#seaweed benefits for skin
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Bath and Body Works Benefits Cucumber Melon Skin Firming Body Treatment with Seaweed Extract and Caffeine
early 2000s, maybe late 1990s? If anyone has any idea, please let me know. I would love to get a more precise date.
Found on Ebay, user ahyo-82
I don't remember this, but I love the packaging. I love seaweed salads, so I'm intrigued by the idea of seaweed in skincare. and I love coffee so I would've bought this if I had seen it.
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wellnesgreen · 1 year
Sea moss, also known as Irish moss, is a red seaweed that grows along the coastlines of North America, Europe, and the Caribbean. It has been used for centuries as a traditional remedy for its health and nutritional benefits. Sea moss is a naturally potent superfood that contains a wide range of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. From boosting immunity and thyroid health to relieving inflammation and improving skin and hair, sea moss has many advantages for overall wellness and longevity.
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theambitiouswoman · 2 years
Benefits of Sea Moss For Women
Sea moss, is a type of seaweed that is rich in nutrients, including vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, and sulfur. Sea moss is also a good source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, and is commonly consumed for its health benefits, which include supporting the immune system, improving gut health, and promoting skin health. Some people also use sea moss as a natural remedy for conditions such as joint pain, high blood pressure, and thyroid issues.
Hormonal balance: Sea moss is rich in iodine, which is important for hormonal balance, especially for women during menstruation and menopause.
Bone health: Sea moss contains calcium, which is important for strong bones. Women are more prone to osteoporosis as they age, making calcium intake important.
Thyroid health: Sea moss contains iodine, which is necessary for proper thyroid function. Women are more likely to have thyroid problems, so adequate iodine intake is important.
Immune system: Sea moss contains vitamins and minerals that boost the immune system, including vitamins C and A, iron, and potassium.
Anti-inflammatory: Sea moss has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce symptoms of conditions such as arthritis and PMS.
It is generally recommended to take 1-2 tablespoons of sea moss gel daily. I buy from the brand Akasha and eat it at some point during my mornings. You can take it alone, or mix it with your smoothies/shakes. You can also combine the spoonful with either honey, cinnamon, or both!
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vivianquill · 1 year
Zedaph was ever so fascinated with the mer that Impulse had found washed up on the beach near their house. How couldn't he be? Science knew more about space then the depths of the ocean, after all. It almost wasn't surprising to find out that merpeople were real.
It might have been a touch of medical malpractice to hop him up on painkillers meant for dolphins, but it wasn't like Zedaph had any painkillers for merpeople lying around, and with the sheer amount of lacerations and the broken wrist and the bruised and possibly broken ribs, he had to give the mer something or it would have most definitely been medical malpractice. And extremely cruel.
Zedaph might be a bit of an unethical scientist, but he wasn't cruel.
The first time he saw the mer, it had been when Skizz had torn him away from his lab down to one of the smaller rehab rooms that was normally reserved for overflow patients because of how out of the way it normally was. Skizz hadn't said much more that there was a 'really hurt animal' and that he'd need a rescue kit and how was Zedaph supposed to say no? It had been too quick for him to realize that there really should have been a team already on this cause technically Zedaph was off duty right now, but sometimes more than one animal came in, especially when the storms had been bad.
Impulse had been waist deep in the pool, bloody water lapping up over the tiles. For a moment, Zedaph hadn't been able to see the other figure in the water with Impulse, and his body had flushed cold with the thought of all that blood belonging to Impulse--
And then he saw the tail fluke break the surface. Impulse had a hold on the thing in a catch pole, keeping it submerged and away from himself as it struggled. That wasn't good. It might hurt itself, or Impulse.
Zed dropped to his knees at the edge of the pool, opening up the medical kit, "Impulse, what happened? Are you hurt anywhere?"
"No, no, it's just the--" Impulse cut off as the mer thrashed again, drawing Zedaph's eyes.
He had to pause for the precious moments it took him to look at what was in front of him. To really look. It was hard to see in the reddish water, almost impossible to tell where the scarlet of blood ended and where the ruby of scales began. But-- he could see the eyes as red as fire coral, full of what could only be fear, and the torn up gills working overtime along it's neck and chest. He could see the blond hair, matted with seaweed and sand, and--
"I found him washed up, all tangled in a fishing net. He's cut up in a lot of places and I think his right wrist is broken. I-- You can fix it, right?"
"I-- yeah. Maybe." Zedaph shook himself, "We need to stop the bleeding first. Skizz, can you help Impulse wrangle?"
Zed sorted through the thankfully well organized box of supplies, pulling out a suture set and waterproof bandages and-- after a moment-- a dose of painkillers. He'd thankfully grabbed a dolphin kit, and the merperson looked to be about the size of one. Zedaph didn't know if he was a conscious breather like one either, so dolphin meds it was. Until Zed knew more about him, at least.
It was a very tense job, sewing up the worst of the cuts in the merperson's skin and sticking bandages over the rest of the cuts and splinting his wrist. Zedaph would do a much more thorough examination of him once the painkillers kicked in and they'd all had a long moment to calm down and once the worst of the danger was passed.
Zedaph also wanted to wait and let the water clear of blood, for everyone's benefit. He knew some marine creatures got more aggressive if there was blood in the water. And all that muck in the water couldn't be helping the creature's ability to breathe. But Impulse had said he'd been able to breathe air too? Even though he had gills.
Again, this would require more observation to figure out.
The third time Zedaph had to do an examination of the mercreature, the three of them were there-- Impulse, Skizz, and himself. He was incredibly grateful for that fact-- and for Skizz's reflexes-- When the mer lunged at them with a snap and almost took a couple of Zedaph's fingers off. The only thing that'd stopped a bloody end for Zedaph's hand was a catch pole shoved between the mer and his tasty tasty flesh.
Zedaph had inspected the bite mark later. He'd seen the other one that the mer had mangled, but it was another thing entirely to see it happen right in front of him. The pole was made of stuff strong enough to survive a crocodile's bite, and yet--
Lets just say that it wasn't reusable after that examination.
Fascinating indeed.
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pvrkacciosan · 2 months
The Heart of the Lioness: ☽⋆34⋆☾
Dances with Death
The Heart of the Lioness Masterlist
Previous Part
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Cairn's death tole of 'innocent' fae warriors had increased to five when Brielle circled her way back into the camp a week after the first male died at the hand of Maeve's new blood sworn. It had been an effort, a tiresome one to stay up late into the nights spying on the encampment. Weeding out the warriors worthy of her wrath. Those who hurt and took pleasure in abusing the power and titles they were offered with their military training, Brielle felt little pity when she wavered Cairn's attention in their directions.
Those of a similar nature to the male who would kill them. Riling Cairn up was simple enough. The male was insecure, insignificant and for years he had known this. Only being offered the honour of being sworn into the Cadre once the original of the group had been dishonoured or betrayed the Queen.
Brielle had put salt on that wound, wielding his every niggling insecure thought to her advantage. Poking a rabid animal with a stick. She would be ignoring her senses if she believed it didn't bring her a little bit of enjoyment. Tormenting the male into playing her hand. Get his hands bloody.
A long waited dance of wills which balanced precariously in time. Time which the Lioness now feared may be running out. Even with her tormenting, Cairn hadn't retaliated against her in any way, not even dangling her mate or friend before her like a piece of bait. Unable to know if they were okay was the source of her running herself ragged with training. 
Throwing every ounce of her strength into pushing that bit further. Muscles burning in protest with each stride taken, each punch thrown.
Her group of warriors weren't far behind as they ran now, she had pushed herself faster, further then them. The morning's deluge had left her skin polished with rain that mixed her sweat into a shinning coat, slick like blood but not as heavy. Not even shaking her head could remove the hair that clung to her face like seaweed.
The cold rain had pelted their faces red raw, but her whole group had shown this morning, Emmie leading behind Brielle proudly, many other warriors watched from under the cover of the camp tents or from their patrolling posts around great harth which had been erected throughout the camp which had doubled in size in the last week. 
Some watched on in awe at Brielle's willingness to run with her warriors in the downpouring rain. Not shying away from the task that was required of them. Her group kept pace despite her running for her own benefit. None of them truly knew the Commander had personal reasons to run that morning.
Yes the image of caring leader was what she aspire for, but the gnawing feeling in her gut was what spurred her from the comfort of her bed that morning. Brielle had been content to lay under the covers letting the world pass off around her.
She did not often sleep, simply laying in the bed. The silence in the cold room being her only companion now that Connall was gone. It was difficult to even rise to light the hearth in her room. It was guilt that hounded her every action. The feeling of inherit wrongness when she sought comforts in her room. Felt wrong to offer herself the pleasantness of warmth or hearty meals when she felt at fault for his death. Maeve had ordered it, but Brielle may has well held the knife. Murdered him for display, a show of dominance, a reminder of who was the apex predator.
The same knife she now kept strapped to her thigh at all times, the weight a reminder of its previous owner and the debt she now owed to him.
There was no time for her to be moral anymore. Not that morality was something that often frequented her mind since the beach almost three months ago, But one should have still considered it in their decision making. The part of her that might have once listened to such reasoning died at Maeve's hand the moment she decided to kill off the one person who had become her anchor amongst the suffering.
Brielle should have cared about the warriors Cairn was killing. But she didn't. Brielle did not care beyond how their deaths benefits her and her cause, how it might advance her position on the playing board. If she wanted to win this game she would have to actually start playing by the rules Maeve had set.
The rain continued to pelt down, ice stabbing into the areas of their exposed arms and faces. Many of the group collapsed to the grass, panting to level their breathing. Brielle slowed, still standing above them.
Emmie was smiling up from where she laid down, head rested against the thigh of a male in the group. Her hand was against her chest, which rose and fell quickly as she tried to even out the pants of air leaving her lungs. Despite the wince on her expression she beamed up at the Commander.
"Can't imagine there will be many in the pits for us to fight today Commander." her voice was soft beneath the sound of the rain as it pattered against the tent walls around them. The rest of the group agreed with her. Soft grunts and sounds of acknowledgement.
"It's only a little rain." Brielle reasoned, "Surely they know battles aren't all fought in sunlight."
A male rose, attempting to dry his dripping hands off on the sides of his leathers, he frowned as though realising the pointlessness of his action, "It isn't the rain that hesitates them Commander."
Brielle frowned, brow pinching together in question, Emmie sat upright shrugging her shoulders. "No one wants to be caught outside his tent Commander." It wasn't required of Emmie to voice who she meant. Cairn had been spending more time around the camp surrounding the city and Brielle had seen the affect it was having on the warriors.
Many stayed to where they wouldn't be alone, in their units using the safety of numbers in hopes it may leave them outwith his hand. Brielle hadn't realised many now refused to go anywhere near his tent. A shield of absence surrounding it, glancing up now Brielle could clearly see the perimeter that the warriors had subtly formed.
"What about you lot?" Brille scanned her gaze across her group, many of them looked unbothered by her question. 
"We are not afraid." Emmie said, flicking back some of her wet hair. "We know who watches over us." The group had all agreed in a second, calmy nodding to one another as they watched Brielle. Knowing full well she had been the only one to stand for her group against Cairn when no other Captain or commander had.
It was easy to pretend like she wasn't the reason for that. Her threat to the Captains had held well enough, Brielle had made herself seen talking to some of the captain's wives or daughters around the camp yesterday for good measure. ensuring they didn't intervene.
"Well then," She rested her hands, clasping them before her, "I expect you all in the ring in five minutes." With no more then a smile, she turned to move towards the fighting pits. There was the sound of footfall in the soft ground as some of them followed instantly. She could pardon the others as they probably went off to find water, or relieve themselves before coming to join them.
