#sebaciel related
allsebaciel · 29 days
"This is literally illegal" so is murder, cannibalism, kidnapping, some extreme fetishes, fraud, coercion, mind control, and right about most of the things associated with dark fiction or your favorite characters when done in real life.
I promise you there's no real breathing child Ciel fucking Phantomhive is based off or resembling, so your "argument" of presumed illegality doesn't work even in the most stretched definition of a depiciton of a minor.
Please, don't let yourself be brainwashed into thought crime or wild comparisons between real life and fiction. And do touch some grass if a set of pixels and personal discomfort to you means more than other human beings.
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dante-redgravee · 7 months
Due to personal reasons I hc that all of Sebastian's bodily fluids are black. You're welcome guys.
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ceoandslutler · 5 days
no way this anti just used the r slur after saying "i AM the righteous person" 😭😭😭
also this is about shota oni, a cute little manga that has yet to contain any explicit sexual content (and i doubt it will)
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person reading a manga about a shota and his childhood friend (a teenager): are you illiterate? there is shota in the title. why are you bothering people who read this? just click off!
anti: can you imagine what goes on in the author's brain when they write this, dumb fuck? THOUGHT CRIMES (THAT I AM NOT SURE ACTUALLY OCCUR)
also the obsession with being righteous is actually so pathetic im sorry, imagine unironically saying "im the righteous one" like ok, lets hope you don't get your hands on a death note, good god
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bitteraristocrat · 10 months
SebaCiel Headcanon of the Day:
Sebastian is consistently frustrated by the fact that he and Ciel have to keep quiet so often, due to their nasty habit of ending up in risky places, and that Ciel is actually quite good at staying quiet (which is a very impressive feat given that Sebastian is quite literally an incubus). However, he knows that his master is very loud and honest when they have total privacy, and gets upset whenever he can't hear him, so he makes Ciel scream at every possible chance.
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onikiribattousai · 1 year
How I think of Black Butler ending:
After defeating Undertaker, Sebastian and Our!Ciel where on some place far away, and O!Ciel wanted his death as painful as was he has gone through. Then, after Sebastian devoured his master's soul, he probably felt so deligthed as he finally achieved his goal, but he felt so lonely and start to mourn him, and probably the first tine he felt human emotion which I imagined him crying for the first time and he probably confused why a demon like him crying and he can't stop the tears from falling, he also gone through the five stages of grief which is impossible since he is a demon, but soon he will accept the fact that he is immortal and humans don't live longer like he is.
Cue to time skip, set place in modern time. He probably still dressed up as a butler but he has a new contractor which probably either reincarnated version of Our!Ciel or someone who was related to the Phantomhive, and the chapter ended with his famous cathcphrase "I'm simply one hell of a butler."
//this is my opinion by the way.
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zayn-in-wonderland · 1 year
Guys I’m scared about all the tumblr account deletions 😭 like I will cry knowing that someone I follow has gotten deleted! And I will simply die on the spot if I lose my account because tumblr and being in the sebaciel fandom here is a happy place for me 🥲, I’m shitting bricks.
I’m quite sad because I recently started drawing some sebaciel art, and now I’m scared to post sebaciel artworks on here now🤷🏻‍♂️
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comshipbracket · 10 months
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@lecalcifer From the submitter's entry in the initial document! I'm relying on information from others for pretty much every ship that isn't SatouShio, so I may get a few pieces of information wrong based on what the initial submitter has said! Apologies for any inaccuracies! - Mod Satou
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allsebaciel · 2 months
So when vampires in fiction crave to consume another man everyone understands how it can be read - and usually is read - as a queer story, but when I, Sebastian Michaelis-
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animentality · 2 months
the funny thing about the Black Butler revival is that Sebaciel is taking a lot of heat right now, here in the year of our lord and savior 2024, in which all ships are problematic and toxic.
because it's a pedo ship.
which is the most perfect low hanging fruit in all of anti existence.
but like, Sebaciel is really a microcosm of pro vs anti ship discourse in general, right?
everyone insists oh you like Sebaciel? you must be a pedophile... while totally ignoring that a lot of fucking teenage girls read Black Butler and imagine themselves AS CIEL. they have a crush on SEBASTIAN.
that's why they ship them. they're not generally lusting for the minor, they're imagining themselves as the minor, being MINORS themselves, and have crushes on the suave sexy demon guy... because that's literally budding adolescence in a nut shell.
