#season 2 alien boogaloo
thatlittledandere · 2 months
EDIT: Should have linked this originally my bad here it is
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sam-da-sloth · 2 years
I just finished Earthspark and OH MY GOSHGFHHBBNNHH. I loved it. I require more. Give me my precious content, or there will be problems.
My honest review of Earthspark.
Things I loved:
Steve Blum.
Megatron calling Twitch ‘Little Bird’ absolutely melted my heart because, next to him, she is sooooooo tiny! It’s adorable.
Buddy McSnarly. Buddy envisions everything I aim for in life.
Dot and Megatron’s dynamic was beautiful. They were so cool together. I love the fact that even though Dot is a human he laughs with her and treats her like a friend. If I don’t get a whole lot more of them in the next season there will be problems.
The fact that they only draw attention to Dot’s prosthetic once and it’s when she’s telling the bad guy that she was harmed by the war too, is awesome. It shows her not letting it get in the way of her day-to-day life. She fights giant alien robots like a badass. We need more characters like her in modern media, people with disabilities that have normal lives. I love the way she was portrayed.
Swindle was awesome. I loved tfa swindle and I think tfe Swindle is my second favorite portrayal of him.
Twitch’s swords were awesome.
Nightshade. REPRESENTATION BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. FUCK. YEAH. I have wanted a non-binary transformer since I first got into transformers and my wish was finally granted. I love Nightshade and they better have an important roll or I will throw hands.
The fact that Megatron seemed to have better morals then Optimus, intrigued me.
Steve Blum. (part 2: electric boogaloo)
Lazerbeak was adorable and I want to hug him.
Soundwave looked awesome. (Flat Fuck Friday)
The main cast of humans wasn’t just white with a black person thrown in so they could say they have a diverse cast.
Hashtag calling herself Sparkplug and then saying they want revenge on Skywarp because and i quote: “We used to be roommates (insert picture of Hashtag and Skywarp on a bunk bed) in the bad guy academy (insert picture of them staring into each other’s eyes blushing and holding each other.) The fact that Skywarp uses she/her pronouns makes this even better because it means: Imaginary Lesbian Relationship.
Episode III: Return of the Blum
Things I disliked:
The fact that the smoke and fire were 2d while everything else was 3d bugged me immensely.
Mo’s head and eyes seemed like they were twice as big as everyone else’s was kinda weird but that’s probably just me nitpicking.
Starscream showed up for less than 10 seconds. For 5 seconds he was just a silhouette and it lit him up, he did and evil laugh and then the episode was over. W H Y. WHY MUST THEY TORTURE US WITH FALSE HOPE. I NEED STARSCREAM CONTENT. AHHHHHHHH- (in all seriousness I can’t wait for more Steve Blum as Starscream. He did an amazing job in tfp and I can’t wait to see what he does now.)
All-in-all Earthspark was awesome and I can’t wait for more content.
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they’re back
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domesticated-feral · 3 years
WIP Tag!
Thanks for the tag @nacreousgore
List all your wip titles, all meaning even the ones that make vague nonsensical ones
Tag as many people as there are wips (IM NOT DOING THIS)
AND you guys get to send an ask about whichever is intriguing to you and ill either ctrl c ctrl v a snippet from it or talk about it :D
Okay, so.. the last time i did this, back in october of last year, I had 81 wips. In the 18th of december i did a wip count and I have 166 total wips.
So I'm going to just name off to the wips that are on google docs only.
All the google doc wips under the cut because oh my god.
3-fucking-8 wips on google docs.
Tagging: @scribeoffate @shyawkwardwriter @astarshine @scilessweetheart @bisexualbuckaroo @blue-eyedbeta + anyone who wants to do this!
if you already have done this, apologies. and you dont have to do it if you dont want to :D
- “Hey! Yeah, it's me...guess what...I'm- I'm coming home,"
- “We’re here"
- Angsty feral stiles fic
- Being the son of a wealthy estate owner was not as laid-back as anyone would think
- Can you even hear me? A season 6 rewrite
- Claudia expected a Christmas letter to Santa
- Controller of the Void
- Draft oneshot heehee
- Five Nights at Freddy's x Teen Wolf
- Furballs of Chaos (and love, but mainly chaos)
- Happiness in your Arms
- I ordered for a new ot3 and I got peter x gwen x flash and im very much into it (not teen wolf, but the amazing spiderman)
- I'm bored as hell
- It's a jacksciles fic now
- Jackson Isaac Stiles hell yeah shitsticks lets goooooo
- Jackson Whittemore
- Look, when i find an angsty dialogue prompt and song (especially if it's by Panic! At The Disco and from their golden era) you know im defaulting to Stackson Second Person Smut + Angst mode in a heartbeat
- Matera, Italy
- Maybe Jackson pov demigod fic?
^ goes in hand with another wip below (highlighted with an *)
- Regency AU and Omegaverse go hand in hand right?
- Scackson ABO? Smut
- Sceo abandoned wip (not abandoned, just takes place in an abandoned warehouse setting)
- Sceo Thing - Ouija Board
- Sciles, angel!Scott, friends to lovers, angst
- Scott was home for winter break this semester
(this was abandoned for a while but not anymore but I have yet to change the title, but the title reeks of the pure frustration I felt when I abandoned it so I left it to remind me of that)
- Smutty Sterek pls send help
- Sterek Thing
- Stiles and Scott, fresh college graduates decide to spend their summer on a road trip across the states (MURDEROUS ALIEN FARMER)
- That I Lie With
- The Makings of A Pack
- Three demigod bitches saving the world once again ***
- Wedding Sterek on hold
- Why'd you only call me when you're high?
- Yeah, I have a specific trope I wish to write.
ALSO Feel free to pick a number from 1-83 to pick a wip from my notes app <3 (I'm purposefully leaving the handwritten wips for my sanity)
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queensparklekitten · 4 years
good afternoon to chaotic fashionistas with pet cats and a history of being chased by the FBI, cat queens, teenagers who act like little kids and throw awesome parties, cat-loving serial killers, website veterans who i still picture a 9-year-old when i think of, princesses of the kingdom of the rock, cryptids who write god-tier poetry and may or may not be in the addams family, girls who keep being misspelled as crystal, girls who sing to rampaging serial killers, girls whose innocuous non-roleplay post turned into The Shadow Incident 2: Electric Boogaloo, girls who get themselves tied up in food fights, girls who have a demon following them and die around once a week, potato kingdom royalty, token college students who also throw amazing themed parties, girls who love pugs, girls who have burned through who knows how many usernames, girls who godmod in snowball fights and start flame wars over Dumbledore, people who were around for the first ever Bee Movie incident, girls who watch Kamen Rider, gingers, people obsessed with porgs, boys who switch between roleplaying as themselves and as a female sona named after a season, aliens who draw on themselves, and anyone who has war flashbacks when someone says the opening lines of Bee Movie 
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ozymandiasdirge · 4 years
with that disappointing finale we move onto tng season 2: electric boogaloo. episode 2x01 the child
did they change the uniforms? they already look better. ALSO WORF IS IN GOLD. i kept wondering why he looked off but finally my boy is in the right colors
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THE ERA OF CURSED RIKER HAS LEFT US and wesleys uniform is even less hideous
i dont know why riker just sat down like that but it was a very chad move
he just got out of the chair weird too. thank you mr. frakes i have no idea what to do with this
the effects look better already.
deanna has extremely sparkly blankets
wait so beverly’s just gone???? why is wesley still here shes his mom and hes like 8 hello????
picard literally every episode “fuck them kids”
this is so awkward akjdbkasb me too picard
was there behind the scenes drama with gates mcfadden too. are we really losing two female characters
WHOOPI GOLDBERG!!!!!! HELLO????? i forgot she was in this holy shit.