The onslaught of precipitation didn't ease up as the group began moving through each steadying exercise. A warm up of sorts, stretching their muscles in preparation for sparring.
They followed their usual routine, Brielle standing watching as the unit paired up. Moving off to different rings. It was calming to know she had given them the independence to freely know what was expected of them. As a whole they helped one another and had fun whilst they trained.
She offered praise and encouragement as she circled them. Taking the time to be seen individually aiding them all. Brielle knew her every action was watched, it was a difficult feeling to ignore. From the shelter of the surrounding tents, she knew warriors watched on as she continued moving. Demonstrating new ways to kill or down an opponent.
She had taken a moment to step back and observe when she was approached. The sound of the squelching mud underfoot was what made her interest peak. Turning over her shoulder Brielle met the attention of the unit leader who walked in her direction.
"Commander" He bowed at the waist slightly, head tilted in respect of her title. His unit behind him following suit. Their clothes were becoming sodden with the rain but their presence stilled her own unit into silence as they all watched on.
"Something the matter?" Brielle question gently, waving a hand at Emmie for them to continue without her as she stepped back to converse with the unit leader now beside her.
"We were wondering whether we might join under your command. To train in safety" 
The sensation of being watched returned, not just by her unit but others as well. Brielle narrowed her eyes just enough for the male to shift nervously. Gaze drifting over the unit behind him, it was small no more then ten of them in total.
Brielle smiled, nodding she gesture with one arm to the space beside her unit. Without her saying so they made extra space as the new group joined them. Brielle stayed where she was, watching as Emmie moved first. Traveling across she began chatting to the new warriors offering aid in their warm up movements.
Easing the new group in the pair Brielle accepted them into her circle, stopping to watch and offer advice just as she would with her unit. They seemed happy to accept the help, taking in everything Brielle was offering to them.
They continued training in the rain whilst Brielle oversaw. A third unit had join some five minutes after the second. It was difficult to ignore the nervous glances the groups sent in the direction of Cairn's tent, worried he might make an appearance any second. 
The sun had begun to clear its warm beams through the clouds by the time they finally finished training for the day. The rain reducing itself to a drizzle, like mist against her damp skin.
Bidding all three units farewell for the day, Brielle tried to shrug the discomfort of the damp clothes clinging to her body as she walked through the city streets towards the heart. To the castle.
The rain water dripped from her as she entered into the first foyer inside the castle. The squelsh of the soaking leather on her boots sounded across the room, echoed back to her as she walked. The fae guards, scattered few and far in the hallways, their numbers half of what they had once been in the times leading to the start of the war.
Those well dressed gaurds that Brielle must of walked past a thosuand times before, her skin prickled as they watched her now. Their eyes tracking her through the castles many passageways leading to the sleeping quarters. They knew something, she had enough gaurds as spies to know that gaurds and servents heard everything. 
Whatever it was they knew, gave them good cause to watch her now. Predators awaiting a killing blow.
Ignroing their stares and throwing both of her shoulders back Brielle turned down a new hall. Dimmed by the lack of light coming in through the windows. It must be coming up to mid day, the overcast sky was blocking all view of the sun. The slow growing ache in her stomach for food was as good an indicator as any. One she had become reliant upon since Cairn's revelations of lacing her meals almost a week ago.
It had been almost a week since Connall had been killed. She slowed, hand gripping a curtain to balance herself at the realisation. It had become easier to ignore each day as it passed. Easier to let the pain and guilt consume her, where were her actions getting her beside aiding in the suffering of others.
Aelin was still chains with Fenrys and Vera down beneath the castle and Connall was dead, Enola still chained to Maeve's side. It was mearly a hope there was someone coming to help. A call for aid so silent she doubted anyone would answer it.  
She knew Rowan wouldn't so easily give up the hunt for Aelin, But Maeves words had left a seed of doubt. Even if Rowan fought every instinct would he go agains his loyalty to what Aelin had planned? 
Even if the words of Maeve made her uneasy part of her knew. They were coming for them. It is just whether they would get here in time.
Perhaps it was time for Brielle to wield another tactic. Seek to get more of a word out, incase they didn't.
Finally reaching the door to her room, she pushed it open with both hands, still cold from the water dripping off her sleeves. Moving quickly with the plan formiing in her head with neat precision she firstly peeled the sodden clothess off her body, pulling some warmer light shirt on. One of the ones she had stolen from Fenrys' room.
Knotting her golden hair back quickly Brielle knelt to the floor at the foot of her bed, crawling beneath the framework. All of Connall's research he had left for her in his room, the night she found it Brielle hadn't wasted even a second getting it hidden from sight. The inescapable fear that Cairn or Isaiah may find it, take away the last physical thing she had left of Connall.
Gathering up the bulk of it Brielle began shimmying her way out from under the bed. Using her knees to drag her body out with the box clasped tightly in her hands.
Sitting in the room now with the box tucked against her lap, her spine straightened against the bed. Brielle stared down, thinking, allowing the silence to comfornt her every thought. How they might work in reality, 
A tapping at the large glass balcony doors drew away her focus. It must of been the patter on consisten rain, closing her eyes over she slipped back to her thoughts.
Connall had given her this knowledge, ignited the ideas that now flowed, but could she get it out of Doranelle?
A more persistent tapping continued against the glass, peeling her eyes open and shifting to glance across the room Brielle moved quickly spying the familiar owl hovering outside. Body struggling against the weather beyond the safety of the castle walls. 
Removing the box from her lap, Brielle got up rushing to unlatch and swing the doors wide, allowing Enola the space to fly in and shift mid air.
Landing quickly and shaking the water from her hair Enola stared at Brielle.
"It's the middle of the day." Brielle squinted at her, "What if Maeve notices?"
Enola waved her off quickly, shuffling to pace before her commander, It was in that singular moment Brielle caught the expression of the females face. Her youthful features were pinched and eyes darting. 
"What is it?"
Enola stopped her pacing, stilling before her Commander with a wary glance, wringing her hands together.
"Maeve knows you are still in correspondence with a spy. Isaiah told her. He and Cairn are on their way to escort you to her" Brielle inhaled slowly, she didn't need further explanation to know when Isaiah told Maeve,  he would be referring to Enola. He had known how they operated long enough to know they would have met behind the Queen's back. Brielle should have known this, had known him for too long to not acknowledge his intelligence. Perhaps it was the denial of his betrayal that had blindsided her.
Brielle glanced at the box sidelong on the bed beside her, picking it up slowly from off the mattress. She turned to face Enola, plan finally having that last final piece. "You have to leave."
Her spy jerked her head back, "Wha- No. Brielle I'm not leaving you here."
Brielle stepped forward, taking Enola's hands in her own gently, "We might not have any other choice."
"I can't just abandon" The hurt transferred and gave way to anger on Enola's expression, "You were the one who always told us our strength was in our numbers. I  am  not  leaving." 
Brielle moved a hand to the side of Enola's face, clasping it and using the pad of her thumb to wipe away the single tear that slide down her face, "If you have to. I'm ordering you to take this box and go. Fly as fast as you can and find Bronwyn, she can hide you when you get within her range."
Pulling Enola to her, Brielle closed her eyes over and pressed her forehead to her. They held the contact until a knock resounded off the door to Brielle's room.
Enola pulls away suddenly overwhelmed with panic, her breathing turning laboured even as Brielle held her still.
"It will be okay. Go." Gesturing to the balcony. Enola looks ready to yield to protest when a fist pounded into the door once again.
Go, Breille mouthed this time moving rather loudly towards the door, in order to cover up the sound of Enola's footsteps. Brielle turns away from her spy, trying to hold her nerve long enough to keep herself alive. As the fist banged the door for the third time, she got the gut feeling the male wouldn't be up for a fourth.
There was the sound of Enola shifting behind her and Brielle waited a second, giving her spy just enough time to clear the balcony and be out of sight before she opened the door. Brielle had expected to find Cairn standing there, no amount of holding to her nerve would have saved her from seeing Isaiah stood in his place.
Cairn was behind him, an amused expression etched into the lines of his face. His eyes darting between them excitedly. He seemed to heavily relish in the enjoyment it brought him seeing the display of agony on her, wearing it like a mask as she watched the male that was or had once been her longest friend.
Brielle wasn't entirely sure what to make of Isaiah being the one who knocked on her door. To look at him now, and still remember the good memories they shared. To see his face and only being able to notice how the world had changed him. She couldn't imagine the contrast in herself, to see what he does now. Does he too look at her and remember the friend they both lost, just as she does. His eldest child being the bearer of the same name. A friend who would've wept to see the distance between them now. To see what they had become after her death.
"The Queen requires your presence." Brielle blinked her stare away from Isaiah, to look at Cairn behind him, still smirking like he had won a great triumph at war. 
"I'm busy right now. So her majesty will have to wait I'm afraid." Isaiah dipped his head, averting all of his attention from her. As Cairn forwarded a step, clasping him on the shoulder as old friend might have. Brielle couldn't help bet let her stare linger on the contact and then watch Isaiah's face for a reaction. There was no shift in his expression, as though he too had become a shell of himself in order to protect what little might be left inside.
"Come now kitty, Doesn't one remember what happened last time she disobeyed." How could she forget. It was the reason her body involuntarily moved as he spoke. Isaiah shifted himself sideways to allow her passage through the doorway and shaking off his touch as he reached for her in order to lead to the Queen.
Brielle moved beyond both males, elongated strides carrying her down the halls towards the throne room, the one place where Maeve spent most of her time. The two males followed silently, filtering into the room behind her. Isaiah slotted himself into a space at the edge of the space, just beyond Brielle's field of vision. She would be required to move if she was to look his way. An action Maeve was no doubt bound to take note of if she was to glance at him.
Queen Maeve was a dark creature of habit, perched into the stone throne, her right leg hooked up over her other knee. Enola rested on the stone above her, Maeve's usual smile plagued her lips. To anyone without a shred of genuine knowledge, the Queen's expression would not appear so out of place. Simply a Monarch offering one of their subjects with a warm greeting to court. But not Maeve. Those with the right knowings of the female would get the sense to cower as Brielle does in that moment of blood chilling silence. It was through years of practice that she refused to bow out of respect as Cairn did. A motion Maeve watched with a narrowed gaze.
Staying straight she observes Maeve, being cautious enough to not let her attention drift to where Enola sat more still than usual. Maeve shifts in her position, manouvering her arm to rest an elbow on the side of the throne. 
"That tratious spy of yours must not have been very good when he served you." The Queen's smirk only inclined its way to spread further across her expression. She waved a pale hand that rested beside her face, gesturing Isaiah forwards.
There is the sound of shuffling footsteps against the tiles as Isaiah moves himself into the corner of Brielle's eyeline. Brielle fights the urge to glance sidelone at him even as Maeve points to him.
"He finally offered up a little more imofration worthy of my time." Maeve leans back, circling a hand to rest at the nape of her own throat. " Despite my efforts to cut off all your access to your previous resoruces. He spoke of a spy still loyal to you here."
It's a fight to not look at Enola, she couldn't give herself away now. Not after all these years. Maeve can never know just how close the Pride had gotten to her and everything she thought she could keep hidden.
The Queen rises off her throne, pushing her palms into the stone arms to lift herself. Taking one step down the dias and then another, "I have suspected a rat in this court for some time. It was nice for someone to confirm that for me." Maeve takes long stride away from the throne.
Brielle can't help but look to Isaiah now, his chin dipped as Maeve circles him a hand curling his shoulder, 
"Despite his efforts he is pleading ignorant to knowing who this person is." Isaiah winces as Maeve digs her nails into his shoulder, The familiar metallic scent filled the air. Maeve smirked digging her nail in flesh until Isaiah yielded falling to his knees in submission to the pain.
