#see i just think it makes sense to have some teams on the dark island. the flights would be so long tho
idk-my-aesthetic · 9 months
TBT deleted scenes
you can find all the deleted scenes and a bunch of early story boards on youtube, but heres some highlights
branch and poppy have a "couples scrapbooking montage" to make the conspiracy board
JD has a massive amount of wallet pictures of his brothers
it looks like at some point velvet and veneer were supposed to be bergins, which makes sense, but was later changed to what we have now
branch being one of gristle's groomsmen and supporting gristle when he gets nervous, also smidge being part of the team getting gristle together and cooper being part of bridgets wake up team was a cute little moment of like gender non conformity that i guess got cut
floyd had dark hair with blue tips and was somehow more emo
we got to see baby branch's perm
velvet had space buns
velvet keeps floyd locked in a chest and he visibly squints against the light which is so much more angsty omg
ronda went through a bunch of intresting design changes, my favorites so far were a second pair of eyes and a design that was very hippo like
jd mentioning smthn about a net and a grapple gun i think my man was going to straight up kidnap bruce and clay
poppy made them go through a training montage
viva just watching poppy ramble and smile as she does oh my heartttttt
velvet and vaneer covering the obvious trolls in their chests with very obvious scarves is hilarious
cute little sequence of bridget and gristle gearing up for their honey moon
they originally had the climb to vaycay island be much more difficult, branch falls and in the first version is saved by poppy, in the second he is arguing with JD and is then saved by him
thats all ive seen so far! go check em out if you feel like it
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loregoddess · 3 months
some general observations as I put together notes for analyzing the Octo1 characters weaknesses from the extra battle update to Octo2. Some minor spoilers for late-game stuff.
weaknesses are definitely mechanics-driven, every character has 3 weaknesses, except Primrose and Ophilia, who each only have 2 weaknesses, which is interesting since they're each the main "support" character for their respective teams, so it's apparently harder to hit and take out the support (and from what I've heard so far about Ophilia's battle kit, she is the one you wanna take out first which is SO funny considering that like, story-wise Ophilia is just the sweetest, even if she doesn't take shit from anyone)
the rest of the travelers being balanced at 3 weaknesses each (and having access to the secret jobs), makes me think the extra battle takes place in Octo1's post-game as well, as they'd be more experienced (less weaknesses) and also work together more cohesively as a team (hence why this extra battle is so hard, ignoring the fact that it's a special post-game bonus superboss-esque fight)
like what we see with the Octo2 characters' weaknesses, every character who uses long-ranged weapons has a weakness to a short-ranged weapon and vice versa. Daggers seem to be treated exclusively as long-ranged weapons, which makes for an even balance of 3 long- (polearms, bows, daggers) and 3 short-ranged (staffs, axes, swords) weapons. The fire-ice, lightning-wind, and light-dark weakness patterns are also consistent.
there's some fancy balancing with the weapon weaknesses again, every weapon is strong against at least 2 characters, with the exception of polearms which are only strong against 1 character (Therion), and daggers which are strong against 3 characters (Ophilia, Cyrus, and Alfyn)
likewise we have some interesting numbers for elemental weaknesses, as each element is strong against at least two characters except lightning and light, which are only strong against one character each
I'm assuming the balance of weaknesses is for battle mechanics balancing purposes, since it fairly equally spreads out the potential weaknesses (and the player is expected to be using secondary jobs and secret jobs at this point, and should theoretically be able to hit any weakness), but it is interesting that polearms, lightning, and light are unpopular choices for weaknesses
for character specific observations:
Ophilia is weak to daggers (ranged counter against her melee staff), and dark (counter to her light), which makes sense overall (her main antagonist was working in the shadows along assassins, so the dagger specifically makes sense as a weakness). Nothing too surprising about her except her lack of weaknesses (despite her kindness, she is incredibly capable and aware).
Cyrus has no elemental weaknesses (makes sense given his general mastery of elements, even if he's not a magic scholar specifically), and instead is weak to swords, daggers, and axes. The daggers make sense as the ranged counter to his melee staff, but swords and axes fill out the rest of the melee-ranged weapons for his weaknesses which is very interesting (and entirely opposite from Osvald's "ranged-weapons only" weakness set). But if we consider the fact that all of Cyrus's story's major beats occur with people close to him betraying him in some way (Therese telling a lie about him, Yvon kidnapping him, etc.), it does make sense that he would have a weakness to weapons a person would need to get close to him to use.
Tressa is weak to staffs to counter her ranged polearm and bow, as well as fire and lightning. The lightning makes sense, given that Tressa's main element is wind, but the fire is interesting. Tressa does live in a coastal village, so this could be the idea of fire being the natural opposite to water, the same way we see how Ochette (who lives on an island) is weak to fire.
Olberic's a fun enigma, because he's weak to axes, ice, and wind. As a warrior (master of arms), I'd expect him to have nothing but elemental weaknesses, similar to Hikari, but we don't see that here. Axes counter Olberic's ranged polearm, and wind is Erhardt's main element in CotC (Olberc also notably has access to lightning skills in CotC to allow the player a way to break an elemental weakness w/ Olberic, and as a tie-in to the fact that Olberic is Brand god of battle thunder's chosen traveler), so the wind weakness makes sense, albeit in a somewhat tragic way. The ice weakness is surprising though, especially given that both the Highlands and Hornburg are mountainous regions (high elevations tend to be chillier), but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say it has something to do with Olberic's burning passion to protect others (ice being the counter to fire).
[It should be noted that, in-game Erhardt is weak to swords, axes, ice, and dark, so Olberic and Erhardt share the axe and ice weaknesses (Erhardt is the "Blazing Blade" so the ice weakness isn't as surprising); swords probably exist as a weakness for mechanical purposes to ensure the player can break him during the forced fight in Olberic's Ch3, although dark is surprising--perhaps it hints at Erhardt's eventual heel-face turn?]
Primrose is weak to swords (to counter her ranged dagger) and light (to counter her dark), which more or less checks out with her narratively as well. Her quest for revenge requires her to live and operate in the shadows, and shining light on it would only show the truth of the violence of her quest. I was under the impression that Simeon stabs Primrose with a dagger at the end of her Ch3, but for all I know it was a sword, and even if it wasn't, some daggers are long enough to be considered short swords.
Alfyn is weak to daggers and bows (ranged counters to his melee axe), and fire (counter to his ice). It was interesting that polearms weren't amongst his weaknesses, given the whole situation with Miguel, but if we assume the extra battles take place in a hypothetical "post-game", maybe Alfyn's lack of weaknesses to polearms is testament to his character growth over the course of his story.
Therion is weak to polearms and bows (ranged counters to his melee sword, although it is interesting to note that this may be the only case when dagger is treated as a potential close-ranged weapon). The fact that he has only weaknesses to ranged weapons is consistent with his characterization--Therion won't let anyone get close enough to hurt him (emotionally) again, so the only way to hurt him is from afar. He's also weak to ice as a counter to his fire affinity, although this makes the fact that his final chapter takes place in a cold and bitter place rather symbolic (he must go into his weakness--the cold, and also trusting Heathcote--to fulfill his quest).
H'aanit is weak to staffs (melee counter to her ranged bow), and more interestingly to wind and dark. Wind makes sense, given that H'aanit's main element is lightning, but the dark is surprising, since unlike Castti (who also had a weakness to dark because of story events), we don't see H'aanit struggle against anything "dark" except Redeye, who she's entirely triumphant against. However it's interesting to note that in CotC, Z'aanta has access to light attacks, and given that he raised H'aanit, it's possible she has an affinity to light despite not having access to it as an elemental attack. Additionally, H'aanit works alongside Eliza closely during the events of her story, and Eliza also has access to light as her main element in CotC, making most of the characters H'aanit works closely with light-aligned.
[In addition to Z'aanta and Eliza, Alaic has a weakness to dark as well, either in connection to his backstory and/or because he too has an affinity for light--potentially. I don't have a good guide to all NPC's weaknesses for either of the games, so I can't go and double-check all of H'aanit's NPC weaknesses, but it is interesting that at least 3 of the major NPCs in her story either share her weakness to dark or are definitely linked with light.]
Again, no specific direction or point I'm trying to make with these notes, just jotting them down for the sake of thinking about game mechanics and characterization ties.
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galactic-space · 6 months
Making a follow up post for my stupid ass MHA X Monster high x Ever after high x fucking Winx club??? Ehhh???
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Soooo answering this dude up here ^ @faemagic88 let’s just say I got a few ideas
So basically, for anyone who didn’t see my last post?
Quirk toddler uses quirk on Izuku, bakugo, and denki and sends them to monster high, ever after high, and Winx respectively
Lord explosion god dynamight and his fairy tale adventures
For ever after high I totally want bakugo to be apart of the school purely because he heard how the school has a lot of secrets and magical items that might help with his issue, so he decides to force his way in to get back to his universe ( somehow… he’s working out the kinks of his plan )
While there he’s definitely gonna throw a ton of kids for a loop. Not caring about royal or rebel because A. He’s from another universe and B. He just thinks it’s so dumb to follow the paths of your parents just because of something as silly as “destiny”
He’s the type of person who believes that you chose your life, and he’s not gonna be silent about it.
