#screw you mother fuckers speaks
lucianlhsystem · 11 months
Hot take (I think)
Everyone in the fandom would be like Jax if they got Isekai'd into The Amazing Digital Circus, like it's just so likely that we all would refuse to go mad and become a sarcastic piece of shit (I hate you Jax) (But also damn why are you a mirror bitch)
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Like imagine being there for YEARS and slowly forgetting yourself, everyone who you knew and watching other people around you who are in that hell space also lose themselves, getting every day worse and ending up taking by force the role that Caine assign them with their stupid little names in his stupid little game, and seeing how even lovers get separated by the insanity of that whole scenario
I mean Kinger and Queenie in this case, like i'm sure where in a romantic relationship, but even if it was just a platonic kind of relationship, imagine seeing them love and care for each other, just to then seeing one of them get transformed into this fucking mess of a creature and the other be more and more lost in their mind until they are not the person you once met
Like fr if I was there for years I would not think it twice, either I get in a fist fight with Caine to be let out the place and FIGHT my way out with tooth and nail until it worked, OR just don't let myself get attached to anyone and screw every relationship that could be made with the other people in that place, making myself hate them or hate me to ensure I will never get any pain when seeing that they either succumbed to the madness and abstraction shit in this fucking nightmare
AND EVEN STILL Jax was actually horrified when seeing Kaufmo being abstracted, like yeah it could be "oh shit I'm gonna die" but I see it as a "Oh gods, oh fuck he actually went insane nonoononononon-" in a worried for the poor clown kind of way
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(And abstracted Kaufmo like trying to grab his face and the mannerisms they showed with him moving his head like trying to snap out of it was so messed up, like holy shit I'm sure he was actually understanding what was going on and even then could not control anything he was doing he was just an spectator to his own body, but that's for another post)
Also that fucking scene
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The way they look so small and freaked out by the thing they are seeing (And Jax taking anything to make as an excuse to leave, the coward twink really just ditched lmao) (Honestly same I would run so fast)
Anyways, a tldr is; Jax is exactly the type of bitch all of us would become if we ended up there alone, scared and not being able to even remember who we were
Or also like Zooble, they are also a "Don't speak to me don't percibe me I do not care" but in a "I'm way too tired and don't/can't deal with anything don't push it b#t*h" way rather than a "I won't allow myself be affected by this shit, even if it means pushing someone else to die in my place (because I'm a coward)" kind of way that Jax has as a wee little bitch (Same dude)
Like no way in hell I would be as kind as Ragatha, like that poor bitch was throw around because of caring to help anyone damn
Anyways that's the take idk if I'm going to die to people who really really likes the bunny man or really really dislikes the bunny man for saying I think he ain't really good nor bad, just a bitch ass coward who has attachment panic like everyone and how we would be as shitty as him ey (pls don't kill me I have a family)
The other hot take I have it's that Caine is a bitch as mother fucker and he knows more than he let's on, let them out before I boil your teeth and cut your eyes like onions tuxedo man, but like it's not THAT big of a hot take u know
Anyways I think Pomni Ragatha and Jax should kiss idk about u people -crow noises-
-Leila (don't kill me please)
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camels-pen · 1 year
/snaked/ 1) To get stabbed in the back or be generally screwed over by someone 2) Stole or stolen. 1. That fucker just snaked me. / I thought he could be trusted but he snaked me. 2. I just snaked that dude's wallet.
Danny and Sam learn Tucker has a fear of snakes. He also happens to steal Danny's hard earned prize. Oh, and Danny turns into a dragon.
based on @bellsandmischief's prompt "Danny and friends are yeeted via portal into a medieval/mythical universe, and now have to defeat a Hydra (or other mythical beast) to get the "key" to get home."
Ao3 Link
“Hark! Wake the girlies from their sleep, there’s a beast afoot!”
“That’s not how it goes,” Sam said. “And get off of there before you make it notice us.”
“So sue me, I haven’t read the book,” Danny grumbled, floating to the ground. “And I was just trying to lighten things up.”
“And while I appreciate that, how about we lighten things up after we get Tucker back from the massive hydra?”
“Seconded!” yelled a tiny voice in Danny’s ear. He winced and turned down the volume of the Fenton Phones. 
“Well, it’s not like he’s in any real danger at the moment, and you were starting to get a permanent scowl on your face.”
“I’ll put a permanent scowl on your face.”
“Guys, can we please do this later?! I think the hydra’s trying to ask me out and I don’t know how to say no without getting eaten!”
Danny hummed, leaning back against the massive stone wall. “Try—” He made the sound of a train whistle, followed by shredded paper.
“Ow! Did you have to say that so loud?” 
“Wasn’t any louder than your yelling earlier.”
“Hey, Danny,”—Sam squinted at him—“what exactly did you say?”
“Because it sounded like ‘you have faces only a mother snake could love’.”
Danny clicked his tongue. Damn Sam and her growing knowledge of Ghost Speak.
“I’m not saying that!” Tucker screeched. “That’s like a guaranteed ticket to its stomach!”
Danny put a hand to his chin. “I think it’d be ‘stomachs’, plural. Since it’s got a bunch of heads it probably has—”
“Not helping!” Tucker yelled.
“Ugh, fine, fine. I’ll drop it.” He craned his neck up to watch the massive green hydra above them, Tucker sat atop one of its yellow scaled heads while the others dote over him. “How’d you even get this thing to want you so bad? Did your stinky cologne finally work on someone?”
“Okay, A) it’s not stinky it’s funky fresh, and, B) I. Don’t. Know!” he wailed.
“Have you found the gem, at least?” Sam asked.
“Well, I would have if I wasn’t preoccupied with NOT GETTING EATEN!” Danny put a hand over his eyes, squinting through the sunlight. It looked like one of the heads licked Tucker. He heard him shudder. “Eww, gross.”
“You’ve been up there that long and you still haven’t found it? Amateur.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, have you ever been held hostage by a hydra before? Hmm?” Sam looked like she was about to answer, but Tucker barely gave pause. “I didn’t think so. So how about we trust the current expert on hydra kidnappings and believe him when he says THIS IS TERRIFYING!”
“I still don’t think it exists,” Danny said with a shrug. “I mean it’s way too good to be true.”
“Well, you can go back to the castle and ask the stuck up king again, but I think he’d just start yelling about cutting off your head for coming back empty handed.” 
“Yeah, I’m not gonna do that. Especially not when my powers are still messed up from that portal.” Danny held open his palm imagining a fiery blast of ectoplasm appearing. There was a little puff of smoke followed by a fart sound. “But neither of you find it weird that when we asked if they knew any ghosts or magic that could get us home, they said ‘hey, the hydra’s got this shiny green rock, maybe that could help’ and shoved us at it?” 
“Obviously it’s suspicious, but we don’t exactly have any other leads here!” 
“Oh, c’mon Tuck, I thought you were into monsters and stuff,” Danny said, trying for his ice next, but ending up with a single snowflake. It quickly melted in his palm.
“I am a strict werewolf lover, thank you very much!”
“I don’t know if ‘lover’ is the right term—”
“I’m never letting you download MCR songs on my PDA ever again.”
“Hey now, no need to be unreasonable. We’ve got a plan to get you down and everything,” she said. She turned off her Fenton Phone then turned to say, “I can’t afford to lose my battle music. We need to think of a plan.”
“I can still hear you through Danny’s mic!”
Danny sighed. “I’ve been trying to think of stuff, but without my powers working—and since those cheapskates from the castle wouldn’t give us any weapons—I don’t really have any ideas.”
“Damn, none of your powers work?” 
“I’ve been cycling through them, but yeah. Nothing except flight.” Danny picked up a hefty rock, examining it before holding it up. “You think I could just fly up and dump a bunch of stuff on it and hope to kill it? Maybe use a sharp stick to cut off its heads?”
Sam made a face of disgust. “We’re not killing it. We’re better than that.” She shook her head. “Besides, hydras in Greek mythology grow two new heads for every head cut off. Or something like that.”
He gasped. “You? Not sure about creepy monster mythology??”
Sam smacked his arm. “It’s been a while since I read my big book on myths, okay? Shut up.”
“Still about to be eaten here!”
They both looked up. Saw a few of the heads rubbing their cheeks against him. Looked down.
“You think his fear of snakes is new?”
“Maybe. Though it could just be a fear of giant snakes.” Danny hummed. “Probably new either way though. Also, we should probably get him down before he faints or something.”
Sam sighed. “It’s a shame we can’t just ask it to give us Tucker back.” She paused. “And the gem.”
Something pulsed in Danny’s chest. He rubbed at it. “Huh. That’s new.” 
“What? Are your powers working again?”
“Something like that, I think.” He opened and closed his hands a few times, feeling the bones shift at his command. He smirked. “Oh yeah, this’ll work.”
Danny closed his eyes, imagining the massive creature in his head. Thought of changing, shifting, becoming.
“Holy FUCK! Sam, what is he doing?!”
“I don’t know! Maybe he’s allergic to something here?!” 
“Quiet,” he growled, voice much deeper than before. “Need to. Concentrate.”
Danny felt himself grow taller, longer, stronger. He felt something tough and scratchy sprout from his skin, felt his nails growing longer and sharper, felt two little sharp things poke out of his forehead. His bones restructured themselves until he was forced forwards onto his hands and feet. It wasn’t exactly pleasant, but he was grateful it wasn’t painful either.
Or, at least, it wasn’t until he felt something explode outward from his back. He yelled—roared, [That fucking hurt!]
He blinked his eyes open and found himself face-to-face—er, faces—with the hydra. A trembling Tucker was sitting atop one of the heads, hands desperately gripping onto one of the thick horns protruding out from the back of the head. 
“If he’s allergic to something then why did he turn into a dragon?!”
[Because I didn’t want the headaches that would come with having 7 extra brains, obviously,] he said. Sam and Tucker continued to bicker as if he hadn’t said a word. [And now they’re not listening to me, great.]
[It’s a simple hivemind,] a higher pitched voice said, scoffing. [And of course humans can’t hear our mother tongue.] Danny looked around for the source of the voice. But there was no one here other than the three of them.
[Hello? I’m over here.] He followed the voice to—[Honestly, youth these days are so melodramatic.]
The hydra. The very cuddly hydra that liked Tucker for some reason. Could talk this whole time?
[Why didn’t you say anything before?]
[I believe I just explained humans can’t hear our mother tongue.] Each of the heads sniffed in unison. [I’ve been speaking the whole time.]
[Well, then how can I understand you now?]
It rolled all 8 pairs of eyes. [Look for yourself.]
Danny looked down. His eyes widened. [Holy shit.]
From head to toe—head to paw? Whatever—Danny was covered in dark black scales, with a small patch of white ones on his chest. His hands and—he craned his neck back—yup, his feet too, were turned into huge scaly paws with large white claws. He turned in place and curved his neck around to look over his shoulder. There were big leathery wings too, the joints covered in scales, but the inner parts a bright green colour. 
He tried to imagine flapping them, and they actually moved. Though it was more of an awkward flailing that hit his face.
Now that he’d paused to notice all the changes in his body though, he could feel two identical weights on his head. When he reached a paw upwards, he felt large horns attached to his forehead.
Something felt… off though.
[Shouldn’t I have a tail or something? I thought all dragons had tails. Or, at least, all the cool ones anyway.]
The hydra snickered. [Oh, you’ve got a tail alright.]
Danny turned further to try and catch sight of it. [Where? I can’t see anything.]
[It’s a little cottontail. The ones you would see on a small prey animal.] Like a rabbit? Ugh. Of course a new ghost power wouldn’t work right on the first try. He should’ve figured.
“Hey, Danny! If you can hear me, I think you need to grab Tucker, he doesn’t sound too hot!” Sam’s tiny voice yelled up at him. He couldn’t completely make out what she was saying, but he did hear something about Tucker and the guy was looking a lot wobblier on his perch on the hydra. He better hurry up.
[Uh, hey, listen hydra guy, we’re just trying to get home. So do you think we could borrow your rock for a little while?]
[Rock?] The hydra tilted all of its heads to the right. Well, 7 of its heads. It thankfully didn’t move the head holding Tucker.
[The magic glowing gem.]
[That? Pah, you can take it.] The hydra started to make a gagging noise from one of its mouths and spat out a saliva coated glowing gem on the ground. 
[Cool cool,] He lifted a paw to point at Tucker. [I’m also gonna need my friend back.]
The hydra pressed closer to Tucker, the unoccupied 7 heads falling into a circle around him. [Why? I’d take good care of him. You can leave him with me.] 
Danny didn’t like the way it talked about Tucker like a pet. He changed tactics. [Why are you so hung up on Tucker anyway? Is it his smell, or…?]
[Oh heavens, no,] it said. [This human’s red top and yellow scales remind me of my sister. It’s been ages since I’ve seen her.] It bumped one of its heads into Tucker’s chest, sticking a forked tongue out to lick the air. Tucker froze the moment its jaw opened and when the tongue appeared he was out like a light. He started to fall backwards, Danny jolting up to catch him, but the hydra beat him to it, quickly wrapping around Tucker’s torso to hold him up. 
[See?] it said. [I’m great at this.] Its head tightened around him. [Now leave us alone.]
[Nah, I think it’s time you took a little trip.] Danny lunged forward, turning just as he ran past and flaring his wings. He meant to sweep the hydra’s legs out from under it, but instead ended up falling over his new and unfamiliar limbs, his wings getting terribly bent and, at one point, stepped on. It still got the job done, but—[God FUCK that hurt, jesus CHRIST.]
“Tucker!” Sam yelled. Danny jerked his head around, watching Tucker fall and start to get dangerously close to the ground. He couldn’t stretch out his wings in time and his paws were tipped with claws! How was he supposed to—?!
An idea hit him. 
Swiftly, he scrambled backwards and stuck his ass straight into the air, hoping he was right.
He felt a small weight land on his backside, on fur instead of scales. Danny breathed a sigh of relief.
Carefully, he lowered himself to the ground, waiting until Sam was close enough to grab Tucker before sitting down completely.
[That was a little too close for comfort,] he said with a laugh. [We should probably grab the gem and get out of here.]
[You will regret doing that, little dragon.]
The hydra stood once more, all of its eyes thinned to slits and their yellow scales fluttering up as if it was a cat with raised hackles.
[I’m so rattled,] Danny said as he moved to stand above his friends. [Ha! Snake pun!] He looked down to watch for Sam’s reaction before remembering his current state of being. Damn. [Why is it that when I’m finally able to come up with good puns in this dimension, you guys can’t hear them?] he grumbled. Sam, of course, had no response for him.
[I am no simple snake,] the hydra hissed. [At worst I am most similar to a Greater Lizard!]
[Either way, Tucker’s more of a wolf guy.] Danny growled, [So how about you beat it before I get serious.]
[You really expect me to believe you can beat me? When you fell over your own front paws while taking the human back from me?] The hydra laughed, one head laughing a single time, followed by another and another. [I’d like to see you try.] Each of its mouths opened in unison, eight balls of crackling electricity growing bigger and bigger in their jaws.
Danny sighed. It was always electricity. 
It did give him an idea though. 
He opened his own mouth and concentrated on the feeling of his ice powers. As soon as he felt it crawl up his throat, he blasted them outwards. Small uneven balls of ice pelted the hydra, hitting noses, eyes, horns, and, eventually, one of those glowing balls of electric energy. 
It exploded in the mouth of one of the heads and it roared, out of sync with the other heads that were still charging. It knocked into the two other heads on either side of it and the head on the right accidentally let off its charge, setting the ground at its feet on fire.
The hydra heads kept knocking into other heads and setting off their electric charges too. Also, the bottom half of the hydra was jumping around, trying to avoid the fire. It was quite a sight.
Eventually, the hydra ended up within arm’s reach of Danny. He grinned.
[You know, you’re a pretty fun guy. Hissssterical, even.] He stood up on his hind legs. [But it’s time for my fist to give you a little goodnight hiss.] He pulled back his hand and punched one of the middle heads, the one that had been constricting around Tucker earlier. 
The Hydra went down with a cry of pain. It twitched a little, but after a while it thankfully didn’t get up again.
Danny looked down at his friends.
Now how to change back. Hmm—
As if responding to his thoughts, his body started to shed its scales and shrink down. He felt the wings on his back start to disappear, followed closely by his other draconic traits.
By the time he’d turned by into his regular halfa self, Tucker was awake and sitting on the grass looking drained. Sam was standing right behind him, practically holding him up with her legs as she examined the gem.
When he looked up at her, she tossed the gem to him. “I think it works on ectoplasm. Give it some juice.” 
Danny nodded. “Sure thing.” He tried again to create a ball of ectoplasm in his palms, smiling when he found his powers working like normal. “Huh, guess the dragification shook whatever was blocking my powers loose.”
“So, what the hell was that all about anyway?” Sam asked. “The becoming a dragon thing.”
Danny shrugged. “It wasn’t exactly what I was going for, but I needed to get big enough to grab Tucker and probably beat the thing up, then I felt my bones shifting—no, no I promise it’s not as bad as it sounds—anyway I just ‘thought big’ and then something funky in my chest just started making me change.”
“We’re gonna circle back to that bone thing.” Sam glared at him. “But, I mean, it was a pretty good first try for turning into a dragon.”
“A good try for a dragon, yeah, but I was just trying to make myself bigger. I didn’t mean to do the whole shapeshifting into a huge mythological creature thing.” He grinned. “It was pretty cool though.”
“Very cool,” Tucker said. “Very big fan of the tail. That thing was a real lifesaver. Great for saving someone a hare’s breadth from death.”
“Wow, beating Danny to making the first pun in a new dimension? I’m impressed, Tuck,” Sam said.
“What the—he did not. I made a pun earlier! Several!”
“You mean when we couldn’t understand a thing you were saying and were otherwise preoccupied with the hydra?” Sam asked. “And you just happened to remember this now?”
“Well, when you put it like that it sounds bad, but it’s true!” he insisted. “I made a snake pun!”
“Sssssure you did, Danny.” If he wasn’t concentrating on the gem, he would so punch Tucker right now.
Sam leaned down to give Tucker a fist bump. “Nice.”
“Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here until Danny hurries his ass up and makes a portal home.”
“I hate you guys,” Danny grumbled.
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creepypastalover97 · 2 years
Okay time for another creepypasta au headcannon
Today’s headcannon is going to be about eyeless jack
Anyway on with the headcannon
. Jack is 26 years old
. Jack is very tall, hovering at about 6’2. He’s also well built, with a highly muscular form. He’s nicely toned all over but is more muscular in his torso and arms than he is in his legs.