A lump is solidifying itself in Brielle's throat, at the sight. Isaiah's breathing was laboured and spit left them when Maeve finally released his shoulder and he slumped still kneeling beside the Queen.
"Not coming back to you boy?" 
Brielle couldn't stop her hands from their shaking, watching as the Queen slowly circled Isaiah, Cairn watching from the foot of the dias. It was a struggle to watch as Isaiah fought with the courage to finally look up at the female towering before him.
The air in the room stills as he spoke his head once. 
Brielle should have known better then letting her emotion showcase on her face, brow creasing into a frown. Maeve had been watching her, noted the confusion on the microexpession that Brielle relaxed a second too late.
"Very well." She turned away, heels clicking against the tiles in slow steps. "Cairn."
The male on the other side moved, and leather slapped to the ground. Brielle's eyes darted to the whip he uncurled, she hadn't even realised he had been holding it. He moved for Isaiah now and Maeve backed a few paces allowing the space.
Isaiah stayed kneeling on the tiles as Cairn alined and raised his arm high. The memory of that whip against her own bone and flesh, Brielle could recall each strike she had recieved in the past, each brutal hit that split flesh and drew blood. 
Her own heart was hammering hard at the memory of the pain, the blinding pain that crippled her every sense. As Cairn brought down his hand and the sound cracked through the room, Brielle found herself forardding a step.
Maeve watched slowly, 
"Stop." Brielle moved closer as Cairn reeled his arm back again and Brielle stepped into its trajectory. Sheilding Isaiah with her own body, the scent of his blood was strogner on this side of the room "He doesn't know who it is."
The level of Cairn's restraint was thoroughly impressive even for him when he lowered his arm, glancing sidelong to the Queen, awaiting a command. Brielle watched Maeve now, one of the female dark eyebrows lifts in interest.
"He doesn't know."  Except for the part where he did. Brielle couldn't describe what had made her want to lie on his behalf, even after everything. But seeing him endure the suffering she had spent years trying to shield him and her other spies from. To sit and watch it happen, if her past self from a  couple months ago saw her standing watching. She couldn't stomach the idea. The disgust she might feel for herself.
Perhaps she had intervened for the friendship they had once shared with the Female that had made them a trio. Had intervened for the time they had all learned to become individual and learn to trust someone other than themselves. He had trusted her once, Brielle knew what it had taken for him to trust her. She couldn't leave him to the fate she had endured at the hands of Maeve's torment. Despite everything.
"You would put yourself in his place?" Cairn snide, hand tightening around the leather bound handle of the whip. She knew what words would fall from her mouth if she spoke. She had to let the silence speak in her stead. Maeve closes in, nodding to Cairn. 
He spreads his shoulder, smirking as he poised his hand high, readying the whip to meet her in a hit that was made to split flesh. There a sound from the throne and all the gazes in the room whirl to watch the owl. Flapping up into the space above her usual stone perch, fighting the protest in the muscles of her wings as she fought the instinct to stay still.
Brielle almost begged aloud at Enola to return to her post, as Maeve turns the realisation dawning on her. There was a loud screech as Enola flew straight for Cairn, talons uncurled. The male curses loudly, dropping the whip as the owl connected with his face. Three streaks of red trickling from the split skin in his cheek, despite his effort to twist away from her attack she had made near perfect contact. 
Her feathered body swaying in the air from the force of her onslaught. Cairn swore again louder, elbow driving his arm to swat her from the space where she danced above his head in a taunting gesture of dominance, wings flapping loudly despite her usual silent nature, There was a feral accuracy to her swift quick jabs, Jabs which only angered Cairn more.
There was a swell of power coiling from the Queen, readying to strike at the traitorous fae who had sat at her shoulder for decades. Brielle's attention swung to Maeve, unable to fight the blur of panic hammering a drum in her ears. Pulse burning across every inch of her body.
"Enola, Go!" Brielle cried, voice turning raw in desperation. A instinctual cry of need. Fear for what the queen might do. "Go! " Brielle screamed again, stepping closer to Cairn as he readied a dagger, feet shifting to balance himself to strike down the owl at last. 
Brielle couldn't think beyond watching the blade as it was arched through the air, Throwing herself forward her body collided with the solid muscle of Cairn's back. Hands flying upwards to clasp his wrist, hoping the blade might just twist away enough to miss her spy.
Enola ducked low, and flew for the window, fast. Even as Brielle fought, grappling her edges of strength to keep Cairn still she could see the wide eyes of the owl when she tracked The Queen's movement.  Wings flapping hard as Maeve moved, arm outstretched. Power coiling at the edges of her finger tips.
She was so close to the open window, so close to the freedom the outside air could grant her. So close to seeing her twin brother once more, close to the family which had surrendered everything for their commander. 
Darkness pools at the end of Maeves' outstrected hand, fingers uncurling.
She couldn't lose another member of her Pride. No more of her friends shall die for her decisions.
Brielle locked her arms around Cairn's frame, trapping his arms, elbows high above his head. The blade had been knocked from his grip when she had jammed a nail into the pressure point near his thumb. Holding him still Brielle started the decent into her power.
Fast and hard she tumblered, faster, forging her sheer will to protect Brielle crashed hard into the solid wall the iron had left inside her, hammered her fists against it until they felt bloody. The warmth of internal power serged as sure as a damn breaking, realeasing the full might of her will.
If she drew it too quickly she could burn out, She didn't care even though she needed to. It was an effort to ease just the necessary amount of power, clawing with it to the surface Brielle unleashed it back into the world around her.
She could have snapped Cairn's neck or stunned Maeve, but she funneled her power for where Enola continued to fly for the window, Knowing she would go for Connall's research and take it far from here. Even if Brielle was to never see the outcome, having that knowledge get to the Pride could be the most valuable thing of all. It was going to change the war. So that everything she and Aelin had done, wouldn't be done in vain.
Wrapping her magic around Enola, Brielle willed it to tangle her wings, her lungs, her muscles. Making the owl's body respond faster, wings beating with little effort, fatigue being eradicated from her muscles. 
And when that lash of darkness shot from Maeve, Brielle held her magic firm, a barrier which the shadow of Maeve's' power fought against, Brielle willed it to patch any pierced holes in its structure, holding firm as Maeve prodded for an opening. There was a warmth and swell of power as they fought in the air. A big enough distraction for Enola to glide over the banister of the balcony and dip up into the clouds, away from view. 
Brielle breathed heavily, as Cairn jerked his body sideways, Her focus wavered and Maeve's darkness finally broke through, and as what little of Brielle's power remained depleted from her. The strength inside her dissipated, legs unforgiving as she crashed to the tiles.
Isaiah cast a sidelong glance in her direction, bodies now level as Cairn turns to stand above them both. Two once powerful and titles fae kneeling at his feet. Cairn was smiling as he lowered hands wrapping the handle of the whip like it was his prayer and savour.
Brielle panted and dipped her head to rest it between her shoulders, Maeve was still watching the window, the buzz of her power electrified the air. Brielle could only hope that Enola had made it far enough to be out of the Queen's reach.
Every muscle in her body shook, rippling over bone as Cairn rose the whip behind him once more, readying the strike which had awaited its time to land against her flesh.
"Wait." Maeve's words were slow, carefully chosen as she turns. All evidence of that dark power long gone, from everywhere but her expression. Cold and as dark as night Maeve smiles.
"Let us make a display. Show the people what happens to those who follow Commander Brielle." The betrayal of yet again one of her longest serving warriors would grate the Queen's skin, ravage her hold on her own crown. This was the payment and punishment she would dish out. Discipline she would call it.
Brielle would have preferred the fist hit of the whip in that moment. The humilation, the word would spread across nations. That Commander Brielle was whipped in a display. It could ruin Aelin's standing, her association with her could ruin everything.
There was a shuffle as Cairn curled and attached the whip to a hoop on his belt. Securing it in place before he turns, forcefully grabbing Brielle by both arms. Hauling her body up with one movement, and half dragged her out the room following the Queen.
There would be no point fighting, in protesting against his hold as Maeve was a step ahead and would simply kill her, damn the display. The muscles in her arms and legs were too weak, even her mind felt too thin to fight back. The dizzyness that nearly consumed her as the light hit her face.
It warmed her bones, scaring away the chill of the mist, The rain that had hammered the city had recessed to a shallow drizzle. Barely strong enough to soak through to her skin, even in the loose thin shirt she stole from her mate. It was a cloak of protection a tether as Cairn dragged her through the city below the castle, flowing through the crowd that parted for Maeve as she walked slowly, allowing all to see Brielle.
She hung her head, even if the muscle at the top of her spine protested at the angle. The refusal to meet anyones stare probably made her look all the more guilty. What could be the point, if Enola had gotten out her work had been done, The Pride were smart, She had trained them well enough to harness that research, use it to aid Aelin's cause.
She was dumped onto a cobblestone walkway, in the middle of an already crowded street, The voices a barrier of sound circling from every direction closed in on her, hudled to the ground. Brielle tried to drown it all out with the heavy pants of her own breathing as Maeve began speaking.
The Queens voice a crescendo that parted the sea of noise. The citizens of Doranelle, small folk and Fae warriors fell silent to Maeve as made herself stand unwavering before her subject, a formidable wall of power that drew ever pair of eyes and caused more to walk in from adjacent streets surrounding the one they currently occupied.
"Today. I shall reveal a traitor in our midst." 
Cairn dug a hand into her shoulder from behind, His presence making the skin covering her spin to tighten, straightening away from him in an unenergetic effort to avoid his touch, he hardens his hold, thumb digging into the pressure nerve on her collar's ridgeline. Brielle has to grit her teeth to keep herself from growling at him. 
Maeve turns in her direction, hand gesturing high for all to see, "Bear witness to Commander Brielle!" Maeve's voice rises as she shouts her name, the dripping of rain water from the buildings gutters growing louder in the silence that followed.
There is a low murmur of voices, Brielle continued to watch the cobble stone beneath her, knees sinking till she can feel the water on their surface, kneeling harder until the moisture seeps through the material of her trousers leg.
Through the dull scent of the rain, the ting of salt as it absorbed into the stone caused her to freeze. A collection of scents she had grown familar with, her brow creased and she glances to the crowd gathering to watch as Maeve continued to berate her.
The Queen's voice dulled to nothing more then background sound in the flurry of the world symphony. Emmie Whitethorn watched, her soft eyes wide as she pushed through the crowd, the rest of her group slowly collecting themselves to meet Brielle's stare. 
She surveys them, the warriors around them, Deathly still and preternaturally quiet amongst the surrounding citizens that chattered under their breaths as Maeve addressed the crowds. Detailing her betrayal to Aelin Galathynius, twisting the events. Brielle should protest her version, but the words halt still in her throat.
Something about the... agony of Emmie's face made Brielle's stomach twist. Quickly lowering her stare to the cobbles again Brielle squeezes both eyes shut. Focusing to the dripping of water around her and not the voice of the Queen at her back. Tried to ignore the slap of the whip as Cairn uncurled it behind her, the strip readying in the air.
The first crack against her spine split the fabric of Fenrys' shirt. The second ensued a flurry of voices and soft gasps, the crowd mostly made up of warriors who had wandered into the city from the camp that circled it, watched with bated breaths as Cairn continued to strike.
He whipped her with the same ferocity he had killed the warriors with, Unwavering in his anger against her, treating her like some low grunt. Like she was one of them, A warrior not worth a second to question his loyalty in order to save. The polar opposite to her.
Maeve stayed standing, watching only the fissures of red that fork across Brielle's back, painting the shirt with her blood. The scent perfuming the air, clinging to the surfaces surrounding them, detaching their attention from all else. Many fae scrunched their faces at the smell, acutely aware of the Commanders blood that mixed with the water, staining into the cobblestone she knelt on. Glancing to one another warily, with hesitation and unspoken question.