Is he gonna cause more drama in this school? Yes, but this school is already filled with it so whatever
I don’t know what fairy tail he would pretend to be. I think he might pretend to be the son of “Momotaro” from the story “Momotaro; the story of the son and the peach” where basically this boy is born from a peach, soon taken in by a couple. When the boy turns fifteen, he goes off on a journey with a dog, a monkey, and a pheasant to slay the demons on an island, before returning home to be with his family
It makes the most sense, as Momotaro is fairly popular in Japan- or so I’ve heard
But an alternate story I thought of was of him pretending to be the son of Kintarō, “the golden boy” who is a warrior who goes on many journeys throughout his life, slaying beast and saving towns n what not.
Neither story would explain his weird… “explosion magic” as people call it, but hell it’s the best thing that he gots so.
I was thinking of mimickings ever after highs small story structure and maybe have an “episode” where Apple white realizes that he doesn’t seem to care about her, her status, her story, or even her looks and how that kinda bothers her ( more like gets her all riled up. She’s not used to boys just… not even giving her a second look. )
And then another small “episode” of bakugo deciding to take part in a sport cuz… well… let’s just say daring and his group found out that if you tell Bakugo he can’t do something, he’s gonna do it just to show off
Thing is, cerise is in the sport as well in the opposing team, and maybe bakugos team is like “well most of them are girls maybe we should go easy”
Cue the “equal rights equal fights” from bakugo, and basically forces cerise to show off her wolf abilities if she even wants to try to actually win against him.
And… who knows maybe that’s when people realize she’s haft wolf or something lol
I was also maybe having him be apart of the Dragons games??? Like maybe he wasn’t gonna be apart of it, but when Apple white accidentally releases the evil queen and the evil queen he senses some shit is about to go down and thinks “ugh, god, not more bullshit”
Also maybe he gets his own dragon for the games by literally TACKLING AND SUBMITTING ONE OF THE EVIL QUEENS BAD DRAGONS so he could ride it and use it so he could be apart of it.
And yes, Goldielocks did record this for her mirror channel and a bunch of kids did just see one of their “new students” fucking wrestle a dark dragon just cuz he needed a dragon to be apart of the games
Also maybe bakugo finally talks about his… HIS… FEELINGS?1!1!2??2!2?2 GASP lol
But that’s enough for bakugo
Next up
Dekus freaky experiences
Ok so deku… doesn’t know what the FUCK anything is. He just appeared in like the monster high catacombs, got fucking lost in them til Operetta finds him in there.
She’d probably be like “woah hey aren’t you a normie” and dekus like “wh- huh???”
Course before the two can get more into it maybe the place starts crashing down. Cue deku quickly realizing what’s happening and using his quirk to save operetta, there for showing that he definitely is a lot more then JUST a normie
Operetta concludes that deku might be a hafta like Henry Jekyl, and takes him to monster high to help him
Cue deku realizing that he’s NOT where he’s suppose to be. Maybe he tries to explain it to operetta, but when she simply gives him a weird look and ask if he’s ok, he realizes that no one is gonna believe him. So with a deep breath and shaky smile, he simply goes “maybe I just hit my head to harshly…????”
Which- yes, that’s even weirder, but he isn’t about to explain how he’s a human with a quirk when it’s so obvious that everyone is weary of him because of his human look ( he can always tell when people look at him with pity or fear. Being quirkless for most of your life then suddenly having a terrifying, powerful quirk will teach ya that ) so he does his best to just seem normal
Maybe he’ll pretend he didn’t know how he got here, talks to headmistress blood good and asks if she could PLEASE let him stay cuz “he doesn’t remember anything”
And- she’s nice, so she’ll let him stay just as long as he promises to help around the school anyway he can ( she is letting him stay here for free, it’s the least he can do ) and deku agrees to it
Now deku is… SOMEHOW a student at monster high. Everything is weird, but… here comes Frankie, who totally gets his feeling. She helps him out, teaches him all he needs to know, and helps him out- cuz, she knows what it’s like to be the new ghoul in school, and she can tell he definitely needs the help.
Cue Izuku befriending her, and maybe some of her friends.
Of Course, he still wants a way back home, so he’s gonna do everything in his power to do research into this world and ( hopefully, maybe ) try to find something to help him back home.
He’s probably not gonna tell the ghouls what’s actually happening with him til he literally has no where else to go to.
Cue the ghouls helping him go back to his comic book like world ( and maybe finding a way to get there cuz… heroes???? Villains??? Sounds like a scare-tastic experience! )
And ysaaaa they find a lot of secrets in this school. Like a lot. Oh dear
Also I totally want a scene where toralei just drills it into izukus head that he definitely isn’t gonna be all accepted here just cuz he’s “1/3 of a monster” and that he’s definitely gonna have people having it out for him because he’s mostly Normie in nature.
Idk, maybe Izuku might have some dejavú about feeling excluded because of his apparent lack of something
But it’s ok cuz Frankie would definitely cheer him up by saying “haft normie or not, you’re a great person Izuku. Don’t let someone like Toralei get under your skin, she doesn’t know what she talks about. Me and the ghouls care about you, Freaky flaws n all. And nothings gonna change that.”
And have him feel so… happy, because let’s be honest he was only accepted back into society cuz of his quirk. It would probably heal the poor little quirkless kid within him because she basically just told him that he matters, not because of what he has but because of who he is as a person and UGHHHBBN
But that’s enough of deku. Let’s talk about… denki??? How did you get here-
Denki kamanari and his strange, magical journey
Admittedly, I don’t have a lot of ideas for this one. I seriously need to rewatch Winx club, it’s been ages for me lmao
But the basic idea is that he appears right near “Redfountain School for Specialists”
Naturally, he’s freaking out cuz WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS PLACE
After a while of freaking out, he looks up to see the WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??? THATS A GIANT ASS PLACE
But as he looks around, realizing that there’s only trees for miles on end, he decides to head into the school to try and find someone to help him. Because… where the fuck is he? He just wanna go back to Izuku and Bakugo :(
So he heads in. I was thinking that it’s probably assembly day, and the kids around him just assumes hes just some poor new kid who’s about to get in trouble cuz he’s not in uniform. It’s an important meeting for the school, so he just gets dragged in with a bunch of boys who are about to be late.
I imagine he’s just trying to ask questions, sees these boys running, and says “what’s going on??” And they turn to him and go “dude, important assembly today! We’re about to be fuckin late, come on”
And they just run off.
And welll- denkis confused and weirded out but… if it means finding someone who can find him, then he’ll just follow behind and play along for now
Long story short, he ends up accidentally becoming a part of the school cuz- just- no one is questioning this yellowed hair boy with a lighting streak on the side. He’s not the weirdest thing they’ve seen. Not to mention- school in the middle of the forest, not really seen by outsiders?
Most people probably wouldn’t think it’s an outsider. I mean… who the fuck would be out in this forest anyways?
And well- it’s probably only haft way though does denki actually tell them what happened to him. And maybe they don’t believe him at first, but once he shows off his “magic” they might start to believe him.
Thing is, the show never really went into this school a lot ( at least what I remember ) sooo I might just make up a bunch of shit for this
I mean the other plan is just to have him be in the fairies school, they quickly realize he’s not suppose to be here, and probably do everything in their power to bring him back to his old world so idk
BUUUTTR the idea of denki learning to fight with a sword is cool and funny at the same time SO-
Also also I’m definitely gonna take some shit from the scrapped monster high x ever after high movie that was suppose to be made but never was, so that’s actually a perfect way to get deku and bakugo back together
Not to mention I’m probably gonna have Cupid ( who actually appears in both shows as an important side character ) to be involved. I mean, dimensional traveling? That’s kinda her thing, I think she would catch wind very quickly that bakugo ISNT from a fairy tale story.
But uhhh yea that’s all of my ideas I guess. Do with them with what you want lmao
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doors-to-infinity · 2 months
Danny Phantom x One Piece crossover
Tucker and Technus have been working on teleportation technology. Technus gets to show off his skills; Tucker gets to show off his skills; they're making something for Team Phantom; make Technus happy; they can nerd out about technology.
In breaks, they talk about the book Tucker's mom has gifted him. About the intertwined history of weaving and coding, about the many black women who made the Moon Landing possible with their work and who Technus admires to this day, etc.
Skulker breaks their latest break because he wants to steal the device for his own ends. Become the best hunter there ever was in the Ghost Zone. He's been waiting until they've come far enough.
It's not finished. Technus, irritated when Skulker refuses to listen and wants to steal from them, gets into an argument and a physical fight. Tucker barely saves the device from being blown to smitherens, which would rip open random portals sucking in everybody.
Unfortunately, that still happens.
Thankfully, the suit he's wearing - Danny insisted on it for Tucker's protection; that it looks like a spacesuit is a bonus - protects him from most of the effects. Tucker barely hears Skulker's yelling cut off as the portal closes on him over the ringing in his ears. He's... somewhere.
