#second trump term
tomorrowusa · 5 months
Trump solicited about $1 billion from Big Oil at a fundraising conclave at Mar-a-Lago in return for future favorable treatment — if their filthy lucre helps him return to the Oval Office.
We lost four years fighting climate change during the previous Trump administration. A second term would do the planet grievous harm.
It's necessary to alert everybody concerned about the future of Earth of the danger of a second Trump presidency.
A new Washington Post report that Trump made explicit policy promises to a roomful of Big Oil executives—while urging them to raise $1 billion for his campaign—is a powerful story in part because it wrecks what’s left of that mystique. In case you didn’t already know this, it shows yet again that if Trump has employed that aforementioned knowledge of elite corruption and self-dealing to any ends in his public career, it’s chiefly to benefit himself. That counter narrative is a story that Democrats have a big opportunity to tell—if they seize on this news effectively. How might they do that? For starters, the revelations seem to cry out for more scrutiny from Congress. Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, who has been presiding over hearings into the oil industry as chair of the Budget Committee, says it’s “highly likely” that the committee will examine the new revelations. [ ... ]
As the Post reports, an oil company executive at the gathering, held at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort last month, complained about environmental regulations under the Biden administration. Then this happened: Trump’s response stunned several of the executives in the room overlooking the ocean: You all are wealthy enough, he said, that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House. At the dinner, he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted, according to people with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation. Giving $1 billion would be a “deal,” Trump said, because of the taxation and regulation they would avoid thanks to him, according to the people. Obviously industries have long donated to politicians in both parties in hopes of governance that takes their interests into account, and they explicitly lobby for this as well. But in this case, Trump may have made detailed, concrete promises while simultaneously soliciting a precise amount in campaign contributions.
Just a mention that Tumblr formatting won't permit indentations inside indentations. As a substitute, I used red to depict double indentation.
For instance, the Post reports, Trump vowed to scrap Biden’s ban on permits for new liquefied natural gas exports “on the first day.” He also promised to overturn new tailpipe emission limits designed to encourage the transition to electric vehicles, and he dangled more leases for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, “a priority that several of the executives raised.” “The phrase that instantly came to mind as I was reading the story was ‘quid pro quo,’” Whitehouse told me. He also pointed to a new Politico report that oil industry officials are drawing up executive orders for Trump to sign as president. “Put those things together and it starts to look mighty damn corrupt,” Whitehouse said.
Trump may just be a pile of orange flab with a porcine mouth and bad hair, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be taken seriously. Among many other bad things, Trump is a figurehead for Big Oil. Oil companies are already busy composing executive orders for Trump to sign.
If elected, Trump would throw into reverse our transition to a decarbonized future, one that’s creating untold numbers of manufacturing jobs—including in the very places that Trump has attacked Democratic elites for supposedly abandoning—all in exchange for mega-checks from chortling fat cats right out of the most garish of Gilded Age cartoons. For good measure, some of that loot could help Trump secure elite impunity for his own corruption and alleged crimes. We can’t say we weren’t warned. Trump has told us all this himself.
Progressives toying with third party temptations need to be set right: The only way to defeat Donald Trump is to vote for Joe Biden.
There will NEVER be a President RFK Jr., a President Jill Stein, or a President Cornel West. Such vanity candidates are usually little more than eccentric freaks. The last time a non-Democrat or non-Republican was elected president was 1848. But with American democracy and the future of the planet at stake, self-indulgence at the ballot box this year could lead directly to dystopia.
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READ THIS. At least the first four paragraphs.
And if you can, read the Time cover story.
Pass it on.
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vintageseawitch · 18 days
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i see no lie here. at this point i have no faith in the Green Party. they're all vibes & no substance. they count on leftists & their need for "political purity" & their "principles" to divide them up.
the Green Party sounds great on paper... but they only ever appear like an election cicadas during the presidential election. they never run at local or state levels. they know they will never win. at this point since Republicans are more united than Democrats, it's quite clear that the Green Party isn't there to make sure Republicans lose... it's to make sure DEMOCRATS lose.
your "protest" vote isn't saving shit except maybe giving your ego a pat on the back. you could literally be helping the greater evil to win. do you think anyone will want to take you seriously should Project 2025 be implemented? oh, you sure showed those Democrats! please live in the real world & maybe do a little crash course on American civics to understand how our government works. y'all love theory. but I digress.
please don't stop talking about Project 2025 or Agenda 47. they're the same thing & the reason trump never talks policybis because Project 2025 IS his policy. check your registration status often & vote early if you can. Republicans & other non-Democrats who have decided to vote for Harris - welcome! we got this 💙
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morlock-holmes · 3 months
I feel like I'm at the end of The Boy Who Cried Wolf having the following conversation
"That kid keeps calling us out over nothing and we've been going out there every single time!"