. For a long time after his transformation EJ was blind. He can’t see shit, mother fucker has no eyes! His sense of touch is the strongest sense he has. His hearing is acute to where he can hear a doorknob just faintly turn in the next room over. but his sense of touch is so good that he can feel your pulse with just his fingertips on your skin.
. He almost never takes off his mask though. Cuz he thinks he looks like a disgusting monster, mainly due to his (lack of) eyes. But lowkey everyone thinks he’s hot, even if you’re not that into guys, when you see him ur like ‘hot damn is that a man’. He has kinda low self esteem though, so he doesn’t seem to notice everyone staring at him, open mouthed, drooling
. His skin is a mid-tone ashy grey, with the slightest blue undertone to it. So when he blushes, the greyish hue of his skin changes to purplish.
. He has three tounges, and he can make the other 2 come out by command.
. His saliva is gray and acidic, it will leave stains and wear through something if left long enough
. That black goo that secretes from his eyes and drools out his mouth from time to time is a numbing agent. Just a drop of it making contact on skin is enough to suddenly feel a soft buzzing and your nerves turning off.
. the corners of his mouth extend farther down his face than a normal mouth, similar to the way a dog’s mouth does. his jaw can also unhinge to a 75-degree angle.
. Eyeless Jack has multiple rows of fangs, similar to a shark. He tries really hard not to bite his tongues , he really does.
. His nails are kind of like claws and whenever he’s impatient he starts clacking them on the nearest surface, no one is sure if he is threatening them or just bored. It does make you speed up whatever you were doing though, so it’s super effective!
. Speaking of efficiency, EJ loves efficacy. You know that one meme about the mom saying ‘oh yeah this is gonna be so fucking efficient’ and then her plan immediately backfires. Yeah, massive EJ energy.
. Big introvert, likes to spend time alone reading some medical book and taking notes. He has doctor handwriting so it’s impossible to read any of the notes he makes in the margins though.
. Jack can only eat humans or monster tainted beings, ‘human food’ isn’t edible to him
. He is absolutely medically talented! Before any incident of him becoming the evil demon he is, he had the greatest fascination with the human body. With a Major in Medicine and a Minor in Biology, he was skilled in dissection from the start and with any form of exterior from specimen. Ever since becoming a full time resident of the Mansion he’s become the on-site doctor for the other residents (he was a medical student after all). He doesn’t mind this 1 bit, he likes helping out Nurse Ann with medical stuff.
. Likes to stock up on food to make sure he doesn’t go hungry
. He carries a backpack to hold his food and tools to harvest
. If he had to be honest he’s not a big fan of harvesting. He wouldn’t do it if he didn’t need to consume organs in order to live. That’s why he likes to stock up as much as possible
. He finds some weird enjoyment in comparing and studying the kidneys and other organs he harvest
. The scalpel he uses is absolutely unnecessary but he’s a germaphope and dead people under your nails is NOT a nice feeling
. He refuses to learn brail, it’s admitting his blindness, admitting his weakness. Moving everything three inches to the left will screw this man up beyond belief
. EJ sleeps with towels over his eye sockets so that he doesn’t get black goo all over his sheets.
. He misses the feeling of having eyeballs in his sockets, so he owns a pair of glass eyes that he uses once in a while for nostalgia
. The reason he wears all black is because otherwise he has no ability to put an outfit together. Like this man has tried to wear yellow sweatpants.
. part of the unholy trinity which consists of him, ben, and jeff
. 25% DEMON CANNIBAL, 75% INNOCENT SWEET CINNAMON BUN. Like, this man is such a sweetheart. Jeff calls him “stuffed animal demon cannibal” because Jack is just that frikkin harmless.
. He likes to watch anime ( his favorite is cells at work)
. he is actually very good with kids too after he remembers that not all 8 year olds can do calculus and understand obscure medical or philosophical theories. Circe has found him sitting on the floor in the house of someone he broke into, trying to explain the Kreb's cycle to a terrified 5 year old
. The man goes through a heat once every 3-4 months and with no one to bone he basically goes off the grid and locks himself awaubtke a few days
. Jack makes cicada noises when he’s upset
. Hes more similar to a cat then anything else. His cat-like quality is purring, when super relaxed, he quietly purrs. If you want him to purr louder try playing with his hair, that always does the trick. When anyone brings it up he vehemently denies it. But we all know that he’s really just a big ol’ cuddly cat deep down inside.
. Unfortunately, he is not ticklish at all, whenever someone tries to tickle him he just sits there and stares at them for a minute before telling them to stop :(
. he listens to EVERYONES drama. he doesn’t care about it, but it’s good for blackmail, not that he uses blackmail
- we don’t talk about it
. he loves walking in the woods, it’s calming
until he gets scared by a deer or something and immediately goes home because fuck that the forest sucks
. EJ admires Liu , but usually can’t talk to him (He has the biggest crush on him. Bruh just ask him out already and get the rejection over with >:( )
. Jack’s got a very dry sense of humor, if at all. He tolerates sarcastic people but prefers things straight to the point. So long as you’re respectful he could care less.
“So do you want the good news or bad news first.”- ej
“ The good news!!”- toby
“ I get to name a disease after you.”- ej
. He plays silent hill
. He likes to sit in the kitchen when someone is cooking, he likes the smell even if he can’t eat it
. He has animal feet
Overall eyeless jack is its a guy who tries his best to live his life.
P.s. none of this is canon so don’t take seriously if you don’t want to, if you don’t like it, take it somewhere else
Ok, bye 👋🏻
P.s.s. Go check out Circe’s origin story on archive of our own. It’s called rabbits are not what they seem.
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mchiti · 1 year
i hope you’re okay after going through that, it sounded horrifying to read. i dont get the mindset of racist people especially the man in this case because all your cousin did was help him find his mother’s belongings? it sucks that there are awful people in the world, i hope you’re alright 🫶🏼
anon first of all you're so sweet and thank you so much. ❤️ You know sometimes male stupidity is a bit jfdh like my cousins love to act tough because they are absolutely overwhelmed with this racist air we're breathing lately. i'm also very overwhelmed but I think as a woman I'm a tiny bit luckier, for some aspects of it of course, because non-white women can then have it worse in many different ways surely, but the racial profiling of young muslim men in europe is very horrifying i'm telling you. And yet, while my cousins act all so strong and tough and complain about being racially targeted and screwed by whites 24/7, they are also genuinely sweeter than me because I'm more pragmatic and I really wanted to leave that bag there and i'm sorry to say but if I were alone no way I would have answered the phone. And this guy was all kind on the phone [I was born here, my cousin was born here, my other cousin came here when he was 2, we obviously speak like natives] and then started to show his true colours as soon as he saw us. I have it in my head the exact same moment he looked at us and went to reach for the bag lol. Not a thank you for 3 young people in their 20s waiting 40 minutes (forty minutes) for this guy to pick his bag up at midnight. As if we don't work in the morning and have stuff to do. And as the only girl I had to tell my cousins to shut the fuck up as they were starting to get angry while having to deal with this fucker and the police he called on us. And the policeman too lmao he started to physically approach my cousin because he was talking too much and I had to try and calm the whole thing down because he didn't dare do the same to me. nah I don't wish this for anyone. Anyone.
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
lol if you want to laugh,
just look at how many blames my name has 'white magically' accumulated
somehow Im Satan, Eat Children, Do Drugs, and has off shore bank accounts wealthier than any president
LOL. yah right! LOL
what the fucks left!?
I was called so many names,
that the entire english language doesnt exist anymore! lol
oh yah,
hmmmm.... really guys?
LOL how fucking sad lol
those are called
Blame ScoreBoards
those are called
Hot Potato Rearrange Faces
lol crazy mother fuckers
If I did all that
if I do all that,
where the fuck is my profits!? lol
What, I do allllllll those 'magically white' crimes,
and somehow there's always conveniently white people waiting to cash checks, and re cell banks.
Do you know what a Stool Pig Onion is?
lol, Onion is their joke about people who have multiple layers, specially in eye sight.
a list of crimes.
lol. dont make me laugh,
let me check my pockets first,
nope, not a damn dime
lol look at this list
Child Molesters
hmmmm..... and somehow Im blessed with all 4?
LOL america!!
stupid as fuck lol
if my bank account doesnt reflect overflowing expenses,
then dont use my name LOL
I literally just look into white war 24:7
its no wonder theyve called me so many names,
look how crazy this is,
Child Molester
Soda Might Spa
Sim Dime
ummmm.... is english done speaking to me yet?
"white" can fuck off
"english" hah, dont make me laugh
Don't you wonder how "white" people so conveniently 'collect'
Uh, Duhhhhhhhhhh!!
corrupt agents literally read the entire fucking english dictionary LOL
before you talk to a "white" agents who "knows" in the inner "loops"
take the dictionary,
throw it out the window
Now, you know english lol
and if ur next accusation is German slurs and imaginary Arabs.
than welcome to total bafoonery
English is NOT allowed to have thAAAAAAT many accusations
thats clearly insane,
even for the agents who dare say all those to 1 single person at a time.
thats how they "laser drill"
thats how they "microsoft peel"
thats how they "scapegoat"
English language was not meant to be THAAAAT CYNICAL 🤨
those are agents literally reading the entire fucking dictionary and then pretending to be catching child molesters and aliens,
because they know thats the easiest way to make everyone question each other
lol really ive heard every hot word,
and its flat out embarrassment and mass war executions.
English was not made those ways,
abusive agents have decided to take advantage of the fact that bilinguals will not understand how ridiculously insane it is, to blame people for THAT many crimes,
absolutely ridiculous.
the question is,
What haven't I been called?
thats why i never stop laughstocks.
"English" has already played all their cards
and their favorite word hook words are
"Ver Bait Tom"
and "Fall Soul Lay Tea Dough"
and "Sold Dough and My Tea"
for Soda.
for Spa bath bomb
I dont 'need' english
but I know one fact is certain,
Tom, was never made for this amount of disrespect
Lots of English pride counts on Tom and Thomas.
I mean thats insane to screw victims on the name "Tom"
for what?
"potato mozzarella"
"Thumbelina and Cinderella"
really? disgusting,
english will do anything to say animal and food names,
and try to blame a random Fool or Ghost or Ghoul.
you should say English,
this way "EngGooLosh"
that is what those Agents are drooling on.
England fought Irish people too you should know,
Im not a huge english man,
but i know how to save resources and respect for bottom lines
and calling "Tom" and endless list of harassment and death names,
is not dignified for anyone involved
Tom, is Tom.
that english name should never be corrupted.
And I dont even like English THAT much!
I know my decent share
and I dont care
But to listen to agents,
endlessly list criminal names and drug names...
for months, and years,
at the same people,
c'mon ridiculous!!
those "agents" cant stop, or they would be criminally executed,
so your not listening to men going crazy,
ur not listening to random gays trying drug and molest everyone,
ur listening TO and WITH agents who cannot back down,
or they would be exposed as literal mass, MASSIVE war criminals.
Not 1 person
Not 10,20,30,40,50,60,70
starts at a few teams in each buildings,
Dont you ever wonder how 1 person gets "Sing Ghoaled" out
the old white crimes are called
"Shingle Chicken Pox"
and "Goose Bumps"
that means pimple and veins actually pop and blister
thats ur lovely white co "agents"
who always seem to have every final answer right? lol
always playing first word
always playing last word
Now only dirty "porters"
Now only dirty "cell jockey"
which is a horse rider,
that they've covered up with "Potato Midgets, and Moto Psy Schools"
Horse Blood
and the engine of a motorcycle on the dick as you drive
god damn white people could drive me crazy, if i didnt have faith, and wisdom.
but now,
u have you guys telling me about Fat Fa Fa 24:7 lol
and Wicca Satan 24:7
thats okay.
but if you acknowledge,
you were saying "Fossil"
and you were saying "Fault Seal"
At least now ur focused on Fast Faith, a little better...
although Fat and Muse.
still gains attention.
Just say a Fat Muse.
not necessarily muscle.
Fat. Muse.
Muse, like an inspiration singer
Muse, not "stab a muslim with a straight jacket pot comment"
"straight jacket"
there's your lovely "blue star fish"
Lol. before they cut people on those comments they laugh and say "dont worry it grows back"
and they say Murder a Muse,
and say Hot Rum.
and say See these bitches started Rumors.
Protect Fat
Protect Muscle
and throw the english dictionary at white "agents" who conveniently know how to list "every word imaginable under the sun"
if you want to fight wizards and witches,
start with nasty ass goose
Lose Zee
Goo Zee
I say Dragon,
because dragons dont give two shits about a goose
but now they have all these black people obsessed with "Dray Guns"
and crazy cell crimes run "Rapture"
"Phillip Gas Station Bomb Bust"
and "TerrorDakZakZaZaSaSaTalTil"
and blacks dont even get a final say on those,
ALLLL whites telling them how to see rushed inn accurate assumptions
If you are scared
if you are curious
here is the answer,
anyone can know
1) Jinns are living souls that shapeshift and move around
2) crazy aases with lab science, are typically a mixture between USED TO BE "WHITE" but now a mixture between Lizard and Alien
Their not all the same thing
here's how to see more correctly
1) Jinn, is okay
2) white criminals who owned Science Lab, and either run around as crazy aliens, lizards, or some form of cannibalism with or without tech cloaks.
and thats literally it,
besides random being who only survived outliving each other in mixed realities.
really the world isnt complicated on these topics.
1) Jinn: Is Okay
2) crazy lab science: Is Not
and really anything else going on,
is all "projectionist suppressionists and in ventriloquism."
which is almost as equally stupid as lab science, according to the practice and practitioner
I manifest through summons of attention.
I dont need objects
I have to be asked, wanted, or prayed, or someone has to draw or force attention.
big difference in life.
I dont keep materials
So all these crazy american agents always saying MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT POT POT POT POT POT
are participating in genetic "genocide"
and mass mutilation.
which will always come straight back from Karma.
So Just Make Kind.
Start with Ken.
and quit reading that in all kinds of directions.
Ken. Kind.
or Say Kentucky shit pot america jokes lol jk
alright well,
i tried to clear up social rumors,
you can see how it wont get much clearer, because this is what illegal whites call "Oh! Yummy! Lets pretend we didnt do all this, and lets prepare for "Easter Bastard Kits and Cry at my ass christmas"
Cell Eggs.
Cell Cherry
they also call the end of english accusations "George Cherry Pick Tree"
those are VERY different types of "english whites"
Definitely not my type,
and thats why and how, i rage and fight my best for everyone,
Not even English was meant those ways, thats what SICK BUSINESS has become,
Not Bodies
Not Minds
Sick PHYSICAL exchanges of currency for souls or bloods
thats the enemies you're looking for,
ur not looking from random Homo Sappy Pee'd On You
Homo Say Fee Ann
Homo Say Re Ban
Unleash a red eye rabbit
and protect "May"
for Silver War May.
Those are Maze Workers.
Love "May"
Love "Fay"
A May Fair!
A True May Fair.
not bombarded with white comments subjecting child molester comments, food, and animal names.
May. not "city town Mayor"
May. not "Mayan Calendar"
May. not "white dump agents"
May was used so many times,
you can see why?
THIS MANY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
God Bless May.
and do not accept a blame
and do not start derogatory potstickers 🥟 shit pot comments.
and thats all the fuck I choose to say,
if you keep listening, I will purposely séance and our souls will twine god's songs and satans slanders
If you want me,
after I am already done
I will rhyme genocide and watch the world die.
I will not be a hostage
and everyone cared about my energy and languages so much,
Where The Fuck Is My Money?
Where The Fuck is my Showers of Gifts and Gratitude?
Instead, its all greedy codes, and excuses to rush lab crimes.
Sick white government,
dont degrade yourself for their deals,
they paid with their life the moment they took my blood
and the joke is, and always has been, i have no body anyways
I will literally just fly directly back down, and everyone will rethread skin, and we will go all over again,
with playing Cat and Mouse
crazy ass Tom and Jerry.
stupid and stupid.
I always stay with the stupid's
I upkeep honors for Gothic Cupid
how the fuck else do I save a bottom line for fucking birth? lol
Okay, saved the gothics
Okay, saved their rights to be known as equally right.
Rainbow Gothic
saves literally everyone
Okay. I know I sent Tons.
I just hope today is the last time I have to talk about sauerkraut idiots listening on how to demand gay guys to "give and sale more pre psy dens"
Co Psy Den
Po Psy Den
blah blah fish food and sharks
and idiots asking about Doll Lore Fans "Dolphins" "Sharks" and "Fish Food"
thats how stupidly dumped america is
all because stupid fuckers wont stop telling me "psy"
if i hear PSY,
I am going to scream WHY!!
U have a fucking mouth and you cant even use it right
U have a fucking body, and live as a Radio Tower LOL!!
thats so fucking stupid LOL
I took 1 look at their "psy circle"
and said No Fucking Way stupid fuckers! lol
its like their praying to a pizza lol
anyways, adjust
anyways, fix
if you count on "psy" that much, than you're only becoming a balloon head who stares at circles lol
Try not to overly relate me to crimes I dont do.
I translate!
and their trying to make that illegal too!
Wear Wings On Ur Feet
only to truthworthy
or clearly victimized citizens
avoid "orders" and "claims"
if the voice sounds greedy and selfish
or if you've literally heard the same dumb fuckers playing Cake Shop Agents 24:7
justice doesnt require food names
justice doesnt require animal names
those are all SUBJECTS designed to be thrown away at someones expense
If "agents" still need to talk about Food and Animals, to catch criminals, than their psy is similarly stupid.
and they all know that,
they say, stupid codes, or TOO common of words,
because then its easy to train sleeping and sedated victims
with Puppy and Kitty jokes
and Potato and Pizza jokes
as they dump, stab, or drain bodies and soul energy that a person may of worked THEIR ENTIRE LIFE FOR.
All so agents can laugh about Cookie Party jokes and make Coo Coo comments
I would NEVER design a language so stupidly commonized with babies
which is why I speak God prayers private, and Satan languages private.
my languages dont catch voices
my languages push away or attempt to meet half way
if there are extended arguments any direction is engaged,
because I share Freely
because I speak Freely
or dont talk to me!
or dont comment of me!
or dont share with me!
i dont play 1 to 1
if you tell me 1,
i could tell you 99,000+
and i will say the same fact,
Dont Like It?
Dont Mention Me Then!
so all these "agents" who Sell Pit all day...
their not catching much,
their mostly harassing me or citizens with high energy levels, or many life hardships in translations.
because remember THEY cannot speak freely, they would be exposed,
and to hide that, they double pretend "well thats my job"
if their job was to catch child molesters, drug addicts, and all this other crazy stuff,
they wouldnt be talking about fucking werewolves and shadow creatures LOL
thats THEIR personal obsessions and science crazy greed crimes,
that they've made excuses into casual work.
