#seconding a mutual go listen to chimes of midnight
thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
house is alive house keeps itself alive. House that perpetuates its own haunting and amplifies it like a feedback loop. ouroboros house . self-cannibalising house, pointless, meaningless, full of stolen souls yet so empty. and it’s christmas eve and there’s a murder mystery stuck on repeat. you can never leave. you are nothing and nobody and you die and work and die and work and die and
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bokutosworld · 4 years
love’s sorrow | iwaizumi hajime
pairing: iwaizumi hajime x reader
wc: 1.7k words of angst, heartbreak, pain.
inspired by the prompts:  “look, i know we agreed to be friends and everything but that’s what everyone says when they break up. i can’t take you asking me for advice on how to ask out the new person you’re interested in, okay? it’s killing me” AU +  “it’s midnight, what do you want?”
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ringggggg! ringggggg! RIIIINNNNG!
you slowly turned to the bedside table, extending an arm to grab your phone and check who was blowing up your messages and calls. the harsh light emitted by the small device stings your eyes for a minute before you could make out the contact name - iwaizumi.
what was he doing disturbing your deep and peaceful slumber at 12:51 am? you think for five seconds but decided to ignore him, putting the phone face down on the nightstand. you roll over to the other side, tugging your blanket closer to your body, when the ringer blasted again.
'ugh, what the hell,' groaning, you throw the duvet away and snatch your phone, accepting his call with much annoyance. you almost screamed into the receiver, 'it's midnight, what do you want, iwa?'
'can you come down for a bit?' you do not miss the sharp intake of his breath as he finally answers. you slowly rubbed your temples, contemplating whether to indulge him in his request and see him in your pajamas in the middle of the cold night. absentmindedly nodding, you agreed, 'alright. wait for me in the lobby.'
you put on a jacket and wore a cap to hide your messy bedhead before going down to meet with iwaizumi. on the elevator, your mind wandered to the possible reasons that he called you. was he in trouble? did he need money? or was he....
the doors to the elevator opened before you could even finish your thought. you took a breath and stepped into the lobby. your eyes quickly scanned the empty floor, looking for the male and you spot him seated in one of the couches, his head cradled between his hands. it was obvious that something was bothering him.
you took careful steps as you headed to where he was sitting. hearing your footsteps approaching, iwaizumi lifted his head and followed you as you walked across the lobby, stopping in front of him to meet his somber gaze. in all the years you've known him, you've come to terms that it wasn't uncommon for him to have a resting poker face. he was always one that was difficult to read.
after what seemed like an eternity of assessing the situation and staring into each other's soul, iwaizumi broke through the tension and smiled, 'well, don't just stand there.' he patted the spot next to him, 'sit here first.' you narrowed your eyes at him, guards up and suspicious towards his unusual behavior.
as you settled down, you released the breath that you didn't know you were holding and made yourself comfortable in the sofa. 'so, what's up,' you finally inquired. iwaizumi also slumped into the couch before bringing up a topic you have always dreaded, 'i met this girl.'
ah, there it was. your eyes instinctively shut, already feeling as if your heart was slowly being carved out of your chest and you mentally prepared yourself for his next words. he continued cautiously, 'she's in my class, we were partners for a project,' his gaze landed on you, noticing you taking slow deep breaths and he debated whether he should reach and comfort you. 'she's really great and smart. we are really getting along so well. i think i'll miss her when this term ends and we're not classmates anymore. so, i've been thinking, i want to ask her out.'
a cloud of silence enveloped the two of you in the lobby. the only sounds audible were the ambient music - a classical piece which you made out to be kreisler's liebesleid - and the occasional chatter by the guard and the receptionist by the desk. neither of you spoke up for minutes, letting what he just said sink in to your system. your mind was blank, you didn't know how to react, to reply.
finally, you asked, 'why are you telling me this?' turning to your side, you saw that he was already looking at you, his eyes worried but hopeful. his hands were on his lap, restless as he wanted to touch you, to make sure if you were okay. but his eyes were encouraging you to continue, 'i know we agreed to be friends and that it has been a year since we broke up. but don't you think this is too insensitive, too cold-hearted even for you?' you choked a laugh, shaking your head as you brought your glance to the apartment doors.
'i just thought you wanted to know,' iwa claimed. 'i figured you might appreciate hearing the news come from me rather than from others.'
you take back what you said earlier about him insensitive. as he uttered those words, you were reminded of how caring and gentle he always was. you were reminded of the many times those kind compliments and praises were once about you, how those longing words were once said towards you. you were reminded of the memories you shared with him, the five years you spent together with him, all of which came burning down in just one night.
sure, the break up was mutual and that you and iwaizumi agreed to stay friends after everything. he argued, 'just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean we should throw away our friendship!' you remembered how he casually threw his arms around you, bringing you close as he offered his friendship to you once more. 
and now, you were wishing that someone could have stopped you from agreeing to his proposal. you were thinking back to the warnings you constantly received from your friends, telling you that it was toxic and unreasonable to stay in contact with him. you wished you didn't ignore them and listened because here you were now, hoping for some hole to swallow you and take you away from him. to be far from him as possible so you could finally move on.
'you don't need my permission to date, iwa,' you whispered.
'i'm not really asking -,' iwa insisted but you cut him off.
'then what? you're asking me for advice how to ask her out? how to make her swoon over you,' you scoffed, looking at him and for the first time in the night, he saw through your cap how heartbroken you looked. 'come on, you're iwaizumi hajime. you've got game, you're a gentleman. it would be her loss not to be with you.'
you couldn't take it anymore, you didn't need him to see you break down in the middle of the night, wearing pajamas in the dimly-lit lobby. you stood up, heading for the elevators, when you heard him follow you.
'y/n, wait. it's not like that,' he caught up to you, reaching for your wrists before you could get away further. but you sharply swatted his hand away the minute you felt his warm touch.
'don't,' your back was still faced to him, he saw you were slightly shaking and he swears he heard silent whimpers coming from your lips. he wanted so badly to comfort you but stopped when you continued, 'i'm trying hard, iwa.'
you turned to face him, your glare sending goosebumps to his skin and piercing through his soul. 'i'm trying hard, iwa. i know it's been a year, but it is taking all that i have to act as if we are just friends again. every night, i lay awake trying to forget what we had. you don't know how many times i wished i had a reset button so that we can go back to the way we were before we got together.'
it was breaking iwaizumi's heart to hear your confession. he didn't know you were still hurting. he was unaware of your struggles and he had only realized how selfish it was to come to you about his newfound love. he wanted to speak but you didn't let him.
'but each day, i know that i am missing you less. i don't see you anymore in the things that used to remind me of you. i don't look at photos of you anymore, our videos, i am slowly deleting them one by one. the coffee cup you had in my apartment,' you chuckled. 'i only recently got to hiding it in a box. it's slow but i am making progress. i'm getting better. so please, just drop this.'
the tears were now freely falling down your face and you couldn't care less. through your sobs, you still managed to give him a smile, 'if you like her, go for it. do this for yourself. don't think about my feelings anymore. that day, we both wished each other our happiness.'
you reached an arm out to pat his shoulder, 'i may be still searching for mine, but you already found yours. don't let it slip away.'
iwaizumi put your hand down, only to pull you close in an embrace. he was silently weeping, you felt his hot tears on your shoulder and you rubbed your hands on his back, 'we'll be fine.'
you pulled away and decided to tease him, 'i can't believe you called me down here for this. this could have been a conversation in the morning you know. we wouldn't have gotten sappy like this!' he laughed along with you, not leaving your side as you waited for the elevator.
as soon as the elevator arrived, you entered through the doors. for some reason, you were already feeling a little bit better, free, and relieved from crying out your last bit of feelings.
a chiming sound vibrated through the walls, signaling that the doors were about to close. you look at iwa, memorizing his face, his features, as if this was the last time you would see him.
'good bye, hajime.'
'good bye, y/n,' he said, giving you one last smile.
the doors shutting close felt as if the drawing of the curtains in a performance. it was as if you've reached the final page of a book and you had to put it back in the shelf. you hoped for better days ahead, you wish, 'i will get better.'
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katelynn-a-fan · 4 years
Why We Do What We Do (3)
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Five hours earlier
“Here we are!” Patton piped up as Logan, Roman, Virgil and Patton arrived at the location of their FamILY dinner, as Patton called it.
This is the 3rd time we’ve been to an Italian restaurant this month and we’re not even 3 weeks into the year. Honestly the only thing that we agree on with this place is their pasta. But as long as we’re here, the pasta is going to be delicious! The boys love their pasta.
Patton rolled his eyes as they entered into the restaurant’s immaculate foyer, passing the line of people going out the door. 
“Wow! It’s really busy tonight! Wonder what so special about today!” exclaimed Roman, who surged up to where the hosts were waiting, getting a few side-eyes from the line they had just passed. Patton just gave them a subtly, almost cheeky smile, as if he didn’t understand why they were looking at him.. 
Luckily for the little group, they had made a reservation early enough to be seated within minutes whereas there was a line out the door for the unfortunate majority that did know about the online reservation system the restaurant had. But then again, coming to this restaurant in particular at least once every 2 weeks since they were kids, if not more often, would get you swiftly accustomed to their way of doing things. 
Their host’s eyes lit up as they had approached to confirm their reservation and Patton swore that she had done something to bump them up because with how quickly they had been seated and where they were seated, it should’ve been a quarter hour. 
“I’ve wondered when you boys would be coming back next, anything new to speak about?” their host, Kiki bubbled as they neared her podium.
“Nothing more notable than last time Kiki.” Virgil snarked playfully, but as he said it, a blush creeped up on his cheeks. Roman’s face also turned a similar shade of red at Virgil’s words.
“Oh, don’t get me started about last time! When you told me you and Roman had finally planned to go out as a couple, I was over the moon! I don’t know how you two were so clueless about each other’s feelings when you have spent every day since you both started high school together.” Kiki snarked back as she automatically grabbed the menus and steered them to what they had claimed as ‘their’ booth, a semi circular booth, the kind that made it impossible to get out of if you were in the middle.
The Death Trap. They had come to call it that after many friendly squabbles and refusals of whoever was on outside to relent to move out the way of another person. Patton himself didn’t remember who first coined the moniker, either Virgil or Roman, but had stuck and Patton couldn’t think of anything more fitting to call it.
“We don’t know either.” Logan replied as Patton felt Logan instinctively grab Patton’s arm, which Patton responded to by intertwining their arms together instead, earning a gentle, playful glare from Logan as they walked along. Patton felt Logan rub a finger over Patton left ring finger where their wedding band resided.
“Damn right! ...Wait, Don’t you have midnight lab today, Logan?” Kiki enquired as she instinctively weaved through the tables and servers, but her head turned looking at Logan. Impressive.
“Yes, but you know I can’t possibly pass up our bi-monthy escapade to our most delectable choice of cuisine when there is no reason to refuse as is a tradition not easily thwarted.” Logan articulated as Patton felt him subtly squeeze his hand, which then earned Logan a glare of his own from Patton. 
You lovable nerd.
“Nerd.” Patton mumbled loud enough for Logan to hear, but both Logan’s response and their impromptu glaring game came to an end as they finally reached their destination at The Death Trap.
“Well then, I must spread the message that our 4 favorite boys are here and to give them the best service they can.” Kiki affirmed with a wink as she placed the menus on the table and then walked briskly out of sight.
Everyone was seated in The Death Trap with Logan and Patton to the left, Roman and Virgil to the right. Logan and Roman being on outside.
All of them got their usual, which their server didn’t even have to ask each of them in turn, just uttering a short ”Y’alls usuals?” And when they answered in the affirmative, the server quickly picked up the menus that were still in the same pile that Kiki had brought them in, which made Patton wonder why Kiki bothered with giving them the menus every time they came in. They knew the menus forwards and backwards.
After they were seated with drinks, the meal became a blur. Appetizers, then main meal and then the check was suddenly on the table
 They were discussing the semantics of when jello became a solid, with Logan arguing the scientific side when the jello was uniformly under 0 degrees Celsius as a large component of jello was water (Logan had a large distaste for America’s measurement systems and refused to use Fahrenheit). Roman argued that it was only when it was at a certain consistency, which he could not define, but insisted on challenging Logan’s assertion with his own nonetheless. 
Patton was never one to argue like this, but he enjoyed seeing Roman and Logan’s mental sparing. It was an interesting, no, entertaining thing to watch. Like a metaphorical gladiator battle, only Logan was almost always the winner and there was no blood to be shed. ‘Almost always’ being something Logan would deny to this day, but a little after all 4 of them had met as a group of friends, they had gotten into a debate about the size of the universe. 
Roman, as stubborn as ever, had brought up that the universe was around 100 billion light years in diameter, smug that he knew a scientific fact that would make him right. Logan quickly shot back that it was only the observable universe that was referring to and that the complete universe was much bigger. Roman retorted something along the lines that there was no way to measure how big the universe really was, so by default, Roman was right.
“No! The physical limit of the speed of light and the fact that you know the limit of the observable universe does not change the fact that the universe is no doubt infinitesimally big, unlike your brain!” Logan had huffed in frustration. 
“Hey, that was uncalled for!” Roman had exclaimed before they both went silent glaring at each other in what Patton had learned was not malice, but a mutual respect of each other’s debating ability. Virgil had not yet figured that out so he was bug-eyed and trembling slightly at their increasing intensity.
Patton had let the silence permeate for a moment or two before he piped up with a “Wait, doesn’t infinitesimal mean really, really small, not really, really big?” along with his signature head tilt he used for when he didn’t understand.
Logan had paused in what he going to say as Patton interjected and then started again, “No, Patton, I know my wo-”, before he froze with a look of realization that turned him beet red, which Patton realized later he had found really cute (Flustered Logan was best Logan in Patton’s opinion). Logan had run off to escape embarrassment while Roman bragged to Patton and Virgil that the infallible Logan had lost to the magnanimous Roman, who was giving him mercy by not pursuing him after Roman’s victory.
Just Logan being Logan and Roman being Roman.
However, Patton was pulled from his reminiscing by Virgil chiming in with a third opinion, that jello was both and neither, it was like a cat. It could conform to any container it was placed in, but was a solid that didn’t run when it was freestanding.
Patton reeled back out of surprise from whatever position he had been while he had been spacing out and turned to his left to stare at Virgil.
In all his years, there had never been a third contender in the ring of debate, this was new and exciting territory. Patton waited almost pensively for the other’s responses.
“But it does that when it’s liquid! If you take the jello out it stays in the same shape, and plus something can’t be both phases!” Roman retorted without hesitation.
“Concur with both of you, I still believe it only becomes a solid once the optimum temperature is reached, but when it is in the process of cooling down, I would agree with Virgil.” Logan proposed with expression of surprise probably similar to Patton’s.
“But that doesn’t make sense, neither of you are right! Jello is solid when you can stick your finger in and your finger doesn’t come back covered in liquid jello, that’s a foolproof theory!” Roman interjected, which cause Logan to raise his eyebrows.
“No it’s like a cat!” Virgil restated with a fire Patton had never seen in his eyes.
Oh, that’s new.
“No it’s not, cat is a living thing and jello is a food! Why have you chosen now to  start debating with us? I would’ve understood joining us earlier, but Logan and I have been doing this for years ever since we’ve met. Why don’t you leave the debating to the professionals?” Roman snickered as he seemed to turn himself full force against Virgil.
Virgil’s froze for a second before his eyes bugged out, reminding Patton of that infamous argument Logan and Roman had.
“What?” Virgil growled, causing Patton’s heart to seize, this... this was something different. This argument was turning into something dangerous.
“What? I’m just saying that we’ve been doing this a whole lot longer than you have so you’re not going to win the first round on your first time out.” Roman declared with pride.
Abort! Abort! Abort!
Logan tried to say something, to defuse the rapidly escalating argument, but was interrupted by Virgil.
“Well I’ve been listening you two bicker for years, you think I’m dull enough to not pick something up from your silly show?!” Virgil scowled as Patton saw his hands morph into fists.
Patton gently grasped Virgil’s arm in an attempt to calm him down, but Virgil brushed him off with glare as he waited for Roman’s response with a  much harsher glare that Roman didn't seem to register at all.
Roman seemed unperturbed as he responded with “Our debates aren’t silly! What would make you say that?” and a sly smile.
That was apparently the wrong thing to say and do, as Virgil exploded past Roman and all but ran out of the restaurant, causing Roman to curse as Virgil squeezed past him uncomfortably. Roman shot a glance of confusion at Logan and Patton as he quickly followed after his boyfriend, careful not to make a scene of himself. 
Patton gestured for Logan to exit as well, but Logan shook his head. “Someone needs to pay the check, if you want to follow them you can, I can’t stop you, but I need to stay.” Patton squeezed Logan’s hand and nodded before scooting out the other direction and walking as briskly as he could to catch up with Virgil and Roman.
When he reached them in the parking lot, Roman was grabbing Virgil’s hand to stop him.
No Roman, no!
“Virgil, wait-”
Virgil pulled his hand back like Roman’s touch burned him, wheeling back to face Roman.
“Get the fuck away from me! I need some fucking time away from this bullshit!” Virgil snarled as his knuckles turned white from how much he was squeezing his hands into a fist. 
Roman made a strangled noise before retaliating, matching Virgil’s intensity in response. “Well, this bullshit is your fucking boyfriend Virgil! I don’t know what’s gotten you so worked up, but apparently I was wrong to let you into our debate at all if it’s going to make you this worked u-”
Roman was interrupted by Virgil punching him square in the jaw.
“Fuck you! You never did respect me. Your head’s always been too far up your ass to ever respect me like a proper boyfriend.” Virgil spat as Roman staggered back both from the punch and the surprise of Virgil hitting him and Virgil turned continuing back to his car. 
Patton held Roman’s shoulders for a beat as he had almost fallen, but Roman angrily shook him off. Patton’s heart dropped as he realized thing had gotten way out of hand.
Roman’s gaze quickly hardened into a fury matching Virgil’s, “Well when you get the balls enough to come back to me I can assure you that we are done!” Roman rose his voice to shout as Virgil opened the door to his car.
“Fine!” Virgil’s car door slammed.
“Fine!” Roman snarled as he stalked over to his own car, ignoring Patton’s pleas for him to stay. Only pausing to turn back to give a Patton a glimpse of the growing bruise on the left side of his face and Roman’s contemptuous expression. 
“Some best friends you are, I thought you would care enough to protect me, or at least do something.” Roman snapped as he got into his car and slammed the door.
Patton could swear he heard his heart break.
Patton felt helpless as he felt Logan’s hand settle onto his shoulder. Without hesitation, he turned to bury his face into Logan’s shoulder. Logan’s hand instinctively held the back of Patton’s head as he spoke.
“It’s going to be okay, Patton, they just need time to cool off. You know how we were when we were young, their tempers just need time to back down and let what they both said sink in. You know they love each other, this won’t stop them.” Logan consoled him as Patton trembled in his arms, shuddering but Patton was somehow to hold back his cries.
Distantly, he heard two engines start up and then go in opposite directions until he couldn’t hear them anymore over his shuddering breaths.
For both Roman and Virgil’s sakes, Patton hoped Logan was right.
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking 
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thecleverdame · 5 years
Control and Release - 12
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Series Masterlist
TEDTalk!Sam x Reader
Summary: With the rest of the staff caught in a snowstorm, you find yourself acting as a personal assistant to the notorious Sam Winchester.
Warnings: Dom/Sub, humiliation, embarrassment, sexual objectification,  mutual masturbation, spanking, cum play, fingering, anal play, orgasm control, dub-con, nipple clamps, breath play (more warnings as the story continues)  
Words: 5k
Beta: @ilikaicalie
Parts 13, 14 & 15 are currently available on Patreon for a monthly pledge of $2.50. This includes early access to all my stories and Patreon exclusive content.  >> CLICK HERE <<
You spend the weekend naked and fucking in nearly every room of his house. Sucking his cock in the middle of the kitchen, laid out over his sofa on display while he reads the paper, spanked until your ass is bright red. By Sunday night you’re tied to his bed frame and looking forward to the work week so you can get a few nights of well-deserved rest. It’s almost midnight when he sends you home, patting your cheek in appreciation then standing in his doorway, watching as you walk toward the waiting car.
There are faint black and blue marks around your wrists, leftover reminders of being bound and gagged. You look out the window, pressing on one wrist and enjoying the fading pain as the moment comes back in vivid detail. Sam can make your body respond, even when he’s not there.
There a question flickering to life in the back of your mind  - how long can this last? But you push it down, refusing to acknowledge it.
Five Months Later
“What is going on down there?” Rolling your chair back, you glance down the hallway.
“Brent is getting axed.” Millie wheels her chair toward you, and the two of you sit side by side listening to the commotion down the hallway. There’s muted yelling coming from one of the conference rooms.
“Really?” You know he screwed up, it was bad enough for Sam to bring up in casual conversation. “I liked Brent, he wasn’t a total ass like the rest of them.”
“That’s probably why he didn’t last,” Lexi chimes in, walking up behind you, resting her hip on the corner of your desk. “I heard he got called up to the attic this morning. Word is, he told Sam that it wasn’t even him that mixed up the dates, it was Tobias but they blamed him.”
“You think that’s true?” you ask, listening as the yelling escalates and two uniformed security guards come trotting down the hallway.
“I don’t think Sam Winchester does anything unless he’s one hundred percent sure about it.” Millie offers and you shift in your seat.
While your arrangement with Sam has grown into itself, it still makes you uncomfortable when anyone else talks about him. It feels like they’re going to find out your secret just by the look on your face.
Life has been split into two categories. The normal work week, which is usually boring and predictable - you go to work, go home. You get the occasional text from Keith Campbell, a little homework every now and then but for the most part your professional life has turned into just that, strictly professional.
It’s the weekends that you indulge in each other. From Friday afternoon until Sunday night you live in a sexual fantasy, engaging in whatever wonderful torture he decides to inflict. He was the one who talked of compartmentalizing his life but you’ve done the same.
The door to the conference room flies open, hitting the wall with a thud. All three of you jump. Brent is hauled out of the room by the guards, who are now joined by four more, as they wrestle him out of the building.
“Poor guy,” you mumble, looking away.
“Another one bites the dust.” Millie shakes her head. “We’ve got it good. We stay under the radar and just do our job.”
“We should head over to the auditorium.” Lexi taps the back of your chair.
It’s Sam’s monthly employee meeting and everyone is expected to be in attendance. Grabbing your coat, the three of you head out of the main building to the staff auditorium. There are always refreshments and snacks if you get there in enough time and you wander around, talking to other employees and sipping seltzer.
You’re discussing Lexi’s upcoming blind date when there’s a tap on your shoulder. Turning, you find Pepper, looking as irritated as always. “He wants to see you. Now.”
Sam hasn’t called for you in person, during work hours, in months. You’re taken off guard, looking sideways at Millie and Lexi who are both as surprised as you are. You’ve done your best to keep the fact that you occasionally meet with him a secret. As far they know you’re just another low-level assistant
“Come on!” Pepper snips, grabbing your arm and hauling you off. You follow her backstage, winding through a labyrinth of hallways until she stops at the door to a small room. You step inside and she closes the door.
Sam is standing, one hand in his pocket eyes fixed on his phone. He looks up, smiling when he sees you. “Hello.”
“Hi.” You clasp your hands together.
“You look surprised. Am I interrupting something?” He cocks an eyebrow, stepping closer. Every action he makes has a purpose, especially the way he moves.
“Not at all.” You tilt your chin up toward him. “I was just caught off guard. You don’t mix work and us these days. I’m always happy to come when you want me.”
That last statement makes his eye twitch, nostrils flaring.
“I’m glad to hear it.” He inches nearer, eyes dropping down your body. “I wanted to make sure that you don’t have plans this weekend.”
“Do I ever have plans?” you counter, watching him lick his lips. You know one thing for sure, the longer this has gone on, the hungrier he is for you. And the feeling is mutual.
“Yes, but today is your birthday. People normally celebrate with friends. You don’t have anyone coming into town?”
“No,” you nod, holding your head high. “I’m all yours.”
“Good. Be ready tonight at eight. Wear a dress, something nice. I’ll pick you up.”
“We’re going out?”
He hasn’t taken you anywhere other than his bed since San Francisco. In fact, some weekends you never wear anything at all, naked from Friday to Sunday. You wonder if this is for your birthday or one of his social engagements. It’s not uncommon for him to take a date, but as far as you know it’s always Pepper who accompanies him in public. He says it’s cleaner that way. Everyone knows she’s his assistant so there are no misunderstandings.
“Yes,” he confirms. “No panties, hair down.” His eyes linger then he steps back, smoothing down his tie.
“I look forward to it.” You watch as he leaves the room, always left in a wake of excitement and expectation.
It’s almost eight as you look in the mirror, adjusting your dress. It’s black and tight, falling just above your knee. The neckline is lower than you're used to but nothing scandalous. It’s the back that’s the real show stopper, it’s open all the way down to just above your ass crack. You hope it’s not too much, Sam will occasionally comment on your clothing choices but you think you’ve got a handle on his taste. Above all else he prefers class.
His car pulls up just before eight. You’re waiting by the front door of your brownstone apartment building, hurrying down the steps, eager to find out what’s in store.
The driver opens the door and you slide in next to him.
“How are you tonight?” he asks, his hand already on your knee, slipping between your legs.
“Excited. I haven’t been out in a long time.”