Sure there are people who lust for ciel... but it's a fucking shonen. it's for teens.
Teens are allowed to have fucking crushes on Ciel and Naruto and Ichigo. They're also allowed to have crushes on adults, WHO ARE NOT REAL and can't return their affections or hurt them in literally any way other than fictional related trauma.
is it really that shocking that teens are projecting themselves on/lusting for the fucking kid protagonists? you know, like they're generally going to do??? because they're hormonal but also bc it's very normal for humans to have goddamn crushes on human shaped (and less human shaped) things???
and is it really that shocking that teens girls would lust after Sebastian?
are you telling them they can't do that, and then also ship their little self insert goth child with the object of their affection?
and also.
the harder thing for these people to swallow...
fucking adults can ship anything they want too.
literally who gives a fuck
just shipping a problematic age difference ship doesn't make you anything at all.
being an asshole in fandom spaces does, like harassing people for shipping or not shipping Sebaciel, sending death threats, doxing, whatever, but just the act of jerking it to Sebaciel fanfics, or writing them for yourself and friends, is not a goddamn crime.
nor is it anything other than a Catholic sin.
so I'm laughing at the modern discourse, as angry adults and teens try to cancel Sebaciel.
tale as old as time. but also Sebaciel is the fucking OG.
The og of queerbait shotacon nonsense.
you weren't gonna stop people in 2008, you won't stop them now.
just hang out in your own space and leave other people alone.
also just fyi. I don't ship this.
I ship toxic old man yaoi.
but I'm rolling my eyes and slapping you if I see you in the wild insisting a Sebaciel artist is a pedophile guilty of a real crime in real life.
get some fucking perspective.
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dante-redgravee · 7 months
It's just me and my 1600+ black butler pinterest board against the world
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ceoandslutler · 1 year
instead of a little devil and a little angel sitting on each of my shoulders, i have a little sebas and a little agni
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sebadztian · 6 months
Top 5 Public School arc Moments that I'd Love to See
(In no particular order)
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I think this part would look so cool animated (and the whole fight scene with UT too)
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Technically two monents, but they're related/happen in the same scene so it doesn't count?
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The Ultimate Sebaciel Moment of Public School arc. Even Harcourt fainted from the intensity 😂
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The first time we'd see the boys in their respective Weston uniforms
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Just look at their smiles!
The whole Vincent - Diedrich scene.
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 month
sigh yet another fucking sebard anti
how can you be an anti and ship sebard?
reasons why it is “problematic”:
Sebastian is his boss (power imbalance & consent issues)
He’s also probably like 1000 years older (age gap)
He’s abusive (remember he punches Bard in the face?, not to mention leaving him to fend for himself and make it to the coast thousands of miles away through a hoard of angry natives armed with only a knife)
They’re found family so their essentially related so it’s as if Seb is Bard’s dad so shipping them is incest*
Sebastian is a demon and Bard is a human so they can’t be shipped bc that’s inter species
I’m sure I could come up with more if I cared
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My point is, y’all are a bunch of fucking hypocrites. You don’t need to like sebaciel, but kuro doesn’t have non-problematic ships (especially with the way y’all make EVERYTHING problematic).
It’s all well and good for you to whine about age gaps and incest and power imbalance and consent but that mysteriously disappears when it’s a ship you like.
*yes, I have actually seen antis say this
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yomi-hellsimp · 2 months
Not to get emotional and shit but honestly, for every anti that calls me a pedophile over fiction or says abusive stuff towards me, there's so much more lovely proshippers that are very nice to me. I've been getting a lot of kind asks (which admittedly I haven't gotten to all of them, mainly due to being anxious) and a moot on twitter is gushing to me about a fic for a ship we really like (and talking to me about Campfire Cooking). 🥹 Like I used to be scared to say anything proship related on my accounts because of antis' abusive behavior. But now I'm just like "I can't believe I used to let these people bug me. They really are insignificant." It doesn't feel fake in proship circles, y'know? Like with antis, trying to make them happy is like walking on eggshells. It's tiring and I like being unapologetically free. Saying that is probably cringe af but I mean, it's nice to just say I like shit like Sebaciel and be met with some really kind people who feel the same way.