Brielle couldn't help but sway, the pain in her back was blinding, and cold. The broken skin laying exposed to the cool air as the shirt now clung from her by a few strands. The shirt that belonged to her mate. To Fenrys, the all amazing male who had shown her exactly what love she was deserving of. Had shown her the way back to the light. Had chosen her, chosen to love her. 
She had failed him. Kneeling here, giving up as she sobbed in front of hundred of eyes, scumming to the agony that cracked through her. Sobbing to the sky, in hopes someone would hear and come rescue her. She had spent years offering the same escape to others, why did she always have to be the one to save them. Did she not deserve to be saved too? Just once.
When the whip connected with her spine, cracking over an already raw line of flesh Brielle curled forward, not even bothering to try and catch herself as the cobbles flew closer to her vision.
A sharp pain burst in her chin as she smacked into stone. Oxygen whooshing from her lungs on the impact, chest spasming painfully to draw breath once more. To fight it was to want to keep going. To keep fighting. A fight she might be too tired to continue she realised as Cairn fisted a handful of her hair, bunching it painfully in a ball. Yanking it back to expose her cacked expression, dripping yet more blood from her nose and chin onto the ground.
The crowd had gone deathly still around as Maeve circled in, a shark drawn to the blood. The queen did not balk, or speak. Only studies the female before her, The shell of the Commander she had once been. 
Ignoring the vacant expressions of the warrior around her, some solemn as if in mourning for the female who had fought for and with them in the previous weeks. Perhaps she simply hadn't noticed them, too focused on Brielle to spy the distrustful look they watched her with.
The rising tension was silenced once more when Maeve said one word. Just one, into the space between them. "Kneel."
It was a simple command. A show of dominance, one final humiliation of someone who had been whipped for their disloyalty. To act Loyal, even if just for show. To submit.
The muscles in her arms shook, the bones vibrating with pain, back burning as the skin stretched. She gritted her teeth, leaning back to glare at Maeve. But she did not kneel.
Brielle glanced out at the faces of those Maeve seemed content to ignore, taking a second to let them see her. See the final fight she was willing to endure.
"Kneel." Maeve gritted out a little more forcefully, as the voices of hundred began to whisper out down the street. A blatant show of disobedience, even after being whipped within an inch of her life. 
Walking on that edge of death, The Lioness still refused to kneel. Perhaps it would be her final stand. Final fight worthy of her life. 
Taking a second to steady herself, the splits on her back growing numb as the cold air hits the open wounds. Brielle refused to kneel, but met Maeve's stare. The two females locking in attention, the crowd warily hesitating to even draw breath around them.
A chorus of gasp hushed the warriors and civilians, heads turning to where there was movement against one of the buildings. A tall stone structure with dark grey slats which towered upwards to where a flag had been descended, uncurling in slow motion.
Brielle watched the crowd turn to observe the flag, heard Cairn swear and stumble backwards behind her, Despite her pain, Brielle smiles, a surge of hope blooming as she stares at the flag. A sign from someone.
Maeve catches the expression on Brielle's face, and turns to inspect what has drawn the attention of the gathering. Even from behind her, struggling through her pain Brielle sought amusement in the way Maeve's shoulder drooped and shifted nervously.
Because hanging from that tall building, high in the street for all to witness. A White stag, its antler harbouring a crown and ring of flame stared down at them all. The green of the background brightens the street way itself. Many of the voices sounded louder now, as the flag of Terrasen blew lightly in the wind, flapping against the building in defiance.
It's a taunt and Maeve would know it. But as the voices of her people grew louder, in shock. The Queen slowly turns, glancing over her shoulder first. 
There on the blood soaked cobblestones, Commander Brielle was finally knelt at last. 
A triumphant smile would have made its way onto the Queen's lips if the words of the crowd didn't move her attention, narrowing to study Brielle's positioning. 
Not kneeling at her, or for her crown.
But kneeling with her body angled and head bowed low to the Flag of Terrasen. To the Lord of the North
For Aelin Galathynius.
. . .
Taglist: @dreamiezpsycho@lunaralaraspace@mis-lil-red@mali22@the-fae-are-taking-over
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helloescapist · 1 year
The Art of Sharing a Meal | Giyuu Tomioka
Word Count: 4285
Setting: Giyuu Tomioka x gn!reader (reader is a slayer), mutual pining, SFW
Content Warnings: no warnings here, just fluff all around
Summary: a day off is normally something to treasure, but for a work-a-holic like Giyuu, it's quite the struggle to navigate, as well as what to do with his spare time: music, gardening, sparring, and even cooking can be quite the challenge unless you're by his side.
[The artwork belongs to Koyoharu Gotouge!]
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Steam rolled in waves off of the fire, the pots of the kitchen hut and modest. The care of the meticulously maintained cookware evident to have withstand the test of the pillage the kitchen had endured.
Pots placed throughout counters, knives awkwardly stuck in the chopping boards; peels of produce abandoned across the surface, forgotten in his enthusiasm. Chunks of daikon misshaped and awry, clearly abused and awkwardly handled in their preparation. The chunks uneven, and prepared at uneven temperatures due to the varying thickness. The pungent odor of kombucha seaweed miscalculated, and left on the stove for far too long. The remaining parts stripped of any potential savory umami, and left to wallow and slimy as the earth worms that he had met this morning. The seaweed containing the same degree of appetizing as the garden crawlers. Although unlike the soil caretakers, the kelp had long lost its benefits, seethed right from its properties. The distinct sear of overcooked salmon burned his nose, caught on the revealing hues of whites that it offered when he had sliced it. The skin awkwardly marred despite his best attempts, curiously dry despite the broth it soaked in. Composed of soy sauce and ginger far too overbearing and unbalanced and settled awkwardly and disproportion in sake. The rice wine oozing of booze and oppressive against the taste buds. Chalky on the tongue, and disappointing as the flavor punished his palate. The pucker of his lips as he forced down another bite; the disappointment evident on his features.
His meal had been in good company; afforded the rare day off at Ubuyashiki’s insistence. The leader had expressed his concern for the Water Hashira, expressed that Tomioka was well known for his adamant nature, overworked, and the man had suspected that such lifestyle choices had begun to bare on him. Weighted, and affecting his performance, he had reminded Giyuu that such decisions could impair is battle tact, reminded him that an early grave could be the result. One that very well, could belong to another rather than the Hashira, himself. A fate that Giyuu wished to avoid at all costs, and so, he had begrudgingly accepted Ubuyashiki’s care.
                The dreaded reality of having a day off in the unusual opportunity to relax had weighed on him. The morning hours spent awkwardly wandering about the mansion, no longer contempt to stay in his room and play his usual games. His voyage leaving him displaced and a float. Tomioka had become increasingly aware… that he really did not know how to relax. The dawning conclusion had led him through a variety of paths, determined to seize his day off in a way that would benefit his work performance. Sharpen his mind, and ensure the safety of those under his care.
                He had begun with Gyomei. The Stone Hashira had towered over him, eyes a wide and clasping his prayer beads as he regarded his peer. His features strained and stoic, had reassured Giyuu that such a rest was necessary from time to time as the foreboding man prepared himself for an upcoming mission while attempting to ponder Tomioka’s inquiry. Pressed a smile one that appeared to be sculpted from boulders itself, his steps heavy as he crossed the room. His shifting amongst belongings practiced, and precise as he found a flute and presented Giyuu with a book alongside it. His voice telling, as calm as any father figure could ever hope to be, he devlved to Giyuu that he had purchased the instructions in the hope that the hobby would bring Genya peace—the younger slayer had often been known to enjoy his playing, but as time had taught the Stone Pillar, he was uninterested. The book left with little choice to collect dust. The man had made the suggestion born of his own hobby, and the peace it often brought him, and so, the Water Hashira had set off to attempt sahkuhachi.  It should have been an obtainable goal, at least the building blocks instructions Gyomei had left in his care before Giyuu had departed. The directions were formative, intended for small children beginning their journey, and yet, despite the effort Tomioka had placed into the flute, he had become aware that it was not working out well at all.
                The yank of the instrument from his fingers, his eyes pressed together through forced breaths, the younger Shinazugawa had seized his opportunity, and forced the woodwind from Giyuu’s grasp. His eyes agitated; the scowl permanently etched into his features. He resembled his brother far more than he had his adopted father. The newer member to the corps had found him in the garden, drawn by the clear dismay of passing maids and kakushi who could be heard lamenting about the dying animal they had overheard. Informed Giyuu that his performance was hopeless unless he had intended to utilize it as some form of punishment in slaying. The bamboo strains threatening to snap between his fingers as he lectured his superior. Tomioka’s down casted gaze having shocked the man into an awkward apology, that sounded more like a backhanded compliment. Stumbled from fallen words, Genya had suggested something less detrimental to the health of other members, perhaps gardening. He had shared his own fondness for tending to bonsai trees. Work beckoning the young boy away, and leaving Giyuu to consider his suggestion.
                Tomioka was not entirely unfamiliar to the world of gardening. Under Urokodaki’s care, Giyuu had the understanding of the basic necessities of farming. In the mountains, they were left with limited resources, and so Sabito and he had nurtured a vegetable garden, and even learned to identify wild vegetables in the forests and mountain sides. With such knowledge at his disposal, he understood that starting a garden would be a tall order for a single day off, and his efforts would be met with disappointment when he returned from a long mission. The Water Hashira’s garden would not survive without his care, and to expect other members of the corps to carry the weight was a burden he would not request, nor a task he would push off to the kakushi. Fist clapped against his hand; he knew what it was he needed to do. He had filtered through the mansion’s library, thumbed through various manuscripts, and care guides before locating what he needed. His feet carrying him as his eyes glanced amongst the pages and instructions before stopping before delicately maintained bonsai trees. Ones that Genya, the very slayer who had suggested the past time to him had cultivated. Just as Giyuu would struggle to maintain a garden, he had considered that the younger Shinazugawa likely faced the same obstacles in his cultivation and care. It would be a great show of appreciation to care for his trees in his wake, after all he had suggested such a pass time in the first place. Pages pressed between firm fingers in his left hand, sea drowned eyes that skimmed the instructions and eyebrows drawn. Clippers captured in his right hand, far too rigid for the proper technique. These instructions, much like the ones Gyomei had provided were intended for beginners, and surely something he could accomplish in a timely manner. The diagram had made it seem so easy. Snip after snip, the realization began to settle upon the demanding bellow. The familiar rage he had elicited as fast as the breeze. The demands to know what it was in the seven hells he was doing, or at least, what he thought he was doing. The seething anger that radiated from the Wind Hashira as he wretched the clippers from his hands, offered Giyuu another perspective in which Giyuu could appraise his work through, and… it wasn’t good. Quickly registering that meticulous was far more complicated he had been prepared for, and the evidence was left in bare branches. Jutting leaves at odd angles, and the once proud bonsai seemed humiliated at its appearance. Leaving the Water Hashira with the conclusion that… this was not the pass time for him before he dared to ask the older Shinazugawa what he would recommend. The query had landed as a challenge rather than a question. The Wind Pillar rash to act on his urges, the fist that claimed Giyuu’s top and yanked him to his feet. Eye to eye, curse after curse, threat after threat, the Water Hashira was at a loss. No matter how he approached the angle, he could not comprehend how a threat had been made, the pondering only eliciting further rage.