At first he thinks it's Technus' lair and he's remodelled because of the various bits of technology surrounding him. But no. No, he knows how Technus works and this isn't what he does.
Before he can make sense of it, men in black suits spot and hunt him. In his panic, he doesn't realize that some of the humans hunting him are unusually tall or powerful. Tucker's on, "I need to flee and survive, NOW."
Just as he's about to activate the device again, which UH-OH is sparking already, something hits it. It stays in his hand, but there's a flash of light, and he's gone from the island that he'll later learn is called Egghead in this world. The World Government agents curse, wondering who the intruder was since their suit covered them up entirely. Or what kind of technology they used.
Somewhere in the East Blue, another flash of light deposits Tucker in a forest at the edge of the sea. He's unconscious and unhurt. The teleportation device's a broken mess now.
His PDA flashes in his bag, next to the gift book from his mom. Somebody with white hair and dark glasses appear on screen, trying to say something, before the screen goes dark again.
Back home, Team Phantom is futely looking for Tucker and Technus. They received a help signal but Technus' lair - damaged - is empty. Skulker runs away under Danny's fury who has guessed correctly that he's responsible for what happened.
Not even Clockwork knows where the two of them have gone. The world the unstable device teleported them through those portals is outside of the Infinite Realms. This is the last we see the Danny Phantom side for a while.
So, Tucker and Technus are stuck in the One Piece world for a while. They'll learn that their best bet to repair the teleporter is Egghead, but it will be a while before they discover that information. And they have to go the long way through the Grandline to get there.
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one-piece-aus · 2 years
Whumptober Day 12
Zoro x Reader
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"Let's go this way," Zoro suggested when your captain couldn't make up his mind which way he thought would be more fun.
"Yeah right, like we're going to let you lead the way Zoro," Sanji scoffed and rolled his eyes. He then gestured to another tunnel. "We should go this way."
"Hey, why don't we split into teams?" you said before the duo could start arguing over who should decide what. "That way we can find the treasure faster."
"Good idea, [Y/n]!" Nami agreed with your plan since it'd mean she could find her money sooner.
"Alright guys, we're splitting up," Luffy declared and dashed down the path in front of him.
"Luffy!" Nami snapped out of her money trance and ran after him. "Wait up!"
"Yo Robin, how 'bout we go down this way," Franky offered the ravenette as he shinned his nipple lights on the walls. "This one got some runes."
"I'd be happy to," Robin smiled as she followed the shipwright.
"Hey look, this one has skeletons like me," Brook chuckled as he lifted up the bone body to show the others, scaring Usopp and Chopper.
You laughed at the sight until you noticed the swordsman wandering back the way you guys just came. "Zoro, you're the wrong way."
"Huh?" He turned around with a puzzled expression.
You shook your head and took his hand, beginning to lead him. "This is the cave you wanted to explore."
"I knew that." If it weren't for the darkness surrounding you two, you would've noticed Zoro's cheeks turning into red roses.
Your footsteps echoed down the cave, the only thing keeping silence at bay. At times, Zoro's arm brushes against yours, you sense how he tenses each time. Unsure why he's uneasy, you decide to strike up some small talk.
"What are you hoping we'll find in the treasure chest?"
"Some booze would be nice," Zoro answered bluntly.
"I don't know if we'll find any," you deadpan thinking it might not have been the best question to ask. "I'm sure we could use some of the wealth to buy some though."
Silence squeezes between the two of you when the attempt at conversation fails. You sigh and begin to glance around the cave for something interesting. Briefly, you catch sight of pointy-shaped rocks up ahead and-
"Hey, I have a question, [Y/n]," Zoro abruptly pulled you out of your observation.
"Hm?" you hummed turning your head to him as you kept walking.
"How come you don't drink?" 
"Oh- uh- I guess I just got used to not being able to drink," you shrugged. "My island sorta outlawed alcohol."
"What? How did your people survive? That sounds like a nightmare," Zoro said dreading the idea of living in a place that didn't have booze.
You giggled at him, "Maybe to you, however, thanks to that law, pirates didn't care to visit our little island." A memory flashes in your mind and your smile disappears. "At least until..."
Zoro stops and places a hand on your shoulder making you halt. You glanced at where his eyes would be, unable to see them due to the darkness clouding the view. The outline of Zoro's mouth opens, about speak when-
The area vibrated as your captain's voice bounced off the walls. Bits of rubble fell from the ceiling, landing on your head and shoulders. Your eyes glanced above your head, and you realized you two were under unstable rock spikes.
"WE FOUND THE TREASURE!!!" Luffy shouted down your cave. Larger rocks rolled down the sides of the wall.
"Luffy! We're in an unstable zone!" You tried to warn without lifting your voice too high, in fear of being crushed.
"[Y/N] watch out!"
You felt yourself being pushed away from the sounds of crumbling rocks dropping down. Vibration shook the earth as rocks collided against the stone ground. You felt big arms shield you as everything around you collapsed. You couldn't feel your breath and without realization, you grab onto the arm, holding onto it for dear life. Your eyes squeezed shut, you weren't sure when it stopped.
"[Y/n] are you alright?" Zoro asked, a grunt in his voice.
"Yeah," you reply, eyes fluttering open. "I'm fine, what about-"
Zoro stressed out a few grunts as he held up a large boulder above his head, keeping it from crushing the both of you. You gasped, "Zoro!"
"I'm fine." Zoro sucked in a breath. "This is nothing. As long as you're safe, I'm fine."
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starlight-eclipsed · 2 years
DP X Pokémon Crossover AU
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Because I lack restraint. (Dark version + AU details under cut)
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1. Drs. Fenton are still very anti-ghost, only in this world they argue that as dead people they should not count as Pokémon. They are especially vocal about children having Ghost-types (comparing it to grooming/they want to steal your kids away, which is not helped by certain Pokédex descriptions), which is a perspective that gains traction in some areas. 2. As you can imagine, this does not make them liked in most circles.
3. Despite that, they travel all over the globe to spread their message and research sites with a particularly dense Ghost-type population.
4. The GIW are similar to Team Galactic in this AU. They're more intense than the Fentons and automatically class all Ghost-types as threats. Everyone knows they're bad news, but they're a well established organization and nobody can really go against them legally.
5. The Fentons are invited to the Alola region by the Aether Foundation, as they're currently invested in portals-ghosts-ultra beasts-ultra space and those fields are suspected to have a lot of overlap.
6. Jazz had spilt from the family when she was younger to go on her Pokémon journey when she was 13, having originally stayed back to look after Danny. She encountered a hurt Munna when they were in the Unova region, who would become her starter Pokémon.
7. She starts to realize just how wrong her parents were when she starts fighting Team Plasma alongside two kids her brother's age, but that's a different story. A part of her wishes she'd insisted on Danny starting his journey with her--she thinks he would've liked Sam and Tucker.
8. Danny is pretty disillusioned to the thought of a Pokémon journey by the time he's 14 and his parents still haven't let him strike out alone.
9. He does have a Staryu he befriended a couple regions ago. But considering his family's affinity for Psychic-types he was essentially told he couldn't go off alone until Staryu evolved into Starmie (a Water and Psychic-type). However he can't really train with his parents' supervision when they're always busy, so he's effectively stuck.
10. One day in Alola, he spots a wild Minior. His brain essentially goes 'hey look another star-themed little space guy', and he sneaks away from his parents to go see if he can catch it.
11. Water-type Staryu is super effective against Rock and Flying-type Minior, and he gets his second Pokémon!
12. He stops by his parents' lab to tell them the news, but is quickly distracted by a strange Pokémon being kept in a ring-like passage in the wall. He enters when he hears its cries.
13. No matter the dimension, the Fentons have a tendency to put switches on the inside.
14. Young Danny Fenton woke up on the shore of one of Alola's main islands, clutching a little Cosmog in his arms. The little space guy roster has expanded.
15. With some assistance from the local professor, Danny returns to the apartment, electing to hide Cosmog as he tries to figure out what to do. And then Ultra Wormholes start opening all over the region.
16. Good news! Thanks to whatever happened with Ozzy (He can't exactly call them Cosmog in fear of being overheard), he can now sense when a wormhole opens. Ozzy can even teleport them there and back.
17. Bad news! His parents and every researcher in the area wants to catch and study the beings that get dragged through and start causing havoc.
18. Which would be bad enough without the revelation that Danny can now understand what certain Pokémon are saying (Ghost-types or otherwise space-related).
19. On the plus side, his parents were insistent that he start his journey as a Pokémon trainer so that he can defend himself should these 'Ultra Beasts' attack. Due to some confusion in which they ask the local Pokémon Professor to help him start his journey, he also gets to pick a starter Pokémon despite already having some.
20. He initially goes for Rowlet because they're nocturnal, stealthy, can fly, and he could use a Grass-type on his team. The professor is hesitant to let the son of two very anti-ghost scientists to have a starter that gains a Ghost-type in its final evolution (especially right after the debacle in which he gave them a Rotom Dex and they proceeded to chase it out of the device and into the wild), and warns Danny.