"You've been going every time? I mean, a lot of those were obviously false alarms, so I don't know why-"
"And we're going to show that fucking kid that he can't tell us what to do anymore!"
"We should probably go out there, I'm looking through the telescope and, yeah, there's definitely a wolf, yep, it's killing a lot of sheep-"
"Once he knows we won't be pushed around anymore he'll have to behave how we want!"
"Could we maybe do this when our entire herd *isn't* being eaten by a wolf?"
"That fucking kid! Fuck him!"
"I was, uh, I was going to make a coat with the wool oh, nope, there goes another one..."
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pjharvey-moved · 2 months
something that has actually been super super difficult for me is being like actually it’s not my job to counter all misinformation that lands on my dash, no matter how dangerous. ultimately it’s just shouting into the void. but im really just beyond baffled by people who wouldn’t vote for joe biden bc he is very pro israel and has funded and supplied the genocide in gaza and were like he should be taken off the ballot and replaced with another candidate… now being like actually i won’t vote for kamala harris either. biden is off the ballot and harris who has supported a ceasefire from the start has definitely been distancing herself from him on purpose. do any of you actually want things to get better?
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tawaifeddiediaz · 1 month
in the interest of complacency, here are some screenshots of polls right up until november 8, 2016:
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(from this website) - there are many more polls in here, but i just took a screenshot of one bunch as an example. the graph is made of an aggregate of 1,106 polls total.
you cannot trust the polls. hillary clinton was up in the polls pretty much her entire campaign by a huge margin and she still lost. the only way to ensure that the polls reflect true is to increase voter registration, ensure people go out and actually vote, and make sure people know what's at stake this election.
also, i got a few people saying that the democratic party isn't appealing to single-issue voters re: my last post. and you're right. they're not. kamala's speech on the war in gaza was shoehorned and empty at best, and reflected that same zionist outlook we've been watching pretty much the whole time. but the whole point of that post was to urge people to elect a president who would actually listen, and to look at all the other issues that are also at stake in this election.
it's so fucking shitty that we have to come down to that, but we have a greater chance of getting what we want re: palestine if kamala's president than if trump is re-elected. not to mention kamala will protect women's rights, reproductive rights, queer rights, cut taxes for middle-classes, and reduce debt (and more). trump endeavours to do the exact opposite, and his support for netanyahu is far greater than kamala's or even joe biden's is.
i also think that people are seeing trump as "the devil we know" since he's been in power once and we know what he'd be like as a president, but in reality, him being in power once nearly broke the democracy. him being in power twice will finish the job.
the anger at the biden-harris administration resulting in people not voting for kamala harris will only punish american citizens for generations to come.
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seeveekat · 2 months
I'm be real
Unfollow right fucking now if you're one of those "Don't vote! Biden and Trump are exactly the same person!" motherfuckers.
Because all that fucking tells me is that you're purposely ignoring what Biden has been passing in the last 4 years and just being fucking obtuse.
And im just going to say it:
I fucking hate you and your ilk.
You pray for a revolution (that you won't even be able to start because you fuckers don't even like interacting with anyone thats not online a friend group) and don't care about the people who will die so you can prove you're petty little privileged ass point of how much you hate Biden.
I'm tired of repeatedly explaining that voting goes beyond biden and presidential elections.
I'm tired of repeating that voting actually is important, especially on a local level, and we know its important because the Republicans openly do voter suppression so shit stays in their favor
I tired of telling y'all cringe ass doomer fucks that salivate and jerk off at the chance of a "revolution" that voting AND actual mutual aid do more help to change shit than fantizing about tipping over a cop car while all you do is post memes online about how voting sucks and does nothing
You think I fucking like Biden?
His response to Palestine is fucking horrible and disgusting. But its no fucking different than the presidents that came before him and I fucking know hes not the fucking same as a the Republicans because he actually fucking implemented shit!
Now my mother, who uprooted her life from her home country to come her 30 years ago, and I, someone fucking born here and an actual fucking citzen, have to figure how our broke asses are going to scrounge up money and exit this country to find a place that wont be too racist to us because we know if our black asses stay in America for a second Trump presidency, we're as good as fucking dead.
All because you fucks can't swallow your pride for once!
I hate you.
I hate you all.
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maevesweirdart · 3 months
the supreme court just gave Donald Trump presidential immunity.
i’m fuckin scared
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odinsblog · 4 months
David Remnick: I think it's possible to imagine that if a presidential candidate 15 years ago had gotten these felony convictions, that person would be out. How do you, as a Democrat, respond to that?