oh she’s stylin 
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do they really just have a bar. honestly they need it good for them
i like deanna’s new hairstyle. and her new pantsuit color, i like the aubergine. even if her lipstick is garishly 1988
DEANNA TROI IS WHAT???? oh god please tell me this isnt the sci fi trope i think it is.
riker is about to have a heart attack oh my god. WHO IS THE FATHER. 
this is weird i really do not like this. i hope this doesnt end up like the baby in alien
can they stop trying to tell deanna what to do with her own body.
why....is she going to have the baby thats suspicious. did the bodysnatcher aliens come back
i like seeing data and deanna interract its always so sweet
okay...is it necessary for the new doctor to be needlessly rude to data? are they just trying to do bones again??? we don’t need to do bones again.
do they just have the whole bridge crew here watching her have a baby??? awkward
why is troi not more alarmed by this????
i dont understand why she doesnt like data??? maybe im just salty because no one has literally ever pronounced my name correctly but uhhhh there is no need to be rude.
aww puppies!!!! i have no idea why theyre here but yay!
why is star trek so terrible at writing children
another whoopi appearance and more amazing costuming
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also this is literally the first scene where ive actually felt something positive for wesley. even if the rest of this episode is kind of garbage
why is troi so attached to this child. why is this child causing the weird radiation. this plot is very dumb and i am very much k*n with riker and data just looking very bored and confused while all of this is going on.
wesley is like a literal child why is he allowed to stay on the ship and also fly the ship without his mom
hello worf you got like 2 lines this episode but i love you
i cannot believe my favorite scene of this episode featured wesley of all people but WOW the rest of that episode was hot garbage. anyway hi whoopi its great to have you here
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meneatyoghurt · 4 years
Ok so I’m nothing if not super good at being cynical. And since I don’t care either way about whether Alex and Kyle are friends (cool if they are, cool if they’re not - really not bothered, I want Alex to have friends but I’m not that invested in Kyle being one of them), here’s my glass-half-empty/definitely not wearing kylex glasses interpretation of their “friendship”. I’m not saying I necessarily think all of this, but I think maybe Alex might (at least some of it). I’m playing devil’s advocate. Alex’s advocate, if you will. I’m going to do it scene by scene, so it’s going to get long. BUCKLE UP.
TLDR: They’re not friends, and I completely understand why Alex doesn’t think they’re friends. Kyle is much more open to being friendly and has made attempts to be a support for Alex. But I think they’re getting there, and have the potential to be friends. For now, they’re just working together.
So their first interaction at the cabin, they’re pretty frosty with each other at first. Alex is just irritated by Kyle, and Kyle is suspicious/judgy about the fact that his dad left Alex the cabin. When Kyle starts reminiscing about “the good old days” it’s with a fondness of someone remembering their boyhood - for Alex it’s a reminder of how his dad treated him. Kyle remember this fun jape where they snuck back into the house, Alex remembers it as “kiddie torture”.
Kyle kind of wants to make it clear he’s not the guy he was in high school. But he isn’t really taking complete ownership of his behaviour, he says “I don’t know why I was like that”, and it’s Alex who has to make him confront the fact that it was because he was gay. Despite the fact that later, we very clearly see Kyle in the flashbacks being openly homophobic. It’s Alex who brings up the bullying in the first place - he’s not going to let Kyle get away with reminiscing about them being besties without reminding him that it didn’t last, and it’s Kyle’s fault.
Kyle says sorry, but Alex cuts him off, so we don’t really know what else he might have said. Alex isn’t so much forgiving him as just wanting to forget it all. He’s been through much worse, and he doesn’t have the energy to care about getting bullied in high school. He doesn’t say it’s fine or forgotten, his “Don’t, please” is saying that an apology would be pointless, he doesn’t want to hear it. And he’d prefer if Kyle left as soon as possible.
(A side note that I am not in any way suggesting here that we are meant to think badly of Kyle or think he’s a bad dude - we can see he has grown and is a good man, and it’s nice seeing his love for his dad.)
And yeah, ok, the mystery solving in the bunker is a fun dynamic, but it’s like frenemies, with emphasis on the enemies. I think Kyle appreciates that Alex sees his dad as a good man, and he’s kind of disarmed/shocked by Alex revealing that his own dad abused him. He’s nice enough to apologise for “dragging” Alex into his dad stuff, and Alex extends a branch of kindness by reaffirming that Jim was a good guy (at the same time defending the father figure he himself had in Jim).
Let me talk about “You’re the bravest person I know” BECAUSE I HAVE ISSUES WITH IT. Look, I know people love this line. Because they agree with it, and they want to see that someone (and Kyle specifically) recognises Alex’s bravery out loud, and not in an empty “thank you for your service” way. But to my ears, that’s just what it sounds like. Kyle doesn’t know Alex, not now. We can trust his word on what his dad thinks, probably, and it’s nice that after Alex reassures Kyle that Jim is a good man, Kyle kind of does the same thing back to him, recognising that not only was Jim good but he would have thought highly of Alex too. But he doesn’t really understand.
When Alex says his dad was a monster, Kyle’s first thought is that Alex means because Jesse “sent you to war”, despite the fact that Alex has just revealed his dad was abusive - although he seems to get it after Alex expands. I’m not sure Alex exactly appreciates Kyle’s “you’re the bravest person I know” - he sort of almost smiles but then he just looks at Kyle, pretty unreadable, could be anywhere from “thanks” to “are you done yet?” And when Kyle leaves, he finally lets out a big sigh, letting go of all the tension. It hasn’t exactly been a pleasurable interaction, it’s been pretty stressful, and he’s relieved that he’s on his own again.
One last thing about this - Alex goes back to check the bunker again once Kyle is gone. He doesn’t trust him to be there when he checks the sun symbol thingy, despite the fact that it’s his dad’s cabin. Obviously we can’t really expect him to trust Kyle at this point, but it’s worth noting.
NEXT: in the bunker with Jenna (three episodes between these scenes and the last ones)
At some point, they have apparently talked to each other about aliens (Alex finds out that Kyle knows in the previous episode).They are again hardly friendly here. They snark at each other, and Alex basically gets in touch with Kyle because he wants information from the hospital. They are not hanging out socially. But Kyle is perceptive enough to know that Alex has a thing for (although maybe not with) Michael. How? Who knows. Memories from high school? Seen them around together?
Anyway, Alex is pissed by what he feels is Kyle judging him and defensive about why he shut down Project Shepherd, despite Kyle backtracking and saying he respects his choices. Alex doesn’t really want to be involved in all of this, especially as he’s at the end of his enlistment period (he’s absolutely contemplating leaving the air force, and you can’t convince me otherwise). At this point, he does recognise that he and Kyle are in the same boat, that Kyle didn’t ask for this either. And Kyle is taken aback but of course he doesn’t get the chance to say anything because his phone buzzes.
Kyle acknowledges that Alex doesn’t like him (or thinks he doesn’t), but he extends an offer of getting a beer together as a way to decompress from everything. So yes, Kyle is ready to offer his friendship or at least his kindness, but it doesn’t mean Alex is ready or willing to accept it. He does, however, admit to Kyle that he’s struggling with the fact that the pod squad were listed as threats. Kyle offers him advice and recognises that he cares for Michael, and Alex even follows his advice. So he’s willing to listen to Kyle, maybe starting to trust him, but they are not friends.
NEXT: Back in the bunker
They share information with each other - the letters and the piece of spaceship. Alex is less frosty here, but I think it’s largely because they’re talking about Jim. He laughs at Kyle’s boyhood nickname, but he also suggests to Kyle that his dad might have just wanted to tell him he loves him. Because we know that even if Alex isn’t super friendly towards Kyle, he’s a good guy and he thought Jim was a good guy too.
