gleeincorrectquotes · 3 years
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doctor-whu · 3 years
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For @gleeful-paintbox-project week 2: Mash-ups
Two character that barely interacted
Artie Abrams and Sebastian Smythe
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backslashdelta · 3 years
Becky my beloved <3 I will be asking you to rank these (borderline crack) Sebastian ships that aren't Kurtbastian (because they'll be number one obviously), sebadam, sebsam, sebartie, st. smythe, huntbastian, finn/sebastian, seblaine, sebelliott.
Okay okay okay yes Kurtbastian is obviously number one, with that out of the way let's see.
Prefacing this by saying that I don't often think about Sebastian ships other than Kurtbastian, so I don't have a ton of thoughts and this is just kind of on initial thoughts/impressions.
St. Smythe. The potential here is hilarious. They would be so petty and I would love it. Would it be a healthy relationship? No absolutely not. Would I pay money to see that dynamic. Yes absolutely so.
Sebelliott. One of the reasons I love Kelliott so much is because I feel like Elliott would be a great person to kind of pull Kurt back to reality when he gets in his head or gets caught up in the things around him too much. I think he'd be great for Sebastian in the same way, because I think that's one way that Kurt and Sebastian are a bit alike. Also, I just adore Elliott, so. Yeah.
Sebsam. I've never really thought about this but like, they could work? I think they'd bond over sports and Sam would be good at telling Sebastian when he goes too far with anything he says which is very much in line with Sebastian's goal of being a better person. And I think Sebastian would tease Sam for being such a huge nerd, but he'd actually love it. I can imagine them having Star Wars or Lord of the Rings marathons together and they'd both get super into it.
Huntbastian. I love a dynamic where Sebastian is somehow the less mean one? Lmao. I don't even have a great reason for putting them here, it just feels like a classic ship, anytime I see content for them cross my dash it's funny, I like 'em. Sebastian takes "I'm not even remotely bicurious" as a challenge. Little does he know Hunter isn't remotely bicurious because he is already 100% without a doubt certain he is bisexual. No curiosity whatsoever. Of course he doesn't say that to Sebastian right away; he has to have some fun with him first. Sebastian trying to woo another guy is always fun to watch.
Seblaine. They're growing on me. I still don't fully ship them, but I like them more than I used to, and I find myself enjoying Sebklaine more lately so that certainly helps me get a better feel for a Seblaine dynamic that I could enjoy.
Sebadam. I don't dislike this but I almost feel like Adam is too nice for Sebastian? I'm not sure how to explain it.
Sebartie. I have zero thoughts on this ship, sorry.
Finnbastian. Nah, in my mind Finn's a straight man. And even if he weren't, I really just can't see this. No hate, but it's a no from me.
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sscrambledmeggss · 3 years
While we're on the topic of fibastian? Sebastinn? Hudsmythe? Smythson? I need to introduce you to another personal favorite ship which is sebartie 😌
misogynistic boyfriends 👀
BUT IN ALL SERIOUSNESS THEY WOULD BE SO FUN TOGETHER WIIEEH, they’d be one of the crudest couples, but like imagine how fun their dynamic would be 🦧 also they are both slutty (affectionate)™️ and I think that works very well for them <3
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shadeys-geeky-life · 3 years
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Born in a lost country deep in the Wild Lands, Irene never knew her family. Her mother was 8 months pregnant when she encountered a man named Sebarti, a smooth talker from a powerful family. His silver tongue won over the young woman easily and caused her to lower her guard for him. That was when he attacked her, feeding off her, and leaving her and her unborn child for dead. By a stroke of good luck, a vampire that had been tracking Sebarti for committing crimes against his own race happened upon the woman and saved the baby, taking her in, and raising her as his own. It didn’t take him long to figure out that Sebarti’s bite had tainted child, turning her into a Dhampir. Dhampir’s were highly frowned upon and Osben knew that but refused to punish the child for a crime she did not commit. The pair escaped from Ecliptomania when Irene was 5 years old and moved around a lot to keep Sebarti off their tail, lest he want to finish the job or decide he wanted the child.
This art was drawn by @fantasysheartartwork
Irene is my OC.