“Well, let’s hope this evening lives up to your expectations,” he purrs, hand sliding just a little further up your leg. “I hope you’re not too hungry, we aren’t eating until after.”
“After what?” You look up, his fingers pressing into the warm flesh inside of your thigh.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” He grins, giving you a squeeze and removing his hand. “Before we go any further, I need to tell you that I allowed Pepper to choose a second assistant for the Tokyo trip next month. I expressed my preference for you, but she chose Lexi.”
“That’s no surprise I guess.” You can’t help but be disappointed. “I mean, I’d like to see Japan, but you know better than anyone Pepper hates me. We don’t work well together.”
He chuckles. “She’s not one to hide her feelings.”
“How long will you be gone for?”
“Two weeks. Don’t worry, I’ll have you report to me every night. You’ll have a list of tasks for while I’m gone.” He holds his stare and you get lost in the moment, drowning in those eyes that you’ve come to know oh so well.
“I look forward to it.”
“I would expect nothing less. We’re here.” He points out the window as the car pulls up to the Boston Museum of Modern Art.
“We’re going here?” you ask looking back at him. “It’s closed.”
“Not to us,” Sam corrects you, allowing the driver to help you out before following. You feel his hand on your naked back, sliding down to the dip in your lower back. He leans down to whisper in your ear. “Excellent choice.”
“I thought you might like it.” You smile, taking his arm and walking toward the entrance. The thought dawns on you like a bolt of lightning. “This is the Yayoi exhibit.”
“You said you wanted to see it didn’t you? The timing was perfect.” He looks proud of himself as a porter opens the front door for you.
“I said I wanted tickets-” You’re dumbfounded, looking around at the empty museum.
“This is better. A private viewing without the distractions.”
There’s a man bustling toward you with several people following.
“Mr. Winchester!” A short, sharply dressed man extends his hand. “We are so honored to have you here. I’m Cecil Baton, the general director. On behalf of the entire board, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for all the support you’ve offered over the years.”
“It’s my pleasure.” Sam nods in confirmation, slipping an arm around your waist to pull you forward.  “This is Y/N, she’s very much looking forward to seeing Infinity Mirrors.”
Cecil takes your hand, shaking it vigorously.
“We are thrilled to be able to repay your generosity by hosting a viewing for you and your lovely friend.” Cecil makes a tsking sound and a uniformed waiter steps forward with two flutes of champagne. “May we interest you in a glass of Dom Perignon?”
“Thank you for the gesture, I don’t drink,” Sam affirms and looks to you. “Go ahead.”
You hesitate for a moment before taking the glass off the tray and then the two of you are whisked down a hall, as you explore the wonders of each colorful, unique room.
By the time you’re done, you’ve finished three glasses of champagne and are floating on cloud nine as Cecil chatters away, walking you out. He goes on and on about how wonderful Sam is. Leaving you to ponder exactly how much money he must have donated to get a reception like this. You probably don’t want to know.
“What did you think?” he inquires as you walk back toward the car.
“It was...better than I could have imagined. What an experience.” You feel like you’re vibrating with happiness. While you’ve never lived through any kind of cruelty, you’ve also never been pampered in any sense of the word. This is a scenario you could never have imagined. You turn to him, stopping in your tracks and gripping both his arms. “Thank you so, so much.”
“It was nothing.” He shakes it off, giving your elbow a squeeze. “Come on, we’ll be late for dinner.”
Dinner is at a French restaurant called Mistral.
He orders for you, but he’s better at it now than he was in the beginning. He’s come to know your preferences, even ordering you a fourth glass of champagne, toasting you with his seltzer water.
“Sam,” you start, looking from the tuna tartar. “Is there a reason you haven’t touched me yet tonight?”
“I touched you in the car,” he smirks.
“Yes, but you didn’t touch me. I mean, you are going to, aren’t you?”
“Don’t worry,” he chuckles, sitting back in his seat, one arm resting on the table. “It’s your birthday. The one day of the year I’m going to leave it up to you. Start thinking about what you want tonight. It’s your choice.”
You can’t help your grin, giggling a little as you sip from the flute. “I’m not sure I even know where to start.”
“I’m sure you’ll think of something.” With a genuine laugh, he goes back to his salad as you talk about your favorite part of the exhibit and the various other artists you hope to see in your lifetime. When you finish he’s quietly watching you, seemingly satisfied to sit and listen as you ramble on. “Do you have anything on your bucket list? I know you have more money than God, so you can probably see and do anything you want but there’s gotta be something.”
“Hmm,” he indulges your question, really giving it thought. “I want to see the northern lights. I’ve never had the chance.”
“That’s a good one,” you agree as your empty plate is swapped out for a giant tower of chocolate and raspberries. You almost squeal, a little tipsy and having arguably the best birthday of your life. “Come on, try some. One spoonful of sugar won’t kill you.”
“No.” He shakes his head, face lit up in amusement.
“Oh come on Sam, it’s my birthday. You said I’m in charge tonight...one bite.”
He contemplates your request and just when you think he’s going to tell you no he reaches over and spoons a bite of your dessert. Popping it in his mouth and wincing, “too sugary.”
“Your loss,” you laugh, digging in.
“Have you decided?” Sam's teasing, watching you blush in the low light of his bedroom.
“Yes,” you nod. “There are several things I’d like tonight, but first I want you to take your clothes off.”
He raises his eyebrows, but compiles immediately, toeing his shoes off and reaching for the buttons on his shirt. You do the same, stripping down until you’re both nude and staring at each other. He’s already half hard, cock thickening right before your eyes.
“In a little bit, I want to suck your cock. Then I’d like you to spank me, not too hard though.” You explain, biting your bottom lip as he nods in agreement.
“We can do both those things.”
“But first I want you to lay down on the bed.” You clear your throat, not comfortable giving the instructions. This is his territory.
He walks over to the bed, sitting down before laying back on the pillows. You crawl over him, straddling his legs, then moving until you’re sitting across his upper thighs, his erection standing tall against your stomach.
“I want to touch you,” you admit, watching him blink in response. You reach up, placing your opens palms over his chest, feeling him twitch under your touch. Fanning outward you sweep your palms over his chest and toward his shoulders, sliding over warm skin. Both his hands are resting on your thighs. He sighs when you run your nails through the hair on his forearms and then lean forward to suck on the skin of his neck.
A low groan leaves his throat as you nip at the juncture of his neck and shoulder and before you think better of it you place a kiss just under his ear. It’s a lingering touch and then you do it again and again moving downward until you find yourself under his jaw, scraping teeth over his five o’clock shadow. When you raise your head to look down at him, his eyes are closed, popping open seconds later. Staring at each other, his hands slide around to cup your ass cheeks, rocking upward as his cock rubs over your stomach.
You shift forward and rub your clit against his cock, nose pressed into the side of his cheek.
“Fuck my mouth,” you whisper.
Sam moves in record time, flipping you onto your back as you yelp in surprise. Getting off the bed he grabs you by the ankle rolling you onto your belly then turning you in a half circle until your head is hanging over the edge of the bed.
“Open.” Your jaw falls slack as he slides the head of his dick past your lips and you suck hard, as he slides forward. “Take it,” Sam purrs, reaching down to stroke your cheek as his cock hits the back of your throat. You hum around his dick, let him push forward until his balls press into your chin. “Just like that.”
His deep voice conveying words of praise go straight to your clit, throbbing between your legs, triggering the slick that’s leaking from your sex. You let him fuck your throat looking up as he stares down at you with forced concentration. Without warning, he pulls out of your mouth leaving a trail of spit as he taps your shoulder like he’s tapping out of a fight.
“Roll over,” he commands, big hands turning you over as you comply without hesitation. Head tilting backward over the edge of the bed, upside down. He places one hand at the side of your face, the other on his cock as he pushes back between your lips. “Open up.”
He slides his cock over your tongue and past your uvula as you swallow him whole. Pressing forward he watches the bulge in your throat, then reaches down to rub the outline of the head of his cock as you choke around him. “Fucking perfect.”
He holds himself there for a five count, you know it well. He’s rough, but consistent which helps for things like this. The next one will be longer, but if you count to ten you know he’ll give you relief.
He pulls out, drool leaking over the sides of your face as you gasp for air. Holding his spit-wet dick in his hand he rubs the head over your face, tapping your cheek several times before sliding back inside, right back into the deep stretch while you concentrate on breathing through your nose.
This is one of your favorite things. While you knew you liked sucking dick, having him fuck your mouth as you lay on the bed is a whole other level. Your pussy is slick, throbbing with excitement as you gag around his thick shaft.
“I can see my cock in your throat,” he observes, rubbing the bulge with two fingers. He pulls back, leaving you a mess of spit and tears, eyes watering, but you eagerly open back up, tongue out as he thrusts back in. “Do you like this? Choking on a cock?”
“Uhhh,” you rattle, vibrating around him, unable to do little more than make desperate gurgling sounds.
“I know you do.” He strokes your cheek, rocking forward, getting just a tiny bit deeper. “What do you say?”
“Huh ooo,” is your version of thank you as you swallow him whole.
“Where do you want me to cum?” he grunts, pulling out. You look up at the sight of him holding his cock in his hand, inches from your face.  
“In my mouth,” you confirm, clamping your thighs together. “I want to taste you.”
“Open wide.” Reaching forward he gives your nipple a hard squeeze before jerks himself with the head of his cock on your tongue. A half dozen strokes later he's cumming warm and salty as you suck and swallow with fervor. “Keep sucking, just like that,” he instructs as your tongue gently swirls around the sensitive head.
When he’s really into it he can stay hard after he cums. He’s done it plenty of times before. He can’t always get off again, but he can damn sure fuck you into next week.
You carefully attend to his cock, rolling his balls in your hand until he’s sufficiently aroused and then he pulls you off his dick by your hair.
“On your hand and knees,” he instructs, gesturing toward the bed. You scramble into position, feeling your pussy ache as he knees his way between your calves. “You want me to spank you?”
“Yes, please.” You look back at him, arching your back, widening your legs.
“You’re going to get a spanking while my cock is in your pussy,” he huffs, running a hand over your lower back, down the crack of your ass. “Make sure you ask before you cum. No more rule breaking, not even on your birthday.”
You swallowed his load before he told you to, part of you was wondering if he’d punish you for it.
“I understand,” you confirm feeling the thick head of his cock sink into your slippery pink cunt. It’s an easy slide despite his size, but you're wet enough to take him to the root on the first stroke. He holds himself deep, balls pressed into your mound and then his hand comes down on your backside.
Crack. Crack. Crack.
It’s perfect. He knows your body to a tee, knows exactly how hard you like it. His harder spanks are saved for discipline and his softer ones are teasing, but this is the perfect sting.
“It’s your birthday, twenty-nine would be the tradition, wouldn’t it?” He strokes in and out, nestling back inside before bestowing three more smacks on the other cheek.
Crack. Crack. Crack.
“Fuck,” you breath, clenching around his shaft.
He pulls out, only to thrust back inside and then they come in rapid succession. Too many to count. All you can do is howl, twisting on his cock until he finally stops, both hands gripping your ass, squeezing.
“Would you like to cum now?” His inquiry is accompanied by a series of shallow thrusts.
“How? Like this?” You’re not used to being asked for your preference and hesitate before answering.
“Yes, but I want you to hold yourself deep and rub my clit.”
He snorts, leaning over your back. “Anything for the birthday girl.”
Pressing forward he stuffs your cunt until he’s right against your cervix, sending out those little sparks of pain you love so much. His middle finger finds its way to your clit, making soft circles and you’re already there.
“May I cum?” you pant, eyes shut, mouth hanging open.
It’s the only permission you need before falling over the edge and cumming around his cock. You jerk, moaning and whimpering as you tighten around his shaft. He takes his hand away from your bud but holds himself inside you until your orgasm begins to fade. He pulls out only to slide back inside again, thrusting slow and even, two hands gripping your hips.
“We’re going to get one more out of you tonight.”
You’re sweating.
You flex, blinking awake trying to figure out why you’re overheated only to find Sam wrapped around you, his chest pressed against your shoulder blades, soft belly at the small of your back.
It’s not the first time. He often slings an arm over you in his sleep, but he’s never cocooned you before. You wiggle backward, testing the waters and his grip tightens as the arm over your side curls under your stomach, pulling you back into him.
If he woke up like this you’re not sure what reaction he’d have. The two of you live in a strange world, a weekend relationship devoid of soft affection but always intense. The two of you have slipped into a safe space, an agreement and routine that seems to be working. This isn’t moving backward or forward, you’re stuck in a loop of sex and gratification that never fails to leave you somewhat crestfallen as you head into the week. You spend your time waiting until you’ll see him next, hoping for a little more.
You lie there, half awake, body hyper aware of him holding you for nearly two hours. It’s morning when he finally rolls away, grunting in his sleep and flipping onto his stomach retreating back to his side of the bed.
Sam’s sleeping belly down in the bed, mouth open as his back slowly rises and falls with his breath. You lay there, unmoving, watching his relaxed features, that handsome face looking almost boyish with his pink-flush cheek smashed into the pillow. He’d never let you gaze at him like this if he was awake, so you indulge while you can.
There’s no need to look at the clock to know it’s early, the way the light filters through his windows shifts depending on the time of day. That and he’s not up yet. It must be before six if he’s still out like a light.
The clock confirms it’s five forty-five and for once on a Saturday morning, you’re willingly awake before noon. He normally let’s you sleep in while he goes for a run and does a few hours of work. You give him one last look and gently crawl out of bed, pulling on white cotton panties and foregoing all other clothes, heading to the kitchen to make tea.
You’ve just taken the kettle off the stove when you hear it, a shuffling behind you. It’s impossible to explain how you know it’s not Sam, but you do. You can sense it. Every hair on your body stands up on end and when you turn around you’re faced with a stranger standing in the middle of Sam’s kitchen.
He’s tall, not as tall as Sam but a big guy and you’re instantly frozen in place, practically naked, blinking at the man in front of you. His shirt is spattered with blood, the red stains that are unmistakable.
“Well shit,” he smirks, a grin tugging at his mouth as he eyes your naked tits. “He always had good taste.”
“Um,” you stammer, taking a step back. “Um, who-”
You can’t find the words, your brain shutting down as he gets closer.
“Look at you,” he whistles, sauntering around you as you turn in a slow circle to keep him in your line of sight. His eyes dropping down the length of your body, head to toe. “How much does a guy like Sam pay for a girl like you? Do you charge by the hour or the night? I mean, I’ve been to Vegas, fucked my fair share of working girls but hot damn sweetheart, you are something special.”
It’s at that moment that your thoughts come together to form a coherent thought. This is Dean, Sam’s brother.
“Pleasedon’thurtme,” you squeak out in one quick utterance.
“Don’t worry sweetheart. My brother has never been very good at sharing anyway.” His eyes hone in on the fresh bruises on your hips, leftover handprints.  
“Wh-what do you want?��� you stutter, now shaking in fear. Dean closes in and you back up into the counter, trapped by his advance.
“Don’t worry,” he eyes your tits again. “Nothing you can give me, at least not right now.”
“Get away from her.” Sam’s voice booms from across the kitchen, standing bare-chested in a pair of pajama pants, eyes on fire. He looks from Dean to you, extending a hand. “Come here.”
“We were just getting to know each other.” Dean offers a lopsided grin.
Eyes glued on Dean, you inch sideways until you can scurry across the kitchen, letting Sam pull you to him.
“Sam,” you look at him, eyes wide.
“It’s okay.” He takes a half step in front of you, putting himself between you and his brother. “What are you doing here, Dean?”
“Did I come at a bad time? I understand if you wanna be sure you get your money’s worth before we get down to business.”
“She’s not a hooker,” Sam clarifies, tilting his head, eyes never leaving his brother.
“Yeah,” Dean smiles, making a production of leaning to the side to look at you. “Didn’t think so. Good for you, getting back on the horse after all these years. I’m happy for ya.”
“Cut the shit,” Sam steps forward and you move with him, pressing against his back. “What the hell are you doing in my house? Are you trying to get me arrested?”
“Trust me.” Biting his lip, Dean chuckles to himself. “This is the last fucking place I want to be. But I need you, Sammy, there’s some bad shit about to go down. End of the world type stuff. Dad and I need you.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Sam snorts, his posture softening. “No.”
“Tell you what. How ‘bout you put your girl back to bed and we talk about this alone?”
“How about you get the hell out of my house?” Sam counters. “You must be high if you think I would ever do anything for you or dad.”
“Just hear me out, Sam.” All the playfulness drains from Dean’s face. “Dad went on an a...hunting trip. He hasn’t been home in a while.”
“How is this any different from any other time?” Sam shakes his head. “You know this feels familiar. It’s been fourteen years since the last time you showed up with this same story. I went with you and Jess ended up dead. You ruined my life and Dad showed up when he damn well felt like it. So no, there is no way in hell I’m going anywhere with you.”
“We need you.” Dean’s mouth pulls tight. “I know you’ve got a whole white collar thing going on and a life, a girlfriend. I wouldn’t ask if I had a choice.”
“There’s always a choice Dean. I made mine a long time ago. Dad said if I left not to come back and I haven’t. So get the fuck out of my kitchen.”
“Sam,” Dean takes a step forward. “This is your family.”
“No,” Sam spits back. “Family was an illusion. A convenient guilt trip to get me to do what you and dad wanted. I don’t have time for family, Dean. My life is full up.”
“Okay,” Dean looks at the floor, before leaning to the side to look at you again. “Nice to meet you-”
“Stop talking to her.” Sam’s voice is colder than you’ve ever heard him, venom simmering under his words. “You stay away from me and you stay away from her. You hear me, Dean?”
“I hear you.” Dean waits for a beat, looking from Sam to you and then he’s gone just as quick as he came.
“Sam,” you sputter as he turns to you, placing a hand on each shoulder.
“We need to talk.”
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helaintoloki · 5 years
apocalypse {f.h.}
pairing: number five x reader
warnings: death, some angst, lots of language
notes: trying to fight my writer’s block and finish pieces I’ve forgotten aha im posting this at midnight rn
/inspired by the song apocalypse by cigarettes after sex/
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you’ve been locked in here forever and you just can’t say goodbye
your scraped knees and twisted ankle were the only things you could feel as you limped along the abandoned roads. they used to be a freeway, you think, but it’s hard to tell considering everything looks the same in the new post apocalyptic world: destroyed and desolate. death wasn’t a very good decorator, but it probably had other things on its mind.
today marked one week since the apocalypse had swept away any and all life from the earth, besides you, of course. somehow, you’d been (un)lucky enough to survive. who knew hiding in the dryer during a game of hide and seek with friends would pay off in the long run. and now, here you were, injured and alone-
or so you thought.
“hello?” you called out desperately, and the voice you had heard seemed to vanish in thin air. “i-i need help. my ankle’s twisted and i just need a place to rest.” nothing.
with a sigh, you sat yourself down amongst the rubble and pulled out your water jug from your flask. yet as you held it over your mouth you were met with nothing but air. only a few drops landed on your tongue, escaping the jug once you tapped the bottom with your palm. at this rate, you’d be dead in a few days. it’s almost impossible to survive the apocalypse on your own... unless you’re number five.
with a gun suddenly pointed at your face, a voice on the other end of the barrel demands, “who are you?”
“y/n,” you reply calmly, a sense of tiredness in your voice. he notices, but maintains his death grip on the weapon and his finger on the trigger.
“are you alone?”
“i was, then you showed up.” the boy, as you can tell by now, narrows his green eyes at you. “listen, if you’re gonna kill me, all i ask is that you do it quick. put me out of my misery.”
he’s quiet, his brows furrowed as he contemplates his next move. then, with the gun lowered, “i’m not going to kill you.”
“that’s too bad,” you reply calmly, setting your jug aside before letting your back rest against the piece of debris behind you. “guess i’ll let Mother Nature do it herself.”
“are you always this depressing?” he asks slightly annoyed.
“not usually, but when the world you once knew goes to shit... well,” you shrug, “people change.”
“self-pity isn’t a good change.”
“yeah, well neither is violence.”
“trust me, that’s the one thing that’s stayed the same,” he murmurs, almost as if he’s speaking to himself. his posture has relaxed significantly and the gun is on safety. “i’m Five.”
“well, Five, looks like it’s just you and me.”
it had been three years ago since you had first stumbled upon five, and since then you two had been inseparable. you were the apocalyptic duo (plus delores), and nothing could get in your way. in fact, it was safe to say you were in love with him, and unbeknownst to you, the feeling was somewhat mutual.
today had been like any other day. you’d woken up next to each other, eaten breakfast, gotten ready for the day, then continued your trek to god knows where. you sat in the wagon with Delores while five pulled, admiring the post apocalyptic beauty of everything around you. it was kind of poetic, really. how things seemed prettier when destroyed. or maybe you were just a big masochist. you wouldn’t be surprised after all the time you had spent with five.
“i’m hungry,” you stated aloud to no one in particular. “you hungry, Delores?”
“five, we’re hungry,” you chimed, causing him to roll his eyes in slight annoyance at your whining. honestly, he sometimes thought of you as a big baby he had to take care of. a small being who needed constant care and attention otherwise they’d die. but for some reason, five always took care of you. always. if he wasn’t such a tough guy, he’d consider it to be love. but to five, it was a silent agreement the two of you had come to; he’d take care of you and you’d make things less lonely. to five, this was enough. there was no place for love in the apocalypse.
“what do you want?” he grumbled, continuing to pull the weight of you and Delores as well as your few belongings within the wagon.
“hmm... spaghetti!”
“why do you two insist on making things so difficult?” five huffed, stopping for a moment to scan his surroundings. “i think there used to be a super market a few blocks from where we’re standing. they might have something there.”
the super market, once known as john’s grocery, was nothing but rubble and broken building, but a good survivor always knew not to judge a book by its cover, which is why you and five managed to find some pretty good shit. it wasn’t spaghetti, of course, but a can of Pringle’s and beef jerky sandwiches was like heaven to your rumbling tummies.
while Five was busy evenly splitting the sandwich Delores had so graciously offered to the two of you, you rummaged through your bag and pulled out your find: a Polaroid only slightly damaged from the blast. it only took a minute for you to insert the film and a few seconds to snap a photo of an unsuspecting five concentrating on the precision of slicing the sandwich.
“what the hell was that?” he asked, looking up at you and scowling slightly at the sight of the camera. he hated pictures.
“i found it,” you grinned, snapping another photo.
“Jesus, enough with that,” five scolded, blinded temporarily by the glare. “you’re going to get us killed.”
“no one’s out here, you’re being paranoid,” you said dismissively, smiling at the developed film. “besides, look at how adorable you look!”
five merely rolled his eyes and took a bite of his jerky sandwich. you were too trusting of the world, too naive. believing that no one could touch you, that nothing could go wrong. it’s what had gotten you killed.
it all seemed to happen in slow motion, really. one minute you’re smiling, the next there’s a bullet in your chest and you’re struggling to breathe. the blood is oozing freely from the wound, dribbling down from your mouth as you fall back with wide eyes and a terrified face.
“y/n!” five yells, not recognizing his own voice as he quickly scoops you into his arms and desperately clutches you to his chest. “shit, shit, shit.”
“five?” you gurgle, and his eyes begin to well with tears.
“you’re going to be okay, you’re going to be fine,” five repeats over and over into your hair, and he’s not sure if this mantra is for him or for you.
he feels the warm liquid spreading in between your bodies, staining his jacket and seeping through your clothing. it’s so warm, it scares him, scares him as if it’s the first time he’s seen blood in his life.
he’ll never forget the strangled cry that left his mouth as he felt you slump against him, the sudden chill he got from the cold of your body. it was what kept him awake for several nights, what kept him going, what caused him to go rouge when he had learned of the commission’s true power, their true crimes. the blood on their hands, your blood on their hands. they’d pay.
after explaining what was basic science to his now much older siblings and coming up empty handed in his search for caffeine, five hardgreeves decided to take a drive. a scrawny thirteen year old driving a car would have been comical if not for the situation and stakes at hand.
griddy’s is the only place he can think of to go for a decent cup of coffee, and he hopes it’s still there. and it is. it’s comforting to know that some things have remained the same since his departure into the future with you..
it’s almost empty when he walks in, except for a truck driver at the front and a girl at the very back in her own booth. books are scattered around her, a clear sign of procrastination. she reminds him a lot of-
“Y/N?” five asks bewildered. you peek up at the sound of your name, eyebrows furrowing in confusion at the sight of a stranger asking for you.
“do i know you?” you ask and shrink back against the booth as he approaches quickly. this boy you’ve never met before may be cute, but he’s approaching like a mad man.
“y-you’re here, you’re alive!”
“last i checked,” you say with an uneasy laugh. “h-how do i know you?”
“it’s a long story, i’ll explain it as we go home,” he rushes, grabbing hold of your wrist that you quickly pull back.
“go back?? i-i don’t know you!” you sputter. he sighs annoyed, impatient. he knows it’s not your fault that you have no idea who he is, but he doesn’t have a lot of time to waste.
the bells over the door chime, and five is on alert immediately. he thought he’d have more time before they found him.
“listen, i know you don’t know me, but i need you to get under the table right now, okay? you’ll be safe.”
you didn’t have time to protest as he was shoving you under. but as you watched the next scene unfold in front of you, you were suddenly very grateful you had chosen the corner booth that night.