NEXT: A jolly adventure to Caulfield
In fact, Alex trusts Kyle enough that he invites him to Caulfied. Maybe as assistance, backup or just a buffer between him and Michael, or maybe because he feels Kyle deserves to be involved. He reaffirms that he doesn’t care about how Kyle treated him in high school anymore; there are shadowy conspiracies to worry about. Their Stars Wars/Star Trek moment is fun in an odd couple kind of way but, like their other little moments making fun of each other, doesn’t make them exactly friendly.
Afterwards, they have a sort of parallel of in the bunker when Kyle is doubting if the aliens are good, and Alex insists that Michael is a good person. And Alex is willing to open up about his experiences of war so he can school him on trusting your government and whatnot. More evidence that Alex is willing to maybe trust and confide in Kyle - but maybe only because Kyle happens to be there and he knows about aliens. Who else is he going to talk to? But they’re still not friends.
At the funeral, it’s again all business. They sit together and stand with each other, but it’s more because they’re both on the outside (feels kind of weird for them to be there tbh?) They’re not exactly talking about how Alex feels with his dad in a coma. He’s more distracted by Michael, and I wouldn’t exactly call it a friendly chat.
More freaky alien business as usual. It’s all about Project Shepherd and being a helping hand for Alex. And Kyle is pretty taken aback by Alex being a bit fighty, maybe showing he doesn’t actually know him very well. They are working well together, as they have been doing since the end of season one, but that doesn’t make them friends. (Interestingly, Flint calls Kyle Alex’s friend though! Could certainly be another reason he doesn’t want to call Kyle his friend.)
They don’t actually talk to each other in this scene, although I do think their shared hatred of Jesse connects them. They present something of a united front. But Alex’s “shut up dad” is as much irritation as it is defending Kyle in any way.
Apparently they only see each other at the hospital now. Anyway, the moment at the end of 2x05 was sweet, and I think it shows they have the potential to become friends - but it’s been a long time since Kyle suggested getting a beer together. Alex has got to a point where he’s able to make that gesture of sharing his flask with Kyle, but it’s going to be a while before he’s ready to call him a friend.
I don’t know if I missed any scenes or any where they mention each other. But yeah, I don’t think they’re friends yet - at least, Alex isn’t ready to accept that they might be. They’re sort of like colleagues. Work friends, but the work is freaky alien stuff.
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ysalamiri-queen · 5 years
2019 Fic in Review
Inspired by @myevilmouse I’m going to sum up all the writing I’ve been up to the past year. I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished, and thanks to you all for the encouragement to put my ideas out into the world! This has been a year of trying new things, and really growing as an author I feel… And wow according to AO3 I’ve written about 400k words in the past 12 months, damn. So let’s get to the list, going from the beginning of the year to the end, and as always please heed the tags on these before reading.
Note: As I go back, I’m realizing a lot of the links were messed up or are just straight missing. I am on the Mobile App so things can get messy. Please visit my works page on AO3 HERE to see all of these on my page under JessKo and my other pseuds.
1 Late Night at the Slab
Idea: Filling a prompt for the Thryce server in which some, uh, unique Chiss anatomy was assigned.
Result: A 3-way with Thrawn, Arihnda, and Eli and my first foray into the more Xeno side of things in a Modern AU setting. Yeehaw!
2 The Trouble With Free-Roaming Ysalamiri
Idea: Based on some adorable ysalamiri cuddles art by @strength-through-order I wanted to write some Thranto fluff.
Result: Ysalamiri-filled Thranto fluff X’D
3 Inquisitor’s Debt
Idea: What if the Grand Inquisitor changed sides at the end of Rebels season 1?
Result: Some fun throwbacks with Obi-Wan and Caleb Dume leading up to Quizzy defecting with Ezra.
4 Ancient Stems
Idea: Eli Week drabbles based on the Vanto Week prompts.
Result: A silly buzz droid narrative with Thrawn and some cute slice of life Eli backstory/Ascendancy days bits.
5 Charnsuka
Idea: Kinky stuff with Lord Garmadon when he’s an Anacondrai.
Result: Kinky stuff with Lord Garmadon when he’s an Anacondrai. Sorry Zane!
6 Caged Like Prized Birds
Idea: Again inspired by the awesome Chiss anatomy and Thrux drawings by @strength-through-order , I wanted to craft a narrative around Armitage, as a young man, stumbling upon a clone of Thrawn.
Result: Man, this might just be one of my favorite things I’ve ever written, had so much fun plotting it out and the smut is mmm! Tentacles everywhere~ I’ve gone back to re-read this a lot, I’ll admit it. I hope you all enjoyed it too.
7 Quiet On Set
Idea: Must. Write. Talos.
Result: A cute little platonic x-reader with everyone’s favorite Skrull. This was my first MCU fic too.
8 Diagnostic
Idea: Wanted to apologize to Zane for the damages done in Charnsuka with some Glacier shipping fluff.
Result: A silly glacier thing leading to a bit of foolery. I’m happy with it!
9 Heron Soaring
Idea: A continuation of the plot line from Heron Rising with Kanan and Thrawn.
Result: Too many feels… but some great sex to soften the blow, Kanera too!
10 Patron
Idea: Responding to a tumblr prompt from @wukeskywalker regarding Thrawn commissioning LOADS of artworks of Eli.
Result: More Thranto fluff! I see a trend here…
11 Black Heron
Idea: Kanan x Pryce for @myevilmouse , I think this was our first ‘collaboration’ on something!
Result: Juahir hires a special someone to show Arihnda a good time!
12 Red Heron
Idea: @star-wars-rebels-4 is always an amazing wealth of ideas for Grand Inquisitor, and encouraged a work featuring him and Kanan.
Result: Delicious back alley smut when an undercover Jedi is caught!
13 Warm Homecoming
Idea: Give my and a friend's OCs some cute fluff.
Result: OC fluff and a vacation to Hoth!
14 sowing the seeds
Idea: Add something cute to the spank war project.
Result: Another contender for my ‘favorite thing I’ve ever written’ rank. Two chapters of pining, cooking lessons, and sweet slick smut.
15 Red Frost
Idea: After watching “The Evil of Frankenstein” with @sneakybunyip ‘s amazing movie night group, I wanted to do something fun with Victor and Hans.
Result: A fun little adventure fic with some huddling for warmth to boot. Victor and Hans are the hammer-horror-verse Thranto send tweet.
16 a setting sun to hide the ruins
Idea: What if I tortured Kanan to the point he turned evil and joined the Inquisitors (and went a little insane in the process)
Result: Instead of torture, let’s just use some serum that drives him mad. Perfect. Smut ahoy, pretty much a dead dove type fic.
17 Pinktown
Idea: When browsing abandoned towns in Florida, I came across Flamingo… what if Thrawn had been exiled here instead.
Result: An alternate history of Thrawn’s exile and eventual discovery by the Empire. Huge thanks for @badgerandk on this one for the perfect epilogue and beta.
18 the sun rises to only illuminate the stranger i have become
Idea: Setting sun… part 2! But it’s actually what happens before sun?
Result: How Kanan ended up where he is for ‘a setting sun’... lots of imp smut and again, it's sort of a dead dove style fic.
19 Frozen Over
Idea: Ar’alani x Eli Vanto
Result: Somehow me and my writing partner ended up at sensory deprivation focus on this one.
20 Shape of Honor
Idea: Well, this one started in 2018 but ‘finished’ in 2019. Still working on the epilogue. Lots of tweaks… If you are not familiar, this is my AU in which it explores how the Thrawn novel and Rebels show would be altered if Palpatine distrusted Thrawn from their first meeting and accused him of being a Chiss spy. Vaguely inspired by the film The Shape of Water.
Result: Well it's nearly a novel now, isn’t it. This was a great adventure in learning how to create compelling story arcs. I’m extremely satisfied with how it is shaping (lol) up.
21 Datura Stamonium
Idea: Thrawnbine ovi smut.