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satellitesunset · 3 years
I always thought of crackships as relationships that don’t have any evidence or wouldn’t make sense in canon. So like even though they aren’t canon Faberry, Blam, Jonesberry, etc wouldn’t count. Puckurt, Quinntina, and Kurtbastion are though yknow? Does that make sense?
there's certainly a difference between rare pair and a crack ship, and I tend to mix them up a lot!! so yeah makes sense.
but even with crackships I think there's degrees, puckurt, kurtbastian, even quinntina have subtext, I like to this refer to this level as enough-interactions-to-make-a-10-pic-gifset-about-them, then you have interacted but crumps so sebartie, mercedes and sugar, there's also, in the same season, never met, st. Smythe, and finally, not even in the same season, Jane/Marley.
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eyesxunclouded · 3 years
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woonopstand rotterdam 21/10/17
credits: sebarties on instagram
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dreamonads · 7 years
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         Sing For The Laughter, Sing For The Tear
Dream on Records is proud to present the biggest tour of 2018, Dreams Are Coming True, and the tour will feature Band of Brothers and City of Angels, the two hottest band in music right now. And we are now just about a month short of the two groups going on a world tour.
Hurry up and get your ticket before they sell out.
And join us as they groups prepare for the tour.
Dream on Records, started out as a small indie label, that grew over the years and now have some of music hottest artists signed.
Main → Plot → Rules → Characters → Application → Ask → Submit
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tgo-ads · 7 years
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                 LIMA, OHIO:                                            A TOWN DIVIDED
                                                                      “things are rough all over”
It’s 2018, a time when discrimination is frowned upon, and segregation is meant to be a thing of the past, yet Lima, Ohio stands out among the masses and remains divided. Not a single Lima native can remember a time before this; a time before the Greasers – the poor, lower class families – of the South were pitted against the Socials – the wealthier, high-class families – of the North. An unfortunate “tradition” passed down throughout generations, with no amount of change ever proving capable of ridding the town of its divide. Bouts of violence and bigotry have become part of the norm when both sides cross paths.
However, Mayor Smythe – whose loyalty lies with the Socials – intends to try to make the city a “safer, more respectable place.” But at what cost? His views and propositions are against all that is the Greasers. If the Greasers don’t stand their ground and stick up for what they believe, their numbers are sure to begin dwindling, the tight-knit family that they had created with one another bound to be torn apart.
But, now, the tension between the Greasers and Socials is higher than ever, especially among their youth. Interacting with one another on a daily basis has proved to only heighten the animosity. Both sides are only attempting to survive and fight for their own beliefs, no matter how violent the outcome may be.
                                                                                      MAIN • MESSAGE • PLOT • CHARACTERS
Now accepting both Greaser and Social OC applications!
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sundaycamesuddenly · 9 years
sebartie (whoops ;))
“Whoops” my ass.
Who starts most fights?
Sebastian, because honestly he can be a bit of a petulant child sometimes
Who surrenders at the end of most fights?
Also Sebastian, because he’s still new to the boyfriend thing and he’s a little scared that Artie is gonna change his mind and stop loving him if they fight. Plus it’s a good reason for Sebastian to kiss him, so there’s always that.
Who is more likely to cry during a fight?
Hmmm… I don’t think either of them are particularly likely to cry during a fight.
Who is more likely to storm out during a fight?
Rachel Berry Again, this seems like something neither would do.
Who is louder in fights?
Definitely Sebastian, he gets caught up in the moment and forgets to control his volume.
Who is more likely to throw things in fights?
Sebastian has come close, but has always caught himself in time and has never actually done.
Who is more likely to bring up past mistakes?
Sebastian, but probably just his own.
Who is more likely to give the silent treatment?
Sebastian, not because he’s trying to shut Artie out after a fight but rather because he normally needs some time to regroup his thoughts and move forward.
Who is more likely to blame the other?
Who is more likely to blame themselves?
Who gets jealous more easily?
Artie, which Sebastian finds it endearing and just uses it as an excuse to kiss him.
Who is angered more easily?
Probably Sebastian.
Who is more likely to break off the relationship?
Sebastian, because he feels like he’s not a good enough boyfriend for Artie.
Who is more likely to threaten to leave?
Neither of them are enough of an asshole to do this.
Who is more likely to actually leave?
Sebastian, because he feels like he’s not a good enough boyfriend for Artie. (I don’t see the difference in questions here?)
Who is more likely to forget the other first?
Artie would if either ever did in the first place.
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I know I'm not the only one who was holding out for sebartie I man did you watch 'Bad'. Chemistry !!
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Ship Meme: Sebartie. (Yes, I know you didn't reblog the thing; no, I don't care. :P)
I love you so much, babe. ;)
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa
Artie, when he gets frustrated that they don’t have openers.