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scriptedangel · 5 years
The one when Y/n and Harry missed their chances. 
a/n: this was loosely inspired  by my life story, emphasis on the loose though ++ gif is not mine,, i really hope you guys enjoy this one!
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Harry’s face was flushed red. His long curls covering half of his face with his sheepish eyes and dimpled smiled. His fingers fiddling with the end of her sleeves. He can’t even stare straight into her eyes but he manage to say, “I like you.” 
A breath caught in her throat and she couldn't say anything but luckily she managed to recover fast, really fast by masking a grin and said, “Of course you do, that’s why we’re friends, dummy.”
Y/n is not stupid. She knew that Harry meant it in another different level, the intensity and sincerity in his eyes and words are enough proofs. Although those words are the words that Y/n longed to hear, she’s scared. Y/n had hoped that Harry would understand and won't make this any weirder. 
It doesn’t add up byt Y/n has the longest crush on Harry but never made a move. She promised herself that Harry is her best friend and she would never, she could never, ever risk Harry and hers friendship.
“No-no, I mean, I fancy you.” He shook his head and slotted her fingers together with his. “I see us more than friends.” This time bolder as he looked at her in the eyes and pressed his lips against her knuckles.
She was supposed to feel at bliss but at this moment her mind couldn’t think or function normally at all. Of course, she wanted to scream and say I like you too but she can’t. For years she’s been convincing herself that she’s not enough or worthy to be his. She was after all just Y/n.
Harry saw the swirling whirpool going around her head. Y/n was uncomfortable and he nodded his head, never in a million years would Harry want Y/n to be uncomfortable because of him. “You don’t have to answer me, Love.” He closed his eyes and he leaned his head towards her lap. 
He guided her fingers to his hair, silently asking her to play with his hair. “Just tell me tomorrow, if you don’t feel the same, then we can just pretend that we never had this conversation.” He squeezed her one hand lightly before letting go. 
As soon as he let go, it was an automatic response to be tugging down his hair. That night, Harry’s fast beating heart was soothed by the familiar calm tugging of his hair. On the other hand, Y/n couldn't sleep with her heart beating too fast for her liking.
It was two years ago since her best friend confessed. Just like what he said, she didn’t say anything. She couldn't find the courage or maybe she was afraid of being hurt at the first place too. Either ways, she said nothing. 
That day, Harry woke up early in the morning to prepare their simple breakfast. He prepared a simple scrambled eggs and a toasted two pieces of bread and prepared some earl grey tea that Y/n loves. He was all bright and excited. He was positive that Y/n felt the same way and that today would be a perfect day. 
When the afternoon arrived, Harry was getting a bit antsy. But at the back of his head he was thinking that Y/n was just taking time or perhaps preparing something special, a way of comforting himself. It was when it passed dinner when his mood deflated. His shoulders slightly drooping and how his eyebrows were often furrowed. 
When it passed midnight and Y/n didn’t show any signs or utter any words. He knew that he was wrong.
Conveniently Harry couldn’t get up and leave. His flat was still up for renovation for couple more days.
He had to stay in at Y/n’s. The whole day Y/n was escaping and avoided Harry by all means.
It was when Harry laid down beside Y/n with a metre separating the two. Y/n could not escape anymore. This was weird as they were never this awkward. Y/n hated this and she hated herself for this kind of situation to happen.
Why can't she just say that she likes him back?
“H?” Her voice was small and soft. Harry’s heart skipped hopefully as he turned her body facing her as quick as possible. His voice deep and raspy, “Yeah?”
Y/n’s heart tutted the way Harry was beaming with hope. She smiled back with her heart aching slightly, “Good night.”
Harry’s smile faltered and Y/n closed her eyes with a heavy heart as she turned her back on him. She open her eyes with fresh tears rolling down her face.
Her tears wetting down her temples as she hurt her own best friend. 
She hurt Harry. She hurt her Harry. 
Harry was about to leave, wasn't sure where but he stopped when he heard the soft sniffles and shaky breath leaving her lips. He looked over and realised that Y/n was tensed and she was breathing heavily. 
He knew she was beating herself up, he just knew. She was after all his best friend. How could he not know?
Harry placed his arm around Y/n’s waist and pulled her in against his chest. Y/n stiffened for a second before Harry cooed at her. “It’s okay.” 
Y/n shook her head and Harry tightened his grip and repeated, “It’s okay.” Y/n wriggled out of his grip and turned her face towards him. If Harry’s heart was broken his heart is in pieces now, seeing his best friend’s teary face and blotchy cheeks. 
Harry smiled softly as he grazed his fingers on her wet cheeks. She let out an ugly sob and buried her face on his chest. “I’m...I’m...sorry.” Her voice croaky and Harry took a deep breath. 
“Dun’t have to be, Love.” He patted her back softly. He could feel her fingers crumpling up his t-shirt, he softly said, “Breathe, Love.” 
Her eyes were closed and Harry’s crumpled t-shirt has a huge wet patch on the centre. It took a while before Y/n was able to relax. Harry then realised he wasn't the only one having hard time with this. 
Y/n was still clutching on Harry as she whispered, “Don’t leave me,-” followed by a weak, “-please.” Harry pressed his lips on top of her crown and mumbled, “Never, Love.”
Despite the two being the best of friends, it wasn't surprising that the air between the two was thick and heavy the next day. Cuddle sessions became awkward that it slowly faded away. No longer passing loving smiles here and there. Their smiles were forced and awkward. The gentle pat in the head or shoulder or even a squeeze. All gone. 
However, they were, they are Harry and Y/n. It took at least another two weeks before it all came back to normal. At least, that’s how the both of them wanted.
“Love, what do you want for dinner?” Harry’s thick voice far away from the kitchen. Y/n smiled thinking it’s all coming back to normal. Harry called her with her nickname given by him, Love.
She walked out of the kitchen and answered giddily, “Chinese, please.” Her voice was light and bright. Harry turned his head with his phone on his left ear. Y/n widened her eyes in surprise and Harry parted his lips. 
Y/n shook her head, embarrassed and held her hands up before going to kitchen and clean the cups they used for hot chocolate.
A way of moving on for Harry. He stopped calling his best friend pet names. That moment Y/n realised that Harry stopped calling her Love. Y/n understood.
Harry was calling someone else, Love. It was just a silly little nickname and yet Y/n felt like her heart was pricked a million times.
She had to remind herself, she did this to herself.
Y/n means well. She makes others feel like they know her, like she’s an open book but actually she’s not. She makes it seems like they know her, but they don't actually. People view Y/n as a happy go lucky kind of girl but she’s not. She’s actually reserved and quiet, in other words closed off. But if one word is to describe Y/n, it would be overthinking. She does this best and she does it silently.
Maybe, she’s just afraid, afraid of getting hurt or betrayed. Even if she wishes to give them a chance, she couldn’t do it. Her logic is that if she’s not gonna try at least she’s not gonna get hurt.
So, when Harry introduced his new girlfriend, her heart was ripped apart but her smile was wide and convincing enough. It’s the least she can do, who is she to stand between her best friend’s happiness? It was her fault after all. 
Her body felt like breaking into pieces, her heart pounding, blood rushing fast, she’s angry and yet she's not supposed to be. She hated the innocent girl wrapped around in Harry’s arm.
It would help if the new girl is actually a bitch but the thing is, she’s not.
Harry’s new girlfriend is perfect. Her name is Angel and it fits her perfectly. Her soft features and touches. A sweet smile that is always adorned on her face. She listens to every words Harry says to her. The way her eyes twinkle with adoration. The way she looks at people whenever they talk as if they are her whole world. She’s very well spoken, sweet and smart. Her beauty is impeccable. You could never hate her even if you try. Try hard enough and you'll just ending up hating on yourself.
“Y/n, I bought you some gloves on the way here. I thought that you might find it useful as it’s getting chilly around here.” Angel smiled at Y/n softly and handed her a cute printed gloves to her.
“Thank you, that’s very sweet of you.” Y/n sighed as she wrapped an arm around her. Angel giggled and nodded her head cutely.
“Love, could you give me a hand back here?” Harry’s deep voice rung behind the kitchen and Angel chimed in, “In a moment.” While waving her hand animatedly to Y/n as she walked towards the kitchen. 
Love. That’s the nickname that Harry would call her and now he’s using it for someone else. It sounds a bit petty but the way her guts clenching and her throat slowly clogging up, she felt miserable. 
Suck it up, you lost your chance.
Y/n sat back on the couch and sighed once more. Why does it have to hurt so bad? 
Harry’s closest friends start coming in and in. One of his and Y/n’s mutual friends, Niall. They’re having movie night together. Harry and Y/n’s usual sit is the yellow bean bag. Y/n saw Angel grabbed the bean bag and put it on the left corner. Although, Y/n knew Angel didn’t do it intentionally. Y/n’s heart breaks.
Harry saw Angel waving her arms excitedly and he smiled, thinking to himself how did he get so lucky? Then he looked beside and saw his best friend with her shoulders drooping and a pinch in her forehead. He saw where she was looking at and in an instant he knew. She was looking at the yellow bean bag. It was moments like this that made Harry believed that Y/n likes him more than just friends. He shook his head, clearing his mind.
He walked over to Y/n, “M’sitting with Angel tonight, you okay?” He whispered softly to Y/n. Y/n looked up to him in surprise, “Of course, why not?” Before walking closer to Niall and sat beside him.   
Throughout the whole movie, Y/n could see Harry’s strong arms wrapping around Angel. The way Angel would hide her face on his chest. The way Harry patted her hair just like he would to her. The way he coos every now and then whenever Angel was being cute.
Y/n couldn’t take it anymore. She got up and went to the bathroom. Her heart torn apart. She was shaking and slightly wanted to throw up.
Deep breath.
You’re okay.
Deep breath.
You’re okay.
Y/n repeated the mantra several times until she heard the knock, “You okay?” Harry’s thick accent was heard across the window. 
Y/n hummed and turned the faucet on, hoping that her it would silence the noise outside. She washed her face lightly before closing the tap and open the door. 
Harry was leaning beside and his eyes were laced with concern. “I think I’m heading home.” 
Harry’s eyebrows raised up, “You’re not staying over?”
Y/n shook her head and Harry put his palm over her head, Y/n took his hand and placed it back, “Not feeling so well.” She mumbled. 
“C’me, I’ll take you home.” Harry ushered her out but she stood still. 
“You don’t have to.” She whined, Harry furrowed his eyebrows in question. 
“You still have to take care the guests here,” Y/n reasoned out with him and continued, “I’ll just ask Niall to bring me home.” 
“But,” Harry tried to reason out again but she put her hands up, her eyes tired and her movements are weak enough to shut Harry up. 
Angel’s back was pressed tightly against Harry’s chest. The way his arm curled around her and hugged her tight, Angel sighed in content. They fit like puzzle pieces. 
It was when Harry’s familiar ring tone blaring in the middle of the night, Harry groaned as he nuzzled closer on the crook of her neck. “Answer the phone, Haz.” Angel mumbled while slowly rolling away, making it easier for Harry to reach his phone. 
He pressed the green button and put it against his ear, “Ello?” His voice thick with sleep. 
“Curly head...” Y/n screamed loudly and Harry winced. 
“Y/n?” Rubbing his eyes with his knuckles. 
“I’m sorry but can you please pick me up?” Y/n asked softly feeling a tad guilty before continuing, “They left already and I’m all alone.” She continued rambling. 
As soon as Harry heard that she was alone, he was alarmed. “Text me the address, be there soon.” He stood up grabbing a pair of sweatpants and throwing in a hoodie.
He saw the text and he leaned in and pressed a quick peck on Angel’s forehead, “Be back soon, Love.” Angel smiled and nodded her head sleepily. 
“You’re never drinking again without me.” Harry stated as he half-carried his best friend’s ass back to her room. Y/n plopped down and start laying down but Harry was quick to grab her arms before she fell asleep. 
“Nope, you have to take off the makeup first.” As he grabbed the usual wipes Y/n would use and start wiping the makeup away. 
“Be gentle, Haz.” Y/n lightly scolded him and Harry shook his head with a small smile playing on his lip. 
“Now, take off that dress.” He commanded and Y/n looked at him like he’s crazy. 
“Hey! These goods are not for free.” She slurred as she held both of her boobs with her hands. 
Harry sighed and mumbled, “You’re wasted.” As he pulled the zipper down and ushered her to change. 
When she did come back, Harry had to catch his breath. She was wearing his t-shirt, his. It was normal. At least, it used to be normal. She used to wear his t-shirt but it’s been a long time since he saw it. 
He felt giddy but soon was washed away with guilts for even having these thoughts when he was already with Angel. Y/n was so oblivious that she sat down on his lap and circled her hand around his neck. “Stay.” She whined as her eye lids are slowing dropping.
Y/n has always been very touch and affectionate whenever she’s drunk. Harry smiled at how cute his best friend is, “I can’t, Angel is waiting.” As he pushed her softly and put her under the cover and pulling it up to her chin.  
Y/n’s bottom lip jutted and mumbled, “It’s always Angel now,” she put a hand covering up her face before she continued, “no more room for Y/n.” 
Harry tutted and grabbed her hands away from her face, “Y’know that’s not true.” His heart clenched when Y/n closed her eyes, knowing she was keeping her tears at bay. 
Y/n took a deep breath without opening her eyes and sighed, “It is, though.” She opened her eyes and just like what Harry thought, it was teary. She continued, “I missed you.” 
Harry’s lip curled into a small smile, “Y/n, you’re drunk, I’ll call you tomorrow.” He patted her head softly and stood up. 
However, Y/n caught his elbow and tugged him lightly, “Please, don’t leave.” This time, tears dropped and Harry stopped. How could he not? His best friend is crying. It breaks his heart.
“I’m sorry,” Her voice sounded croaky and scratchy as she let go her grip on his elbow.
“No, no, that’s okay,” He sat down on her bed and wiped the tears away, “Get some rest now.” As he patted her hand softly with a small smile. 
“No,” She held his hand tight, she sat up stared at him, “I’m sorry.” 
Harry was confused, Y/n did nothing wrong. “What do you mean?” He asked.
Y/n pulled her hands away from his, “I don’t know.” She mumbled as she put her hands up covering her eyes, embarrassed.
Harry pulled her hands away from her face and held in his, “No, what do you mean?”
Harry was looking at her but Y/n was looking everywhere but her best friend. She tried to wriggle her hands out of his grip but she can’t. “You know.”
Harry shook his head and put his hand under her chin, “I don’t know.” 
Y/n looked at him softly, her lips pursed and her eyes shone with admiration. “I like you too.” She whispered and Harry stopped breathing for a second. All the light atmosphere and jokes vanished and it fell silent. 
Harry looked at her longer, trying to see if she was joking or anything but instead both felt uneasy and Harry being the sober one out of the two laughed first.
Y/n crinkled her nose and Harry continued, “Y/n, it’s not funny.” He let go of her hands and slightly patting her cheeks, “You’re drunk.”
“Drunk words, sober tooth.” She mumbled and smiled proudly as if she was being very smart. Harry looked at her smile and smiled as well. 
Harry laughed and shook his head, “You’re really drunk.” 
Y/n pouted and crossed her arms, “And you’re really mean.” 
Harry found his best friend cute and smiled softly, “I have Angel already.” His heart slightly breaking, M’leaving, she’s waiting for me.” He pushed her softly to her bed. He brought the cover up and waving his hand softly. 
Y/n’s head hit the pillow and her heart softly breaking, she mumbled a soft “Okay.”
Y/n opened her eyes and quickly shut her eyes as the morning sunlight slapped her. Her brain was banging out her head and her throat was dry and parched.  She groaned as she remembered not filling up a cup of water on her nightstand. 
She turns her head to the nightstand ready to be disappointed at herself instead she was surprised. There was a strangely fresh glass of water and two pills of advil. She gulped it down and then she felt a tad better.
She walked out her room and smelled her favourite earl grey tea. She walked towards the smell and was greeted by a mop of curly hair. He was in a simple t-shirt and sweatpants. It was a familiar sight, her back facing her and Harry’s head bopping to the invisible beat. She smiled at this familiarity and took a seat behind the kitchen island. 
“Morning.” Her voice was groggy and hoarse. She winced at how rough her voice was and Harry flinched his head. 
He turned his head before he beamed, “Up already?” He was stirring some kind of a soup, most likely a hangover soup. 
He turned off the stove and took a seat on Y/n’s opposite. He was smiling teasingly and Y/n felt strangely uneasy as she took a sip from her cup. Y/n was starring at him and Harry bit his lip teasingly and Harry’s eyes were glinting with amusement. 
“What did I do?” Y/n leaned back as she scrunched up her nose with her lips set in a thin line.
Harry grimaced as he shook his head, Y/n pressed, “I must have been horrible.” 
Harry laughed with his head thrown back, “Not horrible, just kept on tugging my hair.” Y/n covered her face in embarrassment and Harry laughed again. 
Y/n cleared her throat with her face still flushed red, “Where’s Angel?” 
“Out with some friends,” Harry answered with humour still laced on his voice as he cradle his face with both of his hands.
“Ah, that’s why you’re here.” Y/n took another sip and Harry tilted his head.
He pouted softly, “Wha’d you mean?” 
Y/n raised her eyebrow and joked, “Back up plan.” Y/n has a smile on her face while Harry’s eyebrows were furrowed together. 
When Y/n put down her cup, Harry stared her. He sighed, “Don’t say that, y’know you’re not.” His knuckles turned white and Y/n noticed this too. 
Y/n’s heart squeezed looking at her best friend frustrated. Y/n put her hand on top of his fist.  He looked down at their hands before he opened his fist. He took a deep breath open his hand out. Y/n squeezed his hand in comfort and he did too. 
Y/n pulled her hand and Harry looked up to her. Harry was thinking about Y/n’s drunken confession. He took her hands again and Y/n was confused and quite frankly nervous.
He smiled softly trying to comfort his best friend knowing she was nervous by squeezing her hand once more. “Y/n.” He said calmly.
“No, what did I do?” Y/n said playfully and Harry smiled at her, knowing she was trying to ease the tension. 
“Drunk Y/n confessed to me last night.” He continued nonchalantly with a small smile. Y/n’s eyes widened and memories of yesterday were coming into pieces.
Y/n looked at him softly, her lips pursed and her eyes shone with admiration. “I like you too.” She whispered and Harry stopped breathing for a second. All the light atmosphere and jokes vanished and it fell silent. 
Her heart stopped for a second before she covered it up with a small laugh. This time there was no longer smile or humour on Harry’s face. He was dead serious that Y/n had to take deep breath and looked away for a second. 
“Was she telling the truth?” Harry looked at her while Y/n was busy looking elsewhere. “Y/n?” His voice was soft and yet demanding. Y/n was compelled to look back at him. Her heart was heavy but she braved herself and nodded her head.
Harry let out a huge breath, head on his hand. He looked up to her and Y/n looked back at him. “Y’know, we can’t.” He motioned his hand directing him and Y/n, signing that the two can’t be together. 
This time Y/n smiled, “I know.” 
“I waited though,” He defended himself and Y/n nodded her head. He continued “but I have Angel now.” 
Y/n looked down, trying to keep her emotions in check. “I know,” her voice wavered slightly, “I just want you to be happy.” She continued, nodding her head. 
That’s all Y/n has ever wished for. It’s always for Harry to be happy.
Harry smiled at his best friend, his heart squeezed “Y’sure?” He looked at her carefully.
She nodded her head and rolled her eyes to lighten up the mood, “What kind of best friend am I if I don’t wish happiness upon you?” with her hand on her chest mockingly act as is she was hurt. 
Harry scoffed at her dramatic antique but pulled her into a hug, “I know, I want you to be happy too.” He whispered before he pulled away. 
“Of course, you should.” Y/n slapped his chest jokingly and the both of them laughed.
They were laughing together, that’s all that matters to both of them at the moment. They knew they would always have each other.
They’ve missed their chances. Their timings were always off. Maybe this was a way fate was telling them that their story is not about two best friends turning into lovers.
Their story is about two best friends having each other’s back with a little twist here and there. They were made to be with each other platonically. They were after all best friends above anything. 
i did not expect for people to like my previous story! it was so unexpected but i am extremely grateful!
anyway,, feedbacks are always appreciated!
unedited as usual, i will try to edit it soon! this was so messy. i’m so sorry.
i hope you guys have a lovely day ahead!
check more of my writings here!
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thirsttrapholland · 5 years
Title: Welcome Home
Pairing: Tom Holland x Black Reader
Summary:  Tom’s been gone for three weeks and you want him to know how much you’ve missed him.
Warnings: Straight up smut, y’all.  Oral sex (male receiving)
Word Count: 1343
A/N:  Smuttiest thing I’ve written in ages, I’m super rusty at it and my anxiety is through the roof.  Be gentle with me please.  Still trying to work through my writer’s block and get back on track.  Also, I just wanted to post a little something extra to welcome my new followers.  I finally made my first 100.  
Also, also my whack brain apparently thinks it’s more fun to cook up new fics instead of finishing my wips. 
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You were getting ready for bed when your phoned chimed alerting you that you had a text from Tom.  “Guess where I am.”
You quickly typed out a reply.  “Are you home already?”  Tom had been away, and his plane was due in late that night.  You wanted to see each other but had decided that since it would be nearly midnight when he landed and he would be tired, it would be better if he just came over the next day.
“Not exactly.” Tom’s answer was quickly followed by a knock at your door.
You ran out to the living room and threw your door open. Tom was standing there with a sweet sleepy smile on his face.  He looked slightly disheveled, wearing a hoodie, some rumpled sweats and a cap pulled down on his head.  He dropped his duffle bag and wrapped his arms around you.  You buried your face against his neck and breathed in his scent. You had never missed anyone so much in your entire life.  “What are you doing here?  I thought you were just going straight home.”
“Couldn’t do that.  I wanted to see you.”
“I wanted to see you too, but you look dead on your feet.”
You took Tom’s hand and led him over to the couch.  You sat down beside him, tucking your legs underneath you.  You took the baseball cap off his head and ran your fingers through his hair. A sigh of relief passed through his lips as you ruffled his soft brown strands and massaged his scalp.  He leaned back against the cushions, his eyes dropping shut almost immediately.
“You look so tired, baby.  You didn’t need to come over here tonight.  I mean I’m glad to see you, but you should have gone home and went to sleep.”
“I know.”  Tom turned into you and rested his head against your shoulder.  “But I needed to see you and I didn’t want to wait.”  His voice was tinged with sleepiness.
“Don’t you want to go to bed?”
“I just want to sit here with you for a while.” 
“Okay.” You put your arm around him pulling him closer against your side.  “I really missed you.”
Tom had been gone for almost three weeks this time.  He had gone to a fan convention, did a couple of photo shoots and gone to several charity events.  He had been to New York, LA, Brazil and Hawaii.  Back to back traveling with no breaks and it had been the longest you had gone without seeing him since the two of you had been dating.  
You knew that you were going to miss him, but you still hadn’t been prepared for the nearly physical ache of being without him.
You had texted, talked and Facetimed of course but none of those could even come close to being able to touch him and hold him in your arms.  
“I missed you too.”  He buried his face against your neck and inhaled.  “I missed the way you smell.”  His fingertips rubbed light circles against your knee.  “I missed the way your skin feels against mine.”  His hand slowly made the journey from your knee to your inner thigh; his voice had dropped to a raspy whisper when he spoke again.  “I missed those sweet little whimpering noises you make when I’m inside you.”
“Tom, are you sleepy or are you horny?”
“Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive, you know. I’m fully capable of being both. I think sleepy is winning right now though.”
“That’s too bad.”
He pulled away and looked in your eyes.  “Why?”
“Well, I wanted to give you something to welcome you home but if you’re too tired to enjoy it tonight maybe I should wait until later.”
“Let’s not be hasty.” Tom sat up a little straighter, his eyes suddenly open a little bit wider and alive with curiosity.   "What did you want to give me?”
“Well, you certainly perked up all of a sudden.”
“I’m tired, darling.  Not dead.”
You put one hand against the nape of his neck and pulled him towards you.  You caught his bottom lip between your teeth, nipping and sucking on it.  Your other hand moved to his lap.  He moaned against your mouth as you began to massage him through his sweatpants.  You slid your mouth down to his neck, sucking on a prominent vein there, as your hand moved inside his boxers. It wasn’t long before you could feel him growing hard beneath your caress.  “You’re so easy.”
The sound that left his mouth was something between a groan and a laugh.  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”  He gasped, drawing his bottom lip between his teeth when your thumb swiped across the head of his cock.
“Fuck that feels good, but I don’t think I can tonight. I don’t think I’d be very good for you.”
“You don’t need to do anything for me tonight.  This isn’t about me.  I told you I wanted to give you something.”
You slid from the couch, sinking down onto your knees in between Tom’s legs.  Understanding of your intentions dawning in his eyes as you slid your hands up his thighs and hooked your fingers in the waistband of his sweats and boxers.
He put his hands on top of yours.  “You don’t have to do that.”
“Were you not listening when I said I wanted to?  Just let me take care of you.”
Tom released your hands and leaned back onto the couch.   He raised his hips as you slid his boxers and sweats down.
You looked up into his eyes as you swirled your tongue around the head, sucking his tip into your mouth for just a few seconds before releasing it with an audible pop.
Tom looked down at you with heavy lidded eyes.  “Don’t be a tease.”
“But anticipation is the best part, right?”  You moved up his body leaving soft kisses around his belly button.  “Isn’t that what you always tell me when I’m begging and squirming and you just take your sweet time?”
