#searching for canonmate
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 21 days
'sup astro! shootin my shot with a pretty obscure source for a call: hey! i'm yujin ozora from appmon/digimon universe appli monsters and i'm looking for...anyone really? i'd also be down to talk to any other digimon kin peeps to be honest i'm an adult so 18+ is preferred! you can contact me at - @/shutm0n
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the-fictive-haven · 4 months
Seeing as we just had someone new arrive from another Circus yet again, I think it's finally time to do a - drumroll please - ... ✨sourcemate search!✨
We are looking for fictives/introjects from The Amazing Digital Circus to chat and hopefully become friends with host Yami and our own Circus gang! EVERYONE Circus related is welcome! Doubles? No problem. Traumagenic system? Great. Endo or self made? Awesome. You are or feel you're the same as the original? Cool! You're canon divergent or from an alternate world? Come on in! This is a safe space for all fictives and their sysmates.
Finding sourcemates would be awesome, but canonmates even more so! We'll give a quick description of everyone so you can get a better idea of who they are and if you'd like to get to know them, or if you may already know them!
Meet the cast;
>This group are all from the same timeline, which is very similar to the original one, but with some different events. All of them have memory of these same canon divergent happenings, or if not, have at the very least accepted the others as their canonmates.
(OG) Pomni - the first Circus introject to show up here. Nervous, breaks under pressure, prone to small outbursts, but a sweet girl and a good friend nonetheless.
(OG) Jax - has a bit of a softer side (don't tell him I said that) and more teasing and annoying than an outright violent jerk. Makes fun of me any chance he gets.
(OG) Ragatha - yeah she's the same personality-wise as the original canon, actually. One of the system "moms" and caretakers. Fuckin love her. So gay for this bitch.
(OG) Gangle - also the same. Clings to me like glue half the time because apparently I'm her security blanket or something, not that I mind. I have gotten the Jaxes to stop bullying her, though, even if only because I'm basically god here and they don't want to get put in time-out out of bounds (lol)
(OG) Zooble - we don't know a lot about her, actually. She doesn't bother to interact with anyone much and most of the time we have no idea where TF she is.
(OG) Caine - ... Caine.
>Everyone hereafter hails from an alternate reality! All of these divergent worlds are given codenames that'll be used when referencing these headmates to make distinguishing them easier.
The Darkside timeline: DS!Pomni - a more jaded and done-with-this-shit Pomni from a world where basically, everyone fucking died (abstracted). Her colour scheme is black, dark purple, and silver/grey. She usually appears glitched in our headspace, the abnormalities growing worse when she's distressed.
The Chain timeline: Chain!Jax - a more quiet Jax who keeps to himself and quite frankly doesn't give a damn. Dresses differently (sassy leather and jewelry type shit) and smokes for some odd reason, I don't even know where he's getting cigs from. The name of this timeline doesn't have much actual significance, it just needed to be named something.
The Ura timeline: Ura!Gangle - her default is comedy and she refuses to return to tragedy, literally destroying the mask and not looking back. While she may feel happier, the lack of balance has essentially made it turn into full-on mania and she'll carry on how she wants with no regard or notice of how it affects others. Also she has no sense of personal space. Her memories show that her world's Jax had grown low-key scared of her, she may have even bullied him back. Ribbons are blue instead of red.
That's everyone for now! But more are bound to keep coming in so we'll update this post as needed. Feel free to send asks, reply, repost, or message us!
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marrmora · 4 months
how do you know what. kind of angel you are, do you think? i figured mine out through others (fickin influence on me being angelkin; friends with canonmates) but im still not. sure.
Ooo, okay I really like this ask, actually.
In all honesty; I went through a bit where I thought I was just an angel, but then figured out I was a divine/god. And all I have to say is: I read books and researched on the higher beings since I was little (mostly Greek mythology, I always felt close to it), and just learnt about the angels and which one I felt closer to. You’re not always gonna figure it out by how you act, since you don’t always act the same as your type, but you can definitely reflect on it. It just takes trial and error to find it, find out with angel you feel comfortable with calling yourself. If you’re trying a label and don’t feel comfortable with it, that’s okay, you can try other ones out.
