#search how to become a blood donor
ragnarokhound · 2 months
can vamp Tim give Jason a blood transfusion if needed? 🤔
in your vamp/wer verse I mean
Oh, that's an interesting question! In my vampire!Tim/werewolf!Jason verse and the accompanying fic, Tim drinks almost exclusively off of Jason because a) Jason loves it and b) Tim would near-starve himself otherwise :') (and he kind of does anyway, Jason has to bully him into feeding). So the only blood inside Tim at any given moment is usually Jason's original blood anyway. But can Tim give that blood back in an emergency?
tldr: yes, under certain conditions. lol
My reply was getting long because this kind of speculating is my favorite game to play, so if you're curious about what those conditions are and how I reached that conclusion, more details are under the cut:
In this verse, Jason is the kind of werewolf who doesn't have a lot of control/retained personality when he shifts, but he DOES have a lot of meta powers. (As a treat for becoming a mindless, violent monster lol ur welcome Jay)
One of those powers includes rapid healing ala deadpool/wolverine (unless the wound is inflicted by silver, ancestral or otherwise) so it would be remarkably difficult for Jason to reach the point where he even needs a blood transfusion. But let's consider that worst case scenario, in which Jason has suffered enough silver-inflicted wounds that his healing factor breaks and he needs blood, yesterday. Wuh oh.
Tim is the #1 candidate to consider for a Jason blood transfusion because that's his gamer fuel of choice - but for Tim to be a viable donor, it would depend on the length of time it's been since Tim drank from Jason, and how much. They're on a time limit because Tim's body doesn't replenish blood on its own, he has to steal it.
Brace yourself for the suspect use of rough science facts in the middle of supernatural fantasy speculation about vampire/werewolf AUs, lmao
So supposing Jason has about 12 pints/5.7 L of blood in total, he could lose maybe 5 pints/2.4 L of blood at a time without dying (and that's a high estimate, he'd start going into shock way before that lmao), AND it would take him weeks to restore that blood - if he were human.
Luckily for Tim, he can steal quite a bit from Jason without killing him because of the handy dandy werewolf healing factor that restores Jason's blood almost as fast as Tim's dusty ass can absorb it. (Tim's veins @ Jason's blood: 𝔪𝔬𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔷𝔢 𝔪𝔢). Unluckily for Tim (and Jason), Tim has about a zillion hangups over drinking that much all at once. Aw.
A brief google search tells me that in an average human body, red blood cells live about 120 days. For simplicity, we'll say that Tim being a vampire and having weird vampire powers counteracts Jason being a werewolf and his blood having weird werewolf properties - so when Tim is full (and I mean full) of Jason's blood, he's good for somewhere just under that 120 days.
The blood isn't immediately starving in Tim's stupid vampire body because it's strong, sexy werewolf blood; it stays hydrated for a million years and could thrive like a dandelion in a crack in the sidewalk, let alone a perfectly good, albeit abandoned, vascular system. (Jason's blood @ Tim's veins: 𝒾𝓉'𝓈 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁 𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓉𝑒)
That being said, Tim starts getting very hungry near the end of that time frame as the blood is used/dies, and that time frame shrinks every time he bleeds (which is often, RIP Tim). But he'd still have a solid month or so of healthy, viable Jason blood pumping through his undead ticker. (unless Tim gets REALLY beat up lol, which is not unlikely OTL)
SO all this to say: can Tim give it back?
I would say yes, IF Tim has fed recently, and he's fed A LOT. Otherwise, he just straight up might not have the blood to give anymore because his stupid husk of a body already used it all.
If he tried to give Jason blood around the time he's getting hungry again, when Jason's blood is on it's last legs after sustaining an active vampire without reinforcements for weeks to months, it wouldn't be as effective as a blood transfusion from someone who can make their own blood and therefore has a fresher supply.
tldr (again lol); Tim could become a blood donor for Jason, but only once he's regularly letting himself drink from Jason, and drinking until he's full.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
What about vampire!Karasu?
Does he have a favorite place to bite?
Let's pretend I haven't been thinking about this for two days.
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Vampire!KARASU x gn!Reader, 1.2k words, nsfw.
Content warnings: canon-typical vampire behaviour including biting/blood drinking, pet names, sexual content.
more from the vampire!au
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Vampire!Karasu is similar in a lot of ways to Vampire!Levi—they both struggle to articulate their desires and regulate their behaviour when they need to feed.
Vampire!Karasu doesn't feed from a living donor, normally choosing to buy blood bags instead. It's not efficient and it never really satisfies the hunger deep inside him, but it keeps his more primal urges at bay and lets him focus on his work.
Vampire!Karasu has difficulty separating his craving for blood and his craving for sex. When he realizes he has feelings for you, he realizes that he wants you—all of you.
Vampire!Karasu doesn't act like a lot of vampires do and that's part of the reason why it's so easy for you to become friends with him. Some of the vampires you've met make it obvious that they see you as a particularly fetching piece of flesh they'd like to sink their fangs into, but he doesn't treat you that way at all.
If you didn't see his blood bags in the fridge the first time you visited his home, you could almost believe Vampire!Karasu isn't a vampire at all.
(Vampire!Karasu is noticeably embarrassed when your eyes linger on the contents of his fridge, and he appreciates you even more when he braces himself for awkward questions that never come. You don't judge his choices, and he likes you a lot more after that.)
Vampire!Karasu starts to act differently around you when the lines between friendship and more than friends start to blur. He doesn't realize it at first, but you do. It's impossible to ignore the way the sclera of his eyes darken when he's close to you, or how he leans a bit closer so he can scent you, and his shaky exhale of warm air on your skin makes you shiver. If you touch your neck or chest, his eyes fixate on your skin as his mouth opens slightly; you can see him trace the tip of his fangs with his tongue before he swallows heavily and looks away.
All Vampire!Karasu needs is a little push, and he doesn't realize at first that you start wearing low-cut tops and open-collared shirts more often on purpose to see if he'll make the first move. He tells himself that he's more than a mindless, blood-crazed beast, but it gets so hard to resist you.
Your first kiss with Vampire!Karasu—a soft, tentative kiss outside your favourite restaurant after a lovely date together—changes things, and it's the step he needs to steel his resolve and claim you properly.
The first time Vampire!Karasu feeds from you is the first time he fucks you, too. It's impossible for him to separate the intimacy and primal need of each act. The scent of your blood alone is enough to make him want to tear your clothes away and fuck you senseless while he drinks from you.
Vampire!Karasu tries to be slow and gentle, but sweet kisses lead to making out on his couch while he nervously wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his lap. Your skin is so warm when he runs his hands over your body, and you don't hesitate to toss your shirt aside and leave the bare expanse of your neck and chest for him to explore as he likes.
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"Are you sure, dear one?" he asks hesitantly even as his finger glides up and down the curve of your neck, lingering over your pulse point where you're sure he can feel your rapid heartbeat below his fingertip. "I don't need—we don't have to do this."
Your thighs tremble with anticipation and desire as you straddle his thighs, and it's so hard to resist the urge to grind down against him in search of friction. You brushed against his erection earlier, hard and straining against the zipper of his dress pants, and you never heard anything as wonderful as the broken, desperate whining sound he made.
His courtship has been so patient and sweet. He never demanded more than what you were willing to give, never made you feel guilty or ashamed for wanting to take things slow. But seeing him like this, coming undone because of you, makes you want more.
"I want you to. Please?" your strained voice begs, and you can see his resistance waver when his eyes dart down to your lips and down even more, lingering on your neck where his finger presses against your pulse.
You card your hand through his hair and his eyes flutter shut with a quiet moan. He doesn't resist when you curl your hand around the back of his head and pull him closer to you so his nose bumps against your jaw.
"It's been so long, but I'll–I'll be gentle, I promise," he murmurs as he kisses his way over your jaw and down your neck. "You smell so good," he breathes, and with a desperate whine he finally bites.
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Vampire!Karasu is messy and greedy and a little more animalistic when he feeds from you. It's so different from the reserved, put-together version of himself he normally shows the world, but the fact that you're the one that unravels him so perfectly speaks volumes about how you affect him.
Vampire!Karasu is noisy when he drinks from you. He slurps greedily as he drinks, and he groans your name between open-mouthed kisses against your skin.
Vampire!Karasu loves to kiss you between and after feeding from you. Your lips are shiny and swollen from kisses before he fed, but you look even better when they're dark and wet with your blood, too.
Vampire!Karasu is still a hopeless romantic at heart, and he will carry you to his bed if you're not there already. He undresses you and prepares you for him before instinct completely robs him of his senses because no matter what, he never wants to hurt you.
Vampire!Karasu is still a shy and inexperienced lover, but he's determined to make this as pleasurable for you as he can. When he's not fucking you with slow drags of his cock, he's teasing you with his hand and pumping inside you with his fingers.
Vampire!Karasu's favourite place to bite you is your neck. He craves the intimacy of covering your body with his own, and he wants to hear every shuddering breath and pleased sigh and desperate moan in his ear as he feeds from you and fucks you.
Vampire!Karasu keeps supplies and recovery potions nearby so he can take care of you between feedings. He tucks you against his side while he tips the bottle of healing potion into your mouth, and you take turns feeding each other little pieces of whatever snack he's brought for you. Love and pleasure make you both giddy and it's a sweet interlude between bouts of bloodlust-fueled depravity.
When he wants to give your neck a chance to heal, or when he's simply starved for other parts of you, Vampire!Karasu lays you against the pillows before sliding down the bed. He settles your legs on his shoulders so that he can drag his tongue through the sticky mess of slick and cum between your thighs.
Vampire!Karasu likes biting you there, too—your plush thighs are so warm and inviting, and he holds your hips down as he feeds from you. He loves the way your hands grab his hair and scratch his scalp. He grinds against the mattress for friction as your taste and scent overwhelm him—and when he can't stand it anymore, he surges up your body and slides his cock back inside you as he latches onto your neck.
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read more: karasu masterlist | obey me masterlist
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rallamajoop · 1 year
Some statistics on Lucy and the odds of surviving (non-vampiric) blood transfusions
Because it’s Dracula-season again, and because I am absolutely that kind of nerd, I spent some time calculating the actual odds of Lucy surviving all those blood transfusions from unrelated donors. To summarise what I found up front: Lucy's odds aren't great, but they're still a lot higher than you might think.
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Now, I’m not the first person ever to tackle this question, and having no medical qualifications whatsoever, I'm not the best person either. But figuring out the answer to my own satisfaction was a great excuse to learn a whole lot of fascinating stuff that took some digging to figure out, so (with the caveat that I am entirely open to corrections from real professionals) naturally now I want to share it.
The complete world history of attempted blood transfusions is way beyond scope for us here (you can find plenty of sources on it online if you’re curious). But as Stoker’s text aptly demonstrates, the science of blood transfusion had come a long way by the Victorian era – just not the means for doctors to reliably predict which transfusions would be successful, and which would simply kill the patient. The principle behind the basic A, B and O blood types wouldn’t be discovered until 1900 – 4 years after Dracula was published, and wouldn't become part of general medical practice for much longer – and the additional Rh-factors wouldn’t be discovered until 1939. In Stoker's day, doctors were still so far behind the ball some of them thought transfusing milk into people suffering blood loss was a good idea (yes, really). And though I'm focusing on blood groups here, it goes without saying there are plenty of other risks that come from letting any Victorian-era doctor open your veins.
That said, what the average person knows about how blood types work may not be all that much advanced today from what doctors knew in the 1890s. It’s easy to come out of Dracula thinking, “Wow, they gave Lucy blood from four different people? The odds all their blood types would matched hers must be minuscule!” (and a quick search of the web for this topic will find people asking exactly that). But there are several factors which make Lucy’s chances a whole lot better than they might look on paper.
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(Image source)
For one thing, even though there are many different blood groups to worry about, some are much more common than others. If just one blood group accounts for half the population (which is actually true of some countries), then Lucy’s odds of hitting four donors with the same group just by chance would go way up.