“Yeah, but—"
Before he could finish his sentence, you dropped back to your knees and licked a long, wet line up the underside of his cock.  
“Fuck.”  The word fell from his lips as you slowly slid him back into the warm, wet heat of your mouth.
Tom brushed your long braids out of the way, gathering them in a loose ponytail with one hand so he could watch as you moved up and down on his shaft.  His other hand gripped the arm of the sofa, white knuckled; fingertips digging into the fabric.  
You could feel the tension in his body as he tried not to thrust into you.  Tom was nothing if not considerate, but you wanted him to let go.  You grabbed his hips and pulled them forward letting him know that it was okay, and it wasn’t long before he got the message.  You hollowed your cheeks and increased the speed of your movements to match the rhythm he was setting.  You moaned and hummed as you sucked him, knowing that the vibrations would just add another layer to the pleasure he was feeling.
Tom’s grip on your hair tightened as the thrusting of his hips became more desperate and frantic; any semblance of self-control he had was gone.  You could feel him twitch against your tongue and knew it wouldn’t be much longer.  
A garbled string of profanities accented with your name streamed from Tom’s lips as he came.  You looked up at him through your lashes and he was such a beautiful sight to behold; skin flushed, eyes closed in ecstasy, mouth dropped open and pushing out shallow panting breaths.   You swallowed all that he had to give you; only releasing him once he was totally spent.
Tom reached down for you and pulled you back up beside him.  You caught his lips in a slow, lazy kiss before resting your head against his chest. “Welcome home, baby.”
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im-whatchamccallit · 5 years
One Night Pt. 2//Mark Tuan (Got7)
Part 1 | Masterlist | Rules
Requested?: A few times lol
Pairing: Mark Tuan x Reader
Genre: Smutty angsty fluff
Warnings: Sex (unprotected).... I think that’s it? Prolly
Words: 2.9k
You made a deal. One night of sex and things would go back to the way they were before, as if nothing happened. It was a simple plan. But even simple plans had complications.
Mark kept to his word, treating you as his best friend and roommate, still able to hold eye contact and laugh with you as if he hadn’t seen your naked body or been inside of you. You, on the other hand, couldn’t even be in the same room as him. Every time you made eye contact, you looked away, feeling your heart pound against your ribcage.
You felt so awkward around him that you went straight to your bedroom to avoid having dinner or any conversations with him. You felt like you were insane. How could one night cause your feelings for Mark to change so drastically? You knew this was a possibility, your friendship wouldn’t be the same. You were hoping to avoid him until you felt like yourself again, like he was still your best friend.
You were on night eight after your deal, laying in bed and staring at your ceiling as your thoughts went back to Mark. He seemed so sad earlier, not even trying to talk to you like he did previously, almost as if he accepted that you wouldn’t be speaking again. Sure, you thought it was easier if you mutually ignored one another, but you missed hearing his voice. You missed having him making annoying jokes that somehow still made you laugh.
“Why did I make that stupid deal?” You groaned, dragging your hands down your face in exhaustion just as a small knock was heard on your door.
You sat up immediately, fixing your disheveled hair and clothes as you contemplated inviting him in, Mark instead stepping inside without warning. Your eyes met as he quietly closed the door behind him. The same pain in your chest returned, telling you to leave out so you wouldn’t have to face him, yet you were frozen, allowing him to move closer to you, taking a seat beside you on your bed. Neither of you said anything, unsure of what there was to say, but you opened your mouth, prepared to let anything come out of it, when you gasped at the sudden feeling of lips on your own, your body falling backwards onto the mattress as you instinctively kissed back.
Mark had a feeling he knew why you were avoiding him, spending the past few nights trying to figure out your sudden mood change, a tingly and warm feeling running through his body at the only rational possibility he could think of. For years, he’s been waiting on this moment, unsure of how to address it now that the opportunity arose, but he needed to do this right, in a setting and situation that was perfect for confessing to someone. His plan was to take things slow, not to be as desperate as he was during your first time together, but you had other plans.
You were eagerly stripping yourself beneath him, his body forced to match your pace as he shed his own clothing, leaving himself in just his boxers despite you being fully exposed. You fervently trailed your hands down and into his boxers, stroking his member in a quick but still pleasurable way, becoming impatient at how unhurried Mark moved this time, as if he was relishing in the moment contrary to your obvious yearning. But the way he instantly stiffened in your palm, hips bucking into it as he bit your bottom lip playfully, told you he was just as needy. You reluctantly pulled away, surprised by how breathless you were.
“Mark.” You huffed, his eyes falling onto your face as you moved your other hand to his waistband, tugging on it gently.
“They’re in the way.”
“Sorry.” Mark laughed lightly, immediately pushing them down his legs and kicking them onto your floor as your legs wrapped tightly around his waist, bring him closer so that the head of his penis was lined up with your entrance.
Slowly, inch by inch, Mark sank into you, a loud but breathy moan leaving your lips as his hips connected with yours, his eyes not leaving your face although yours shut in bliss, the previous indifference you held towards him disappearing as he began to rock his hips, pulling back just far enough to slam back into you, listening closely to your small squeals and whimpers that encouraged him to go faster.
His plan was to go slow, to be as romantic as possible, but he dismissed that ploy as soon your hips rose to his, your nails scrapping down his back as your body continuously shifted upward with each forceful thrust, Mark’s hand holding onto your waist to keep you still, your eyes shooting open as his tip rammed into your g-spot before gliding deeper inside of you, your walls contracting around him so that his shaft could only go deeper into your cavernous hole.
Everything was happening so fast, your body was heating up as it did before, your back arching until your breast pressed to Mark’s chest, one of your hands gripping his hair as the other continued to claw at his back, strangled moans leaving your mouth as you tried to speak. Mark only watched you, his cock plunging into you at a faster speed and his hand creeping up your frame to cup your face, bringing your lips to his as he felt a familiar burning throughout his body, soft but sensual groans echoing into your ear, sending a shiver down your form and straight to your core, like a vibration that brought you closer to your edge.
“Mark, I’-“
“I love you.” He cut you off, predicting that would be your words as he stared at you.
He waited a few seconds for you to say it back, his thrust slowly coming to a stop as you stared at him with some unknown expression, both your orgasms fizzling out as you realized what just happened, Mark’s eyes widening at his ignorance. You swallowed hard, blinking rapidly as to bring yourself out of your daze.
“Thank you.” You croaked out.
You quickly untangled your legs from his waist before you pushing him away, his still solid member slipping out of you as you sat up, not giving him a second glance or any words as you exited your bedroom, walking into the hallway bathroom and turning on the shower. Mark sat dumbfounded, just as horrified as you at what just unfolded.
Mark stared at his laptop screen, the word document blank while the text cursor blinked obnoxiously as a reminder that he hadn’t began writing his song, the deathly silence of the studio not helping as it forced him to be alone with his thoughts, none of his thoughts being lyrics but each one about you, a loud groan erupting from his throat from his pent up frustration.
Ever since that night, you haven’t spoken to Mark, only texting him to ask what time he’d be home to make sure you showed up before him or after he went to bed. You were back at square one at this point. Every time you made eye contact, you looked away. Your awkwardness around him causing you to head straight to your bedroom to avoid having dinner or any conversations with him. Instead, this time, Mark felt like he was the one going crazy.
He tried talking to you, knocking on your bedroom door every night to ask to come in, or just begging for you to speak to him, sadness eating away at him the same way your confusion ate away at you. You were both in hell, silently wishing you never made that deal in the first place, but silently wondering where things would go from here. Neither of you wanted to lose each other, yet, you couldn’t find it in your heart to remain friends with someone you weren’t sure you loved back, nor could Mark find it in his heart to only remain your friend, wanting something more with you than a decade’s long platonic friendship.
Mark sat up at the sound of the chime from his phone, pulling it from his pocket to see your name followed by the usual ‘What time are you coming home?’ text. He needed to talk to you. To air out his feelings and let you know how he felt. He had enough time to accept your rejection, picturing every possible scenario in which you refused his affection, making peace with the idea that you’d never feel the same way. But he wanted you to say it, just so it was real and he could move on. But how the hell was he supposed to get you to talk to him?
Mark perked up as he got an idea, quickly typing a reply and hitting send before shutting his laptop and shoving it into his bag, rushing out of the lonely studio.
‘I might get home after midnight.’
You let out a breath of relief, locking your phone as you finally exited the office building, walking down the street and towards your apartment, lucky that it was only 10 minutes away, just enough time for you to think about everything. About Mark.
How could he say that? Especially during sex. It was almost like an ambush. Was he expecting you to say it back? Did you even want to say it back?
You shook your head to clear those thoughts, not in your right state of mind to wonder something like that. But, really, did you?
Before Mark came into your room, you couldn’t see him sexually at that point, his body not attracting you the same way it did the first night. You just wanted him. Whether he was beside you or inside you, you wanted him there with you. You weren’t even thinking about sleeping with him that night, only going along to prove to yourself that it was sex that you wanted, your horniness being masked as a desire for a relationship. Just like the first time. Except, after he said he loved you, and after you locked yourself in the bathroom, you felt lightheaded, your mind spinning as you tried to understand why the feelings from before didn’t go away. You were conflicted, certain at this point that your friendship was broken beyond repair.
You blinked and realized you were already home, staring at your apartment door in wonder before unlocking it, surprised that your walk went by so fast. As soon as you shut the door, kicking off your shoes off, you heard footsteps, Mark creeping out of the kitchen while your body tensed up before you turned to see who it was, a loud scream leaving your lips as you saw his face, your hand clutching your chest painfully.
“Son of a bitch. You lied to me.” You hissed, going to walk past him before he gripped your arm, keeping you in place.
“We need to talk.”
“I don’t want to talk.” You said lowly, trying to pull away only for Mark to roll his eyes, wrapping his other arm around your waist to lift you. You gasped, shaking your body and flailing your arms as if you were in a panic, Mark’s hold on you tightening as he shuffled towards his bedroom.
“Stop swinging your arms!”
“Let me go or I’ll scream. You know I’ll fucking do it.” You threatened, opening your mouth wide to let out an almost child-like cry before Mark kicked his door open, setting you down inside before shutting the door, both of you glaring at one another in annoyance.
You don’t know what you expected him to say, trying to figure out if he was angry or sad, his face stoic as you waited impatiently for him to yell at you or cry, anything Mark would typically do with his wide range of emotions.
“Tell me you don’t love me.” Your face softened, brows furrowing as you checked his face for any sign that he was joking. But he wasn’t.
“What? Mark-“
“Just say you don’t love me and it’ll be the end of this. I won’t force you to love me back and I won’t question you about why. I’ll move on and you can go back to avoiding me, I just need you to say you don’t love me.”
Part of you wanted to. Part of you wanted to leave this conversation and never return to it, not ready to face your thoughts and feelings head on. But, the further you ran from them, the more confused you became. And the more confused you became, the sadder you were, Mark being your main and only support, someone you’d vent to and receive unrequested advice from, and you couldn’t even go to him about it. But, actually, you could. Mark would never try to sway your feelings for his own benefit, nor would he judge you. So why not talk to him?
“Mark, I don’t know how I feel about you.” You admitted, your eyes fluttering shut so you wouldn’t have to see his reaction to your words.
“Ever since that night, I felt the same way about you as I did Jay.” Mark scowled at the mention of your ex-boyfriend, his eyes burning into your unsuspecting features as you smiled slightly.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you and I felt like I wanted to be with you every second of the day. Honestly, I didn’t even want to have sex that second time, I was trying to convince myself that I was still lonely and desperate but then you said you loved me and it just made me feel like I wanted to be around you even more. But we’re friends. I don’t want to risk being with you just so we can break up and I lose you forever. With Jay, I was only sad when we broke up because I’d be alone, but I had you to cheer me up. If I say I love you, and we end up together, just to break up, I’ll really be alone. I don’t want to take that chance.”
The confession was a shock to both of you, Mark staring at you incredulously as you released a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, slowly opening your eyes to see him glaring at you, your lips forming a small pout.
“You ignored me for four days, made me feel bad for telling you how I felt, just so you can say you love me but you’re scared we might break up and not be friends anymore?” Mark growled, moving closer to you as you stood frozen, your head dropping as you realized how ridiculous you had been, not finding the voice to apologize.
Your eyes widened as you felt his familiar arms wrap around you, a loud chuckle shaking his body as he rocked you both side to side.
“You dumb ass.” He spoke playfully, causing you to look up at him innocently.
“You’re not mad at me?”
“I’m pissed off, actually. How could you compare me to Jay? He was an asshole. I’m not an asshole.” You were ready to protest that statement but decided to laugh it off instead, rather liking his happy side at the moment.
“You always prepare for the worse to happen, but you never see the bright side. If we were in a relationship, nothing would change. People already assume we’re dating. We’d just be best friends that sometimes see each other naked and kiss and stuff.”
Your head rested on his shoulder, a smile on your lips as he went on with his credulous explanation, actually feeling at ease by his words. Nothing would change. He’d still be the same Mark and you’d still be the same (Y/n), and things would only change if you let it, your fears nearly destroying something that had yet begun.
“Plus, you’re the one that always brings up “finding love with unusual people in unusual places”. What if us having sex was the unusual place and I was the unusual person? You still wouldn’t have considered it?”
You pulled away to stare at him, smiling as he used your own philosophy against you. In all the days of you running away, it took this one moment to make you realize that your best friend was possibly your perfect match. Were you an idiot? Undoubtedly. Were you ready to admit that so you could find happiness with someone you knew would give you that and more? Absolutely.
“Well, what if I told you I’m considering it now, and that I might be willing to give it a try?” The way his face lit up nearly made you laugh aloud, your body being squished against his once more from his sudden embrace which you could only describe as a death grip.
“So, we’re actually together now?”
“Hell no. You need to take me on a real date.” Mark laughed quietly before regaining his composure, releasing you from his arms and instead grabbing your hand, guiding you out of his room and through the halls.
“Okay, so where should we go?”
“Uhm, you pick.” You said, earning a scoff from the male behind you as you reached the front door to eagerly slip on your shoes.
“You sound like a girlfriend already.”
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crossroadsdiner · 6 years
Starter for @mystic-muses
“Doesn’t the power imbalance get to you?” Rowan asks as he and Cas walk side by side down the gas lit street.
“Zane has hardly given an order in their life. It’s hard to see a power imbalance.” Cas’ boots scuff in the dirt. He’ll need to polish them before starting work in the morning.
Rowan grunts. Cas is second son of a Baron; a knight in the king’s service. Zane is a Prince. Of course there is a power difference, even if Zane doesn’t give orders. Cas still serves them and Cas still can’t say no. “And the fact you could be executed for even thinking these things about the prince?”
That is something Cas has considered a lot over the years. “I’ve personally stopped two assassination attempts.” He says. “I risk my life every day. Why not risk my life for love?” Rowan grunts again. He doesn’t think much of love. “Why are you coming up to the palace district anyway?” Cas asks before Rowan can comment more of Cas’ love life. “You live about as far from here as possible.”
“Business.” Rowan replies. Cas raises an eyebrow. He can think of very little business that would bring someone to the Palace District at midnight. “Lower that eyebrow.” Rowan snorts. “I’m not fucking dandies. Unlike you.” Rowan had fucked dandies before, when it was necessary, but he wouldn’t do it again for any amount of money. Now he only fucked men of equal class and mutual attraction.
“We don’t fuck.” Cas says the word with distaste that he never would have a year ago, before his affair with the prince. “And Zane is hardly a dandy.”
Zane was the very epitome of a dandy, but Rowan doesn’t say that. There’s a group of about seven men walking toward them and there’s something about the group Rowan doesn’t like. They’re no different than the men Rowan normally sees around Elise’s tavern; scruffy and worked but not covered in the filth of the street. Completely ordinary except… they’re in the Palace District. Men like this don’t belong here.
“Ca-” Rowan’s warning comes too late, but Cas has noticed too. As a cudgel drops from one’s sleeve into his hand, Cas is already reaching for his sword. Another man swings at Rowan. He dodges it and draws a knife.
Rowan laughs and spits as he fights. Two against seven. Cas is trained and disciplined, considered the best. Rowan is feral and rabid and a whole different sort of dangerous. They could win a fight against ordinary thugs. If one or two are trained though, if just a couple are more than ordinary…
A cudgel is brought down hard on Rowan’s shoulder and the spasm of pain knocks the knife from his fingers. Rowan’s laugh turns to curses and sneers as he tries to fight with one arm, fist and nails. He cops a blow to the temple and falls to the ground.
Rowan blinks up at where Cas fights, the majority of men surround him. One man wraps his arm tightly around Cas’ neck. Rowan tackles him. He knocks the man off Cas and tries to wrestle him into submission. Rowan head aches, one arm doesn’t want to move, and then a boot stamps down on his.
A rough hand shakes Rowan awake. He opens his eyes to violent daylight. The figure crouched over him does nothing to block out the deafening light. “Cas?” Rowan asks, already knowing the answer is no. He remembers blood and pain and men restraining Cas while the pummelled him. They wanted Cas. They didn’t care what happened to Rowan. “Shit.” Rowan mumbles. The muttered curse opens up a cut on his lip and Rowan tastes blood. The usually intoxicating taste instead summons fears.
“This yours?” the figure who’d woken him asks. Rowan squints through swollen lids and jagged light to make out the golden sword the man gestures to.
“Shit.” Rowan mutters again. Any hope that Cas is fine but had just left Rowan in the dirt for some good reason that would later make itself apparent flees. Cas wouldn’t abandon that stupid sword. Its a symbol of his position and past deeds. The sword is Cas’ legacy.
“Your arm looks dislocated.” Rowan turns his gaze on the man who’d woken him, surprisingly considerate of Rowan’s condition. Then again, they’re in the Palace District, not Fox Court. People here matter. The man wears a City Watch uniform, which mean Rowan’s instincts scream for him to run except the man is here to help people like Cas. Gentry. That’s the only reason Rowan nods when the watchman offers to click his shoulder back into place. Rowan bites the inside of his lip and manages not to flinch at the sharp pain.
“I need you to take a message to the palace.” Rowan says when he’s sure his voice won’t tremble with the residual pain. “To the captain of the guard. Tell him...” Rowan hesitates. The people are not fond of the King and his son -Rowan isn’t. Its only Cas that makes him respect the Prince - not everyone would mind that the Prince’s personal guard had been abducted and was likely being pressed for information. “Tell him Cassian Fuentes has been abducted. Tell him to go to the Crossroads Inn to speak to the witness.”
Orders done, Rowan drags himself to his feel. He’s not sure the watchman will listen, but this is the Palace District. The watch here are used to taking orders. The man nods and sets toward the Palace.
Rowan rubs the bruising around his shoulder and thrusts the Dawnbreaker into his belt. He walks back to the tavern. He needs to talk to Elise. Once he’s talked to Elise he’ll know what to do. He’s not even halfway back when the cathedral bell chimes one. Rowan clenches a fist. Cas has been missing for more than twelve hours. Rowan’s nails dig into his palms.
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vgckwb · 6 years
Danganronpa: Away Chapter 1: A Smiling Face Betrays the Truth (Part 1)
In my dream last night I was with my grandfather. He was a big man, with an equally big heart. He was distracted by work often, even after he formally retired. This was one time were it wasn’t. It was just me and him at a restaurant. It was peaceful. Unlike this killing game. And unlike what was about to happen.
I heard an alarm go off and then I heard Monokuma say “Good morning everyone. It is now 8 am, day time. I hope you enjoy your teenage days to the fullest. Happy killing!”
I woke up to that. “8 am, huh? That stinks”  said.
“Yeah, well, get used to it” Monokuma said popping up in my room.
Monokuma just stared at me for a second. “To be honest, this was just a coincidence. I just finished installing this monitor” he said, gesturing toward the monitor just below the security camera. “This is my last stop.”
“How?” I asked. “I’m not even on an end room.”
“Yeah, well, I just like antagonizing you” said Monokuma. “So I made an exception to efficiency to see you first thing in the morning.”
Great. On top of being trapped in his psycho death game, he has a special interest in making me mad. This is going to be a long process. “Why are you even installing this thing anyway? Didn’t you do everything you needed to last night?” I asked.
“I did not” Monokuma responded. “Technically, I’m still not done. I have a whole school to renovate.”
“Why couldn’t you have done that when you came here yesterday?”
“Because, even though I’m a super powerful bear, I can’t do everything in one night. I’m not Santa Claus, you know.”
“You certainly have the Claws part down.”
Monokuma looked embarrassed. “What’s this? Someone making a bear pun before I could do it? I feel so ashamed.”
Monokuma continued to sulk. I asked him “So, what do these monitors do?”
“Oh yeah” he said, snapping out of his sadness. “They’re there to make announcements.”
“Yes, you heard that it was morning now. Stuff like that.”
“You’re going to be doing that every day?”
“Yep. Mornings start at 8 am. Nights start at 10 pm. I was more relaxed with this yesterday because I had just arrived and you were basking in my greatness. But from now on, there will be day time and night time.”
“What’s the difference between the two settings?”
“Well, for now, there’s only one difference that matters. During the night, you aren’t allowed in other student’s rooms without their permission.”
“Isn’t that a bit detrimental to your endgame? If you want us all dead, wouldn’t it be better to let us sneak into their rooms and kill them unsuspectingly?”
“Yeah, but that’s kind of boring, don’t you think? I’d rather the game be interesting than easy. Besides, I didn’t say there was no way into their room at night, right? You just have to be invited in. Whether it be for killing or… other things… I’ll let that be up to you.”
“Other things?”
“Yeah, I know how teenagers get. You’re just a big bag of hormones right now. What you feel is natural.”
Ah. So that’s what he was talking about. “I wouldn't feel comfortable doing those things with a security camera in here. Especially with you on the other side.”
“I get it. Performance issues?”
“Wha? NO! It’s just creepy that you’d be watching.”
“Oh, that. You don’t need to worry about that. I’m the one reviewing the footage, not the Ultimate Killer.”
“Like there’s a difference.”
“There is. The Ultimate Killer is a human. I’m merely a robotic puppet. I have not been programed to feel any of those teenage emotions. I only know of them.”
“That’s… reassuring…”
“Anyway, the night rule has been added to your Monopads, along with another rule that was added at the behest of Cassy. You should look it over.” Monokuma then disappeared without a trace.
I looked at the new rules. Sure enough, one of them was the new night/day system, along with the rule he explained to me already. The other one, the one added at the behest of Cassy was as follows “The game of mutual killing will end when there are only two people remaining or if I get bored.”
“Well, he did say he didn’t want the game to be boring.”
Just then a chime sounded, and Monokuma came onto the monitor. “Attention everyone! Along with the new day/night system, two new rules were added. One of them  by the request of Cassy Williams. Anyway, be sure to look through them. Happy killing!”
Was he going to end all of his announcements like that? No matter. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and headed out.
When I walked out, I saw Troy there. “What was keeping you, good sir?”
“Monokuma was chatting me up” I answered.
“I see. That foul villain, certainly is troublesome. No matter, I stayed behind to get you.”
“Get me for what?”
“The rest of us agreed to meet for breakfast every morning to discuss our situation. I thought you would want to do that too, so it was a unanimous vote. Come on, good sir, everyone is waiting.” I followed Troy down to the dining area.
When we got down to the dinning area we saw everyone sitting down. A slew of breakfast food was laid out. I grabbed some pancakes and bacon, put them on a plate, and started eating.
“Now that we’re all here, good sirs and madams” said Troy, “shall we begin discussing our current situation.”
“I suppose we should” said Rachel. “So, where do we start?”
“First, I think we should talk about the new rules Monokuma added” said Cassy.
“You mean the night rule and your rule?” said Andy.
“Yes” said Cassy. “Moreso the rule I asked about. It seems like Monokuma will get bored after a while and end the game there.”
“So, what does that mean, exactly?” asked Jay.
Cassy sighed. “I suppose, since this is the Ultimate Killer we’re talking about, the most likely outcome is probably that he’ll just kill us all.”
“Hold on, one fuckin’ minute!” shouted Buck. “Monokuma did say that we could all take him on if we teamed up! We have a chance!”
“He also said that the Ultimate Killer will send a new one. We’ll run out of energy at some point” Cassy replied.
“True, but he didn’t say how long it would take” I said. “Besides, if the game is over, we wouldn’t need to follow his rules, and those machine guns wouldn’t be going off. We’d stand a much better chance that way.”
“So, we just gotta wait it out” said Roman.
“It’s not that simple” I said. “Monokuma is desperate to make us play his game. It’s why he hasn’t killed us yet. He’s got something planned if we don’t start. I just know it.”
Everyone looked solemn. I know what I just said was harrowing, but it is the truth. “Um, what about escaping?” asked Sophie.
“It seems prrrrrety hard to escape from this place” said May. “Almost impossible, I’d say.”
“I could probably disable everything,” said Tammy, “if I had the blueprints for it. But I don’t think Monokuma would be willing to hand those out anytime soon.”
“Plus, Monokuma seems to be continually adding stuff to this place, which I assume would only make things harder” said Maria.
“Don’t remind me” said Tammy. “The thought of him being in our rooms creeps me out.”
“At least you didn’t wake up to him” I said.
“So, we’re just going to wait it out then?” asked Elliot.
“It seems that way” Duke replied.
“So, what do we do then?” Elliot said.
“I guess, if we’re stuck here for a while, we might want to get to know each other better” said Pierce.