But I figured out my type by researching and trying labels, that’s all. I felt wings, and I thought it was my characters, but I felt it more and more. Decided to research it, but didn’t feel like a bird, so, I just searched more. So that’s all I recommend! Researching, reading, trying out labels. It helps a lot with figuring it out.
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fictionkinfessions · 17 days
Alexa, okay Google, hey Siri, and any other search engines:
How to admit feelings to a canonmate?
-someone with an irrational fear of admitting that they fell in love again
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i’m glad to hear that you feel more secure—that seems like nothing but a good thing. though i must defend the tsukasa-kun of my own memory—he was always enthusiastically looking forward, but i would hardly equate that with naïveté. i suppose i’d call you more… pragmatic, rather? a slim difference, i know, but one i feel compelled to make nonetheless. though i can’t well speak for either of you. (i hate to talk about my tsukasa-kun like he’s dead. it’s that same terrible feeling all over again. tsukasa-kun, when i catch you, tsukasa-kun…)
really, i can’t well call it effort on my part. the words flow of their own accord. if anything, the effortful part of it all is trying to keep from saying even more. i can’t help but feel as though you’re one of few that could understand where i’m coming from, as a fellow misplaced soul from a home somewhat adjacent to mine. thus, i can do nothing but blabber on.
leaning on your friends for support seems as good as methods could get, the way i see it. that’s proof that you’re good and loveable in itself, right? i’m glad to know you’ve got a support system you feel comfortable leaning on. and maybe just a teensy bit envious, but that’s neither here nor there… fufu. and i don’t think there’s anything wrong with being an attention seeker, as long as your methods aren’t harmful. who are you, if not the way that you affect other people? that might be an extreme way to look at it, but it’s my viewpoint all the same. i wish you the best of luck in consolidating your memories! if i’m being honest, i have fewer memories to speak of and far more gut feelings. most of my own memories are silly little things—nene having a particular penchant for hard candies, yourself always smelling faintly of spices… such is the life of a mostly canon-compliant individual. (though i must admit, i have found myself returning to questioning a separate canon, along with the one. is it possible to be kin with myself in separate timelines? i’ll have to give it more thought.)
likewise, i hope your memory-searching with regards to your saki-kun goes well for you. i get the impression that your bond was an important one. it would be awfully cruel of the universe not to reunite you two after all that.
in any case, i find it admirable that you’re so confident in yourself. even now, a year in, i still have my own doubts from time to time—though i’ve found that those times tend to be when im feeling particularly attached to a dear friend. more than once, feelings of closeness to my dear nene have had me wondering if i was really her all along, but i’ve come to accept that as a symptom of shared childhoods. uouuiuhhhhggg….nene…… pardon me. yes, identity is always subject to change, though i think there are parts of the self that do remain mostly static throughout such phases. as such, i’d like to think we could continue to get along even if you found yourself leaning into another shift of yours. i’m not very familiar with star rail myself, but this kafka character sounds like quite the interesting individual in her own right~… and it’s quite the honor to be able to call you a canonmate. maybe not of my canon, personally, but i’ve already mentioned the comfort that’s come with speaking with a tsukasa-kun regardless. ^^
just like with his ambition, i find it quite hard to picture a tsukasa-kun who hasn’t got some kind of artistic inclination. he’s just that kind of person, i think. it’s the same with me—i think it has to do with all that we’ve got to express, being the weirdos that we are. art happens to be a convenient vessel for that. acting in my case, too—i’ve had a taste of directing here and there since my last incarnation, but in this life, at least for now, i find myself quite partial to being on stage, if only for the opportunity to see the expressions of the audience once i’ve swayed them with my performance. it truly is a feeling like no other, knowing i’ve made an impact just through doing what comes naturally… fufu. again, i could go on and on. but in short, I Love Theatre.
and please, don’t worry at all—your responses are more than satisfactory, truly. the fact that you take the time to read all that i have to say and then add your two cents makes me so very happy.
