#secret muse list
fledermoved-too · 10 months
Anyway... I'm adding Copper and Stellaluna (yes, THAT Stellaluna) to a "secret muse list" just because I don't want to waste time adding more formatting after I JUST made the muse list 😅
Basically, if you know I have them, you can ask for them. If not... Well ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
If you're interested in interacting with puppy!Copper, reply to this post with 🐶.
If you're interested in interacting with adult!Copper, reply 🐕.
If you're interested in interacting with Stellaluna, reply 🦇.
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envyclearlace · 2 years
Liminal Spaces
hospital waiting rooms
laundromats at midnight
empty parking lots
playgrounds at night
school when you're too early
sleepovers when everyone else has fallen asleep
empty classrooms
bathrooms at parties
hotel pools at night
everywhere, the day after your birthday
neighbourhoods at 4am
on a bus with just a few people
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walkingstackofbooks · 16 days
Today had been sponsored by Maths™️
And DS9, but that's just every day...
I sorted every episode in DS9 into whether it was:
"Julian-heavy" (main ensemble or more; approx. 40-170 lines),
"moderately-Julian" (ensemble; approx. 17-45 lines), or
"Julian-light" (barely there; usually <25 lines)
And also by how much I liked it:
Green band: 1st ("FAV FAV FAV") and 2nd ("SO GOOOOOOD")
Yellow band: 3rd ("real strong, I like it a lot") and 4th ("solid. possibly a bit weird. but good.")
Orange/red band: 5th ("a bit eh") and 6th ("Nah.")
And then stats happened on the interesections of such things! I haven't done all the maths I want to, but today I've learnt:
> My statistically favourite season is S3, with 85% of episodes in the green band (35% of them 1sts), followed by S7 with 80% of its episodes there (40% of them 1sts!). > Season 1 had the highest proportion of Julian-heavy episodes (37%), despite having 0 Julian-as-sole-protaganist eps. Season 3 was next with 31% of Julian-heavy eps. > 61% of my very favouritest episodes are Julian-heavy. If an episode is Julian-heavy, then it also got itself a 1st or 2nd rating. 110 episodes -- 64% of the series -- got a 1st or 2nd. In contrast, only 4 episodes got a 5th or 6th rating! Turns out I really fricking like DS9! 🤣
> In most seasons, 90-100% of episodes that were moderately Julian or more were rated 1st or 2nd. (S5 and S6 are the exceptions). > Season 6's "Change of Heart" is the only moderately Julian episode to be given a 4th -- every other moderately Julian or more episode got at least a 3rd. > Green-band Julian-light episodes tended to be Kira or Sisko episodes, or whole-ensemble, ends-of-season/two-parter type dealios. > Season 5 has the lowest percentage of green-band episodes (42%). It is also the series in which Julian speaks the least, at an average of 22 lines per episode. Seasons 3 and 7 by contrast have averages of 34 and 36 lines per episode!
... So I do have to conclude that, while I don't *need* Julian to be in an episode for me to love it (45% of my green-band episodes are Julian-light, after all), if an episode or season wants to be well-loved by me, it definitely helps to have a Julian around!
And, um, maybe I didn't need to spend a good 8 hours of my day doing maths to work that out? But hey, I had fun crunching numbers!
(Take a look at my fun spreadsheets!)
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eternaldark · 25 days
also, i've been left alone with my own brain for too long & my blogs have started to feel wonky & that i'm just a number so i'm probably gonna move to a much smaller multi with a condensed muse list for the sake of my sanity & desire to want to write again. lemme know if you want the link.
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ladylynse · 6 months
So, I just had this idea for a Secret Quartet fic:
After Hawkmoth/Monarch’s defeat, Adrien talks to Jake/Danny about how Ladybug still isn’t willing to do an identiy reveal. They end up bringing up the possiblity of Alternate Timelines (which are supported for his end by the event where Sass used his powers without a wielder). One thing leads to another and Adrien & Danny visit Clockwork, who shows Adrien What Ladybug Knows (without sound, of course, to avoid Spoilers)
Ooh, that would be fun! Adrien might very well suspect she's not being wholly honest with him in this. He knows her well, after all. But he also knows she clearly doesn't want to talk overly much about it, so getting answers a different way makes sense.
