#slight cringe
tvisnoton · 1 year
Poe: i saw u in my dream ♡
Ranpo: was i gettin money?
Poe: no?
Ranpo: then it wasn’t me.
Poe: ok
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marshmallowdoritos · 1 year
1, 2, 3
Love & luck will come to me
4, 5, 6
I'll be out of the sticks
7, 8
I will not experience hate
9, 10
I will meet a new friend
[Some cringy first attempt at a magick chant for positive vibes, use with what will it may work you]
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Jason Todd makes my brain regress to the stone age. Ooga booga, motherfucker!
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bluehairperson · 10 months
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I'm not immune to propaganda 😔
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r-aindr0p · 8 months
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Probably how the song cover yuu au would start, it branches from this headcanon post nothing too interesting as he mostly does it while alone but I figured I'll draw a little introduction in case I do random doodles of this little au.
Basically, he tries and sings >regrets it >posts the song >regrets it again >it gets shared >oh no >oh please no no no >ah fuck it, might as well film a clip for a cover at some point >not showing his real self tho
He labeled the songs as lost media as an excuse but he's not wrong and not right either, somehow... Since the songs are not from twisted wonderland they were never lost, but rather never existed but he can't tell this so yeah.
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ahappydnp · 7 months
i just noticed in this video that phil's laughter lines/crow's feet reach all the way to his hairline and something about that makes me emo (product of living with your soulmate for 15 years blah blah blah)
"i'll see you in the future with your laughter lines" or whatever that one phan edit said ;____;
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goldenblu · 6 months
ohhh my gosh that whole mask sanji idea has me REELING. sanji gains emotions the hard way but he's constantly questioning if it's real or not, if it's still an act, if it has ever been an act, who is his loyalty to now, to his country or his crew? which family? and maybe stealth black has been a mask as well, maybe that cruel, apathetic assassin is a product of pretending for the vinsmokes- so is there anything left of him that is not hollow desire to play for affection?
even if there isn't. the strawhats will love every part of him they find. maybe it will be hard at first, maybe they will feel betrayed and lost and angry. but he is nakama, and a mask is still a product of skin and bone. he has always been capable of being sanji.
like no pressure to continue on this idea in fic form but my god, if you have any more thoughts on this or anything like it i would pay to see them <3 it's so beautiful
asdksfja;lksjf sanji realizes that he’s come to see the strawhats as something more than a target, a tool to use and then cast away.
(he doesn’t dare to think the word family because that would be a betrayal of his real family, wouldn’t it? it would be an admission of his failure, and he refuses to be a failure.)
it’s all part of the act, he tells himself. it doesn’t mean anything. it won’t last.
but it doesn’t change the fact that he remembers all the strawhats’ favorite foods, that he knows how tell when chopper needs a little hot chocolate pick-me-up, that fighting back to back with zoro feels in sync and familiar in a way that it shouldn’t. all of these useless pieces of information and instincts that he shouldn’t have but does anyway.
so sanji panics—and isn’t that a new experience for him, panicking. every time the strawhats look at him, they see someone who doesn’t actually exist, shouldn’t exist. it makes him feel some emotion that he’s never felt before and can’t identify. it’s terrible; he can’t stand to be this person he’s not for any longer.
maybe he’s the one to reveal his true identity and goal to the strawhats. because he knows he’s in too deep; he needs to cut these ties himself and finish the mission he should have finished long ago.
or maybe it’s not up to him at all, maybe judge sends one of his brothers to find him because he’s taking too long. ichiji or whoever shows up on the sunny, gets a laugh out of sanji trying to play house on a boat, and then announces that sanji doesn’t need to pretend anymore, it’s time to deal the finishing blow and return home with whatever information he’s acquired.
however it happens, sanji does the whole “my name is vinsmoke sanji” speech from wci except it’s real this time, and that’s how the truth comes out. which is fine, it doesn’t matter what the strawhats think of him. it’s better this way, it’s better that they know where sanji’s true loyalties lie: with germa.
(right? this has always been an indisputable fact. so why does he feel so conflicted about it now?)
i don’t know how the plot would play out from here but later, when push comes to shove, sanji realizes at the very last minute that all he’s doing is exchanging one mask for another. he can’t go back to how things were before—his father won’t like that one of his perfect sons is compromised with such weaknesses, but more than that, sanji doesn’t want to be the emotionless third prince of germa anymore.