you know, i really did intend to keep this ask short. i really, truly did. but as you can tell, it seems to have gotten away from me. i’ll cut it off here if only to ease the burden faced by both of us. know that i’ll be doing my utmost to spread tsukasa-kun-itis to the world! ><
— 🎈
Well, from what I remember, He never needed to leaver everything (including his own self) behind for that sweet taste of glory. Though, I wish he didn’t go down the same path I did. And pragmatic? I’ve always considered myself as more of an oddball. Hardly practical, always pursuing to make art with what stage and circus can do. Though… Considering the fact I was rather tactful with some of my words, perhaps. I had a thing for puppeteering people back then! Make them put on spectacular performances to people! I would say my desire for control is, unfortunately, still there. Though, I’m trying to carry out in healthy ways, with the wellbeing of party 2 being considered!
Also, if that is the case, don’t be afraid to ramble, dear Rui-kun! After all, it does show you value my company and you want to talk to me really badly. Like I say, it really makes me happy!! ☆ _(:3 」∠)_
I suppose I really am lucky… Having people out there who truly love ME, despite being millions of miles away. I am still in disbelief till this day. I feel that I don’t deserve it, yet I can’t help but want more? I also do my best to make others happy to deserve this affection, though it never feels enough. Of course, my parents are iffy about it, you know how they are.
Sometimes I get reminded of my past life, whenever that sort of thing happens.
And by all means, I feel it’s okay if you kinsider other kinds of ruis! I happen to be going through the same thing to, perhaps to a lesser extent… At this point I’m probably the embodiment of all Tsukasa Tenma-kind! /hj
(Also ajshsdh spices? I wonder what kind. Methinks cinnamon :3)
Saki. I wonder if she can ever look at me. Hm.
Anywho! Truth be told, ever since I cam to this world, I was naturally confident. I longed to be on stage and perform. Shyness was a learned thing for me. Either that, or perhaps stars don’t belong with the common folk… I always had trouble approaching people to hang out; I’ve been with adults and people older than me for the most part. I’m also kinsidering Gardenia by Malice Mizer! A white wolf prince residing in a dream forest with many flowers. Other than Jesterkasa, my kins have been sad dreamy people fit to be comfort characters…!
Perhaps Rui-kun had begun to wonder what it’d be like to be the actor secretly? That’s nice to think about, honestly, I’m glad you like theater! Truth be told, I’m actually infamously good in my drama club! People LOVE it when I’m the main character~! I hope it’s the same for you too!
As we near the end of my reply. PHEW WOW THAT IS A LOT! But I hope my answer is good… It’d be a SHAME if it wasn’t :(
And yes, go spread tsukasa-kun-itis through the world! Mehehehehe >:3
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radical-sourcecalls · 5 months
Hi there! We are a system with many sonic characters looking for others, Without being overly detailed here is some info! Please interact with this post if you're interested in contacting us!
Mainly searching is our host, who is Silver the Hedgehog; highly canon divergent, canonmates unlikely but im looking for anybody from the source!
19~27 (age slider) and bodily we are 25.
I was closest with blaze (adopted siblingship + coworkers), and over time, I became extremely close with Shadow. I also became somewhat good friends and comrades with Amy, Knux, Rouge, and Sonic.
If any of that sounds familiar or if you are around the same age (let's say 21~30s), then we should totally be friends!
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problematickincalls · 11 months
I am (yet another) Will Graham from NBC Hannibal, in pursuit of nobody in particular (sort of). I find myself antsy, bored, in search of anybody of intriguing conversational capacity — Dr. Lector, perhaps, in that I would trouble myself to subject me to you again to experience the ecstasy of such riveting discussions. And to be seen. Mutually. It is a treasure to pick somebody apart to the extent to which they wish to be known (and beyond that). I miss … Speaking to you. Even if it is gritty or uncomfortable, to speak with sincerity beyond the confines of standard conventionality is truly liberating.
So… Lecter. Or anybody. I don’t necessarily desire interpersonal obligation. Should somebody of any identity or source simply wish to speak openly and objectively about anything without filter — I’m willing to engage. Ehh. 18+. I do not use public platform social media anymoreeee so discord or an alternative direct messaging service is convenient. I will reach out personally here to inquire how best to contact you.