Raphael Warnock: Well, I think that the country has long been in a kind of a spiritual crisis, certainly exacerbated by the reality of Trumpism in the world, and it's something I think about, first of all, just as a pastor and as a citizen. But I still have a great deal of confidence in the American people, because the reality is he only wins by subtraction. That is his only shot, which is why I'm focused on making sure that every eligible American has a chance to exercise their franchise and to know that their vote will count.
This election is not about who he is, it's about who we are as an American people.
Senator, one of the factors that figures into what may or may not happen in November is for Black voters under 50, and this is according to research by Pew, 29%, 29% is leaning to Trump. That's a heck of a lot. It's a huge jump from voters 50 and over. Why do you think this is happening?
Warnock: I pay attention to polls. I'm not obsessed by them. I think there's a long time between now and November. I will hazard this hunch: 29% of voters, Black voters, are not gonna vote for Donald Trump.
So you're just saying the polls are the polls. You're just saying the polls are out of their collective minds.
Warnock: It's not gonna happen. […] And I stand by my assertion, and not as a pundit, but as somebody who knows a little bit about the Black community. 29% of Black folk are not going to vote for Donald Trump.
29% under 50. Okay, yeah.
Warnock: Under 50, or under any age.
Right now, there's a big movement of people in this country who say they want to live in a Christian nation with laws instituting Christian principles. By the way, the vast majority of especially people who describe themselves as evangelicals are pro-Trump. What do you make of that?
The enormous number of people of earnest faith who look at someone who lies the way he does, who's now been convicted of multiple felonies, how do you analyze that?
Warnock: Well, there were a number of Christians, a whole lot of Christians, who were pro-slavery. And there were a whole lot of Christians who were pro-segregation. There's a recurring line by Martin Luther King, Jr. in his letter from the Birmingham jail. He says it a few times in his speeches. He says, “I am so disappointed in the American church.” I'm paraphrasing here.
I can't channel the eloquence of Dr. King. But he said, “As I travel through the south and I see its massive churches with its massive religious education buildings and its spires pointing heavenward, I ask myself, what kind of people worship there? Who really is their God?”
That's the question for this moment. Who really is their God? Particularly when we've been told by a lot of folks on the far right for years that their focus is family values.
When we’ve raised issues that people like me think are also central to the gospel, like how you treat the poor, they have narrowed the religious discussion to matters of ‘private morality,’ one's conduct around issues of human sexuality, marriage and the like. And those same people now are lined up behind Donald Trump, a man who has had several marriages, who found himself caught up in the crosshairs of his decision to have an affair with a porn star. And these same folks who have raised these issues around family values and private morality are the ones who are speaking as if he is the Messiah of God.
I think the question that Dr. King asked all those years ago is especially relevant in this moment. Who really is their God?
—Senator Raphael Warnock
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sehtoast · 3 months
kripke's just jealous i put homelander in a loving healthy relationship with my trans man oc and can't cope
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
John Oliver described what a Trump second term would be like. It's a lot worse than just being a rerun of the 2017-2021 period.
This was broadcast before Trump's dip in the polls over the past few days. Hopefully that dip will continue when more people see this vid.
Oliver devotes time to the outline for a second Trump administration called "Project 2025" which is sort of a Christian nationalist „Mein Kampf” for the 21st century.
In short, Trump and his enablers want to destroy constitutional government as we've known it over the past couple of centuries.
One of the people John Oliver mentions is Russell Vought who speaks about a "post-constitutional" America. Of course post-constitutional is just a weaselly way of saying dictatorial.
Project 2025 is not a dog whistle – it's a vuvuzela hooked up to a foghorn. And anybody who can't hear it is deaf to the danger posed by some of the most extreme elements in America.
A little bonus reading...
Trump’s Christian Nationalist Friends Have a Horrifying Plan for a Second Term
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fartshals · 2 months
Brandonbros... We lost
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boasamishipper · 3 months
friendly reminder that the only way to ensure trump loses in november is to vote for biden. make sure you're registered to vote today.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
🎶 Donald Trump is finally about to get charged with treason 🎶 it is a beautiful day in Americaaaaaa 🎶🎵🎶
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tanjir0se · 2 months
Ok not going to rb the original post bc i'm protecting my peace and don't want to get into a stupid argument with internet strangers but i just saw a post mocking someone saying that it's important to get out and vote this election, they were saying "LOL why hasn't anyone thought of this before? we can just flip the red states blue LOL! The way to win is just not lose! haha how stupid" and i'm like
I know "voting blue" isn't a longterm answer and I don't like Kamala either but...you guys realize historically red states..DID flip blue in the last election because of voter turnout, right? You guys know that, right? You guys know that voter turnout increased by 66% and very likely lead the historically red states of Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada to flip blue...right? You guys ... you guys were there, right? I just hate to see people mocking the concept of encouraging people to vote as a strategy to win because it. It literally just works. We have seen it work..you guys saw that, right?
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onlytiktoks · 2 months
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