(the thought he won’t allow himself to think: maybe he never did.)
he never realized before that it was possible to have the freedom to choose, but he does now. so he pulls an uno reverse card and instead of betraying the strawhats, he betrays the only life he’s ever known and saves the strawhats instead, very publicly turning his back on the vinsmokes. the details of how exactly this happens escape me but let’s assume he’s successful in telling germa to fuck off. (for now, at least. i imagine this doesn’t last since judge would be unimaginably angry and go after him, but that’s a problem for later sanji.)
regardless, when it’s all said and done, sanji doesn’t expect the strawhats to allow him back onto the crew. he’s not a good person, he’s deceived and killed hundreds of people in cold blood. he lied to them, betrayed them, pretended to be someone he’s not. the strawhats know that now. by all rights, they should want to kill him. most people would. sanji would.
but they don’t. sanji doesn’t know what they see in him, but whatever it is, it’s enough for luffy accept him even after everything he’s done. admittedly, the rest of the crew still has their reservations; it’s clear enough that they’re hurt and angry and wary of him.
you broke our trust, nami tells him.
i know. sanji hesitates, and then says, i’m sorry.
it’s new to him, this feeling of guilt eating away at him, and he almost stumbles over the words. he’s never had to apologize before, not genuinely. stealth black doesn’t apologize. stealth black doesn’t feel regret.
but he’s not stealth black anymore. he’s someone else. he doesn’t know who, exactly, but he does know who he wants to be. black leg sanji, the man who only existed on this ship for these past few weeks/months, the man who was capable of caring and being cared for—sanji wants that to be real.
luffy’s giving you a chance to rebuild it, nami says. so don’t waste it.
it’s hard, at first. sanji has never not had to play a role before so now he’s confronted with the question: what parts of him are the result of the persona he puts on and what parts are truly sanji? he’s worn a mask in some form or another for so long—certain things are so ingrained in him that he can’t tell the difference anymore.
the next time he cooks dinner, he wonders: is this desire to feed his the crew real, or is it a leftover habit from black leg sanji? the next time he kills someone for going after the strawhats, he wonders: this ruthless capacity for violence, does that come from himself or from vinsmoke sanji?
but maybe it doesn’t matter where it came from because he can make it his. because nothing can take away the fact that for the first time, sanji is doing what he wants to do and not just what he’s told to do.
he says as much to luffy, who smiles and responds, i always knew you could do it.
and over time, the strawhats begin to trust him again. usopp stops being quite so nervous around him. nami starts working on her maps in the galley again, and this time sanji doesn’t have to lie when she asks him questions about the islands he’s been to. zoro tells him that he’d better not hold back during their spars, so sanji stops trying to hide it and lets his sharp edges stay sharp and dangerous and deadly. chopper learns the truth about sanji’s physical enhancements but it doesn’t stop him from worrying over him anyway, which makes sanji’s chest feel warm for some reason.
(and that’s a whole other thing—now sanj has to figure out how the fuck he’s supposed to deal with having emotions because holy shit do you people feel this way all the time?? it’s so much, it’s overwhelming.
he keeps having to ask: what is this feeling or that feeling or that feeling?? and everyone teaches him: fear. sadness. happiness. all things that sanji once thought were impossible for him to feel.)
he still struggles to balance kindness and cruelty sometimes—though he’s capable of feeling compassion now, it’s mainly only ever for the strawhats, and he’s still merciless to anyone he considers an enemy. in any case, his crew is there to support him, to help him figure out: who is he in the absence of everything that’s defined the last nineteen years of his life?
the answer? the cook of the strawhat pirates, sanji. just sanji. that’s who he is and who he’ll always be.
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asclexe · 2 months
ughhh fine ill succumb to peer pressure smh
insp by @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @sillyhyperfixator @cherrishnoodles :3
⭐️ BASICS :3 ⭐️
name: dr. fluoxetine pearl/dr. pearl
full name: fluoxetine millicent maxine marvin pearl M.D.
nicknames: flu, flux, flo
gender: enby (they/them), afab, fluoxetine is their chosen name, pearl is their dead name but they legally changed it to be their last name.
age: 34
nationality/ethnicity: filipino/french american. born in pennsylvania technically but raised in BALTIMORE 🔥🔥🔥
they have a slight new jersey and baltimore accent but it’s mostly general american
ppth position: head of gynecology/obstetrics, but they have a lot of emergency medicine and diagnostics knowledge due to their residency so they help around there a lot. youngest gyno head ever!!!
sexuality: aromantic allosexual bisexual
personality: quiet and spacey but not shy, they keep to themself mostly. they seem rude/apathetic but they’re actually very friendly, especially to patients. they tend to be very negative and pessimistic at times. they’re also quite secretive and a kleptomaniac. miserable by themself. fantastic at negotiation, a bit creepy and brooding at times, even. but they’re mostly harmless! there always seems like there’s something else going on with them..something much more…
appearance: warmly-skinned 6’1 masc appearing person. they had top surgery, so they have a mostly flat body, except for their softly round tummy. they’re very lanky, but not skinny. they have a good amount of meat on their bones, and they’re softly muscular. their hair is a choppy, voluminous short black wolf cut with two tacky strands of bleach blonde that fits their sharp face. they have black eyes and light freckles everywhere that are slightly visible on their dark brown skin. they face is sharp, but also youthfully soft. they look a lot younger than they are.
style: they wear a tight dark vest with either a basic white button down or nothing underneath with dark pants with their doctor’s coat on top most days, and it’s quite stylish and slick. occasionally, especially on days they’re not feeling well or an administration heavy work day or in general when they don’t leave their office, they’ll wear a big graphic t-shirt and baggy pants with a cardigan to work. they carry around a stylish but small, washed out messenger bag to hold their prescription pad, pens, etc along with anything else they might personally need. they wear low-top converse that are beyond beaten up everyday. occasionally they’ll wear a sweater vest, or maybe a tie. depends how they feel that day.