Do not often answer these directly, but I am *a* Hannibal. I already have most of my canonmates, but if that isn't a problem for you I would be happy to pick your brain. Just contact off anon and I'll reach out.
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exo-meme-ories · 4 months
all of the funniest exo-mems we've had all involves me(the not host but might as well be because I'm NOT ABLE TO LEAVE FRONT BECAUSE I AM FRONT) so might as well list my favorites for now(tws- #3 mentions animal death, #5 mentions christian/religious stuff, also THAT dsmp cc got switched out to "soot" whenever mentioned so it shouldn't show on searches because these are MY POSITIVE MEMS and I'm unwilling to have his bullshit taint them)
1) c!dream source, was color blind in a very specific way- manmade things(dyes and paints) get switched around so Green looked Purple (mirrors were a nightmare to handle) this lead to me absolutely annoying the shit outta george and sapnap when I first met this: picture this all white enderian like 5 year old in a purple dress with green/purple eyes(I can never remember which they are actually) aggressively pointing at tree leaves and grass and screaming(in the positive way little kids do) at a colorblind human and a VERY confused fire demon child that the LEAVES and GRASS are PURPLE!!!! and every time you try to correct this white creature who CLEARLY doesn't know those are GREEN you get "NO THEY'RE PURPLE!!!" and the loudest giggles that prove they're messing with you,
2) c!Philza source, one of the few I have retained my nsfw organs in I have Egg Photos: this is great for 1) body is an artist (coping mechanism) 2) there's an Insane amount of soots and tommys in our system and others we know(siblings, aunts/uncles, and my own adopted and/or canonmate kids) I GET TO EMBARASS THEM ALL AT ONCE BY SHOWING ONE SET OF CANONMATE'S EGG PHOTOS AND IT'S THE GREATEST THING EVER!!!
3) there's a qsmp RUSSIAN soot source, listen to me, the fact that somehow our brain stared at that twink brittish man and turned him into some buff russian experiment who could crush a bear's neck between his thighs at 12 years old is a feat on its own. The fact he assigned it to me is a whole other feat
4) the amount of times I'm trans and/or fae
5)(context to the fae bit) our brain essentally homebrewed mcyt fae stuff(pre any/most minecraft/mcyt introjects) with our friend of 4 years- and then it took over most of our sources and headspace like Oh Man So Many Guys Who Could Kill Christian God Here (which funnily we ALSO have an introject of but he's one of our favorite protectors so we don't mind his existence he's cool) and so many opportunities to talk about the pink stabby grass and other fae bullshit THE MANY CHANCES I GET TO SAY "NO" TO HAVING REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS AND JUST BEING GENDERLESS BUT PRESENT HOWEVER!!!!!/pos
6) every (c not cc)techno, tommy, soot, ranboo, and tubbo OR ADJACENT INTROJECT BUT DISTINCTLY NOT THEM I've met has had the same "scratching here = docile rumbly mess" spots as me which I've used to my full advantage 1000% and I'm a menace because of
- the front room(tagging myself like this bc gods that'll be hard for others to not know us from)
i don't have the brain to read these right now but it's been in the inbox so long i feel bad for not posting it-
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tommys-kin-hell · 5 months
hai !!! Could impossibly get some kip tips for a Layla (genshin impact) kin who’s more masculine ?? Thank you so much !!!
Try making star charts to help whenever you feel disconnected or perhaps even frustrated with something, it might help you calm down and figure things out.
Try on clothing you may have worn in your source, maybe try making them more masc fitting if you feel they weren't.
Try looking into astrology and learning about it to feel connected. If you like to write, trying writing whatever you can about astrology or the stars in general.
If you can where you live go stargazing with a friend or by yourself. Let yourself relax and enjoy.
I would recommend getting some types of scents or anything of the like that remind you of your source.
Search for canonmates and sourcemates! It might not be easy but having someone to talk to will most likely help jog your memory.
Try focusing and researching a topic that really interests you, whether it relates to your past interests or not, doing something like that might help you remember certain stuff.
If you followed a certain routine as a student (if you were) try following along if it wasn't stressful!
