the blue Camaro’s hood.
“Oh, you’re taking all the risks today” Billy comments and you smile at him. “Now, what the fuck is this plan of yours?”
“Do you remember anything from last night?” You ask him as you leaned back, holding yourself up with your arms.
“No, why? Did we fuck?” He asks and you can’t help but laugh.
“You wish, Hargrove” You tell him, and he feels more and more confused.
“Then no, I don’t remember anything” He says serious and you smile more at him, making him cross his arms.
“You were very drunk” You start, and he nods for you to keep going, “And you told me something about how you feel”
Billy’s eyes widen and you chuckle.
“Yap, that happened” You reassure as he clenches his jaw and looks away, “And you also said that you thought I was really, really hot, and I quote ‘like burning fire hot’” You say while trying not to laugh.
“Alright, I got it” Billy snaps and you look around you as people went home, while some of them were looking at the two of you.
Billy sighs while scrubbing his face with his hands and you lean forward as your legs moved.
“Then why did you do what you did today?” He asks while uncrossing his arms and taking a step in your direction.
“Just wanted to mess with you since I felt like you wouldn’t remember anything”
“Good to know that you had your fun by making me look like an idiot. Now, can you get the fuck out of my car so I can go home?” He asks annoyed and you smile shaking your head.
“Why are you annoyed?” You ask like a mother asks her toddler that is throwing a tantrum.
“Why do you think I’m mad, Y/N? You made all of this to make fun of me” He says while pointing at the school.
“Who said that I did this to make fun of you?” You ask and he looks at you annoyed.
Billy opens his mouth to talk again and you grab his wrist, pulling him to you. Your hands go to his face and you just kiss him.
Billy stays still for 2 seconds, before his hands go to your waist and your lips start moving in sync, making the kiss turn rougher and quicker.
You pull away for a few seconds and you look at Billy in the eyes, getting a smile from him.
“I like you too, asshole” You say while laughing with him.
- - - - - 
🌸✨Sorry, but I’m not writing in this account anymore. Go check out my new one @twinklelilstarkey✨🌸
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captainkurosolaire · 4 years
Reverie of Winning
“She has a name, you bastard!”
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At no chance would that sufficiently hit Shiro who was calculated always and right now as he began returning to his evil ways, mental tormenting drew satisfaction. All forms had thresholds he felt compelling and screaming other demon’s floating inside him screaming the gap of their power was tremendously in his favor. The indifference's were believed absurdly countless to count. An aetherial icy hand began molding and attempting to seal in his block. More ice surrounded Shiro’s entire frame that often was always around him in a transparent bubble. He had a certain radius that kept him clean and secure from filth and pollution. A protective aura of sorts or defined as his safe-zone. The ice that spawned forth was rapid and not in any sense logically gathered as his corruption defied his normal limits. The Captain predicted a counter only under the many battles they contested his better instincts and judgments kicked in. He followed up in his motion high-kick while allowing them to remain linked to trace behind his spine and unstrap his revolver charged with high dense explosive hollow rounds. Taking a point of aim. Shiro laughed between the true portion of this fight began shaping full-on something associated with likeness of a Voidal presence alarming around the stage of this contest. Horns and demonic runes began burning his flesh and replacing his birthed markings. “Did I hit a nerve?” Before Kuro could hit the trigger Shiro ran his finger into the barrel jamming and stuffing it with a diamond icicle shard perfectly sculpted. Causing a clogged discharge and a catastrophic boom. At the same time releasing Kuro’s leg letting the forced impact entirely boom him ever comically over to the other side of the Ruins from a discharged recoil. He ate it up. Shiro manically became more unstable like a misperformance tune on a violin string. So this is what he sacrificed and sold his every remaining piece of humane for..?                   Good riddance. This power activated only in unmatched hatred and only festered parasitical growth. Captain’s entire frame clashed into a heap of old rubble as many additional falling slid onto his downed canvas in a burial pile. Shiro began a hymn step in casualty coolness while seeking to lecture and berate his cringe of a foe. “I uncovered recently in my travels all your memories of your loved one have stripped from you too, ironic, opposing my rightful claim in trying to get mine returned. However, I’d ask what you were doing coming here for this Treasured Relic was your intentions really any far from my own? Do you really believe yourself better than me, somehow, at all? That you could forgive yourself for letting that part of you freed.  Yes… You threw all the other Stars to fall, those other so-called gems you go on about, everything and cast them aside for her sake, even abandoning the seas pledges in the pursuit of straying to whatever pact once that made you somewhat mildly amusing as a character. Though what makes your bond more important than mine? My sake is just as valued as yours! Losses of glory are always painful no matter so tell me your differences, fiend!” Long absence and pause happened on Captain’s side as he had to work much harder to catch his breathing from a hit like that. Suddenly softer pieces of rubble over-top began rolling down the pile. His hand breaking forth before shoveling himself into the landslide. Scratches, bruises, and blood already began dripping from him in disarray his eyebrow on his skin peeled back. His rigid lungs forced him to cough out the dust and debris.