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they have diagnosed BPD. they’re completely deaf in their left ear. and they have PTSD due to something in their backstory, which i’ll delve into soon. they are also actively, but unknown suicidal but don’t sh.
tw for death, slight gore/injury description, :3
lots of yapping :3
it all started on a freezing winter night on december 18th, 1970 when a very pregnant dolores alma torres and a jean-gabriel adrian marvin archambeau were driving late at night, in the middle of nowhere, to visit dolores’ friend’s baby shower on an extremely icy road when dolores when into labor. jean-gabriel re-routed to find her a hospital, but quickly got lost in the dark backroads of pennsylvania. as tension rose and dolores got more short with him, as labor isn’t fun, jean-gabriel didn’t notice the deer he was about to hit and swerved at the last second. he hit the deer anyway in the million spins he did in the ice, and crashed into a ditch diagonally, killing jean-gabriel on impact. dolores waited there for hours in labor, in the dark with a fractured rib slowly puncturing her organs and a bunch of glass cuts next to her dead husband, until a car finally passed by and a kind stranger got some help. she gave birth in the backseat of their car and died shortly after.
her last words were naming her baby girl, pearl alma torres-archambeau, and that she was sorry, god.
they were sent to their french grandparents in baltimore after being cleaned up at the closest hospital, where they were raised pretty much happily until they were six, when their grandfather died of a massive heart attack and their grandmother of a grand mal seizure a year of quiet later. they were then tossed around foster care for a bit, until permanently being sent to an orphanage. they were a very quiet child due to all the tragedy following them. they read a lot of books, which gave them an interest in medicine early on. this interest was amplified when they needed to go to the hospital when their appendix burst. they were also incredibly clever, and earned top marks in all their classes. they didn’t have many friends, however.
when they were sixteen, they emancipated themself from the orphanage and graduated high school early. they applied to norte dame of maryland to study biology and chemistry for their undergrad and got accepted, also giving them a place to stay. they worked odd jobs and side hustles to pay for any tuition left after scholarships and spent their time studying mostly, and they had earned enough credits to graduate at 19. they applied to johns hopkins for medical school, and also got in. at this point they could afford an apartment close. and things seemed to go quite well for them!
well, until there was an armed robbery (baltimore 🔥🔥) at the little corner store they worked at after class. they were shot in the shoulder and twice in their left ear, but their co-worker took the worst of it and died to a gunshot in their heart. the er patched them up, unable to save their ear, and the robber was caught and jailed, but they quit their job and buckled down on school, spiraling mentally.
they graduated med school, started their residency, and changed their name. until the dean of medicine at princeton plainsboro teaching hospital had reached out to them, offering them a position in the gynecology department as that was their decided specialty. they got their top surgery there and was quickly offered be the ob/gyn department head due to their excellent performance :3
⭐️FUN FACTS :3⭐️
they’re left-handed!
they have a really weak stomach, despite their occupation
can speak french pretty fluently as well as english
they have genetic weak hormones, so they take hrt
they have two cats, morphine and xanax :3
besties with benefits with thirteen
sea shell/pearl collector!
i’ll prob be adding to this as i think about more things/their place in canon/the other ocverse :3
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waddei · 2 years
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[latenight phonecalls]
an arginnit au by ME!!! :333
after odd calls from 'Wilbur' become part of his daily routine tommy begins to notice a decline in his Energy and memory, chalking it up to an illness he hadn't heard off he tries to go on with his day to day battling the exhaustion that washed over him for seemingly no reason.
when bodies start being found In his area the near supernatural lack of clues surrounding the murders has the city throwing into a paranoid state.still,he doesn't turn on the tv to find out more, the news making his stomach twist. even after and he finds himself waking up with dirt on his shoes he doesnt think much of it
meanwhile Wilbur realizes that there might be more to tommys break than what he's advertising
TLDR: tommys been getting strange calls lately and has been struggling to remember why he seems to wake up every day super tired. meanwhile mysterious murders start to pop up all round Brighton.
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aybeebz · 2 years
They'd been on many little excursions, both with and without other friends to accompany them. But one thing was certain: Luigi and Daisy seemed to go off with each other more and more frequently.
It was obvious they were each quite fond of one another...or rather something more than just "fond."
Honestly, Luigi was completely smitten with Daisy. Her brashness, her confidence, her bravery... it all left him completely enamored.
So much so that he felt he didn't have the moxie to openly proclaim his adoration to her for the fear of pushing her away. If only he could muster up the courage to open his heart to her. As much as it hurt him, he'd decided not to get his hopes up of ever truly winning her over. It'd be best to keep his mouth shut on the matter.
Little did he know, she had her own thoughts to share on their situation...