“That’s a great idea” said Annabelle. She eagerly got a notepad out. “So, what’s everyone’s favorite color? Their favorite food? Favorite animal?”
“Whoa, calm down for a second” said Pierce. “I think we should do this more naturally.”
“Naturally?” asked Annabelle.
“Yeah. You know, just hang out with each other and see what happens” said Pierce.
“Oh” said Annabelle, dejected. “I guess that works too.”
“So, just do what we’ve been doing?” I asked. “OK. That seems like a fair plan.”
“Then it’s settled” said Cassy. “We wait for Monokuma to get bored, and then strike.”
Of course, the obvious danger of saying out plan aloud like that was that Monokuma was listening to it all. But on the bright side, he didn’t interrupt us to say anything, so I assume that what we said is at least somewhat viable.
I wanted to have a look around the school to see if Monokuma added anything else. I also needed to ask Monobird something as well. I looked at the front entrance. Monokuma seems to have set up a store. There’s a bunch of items on display.
“Welcome” said Monokuma popping out from behind the counter.
I was somewhat used to this by now. “So, what’s the deal with this store?” I asked.
“Well, it’s here that you can buy things.”
“I know what a store is. Why is there one set up here?”
“To buy things.”
“Come on, this is a game. Games are fun. This is supposed to be a fun little addition.”
“You say ‘fun,’ but this game is meant to kill us.”
“That’s what makes this game REALLY fun.”
I didn’t want to debate this with him, because he really derives fun from our pain. “So, what does this store have?”
“Well, it has tools for murder!” Monokuma said menacingly. “Or, if you’re boring, you could just get stuff to decorate your room with. Or other games to play.”
“I don’t suppose you take the money in my wallet, do you?”
“Nope. For this game, you get a special type of currency: The Monocoin.”
“How do we get them?” I begrudgingly asked.
“I’m glad you asked” replied Monokuma like he was an infomercial salesperson. “Starting tomorrow, I will give you a daily allowance of 100 Monocoins. Also, you can find some around the school. But the way to get the most is to be a spotless and win a trial!”
“I see, and these coins just pop into our rooms, right?”
“So, I just need to wait until midnight to try this out.”
Monokuma seemed shocked. “Wait just a moment” he said, leaving in a panic. “Attention students!” he said over the monitor. “There is a new rule. Please look it over on your Monopads. Happy killing!”
I looked at my Monopad. The new rule was “The Monokuma Mart part of the Monokuma shopping district will be closed at nights.” “That’s weird” I said.
“What is?” said Monokuma.
“The rule implies there’s more to this storefront than the store.”
“There is. It’s right over there” Monokuma said, pointing to a machine that you would see at like a pizza place, or a gas station.
“What is that?”
“That is the MonoMono Machine. Put some Monocoins in and test your luck for fabulous prizes.”
“What kind of prizes?”
“Eh, nothing much. Just little things really. Maybe you can pawn them off on others.” Monokuma then disappeared.
What a strange bear. He is encouraging everyone to kill each other, but he wants to make it fun. I can’t even begin to comprehend why someone would think this is fun. Anyway, I made my way over to the gym. Interestingly no one was really doing much. I saw Elliot and Buck looking around for something. I paid no attention to it. My focus was on Monobird. “Hey Monobird!” I called out.
“Yes?” Monobird answered.
I walked toward him, and as I did, I looked up to see Monobird’s cage was dangling from something from the ceiling. “OK, first of all, what is that?” I asked pointing up.
“Oh that?” said Monobird. “Monokuma installed that. He says he’s going to make a full system so I can move around at my leisure.”
“That’s one hell of a consolation prize.”
“I know it’s not much, but it is better than being stuck in here.”
“I suppose.”
“Is that all you wish to ask me?”
“No. I have a few other things I want to know about.”
“Fire away.”
“What’s the deal with the phones?”
“Ah yes. They are for contact the rooms of other students. Each phone has a button that when pressed will allow you to call another student’s room.”
“I see.”
“It was a way for you to keep in contact, and also know what someone wanted to do without having to go and knock on their door.”
“Does the phone have any special features?”
“Yes. All calls are automatically recorded. However, it does not have caller ID. I assumed it wasn’t needed because you would get to know each other well enough to know who was on the other end.”
“How do we access the recordings?”
“You just hit the button at the bottom and it will display on the touch screen. Tap a message to hear it.”
“Is it possible to delete the recordings?”
“Yes, but for a week the phone will display a ‘Message Deleted’ message in the touch screen.”
“Hmmmm. One last question. If a situation were to arise where one of us kills someone else, can we count on you to help us?”
“Certainly” said Monobird.
“Absolutely not” said Monokuma popping out again.
“Wha-WHAT?!” said Monobird.
“Sorry, but since Monobird isn’t playing the game, he isn’t allowed to help anyone who is” said Monokuma.
“That would be really helps to have in the rules” I said. “At least I caught it before one of us needed to depend on it.”
“Bear-y well then” he said, vanishing. Another announcement played “Attention students! There is a new rule on your Monopads. Be sure to look it over. Happy Killing!”
I looked at my Monopad. “What does it say?” Monobird asked.
“Um, let’s see” I said. “It says ‘Monobird is not a credible witness, nor a credible alibi. He can assist in investigations, as long as he does not know any aspect of the murder before the body is discovered.’” I could see Monobird was displeased. “Sorry about that” I said.
“It is alright. It is Monokuma’s fault, not yours” Monobird replied.
“Well, thanks anyway. I’m sure what you’ve said will prove to be useful.”
“Does that mean you’re finished?”
“Um, yeah.”
“Alright then. He’s all yours, Buck!”
“Thanks Monobird!” said Buck from behind me. I turned around to see Buck, Jay, and Troy. “So Justin, are you ready?!”
“Ready for what?” I asked.
Buck smiled. “Glad you asked” he said. “We’re holding a 4-on-4 basketball game; Boys vs Girls. You’re our fourth. Let’s go!”
“WHAT?!” I shrieked. “But I don’t think I’d be a good fit. What about Pierce?”
“Pierce said he prefered to be the ref, good sir” said Troy.
“It’ll be fine” said Jay. “We got your back. Although, I am surprised that you don’t think you can keep up. You seem fit.”
“I’m fine at sports, it’s just I don’t think I’d be as good as three Ultimates with athletic abilities.”
“AH!” I shouted back.
“Uhhhhhhhhhhh” I stammered.
I stared at them for a second. “Alright, I’m in.”
“YEAH!” said Troy, Jay, and Buck.
“Who we playing?” I asked.
“Right over here” said Elliot. I looked over to see her, along with Rachel, Sophie, and May. “You boys ready?”
“YOU KNOW IT!” Buck shouted.
“Ha! This’ll be easy” said Jay.
“Don’t I know it, good sir” said Troy.
“I don’t think so” I said. Jay and Troy turn to look at me. “Elliot can wear down Buck. She’s probably going to try and wear us all down. May has a lot of energy in her as well. On top of that, she’s good at reading situations. Rachel is similarly analytical, and is a force to be reckoned with when she gets serious. I wouldn’t be surprised if she pulled off some sweet moves this game. And Sophie is something of a wild card. She might seem average, but remember, she’s Ultimate Good Luck. That could mean things get very interesting, very quickly.”
“Still,” I continued, “I think we can win. We just can’t let our guard down.”
“Yeah!” I shouted.
“ALRIGHT THEN! LET’S FUCKING DO IT!” screamed Buck. We all cheered as we pumped our fists in the air.. As we set up, I noticed that Annabelle and Andy were sitting at a table outside the court. Behind them in the bleachers was Cassy, Duke, Maria, Roman, and Tammy.
Once we were in position I heard Annabelle say “This game is certainly going to shape up into something fierce.”
“Totally” said Andy. “It hasn’t even started yet, and I already have goosebumps.”
“Truly, this will be a battle of the Ultimates” Annabelle stated.
“Ready to get dunked on?” asked Buck at the tip-off.
“I think you got your roles backwards” said Elliot from the other side.
“I’d like to see you try at all.”
Pierced walked up to the both of them, holding a basketball. “Save it for the game, you two” he said, putting the basketball in front of them. “Are you ready?” They both nodded. “Then here...we...go!” he flung the ball into the air.
“AND WE’RE OFF!” shouted Andy.
“It looks like Elliot won the tip-off” said Annabelle. “And now she’s passing it on over to Rachel!”
“Heh” Buck scoffed. “No matter, WE GOT THIS!”
We played our game of basketball. It was certainly the most intense game of basketball I’ve ever played, but also the most fun. I guess this is what happens when Ultimates clash. Buck’s reflexes are nothing to sneeze at. One time, when Elliot came charging in for a shot, Buck stole the ball from under her nose before she even knew what was happening. He made a three-pointer after that. That’s not to say Elliot wasn’t impressive. Due to her being a contestant, she knew what skills to pull out when. I hate to admit it, but she got through our defence a few times just by using her beauty on me. Though when it comes to using other skills for this, Jay was second to none. He used his speed and maneuverability to get to the hoop faster than anyone else could. It wasn’t always the best course of action, because May was able to pick up on Jay’s pattern after a few times and steal the ball back.
Troy had the most steals of the game though. No one could feel his movements before a steal and the way he dunked was amazing. Rachel was also really good at dunking. Her dunks were stylish too. And just as  thought, Sophie had a lot of good luck this game, and scored the most three-pointers. A lot of them were on accident though as she was prone to tripping. Annabelle and Andy kept up the play-by-play really well. They knew what was going on no matter what happened, and a lot happened during the game. As for me, well, I think I did alright. I had the most assists, and some of them were well planned out. I once shot the ball outside the girls and Buck went in, snagged it, and made a dunk. I also made some shots, but I think I had the least points in the game.
By the end of the game we were all tired. When the last buzzer sounded all of us hit the floor, just needing a break from all the excitement that just happened. Our team won, but it was close: 157 to 156. After laying down on the court for a few minutes, the eight of us got up and high-fived each other. We then decided to go to the dining area and eat a hearty lunch.
None of us talked for about 5 minutes. That’s when everyone else joined us and they all began talking.
“MAN! That game was incredible!” said Annabelle. “I had so much fun announcing it.”
“So did I” said Andy looking the calmest I’ve seen him since we got here.
“Yeah, how did you manage to keep up with some of those stunts?” I asked.
“I found it kind of easy to keep track” said Andy. “In trivia contests, a few seconds could make or break you. So you always have to be on the ready not only to answer, but keep up with everyone else.”
“I thought it was easy to keep track as well” said Annabelle. “I’m used to reporting on all sorts of sporting events. Stuff like this doesn’t phase me. Although this is the most exciting things have gotten in a match I was watching.”
“I see” I said. “So Andy, is trying to keep up with people in a trivia contest the reason you’re so on edge all the time?”
Pierce gave me a look, but Andy said “I know I get nervous easily, but a trivia contest is the one place I don’t get nervous.”
“Really?” I said, as Pierce turned to him as well.
“Yeah” said Andy. “I actually feel really confident during trivia contests. Because I know what to expect. Like, in general, I mean. I don’t know the questions beforehand. I’m not the Ultimate Cheater, you know. But, like, walking in, I know I’m to expect questions, and that I’m to give answers, and I know who’s all there. I get nervous is most situations because a lot of that information is unknown to me.”
He’s a really good kid. “Well, I hope you’ll get to know us better so you’re not so antsy when we talk to you, OK?” I said.
“Uh, sure” Andy replied.
“Anyway!” said Buck.
“AH!” said Andy, getting nervous again.
“How about celebrating our victory?” continued Buck. “And celebrating this game in general? It is not everyday that I get to work with, and compete against, such amazing players. I mean, both of us got into the 150’s! That doesn’t happen very often. To our amazing teams” Buck said, holding up his glass.
The rest of us players clinked our glasses with Buck’s. “I’m amazed that even with me on the team, we still managed to win” I said.
“What are you fuckin’ talking about?” asked Buck. “You contributed to half of our baskets made.”
“I only got 30 points though” I said.
“Yeah, but you also assisted a lot!” said Buck. “Basketball’s a team game. You can’t expect to make all the shots yourself.”
“That’s so true!” said May. “It’s impossible to be good at anything if you’re the only one doing it. I could put the fiercest beat down, but if no one wants to dance to it, then nobody's partying.”
“I guess that’s true” I said. “Your team did really well too.”
“Yeah, well, we try” said Elliot. “But fair’s fair, and you still won.” She put her finger under my chin and pushed my head up. “So, how do you want to celebrate your victory?”
I started blushing. “Probably not the way you’re thinking of” I said. “I’m still worn down from the game.”
“I guess I should have distracted you more” said Elliot. “I knew the plan I can up with at halftime would have worked.”
“IT WOULD HAVE, BUT I WASN’T GOING TO DO IT!” said Sophie, who also started to blush.
“What was wrong with it?” asked Elliot.
Troy did a spit take. He then coughed. “Sorry...it’s just that…” Troy also started to blush “I wasn’t expecting that.”
“I don’t think anyone was” said Jay.
“I also would not have allowed it, good madams” said Troy. “I would become to weak willed, and I couldn’t protect any of you if something were to happen.”
“Then, I guess it’s fine we didn’t do it” said Elliot. “After all, Superman can’t be Superman if there’s kryptonite around.”
“I’m surprised you were still on alert, so to speak” I said.
“Well, I technically wasn’t, good sir” said Troy. “Even heroes need to relax sometimes. But I still need to be able-bodied in case something comes up suddenly.”
“I get ya” I said.
“I’d love to see you in action sometime” said Rachel. “I’d love to know how you use what inspires you.”
“Speaking of,” I said, “who inspired you to pull off serious dunks like that Rachel?”
“I second that questions, good madame” said Troy.
“Dr. J” said Rachel.
“What?” I said.
“Dr. J is the nickname for basketball legend Julius Irving” said Andy.
“Oh...I see…” I said.
“You do know that basketball history is still history?” said Rachel.
“...Right” I said. I didn’t even consider that when she said history, it meant stuff like this as well. Man, she really is amazing. They all are.
“JUSTIN!” Buck called out.
“AH!” I called back.
“When we’re done, can you meet me in my room?” Buck asked.
“Uh, sure” I said.
“Great!” said Buck. He then kept eating. I did the same.
Buck finished eating and he put his dishes away. I looked at Cassy, and the back at Buck. “Hey Buck!” I said.
“Yeah?!” he replied.
“Um, do you mind if I stay behind and do something first?” I asked.
“Go ahead!” said Buck. He then left.
I then walked up to Cassy. “So, thanks for showing up” I said. “It doesn’t seem like the type of thing that you would do.”
Cassy looked at me weird. “Pierce made me come” she said.
“Ah” I said.
“It’s not like that” she said. “I usually enjoy going to sporting events when I can. But, I’m still dealing with a lot of mysteries. I don’t like being distracted from work.”
“Still, it doesn’t hurt to take a break, once in a while” I said. Cassy seemed steamed. “I know this situation isn’t ideal, but to get through it we have to work together. It’s not enough that we wait out Monokuma, we have to wait him out as a unit.”
“What makes you say that?” she asked.
“Well, Monokuma wants us to kill each other” I began. “That means he wants to stir distrust between us. It becomes easy to stir distrust between us if you’re locked in your room all day. Monokuma could say ‘she’s plotting to kill you all’ or something.”
“I guess…” said Cassy. “I’m just so frustrated by this whole situation.”
“And this is where relaxing can help” I said. “You ever relax and then the answer you’re looking for becomes crystal clear?”
Cassy seemed shocked. “Yeah. I do that all the time.”
“It’s like that. Even though I could not imagine a situation more stressful, it helps to relax. A lot of that stress will just go away, and we all will benefit from it.”
Cassy stared at me for a moment. “Thanks” she said, finally relaxing. “In all of this confusion, I forgot what makes me a good detective. A calm and cool analysis is what is needed for situations like these.”
“Glad I could help” I said.
I started to put my dishes away, and then Cassy said “By the way, that was a great game.”
I was taken aback by that. “Thanks” I said. I put my dishes away and headed over to Buck’s room.
When I got there I knocked. He answered the door and said “You can come in, it’s not night time yet.”
“I just didn’t know if you were decent” I said.
“I’M FAN-FUCKIN’-TASTIC!” he shouted, clearly not getting what I meant.
“Sure, but I meant I didn’t know if you were dressed or whatnot” I said.
“Oh” said Buck. “ Usually take a shower after games, but I’m waiting to talk with you.”
“Oh?” I said coming in. I looked around, and his room was pretty much like mine. He sat on his bed, and I sat at his desk. “So, what are we talking about?” I asked.
“You” he replied.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Um, OK. Why?”
Buck sighed. “You seem to lack confidence. As a member of my team, I have to make sure everyone is at the top of their game.”
“But, the game is over.”
“YOU MORON! I’M BEING GENERAL HERE! Look, even if the game is over, we’re still trapped in this school. We’re on the same team when it comes to not dying at the hands of a psychotic killer.”
“I get you. But I feel so outclassed by everyone because I don’t have a talent.”
“MORON! You HAVE a talent. It’s just unknown.”
“Well, THAT makes me feel better.”
“LISTEN STUPID! I know having an unknown talent is probably hard, but I know you. You are an Ultimate for a reason.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because we played basketball together.”
“I’m the Ultimate Basketball Player. So, playing a game with someone helps me get to know someone better. I can tell that after playing with you, you are indeed an Ultimate.”
“But I can’t possibly keep up with you.”
“And you don’t need to. I will note that your talent might not be a more physical one, but what I saw on the court wasn’t nothing. You read people and situations like nobody’s business.”
“But Rachel Troy, and May also are good at reading situations. Plus, some people that didn’t play can read situations well too.”
“Yeah, but you acted on what you read faster than anyone else. You saw openings and then immediately knew what to do with them. Your analysis skills are different from everyone else’s. They change depending on the situation, and that’s a really useful skill to have. Honestly, if I was the Ultimate Killer in this situation, I’d be the most afraid of you.”
“Really?” I said. I think I get what he’s saying.
“Of course. You’re the one who took stock of everything after Monokuma showed up. If it wasn’t for that, we’d all be letting our guard down.”
“It’s just frustrating not knowing what your talent is. Everyone else here knows what their talent is. I just want to fit in.”
“You already do. Listen, I’m not sure we could have won our game without you.”
“Yeah. Remember, before the game Troy and Jay thought this would be an easy win. You stepped in and said that despite them seeming like they don’t know what they’re doing they actually did. And you were completely right. I’ve played professionals before, and this is still the most exciting game I’ve played, because everyone was so different, and used their talent in interesting ways.”
“I guess I did.”
“Not only that, you stayed behind to get Cassy out of her own head. You knew something was up and acted on it right away.”
“You noticed that?”
“Of course I fucking did. We’re all teammates here. You gotta have a sense of what your teammates are up to. Look, I know it seems like a struggle, but you will find your talent, OK. Until then, you just have to be more confident.”
I thought about what he said for a second. “OK!”
“That’s more like it!”
“Is this confidence building the actual reason you wanted me to play?”
Buck looked at me for a second. “Nothing gets past you. You’re right, I did just want to boost your confidence. I thought playing a game of basketball would do that.”
“Well, it worked in the end.”
“I guess it did. As long as I’m being honest, we actually didn’t ask Pierce to play.”
“Why not?”
“Well, don’t get me wrong, he seems like he would do well on the court, but I just feel like he’s better at making sure everyone is remaining orderly.”
“I know what you mean. It does make sense for his talent though. He explained to me that if someone is doing something rash with a weapon, he knows how to calm them down and disarm them. I assume that can apply to other situations as well.”
“Makes sense. Listen, it seems like your confidence is pumped.  So, can you get out of my room so I can take a shower?”
“Oh. Of course. Seeya later then” I said, leaving.
“Seeya” Buck said as I closed the door.
With my confidence boosted, I decided to explore the school a little more to see if anything new was constructed last night. I searched as much as I could, but there was nothing new. So, I just headed toward the art room to see if I could relax a little bit.
I saw Tammy at the desk she was usually at in this room drafting blueprints and throwing them out. “Um, is there anything I can help you with?” I asked.
“GAH!” shouted Tammy. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t see you there. I guess you can help if you want.”
“What are you working on?”
“I’m working on a way to de-electrify the cage Monobird is in. So far, I haven’t come up with anything good.”
“Freeing Monobird is against the rules though, isn’t it?”
“Freeing Monobird? Yes. Getting the cage in a condition where he can free himself? No.”
“I get ya. That seems tough.”
“It is. It’d be easier if I had the blueprints of the cage.”
“You said that about the school too, didn’t you.”
“I’m a technician. I work in blueprints.”
“I see.”
“Still, this would also be easier if Monobird himself didn’t conduct electricity. Finding a way to short circuit the cage isn’t that hard.”
“That is tricky.” I thought about the problem for a few minutes with Tammy. “Hey wait!” I said. Tammy looked at me. “What if we didn’t worry about short circuiting Monobird?”
“What do you mean?”
“What if we ask Monobird for his blueprints? Then we can short circuit them in a way where Monobird falls out of the cage and then we can reset Monobird.”
“That’s a great idea! Let’s go!” We headed toward the gym. We found Monobird in his usual place. “Monobird, we’ve come to set you free!” said Tammy.
“That’s against the rules, Ms. Sparks.” said Monokuma popping out of nowhere.
“GAH!” said Tammy.
“Well, we found a way around that” I said.
“Oh, do tell?”
“We-wait, why do I need to say anything? You’re watching everything through a camera. You should know this.”
“I don’t” said Monobird.
“Yeah, do it for bird brain over here” said Monokuma condescendingly.
“Well, OK” I said. I don’t enjoy being theater for Monokuma, but Monobird deserves to know the plan. “Basically we need to short circuit the cage in a way so you just fall out on your own.”
“Wouldn’t that also short circuit me?” said Monobird.
“Well, yeah” said Tammy. “But this is where you can help. If you give me your blueprints, I will be able to reset you. So what do ya say?”
Monobird just stared blankly at us. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that” he said.
“Wha?” said Tammy. “But why?”
“My circuitry is very complicated. Even with your skill, it will take at least a week to get me back online. I don’t want to not know what’s going on in here for that long.”
“But still! A week is nothing compared to the rest of our lives! That’s in no way not a reason to do it” said Tammy
“But there’s something else” said Monobird. “Part of my blueprints includes a fingerprint scanner that only reacts to certain fingerprints.”
“Psh!” said Tammy. “I’ve worked my way around those before. Do you also want me to walk and chew gum at the same time?”
“I bet you could” said Monobird. “However the sensor is also equipped with a bomb. This bomb goes off if someone other than the recognized few attempt to gain control of Monobird.”
“Which is why I haven’t done so” said Monokuma.
“So?” said Tammy. Everyone was taken aback by this. “So what if this bomb goes off? Worst case scenario, I die and everyone else goes free. Isn’t that worth it?” I liked the fact that she didn’t even consider that she couldn’t get Monobird back online before the bomb went off.
“NO!” said Monobird. “I wish to avoid unnecessary death.”
“BUT LOOK AROUND!” screamed Tammy. “This whole situation is filled with unnecessary death” she said, tearing up. “So please, let me try.”
Tammy began crying. “YOU’RE JUST LIKE HIM!” she said, storming off.
“TAMMY!” I called out.
“Wait!” said Cassy. “Leave her to me.”
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“Yes” Cassy replied. “I think she needs some support, and I think she’d be more comfortable around a girl.”
“‘I’ll come to” said Sophie. “No offence Cassy, but you don’t seem personable at times”
Cassy looked strained. Sophie wasn’t exactly wrong. “OK then” said Cassy. “Let’s go.” The both chased after Tammy.
“Monobird, you cold, heartless bird you” said Monokuma.
“I am sorry” said Monobird. “But I cannot allow her to risk her life like that. I’m supposed to protect her. If she explodes because of me I could never forgive myself.”
“You could have been a bit more gentler” I said. “She wasn’t very warm to you in the first place. You going off on her probably scared her.”
“How so?” asked Monobird.
“Well, she has a distrust of cops” I said. “You barking orders at her was probably too much for her.”
Monobird went into shock. “I-I didn’t know” he said.
“I love that look on your face” said Monokuma. “It just screams ‘despair.’”
“Go away” I said. Oddly enough, that worked. Monobird was still in shock.
I hope everything turns out alright. I looked around the gym. Not much was happening. Everyone who would be doing something was probably still tired from the basketball game. So, I made my way back to the art room.
I entered to Roman saying “And voila. My latest statue complete.” Everyone in the art room looked over at Roman’s workspace. It was a statue of Maria.
“Oh Roman, it’s so lovely” said Maria, looking out from her loom. “It’s better than the last 300.”
“He has 300 other statues of you?” I asked.
“NO! I have 999 other statues of her” said Roman. “This is number 1,000.”
“1,000?!” I said. “That seems a little excessive.”
“Well, most of them are small, action figure sized statues” said Maria. “He only started making bigger statues about 300 of them ago.”
“Is this all you make statues of?” I asked.
“OF COURSE NOT!” said Roman. “I can make statues of anything! I just make statues of Maria to relax.”
“I see…” I said. It seems a little weird. But it makes sense, since Maria is the first person who made him feel alive. “So, do you do anything else to relax?”
“Well, just what Maria does” said Roman.
“What do you do when you’re alone at home?” I asked.
“I sleep” said Roman.