                The commotion of feral growls met with confused bland statements shifted the kakushi from sight, quick to escape any damage that a sparring match would be sure to result in; the Wind Hashira was renowned for his fury. Their scrambling down the halls drawing the interception from Kanroji. The Love Hashira met them with concerned, immediately offering her assistance. She was well practiced in mediation. Her bounce in step as she intruded upon the pending scurry drew immediate dismay from Sanemi. The red of his face burning and horrified at the way she had pressed herself between them, determined to separate the two other pillars. Her affectionate smile revealing how blissfully aware at the way she had squished the agitated man. The flush of his skin staining the scars that danced across his face. Only able to manage another curse before departing down the hallway, leaving a storm in his path just as the one he had provided at his arrival. Left alone, and obviously confused at the Wind breather’s pardon, Kanroji tilted her head at Giyuu. Her eyes wide and affectionate, quick to inquire if the Water Pillar was alright, and when met with the nature of his dilemma, she had beamed. She cooed his praise, sung compliment after compliment at his hard work, and reassured him that Ubuyashiki was in fact correct. This would be wonderful for him. The smack of her hand meeting his back, intending to be as affectionate as the words she threaded together were met against the curve of his spine. The brute strength she bared completely slipping from her mind—she had nearly tumbled him over. His back ached, he had concluded. He was beginning to lose faith that a day off was relaxing at all, as he considered the woman’s parting advice. She had always enjoyed a meal best, on her day off. Although Giyuu suspected Kanroji always enjoyed her meals, she had assured him that food always tasted perfect on a day off.
Yes, his meal was in good company. A stewing match of disappointment that rolled into overbearing flavor rather than the subtle gentle one he had craved. The salmon pressed against his teeth, an uncomfortable chalky texture that dragged as he chewed. He struggled to throw it away, it seemed such a waste to simply toss it. He couldn’t imagine a proper reason to squander such use of ingredients, he had made this wreck. Giyu had determined... It would be cruel to offer it to Kanzaburo; he should be the one to eat it. He also imagined that… his old crow despite its withering age, would not accept it from the scent alone. Not that the swordsman could fault him for it. There was also the reality, that Giyuu neither had the resolve to request someone else prepare the meal, not that any kakushi were available today. Pulled away for various work tasks, the Water Hashira had been left to his own devices, lulled into a false sense of security. He had been familiar with the basics of cooking. Urokodaki had ensured he had the capabilities to prepare for food for himself; the demands of his work had ensured he was capable of securing food in the wilderness. His onigiri were simple, but edible, easily fitting into his pocket. He had been known to catch his own fish, and prepare them over a fire when missions led him far from towns and villages. He had truly thought of all the tasks, this was the one he would succeed at. His face drawn, eyes facing the mess before him, he had gathered the courage to press on. It was not as though he was at risk of poisoning himself—he was confident in that, and so, he steeled himself for another bite.
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The mansion had been deserted for the most part upon your arrival. The halls devoid of the usual bustle, only the occasional kakushi rushed pass you, eager hands determined to complete their task in the wake of their comrade’s absence. Too determined to accomplish duties to properly acknowledge you, not that they had been disrespectful by any means. They were simply enthralled in their obligations to offer more than a nod in passing, their feet pattering hard against wood floors. Your report had been filed to the head of the household. Had ensured the details had been properly disclosed. It had not been an especially trying demon, but the demands on your body from the trip were tiring. Nothing you were unaccustomed to—the Wind Hashira’s sparing matched were more toiling, but you couldn’t deny the ache in your bones as you rubbed your neck, your feet a mere echo amongst the noise of the mansion. A lone figure with no immediate pressing duties to attend to. The head, Ubuyashiki had offered you the gentlest of smiles, relieved to welcome you home once again. The touch of guilt that followed was not out of place, he had often borne fatigue upon any member’s arrival. Remorse and regret were known to steal his appetite, and you believed that tonight was no different. On weary bones he rose, his wife the Lady Ubuyashiki quick to accompany his side. His weight pressed against her as he regarded her with the warmth of long-time lovers intertwined by fate and joined at the hits, a sweet sight one that you often relished in such pressing times. You had begun to rise yourself, quick to excuse yourself from the wed couple, who were clearly preoccupied in one another’s embrace, but were paused at the door. Your hand on the frame as you peeked over your shoulder, greeted by Amane’s knowing smile as the leader of the Demon Corps asked if you would be willing to shoulder, just one more burden before retiring for the night. At first, you had assumed that he was requesting tea—the lack of kakushi would mean that not all of his medical needs were priority. He had preferred it that way, but Lady Amane was more the responsive to his needs, often supplying anything her husband required before he had even known himself. No, the pleasant smile was not one that requested any personal needs, but rather, he requested you pay visit to the kitchens, “you will know before you arrive,” he had said with the faintest of chuckles. The disease clear on his throat before he allowed himself to be fully taken by his wife, bidding you farewell for the night.
                He was right. The smell greeted you long before you had turned the corner of the inner rooms. What spices drafted through creeks and clung to furniture, you did not know.. Far more pungent than the fermented and dried fish that frequented some villages. In fact, you would rather welcome the horrible familiar stench of kusaya than face what lied ahead. The rare person you passed just as quick to evade the scene, unwilling to be wrangled into what mess awaited you. The pinch of your nose against your nostrils. The heavy wave of booze that carried as you peeked around the corner. This was where you had found him. Lost in a sea of mangled daikon radishes, askew across the counter. Awkwardly peeled and telling of his unfamiliarity with a kitchen blade. The nicks slammed into the cutting wood slab far deeper than necessary, fluid as his breathing style, and just as lethal. Steam of rice well prepared despite the surrounding circumstances, Slimy folds of unsavory kombu seaweed, unsalvageable. A rare sight for any cooking experience, and the slight burn of fish that had not only been over cooked, but had trodden into smoldered.  Edges revealing signs of over temperature whether of neglect having been too focused on cooking the radishes, or inexperience, you weren’t entirely sure. Nor were you entirely confident that the man who sat with the stoic face upon his features was not in fact intoxicated for how heavily the sake measurement reeked.  Curiously examining his bowl, trying to determine exactly what ingredients he had selected, and the peculiar regard the Water Hashira had for the meal before him. Pursed lips, hyper focused as he dared one more bite. I-It can’t be tasty. Your gaze swept over him, following every line of his face, unsure? His eyelashes fluttering, and there it was. The small bend of his eyebrow. Disappointed. The word was the only accurate description for what you had witnessed. The distant memory of Shinobu sharing her “disgust” over having witnessed Tomioka partake in his favorite food. Salmon and daikon. His time spent over the kitchen, eagerly attempting to make his own meal, and savor its effort. Only to eagerly disappointed. The queasy way he regarded his bite. Chopsticks having secured it, resolving… no, willing himself to partake another bite despite the illease on his features.
                You could not stop yourself. Perhaps it was that your body had not yet settled from your fight out in the field, or the dinner before you had awakened your adrenaline. Preparing you for another battle, the chance of self-poisoning certainly seemed possible in the state before you, although whether you cared to face the sneaking suspicion, or not, his lapis lazuli eyes captivated you. Washed from the deepest shades of blues stranded at grape hyacinth hues. Straight face, and unwilling to crack, but the surprise somehow was evident. You would chalk it up to instinct, born of that adrenaline rush, and nothing more. “Ah, Welcome home,” he had stated, monotonous despite the way your thoughts whispered that you had caught him off guard. His eyes beginning to drift to your hand, having caught his own within their grasp. His own hands warmed from the kitchen while yours touched on small touches of the inclined weather that awaited the outdoors. The realization you had grabbed him so familiarly touching your ears and drawing your eyes to the corner of your lashes, releasing him. Warm and embarrassed, as you bit your lip. Studied the ruins of produce spread across the counter. Suspected that he had intended to clean as soon as he had finished his meal.
                “You’ll give yourself food poisoning,” you returned.
                His eyes catching yours before inspecting the bite between the chopsticks. Rotating his wrist in an attempt to determine the risk. Unsure of how to proceed, the Water Hashira was not exactly known for his conversational skills. Nor quick to admit that he needed assistance. You had been well aware of that for your time working together, his often-incompatible nature often setting awkwardly against the other members of the Corps, you were often partnered together. Not that you had ever minded, in fact, you enjoyed the small moments together. Enjoyed the small wrinkle he would get in his brow when he concentrated, the wiggle of his eyebrows would reveal when he was embarrassed. Likely a result of feeling he had pressed too far, inconvenienced you in a way. The first time you had witnessed it, was when he had caught you. Your footing met awkwardly against the mountain side, and the blood loss from a demon inflicted wound had grown too heavy on you. Dulled your senses, and caused you to slip. His grasp had been firm. Resolved to ensuring your safety, he had gritted his teeth when the wound was made. Revealed a level of rage you hadn’t recognized beneath the calm façade of his, and at the moment he dared to embrace you, his eyebrows twitched. Anxious, the smallest tint shift in his features as he searched your reaction. It had ended in you accepting a piggy back ride from him. Far closer than either of you two had ever dared to cross, much like now. Some part of you daring to push, after all, Ubuyashiki had requested your assistance. There would be nothing… more to meeting them. Just like there had been no underlining meaning to him carrying you to the Butterfly Mansion that day.
Through pursed lips, shy and unwilling to accept the weight at your chest, and the way it fluttered as you wielded a small kitchen knife, you leaned forward. As though you were instructing a small child, one new to the kitchen, and eager to learn. Rotated your wrists, adjusted his hands over the daikon as necessary. You had tossed his failed attempt into the compost bin, reassured him that it would not be a waste this way—his guilt was heavy and noticeable as you laid out the necessary ingredients, and tools you would require to complete dinner. Successfully able to determine that his rice was salvageable, and well-seasoned overall. One less thing to worry about, only the main course needed completing then. Had complied when he requested you show him, noticed the way his ears tinted, the quip of his brow serious and focused in the way that you adored as you leaned over him, daring to touch his hands, and demonstrate the proper technique. Left to simmer, you secured the salmon and laid it before him. Reminded him that unlike his duties, the kitchen blade required a softer movement. One like a stream rather than a wave, and not to fight the gentle ease of his wrist as he followed your instruction. Slice after slice, dropping the salmon into warm water left in the wake of the cooked daikon, and just as quick to retrieve it—you would not allow this salmon to suffer the same fate as the fish before it. In death, it deserved dignity. Not the disgrace the other one had endured. Watched as he transferred it to cold water, leaned over the counter as you tested the daikon to ensure that it was manageable temperature. Perfectly cooked, but able to handle before dropping it to the pot once more alongside an embellishment of seaweed. He had listened eagerly to you explain the importance of moderation in seasoning, his eyes followed your movements as though he were witnessing a kabuki theater. Traced your silhouette, watched as the steam traced you form. Told yourself that it was merely his focus that drew his attention to you. Shy and avoiding meeting his peering gaze, one that threatened to wake the core of your soul and release words you dare not whisper. Distant, hopeful thoughts intrusive and homely in nature. Dreams of a home upon retirement. Time spent in the kitchen just like this. Reveal yourself to him in a way that you know. Together… No, no, focus on the ginger, you hissed to yourself. Your fingers grasping the ginger far tighter than you intended. Not that he hadn’t noticed, but wished to convince yourself he hadn’t. There was nothing more to this, nothing outside of orders you had received, you reminded yourself as you carefully ladled the broth into a bowl. Garnishing with warm slices of daikon that glistened into the light. The delicate hint of ginger that embraced the sake, perfectly balanced. The feeling of GIyuu’s eyes glued to your form, the way he regarded you. New. Soft, and delicate as the way you placed the bowl before him, a side of rice alongside it.
                There, you had told yourself. You would leave the kitchen cleaning to him. It was after all his mess in the first place. You would pick up the necessary, slip yourself some onigiri, and sneak away before he had the opportunity to realize the depth you were carrying. The impending worry that those intrusive thoughts, ones that lingered for his touch. To share in more than just one another’s company. It needed to be avoided at all costs, but his voice had caught you. You had rarely been able to escape his gaze.