21. Danny is thrilled. One day he'll be able to fully talk with his new buddy! It isn't until he's already gone home that he realizes what the professor was trying to warn him of. Thankfully his parents aren't native to the area, so when they scan Rowlet and hear 'Grass-Flying', they don't expect that to change.
22. He meets Rotom shortly afterwards--the one that was in the Alolan Pokédex given to his parents. It was emotionally attached to its old shell, but is scared of being seen taking it back.
23. Danny switches out the Rotom Dex for a standard regional one, which his parents are more than happy to use knowing it hasn't been 'possessed'. The Rotom in question decides to stay with him, randomly taking over various electronics to help Danny out and occasionally battling alonside him.
24. (Danny is both happy to have a new partner and upset that a Pokémon normally characterized by being a trickster is so insistent on proving it's useful and staying out of the way. Cue him and the others helping Rotom play pranks and showing that it's okay to act out sometimes.)
25. Insert brief adventure involving falling into a wormhole, crashing into Hisui, accidentally befriending a weird looking Zorua, and meeting the masters of time (Dialga/Clockwork) and space (he instantly recognizes Palkia--it's the embodiment of space!) to catch a ride back home.
26. The Zorua sneaks back home with him, joining as the sixth member of his team. Danny does some research on the history of Zorua, and discovers that there was a half-Normal half-Ghost strain of them that lived in ancient Sinnoh.
27. By the time he's fifteen, he realizes that with half his team being Ghost-type (that is, when Rowlet fully evolves) and having to hide both Ozzy and his own powers all the time, it's really not a good idea to stick around his parents anymore. What if he loses track of one of his friends, and his parents find them first? And that's completely ignoring the distance that's formed as Danny started helping out the local Ghost-types and hearing all the awful things the Fentons have done.
28. So he packs his stuff, takes a Fenton Thermos (a version of the mobile box storage used in the Galar region, invented by his parents and actually made functional when he and Rotom messed with it. Danny isn't risking catching a seventh Pokémon and them being sent directly to his parents, so he sets up his own account and isolates it to the Thermos), and leaves five years late for his Pokémon while his parents are visiting Aether Foundation's main research base.
29. Cue various shenanigans as Danny and his team travel through dimensions to keep the peace between Ultra Beasts and the rest of reality. Somewhere along the line he starts literally fighting alongside his Pokémon, possibly unlocking more powers. This teenager has no hesitation and will punch a god if given the chance.
30. (His Pokémon were thrilled, thinking it was about time their trainer starts learning some moves. Rotom is the only one distressed by the implications when Danny uses Shadow Ball.)
31. Jazz hears from her parents for the first time in years when they call her panicking about Danny disappearing. She connects some dots from her last call with him and figures he must've finally snapped and ran away to journey with his Pokémon.
32. Danny proceeds to get the most confusing message in his life from Jazz as he's restocking on supplies in a Pokémart somewhere in Kalos. Why was she congratulating him and offering him a couch in a Unovan professor's lab if he's ever in the area?
33. In completely unrelated news, people start recognizing a mysterious trainer that commits acts of vigilantism and speaks in favor of Ghost-types and Ultra Beasts all over the world, resolving conflict both peacefully and through battle. Some rumors say he's a Pokémon himself, a ghost with unfinished business. Others think he's an undercover ranger, finally losing patience with trying to stop bad people the legal way and resorting to direct action.
34. They're calling him Phantom, and his interference is attracting all kinds of attention.
35. Danny just wants everyone to be safe, and is more than happy to be traveling through space with his Pokémon by his side. Maybe one day he'll try a gym challenge or whatever trainers normally do, but for the time being he's more than happy to keep getting stronger while throwing down with various Pokémon across dimensions.
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bikenesmith · 1 year
where does charles go from here?
from twitter, on where charles' character might go now that hes past the pacifism + has been goring mfs, but has also not endeared himself to mutantkind/krakoa by forcing them into their own personal exodus story.
it makes sense that many ppl struggle to imagine futures for charles. by his own design, "professor x" is not really a Person but an Image, and a Position that can't exist independently of the x-men or similar power structures that position him as a leader, father, or elder
this is because the x-men, while obviously created for MANY reasons, were created in part as an extension of himself, his anxieties, + his dreams for himself and the world. x-men (the series) has become a narrative where x-men (the team) is redundant. in this new status quo, charles shared power with many others but maintained proximity to his old role as a leader/father/elder. from professor x of the xmen to xavier of krakoa. now even krakoa has deteroriated despite charles relinquishing power to save it. on top of this he's made a massive mistake that has definitely not endeared him to his ppl (whether they actually believe him to be at fault is besides the point, there will be distrust regardless) no x-men, no krakoa, no professor x, no xavier.
professor x has consumed (or simply obscured) charles' personhood for most of his history. how many people actually know who he is, when he's not "professor", when he's not "xavier". how many people is he just "charles" to? for all its issues, the 2000s/post-deadly genesis era — the shattering of The Image Of Professor X — gifted us quite a bit of Charles Xavier As Just Some Guy stories. its not surprising that he was killed off in AvX — some writers couldn't see what there even IS beyond the facade and that mirrors many readers now! it's why so many people say "idk, kill him?" in response to this type of question, or are otherwise generally more stumped about his future than they are with other characters that have evolved in new ways.
and they're kind of right. there really isn't anywhere for "Professor X" to go from here — not without the regression of the current narrative as a whole. if krakoa, or the spirit of krakoa, is to continue, this is where Professor X ends and Charles Xavier starts (or restarts?) so What Does That Even Mean. condensed, i think that's charles going off on a journey + (metaphorically or otherwise) figuring out who he is, outside of the person he's pretended to be or forced himself to be. like whatever was ultimately scrapped in 2017:
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theres a few points of reference for what that might look like in action…these panels are relevant as is all of excalibur 2004 (helping victimized mutants in a hands-on, on-the-ground way, working in a decentralized group, explicitly forgoing previous tactics + behaviors).
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also x-men: legacy — generally the whole running around being chased by his own sins hanging out with characters you wouldn't think he'd mesh with but are exactly the type of people who'd challenge him in an interesting way also…theres no way forward for professor x WITHOUT regression…if we end up in the bad end ("back to the school") (I REBUKE IT) its possible he'd be taken "back to basics" in the sense that he just becomes Classic Professor X. best case scenario hes a prof but not a headmaster anyway we're definitely heading in the direction of charles "the good shepherd" xavier considering this synopsis that i THINK is saying he's going to investigate muir island? theres a typo somewhere there
X MY HEART! Xavier swore he would stay on Krakoa and defend its memory. He's leaving. There must be a good reason to leave one doomed island for another - and the dark secrets that await beneath Muir Island. Meanwhile, something is very wrong with Jean…or is it something very right?
envisioning him heading there on a speedboat like he's in an action movie idk 😭
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ultra-raging-ghost · 9 months
I'm not really good at conveying my thoughts on this but based on a couple of ideas you said and a little research I got an idea.
Mouse is the queen of hell, and sometimes called Satan. Based on the timeline of Mouse coming into existences around the dark ages, she would've likely been old enough to possibly start a cult following by the middle ages. Since she's also known for being a pretty charismatic demon this was probably easy for her. Even around this time, Satanist cults became kinda popular. Seeing as she's satan, she could've created these cults herself as a safe space. Either where demons could live better or getting a better reputation as queen. Basically, her own cults could've been the reason why she's so proud to be a demon
Sorry if this doesn't make sense or doesn't fit with her lore, just ideas :]
This is perfect timing actually, i just finished watching her lore videos!
From what i can gather of her lore, she's one of a couple thousand who were created at the beginning of the universe, was cast out of heaven, spent a while in isolation, became queen of hell and then came to earth itself when the internet was already a thing. Earth was existing separately in this timeline, but with the existence of in-universe cults and rifts that transcend multiverses, whos to say she hasnt been to earth a couple times?
From what i could see, rifts were easily made and easily traveled, and she seemed to have some prior knowledge of earth before moving there permanently. She does have a following since in-universe she is a vtuber/streamer from what ive gathered? I have a couple thoughts about that but my first one is i think it would be funny if a couple thousand years ago she was the idol of a satanic cult, left, and then showed back up as a vtuber to gain yet another cult following, thats absolutely hilarious to me.
My other thought, qsmp related, is that in her time on quesadilla island, if we go by her vtuber lore, has been streamed this whole time which is interesting. Like shes literally walking around with a camera, capturing all this on tape so her cult following could have entertainment and feed her!!! Cucuruchos gotta know, right? You think hes an ironmouse fan???/j i think its interesting to think about how in-universe we are her audience and her main source of food, and not only are we watching the events of the qsmp as a documented thing, we're also watching her play games while on the goddamn island!!! She brought her PC and shes slaying valorant and five nights at freddys while eggs run around her gaming chair!!!! thats absolutely delightful!!!