But far more important is the fact that blood groups don’t have to be a 'match' to be compatible. If Lucy is one of the 2% of the British population with the blood group AB+, she’d be a universal recipient – theoretically capable of receiving blood from anyone without adverse reactions. Similarly, if any of her donors were O-, she’s in luck again, because that makes them a universal donor. If Lucy herself is O-, however, she’s in trouble: universal donors can donate to any other group, but they can only receive from other O-negs.
Confused? Time to get a bit more technical.
When receiving blood, your greatest enemy is your own immune system. Vital as all those immune cells are, they are not smart, and have no way of knowing that all this foreign blood suddenly flooding your system is friendly. If the don’t recognise those blood cells, they’ll attack them, bonding to their surface and causing cells to clump together and form clots which can clog up your arteries and kill you. Transfusing the wrong blood type can and likely will kill you.
The immune system identifies blood cells as intruders via specific antigens found on the cell’s surface. The most important antigens in blood matching systems are the A and B antigens, and secondarily the Rhesus antigens (marked + or -). Some people have all of these antigens (AB+), some have none (O- with the ‘O’ more literally indicating a ‘0’ or a null) and many have some but not all (A+, B-, O+, etc). Meanwhile, the immune system of the recipient body, much like your racist uncle, will attack most anything with distinguishing features it hasn't seen before (like I said, it’s not smart). A blood cell which is missing a familiar antigen will slip through, but a blood cell sporting an unfamiliar antigen will trigger a reaction. So the immune system of someone with B-type blood will have issues with any A-type blood you try and transfuse in, but will be just fine with B or O, since O lacks any antigens to mark it as an intruder.
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Once you know what you’re looking for, A, B, AB and O type blood can be identified fairly easily, just by mixing blood or antibodies and watching the reaction. I’ve seen some suggestions that this may have been understood even to some of the better-informed doctors in Victorian times: when unsure if a transfusion would be safe, they could try transfusing just a small amount of blood, watch for a bad reaction, and continue only if things look good. If you absolutely have to do a blood transfusion without any testing though, an immediate family member is your best bet: blood types can still differ among a family, but there’s a strong genetic component. (Sadly, this wouldn’t have been an option for Lucy, as her mother was already unwell, and would not have been considered a good transfusion candidate.)
Things get more complicated when you add in the Rhesus factor, which wasn’t discovered until some decades later, and for good reason: bad reactions to Rh+ blood develop in Rh- people only after that first transfusion. While A and B types might be like your racist uncle, the Rh factor is more like putting a dog on your basketball team: you’ll get away with it once, because you’ve brought in something so unexpected no-one’s made a rule about it yet (let alone bothered to come up with anti-dog basketball tactics). Unlike the standard A and B antigens, the immune system has to have 1) seen Rh+ blood, and 2) spent some time thinking about a good plan of attack before it’s ready to do anything about it – by which point the donor blood should be out of your system anyway. It's only the next transfusion after that where you can hit problems.
In practice, the Rh factor is of most concern to Rh- mothers carrying Rh+ babies. The first baby should be fine, but the delivery process can result in some mixing of the mother and baby's blood ‒ and that can leave her immune system primed to take offense at any future passengers of the Rh+ persuasion (why this apparently doesn’t also apply to A and B type babies in A or B negative mothers I’m not sure, but obviously the Rh-immune response works differently). With all today’s modern medical technology, this is something doctors can identify in expectant parents and manage with medication, but obviously they're still going to want to avoid transfusing Rh+ blood into an Rh- patient (especially if they’ve already got Rh+ kids).
Regardless, for our purposes, it’s only from the second transfusion that the Rh factor could trip you up. So could that be an issue for Lucy, if she’s getting so many transfusions? It's harder to find good info on exactly how long the Rh immune reaction takes to develop after the first transfusion, but most of what I could find suggests we’re looking at a period of weeks to months at least. So that’s good news for Lucy: we can ignore Rh factors when we’re calculating her odds of survival.
As a minor aside here, the standard eight blood types you can get by combining A, B and the Rhesus factor aren’t technically the only blood types out there. These three antigens matter most because people both with and without them are common in the broader human population, but a small minority of people are missing other antigens that the rest of us get as standard. European blood banks apparently also classify blood by a Kell factor, and people with anaemia and other conditions likely to require regular transfusions may be checked for several other potential Rh-like issues. A handful of people worldwide have blood classified as neither Rh+ or Rh-, but Rh-null – missing antigens common to 99.9% of the human population, and being in that class is a very mixed blessing. Blood donations from someone Rh-null can be used in recipients with rare blood types that would make them incompatible with almost any other donor. But if someone Rh-null ever needs a blood donation themselves, they’re in big trouble.
So, enough theory. What’s all this mean for Lucy’s odds of making it through 4 blood transfusions from unrelated donors?
Unsurprisingly, ratios of different blood groups vary a lot country to country and population to population, so I looked up ratios in modern Britain (Van Helsing is Dutch, of course, but blood groups in the Netherlands are similar enough to those in the UK that we’ll ignore that, just for simplicity). It’s possible these ratios have drifted since Victorian times, but figuring out how is so far beyond scope here we’re not going to worry about it. As discussed above, we’ll also ignore Rh factors – Lucy’s almost certainly never had a blood transfusion or a baby before, and everything happens far too fast for an Rh-immune response to kick in.
Alright. It’s statistics time!
We don't know Lucy's blood group, so any are possible. For each potential Lucy-blood-group, we can generate a list of blood groups which will be compatible donors (we'll call that list C(x)), and from that, we can calculate the probability that she'll be compatible with any randomly-selected donor. For Lucy to survive, we need her to survive 4 successive blood transfusions, so we’re raising that survival probability to the power of 4. Then to calculate her overall probability of survival, we multiply the survival rate by the odds she’s in that blood group, and add them together (no need to divide by the total population, that’s an easy 100%). So if we let n = number of transfusions and P(x) = probability a person is in blood group x, we get the following lovely equation:
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(Yes, I know, I'm sorry ‒ someone out there is going to want to check my working, and I like to be transparent.)
And with that, (assuming I’m not just talking out of my arse with all those calculations), that suggests Lucy’s overall chances of surviving 4 different blood transfusions is about: (drum roll)... 27%. So, roughly 1 in 4.
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The really savvy reader might notice that Lucy does not, technically, survive all four transfusions – she dies shortly after the fourth, so it’s conceivable that last transfusion was a mismatch. If we take the requirements down to where Lucy only needs to survive 3 transfusions, her odds go up to 34%, or closer to 1 in 3. Still not great, but given the sorts of crazy one-in-a-million coincidences all fiction is built on, that’s actually pretty reasonable. Even if you do factor in Rh compatibilities, we're still looking at around 21% survival rate after 4 transfusions, which are pretty decent odds in the world of Victorian medicine.
Do those odds sound a little high to you? Here’s something to keep in mind. On paper, Lucy’s odds of surviving even a single random-donor transfusion are only 65%. But given she survived that first transfusion, the odds go up that she’s in one of those near-universal blood groups, and they keep going up. Sure, every new transfusion has a new chance to kill you, but statistically speaking, every transfusion you survive marks you as someone who’s a little more likely to survive the next. So someone who's already survived 2 transfusions has a 76% chance of surviving a 3rd ‒ and if they do survive that 3rd, an 80% chance of surviving a 4th.
As another aside though, even after surviving four successive transfusions, the odds Lucy’s in that lucky AB universal-recipient category are still only about 10% (compared to 3% of the base population). Statistically, it’s still far more likely she’s in the A-group ‒ the second largest group in the UK, and who can receive blood from the other largest group (O), letting them receive blood from a whooping 86% of the population without issue. Aren’t statistics wonderful?
Oh, all right – I’ll stop with the maths. We’ve made our point here.
Now, we could still point out that, for a supposedly-experienced physician, Stoker's Van Helsing seems pretty blase about the possibility his blood transfusions could backfire horribly ‒ but then, Lucy's already on death's door each time he resorts to asking for volunteers. He's doing the only thing that might save her life (and it does, until it doesn't).
To conclude, no-one is going to tell you Dracula makes sense. This is a book which offers no explanation for why Dracula should just happen land in England on the same town where his solicitor’s fiancée just is taking a holiday, let alone the rest of it. And Stoker had no way of knowing Lucy’s actual odds of surviving such a very Victorian procedure. But that whole blood transfusion sequence is far from being the least probable thing in the book. 
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gerec · 7 months
Hello, I just want to say thank you so much because you’re one of the main reason I’m back into the Cherik hole again after 8 years :Đ (I’m still having a lovely time here). Also, would you mind if I ask you for some fic recs of 1. Alternative first meeting where Erik and Charles meet/flirt with each other at the bar and 2. Smut fics that included dirty talk about breeding/pregnant kink but no actual mpreg. I know it’s a lot but I hope you could help :Đ Thank you so so much for still being here!
Hello darling Anon! Sorry for the delay; it took a while for me to search for recs based on your criteria! I've got some good ones for their first meeting at a bar, but I was only able to think of/find one fic with dirty talk that didn't include mpreg (the other one is rule 63). Anyway I'm so glad you're giving Cherik another go around it's wonderful to rediscover an old love :D :D :D Hope you enjoy!!!
First Meeting at a bar (there aren't many canon verse fics I know of, but there are many great aus):
In Plain Sight by Lenore
As it happens, Charles does know how it feels to hide who he is. A stranger in a pub sees right through him.
Bloodbound by ikeracity
Finding himself strapped for cash at the start of his senior year, Erik decides to become a donor at TypO, a blood bar where vampires come to drink fresh blood from consenting donors, safely and legally. There, he catches the eye of Charles Xavier, vampire, telepath, professor at Columbia, and quite possibly the most alluring person Erik's ever met. Their first meeting sets into motion a bond much deeper than they can understand, one that neither of them had ever expected.
Hitting If Off by niniblack
Erik meets the perfect guy at the bar. Too bad Mr. Perfect is on a date with someone else...
Twinks, Daddies & Bears. Oh my! by Villain
Charles is fresh back from Oxford and new to the gay scene in New York. On his first night out at the clubs with his best friend Hank, he sees the Big Bad Wolf; otherwise known as Erik Lehnsherr.
Punk Rock Boy by Not_You
Charles goes to a punk gig for an anthropology paper, and things get crazy.
A Telepath Walks Into a Bar by ximeria
Erik hates it when drunk idiots interrupt his flirting.
United We Stand, Divided They Fall by ximeria
The prompt was "the only two people at a bar rooting for the same football team au". And that's more or less what it is.
99 bottles of beer on the wall by orphan_account
It's been years since the accident that paralyzed Charles, leaving him wheelchair-bound and shattering his carefree life of drinking, sex, and loose telepathy. Raven finally guilt's Charles into going to a bar with her, only to have them run into a rather unsavory Mutant and Disability fetishist.
And One For Yourself? (Let Me Take You Home?) by meh_guh
Charles has had it with academia. He's sick of Boston, sick of teaching Bio 101, sick of Nathaniel Essex's guerrilla campaign against his lab time. So of course, the only thing to do is to move back to NYC and open a bar. It'll be a lark.
And Tony's there! Scads of guilt-free, friendly sex is never to be frowned upon.
Of course, the bewitching lunatic behind the bar complicates matters, but Charles is hardly new at seduction. He'll win Erik over in a matter of weeks.
A month at the outside.
Baby, You're A Hit by mutanitys (chekov)
"How to not make it up to the cute professor you mistakenly punched at a bar" by Erik Lehnsherr.
(Erik still punches the wrong guy, but this time the hospital doesn't seem to be an option.)
Fics with dirty talk about breeding/pregnant kink:
serendipity by intentation
Charles runs into his professor at a sex club. How can he possibly resist?
Perfection by LadyLustful
Charlotte Xavier didn't think she would be into being bred but here she is, getting off on hearing how she's perfect and will give Erik perfect babies.