                “Will you.. eat with me?” Small, quiet. That wrinkle of his eyebrows that whispered his unsureness to you. Likely questioning if he had crossed the line, so completely unaware that your heart had done so long ago. How weak you were to resist him. How could he ask such of you? Did he truly not know? How would you deny him? What excuse could you offer? How much longer could you pretend that it were merely the duties that had bound you to one another? Nervous bite of your lip and the blush that burned at your cheeks as you nervously secured your own portion, his head turned from your own as you questioned whether you should sit across from him or… beside him? How could he be so unaware?
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Perhaps, as oblivious as you were to the smile that caught his lips. The press of your shoulders providing extra warmth despite the cold of the night beginning to settle in. The hush of goosebumps that quivered down his back as he leaned into your shoulder. The salmon and daikon was good. Perhaps, the very best he had ever enjoyed, but the company was even better.
If you are interested in trying Giyuu's favorite meal, I highly recommend Honey'sAnime recipe for a more traditional approach, or Naoko Takei Moore's elivated dish.
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Discover India’s Best Face Masks: Instant Glow, Youthful Skin, and More!
When it comes to achieving flawless, radiant skin, face masks are a skincare essential. Whether you're dealing with oily, combination, or dry skin, the right face mask can make all the difference. Purple Snail Cosmetics offers an incredible range of face mask sheets, each designed to target specific skin concerns while delivering visible results after just one use. Let's dive into why these are India's best face masks, and how they cater to all your skin's needs.
1. Hyaluronic Serum Face Mask
If you’re looking for the ultimate face mask for dry skin, the Hyaluronic Serum Face Mask is your perfect match. This mask is packed with hyaluronic acid, known for its ability to hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water, ensuring deep hydration and a plump, youthful appearance. Ideal for those seeking a face mask for glowing skin, it delivers a radiant, refreshed complexion almost instantly. For optimal results, use this mask twice a week to keep your skin looking dewy and vibrant.
2. Seaweed Face Mask Sheet
The Seaweed Face Mask is a powerhouse of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. It’s a go-to face mask for combination skin because of its ability to balance moisture levels while nourishing the skin. Infused with seaweed, one of the most effective bio-active ingredients, this mask is perfect for those searching for a collagen face mask that also provides anti-aging benefits. With regular use, this mask can help in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, making your skin glow with youthful vitality.
3. Collagen & Grapefruit Face Mask Sheet
Searching for a face mask for oily skin? The Collagen & Grapefruit Face Mask is your best bet. Collagen works wonders in smoothing out wrinkles and plumping up the skin, while grapefruit gently exfoliates, revealing a bright, even-toned complexion. This Grapeseed face mask is also enriched with antioxidants that protect your skin from free radical damage, making it a fantastic face mask for glowing complexion. Incorporate it into your skincare routine once or twice a week for a noticeable transformation.
4. Vitamin C Serum Face Mask
For those battling sun damage and uneven skin tone, the Vitamin C face mask is a must-try. This dermatologist-recommended mask is formulated to brighten your skin, even out your complexion, and protect against environmental stressors. It’s the ultimate face mask for fair skin, perfect for those who want to lighten dark spots and achieve a luminous glow. Plus, it’s an excellent face mask for sun tan, helping to reverse the damage caused by UV exposure.
Why Choose Purple Snail Face Masks?
Purple Snail's face masks are among the best in Thailand, South Korea, and now India. Their potent formulations ensure you see immediate benefits, making them the best face masks in India for anyone looking to enhance their skincare routine. Whether you need a Korean face mask for glowing skin or a pomogranate face mask for rejuvenation, Purple Snail has got you covered.
How to Use for Best Results
For the best results, it’s recommended to use these masks once or twice a week. Incorporating them into your skincare regimen will keep your skin refreshed, radiant, and youthful. Don't wait—transform your skin today with Purple Snail's best-selling face masks, and experience the magic of instant results!
By using these powerful face masks, you're not just treating your skin; you're investing in long-lasting beauty. From the ultimate collagen face mask to the brightening power of Vitamin C, Purple Snail’s face masks are the secret to glowing, youthful skin.
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feministdragon · 1 year
there's a certain kind of article on the internet that pisses me off so badly. it's written by a person with a surface-level understanding of the topic and little-to-no personal experience, who collates a few sources and then litters the information highway with yet another piece of trash
today's trash article is a discussion of bone broth.
my position on bone broth is that it has personally done a lot for my physical health, energy levels hair, skin and nails. but it matters a lot HOW i've been doing it. first, i've been cooking it myself, from organic bones, and with alcohol and certain kinds of vegetables, which increases the breakdown of the bones and release of nutrients in the water. second, I have been eating Mass Quantities, that is 1-2 bowls a day, with seaweed and other vegetable nutrients added, for almost 2 years now. the level of healing i've experienced is directly. proportional. to the amount and quality of the broth.
so it can help you. but you have to use quality ingredients, and invest time and energy into cooking it right, and you have to eat A LOT. and yes, many people don't have the time, resources and money etc, of course! so of course this can't help people who don't have the time, resources, money etc. this is not a cure all.
what makes me mad is the stupid black and white thinking the internet is prey to. like, if not everyone can benefit, then NO ONE can benefit. if vegans and vegetarians cannot benefit, then NO ONE can benefit. if poor and under-resourced people cannot benefit, then NO ONE can benefit. (the biggest of eye rolls)
and like, yes. people who don't beleive in eating animals exist. people with lack of access to resources exist. I feel a lot of compassion for both of these groups, but I can't! do anything! about their concerns! does that mean I am not supposed to share a method that CAN work for SOME people?
I myself am a former vegetarian. I've discovered that vegetarianism, combined with overwork and a lack of sleep, fucked my health right up. Do you know what I've found that fixed that? fucking bone broth. Is abandoning vegetarianism right for you??? maybe not! is bone broth right for you?? maybe not!! and that's okay!
so but, along comes this article which apparently is a gotcha about that bone broth is useless. which, if it were actually sourced from actual studies about actual bone broth, I might consider its arguments.
but you know what it actually argues?
that a) collagen supplements provide more and better collagen than bone broth, and b) you need the minerals from vegetables to make them available. Okay, but where do you think the fcuking collagen in supplements comes from? Fucking industrially produced fucking bone broth. just, y'know in giant factories, not in your kitchen, and reduced water content so it's a gell or a pill and not a soup. so what they're actually arguing is that industrially produced bone broth is better. which...okay, but that's bone broth. and it's true about the vegetables by the way, which is why you cook the fucking bones with vegetables when you make the broth, to make the bones more bioavailabile. So the recommendation here is actually: don't make bone broth yourself, take our pills and eat your salad like a good little girl.
that because proponents of bone broth tell you that glucosamine is one of the components of bone broth, and that glucosamine supplements don't work, therefore bone broth doesn't work. but we're not talking about fucking glucosamine supplements? we're talking about bone broth? which you haven't shown a study about the uselessness of?
then they're like, "okay, there's supposed to be protein and calcium in bone broth, but you can get more protein from other sources, and the calcium is actually very little, so you see, it's not very useful". you know what's very high in calcium? milk. do you know how bioavailable the calcium in milk is? Not Very! because you need magnesium to put calcium in the right places in your body. without magnesium, calcium ends up in your joints, causing stiffness and arthritic symptoms. magnesium signals calcium to go to the right places, your bones. If you cook bone broth right, with vegetables, then you have the magnesium to do the job right. but also, you have to drink a lot, on the daily. it's not like taking concentrated vitamins, it's broth, it's just soup, it's going to take greater quantities. Also the amount of daily calcium you need is not as much as milk ads have made people think.
here, all they say is they have no evidence to support that bone broth helps leaky gut syndrome. how and why does this merit its own number on their list? "Uh.....we got nothing, but we're going to make it a bullet point" okay there player
aaaaand this is the only point I agree with, because I'm also sick to fucking death of all of the claims of detoxing around. you can't detox your body. your liver does that shit. you can maintain your liver and kidney health to HELP them do that shit, but you can't eat stuff to do their job FOR them.
and so the article's grand conclusion? what they actually write is that maybe bone broth is okay, it's neutral. SO their main point is actually that bone broth is okay? Even though the tone of the article is trying to lead you to believe that it's a big scam, even though they have maybe one point that supports that?
so how is this article actually informing you in any way about the supposed failures of bone broth? all they're saying is that collagen supplements--industrially produced bone broth--is better than home-made, that glucosamine supplements are not bone broth, that bone broth doesn't have 'enough' calcium without discussing bioavailability and actual studies of the amount of calcium needed and the actual amount of bone broth required, they can't even back up their argument about gut health and they have to concede that it's still actually nutritious.
okay so that's your gotcha article.
Listen I understand that bone broth has become trendy, and i'm also sick to death of food trends that take off because they've been passed around the internet looking for the next big thing to promote. but articles like this are also fucking shady, because they're using false equivalencies and ad hominem and faint praise to do their takedown, instead of actual fucking facts and studies. it's just as lazy as all the next-food-trend promoters.
I just want the internet to actually be the accessible central repository of all human knowledge that we all think it is, is that too much to ask?
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tortoisesshells · 6 months
ask game: 4, 13, 22? please and thanks <3
4. ... with dialogue I'm proud of:
answered here, and here, but this is an oldie. From her eye discourses, in which the patients and staff of a Union hospital argue about performing Shakespeare.
“So, our Seccesh nurse is our Juliet, our hapless Chaplain not our Friar but a Romeo, and Mary Phinney takes for herself the humble roll of Nurse. Where am I in this production?” “You seem a Mercutio to me,” Mary said, and a small smile, like a cat’s, crept onto her face. Jed could not help but smile in return. It was not at her words, though he minded them, but at her voice, her smile, the weak candle-light in her hair, the ease with which she engaged him and – yes – smiled. “Are you saying you’d see me run through?” “Not in the least.” “Well, then, I pray thee, Nurse,” he said, grandly, to his audience of one, “explain thyself.” “You’re clever,” she replied, her gaze frank and eyes sparkling in the lamplight, “And you enjoy your own cleverness. You perform it, at times, I think, and not for any persons’ benefit but your own.”
13. ... that helped me understand a character better:
answered here, and I'm not sure I understand anything about any characters from 1899, but, I did feel like I answered some of my questions about 'was the fire that killed Eyk's family an accident' and 'what happened to Sara Larsen'?
They talked more, until their home was before them and he had to hold her arm on the narrow stairs; in hindsight, he saw that he had never answered her questions – that Keats had gone untranslated, and he was at sea when the concert took place, so Sara had gone with Luise Ferner and her husband. He had not seen it then – nor did he heed what followed – Sara sat giggling at her dressing table, twiddling her fingers in the candlelight and humming, unwilling to dress for bed. He thought, if she would let him, he should do it for her; he was young, after all, not long married – easily flustered by the sight of Sara’s long hair over her bare shoulders. Still a little punchy from the wine, she had started to draw her hand back and forth through the flame. “You’ll hurt yourself, sweetheart,” he protested, taking her hand in his. She giggled again, and made to pull her hand out of his; because he was young, and Sara was bright-eyed and pretty, and because he could not see the future, he brought her hand up and kissed it. “I will not hurt myself if I am quick enough,” Sara said, pulling her hand away, and demonstrating, “See? You see?”
22. ... that is so blissfully self-indulgent:
I am going to cheat and share something for the seriously delayed ch. 31 of Customs. Unbelievably, I wrote this before my favorite dead side character in DS showed up as a seaweed-covered ghost.