I hope these can help you in some way!!!
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northstarwomenblog · 8 months
Why hello there! Here's some questions from the fictionkin meme:
❔ - How did you figure out you kinned this character?
🤝 - What's your relationship with this kintype (ie spiritual, psychological, etc)?
👕 - What sort of clothing do you associate with this kin?
💥 - What skills or abilities did this kin have, if any, that you can't do now but wish you could? (ie superpowers, languages you don't speak, skills you don't currently have, etc)
🔮 - Have you ever predicted something about your source material before it happened based on kin feelings? (For example, having a kin memory that lines up with something that happens in your source before you ever knew about it)
👥 - Do you have any canonmates for this kin, and/or are you interested in finding canonmates?
thank you for sending this ask!!!!!!!!!!
❔ - i figured out i was starlo kin cause of. well its a really long story BUT the short of it is i finished playing undertale yellow and he was my favorite and my friends started joking about killing him in their runs to give me psychic damage and it made me feel personally attacked for some indescribable reason and i ended up ranting about it hours after they had stopped and then they were like "hey you might be fictionkin" and i was like "oh that would. make so much sense." and then that night as i was falling asleep i re-experienced a memory of the part of the pacifist route where ceroba flung me against the wall so hard that i passed out when i was trying to stop her from fighting clover. and that basically solidified it for me.
🤝 - uhhhh mostly just neurodivergent if im gonna be honest. so mental/psychological i think?? i dunno, im still very new to this stuff. i talk about it like it is a past life even though i dont believe in past lives, and im pretty sure its just because i am extremely neurodivergent that i kin starlo.
👕 - COWBOYS!!!!!!!! i get so much happiness from wearing the blue scarf i crocheted recently cause it reminds me of my blue bandana i wore! also overalls any generally any farm-like clothing. makes me so happy and like i am in the right body :D
💥 - magic, like every monster!!! it feels so incredibly weird to not have magic and not be able to summon a magic floating gun wherever i want or to just sit still and summon a small, harmless bullet to juggle around in my hands when i get bored.
🔮 - not really cause i didnt kin starlo until after i completed the pacifist route, and any other memory i got came after i finished that route, unfortunately. unless in canon i was in fact transmasc. if it gets confirmed that i was transmasc in canon then that would be one thing cause the game is so new that i wouldnt be surprised if anything new gets confirmed about me lol.
👥 - yes!!!!!!!!!!! i have several sourcemates and i have one canonmate!!! my beloved friend @yellowclovers who found out he was clover kin literally minutes after i found out i was starlo kin. and then turns out we end up having memories that line up with each other. cause he remembers having awoken after the ut pacifist route and when going out to search for one of their friends, they found out via martlet that i had died and that ceroba was also still dead. which lines up with my memories cause i come from flawed pacifist in which i died not long after wishing clover good riddance. we are still very good friends though and i forgive him for everything now that i played the game myself and understand the pressure they were put under. it wasnt really their fault, after all, as much as it sucked.
i would also love more canonmates,,,,, especially a canonmate ceroba. i know a fictionkin ceroba but she does have enough memories for me to confirm if shes a canonmate or simply a sourcemate. though i suppose it would be bad to wish to have a canonmate ceroba because she literally died in my canon so i mean.
ANYWAYS!!!!!!!! thank you for sending in an ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really appreciate it :D
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mystery-aberration · 6 months
Hello! :]
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I am Mystery or Aberration. You could also call me Michael--I do not mind, names are just sounds we make and ascribe personal meaning to. I use it/its or they/them pronouns, and we alternate between calling me "we" and "I". Unless specifying my whole system, this only refers to the users of this account. I am in the @interstellarsystem -- we are quoigenic, diagnosed with DID and have over 400 members. We accept all system origins, and also all good-faith identities.
I am:
A fictive of Michael (Distortion) from The Magnus Archives.
Hisuian Zoroark fictionkind.
A macaw therian.
Queer--agender, but in a complex, eldritch-so-gender-is-gone way. Demisexual and pansexual.
Disabled--neurodivergent, psychotic, physical disability.