Also a very interesting take, as opposed to the other character's whos audiences are voices in their head or ghosts or critters or imaginary characters, hers are just her literal cult who feed her by watching her stream! I cant help but imagine she got that train ticket, advertised about it, and then did a vlog stream on the train and on the island. Her (/rp) PR team must've had a field day with that! And i can imagine her flitting around the island talking into the mic in her ear, having to adjust the settings in front of the person shes talking to, etc. Absolutely delightful to me
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theprodigypenguin · 11 months
Thank you @mugiwara-rosewolf for this question omg I'm almost certainly going to rant so I hope you're alright with that! I'd like to preface this by saying the only Pokémon game I've played through is Legends Arceus, and it's been ages since I watched the show, and the only card I have is Piplup cuz it's Piplup, so I am by no means an expert. Anyway let's goooooo!
I'm only gonna do one Pokémon for each character rather than an entire team! Many of these I chose after training them in game, watching YouTube videos about them, or purposely looking up their pokedex entries and lore. Some of these were chosen purely on vibes. Note: you can generally have a team of up to six, so these are only ONE of these characters Pokémon from their teams.
Lets start with Babo!
Sabo: Umbreon
So imma be real I gave him an Eevee because I Love Eevee. And because I wanted to give him a familiar Pokémon. The real decision was what his Eevee would evolve into. I decided on Umbreon because they evolve from high friendship, and friendship/family is insanely important to Sabo, so it made sense to me that his Eevee would evolve from that. Plus I really like Sabo having a dark type.
Koala: Swampert
Koala meets her Swampert when she's still pretty young, probably soon after returning to her home island. She's sitting at a stream when she hears crying and follows the sound to a trap where a Mudkip is stuck. She frees him, of course, feeling a strong understanding because she too had been trapped until recently. She names him Fish (after fisher tiger, duh) and they grow up together. She makes the decision to join the revolutionary army when he evolves the first time into Marshtomp. Swampert fucking adores Koala, that is his girl. He has a thin scar going around his back foot from the wire trap she saved him from.
Hack: Gyarados
Hack met his Gyarados by pure chance during a mission. He was traveling back to Baltigo under the water since he was alone, swimming to avoid marines or pirates. At one point he stops to enjoy his lunch, and notices that there's a weird looking fish floating nearby just staring at him. He doesn't realize the fish is a Magikarp, and when he greets it he gets no response (because it's a Pokémon, not a fish), so he just assumes it's shy and offers it part of his lunch (cuz Hack is a good guy). After finishing his lunch he starts swimming again, not realizing or maybe not caring that the Magikarp had taken a liking to him and was following him eagerly. At some point he crosses paths with a Sea King, but before he's able to get into a fighting stance, Magikarp swims in front of him, willing itself to evolve into Gyarados to protect Hack. That's when he realizes it's a Pokémon. Gyarados follows him back to Baltigo, and he just ends up with it as his Pokémon partner.
Betty: Espurr
So my thought process for Betty’s partner was that I really wanted her to have a psychic type, because I thought it matched beautifully with her Devil’s Fruit ability to encourage and pump people up simply by speaking. That's kinda psychic, right? What made me settle on Espurr was the lore that it's a Pokémon who struggles deeply with controlling its powers, is rather lonely and oftentimes on its own. It made me think of what Betty said about the revs being there for people willing to stand up for themselves. Espurr is trying super hard to control itself, and Betty sees that, so she's happy to encourage it and help it become stronger and more capable of controlling its powers. I think they'd mesh really well as partners. Plus, cmon, look at that face. There's something endearing about an adorable lil guy being able to fucking YEET your ass.
Morley: Sableye
Reason one why I chose Sableye: he's fucking adorable. I think they must have met when Morley was imprisoned in Impel Down and digging the tunnels that eventually became level 5.5. Sableye had gotten stuck there somehow, but when it noticed Morley digging it decided to follow. Sableye would pick through the dirt and rocks that Morley pushed aside, and when Morley realized it was scavenging, she started to purposely look for tasty looking rocks and would hand them back to Sableye, who followed her through the entire process of tunnel digging. When Morley finally escaped, she brought Sableye with her. They've been friends for a VERY long time. Sableye likes to just sit on Morley's shoulder, but will hop down if Morley is digging/pushing the ground around, because that means TREATS!
Lindbergh: Heatmor
Heatmor is a fucking vibe, okay. The blend of organic and mechanical really made sense for Lindbergh, because I see Heatmor using its fire to help him when he's making one of his gadgets. Oh, you need to melt some metal? No problem Lind, Heatmor is here! I was torn between giving Lindbergh a fire type or a steel type and Heatmor's appearance really won me over for this one. The vibes are simply perfect. Here's a bonus fact, Heatmor is 4'7" and Lindbergh is 4'11" 🤣 I just love that they're basically the same height. Heatmor is Lindbergh's partner as well as his assistant when preparing gadgets. They have a really good dynamic I think.
Karasu: Corviknight
I mean *waves* duh. I wanted Karasu to have a flying type because I thought it would be sweet of them to fly together. Then I realized Corviknight existed. Initially I thought it was a little TOO on the nose, but Corviknight is literally perfect for Karasu both aesthetically and lore-based. Karasu met his Corviknight when he was just a tiny Rookidee. He raised the little guy by hand and even taught him how to fly. Corviknight is more like Karasu's child than his Pokémon partner tbfh. He enjoys perching on Karasu's shoulder and will nest in the feathers of his cloak when it's tired. He gets along with most of the other Pokémon as he's quite friendly, but he's got beef with Inazuma's Tinkaton.
Ivankov: Ditto
I dare you to tell me this isn't perfect. Genderless and able to perfectly change into a duplicate of its enemy, its ability to transform itself parallels unbelievably well with Iva's devil fruit ability. I think they met when Ditto chose to reveal itself to Iva voluntarily after seeing Iva transform. Maybe it thought Iva was also a Ditto, who knows? Either way it liked Iva's company and chose to travel with her, happily working alongside her. Iva of course has other Pokémon on her team, but Ditto refuses to be confined to a pokeball and Iva respects that, so just let's it follow her around freely.
Dragon: Smolive
"Prodi why did you give Dragon a smolive?" This is why ->
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Anyway, they met one day when a lonely Smolive crawled onto Dragon's plate following the scent of food, and Dragon, not realizing, picked him up thinking he was part of the meal. It begins shrieking, alerting Dragon that this is a Pokémon, so he sets it back down while apologizing for almost eating it. After that Smolive decides to dedicate it's very tiny life to Dragon and they become friends. I genuinely believe Dragon gets along really well with grass types. Idk why, the vibes just fit. He has other partners more suited for battle, but the image of Smolive on his shoulders helps to trick unsuspecting enemies into thinking it'll be an easy fight. Meanwhile he's got a legendary on his team or something, idk, Dragon exists to surprise us.
Kuma: Blissey
I wanted Kuma to have a Pokémon with the same gentle, no nonsense personality. Something healing but willing to beat your ass, basically the exact same as Kuma. Blissey is literally perfect for him. Compassionate, hard working, gentle. Genuinely do I have to say anything else? Blissey was the one who was first drawn to a young Kuma back when she was just a Happiny because she could sense his good nature and quickly became attached to him. When Kuma leaves to join the warlords he leaves Blissey at Baltigo, much to Blissey's distress. She hates being apart from her partner, but Kuma knew from the beginning that this mission probably wouldn't end well and didn't want his beloved Pokémon to get caught up in it, so he entrusts her to Dragon and the other revs. She misses him very much and is often sad, but will brighten up when given the opportunity to take care of someone. Her full attention is on Sabo after he gets his memories back, because she can sense how distressed he is. She'll offer him her egg to try and help, but he swears he's okay. He does hug her a lot, though, because they both miss Kuma.
Ahiru: Bronzor
Another choice made by vibes. First of all I love that both Ahiru and Betty have psychic types, and I wanted Ahiru to have a partner that matched her aesthetic and her mechanical arm. I also think the legend its inspired by is incredibly powerful and fits with the overall theme of the Revolutionary Army. Bronzor will allow Ahiru to polish it, but only for a little bit, and won't let anyone else touch it.
Inazuma: Tinkaton
I really wanted Inazuma to have a steel type, and I loved Tinkaton for them but wasn't sure about the clashing colors. Then I read further on her lore. So yeah Inazuma has a Tinkaton. She's got mad beef with Karasu's Corviknight, but Inazuma is pretty good at keeping her from doing something murderous. Tinkaton doesn't like disappointing Inazuma and will droop her head when Inazuma scolds her for trying to commit homicide against the poor Corviknight who is just minding his own damn business. In a fight, Inazuma and Tinkaton are fucking TERRIFYING together. She gets along insanely well with Sabo, who can lift her ridiculously heavy hammer and is about as crazy as she it.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 11 days
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HxH is coming off hiatus, it is now officially my birthday, of course it means more Late Night Togashiposting. And yes, I might just do chapter reviews on random nights. You gonna stop me? Picking up from last time we did actually have another place the Restricted Voyage Agency guy showed up. Revealing his name is Steiner. He was part of the group that went to arrest Prince Halkenburg. Which does make some amount of sense, the V6 agents are a solid neutral authority not to mention weaving in that he's there.