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Luigi swallowed the growing lump in his throat. Crap, this wasn't right at all! Had he really given the impression that he was disinterested in her? It never occurred to him that she might read his attempt at modesty as a rebuttal of affections. As difficult as it was, he listened patiently as she continued.
"Then again, I know you're shy and soft spoken. Heh, hell, that's honestly one of the things I love about you. You're this sweet, sensitive, all around genuine fella... That's not something I've seen very often. That's part of what drew me to you..."
"But.... I've also noticed you seem to try to accommodate other's needs and wants... Even if it takes away from you, yourself... The last thing I'd want to do is take advantage of that. I absolutely do NOT want to drag you into something you're not interested in. So I-... I-I guess what I'm trying to say is that... I want to know your true feelings... I'd like to know formally if you'd actually..," she paused, biting her lower lip almost bashfully, "want to be in a relationship with me..."
His heart sank with every word that came out of her mouth. Because his feelings for her WERE very strong... So strong that he wasn't entirely sure how to express them verbally. Sure he hadn't made blatant statements of his affection out loud, but his reasoning was simply that...
He never actually thought his feelings would be reciprocated.
And so he kept those feelings inside, to not be known by anyone but himself. Granted, his brother could read him like a book(and vice versa), but to her? His silence was just that; Silence. Meaning now he had to clarify what his true thoughts were about this spitfire of a lady he'd grown to swoon over.
A task easier said than done.
"So please, Luigi... Spare my feelings. And be honest. How do you really feel... about me?.."
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He steeled himself as he tried to think of how he wanted to word what he had to say.
"Princess, I-"
"Just Daisy."
"I- Uh?.."
She shifted her stance uncomfortably. "We're way past formalities, aren't we? Please just call me by my name."
Luigi nodded. "Y-yes, yes, you're right." He took a second to clear his throat. "Daisy... I know I've not been very, eh... Direct with you. A-And I'm so sorry for that. I never, NEVER meant to make you think that I don't enjoy your company... I actually enjoy it a lot, honestly."
He fidgeted in place for a moment, trying to assess the vibe of the space they occupied. Daisy remained in her guarded position, brows still furrowed ever slightly. A shiver went down his spine.
'The way she can intimidate a person by looks alone... What a woman~💞' he thought, briefly.
"You have this, ah...," he gestured his hands in a circle motion as he tried to think of the word, "I don't know... this presence about you that is so strong, so fierce... A-And you have this passion for living life to the fullest, facing everything head on without fear... I may not be saying this correctly but..."
"You're one of a kind, Daisy. Deserving of so much more than... than an awkward tinker that doesn't know what he's talking about... I could never imagine that someone as amazing as you are... would settle for a klutz like me..."
Her expression softened as she uncrossed her arms. "You're not a ''klutz,'' Luigi..," she chuckled, "I mean, you might be a little clumsy, maybe a little awkward, but that's not a bad thing. If anything, I find it endearing. I like that you're not perfect." She smiled up at him fondly. "... that you're authentically yourself. That's more than enough for me."
Luigi's face flushed at that last statement. It took him a second to realize he'd gone silent again. He cleared his throat again. "Okay... rambling over... You deserve to hear what I've neglected to tell you."
"And that is..?" Daisy quietly asked, eyes wide in anticipation.
Taking a long, deep breath, he gingerly placed his hands on her shoulders. He tried desperately to swallow his nerves.
"Prin- Ah-... Daisy. I... I..."
He could feel the color rush to his cheeks as he sputtered. He panicked. Why NOW of all times was he drawing a blank?
"I... I uh..."
Daisy's intense, waiting gaze didn't quite help his nerves. If anything, it made it so much harder to speak his mind.
'SAY SOMETHING YOU FOOL!!' he screamed at himself internally. There had to be some way to convey his feelings clearly!
Before he could think, his hand gently traveled up her arm, past her shoulder until it caressed her face...
and then-
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His heart raced. The rush of sheer bliss that clouded his mind was unreal. To hold the woman he adored so close, so intimately was.... pure ecstasy~
But all too soon he suddenly snapped back to himself.... 'Oh no... Oh no! Did I overstep?? Was this unwarranted?? What have I done?? She's gonna be so angry with me!! I have to apologize!! Oh stars, I've ruined everything!!' his mind was flooded with thoughts of regret and embarrassment.
But before he could pull away to explain himself, to express how ashamed he was... he felt her warm hands resting atop of his wrists, steadying them. Glancing up momentarily, he realized she was leaning her weight ever so slightly into him as her soft lips pressed against his own.
She was... Kissing him back?
Huh... Maybe This was the right call after all?
His eyelids slid closed and he allowed himself to enjoy the intimate moment.
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They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity.
After a few moments, Luigi finally pulled back to look her in the eyes. With a new vigor in his demeanor, he knew exactly the words that truly described his feelings for the princess of Sarasaland.
"I love you, Daisy..."