I sometimes am more Michael than I am Distortion, and when I am, I go by Micah with he/him pronouns. Think of us as a median subsystem. We are the same person but still different. He will also post here from time to time.
We have no DNI, we will block as we please. We may also be unable to find/read your DNI, so if we interact and we are on it, block us as website design intended. Searching for DNIs is not always accessible to us, as we are disabled and many are hidden or formatted in ways hard to handle. We follow back from @grimwalker-grimoire.
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| Dividers by cafekitsune! | My playlist, because why not share? | Trigger Warning Tags | Our Website. | Ask! |
More under the cut.
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We sometimes speak strangely--this is because of psychosis causing thoughts and speech to be jumbled. I hold psychotic symptoms for my system more than the others, so speech does not often work and I forget actual words for things and describe them sometimes. Example; I referred to "minorities" as "small people" because I forgot the word. This is something I cannot change without considerable trying and effort. You can laugh at this if you are laughing alongside me and not mocking.
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Personal Tags:
#op - Original posts.
#rb - Reblogs.
#srb - Self-reblogs and reblogs from our other blogs.
#ask - Asks! I love asks and talking, do not be shy :]
#mystery forms - Images specifically of Mystery.
#micah forms - Images specifically of Micah.
#mystery (they/it) - Posts by Mystery, the combined form of us.
#micah (he/him) - Posts by the component of me that is mostly Michael Shelley.
Other Tags:
#aesthetic - Pretty things :]
#alterhuman - Alterhuman posts.
#brainweird - Neurodivergent posts.
#creatureposting - Our pets.
#eye love you - Tag for Jon, in my system. He is not my canonmate and also is many other things, including my boyfriend. He is Vince of @possessed-pack
#fibre crafts - Embroidery, sewing, knitting, crochet and anything like those things. I like making little things :]
#plural - System things.
#queer - LGBT+ posts.
Source/Identity Tags:
#sourceposting - Posts about our sources.
#tma - Posts relating to The Magnus Archives (my source!).
#michael distortion - Posts specifically about Michael distortion.
#distortionposting - Posts that are mecore in a Michael way.
#spiralling - Posts reminiscent of The Spiral and related concepts--only slightly different than #distortionposting, do not ask me to define the difference more than you would expect me to define where the exact point is where yellow becomes green.
#pokemon - Posts relating to Pokemon.
#hisuian zoroark - Posts specifically about hisuian zoroark (with maybe some regular zoroark too).
#zoroarkposting - Posts that are mecore in a zoroark way.
#macaw - Posts specifially about macaws.
#macawposting - Posts that are mecore in a macaw way.
I am a creature of disorganisation and confusion. Tags may not stay consistent, despite my efforts to keep this sorting-focused brain happy. Only things that will be consistent and properly tagged are triggers.
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 month
can you help me find qsmp canonmates? my name is slime and i'm hoping to be friends with any canonmates, especially mariana!
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kincalling · 6 months
Hello! i'm shinji ikari, looking for absolutely anyone who remembers me from neon genesis evangelion! specifically right now i am really missing ayanami, aida and katsuragi, but i miss everyone a lot.
i have memories of multiple timelines, specifically 2 reminiscent of the original series, and one surrounding the rebuilds. im not searching for canonmates exclusively, just any mediamate out there :]
im 17 as of right now, and I don't mind interactions from 15-19! please reach out to me at @starlightikari !!
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solradguy · 1 year
I have a headache and today's been stressful so I'm going to say something true and beautiful.
Kinnie meme. Template at the end since the source blog deleted. This is a long post.
1). What is your fictotype? Are you a specific character, a nonhuman species, or both?
You know.
2). Do you experience dysphoria? How so?
Not really. Sometimes I get embarrassed about being 'kin but I just suck it up and deal with it like I am right now.
3). Who are you open about it with?
Anyone that looks at my blog header and pinned post FAQ. I only really get open about it with a handful of very close friends though. And I guess anyone that reads this the whole way through.
4). Do you participate in the fandom of your source? How do you do so?
Damn, should've saved the "you know" for this one lol. I translate and scan books and have written a little fanfiction. Among other things...