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agentcable · 8 months
Mouse (2021) Ep. 10 Recap
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Ba-Reum is displaying increasingly violent behaviour and struggling to control his urges, including the urge to kill. Additionally, a new murder case has emerged with similarities to the previous ones. Based on this evidence, it is possible that the transplanted brain piece in Ba-Reum's head is not from a psychopath, and therefore Yo-Han may not be the killer.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Shortly after Han Seo-Joon's arrest for murder, his wife Ji-Eun was almost due to give birth. While leaving the hospital after a check-up, she witnesses a woman attempting to strangle her own son. Hospital staff intervene and save the child, but the woman begs Ji-Eun not to give brith to her own child.
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Ji-Eun breaks away from the distressed woman and exits the building. Outside, she is horrified as the woman slams into the concrete just inches away from her. Ji-Eun looks up and sees the woman's son peering down triumphantly. She shudders as her water breaks, mingling with the dying woman's blood on the pavement.
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Moo-Chi wakes up the morning after his confrontation with Ba-Reum, still at Ba-Reum's house. He has no memory of their fight, having been drunk. Ba-Reum's left hand is wrapped as if he's injured. Ba-Reum admits that they fought, but downplays what happened. He asks Moo-Chi to stop drinking, but Moo-Chi only says he'll stop once he kills Han Seo-Joon. he becomes loud and upset because he cannot get arrested to get close to Seo-Joon, no matter how hard he tries. Ba-Reum smiles and says that his hyung, Moo-Won, is looking out for him.
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After Moo-Chi leaves for work, Ba-Reum discovers a bloodstained rock in the garden. He remembers how he strangled Moo-Chi last night and then picked up the rock. He heard a voice in his head telling him to kill Moo-Chi with the rock. Another voice pleaded with him not to do it. In the end, he screamed "No!" and smashed his own hand with the rock to release Moo-Chi's throat. Ba-Reum remembers a girl from the past who said that the mouse had a bad brain. He wonders if the part of Yo-Han's brain inside his head will eventually kill him from within.
Ba-Reum visits Seo-Joon, who is disappointed that Ba-Reum is keeping the world's first successful brain transplant a secret. Seo-Joon informed him that when he transplanted a violent mouse's brain into a docile mouse, the doucile mouse became violent and killed its mate. Ba-Reum confessed to almost killing someone. He wondered if the same would happen to Ba-Reum.
Detective Park was shaken to learn that the body he had buried, thinking it was his daughter Hyun-Soo's, was actually that of Jung Man-Ho's daughter, Soo-Jin. He wants to know what happened to Hyun-Soo. He goes straight to Seo-Joon to demand answers. Seo-Joon says he never said the remains were Hyun-Soo's and doesn't recall where her body is. Detective Park is escorted out while screaming. Seo-Joon warns Moo-Chi that he will regret shooting Yo-Han. Moo-Chi admits that he already regrets it and should have killed Seo-Joon first while Yo-Han watched.
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During a check-up, Ba-Reum asks the doctor if he could be developing violent tendencies from Yo-Han's brain inside his head. The doctor assures him that it is not possible to inherit traits from donors, despite what many believe.
While at Moo-Chi's computer, Ba-Reum discovers graphic photos of Yo-Han's victims. He tries to convince himselfe that his reaction is only psychological and takes his medicine as a precaution. Moo-Chi catches him and Ba-Reum lies, saying he was searching for Halmoni's brooch on the evidence list because Bong-Yi wants it, but it's not in the evidence box.
Meanwhile, Kang Deok-Soo's mother accosts Bong-Yi in her neighbourhood, yelling at her to move away. Bong-Yi calmly replies that Kang Duk-Soo is at fault for his actions. The mother attacks, but thankfully Moo-Chi is there to break it up.
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Later, Kang Duk-Soo grinst that Bong-Yi has grown up to be very pretty. With Kang Deok-Soo out of prison, Moo-Chi suggests that Bong-Yi live with him for safety. Bong-Yi argues that she cannot live on the run. This is the only place she can afford to live because her father built it.
Moo-Chi finds Ba-Reum planting flowers at the station. He gets loud about how they are making Ba-Reum do garden work with his broken hand. Ba-Reum notices something while watching him dig. Woo Jae-Pil confessed to digging the hole where Jung Soo-Jin's body was found. However, the angle of the hole suggests that it was dug by a right-handed person, while Jae-Pil is left-handed.
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Photos show that Jae-Pil had a cast on his left hand during Soo-Jin's death. Therefore, he would have had to dig using his right hand. However, the left-leaning knots on Soo-Jin's hands could not have been tied by him. Ba-Reum believes that the knots were clumsy, as if a child had tied them. Jae-Pil's son, Hyung-Chul, was twelve years old at the time. Ba-Reum and Moo-Chi decide to focus on Hyung-Chul for now, starting with his solid alibi during Hong Na-Ri's death. During the investigation, Ba-Reum and his team visit the woman whose windows Hyung-Chul was working on at the time of Na-Ri's murder. She confirms that she was at the home the entire time he was there, except for a brief period of twenty minutes when she took her sick dog to the vet. Ba-Reum concludes that Hyung-Chul must have given something to the dog to make it sick and then left to commit the murder.
Hyung-Chul would have only had a few minutes to kill Na-Ri, including travel time. To test the timing, Moo-chi has Ba-Reum tie him and strangle him, but Ba-Reum gets too into it. Luckily, Moo-Chi's timer goes off and snaps him out of it.
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They realize that Hyung-Chul didn't have enough time to kill Na-Ri. Ba-Reum is shaken. Moo-Chi doesn't realize how close he came to death. He tells Ba-Reum that he's a better cop after his accident, with his newfound ability to understand killers. Ba-Reum gets Moo-Chi a beer that's been stored in a fridge that's being used to cool a pot of bone broth. Suddenly, Ba-Reum solves the mystery. He and Moo-Chi confront Hyung-Chul. Moo-Chi growls that killing is an addiction, and Hyung-Chul challenges him to crack his alibi before more people die. He begins to walk away, but Moo-Chi informs him that he became ill after consuming milk from Hong Na-Ri's refrigerator that should have been fresh.
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Ba-Reum reveals that Hyung-Chul did not kill Hong Na-Ri on the day he left his job. Instead, he had killed her two days earlier and stored her body in her fridge. He then moved her body back to the position where he had killed her, making it look like Na-Ri was killed while he was working. Hyung-Chul's alibi was thus secured. When Ba-Reum shows him that Na-Ri's DNA was found inside her fridge, Hyung-Chul laughs at their wild theory. Hyung-Chul demanded a warrant, but Moo-Chi aimed his gun and pulled the trigger when he turned his back. Fortunately, Ba-Reum had removed the bullets.
Hyung-Chul attempted to flee, but Detective Kang intercepted him with an arrest warrant. Moo-Chi was angry because he wanted to kill Hyung-Chul and go to jail to kill Seo-Joon, but Ba-Reum saved him against his will, once again.
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Ba-Reum is upset by the new murderous voice in his head and begs his surgeon for another transplant. However, the doctor turns him down, explaining that a brain transplant requires specific circumstances. Ba-Reum becomes angry when the doctor says that he would lose a lot if he were operated on again and snarls, "I could lose myself! Sung Yo-Han's mind might take over mine!" He storms out, and the doctor calls Chief Choi, who then makes another call to beg a favour.
Bong-Yi caught a little girl stealing food in a convenience store. Out of kindness, she bought the food for her. Bong-Yi was worried that the girl's mother didn't know that Kang Deok-Soo was back in the neighbourhood. So, she walked the girl home and advised her mother to move away quickly. However, the mother was not worried about Deok-Soo and resented Bong-Yi's advice. Bong-Yi asked if it changed anything that she was Deok-Soo's victim. She left the mother rethinking the situation. Ba-Reum was found huddled outside her house. He leaned into her arms and asked sadly if he would be alright.
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The warrant against Hyung-Chul was dismissed due to lack of evidence. Moo-Chi seeks Hong-Joo's assistance in finding concrete evidence against Hyung-Chul. Hong-Joo possesses a diary written by Kim Young-Hee, which contains a picture of her with a friend. Moo-Chi requests Hong-Joo to take care of someone for him, but she declines.
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While walking home, Bong-Yi scratches a man's face out of fear, but it turns out to be Moo-Chi. While patching him up, he hands her the bankbook where he has been saving all the money from Ji-Eun. He wants her to use the money to move to his neighbourhood where it is safe. However, Bong-Yi disagrees and says that running away won't solve anything. She wants to handle Deok-Soo herself. Both of them are worried about Ba-Reum, who is currently at a church. He kneels and pleads tearfully, "Please protect me, Lord. Please don't let anything happen to me. Please don't let me become a monster like Sung Yo-Han."
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Shin Sang informs Ba-Reum that he will be joining Moo-Chi on the evidence managing team. During their conversation, Shin Sang receives the news of a body that shares similarities with Yo-Han's murders, including a finger pointing at a cross.
Ba-Reum meets Shin Sang at the scene where they find the body of a teenage girl who was beaten and burned, similar to Yo-Han's first murder of Song Soo-Jung. The police assume it's a copycat, a fan of Yo-han's. However, Ba-Reum believes it's the work of a professional. He also detects the scent of mint, which he used to smell at the murder site. Ba-Reum remembers Halmoni's missing brooch and asks Moo-Chi to show him the pictures of Yo-Han's basement and the video from the killer during Hong-Joo's broadcast. He notices that the walls are different, suggesting that Yo-Han may not have sent the video. Ba-Reum realizes that he only remembers hitting Song Soo-Jung, not killing him. This means that Yo-Han may not have been the killer after all.
Ba-Reum informs Moo-Chi and Shin Sang that he suspects the killer may have been someone else. Moo-Chi disputes Ba-Reum's theory, questioning why Yo-Han had those photos in his basement and why he attacked Ba-Reum. Ba-Reum explains about the mint, but Moo-Chi refuses to believe that he may have killed an innocent man and orders him to leave. Shortly after, Ba-Reum is summoned to the site of another death, initially believed to be a suicide by hanging. The mint scent in the room makes him uneasy. He notices the woman's head at her throat, as if she tired to free herself. Only one finger is stuck under the rope, which appears to have been arranged by the killer. Upon closer inspection, he sees that she's wearing Moo-Won's missing cross locket with his family's photo still inside. Ba-Reum is startled and falls, then spots something fastened to the edge of the woman's bathrobe: Halmoni's brooch. This is a message.
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Ba-Reum runs out to call Moo-Chi and Shin Sang to the scene. When he returns to the body, he notices that Moo-Won's necklace and Halmoni's brooch are missing. Ba-Reum claimes to have seen them, but the other cops dismiss his claim, except for Moo-Chi. In the woman's purse, Moo-Chi finds a card for an illegal massage parlor, the same card he found in Hyung-Chul's office, and rushes back to the station.
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Ba-Reum sees this as proof that Yo-Han didn't kill anyone, which gives him hope. He vows to catch Hyung-Chul and prove that he is the murderer, and that he does not have the mind of a killer.
Moo-Chi calls Ba-Reum back to the station to talk. While he waits, he messes up Ba-Reum's tidy desk just because it irritates him. He notices a paused video on Ba-Reum's computer and recognizes the girl from Young-Hee's photo. He searches for Hye-Won, but she seems to have vanished. She informed her boss that she was marrying a lawyer, but texted her friends that she was going abroad to study.
Hong-Joo and Moo-Chi have deduced that Hyung-Chul is the common denominator between the deceased girls. Hyung-Chul volunteers to counsel troubled and runaway young women, and Moo-Chi believes that he is killing women he deems "unladylike". For instance, he killed Min-Joo after seeing her enter a hotel with a man, and Na-Ri while she was dating someone else while separated from her husband. Bong-Yi was targeted because he was Deok-Soo's lawyer, and Hyung-Chul knew she was one of his victims.