He expects he'll find out what he missed in her last battle.
He doesn't expect to find out how badly things could have gone wrong.
While Adrien's trying to digest the whole Chat Blanc future (even if he doesn't know what spurs that future beyond getting akumatized; Clockwork might well edit what he shows), Danny--assuming he's still present--could be mentally comparing it to his averted future and trying to figure out how to comfort Adrien when he's still not exactly comfortable with the whole nearly-could-have-been future himself.
It's all a distraction, of course, because Clockwork is not going to play things straight and simple. Show them bits here and there, give them enough of an answer to be satisfied without revealing anything that's not quite ready to be revealed. Cards played right aren't questioned.
Really, it might have worked wonderfully if Bunnyx hadn't chosen that moment to drop by--but she'd have known that, of course. She'd have chosen that moment specifically because of that. She's good at picking out the proper threads of the timeline for someone so young, and she's aware of the consequences of what she does, but that doesn't mean she's not above bending the rules when she finds some flexibility within them, ready to be exploited, where she can nudge things one way or another without nudging everything onto the wrong course.
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knghtlock · 7 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
my beloved blorbo, hotaru ( multiverse oc primarily set in des/tiny )
that's it
genshi.n ocs ( mochizuki haruka my beloved defense attorney and percival engarde my beloved asshole prosecutor, yes they are a.ce att.orney references yes mochi has cross examined a parrot )
wrioth.esley ( genshin impa.ct )
dnd / tri.gun oc ( ariz.ona re.dd with a big iron on their hip )
dest.iny hunter oc ( two of them! nyx and hesti.a ! )
arthur, the excali.bur warf.rame from warfra.me 1999 except i'm the warfr.ame player that doesnt know every scrap of lore so i'm making my own.
mer.yl stryfe ( trigu.n ) ( loml )
spider-p.unk / ho.bie brown ( comics / ats.v influence bc he's my favorite spider-m.an and his universe is SO COOL okay-- )
a few others i can't immediately think of
tsukino usag.i / sai.lor moon
chiba mamor.u / tu.xedo ka.men
l.ink ( twilight p.rincess / mixed canon and botw )
peter par.ker / spi.der-man ( tas.m and comic influences, we love the amazing garfman here )
the dooms.layer ( flynn d. gardener ) ( get it . his last two initials are dg for doomgu.y FDHLKGJ )
billy from the mmp.r 2017 movie!
j.efferson from ou.at ( for like a week )
ten'oh haruka / sailor u.ranus ( also for like a week )
a la.vellan i.nquisitor oc and a half-elf grey warden oc from dragon ag.e
peter pa.rker
doomsl.ayer / flynn d. gardener
tagged by: @gunnvash, thanks billie! tagging: @afraidofchange , @arcanumsolitude , @foolshoujo, @iobartach , @mindhallow , @glorykill , @exiler , @iconaclysm , @gunbash, @vh1ral , @starlyht , and YOU !
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devourerofdoves · 30 days
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A brief and accurate summary on my feelings toward each of my primary F/Os
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guttersniper · 23 days
trying to explain mutt and his respect for others because like. he does have a very genuine down-to-earth compassionate largehearted respect for people. yes, he's mean and he's tetchy and sometimes outright rude, but he's also incredibly empathetic, will do all sorts of tasks and chores and errands with and/or for you, big acts of service type, and can and does make friends with all kinds of people, regardless of any number of attributes that might set you apart. (he's got a lot of love, but he's not kind or soft in the traditional sense. you could call it tough love-ish and you wouldn't be incorrect.)
but he's not going to call you sir or ma'am, especially if you insist on it. he respects a well-grilled hot dog more than he does you. he don't know you like that! sometimes he'll even balk at being told to call someone "mr [name]." now sometimes he'll do these things and be playing with you like a cat does a dead mouse. sometimes he'll do these things to stay alive one more day. he isn't stupid. he knows when to hold his tongue. he knows when to hedge his bets and consider the consequences, but he's not one to hide that he hates you.
even if you're one of his most cherished loved ones, you will run headfirst into that stubborn attitude that deliberately disobeys whatever Big Thing you might order him to do because he felt like he wasn't being heard, felt like you were in danger, felt like he could be of assistance, just didn't give a fuck, etc. he depises feeling controlled, even if well-intentioned. he doesn't like feeling that his agency is being taken from him. if he listens to you, and i mean really listens to you, he respects you immensely.