In wonderment, she stared back at him. Then a sweet, yet sly smirk crept across her lips. "Well I'm glad the feeling's mutual... cuz I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't kiss you like that again~💕"
It seemed that FINALLY, their relationship could officially be considered solidified❤️
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moodymisty · 5 months
Hey guys, feel free to keep sending in things like normal i would really appreciate it, but I'm going to take a few days off. Thanks for being here <3
TW vent
Very long story short, I still live with family for multiple reasons. It's complicated, and the current landscape doesn't help. But my mother is mentally ill and has no desire to get help for herself, and a lot of things fall onto me. But she has put a lot of time and effort into making me the one with every issue, rather than looking inward. My childhood was a lot of being called retarded and many other things, having passive aggressive jabs thrown at me, and getting berated at for getting caught wearing makeup and dresses because she wished I'd been born a boy. It's stressful when the person demanding so much attention and work from you has never really wanted you to begin with. this is only the tip of the iceberg but
I've had to deal with another meltdown, and my human interaction meter is largely at it's limit, so I'm going to go play some Elden ring or something else and try to relax. Thanks for being so patient with me.
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commandermahariel · 21 days
it's so fucked up that in my mind katona is a creature-adjacent kind of thing with claws and sharp teeth and eyes glowing like projectors in the dark and rancid vibes that are felt even by non force sensitives that towers above most humanoids and does weird unsettling shit. and then i open the game and she's a slightly taller human with slightly paler skin. i hate it here
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the-blinkie-guy · 2 years
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𝔹𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕖𝕫 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕆𝕟𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖 ℙ𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖 (𝕚𝕟 𝕒 𝕂𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕎𝕒𝕪)
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sinekq · 2 months
Jesus I dig up my yt with most of the weird sso stuff i made
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hellonerf · 3 months
i used to be a 2p disliker because (guy who feels contempt for hotguy handsomeguy badboy shit)(thats what i saw a lot of for meri...) but ever since meri became meri to me i have cringe affection to her. and by proxy all the 2ps. anyone can be a cute girl!(principles to die on)
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wolfprincesszola · 7 months
Reasons Not to Kiss Him
ngl cringing over every single thing i write even if i know it's not bad. have some wrightworth/narumitsu rot. enjoy and remember that likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated <3 ——————– Summary: Miles Edgeworth debates whether or not to kiss Phoenix Wright when there are so many reasons against kissing him.
Trigger Warnings: Self-Hatred, Slight Mention of Suicide
Content Warnings: Swearing
<Masterlist> <Read it at ao3> ——————–
"Kiss me."
The words uttered were so quiet Miles couldn't even register it as a whisper. It was more of a muttering under a breath than something Miles could register as speaking. For a second, Miles would have thought that it was nothing. Waved it off as something Phoenix was mouthing with no real intention to act on it. A joke Phoenix wanted to say, but stopped himself from uttering. A voice that died in his throat.
But then, Miles saw the way Phoenix looked at him. He saw the way Phoenix swallowed nervously, his Adam's apple moving up and down with every second that Miles didn't speak. He saw the way Phoenix's eyes darted at every part of his face for any clue that Miles got his message. He saw the way Phoenix's lips wavered, debating whether or not to utter the fact that he was joking. Or maybe he should keep his mouth shut, pretend like he didn't say it, just as Miles was wondering whether or not to pretend not to hear it. Miles almost didn't.
Phoenix took the silence as Miles hearing the first statement and he expounded on his statement, "I'm not scared of you. Please. Kiss me?"
Phoenix meant what he said and that was what scared Miles. Miles loved the man. He sure did. It had been more than a decade of knowing him as a defense attorney and a long time coming that they had gotten together. It would be awful if Miles didn't love Phoenix with how long they had been together; he knew the man loved him the same way. Maybe even more than Miles. But the fact that Phoenix had wanted Miles to kiss him and that Miles didn't know if he could scared him. It scared him shitless.
There were thousands of things against their relationship. Against the idea of them kissing each other. He knew that, but that wasn't what he cared about. That wasn't what scared him. In fact, he couldn't care at all about the people that hated their relationship, about the things that were trying so hard to keep them apart. He could waive them off without a single thought.
It was his mind that scared him. Because he was listing every reason he shouldn't kiss Phoenix in his mind, trying to find a reason to say no. Ten came to mind that was stopping him.
One. Miles wasn't raised to love tender.
As much as he hated it, he was still Manfred von Karma's student and his mentor was not someone who loved tender. If he even loved at all. Miles still wasn't sure about that, but he was taught to hurt and lash out when he was attacked. To sting a bee before it could sting him. That meant that with love, he was expected to lash out before he could truly be loved and appreciated. That meant that being loved by Phoenix scared him so much because he didn't know how to stay with Phoenix when all Phoenix needed was a hug or to talk about his feelings. He was always taught tough love. Stand up and pick himself back up so he would know how to help others pick themselves up. He tried his best. He helped others with picking their broken pieces up and trying to help glue them back together, but it was different with Phoenix. Phoenix was delicate porcelain China and unbreakable plastic containers at the same time. Almost impossible to rip apart, but almost impossible to put back together again. Miles struggled when it came to helping him because the way Miles loved came from a place of hatred. It was filled with hiding the truth. It was filled with too much grief. It was filled with frustration. It was filled with staying quiet and listening. It never was speaking out and preventing him from making those mistakes. Phoenix himself knew that, but for some odd reason, he didn't seem to mind. He didn't seem to mind that Miles wasn't raised to love tender. Instead, he always lent a hand in helping Miles understand how to love him and he always tried to find a way to love Miles in the way Miles knew love to be. Phoenix compromised for Miles.
