#see this is why i avoid talking about my 'unpopular opinions' i like having friends :D
millysastroblog · 2 years
# unpopular opinion !!!!!
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🤦🏾‍♀️Venus in Libra, Venus conjunct Mars, are u guys talking to me or flirting with me. Because HONEY it is hard to differentiate, with yall charming asses. You all make my heart and mind hurt , chile. #Stop it 😏😍!
🤦🏾‍♀️Moon/- Lilith hard aspects = sexsist in WORST CASE (extreme ,out of ordinary views on females, womanhood, and female roles)
or the complete opposite being a hard core (feminist) but bashing men for literally existing.🤥 ! # In Worst case ,have seen it in many ppl charts!!
🤦🏾‍♀️Jupiter in the 3rd talk aloooot to the point of making my ears hurt, like 1000 words in 1 min is to much for me girl! # chiiiiiiiillllew
🤦🏾‍♀️Uranus in the 11th switing friend groups every new season of the year. These are the friends that you wont see that much because of how unpredictable they are ! like can yall settle down for once and not flake on people!
🤦🏾‍♀️Same with Uranus in the 7th in parterships they come and go like the wind blowing !
🤦🏾‍♀️Cancers placements and their victimization complex,
🤦🏾‍♀️same goes for pisces placements !
🤦🏾‍♀️cancer mixed with libra not showing ppl that they dont like them at all, holding a lot of resentment, and anger towards people # babes this is not helathy!
🤦🏾‍♀️the award of the attention whore of the zodiac goes tooooooo leo and LIBRAAAAAAS
🤦🏾‍♀️libras can sometimes rely to much on other people to the point of codependence! Wanting their friends partners pick and choose everything for them # i aint your mama babes!
🤦🏾‍♀️Opposite goes for Aries and Taurus placemenrs SUPER independent avoiding and rejecting help from others. #Hating to ask People for shit!
🤦🏾‍♀️Aquarius placements and their sometimes ultimate, god complex, wider than the univers EGOS , everytihing i say is and must be right (mixed with gemini, virgo, or mercury dominance) , get on my motherfucking nerves# somebody needs to check yall asses 🙄 !
🤦🏾‍♀️mars - uranus/mars- jupiter harsh aspects men are so fucking reckless , two steps away of putting yourself in a sticky situations #be carful, dont be breaking no windows, doors and unless u want to go to jail,
🤦🏾‍♀️12th house stelliums/Pisces Stelliums not living in the Moment at all. These are people u gotta call their names 5 times until they´ll catch up and wake up from lala land!# Practincing midfullness might solve the maladaptive day dreaming, # i suffer from ths shit to !! 🫤
🤦🏾‍♀️Virgos having this inner need to be perfect, babes u are fine just the way u are !!
🤦🏾‍♀️Down side of their internal perfectionism is that they mirror that back on to others. Being very critical and nitpicky about the smallest things !
🤦🏾‍♀️Lilith in the 5th/ Leo are over board scary party animals 🤠☠️ literally wanting to party and be drunk every fucking day #yall need to slow down and chiiiiiiiiillle
🤦🏾‍♀️Saturn in the 5th you guys despise children. Children for them are these scary little monsters !
🤦🏾‍♀️Venus sqaure Uranus/ Jupiter, Jupiter / Uranus in the 7th have or had a lot of suitors, relationships but sometimes they take them for granted, not taking them seriously because they have lots of options, Thinking it is all games ! # LUST before actual LOVE ! #beginning stages, # underdeveloped
🤦🏾‍♀️Venus- Mercury are dangerous charming motherfuckers hyponotizing you with their words, can use this power to take advantage of other people if not evolved, like manipulating, scamming, lying especially with Pluto and neptune prominence in Chart # siren voices 🔊
🤦🏾‍♀️Chiron in the 1st house, Chiron - ASC hard aspects are prone to pay a lot of attention to the physical appearance of others . Like having a pimple, thin hair, etc, theyll analyze your whole body and you wonder WHY??? # mmmmmhh, y’all guess? 🤔😐
🤦🏾‍♀️DARK: Mars in the 10th, Lilith in the 10, Pluto in the 10th, Neptune in the 10th, Chiron in the 10th, 10th house stellium if afflicted might be addicted to fame, success and high social status, selling their souls/ authenticity, exploiting other ppl, doing the most random insane shit , only for them to be at the top. #power greed, politicians, social media, celebrities!!