Hong-Joo leaves for an appointment. Unfortunately, Hyung-Chul is at the doctor's office and sees her with her child. He asks the doctor, the same unethical jerk who proudly admits that he tipped off the reporter that she was dating Yo-Han. The doctor confirms that she was Choi Hong-Joo, the TV producer.
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Ba-Reum and Shin Sang meet with the doctor who performed the autopsy on the burned high schooler. The doctor re-examines the evidence at Ba-Reum's request, but finds no signs of strangulation. Ba-Reum impresses Shin Sang with his knowledge of technical terms, but he becomes concerned about his own condition.
Jung Man-Ho, Soo-Jin's father, is upset to learn that Jae-Pil did not kill his daughter but took the blame to protect his son. He informs Moo-Chi that Hyung-Chul's mother attempted to kill her son before committing suicide. Jung Man-Ho provides Moo-Chi with information on how to locate Hyung-Chul's uncle for further details. The uncle reveals that he once accompanied Hyung-Chul's mother to meet someone named Daniel Lee. Later, he took her to a research institute. After that, her mind seemed blank. Moo-Chi notices some hydrangeas on a nearby hill, and Uncle says that Hyung-Chul planed them there.
Some of the flowers lost their colour, which Moo-Chi knows means there is iron in the soil. He digs up the flowers and finds a knife in the ground next to an as-yet undiscovered body.
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Ba-Reum has been investigating Hyung-Chul and has reached the same conclusion that he is the one responsible for killing these women. Dong-Goo is waiting for him and is upset that Ba-Reum has not been responding to his messages about his wedding tomorrow. Dong-Goo brings a suit for Ba-Reum to try on, and he mentions that he has not heard from his fiancée, Seul-Gi. Only now does Ba-Reum recall that Hyung-Chul was present at the dinner where Dong-Goo's friend advised him not to marry Seul-Gi, and he becomes worried.
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Hyung-Chul judged Seul-Gi unworthy and is now at her place, dressing her in her wedding gown and tying her up. He starts to strangle her, but Ba-Reum and Dong-Goo arrive just in time. Ba-Reum breaks into Seul-Gi's apartment and Hyung-Chul attacks him from behind. Dong-Goo calls for help. Ba-Reum turns the tables and throws Seul-Gi's veil over Hyung-Chul's face. Then, he starts hitting him repeatedly. He stops when he sees blood seeping through the white silk. Hyung-Chul manages to escape by jumping off the balcony. Ba-Reum chases him and catches up when Hyung-Chul's car collides with a truck. Hyung-Chul hides in an empty warehouse and knocks Ba-Reum unconscious when he shows up.
When Ba-Reum wakes up, his hands are tied behind his back. He keeps Hyung-Chul talking to buy time and instinctively works his hands from the knot. Hyung-Chul has confessed to the murders, including the killing of Soo-Jin when they were children. He had pretended it was an accident, and his father had easily believed him. His father even helped him disguise Soo-Jin's body to look like Park Hyun-Soo's. However, Hyung-Chul's mother had suspected something was wrong with her son. She had Daniel Lee test Hyung-Chul's DNA and learned that he is a psychopath. She had attempted to kill him but ended up dead herself.
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Ba-Reum asked Hyung-Chul why he targeted Bong-Yi. Hyung-Chul responded by laughing evilly. Ba-Reum freed his hands and tackled Hyung-Chul to the ground, hittin ghim repeatedly. He asked why Hyung-Chul killed the other victims, including Halmoni, but Hyung-Chul insisted that Sung Yo-han killed him.
Suddenly, Ba-Reum saw images that could only have come from Yo-Han's brain: Halmoni lying dead in the alley and knocking over a barrel to set Soo-Ho's body on fire. Horrified, he realizes that it was indeed Sung Yo-Han. He grabs Hyung-Chul once again and strangles him as the voice in his head whispers that people like Hyung-Chul deserve to die. Ba-Reum only realizes what he has done when Hyung-Chul stops breathing.
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He has become a murderer. Looking up, he sees Yo-Han standing in front of him, taunting him, "How does it feel? Isn't it exhilarating to kill a person?"
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skiplo-wave · 2 years
Tagged by @sullxo 😘
About Me
NICKNAME: Skip, skippy, skipper
SIGN: Pisces
LAST GOOGLE SEARCH: How to duel in red dead redemption
SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD: Ctrl Freak by Native Son
SLEEP: Oh you know be on tumblr to 1am aka my new bedtime. Sometimes I catch up on manga or nsfw Fanart
DREAM JOB: Do graphic design or become commerical manager. Either at this point
WEARING: Blood donor t-shirt and fruity pebbles boxers
FAVORITE SONGS: I got so many lol I’ve been listening to crack island album non-stop
FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: the keytar cool funky sounds from that thing
AESTHETIC: Vaporwave and punk/nerd
FAVORITE AUTHOR(s): I don’t read books but I read manga :D Araki creator of Jojo and Tatsuki Fujimoto creator of chainsaw man
FAVORITE COLOR: Purple, teal, and black
LAST SONG: Ball Tongue by Korn
LAST SERIES: OG teen titans s1
RANDOM: Oreo has over 85 flavors. Why because they like make CEO go feral
@eastofthesunwestofmoon @flyingspaceoctopi @peacesmovingcabaret @shiggy-stan and anybody else
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naplesdentalartcente7 · 5 months
Understanding the Healing Process After a Gum Graft in Naples
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If you're considering gum grafting in Naples or have recently undergone the procedure, it's important to understand what the healing process involves. This dental procedure can significantly improve your oral health, aesthetics, and comfort. As with any medical treatment, many patients have questions about recovery, particularly, "How long does a gum graft take to heal?" In this blog, we will explore the healing timeline, what to expect during recovery, and tips for a smooth healing process.
What is Gum Grafting?
Gum grafting is a surgical procedure used to correct the effects of gum recession. It involves taking gum tissue from one part of the mouth (or using a donor material) and attaching it to the areas where the gums have receded. By doing so, gum grafting protects the roots of the teeth from exposure and decay, reduces sensitivity, and improves the appearance of your smile.
If you're searching for "gum grafting in Naples" or a "dentist near you" specializing in this procedure, you'll find that experienced dentists, such as those at Naples Dental Art Center, offer advanced gum grafting services that cater to your specific dental needs.
The Gum Graft Healing Timeline
The healing process for a gum graft varies depending on several factors, including the type of graft, the patient’s overall health, and how well the post-operative care instructions are followed. Generally, the timeline for healing can be broken down into several key stages:
1. Initial Healing Phase (First Week)
During the first week after your procedure, you will experience the most discomfort and swelling. It is crucial during this time to follow your dentist's advice carefully to ensure the best healing conditions. The use of ice packs and prescribed pain medication can help manage swelling and discomfort. It is also essential to maintain a soft food diet to avoid disturbing the graft site.
2. Gum Healing (First Month)
Over the next two to three weeks, you will notice a significant improvement in discomfort and swelling. The graft site tissue starts forming new blood vessels and integrating with the surrounding tissues. It is important to continue avoiding any hard or crunchy foods that might damage the graft.
By the end of the first month, the graft itself should be well on its way to healing. However, it is still important to handle the area with care. Brushing around the site should be done gently and with a soft-bristle toothbrush.
3. Maturation Phase (One to Three Months)
From one to three months post-operation, the grafted tissue matures and becomes more integrated with the surrounding gum tissue. This phase is critical for the long-term success of the graft. Continued good oral hygiene and follow-up visits to your dentist in Naples are important to ensure the graft is healthy and healing as expected.
Tips for a Successful Gum Graft Recovery
To ensure the best possible outcome from your gum grafting procedure, consider these tips:
Follow Post-Operative Instructions: Adhere strictly to the guidelines provided by your dentist. This includes taking prescribed medications, maintaining dental hygiene with modified techniques, and attending follow-up appointments.
Maintain a Soft Diet: Avoid hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that can disrupt the graft site. Opt for soft, nutritious foods that promote healing.
Practice Good Oral Hygiene: Keep your mouth clean to prevent infections. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and be gentle around the surgery site.
Avoid Smoking: Smoking can significantly delay healing and increase the risk of complications. If possible, quit smoking before undergoing a gum graft.
Stay Hydrated and Rest: Drinking plenty of water helps keep your mouth clean and supports overall health. Also, getting adequate rest aids in the body's healing process.
The complete healing process for a gum graft can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on individual factors and the extent of the procedure. If you're looking for gum grafting services or even bone grafting near you, the Naples Dental Art Center offers a comprehensive range of dental services with a focus on comfort and patient satisfaction.
Remember, the key to a quick and successful recovery lies in following your dentist’s instructions and taking care of your overall health. If you have any concerns or questions about your recovery from gum grafting, do not hesitate to contact your dentist in Naples for guidance and support.
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dina300794 · 7 months
European Dobermans and Volunteering: Giving Back to the Community
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European Dobermans are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and versatility. Beyond being exceptional companions, they possess a remarkable ability to contribute positively to society through various volunteering opportunities. In this blog post, we'll explore how European Dobermans can make a difference in their communities and how you can get involved in volunteering with your furry friend.
Therapy Dog Visits:
Therapy dog visits are a popular way for european dobermanand their owners to give back to the community. These visits involve bringing comfort and joy to people in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and other settings. European Dobermans' calm demeanor and affectionate nature make them excellent candidates for therapy work. Organizations such as Therapy Dogs International (TDI) and Pet Partners offer certification programs that prepare dogs and their handlers for this rewarding volunteer role.
Animal-Assisted Education:
European Dobermans can also participate in animal-assisted education programs, where they help enhance learning experiences for students of all ages. These programs often involve reading programs, where children read to dogs to improve their literacy skills and build confidence. Additionally, Dobermans can participate in classroom visits to teach students about responsible pet ownership, animal welfare, and empathy towards animals.
Canine Blood Donation:
Just like humans, dogs sometimes require blood transfusions due to illness, injury, or surgery. European Dobermans can become canine blood donors and help save the lives of other dogs in need. Blood donation centers for dogs exist in many communities, and dogs undergo thorough screening to ensure they are suitable donors. By participating in canine blood donation programs, european doberman can make a significant and life-saving impact.
Search and Rescue:
European Dobermans are highly intelligent and trainable, making them valuable assets in search and rescue operations. These dogs undergo rigorous training to develop their scent detection, tracking, and agility skills. They assist emergency responders in locating missing persons in various environments, including wilderness areas, disaster sites, and urban settings. Volunteering with a search and rescue team alongside your european doberman can be an incredibly fulfilling way to give back to your community while utilizing your dog's natural abilities.
Disaster Response:
In times of natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or wildfires, European Dobermans and their owners can volunteer with disaster response organizations to provide assistance and support. These dogs may be trained in tasks such as rubble search, debris clearing, and emotional support for survivors. By joining a disaster response team with your european doberman, you can play a crucial role in helping communities recover from adversity and rebuild their lives.
European Dobermans have a wealth of potential when it comes to volunteering opportunities, and their involvement can have a profound impact on individuals and communities alike. Whether it's through therapy dog visits, animal-assisted education, blood donation, search and rescue, or disaster response, these remarkable dogs have much to offer. By exploring volunteering opportunities with your European Doberman, you can strengthen your bond with your pet while making a meaningful difference in the world around you.
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lotushealsus · 1 year
Acupuncture For Fertility: How Does Acupuncture Work?
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Couples may face emotional hardship as a result of their inability to conceive. But before resorting to medical infertility treatments, have you considered trying acupuncture to boost your chances of pregnancy? It has been established that the traditional Chinese medicine procedure of acupuncture increases fertility by balancing hormones, enhancing blood flow to the reproductive organs, and lowering stress and anxiety.
In this article, we'll explore how acupuncture works for fertility based on scientific research data and how it can increase your chances of conceiving naturally or during assisted fertility treatments. If you are searching for a natural approach to enhance your chances of conceiving, then read on to discover the benefits of acupuncture for fertility.