And if they catch criminals legally,
they would not 'get excited'
criminals are not for excuses to be excited, just say you can hide and say "Im only acting this way, because I have someone with me, as part of my job"
that means every officer job,
could literally say On Psy, Off Psy.
and if anyone asks,
say its Xyz, on our team chats
thats all bullshit,
the majority of those men, only want to fuck Jinns, and promote their body or mental capacity or sadistic entertainment,
in false alpha empire schemes.
men and women both.
just remember the basics
1) Jinns: Okay
2) crazy lab science repeated offenses that officers and technicians are now personally benefiting from... bad. not okay.
I dont even like science
its just as stupid as that Psy word
thats why all they do is stare at circles and pizza holes all day,
literally all day,
and as their "land" agents,
they then talk about Worms and Mosquitoes all day
so here is the majority of white corruptions
1) circles
2) pizza
3) worms
4) mosquitos
5) sauerkraut
6) fat balloon heads who cant stop talking about Cheater Cheetahs, Food and Feet.
if this message didn't enlighten, than thats a total loss,
I just pray you find better 'codes'
to live by, if thats what you've decided...
but dont assume they will fit me.
I have a huge habit of jumping INTO traps purposely,
how else can you set a trap off?
like a DareDevil
how else can you feel like you're truly learning to become a true hero?
acquaintances feel each other's fire
true friends jump in together, and never forget
I always cherish this
"I will walk through the gates of Hell with you."
I do my best daily to watch out for Gods people being sent to Pigeonhole Farms.
Say Potato Smidget, really really fast, and say Bat Eyes
Lol... so many agents that literally get excited to hear OH THERES FREE FOOD AGAIN?
Okay This Message Is Made For Anyone.
I hope this enlightens,
My goal today was drink a bunch of energy drinks, and try to completely liberate giving a fuck about explaining the same american bullshit 24:7
america wont change anytime soon,
however with a long message and as detailed as possible,
I can rest knowing i've tried my best,
this message is just meant to be a more 1 hit finish type message,
since i included every government role, and every name possible to be blamed for.
Truthful Accounts
As much as I hope this message was enlightening,
I just ask, watch who you Trust
and keep the word TrustWarThee
I will keep faith.
with or without fat comments
so doesnt matter how many times theres now fat accusations too...
wow go figure.. *eye roll*
1 last point to this message,
Im not racists,
but dont trust white people so much,
look more about reverse systematic crimes,
The Top, is the bottom
The Bottom, is the top
and watch who plays Frisbee Golf
and watch who kicks sewer lids and folds pizza boxes
To leave this message on a public helpful positive,
Sebastian, Steinhausen
Just free roam for anyone,
namespace is namesake
you actually wiser if you create an unspeakable name.
Okay Cheers!
Keep Chippy
Keep Chipper!
and no those arent codes,
their anti code really lol.
0 notes
kallard · 2 years
(( The following contains subject material that may be triggering to some: Drug use, suicidal idealization, graphic imagery and violence. ))
(( Recommended listening: https://youtube.com/watch?v=BnnbP7pCIvQ&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE ))
Kallard hissed as he felt the dagger sink into his flesh, feeling as if a fire had ignited in his gut. He was shoved forward and into the arms of a large man, easily twice his size. The giant laughed, clutching Kallard with two large hands, pinning his arms to his sides. They said words that he couldn’t make out over the ringing in his ears. His vision came and went as he tried to push past the somnus high that had just peaked.
Having left the city some hours ago, Kallard parked himself overlooking the valley just west of Ul’dah. He had drained what was left of his whiskey and just after downing a handful of somnus pills someone had grabbed him by the back of his jacket, forcing him to his feet and then stabbing him in the gut. Unable to act due to the mixture of alcohol and hard drugs coursing through his system he was at the mercy of his new associates. They laughed as they pushed him around in a tight circle.
“Finally fucking found you,” a giant of a man shouted into Kallad’s left ear, cutting through the ringing. “Gonna make you fuckin’ pay for screwing me out of my money.”
“Eat a dick,” Kallard slurred, heavy lidded eyes sluggishly moving in their sockets.
“Nah, I think I’ll just cut yours off and feed it to you,” spat the giant, one of his hands taking hold of the dagger still lodged in his stomach.
“Nononono!” Kallard cried out in agony as the cold steel was ripped out of him. Blood pooled out of the wound, soaking his shirt in a circle that was getting bigger by the second. He knew, deep down, that he had about twenty minutes to get medical aid before he would die of blood loss.
Without really thinking, the battered veteran reached up and shoved a finger down his throat and trashed it around. At first he dry heaved a handful of times before the vomit exploded from his mouth, spraying the closest thug in a lovely mixture of stomach acid, bottom shelf whiskey and the partially dissolved remains of the pills he had swallowed.
“Fuckin-” the thug started to speak before he dry heaved mid sentence.
Now that the majority of the substances were out of his body, Kallard felt a wash of adrenaline pass through his body. For the first time since this whole ordeal started his mind was clear, the effects of the booze and somnus shoved aside for now. With his left hand firmly planted on his wound, Kallard shoved a hand into the folds of his jacket. The second his handgun had cleared its holster he opened fire, sweeping the gun from left to right as the slide of the gun rattled back and forth.
One of the rounds took the gagging thug in the neck, the force of the impact throwing him backwards several feet. As he came to a rest his body fell still, a sickening gurgle escaping blood pulsed out in the beat to his failing heart. The rest of the thugs all broke away from the circle, running away from the gun as it sprayed eight bullets in an arc. The slide of the handgun was locked back, the open chamber signaling that the magazine was empty and in need of replacing.
“You mother FUCKER!” the giant roared, flinging himself towards Kallard.
Rather than rolling away, Kal lashed out with the barrel of his handgun, still piping hot after discharging all eight rounds. The giant let out a strained grunt as the barrel was jammed into his throat, cutting off his supply of necessary air. He stumbled back several feet, large hands clamped around his neck as he gasped for air. Meanwhile, Kallard flicked the grip of the pistol to his right as he toggled the magazine release, sending the empty gun off to the side as an extended ammo capacity was guided into the lower receiver.
As the giant fumbled around and gasped for air, the other three thugs all cast a nervous look at the now rearmed man before them. One of the thugs, the youngest looking in the group, was backing away slowly, his face pale and eyes wide with fear. His two friends decided now was the time to strike and one of the lunged forward, cocking back his right arm as he did so. One step ahead, Kallard trained the handgun on them and squeezed the trigger.
The gun spat out seven rounds in quick succession, once more swept in an arc in the general direction of the thugs. One fell backwards as a round punched through his skull, exploding out of the back of the thug’s head, spraying the area behind him with chunks of pink brain matter and shards of blood slicked bone. To his left another thug took a bullet to the groin forcing him to double over in agony. Both hands were firmly clamped around his bleeding crotch, the fabric of his pants quickly shifting from light brown to dark red as the blood pooled out of the wound. Meanwhile, the only thug left standing simply took off running, deciding that this wasn’t something worth dying over. With a whimper the wounded thug rolled around on the ground, wishing Kallard had killed him.
Almost as if he could hear the man’s thoughts, Kal trained the handgun on the thug and dumped the repainting eight rounds into his body. The thug convulsed as the bullets violently forced themselves into his body, tearing through his internal organs as if they were paper. Despite having died after the fourth gunshot, Kallard pumped what was left in the magazine into the thugs body before turning his full attention one the leader of the pack.
“You motherfucker,” the giant spat out. “I’m gonna rip you in two, you dumb cunt!”
Roaring with fury, the giant planted his right foot down, cocked his massive right fist back and threw it with all his might. Seeing the attack from miles away, Kallard ducked down and rolled off to the side. He let out a grunt of pain as he rose to his feet, holstering his pistol as he moved. The giant began speaking in nothing but curse words, getting less creative with the explicative language the more he swore.
“Oi, catch!” Kallard said as he tossed something in the giant’s general direction.
“Wha- huh?” The giant let out as he caught whatever it was Kal had tossed at him. He turned the object around in his hand, trying to make out what it was. It was a small, heavy thing that resembled the appearance of a small bumpy rock painted a dark green. He looked up at Kallard only to find the wounded man running off in the opposite direction.
“HEY! Get back here!”
Just as the giant finished speaking, the grenade went off in his face. His right arm was completely vaporized by the blast, fragments of sharp metal lodged in the giant’s face, arm and chest. A look of pure confused was forever etched into his face as he fell to the ground like a sack of dirty potatoes.
“Sneaky… Little… Cunt,” the big thug gasped out as the life left his eyes.
“Ah fuck,” Kallard muttered as he ran, his pace slowing with each passing second. His head felt light, his body cold and weak as blood pumped out of his wound. When the world started spinning Kallard’s legs gave out, causing him to trip over his own feet. The air woodshed out as he hit the ground and rolled over to the side of his body that wasn’t wounded. Despite his best efforts to stay conscious, the Hyur’s eyes fluttered closed just as the worried face of his sister filled his vision before the world went dark.
( Please note that I am using the twins’ real names in this segment. Decimus is Kallard and Seia is Marilini. )
Just like another day, it was freezing outside. Despite the low temperatures the market was alive with activity. People made their way through the busy, packed streets. Vendors cried out about their goods, boasting to have the best goods in town. Tuning all this out, Decimus led his fiancé by the hand, weaving their way through the traffic. Cars slowly lumbered down the streets, the inpatient drivers honking their horns at anyone who dare stray into their path.
Today was Cassian’s birthday and Decimus aimed to make it a good one. It wasn’t often they had shore leave together so the couple was often forced to celebrate birthdays after the fact. For the most part this didn’t bother the two men, knowing that days like today were special and to be cherished. As a surprise, Decimus had bought two tickets to a play Cassian was dying to see, despite hating musicals. All that mattered was his partner’s enjoyment.
“Babe, where are you taking us?” Cassian asked, reaching up to adjust the blindfold.
“Shhh, it’s a secret.”
“At least give me a clue!”
“Nah, no clues for you. Gotta figure it out! Where do you think we’re going?”
“OH!” Cassian let out in excitement. “Are we finally getting those matching tattoos?”
“Nooooot quite, but it is something you’ve been looking forward to,” Decimus said with a smile, guiding the couple past the stalls.
“The museum? They’ve got a new exhibit on the Garlean ecosystem!”
“Nope, but getting closer you nerd.”
“Babe, *you’re* the nerd here. I just like learning new things! Gotta stay educated!” Cassian proclaimed with a big smile.
“Call me a nerd again and I’ll make you regret it,” Decimus said before sneaking a kiss from his partner.
“OoOooOooh, the scary man and his threats. I’m so scared.”
As the couple made their way through town they continued to playfully pick on each other, something they did whenever no one else was around to make fun of them for it. They only had a week together and Decimus planned on spending all that time with Cassian. Once they were back out on the field it was back to normal. No one knew about their relationship, save for Seia, and he planned on keeping it that way. It wasn’t the homophobia he was scared of, it was losing his position in the military and all it’s benefits simply because he was engaged to someone serving directly under him. Such a thing was severely frowned upon, usually resulting in discharge or moving the couple far, far away from each other. Not wanting either, the couple kept their love a secret, which was fine in their eyes. They both planned on retiring from the military in a few years, taking the pension and living the rest of their days happy and with each other. Seia had planned on living with them since someone had to keep Decimus out of trouble. She had gotten used to keeping an eye on her brother and she planned on doing just that for the rest of their days.
“Two tickets, please,” Decimus said to someone Cassian couldn’t see.
“HOLD ON!” Cassian cried out, ripping the blindfold off. “You sneaky fucker! You’re coming with me to see Rent?! Oh my gods, babe! You hate musicals!”
Cassian was practically jumping with joy at this point. Decimus rolled his eyes before kissing his partner’s forehead. “Yeah, I’ll do anything for you, Cass.”
“I love you, Decimus. I can’t wait to grow old with you.”
When Kallard came to, he found himself laying on the plush leather sofa in his small bedroom and workshop combo. The door was propped open a few inches, the light from the main room spilling into his room. He slowly sat up, groaning in pain, one hand clamping down on the now bandaged wound. Dark blue eyes scanned the room and settled on the little Raen boy. He held a model airship with both hands, bobbing it up and down as if it were trapped in a bad storm. When the boy saw Kallard sit up he gently set the model down and scampered over to him, smiling.
“Hello big brother,” the boy signed, beaming at Kal.
“Hey,” was all he managed to get out, squeezing his eyes shut as a lance of pain shot through his gut.
“Are you sad?” Hibiki signed, a look of concern washing over his features.
“Huh? No, I’m not,” Kal signed back.
“You’re crying,” the boy signed, pointing at the older man’s face.
Kallard reached up with his free hand, brushing the tears off his cheek. When did he start crying? Was it because of the dream? Of course it was. Cassian’s death had hit him hard, causing a complete shift in his personality. He had once been a strong, resilient man who became a bitter, suicidal drug addict. What little joy that had remained in his life was sucked out the moment his partner was killed. The familiar fury rose in his gut, feeling like a wave of fire coursing through his veins before a crushing tide of sorrow crashed into him.
“I had a sad dream,” Kallard eventually signed, looking away from the boy.
“Oh. I’m sorry big brother. Do you want a hug? Hugs always make me feel better,” Hibiki signed with a smile and a nod of his head.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” Kallard signed after a moment of silence.
Carefully, Hibiki crawled over to Kallard and wrapped his small arms around the bigger man’s torso. At first he didn’t return the gesture and eventually caved in, pulling the boy into a tight and affectionate hug. The two remained like this for several minutes, neither of them wanting to move. From the doorway Marilini watched the two, smiling at them.
“Hey, I have an idea,” Kal signed after gently prying the boy off him. “I want to give you a new name. A better name.”
“Why? Is my name bad?” Hibiki asked, looking a tad confused.
“No and yes. It’s not bad because it’s yours, but the meaning is bad. I want to give you a new name. One given with love, not malice.”
“Big sister did say it wasn’t a nice name.”
“Can I call you Cassian? He was someone very important to me. I know he’d be happy to share his name with you,” Kallard signed with a weak smile.
“Yeah! I like it,” the boy signed, nodding his head a handful of times.
“Good,” Kallard said, pulling the boy close and hugging him tight, hiding the tears from him.
Marilini smiled at her brother’s words, moving out of the doorway to let the two converse in private. It had been a long time since she had seen her brother cry since Kallard usually bottled up his emotions, eager for them to explode violently. But today was different and definitely a step in the right direction. She only hoped that this meant his suicidal actions would come to an end now that he had someone else to live for.
Maybe life wasn’t so bad after all.
0 notes
bakubub · 3 years
In which racer!kuroo is your roommate, and seems to only like it when you treat his wounds... (word count: 1.9k)
Ngl quite proud of this one!!
Warnings: 18+, a whole lot of swearing, a whole lot of blood, innuendos and implied nsfw, reader almost vomits (NOT from pregnancy chill, I know we're all scarred but its going to be just fine) and if you're squeamish perhaps skip the scene where reader stitches his wound?
Also bit of a disclaimer: I am in NO WAY a med student and literally all of my knowledge is from movies and other fics... so if you acc know what to do in this situation this may be a torturous for you :D
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All due credits go to @aikk00​ for this AMAZING fanart!!!!
I watch as my roommate enters the penthouse, once again scratched up and bleeding, covered in so much blood there is no possible way that it was all his- if it was he would not be standing.
I launch myself off the couch- where I was sitting for the past hour nervously waiting for his return- and slip my arm under his, supporting him as we inched towards the bathroom.
"I can do this by myself you know," he grumbles, his grimace revealing just how much pain he was actually in.
"Mhm, I'm sure you can. Just like you boiled that poor egg by yourself last week, hmm?" I say sarcastically, trying to keep my mind calm and clear, because oh my god it looks really bad this time...
"Oi, its not my fault it fuckin' exploded," he mutters, voice laden with pain.
"You put it in the microwave because 'the shitty water wasn't doing its job.' Of course it would explode," I say, gently seating him on the closed toilet seat and taking out my supplies that I unfortunately have become rather accustomed to using. He's made it a habit to get himself injured.
"Where's the injury?" I ask, setting down my half-empty bottle of antiseptic and box of bandages. He peels off his shirt, cringing at the pain it brought him as the fabric was stuck to the gash that went from his left pectoral down to the middle of his chest.
"Pissed off a bidder after winning a race, fucker took out a knife once he realised he couldn't beat me up," he huffs out, arrogance still lacing his tone even with sweat dripping down his brow as he leans the back of his head onto the tile wall behind him. His Adam's apple bobs down his bloodstained neck as he speaks, and I quickly look away, focusing on the injury at hand.
Not his blood soaked, but nevertheless well defined pectoral muscles, nor the abs that my hands occasionally brush up against and know how hard they really are, and definitely not the trail of black hairs that lead down, down, down...
"What's wrong, the view too hot to focus on the work at hand?" He asks suggestively, raising his pierced brow, even in this state.
I'm quick to reply, having gotten used to his flirtatious remarks from the second I moved into his penthouse, "nope can't even see the view from that massive head of yours. Not to mention your permanent bed head."
He huffs out a laugh, then proceeds to flinch from the pain it must have caused.
"Stop moving, idiot. You're going to exacerbate the cut!" I say, quickly grabbing a damp towel and beginning to clean up his abdomen, whilst simultaneously pressing another rag to his wound to stop the bleeding.
“At least you admit that there is a hot view,” he says in his low voice, gazing at me from his position.
I simply roll my eyes.
No falling in love. That was the deal we had made on the day he offered me a place to stay in exchange for my services as a maid and apparently, a nurse. I cook, clean and basically keep the house running while this moron goes out and acts like the idiot he is. In my defense, dorms are expensive as hell, and his penthouse is nearby. Plus, I don't have to pay rent. It's a win-win situation.
But the feelings stirring up inside my heart might just ruin the dynamic we have going on and simultaneously take out a whole lot of cash out of my pocket.
At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
Once his skin isn't completely saturated in blood, and the wound has (thankfully) stopped bleeding, I add some antiseptic onto a make-up pad and begin to dab at his wound, earning winces and slight grunts from the massive man.
"The cut looks deep, Kuroo. You need to go to the hospital," I say, worry lacing my tone as my eyebrows crease and earn yet another huffing laugh.
"Do you want me to rot in prison for the rest of my life?"
I roll my eyes at his response, deliberately dabbing just a little harder which earns me a yelp and an attempted glare in my direction.
"First off, illegal street racing won't send you to prison for your entire life, just for like, half a year. Second, this wound needs stitches, and believe it or not, I'm not a fucking licensed medic. In fact, the only experience I have is with you!" I say, immediately regretting my choice of words as I wait for his remark.