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As he slowly began to reclaim his posture. “Who said anything about mine is more important in comparison? I legitimately and full-hardheartedly messed up. It’s not my first-voyage or time, probably won’t be the last. I’ve been on the verge of being n’ the whole happily ever after sunset many times and I screwed them all up. There’s no blame outside my own. Look at me. I get n’ these types of injuries and situations all the time. This isn’t anything unusual, I’m a handful in every sense, sometimes, there’s more pain in that than the actual intended pleasure. Even to other Voidsents on my crew formerly, or mythical creature’s beyond mind, I can be an exhausting nightmare to even them. Ye think that’s healthy or stable or somehow certified sane? Doesn’t matter even if you’re eternal or everlasting or blessed by some creator that’s bound to taint and soil any waters. She cast me out and extended mercy on me and freed me even as I turned to the epitome of fright, a prediction she foresaw, even when I wanted to fog from reality.”
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 “T’ sow these rifts like this one I can’t make my departure soured without learning. No one deserves more happiness than what Ayla gave and should have gotten or any of the recognition I lacked in providing… I’ll always have a part of me that love’s her and owe every fortune I obtain here on and out as her claim too. But In order for that to transpire reassuringly all that I formerly had in the light and was known for my fame and all my signs of openly living must forever be the shadows ownership for now. Nightmares were meant to end when eyes are opened! So... WITH THAT BEING SAID. I’ll show you who I’m fighting for in this!” He took on a charge once again reinvigorated even knowing in every sense this was futile, outclassed and outmatched. Last time he came close to defeating Shiro first-time it took him preparing and actually expecting the battle. Using Grade 2 - Wyvern-Obsidian to carve through the Diamond Ice. He didn’t have that courtesy in this encounter. The pirate wasn’t selfishly throwing these in some self-made vault or intending to use any of the trophies acquired in usage. He wanted to secure and put them into a slumber further away from the worst in his sector corner. To let them be with either their people of origins or to reside with researchers in museums or artistic wonders if they didn’t forebode troublesome damnation. Regardless to Shiro’s belief the Captain had no plans or intentions to encounter his bettered-rival here in this map and next adventure and when he did stumble across and saw with his first sight. It broke a cord inside him with a sign of sympathy and regret. Shiro believes there was no such thing as a pirate of compassion. He was wrong alongside with that whole illusion of wishing-well when someone was in a compromised and fallen mood was a ruse. It was understandable coming from the upper echelon in society, people always swindled and played the same card to merely keep a connection or contact with status closely to them. There wasn’t an entire flaw in Shiro’s jaded thoughts though there was more depth he refused. Realms were led by statistics. It’s why categorization and separation hierarchies had to exist. There was realism and there was idealism. Those that weren’t taught the exact same ways as others those so-called privileged weren’t known by the same eld textbooks or hand-me-down spew from fossilized oaks. Those that had nothing but a scrap of their own knowledge and perception crafted their own past droid teachings. Eventually, there was one part of a group line that coherently believed in all formed free. Fears of free often were doubled-sided, naturally, as one part of the definition of free could simply just mean pure anarchy and chaos an excuse for lawlessness. While another believed that any and all forms of corrupt and foul could exist no matter the origins it was all individual influenced and decided. And shouldn’t be determined until active clarity was known but over time this became a worthless fight. It was easier just to knuckle up for these arguments and drive home their value.    (Previous)  — /References/ —   ♫ ‘Black Holes’ — (Next Page)
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salt-warrior · 4 years
Chapter Two: Angel of Hell
The crisp happy music thrummed in a chirpy harmony through Kai's ears. A smile lit his face as he opened his eyes and gently turned off his alarm clock. The smile remained as he turned on his favorite rock playlist and practically danced around his shared apartment, and allowing his hips to sway to the music. He even managed to smile as he read the morning news off his phone and ate his favorite breakfast of Cocoa Puffs.