5). Do you fictionflicker?
Had to search this so here's the definition for others: A Kintype that isn't permanent. It seems to "flicker" in and out of existence if you lose interest in that fandom.
Before Guilty Gear I probably did, but I had a hard time in general figuring myself out until relatively recently.
6). When did you realise you were fictionkin? How long have you been in the community.
It'll have been a year in late August. Some of my friends are fictionkin but I wouldn't say I really interact with the wider community at all.
7). What was your introduction to fictionkin?
Lmao... Probably seeing kids talk about it on DeviantArt back in '05 or '06. I've known about it for a long time. Though... I have to admit my views towards it back then used to be negative.... My second "introduction" was in the end of last year when I finally sat down and looked stuff up about it.
8). Are you similar to your fictotype in personality? How so?
That's how this all started. Friends kept making jokes about me being a Sol kinnie even though I was like this BEFORE Guilty Gear and eventually I just went and researched it and, well, here we are. People on sites I'm not open about this on have compared me to Sol before too and I just laugh about it. They don't know, but they know.
9). Are you similar to your fictotype in appearance? How so?
Not really. I guess we both have brown hair that wants to be vertical real bad and I've got a crazy shoulder/waist/hips ratio but that's about it. Oh, default expression like this -> T_T
10). Link to/tag your favourite fictionkin Tumblr.
11). Have you ever met other fictionkin? In real life or online?
I've met therians and non-fiction otherkin in real life but have only seen other fictionkin online.
12). Have you ever met canonmates? In real life or online?
13). Have you ever met doubles? In real life or online? How did it go?
Yeah, there are a few other Sols out there. It's gone fine, I don't really care about doubles and all that jazz and it didn't seem like they cared either. It'd be fun getting all the Sols together for a BBQ and shitty beer. We can play cornhole.
14). What are shifts like?
Bad. Makes me stay up late reblogging Jack-O' images :/
Jk lmao I ended up searching this term to make sure I was understanding it right because I was going to say "no" to this question but I guess I "dream shift" often and get "phantom shifts" (phantom limb sensations for non-human appendages) sometimes. For the phantom shifts it seems to be for wings the most frequently with claws and meat-tearing teeth less frequently.
The wing feeling is weird, I don't like it. It doesn't feel like the whole wing, just sort of where they would connect to my back but either the rest of the wing never existed or was never formed in a way that had nerve endings, or my brain forgot what the rest of the wing would be like. Usually I only get this feeling right after I wake up and it goes away quickly but sometimes it happens when I'm fully awake. The claws/teeth happen whenever.
I often wonder how related these feelings are to having synesthesia and being trans.
15). How do you deal with kin for fun?
I don't. It can be a little annoying sometimes when trying to find people or studies/essays that are serious about otherkinity, but more often than not the KFF people are just teens goofin off. I don't care. They are, as the name suggests, just doing it for fun and exploring their identities through characters they relate to. Introspection is always good.
16). What are your thoughts on symbols, flags, etc.?
Indifferent. The 7-pointed star's pretty neat though.
17). Does fictionkinity connect to spirituality for you?
18). Does fictionkinity connect to neurodivergence for you?
It seems so. Like I said in one of the above questions, I used to have a hard time figuring myself out and when I was young I'd try to see things through the lens of a character that I related to. This likely wasn't otherkinity, but I think it maybe evolved into it. There weren't many masculine 6'5" women for me to relate to as a kid, I didn't know how I was supposed to be and gender didn't make any sense. There's definitely a relationship between being trans and otherkin for me.
19). Do other people notice your similarity to a character or species?
It seems so.
20). How do you express your fictotype? Clothes, merch, cosplay, maybe even name?
Tumblr media
21). What's something about the fictionkind community you wish was different?
Don't see many essays and stuff from fictionkin as I do from other kinds of 'kin, which is a shame. It's probably because the rest of the otherkin community and the internet in general are unkind towards fictionkin.
22). What's something about the fictionkind community that you appreciate?
Someone's gonna laugh and say I'm just not seeing it, but if there's drama in the GG fictionkind community it never makes its way onto my feed. Hope it stays that way. Leave me out of it.