"That's what she said," He says, chuckling at his own innuendo.
I sigh in frustration, pouring more antiseptic to make sure there was no chance of infection from whatever grimy ass knife stabbed him, and beginning to gently scrub the wound with a soft towel, so as to make sure there was no debris left in there.
"You're gonna have ta do it," he mutters, his hazel eyes boring into mine.
"I- I can't Kuroo, you can't possibly think-"
"Fine. I'll do it. Go get me a needle and thread," he states, struggling but nevertheless, sitting upright on the red stained toilet.
I stare at Kuroo in disbelief as he utters these words. Was he dumber than I thought? Does he have some sort of head injury too?
I examine his face and all I come up with is unnerving determination. I exhale out of my nose sharply, "fine, dammit. I'll sew your fucking wound shut."
I am extremely handy with a sewing needle and thread, used to really be into embroidery back when I had the time so...it should be fine.
He just shrugs, leaning his head back against the tiles and closing his eyes.
"Fucking asshole. Can't believe I'm saving your damn life," I mutter, leaving the bathroom to dig through my wardrobe for my sewing box and taking out a gold silk thread that I was saving for a special project.
Well, I guess that will never happen.
"Hey, I found some silk thread. It's literally known for its strength and durability in high temperatures, so it should work like a charm!" I say, walking back into the blood stained bathroom and trying to psych myself up.
He grunts in response. I sigh as I begin with mopping up the excess blood and sanitising the needle and thread before chucking on gloves.
I wipe the antiseptic over the wound once more, and examine it carefully.
Well, if his condition worsens, I can always knock him out and call an ambulance...
I decide, screw it, and thread the needle, pretending it was just another embroidery project.
It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, I chant as I puncture his skin with the thin needle.
Kuroo gasps in pain, and I place a hand on his knee, telling him to suck it up and deal with it, half talking to him but also to myself.
To my surprise, he listens, stretching his head back once more and gritting his teeth.
"Don't do that, here put this in-between your teeth," I say, grabbing yet another towel and shoving it into his mouth.
He obeys as I continue to stitch. I feel my gag reflex kicking in as I think about how stitching skin feels as though I am stitching leather, it feels hard and tough while pushing the thin needle through.
Must hurt like a bitch.
Once I've completed my neat stitches down the wound, without vomiting, I tie it off as I would with any embroidery, and clean the area free of any remaining blood. After rubbing some antibacterial ointment over the gold stitches, I stick on a particularly large bandage over the wound and start tidying up.
"Thank you," Kuroo mutters, still seated on the toilet seat and practically panting for breath.
"Ah, the criminal knows his damn manners!! Now get up and get in the damn shower. You ruined my pristine bathroom!" I complain, putting the last of the materials away before walking to the door.
"Wait, I- I can't get up." I turn around and look at him incredulously as he utters his next few words, "will you... shower me?"
My eyes just about pop out of their sockets at his request. "Are you insane?! I'm not your mother, nor your wife! Call your pudding haired friend and tell him to come shower you!"
He shakes his head, a rare pleading look taking the place of his usual arrogant smirk, "Kenma's too lazy to shower himself, Y/n, please!"
I contemplated it for a moment. Sure, I've seen him naked before, accidentally of course, and so what if I have to scrub him clean. God knows he can't do it himself with that damn injury.
Fuck this shit.
"Fine, get up right now." I bark at him, leaving to change out of my blood soaked pjs into a pair of shorts and a tank.
"...I just said I can't."
"Ow, y/n, you're scrubbing too hard!" He complains, his exfoliating glove around my hand as I rub his toned back clean of any dead skin-cells and blood remains.
"But look how much stuff is coming off!" I say gleefully, enjoying this a little too much.
Kuroo, seated on the built-in bench in the open shower with his red boxers on, looks back to see the satisfaction dripping from my features.
"Are you secretly a sadist?" he whispers. In response, I begin to rinse off his raw back with hot water, causing him to screech like a cat.
"It burns, it burns-”
“Shut the fuck up, moron! It's 4 in the morning, you’re going to annoy our neighbours. I tried very hard to get in their good graces, and Mrs. Suzuki still doesn’t like me! She definitely thinks I’m some kind of hooker…” Kuroo laughs at this, and I can’t help but watch as his whole face brightens up from his usual emotionless expression. I find myself smiling in response.
I grab his expensive shampoo and pour some into my hands, beginning to massage it into his scalp. With wet hair, his raven strands are for once flat on his head and reach down to his defined jawline. Kuroo groans under my touch, leaning into my fingers. I snatch my hands back and pour hot water over his head.
"ARGH! Y/N!" He screams, hastily getting up and wetting me in the process.
"Ah- what are you-" I don't get to finish my question as he grabs my arm and yanks me next to him under the hot water, soaking my clothes and my hair.
"You asshole!" I screech as I reach up to pull his hair in defiance, but he only grabs my arm and hooks it around his neck, leaning down to look directly into my eyes.
Our noses brushing against one another, he mutters, "You look pretty with your hair wet and your shirt see through."
It takes me a moment to get past the compliment and to hear the perverted comment that he just uttered.
He sees my look of confusion and laughs, bends over, clutches his stomach and laughs, before bellowing in pain because of his injury.
Smiling smugly down at him as he grimaces, I force him to sit back down and continue massaging the shampoo into his hair, warning him that if he so much as moaned I would leave him in here, dripping wet and in pain.
"That's what he said," is his reply.
I smack his head in response.
Notes, interactions and reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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Yet another smut I can't be bothered to edit. 😅 This was meant to be a half an hour thing, 4 hours later and this is what we have.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Female Reader Words: 1.4k Genre: SMUT, angst, hurt comfort, friends to lovers Warnings: Sexual content, mentions of cheating, a lot of swearing. Summary: Frankie comforts you.
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You were half-asleep on Frankie couch, middle of summer with the balcony doors wide open, the warm breeze soothing the dull thumping behind your eyes.
Your brain won’t slow down.
Going home. Seeing the clothes around the living room. Hearing them in the bedroom.
You should have done something. Should have barged in there and something clever and witty and something to make them realise how much they had messed up.
Fucking dick.
The other cushion dipped. You barely opened your eyes but the small light filtering in stung.
Frankie sat there, legs spread in nothing but his boxers and you screwed your eyes shut again, trying to get the image out of your mind, ‘It’s too warm to sleep.’
It’s quiet, but you can hear his soft breaths, feel him shuffling around on the sofa trying to get comfortable in the claggy heat.
His bare thigh brushes against your calf and the air gets stuck in your lungs, just a small hitch that he shouldn’t have been able to hear.
Everything you should have said floods you like the fucking heavens had just opened and all the angels wanted to drown you.
You’re a piece of shit.
How could you have done this.
Three years. Three fucking years.
With your god damn fucking secretary? You’ve always had a thing for her. Why am I not surprised.
Frankie shifts again, ‘I should go over there and-‘
‘And do what? It’s three in the morning.’
‘I don’t know, punch them.’
‘You wouldn’t punch them. You’re too nice.’
‘I’m sure Benny’s free.’
You snorted, ‘That would be fun to see.’
It’s too quiet. The couch is too soft. The night is too hot.
It’s over.
I never want to see you again, you fucking…
Oh for fuck sake. Nothing?
You piece of shit.
What the fuck did I ever do to you?
The touch was jarring, jabbing at the part of your thigh where the hem of his shirt laid. It tingled a moment, the feeling of his warm but rough of his finger then hand was too overwhelming that you could barely register what he was saying.
‘What are you thinking?’
You didn’t need to open your eyes to know Frankie was looking at you. But you did anyway and it was one of the worst mistakes you had ever made because when you did, and you saw him watching you with the biggest, heart melting brown eyes you had ever seen, it felt like your entire world was about to crash around you for the second time that night.
‘It’s my fault.’
His hand was still on your knee.
‘What they did isn’t your fault.’
It moved, you weren’t even sure if he was aware if it moved, but it moved, fingers sneaking under the hem and squeezing your thigh.
‘I knew things weren’t good for a while. I could have ended things sooner.’
He must have meant it in a friendly way right? Right? Like a friendly hug or a pat on the back!
‘You can’t think that.’
A very, very friendly hug.
‘I fucked up.’
And you better not fucking fuck up again.
Because he moved again, other hand on your cheek, getting right in your face until all you saw was him.
‘This. Isn’t. Your. Fault.’
He meant it to be reassuring. You were sure of it.
Then why was he looking at your lips? A quick glance that, maybe, he wasn’t even aware of.
You kissed him first. You think. You were sure of it.
Jesus Christ, it doesn’t matter.
Frankie was a better kisser than you were expecting. Not that you were expecting anything. Not at all. Totally hadn’t dreamt about it before. He was the right amount of soft and hard, fast and slow, and when he scooted closer, fitting himself between your legs with a small rumble of approval in his chest, he felt perfect.
You’ve really fucked yourself big time.
You locked him in, legs wrapping around his back, pulling him in closer and he moaned against your mouth. He fucking moaned and it was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard.
One of you pulled away, both gasping for breath and there wasn’t nearly enough room between the two of you to even think.
His breath smells like coffee.
Nice to know.
‘We don’t have to-‘
‘I want to. Do you?’
‘Yes.’ He was still trying to breathe in a somewhat normal manner, his hot mouth so, so close to your neck it was painful as his hands slipping higher under the shirt until they were resting on your hips, ‘Fuck yes.’
‘We should move. To your bed, or something,’ it was exceedingly hard to speak when he was kissing your neck, somehow knowing all the soft spots to make you weak. ‘Your back.’
He did not give two shits about his back, licking his way to your pulse point before nipping at it and you nearly screamed his name like bloody murder, your body reacting without command as you arched into his touch.
It wasn’t long until your shirt hit the floor, quickly followed by Frankie undressing and you definitely found far too much enjoyment in watching him as he so.
God, make it more obvious why don’t you.
‘I’ve been thinking about this,’ he touched your stomach, then lower, and lower until he met your heat, smiling at your small whimper for him, ‘for so long.’
You wanted him close again, missing his body as a chill washed over you, amplified by your burning skin.
But all you could do was watch, his gaze paralysing, watching for your reaction as he teased your clit with his tongue.
Frankie was way too powerful for his own good. He was a wizard, he must be because everything about the way his mouth worked against you was magic.
He had you screaming his name so fucking fast that you were surprised you even remembered it, clawing at his shoulders while wave after wave of utter bliss washed over you.
How the fuck did he do that so quick?
And why the fuck have I waited this long?
Frankie wore the biggest shit-eating grin as he wiggled his way back up to you, stopping along the way to kiss your thighs and your hips and your stomach and your breasts.
His nose brushed your cheek when he kissed and nipped at your jaw, ‘You doing okay?’
‘Mhm.’ You felt heavy, the kind like you could fall asleep at any moment, ‘That was nice.’
‘Good to know.’
And suddenly you were awake again, watching curiously as Frankie reached over off the couch.
‘Do I wanna know why you keep condoms in your coffee table?’
‘-Okay, nope. We’re not talking about them while naked.’
He huffed a laugh and you dragged his lips back to yours before he said another word.
Not that there was much to say after that.
Not that you could think of anything to say because as Frankie slipped into you, you lost all comprehension of what the world was like before. He fit so effortlessly in you with just enough stretch to anchor you back to earth.
And he fucked you, so fucking good into that couch that you were surprised nothing broke. The springs creaked with each snap of his hips and he started out slow, whispering all the things he knew you wanted to hear, but at some point it all got too much, his body moving against yours like no one else’s ever had.
His name choked you as it fell from your lips. It only spurred him on further, knuckles turning white from the force at which he was holding the arm of the couch, fingers digging into the softness of your hip as your bodies moved in time until you were both unravelling for each other.
Mother fucker has ruined sex.
How the hell is anyone meant to beat that?
It was a while before either of you moved, and even when you did it wasn’t far as Frankie hugged you tight against his chest, shielding you from the warm summers breeze that threatened your body.
You snuggled further into him, counting each beat of his heart until you had the rhythm memorised.
Please don’t let me go.
‘I owe you a blowjob after that.’
The beat broke when he laughed softly, ‘They really didn’t deserve you.’
Maybe not.
But there’s no way in hell I deserve anyone half as close to you.
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uncanny8ellen · 2 years
"How did you know?"
He puts the drill down. I silently give a few tugs here and there with my power, and see if any platform budges. All tightly screwed in. He's a fast learner, I'd give him that.
"How did you know I'm against Mirander?"
Without words, he slowly stands up from where he was kneeling down. As I take a long drag from the half-burnt cigar, my eyes track his movement. With his back still facing me, he cracks his back once, twice. No way the bastard didn't break his back, not with those sounds coming from his spine.
Like usual he stares into distance, like he's one of those villagers stoned out from Donna's leaves. As strange as it was, I've already seen enough dead eyes that could fill up this room entirely, and the way he just fucking stops everytime was starting to get on my fucking nerves.
Just when I was about to shout at his way he speaks up.
"You are a good actor. Very convincing. Your eyes, not so much. Hence the glasses. Correct?"
So the fucker figured that out. Clever. But that wasn't all. No, no. There was more to it, I could tell. Just what are you hiding, errand boy?
"So you are telling me, that you thought one of the four lords of the village, the most dangerous one, no less, must oppose dear Mother, all just from looking at my eyes?"
Smoke billows out through the grin and shrouds my feature as I chuckle.
"Quite an assumption. Not only that, you boldly confronted me about it, even though you seemed to know what the alternative could mean for you......I'll say, it is refreshing to see someone with actual guts and wits around here. Being surrounded by bowing heads and feverish whispers is only fun for a couple times."
I watch as ashes fall off the lit end of cigar like the wet snow outside. I turn it around in my hand, briefly wondering if I refilled the stock.
"But it's understandable such trait is rare in this place. People who question Mirander's intention tend to...disappear. Your approach to the matter was amusing, but the danger was also very real. I could have simply crushed your skull as soon as the question left your mouth, and Mirander would've had your body spiked on a stick. Set as an example, that no 'heretic' is ever to be tolerated."
He slightly turns my way and grabs the railing, leaning against it. I take a puff. Although I'm looking right into his eyes I still cannot tell what the fuck's going on in that head. Even the pause in-between was starting to get irritating. Just what is he? How does he know so much? What's his intention? For all I knew he could be Miranda's little spy, just another nosy moron that was soon to be crushed under my boot. Or this outsider was plotting something. Said he's a worker.......what kind of work, exactly?
Only more questions pile up on my sleep deprived brain, and the cigar burns brighter, lighting up my face in the dim light. Smoke clouds dance around my vision and I notice he still hasn't said a damn thing. If this fucker thinks he can waste my time like this-
"Eyes tell a lot about a person. It just so happens that I recognize what's in yours."
"And just what would that be?"
"Closest I call 'hellbent'. Chronic, unquenchable rage. Only the most extreme and constant stress forges it. Be it God or saint, it maims the one who wronged you. But the worst it damages, its wielder. Those eyes belong to a man who's desperate to break free, because at this rate, it is either you or them."
I grit my teeth so hard the cigar almost got severed in two. Just who the FUCK this bastard thinks he is? Barging into my factory, wasting my fucking time, and now the prick thinks he can take my head apart like some jigsaw puzzle all because he looked my way once.
With growl I spat, "Better watch your mouth, fucker, you are in my factory. Just because I tolerate your presence sometimes doesn't mean you can forget your place. Yammering on like that, about how you know oh so well about me, could get you killed oh so easily."
With the same blank fucking look he continues.
"I don't mean to offend sir. But I think I can tell when I come across the very same eyes I've been seeing my entire life."
Through anger peaks curiosity. Same eyes? What's he talking about?
"What do you mean?"
"I'm familiar with the look, sir. Why, I see it even these days, when I happen to look in any mirrors."
And back to the bullshit again. Seriously? The guy barely uses any facial muscles. I cock my head to a side and show him my full sneer.
"I dunno, you don't seem very vengeful to me. Or very desperate. Not even remotely."
He slowly looks down. Again with the goddamn blandest expression of the century, seemingly fixated on a rusted spot on the floor.
Then, to my slight surprise, I watched as his face slowly contorted into....some kind of expression. If you could even call it that. Almost like......haunted. The change was barely there, but I could sense the shift in the air. With his gaze still lowered his hollow voice echoed around the room.
"Dem wird befohlen, der sich nicht selber gehorchen kann."
Huh. Would you look at that. He's full of surprises today. I didn't miss the way his right eye twitched as he said it.
"Didn't know you speak german."
"Only a little."
"Didn't sound 'a little' to me....what do you mean by that?"
"A slave is still a slave. With, or without the owner in sight."
As soon as the moment came, it vanished. He knelt down again and started packing his tools.
"I've got to get going, sir. Lady Beneviento asked for my aid the other day. If you'll be in need of my service, do let me know please."
With that he zipped up his bag, got up, and swiftly turned around. I stood there watching him walk away. Thinking.
A few months ago, he appeared out of nowhere. How he managed to come out of the woods without alerting any lycans, I still can't figure out. Whatever deal he made with the bitch, Miranda ordered us to keep our claws off him for now. She also told us to keep a close eye on him and let her know any findings worth reporting, for whatever reason.......But that wasn't the only weird thing about him.
The asshole creeped me out more than Donna's fucked up puppets, and that was saying something. His face always stayed the exact same except a few rare occasions, and when he does show some kind of reaction, it was even worse than that usual stoneface. His consistent monotonous voice makes me wonder if he had some kind of brain damage. How else could you explain the utter lack of personality? Bet the village idiots couldn't tell him from one of my creations. Some days he didn't even seem alive, just passing through the places, showing up at the most random time of the day. Like 3am in the morning, when I'm still working on the blueprints. Not only that, as soon as he got the job done, you turn your back once and he was gone.
The bastard somehow knew of my plans as well. Yet Miranda's none the wiser.....Then again, he could be looking for opportunities, take his sweet time and use the info to his advantage when I least expect it.
All the whirling thoughts continue to intensify the drumming headache behind my eyes. Last time I've seen him was days ago, our conversation still fresh on my mind, despite all the sleepless nights that followed.
Words and drawings in front of me blur together, and I close my eyes. Go on any longer, and I'd collapse. Break it is.
I plopped down on a metal chair by the table with heavy sigh. No matter how long I spend on these numerous projects, my goal of freedom never quite seemed to be within reach. Each day stuck in this shithole, was another mockery of my effort from those freaks.
As if to wipe away the frustration, I rub my aching eyes. It only makes the stinging worse, but I can't care less. My foggy mind already wanders away to the most recent conversation. About him.