In her dreams, Lieutenant Nibley was standing in her parlor, streaming salt-water and rot. Eyes gone, flesh half-eaten. She felt sick with fear at the sight of him, but could not say it or give sign of it. Skin shredded. Blue. Barnacles, open as if to a current. That fine blue coat ragged, as much bladder-wrack as gold braid and wool. A – a crab, scuttling into the empty socket. The tea tray was on the table and she busied herself with it, while he spoke to her. At her. Accusation. She swallowed and handed him a piece of molasses cake, the dish of tea. His hand was – God help her, she thought when she woke – clammy, cold and claw-like as Samuel’s had been the morning after his passing. She remembered his living hand on her wrist, pulling her down into the harbor and – And she was awake, then. Cold and alone in her own bed, Nellie gritted her teeth and brought her forehead to her knees, curling up as tightly as she could. Had she cried out? She prayed not, listening for the sounds of her children stirring, or footsteps in the hall. Nothing, thank God. There was rain on the roof, against the windows; the storm had come in from the south, hot to the touch. Some part of her remembered the unseasonable hurricane that had nearly ripped the Constance in two only just earlier in the year; May seemed like it had been years ago, rather than a season, and the Nellie Treat who had spent hours at the pumps praying for their trials to end another being entirely. Perhaps she was: it was hard to imagine the woman who had drunk rum in a Nassau tavern with a pirate crew was the same who’d gotten her hands under Commodore Norrington’s collar in a dark garden. Rather than reconciling the two – well. She didn’t want to dwell on it, but then, her mind, of late, was a street cur that would find something gruesome to gnaw on.
Send me a number and I'll share an excerpt of my writing!
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technoseoo · 9 months
Discovering the Marvels of Sea Moss from St. Lucia: A Nutrient-Rich Seaweed Revolution
In the heart of the Caribbean, the picturesque island of St. Lucia is not just a haven for sun-seekers and nature enthusiasts but also home to a hidden gem that has been making waves in the health and wellness community – Sea Moss. Known scientifically as Chondrus crispus, this nutrient-packed seaweed has been harvested off the shores of St. Lucia for centuries, and its popularity has surged in recent years due to its myriad of health benefits.
The Origins of Sea Moss in St. Lucia:
St. Lucia boasts pristine waters and a unique climate that create the perfect conditions for the growth of Sea Moss. The nutrient-rich Caribbean Sea, combined with the warm temperatures and ample sunlight, fosters the optimal environment for this seaweed to thrive. Harvested by local divers, the Sea Moss from St. Lucia is renowned for its purity and quality.
The Health Benefits of Sea Moss:
1. Rich in Essential Nutrients:
   Sea Moss is a nutritional powerhouse packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It is a rich source of iodine, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, E, and K. These nutrients support various bodily functions, from immune system health to maintaining healthy skin and hair.
2. Digestive Health:
   The high fibre content in Sea Moss makes it a valuable ally in promoting digestive health. It acts as a prebiotic, supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and aiding in proper digestion. Regular consumption of Sea Moss may contribute to a healthier gut microbiome.
3. Thyroid Support:
   Iodine, a vital component for thyroid function, is abundant in Sea Moss. Including Sea Moss in your diet may help regulate thyroid hormones, promoting a healthy and balanced metabolism.
4. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:
   Sea Moss contains bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds may help reduce inflammation in the body, making Sea Moss a potential asset in managing inflammatory conditions.
5. Weight Management:
   Sea Moss can be a valuable addition to a weight management plan with its low-calorie content and high nutrient density. It provides essential nutrients without the excess calories, making it a nutrient-dense and satisfying food choice.
Harvesting and Sustainable Practices:
The sustainable harvesting of Sea Moss in St. Lucia is a delicate process that involves skilled divers hand-harvesting the seaweed from the ocean floor. This method ensures minimal impact on the marine ecosystem, allowing for Sea Moss beds' continued growth and regeneration. The commitment to sustainable practices preserves the natural habitat and ensures the high quality and purity of the Sea Moss harvested from St. Lucia.
The Sea Moss St. Lucia Difference:
The Sea Moss from St. Lucia stands out for its exceptional quality and commitment to organic and sustainable farming practices. Unlike mass-produced alternatives, Sea Moss from St. Lucia is free from pesticides, herbicides, and other harmful chemicals. This commitment to purity ensures that consumers receive a product that is nutritionally dense and free from potentially harmful contaminants.
Incorporating Sea Moss into Your Routine:
Adding Sea Moss to your daily routine is easy and versatile. It can be consumed in various forms, including gel, capsules, or as an ingredient in smoothies, soups, and desserts. The Sea Moss gel, made by blending soaked Sea Moss with water, is a popular choice for those looking to seamlessly incorporate this nutrient-rich seaweed into their diet.
Recipes to Try:
1. Sea Moss Smoothie:
   Blend fresh Sea Moss gel with your favourite fruits, leafy greens, and a splash of almond milk for a delicious and nutritious smoothie
2. *Sea Moss Pudding:
   Create a healthy dessert by combining Sea Moss gel with coconut milk, vanilla extract, and a natural sweetener.
In conclusion, the Sea Moss from St. Lucia is a true superfood, offering many health benefits in a natural and sustainable package. From supporting digestive health to providing essential nutrients, Sea Moss has become a popular choice for those seeking a holistic approach to wellness. By embracing the rich traditions of harvesting Sea Moss in St. Lucia and incorporating it into our daily lives, we can unlock the potential of this nutrient-dense seaweed and embark on a journey towards improved health and vitality.
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bestseamossharvest · 2 years
What is Sea Moss? Benefits, Nutrition, and How to Prepare It
Sea moss is a spiny sea vegetable that’s primarily harvested for use in health supplements and as a thickening ingredient in commercial foods. If you’ve heard about sea moss supplements, you may wonder how you could use them and whether there are other ways to consume sea moss. The newest hidden weapon in your health arsenal may just be the seaweed you stepped over to get into the ocean the last time you were at the beach. Sea moss has been around since the waves first lapped the shore, but it's enjoying a surge in popularity because of its powerful immune-boosting nutrients.
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Sea moss is rich in natural minerals, high in iron, omega 3s, and antioxidants that make it an all-around immunity booster and weight-loss aid, which is why companies are harvesting it from beaches as far off as Ireland and the Caribbean, and consumers are adding it to everything from smoothies to acai bowls and rice and beans. It would be hard to identify one particular plant that has all the vitamins and minerals your body needs, but sea moss comes close: It contains vitamin B2, vitamin B12, calcium, chromium, magnesium, zinc and other nutrients, and has been used as a natural medicine to treat or reduce flu-like symptoms. please go here to this link https://www.theseamossharvest.com/ and know about Sea moss history, Benefits, Nutrition, and How to Prepare It. This article examines the potential benefits and downsides of sea moss, including its nutritional content and how to prepare it.
Sea moss, scientifically known as Chondrus crispus, is a type of algae or seaweed. It grows in waters along the rocky Atlantic coasts, primarily between North America and Europe. It’s an edible sea plant similar to other seaweeds, algae, and other familiar leafy sea vegetables like kelp or dulse. Sea moss grows in a number of colors, such as various shades of green, yellow, purple, red, brown, and black. The most common varieties that grow in the warmer waters are generally red and often called Irish moss (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).
Sea Moss Benefits: Now, if you're wondering more about why sea moss is beneficial to your life, then consider reading our elaboration on the some benefits of using topical sea moss, and taking sea moss supplements such as the one featured above from Elm & Rye... It’s heart-healthy, It may promote weight loss, It’s a good source of iodine, It supports gut health, It may boost your immunity, It can build muscle and aid in workout recovery, Promotes Healthy Skin, Healthier Mouth Wash, Healthier Drink Option, Improved Bath Time, Expels Mucus from Body, Reduces Inflammation, Cleanses Your Blood, Improved Love Life, Better Thyroid Health, Relief For Colds and Flu, Increased Energy, Increased Energy, Detoxifies Your Body, Antibacterial Benefits, Effective for Fighting Prostate Enlargement, Prevents Kidney Stones.
Sea moss nutrients: Red seaweeds like sea moss contain an array of vitamins and minerals. They’re naturally low in calories, fat, and sugar, and they contain a small amount of plant protein. A 4-tablespoon (20-gram) serving of raw Irish sea moss provides the following (4Trusted Source): Calories: 10, Protein: 0.5 grams, Total fat: 0 grams, Total carbs: 3 grams, Fiber: 0.5 grams, Total sugar: 0 grams, Calcium: 1% of the Daily Value (DV), Iron: 10% of the DV, Magnesium: 7% of the DV, Phosphorus: 2% of the DV, Zinc: 4% of the DV, Copper: 3% of the DV.Like other sea vegetables, sea moss is also a naturally good source of iodine, a micronutrient necessary for thyroid health (5Trusted Source).
How to use Sea moss: Today sea moss is mainly used as a source of vitamins and minerals to benefit overall health. You can most commonly find it in supplement form. Some supplement companies sell it in raw form, as a gel or powder, or as an oral capsule or gummy. Companies also sell sea moss as a component of supplements combined with turmeric, bladderwrack, and burdock root, claiming this combination benefits overall well-being, especially immunity, thyroid, digestive, and joint health. Sea moss has a long history of use as a food-thickening agent. It’s the only natural source of carrageenan, a thickener that manufacturers use in foods like ice cream, cottage cheese, nondairy milks, and even baby formula
How to prepare it: You can prepare sea moss in a number of ways. Many health food stores and online retailers sell sea moss in its raw, dried form. You can prepare a gel from this at home. This may be one of the most popular ways to consume it. To prepare a sea moss gel, simply soak raw sea moss in water overnight, then rinse and blend it with new water until smooth. Transfer it to a container with an airtight lid and store it in the refrigerator overnight to gel. Some supplement companies also offer sea moss that has already been prepared as a gel. According to the manufacturers, you can consume this form directly or add it to food and drinks.
The Sea Moss Harvest 28d/135 Macquarie St, Teneriffe QLD 4005 0434 132 007
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How To Choose The Best Facial Kits For Women To Get Instant Charm?
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Mesmerized by the flawless skin and charming glow of the women around you? You can also get that fascinating glow on your skin by using the best facial kits for women. Well, it is a big question to choose the most suitable women's facial kits. The thing is people should consider their skin type and season while selecting a facial kit for an enhanced glow. To learn more about how to choose the best facial kit you can follow this blog.
Facial kits and skin types
People with different skin types require different facial kits to look gracious. For example, people with oily skin problems will need facial kits enriched with vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and seaweed extracts. The famous beauty product brand Aroma Magic has a wide range of facial kits like pearl facial kits for normal to oily skin people. People with normal to dry skin can use a silver facial kit, gold facial kit, etc.  
Moreover, women should seriously take using bridal facial kits into account for a healthy glow for their big day. And, they can choose from a variety of facial kits that enhances beauty with a natural glow.
What kind of ingredients are the best for skin facials?
Experts recommend the use of natural or herbal ingredients in facial kits. Herbal ingredients do no harm to your skin and are effective in the long run. Further, you must choose facial kit brands that provide pure and herbal products with maximum benefits. 
Regular usage of facial kits can help you rejuvenate your face with naturally glowing skin. Therefore, you always do justice to your skin by using the right facial products.  
How to Choose the Right Facial Kit?
The market is full of beauty and skincare products. It is up to you and your skin what you want to enhance your beauty. However, we can suggest some criteria on which you can count on:
Herbal ingredients
Your chosen facial kit must contain pure herbal extracts, natural ingredients, and essential oils so they do not adversely impact your skin.
Suit your skin type
Your facial kit must be perfectly suited to your skin. Like, people with oily skin must take care of their acne-prone skin and must search for oil-controlling elements like vitamin C, tea tree oil, etc. 
Must hydrate your skin
The facial kit you are choosing must moisturize your skin well. It should contain hydrating ingredients like seaweed extracts, aloe vera, etc.