Result: Oops it has plot now, a whole backstory with Eli and such and so fourth. Will need further stories told…
22 Desert Entropy
Idea: Luke/Wedge modern AU shenanigans.
Result: Also pulled Nath/Wyl and the Rogue Squad/Alphabet Squad peeps into this. Set in Vegas, Luke and Wedge meet and have a cute little romance, but some legal troubles set them back (Palpatine, as always, is That Bitch™) Very happy ending!
23 The Great Eli and Thrawn Prank War
Idea: See Chapter 1: Mullet Thrawn
Result: This thing really grew up, and thanks to all the contributors for allowing me to join in! My contributions were: 7-Bombs Away! In which a bit of drama brews and Thrawn makes a paint bomb that forces him and Eli back into being roomates. 11-Tooka Troube 2: Electric Boogaloo in which Eli finds his quarters slowly filling up with Tooka plush toys, and then something huge goes off in supply. 17-The Bitch is Back In which who knew Thrawn could sing?!
24 Clipped Wings to Keep Us from Flying
Idea: Continuing the story line from Caged Like Prized Birds
Result: Dragging Eli and the OG Thrawn into this, seeing that their stories were left untold in the first work. Also Armitage and the clone are up to all sorts of cool things. Still a WIP, on the list to keep working on this year!
25 I’ll do what I can.
Idea: Some Ronan/Krennic feels post Treason
Result: A Ronan character study that I really needed to get out of my system and finally a stable alliance between Krennic and Thrawn!
26 Purple Heron
Idea: @punk--kenobi and I concocted some fun Kanan/Zeb/Hera smut featuring Lasat heat cycles.
Result: Ah this came out so cool, full of emotion and wonderful imagery. Massive kudos to @punk--kenobi for beta-ing my portion and contributing some of the best smut one can find!
27 Ninjago Angst Week 2019
Idea: Do some 1-shots for Ninjago Angst Week
Result: ow right in the feels. Each character got a highlight in their own ‘dark retelling of a canon or canon adjacent event’ chapter.
28 Vertigo
Idea: Thing’s don’t go right planetside for Eli, Pik, and Waffle in Treason.
Result: Big oof. I hope Eli can one day forgive me… I even put strain on the end game Thranto! Bittersweet ending and lots of angst.
29 More Than Just a Treat
Idea: What is Obi Wan up to in the desert…
Result: Aunt Beau and baby Luke baked him cookies obviously!
30 Datura Metel
Idea: Continuing the Datura cycle…
Result: Just how Eli ended up where he did in the first installation.
31 Here & Now
Idea: Some Thranto Fluff! For @jewelliffer
Result: A camping trip for shore leave! And a marriage proposal for extra sugar.
32 Monster Under the Bed
Idea: Benevolent Boogeyman Chiss
Result: Modern AU Thranto spooky sillies. Bit of an intense climax but they talk it out!
33 Haunted by Sentiment
Idea: Nath is in denial of being the Squad Dad for @glassprowlers
Result: Nath’s very bad no good oh so terrible day! It's very silly and I really like how it ended up, the title is way more serious than the story itself XD
34 Pulse
Idea: Werewolf AU Lavashipping
Result: Oops Kai is a werewolf! Good thing Cole is here to help him figure out how to press on.
35 Stories from Area 51
Idea: remember the raid Area 51 meme? I do! Gotta clap them alien cheeks!
Result: Oh no it got PLOTTY! Pretty much all of my favorite characters and ships cherry-picked and plopped down into a Men In Black style facility in the middle of the desert. I really have a thing for the desert huh…
36 Good Day
Idea: The “truth” behind the “Good day, Lieutenant Vanto” from Thrawn in Treason.
Result: Oh stars the FEELS! Thrawn is in deep water and he KNOWS IT! GAH!
37 Fur Ball
Idea: Chiss are mogwai/gremlins…
Result: Silly Thranto fluff. Thrass shows up too! Feeding them after midnight is actually a good idea here… Grow your own ideal man!
38 Came Back Haunted
Idea: A mission fic centered around the @peters-pumpkin-day prompts.
Result: Ice planet survival with Tarkin, Krennic, Galen, and Ronan.
39 Sewn Together
Idea: This drawing actually is what lead to the fic-
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Result: A fairly unique reuniting of Thrawn and Eli after both return to the Ascendancy.
40 Spiked Heron
Idea: Oh no… Kanan gets himself in deep poodoo this time.
Result: Devaronians really like humans huh? The next chapter is half way written I swear it is coming soon!
41 A Colder Embrace
Idea: Thrawn/Purrgil/Ezra and Luke/Wampa for SW Rare Pairs.
Result: It's very cold on Hoth… and even colder in space.
42 Surround
Idea: Luke/Wedge for SW Rare Pairs
Result: Luke has to confront Wedge post ESB regarding what is, essentially, his deserting the Rebels.
43 What Happens Planetside…
Idea: Eli/Pik/Waffle for SW Rare Pairs
Result: heheh a scrumptious Eli sandwich! And surprise tentacles because, well, why not?
44 Hesperidium
Idea: Fluffy Kylux for the Kylux Secret Santa event
Result: Ah its so sweet you might get a cavity
45 Reanimator
Idea: Lovecraftian eldritch horror Thranto
Result: This is the sort of project that it takes 2 months to fine tune each chapter, so bear with me, but I can promise a wonderful, creepy ride is ahead!
46 Floral
Idea: Luke/Faro for SW Rare Pairs. Enjoy the Jedi lovin’, @myevilmouse
Result: Sex pollen and accidentally defecting from the Empire. Whoops!
47 The Harch
Idea: Bouncing off of THIS art by @mamidlo , we worked together to create this plot. Very much inspired by the Hammer Horror films, such as Dracula and Frankenstein.
Result: A fun and spooky romp of Kallus and Zeb getting trapped in a creepy castle featuring mind controlled drones and a species-obsessed Harch. This was my first time posting the entire story at once, too!
Wow, I can not believe how much has been written this year. Thank you all again for reading and kudos-ing and your amazing comments. I’d not be here without the support and love <3 Cheers to 2020 and much more fic ahead!
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mysteriesofmilo · 5 years
More Phineas and Ferb references
So after rewatching the entirety of Milo Murphy's Law (again), I've caught several more Phineas and Ferb references, in both seasons. Some of these, I have mentioned in other posts, but not the one I previously made. I'll start with three that I found in season 1 but did not include in my previous list.
In Missing Milo, when Zack, Melissa and Sara knock on Orton's door, Zack remarks, "Whoa! You look like a really old Dr. Zone!" This could be a reference to the scene in Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo where Present!Candace walks into the Future!antique store and says "Mom! You're sooooooooo oooooooollllll..." and then Present!Phineas and Ferb walk in and Phineas completes the comment.
In Some Like It Yacht, Mort asks Zack and Milo, "Did you guys see the omelet station?" This might be a reference to the episode "Mom's Birthday," in which Phineas asks if Candace would like to man the omelet station, she refuses, and later comes to regret it when her instruments keep disappearing.
Also, the plot of that episode is very similar to the plot of Swiss Family Phineas.
Now we move on to season 2. Note that I did not count anything from The Phineas and Ferb Effect. I was also careful with the Doofenshmirtz plot over the course of the season.
In Snow Way Out, Milo and Zack build a giant slingshot, which they have to use before the whale closes its mouth. This references Summer Belongs to You, in which Phineas, Ferb and their friends build a giant slingshot to send their paper airplane over the ocean before the sun goes down.
In Picture Day, the school marquee says "There's are only 82 days of summer vacation... and that's 104 days away". Aside from the grammar mistake, this is an obvious reference to the theme song of Phineas and Ferb.
Also in Picture Day, Cavendish shows Mr. Block the picture of Milo, while Chad sends Amanda the picture of the yeti. This could be a reference to The Fast and the Phineas, in which Candace shows her mom the picture of herself screaming instead of the one of Phineas driving in the race.
