#screengrabs 2017
escapismthroughfilm · 5 months
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⋆˚。⋆Call Me by Your Name (2017) dir. Luca Guadagnino⋆˚。
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ninjadoodleduck · 3 months
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.....so I tried doing a screengrab....
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Michael Carmen Pitt Behind the Scenes of Ghost In The Shell as Kuze ❤️
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optiwashere · 7 months
I was stalking tags, where is the free cam video of SH mach 6 hurling her undies baseball style maximum efficiency at the peeker?????
I've HUNTED for months, where is it?!?!? Its not on YouTube,Facebook or Twitter!!! I'm not touching reddit since 2017 so WHERE IS IT?!?!?!
(If you don't know it's chill I'm just feral over the visual)
Anon, it's so unfortunate that you went on this wild hunt lmao. I saw someone post about it in a discord server and they shared a screengrab rather than a clip. That's pretty much all I have of it.
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Apparently they spawn mid-air but Larian still animated her hurling them.
You'll have to explore on your own to see it in action, I suppose.
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drawnecromancy · 1 year
OC moodboard tag game
Saw @the-stray-storyteller's post about it and here's mine :)
Rules : enter the name of your OC + core on the search bar of pinterest, take the first 9 images that come up, and that's a moodboard now.
Atropa Meria (only her first name was used for the search)
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Interesting ! It's a lot greener and lighter than I'd go for if looking for pictures on my own. Both of the pictures that are straight up the plant she's named after are on point though.
Tagging @isabellebissonrouthier, as well @logarithmicpanda, and @the-lightbulb-and-the-octopus (as much as i know you two don't usually do tag games i've seen you do moodboards :p) + OPEN TAG
Here are some reverse image search results on the pictures, because since Pinterest is RIPE with theft and unsourced stuff, I wanted to see if it was easy to figure out where the pics originally come from. I think i'm bad at searching these things though so... yeah.
1 - 2 (couldn't find the exact picture, but reverse image search seems to imply this is a theatre in Munich) - 3 (no dice) - 4 (seems to be a picture of Psyché et l'Amour, can't find the source) - 5 (reverse image search seems to indicate that this is a screengrab from a movie called The Beguiled (2017)) - 6 (couldn't find shit) - 7 (Looks like this picture put through a filter) - 8 (can't find anything) - 9 (a US government website about plants. that's fair, Atropa is named for belladona...)
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fallloverfic · 1 year
Sharing panels from ENNEAD
Mojito, author/artist of ENNEAD, the boy's love manhwa, has asked that people not share more than 2 panel screencaps per post. She's tweeted about it a couple times, starting with March 29, 2017:
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Machine English Translation Text: "Thank you for liking it. However, please do not make the capture too large ;ㅅ; Just one or two, please. And the source please."
Mojito also pinned this to her profile for over two months starting with August 29, 2023:
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Machine English text: "To prevent spoilers, only 2 cuts are allowed. Please also cover the speech bubbles. And those who illegally spread and translate! No thank you at all. I am grinding and making my body every day. You drain my mind. Stop right now."
It's also listed on her twitter profile:
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Machine English Translation Text: "Capture more than 3 cuts X"
This is generally understood to mean 2 panels or less, not no more than 3. So please respect Mojito's wishes and only post screengrabs/captures/screencaps of no more than 2 panels when sharing around. You should also remove/blur out any text, and indicate where you got it from (e.g., Ennead by Mojito, S02E41).
Sharing the panels that Witchcomics/mcomics puts up for their previews is probably fine because those are made freely available, but I would stick to just what they put on their twitter, which have watermarks on them, not screencapping the unedited versions from the paywalled episodes. A number of the legal sites offer at least a few free episodes to read, if not something like what Tappytoon does with its Time Til Free program, where you can get all but the last 48 episodes entirely for free (which is currently all of season 1, and part of season 2).
And it goes without saying, please do not share scanlation panels. This is different from screengrabbing from the actual comic, and is typically pretty obvious because scanlators cover their work with their watermarks, identifying the scanlator. Mojito hates scanlation, most manhwa authors hate them. They put the comic's future at risk. Works have been taken down in the past because pirating is so bad. If you really want to promote the comic, you can link to Mojito's twitter, or the various legal places to read the manhwa, one of the animated trailers, or link to the Witchomics/mcomics episode previews, which are freely available on their twitter. Witchcomics puts up a preview for the new Korean episodes generally within 24-48 hours prior to a new episode. The trailer and previews are intended as advertising to be shared.