We last left off on Chapter 400 as the the Phantom Troupe focus yields back to the Succession Contest. And interestingly enough this is where we last see Steiner. Who seems to have carved out a niche not unlike the Hunters working for the Princes but instead being on loan to Kakin's Justice Bureau. Which does seem to work somewhat like the US Dept. of Justice. Obviously still influenced by the leadership and we set a very real threat of martial law superceding them...but by design you are supposed to be independent. The Succession Contest is so cool for being this like, turbocharged Chunin Exam where the goal is to break the law without getting caught.
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And I love what we get with Kaiser & Melody here. The theory Melody has is so interesting, that Kaiser is a skilled manipulator using his ability to appear as a non-nen user. But it doesn't explain why he's so proactive in seemingly allying with Kacho/Fugetsu. Which I love and actually hope is just Melody overshooting this guy actually falling for her. If you saw my Succession Contest Roundup before the last batch of chapters you might remember Fugetsu became one of my top candidates for the eventual winner. Solely because of Kacho's "Without You" ability.
In that Roundup we talked about a basic likelihood of an arc like this, the mass slaughter of a bunch of the Princes in a sudden turn to winnow down their numbers for the final phase...Ghost Kacho is taking the initiative and we seem to be heading towards that plan. And don't miss Fugetsu going haywire. People may be worried but I think she's awakening into someone with the stomach for this wicked game.
I said it back then and I stand by it, count me on Team Twinsies. Especially when they could easily have groups like the Justice Bureau and Restricted Voyage Agency in their corner. Because Fugetsu is the exact type to position as a consensus candidate who would be fine with the part about letting Kakin settle an empty island and just call it the Dark Continent.
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thebrisingamen · 6 months
ROTI Pokemon
More Crossover stuff, for Revenge of the island. I only did them as Pokemon, I didn't do teams as that project was already difficult enough with the TDI/TDA/WT cast, adding in Alejandro and Sierra made over 20+ teams.
Under the cut!
I realize I forgot two important people!!
Chris McLean, The Host
As A Pokemon: Raichu. Why Raichu? Usually the hosts of these shows are people that were heartthrobs or B List Actors from years ago, their golden years behind them. So they host game shows instead. Raichu, being the evolved form of the mascot pokemon, gets less love.
It can also get aggressive if it stores too much electricity and anime depictions do show Raichu as often kind of a bully, much like how Chris can be. As for his team, I think a lot of his team would be more scheming, crafty pokemon.
Chef Hatchet, The Chef
As A Pokemon: Machamp, obviously. Fairly powerful, and somewhat grumpy, a Machamp suits Chef. His team would mostly be fighting types, though I think he'd probably somehow end up with a fairy type near the later seasons.
Anne Maria, The Jersey Shore Reject
Once again, a very very basic one-joke, one-note character. But here you go!
As A Pokemon: Mareanie, as appearance wise the "hair" profile is similar and being poison type could tie in with how the Jersey Shore make up and hairspray is "toxic" to other people. I believe her team would be more poison types and kind of "fashionable" to her at least.
B(everly), The Strong, Silent Genius
Since he doesn't talk but still has more character than some, his pokemon was easy.
As a Pokemon: Dragonite, as it is very shy, surprisingly strong and agile for its build and one of the most intelligent non-psychic type pokemon. Dragonite has also been shown in the show to rarely vocalize too much. B would probably have a team that was built to handle anything, with good type combos to lessen super-effective moves against his team.
Brick, The Cadet
As a Pokemon: Growlithe. Growlithe is famously shown to be basically part of the Officer Jenny K-9 Units, extremely loyal and ready to throw itself into danger. Brick is still fairly young and a bit inexperienced, which is why he is not yet an Arcanine. His team would probably be mostly doglike pokemon
Cameron, The Wide-Eyed Bubble Boy
As a Pokemon: Reuniclus, obviously. Surrounded by a protective liquid/bubble, incredibly smart and manipulates this bubble to be physically strong with only its mind? That'd be Cameron in a nutshell. He'd probably train mostly psychic type pokemon, and maybe have a few pokemon that are a bit too curious for their own good, like him.
Dakota, The Fame-Monger
As A Pokemon: Shiny Lopunny, for exactly the reasons you think. She's in-universe pretty, Lopunny is described as extremely conscious about its appearance and being shiny reflects her "wealth" status. Of course, she would later probably be in Mega Lopunny form to reflect her mutation later on in the series. Her team would probably start out as normal & pretty, before turning into poison types, I think, to showcase her transformation.
Dawn, The Moonchild
As A Pokemon: Galarian Ponyta; able to see into people's hearts and hide away if it senses evil, and has the traditional unicorn ability to heal people. Being a Psychic Type, it can also be just as unsettling as it is beautiful, so very much suited for Dawn. Her team would be Psychic and Fairy type pokemon.
Also probably would be a Fairy or Psychic type Gym Leader, who tests your conviction through battle.
Jo, The Take-No-Prisoners Machine
As A Pokemon: Scrafty, because its rather rude, crass and territorial but it is a good fighter and does care about its friends, perfect fit for Jo. Also, as Jo is willing to do anything to win, the Dark/Fighting type combo works for her, and would be the theme of her team.
Lightning, The Athletic Overachiever
As A Pokemon: Zebstrika, for obvious reasons; Electric type, incredibly fast, and described as ill-tempered and volatile, calling back to Lightning's mercurial nature.
Mike, The Main One
I made up my own title because I don't like TD's title for him. He's at least not the worst DID depiction, and the creators said they'd probably write him better today--but it still boils down to, they used a mental health diagnosis for a one-joke character, which is not cool.
But Mike is an interesting character. It should surprise no one that Mike as a Pokemon would be:
Dodrio was my original choice, as Hydrapple didn't exist when I made this list. Ultimately, Mike is a Dodrio as Dodrio is 3 birds in one body, and Hydrapple is just 7 Flapples living in one apple, which isn't it's body. Dodrio makes more sense. Mike's team would reflect each of his alters, including Mal. So he'd have the next most well rounded team, to be honest.
Sam, The Nice Guy Gamer
As A Pokemon: Rotom, as it loves to possess other forms of electronics and becomes your pokedex in later games. Perfect for discount Seth Rogan who plays games. Electric types, obviously
Scott, The Devious
As A Pokemon: Lycanroc, Dusk Form. Perfect for Scott, who has been implied to be a dirt/rock farmer, which Lycanroc fits, and Dusk type is a mix of Midnight and Midday forms. Plus it's orange, like his hair. Being calm with a hidden temper and a difficult to raise/train pokemon according to its dex entries, this also fits Scott as he became better in All-Stars. Lots of his pokemon would be ground/rock/dark types, which matches his rivalry/fear of Fang, the Shark.
Staci, The Compulsive Liar
As A Pokemon: Chatot. Staci doesn't stop talking and Chatot cannot shut up. Her pokemon would all be deceptive in someway (Zorua, Ditto) or constantly making noise (Chatot)
Zoey, The Indie Chick
As A Pokemon: Cubone, eventually evolving into a Marowak. Zoey was alone a lot, like Cubone is said to be in the Pokedex. Cubone, being lonely, cannot do much on its own. As Zoey makes friends, she finds her strength and evolves near the end of ROTI, into an extremely competent Marowak. Her team would probably be underestimated pokemon, that if trained correctly, can be pretty useful in their own rights.
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I told my friend the other day that I know the pokemon manga has been dark for years. With blatant child abuse and neglect and kidnapping and putting children in life or death scenarios all the time. But I like that we've moved away from making the "evil team" the only bad guys. The fact that the games have gone from showing only deranged scientists, mob bosses, and psyco/sociopaths with god complexes, as the only ones capable of evil to people you should be able to trust.
Black and White touched on that with Ns backstory but Sun and Moon really popped it off.
Guzmas home life being canonically bad and even abusive if you wanna read into the golf club thing, to Lusimine literally losing herself to her work after losing her husband. Which forced Gladion to step up and basically raise Lily who is still trying to be optimistic.
Then Rose in Sword and Shield. How he literally used the entire pokemon league, and every one in it, to further his goals. Turned his back on all of them which specifically screws Piers over but it effects everyone.
Then the way he treats Bede and his assistant and even his own family, based off the DLC.
Then we havw Scarlet and Violet. Once again a professor, some one who in past games we could trust no matter what. Being so absorbed in their work that everything else takes a backseat. Kind of like Lusimine, except you get to see it really hit home with Arven.
Don't get me wrong, I felt bad for lily and gladion, but Gladion we see interacting a lot with Guzma, who already knows a thing or two about shitty parents and is also processing Lusimines betrayal. And lily has Kukui and his wife. You get a real sense that the islanders are the type to take the phrase "it takes a village" to heart. You know that theyre going to be ok.
Paldea is a huge region and we already see how they have issues with bullying and kids slipping through the cracks. Every school does, and its unrealistic to think otherwise. But Arven already got left alone for too long and its not hard to imagine him accidentally getting left behind again. And dont get me started on Penny's story.