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decidentia · 1 year
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Sorry for not being around the past few days!  It’s been a busy week, and my social and creative batteries have been pretty flat.  I’m hoping to pick things up over the weekend. ♡
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kurthorton · 1 month
workin on the multi revamp perhaps
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hellvalley · 2 months
one of max's top artists on spotify is idkhow. he listens to "clusterhug" and every time, he tries really really hard to not think about grace. it never works.
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anemcia · 3 months
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//Gettin the tiniest urge to have Magenta as more of a guest muse on the blog. Would be kinda fun, considering I can have Flint fight with em' and generally just to have should anything come up where Magenta might be needed.
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outofthiisworld · 11 months
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A nasty, nasty man now added to the ATLAS info sheet! YIPPEE! The new information is also below the cut as well:
[☣️] FATHER NECROSIS An Upper Echelon whose studies revolve around genetic engineering & splicing— he is obsessed with evolving, curing the incurable, and of course: becoming a god. (<- a more…discreet goal)
He is the leading scientist behind the Ectoplasm Project and Experiment 713.
A seemingly polite and proper gentleman— Necrosis is rather respectable and civil for a mad scientist. That is, until he isn’t. A man built on contradictions, he’s domineering yet patient. Underneath the niceties, Necrosis is a cruel, calculating and cunning man who will stop at nothing to reach his goals.
Covered head to toe in garb that resembles a plague doctor, a metallic mask whose filters reverberate a heavy voice. Suit is connected with mechanical pauldrons and various wires, tubes, and phials bolted in. 5’6 manlet. Necrosis’ very own face remained one of ATLAS’ greatest mysteries. For the best (NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE)
STASIS / NULL A unique, self-inflicted enhancement he had carefully spliced on himself to give him a proper upper edge against the experiments of ATLAS— Necrosis has a natural, nauseating miasmic aura around him. The debilitating effects range from a general unease, to nauseating vertigo to life draining. His stasis is also capable of general power nullification via the life-force absorption. More spliced secrets and genetic mutation lay underneath, all kept confidential to appear as human as possible.
THE ROT: Has an incurable disease caught long ago in space. Something akin to an infectious cancer— Necrosis is covered head to toe to keep the infection from spreading. Whatever remains of his human flesh is rotting, and everything both hooked up and spliced into his genetics is the desperate acts of a genius to cure himself. 
Necrosis has spliced his own DNA with countless other lifeforms and had self-experimented his own genetics in a vain attempt to cure the rot, or at the very least, halt its spread. The results are varying, but no cure.
His work is just as contradictory as himself. He has developed incredible advancements and remedies for humankind through his dastardly research, however in the same vein, he has also assisted in the creation of some of ATLAS’ more terrifying bio-weapons.
Survival after the containment breach is currently unknown (he did, the guy is a roach)
GHOST-713 (Ophelia)
Necrosis is the primary scientist that leads the research team for the projects consisting of Ectoplasm and GHOST-713. He is deeply engrossed, if not borderline obsessed, with GHOST-713; the obsession beginning due to the unforeseen (and unknown) compatibility between her and the ectoplasmic core. Necrosis believes that the missing key to formulating a cure for the rot is through her symbiotic relationship with the ectoplasm. Over time, the mystery behind her ectoplasmic core drives him further into madness. The one thing he cannot figure out: it haunts him, it intrigues him— he wants it for himself. It’s a deep, sickly twisted yearning that lures out his megalomaniac power trips.  With his ability of stasis, he is the primary reason why GHOST-713 is kept under control despite her incredibly volatile moveset at her disposal. GHOST-713 is terrified of him.