It's not as though Kaito Crown was always happy; he just normally was. He loved going to school at the nearby university. He had aced all his business classes, due to the fact he had been trained since birth to overtake Beijing Empire. He was close with his dad and loved working with him. His life was great— no, it was perfect.
Kai had been raised in wealth; his father was the most proclaimed business man throughout the entire world. His mother had been a fashion icon that outshone all others. Kai himself was loved and known by everyone. The fact that he was smart and handsome didn't help his case.
A moan escaped the nearby room, and Kai laughed as he watched his best friend stumble out of his room and into the kitchen. Kai had known Carswell Thorne since they were in the first grade. Both came from well known families and had attended the same private academy in California.
"Did you rest well, Sleeping Beauty?" Kai raised an eyebrow. Thorne threw a laser beam glare back.
"Have you ever considered turning the music down? It's only seven in the morning for stars sake, and not all of us are morning people," Thorne retorted, plunking down in the seat across from Kai with his cup of coffee.
"Well, I'm sorry that you're cranky. Are you fighting with Kate again?"
Thorne tensed up at Kai's words. "Oh," Kai sighed. "I'm sorry, Thorne."
"It's alright, Crown." Thorne smiled, tight lipped. "It was bound to happen eventually. It's just like my father said: I'm 'toxic' when it comes to relationships," he air-quoted with a scowl, and Kai grinned at him.
"Hey, you've kept me around for what— sixteen years?" Thorne rolled his eyes at Kai's words.
"Yeah, that's only because I can't seem to get rid of you, no matter how bad of a friend I am."
Kai stood from his seat, placing his bowl in the empty sink. "Cheer up, little toxin. You'll find love eventually." Kai picked up his backpack and began to walk out the door, just as Thorne called out to him.
"How'd your date go last night, since we're talking about my sad love life."
"Oh, you know," Kai shrugged, wrapping a scarf around his neck. It really wasn't that cold, as Thorne like to remind him, but Kai was a wimp. "She was nice— really nice, but not the one. Redheads aren't exactly my type."
Kai had a great record in school. He was great at making friends. He was seemingly the most outgoing person alive, but he could never seem to get a girlfriend. It wasn't like he didn't have dozens of girls stalking him and wanting to go out with him. He just had never found one that understood him.
"Don't worry, mate," Thorne bowed in front of him, looking goofy in his plaid robe. "You'll find her someday."
The December weather had brought ice to the roads, causing Kai to change his regular course to school to a backroad, but Kai was having a blast as he drove he path while belting "Sweet Caroline" at the top of his lungs. He was right behind a really old and rusty Chevrolet Cavalier the color of dirt and waiting for the light to turn green.
Finally it did, and the old Chevy began to move forward. Kai waited a second, before following behind it, not wanting any surprises from the piece of junk. The drive was nice and breezy, and Kai hardly hit any ice. The song changed, and on came Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benetar.