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zayn-in-wonderland · 1 year
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Okay so i literally just made a Twitter for anyone who cares 😭 feel free to follow for if the dreaded day comes where my tumblr gets deleted. I feel like I’m doomsday prepping, I’m so dramatic 💀 but on Twitter I will now be posting any sebaciel artworks or literature works I make on there.
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you-usuratonkachi · 1 month
I posted this in a comment under Danny Motta's new reaction video to Book of Atlantic and I thought I would share it here too because I haven't written anything about Sebaciel in a long time but I actually feel this so strongly, I also want to know your thoughts! I'll just copy and paste lmao
"Oh right as for SebaCiel caring or not caring for one another: that's the beauty of their relationship! Not only it is ambiguos to us, I totally think it's ambiguos to them too. Because while they do perfectly understand the position they are in, in relation to one another (one is a demon who wants to eat the child's soul, the other is a child who's just using the demon for revenge), the fact that they are bound by a contract that doesn't let them act out their natural power-dynamic makes their relationship completely different from what it objectively is.
Ciel is very aware of the risk of his relationship with Sebastian, but he's shown time and time again feeling safe only in Sebastian's presence. Because he's still oh so very fragile and traumatized, Sebastian will be his final doom but he's also currently Ciel's safe place, the ONLY place where Ciel has any ounce of control. The thing with Ciel is that he's absolutely powerless UNLESS Sebastian is with him. Through his "fake" control over Sebastian, Ciel can overcome his trauma and seize his life again. Sebastian will be his end, but in the meantime, Sebastian IS his only way to salvation. So even though Ciel is aware of how bad Sebastian will ultimately be for him, Ciel also holds onto Sebastian for dear life because, well, Sebastian IS what's keeping him alive at all, both phisically and psychologically speaking. So, you see, Ciel DEPENDS on Sebastian to a degree that makes it impossible for him NOT to care for Sebastian to a certain extent, because Ciel is human and humans have feelings, they grow attached to the place where they feel safest (even though the safety is deceptive and temporary, at the moment it still is the safest for him). On the other hand he remains aware of Sebastian's nature and the last thing he would want in this reversed power-play is to show that to Sebastian (or even admit it to himself), so he treats Sebastian like a dog and THAT self-awareness amuses Sebastian to no end. And to Sebastian's amusement actually hangs the delicate balance of their relationship.
Sebastian is an old demon who's grown bored of his own nature. He doesn't want to just eat souls and be done with it, he thinks a soul should be "seasoned" before eating. What attracts him to Ciel, what makes Ciel's soul so delectable in his eyes, is how contraddicting it is. How small and fragile but willing to fake it out until the end. Willing to PLAY with him until the end. Sebastian finds it SO ENTERTAINING. And in his long eternity that's what he decided to put value into. Not his hunger or the quenching of it, but the entertainment of the chase. The fake power-play between them, playing subservient to such a small thing AMUSES HIM to no end. And to a demon, who is said to have no feelings, that's probably the closest there is to care, because to keep being amused, he could do this forever, and to keep the amusement going, he would fake-care for Ciel forever, and while one could argue that "it's fake", the beauty of it is that fake caring and actual caring make the same difference in the big scheme of things, in the temporality of human life, because ultimately Sebastian will keep Ciel alive at all costs for as long as Ciel whishes to keep this game going just so Sebastian can keep being amused by him, and while it might not be love, it's definitely a form of twisted affection.
Ciel is a human, he will die eventually. In fact, without Sebastian, he would have already been dead long ago. To Sebastian though, who's an eternal being (as far as we know), Ciel's entire life, even if he died at 100 years old, can be compared to a blink of an eye. So this "momentary" game they are playing, this fake life, is for Ciel just one thing: his life. Period. To him, it's real. Their entire relationship (and Black Butler's plot as a whole *cough cough*) is a big "fake it 'till you make it". In the end, their fake power-play, becomes their actualy power-dynamic, their fake roles turn into their actual roles, and the game, at least for the duration of Ciel's life, is nothing but reality itself, their feelings or fake feelings included.
So see? I don't know if I explained it well, but I find their relationship SO FASCINATING."
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