A one sided relationship— Necrosis has a deep respect for Joseph’s own work, both in his medical field as well as his uncannily sharp wit (and he rather enjoys the doctor’s…occasional personality quirks. Deems it a breath of fresh air).  Joseph would like absolutely nothing to do with this man, but it’s hard being a boss’ favorite— so at the very least, he’ll strive in the slight leeway and wiggle room he can get while in good favor with Necrosis. Despite Necrosis’ fondness for the doctor, a twisted envy bubbles below the surface, especially when Joseph gets closer to GHOST-713.
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realmythsmoved · 1 month
Cressida is petty, yes. She's not always kind. She's often not, to be honest. Her initial crush/admiration for Daphne faded once she saw her as a rival on the marriage mart. Daphne being named the Diamond really messed with Cressida, and she hadn't wanted it to but it did.
Then her admiration/crush moved to Eloise. That, despite her best efforts, hasn't faded. Despite knowing she might never see her again. Despite Eloise's (second) rejection. Cressida is unsure of what to do exactly. All she knows is that she misses Eloise and wants to get her back as a friend.
Cressida is well aware of the constraints of her society, and how her parents would react if they knew her, truly knew her. So she doesn't tell them everything. She thinks her mother suspects, but her father does not, and for that she is grateful. She can only imagine what he'd do if he knew.
As for Penelope, besides her friendship with Eloise, Cressida envies Penelope's closeness with all of the Bridgertons (by birth). Cressida wishes that could be her life. Yet she fears it never will be. Especially with what she's done to Daphne and Penelope.
Cressida does feel that she needs to be ruthless to get ahead. But so far it hasn't worked out for her. Though it is hard, near impossible, to undo her parents' (particularly her father's) conditioning that she needs to make a good match or else, so she doesn't feel she can afford kindness. That said, she wishes that she knew how to be kinder.
There are glimpses of a softer, kinder side to Cressida through her friendship with Eloise. And I truly believe that that side of her does exist. It's just been beaten down far too many times for it to have any true sway over her personality. Cressida will always have a soft spot for Eloise, she feels unable to get over her. And she doesn't know why, as she moved on from Daphne quickly enough.
The issue is, Cressida never really /knew/ Daphne. Sure, they were in the same circles but were hardly close friends. Cressida /knows/ Eloise. She knows what makes her happy. What makes her sad. What makes her angry. She doesn't claim to understand Eloise's mind, but she admires it. And so she's truly grieving the loss of Eloise, in a way she didn't with Daphne because it's actually based on something.
Cressida and Eloise had a true connection, at least from Cressida's POV. Of course, no Eloise RPer has to go along with it. But if any would, I would definitely appreciate it. <3
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gnzma · 1 year
[ gio fail muses list that will never see the light of day again, at least in public? Sure ]
LEON POKEMON ;; I tried, i swear I tried, but after the 4th time I was ghosted bc I dont ship smth i lost energy
NESSA, CYLLENE and soon MELA POKEMON ;; i tried and failed. Sighs.
PAPYRUS AND FRISK UNDERTALE & QUEEN AND SPAMTON DELTARUNE ;; always feel them, but I trust, like. Five people when it comes to rp undertale and deltarune
same goes w MUGMAN CUPHEAD i dont trust the fandom
FRAN & CID FINALFANTASY XII ;; babygirl and failhusband i love you but also. Yeah no :(
countless Touhous but ALICE MARGATROID in particular hurts because if I see someone expect the fanon version again im going to start biting people
MONIKA DDLC, nobody but my love could handle the meta girl
many attempts were made w soulsborne but BRADOR BLOODBORNE and SULYVHAN DARKSOULS wont do besties
Im sure theres more but shhh ]
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rotturn · 2 years
surprised u haven’t been called out for writing a character from 13 reasons why. imagine dismissing suicide and rape to write your white boy of the month
imagine thinking liking a tv show means dismissing that stuff. imagine thinking that someone who's experienced that stuff couldn't find some level of comfort in media that addresses it
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