was reading a sickfic abt a character who had Pneumonia and was like: ‘wow, this sure sounds like my cold lol’
Anyway I have Pneumonia
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girlyliondragon · 2 years
I completely missed Beffica's "Snax on the Beach" reference omg.
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tfshouldidohere · 6 months
my baby is so pretty and so kind and lovely and amazing. i'm so lucky <3
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driftwooddestiel · 6 months
so was anyone gonna tell me theres an actual gay sex scene in hannibal or was i just supposed to learn that myself
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temporeminder · 2 years
Mmmmm Ka.men rider verse for Fret cause what's one more obscure au?
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lcstinfantasy · 9 months
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me every time @gcldenmemories is on and gives me a reply sdfghjklkjhgfd
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Eberwolf frequently uploads selfies to the group chat, that have Hunter inexplicably in the background in preposterous, ridiculous, or dangerous situations. It took like, a week for everyone to figure out they were mostly staged. (Darius figured it out by day 2, and only took that long due to parental instincts making him go 'but what IF Hunter actually was being dangled by the ankle by one of Eber's trained griffins while Eber mugged the camera, and it wasn't Eber fucking with me again')
sdfghjklkjhgfd I love this so much
Eber is the gremlin creacher auncle of all time
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exo-meme-ories · 2 years
we have aether and lumine from genshin introjected from different canons where they're the protagonist in their canon sdfghjklkjhgfds
hell yeah
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felicityphoenix5 · 2 years
I have. No Goddamn Idea what the otterverse is so uhhhh,,,,,, infodump me? /nf
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you have given me the greatest gift ever i am vibrating rn sasdfghjhgfdsadfghj
i could take the easy way out and link you to some posts explaining this wacky gay story, but i have been rotating this in my mind constantly for the past three (THREE??? GOD .) months so i am not goign to do that (here and here they are if u want tho)
SO. The Otterverse is a semi-ongoing improv roleplay story that began as a funny little bit over on @lifesteal-headcanons and then somehow spiralled into....... all of this. ("all of this" including but not limited to; lesbians, hamilton quotes, tma references, more lesbians, ✨trauma✨, the apocalypse, even more gay people [everyone in this is queer in someway], tragic backstories and much, much more)
it is currently on its third and probably final (unless we do some spin-offs 👀) season. Season One (Aug 27ish to Sept 5ish) featured me as c!Felix, an immortal phoenix avian, Divorce Anon (aka Divorce and/or Divanon, played by @wallace-marte) a sort of human who kidnapped c!felix and was the antagonist of that season, and c!Paci (played by @pacificseaotter) an otter hybrid(?) and the resident cheater chaos creator. (there were other characters, but we were the main ones)
Season One was (IMO) the best one so far but I digress. It ended with death and grief and unhappy endings for the characters, as well as shock and general "wtf was that week of our lives man" from the actors.
Season Two came barely two days after the first one, and timeline-wise takes place about six months after the events of s1. I wasn't as involved with the beginning of s2, but the apocalypse Happened somehow. no idea How or Why but there's cosmic horrors goin to wendys and blood rain now. a day in the life ig .
I brought back c!felix for s2, and I think I was the only returning character? wisp (@wisp-exe) might've brought back theirs too idk. anyways, the cast basically tripled in size, mostly because of Captain "otterverse georg" @wlttebane playing a whopping 7 different characters. (shoutout to captain fr he slayed hard with that)
Wallace expanded its lore with three new characters, all connected back to Divanon. (Marri, Leon K [not shown] and Carmin). Mist (paci) created a new character, c!Otter.
Stickynote (played by @cats-thoughts) also joined, after making some absolutely banger fanart for s1 (also shoutout to cat its art is so sadfghjklkjh /vpos)
(and here is where you might want to read that first post i linked, as mist summed up this season more concisely than i ever could. zyr really amazing like that <3)
S2 ended in the same way as the first, with death, pain and destruction, a cruel imitation of the past. funny how that happens /silly.
and now season three....... ahhh......
s3, due to being in the unfortunate position of starting just when all the actors are Properly Starting School, has been ongoing for about two months now sdfghjklkjhgfds.
not much has happened yet, but I got to work on my flirting skills /silly (they still suck ass [hah.] but yknow) and tensions are on the rise.... so stay tuned for more (when will the "more" arrive? fuck if i know my best bet is christmas break)
if this seems vague on the actual details, thats cuz it is. i didnt really want to spoil it for you if you did somehow end up reading it in order (which reminds me i need to start archiving the otterverse again... anghd) so lemme know if you have any follow up questions :DD
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sdfghjklkjhgfds i need more toxic romance novel excerpts these are the worst things i've ever read
sksjsks don't worry i got you i got you i'll post more when i'm back from holiday lmao
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tfshouldidohere · 7 months
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yellowhearther0 · 3 years
sorry philza and technoblade apologists but its the putting out the option to manipulate ranboo by using the fact they know he has terrible memory for me :| /nm /lh
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scentofdriedflowers · 4 years
adc getting that check
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starcourtscream · 4 years
boysarcasm said: i can’t stop thinking about last night.
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            ❛   stiles  ...   ❜    lydia   couldn’t   imagine   the   haunting   aftereffects   of   possession,   but   she   sees   what   it’s   doing   to   stiles   &   she   wishes   she   could   do   something   to   help   him.   gently    taking   his   hands   into   hers   &   interlacing   petite   fingers   with   his,   lydia   hopes   she   has   somewhat   of   a   calming   effect   ---   god   knows   how   many   layers   of   concealer   hide   violet   ghosts   of   her   own   nightmares,   but   are   they   half   as   bad   as   his   ?   she’s   worried   about   him.    ❛   i   know,   ❜   she   tilts   pearl   dusted   features   with   a   worried   expression,   giving   his   hands   a   gentle   squeeze.   ❛   but   it   wasn’t   your   fault.   everyone   knows   that,   ❜   she   smiles   wistfully.   she’d   never   hold   the   nogitsune’s   influence   against   him.    ❛   we   know   you   didn’t   mean   for   any   of   those   things   to   happen.   it’s   gone   now,   ❜   she   promises,   hoping   his   psyche   will   catch   up   with   the   present   in   time.   she’d   do   anything   for   stiles,   even   if   it   meant   staying   up   until    the   crack   of   dawn   after   cold   sweats   &   bad   dreams   or   late   night   intrusive   flashbacks  ---  it   just   breaks   her   heart   seeing   stiles   this   distressed.    ❛  you’re   still   you,   and   everything   is   okay   now   ...   so   try   not   to   be   so   hard   on   yourself,   okay  ?  ❜    
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feelingtired · 4 years
amanda: logs on to whizzer trina, standing up, ready to fist fight:
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akutahaha · 6 years
Me: *talking about this post lol* Remember Goku titty juice?
Friend: Excuse me, WHAT!?
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