“Roman and his dad don’t get along very well” said Maria. “Roman just hangs out with me after school usually, and doesn’t go home until he wants to sleep. Since we both spend a lot of time in the studio anyway, it works out.”
Roman mentioned him not getting along with his dad. I didn’t know it was that serious. I looked over the statue more closely. I noticed that there are a lot of little details. The statue was not only incredible, it was very accurate. “Well, as this is the first statue I’ve seen from you, I’m impressed.”
“This isn’t the first statue you’ve seen that was done by me” said Roman.
“It isn’t?” I asked. Maria giggled.
“Remember when you toured Hope’s Peak?” said Roman.
“You know that statue outside of the founder?”
“That was all me.”
“Uh-huh… Wait, WHAT?! That was ALL you?”
“Yeah. Got a problem?”
“No, it’s just, I’m impressed. I didn’t expect that statue to have been done by one person.”
Maria chuckled again. “Roman does all sorts of statues all over town” she said. “But that statue of the founder was sort of his test to get into Hope’s Peak.”
“A test?” I asked.
“Yeah” said Roman. “Before me, they had someone else lined up to be the Ultimate Sculptor. However, I was found instead and asked to make a statue of the founder to prove myself.”
“That statue was pretty big” I said. “How long did it take you?”
“About a week” said Roman.
“A week?” I said in shock. “That seems almost impossible.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you let passion guide you” said Roman. “I had to work hard because Maria was already accepted.”
“I see” I said. I guess he’d do anything for her.
“Well, I’m off” said Roman. “I think I’ll just hang around with some other people before dinner. You’ll come and join me, won’t you sweetheart?”
“Of course” said Maria. Roman left the art room to mingle with some of the other students.
“So, you were accepted first?” I asked.
“Well, yes” said Maria. “My story is a lot like Roman’s actually. They found someone else to be the Ultimate Tapestry Artist, but a recruiter found me and I showed him my latest piece. He was so taken in by it that he recruited me on the spot. I was a bit nervous at first.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because I was excited to be selected, but also worried about Roman. He hadn’t been selected yet. I talked to the recruiter about it, and he said he was looking into it. Still, when I told Roman all of this, you know what he said?”
“He just congratulated me for getting in. He didn’t seem worried about getting selected at all. He was just happy for me.”
“I’d be happy for you too. You worked real hard, and it is finally paying off. Well, it was until all this happened.”
“Hm. I guess. Still, I owe a lot to Roman. He’s the one that keeps pushing me forward.”
“I bet he feels the same.”
“I think so too” she said. “You know, I think I’ll put my project on hold and mingle with Roman tonight.”
“Oh? What are you working on?”
“I’m working on turning that photo Monobird took of us into a tapestry. It’s going to take some doing, but I think I can manage it by tomorrow or the next day.”
“You both work expediently, don’t you?”
“Roman much more than I, but I like working as fast as I can. It gives me a chance to create more work later.”
“Well you have a good time mingling then” I said.
“Thanks” she replied. “Oh, by the way, nice game. Roman and I loved it”
“Oh, uh, thanks” I said. Maria left. I decided to just sit down for a while until I got hungry. Between the game, and what happened with Tammy, I was a bit exhausted.
When I got hungry, I went into the dinning area. When I got there, I saw Roman, Maria, Rachel, Sophie, Tammy, Cassy, Troy, and Jay all sitting down to eat. I was glad to see Tammy was well enough to eat, but I could still tell she was upset. I went into the kitchen, made myself a sandwich, grabbed an apple, and got some milk. I then sat down close to them.
“Oh hey” said Roman. “Welcome.”
“Thank you” I said. I began eating my sandwich. I looked over at Tammy. She was eating, but just barely. I was worried, but I didn’t want to say anything in fear of making things worse. I think everyone was feeling like that, because no one at the table was talking much.
“Hey” said Tammy. Our attention turned toward her as she broke the silence. “That was a great basketball game you guys had out there.”
“Oh. Thank you, good madame” said Troy.
“What was your favorite part?” asked Sophie.
“I have two” said Tammy. “One from each team. From the guys team, I liked it when Troy blocked a shot, passed the ball to Jay, who ran up the court, and then passed it to Justin who despite being surrounded, passed it back to Buck for a three-pointer. From the girls team, I liked it when Elliot stole the ball, passed it to may, who drove through everyone, and then passed it to Sophie, who shot it up and the Rachel came in for the dunk.”
“Well, thank you” said Jay. “I’ll be sure to tell Buck that when I see him next.”
“I will tell May and Elliot the same when I see them as well” said Rachel.
“You seem to like teamwork” I said.
“*sniff* Yeah” said Tammy. “I like it when people come together. It’s like a well-oiled machine.”
We spent the rest of dinner talking about highlights from the basketball game. After dinner, Sophie, Cassy, and I walked Tammy to her room. She opened the door, and she and Sophie walked in.
“How is she doing?” I asked.
“Better” said Cassy. “It was really rough when we found her in her room earlier. She didn’t want to talk to us for a good while. We finally managed to get her to open up a bit. She was crying really hard. After Sophie reassured her that everything was OK she said she wanted to go eat, so we came down to eat. I was surprised she was willing to talk at all during dinner.”
“Well, the conversation turned out pleasant” I said. “I liked hearing what she had to say about the game. You don’t really get to hear about sports from a technician’s perspective too often.”
“True” said Cassy. “I hope things will be better tomorrow.”
Sophie walked out of Tammy’s room. “She’s sleeping” she said.
Just then, Monokuma made an announcement. “Hello students. It is now night time. Night time rules are in effect. Please get a good night’s rest. You need your strength for killing. Sweet dreams.”
“Well, I should go to bed as well” I said. “I’m exhausted.”
“Good night” said Sophie.
“Good night” said Cassy.
I went to my room and thought about today. Today was a long day, but it was also pretty fun. I could feel us becoming closer. I smiled, laid my head down, and fell asleep.
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candidateofloyalty · 4 years
2019 Fic Retrospective
I saw a number of people doing this, and since I’m always up for talking about my own writing, I decided to imitate them. Admittedly, I’m a bit late, but since I didn’t have computer access for a decent part of this week I think it’s justified.
Apparently I wrote 55k words of fic this year? Given that I spent half the year out of the country, that is higher than I expected. I guess suddenly allowing a podcast to become my entire personality is a powerful motivator.
The Clock Strikes Midnight, Fire Emblem Echoes, 3.5k words
The prince is throwing a ball to find a spouse, and Faye just knows that this is her chance to make her dreams come true. There's no time for her to worry about the messenger who brought her the news, not when she can finally live out her fairytale.
My birthday gift for star, this time only posted one day after their birthday. Someday I will figure out this timing thing. They wanted a Cinderella AU, and as someone who read approximately 5 million fractured fairytale novels in high school, I had an immediate idea of where I wanted to take the plot. I’m pretty pleased with how this one came out, especially since I never actually played Echoes. It’s also one of my rare fics where the title isn’t a song lyric.
Sacred Simplicity, Dangan Ronpa, 900 words
Sakura and Aoi meet up for their weekly donut date, but Sakura's mind is elsewhere.
I can’t believe it took a fic exchange to get me to write Sakuraoi. The request was cute and I had a good time, though. I’m always a fan of the concept of Hope’s Peak practical exams. The whole premise of the franchise is that these kids have crazy skills, so let them use them.
My Fantasies from Long Ago, Persona 4, 5.2k words
While walking home from work, Yosuke is hit on the head by a mysterious cat-dog-thing. This is the least weird thing that happens to him over the course of the next 24 hours.
Apparently I had a lot of outside sources of inspiration this year. I guess that’s what all fanfic is, but even so. This AU is from kawaii-bunny-mel, and is ridiculously fun to write. This one sticks pretty close to the source material, since I intended it as an introduction to the AU. I wrote most of it on trains while cross-referencing the original episode. As it turns out, writing is much faster when you don’t have to worry about pacing or coming up with original events.
The Present You's Daydreams, Persona 4, 7.2k words
Yosuke's been doing magical girl temp work for about a month, and it's pretty much the best thing that's ever happened to him, even if it does mean having a weird bear roommate. Then Souji invites him to a party, and Yosuke has to face something even scarier than magical enemies: social interaction.
The second part of the BAPC AU, and the one where I went off and did my own thing. As much as I love the source material, I wanted to fit the rest of the IT in somewhere, and there are like 6 characters in the entirety of BAPC. Really, though, a significant amount of this fic was an excuse to have Yosuke use his customer-service voice on a dragon. I’d also meant for this to be the one where they got together, or at least showed mutual interest, and then Yosuke went and made things awkward. I don’t know what I expected. I got to write Hamuko being cryptic at Souji, though, which was even better.
Dazzling Blue Sky on the Window, Persona 3, 3.9k words
After Erebus, Metis is prepared to vanish, but Igor suggests another option.
This one was my birthday present to myself. You might wonder what that means when all of my fic is incredibly self-indulgent to begin with, and the answer is merging two universes and saving my favorite minor character in the process. It was only after the fact that I realized how much projection was involved. It’s fine.
Bright-Eyed, Tireless One, The Adventure Zone, 2.2k words
Minerva is here, physically present, and Duck's so glad to see her. The only question is what to do with her. They've got enough people hidden in the Amnesty Lodge basement as it is. (Immediately post Episode 28)
I caught up to Amnesty right after episode 28 was released, which is what we in the writing business call good timing. I immediately wrote this in a haze of love for Minerva and have not thought about it since. I think episode 30 confirms it as canon, though.
Not So Nec-Romantic, Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun, 1.7k words
Nene's been studying to join the Healers' Guild for years, and it's finally time for her admissions test. It doesn't quite go as planned.
Star egged me on to write this and then wrote their own, funnier take on an RPG AU, which would have been rude if it weren’t for the fact that I got to read the better fic without having to write it. My favorite part of this fic is Mitsuba and Kou charging in from their epic fantasy quest without noticing that they’ve landing in the middle of a comedy of errors. I kind of want to write what they were actually up to but also it’s funnier this way.
Open Seas and Ways Of Life I've Forgotten, Friends at the Table, 3.5k words
Cass is adjusting just fine to life on their own, thank you.
They'd be doing even better if their new teammate wasn't so eerily reminiscent of their sibling, but that's all right. They're definitely coping.
And here we hit the fatt tipping point of my year. The Kingdom Game was probably the point where I fully devoted myself to this show, and a large part of that was the ability to conspiracy-board all of Sokrates’ influences on Cass’ personality. I have not stopped thinking about the Pelagios siblings since.
Not the Only Ones Pretending, Friends at the Table, 1.2k words
It sounds so nice, in theory. Mako's just running into an old friend while going out for fried chicken. But even though the Chime has broken up, two of them in the same place can still throw the simplest of missions into chaos.
I wrote this in an hour after listening to the penultimate episode of Counter/weight because the Orth-Mako scene ended right where things got good, to my mind. I just wanted to know more about how the Chime interacted after the timeskip. This also marks the start of me defaulting to Mako’s POV in every other Counter/weight fic I write.
A Magic That Won't Go Cold, Friends at the Table, 4.5k words
Jacqui doesn't normally like being sent on bodyguard jobs, but then, she's not normally working for Joypark darling Aria Joie.
I’ll just come up with a fun Jacria AU to think about in my spare time, I thought to myself. There’s a lot to explore with an Aria who never left Joypark. I can come up with some neat bullet points and it will be a good time. Then I started connecting the bullet points and at that point I had an entire outline for a fic. It’s what they deserve.
Questions Ricochet Like Broken Satellites, Friends at the Table, 2k words
Kobus' entire life had been pointless, but for once, they could see exactly what they needed to do. Then Vicuna pulled them out of Liberty and Grace.
I could not tell you why I latched onto Kobus so hard, but that didn’t stop me from doubling the size of their ao3 tag in a month. This fic ended up pretty depressing, which is ironic since the whole point was to give them a happier ending than they got in canon, but at least they’re alive at the end of it.
Detect My Sudden Existence on Your Sonar, Friends at the Table, 3.1k words
AuDy didn't intend for the rest of the Chime to move in with them. They didn't object when it happened, though.
I had a lot of trouble trying to write from AuDy’s perspective but I’m pleased with the end result. Maybe next I’ll figure out how to do pacing and/or tonal consistency. I do like the Cass stuff at the end but I think my favorite scene from this fic is everyone helping Aria unpack her stuff and being goofy.
Telling Dreams from One Another, Friends at the Table, 1.3k words
Mako shows up on Kobus' doorstep holding a Divine, and doesn't even have the decency to bring fried chicken.
This started because I kept thinking about how Kobus’ form of Ambition would have been Faith and how close that comes to Loyalty, and then the more I wrote the more I liked the dynamic between Kobus and the younger Makos. A lot of it can be summed up as Mako being the mid-twenties upperclassman who looks at the freshman and goes “oh look, a baby” much to the freshman’s annoyance, except instead of being in college they’re both secret agents raised as weapons since they can remember. It isn’t addressed in the fic but I imagine this ends with Kobus following Mako back to Kesh and ending up with eight identical older siblings.
Find Out What Broke Me Soon Enough, Friends at the Table, 1.9k words
Kobus is still reeling from their failed attack on Grace, but when Aria Joie asks for their help, they can't think of a good reason to refuse.
Continuing the theme of “what if Kobus had friends,” I like the idea of Aria being worried about Righteousness consuming her and going to the one person she knows of who’s successfully stepped away from a Divine. Like the last fic in the series, I tried very hard to give Kobus a happy ending and they categorically refused. As it turns out, when you’ve been raised to see yourself as a sacrifice for the greater good, it’s hard to find other ways to make a difference, and Aria doesn’t know them well enough to push it. One day I will find the right combination of characters and circumstances to let Kobus rest.
Take Our Time 'Cause It Feels Like We're Dying, Friends at the Table, 1.7k words
When Cass coughed up the first flower petal, all they could do was stare at it in disbelief.
Yes, I know, hanahaki. I am surprised at myself too. I was just thinking about what it would take to get me invested in hanahaki and because of who I am as a person my brain immediately applied that to Counter/weight. I know where I’m going with it but I want to finish F&M before continuing, so keep an eye out maybe in February. Also, doing this retrospective made me realize that this is the second time I’ve used a line from this song as a title for a Counter/weight fic. Whoops.
The Movements of My Mind, Friends at the Table, 1k words
On his way back to Auniq for the negotiations, Throndir stops by the cave where he met Kindrali.
My first non Counter/weight fatt fic, and once again it is introspection about a Dre character, because without realizing it I ended up with a favorite player. I just like coming up with in-universe explanations for things that were probably mistakes on their part, and I’m always interested in how the Kindrali connection works. Even if I am now incapable of thinking of Kindrali without going “I wonder what day he remembers??”
Fantasy and Microchips, Friends at the Table, 9.2k words
Five times Mako hacks things accidentally because of Cass, and one time it's intentional.
The year ended as it began, with me taking someone else’s AU and writing a fic about it. In this case, it’s a comic done by drowzydruzy on twitter. I looked at it, went “that’s pretty funny, maybe I could write a fic about it,” and then two chapters in I realized how to exploit it for angst and pretty much didn’t stop. The trickiest part so far has been making Rigor references without getting too heavy-handed. I’m halfway through writing the last chapter now, so naturally I’m procrastinating by doing this meme. It’s actually a meta-narrative about defeating Rigor by not being too beholden to your own projects, or something.
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London has welcomed 2019 with a dazzling firework display and the chimes of Big Ben. Some 100,000 ticket-holders lined the banks of the Thames to watch 70,000 projectiles made up of eight tonnes of fireworks fire into the sky from three barges and the London Eye. Edinburgh also put on a spectacular display, with around 75,000 party-goers gathering in the centre of the city to see in 2019.  Below are pictures and details from all the big displays in the major cities around the world. Happy New Year! London celebrates as Big Ben awakes The words "London is open" rang in the new year as the capital welcomed 2019 with a dazzling riverside fireworks display. The phrase was spoken in seven languages around two minutes past midnight as the city skyline filled with lights in the largest annual display in Europe. New Year's Eve celebrations: world welcomes 2019, in pictures A soundtrack featuring Europe's finest musical artists celebrated the diversity of the capital, after Big Ben, silent for much of 2018 due to renovations, chimed once more. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said the sold-out display would show Europe that the capital will remain "open-minded" and "outward looking" post-Brexit. He said Westminster politicians had given the world the impression that Britain is "insular, inward looking", as Britain begins the new year countdown to Brexit. Mr Khan said he hoped this year's event would "send a message of support" to the more than one million European citizens for whom London is home. He has previously expressed his backing for a People's Vote and has voiced his concerns over the effects of a no-deal Brexit on the capital. He vowed that London would remain the same after March 29 2019, and said the fireworks display was about "showing the world, while they're watching us, that we're going to carry on being open-minded, outward looking, pluralistic". Fireworks light up the sky over the London Eye in central London during the New Year celebrations Credit: PA Some 100,000 ticket-holders lined the banks of the Thames to watch 70,000 projectiles made up of eight tonnes of fireworks fire into the sky from three barges and the London Eye. Mr Khan continued: "We, in my opinion, are one of the greatest cities in the world, one of the reason we are one of the greatest cities in the world is because of the contribution made by Europeans." "I think diversity is a strength and I think what tonight is about is celebrating that diversity. "I hope that members of Parliament, members of the Government will see the fireworks tonight, will listen to the soundtrack and will reflect on what sort of country they want to live in post-March. Edinburgh's huge street party People from around the world have welcomed in the new year at a colourful street party - in the shadow of Edinburgh castle - in the "home of Hogmanay". The jubilant crowd counted down the 10 seconds to midnight before a fireworks display lit up the sky above the famous landmark, with the soundtrack provided by German band Meute. Fireworks light up the sky in Edinburgh during the Hogmanay New Year celebrations Credit: PA A mass rendition of Auld Lang Syne then rang out around the city when the fireworks fell silent. The events were the main focus of the street party which ran for several hours over December 31 and January 1. Organisers of Edinburgh's Hogmanay planned this year's events to celebrate the ties between Scotland and Europe as the UK prepares to leave the EU in 2019. Soggy start for New York A drenching rain couldn't keep crowds from packing Times Square for the traditional crystal ball drop and a string of star performances. Christina Aguilera pumped up the crowd, performing in a snow-white dress and coat while partygoers danced in their rain ponchos. Bebe Rexha sang John Lennon's "Imagine" just before the midnight ball drop. Confetti drops over the crowd as the clock strikes midnight during the New Year's celebration in Times Square  Credit: AP The celebration took place under tight security. Partygoers were checked for weapons and then herded into pens, ringed by metal barricades, where they waited for the stroke of midnight. But the weather forced police to scrap plans to fly a drone to help keep watch over the crowd. Revellers were paying up to $10 for plastic ponchos trying to stay dry. Umbrellas were banned for security reasons. Paris sees in 2019 Parisians and tourists gathered on the Champs-Elysees to celebrate New Year's Eve under heavy security. Anti-government protesters from the yellow vest movement have issued calls on social media for "festive" demonstrations on the famous avenue. Fireworks illuminate the sky over the Arc de Triomphe during the New Year's Day celebrations on the Champs Elysees, in Paris Credit: AP Paris police set up a security perimeter in the area, with bag searches, a ban on alcohol and traffic restrictions. The Interior Ministry said Sunday that the heavy security measures are needed because of a "high terrorist threat" and concerns about "non-declared protests." President Emmanuel Macron gave his traditional New Year address to briefly lay out his priorities for 2019, as some protesters angry over high taxes and his pro-business policies plan to continue their demonstrations in coming weeks. A protester wearing a "Yellow vest" (gilet jaune) demonstrates in front of a row of French police on the Champs-Elysees in Paris  Credit: AFP Ahead of midnight, a light show illustrating the theme of brotherhood took place on the Arc de Triomphe monument at the top of the Champs-Elysees. Fireworks time in Athens Happy New Year ΕΛΛΑΔΑ! Anyone in Greece right now? Send us back a shout and where you are celebrating right now! #happynewyearpic.twitter.com/zNJIxdAu0H— The Pappas Post (@PappasPost) December 31, 2018 New Year in Nairobi Fireworks explode over the UAP Old Mutual Tower during New Year celebrations in Nairobi Credit: Reuters An impressive display at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai Fireworks crackled at Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, as hundreds of thousands of spectators gathered downtown to watch the spectacular display. The fireworks replace last year's somewhat anticlimactic LED lightshow that ran down the facade of the 828-meter-tall (2,716-foot) tower. Dubai New Year's Eve 2018 LIVE: Watch Burj Khalifa fireworks stream https://t.co/XnBC8eS4wfpic.twitter.com/Kug053x0jA— Time Out Dubai (@TimeOutDubai) December 31, 2018 Cafes and restaurants with a view of the Burj Khalifa charge a premium for their locale on New Year's Eve. Casual sandwich chain Pret a Manger, for example, charges $817 for a table of four. That price gets you hot and cold drinks and some canapes. For burgers near the action, fast food chain Five Guys charged $408 per person for unlimited burgers, hotdogs, fries, milkshakes and soda. That magnificent show and this magnificent shot from @tgfromdubai is ������! Happy New Year everyone!#burjkhalifa#dubaipic.twitter.com/F2ylFZWvEB— Movenpick Hotel Apartments Downtown Dubai (@movenpickDDubai) December 31, 2018 Dozens injured in the Philippines Dozens of people were injured in New Year celebrations in the Philippines. It came as powerful firecrackers were set off in one of Asia's most violent celebrations, despite a government scare campaign and threats of arrests. The Department of Health said it has recorded more than 50 firecracker injuries in the past 10 days. Officials had urged centralised fireworks displays to discourage wild and sometimes fatal merrymaking. The notorious tradition, worsened by celebratory gunfire, stems from a Chinese-influenced belief that noise drives away evil and misfortune. A New Year's Eve reveler in Manila Credit: Reuters Pope sends his blessings Pope Francis has rounded out the most problematic year of his papacy by presiding over a vespers service and praying before the Vatican's giant sand sculpture Nativity scene. During his homily on Monday, Francis lamented how many people spent 2018 living on the edge of dignity, homeless or forced into modern forms of slavery. Francis noted that Rome alone counts some 10,000 homeless and said: "During the winter their situation is particularly hard." Pope Francis greets faithful in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican Accompanied by his chief alms-giver, Francis then walked out into St. Peter's Square, where he greeted pilgrims and prayed before the Nativity scene, carved out of 720 tons of packed sand. On Tuesday, Francis will celebrate Mass to mark the start of a new year and officially leave behind 2018, which saw a new eruption of the clergy sex abuse scandal. Russia raises a glass As Russians raised toasts to celebrate across the country's 11 time zones, President Vladimir Putin stressed the need to rely on internal resources to improve living standards. In a televised address just before midnight, Putin said that "we can achieve positive results only through our own efforts and well-coordinated teamwork." Fireworks over the Kremlin Credit: AFP Raising life quality remains the top priority, he said, adding that it's necessary to tap domestic resources to achieve the goal as "there wasn't and there won't be anyone to help." The statement sounded like an oblique reference to continuing Russia-West tensions and Western sanctions. The nation's festive mood was marred by the collapse of an apartment building Monday in Magnitogorsk that killed at least four. Putin visited the city to oversee rescue efforts. Chilly start in China New Year's Eve isn't celebrated widely in mainland China, where the lunar New Year in February is a more important holiday. But countdown events were held in major cities, and some of the faithful headed to Buddhist temples for bell-ringing and prayers. Outdoor revellers in Beijing had to brave temperatures well below freezing. Additional police were deployed in parts of Shanghai, where a New Year's Eve stampede in 2014 killed 36 people. Fireworks explode over Victoria Harbour during New Year celebrations in Hong Kong Credit: AFP In Hong Kong, festive lights on skyscrapers provided the backdrop for a fireworks, music and light show over Victoria Harbor on a chilly evening. North Korea welcomes 2019 with fireworks and musical performances After an eventful year that saw three inter-Korean summits and the easing of tensions over North Korea's nuclear program, Korean - North and South of the border - entered 2019 with hopes that the hard-won detente will expand into a stable peace. Thousands of South Koreans filled the streets of the capital, Seoul, for a traditional bell-tolling ceremony near City Hall. Dignitaries picked to ring the old Bosingak bell at midnight included famous surgeon Lee Guk-jong, who successfully operated on a North Korean soldier who escaped to South Korea in 2017 in a hail of bullets fired by his comrades. A "peace bell" was tolled at Imjingak, a pavilion near the border with North Korea. Japan, South Korea and small parts of Russia and Indonesia ring in the New Year Russians got to enjoy performances from actors and dancers dressed up as characters including Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, as small parts of the country took part in a count down to midnight. Father Frost and Snow Maiden  Credit: Yuri Smityuk\\TASS via Getty Images Fireworks in Vladivostok, Russia Credit: Yuri Smityuk\\TASS via Getty Images Ramming attack mars Tokyo celebrations Japan celebrated the New Year in style on Monday night. People hold balloons during the count down event at the Prince Park Tower Tokyo hotel Credit: Getty However, nine people were hurt, one seriously, when a man deliberately ploughed his car into crowds celebrating New Year's Eve along a famous Tokyo street. With an "intent to murder", 21-year-old Kazuhiro Kusakabe drove a small vehicle into Takeshita Street in Tokyo's fashion district of Harajuku at 10 minutes past midnight, a police spokesman told AFP. According to national broadcaster NHK, Kusakabe told police he was acting in "retribution for the death penalty" without giving more precise details. Policemen stand next to a car which plowed into pedestrians on New Year day in Tokyo Credit: Reuters One college student suffered serious injuries during the attack and was undergoing surgery, the police spokesman told AFP. Kusakabe was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, police said. Fireworks glitter over Sydney Harbour Parts of Australia including Sydney are celebrating the New Year, with the city putting on a spectacular fireworks display over the harbour. The Opera House was thrown into sharp relief by the fireworks, which were watched on television by people all over the world. The celebrations in Sydney were slightly dampened by inclement weather, with thousands of people waiting to watch the fireworks battered with torrential rain and a thunderstorm. New Zealand celebrates 2019 It is officially 2019 in New Zealand, as cities including Auckland set off fireworks and spectators danced and cheered.  The annual Wondergarden festival is also taking place, with revelers flooding to Auckland to enjoy the music and ring in the New Year. Partygoers were allowed to make as much noise as they liked between 6pm and 2am, after the council in Auckland promised not to attend any noise complaints during those hours. "New Year's Eve is always a great time for celebration in Auckland and from a noise control perspective we don't tend to see significant increases in complaints over the course of the night generally because there seems to be higher levels of tolerance to noise as many people choose to stay up later to enjoy the midnight entertainment. Because of this, we do relax our policy slightly on New Year's Eve and only attend complaints after 2am which is often the time when most festivities have come to an end," Max Wilde, the council's team manager for Licencing Response told the New Zealand Herald.   Samoa is the first country to ring in 2019 Samoa was the first country to celebrate the New Year with an inevitable fireworks display. Samoa welcomes the New Year in style. This government initiative is a special commemoration marking Samoa as the first country to welcome the New Year. The fireworks display will be an ongoing annual celebration... https://t.co/6gqwrEd0Oa— Government of Samoa (@samoagovt) December 31, 2018 Interestingly, just an hour's flight away is American Samoa, which has to wait 24  hours to ring in 2019 because of the time difference.