Two. When Phoenix was around, all Miles could do was tremble. When he was around, Miles wanted to get on his knees that were too weak to stand. Phoenix had so much power over him that it was dangerous.
Miles didn't like it when men had power over him. It was a sign of weakness and no one in the family that raised him was ever weak. Crying, speaking out about feelings, sadness, being too stubborn. All weaknesses that ran in the von Karma legacy. That was how it had always been, so it was suspicious how much power Phoenix had over him. How much power Phoenix chose not to use on him. Always with free will. Always with smiling at him. Phoenix never made Miles feel pressured to do anything, never exercised the power Phoenix had over Miles to make him do what he wanted. There was always a "only if you want to" and "would you mind helping me" hidden behind all of Phoenix's requests. He could have Miles at his every beck and call. Making him food, buying him presents, being there to satisfy his every need. Yet, he didn't. It was weird considering what Miles dealt with in his family. He was asked to do things that seemed more like demands. "Help your sister", "do these chores", "excel in your courses", "listen to me whenever I ask". That was how it was, especially as an eldest son. It was expected of him and it was fine. His family knew they had power and respect over him, and Manfred von Karma especially exercised that authority. Phoenix? He understood how much Miles was head-over-heels for him. He understood just how much Miles's heart pounded every time he approached the man, just how much he had Miles wrapped around his finger, just how much his smiles could make his day better in just a millisecond. Phoenix could easily have Miles serving him, but instead, Phoenix gave Miles all the power he had over him. Phoenix gave Miles the self-control to be who he wanted around him. Miles wasn't too sure how he liked that.
Three. Phoenix was too good at forgiving and Miles was too good at violence.
He never exercised it at Phoenix, but Phoenix had seen how angry he could get. Phoenix had seen just how much Miles loved him because he had gladly punched plenty of people who harassed him endlessly. A couple of school bullies, stalkerish fans, criminals, and more. Miles had seen them all around Phoenix and he had seen just how much Phoenix had been scratched or been pushed down by them. It boiled his blood hard enough to result in him seeing red and sometimes that red was blood. Blood from the persons. He was violent and angry all the time. That was the way he was, but Phoenix didn't mind. He just smiled at Miles and patched him up without a complaint. He held Miles' glasses so Miles wouldn't break them and protected Miles from getting hit. He had stepped in a few times and had even defended Miles for hitting them. It didn't make sense. How come Phoenix wasn't scared of him? How come he continued to forgive Miles? How come he never seemed to care that Miles was so good at violence? How come he could trust Miles so easily to know that Miles would never hit him? How could Miles trust himself to know that he wouldn't eventually hit, or more importantly hurt the people he loved? Especially Phoenix. That, he didn't have an answer to.
Four. Miles knew what society said about monsters, and most importantly, what happened to the men that loved them. Was he really going to do that to Phoenix?
He was a monster. He knew it himself. He hurt people when he didn't want to, lashing out at them either physically or verbally. Most likely verbally. He couldn't pick up on signals and sometimes, he would pick the wrong action that he knew was the wrong choice. When he should've been comforting, he gave tough love. When he was comforting, he tried to hide behind his uncomfortableness and instead tried to take a backseat stand. He didn't know how to deal with emotions. He never really learned how to deal with them. He was easy to snap and it terrified him down to every cell in his body what would happen if anyone truly made him angry. Angry enough to kill. He was sure he was close to it whenever someone hurt Phoenix. He knew that the men that loved monsters always got the worst of it. Monsters always shifted back, always killed the ones that loved them, or at least what was of those. Always hurt the men that loved them and changed the men until they were almost unrecognizable. Miles knew he had already done that with Phoenix. He had seen how Maya and Larry had mentioned how differently he acted. Even Trucy, who didn't really exist in a time where Miles was out of Phoenix's life completely. They said it was better that way. That Phoenix was a fraction of an eggshell before he managed to find his identity with Miles. Miles wasn't so sure about that. He wondered if it really was a good thing. If changing Phoenix was really something that everyone adored or if everyone would eventually turn on him, the way society always did on monsters. If they would realize that Phoenix changing was awful and if they would lock Phoenix up from protecting Miles from the harm society would lash at him. If they would treat Phoenix as if he was insane and if they would hurt Phoenix for loving a monster like he loved Miles. He didn't think it was worth the risk.
Five. Miles's hands didn't know how to be gentle. He thought about the last beautiful thing he held that shattered in his palms, the fresh rosebuds crumbling between his fingers like a bruise. A wolf-man and war machine like him wouldn't know how to hold something magic and not destroy it.