23). How do you approach consuming your source? Analytically, obsessively, casually, reluctantly, etc...
I bite a hole in the bottom of it and chug the whole thing like a beer can.
24). What's the worst anti-fickin take you've seen?
The most common one because it's annoying: "You're not actually a fictional character." No shit.
25). What's the best anti-fickin take you've seen? Respond to it.
That even if it really is only a passing phase, or that it turns out someone actually isn't 'kin of what they thought they were, that they still learned something about themselves.
26). What are some songs that remind you of your fictotype or source?
I've been working on a playlist that I wanna copy onto cassette but it's still 30 minutes short (needs to be 90 to fill the tape). Here are three songs from it:
I Will Find You - Whitechapel
Summit of Dragons - Sold Soul
Imaginary Fire - Carpenter Brut
27). What are some other characters/species that remind you of your fictotype?
The other day I compared Sol to an Italian mastiff. Dragons, obviously. Ifrit from FFXVI and Dante's Sin Devil Trigger from DMC5 share a vibe with his Dragon Install too.
28). Do you have a favourite piece of fanart?
Every Sol that Ume, Sutegoro, Hungry Clicker, and Nainsoo draw is golden.
29). Do you have activities that connect you to your source? (Food, hobbies, interests, etc.)
I spent 6 months working on a 3D printer to make a 1:1 scale Outrage MK.II, code, and have six Queen records. What else is there.
30). Talk about what it's like to be your fictotype.
I don't know. Some things make more sense, some things don't. It doesn't bother me as much as it did at first but finally having an explanation for what my brain is doing—and that it happens to other adults too—has been comforting. Though, I suppose it's on-theme for Sol to have complex identity feelings and a struggle to accept them.
1). What is your fictotype? Are you a specific character, a nonhuman species, or both?
2). Do you experience dysphoria? How so?
3). Who are you open about it with?
4). Do you participate in the fandom of your source? How do you do so?
5). Do you fictionflicker?
6). When did you realise you were fictionkin? How long have you been in the community.
7). What was your introduction to fictionkin?
8). Are you similar to your fictotype in personality? How so?
9). Are you similar to your fictotype in appearance? How so?
10). Link to/tag your favourite fictionkin Tumblr.
11). Have you ever met other fictionkin? In real life or online?
12). Have you ever met canonmates? In real life or online?
13). Have you ever met doubles? In real life or online? How did it go?
14). What are shifts like?
15). How do you deal with kin for fun?
16). What are your thoughts on symbols, flags, etc.?
17). Does fictionkinity connect to spirituality for you?
18). Does fictionkinity connect to neurodivergence for you?
19). Do other people notice your similarity to a character or species?
20). How do you express your fictotype? Clothes, merch, cosplay, maybe even name?
21). What's something about the fictionkind community you wish was different?
22). What's something about the fictionkind community that you appreciate?
23). How do you approach consuming your source? Analytically, obsessively, casually, reluctantly, etc...
24). What's the worst anti-fickin take you've seen?
25). What's the best anti-fickin take you've seen? Respond to it.
26). What are some songs that remind you of your fictotype or source?
27). What are some other characters/species that remind you of your fictotype?
28). Do you have a favourite piece of fanart?
29). Do you have activities that connect you to your source? (Food, hobbies, interests, etc.)
30). Talk about what it's like to be your fictotype.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
i think im done with canonmates, or even actively searching for sourcemates. the last person who was a ‘canonmate’ was a liar and gave me false memories. always making me kinshift for what they wanted, never wanted to learn more about current me. it was horrible.
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findthebae · 9 months
hello, i'm aphelios from league of legends. i'm currently in search of anyone that i may have been associated with in my main canon as well as alternate universe canons but the two that i am interested in the most in finding is my sister, alune, and sett. i am looking to find my canonmates, but do not mind sourcemates interacting as well, i even think it'd be fun to compare our canon experiences. :) i am over 20+ and only comfortable with adults over 20+ interacting! a main trait of mine through all my canons was that i was transmasc, so if that sounds at all familiar i'd love to speak with you.
! ! !
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