'Dem wird befohlen, der sich nicht selber gehorchen kann.'
"He who cannot obey himself, is commanded," I mutter.
Also sprach Zarathustra. A dusty old book in the corner comes to my mind. One of the few german books Duke had at the moment, before I was fluent in English.
"Of all people........Nietzsche, huh. Klugscheißer."
Fatigued to the bone, yet the chuckle rolls out of my mouth easily. Whatever I was expecting from him, that wasn't it. For a guy that was closer to an inanimate object than a human, he sure had quite a taste in literature.
My fingers twitch, signaling the need for sweet nicotine. Fishing out a cigar from the inner pocket, I feel for a lighter. One floats out from the mess on the shelf. Half way there, it wobbles, so I put my hand out to snatch the falling lighter. Damn. I really am tired. I light the cigar. As the familiar scent fills my nose, I once again think of our talk.
'Those eyes belong to a man who's desperate to break free, because at this rate, it is either you or them.'
The bastard was right. If I had to spend any more of my days in this shitstain of a village, I'd slowly but surely lose my mind, just like my dillusional 'siblings'. There were only two options for me. Tear apart Miranda and get the fuck out, or die trying. Either was desirable. ANYTHING but this.
"Who do you serve, 'hunter'? If that even is your name."
A slave is still a slave, he said. If he really is familiar with how I feel, with the situation that I am in........
At the time I did not notice. But later, when I returned to the room to check if any platforms need fixing, I found a deep, clearly hand-shaped indent left on one of the railings.
Right where he was leaning, while we had that little chat.
Then I remembered. How he was holding onto the railing as the conversation went on, and how his body seemed to tense as his expression changed.
The metal pole was all bent and twisted, almost pencil-thin in some places, flattened by an incredible force.
If his words did not serve their purpose, that sure did. It was then that I realized, that if I ever were to get a read on him, I have to see how he acts. Action. That was the key.
Just like how he tried to figure me out the other day, I'd make an open book out of him. Whatever scheme he has, it won't stay concealed for long. Who knows, we might even be able to negotiate. Didn't seem like he was all too eager to work for the deranged witch, after all.
Perhaps, we are a lot more alike than I thought.
I blow out the smoke, still deep in contemplation. All things considered, at least one thing was clear.
That...that's the end of my first one shot after years of no writing whatsoever. Am dying. Ahhhh. Anyway. Will write more if my schedule gets any loose ;)
Karl you poor ficker you need tHErApY.
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Lavender Love (JJK x Reader) 💐💜🔞
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🦋 Pairing: Florist!Jeon Jungkook x Mute!Reader
🦋 Genre: Florist!AU, Fluff, Strangers to Lovers AU, smut
• Selective mutism : a severe anxiety disorder where a person is unable to speak in certain social situations, such as with classmates at school or to relatives they do not see very often. It usually starts during childhood and, if left untreated, can persist into adulthood.
🦋 Warnings: mentions of past trauma (no mentions of what exactly), anxiety attack, it’s not romanticized in this so it’s no ‘hero in shining armor knows what to do’ kinda thing, mentions of vomiting and overall just a very uncomfortable situation, Jungkook is actually kinda lost, mutual pining, awkward reader, very very VERY soft smut, like Jesus Christ it’s so sweet, mentions of therapy, hopeless romantic kook, he researched so much just so he can help :(, protective Kook!
🦋 Summary: words only hurt people around you, so when you meet this kind florist while picking up your friends order, you swear to yourself to never speak a word to him. He however, seems to have different plans.
(Again, I want to point out that anxiety attacks are a real thing, and hardly ever ‘just pass’. If you’re uncomfortable with these things, please skip this fic as it is a major part of the story. Everyone experiences these things differently, things depicted in this are personal experiences. If you think you have problems like this, please seek professional help. You’re not broken, you maybe just need a little hand to guide you back on track. Stay safe everyone 💕)
This is a oneshot! If you have any asks, Ideas, or drabble requests for this universe, throw them my way!
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You don't remember the last word you spoke to a stranger.
It's probably hidden somewhere, and you'd find it if you really searched for it, however, you didn't really crave to be remembered about what happened afterwards. It didn't matter these days anyways.
You don't remember your school days.
Again, these memories are there, you know it. Yet you've turned them around like a picture hanging on a wall, neatly framing an incident that scarred you to the point of seemingly no return. It didn't matter these days anyways.
You pull your facemask a bit as you waited at the red light, folded paper in your hand, which was hidden in the front pocket of your sweater. People around you didn't really look at you, not caring, and you favored it greatly. You felt your fingers get clammy however, the closer you got to the corner store. Hopefully Miss Jung was there; she knew your mother, and didn't really mention your habit of silence much. Hopefully.
But the closer you got, the more you felt your skin grow cold.
That was not miss Jung.
You desperately wanted to text Yoongi, telling him that you couldn't pick up his order, but he was sick, he needed someone to do it, and you knew you could do it- you had to start somewhere. Your therapist had praised you last month so greatly, telling you how good you were getting at conversing, even if it was just through text or post it notes- it was more than you did a few years ago. But your feet slowed down, hands beginning to shake. You stood against the wall near the entrance, evening out your breathing as you tried to ground yourself again.
You could do this.
Entering the store, familiar bell ringing, you felt a bit more calm as the scent of the various flowers filled your nose. You'd often stayed under the counter when Miss Jung had been working when you were young, her presence calming to you as she didn't care about your 'issues' as others had called it. She always let you make flower crowns and tiny rings, showing you what every one of them meant, uncaring that you never answered her. She always said your smile was enough.
"Hello! How can I help you?" He asked in a friendly manner. His voice was melodic, probably nice to listen to whenever he talked away, making you slightly jealous. Your own was weak, fragile from lack of use. He smiled at you as you hesitantly walked forwards, unfolding the note Yoongi had written and placing it down in front of him, making him pick it up, reading it. "Oh? Lazy gramps can't pick them up himself?" He chuckled, and you wanted to disagree, yet you stopped the thought while it formed. "Ah, I'll get them for you, but are you sure you can carry them all yourself? There's multiple boxes, and eh-" He began, grinning before picking at his skin on his jaw. "-not to be mean but you're kinda short." He said, and your eyes widened. You shook your head, and he leaned his to the side. "No? No what?" He asked, and you began to grow uncomfortable. Your gaze shifted towards the note, pointing towards it, then at yourself, before you nodded. "I eh.." He trailed off, before he smiled encouragingly. "Ah, you're shy? Don't be, I don't bite!" He playfully said, and you could feel the tears prick at the backs of your eyes.
It was unfair really. You wished you could be more open, tell him all you wanted to say, be just as confident as he was being- yet here you were, confusing the guy to no ends just because you couldn't open your mouth. It was pathetic, really, and before you knew you felt the tears gather. You were growing frustrated, hands growing clammy as you tightened them into fists, breathing becoming uneven as you desperately tried to calm yourself. "Ah- you're okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" He tried, hand on your shoulder not helping one bit. He was now confused, maybe even scared, and it was your fault. Why were you being so difficult? Why couldn't you just tell him like every other normal person could? Oh yeah, because you weren't. You were absolutely fucked up, useless for society, not even able to work a proper job-
"Y/N?" The voice sounded dull, as if someone held their hands over your ears, the rushing of your own blood drowning out everything else as your hands and feet became rigid, frozen in place by the overflow of oxygen. "Jungkook dear, please give her space- Y/N sweetheart, can you hear me?" You knew she was talking, but her voice wasn't reaching you at all as the tears fell, sobs wrenching your gut to the point of feeling sick. "Oh sweetheart, come on, quick-" She hurried, unnoticed by you helping your locked body outside through the backdoor with Jungkooks help, who had a worried look on his face as he watched the scene unfold. "Jungkook dear, can you get me a bucket real quick?" He nodded, dashing off to clumsily get a small water bucket, cursing as he knocks down several others, glad that there wasn't another costumer. He got back just in time for Miss Jung to manage to hold the purple plastic container underneath your face as your body shook, bringing back up whatever you'd eaten in its absolute frenzy. "Shh, its okay.." She hummed, before addressing the boy again. "Can you cut some lavender please? A branch should be enough." She asked, as he nodded again, eyes barely leaving your figure. Was that his fault? What did he do wrong? "Jungkook." Miss Jung said to knock him back to reality, as he nodded, walking towards the several flowers as he took out the gardening scissors from his apron, cutting two small branches instead of one for good measure.
When he walked back outside the backdoor, you'd already laid on your side, Miss Jung carefully running her hand over your back as you seemed to still have issues breathing properly, sobs still present as you choked on air. He wordlessly gave his boss what she'd asked for, as he watched her rub the flowers between her hands, the scent filling your nose slowly. It helped after a moment, slowly calming your senses back down, exchanging your now returning sense of hearing and vision with a raging headache. "I'm so sorry I-" He began, but miss Jung sent him a look, shaking her head. She'd just managed to bring you back, she didn't need to throw you back into the circle again.
"Jungkook, can you go help the costumers please?" She asked as she heard the bell, and he hesitantly nodded, before returning.
Well, this ended well.
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The next day, Yoongi had you by his side as he stepped inside the flower shop. "Hel- Ah! You!" Jungkook exclaimed, making you shrink in on yourself, readying yourself for whatever he had to say. Yoongi however, voice raspy from his cold, cut him off.
"Yah you idiot, can you ever just do what you're told?" He exclaimed, as Jungkook scratched the back of his neck, fluffy hair falling a bit to the side from the movement. "You got my shit?" He asked, and you gently pulled at his sleeve, a sign that he should at least stop cursing. "Sorry." He mumbled down to you as Jungkook watched the silent exchange with interest. Yoongi coughed, snapping the younger boy back to his senses as he walked to the back, coming back with two boxes. "Thanks." Yoongi simply answered, holding both boxes even though he could see the question in your eyes. You both got ready to leave, as Jungkook stopped you.
"Wait!" He said, rummaging around underneath the counter before he pulled out a tiny envelope, wrapped with a purple ribbon, holding it out to you. "As uhm.. a sorry. For yesterday. I didn't know." He offered, and you took it, nodding. So now he knew. Great. He simply waved, as Yoongi bumped you with his elbow, signaling you to go.
In the car, the older boy suddenly sniffed. "Did he pack the wrong flowers or why does it smell so much like lavender?" He asked, and you shrugged, before remembering the gift. Opening the ribbon, you found a small sheer bag, dried seeds of lavender inside, as well as a note.
'Miss Jung said, writing is easier. So if I didn't screw up yesterday, text me? :) '
"That fucker!" Yoongi laughed before coughing again, making you smile a bit. What exactly was that supposed to mean?
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It meant exactly what he said. He genuinely started to reach out to you after you'd texted him your number, sending you random pictures of bouquets he did during the day, of scenery he encountered on his way to or off work, memes, or simply asking you how your day was. He slowly found out more and more about you, never really asking why you didn't speak- because the more he began to unravel your personality, the less he cared about that. He found out that you liked sports, you played in a soccer team, and worked as an online tech support from home. He thought of it as absolutely the coolest thing ever, even asking to see a game of yours if you'd let him.
Which had led to this moment.
Jungkook was sitting down, several girls side-eyeing him as they wondered why he was there. His dark attire and several piercings, as well as the ink painting his arm that he'd exposed due to the heat as he'd rolled up the sleeves of his sweater completely covering up the fact that he actually worked with delicate things such as tiny flowers, able to make the best flower crowns of all time. He denied their request to sit with them, texting you instead that he was there, and where he sat. He watched as you read his message before looking up, finding him as he grinned, waving. You meekly waved back, shy smile on your lips as he heard the whispers from his side. He gave them a look to shut them up, before leaning forward, eager to see you in action.
He was mesmerized as he saw you run, every step you took seemingly perfectly timed and placed. You were the shortest one out of your team, but that did not put you at a disadvantage at all it seemed; you ducked under another player trying to push you almost expertly, making him jump up and push his fist into the air in victory as you scored.
When you were done with your game, he'd already walked down the stairs, meeting you as you smiled at his figure, a bit taken aback by his choice of clothing. He always made sure to cover up his tattoos in the flowershop, Miss Jung not too fond of him scaring away costumers who had a more traditional view on things. He held up his hand before lowering it a bit for you to properly hit it in a high five, internally beaming at the fact that you'd slowly grown more comfortable with him. He carried your bag for you, shaking away his stray strands of hair that had fallen into his face from the slight wind. "Ah, here." He remembered, giving you your facemask back, remembering that you always liked to wear it so people thought you were maybe sick and just didn't talk because of that. But after months with him; you didn't need it anymore. So you simply took it from him, putting it into your pocket. His eyes widened a bit but he smiled afterwards, actually growing a bit shy.
And he almost tripped over his own feet as he felt your tiny hand grab his to hold.
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"Oh Y/N! Jungkook is already changing. He said you're both going on a date?" Miss Jung winked at you, making you look down shyly, fingers pulling at the hem of your skirt a bit as you nodded. He'd asked you out a few days ago, immediately replying that you could also just stay at his or your place, and that you didn't have to go out. You'd thanked him for it, and you both decided to simply get a shit ton of junk food to take home to his place, planning on watching a short movie and maybe playing some video games after. "I'm happy. He's a good guy, but don't tell him I said that, his ego is too inflated already, that poor boy!" She hummed, as Jungkook whined from behind her.
"Yah, my ego isn't inflated at all, what are you saying?!" He said while pouting, making you chuckle a but under your breath. He smiled, walking up to you as he waved at miss Jung. "Thanks for closing the shop, we'll be on our way then!" He exclaimed, and she just nodded, smile genuine on her lips.
"So!" He said, stretching his arms above his head before he took your hand, walking across the street with you as he led you both to a fast food place close by. "I thought about The Cat Returns tonight?" He asked, and you nodded, happy with his choice. Against the stigma floating around him judged by his attire and collections of tattoos and piercings, Jungkook was actually a huge fan of Studio Ghibli and everything romantic. He was a bit cheesy, but you'd grown to appreciate it- maybe even love it. The more you both conversed and spend time together, the closer you felt yourself getting with him- without forcing yourself to. It just came natural with him, the hand holding not making you feel weird or as if people were staring, his jacket around your shoulders never feeling heavy. Being close to him was comforting, hearing his voice was soothing, being with him was.. like your personal stack of lavender, always ready to calm your nerves.
So when you were walking to his place, apartment still a bit foreign to you since you'd only visited him a handful of times, you didn't feel any pressure. You simply took off your shoes, immediately greeting his two pet rabbits in his living room, crouching down to pet them. "I feel like you only love me for my pets." He explained playfully scandalized, making you grin as you continued to run your hand over the soft fur.
"Alright!" He'd exclaimed as everything was set on the table, his arms on the back of his couch. "Will you stay with them or actually sit down with me? I'm getting lonely." He whined, and you rolled your eyes before you skipped to the couch, stumbling a bit as he chuckled, catching you as you almost fell onto his lap. "Easy there tiger, and here I thought you wanted to take things slow." He laughed, voice low as he turned on the movie, very aware of the blush coating your cheeks.
It started to cover his own soon as well however, as you slowly but surely started to cuddle up to him.
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A kiss was what started it. One, then two, and the third deepened the feeling of want. You thought you'd feel pressured, hesitant, shy, or maybe even scared- but you didn't. This was Jungkook. And Jungkook was your safe place.
"Wait.." He hesitantly said, eyes almost shut in a way as if he was hurt, holding your shoulders as he looked at you. "I- I'm sorry, I don't know what came over myself there.." He chuckled, shifting a bit as he suddenly pulled on his sweater to hide his growing erection. He'd never been ashamed of it in the past, but now, it seemed out of place. It felt as if it made him look like he couldn't wait, as if he was impatient, or taking advantage of the situation. You simply took the receipt of the food, turning it around as you clicked the ballpoint pen on his table, writing.
'It's okay. I want to.'
His eyes widened as he got more serious. "You don't have to. I can totally wait." He said, a gentle smile on his lips as he watched you write another line.
'There's no one I'd rather go this far with.'
His heart began to beat heavier, if that made sense. It felt as if every beat was suddenly more meaningful, louder, more present than ever, as he watched you write.
'I'm yours.'
You gently laid the pen down, now looking at him as he smiled, kissing your lips again deeply as the thunderstorm outside raged on, lightning brightening the room for a second as he couldn't seem to stop kissing you. "Thank you." He hummed, before diving in again. "Thank you." He said again, before made you sit on his lap, straddling him as he chuckled in bliss. "I promise I'll take good care of you." He vowed as you'd closed your eyes, simply giving yourself to him as his hands held you safely. "Now, and forever." He whispered, before he stood up, strong arms underneath your bottom as he carried you out of the living room, into his dark bedroom that only occasionally lit up from the lightning outside. The rain hit the window harshly, yet he didn't seem to hear it at all as he let you fall on the mattress back first, chuckling as he almost fell on top of you, making you giggle.
The sound prominent in his ears as he swore he could've cried.
"You sound so beautiful." He hummed against your neck, his words never wiping the smile off of your face as he moved you to lay down properly, clothes slowly loosing purpose as every item slowly met the floor with a soft thud. He praised every curve, every flaw you saw in yourself as he closed his eyes in pure bliss, no need for visual confirmation to know that you were perfect to him. For the first time in forever you felt free, completely safe and guarded as he moved above you, silent gasps and sighs the only thing present as he stood up for a moment, having to search for a condom before he met you on the bed again, giggling like school kids caught doing mischief as he struggled to open the package, making you laugh at him.
He decided he loved that sound.
If someone was to ask him what he thought your voice sounded like, his first reply would genuinely be that he did not care. It wasn't mandatory in what you both had, he'd learned that over the months and months he'd spent with you. Words surely made communication a bit simpler, but he didn't need them to show you his love and adoration for you. It proved his worth way better than words ever could.
Wrapping the safety over his length he kissed you again, seemingly hooked on the simple gesture as he held himself with one hand, the other one guiding him into you, slowly, as to not make it hurt.
He'd never hurt you.
He didn't rush, there was no need to. This wasn't about reaching a goal, a high, or any end of some sorts. He simply relished in being close to you, in the huge amount of trust you gave him willingly, naturally. He felt honored, as cheesy as it sounded, he felt as if there was no bigger achievement in his life than knowing that you gave yourself into his arms simply because you cherished him just as much as he did you. He held you tightly against him as he slowly moved, pace slow and almost lazy as you slightly squirmed and reached around his shoulders, holding him close as well, both of you existing, nothing more.
Maybe it was the fact that it was you, maybe it was the high of his own happiness in knowing that he held your heart, but he soon felt himself grow sensitive, hand reaching between your bodies to roll your pear between his inked fingers, making you mewl underneath him.