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beautytipsfor · 5 years
New Year's Eve celebrations: Watch the fireworks as London joins world in welcoming 2019
London has welcomed 2019 with a dazzling firework display and the chimes of Big Ben. Some 100,000 ticket-holders lined the banks of the Thames to watch 70,000 projectiles made up of eight tonnes of fireworks fire into the sky from three barges and the London Eye. Edinburgh also put on a spectacular display, with around 75,000 party-goers gathering in the centre of the city to see in 2019.  Below are pictures and details from all the big displays in the major cities around the world. Happy New Year! London celebrates as Big Ben awakes The words "London is open" rang in the new year as the capital welcomed 2019 with a dazzling riverside fireworks display. The phrase was spoken in seven languages around two minutes past midnight as the city skyline filled with lights in the largest annual display in Europe. New Year's Eve celebrations: world welcomes 2019, in pictures A soundtrack featuring Europe's finest musical artists celebrated the diversity of the capital, after Big Ben, silent for much of 2018 due to renovations, chimed once more. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said the sold-out display would show Europe that the capital will remain "open-minded" and "outward looking" post-Brexit. He said Westminster politicians had given the world the impression that Britain is "insular, inward looking", as Britain begins the new year countdown to Brexit. Mr Khan said he hoped this year's event would "send a message of support" to the more than one million European citizens for whom London is home. He has previously expressed his backing for a People's Vote and has voiced his concerns over the effects of a no-deal Brexit on the capital. He vowed that London would remain the same after March 29 2019, and said the fireworks display was about "showing the world, while they're watching us, that we're going to carry on being open-minded, outward looking, pluralistic". Fireworks light up the sky over the London Eye in central London during the New Year celebrations Credit: PA Some 100,000 ticket-holders lined the banks of the Thames to watch 70,000 projectiles made up of eight tonnes of fireworks fire into the sky from three barges and the London Eye. Mr Khan continued: "We, in my opinion, are one of the greatest cities in the world, one of the reason we are one of the greatest cities in the world is because of the contribution made by Europeans." "I think diversity is a strength and I think what tonight is about is celebrating that diversity. "I hope that members of Parliament, members of the Government will see the fireworks tonight, will listen to the soundtrack and will reflect on what sort of country they want to live in post-March. Edinburgh's huge street party People from around the world have welcomed in the new year at a colourful street party - in the shadow of Edinburgh castle - in the "home of Hogmanay". The jubilant crowd counted down the 10 seconds to midnight before a fireworks display lit up the sky above the famous landmark, with the soundtrack provided by German band Meute. Fireworks light up the sky in Edinburgh during the Hogmanay New Year celebrations Credit: PA A mass rendition of Auld Lang Syne then rang out around the city when the fireworks fell silent. The events were the main focus of the street party which ran for several hours over December 31 and January 1. Organisers of Edinburgh's Hogmanay planned this year's events to celebrate the ties between Scotland and Europe as the UK prepares to leave the EU in 2019. Soggy start for New York A drenching rain couldn't keep crowds from packing Times Square for the traditional crystal ball drop and a string of star performances. Christina Aguilera pumped up the crowd, performing in a snow-white dress and coat while partygoers danced in their rain ponchos. Bebe Rexha sang John Lennon's "Imagine" just before the midnight ball drop. Confetti drops over the crowd as the clock strikes midnight during the New Year's celebration in Times Square  Credit: AP The celebration took place under tight security. Partygoers were checked for weapons and then herded into pens, ringed by metal barricades, where they waited for the stroke of midnight. But the weather forced police to scrap plans to fly a drone to help keep watch over the crowd. Revellers were paying up to $10 for plastic ponchos trying to stay dry. Umbrellas were banned for security reasons. Paris sees in 2019 Parisians and tourists gathered on the Champs-Elysees to celebrate New Year's Eve under heavy security. Anti-government protesters from the yellow vest movement have issued calls on social media for "festive" demonstrations on the famous avenue. Fireworks illuminate the sky over the Arc de Triomphe during the New Year's Day celebrations on the Champs Elysees, in Paris Credit: AP Paris police set up a security perimeter in the area, with bag searches, a ban on alcohol and traffic restrictions. The Interior Ministry said Sunday that the heavy security measures are needed because of a "high terrorist threat" and concerns about "non-declared protests." President Emmanuel Macron gave his traditional New Year address to briefly lay out his priorities for 2019, as some protesters angry over high taxes and his pro-business policies plan to continue their demonstrations in coming weeks. A protester wearing a "Yellow vest" (gilet jaune) demonstrates in front of a row of French police on the Champs-Elysees in Paris  Credit: AFP Ahead of midnight, a light show illustrating the theme of brotherhood took place on the Arc de Triomphe monument at the top of the Champs-Elysees. Fireworks time in Athens Happy New Year ΕΛΛΑΔΑ! Anyone in Greece right now? Send us back a shout and where you are celebrating right now! #happynewyearpic.twitter.com/zNJIxdAu0H— The Pappas Post (@PappasPost) December 31, 2018 New Year in Nairobi Fireworks explode over the UAP Old Mutual Tower during New Year celebrations in Nairobi Credit: Reuters An impressive display at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai Fireworks crackled at Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, as hundreds of thousands of spectators gathered downtown to watch the spectacular display. The fireworks replace last year's somewhat anticlimactic LED lightshow that ran down the facade of the 828-meter-tall (2,716-foot) tower. Dubai New Year's Eve 2018 LIVE: Watch Burj Khalifa fireworks stream https://t.co/XnBC8eS4wfpic.twitter.com/Kug053x0jA— Time Out Dubai (@TimeOutDubai) December 31, 2018 Cafes and restaurants with a view of the Burj Khalifa charge a premium for their locale on New Year's Eve. Casual sandwich chain Pret a Manger, for example, charges $817 for a table of four. That price gets you hot and cold drinks and some canapes. For burgers near the action, fast food chain Five Guys charged $408 per person for unlimited burgers, hotdogs, fries, milkshakes and soda. That magnificent show and this magnificent shot from @tgfromdubai is ������! Happy New Year everyone!#burjkhalifa#dubaipic.twitter.com/F2ylFZWvEB— Movenpick Hotel Apartments Downtown Dubai (@movenpickDDubai) December 31, 2018 Dozens injured in the Philippines Dozens of people were injured in New Year celebrations in the Philippines. It came as powerful firecrackers were set off in one of Asia's most violent celebrations, despite a government scare campaign and threats of arrests. The Department of Health said it has recorded more than 50 firecracker injuries in the past 10 days. Officials had urged centralised fireworks displays to discourage wild and sometimes fatal merrymaking. The notorious tradition, worsened by celebratory gunfire, stems from a Chinese-influenced belief that noise drives away evil and misfortune. A New Year's Eve reveler in Manila Credit: Reuters Pope sends his blessings Pope Francis has rounded out the most problematic year of his papacy by presiding over a vespers service and praying before the Vatican's giant sand sculpture Nativity scene. During his homily on Monday, Francis lamented how many people spent 2018 living on the edge of dignity, homeless or forced into modern forms of slavery. Francis noted that Rome alone counts some 10,000 homeless and said: "During the winter their situation is particularly hard." Pope Francis greets faithful in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican Accompanied by his chief alms-giver, Francis then walked out into St. Peter's Square, where he greeted pilgrims and prayed before the Nativity scene, carved out of 720 tons of packed sand. On Tuesday, Francis will celebrate Mass to mark the start of a new year and officially leave behind 2018, which saw a new eruption of the clergy sex abuse scandal. Russia raises a glass As Russians raised toasts to celebrate across the country's 11 time zones, President Vladimir Putin stressed the need to rely on internal resources to improve living standards. In a televised address just before midnight, Putin said that "we can achieve positive results only through our own efforts and well-coordinated teamwork." Fireworks over the Kremlin Credit: AFP Raising life quality remains the top priority, he said, adding that it's necessary to tap domestic resources to achieve the goal as "there wasn't and there won't be anyone to help." The statement sounded like an oblique reference to continuing Russia-West tensions and Western sanctions. The nation's festive mood was marred by the collapse of an apartment building Monday in Magnitogorsk that killed at least four. Putin visited the city to oversee rescue efforts. Chilly start in China New Year's Eve isn't celebrated widely in mainland China, where the lunar New Year in February is a more important holiday. But countdown events were held in major cities, and some of the faithful headed to Buddhist temples for bell-ringing and prayers. Outdoor revellers in Beijing had to brave temperatures well below freezing. Additional police were deployed in parts of Shanghai, where a New Year's Eve stampede in 2014 killed 36 people. Fireworks explode over Victoria Harbour during New Year celebrations in Hong Kong Credit: AFP In Hong Kong, festive lights on skyscrapers provided the backdrop for a fireworks, music and light show over Victoria Harbor on a chilly evening. North Korea welcomes 2019 with fireworks and musical performances After an eventful year that saw three inter-Korean summits and the easing of tensions over North Korea's nuclear program, Korean - North and South of the border - entered 2019 with hopes that the hard-won detente will expand into a stable peace. Thousands of South Koreans filled the streets of the capital, Seoul, for a traditional bell-tolling ceremony near City Hall. Dignitaries picked to ring the old Bosingak bell at midnight included famous surgeon Lee Guk-jong, who successfully operated on a North Korean soldier who escaped to South Korea in 2017 in a hail of bullets fired by his comrades. A "peace bell" was tolled at Imjingak, a pavilion near the border with North Korea. Japan, South Korea and small parts of Russia and Indonesia ring in the New Year Russians got to enjoy performances from actors and dancers dressed up as characters including Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, as small parts of the country took part in a count down to midnight. Father Frost and Snow Maiden  Credit: Yuri Smityuk\\TASS via Getty Images Fireworks in Vladivostok, Russia Credit: Yuri Smityuk\\TASS via Getty Images Ramming attack mars Tokyo celebrations Japan celebrated the New Year in style on Monday night. People hold balloons during the count down event at the Prince Park Tower Tokyo hotel Credit: Getty However, nine people were hurt, one seriously, when a man deliberately ploughed his car into crowds celebrating New Year's Eve along a famous Tokyo street. With an "intent to murder", 21-year-old Kazuhiro Kusakabe drove a small vehicle into Takeshita Street in Tokyo's fashion district of Harajuku at 10 minutes past midnight, a police spokesman told AFP. According to national broadcaster NHK, Kusakabe told police he was acting in "retribution for the death penalty" without giving more precise details. Policemen stand next to a car which plowed into pedestrians on New Year day in Tokyo Credit: Reuters One college student suffered serious injuries during the attack and was undergoing surgery, the police spokesman told AFP. Kusakabe was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, police said. Fireworks glitter over Sydney Harbour Parts of Australia including Sydney are celebrating the New Year, with the city putting on a spectacular fireworks display over the harbour. The Opera House was thrown into sharp relief by the fireworks, which were watched on television by people all over the world. The celebrations in Sydney were slightly dampened by inclement weather, with thousands of people waiting to watch the fireworks battered with torrential rain and a thunderstorm. New Zealand celebrates 2019 It is officially 2019 in New Zealand, as cities including Auckland set off fireworks and spectators danced and cheered.  The annual Wondergarden festival is also taking place, with revelers flooding to Auckland to enjoy the music and ring in the New Year. Partygoers were allowed to make as much noise as they liked between 6pm and 2am, after the council in Auckland promised not to attend any noise complaints during those hours. "New Year's Eve is always a great time for celebration in Auckland and from a noise control perspective we don't tend to see significant increases in complaints over the course of the night generally because there seems to be higher levels of tolerance to noise as many people choose to stay up later to enjoy the midnight entertainment. Because of this, we do relax our policy slightly on New Year's Eve and only attend complaints after 2am which is often the time when most festivities have come to an end," Max Wilde, the council's team manager for Licencing Response told the New Zealand Herald.   Samoa is the first country to ring in 2019 Samoa was the first country to celebrate the New Year with an inevitable fireworks display. Samoa welcomes the New Year in style. This government initiative is a special commemoration marking Samoa as the first country to welcome the New Year. The fireworks display will be an ongoing annual celebration... https://t.co/6gqwrEd0Oa— Government of Samoa (@samoagovt) December 31, 2018 Interestingly, just an hour's flight away is American Samoa, which has to wait 24  hours to ring in 2019 because of the time difference.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2EZk1mq via Beauty Tips
from Blogger http://bit.ly/2AoPiwc
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newsfundastuff · 5 years
London has welcomed 2019 with a dazzling firework display and the chimes of Big Ben. Some 100,000 ticket-holders lined the banks of the Thames to watch 70,000 projectiles made up of eight tonnes of fireworks fire into the sky from three barges and the London Eye. Edinburgh also put on a spectacular display, with around 75,000 party-goers gathering in the centre of the city to see in 2019.  Below are pictures and details from all the big displays in the major cities around the world. Happy New Year! London celebrates as Big Ben awakes The words "London is open" rang in the new year as the capital welcomed 2019 with a dazzling riverside fireworks display. The phrase was spoken in seven languages around two minutes past midnight as the city skyline filled with lights in the largest annual display in Europe. New Year's Eve celebrations: world welcomes 2019, in pictures A soundtrack featuring Europe's finest musical artists celebrated the diversity of the capital, after Big Ben, silent for much of 2018 due to renovations, chimed once more. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said the sold-out display would show Europe that the capital will remain "open-minded" and "outward looking" post-Brexit. He said Westminster politicians had given the world the impression that Britain is "insular, inward looking", as Britain begins the new year countdown to Brexit. Fireworks light up the sky over the London Eye in central London during the New Year celebrations Credit: PA Mr Khan said he hoped this year's event would "send a message of support" to the more than one million European citizens for whom London is home. He has previously expressed his backing for a People's Vote and has voiced his concerns over the effects of a no-deal Brexit on the capital. He vowed that London would remain the same after March 29 2019, and said the fireworks display was about "showing the world, while they're watching us, that we're going to carry on being open-minded, outward looking, pluralistic". Fireworks light up the sky over the London Eye in central London during the New Year celebrations Credit: PA Some 100,000 ticket-holders lined the banks of the Thames to watch 70,000 projectiles made up of eight tonnes of fireworks fire into the sky from three barges and the London Eye. Mr Khan continued: "We, in my opinion, are one of the greatest cities in the world, one of the reason we are one of the greatest cities in the world is because of the contribution made by Europeans." "I think diversity is a strength and I think what tonight is about is celebrating that diversity. "I hope that members of Parliament, members of the Government will see the fireworks tonight, will listen to the soundtrack and will reflect on what sort of country they want to live in post-March. Edinburgh's huge street party People from around the world have welcomed in the new year at a colourful street party - in the shadow of Edinburgh castle - in the "home of Hogmanay". The jubilant crowd counted down the 10 seconds to midnight before a fireworks display lit up the sky above the famous landmark, with the soundtrack provided by German band Meute. Fireworks light up the sky in Edinburgh during the Hogmanay New Year celebrations Credit: PA A mass rendition of Auld Lang Syne then rang out around the city when the fireworks fell silent. The events were the main focus of the street party which ran for several hours over December 31 and January 1. Organisers of Edinburgh's Hogmanay planned this year's events to celebrate the ties between Scotland and Europe as the UK prepares to leave the EU in 2019. Soggy start for New York A drenching rain couldn't keep crowds from packing Times Square for the traditional crystal ball drop and a string of star performances. Christina Aguilera pumped up the crowd, performing in a snow-white dress and coat while partygoers danced in their rain ponchos. Bebe Rexha sang John Lennon's "Imagine" just before the midnight ball drop. Confetti drops over the crowd as the clock strikes midnight during the New Year's celebration in Times Square  Credit: AP The celebration took place under tight security. Partygoers were checked for weapons and then herded into pens, ringed by metal barricades, where they waited for the stroke of midnight. But the weather forced police to scrap plans to fly a drone to help keep watch over the crowd. Revellers were paying up to $10 for plastic ponchos trying to stay dry. Umbrellas were banned for security reasons. Paris sees in 2019 Parisians and tourists gathered on the Champs-Elysees to celebrate New Year's Eve under heavy security. Anti-government protesters from the yellow vest movement have issued calls on social media for "festive" demonstrations on the famous avenue. Fireworks illuminate the sky over the Arc de Triomphe during the New Year's Day celebrations on the Champs Elysees, in Paris Credit: AP Paris police set up a security perimeter in the area, with bag searches, a ban on alcohol and traffic restrictions. The Interior Ministry said Sunday that the heavy security measures are needed because of a "high terrorist threat" and concerns about "non-declared protests." President Emmanuel Macron gave his traditional New Year address to briefly lay out his priorities for 2019, as some protesters angry over high taxes and his pro-business policies plan to continue their demonstrations in coming weeks. A protester wearing a "Yellow vest" (gilet jaune) demonstrates in front of a row of French police on the Champs-Elysees in Paris  Credit: AFP Ahead of midnight, a light show illustrating the theme of brotherhood took place on the Arc de Triomphe monument at the top of the Champs-Elysees. Fireworks time in Athens Happy New Year ΕΛΛΑΔΑ! Anyone in Greece right now? Send us back a shout and where you are celebrating right now! #happynewyearpic.twitter.com/zNJIxdAu0H— The Pappas Post (@PappasPost) December 31, 2018 New Year in Nairobi Fireworks explode over the UAP Old Mutual Tower during New Year celebrations in Nairobi Credit: Reuters An impressive display at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai Fireworks crackled at Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, as hundreds of thousands of spectators gathered downtown to watch the spectacular display. The fireworks replace last year's somewhat anticlimactic LED lightshow that ran down the facade of the 828-meter-tall (2,716-foot) tower. Dubai New Year's Eve 2018 LIVE: Watch Burj Khalifa fireworks stream https://t.co/XnBC8eS4wfpic.twitter.com/Kug053x0jA— Time Out Dubai (@TimeOutDubai) December 31, 2018 Cafes and restaurants with a view of the Burj Khalifa charge a premium for their locale on New Year's Eve. Casual sandwich chain Pret a Manger, for example, charges $817 for a table of four. That price gets you hot and cold drinks and some canapes. For burgers near the action, fast food chain Five Guys charged $408 per person for unlimited burgers, hotdogs, fries, milkshakes and soda. That magnificent show and this magnificent shot from @tgfromdubai is ������! Happy New Year everyone!#burjkhalifa#dubaipic.twitter.com/F2ylFZWvEB— Movenpick Hotel Apartments Downtown Dubai (@movenpickDDubai) December 31, 2018 Dozens injured in the Philippines Dozens of people were injured in New Year celebrations in the Philippines. It came as powerful firecrackers were set off in one of Asia's most violent celebrations, despite a government scare campaign and threats of arrests. The Department of Health said it has recorded more than 50 firecracker injuries in the past 10 days. Officials had urged centralised fireworks displays to discourage wild and sometimes fatal merrymaking. The notorious tradition, worsened by celebratory gunfire, stems from a Chinese-influenced belief that noise drives away evil and misfortune. A New Year's Eve reveler in Manila Credit: Reuters Pope sends his blessings Pope Francis has rounded out the most problematic year of his papacy by presiding over a vespers service and praying before the Vatican's giant sand sculpture Nativity scene. During his homily on Monday, Francis lamented how many people spent 2018 living on the edge of dignity, homeless or forced into modern forms of slavery. Francis noted that Rome alone counts some 10,000 homeless and said: "During the winter their situation is particularly hard." Pope Francis greets faithful in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican Accompanied by his chief alms-giver, Francis then walked out into St. Peter's Square, where he greeted pilgrims and prayed before the Nativity scene, carved out of 720 tons of packed sand. On Tuesday, Francis will celebrate Mass to mark the start of a new year and officially leave behind 2018, which saw a new eruption of the clergy sex abuse scandal. Russia raises a glass As Russians raised toasts to celebrate across the country's 11 time zones, President Vladimir Putin stressed the need to rely on internal resources to improve living standards. In a televised address just before midnight, Putin said that "we can achieve positive results only through our own efforts and well-coordinated teamwork." Fireworks over the Kremlin Credit: AFP Raising life quality remains the top priority, he said, adding that it's necessary to tap domestic resources to achieve the goal as "there wasn't and there won't be anyone to help." The statement sounded like an oblique reference to continuing Russia-West tensions and Western sanctions. The nation's festive mood was marred by the collapse of an apartment building Monday in Magnitogorsk that killed at least four. Putin visited the city to oversee rescue efforts. Chilly start in China New Year's Eve isn't celebrated widely in mainland China, where the lunar New Year in February is a more important holiday. But countdown events were held in major cities, and some of the faithful headed to Buddhist temples for bell-ringing and prayers. Outdoor revellers in Beijing had to brave temperatures well below freezing. Additional police were deployed in parts of Shanghai, where a New Year's Eve stampede in 2014 killed 36 people. Fireworks explode over Victoria Harbour during New Year celebrations in Hong Kong Credit: AFP In Hong Kong, festive lights on skyscrapers provided the backdrop for a fireworks, music and light show over Victoria Harbor on a chilly evening. North Korea welcomes 2019 with fireworks and musical performances After an eventful year that saw three inter-Korean summits and the easing of tensions over North Korea's nuclear program, Korean - North and South of the border - entered 2019 with hopes that the hard-won detente will expand into a stable peace. Thousands of South Koreans filled the streets of the capital, Seoul, for a traditional bell-tolling ceremony near City Hall. Dignitaries picked to ring the old Bosingak bell at midnight included famous surgeon Lee Guk-jong, who successfully operated on a North Korean soldier who escaped to South Korea in 2017 in a hail of bullets fired by his comrades. A "peace bell" was tolled at Imjingak, a pavilion near the border with North Korea. Japan, South Korea and small parts of Russia and Indonesia ring in the New Year Russians got to enjoy performances from actors and dancers dressed up as characters including Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, as small parts of the country took part in a count down to midnight. Father Frost and Snow Maiden  Credit: Yuri Smityuk\\TASS via Getty Images Fireworks in Vladivostok, Russia Credit: Yuri Smityuk\\TASS via Getty Images Ramming attack mars Tokyo celebrations Japan celebrated the New Year in style on Monday night. People hold balloons during the count down event at the Prince Park Tower Tokyo hotel Credit: Getty However, nine people were hurt, one seriously, when a man deliberately ploughed his car into crowds celebrating New Year's Eve along a famous Tokyo street. With an "intent to murder", 21-year-old Kazuhiro Kusakabe drove a small vehicle into Takeshita Street in Tokyo's fashion district of Harajuku at 10 minutes past midnight, a police spokesman told AFP. According to national broadcaster NHK, Kusakabe told police he was acting in "retribution for the death penalty" without giving more precise details. Policemen stand next to a car which plowed into pedestrians on New Year day in Tokyo Credit: Reuters One college student suffered serious injuries during the attack and was undergoing surgery, the police spokesman told AFP. Kusakabe was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, police said. Fireworks glitter over Sydney Harbour Parts of Australia including Sydney are celebrating the New Year, with the city putting on a spectacular fireworks display over the harbour. The Opera House was thrown into sharp relief by the fireworks, which were watched on television by people all over the world. The celebrations in Sydney were slightly dampened by inclement weather, with thousands of people waiting to watch the fireworks battered with torrential rain and a thunderstorm. New Zealand celebrates 2019 It is officially 2019 in New Zealand, as cities including Auckland set off fireworks and spectators danced and cheered.  The annual Wondergarden festival is also taking place, with revelers flooding to Auckland to enjoy the music and ring in the New Year. Partygoers were allowed to make as much noise as they liked between 6pm and 2am, after the council in Auckland promised not to attend any noise complaints during those hours. "New Year's Eve is always a great time for celebration in Auckland and from a noise control perspective we don't tend to see significant increases in complaints over the course of the night generally because there seems to be higher levels of tolerance to noise as many people choose to stay up later to enjoy the midnight entertainment. Because of this, we do relax our policy slightly on New Year's Eve and only attend complaints after 2am which is often the time when most festivities have come to an end," Max Wilde, the council's team manager for Licencing Response told the New Zealand Herald.   Samoa is the first country to ring in 2019 Samoa was the first country to celebrate the New Year with an inevitable fireworks display. Samoa welcomes the New Year in style. This government initiative is a special commemoration marking Samoa as the first country to welcome the New Year. The fireworks display will be an ongoing annual celebration... https://t.co/6gqwrEd0Oa— Government of Samoa (@samoagovt) December 31, 2018 Interestingly, just an hour's flight away is American Samoa, which has to wait 24  hours to ring in 2019 because of the time difference.