Also, in general in season 2, Cavendish and Dakota (mainly Cavendish) try to show Mr. Block the evidence for some alien device they've found, only for it to backfire in the end. This is very similar to how Candace always tries to show her mom the evidence for what her brothers have done, only for it to backfire.
The episode Agee Ientee Diogee (which, by the way, is pronounced A-G-E-N-T-D-O-G) is basically Misperceived Monotreme, but with Diogee instead of a random platypus.
Dakota in Lady Krillers and Mr. Blunt in The Mid-Afternoon Snack Club are both heard singing "I'm Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun!"
In Disco Do-Over, we learn from Mr. Block some information that makes Doofenshmirtz's backstory even worse: that his father thought so little of him that he actually made him replace a lawn gnome made of alien droppings in their garden. (This also gives a disgusting new look into Phineas and Ferb's Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror!)
Also in that same episode, we see Doof's embarrassing "I am a superstar" video, first shown in Tip of the Day.
In The Ticking Clock, Victor Verliezer is launched away from the clock and gets stuck to a tree at the 28th annual substitute teachers' convention. This is a reference to Summer Belongs to You, in which Phineas and Ferb's paper airplane flies past the 27th annual substitute teacher day.
In Managing Murphy's Law, when the dancing ponies end up at Milo's house, he distracts them with music. The song is the instrumental version of Everything's Better With Perry.
In Dog Walker, Runner, Screamer, the anti-gravity device that Dakota and Cavendish find could be a reference to Phineas and Ferb's Anti-Gravity Fun Launcher. The sequence where Milo, the dogs, Cavendish and Dakota are all levitating could be a reference to the song "When You Levitate" from the same episode.
In the same episode, there is a lady who tries to cut the ribbon at a ceremony. This lady also appears at the Tiny Cowboy auction in Meatloaf Surprise with opera glasses, and she also appears at the adult party in Happy New Year! when she says "If those were my boys, they'd be so busted" and Candace asks her to "Please! Adopt me now!"
Near the beginning of Now I am a Murphy, when the family is packing up for the camping trip, Sara says "Sara out." It's likely a reference the several times in Phineas and Ferb when someone (usually Candace) says "[their name] out, peace!"
In Abducting Murphy's Law, after Doof has built his Murphy's Law tracker, and he tracks Martin on his way out of the house, he plans to offer the kids some snacks, and the scene plays out much like when Linda comes outside at the end of Phineas and Ferb episodes to offer them snacks.
Near the beginning of The Goulash Legacy, Doof sings to himself one line of the song Lunar Taste Sensation from the episode Moon Farm. It's worth noting that his voice actor, Dan Povenmire, is the disembodied reggae space voice that originally sings the song.
In Adventure Buddies, Doof complains about feeling like a third wheel between Scott and Mildred. Scott explains that the way he sees it, he and Mildred are like a bicycle, and Doof is completely separate on a unicycle. This is exactly how Candace explains her relationships with Jeremy and Stacy in The Baljeatles.
In Look at This Ship, Zack and Melissa play a guessing game, and one of the things they are guessing is "other dimension-ator." This is obviously a reference to Doof's Other Dimension-ator (and his other Other Dimension-ator) in Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the Second Dimension.
In the same episode, Cavendish makes several attempts to show the alien ship to the world, but it disappears every time. This is similar to Candace's efforts to show her mom Phineas and Ferb's "big obvious ride" in Don't Even Blink.
In Cavendish Unleashed, the developer guy who wants to put up a desert-themed amusement park mentions that there is an actual desert only 6 miles away. This is most likely the same desert that Doof and Perry traveled home from in Road to Danville.
At the end of that same episode, Cavendish says "Great googly moogly!" which happens to be Major Monogram's catchphrase.
During the training montage in The Speech and Debate League of Death and Destruction Cross Town Explosion Event, Zack says that "Country music is better than western music" and Milo says "I did not know there was a difference," referencing Doof's scheme in Bubble Boys.
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bushybeardedbear · 6 years
A Little Something I like about Plance 2 - Electric Boogaloo. 💙💚
Wherein BushyBeardedBear adds to the “Bi-Lance” discussion and how it relates to his near obsession with this OTP... See Part One Here...
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Look at that soft look just look at it!!
So, the TLDR? - IMHO Pidge is best for Bi-Lance.
In the previous post I discussed how Plance, FlirtyRobot, Pidgance, SeaSalt, F*ckPlant, whatever you want to call this adorable ship doesn’t actually give us the LGBT+ rep we want... Well, maybe we just have to squint a little...? In this essay I will...direct you to the link below so I don’t dominate your feed...
This line of thinking started a couple of days ago. My partner was looking through a draft of one of my many unfinished fanfics and said to me... “You’re using that one again...?” “Which one’s that?” I reply nervously. “The idea that Lance liked Pidge when she was doing the Mulan thing...? You really like that don’t you...?” And my partner’s right. I DO really like that idea. It’s my top tier head canon. But the discussion got me thinking. Why do I like it beyond it being cute...? Well, there has been discussion in the fandom regarding Lance’s theorised bi-sexuality probably ever since he shared more than a nano-second on screen with another attractive boy. No shade, I’m guilty of it too in more fandoms than I’d care to admit. It’s a pretty understandable feeling. But there’s also this pic... 
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Given certain recent news that I won’t go into for fear of spoiler territory, this image suddenly has a lot more attention within the fandom. In particular, the discussion of Lance’s sexuality. Now, cute as it would be for Hance, Klance, Shance, Latte etc. to become canon, as long as they were all handled respectfully and lovingly for all involved, I just don’t personally see them fitting the character growth Lance has been given so far. Feel free to respectfully disagree, because I’m not anti any of your shipping preferences you ship what makes you happy. This is just my opinion, #shipandletship In the last post on this subject, my focus was essentially Lance unshackling himself from the concepts of toxic masculinity and how important a message that is for men young and old to see. Setting aside the idea of conquest, bravado etc and becoming a more nuanced, thoughtful and ultimately complete human being.
You know what fits that narrative really well? Loving someone regardless of what they are and more down to who they are. This wouldn’t be something new to Lance either. Just look at the early seasons of his being the incessant flirt-machine. Was he ever turned off by the idea of a non human being? Do you honestly think a particularly cute xenomorph would have been off the table? Seriously, if Lance had met this...
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...do you think he would have cared about the silicon skin, the acid blood, the secondary mouth (ok maybe the secondary mouth for making out...), the barbed tail...? Or do you think he would have just taken one look at the smile, the figure, and been all over her like a rash...? Or at least given the winning smile and the finger guns. And now, as his character has developed into caring less about the physical and far more about the person within, learning to put aside his feelings of romance into being a better friend and person, do we really think he’d suddenly be hung up on the same sex or gender identity of his own species? I’d be tempted to say Lance may not simply be Bi, but given his utter lack of concern about alien species, he may well be Pansexual.
And this is where the Crush on Pidge at the Garrison comes in. Maybe Lance never even realised it at first. Maybe he did and just didn’t or couldn’t act on it, giving the barrier early Pidge always put up...? Just consider though. Even presenting as a male, even with the cold barrier up, Lance sought Pidge out, Lance raced ahead at Pidge’s behest toward certain danger, Lance cared deeply about Pidge’s reassurance of his decisions, valued Pidge’s intellect and took a genuine interest in what Pidge did and who “he” (as Lance saw it) was. Even waking from a coma just to save “him” from death at the hands of Sendak. Y’know. Like a friend does...
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Or like a friend desperately reciprocates as a form of narrative parallel...