Kai sang along, enjoying the chorus. He loved listening to songs in his car. He thrived off the feeling of singing until his lungs burned, but his father had told him at a young age that he sounded like a dying peacock when he sang so he only belted out melodies when he was alone.
The chorus was playing a final time when, out of the blue, a red sports car slammed into the old Chevy. The crack of sound that cut through the air was deafening. Time seemed to slow down and Kai watched in horror as the Chevy in front of him tried to stop sliding. Tried so hard, but was no match for the ice and propulsion.
Kai slammed on his brakes, and came to a complete stop just in time to watch the dirt colored car fall off the road and roll down the hill. It tumbled for what seemed like a lifetime, and Kai wondered if whoever was in there would live. He finally understood the expression "watching a slow-motion car crash." It was terrifying.
An eternity later, the car came to a stop at the bottom of the slope. The red sports car had stayed on the road, but was crunched in the front. Kai got out of his car, and walked over to the red car, ears ringing.
The drivers side was a wreck, but the woman sitting there was alive. She had dark auburn hair, and a tearstained face. Her entire body was shaking horribly and her door was jammed. The airbag was deflating, and Kai could tell the lady was crying though he couldn't quite hear her. All the noise had become one high pitched note that seemed to forever echo throughout his head.
Kai walked around the car to the passenger's side. The door opened easily, and Kai began speaking to the woman. He motioned for her to climb out of her vehicle, before anything else happened, and she complied.
Everything seemed so easy. Sure, this woman was in shock but she was still able to get out of her car by herself. Kai had just pulled out his phone to call the police when a spark of light caught the corner of his eye.
Kai practically threw his phone at the red car woman in his haste to run down the hill. How could he be so stupid? Obviously the car that had rolled down a hill would need help first. Kai mentally cursed himself for his idiocy.
Kai threw himself down the diagonal slope in a sprint, attempting to get to to the old car. He ignored the cries of the woman behind him, even as she screamed and wailed. The flames had started small, but were quickly climbing across the surface of the old rust-bucket, the color brighter than normal flames. Kai could see that there was only one person in the car, but he couldn't tell if it was a male or female. They weren't screaming, which frightened Kai. Maybe they were unconscious, or maybe he was too late to save them.
The hill wasn't necessarily long, but it seemed so as Kai raced down at top speed. Flames danced farther along the car, and Kai had the sickening feeling that they were eating the driver alive.
Finally Kai reached the car. It was rolled onto the driver's side, so he knew he would have to get in through the passenger's side again. Kai tried to open the door, but it was jammed.
Cursing, Kai looked at the ground. He had his pocket knife with him, having been told from his boy scout master to “always be prepared.” He couldn't use that to open the door though. Still scanning the ground, Kai's eyes landed on a rather large rock. He smiled and knew that it would work.
Kai began hammering on the window with his rock. The glass began to splinter, and the sickening feeling hit Kai. How long would it take to break the window if rolling down a hill hadn't done it? He had to get that person out of there soon, or else they would either be engulfed in flames or choke on the smoke. Kai was that person's only hope; he had to save them.
The glass seemed almost indestructible, but Kai somehow managed to shatter it all into a thousand pieces. Kai whooped with joy, and began climbing into the car.
That's when he laid eyes on her. She was beautiful, with flames surrounding her, casting a dark, protective shadow. Kai wondered if Hell had angels, and he knew that if they did, this is what they would look like. Kai internally slapped himself for thinking like that during a crisis and tried to undo her seatbelt. It was jammed.
Not even checking to see if she was conscious, he pulled out his pocket knife. The blade was prime, seeing as Kai sharpened it once a month. He wasn't a crazy survivalist, or anything, but he wanted to be prepared.
Kai began sawing through the rough material, and it was much easier than breaking the window glass, though the smoke made it impossible to breathe. The threads came undone in less than sixty seconds and Kai began to wonder if they could ever actually keep anyone safe.