Bring a healthy glow to the skin
After facial your face should look naturally glowing. Keeping this in mind, you must look for aloe vera, lotus extracts, etc in your chosen facial kit.
Do you still feel that flawless skin is a blessing from God? Now, we think, you must have got an idea how regular use of the best facial kit can rejuvenate your skin. So, it is recommended to use the exclusive range of facial kits by Aroma Magic. They are extremely effective in making your looks refreshing and glowing.
1. What are the benefits of using facial kits at home?
If you use a facial kit at home regularly, like monthly or biweekly, you will see visible results on your face. Your face will start looking refreshing, glowing, and oil-free within a few times of use. Moreover, you will see your skin pores tightening and dull skin turning into a refreshing one. 
2. How to choose the best facial kit for your skin type?
If you are a person with oily or dry skin, you must take special care while choosing the facial kit. It must be hydrating in nature and add a natural glow to the skin. In addition, you must always take a patch test before purchasing any beauty product.
3. What are the essential steps in a facial kit?
A facial doesn’t end with massaging your skin well. But, it consists of various steps like cleansing, massaging, scrubbing, and applying a face mask at last.
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fitbodywrapca · 5 days
Pamper Yourself - The Relaxing Experience of Spa Body Wraps
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In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for self-care is essential. Spa body wraps offer a luxurious and rejuvenating experience that not only pampers the body but also promotes relaxation and wellness. These treatments can be a perfect escape from daily stress, allowing you to unwind while enhancing your overall health. Let’s explore the soothing world of spa body wraps and how they can elevate your self-care routine.
What Are Spa Body Wraps?
Spa body wraps involve applying a mixture of nourishing ingredients—such as clay, seaweed, essential oils, or herbal extracts—over the body. After the application, the body is wrapped in materials like plastic, fabric, or thermal blankets. This cocooning effect helps to retain heat and moisture, promoting absorption and allowing the ingredients to work their magic while you relax.
Benefits of Spa Body Wraps
1. Deep Relaxation
One of the most significant advantages of spa body wraps is their ability to promote relaxation. The warm, enveloping sensation of the wrap creates a comforting atmosphere, helping to soothe both the body and mind. Many people find that this experience alleviates stress, reduces anxiety, and fosters a sense of calm.
2. Skin Nourishment
Spa body wraps are designed to provide your skin with a wealth of nutrients. Ingredients such as aloe vera, coconut oil, and botanical extracts can deeply hydrate and rejuvenate the skin. Regular treatments can lead to improved texture, elasticity, and overall skin health, giving you a radiant glow.
3. Detoxification
Many spa body wraps focus on detoxifying the body by promoting sweating and the elimination of toxins. Ingredients like clay or seaweed are known for their ability to draw out impurities, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized. This detoxification process can also help reduce bloating and improve skin clarity.
4. Improved Circulation
The heat generated during a body wrap encourages blood flow and circulation. This improved circulation can enhance oxygen and nutrient delivery to cells, promoting healing and recovery. It can also help with the metabolism of fats, contributing to overall well-being.
5. Temporary Inch Loss and Firming
Many spa body wraps offer the added benefit of temporary inch loss and skin tightening. Ingredients like caffeine can stimulate the skin, giving it a firmer appearance. While this effect is not permanent, it can boost confidence and provide a feeling of lightness, especially before special occasions.
The Spa Experience
When you book a spa body wrap, you can expect a relaxing and indulgent experience. Here’s what typically happens:
Consultation: A therapist will discuss your skin type, concerns, and preferences to recommend the most suitable body wrap.
Preparation: You may be asked to change into a gown and lie on a treatment table. Creating a comfortable environment is a priority.
Application: The chosen mixture will be applied evenly over your body, focusing on areas that need extra care. You’ll then be wrapped snugly in the chosen material.
Relaxation: During the treatment, you can unwind with calming music, aromatherapy, or guided meditation, enhancing your overall experience.
Post-Treatment Care: After the wrap, you may be encouraged to drink water to stay hydrated and help your body continue the detoxification process.
Tips for Maximizing Your Spa Body Wrap Experience
Hydrate: Drink plenty of water before and after your treatment to enhance detoxification and keep your skin hydrated.
Arrive Early: Give yourself time to unwind before your appointment. Enjoy the spa facilities, such as saunas or relaxation rooms, if available.
Communicate: Share any specific skin concerns or preferences with your therapist to tailor the treatment to your needs.
Follow Up: Consider making body wraps a regular part of your self-care routine to fully enjoy their benefits.
Spa body wraps provide an exquisite opportunity to pamper yourself while reaping numerous health benefits. From deep relaxation and skin nourishment to detoxification and improved circulation, these treatments can elevate your self-care routine to new heights. By dedicating time to indulge in a spa body wrap, you’re investing in your well-being and taking a much-needed break from the demands of everyday life. Treat yourself to this soothing experience, and embrace the rejuvenating effects it brings.
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3 Tips for Celebrating National Self-Care Awareness Month with Skincare
The beginning of September brings a few lovely changes; the leaves start to change colors, the back-to-school season officially kicks off, and fall trends begin to pop up everywhere you look. With so many wonderful transitions on the horizon, it’s easy to see why September is National Self-Care Awareness Month. As you settle into new rituals, prepare for the cozy fall season, and style your favorite fall cardigans, embrace this season of self-care by refreshing your skincare rituals. Here’s what you need to know about merging skincare and self-care this September. Why Focus on Skincare During September? As the seasons change, your skin's needs and conditions also change, making early fall the perfect time to refresh your skincare regimen. While your skin might crave mattifying, non-comedogenic products during humid summer months, autumn weather might call for visibly hydrating products. Besides, skincare and self-care go together like crisp fall mornings and pumpkin spice lattes. Not only can the right luxurious skincare products help you feel peaceful and relaxed during National Self-Care Awareness Month, but taking care of your skin is also important for your overall well-being. Wearing SPF, regularly visiting your dermatologist, and using high-quality products can help you stay on top of your skincare game. How Can You Refresh Your Skincare Regimen? The perfect skincare regimen is tailored to your unique complexion and comprised of high-quality products—plus, it makes you feel confident in your skin. Here are three ways to refresh your skincare rituals: 1. Become an Exfoliation Expert While everyone’s skin has a unique tolerance for exfoliation, this step is important. Exfoliation can help buff away dead skin, which helps all of your other products to go onto your skin. Using a luscious scrub made with natural ingredients is a relaxing self-care experience. To refresh your regimen with a step that promotes product absorption and may help reveal a supple, radiant complexion, use an emollient apricot exfoliating scrub up to three times a week after cleansing. For an extra touch of self-care, turn your exfoliation process into a gentle face massage and enjoy the lovely aroma of your favorite scrub. 2. Nourish Your Skin Collagen, elastin, and amino acids are some of the foundational blocks of your skin. Staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, and using effective, science-backed skincare products are among the best things you can do for the overall nourishment of your skin. Regular use of a concentrated pro collagen serum, an elastin-infused eye cream, or an amino acid-infused enzyme moisturizer can help you address many skin concerns while nourishing your skin.
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3. Curate a Relaxing Ritual While the right skincare products are important, the key to reaping the benefits of luscious ingredients and visibly nourishing formulas is having a consistent skincare ritual. After all, consistency is key for both skincare and self-care! Be sure to determine which of your products are ideal for daily use, such as select moisturizers or serums, and which ones you should use less regularly, like an apricot scrub or mask.
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Get ready to show yourself and your skin some love this September with these tips. About Epicuren Discovery®
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Epicuren Discovery® has offered responsible, results-driven skincare products made using cutting-edge science for more than 30 years. The family-owned brand is dedicated to providing the skincare results you need through innovation and an environmentally conscious approach. From the Colostrum Luminous Glow Cream® to their Green Tea & Seaweed Soothing Mask, it’s easy to build an effective skincare regimen with Epicuren’s clean skincare products. Their wide range of products can help address a number of needs, from an invigorating arnica cream for sore muscles to a zinc oxide sunscreen to protect the skin against UV rays. Take their Skin Quiz for personalized recommendations, or start building your skincare regimen by exploring Epicuren’s skincare sets. Enrich your self-care practices with skincare products from https://epicuren.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/4gnLNZ9
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spacreative · 11 days
Pamper Yourself with a Luxurious Body Scrub and Wrap Spa Experience in Coimbatore
In the bustling city of Coimbatore, finding moments of relaxation and self-care can be a refreshing escape from daily routines. If you’re seeking a rejuvenating experience that will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized, a body scrub and wrap spa treatment might be just what you need. Spa services in coimbatore These treatments not only enhance your skin’s appearance but also provide a soothing and indulgent experience.
The Benefits of a Body Scrub
A body scrub is designed to exfoliate your skin, removing dead cells and promoting a smoother, more radiant complexion. Body Scrub and wrap spa in Coimbatore During the treatment, a therapist applies a scrub made from natural ingredients like sea salt, sugar, or coffee grounds, often combined with essential oils or other nourishing substances. This gentle abrasive action sloughs off dull skin cells, revealing the fresh, healthy skin underneath.
The benefits of a body scrub extend beyond just improving your skin’s appearance. Regular exfoliation can help improve circulation, which boosts the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells. This process can result in a more even skin tone and a reduction in the appearance of dry patches or rough textures. Additionally, exfoliating can help prevent clogged pores and ingrown hairs, making it an excellent treatment for maintaining overall skin health.
The Luxury of a Body Wrap
Following a body scrub with a body wrap takes the pampering experience to the next level. A body wrap typically involves applying a layer of nourishing ingredients to your skin, such as mud, clay, seaweed, or hydrating gels. After the application, you’ll be wrapped in a thermal blanket or sheet to help the ingredients penetrate deeper into your skin.
The body wrap treatment provides intense hydration and detoxification. The active ingredients in the wrap work to draw out impurities, toxins, and excess fluids from your body while simultaneously delivering essential nutrients and moisture. Massage Therapy in coimbatore This results in a more toned, hydrated, and revitalized appearance. Many people find that body wraps also promote relaxation and stress relief, making them a wonderful addition to any spa day.
Why Choose a Spa in Coimbatore?
Coimbatore is known for its warm hospitality and a growing number of high-quality spas that offer a range of treatments. Opting for a body scrub and wrap at a local spa ensures that you receive personalized care in a serene environment. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing retreat or a way to pamper yourself before a special occasion, the skilled therapists in Coimbatore’s spas are dedicated to providing exceptional service.
Spas in Coimbatore often use locally sourced and natural ingredients in their treatments, which adds an authentic touch to your experience. From luxurious settings to expert techniques, you can expect to be treated with the utmost care and attention. head to toe aroma in coimbatore Many spas also offer additional amenities such as saunas, steam rooms, and relaxation lounges, allowing you to extend your spa day and fully unwind.
Incorporating a body scrub and wrap into your self-care routine can provide numerous benefits for your skin and overall well-being. The combination of exfoliation and hydration, coupled with the relaxing atmosphere of a spa in Coimbatore, makes for an indulgent and rejuvenating experience. Whether you’re seeking to refresh your skin, relieve stress, or simply enjoy a day of pampering, a visit to a Coimbatore spa for a body scrub and wrap is a fantastic choice. Embrace the luxury, and let the skilled professionals take care of you — your body and mind will thank you for it!
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hushherbal · 12 days
Transform Your Health with Luxurious Purple Seamoss
Luxurious purple seamoss from HushHerbal offers a natural way to support your overall health. Rich in essential minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, this seaweed powerhouse can boost immunity, promote gut health, and improve skin hydration. With its incredible nutrient profile, HushHerbal's luxurious purple seamoss is a simple addition to your wellness routine that provides long-lasting benefits for your body.
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