Phoenix was magic to him. He saved Miles in the worst time and kept him from being drowned. He stayed there with Miles during his toughest days and was often the result of Miles having life-long debts to him. Phoenix was gentle to Miles. Always delicately framing pieces of hair out of his face, always holding him closely as if he could break if Phoenix squeezed, always giving him the kindest and gentlest smiles to keep him going throughout the day. Miles wasn't like that. Just as he was his mentor's student, he was Franziska's older brother. Just as his sister was rough with the things she did, Miles was too. Miles learned from the reckless, crushing anything in his palms that could not be pushed around or bruised. Anything magic faded and anything beautiful lost its beauty when he held it too close to him, not wanting to share it with anyone in the world. With Phoenix, Miles never wanted to let him go, but he always did before it was too late. Before he crushed Phoenix to pieces and was left staring at a broken pile of what once was beautiful. What once was the amazing Phoenix Wright. Someone who had fought through a war every day of his life wouldn't know how to hold someone who had brought him everything. Someone who had to deal with destruction in his childhood wouldn't understand how to keep something close to him without destroying it before anyone else could find out.
Six. If Miles hurt Phoenix, it might kill him.
Knowing that it physically ached his heart and made him angry to even see Phoenix be slightly wounded at any remark that was told his way, Miles knew it might kill him if he knew he hurt Phoenix. If he kissed Phoenix, he would let Phoenix in and it meant the man could be hurt. Miles always hurt the people he loved, no matter how much he tried not to. It was the way everything went. He hated it. If Phoenix shed a tear because of him, Miles would never be able to forgive himself. Miles knew the damage he did on people who made Phoenix cry or on people who tried to break Phoenix. He wondered if he would die from a broken heart because he hurt the man he loved most in the world.
Seven. If Miles hurt Phoenix, he might kill himself.
Miles knew he'd hurt anyone that even made Phoenix annoyed. That came with his love. His heart was sometimes too big that it was hard to hold it inside of him. Too physically big for him to express that he needed to do it in other ways. One of those ways being hurting those that hurt Phoenix. He knew that if Phoenix even exhaled to keep his cool, Miles could be on his way to make sure that the person would never hurt Phoenix again. If dying from a broken heart didn't kill him, he was sure that he'd kill himself. After all, he loved Phoenix in that way and if he hurt Phoenix, he would do anything in his power to make sure that he could never hurt Phoenix again.
Eight. Miles was very bad at rehabilitation. This might be one addiction he'd fail to give up. Phoenix would ruin all other kisses and all other men and he would be stuck spending the rest of his life trying to forget his name.
Miles had a history of addiction that ran in his family. That's why he never got started on drinking alcohol. It was too risky, which mean that beer and wine were out of his life. He tried his best to get rid of any other addiction he would have. Steel Samurai collectibles? No. He would never stop collecting them and would spend the rest of his life trying to hide his hobby. Shopping? No. He was already trying to stop that addiction. Coffee? Absolutely not. He could even tell from a sip he had once that the burning sensation and the ability to stay awake would spiral him into an addiction. Poker? He couldn't think to gain a gambling addiction with his luck in winning. There were so many. He never stuck to one hobby too long, fearful that it would give him an addiction. With how smitten he was with Phoenix, he was scared that if he kissed Phoenix, he would never be able to go back. He couldn't break habits and he couldn't love someone the way he loved Phoenix. Phoenix was his first and only love. He was there with Miles through thick and thin, even when Miles was awful to him. Even when there seemed to be no reason for Phoenix to help. If he kissed Phoenix, he'd never be able to get rid of him when he tried to love another man. Tried to kiss another man. If they were to separate, he'd be forever searching for a way to erase the seared memories Phoenix implanted within him from the first moment they met. He just couldn't.
Nine. Miles still wasn't sure Phoenix wasn't just a dream.
Phoenix came at just the right time. He saved Miles from the lies Manfred von Karma gave him and solved the mystery behind his father's murder. From the deepest pits of hell and helped Miles pick the pieces back up that he tried to do himself with difficulty. Phoenix made it seem so easy to support Miles and he gave him the stepping stones to help Miles love himself. To know who he was as a person. It was no wonder that Miles fell in love with Phoenix after that. For that to be taken away from him at a moment's notice was heartbreaking by itself. He had tested it plenty of times. Pinched his cheeks, smacked his face, felt Phoenix's face. All to see whether or not the man was part of a great dream he was having. As if the man would disappear if he were to blink, and he would be thrown back into the real world where he was the Demon Attorney.
Ten. If Miles kissed Phoenix, he might wake up.
If Phoenix was truly just a dream, Miles knew that it would have to come to an end. If this was really his picture perfect movie, it had to end somewhere. And most of the time, it ended right at the kiss. If he kissed Phoenix, there was a chance he would wake up, alone in a bed that didn't have Phoenix in it. Alone in a life that Phoenix did not exist in or in a life where Phoenix did not exist in as his. That terrified him to even think about. Thousands of hours poured into loving a man that was just a dream. Thousands of hours poured into loving a man that would be gone in a blink of an eye. If he stayed in that moment, if he stalled the ending, it would be okay. He could stay with Phoenix for as long as he wanted.