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Now sure, this is all speculation on my part and all of those instances can easily be discarded as “just friends” if you like, that’s the wonderful thing about media and it’s polysemic interpretations. But, friends only or friends to lovers trope, they do show at least a connection, on that much we can agree. Connections can develop. Connections can deepen. Connections can be re-evaluated with the benefit of hindsight. So, perhaps one day we’ll see Lance reflecting on both how cute Pidge Gunderson was to him and how cute Katie Holt is to him now. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful message for Lance, grown as a character, to love someone beyond skin depth, beyond sex or gender, and purely for the person they are...?
And who fits that role better than our favourite Green Paladin? IMO, nobody.
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Now you two hurry up and realise it already!!
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daisylikesmedia · 2 years
Series 1 Episode 6: Dalek
So the last few episodes were quite goofy, a lil hard to take seriously at places. This is on purpose, because this makes Dalek hit so much harder.
The Daleks were the stuff of jokes for a good 20/30 years in british pop culture. With the decline of classic who and then past it's cancellation, the walking tin cans would not have been seen as a threat if presented to an audience in 2005. So Robet Shearman had a mission. Make the Daleks scary again, and boy did he succeed.
This episode is watching one (1) singular Dalek destroy a whole bunkered down military base armed to the teeth. It's a massacre, and all the little jokes people had about Daleks got dismantled. Beaten by stairs? Lmao no. Shoot it in the eyestalk? Lmao no. That plunger can't do anything? Lmao no. This episode was SO crucial because it made the Daleks the biggest threat in Doctor Who again, and this carried them to star in 3/4 season finales as Dalekmania 2: Electric Boogaloo took hold of the UK.
Alongside this the first real mention of what happened in the time war! Another arc that starts in this episode and runs right up to the 50th anniversary special. So much of what made new who special starts right here in this very episode. Watching 9 just go off the rails as he becomes so desperate to eradicate the Daleks is such a great watch, and it's the first time we see 9 get violent. This isn't just Doctor vs evil alien, this is a grudge match that has been fought for over 900 years of the Doctor's life.
And whilst the Doctor VS Dalek fight takes centre stage, Rose has some lovely character beats as well. This is where we see her and the Doctor really clash, as she decides to be empathetic towards the killing machine as that's how 9 has taught her to act. And to then have him complete contradict this because it's a Dalek. We love to see it. Albeit this is when we get introduced to Adam who I'll talk about in tomorrow's review skjgs.
It's an amazing watch, which sets up so much of what new who does great whilst being an amazing episode in its own right. It's goated, simple as.
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lisartino · 6 years
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PHANNIEMAY 2018: Shades of the Universe Trap card(Crossover)
"Well,well,well...looks like we have a handsome mutant girl from an anime,a space-loving undead cartoon and the great Super Mario just came to the World of mercenaries by helping Mann Co get some alien monster pelt that I can expose in my office!”
Here’s the first mission of the future Multiversal team called REDNESS TEAM
Next Time on PhannieMay Season 2:Shin Sekai Kokyogaku(Stars)
Click to read more to see the full list of my entries
D1-Electric Boogaloo(Electricity)
D2-Green is not a creative color(Green)
D3-You done fucked up,tin can(DNA / Ghost Tech)
D4-For fuck’s sake,an Eclipse doesn’t mean apocalypse(Eclipse)
D5-Phantom,why do you have to be a jackass to that ghost?(10 Years Later)
D6-Welcome to Nilfheim(World-building)
D7-Ultra Core Overload(Core / Limitless)
D8-Sleep tight(Clones)
D9-Chernobog VS Geb!(Power Surge)
D10-TRAP CARD:Shades of the Universe(Crossover)
D11-Shin Sekai Kokyogaku(Stars)
D12-This time shall be DIFFERENT!(Callback / Villains)
D13-Good-kinded Pharaon(Swap/Hide and Seek)
D15-Swiggitty Swotty! Comin for da booty(Girls)
D16-Box Ghost,stalker extraordinaire(Gift)
D17-Ghosts & Goblins(Royalty)
D18-TRAP CARD: Cold Hands(Revive / Different Decade)
D19-First encounter(Phandom)
D21-What will Wulf do?(Battle)
D24-???(Alternate Universe / Paparazzi)
D28-???(Role Playing / Animals)
D29-???(Season Four)
D31-???(Free Day)
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dr-archeville · 6 years
Upcoming Retro Films at the Carolina Theatre of Durham (July-December 2018)
All movies are on Fridays (unless otherwise stated) starting at 7:00pm (or so), and cost $9.50 for both films.   You can also get a season pass for $80.00 which covers every Retro double feature (but does not include Mystery Realm, RetroEpics, or Splatterflix).
July 6th-8th (Fri-Sun): RetroEpics -- James Cameron’s Aliens (1986), Davind Lynch’s Dune: 1984 Theatrical Cut (1984), Steven Spielberg’s Hook (1991), George Romero’s Knightriders (1981), David Lean’s Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Harry O’Hoyt’s The Lost World (1925), and Lowell Thomas & Merian C. Cooper’s This is Cinerama (1952).  These are not included in the Retro Season Pass.
July 13th: Steven Spielberg’s Jaws (1975) and Joe Dante’s The ‘Burbs (1989)
July 20th-22nd (Fri-Sun): Mystery Realm -- Dario Argento’s The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970), Jonathan Lynn’s Clue (1985), Gerd Oswalkd’s Crime of Passion (1957), David Lynch’s Lost Highway (1997), Coen Brothers’ Miller’s Crossing (1990), Neil Simon’s Murder by Death (1976), Jean-Jacques Arnaud’s The Name of the Rose (1986), Alfred Hitchcock’s Rebecca (1940), David Fincher’s Seven (1995), Jonathan Demme’s The Silence of the Lambs (1991), Carol Reed’s The Third Man (1949), The Zucker Brothers’ Top Secret! (1984), and Billy Wilder’s Witness for the Prosecution (1957).  These are not included in the Retro Season Pass.
July 27th: Russ Meyers’ Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965) and Paul Verhoeven’s Showgirls (1995)
August 3rd: Alfred Hitchcock’s Spellbound (1945) and Alfred Hitchcock’s Notorious (1946)
August 10th: Orson Welles’ The Lady from Shanghai (1947) and Fritz Lang’s Scarlet Street (1945)
August 16th-19th (Thurs-Sun): NC Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
August 24th: James Frawley’s The Muppet Movie (1979) and Jim Henson and Frank Oz’s The Dark Crystal (1982)
August 31st: ???
September 7th: Jon Turteltaub’s While You Were Sleeping (1995) and George Armitage’s Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)
September 14th: Charles Laughton’s Night of the Hunter (1955) and Phil Karlson’s Kansas City Confidential (1952)
September 15th (Saturday): Fan Appreciation Day -- FREE showings (with a FREE medium popcorn) of Penelope Spheeris’ Wayne’s World (1992) at 4:30pm and Lawrence Kasdan’s The Big Chill (1983) at 7:00pm, in the historic 1,000-seat Fletcher Hall.
September 21st: Sam Firstenberg’s Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo (1984) and Keenen Ivory Wayans’ I’m Gonna Git You Sucka (1988)
September 28th: Robert Zemeckis’ Back to the Future (1985) and John Hughes’ Weird Science (1985)
October 5th: James Whale’s Frankenstein (1931) and James Whale’s Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
October 12th-14th (Fri-Sun): Splatterflix -- Richard Fleischer’s Amityville 3-D (1983; 35mm presentation in 3-D!), Frank Henelotter’s Basket Case (1982; 35mm presentation in 3-D!), Don Coscarelli’s Bubba Ho-Tep (2002), Michele Soavi’s Cemetery Man (1994), Tom Holland’s Child’s Play (1988), George Romero’s Creepshow (1982), George Romero’s Day of the Dead (1985), Enrique Lopez Eguiluz’s Frankenstein’s Bloody Terror (aka The Mark of the Wolfman; 1968; 35mm presentation in 3-D!), Steve Miner’s Friday the 13th Part 3 (1982; 35mm presentation in 3-D!), John McNaughton’s Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986), Kenny Ortega’s Hocus Pocus (1993), Romano Scavolini’s Nightmares in a Damaged Brain: Uncut Version (1981), Charles Band’s Parasite (1983; 35mm presentation in 3-D!), Mary Lambert’s Pet Sematary (1989), Mark Herrier’s Popcorn (1991; star & 1980s “scream queen” Jill Schoelen will be in attendance at both screenings!), Robert Hiltzik’s Sleepaway Camp (1983), and Charles Martin Smith’s Trick or Treat (1986).  These are not included in the Retro Season Pass.  EDIT: Basket Case pulled by distributor 2018/06/16, replaced by Bubba Ho-Tep on 2018/06/20.