*******{NEW ! ⬇️} Solar Return Chart Series: PT. 1/PT.2 *******
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Buck & Eddie: 7x4 and 7x5 stills in episode order???
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When the two separate synopses were released for 7x4, I wondered how 9-1-1 was going to fit everything into the episode that was released via the BTS stills but then I realized they wouldn't be able to especially since the length of each one (without advertisements) is only 42 to 45 minutes. Also, it appears there will be three main storylines, i.e. Athena and Harry, Hen's life changing news and Buck being bothered and bewildered.
After considering all of the information that's been released, a few days ago, I figured the stills of Buck and Eddie in Buck’s loft, the ones of them talking in the firehouse gym and the one of Eddie and Bobby's conversation wouldn't be included in 7x4. Additionally, I remembered the way 3x5 "Rage" ended with Buck and Eddie still on the outs and they didn't reconcile until the end of 3x6 "Monsters" when Buck made Eddie talk to him. With OS recently commenting on someone's IG post about how the two pictures of Buck and Eddie in the loft are from 7x5, it added confirmation to my analysis.
Since I'm a visual person, I like to see things in their totality instead of in increments the way the BTS pics have been released. Therefore, I've put all the stills together in a way that IMO, could be how they'll play out during each episode and there's one picture of Buck by himself that was released but I believe it deals with something else. I've included it at the end because I'm going to do a separate post on it.
Before I delve into this, here's my UNPOPULAR OPINION. I ship Buddie and only Buddie but I have to admit, I'm not really excited about this storyline because IMO, the audience has seen it before in 3x5 and 3x6 when Eddie was temporarily partnered with Lena (post linked here). Sure, he didn't leave the 118 but Eddie did have a new work partner who Buck was clearly not happy about. Also, even though Eddie didn't tell Buck about her, it was evident by Buck's reaction, he was in fact jealous since he thought he was being replaced and it seemed to be part of the reason why he filed the lawsuit (not the only reason but part of it). Reminder, he was ok with being the Fire Marshall until he heard Lena call Eddie's name in 3x4 then once he saw her, he asked Bobby, "You replaced me?"
At this point, in six years, I hoped Buck and Eddie would be at a place in their partnership where they can actually discuss things like adults instead of Buck lashing out. Please don't misunderstand me because I get it, Buck's worried about being abandoned again so it's understandable and this time he doesn't have anyone to cling to. But if they would let him go back to therapy like he went on his own in season 4, maybe he could spend time working on himself and this storyline could have been avoided. Will I change my mind before Thursday... honestly, I'm not sure.
Back to the regularly schedule program...
7x4 "Buck, Bothered and Bewildered"
Based on the look on Buck's face in the stills from them at Air Rescue, IMO, it's likely this scene could happen first because he seems to be bothered and bewildered by how close Eddie and Tommy are. Hopefully there's a scene before this one that explains how they became fast friends but it's also possible it'll be another scenario where Eddie magically contacts Tommy or vice versa and they start hanging out but the audience won't see it the same way we didn't see how Eddie magically got M's phone number? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Full disclosure: I don't trust Tommy Kinard and I've already posted about my reasoning (linked here) and I may elaborate on it but I really don't want to because I'd rather not focus anymore of my attention on the character.
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Buck's face in the stills below while he's at the firehouse, appear to be hopeful like he got his "Eddie" back but when he sees him walk away, he gets that sad look in his eyes like he's being left behind again. That's why IMO, it happens before the basketball court scene but after them being at Air Rescue.