0 notes
bigbirdgladiator · 5 years
London has welcomed 2019 with a dazzling firework display and the chimes of Big Ben. Some 100,000 ticket-holders lined the banks of the Thames to watch 70,000 projectiles made up of eight tonnes of fireworks fire into the sky from three barges and the London Eye. Edinburgh also put on a spectacular display, with around 75,000 party-goers gathering in the centre of the city to see in 2019.  Below are pictures and details from all the big displays in the major cities around the world. Happy New Year! London celebrates as Big Ben awakes The words "London is open" rang in the new year as the capital welcomed 2019 with a dazzling riverside fireworks display. The phrase was spoken in seven languages around two minutes past midnight as the city skyline filled with lights in the largest annual display in Europe. New Year's Eve celebrations: world welcomes 2019, in pictures A soundtrack featuring Europe's finest musical artists celebrated the diversity of the capital, after Big Ben, silent for much of 2018 due to renovations, chimed once more. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said the sold-out display would show Europe that the capital will remain "open-minded" and "outward looking" post-Brexit. He said Westminster politicians had given the world the impression that Britain is "insular, inward looking", as Britain begins the new year countdown to Brexit. Fireworks light up the sky over the London Eye in central London during the New Year celebrations Credit: PA Mr Khan said he hoped this year's event would "send a message of support" to the more than one million European citizens for whom London is home. He has previously expressed his backing for a People's Vote and has voiced his concerns over the effects of a no-deal Brexit on the capital. He vowed that London would remain the same after March 29 2019, and said the fireworks display was about "showing the world, while they're watching us, that we're going to carry on being open-minded, outward looking, pluralistic". Fireworks light up the sky over the London Eye in central London during the New Year celebrations Credit: PA Some 100,000 ticket-holders lined the banks of the Thames to watch 70,000 projectiles made up of eight tonnes of fireworks fire into the sky from three barges and the London Eye. Mr Khan continued: "We, in my opinion, are one of the greatest cities in the world, one of the reason we are one of the greatest cities in the world is because of the contribution made by Europeans." "I think diversity is a strength and I think what tonight is about is celebrating that diversity. "I hope that members of Parliament, members of the Government will see the fireworks tonight, will listen to the soundtrack and will reflect on what sort of country they want to live in post-March. Edinburgh's huge street party People from around the world have welcomed in the new year at a colourful street party - in the shadow of Edinburgh castle - in the "home of Hogmanay". The jubilant crowd counted down the 10 seconds to midnight before a fireworks display lit up the sky above the famous landmark, with the soundtrack provided by German band Meute. Fireworks light up the sky in Edinburgh during the Hogmanay New Year celebrations Credit: PA A mass rendition of Auld Lang Syne then rang out around the city when the fireworks fell silent. The events were the main focus of the street party which ran for several hours over December 31 and January 1. Organisers of Edinburgh's Hogmanay planned this year's events to celebrate the ties between Scotland and Europe as the UK prepares to leave the EU in 2019. Soggy start for New York A drenching rain couldn't keep crowds from packing Times Square for the traditional crystal ball drop and a string of star performances. Christina Aguilera pumped up the crowd, performing in a snow-white dress and coat while partygoers danced in their rain ponchos. Bebe Rexha sang John Lennon's "Imagine" just before the midnight ball drop. Confetti drops over the crowd as the clock strikes midnight during the New Year's celebration in Times Square  Credit: AP The celebration took place under tight security. Partygoers were checked for weapons and then herded into pens, ringed by metal barricades, where they waited for the stroke of midnight. But the weather forced police to scrap plans to fly a drone to help keep watch over the crowd. Revellers were paying up to $10 for plastic ponchos trying to stay dry. Umbrellas were banned for security reasons. Paris sees in 2019 Parisians and tourists gathered on the Champs-Elysees to celebrate New Year's Eve under heavy security. Anti-government protesters from the yellow vest movement have issued calls on social media for "festive" demonstrations on the famous avenue. Fireworks illuminate the sky over the Arc de Triomphe during the New Year's Day celebrations on the Champs Elysees, in Paris Credit: AP Paris police set up a security perimeter in the area, with bag searches, a ban on alcohol and traffic restrictions. The Interior Ministry said Sunday that the heavy security measures are needed because of a "high terrorist threat" and concerns about "non-declared protests." President Emmanuel Macron gave his traditional New Year address to briefly lay out his priorities for 2019, as some protesters angry over high taxes and his pro-business policies plan to continue their demonstrations in coming weeks. A protester wearing a "Yellow vest" (gilet jaune) demonstrates in front of a row of French police on the Champs-Elysees in Paris  Credit: AFP Ahead of midnight, a light show illustrating the theme of brotherhood took place on the Arc de Triomphe monument at the top of the Champs-Elysees. Fireworks time in Athens Happy New Year ΕΛΛΑΔΑ! Anyone in Greece right now? Send us back a shout and where you are celebrating right now! #happynewyearpic.twitter.com/zNJIxdAu0H— The Pappas Post (@PappasPost) December 31, 2018 New Year in Nairobi Fireworks explode over the UAP Old Mutual Tower during New Year celebrations in Nairobi Credit: Reuters An impressive display at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai Fireworks crackled at Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, as hundreds of thousands of spectators gathered downtown to watch the spectacular display. The fireworks replace last year's somewhat anticlimactic LED lightshow that ran down the facade of the 828-meter-tall (2,716-foot) tower. Dubai New Year's Eve 2018 LIVE: Watch Burj Khalifa fireworks stream https://t.co/XnBC8eS4wfpic.twitter.com/Kug053x0jA— Time Out Dubai (@TimeOutDubai) December 31, 2018 Cafes and restaurants with a view of the Burj Khalifa charge a premium for their locale on New Year's Eve. Casual sandwich chain Pret a Manger, for example, charges $817 for a table of four. That price gets you hot and cold drinks and some canapes. For burgers near the action, fast food chain Five Guys charged $408 per person for unlimited burgers, hotdogs, fries, milkshakes and soda. That magnificent show and this magnificent shot from @tgfromdubai is ������! Happy New Year everyone!#burjkhalifa#dubaipic.twitter.com/F2ylFZWvEB— Movenpick Hotel Apartments Downtown Dubai (@movenpickDDubai) December 31, 2018 Dozens injured in the Philippines Dozens of people were injured in New Year celebrations in the Philippines. It came as powerful firecrackers were set off in one of Asia's most violent celebrations, despite a government scare campaign and threats of arrests. The Department of Health said it has recorded more than 50 firecracker injuries in the past 10 days. Officials had urged centralised fireworks displays to discourage wild and sometimes fatal merrymaking. The notorious tradition, worsened by celebratory gunfire, stems from a Chinese-influenced belief that noise drives away evil and misfortune. A New Year's Eve reveler in Manila Credit: Reuters Pope sends his blessings Pope Francis has rounded out the most problematic year of his papacy by presiding over a vespers service and praying before the Vatican's giant sand sculpture Nativity scene. During his homily on Monday, Francis lamented how many people spent 2018 living on the edge of dignity, homeless or forced into modern forms of slavery. Francis noted that Rome alone counts some 10,000 homeless and said: "During the winter their situation is particularly hard." Pope Francis greets faithful in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican Accompanied by his chief alms-giver, Francis then walked out into St. Peter's Square, where he greeted pilgrims and prayed before the Nativity scene, carved out of 720 tons of packed sand. On Tuesday, Francis will celebrate Mass to mark the start of a new year and officially leave behind 2018, which saw a new eruption of the clergy sex abuse scandal. Russia raises a glass As Russians raised toasts to celebrate across the country's 11 time zones, President Vladimir Putin stressed the need to rely on internal resources to improve living standards. In a televised address just before midnight, Putin said that "we can achieve positive results only through our own efforts and well-coordinated teamwork." Fireworks over the Kremlin Credit: AFP Raising life quality remains the top priority, he said, adding that it's necessary to tap domestic resources to achieve the goal as "there wasn't and there won't be anyone to help." The statement sounded like an oblique reference to continuing Russia-West tensions and Western sanctions. The nation's festive mood was marred by the collapse of an apartment building Monday in Magnitogorsk that killed at least four. Putin visited the city to oversee rescue efforts. Chilly start in China New Year's Eve isn't celebrated widely in mainland China, where the lunar New Year in February is a more important holiday. But countdown events were held in major cities, and some of the faithful headed to Buddhist temples for bell-ringing and prayers. Outdoor revellers in Beijing had to brave temperatures well below freezing. Additional police were deployed in parts of Shanghai, where a New Year's Eve stampede in 2014 killed 36 people. Fireworks explode over Victoria Harbour during New Year celebrations in Hong Kong Credit: AFP In Hong Kong, festive lights on skyscrapers provided the backdrop for a fireworks, music and light show over Victoria Harbor on a chilly evening. North Korea welcomes 2019 with fireworks and musical performances After an eventful year that saw three inter-Korean summits and the easing of tensions over North Korea's nuclear program, Korean - North and South of the border - entered 2019 with hopes that the hard-won detente will expand into a stable peace. Thousands of South Koreans filled the streets of the capital, Seoul, for a traditional bell-tolling ceremony near City Hall. Dignitaries picked to ring the old Bosingak bell at midnight included famous surgeon Lee Guk-jong, who successfully operated on a North Korean soldier who escaped to South Korea in 2017 in a hail of bullets fired by his comrades. A "peace bell" was tolled at Imjingak, a pavilion near the border with North Korea. Japan, South Korea and small parts of Russia and Indonesia ring in the New Year Russians got to enjoy performances from actors and dancers dressed up as characters including Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, as small parts of the country took part in a count down to midnight. Father Frost and Snow Maiden  Credit: Yuri Smityuk\\TASS via Getty Images Fireworks in Vladivostok, Russia Credit: Yuri Smityuk\\TASS via Getty Images Ramming attack mars Tokyo celebrations Japan celebrated the New Year in style on Monday night. People hold balloons during the count down event at the Prince Park Tower Tokyo hotel Credit: Getty However, nine people were hurt, one seriously, when a man deliberately ploughed his car into crowds celebrating New Year's Eve along a famous Tokyo street. With an "intent to murder", 21-year-old Kazuhiro Kusakabe drove a small vehicle into Takeshita Street in Tokyo's fashion district of Harajuku at 10 minutes past midnight, a police spokesman told AFP. According to national broadcaster NHK, Kusakabe told police he was acting in "retribution for the death penalty" without giving more precise details. Policemen stand next to a car which plowed into pedestrians on New Year day in Tokyo Credit: Reuters One college student suffered serious injuries during the attack and was undergoing surgery, the police spokesman told AFP. Kusakabe was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, police said. Fireworks glitter over Sydney Harbour Parts of Australia including Sydney are celebrating the New Year, with the city putting on a spectacular fireworks display over the harbour. The Opera House was thrown into sharp relief by the fireworks, which were watched on television by people all over the world. The celebrations in Sydney were slightly dampened by inclement weather, with thousands of people waiting to watch the fireworks battered with torrential rain and a thunderstorm. New Zealand celebrates 2019 It is officially 2019 in New Zealand, as cities including Auckland set off fireworks and spectators danced and cheered.  The annual Wondergarden festival is also taking place, with revelers flooding to Auckland to enjoy the music and ring in the New Year. Partygoers were allowed to make as much noise as they liked between 6pm and 2am, after the council in Auckland promised not to attend any noise complaints during those hours. "New Year's Eve is always a great time for celebration in Auckland and from a noise control perspective we don't tend to see significant increases in complaints over the course of the night generally because there seems to be higher levels of tolerance to noise as many people choose to stay up later to enjoy the midnight entertainment. Because of this, we do relax our policy slightly on New Year's Eve and only attend complaints after 2am which is often the time when most festivities have come to an end," Max Wilde, the council's team manager for Licencing Response told the New Zealand Herald.   Samoa is the first country to ring in 2019 Samoa was the first country to celebrate the New Year with an inevitable fireworks display. Samoa welcomes the New Year in style. This government initiative is a special commemoration marking Samoa as the first country to welcome the New Year. The fireworks display will be an ongoing annual celebration... https://t.co/6gqwrEd0Oa— Government of Samoa (@samoagovt) December 31, 2018 Interestingly, just an hour's flight away is American Samoa, which has to wait 24  hours to ring in 2019 because of the time difference.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines https://yhoo.it/2EZk1mq
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weopenviews · 5 years
London has welcomed 2019 with a dazzling firework display and the chimes of Big Ben. Some 100,000 ticket-holders lined the banks of the Thames to watch 70,000 projectiles made up of eight tonnes of fireworks fire into the sky from three barges and the London Eye. Edinburgh also put on a spectacular display, with around 75,000 party-goers gathering in the centre of the city to see in 2019.  Below are pictures and details from all the big displays in the major cities around the world. Happy New Year! London celebrates as Big Ben awakes The words "London is open" rang in the new year as the capital welcomed 2019 with a dazzling riverside fireworks display. The phrase was spoken in seven languages around two minutes past midnight as the city skyline filled with lights in the largest annual display in Europe. New Year's Eve celebrations: world welcomes 2019, in pictures A soundtrack featuring Europe's finest musical artists celebrated the diversity of the capital, after Big Ben, silent for much of 2018 due to renovations, chimed once more. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said the sold-out display would show Europe that the capital will remain "open-minded" and "outward looking" post-Brexit. He said Westminster politicians had given the world the impression that Britain is "insular, inward looking", as Britain begins the new year countdown to Brexit. Fireworks light up the sky over the London Eye in central London during the New Year celebrations Credit: PA Mr Khan said he hoped this year's event would "send a message of support" to the more than one million European citizens for whom London is home. He has previously expressed his backing for a People's Vote and has voiced his concerns over the effects of a no-deal Brexit on the capital. He vowed that London would remain the same after March 29 2019, and said the fireworks display was about "showing the world, while they're watching us, that we're going to carry on being open-minded, outward looking, pluralistic". Fireworks light up the sky over the London Eye in central London during the New Year celebrations Credit: PA Some 100,000 ticket-holders lined the banks of the Thames to watch 70,000 projectiles made up of eight tonnes of fireworks fire into the sky from three barges and the London Eye. Mr Khan continued: "We, in my opinion, are one of the greatest cities in the world, one of the reason we are one of the greatest cities in the world is because of the contribution made by Europeans." "I think diversity is a strength and I think what tonight is about is celebrating that diversity. "I hope that members of Parliament, members of the Government will see the fireworks tonight, will listen to the soundtrack and will reflect on what sort of country they want to live in post-March. Edinburgh's huge street party People from around the world have welcomed in the new year at a colourful street party - in the shadow of Edinburgh castle - in the "home of Hogmanay". The jubilant crowd counted down the 10 seconds to midnight before a fireworks display lit up the sky above the famous landmark, with the soundtrack provided by German band Meute. Fireworks light up the sky in Edinburgh during the Hogmanay New Year celebrations Credit: PA A mass rendition of Auld Lang Syne then rang out around the city when the fireworks fell silent. The events were the main focus of the street party which ran for several hours over December 31 and January 1. Organisers of Edinburgh's Hogmanay planned this year's events to celebrate the ties between Scotland and Europe as the UK prepares to leave the EU in 2019. Soggy start for New York A drenching rain couldn't keep crowds from packing Times Square for the traditional crystal ball drop and a string of star performances. Christina Aguilera pumped up the crowd, performing in a snow-white dress and coat while partygoers danced in their rain ponchos. Bebe Rexha sang John Lennon's "Imagine" just before the midnight ball drop. Confetti drops over the crowd as the clock strikes midnight during the New Year's celebration in Times Square  Credit: AP The celebration took place under tight security. Partygoers were checked for weapons and then herded into pens, ringed by metal barricades, where they waited for the stroke of midnight. But the weather forced police to scrap plans to fly a drone to help keep watch over the crowd. Revellers were paying up to $10 for plastic ponchos trying to stay dry. Umbrellas were banned for security reasons. Paris sees in 2019 Parisians and tourists gathered on the Champs-Elysees to celebrate New Year's Eve under heavy security. Anti-government protesters from the yellow vest movement have issued calls on social media for "festive" demonstrations on the famous avenue. Fireworks illuminate the sky over the Arc de Triomphe during the New Year's Day celebrations on the Champs Elysees, in Paris Credit: AP Paris police set up a security perimeter in the area, with bag searches, a ban on alcohol and traffic restrictions. The Interior Ministry said Sunday that the heavy security measures are needed because of a "high terrorist threat" and concerns about "non-declared protests." President Emmanuel Macron gave his traditional New Year address to briefly lay out his priorities for 2019, as some protesters angry over high taxes and his pro-business policies plan to continue their demonstrations in coming weeks. A protester wearing a "Yellow vest" (gilet jaune) demonstrates in front of a row of French police on the Champs-Elysees in Paris  Credit: AFP Ahead of midnight, a light show illustrating the theme of brotherhood took place on the Arc de Triomphe monument at the top of the Champs-Elysees. Fireworks time in Athens Happy New Year ΕΛΛΑΔΑ! Anyone in Greece right now? Send us back a shout and where you are celebrating right now! #happynewyearpic.twitter.com/zNJIxdAu0H— The Pappas Post (@PappasPost) December 31, 2018 New Year in Nairobi Fireworks explode over the UAP Old Mutual Tower during New Year celebrations in Nairobi Credit: Reuters An impressive display at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai Fireworks crackled at Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, as hundreds of thousands of spectators gathered downtown to watch the spectacular display. The fireworks replace last year's somewhat anticlimactic LED lightshow that ran down the facade of the 828-meter-tall (2,716-foot) tower. Dubai New Year's Eve 2018 LIVE: Watch Burj Khalifa fireworks stream https://t.co/XnBC8eS4wfpic.twitter.com/Kug053x0jA— Time Out Dubai (@TimeOutDubai) December 31, 2018 Cafes and restaurants with a view of the Burj Khalifa charge a premium for their locale on New Year's Eve. Casual sandwich chain Pret a Manger, for example, charges $817 for a table of four. That price gets you hot and cold drinks and some canapes. For burgers near the action, fast food chain Five Guys charged $408 per person for unlimited burgers, hotdogs, fries, milkshakes and soda. That magnificent show and this magnificent shot from @tgfromdubai is ������! Happy New Year everyone!#burjkhalifa#dubaipic.twitter.com/F2ylFZWvEB— Movenpick Hotel Apartments Downtown Dubai (@movenpickDDubai) December 31, 2018 Dozens injured in the Philippines Dozens of people were injured in New Year celebrations in the Philippines. It came as powerful firecrackers were set off in one of Asia's most violent celebrations, despite a government scare campaign and threats of arrests. The Department of Health said it has recorded more than 50 firecracker injuries in the past 10 days. Officials had urged centralised fireworks displays to discourage wild and sometimes fatal merrymaking. The notorious tradition, worsened by celebratory gunfire, stems from a Chinese-influenced belief that noise drives away evil and misfortune. A New Year's Eve reveler in Manila Credit: Reuters Pope sends his blessings Pope Francis has rounded out the most problematic year of his papacy by presiding over a vespers service and praying before the Vatican's giant sand sculpture Nativity scene. During his homily on Monday, Francis lamented how many people spent 2018 living on the edge of dignity, homeless or forced into modern forms of slavery. Francis noted that Rome alone counts some 10,000 homeless and said: "During the winter their situation is particularly hard." Pope Francis greets faithful in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican Accompanied by his chief alms-giver, Francis then walked out into St. Peter's Square, where he greeted pilgrims and prayed before the Nativity scene, carved out of 720 tons of packed sand. On Tuesday, Francis will celebrate Mass to mark the start of a new year and officially leave behind 2018, which saw a new eruption of the clergy sex abuse scandal. Russia raises a glass As Russians raised toasts to celebrate across the country's 11 time zones, President Vladimir Putin stressed the need to rely on internal resources to improve living standards. In a televised address just before midnight, Putin said that "we can achieve positive results only through our own efforts and well-coordinated teamwork." Fireworks over the Kremlin Credit: AFP Raising life quality remains the top priority, he said, adding that it's necessary to tap domestic resources to achieve the goal as "there wasn't and there won't be anyone to help." The statement sounded like an oblique reference to continuing Russia-West tensions and Western sanctions. The nation's festive mood was marred by the collapse of an apartment building Monday in Magnitogorsk that killed at least four. Putin visited the city to oversee rescue efforts. Chilly start in China New Year's Eve isn't celebrated widely in mainland China, where the lunar New Year in February is a more important holiday. But countdown events were held in major cities, and some of the faithful headed to Buddhist temples for bell-ringing and prayers. Outdoor revellers in Beijing had to brave temperatures well below freezing. Additional police were deployed in parts of Shanghai, where a New Year's Eve stampede in 2014 killed 36 people. Fireworks explode over Victoria Harbour during New Year celebrations in Hong Kong Credit: AFP In Hong Kong, festive lights on skyscrapers provided the backdrop for a fireworks, music and light show over Victoria Harbor on a chilly evening. North Korea welcomes 2019 with fireworks and musical performances After an eventful year that saw three inter-Korean summits and the easing of tensions over North Korea's nuclear program, Korean - North and South of the border - entered 2019 with hopes that the hard-won detente will expand into a stable peace. Thousands of South Koreans filled the streets of the capital, Seoul, for a traditional bell-tolling ceremony near City Hall. Dignitaries picked to ring the old Bosingak bell at midnight included famous surgeon Lee Guk-jong, who successfully operated on a North Korean soldier who escaped to South Korea in 2017 in a hail of bullets fired by his comrades. A "peace bell" was tolled at Imjingak, a pavilion near the border with North Korea. Japan, South Korea and small parts of Russia and Indonesia ring in the New Year Russians got to enjoy performances from actors and dancers dressed up as characters including Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, as small parts of the country took part in a count down to midnight. Father Frost and Snow Maiden  Credit: Yuri Smityuk\\TASS via Getty Images Fireworks in Vladivostok, Russia Credit: Yuri Smityuk\\TASS via Getty Images Ramming attack mars Tokyo celebrations Japan celebrated the New Year in style on Monday night. People hold balloons during the count down event at the Prince Park Tower Tokyo hotel Credit: Getty However, nine people were hurt, one seriously, when a man deliberately ploughed his car into crowds celebrating New Year's Eve along a famous Tokyo street. With an "intent to murder", 21-year-old Kazuhiro Kusakabe drove a small vehicle into Takeshita Street in Tokyo's fashion district of Harajuku at 10 minutes past midnight, a police spokesman told AFP. According to national broadcaster NHK, Kusakabe told police he was acting in "retribution for the death penalty" without giving more precise details. Policemen stand next to a car which plowed into pedestrians on New Year day in Tokyo Credit: Reuters One college student suffered serious injuries during the attack and was undergoing surgery, the police spokesman told AFP. Kusakabe was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, police said. Fireworks glitter over Sydney Harbour Parts of Australia including Sydney are celebrating the New Year, with the city putting on a spectacular fireworks display over the harbour. The Opera House was thrown into sharp relief by the fireworks, which were watched on television by people all over the world. The celebrations in Sydney were slightly dampened by inclement weather, with thousands of people waiting to watch the fireworks battered with torrential rain and a thunderstorm. New Zealand celebrates 2019 It is officially 2019 in New Zealand, as cities including Auckland set off fireworks and spectators danced and cheered.  The annual Wondergarden festival is also taking place, with revelers flooding to Auckland to enjoy the music and ring in the New Year. Partygoers were allowed to make as much noise as they liked between 6pm and 2am, after the council in Auckland promised not to attend any noise complaints during those hours. "New Year's Eve is always a great time for celebration in Auckland and from a noise control perspective we don't tend to see significant increases in complaints over the course of the night generally because there seems to be higher levels of tolerance to noise as many people choose to stay up later to enjoy the midnight entertainment. Because of this, we do relax our policy slightly on New Year's Eve and only attend complaints after 2am which is often the time when most festivities have come to an end," Max Wilde, the council's team manager for Licencing Response told the New Zealand Herald.   Samoa is the first country to ring in 2019 Samoa was the first country to celebrate the New Year with an inevitable fireworks display. Samoa welcomes the New Year in style. This government initiative is a special commemoration marking Samoa as the first country to welcome the New Year. The fireworks display will be an ongoing annual celebration... https://t.co/6gqwrEd0Oa— Government of Samoa (@samoagovt) December 31, 2018 Interestingly, just an hour's flight away is American Samoa, which has to wait 24  hours to ring in 2019 because of the time difference.
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