Fertility, Acupuncture & Success Rates
Regarding fertility treatments, acupuncture has gained a lot of attention lately. There are differing opinions on how effective acupuncture is in improving fertility and success rates. Some studies suggest that acupuncture can improve reproductive hormone secretion, increase the number of high-quality eggs and improve sperm quality and quantity. According to other studies, acupuncture recipients and non-receivers did not significantly differ in birth rates. It is commonly acknowledged that acupuncture can help people who are stressed out, especially those who are battling with infertility. Ultimately, whether or not to try acupuncture for fertility is a personal decision, but it may be worth considering for its stress-reducing benefits alone.
What is Acupuncture For Fertility?
Acupuncture for fertility is a traditional Chinese medicine practice believed to regulate the flow of energy or Qi in the body. Acupuncture can reduce stress and balance hormones, which may improve fertility and increase the likelihood of pregnancy. This is supported by scientific research. Thin needles are used in the practice of acupuncture to target certain body points, including those that have an impact on the reproductive system.
It is considered a safe and complementary therapy that can be used alongside conventional infertility treatments. Many individuals and couples have reported significant benefits from acupuncture, including relief from stress and anxiety, improved blood flow and egg quality, increased sperm count and motility, and decreased chances of miscarriage, even though the scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is still inconclusive.
How Does Acupuncture Help Fertility?
Acupuncture is a helpful way to boost fertility. It balances hormones, enhances blood flow to reproductive organs, and lowers stress levels. Acupuncturists can control the body's processes and improve ovarian and follicular function by placing extremely thin, sterile needles into precise acupuncture points. Furthermore, acupuncture can improve blood flow to the endometrium, which helps to promote a rich and thick lining. Patients often receive treatment for three to four months before moving on to insemination, IVF, or donor egg transfer. 
Acupuncture is similar to physical therapy and a process-oriented method of medical intervention. Therefore, doing more is preferable to doing less. Clinical research has shown that acupuncture, herbal medicine, and conventional medication are combined in the most successful fertility therapies. Sometimes, people can become pregnant through acupuncture and herbal medicines alone, without the help of traditional medical interventions.
When is The Best Time to Get Acupuncture For Fertility?
According to experts in acupuncture and fertility, the best times to have acupuncture are during specific phases of your menstrual cycle. This is especially true if you are a woman seeking help with fertility-related issues naturally or assisted. Generally speaking, the most crucial times to get acupuncture are:
During the follicular phase (day 5-8 of your cycle)
The day before, the day of, or a day after ovulation (as indicated by your LH surge)
During implantation time (6-10 days after ovulation)
You should begin seeing an acupuncturist 3-4 months before conception or transfer, especially if going through an IVF, FET, or DET cycle. If significant issues such as lining irregularities are present, your acupuncturist may suggest seeing you twice a week until the problem is resolved.
It is also crucial to remember that receiving acupuncture is a painless process. Always share any worries or inquiries with your acupuncturist concerning the procedure. Ultimately, the most important thing is to book an acupuncture appointment at a time that works best for you and your fertility plan.
How Often Should I Receive Acupuncture Treatment?
Ac treatment for fertility is a holistic approach that involves several sessions to improve the chances of conception. The number of acupuncture sessions required depends on the individual's situation, and it's crucial to understand that acupuncture for fertility requires a time and monetary commitment. The most crucial times for acupuncture for women attempting to get pregnant are during the follicular phase, days 5-8 of the menstrual cycle, the day before or after ovulation, and the time of implantation. This works out to be approximately once a week, except when menstruating.
If you're going through an IVF cycle, it's ideal to start acupuncture 6 to 8 weeks before the transfer and be seen twice a week, depending on the information gathered from ultrasounds. Even if your IUI or transfer is just a few days away, acupuncture can still be beneficial, but speaking with an acupuncturist is crucial. Seeing providers often during pregnancy reduces the risk of miscarrying and has suggested acupuncture once a week during the first trimester to help support pregnancy health.
What Happens in a Typical Acupuncture Session?
In a typical acupuncture session, your acupuncturist will assess your health history and inquire about your fertility journey, lifestyle, overall health, and constitution. They will take your pulse and examine your tongue to formulate a working diagnosis. Afterward, you will lie down on a massage table and, if necessary, disrobe so that your acupuncturist can access certain points. You will be draped in a blanket for comfort and privacy. After that, your acupuncturist will apply needles to particular acupuncture sites, which could result in feelings of heaviness, soreness, warmth, or throbbing.
These sensations typically dissipate as the treatment goes on. You may also receive other treatments during your session, such as guided meditations, infrared heated lamps, or electro-stim machines. Your acupuncturist will periodically check on you to make sure you're comfortable during the 20 to 25 minutes that make up your session. Acupuncture treatment aims to improve fertility, calm the nervous system, and lessen tension and anxiety.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
One worry many people have about acupuncture is whether or not it hurts. The good news is that acupuncture is generally not a painful experience - many people find it quite relaxing! Everyone's experience is different, and certain people may experience discomfort during an acupuncture session. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
The sensation of getting an acupuncture needle is unlike getting a shot or having blood drawn since acupuncture needles are very tiny and frequently put shallowly into the skin.
When the needle is inserted, you may feel a slight prick or tingling sensation, but this should subside quickly.
You ought to be at ease and ease during the session.
If you are ever experiencing significant discomfort during an acupuncture session, you should let your acupuncturist know immediately so they can adjust their technique.
Overall, acupuncture is usually a gentle and soothing experience that many people find helpful for managing fertility-related concerns.
Real Patients Share Acupuncture Experiences
Real has shared their positive experiences with acupuncture for fertility. After each session, several people mentioned feeling more at ease and well-being. Patients have also seen improved menstrual cycles and reduced pain and discomfort associated with fertility treatments. Some couples have even reported conceiving naturally after receiving acupuncture treatment.
One patient disclosed that she had tried a variety of reproductive therapies and had been attempting to conceive for more than a year without success. After starting acupuncture sessions, she noticed that her menstrual cycle became more regular and experienced less pain during ovulation. She received treatment for several months, and as a result, she was able to conceive and deliver a healthy baby boy.
Another patient shared that she had undergone multiple IVF cycles without success. After adding acupuncture to her treatment plan, she saw improvements in her hormone levels and egg quality. She went on to conceive and give birth to fraternal twins.
Many patients have discovered that integrating acupuncture into their fertility treatment regimen has made them feel more at ease and upbeat about their chances of getting pregnant. And as these patient experiences illustrate, acupuncture can significantly impact fertility outcomes.
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thebermanlawgroup · 2 years
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🩸 More than 50 years ago - on December 31, 1969 - President Richard Nixon signed a proclamation designating January as National Blood Donor Month (NBDM).
🥶 According to the American Red Cross, winter is “one of the most difficult times of year to collect enough blood products to meet patient needs.”
😁 There are a few ways you can find more information about local blood donors:
Contact your local blood donation center or blood bank: These organizations will have information on how to become a blood donor and may be able to provide you with a list of local blood donors.
Check with local hospitals: Many hospitals have their own blood donation centers and may be able to provide you with information on local blood donors.
Contact the American Red Cross: The American Red Cross is a national organization that coordinates blood donation efforts across the country. They may be able to provide you with information on local blood donors or connect you with a local blood donation center.
Check with local blood donor organizations: There may be local organizations in your area that focus on coordinating blood donation efforts. A quick online search should help you find these organizations.
Ask your healthcare provider: Your healthcare provider may be able to provide you with information on local blood donors or refer you to a local blood donation center.
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qckinetixlt · 2 years
What should you know about regenerative medicine?
Have you been searching for regenerative medicine near me? Read this article to learn everything about it first. Regenerative medicine is much simpler than it seems.
Regenerative medicine is the term used to refer to a wide range of techniques that involve the replacement, repair, and/or regeneration of damaged or diseased tissues.
Regenerative medicine is a relatively new field focused on growing and regrowing biological tissues, such as tissues in the heart, liver, lungs, skin, bones, and blood. It is a relatively young field that is still developing and getting more recognition.
Regenerative medicine is a therapeutic practice that aims to restore and maintain health through the non-surgical use of tissues for treatment or therapy. It is based on the idea that damaged tissues can be coaxed into repairing themselves — using your tissues in the process. Regenerative medicine is an important part of modern medicine because it is not just about replacing damaged parts with transplants; rather it is about living longer and healthier lives with less risk of surgery in the future!
Regenerative medicine is the use of tissues that are not directly derived from a person to provide physiological function. These regenerative therapies may be applied in treating diseases, injuries, or congenital anomalies.
Regenerative medicine is an exciting area of health care that is becoming increasingly popular. There are lots of things you need to know about regenerative medicine, including what it involves, who might benefit from it, and how it works.
What regenerative medicine involves
Regenerative medicine is not a single, specific field. It encompasses a variety of disciplines that study how the body repairs and regenerates itself after injury or disease. 
Regenerative medicine is a field of study that aims to identify and use biological materials for treating and restoring health. Doctors who practice regenerative medicine try to repair, strengthen or replace damaged tissue with techniques such as tissue engineering.
Who benefits from regenerative medicine?
Regenerative medicine has the potential to benefit a wide range of people, including cancer patients and those suffering from degenerative conditions like arthritis pain, but you are starting to see it more commonly used by athletes.
In particular, regenerative medicine is helping professional athletes recover from injuries sustained during competition and helping them perform at peak performance levels again. Regenerative medicine is already being used by some NBA teams to help players with chronic pain after an injury.
How regenerative medicine works 
Regenerative medicine is a relatively new field of medicine that works to repair and regenerate damaged or diseased tissues in the body. The goal is to restore the functionality of the tissue, which can then be used by the body to help with a variety of conditions, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Regenerative medicine is the science of replacing body parts or tissues, using either your tissues or parts supplied by a donor. It promotes the growth of new healthy tissues in place of those that are unhealthy, damaged, or otherwise non-functioning. We hope that you enjoyed this article on the topic of regenerative medicine. 
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This is a Donald piece (w/ fem reader) I did last Halloween, that I've decided to share on here as well. Hope you guys like it.
Word count: 2.9k
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I had just sat down to apply some makeup when my phone started ringing. A smile appearing on my face as I glanced at the screen, "Hey Julia, my bestest friend ever."
"Cut the crap. I need help figuring out what to wear." she replied back bluntly.
"Geez Juls, it's a metal concert, so just wear black. If you have black tops, use them. If you have black jeans or skirts, put those on. Black shoes, boots, sneakers, you get the jist right?"
"Ugh, I don't even listen to this music. Remind me why I'm going again?" she whined.
"You're going because your beautiful, gorgeous friend, Me, won tickets. And you're my plus one."
"You mean I'm your ride there." she scoffed.
I gasped loud enough for her to hear over the speaker. "Juls, even if your sister hadn't let you borrow her car, I would have still wanted you to come. I know you've been stressed lately with college, and this can be a good opportunity to let loose and try something different. Who knows you might even like it."
There was a pause on the line before she sighed. "Fine...you're right. I'll be there in an hour to pick you up."
I smiled as I put the phone back down and started on my makeup again.
A little over an hour later we were pulling into the venue's parking lot.
"Geez, you weren't kidding." Julia said grabbing my arm. "Most everyone is wearing black. Oh look that girl has a pink top on." she said pointing to a girl whose pink hair matched the top she was wearing. "Is that a skull on the front, no, wait, what is that?" she asked when the girl turned our way.
"Close your mouth Juls." I said lifting her jaw with my index finger. She narrowed her eyes and swatted my hand away.
"Come on, lets go in." I said laughing as I pulled her towards the entrance.