October 19th: Robert Zemeckis’ Death Becomes Her (1992) and Andrew Fleming’s The Craft (1996)
October 26th: John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982) and John Carpenter’s They Live (1987)
November 2nd: George P. Cosmatos’ Tombstone (1993) and Steve De Jarnatt’s Miracle Mile (1988)
November 9th-11th (Fri-Sun): ComiQuest (part of NC Comicon - Bull City) -- TBA
November 16th: Retro’s 20th Birthday Screening -- Steve Miner’s Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981) and Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining (1980)
November 23rd: ???
November 30th: Ida Lupino’s The Hitch-Hiker (1953) and Alfred L. Werker’s He Walked by Night (1948)
December 7th: John Hughes’ National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989) and John Hughes’ Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)
December 14th: Robert Alrich’s Kiss Me Deadly (1955) and Budd Boetticher’s The Killer Is Loose (1956)
December 21st: ???
December 28th: ???
So many amazing films!!!
Carolina Theatre of Durham 309 W. Morgan St., Durham, NC http://www.carolinatheatre.org/
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It’s a brave new world... ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Season 2 available now on your favorite podcast provider⁣ ⁣ Follow the mystery ☝🏻⁣ ⁣ #celestialmysteryhour #podcast #podcastaddict #radio #news #newepisode #trending #follow #spotifypodcast #applepodcasts #instadaily #interesting #funny #reddit #nerd #beards #beardsofinstagram #quarentine #12am #coasttocoastam #aliens #boogaloo #ghost #conspiracytheory #spirituality #hightech (at Cincinnati) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-VdoZZlLVb/?igshid=f9eowad6vcfm
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prairiechzhead · 7 years
PrairieChzHead Rewatches Poldark S3 Legally--US Ep 6/UK Ep 7.
I’m going to come right out and say it: this episode is my least favorite of S3. It made me feel things. Bad things. Bad as in angry things. Once scene in particular still makes me feel stabby. This is the first time I rewatched it since last July. 
When I submitted my answers for this one to the @poldarkpodcast, I tried to not mention that Thing That Made Me Stabby, but unfortunately, the stabby feeling would not go away, nor would it calm down. 
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Let’s see if I calmed down since last July, shall we? 
What did you think of this week’s episode?
This episode made me angry. If and when I rewatch this one, I’m going to have to have copious amounts of alcohol with me in order to get through it.
No booze this time, although the first time I rewatched I was sitting with a tennis ball digging into my lower back because my muscles tensed up from bending over in the shower when I was shaving my legs. It’s supposed to help work the knots out. 
The second time I rewatched it, my lower back was still hurting and I’d slathered enough Salonpas (aka Wasabi Ben-Gay) over where the muscles were knotted up to make my eyes water. 
(Not that my back problems have anything to do with Poldark, but I’ve been having back problems lately.) 
After rewatching, I think I’m more depressed than angry. Almost everyone was miserable in this episode. 
Your favourite? Why?
The final confrontation between George and Agatha. The acting between Caroline and Jack was phenomenal.
This is still my favorite scene. George ruins Agatha’s party, but Agatha gets the last word, in a manner of speaking, because she gets into George’s head and plants doubts about Valentine’s parentage. 
There is a bit I saw on the DVD where little Clowance grabs a toy cow from Jeremy and I swear the little girl who plays her had a smirk of triumph on her face, which made me smile. 
Least favourite? Why?
When Ross learned that Agatha died and all Demelza could do was bitch at him about George becoming MP. I’m still LIVID over her behavior. Demelza is someone who has a quiet strength and grace, which is the perfect foil for Ross and his moodiness and impulsiveness. She is not submissive in the books. At least I didn’t feel she was. This Demelza is anything but that. I’m confused as to why Demelza would be surprised or angry that Ross would not want to be an MP. She’s always complaining that he’s never home. He hates the constraints of his social class, which he would be held to even more as MP than he is now. Ross is a grassroots kind of person and I think he knows this (which explains why he gifted land to the village and basically started Cornwall’s first CSA). He hates parties and balls and all that stuff and he’d be expected to go to more of those. She’s been married to him for 8 years or so. Shouldn’t she know this about him? Part of the speech she made in S2 E9 about her pride in Ross was that he was not like other men of his class. But now she wants him to be someone he’s not? Is this how the writers are going to justify her affair with Lord Byron, I mean, Hugh? Lord, I hope not.
Ross’s remark about men not paying attention to Demelza was annoying, but it annoyed me because it was a heavy-handed way for the writers to get across the point from the books that Ross took for granted Demelza would never act on the attention that she received from other men. That could have been handled better.
This final scene would be That Thing That Made Me Stabby. 
I have this emotional trigger about seeing people basically crap all over or pile on someone who is hurting emotionally or in an emotionally vulnerable place. Especially if the person taking that emotional crap is a spouse, significant other, or a parent. 
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Let’s just say that this behavior hits too close to home and that I was the one being crapped on. It is tone-deaf, self-centered, and just hurtful to basically ignore and dismiss someone else’s feelings as if they don’t matter. 
That it is Demelza doing this is especially galling to me. This is the same woman who went to Trenwith and took care of Francis, Elizabeth, & Geoffrey Charles when they all had the putrid throat, despite the fact that Francis had called her a trull and basically banned her from Trenwith for her part in Verity’s elopement in S1. This despite the fact that she was jealous and wary of Elizabeth. This is the action of someone who is selfless and giving and compassionate, which is what Demelza is and what makes her such a strong, likable character in the novels (and the show).  
The woman who went to the beach to berate her grieving husband over something that could have waited, is not the real Demelza. The woman who would not allow herself to be baited by George, was baited by George. She is not the real Demelza. She is Pod Demelza. 
What is Pod Demelza? If you’ve ever seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers (or as Monday Night Football commentator Jon Gruden calls it, “that body snatchers movie”), you know what I mean. Pod Demelza is a fraudulent double put in to take the place of the Real Demelza, who was probably abducted by aliens or something like that. 
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Ross’s remark in the show about men not paying attention to Demelza is heavy-handed and I still think it is heavy-handed. However, due to the time constraints on the TV adaptation, there is not enough time for DH to gradually develop the Very Bad Thing 2: Electric Boogaloo Story. 
Novel spoilers ahead. 
In the Four Swans, as Demelza’s attraction to Hugh grows, she is upfront about this to Ross. At the same time, Ross doesn’t seem bothered by what she is telling him because he takes for granted that she would never act on her attraction. When she does, and he suspects that she has, it affects him in such a way, the consequences spill into the next book. 
However, since DH is not given the time needed to develop this properly, we get Ross making asshat remarks like this. 
So while, as a woman, this annoys the piss out of me (and my middle finger would have suddenly gone upright), as a viewer who has also read the novels, I get why it’s necessary to have Ross say things like this. 
I still want to flip a bird, but it’s easier to resist the urge. 
Favourite new character? Why?
Emma. I think Sam has met his match. :)
I love Emma. I love her sass. The storyline with her and Sam will come to a head in S4, but I’m not that thrilled that their storyline got short-shrifted in S3. I would have liked to see more of Sassy Emma and Pious Sam. 