Just saying I appreciate the sadly realistic approach pokemon is taking by showing that sometimes the bad guys arent obvious and organize themselves in a very obviously nefarious gang. Sometimes theyre the people youre supposed to be able to trust most.
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estellardreams · 10 months
Has anyone ever tried to rewrite Sonic Heroes? I feel like there's a lot to work with on the concept, but the execution... There's an issue here.
And it's especially present with the "One team fights another team" boss fights. The reasons they fight each other are so arbitrary it physically hurts me.
If they're going to remake the game, they should at least fix that because it's probably the most glaring issue story wise... Along with character writing but that was expected. So what if, and hear me out on this one...
Neo Metal Sonic manipulated everyone to divide their forces from behind the scenes?
So the way this'll work is, before the boss fights itself, we'd get a cutscene showing the group we're playing as about to enter the next level until they see the other team in the distance. Just as they're about to greet them, they overhear that team badmouthing their group before leaving.
(If Neo can figure out how to shapeshift, I'm sure he can figure out how to duplicate himself too using holographic versions. Not to mention the replication of voices as the doubles, he's done it in IDW before he can certainly do it again.)
And it happens on the other side as well, as Neo badmouths the other team before leaving, leading to a confrontation between both sides as they angrily accuse each other of saying horrible things.
It isn't until the Chaotix, in their story, free Eggman that they figure out what actually happened: That Metal Sonic went rogue, upgraded himself, locked away Metal, and was gathering bio-data to use it to become the most powerful machine ever and take over the world.
So the Chaotix head back and manage to clear up the issues before Team Sonic, Rose, and Dark start fighting again. And then Neo finally reveals himself as the one behind it all.
Doesn't that sound more interesting? We'd tie into the overarching plot while focusing on each character's individual stories.
Now... I'm going to give an example of Neo's powers at work, using Team Rose and Team Sonic as our examples.
Team Sonic's Route:
*Team Sonic walking nearby.*
*Neo shifting into Team Rose.*
Cream: What now, miss Amy?
Amy: Now, we just hand this emerald over to Eggman. He'd absolutely appreciate having something this valuable.
Big: Exactly. We need to work with him so we can get back our friends.
Amy: *grumbling* loathsome traitors...
Cream: What was that, miss Amy?
Amy: Oh, nothing Cream. It's just... I'm sick of Sonic always stealing the spotlight with no regard for anyone else! Like, who can stand that guy?! He's so narcissistic it's unbelievable!
Cream: Yeah... Tell me about it. Makes me confused as to why Tails and Knuckles even follow him around. Tails is obviously the smart one, but why is he so attached to someone so vain?
Big: Don't get me started on Knuckles. He's just a flat out idiot. Look at him! He's stuck on an island for months on end, and it seems like his intelligence is just flat out dwindling.
Cream: And where's the sympathy? They're just so aggressive, it makes me sick to my stomach.
Amy: Y'know... Maybe we should go. We don't have any time to waste.
*Neo (discuised as Team Rose) leaves.*
Knuckles: Oh chaos...
Tails: That... W-Why...?
Sonic: *long pause*. Maybe... We need to rethink our friendship with them if they're talking like this about us.
Tails: Agreed.
Knuckles: Focus now on Eggman, and if we see them again...
Sonic:... Okay, fine. We'll knock some sense into them.
Knuckles: Exactly.
Tails: Let's go.
Team Rose's Route:
*Neo shifting himself into team Sonic.*
*Team Rose coming around the corner.*
Sonic: Ha! Have you seen how ridiculous Amy is? I'm kinda shocked that she's with a tiny bunny and a big cat.
Tails: Yeah, it's like they wanna fail in rescuing their friends.
Tails, to Knuckles: You... Do know where you put them, right?
Knuckles: Of course I do. Chocola and Froggy are locked up. They can't escape so easily.
Knuckles: And to think Cream cares about her Chao so much when she's risking their safety by bringing them along?
Tails: Don't get me started on Big and Froggy. They're just flat out annoying. Also, why fishing? That feels incredibly unproductive.
Sonic: *long sigh* Guys, let's just get outta here and continue figuring out a way to stop Eggman...
*Neo (discuised as Team Sonic) leaves.*
Cream: *trying not to cry.*
Big: *visibly upset.*
Amy: How dare they?! I thought we were friends! Those... Jerks.
Cream: Wh-What now...?
Amy: We track them down and make them pay. We're going to rescue Chocola and Froggy, and they're going to get a beat-down.
Both reasons why they're fighting:
Team Sonic believes that Team Rose have been hiding their distain towards them and are secretly working with Eggman.
Team Rose thinks that Team Sonic have kidnapped their friends Chocola and Froggy and absolutely despise them for being weak and pathetic and unable to defend themselves.
The confrontation:
*Both sides finding each other again.*
Sonic: Amy?! Why are you here?!
Amy: *summons her hammer.* Sonic! Give us back our friends!
*She slams her hammer down, forcing Sonic to dodge.*
Sonic: You're friends?! Why? I thought you were working for Eggman! All of you!
Amy: If you think that, you're even more idiotic than I expected!
Cream: Where's Chocola Chao?! WHERE IS HE?!
Tails: We don't know where he is!
Cream: Liar! I heard you all knew exactly where you hid them!
Tails: Why should we tell you then, traitor?!
Big: Hey! No one accuses my friends of being traitors!
Knuckles: So what?! You think this is funny?
Big: I need my friend back. Where is he?
Knuckles: We don't know!
Big: Stop lying already, all of you!
Amy: *falls back* Oh... That's it. If you all aren't going to listen, we'll make you.
*Fight begins.*
So what do you think? I think Heroes has a ton of potential to be rewritten into a great story! This is just an example of what I mean.
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
I've kinda talked about this before, but I think one of the big reasons I'm not as much a fan of the Ignition Trilogy is kinda summed up by how superfluous the Matoran characters felt after a certain point.
Ironically 2006, my least favorite year of the arc, does pretty decently on this front (Voya Nui resistance my beloved) even if that's offset by Ow the Edge™, but 2007 and especially 2008 kinda really drop the ball here.
I think part of it, in all fairness, is the fault of the book reduction from 5 per year to only 3, so the pacing had to be a bit more conceise and accelerated; there wasn't as much room for detours or sidestories such as Tales Of The Masks, The Darkness Below, Maze Of Shadows, or Legacy Of Evil. On the other hand, the Serials started happening to sort of make up for that and fill in the gaps, but without as much restriction they kinda spiraled off into a whole other thing, for better or for worse. Either way, somewhere in that shuffle, the supporting matoran fell through the cracks, leaving the bulk of the character investment to fall squarely on the Toa and that year's villains.
Why is this a bad thing? Because this is the point and the way, I feel, that Bionicle lost the trees for the forest.
The bigger scale of the Ignition trilogy isn't inherently a bad thing, not at all IMO; the story and world were expanding drastically, yet still naturally. The stakes being raised so high, even if it was initially offputting in 06, overall was the right way to go, finally giving all the payoffs to everything the first five years set up. I have my gripes with some elements of the worldbuilding tone and Greg Edge™, (said with outmost respect) but ultimately, not a bad call. All the same, I think it wasn't as effective as it could have been at delivering everything it did, because the focus shifted away from the smaller-scale happenings instead of keeping them in mind in addition to the bigger picture.
Quick detour here. Even if 01 is somewhat overplayed in the fandom now, I still think one of the reasons it was so successful wasn't just in the aesthetic or tone, but in its immersiveness. A lot of this is thanks to Templar Studios' work, of course; you got to see everything from a Matoran-eye view, get to know the island and inhabitants and culture inside and out, along with seeing the Toa's adventures. You became invested not just in the ones saving the day, but who they're saving the day for.
On the other hand 2004 didn't have a direct MNOG analogue, but here the books took up the slack; between the Toa Metru's status as only recently-transformed from Matoran and thus still in touch with the city's workings, the Disk-finder Matoran also being a pretty big feature for the first half of the year, and the time and space to fit in sidestories like The Darkness Below, you still got a fairly solid sense of the city and its people, even without as grand a cast of background extras like the Templar games and animations. Even 2005, with its radically darker feeling and post-apocalyptic version of the city, still continued to develop it and the inhabitants in a somber, post-mortem sort of way, and even in how the new threats in the Visorak and their leaders interacted with what was already there.
Now, I will admit that just on a fundamental structural level, expecting that same level of depth from the Ignition Trilogy, which was set up as more of an epic traveling adventure, hopping to a new location with each new year, would just be dumb. All the same, I still think it would have worked better if they'd maintained at least some level of detail more than was actually there.
Also, credit where it's due; again, despite all the edginess and grimness that made me so against 06 for so long, it still did a decent job in this regard. Again, the Voya Nui Resistance Team is one of that year's saving graces, giving us a group of Matoran intrinsically tied to the new island to sort of fast-track insight into how things work there, both before and after the Piraka's takeover. Similarly, even if it's honestly pretty grindy and repetitive, the Voya Nui Online Game also helps with this, giving the island a consistent map with actual landmarks and stuff, again lending depth and detail about on par with the Metru Nui saga, give or take. On a similar note, before the downsizing hit, City Of The Lost was able to set up Mahri Nui in a similar way; even if it says something that there were fewer small sets for that year, that book still managed to give us a pretty solid cast of Matoran to be invested in along with setting up the Barraki, before most of them wound up getting shunted off into one of the serials.