As soon as we stepped inside we were immediately hit with a wave of heat and noise. Our chest vibrated, as the bass hit, and Julia's eyes widened at the sensation as she clutched at her shirt. I laughed at her expression and pulled her further inside. Quickly finding a spot on the outskirts of the crowd that gave us enough space to move but still close enough to see the stage. Julia clung to me for dear life, as I watched the singer move across the stage. His long black hair falling over his shirtless chest.
A few songs in she started to relax and actually enjoy the show. She even started talking to a guy nearby. I took a few glances in their direction. He was cute, and I could tell she thought so too, by the way she kept touching his arm when they talked.
After a while she tapped my shoulder and leaned in. "I'm going outside to talk to...shit I never asked his name. This guy." she yelled over the music and pointed to the guy standing next to her.
I gave him a once over, he didn't seem like the type to try anything shady. "You want me to go with?" I asked anyway.
She shook her head no. "I have my phone if you need me." she lifted her phone for me to see. "You stay here and drool over Mr. Hot Singer." she said with a wink, before turning to leave.
With Julia gone I wove into the crowd trying to get closer to the stage. I was almost there when someone suddenly bumped into me. Causing me to fall back and slam into something hard. I immediately felt strong hands wrap around my waist, keeping me from falling.
"Sorry." I said as I looked up into crimson red eyes.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
I nodded yes, as I felt my cheeks heating up. This guy seriously gave the lead singer a run for his money. With his extremely pale white skin, and blonde hair that was swept up in an extravagant style. I also noticed that he had multiple piercings across one of his eyebrows and down his earlobes. And that tattoos covered his neck and hands.
My heart pounded as I looked down to his lips. His nostrils suddenly appeared to flare and his eyes became a darker shade of red, almost black. Maybe it's the lighting in the room I thought to myself, as I kept looking into his eyes, watching as his pupils dilated.
Suddenly he grabbed my hand and lead me out of the crowd and into a small storage room nearby. He closed the door behind us muffling the sound of the music.
It was dark inside and I could barely make out his outline in the small space. I stood there quietly, listening to the sound of our breathing. Unsure of what to do, or why I even followed a complete stranger into a dark room in the first place.
He took a step towards me, and instinctively I took a step back and felt something sharp touch my finger.
"Ouch." I exclaimed bringing my hand up to my face, trying to look at it in the darkness of the room.
I could feel a liquid start to run down my finger. Is that blood? I thought, but before I could bring my finger closer, I felt the stranger grab my hand and place my finger in his mouth. My heart picked up in pace as he began sucking and rolling his tongue around it.
"That's not sanitary." I whispered, since that was the only thing I thought to say. I regretted it immediately, as he stopped and slowly slipped my finger out of his mouth.
"What's your name little one?" he asked not letting go of my hand.
I responded, and was embarrassed at how breathy I sounded.
"I'm Donald Na" he whispered and took a step closer bringing his lips down to my ear. "I've had my eyes on you since you walked in. And now that I've had a taste I'm not sure I can let you go."
Confused, I opened my mouth to ask what he meant but was cut off by his lips crashing onto mine, and his tongue slipping inside my mouth. Our lips soon started moving in sync while our tongues swayed against each other.
I felt as his teeth lightly grazed my bottom lip, causing a sharp pain that made me wince. I immediately tasted the blood that dripped into my mouth, right before his lips came down once more, with his tongue slowly licking at the cut he had created on my lip.
I should be pushing him away. I should be resisting, I thought, but for whatever reason I couldn't. It was almost as if I was in some sort of daze that I couldn't shake myself out of. And instead I closed my eyes and allowed myself to keep falling deeper and deeper into the kiss.
The next thing I knew, I was laying in my bed, as the sun was starting to seep in through the curtains. I rubbed my eyes and tried to sit up, as every muscle in my body ached. I felt soo exhausted and I would have easily gone back to sleep, if it wasn't for the fact, that I noticed I was wearing a shirt that didn't belong to me.
Confused I looked down at the black shirt that was way too big. This was definitely not mine, I thought, as panic started to set in. I tried to recall what happened the night before. The last thing I could clearly remember was making out with the handsome blonde.
Did I bring him home?
Is he still here?
I slowly got off my bed and opened my dresser, pulling out some shorts, and slipping them on.
I then opened my bedroom door and carefully peered out. Not seeing anyone I tiptoed to the bathroom, and then the living room, followed by the kitchen. I sighed in relief as I realized that no one else was in my apartment but me.
I let myself fall onto the couch and pulled my phone out of my purse. I had five missed calls, four new messages, and a voicemail. They all appeared to be from Julia.
I pressed the phone to my ear to listen to the voice message, and immediately pulled it away as soon as it started because of Julia's screaming. "You bitch! I can't believe you left me here alone to go with that hot tall blonde! I know he was hot, but what happened to chicks before dicks? I'm so hurt right now, and the only thing that will make me feel better is full details. All of it! I need the deets! Oh and a large caramel boba milk tea, then we'll be good again." The voice message ended right after.
I then opened my messages.
"Dang, who's the freaking hot blonde you're talking to? And does he have a brother?"
"I can't believe you just waved bye to me and left with blondie!!"
"I better get full deets or your dead! 💀"
"Ha! I have a date with Nick next week so I'm not so mad anymore, but I still need the deets!"
I put the phone down on the coffee table and buried my face in my hands. I started to wonder if she would believe me if I tell her I don't remember. When I  heard a knock at the door.
I rolled my eyes thinking it was Julia checking up on me, and I stood and opened the door.
My breath caught in my throat and I took a step back as I looked into his red eyes again. Suddenly the memories from last night started flooding into my mind. I remembered everything. The kissing in the storage room and ME asking if he wanted to come over. I also remembered waving bye to a confused Julia.
My face started heating up as I remembered what happened after walking in the front door. And what we did that started in the livingroom and ended in the bedroom.
"It's cute that you can still blush even with all the blood you lost last night." he said as he walked into my apartment and closed the door.
"I figured you were going to be tired this morning, so I got you a caramel frappuccino." he said taking a seat on the couch and placing a drink holder down on my coffee table, grabbing the second drink for himself.
"Y-your'e a vampire!" I said pointing a shaky finger at him.
"Oh good you remember." he said happily as he took a sip. "Sometimes it takes a while to remember after establishing a pact."
"I didn't complete any pacts!" I exclaimed angrily.
He lifted a brow at me. "Would you like me to remind you of the pact we did last night?" he said as he removed a bra from between the couch cushions and dangled it from his finger. "You look good in my shirt by the way." he added with a smile as his eyes roamed by body.
Embarrased, I snatched my bra away and tossed it by the tv.
He laughed and pulled something out of his pocket. "Make sure to take these daily." he said tossing me a bottle.
I turned it over in my hands and frowned. "Iron pills?"
"It's so that you don't become anemic. Especially since I'll be coming by a lot due to our pact." he replied.
My heart started to beat faster in my chest at the thought of what he considered to be our pact.
His nostrils flared as he put his drink down on the table, and his eyes darkened as he looked at me. "Be careful little one. Don't tempt me when you're still recovering. Because I may not be able to hold myself back." he growled.
I pinched my thighs together in alarm. "Can ...can you smell me?" I asked.
His brows suddenly furrowed. "Are human males able to do that?" he asked.
"No, but all the books I've read about vampires and werewolves state that they can smell a human's...excitement." I said as I looked away embarrassed.
He threw his head back in deep laughter that bounced off my apartment walls. When he calmed down he stood and walked over to me, taking hold of my hand and bringing my wrist up to his nose, as he took a deep inhale.
"Humans do have a smell. Some smell better than others, but it's more similar to the smell you receive when warm cookies come out of the oven. To me, you smell like that drink on the table. Sweet like caramel with a little hidden bite of something stronger underneath. It's what drew me to you last night."
He let go of my hand. "But I don't need to smell you to know you're... excited, was it?" he said with a smirk as he brought his finger up to my chest. "I can hear this." He said lightly pressing his finger where my heart was beating.
"And I can practically see all the areas of your body swell as the blood rushes to them. Like here." he said caressing my cheek. "And here." his thumb lightly sweeping across my lips. His eyes darted down as a smirk appeared on his face. "And even he-"
I covered his mouth with my hand to stop him from stating any other part, and I felt his lips turn up into a smile underneath.
He gently removed my hand and led me to the couch to take a seat. "Here, take some." he said handing me a drink.
I put the straw to my mouth and quickly pulled it away. "Wait, is there blood in here?" I looked at him. "Is there blood in there?" I asked pointing to his own cup.
"No. Of course not." he answered with a chuckle. "This is plain coffee. Well not plain, it does have some steamed milk, vanilla syrup, and a caramel drizzle."
I scrunched my eyebrows. "But I thought vampires couldn't eat or drink regular food, or be outside in the daylight for that matter?" I asked.
He once again bellowed in laughter. "Little one, you really shouldn't believe everything that you read. Most of that was made up by humans of long ago. So they could say that to each other and sleep soundly at night."
I frowned  and touched at my neck with my fingertips, "And what about me? Am I going to turn into a vampire now?"
He lifted up my chin making me look into his eyes. "Is that what you want?" he asked with a serious expression.
"I don't know." I answered truthfully.
He smiled and patted my head. "Well we have plenty of time to decide that, but to answer your question. No you're not turning into a vampire, not right now, anyway. But because of what happened last night, you will probably notice certain changes. Like an increased sense of smell and taste. This will most likely happen to you everytime after I visit."
"Visit? But why do you have to keep visiting? Can't we just end it here and go our separate ways?" I asked.
He chuckled, "Because it's no fun to only have one taste. Plus, I know that's not what you really want. And that it's your fear asking that question right now." he said with a sincere smile as he moved a strand of hair out of my face, his fingers lightly grazing my cheek. The touch sending shivers down my body, making my heart race again.
He narrowed his darkened eyes at me. "I told you that it's dangerous to tempt me right now little one." he said with a sigh, as he closed his eyes to calm himself. When he opened them once more the color was back to their normal crimson. "As much as I love hearing your heart race, I think it's safer if I leave so you can rest."
Before I could protest he leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead. He then grabbed his drink and stood up. "Plus, I think that's enough information for today anyway.... Make sure to drink that." he said pointing to the caramel frappuccino on the coffee table.
He opened my door and before stepping out he turned, "I'm sure you're aware that you can't mention this to anyone right?"
I nodded my head in agreement.
He smiled, "Good girl, also make sure you take those iron supplements, and I'll make sure to text before coming over."
He gave me one last wink before stepping outside and closing the door behind him.
I sat on my couch dumbfounded, as I reached for the cold drink, bringing it up to my lips, and finally taking a sip. My eyes widened at how delicious it tasted. Wow, he wasn't kidding about my sense of taste increasing, I thought, before taking a bigger gulp.
I leaned back on the couch and covered my face. What the hell am I supposed to tell Julia now, I thought with a heavy sigh.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Could I request a yandere vampire viewing humans to be nothing more than food, only to find their Darling stand out amongst the many mortals they’ve consumed over the years?Instead of draining their Darling prey dry in a few weeks like usual, the vampire decides to keep their Darling - to savor, to play with, and cherish in its own way - much to Darling’s dismay at seeing no end or escape in sight. Bonus points if the vamp bite can be pleasurable or painful, depending on the vamp’s mood, and can be used as a reward or punishment as needed. Double bonus for nsfw bits if you’re feeling up to it
I just felt like writing about bitemarks, make of that what you want. Thanks for requesting!
»»———————— ♡ ————————«« 
You winced as they put the weight of their arms on top of yours, tangling their fingers with yours. With your arms stretched out by long, silk fabric and suspended in the air on either side, you had crumbled to the ground, exhausted, drained, spent. Only making you more vulnerable than you already were. You looked up into the mirror before you and at yourself, your eyes lidded from getting no sleep ever since you arrived, and your body missing its energy, skin sunken in as if you were sick.
The vampire let out a satisfied groan, watching you through the reflection in the mirror. Of course, you couldn’t see them in return. You just felt them. You felt their breath against your cheek, the weight of their body as they leaned on you and your feeble condition, and the itching pain from the bite marks that were all over you.