He decided he loved that sound as well.
Your back arched as you came undone underneath him, clenching center helping his own release to happen shortly after. He gasped out, catching his breath as he rested his forehead against yours, suddenly laughing as if he was drunk. And he kind of was; drunk on the realization that this had indeed happened, that he actually was here, holding you, having you all for himself. He slipped out of you after a moment, pulling the condom off of himself as he tied it and threw it into the bin close to his bed, before slipping underneath his blankets, holding you close, sighing in gentle comfort as no words were spoken. Until you moved a bit, lips close to his ear, as you whispered.
"I love you."
And he decided, he loved that sound most of them all.
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
Naivety is Enduring (Lin Beifong x reader)
a/n: can’t figure out a better title lmao but this fic is based on one of the asks i’ve gotten. reader is a shy, oblivious officer at the station who’s accidentally been flirting with Lin. 
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You kept your head up as you sifted through the streets of Republic City. The streets were almost completely bare with little to no traffic. However, about an hour later that’s when chaos errupted. Your shift started in thirty minutes, but you always took pride on being early. 
Your job wasn’t too important. Compared to the detectives, the actual officers that made rounds, and chief Beifong, it was insignificant. The front desk needed somebody to help keep things under control and dealt with the people coming in and out. It didn’t matter to you. In fact you preferred it. Working the front desk made it easier for you to be more discreet. The quiet and the calm helped ground you unlike going into the streets of the city everyday. Talking to some of the people coming in and out still made you anxious, but it wasn’t so bad.
Letting out a soft sigh, you unlocked the doors. It was dark in the station, which was expected, but in the hall a light was on. It was the last door on the left. Chief Beifong’s office. You couldn’t help but frown. It was four thirty am. Everyone was either asleep or making their way to the station. You weren’t surprised; Chief Beifong was known to work late into the night and the early morning. There was no stopping her. 
Setting down your stuff, you started opening up. You winced at the bright lights as they flickered on. Everything seemed to be there where you left it. You groaned at the never ending filing you had to do. Along with the petty reports you had to sign and date.
Time passed for ten minutes. Then fifteen. You thought Chief Beifong would have left her office. She usually did whenever the first person came into the station but she stayed locked up.
Shaking it off, you made your way to the break room. A pot of coffee would freshen the two of you up. Though, you couldn’t help but feel anxious. Talking to people had never been your strong suit. Especially Chief Beifong. The officers did their best to tread around her carefully and only speak to her when they had to. “Everyone deserves someone to talk to,” you reassured yourself as you poured water into the pot. “Even if they’re fucking terrifying.”
When the coffee was finished you grabbed two mugs. You put sugar and cream in yours. You had a feeling Chief Beifong didn’t like anything in her coffee. If she didn’t like it so be it. At least you tried. Pushing the door open with your hips, you clutched the mugs in your hand tightly. You cursed softly as some of the hot coffee spilled onto your hand. Your hand became a bit red and it hurt like a mother fucker. You made your way past a couple of officers and nodded and smiled at them. They murmured a good morning but continued to chat. No matter, you weren’t as important as they were, you mused.
You swallowed thickly as you stood in front of the imposing door. Chief Beifong never failed to make you nervous. She was scary as hell but before you could chicken out, you knocked on her door twice. Good number. Not too hard and not too soft, you thought. “Come in,” a gruff, but muffled voice replied from the other side of the door. 
Pushing aside your nerves, you opened the door quietly. The head of gray hair that you loved lifted up from the papers in front of her. A brow raised in your direction with a tiny frown on her face. “Yes?”
You fought the urge to fidget and gave the chief an uneasy smile. Focus. “I saw you were still awake,” you said softly, trying not to make her more irritated, “so I brought you a mug of coffee.” Chief Beifong’s eyes narrowed a bit. From suspicion or irritation, you couldn’t tell. God, you wanted the floor to swallow you. You hated it when she dissected you with cold stares. It was just a cup of coffee for fucks sake!
You shuffled your feet nervously as you waited her to say something. Either a sharp “Get out” or a gruff “thanks”, you didn’t care. At this point you just wanted to get out. Chief Beifong’s green eyes lightened a bit. A wave of relief washed over you. Success. “Thank you,” she quipped, looking back down at her paper work. “You really shouldn’t have.” “It’s no problem,” you replied, a shy smile on your face. You set the mug carefully with a gentle thud, and made your leave. 
But you felt like it wasn’t enough. You wanted to be different from the other officers. They were all intimidated and terrified of her. Not that you could blame them, but they didn’t even try to be friendly. You had gotten this far, what else could go wrong? So, with all the courage you had left you said, “Have a good day Chief.” With that, you left her office with a surprised Chief behind her desk.
“Ready for training?” You looked up from the files you were sifting through to put away. The stack was never ending but you had made good progress. It had only been one third of it wiped out, but it was still progress. You could barely contain your surprise. “Y-yes Chief Beifong,” you sputtered holding the manilla file tightly. Her brow twitched and her eyes stared into your soul. Were they always that pretty?
“Good. You’re up in ten.” You nodded, “Yes m’am.” You swore you saw a smirk before she turned around and left you there standing like an idiot. “Get yourself together,” you whispered harshly, cheeks burning.
You sighed as the hot water hit your back. The aching joints and your sore muscles started to soothe under the shower’s water. You’ve always hated training especially whenever the Chief observed you. It was her job but still, did she have to stare? She wasn’t afraid to correct you every five seconds, but how could you concentrate whenever you had a HUGE crush on her? “Fuckin…Chief having to be her hot…self whenever she’s around,” you grumbled to yourself in the empty locker room.
Shivering, you hurried to your satchel to change back into your uniform. The towel around you did little to warm your body. “Didn’t think I’d still see you here.” You jumped. “Oh my god,” you squeaked, pulling your towel closer to you. “C-Chief,” you greeted, cheeks flaming. “P-pleasant surprise.” 
She didn’t say anything as she grabbed her bag. She still had her white tank top on which showed off her toned arms. The cargo pants she wore hugged her ass perfectly. The chief’s normally gray hair was pulled up into a bun. Fuck, did she look good.
Suddenly, Chief Beifong turned to you. You jumped, startled, eyes snapping up to hers. She looked surprised and you swear to the spirits her cheeks turned slightly pink. “U-uh uhhh uhhh,” you sputtered, trying to explain yourself. Grabbing your bag with incredible speed, you spilled out, “I-I gotta go C-Chief! Nice uhhhh talking to you!” With that you dashed out of the locker rooms and left a dumfounded Lin Beifong.
“I fucking hate myself,” you spat in the mirror as you flung your uniform back on. Chief Beifong caught you checking her out. You were fucked. Screwed. Hell, you wouldn’t be surprised if she handed you resignation letters once you got back to the front desk. You could’t blame her. Maybe you could find a nice little job? Out in the surrounding cities? Far away from Republic City? That sounded like a great idea. You could see it now. Sure the pay wouldn’t probably be the greatest, but it’s better than having the embarassment of being fired in front of your colleagues. They already thought your rank was a disgrace. Imagine the gossip once they figured out the reason for getting fired.
Sighing, you begrudgingly trudged out of the bathroom. Anxiety bubbled in your chest as you left the safe haven behind you and returned to your desk. Maybe she’d just forget about it? “She wont,” you sighed, shaking your head.
“Get yourself together,” you scolded yourself. “We can go home and sulk later. We’ve got a job to do.”
“See you!” You waved, a fake grin plastered on your face. Your coworker didn’t seem to notice though. You hated talking to the officers; they were usually lovely people, but talking to people made you feel smaller claw and insignificant. It was tiring and made you feel stupid that you had trouble talking to people.
Five thirty rolled around on the clock. You still had some filing to finish, sign some mediocre documents, and take care of the citizens coming in and out. Almost everyone had left except for a few people in the station. You were surprised you didn’t find any resignation papers on your desk, or god forbid Chief Beifong waiting at your desk to chew you out. It would be well deserved at least. But now, you didn’t know how to go from here.
Just pretend everything is normal, you told yourself. Oh, if only the spirits were on your side. “Chief Beifong wants to see you.” You sighed, turning to the officer. You hated the pity they held for you. Their face held a grimace as they watched you get up from the floor. “Alright, thanks.” They nodded, but left you to wallow in the anxiety of facing your boss and loosing your job. “Better make the most of it, was great while it lasted.”
Your feet trudged to her door. You felt your heart quicken and the lump in your throat was like a heavy tone. The beating of your heart felt like a sharp dagger piercing into is. You rubbed your clammy hands on your trousers and swallowed. “Enter,” the gruff voice answered once you gathered the courage to knock. Taking one last breath, you gently opened the door. You dreaded the moment the door closed with a soft click.
“I-I’m really sorry,” you stuttered as soon as you went inside. Chief Beifong followed the movement of your twiddling fingers before looking you in the eye. “It was very unprofessional of me to.. d-do that and I understand if you want to fire me.” Chief Beifong didn’t say anything. She looked surprised. Her hands were folded underneath her chin as she studied you. Her green eyes focused in on you. You felt more like a mouse now than you usually did.
“You’re not getting fired.” Confused, you tilted your head. Your brows furrowed deeply. You nibbled your lips as you asked, “What?” Chief Beifong chuckled, “No, in fact, I wanted to ask if you were busy tonight. Maybe get a couple drinks.”
“O-oh,” you said softly, hands dropping by your sides. “Yea sure. I-I can ask some of the other officers if they’d like to come to!” Chief Beifong stared at you. She was trying to process the situation. “No,” she started, “I’m..asking you out..on a date.”
Your eyes widened. Oh. OH. The tips of your ears burned red along with your cheeks. The chief’s eyes glittered with amusement. You nodded, averting her eyes. “Y-yes. I’d like that.” “Good,” she replied, a barely there smirk on her face. “Give me fifteen minutes and I should be finished with this.” Nodding, you made your way to the door. “You got it Chief.” “Lin.” “Huh?” “Call me Lin.” Smiling you said, “Alright, Lin.” It felt foreign on your tongue but you liked it. Leaving her office, you gave her one last timid wave. And no you did not skip all the way back to your desk.
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phoenixblack89 · 3 years
Fera Ingris
Chapter 2: Fuck My Life
So I skipped Vatos. Couldn't get it to work at all the way I wanted it to but did get this finished. Next chapter will probably be out in 2 weeks. It's done but needs editing.
Anyhooo. Enjoy. If ya wanna be tagged so ya don't miss please message me or comment on this! Also up on a03.
Tags: @lilythemadqueen @writingdeadangel @boondoctorwho @fandomsaremykryponite @browneyes528 @darylsgirl
Daryl was pissed. Beyond pissed. The whole rescue Merle plan was nothing but a shit show from the start. First finding Merle's hand and no body attached to it. And no meds for the girl. Then Glenn being nabbed. Then the Vatos and that whole carry on. He was not in the best mood when they discovered the van had been stolen and they had to run back to camp. 
"Stupid Merle. Why didn't ya wait asshole?" Daryl grumbled to himself, panting as he followed the three in front of him and hoped he got back before something else bad happened as the sky began to darken. 
The walkers had somehow snuck into camp. Shrieks from the children, cries of pain and the vicious sounds of heads being bashed in or blowed out by bullets was all she could hear as she tore through the woods to help. She had gone out to check the snares she and Daryl had left further out in the woods early this afternoon and had found a fair few with small rabbits or birds in them, which she had slung from a rope hanging from her shoulder. Each step causing the critters to bash against her ribs, her two headed axe bashing painfully into her back. The screams and noise grew as she got closer. 
She shoved her bow over her shoulder and whipped out her axe and slowed her running. She came to a dead stop as the growls of eight walkers echoed loudly around her. She'd run straight into a group of the undead bastards without realising. 
"Fuck my life" She muttered as she started swinging her axe at the nearest walker, swirling it over her head. 
"Come on! Hurry!" Rick yelled from in front of Daryl, their ears being assaulted by the sounds of the camp being attacked. Daryl shouldered his crossbow and accepted the rifle from Glenn as they ran up the hill. The chaos in front of him made his blood race as he started shooting at everything in camp, taking care not to hit any one living. His eyes scanning continously for the young woman he had begun to enjoy spending time with, hunting and not. 
In what seemed to Daryl as hours, but was only 15 minutes, the camp had been cleared. 
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as Rick thanked Shane for protecting his family as others grieved the loss of theirs. Daryl walked around camp quickly, eyes lingering on every corpse, his heart pounding his ribs in fear as he realised Phoenix was no where to be seen. 
"Shane!? Dale?! Where's Phoenix?! Ya see her anywhere!?" He demanded, storming up to the former police officer having checked every bloody body on the ground. Shane ran his hand over his head and shrugged his shoulders. 
"Nah man, last I saw her was this mornin' when I took over watch." Shane said quietly, his heart now worriedly gripped by fear for the Brit too. 
Jacqui slowly made her way over, hands shaking in shock still. 
"I saw her this afternoon, not long after we had to stop Jim. She said something about checking some snares or something. I wasn't paying much attention, I was busy. Maybe she's still out checking?" She said, grabbing hold of her crucifix around her neck in worry. 
Daryl grunted and began scanning the tree lines for his, possibly only, friend. He turned to speak to Rick about going to find her when a scream came from the woods. He glanced at Rick and took off in the direction of the woods. Rick, Shane, T-Dog and Glenn followed after him. 
5 down, 3 to go...
Phoenix thought her breath coming in short sharp gasps as she pivoted to face the next walker. Her axe gracefully span around the top of her head as she threw all her remaining strength into her swing. The sharp curve of the double blade head making cutting through flesh and bone like butter. She grunted as the head splattered into a waterfall of crimson and black. Her arms ached, her head was lightly throbbing with adrenaline and her energy was fading quicker and quicker. She span on her heels as growls grew around her once more. Another walker fell to her axe and sheer brutal anger. 
The last walker was formerly a large male, his stomach as wide as he was tall, making T-Dog and Shane look short; she tugged at the axe still inside the previous walker's skull but it wouldn't come. 
"Oh shit." She muttered, her fingers fumbling with the latch to separate her axe into 2 shorter and one handed weapons, the wound on her hand began to throb and pulse painfully. The walker got closer and she dropped her axe and slid to her knees, kicking out to knock the walker down. Unfortunately the beast's size worked against her and it fell onto her. She screamed as this was the first time in a long while she had been so close to one and without a weapon in her hand. 
Her hands quickly and harshly shoved the gnarled face and life ending teeth away from her body. Her arms felt like jelly holding the enormous weight off her. 
"You ugly fucker." She growled, arms already wobbling and shaking with effort. She needed to somehow roll the creature off her and get a hand free to pull her buck knife, her knife being painfully trapped between her thigh and the walker's massive stomach. She pulled one of her legs free and wrapped it around the waist of the heavy weight man and tried to flip them. It was no good. It was just too heavy for her slightly smaller frame to do. 
Her hands had begun to slip, her injured one burning fiercely and getting weaker faster, the wound beginning to ooze blood slowly. Her whole arm was burning, almost as if the flames were still licking along her skin, her chest ached from the weight, she could almost feel her ribs starting to crack as she struggled to breathe. She sighed and pushed with all her might. The teeth slowly getting closer and closer to her face as her vision started to swim towards the inky blackness. She turned her head and screwed her eyes up so she didn't have to see the disgusting pieces of rotten flesh trapped between its teeth, praying to a god she wasn't sure she still believed in that come the opening of her eyes she'd be reunited with her boys. 
A whoosh zipped through the air and the next second the full weight of the walker crashed down onto her far smaller and warmer body, pushing all the air out of her in a big gasp. She waited on baited breath for the feel of teeth taking a chunk out of her and it never came. She slowly opened one eye and realised the body on top of her had gone completely still. Footsteps near her had her twisting against the dead walker to face them, dark red-brown boots slowly came into sight as they walked closer and knelt down near her head. 
"Wha'd I tell ya 'bout comin' out 'ere on ya own?!" Daryl snarled down at her, before a half smile raised the corner of his lip with a small chuckle. She gave a short sharp laugh of her own before glaring at him.
"Ya cozy down there? Do ya need a moment alone wit' ya new beau?" 
"Screw you Dixon and get this fat fucker offer me!" 
Daryl smirked and stood up, using his foot to roll the walker off her. She slowly sat up, and took a huge gulp of air. Shane and Rick held their hands out to help her stand, she waved them away and stood. Her head throbbed and she swayed slightly to one side. Daryl put his hand on her arm to steady her and quietly regarded her. 
"You alright?" Glenn asked, his face pale as he looked around at the mess her frenzy had caused, blood splattered the trees and the ground, brain matter and bone fell in chunks on the tree trunks and the dry soil. She nodded at Glenn, giving Daryl a look and grabbing hold of her axe to tug it free. 
It refused to budge. 
Glenn, T-Dog and Shane began to make their way back towards camp. 
"Come on you sucker." She growled, grabbing the shaft of her axe with two hands and pulling. It finally flew free and she landed hard on her butt. Daryl barked out a laugh and shook his head. "Shut it Dixon!" She huffed and stormed ahead back to camp as the sun began to slowly rise over the treetop. 
"She's a fire ball that one. Might wanna watch yourself Daryl." Rick chuckled as the pair began to follow, Daryl gave him a look and raised his eyebrow in question. Rick shrugged and smiled slightly. "Just saying! Get too close to fire and you get burnt." 
Daryl ducked his head and smiled slightly to himself.
I wouldn't mind getting burnt by her, not at all he thought to himself, watching the girl's rear as she stormed in front of him. 
Phoenix stopped suddenly as camp came into her line of sight. 
So much blood and destruction. 
Carol, Sophia and Andrea were sobbing and clinging to their fallen loved ones. Tents were ablaze and being snuffed out by others. The Morales children clung to their mother and father as did Carl to Lori. Dale stood atop the RV on guard. 
"Oh fuck." 
Shane and the other members of camp were busy doing a headcount or putting the tents that were on fire out. She felt relieved Daryl had saved her once again but at what cost? How many more did they have to loose before everything stopped? Before the dead were actually dead and stayed that way? Until society and law and natural order was restored. Why would her god, a supposedly loving, kind god allow such a thing? Her heart felt heavy enough, this was such sheer cruelty and brutality. 
A hand clamped down on her shoulder and she jumped, her buck knife quickly leaving its sheath. Another grabbed the blade before it hit home and a grunt sounded behind her. 
"Stop tryin' t' gut me girl." Daryl hissed as he removed his hands from her. "Come on, we got grunt work t' do." He gave her a little nod and walked away. 