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them
AA, which is how he discovers their initials spell “AASS”.
Who starts the tickle fights
Artie, when he dares to start playfully teasing Sebastian.
Who starts the pillow fights
Sebastian, when he proclaims tickle fights are for pussies.
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile
Sebastian. He prefers his sappiness to happen when Artie isn’t awake to see it.
Who mistakes salt for sugar
Artie, at a dinner party at Sebastian’s house. There’s just so much different stuff on that huge fancy table.
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning
Sebastian, hoping Artie will either sleep through it or wake up and get riled up enough for some light hate sex.
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines
Artie. 100%. It’s a miracle Sebastian ever agreed to go out with him tbh.
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order
Artie, but Sebastian appreciates it and keeps to the system.
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies
Both, which quickly leads to a make out session and burnt brownies.
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion
Sebastian, but he pretends his sister got them for him. 
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen
Artie, but they’re more like formulas than tattoos. Also more like homework.
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation
Sebastian. Artie fills up the fridge within less than a year.
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines
Artie. Sebastian claims they’re bullshit, but then he still argues the results like it’s dead serious.
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alittledizzy · 10 years
xohrhchriscolfer replied to your post: Glad You CameArtie/SebastianPG-13, 1.7...
I'm really not sure why I didn't go there sooner, tbh. 
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tgo-ads · 7 years
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                 LIMA, OHIO:                                            A TOWN DIVIDED
                                                                      “things are rough all over”
It’s 2018, a time when discrimination is frowned upon, and segregation is meant to be a thing of the past, yet Lima, Ohio stands out among the masses and remains divided. Not a single Lima native can remember a time before this; a time before the Greasers – the poor, lower class families – of the South were pitted against the Socials – the wealthier, high-class families – of the North. An unfortunate “tradition” passed down throughout generations, with no amount of change ever proving capable of ridding the town of its divide. Bouts of violence and bigotry have become part of the norm when both sides cross paths.
However, Mayor Smythe – whose loyalty lies with the Socials – intends to try to make the city a “safer, more respectable place.” But at what cost? His views and propositions are against all that is the Greasers. If the Greasers don’t stand their ground and stick up for what they believe, their numbers are sure to begin dwindling, the tight-knit family that they had created with one another bound to be torn apart.
But, now, the tension between the Greasers and Socials is higher than ever, especially among their youth. Interacting with one another on a daily basis has proved to only heighten the animosity. Both sides are only attempting to survive and fight for their own beliefs, no matter how violent the outcome may be.
                                                                                      MAIN • MESSAGE • PLOT • CHARACTERS
Now accepting both Greaser and Social OC applications!
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kingarthurabrams · 10 years
Voicemail to Sebastian:
Ok. I’ve been putting this off way too long. [takes a deep breath] It’s just... It’s pretty implied that you’ll go with me. [speeding up] I mean, we're dating and we just went to yours. I know Dalton is a different environment, and it's not like you're under contract as my boyfriend to go with me to these things. But... [sighs] Oh, god. I knew I'd start rambling. Thank god for one-way conversations. [laughs] I'm sorry. I'll get to the point. To put it right out there-. [clears his throat] You know that thing on Saturday? [hums a beat] I need to ask you something about that. Formally. [starts rapping]
Look If you had one shot  One opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted One moment Would you capture it?  Or just let it slip?…
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His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready  to drop bombs, but he keeps on forgetting
What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud He opens his mouth, but the words won’t come out He’s choking how, everybody’s joking now The clock’s run out, time’s up, over, bloah!
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo
So Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone I’ll be waiting; all that’s left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the prince's It’s a love story, baby just say “Yes”
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We were both young when I first saw you I close my eyes and the flashback starts I’m standing there On a balcony in summer air
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns I see you make your way through the crowd And say “Hello” Little did I know…
Snap back to reality Oh, there goes gravity Oh, there goes Rabbit He choked, he’s so mad, but he won’t give up that easy No. He won’t have it He knows his whole back’s to these ropes It don’t matter, he’s dope He knows that but he’s broke He’s so stagnant, he knows When he goes back to his mobile home, that’s when it’s Back to the lab again, yo This whole rhapsody He better go capture this moment and hope it don’t pass him
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So Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone I’ll be waiting; all that’s left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the prince's It’s a love story, baby just say “Yes”
Lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, baby
So baby, just say “Yes”
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