But yeah, after that point they kinda stopped being relevant, and 2008 whiffed it hard with their Matoran. There were good ideas there, I at least found Gavla interesting as someone who embraced the transformation into a Shadow Matoran, but outside of a certain stupid fandom meme gone out of control, I couldn't tell you a thing about the other five or how they lived in Karda-Nui; the only real landmark there was the Codrex, and everything else fell to the wayside.
Another detour. If each major arc has a central theme or focus to it, I think it would be these. The original years would probably be Unity (duh, with all the arguing and making up the Mata/Nuva did, lol) and not so much mystery as something to be solved, but Unknowns. Lots of questions were raised, but few answered. Metru-Nui was structured around mystery in a more typical sense, each book raising a question with the answers driving the plot forward, and as I said in an older post, it was also about loss and exile. In a lot of ways Metru-Nui needed to fall, but the Toa Metru still lost everything familiar in that, before moving on to build something new and better on Mata Nui.
The Ignition Trilogy, in addition to finally answering a lot of the questions set up by prior years and even questions we didn't even realize were questions until now, (see the GSR reveal) is also about the inevitability of death, and the end of the world as we know it. Sure, they averted Mata Nui dying altogether, but nonetheless it took Matoro's sacrifice, and Makuta won the day in the end, completing his grand plan.
So if anything, it's because of that that I think the travelogue structure, exploring new locations with each new year, was the right move. The full scale and impact of all of this just wouldn't be felt at all, if the action had stayed focused up in Metru Nui the whole time; this truly felt like a vast, all-encompassing thing. But that's also why the lackluster development of some of those new locations and their inhabitants somewhat bugs me too; after all, if you're facing down the end of the world, wouldn't it be better to be invested in what you're losing?
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shadowonwater · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet playthrough part 10: fish buddy comedy, plans to break into Area 51, and the completed path of legends.
Playthrough Masterlist
So I finally headed down to see the "False Dragon Titan". And I will say, I got confused because I went to where on the map it said it was but I sure as hell didn't see anything but a bunch of those sushi fish. I assumed that this island only spawned the sushi, I later realize there is a reason they are there.
So I ended up exploring some of the other islands because I didn't know what to do. I ended up finding not just one, not just two, but three more yellow stakes. I have found many yellow ones but I still don't really know what they're for yet.
I went back to the island. And then I realized something. I didn't get into a battle by touching the sushi fish, and also that they had text boxes. So at first I thought I had to defeat all the fish to make them disappear and by the time I saw the Big One, I had already defeated most of the fish, so I figured I might as well take out the rest of them first.
So when I saw the big one, I was "whoa that's big" and "that's the one I'm supposed to fight isn't it?" It was even saying "titan" pretty much. So just as expected when I fought it the boss battle began. Just as I expected, but didn't know for sure, the giant catfish was the titan.
So when I beat the first phase and it swam off I followed. It took me a second to find where it had gone, a rather sneaky one, isn't it? Well it's little buddy ran into the cave and the herb. And they powered up together.
Arven shows up, and I don't know how he got here. Did he swim? Ride his Cloyster? Is there any sort of water taxi service like there is for flying?
I'd say he was genuine help this time in the battle. I first used my Kilowattrel for catfish and then used my grass cat for the sushi fish.
I'm very happy his dog got all better! The whole line about playing ball with him again hit me in the heart. Hell yeah, you get your dog all better! Let's gooooo! Also Kori can now climb vertical rocks! Is there no where he can't go to now? The world is Kori's oyster!
So the professor messages me while Arven is there. Kinda wild that that was the first time he had heard her voice in years. Hurts a bit she's been talking to some stranger (me) over her son, I imagine. So yeah she wants Arven to unlock the door to her lab for me.
He's clearly not happy his mom and all, very valid. He's fine with opening the door, but not for her, it's for me. So I fly down there and he opens the door, we go in. Place is super dusty, looks like there hasn't been a soul here in years.
We get a video message where she's like "Hey I need you to break into this extremely dangerous place for me and bring that Scarlet Book." She's specifically talking to me but she's fine if Arven comes too. I really do wonder what the deal is with this book.
Interesting to hear that he's been to Area Zero before. It makes sense that it was were his dog got hurt. It explains why only the mystic herbs could help him. He decides that if I'm going in, he's going to go with me, very brave of him considering what happened to his dog.
I looks around the dusty lab. Find a couple more Occulture articles. And suppliances that haven't been used in a long time along with food past its expiration date.
Me and Arven battle. I think I might have been a bit underleveled considering he had Pokemon who were level 60, and my highest was 55. I was still able to beat 5 of his Pokemon with just my Flamingo, goes to show how kick ass it is.
I tera it at the start (It's a fighting Tera) I do pretty well with double kick. I choose it because I remembered he had some grass types as well as a normal type, I also knew he had a rock. I figured Fighting/Flying covered beating his team up pretty well and it did. His last Pokemon, the big dog himself, gave me a lot more trouble.
Sure I was a fighting type facing a dark. But the dark type had a psychic move and a fairy move. I tried using my grass cat next, while he may be weak as well to fairy, he also had a fairy move. my Play Rough hits and I only need to fit one more time. I miss. He hits me but grass cat toughs it out at 1 hp. Play Rough misses again. Grass Cat faints. and I finish it off with a different Pokemon.
So he says to me if we want to sneak in to what is basically Pokemon's equivalent of Area 51. We need a Champion and also a Hacker. I see that we need Penny and Nemona for the mission. It feels like we're in a heist movie getting a team together for a big operation.
I figure we need to complete the other paths to get them on the team. And that maybe they might have their own motives to get in there other than helping me. Next I'm heading north to where the last things are. I'll see you then.
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chibitantei · 6 months
Canon | v: Seeker of Truth
Covers the entire timeline of the series. Default for interactions that take place in a modern-ish setting and don’t have lore that badly conflicts with established canon. I don’t have labels for where in the timeline interactions take place, but I typically default to post game, so don’t worry about the general obnoxiousness that is Naoto’s disguise.
If you want my P3 AU and P5 AU, check those verse posts out.
Before P4: Before 2011
The wound of losing her parents is still fresh, she’s yet to really settle in her role as the calm and collected boy detective—faulty disguise, she knows. More irritable than the Naoto you see in P4. She doesn’t stay in one place long, once the case is solved, she moves onto the next, that’s how she managed to complete 24. She doesn’t have many thoughts about the future, tries to focus on the present, even though dread rises each year she grows older.
I HC Naoto had a case on Port Island, although it’s unrelated to Apathy Syndrome or the people going missing in Tartarus. For RP purposes, I’ve moved it to 2009 so there’s a reason for the P3 cast to potentially speak to her during then. She doesn’t experience the Dark Hour. She’s essentially an NPC, but this can easily dive into the P3 AU, if you wish.
Disguised a boy during this time period. It’s established that nobody in canon really batted an eye, so please discuss with me if you want your muse to know Naoto is definitely not a boy.
P4: 2011-2012
Inaba is the longest she’s ever stayed for a case. There are parts that don’t make sense no matter what angle she looks at. For a good reason. The mystery involves another world, where Shadows roam free. Accepting a golden eyed doppelganger and acquiring a Persona is the first step in making progress. So is confronting the fact that certain walls need to be torn down.
Nobody knows Naoto is a guy until after her rescue. Half of the Inaba population knows and doesn’t, so if your muse isn’t an IT member, Adachi or part of the Dojimas, flip a coin on whatever strikes your fancy. As I said earlier, please discuss with me if you’d rather have your muse know before she was rescued.
After P4: 2012-2016
After the case ended, Naoto had expected it would end. It wasn’t the case however, with a tournament and... dancing. She doesn’t think about it much. If there’s one thing Personas can’t assist her with, it’s the future and knowing that her high school days are coming to a close. The team will still be together even after the fact, she hopes.
I don’t have separate tags for the Arena games or DAN, since they’re pretty short anyway. While I will default to these being canon, if you dislike these games, they won’t be canon to our interactions.
Naoto skips a year and graduates with the older IT members. She eventually attends the University of Tokyo, and intends to pursue a degree in criminology and forensics. With her detective cheat code, she... probably skips a few courses.
P5: 2016
While the Phantom Thieves take Japan by storm, Naoto goes along at her own pace, wrapping up the last few courses she needs before graduation. Being a detective, she keeps tabs on the situation.
I really haven’t thought about her role during this time lol. She’s 22 though, and being a massive introvert, I don’t really see her hanging around the PT unless she’s in the know that they are the Thieves or for some plotted reason. She would eventually take on a possible mentor role if the Confidant or Phantom Thief member route is unlocked.
please just look at my P5 AU she’s more approachable there
This section will be fleshed out when I think about it more.
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