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Least favourite new character? Why? New and Improved Season 3 Demelza® ! Now with 75% more feistiness!.  If being selfless and kind and compassionate means you’re being a housewife and in the background, then please, let Demelza be a housewife again. It’s like there is virtually no trace of the Demelza from S1 that selflessly went to Trenwith and took care of Francis, Elizabeth, and Geoffrey Charles when they had the putrid throat because she couldn’t bear to know that they were suffering. There’s no trace of the Demelza, who, in the middle of her marital woes with Ross in S2, put that aside to console him when the mine caved in. Instead, we’re left with a snarky, bitchy, shallow person who answers to Demelza Poldark, but doesn’t resemble the woman who is Ross’s counterbalance, partner, and sounding board. Demelza of Old would not have run after Ross to bitch at him about not accepting the offer to be MP when he found out his oldest living relative just passed away. Prudie showed more compassion towards Ross when he learned of Agatha’s passing than his own wife did.  
I will not apologize for hating Pod Demelza. Never. Never ever, not ever. George put that bit in the letter in order to bait Ross and Demelza fell for it. 
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If I had to pick a different least favorite new character, it would be Rowella, because I know her storyline. She’s a conniver, that girl. (Although in her defense, she is conniving against Reverend Toe Sucker, and he gets what he deserves.) 
Ossie is gross and nasty and vile. Horribly, horribly vile. 
What made you cheer?
Dwight and Caroline’s 30 seconds of screen time. I’ve given up on them getting any substantial storyline in this series, so I’m going to take whatever moments of screen time I can get and cherish them.
The bit when Armitage was going to go up to Demelza at the Carolight Nuptials but Ross cut him off, leaving Lord Byron to stare forlornly at the two departing figures. That made me cheer. 
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What made you want to throw things at the television/computer screen?
Demelza. I don’t know what the writers did with the Demelza of old, but I’m not liking season 3 Demelza very much and this episode just cemented all the reasons why. Demelza is supposed to be a grown-ass woman and mother of two kids, but suddenly she is acting like an immature teen-aged girl. It felt to me that Demelza was constantly trying to pick fights with Ross. One example, from a conversation I was in about this on Tumblr, was that it seemed like she would bring up something prickly, like Valentine’s rickets for example, and then when Ross wouldn’t react the way she expected, she would get angry with him. From what I’ve seen so far, I’m not liking the direction of how this Demelza/Hugh thing is panning out. There were some conversations in the books between Ross and Demelza in this particular story thread that I would love to see acted out on screen, but I doubt that those conversations fit within the “Ross is ignoring me so I’ll find another man who will give me attention” storyline.
Three months later and this scene still makes feel things. I still want to hurl things, but not necessarily heavy things. 
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A second thing that made me want to throw things at my TV was when other people *cough, cough* Lord Falmouth & Hugh Armitage *cough, cough* who hijacked the Carolight show wedding and made it about Ross, who was clearly embarrassed about this. (But yes, I do get that the wedding is supposed to be a “stand in” for other parties in the novel, and the excessive praise for Ross happened at another party.) Dwight can toast whomever he wants because it’s his wedding. The others...well, it’s pretentious and rude. 
A third thing that makes me still want to throw things at my TV is the “whose Valentine’s Daddy” speculation. There was no talk or speculation about Valentine’s baby daddy in the novels until Agatha got into George’s head and George’s behavior towards Valentine and Elizabeth changed. So then, out of nowhere, Demelza brings up Valentine having rickets and Dwight treating the child. She does this as if she suspects that Ross is Valentine’s father, and when she gets irritated because he doesn’t care like she thinks he should, I’m feeling the stabbiness return. 
In order to make the Demelza/Hugh thing plausible for TV, they have to make Demelza have a reason to be ticked off enough at Ross to go out and roll in the dunes with Armitage. I hate this in general, but I specifically hate this because it has Demelza picking a fight when that is out of character. She gets annoyed and they argue, but I don’t recall her purposely picking fights in the novel. However, Ross, in this instance is still true to the novels in that he neither knows nor speculates on Valentine’s parentage. He doesn’t until the church scene in Four Swans and even then, it doesn’t occur to him when Elizabeth brings it up. 
A fourth thing that makes me want to throw things at the TV is not that Demelza feels Ross is ignoring her. It’s how she reacts--that she is behaving so passive-aggressively and at times, looking for reasons to be ticked off with him. But she won’t tell him what is wrong. I dislike people who do this. It’s so manipulative and childish. 
A fifth thing that makes me want to throw things at the TV is that Demelza wants Ross to be an MP, even though in the novels, she agreed with his decision to turn down Bassett’s offer because she knew he would chafe at being on someone else’s leash and having to bend to someone else’s will. 
A sixth thing that makes me want to throw things at the TV is Hugh contriving to be invited to a party thrown by Francis Basset even though his uncle, Lord Falmouth and Bassett hate each other. Subtle, Hugh. Real subtle. You’re as subtle as the air in a room full of people after they ate Taco Bell. 
By the way, that party looked deadly, deadly dull. I can’t blame Ross for not wanting to go. 
I know, the books are not supposed to be the same as the show. But once you read the novels, you get very attached to these characters and when you see them being out of character, it can make one feel strong feelings. I can overlook some things, but not others. 
What was your performance of the week? Jack Farthing & Caroline Blakiston and how they performed the final confrontation between George and Agatha. This is one of those scenes from the book I was looking forward to seeing on the show and both of them delivered.
I will miss their barbed exchanges. I am glad that the final exchange was true to the books and that the outcome, Agatha getting into George’s head, which is her having the last word, happened. Also, George’s “there will be no party” was spot on. You could literally feel the hatred between the two characters. 
Bravo and well-done! 
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Any other observations you wish to share with us!
Sam is growing on me. :)
I liked that Elizabeth referred to Agatha as “my aunt” when Agatha died. Technically she wasn’t her aunt, but it’s one of those little things that shows that Elizabeth did still care about Agatha. It’s also one of those little moments that show us Elizabeth’s humanity, especially after her seeming to cross over to the Dark Side.
I know that Elizabeth is not a nice character. But it’s nice that they showed that she did care about Agatha. 
Sam had to grow on me because his religious fervor is more heavy-handed than it is in the novels, and that heavy-handedness can be off-putting. 
I’ve felt that the season 3 episodes were rushed. With the edits that PBS makes, the episodes feel rushed and choppy. The slight edits (the one or two seconds shaved here and there) are more noticeable than they were in S2. The larger edits are especially noticeable.
My local PBS station starts with their local sponsors at 7:58 pm. The "previously on Poldark” and the national sponsors begin at 8:00 pm. The actual opening credits start at 8:02. 
Also, there was a new donor this week, one Carol Vasiladis. I wonder if she’ll ever get to tell us in person how much she enjoys Masterpiece Theater. 
Demelza still comes off as a stroppy, snarky teenager, which is totally opposite of her characterization in the novels, but it’s more pronounced in this episode. I still hate this and I always will.
Also, I just listened to Four Swans on Audible.com as I am rewatching this episode, and it’s making the things I dislike about Demelza’s characterization even worse than when I first saw this episode.
Like I said, when you read the novels, you get very attached to the story and the characters. 
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And Favorite Aunt Agatha memory #RIPAuntAgatha
There are so many Agatha moments to like. I think the thing I will miss the most about Aunt Agatha is her running commentary. She’s like a living, breathing episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. 
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There are many Agatha moments I love. But I think this one will always be my favorite because it sums up her sassiness. (Plus there’s Bonus Francis footage, because I miss Francis. I think everyone misses Francis.) 
Next week is US Ep 7/ UK Episode 8. We’re getting deeper into the Hugh Armitage storyline, which is not one of my favorite things in the novels. It’s really not one of my favorite things on the show. It’s also the second to last episode of Season 3, which also means that the December Pledge drive is coming up. 
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