They'd worked through the morning to get some sort of order back into what was their safe little haven from the plague gripping the world. Sweat, blood and tears were falling to the ground with every step of every man and woman able to help with the clear up. Andrea laid her head bent low on her poor deceased sister's chest. Carol and Lori had settled the children down to sleep in the Grimes tent, Carol's being covered floor to roof in Ed's blood and other gory remains. 
What was left was being carried to the pile where Daryl and Phoenix were making sure they stayed dead, Daryl with a pick axe and Phoenix using her own custom made axe. Carol approaches the pair silently and almost immediately the pair stop their actions and watch her come to a slow halt. 
"I'll do it. He was my husband" her voice weak with the tremble of unshed tears, despite being an arse hole and abusive, Carol had loved Ed. 
The evidence of that being the little girl who slept soundly inside the Grimes tent despite the trauma of the night before. Daryl shares a quick glance at Phoenix, who watches almost cautiously and she gives a tiny almost unseen tilt of her head. Daryl handed Carol the axe he had been using and stands slightly back, closer to the other hunter and watches as Carol heaves the heavy weapon to her shoulders and with a cry throws it down into Ed's remains over and over again. 
The gore splattered around the former's head is almost a therapy for the small grey haired woman who had suffered so much at his hand. Carol is heaving in air as she stops and stands straight, wiping tears from her face as she silently hands Daryl the ax, as quickly as she came she leaves. 
Phoenix smiled bitterly and reached for the feet of Ed as Daryl took the ruined face under his arm, holding him by the shoulders. They carry him towards the fire where T-Dog and Glenn are burning the walkers bodies. Glenn looks up as they approach and stands. 
"No." He says quietly. Daryl and Phoenix drop Ed's body with matching grunts and wipe their arms across their faces.
"We bury our dead." The Asian man says defiantly, pointing at Ed. Daryl raises his eyebrow and glares. 
"Don't matter. He ain't gonna feel it." Daryl huffs. 
"He's dead, don't matter what we do to the body. He's already burnin' in Hell, his fucking useless carcass should burn as well. Fucker deserves it!" Phoenix hisses, she agrees with Daryl. Who knows how long the virus or whatever it is that makes the dead rise would survive without a host. Last thing the world needs is it sitting in the ground and poisoning the land itself. 
"NO! We bury them. They're not monsters! We are people. People bury their dead. To honor them. If we don't... We might as well give up our humanity."  Glenn exclaims passionately, glancing around at the group, who had fallen silent and were watching the exchange. Phoenix glares down at the ground and walks away. Her head spinning and her hand throbbing again. 
Damn Merle, couldn't even get me some meds she thinks, her vision starting to grow blurrier by the second. She walks to her bike and sits down, leaning lightly against its dark green frame. Daryl joins her soon after. 
She shields her eyes with her arm as the sun gives the older man a halo of light. "Hello angel" She smirks up at him and nods. 
"You okay?" He asked, shuffling from one foot to the other. A nervous habit she found quite funny as her mind thought of another she knew with the same habit. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair, it felt filthy and coated in grime and god knows what else. "Rick says we're gonna head t' the CDC."
"I know we ain't the most... We ain't friends or anythin'" 
"Oh DD! Here's me thinking we were!" She laughed lightly, as he sat down on his haunches beside her. He gave a slight chuckle at her as she nudges his leg and he lands on his backside beside her. She gives him a small side smile and gets one in return.
"Yea maybe." He shuffles around anxious about what he's about to say next. "I ain't sure but thought... Maybe... If ya... If ya want... Ya could ride wit' me, in the truck." He chews his lip and waits for the rejection he's sure is coming. "'s okay if ya don't." 
"Actually, I think it might be for the best Dixon." His eyebrows shoot off into his hair at the quiet mummer he hears. "I ain't feeling too hot." She says as her head feels heavier and her eyes grow dimmer despite the bright light in front of her. She turns her head to the man beside her and he becomes a blur of shapes as she loses consciousness. Daryl quickly grabbing her before her head made contact with the ground and laying it across his lap, worried beyond anything, his fingers running over her arm gently as he chewed his lip to bleeding point. 
Groans fill the cab of the faded blue truck as she begins to stir. An arm is around her waist and is pulling her into the cab. 
"Shh girlie. Let me get ya settled." Daryl says quietly, sitting her on the bench seat and putting the seat belt over her shoulder. "Ya passed out."
"Huh." She replies, feeling sleep call her backwards once again. "My bike... Tent..." 
"I got it."
She mumbles something that Daryl is sure sounded an awful lot like Murph before gently closing the door. He sighs and walks over to T-Dog. The large man looks up as he nears and nods. 
"She okay man?" Daryl nods, eyes darting to the RV where Jim lays dying from the bite wound. "Her hand is getting worse ain't it?" 
"Merle was gettin' 'er some meds. Didn't see any when y'all came back." 
"Don't worry man. We're gonna be at CDC soon. They'll have something they can give her."
"I ain't worried. She's a fighter. She faced worse and got through it." 
Both men are quiet for a while, Daryl remembering that awful day that earned the girl the huge cut along her eye and the fear she felt around everyone. "Gimme a hand wit' her stuff will ya?"
"Course man." 
The pair quickly gather the bags strapped to the back of her dirt bike and throw them into the rear of the cab along side her bow and axe. Daryl wonders why she kept the large duffel bags on the bike all the time and why it weighed so much but it wasn't his place to go through it so he ignored it and returned to her tent. He felt a touch guilty about being in her safe space while she wasn't with him, especially knowing he was about to touch her belongings. He grabbed the open duffel and began to pack it with the pile of clean clothes beside her bed roll. He blushed as some of it fell and a lacy purple bra and panties set fell onto the ground near his feet. 
Damn, ain't gonna be able t' look at her t' same, not that ya ain't been lookin' already he thought as he stared at the delicate items. He felt his cock twitch the longer he stared and quickly grabbed them and stuffed them into the bag. His cheeks still slightly red as T-Dog opened the flap. 
"You got another chain on your truck?" 
"Yea, let me just finish in here. Then we'll get her bike up beside Merle's" he ducked his head more to hide his embarrassed and slightly turned on face from the man, grabbing the lantern and boots from around him. Shoving them into the bag quickly, T-Dog entered and began to roll the blankets and sleeping bag up. The pair made quick work of packing Phoenix's tent up, even taking it down and rolling it up. It and her bags thrown into the back of the cab next to Daryl's own scant belongings. The bike proved to be easier moved than the pair thought, it sat perfectly in the small gap between the two walls of the truck bed and Merle's monstrous Triumph, secured down with a long metal chain that also held Merle's down. Daryl quickly checked nothing of his or the sleeping girl's had been left scattered about before turning to his own tent.
The group gathered near to the RV as they neared readiness to leave. Phoenix sat in Daryl's truck, quiet and dizzy, her head was hurting something awful and she could barely stay awake. She could see the group talking and saying goodbye to the Morales family but couldn't hear them. After a few minutes Daryl stormed up to the truck, climbed into the bed and russled around near Merle's bike before climbing in beside her. He put a hand gently on her shoulder holding out a bottle of water. She gave him a sleepy smile in return, her hand shaking as she took it. He held it steady as she took a sip. 
He fished an orange prescription bottle in her direction, his face starting to heat up. She took the pills from him and balanced the water between her knees. Quickly reading the label she smiled. Painkillers. She struggled with the child proof lock on the cap for a few minutes before Daryl reached over and helped her. He slid 2 pills out and dropped them in her hand. 
"Don't tell the others about those. Don't want 'em comin' t' me asking fer meds fer a paper cut." He growled harshly. She nodded and swallowed the meds with a mouthful of water. Daryl looked on as she closed the bottle of water and her eyes. The truck moved slowly out of the quarry with the rest of the convoy, horns calling out as the Morales family went a different way.
That night, the convoy pulled into the side of a quiet wooded road and made plans. Phoenix dozed in the truck while others stood watch. Jim's moans coming quietly from inside the RV put everyone on edge. No one complained of their hunger but they all felt it. The children especially. Daryl stood in the truck bed, crossbow raised as his eyes scanned around. Occasionally kneeling down to peer through the rear window at the pale girl in his truck. He and Merle had both decided she was a Dixon, not by blood or marriage but by deed. She had the Dixon spirit and like hell was he gonna let her go. 
She's a fighter, baby brother but she needs us. She's our baby sis now, got it? We gotta protect 'er. Merle's voice said in his head as he turned to look at her once again. 
She's more to you than a sister Daryl, just admit it t' yaself he thought a small smile on his face as she hugged his winged vest closer to her chest. He'd given it to her as the late summer wind began to chill the inside of the truck. He sighed and stood once more, knowing even if he admitted his feelings he couldn't be with her. He wasn't good enough and she didn't see him that way. Even if she did, the scars would disgust her the second she saw them. She deserves someone who could be everything he wasn't. He was worthless and she was worth so much more. 
Don't mean ya can't look, baby brother. 
Daryl chuckled at that and looked once again to the girl, nodding to himself. 
Ain't no harm in lookin' he mused, looking forward to the girl waking up properly. 
The horn of the RV honked loudly in front of Daryl's truck and Phoenix raised her eyebrow in question. She felt slightly better after the sleep but still weak, she hopped out of the truck and felt her knees almost give out. She held on to the side of the truck slowly making her way to the rest of the group. Jim was laid against a tree a little bit up a bank at the side of the road and seemed to want to be left behind. His face was pale and sweaty, under his eyes darkened with sickness. 
Daryl came to her side and wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her up the bank to say goodbye. She sank to her knees and placed her hand on top of Jim's. 
"Hey. I can... If you want... I got a silencer. It'll be quick. I'll sent you on your way with my family prayer." She whispered to him, Daryl waiting at the bottom of the bank with Rick and Shane. Jim smiled tightly as another cramp ripped through him, he coughed up a little blood and Phoenix grimaced. 
"No. It's your corrupt we claim, remember?" He laughed, taking her hand in his as Phoenix's face dropped. 
How did he know? 
"How - ?" 
"I saw you. I was in Boston that day, he'd killed my cousin." He smiled slightly, gripping her hand. "I know why you didn't say anything... I'm glad you did it... And don't give up on this group, protect them, they need you. That's your new mission." He burst into a coughing fit and tears dropped down her face as she shuffled away.
She stood slowly and wobbled over to Daryl, he reached an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. The only comfort he could offer. He felt awkward and uncomfortable but he was trying. He felt angry at Jim for causing her tears for a guilt inducing moment but he knew it was natural to seeing someone die. Rick offered Jim a gun which he declined and Jim met Daryl's eyes, Daryl nodded with a grim smile and lead the girl back to his truck. He helped her climb in and secured the seat belt around her as she silently cried. He gave her shoulder a squeeze before getting into the driver's seat and following after the RV. The girl passing out soon after. 
Phoenix was thankful when her head started to clear and her energy returned as the huge Atlanta skyline began to grow closer and closer. Daryl chewed his thumb, another nervous habit it seemed he shared with the man she'd once known. He glanced at her as the sky began to darken. 
"Feel better?" 
 "Yea, sorry for going dark on you back there." She whispered, sitting up straighter to glance through the rear window at her bike. "Thanks for taking care of my stuff. Appreciate it." 
She smiled at him as the RV started slowing in front of them. The cars all slowed down and stopped beside a road. In front of them was the CDC, its huge glass exterior mostly undamaged except for the expected gore. The barricades and army trucks had been coated with bodies of the fallen soldiers. 
She raised herself to her knees and leaned over the seat, grabbing her bow and quiver and throwing them over her shoulder. She climbed out and glanced around as the group began to move towards the building. Rick reached the door and shook it.
Daryl and Phoenix stood side by side, glancing at the shadows that darkened with every minute as the sun began to go down. She pointed towards the barricade as walkers began to approach. She nocked an arrow and let it fly, killing the walker with ease. Her blood pounding as adrenaline kicked it. She blocked the noise of the group out and focused on protecting them. Daryl also shooting at the walkers as the group got louder and louder. Three more walkers fell to her arrows when she felt Daryl tug her arm and try to pull her away. 
She spun suddenly as Rick yelled. 
"You're killing us! You're killing us!" 
Shane began pulling Rick away as a groan of the shutters sounded loudly in the dead city. A blinding light causing the whole group to stop and stare.
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blametheeditor · 3 years
David’s New Pet
Warnings: David being a grade-A douche bag. Mentions of people being treated as pets or pests. Cursing. Mistreatment of others. Mentions of death. Mentions of murder. Mentions of someone being an orphan. Mentions of someone not wanting to adopt someone. Someone having the lack of sympathy or apathy. Someone being extremely insensitive.
I have no intentions of making the situation something to not take seriously. I mean no harm with how I’ve written it. Just be warned it has trigger warnings.
Run Down: Will admit, this is fairly old writing, but I wanted to throw it, so have and angsty (though only semi-angsty???) David getting a new pet!
I absolutely refuse to write the entire stories that come after this.
“Why are you always trying to get stepped on?”
David glares down at the human standing before him.
“Definitely not helping with the fact I think your species can’t even think past what animals do.”
He can’t see the minuscule expression, the form not even three inches tall, but frankly he couldn’t care less.
“And I will never understand why you think you deserve to even stand in my office. I’ll just be spraying pesticides to finally get rid of you pests.”
The business man raises an eyebrow when Fritz doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even move. Asshole, thinking he can get away with something like this and not pay the consequences. Of course the redhead is valuable, an exceptional coder who completes every task no matter what time restraint the giant gives.
The only real problem is the brilliant worker William Afton had on hand to be transferred between the restaurants of Freddy Fazbear’s is human. A lowly creature who doesn’t contribute anything but taking up vital parts of this world. Gives nothing to society, annoying beyond belief as he’s forced to watch his steps when walking around his own office of a business he owns.
“Are you even listening?” David demands, growling down at the unmoving teenager. Which, by the way, isn’t even in uniform.
Idiotic waste of his time. “As long as you’re here, I might as well have you do the one thing you’re not completely useless for.”
Again there’s no response as the giant carelessly walks ‘around’ the human and calls for Lefty. With that he ignores everything, phone out to text people who should actually exist in this fucked beyond repair world, leaning against his desk and ordering flyers and party supplies.
Finally the black bear appears in the office doorway. “Mr. Harrison, why is Mr. Smith crying?”
David hesitates, glancing up from his screen. “I don’t give a shit, frankly. I need him to update your coding on a new song, however, and him wanting to sob for no goddamn reason isn’t my problem.”
“And why is Mr. Smith here when he isn’t scheduled for today?”
...because he is?
“Fritz,” the business man snaps, growing exceptionally pissed off when he realized the human was apparently in his office just because. “Explain.”
“...my mum, my mum is dead.”
One less pest in this world, now that is good news.
“Condolences,” is said with an eye roll. And just why the hell does this have him receiving an unnecessary and unwanted visit?
“And I, I don’t have anyone that’s family here, here in the United States. So, so I’m getting put in the...the foster system.”
David grows still at that, listening to the strained voice making sure the sobs don’t escape even with the obvious pain.
“It’s been, really has been, been such a pleasure working for you, Mr. Harrison. But, but where I’m going, I’ll be...I’ll be unable to work for you any longer.”
The redhead slumps in despair at that, as if preparing to be stepped on, kicked or flicked across the room. Treated like the pest the giant before him has always claimed he is. Now that he’s useless, he’s bothering a successful man just because.
No shadow descends upon him, however.
...well, uh.
David glances back down at who’s about to be his former employee.
This is good. Great. He’s getting rid of a little pest he technically had been forced into hiring, having wanted to switch a pathetic human even if the giant coder wasn’t even 1% as good as Fritz. No more watching his step, making the world right again.
He pretends not to notice the choked sob from the question. “They, they said if you need, need the standard two weeks to, to get another person to...to take my position-”
“You’re easily replaceable, human.”
David is only given a nod.
“Yes, Mr. Harrison.”
“You may go.”
Fritz sprints as fast as possible out of the business man’s office, wiping tears away as he runs, exiting into the hallway and continuing, needing to get out of the restaurant.
...he’s leaving.
The giant waves away the animatronic that’s now useless to him at the moment to follow after the little insect like a goddamn puppy. Never will he understand why such a thing would occur, a giant bear who frankly looks like he’s happily murdered a few children interested in such a lowly being, but he can’t think about that.
Much more important things to do.
David growls when the human doesn’t appear.
Now he’s getting piss.
“Mr. Harrison!”
...why the fuck does his coder sound like Happy?
That’s because the frog animatronic is the one speaking. Her purple eyes hold an emotion the business man doesn’t want to even comprehend. Doesn’t want to attempt to register that even ‘sentient’ like all the other dumbasses of so called ‘night guards’ claim shouldn’t be able to show any kind of emotions. Not when their mouths aren’t able to form anything outside of a permanent smile. Bitch face in Lefty’s case.
David waves a hand, clearly not in the mood. “Out. I called for-”
“Mr. Smith, I know.” Shit did the expression get stronger? “He’s gone, Mr. Harrison. Remember?”
“The little pest should be here. Didn’t give me two goddamn weeks.”
“He offered two weeks, Mr. Harrison. You didn’t take it.”
“He’s an absolute asshole allowing his mother to-”
David stiffens when the frog was no longer listening, not even in his office doorway anymore. Fine, go cry to Orville and tell the bastard he’s ‘being insensitive’. He doesn’t care. More free-time for him.
“This is Scott Cawthon.”
“You’re a father, right?”
The giant stares into space before slowly, carefully pulling his phone in front of him, staring at the fact that the human. Hung. Up.
On him.
“Scott! You LITTLE-!”
“David, shut up before I send Vincent to kick your ass.” The eldest guard waits until the sound of a mouth opening is heard. “Don’t make me hang up again.”
“Adopt Fritz.”
The business man holds his phone away from his face as it becomes clear the innocent human has been talking to Mike too much. Being the less superior race is one thing, but getting tainted by the Fucked Up Night Guard is an entirely new low.
“Are you done?”
Scott nearly screams again before forcing himself to stop. “You adopt Fritz.”
“David, you will either adopt the kid, or hope he’ll forgive you for everything you’ve done to him-”
“Done for him.”
“-done to him and be willing to work for you after he turns eighteen in two years and therefore able to live alone and not have a guardianship. I adore him, I really do, but I have my own children.
“And never would I force him to live with me when he’s clearly attached to you.”
“Well then I hope you’re goddamn happy, Scott, because-” David freezes, slowly feeling his shoulders slump if only a millimeter. “What did you say?”
The human hangs up yet again. He’s not immediately greeted by the angry sound of a phone ringing, however.
Attached to him. One, Scott screwed himself by making it sound like Fritz is a pet. Two...
“Greg, you’re in charge.”
“Fritz Smith?”