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piyasahaberleri · 1 year
AI Godfather olarak kabul edilen Geoffrey Hinton, Google'ın 2 Kasım 2017'de suni zeka temalı Go North Canada konferansında seyircilere konuşuyor. — Screengrab/NewYorkTimesSuni zekanın (AI) tehlikeleri hakkında fazlaca sayıda ses ortaya çıkarken, AI'nın vaftiz babası olarak da malum Geoffrey Hinton, suni zekanın insanları denetim edeceğini ve "insanları manipüle etmenin yollarını" öğreneceğini söylemiş oldu.Hinton, suni zekanın tehlikeleri hakkında özgürce konuşabilmek için teknoloji devine onlarca yıl adadıktan sonrasında Google ile yollarını ayırdı. 75 yaşındaki, bir röportajda konuşurken CNN, teknoloji geliştiricilerin suni zekanın tehlikelerinin neler bulunduğunu bilmelerini sağlamak için "düdük çalması" icap ettiğini söylemiş oldu. Makinelerin eşi benzeri görülmemiş bir hızla insanlardan daha akıllı hale geldiğinin farkındaydı.Oldukça sayıda teknoloji ürününde kullanılan suni zeka için sinir ağlarının geliştirilmesine destek olan Hinton, "Ben yalnız bu şeylerin bizlerden daha akıllı hale geldiğini ansızın fark eden bir bilim insanıyım" dedi."Bir nevi 'düdük çalmak' ve bu şeylerin bizi denetim etmesini iyi mi durduracağımız mevzusunda ciddi olarak endişelenmemiz icap ettiğini söylemek isterim."Hinton, New York Times'a "Düzgüsel bir bahaneyle kendimi teselli ediyorum: Ben yapmasaydım başkası yapardı" dedi. Suni zekanın, pek fazlaca kişinin "artık neyin doğru bulunduğunu bilemeyeceği" bir dünya yaratacağı mevzusunda uyardı ve değişen teknolojinin yerini alacak işlere hususi bir vurgu yapmış oldu.Suni zekanın vaftiz babası, "Bu şeylerin aslen insanlardan daha akıllı olabileceği fikri - birkaç şahıs buna inanıyordu" dedi.Hinton, "bizlerden fazlaca daha akıllı olursa, manipülasyonda fazlaca iyi olacak şundan dolayı bunu bizlerden öğrenmiş olacak ve daha parlak zeka bir şeyin daha azca parlak zeka bir şey tarafınca denetim edildiğine dair fazlaca azca örnek var" dedi."Iyi mi programlanacağını biliyor, bu yüzden ona koyduğumuz kısıtlamaları aşmanın yollarını bulacak. İnsanları istediğini yapmaları için manipüle etmenin yollarını bulacak."Mart ayında, teknoloji CEO'ları ve uzmanlar da dahil olmak suretiyle fazlaca sayıda uzman tarafınca yazılan ve imzalanan, AI'nın tehlikelerini vurgulayan ve "cemiyet ve insanlık için derin riskler" oluşturduğunu söyleyen bir açık mektup vardı.Teknoloji milyarderi Elon Musk, ChatGPT 4'ten fazlaca daha kuvvetli yazılımlar geliştirdiğini de duyurmuştu.Mektubun imzacılarından kabul edilen Apple'ın kurucu ortağı Steve Wozniak Salı günü şunları söylemiş oldu: "Sizi kandırmak isteyenler için kandırmak fazlaca daha kolay olacak. Bu mevzuda hakkaten herhangi bir değişim yapmıyoruz - yapıyoruz. yalnız haiz olduğumuz yasaların bununla ilgileneceğini varsayarsak."Apple'ın kurucu ortağı da CNN ile konuşurken "suni zekanın düzenlenmesini" önerdi.Mektubun bir parçası olmayan Hinton, "İlerlemeyi durdurabileceğimizi düşünmüyorum. Dilekçeyi imzalamadım" dedi.Hinton, "Suni zeka üstünde emek vermeyi bırakmalıyız şundan dolayı ABD'daki insanoğlu durursa Çin'deki insanoğlu durmaz" diye ekledi.Sadece, "Bu problemi çözüp çözemeyeceğimiz benim için net değil. Problemi çözmenin yollarını düşünmek için büyük çaba sarf etmemiz gerektiğine inanıyorum. Şu anda bir çözümüm yok" dedi.