When you were chosen as a sacrifice, you naturally felt the weight of the world on your shoulders. Unlike the many sacrifices you had witnessed over the years, you tried to put on a brave smile, help with the preparations, and even changed your diet. All so that the last few hours of your life would be meaningful. But in reality, you were horrified. Scared and unwilling to die. Creatures like the vampires should be flogged and not appeased with sacrifices they could eat. You weren’t cattle! You were a living, breathing human! However, now that you spent days with them, you realized that it was absolutely impossible to be anything other than a blood donor.
Over and over, their fingertips tapped on the marks they left behind from their teeth. Some started bruising, hurting under their touch. Others were still oozing crimson blood after being torn open. Your life had become much worse than that of cattle. You wouldn’t die as quickly as a cow or goat. You had to endure until you either were killed out of boredom or drained dry to the vampire’s pleasure.
“Tears ruin the taste,” they scolded you, indifferent to the feeling of helplessness and fear you were experiencing. Instinctively, like the people-pleaser you were, you tried to wipe them away, but your hands were still suspended in midair, hanging from the walls on either side of you. If only you could have had a bit of dignity, maybe dying wouldn’t have been so bad. But they restrained you like the sacrifice you were, making you look at yourself in the mirror as they tortured you.
You didn’t even want to think about what they’d do to your body after you died.
Long, cold fingers wrapped around your throat, the mild strangulation uncomfortable yet able to make you focus on it instead of everything else. Deep breaths, the villagers said. Whenever the vampire touches you, take deep breaths to keep calm. Struggling was futile anyway, and you are a sacrifice, not a wild animal. The villagers told you that as if you should be proud of your position, but how in the world could you be proud of what you had become?
One hand wandered upwards to your face, the fingers slim like spider legs, but you couldn’t help but notice that they had begun to warm up, and you assumed that was thanks to your blood. They crept up on you until you had to fear their long nails were going to pluck out your eye. Squeezing them both close tightly, you hoped to at least not experience that horror, only feeling how one of the fingers brushed by your eyelashes, wiping away the tears for you.
Blinking a few times, the hand disappeared, and you heard a very disappointed sounding, “Salty...” from behind you. Twisting your head to look back over your shoulder, you were met with the bright crimson eyes that drilled into yours, their hand slowly lowering from their mouth after they had a taste of your tears and an unsatisfied expression on their face.
“Told you it ruins the taste,” they shrugged, elegantly gesturing that they didn’t care for your tears, and you almost felt inclined to apologize.
“Please...” you muttered, finding that your mouth was terribly dry.
“Hm?” they perked up, having forgotten how your voice sounded after days of silently accepting your fate.
“Please end it,” you pleaded, close to tears again. “I-I’m ready. I don’t care what happens, but I can’t live like this anymore. Please, have mercy!”
You were tired. So, so tired. You wanted to sleep or eat. Go back to your family and see your friends again. But knowing that would never happen, if you at least could die, then you wouldn’t have to suffer anymore.
Instead, fingers wrapped around your chin, their presence suddenly in front of you. Forcing your head back, you were stared at from above, just two red orbs enveloped in darkness, and it was hard to maintain eye contact with them more than ever. “Who do you think you are? Thinking you can make demands?”
“N-No,” you pressed forth through the pain of your jaw crushing under their grip and your bruises ripping open from the strain. “I’d never dare!”
“Good.” Instantly, the vampire’s mood seemed to change back to the usual indifference, and they kneeled down before you. Their right hand brushed down your neck and along your shoulder, getting covered in the red color of your blood before they brought it to their lips, licking it off their knuckles. “I gave you these for a reason. They are a perfect imprint from me on you, so no one will dare to feed off my property. And I’m not done with you yet.”
Speechless, you wanted to say something, but the situation was simply overwhelming. Why would they want to mark you? Why was it important who you belonged to? You were just a sacrificed ready to be consumed.
A flinch escaped you as they leaned forward, and you were expecting another burning bite, but instead, lips pecked at the bite wounds tenderly, one after the other. Again and again, until the kisses became fervent, tongue lapping out, sucking at your skin. It stung and burned, and you had to bite your lip tightly as to not let out a sound. Your body grew hot and felt like it was pulling at your open skin; it was almost too much.
Until you suddenly felt hot breath against your lips, opening your eyes alarmed. With an eager tongue, the vampire tasted from the blood on your mouth before parting your lips, breaths and tongues mingling. You expected to taste your own blood, but it tasted sweeter than you could have ever dreamed about. Sweet, enticing, and hot, that’s what the kiss felt like, even though your body was struggling with the pain and the hand on your throat cutting off more air than you could take in. And yet, as if magically pushed towards the vampire, you only leaned in more, tried to get more of the sweet pleasure of their tongue. Just as surprising as it came, it ended, and you were left gasping as the vampire pulled away.
“Better?” they asked, and through your fogged brain, you weren’t sure you understood. “Don’t ever ask to die again. Remember, you are mine forever.”
With them standing up, you got a glimpse of yourself in the mirror again, and you blinked a few times at the image before you. All over your left shoulder, there was no mark left, and your skin had puffed up again, eyes wide open and awake. The vampire disappeared behind you again, but you quickly felt their arms wrap around your torso, a feeling you knew well by now. “If you’re truly that miserable, tell me. I wouldn’t know. I don’t understand you humans. But know that my help comes at a price.”
Finally, you were able to puzzle together your thoughts. The healthy feeling you had, together with your body looking perfectly fine, must be the vampire’s doing. They must have used some kind of magic or trick on you, but having exhausted themselves by doing that, that probably meant...
Their fangs protruding from their mouth, they dragged them along your supple skin, searching for the best spot to bite down. Fleshy, warm, and soft. Where the blood would spurt out from the slightest irritation. Clenching your teeth, you couldn’t help but try to fight their tight embrace, tried to get out before it was too late. But your struggles were futile, only pressing you up into their fangs until you felt them sink into you inch by inch.
Your ears buzzing and your heart racing as you were fed from, you only shut your eyes tightly, holding back the gasps and moans, not wanting anyone to think this was actually enjoyable. But the sweet taste on your tongue remained, as well as the feeling of their lips against yours, making you wonder what they meant when they claimed you for ‘forever’.
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thecryptidart1st · 3 years
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siblings, not by blood, but by circumstance
if you remember me ranting about this video like two months ago, this is where i now explain things:
First of all, I’m in the “Vanessa the Security Guard and Vanny the Reluctant Follower are one and the same” camp. I mean how many variations of ‘Vanessa’ mentions do we have in AR and Special Delivery. If they end up being different characters, I’ll be very surprised
And now after weeks stewing in the video, I bring new lore to the Soldered Wires AU timeline:
-Vanessa/Vanny is Michael Afton’s daughter, but he never knew she existed (at first)
-Basically Michael got so desperate for money at one point in the early 90s that he donated some sperm
-And then he got scooped
-Vanny is born in 1993
-She probably had the most normal childhood out of everyone in this story, but I like to think that she had problems with her mother the same way Michael had issues with William
-She gets a degree in video game programming and ends up working for misc. video game companies
-Sometime in her 20s, she tries finding out who she really is by trying to find Michael
-Luckily for her, Michael never signed the form preventing the bank from disclosing his information
-Also luckily for her, he left the address to his childhood home
-The last thing she expected to find in the abandoned house was Michael and Sammy searching for clues and possibly Michael’s birth certificate because…
-Gregory is Sammy Emily’s son
-A short time after getting married, Sammy and Michael agree to having a child through in vitro fertilization (though they had some difficulty at first because Michael’s birth certificate was missing and assumingly still at the Afton household
-Given Michael being technically undead, Sammy has to be the donor
-Gregory is born in 2017
-Michael is of course awkward with Vanny at first; he’s not ready to be a dad, especially for someone he’s never been in her life for, but after hearing Vanny mention how she had to leave her mom’s house because she couldn’t stand the emotional abuse, suddenly he could relate to her on a personal level and the two slowly get along
-Although Michael always makes sure that Vanny never realizes his true appearance and tends to avoid answering questions about the Afton family; he feels she shouldn’t be burdoned about his past, the murders at the pizzerias, or William
-Though she chooses to live on her own, Sammy and Michael tell her that she’s always welcome in their home
-Vanny frequently visited the Emily-Afton household, so Gregory grew up knowing her as a much older sister figure, but since she didn’t live with them, he never got to truly know her
-Vanny then works for the AR team involved with Fazbear Entertainment and gets glitchtrapped
-She takes in odd jobs while recovering from this/slowly becoming William’s reluctant follower
-After Michael’s ‘death’, Sammy moves to working full-time so he can provide for Gregory and avoid his grief like a true Emily man like his father before
-Vanny is asked to be a caretaker for Gregory while he’s working
-Gregory becomes a sassy af kid because its how he copes losing one dad and not seeing his other dad as often anymore
-Sammy’s also adamant that neither kid will ever be involved with Fazbear Entertainment ever again, especially with Gregory asking what happened to Michael
-Cut to a few years later, Vanny goes behind Sammy’s back and gets hired as a security guard at the new Pizzaplex
-One evening, Sammy has to do a night shift at the police department and asks Vanny to keep an eye on Gregory
-And Vanny suddenly has to report for work and drags Gregory along
-And then assumingly Security Breach happens .<.
(My guess is this game takes place in 2027, so I figured that Gregory is like 10 1/2 years old, and Vanny is 34 yo)
Vanny is William Afton’s granddaughter & Michael’s daughter
Gregory is Henry Emily’s grandson & Sammy’s son
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ekaterinatepes · 3 years
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Series Master List
<———— Chapter 2
“Your lover?” You stopped for a moment to weight his proposal. There was nothing to lose for you in that exchange but still wondered about something “and if I refuse? Will you withdraw from sponsoring the gallery?” Your eyes pierced his.
Satoru had to admire the beauty and courage in you to stare down a predator in the eye in such a collected and calm manner as you were doing; in the back of his mind an afterthought told him you would make an exceptional vampire. He pushed that thought for another occasion.
“No… even if you refuse my proposal I will still support your endeavor” he admitted plainly. He had nothing to lose although he would be disappointed if you rejected him.
Your eyes didn’t betray your thoughts and he wished he could read your mind to see what you were thinking. Slowly, a soft smirk pulled at your deep rose lips. “And if I accept… what would our boundaries be?” Once again he was surprised with how through you were with your interrogation.
“If you accept to become mine… I will in exchange be yours too… I don’t do multiple partners, not anymore. It’s tiresome and exhausting. I prefer a stable donor, someone I can trust and who can confide in me as well. If you accept you would be the only donor and partner I would have, which leads me to the next point. We vampires are extremely… territorial and possessive so if you accept this arrangement, you would have to commit to be only…mine” the last word was pronounced in a deep sensual tone meant to show you he craved you and if you allowed it he would take you and show you pleasures you never imagined.
As calm and collected as you had been through the entire conversation when Satoru started talking about how possessive he was you couldn’t help but feel a wave of arousal coiling in your stomach, inadvertently making your scent change.
Satoru noticed, his right hand closed in a tight fist as he inhaled deeply the decadent aroma of your arousal coming from between your thighs. Oh fuck! Did he just hit the goddamned jackpot? The idea of him owning, dominating and pleasuring you had been so alluring to you that your body immediately showed him how much you enjoyed it.
Strong, fearless and confident by day and sweet docile kitten by night it seemed. Smirking he leaned in to whisper in your ear “if you are about to reject me… you better leave right now… if you don’t, there will be no turning back… I can smell how much you liked what I said and it’s driving me insane.” Inhaling deeply your intoxicating aroma he deposited a single chaste kiss on the skin right above your carotid artery.