Flames fluttered across his skin, but Kai kept sawing. He had to keep going, even if it meant he got a few burns. Kai knew that the girl was going to have it worse than him, and he had to save her.
The final thread snapped, and Kai grabbed the girl, before she could fall into the windshield. He tucked his knife back into his pants, and began to drag the girl's limp body away from the wreckage.
Kai climbed out backwards, trying to keep both hands on the girl. Glass cut deep into his skin and he winced. The smoke was suffocating him, and he started to panic. Gradually, he pulled his own body from the destruction, and only had the girl left. As gently as he could, Kai hauled her from the car, trying not to let the glass scrape her.
Kai tugged at the girl, and she finally became free of the Hell she had been in. The girl had her chocolate eyes open, but Kai could tell that she was drifting away. He spoke to her. Telling her to stay with him—not to go to sleep, but stay awake— stay alive. He still didn't understand why, but he needed to save her.
He felt as though his life was connected to hers, and the only way to make it complete would be to save her. Her brown eyes locked on his, staring into what must have been his soul. He yelled, wishing he knew her name.
Her lids closed, and the finality seemed to hit Kai like a bulldozer. He ran up the hill, the dying girl still in his arms. He had never run so hard in all of his life—his lungs burning from smoke and exertion.
By the time Kai had climbed to the top of the hill, he could hardly breathe. The smoke was gone, but he knew that it would stay within him for a long, long time.
The red car lady was sprawled across Kai's car, tears running down her cheeks. She was still shaking, though Kai was not surprised. He himself was in shock due to the event that had played before him.
She still had his phone in her hand, and Kai wondered if she had called the police. Kai marched straight for the woman. "Did you call the police?" Kai yelled. His hearing had come back to him, but his ears were still ringing slightly.
The woman nodded and then whimpered. She was she began sobbing hysterically, and Kai felt sympathetic. This woman had not asked for this— it was not her fault.
Kai then remembered the girl in his arms. She had also not asked for this, but look where she was. He set her down on the ground, not sure what to do.
That's when Kai caught sight of her body. She was burned along her entire left side. Her leg was charred black up to her knee, and the rest of her flesh was a raw red with angry blisters already converging.
Kai began dry heaving at the sight and had to look away. How was this girl even alive? Was she still alive? Kai dropped down on his knees and checked for a pulse. He was met by a light, slow thump, and knew they didn't have much time.
The snow on the side of the road was crisp, white and clean. Kai walked over and scooped up an arm full. He wasn't a doctor, or anything, but Kai was pretty sure that it wouldn't do any harm to try and cool her skin down.
White soon covered the charred black flesh, but Kai still felt hopeless. He wished he could do more.
About five minutes later, Kai heard sirens. He jumped up, lifting the burned girl with him. The snow had melted on her skin, and drizzled off in dark, flaking droplets.
Kai watched as the ambulances sped to a stop in front of all the wreckage. EMT's immediately jumped out of the vehicle, pulling two stretchers with them.
People rushed over to the burned girl first, pulling her away and into the first ambulance. They didn't even wait to check on her before loading her up and driving away. Kai stood, still shocked at how fast they had worked.
The rest of the attendants checked the red car lady, and pulled her onto the second stretcher. A woman came over to him, and began asking him questions. He couldn't speak. The world was going at one hundred miles an hour, and he couldn't grasp anything.
Kai fell to the ground, clutching his head, trying to get a grip, but he couldn't. The woman shouted over her shoulder, and hands lifted Kai up onto another stretcher. He began to feel dizzy, wondering where he was.
Medics rushed around him, pushing him into the ambulance. Kai smiled. He had always wanted to see the inside of one of these when he was a kid. The vehicle began to move, and Kai laughed. His eyelids began to droop, and Kai's last thought before drifting off were of the beautiful Angel of Hell.
Tag list: @cerenoya (Let me know if you want to be added!)
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