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yesterdayiwrote · 2 years
I find it very interesting (perhaps I have way too much time) that Mercedes put Charles under the 'you may also like' catergory on their social media graphic celebrating the date that George signed as their junior.
So… usually you can tell if something is a mock-up with Merc cos they put little Easter eggs in but I wasn’t sure if that was an actual genuine screengrab cos it even had the old style Twitter layout and everyone’s 2017 profile pics?
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isfeed · 2 years
Tesla delivers first electric Semi trucks — three years late
Tesla delivers first electric Semi trucks — three years late
Screengrab: Tesla Five years after they were first revealed, the first Tesla Semi trucks were delivered to customers at an event at the company’s Gigafactory in Sparks, Nevada, Thursday. The trucks, which were first unveiled in concept form back in 2017, were supposed to go into production in 2019 but were delayed for a variety of reasons, including the COVID-19 pandemic and a global parts…
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escapismthroughfilm · 4 months
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⋆˚。⋆ ⋆˚。Hot Summer Nights (2017) dir. Elijah Bynum⋆˚。⋆ ⋆˚
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insanunity · 2 years
沙特阿拉伯:兒子說,Awad al-Qarni 在被捕期間的家看起來像一個“戰場"
沙特阿拉伯:兒子說,Awad al-Qarni 在被捕期間的家看起來像一個“戰場”
[ Chinese traditional ] : 最近從沙特阿拉伯逃到英國的納賽爾·卡爾尼說,他家被 100 多名武裝人員包圍。 2017 年 9 月,沙特阿拉伯傳教士 Awad al-Qarni 與其他幾位宗教人物、記者、學者和活動家一起被捕 (Screengrab)。 2022 年 10 月 6 日,MEE 工作人員:沙特阿拉伯著名的被拘留傳教士 Awad al-Qarni 的兒子 Nasser al-Qarni 在新發布的視頻中詳細介紹了五年前他父親遭到暴力逮捕的情況。 工業工程師納賽爾本週早些時候向彭博社透露,在沙特阿拉伯官員威脅他如果談論他的父親將被判入獄或死刑之後,他已經逃離海灣王國並在英國尋求庇護。 Awad al-Qarni 是一位著名的傳教士,曾在沙特阿拉伯的伊瑪目穆罕默德伊本沙特伊斯蘭大學和哈立德國王大學任教,並出現在許多電視節目中。 他於 2017…
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Pilou Asbaek as Batou is so hot 🥵 🔥
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gemwire · 2 years
Is ‘Tears of the Kingdom’ ‘Breath of the Wild 2?’
Is ‘Tears of the Kingdom’ ‘Breath of the Wild 2?’
Screengrab via YouTube/Hirule Gamer
Legend of Zelda fans have been eagerly awaiting news of the follow-up to 2017’s Breath of the Wild for years now. 
The hugely popular 2017 title reintroduced fans to the perpetually popular Link in a brand new world, and gamers quickly fell in love. Breath of the Wild is broadly considered one of the best Legend of Zelda titles to date, and among the best video game releases of all time. Most LoZ games are standalone titles, released with the intent to tell a self-contained story before branching off into a new world, with a new Link, Zelda, and Ganon. 
It’s long been known that Breath of the Wild is set to deviate from this formula, releasing a second title set in the same world, and the same timeline, starring the same cast of characters. Fans are delighted to finally know when to expect Breath of the Wild 2 to drop, but confusion around the game’s name continues to flood social media. 
Are Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild 2 one and the same? 
Nintendo recently announced the title of one of its upcoming games, Tears of the Kingdom, leaving Legend of Zelda fans confused. They’ve been calling the sequel Breath of the Wild 2 for years, and many fans simply assumed the follow-up game would simply stick to this title. Nintendo has no such plans, however. It announced the game’s actual title in the late summer months of 2022, gracing fans with the freshly-dubbed Tears of the Kingdom during 2022’s Nintendo Direct.