The touch of his cold lips on your neck made you shiver, but what you felt wasn’t cold nor fear. It was anticipation. Turning your face to look him in the eye once more. “And if I choose to stay?…” your lips were only a meager inch apart. Satoru moved his inhumanly beautiful eyes from your eyes to your lips and groaned before crushing your lips with his.
To fucking hell with having patience and playing the game. You were right where he wanted you, drenched in arousal with your fragrant blood pumping through your veins inviting him to sink his fangs and cock in your body.
His tongue searched for yours tasting the smooth flavor of the red wine you consumed earlier. One of his hands moved to your h/c hair and grabbed a handful of it, still careful not to hurt you with his strength. You moaned in his mouth and responded by darting your tongue to meet his in a deliciously sensual dance. A warm hand moved behind his neck pulling him closer. Satoru opened his eyes wide. He had to stop you and himself right now, if he didn’t he would end up fucking you like an animal right there. Too public and open, someone was bound to interrupt and ruin what he had planned for you if he started.
Pulling back slowly a tiny string of saliva connected your lips. Your e/c eyes were hazy and a blush spread over your cheeks.
He was already rock hard in his trousers. “How about we get out of here my dear… I cannot promise to keep my hands to myself if you keep looking at me like that”. He chuckled darkly with the promise of what was yet to come.
After that kiss your brain turned into mush, you felt so hot and drunk in his smell and the feel of his body stuck to yours. Satoru smelled divine, an expensive citrus cologne mixed with something else that she couldn’t place her finger upon. You merely nodded accepting his invitation.
Satoru gave you a quick kiss before he stood up, taking your hand and guiding you to his Porsche Dark Knight 911. You both got in quickly and looked in each other’s eyes once more. It took you both a second to move again and then you were devouring each other once more. His strong hands guided you to straddle him on the driver seat. You crotch rubbing rhythmically against his hard member making him hiss at you. Pulling back to catch your breath you couldn’t help but get lost his impossibly light crystalline orbs. He smirked at you “you are absolutely gorgeous Y|N” his lips moved along your jaw line, licking a path down to your neck. You gasped feeling his incisors caressing the tender flesh underneath “don’t be scared… I’m not going to bite you… yet, I’m just tickling you” Satoru explained repeating the action once more. You shivered and moaned, he knew he her to get going or he wouldn’t be able to hold back.
“Come on Kitten, I don’t want our first time to be cramped here in my car.” The vampire had to make a tremendous effort to go through with his words. He could feel how you drenched your panties and the fabric of his trousers when you were eagerly grinding your hips on his cock. But he wanted to do this right. “Buckle your seatbelt” he drove at a breakneck speed to make it back to his estate.
Tonight he would make sure you never forget about what it feels like to belong to Gojo Satoru. He was going to ruin you for any other man and mark you as his and only his.
———->Chapter 4
Tags: @sleepyamaya
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angstyaches · 3 years
hi hi hi so i was reading your fic where felix and elliot are feeding on an animal again and there’s some Hot Vampire Kissing Tm and i was wondering... since it was kinda teensy a little bit (very) hot .... could we have some more vampy- fangy bloody kissing with them please? i know it isn’t emeto or whump related but i figured i could always ask and you can obviously say no if you don’t wanna write it. Thanks!🍄
I honestly can’t tell if this is hot or not but I hope it’s at least nice.
CW: vampire resisting blood, hunger, burps, kissing and more implied spiciness.
Early-Days Felix and Elliott 
Felix didn’t bother sitting down to meals lately. Meaning he didn’t sit down, and he didn’t have meals. Instead, he stood at the kitchen counter and consumed whatever quick snack he managed to rustle up, wanting to dull his sudden cravings before they could set in too deeply.
This is what he was doing at 6am, as the sun cut the white kitchen tiles into slices. He was having toast, because toast felt like a good morning food, and raspberry jam because the visual of something red and sticky entering his mouth was just appealing, it hit upon something in his brain that was begging to be hit upon, but as he chewed it, the illusion gave way, and the jam just tasted like jam.
“There you are.”
Felix looked across the countertop as he chewed, feeling a flicker of affection at the sight of Elliott wandering into the kitchen. His hair was loose and dishevelled, not in its usual ponytail or half-bun. He’d come downstairs in just his boxers and a pinstriped shirt that he hadn’t bothered to button up, clearly not expecting Nancy or Ryan to be up and about yet. And Felix just couldn’t help but gaze at how each inch of fabric sat on Elliott’s body, rustling against his skin with every movement he made.
“Are you alright?” Elliott asked, opening the fridge and carefully selecting a glass bottle from the shelf in the door. Felix swallowed and looked away, unable to bear the sight of the bottle or its contents.
“Yes, I’m okay.”
Elliott glanced over at him, eyeing the toast in his hand, before pouring himself a mugful of the bottle’s contents. It sloshed from glass container to ceramic, and Felix heard every.
He swallowed again, though there was nothing in his mouth but saliva.
���You got hungry again?” Elliott asked, returning the bottle to the fridge door. His surprise was likely due to the fact that they’d both had a large dinner the night before, consisting of fish and chips and lemon cheesecake.
Felix turned his slice of toast over in his hand, feeling grateful for how it had sat nicely in his stomach so far, but also hating it for not being what he really needed. Hating it for its inability to stop the feeling of his teeth being wrenched from deep in his gums.
“Yeah,” he admitted. A half-lie. Dinner hadn’t truly sated him, so technically he was still hungry.
He could see that Elliott was biting the inside of his own lip, and he had a feeling he knew what was going to come next. Elliott’s fingers delicately laid the mug on the countertop, grip lingering on the rim as though poised to move it closer to Felix.
“Felix, I think you should consider –”
“No,” Felix whimpered, backing up.
Elliott’s eyes narrowed. “I wish you would consider drinking a little.”
Felix lifted his food to take a bite, mainly to obscure the shy grin that spread across his face at hearing the concern in Elliott’s voice. It had been two months since Felix had first entered the townhouse and become an official member of the Aldridge clan, and it had been six weeks and two days since he and Elliott had started sharing a bed and kissing and doing the things that often followed kissing. Six weeks in which Felix felt he should have gotten over these silly little moments of incoherent infatuation, and yet he felt as giddy and nervous around Elliott as ever.
Especially when the older man expressed worry over him.
“Please?” Elliott’s voice was low.
Felix placed the remainder of his toast on the plate and licked his lips. “I… I can’t. The idea of it is still rather… repulsive.” Heat shot out to the tips of his ears. “No, no offence…”
“No, I understand what you’re saying.” Elliott pursed his lips, eyes trained on the mug. “The psychological adjustments can be as challenging as the physical ones, if not more challenging.”
As much as Felix appreciated Elliott’s sympathy, it didn’t do much to ease his discomfort. Just because someone else had once felt similarly to how he was feeling now, it didn’t reassure him that he would one day move past it and live like a normal person. A normal vampire, he thought to himself, wondering if he was even allowed to call himself a person anymore.
“You know that it comes from a willing donor, right?” Elliott was referring to the mug’s contents, which Felix was trying hard not to gaze upon. “You’ll probably meet her soon, and hopefully that will ease some of your anxiety.”
Felix gave a heavy shrug. He hoped the same thing, but he also feared that putting a face to the blank, human-shaped blood dispenser in his mind would make the task of consuming all the more difficult. After all, he’d never had any desire to put a name and a face to the cow just before biting into a burger…
“I’m feeling a slight sting myself, and there’s no point in wasting good blood,” Elliott said, his voice becoming deeper and more distant as it did when he was about to feed. “Would it bother you if I drank this?”
Felix shook his head briskly, snatching up the last of his toast. There were three bites’ worth left, but he shoved it all into his mouth at once. The sound of Elliott’s lips sipping on the blood rang loudly through his skull, entering his ears like the incessant humming of a broken street lamp. His own chewing did little to drown it out.
The sipping turned into gulping, and Felix’s eyes widened at the way Elliott tilted his head back under the mug. His free hand gripped the edge of the countertop, as though he might fall over from the force of drinking. Felix’s ears continued to zone in on the sounds of drinking, consuming, guzzling, and he was sure he could hear the liquid being pulled into Elliott’s throat along with tiny pockets of air, the muscles inside his digestive system greedy and eager to get it down as quickly as possible.
Felix had never known it was possible to literally go slack-jawed while watching something, but right then, he couldn’t have closed his mouth if someone had offered to pay him.
“Mm,” Elliott mumbled, gasping softly as he put the mug down, empty, on the countertop again. Hs mouth was smeared in red, a single droplet drawing a line down his stubbled chin.
There was a low rumble in the older vampire’s chest, which Felix only heard because the thirst had heightened his senses, and then a long gurgle as his stomach struggled to settle such a large amount of blood; drinking from a container wasn’t the same as feeding from an animal, so Elliott should probably have drunk it more slowly.
Felix felt his own stomach rumble as though in response to Elliott's, but for the opposite reason; it was making far-too-quick work of the toast and lamenting the lack of what his body truly needed. He still couldn’t manage to close his mouth, despite the saliva gathering around his teeth and wetting his lips.
Elliott frowned and placed a hand on his belly – bare between the unclosed buttons of his shirt – and let out a short, tight belch. “Excuse me.”
“No? You won’t excuse me?”
Felix shook his head. He couldn’t stop looking at the red stains on Elliott’s lips and the drip on his chin, which he hadn’t thought to lick or brush away yet. The sudden fullness must have been dulling his instincts; Felix could almost see the bliss in his yellow eyes as warmth flashed through them.
His fingers and lips trembled as he reached for Elliott’s face.
Elliott wore a blank expression as Felix’s thumb dragged up through his beard and over the dip in the corner of his mouth. The thumb came away red and glistening, and Elliott grinned, revealing fangs that were slightly distended from feeding.
“What?” Felix mumbled innocently, as his own thumb entered his mouth.
His lips and tongue began pulling at the liquid, relishing the metallic sweetness. His stomach tightened in anticipation while his head seemed to fill up with butterflies. As he slid his thumb from his mouth, he felt his own fangs reaching down, relieving a little of the pressure in his gums.
“I can’t put my finger on it, Felix,” Elliott whispered, leaning in a little closer, so that Felix could smell even more of the luscious liquid on his breath, “but somehow, you’ve never looked so gorgeous.”
In the end, Felix didn’t know who kissed who first, but what he did know was that Elliott tasted better than any ice cream or strawberry or tuna roll he’d ever eaten. A couple of times, he was worried that he’d sliced his own tongue on a fang – Elliott’s? His own? It was impossible to tell – but even that didn’t slow him down in his search for every last dreg that Elliott hadn’t managed to swallow.
Meanwhile, Elliott’s grip on Felix’s waist tightened, their hips eventually digging into one another’s, Elliott’s back being pressed up against the edge of the countertop. Eventually, their lips parted, thanks to Elliott pulling his head back.
Felix’s eyes fluttered open, lips still bobbing as though they didn’t understand that the kiss had ended. Elliott was pressing a hand to his mouth, frowning as he let out another belch.
“I’m so sorry,” he grumbled, as though annoyed by his own body. “I just drank and you’re pressing quite hard on my stomach...”
Felix tried to shimmy back a little, though he was swiftly drawn back in by Elliott’s arms. Elliott’s eyes scanned Felix’s face, another grin tugging at his mouth.
“What?” Felix asked breathlessly.
“You’ve got, uh… Sorry, that’s my fault.” Elliott lifted a thumb to the corner of Felix’s mouth, dragging it across his lip.
“Am I messy?” Felix’s voice was a little distorted from having his lip tugged at. He batted his eyelashes at the delicious look in Elliott’s eyes.
“You’re positively radiant.” Hands slid around Felix’s neck, cupping his head and drawing him in for one last chaste kiss. “Why don’t I get you a little something to drink, and then we can head back to bed for a bit?”
Felix caught a fingernail between his teeth as Elliott and his lips moved away from him, towards the fridge again. He could feel a full-on blush starting, surprised that his body found enough red blood cells to pull off such a feat.
“Okay, darling.” 
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