Said teenager flashes a bright smile even as tears threaten to appear, thanking the woman.
Bye Mike. Bye Jeremy. Bye Caleb.
The tears start forming around his eyes, unable to stop them as he continues walking toward the room’s door and exit into the courthouse.
Bye Scott. Bye James. Bye Eggs.
The first time he walked out of the room a man, woman, and little girl had greeted him, his temporary foster family making sure he had food, a place to sleep, supervision.
Bye Vincent. Bye Mr. Afton.
Now he’s going to be adopted, taken far away, or with parents who don’t want him working.
“Mr. Harrison!”
Fritz’s wide smile stays in place even with the giant clearly annoyed by his enthusiasm, those hazel eyes as big as his head narrowed into a glare.
“You’re not supposed to be happy to see me h-”
Mike doesn’t acknowledge the murderous look aimed toward him from elbowing the business man. Not with his answer to the dumbass being “Douche Bag, you’re about to adopt the little fucker. And these bastards won’t hand his ass over if you threaten him.”
I hate humans.
But fine! He’ll behave. Especially when Fritz is looking almost horrified instead of overjoyed. Technically only David’s allowed to be disgusted with people and insects.
“Adopting?” the teenager questions. “You’re adopting me?”
“As a guardian,” the business man states, allowing it to almost sound like a threat.
“Why the hell did you think I came here?”
“I thought, you wanted to see me off.”
An eyebrow raises. “Well by all means, if you’d like some other-”
Scott smirks as the human actually manages to shut the egotistical giant up, shock coating the man’s face at the panic of going with someone else. That’s when David screws himself over. “Even if it was Scott?”
The business man growls when someone who should be fearing him stepping on them says he wants to be with the superior being. Not that he can blame Fritz, clearly he’s the greatest person alive. But pests should fear him, not think he’ll be a wonderful little guardian.
Fuck this I should just leave.
David watches over crossed arms as a human behind the counter summons his apparent new charge. About to become charge. Live in his house, eat his food, fuck it up. Can’t forget that wonderful part.
But, his head nods when...green eyes? He doesn’t care, when Fritz looks up before signing to state he’s in agreement living with someone a hundred times his size. And after Scott and Mike sign, vowing the man is responsible enough to not crush the teenager, they’re waved goodbye.
…huh. So, Fritz is his now.
“Come on. I’m not going to make sure you keep up so run or get left behind.”
“Yes, Mr. Harrison!”
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screwyoumfers · 4 years
Every time I hear 24 hr cinderella I feel emotions that I can't quite describe. It's very bittersweet but not at the same time (Goro being goofy hides it almost).
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One Chance (one shot)
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Request:  hey so i was thinking could you might do a regulus x reader where the reader is like sassy or maybe all cold hearted? i honestly love ur page but i cant never relate with the reader bc she is always too soft 😭 maybe like if they understood each others depression and then end up falling in love? idk how to explain
To the annon who requested this: I hope that you enjoy
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M
“Y/n, Regulus Black has been looking at you for the past 10 minutes.” 
You didn’t bother looking up from your potions book when your friend Anastasia spoke. The last thing that you wanted to deal with was Regulus Black and his stupid good looks. 
“He needs to look somewhere else.”
You commented. Regulus Black had been staring at you a lot lately and it was beginning to get under your skin. Before a few weeks ago Regulus had nothing to do with you. It didn’t matter that the two of you had always been in the same house for the past 6 years or that the two of you had friends in the same circle. In fact, he took extra measure to not speak to you. 
The best that you could come up with was he was uncomfortable with you going on a date with his old brother. Your heart hurt thinking about that particular time in your life. That was when you were an innocent sweet 4th year. Sirius dated you for all of a week before dumping you for some pretty Ravenclaw with blond hair and big boobs. 
This was also the time that your depression really started kicking in. You weren't quite sure how to deal with all of the feelings swirling through your head. From dealing with your first break up to all of these dark and intrusive thoughts...you didn’t know how to cope. None of your friends seemed to understand either. A few of them chose to ignore what you were going through. The rest didn’t know how to deal with constant sarcastic comments. Now you had a few that stuck with you because it was in their best interest. If someone bothered them, you would chew the miserable fuckers ass out that caused them grief. This was a healthier outlet than sinking a knife into your arm. 
Being at home was no better. Your mum tried to constantly get you off of the couch to do things but she didn’t seem to understand that you wanted nothing to do with whatever she was doing. Her words of…
“Stop lying on the couch like a giant hairball and do something. Go enjoy the day.” 
Apparently you mother didn’t understand that you definition of “enjoying the day” meant being left the fuck alone. 
That is one of the reasons that you preferred being at school. You could find peaceful places to be left alone.
Anastasia spoke again, pulling you from your thoughts. 
“He probably thinks that you are pretty, Y/n. You really are a lovely girl.”
“Go get your eyes checked. Anna, I have as much luck with boys as a turtle does crossing the road.” 
You muttered as the bell rang. 
Not a moment too soon. 
You thought as you stood to gather up your things. You were getting away from Anastasia and her mind numbing questions. Walking to the door you ran into a hard body. 
Looking up, Regulus Black had turned around to just who the fuck ran into him. He blinked a few times the moment that your eyes met. 
“Watch where you are going, Black.”
You hissed. Regulus automatically frowned. 
“You ran into me.” 
“So, you aren’t moving fast enough?”
You replied, not missing a beat. Regulus seemed a bit surprised by your comment. He wasn’t for sure why you were hostile toward him. In all of the years that he had known you, with the exception of year 1 and 2, you acted like he had personally fucked you over. 
Regulus couldn’t help admitting that you were a lovely girl but your sarcastic hostile nature was a bit off putting. He had decided the year before just to avoid you at all costs. This year, however, he understood more about you. You were as depressed as he was. Regulus never understood it until this year. 
Over the summer, Sirius ran off to James Potter’s abandoning his family. Regulus didn’t know how to put into words how he felt about it either. There was sinking in the middle of his stomach that never seemed to go away. It was there when he went to sleep at night and was waiting when he awoke the next morning. Regulus honestly never thought that he would be happy again. 
He figured that returning to school would soothe those feelings. Regulus would be back with his best friends and would have no reason to think of Sirius. Unfortunately, the moment that he stepped into the great hall and saw his brother sitting at the Gryffindor table smiling and laughing. There was clearly no sadness in Sirius over the events of the summer. This sent Regulus into a deeper depression. His brother didn’t miss him and never would.
“You know most people just say excuse me and go on about their business.” 
Regulus replied. 
“Just get out of my way.”
You hissed and moved to get around him. Regulus honestly didn’t deserve your venom. He, after all, had done absolutely nothing to you. 
He hasn’t done anything to you but you have no reason to trust him. Regulus will probably be just like his brother. You’ll get attached and have your heart broken. 
You thought. It wasn’t fair to compare Regulus to Sirius when they were obviously such different people but you couldn’t help it. Most guys, no matter the house, was the same. 
As you walked down the hall, you wanted nothing more than to have some time alone. You decided to walk down to the lake. A free period was just what you needed! 
Sitting down, you took out a book and quietly began to read. It wasn’t until you were on paragraph two did you realize that someone was standing in front of you. Looking up, again your eyes met Regulus Black’s. 
“What now, Black?” 
You questioned. He put his hands on his hips feeling a bit annoyed. After the exchange in the potions, he decided that it was time for both of you to have a little chat. 
“You and I need to talk.”
“Whatever about?”
You questioned as he sat down. 
“I want to know why you hate me so bad?”
“I never said that I hated you.” 
Regulus chuckled. 
“Sure could have fooled me. You are always glaring at me like I personally offended you.” 
You put your book down. 
“I just don't like being oogled by some guy who is going to screw me over.” 
Regulus raised an eyebrow. 
“You don’t know me.” 
“Yeah, I know your brother. All guys are the same so it doesn’t matter who you are.”
The response came out a little snipper than you planned. Standing up, you turned to storm back to the castle. Just who the fuck did Regulus think that he was? So what if he was a member of the Black family? 
“First, off you don’t know anything about me. I am nothing like my brother. If you would give me a bloody chance you would see that. I see what you are doing Y/n. I get it you use sarcasm and cold humor to cope. I do it too. As much as you want to come across as this tough girl who doesn’t need anyone, you're actually quite lonely…again I get it.” 
You stopped before turning to face Regulus. He sat with his knees drawn to his chest. Dark eyes looked up at you with an intensity that you had never seen on his face before. 
“I don’t like this, Regulus.”
He smirked. 
“You don’t like someone figuring out who you are, Y/n. You don’t want people seeing that inside you are actually in pain. Again, I can relate.” 
Regulus stood and walked down closer to the lake. 
“My brother, who I know that you dated and I know he did you wrong, he abandoned our family over the summer. Now...everything is up to me. I am the only heir to the Black family. I have to do everything and I don’t fucking want to. I want to do whatever it is I want and there not be repercussions for my actions. However, that won’t be able to happen now.” 
You frowned and watched him curiously. 
“And why is that? Why can’t you just walk away? You’ll be an adult soon. Tell them to fuck off.”
Regulus laughed. 
“If only it were that easy. You see my mother, she depends on me and I can’t let her down. If you knew my family, you would understand.”
You had heard plenty of rumors about the Black family. Regulus’ mother sounded like the typical pureblood mother. Maybe a bit darker than what your mother was but a pureblood mother all the same. 
“I’m sure our families are very similar. Lovely bunch, purebloods.” 
Regulus laughed bitterly at that. There wasn’t much that was lovely about being a pureblood when your mother was Walburga Black. 
“Then you will understand why we have to do things that we don’t want to do. For example, being a death eater.” 
He automatically pulled up his sleeve to show you the dark mark on his arm. Regulus wasn’t surprised when you made no facial expression. He had a feeling that you had seen your fair share of dark marks lately. 
“My mother and father were okay with me doing it. Actually, they were quite proud that their son was doing the right thing...the just thing. I think I am too...at points. There are other times that I am not for sure. I see your face. You have the same expression. I bet you about 10 galleons, if you pull up your sleeves there are going to very similar cut marks...sometimes it gets too much.” 
You looked down. For the first time, your tough exterior faded. 
“You do it too...cut your wrists?”
Regulus nodded. 
“Physical pain is better than mental pain, at times. Maybe we understand each other more than we thought?” 
Your crossed arms slowly dropped to your sides.
“Maybe. We could also really hurt each other.” 
Regulus’ hopeful smile fell. 
“Or help each other. I don’t know what my brother did to you but I’m not him. Sirius and I have nothing in common except our last names. I mean, our last name is literally all that we have in common. You’ll get stupid bullshit with him. I’m on my A game. You wouldn’t have to guess what you were to me. All that you have to do is give me a chance. If it makes you feel better...I know where my brother is about this time of day and...well...sometimes Sirius isn’t so bright.” 
You snorted. 
“You could say that again. Fine, you have a chance. Don’t mess it up Regulus.” 
Regulus held out his hand with a small smile. Something told you to be wary. The depressive side said, no but something deep inside of you said yes.
You reached out and wrapped your hand around Regulus’. He gave you a small smile before tugging in you with him.  
“This is going to be funny.” 
You slipped through quiet corridors behind Regulus as he checked for any “little eyes” that would get into his way. He finally stopped the moment that he saw Sirius and James standing in an empty hallway playing “exploding snap.”
Regulus lightly elbowed you in the side before grinning. He had his wand out and muttered something low. You weren’t able to make out what he said but it didn’t matter. It looked as if someone had a bucket of water and dumped it all over Sirius and James. Both boys jumped back looking around wildly as another explosion of water knocked them off of their feet. James hit the ground first. Sirius reached out to help his best friend only to get hit in the face with water for the third time. He was knocked off his feet and directly on top of James. His elbow crashing into James’ crotch. James howled in pain as Sirius started rubbing his head where he hit the stone floor. 
“Pads, stop. You're killing me!”
James shrieked. Sirius was yelling about how truly sorry he was over and over. 
You, meanwhile, had to hold back a fit of rare laughter. Regulus, himself, was grinning as he turned the floor to ice. Both James and Sirius were sliding all over the place all the while screaming curse words after curse words.
“Whoever you are! We are going to fuck you up!” 
Sirius yelled as Regulus reached down and squeezed your hand. 
“This is where we make our exit. They are going to be sliding around for a while.” 
You ran after Regulus, until he pulled you into an empty classroom 
“That was fun.”
He commented. 
“Fucking brilliant. Watching them slide all over the place while looking like drowned ferrets was the best fun that I have had in awhile.” 
Regulus smiled, giving you a cocky smile. 
“That’s only the beginning. I have a lot better material...if you want to watch.” 
You reached up and pulled the taller boy down by his tie. Regulus was clearly a bit surprised but leaned right into the kiss. When he pulled away, you tossed your hair over his shoulder. 
“Watching is for babies. I want to help.” 
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chrisevansszn · 4 years
Word Count 1.3k
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“Noah text me and I thought it was you. I replied that I want the baby to have brown hair and blue eyes. Noah has black hair and brown eyes. I fucked up bad. He’s so pissed. He told me to get home now.”
“Fuck. Shit. Do you want me to come with you?”
“Hell no. Are you crazy? I’m a dead woman.”
“Don’t talk like that. If he does anything to you. Call me. I will drop everything for you.”
You give Chris you address and head out the door to face Noah. This is probably the last day of your marriage.
You grab your coat and purse and head out the door. You look back to see Chris standing there very concerned with his hands on his hips.
You take a deep breath and push the elevator button to go down. The car ride was silent, all could hear was your tires hitting the road. You turned off your radio. Your anxiety was through the roof.
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You pull up at home and just sat in the car. This was about to be a shit show. You decided to leave your purse in in the car just in case it gets too crazy. You walk in the door. Noah is standing in the kitchen waiting on you. You both sit and stare at each other for a few minutes.
It’s time to come clean.
“Noah…I’ve been having an affair.”
“I already knew that.”
You looked confused.
“You think I am stupid. You never stay the night at any friend’s house. You always find a way home whether someone drops you off or you take an Uber. You’ve been leaving out at night not returning home. You fucking disabled the ring doorbell! How stupid!”
You swallow.
“Who are fucking Y/N? Enlighten me. Is he your baby’s father? We’ve been together for over a decade and not even one close call.” Noah’s is beginning to yell.
“I don’t know who the baby’s father is. It’s between you and the other man.”, You are literally whispering right now from being so embarrassed.
“And that is?” Noah sits up a little more and tilts his head. Takes a drink from his whiskey glass.
“A coworker.”
“A coworker? You get to see this fucker EVERY SINGLE DAY?” He’s basically yelling right now.
“You’ve been working so much, and I felt neglected! You don’t have time for me anymore. The getaway to Florida was the first time in a long time that you even paid any attention to me. The sex is boring, and I don’t love you anymore Noah!"
The next thing you knew Noah threw his drinking glass at your but barely missed. It hit the wall behind you. You looked up to see Noah charging at you and you threw your hands up. He slammed you in the nearest wall. He had you pinned.
“I have been saving lives while you have been here being a fucking whore.”
You hear your living room door burst open and look over to see Chris. Oh God no! The look in Chris’ eyes showed that he was ready to kill!
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“Chris!” You hollered.
Noah lets you go.
“This is the mother fucking you’ve been screwing?”
“You are fucking right. I’ve been dicking down your wife bitch! Oh, and she’s having my baby too.”
Lord Jesus that made your pussy throb.
Noah charges towards Chris and Chris hits him with a quick right hook. Noah flys back and Chris runs to Noah and clocks him again.
“Chris please.” You pull Chris’ arm to drag him away from Noah. Noah is touching his mouth and it’s bleeding.
“Don’t you ever put your hands on a woman again!” Chris yells. “Punk bitch!”
“Chris leave please. Now…go!”
“I’m not leaving without you, are you crazy?”
“I will wait outside until you come out.” Chris walks out and stands by his car.
You turn to Noah.
“This marriage is over. I am in love with Chris. I am going to be with him.”
“Get your fucking shit and I want you out. Out of this house and out of my life.”
“I am going to go pack some clothes. I will get the rest of my shit when you leave out again for work, so we don’t have to see each other.”
You walk upstairs and grab a suitcase. You pack everything that is important, clothes, shoes, products. Everyday stuff. You take a deep breath and walk downstairs and out the door starting your new life. Chris is still outside. You walk up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Let’s go home baby.” He speaks.
You both make it to Chris’ apartment and your phone begins to ring, it’s your mother. Noah probably told her what just happened.
“Hi Mom.”
“Y/N, what is going on between you and Noah? You left him for another man? And he man got you pregnant? What in the world.”
“Mom, calm down and listen.”
You tell your mother everything. Yes, you had an affair, you are pregnant, and you are in love with another man. You know this mess is going to take some time to calm down, but your heart wants Chris. You stay on the phone for about another 30 mins but don’t introduce Chris because now is not the time.
“Hi Chris.”
You go and sit next to him on the couch.
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“Hi there.”
“How are you feeling?”
“My adrenaline is going right now with everything.”
You smile.
“I understand. How is your hand?”
“It’s fine. It hurts a little that about it.”
You get up to go get ice for his hand and come back to watch tv and cuddle. You order take out for dinner and head to bed. You never thought in a million years that you would be in this kind of situation. You just have to take it a day at a time.
The next day you get in contact with a divorce lawyer. You want this process over with as soon as possible. You continue for the next few weeks living with Chris. Everything is going great, and no one at work has a clue until….
Noah creates a Facebook post going on a rant about the event that have taken place. You knew the divorce paper would be served today but you didn’t think he would take it to social media! Your phone begins to blow up with people trying to let you know what is going on and asking questions.
Your bestie Carrie sends you the screen shot.
“Look at this bullshit Chris!”
You show Chris the post.
“Oh my God he is bonkers. What is that going to accomplish?”
“I don’t know. He leaves for Arizona to go work this weekend. I am going to get the rest of my shit and try to get the house on the market."
You are trying to stay as calm as possible to not upset the baby. You and Chris decide to work from home for the rest of the week to get a game plan going for work. You both know people will talk but there are bigger fish to fry now.
That Saturday, you and Chris drive over to your home with Noah. You notice his car in the driveway. That’s weird he should be gone by now. You roll your eyes and walk to the door. You turn the knob, and the door is not locked. Weird.
You walk in and holler that you are there and just picking up some more stuff.
You walk around. You see Noah’s keys and wallet on the living room table. OK…
You walk upstairs to the bedroom, and then to the bathroom because the door was opened and lights are on. You see Noah’s lifeless body in the tub.
“CHRISSSSS!” You scream out while running out the house. He meets you at the door.
Noah is dead!
@chris-butt 💙
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