Tears of the Kingdom is the official title for Breath of the Wild 2. As noted above, the game will take place in the same world as Breath of the Wild, continuing the story where Link, Zelda, and Ganon left off. The game isn’t a complete rehash of the original title, thankfully, with plenty of plans to switch up gameplay — and even the topography of the world — as players work to traverse Hyrule.
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The post Is ‘Tears of the Kingdom’ ‘Breath of the Wild 2?’ appeared first on Gemwire.
source https://gemwire.gg/en/is-tears-of-the-kingdom-breath-of-the-wild-2/
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romdocitizen · 7 years
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The Night is Short, Walk On Girl (2017) dir. Masaaki Yuasa
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onenettvchannel · 4 days
BREAKING OVERNIGHT: 'IShowSpeed' reaches 30M YouTube subscribers during his South East Asia tour in Cambodia [#OnlyOnOneNETnews]
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(Written by Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Freelanced News Writer, Online Media Reporter and News Presenter of OneNETnews)
SIEM REAP, CAMBODIA -- A veteran Ohio-native and variety YouTuber 'Mr. Darren Jason Watkins Jr.', who is known as 'IShowSpeed' is celebrated a monumental milestone by reaching 30 million subscribers on a video-sharing platform 'YouTube' (owned by Google's Alphabet) during his South East Asia tour. The celebration took place in the bustling city of Siem Reap where 'IShowSpeed' was recently greeted overnight by an energetic crowd of fanatical Cambodian fans.
He started first as an individual male YouTuber in 2016 before he was associated several years later as a type of content provider of 'Thumb Media', a production agency based in Portugal. Initially in early Christmas of December 2017, he focused on gaming content at NBA 2K and occasionally Fortnite games, but pretty drew attention given that energetic style of his entertaining content. Not just that, he is secretly as a rapper, as well as a singer combined, especially travelled all across the globe. He was an ardent Portuguese soccer enthusiast of 'Mr. Cristiano Aveiro Ronaldo' at the 'Al Nassr Football Club'.
During the pandemic days of Coronavirus Disease-19 (CoViD-19), Dot Esports was first reported, that in between 100,000 and 1 million subscribers, IShowSpeed is the only fastest male YouTuber, due to high demand of online popularity. Several controversies came to be in history to face online and in-person physically by early January to August 2022. Until he was transitioned to traveling and other things in life, and was interested in soccer from September 2022 until the present today, where he is currently expanding his variety of content, incorporating vlogs, challenges and LIVE streams, broadening his demographic audience.
He got named twice between 'Breakout Streamer' and 'Variety Streamer' way back around December 2022, and in late-August 2023 last year. This leaves him on top in the online video-sharing entertainment industry. As of today on September 2024, per recently advertised on social media posts, he now started his South East Asia tour for Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, and now… Cambodia!
Here in our country last week, IShowSpeed made a brief, yet impactful visit to the Philippines including Bonifacio Global City in Taguig and General Santos City, South Cotabato; where he spent 2 days engaging with fans and exploring local culture.
Day 3 is a serious no-go by traveling one of the cities in the Visayas region like Bacolod, Dumaguete (for both regions of Negros Occidental and Oriental), Cebu or Siquijor. But he will eventually saving last for the Philippines, probably towards the tail end of his South East Asia tour, in around the upcoming final week of this month of September. His ongoing online tour has been a mix of LIVE broadcasts, fan meet-ups and cultural experiences, all of which have been documented on his above-mentioned male variety and veteran YouTuber idol.
IShowSpeed's journey from a passionate gamer to an American variety & veteran independent YouTuber with 30 million subscribers. This says a lot, about his dedication, and his ability to connect globally. Aside from that, few hours into the tour, almost immediately after the stream finished, he dropped a t-shirt merch in every country you live, now currently available to order at the Speed Store website. It is available online for only U$D25 (or about PHP1,400).
As he continues his tour in South East Asia right now, the online video-sharing netizens at YouTube in your own country, eagerly wait to know what he will achieve next in the future.
SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyNDJuMCxDc [Referenced YT LIVE VIDEO via IShowSpeed]
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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blindpilotmedia · 3 years
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A Ghost Story (2017) Dir. David Lowery
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