But then, he looked at Phoenix, who was still waiting for his answer. Who was searching his face for any context clues about how he was feeling. Who had just whispered his name to try and get his attention back to the matter at hand.
Then, he began to search for the reasons to kiss him.
One. Because Phoenix was beautiful.
Even if beauty was in the eye of the beholder, Miles could agree that he loved everything about Phoenix. From the jaw he traced his fingers over every time he tried to memorize Phoenix's face to the raven hair that could only be described as the same color of obsidian to the blue eyes that reminded Miles of the salty waves in the ocean. The type of blue in the waves that could drown him if he was pulled in too deep. If he wasn't careful enough. All of Phoenix's appearance. And all of his personality. His kindness, his enthusiasm, his happiness, his bravery, his chaoticness, his consideration, his ability to love, his heart, his brain. All of it. Every part of him was beautiful to Miles and that was enough for Miles to understand that Phoenix Wright was the most beautiful thing he had ever come across. How could he reject such a beautiful thing?
Two. Because Phoenix asked.
There he was, so politely asking Miles to kiss him. To humor his wishes and to offer something that could so easily be shut down. It was brave what Phoenix did. Putting his heart out so easily just to ask for a simple brush of the lips. Miles couldn't fathom how Phoenix could so easily ask him just like that, as if it wasn't a make-it-or-break-it deal to their relationship. How could he say no to something so kindly asked for?
Three. Because Phoenix preceded "please" with, "I'm not afraid of you".
He had heard what Phoenix had asked. He knew Phoenix knew about his thoughts. He knew Phoenix knew Miles thought himself of a monster. He thought Phoenix feared him just as much as he feared himself, but that one sentence had changed his entire mind. In that moment, he realized that Phoenix had never been afraid of him because he knew Miles better than anyone. Knew Miles better than even he knew himself. His kindness, his heart, his anxiety, his worries. The inside and outside of him. Phoenix understood where Miles was coming from and what he was always thinking. It was always that. Phoenix somehow always knew and he knew that Miles feared himself. That he would one day mess up. That he would hurt Phoenix. And in that one sentence, Phoenix had proven that he didn't care what happened because he knew it would never happen. How could Miles not kiss Phoenix when he knew he could never hurt him?
"Yes." Miles swallowed his fears away and cupped Phoenix's face. Ignoring his pounding heart, he pulled Phoenix closer to himself. His hands shook the closer he approached the man, his lips hesitating when they were millimeters apart. Their lips brushed against each other and he could feel Phoenix's lips that were just a bit chapped from the cold of the air.
"You don't have to kiss me. It's okay." Phoenix whispered as if he knew about Miles's hesitation. "I'm not going to force you."
As Phoenix's lips moved, so did Miles's from the sheer distance. Even when Phoenix knew what he wanted and was this close to getting it, he still hesitated, wanting to know that Miles wanted it just the same as he did.
"I'm serious, Edgeworth. I'm not going to force you." Phoenix grabbed Miles's face to pull himself away, but Miles couldn't allow for it. He wanted to kiss him so bad. Despite the 10 reasons he had convinced himself to not kiss Phoenix, there were still that three that were convincing him to just do it.
So he did.
He leaned in and connected their lips together, feeling as Phoenix melted in his arms.
Phoenix tasted of coffee grounds and matcha green tea. Probably from the boba drink he had just ordered. Angry Matcha or something. Matcha milk tea with an espresso shot mixed in. Miles remembered looking at the description, though he wasn't sure why that was important at the moment. Phoenix's lips weren't necessarily rough as Miles could still feel the chapstick he had put on only a few hours before, but they were rough enough for Miles to know that he had to reapply it soon.
As soon as Miles pulled himself away from Phoenix, he searched for any sign that Phoenix hadn't actually wanted Miles to kiss him, but all he found was a shit-eating grin on his face, one that he couldn't quite stop if he tried. As soon as they separated, Phoenix had pulled Miles back into his arms, pressing their lips together once more.
He was right for one thing. Phoenix was definitely an addiction that he would never want to get rid of to the point where he had forgotten a very vital part of living. At least until the two of them were practically having to push themselves off of each other to catch their breath.
Miles smiled as he stared at Phoenix, still there in front of him. So he didn't wake up. He leaned his forehead against Phoenix's, trying to hide the smile that was coming onto his face as well.
Phoenix reached over to Miles and pinched his cheek. A slight pain reached his face and he scrunched his face up just as Phoenix let go.
"What was that for?"
"Just so you know it wasn't a dream." Phoenix smiled. "I love you."
And as Miles stared into the eyes of the love of his life, he realized that it didn't matter how many reasons there were to not be with Phoenix if it meant that there was one that brought hope and kept their relationship going.
"I love you too."
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