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I tried to put the pictures below in order but since there's no context for when some of them happen, I added them where I thought they should go. Also, since Buck's bag is still on his shoulder in the third picture with him holding the basketball, I figured it happens before they start playing. Maybe Chimney hands it to him and he looks at Eddie and Tommy like him and Chimney are going to win the game.
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IMO, Buck will have a conversation with Maddie before the end of the episode and that's when JLH's leaked script will come into play. Also, I believe Chimney will be the one to tell Buck he's acting irrationally then he'll ask him if something else might be going on. Reminder, he's going to be on the court with them and he'll witness the event.
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It appears 7x4 will end with them still upset with one another just like 3x5 ended with them not talking.
7x5 - "You don't know me"
I've already completed a post on the title of the episode (linked here) but I do believe multiple people will say, "You don't know me" throughout the episode, including Eddie possibly saying it to Tommy.
When the episode begins, Buck and Eddie still won't be communicating just like they weren't in 3x6. Also, since there aren't any stills that show Tommy and Eddie discussing an available job position at Air Rescue, the only information that was made available came from one of the promos that included Bobby telling Eddie, "I can't tell you how to feel about this job, only you can do that" so it appears Eddie's going to be presented with the option to leave the 118 again either at the end of 7x4 or the beginning of 7x5 but I think his conversation with Bobby will happen at the beginning of 7x5.
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Now, ever since TM (showrunner) released the two pictures below in advance of season 7, they've always perplexed me and it's mainly due to the looks on their faces, more so Buck's because he doesn't look angry or frustrated, he just looks tired like he's retreating or giving up. Initially, I didn't speculate on the pictures because I had no idea what was going on and I'm still not sure but based on the things that have been released regarding the episodes, IMO, Buck will apologize just like he did in 3x6 followed by him telling Eddie that he'll have his back if he wants to leave the 118 and go to Air Rescue. Reminder, the last time Eddie left in 5x10, he told Buck in front of Hen and Ravi but the audience only caught a glimpse of Buck's reaction.
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I believe the stills below will happen towards the end of the episode and it will be similar to their conversation that happened in the firehouse in 3x6 with a little bit of the 3x9 kitchen scene thrown in. My reasoning is because they're at Buck's loft and Buck will be sitting alone probably pondering what he should do next since it'll be a strong possibility (for him at least) that Eddie will leave and he'll have to find a new partner.
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I think Eddie will say something similar to the things he said in 3x6, "I forgive you. Just don't let it happen again" but this time it'll be different and more along the lines of how they talked in 3x9 (related post linked here).
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This is where their dynamic seems to change because unlike 3x9, Eddie's not leaned against the counter, he's actually touching Buck's shoulder and his waist the same way he did in 3x1 during Buck's surprise welcome back party but they're the only two present 👀.
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When I saw the picture above, I had an immediate reaction to it because it reminded me of something the audience has seen before. I'm not going to include my thoughts on it in this post but I will do a separate one about it.
The point of this post is to illustrate with the BTS stills how the scenes in the next two episodes with Buck and Eddie could play out. Will they finally take the leap at the end of 7x5 and become a CANON couple or will the show continue to delay the inevitable? Only the showrunner, writers, producers, actors and actresses know the answer to that question. Hopefully, they will start their romantic relationship because it's been six years and there's no reason to keep delaying it.
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roboticonography · 9 months
it's getting really upsetting to see certain corners of the fandom demonize peggy. do you have any thoughts on the matter?
Oh, if only this were a new thing, anon!
I’ve been in the MCU fandom since before there was an MCU to speak of. Shitting on women characters and the actors who play them has been going on forever. People posted about how they hated Pepper Potts, saying she wasn’t a good partner to Tony because she didn’t constantly enable his erratic behaviour, or sacrifice her safety to accommodate his trauma. They posted about how Pepper should have died in Iron Man 2, for the good of Tony’s story, and when Iron Man 3 came out, they said the same thing. It was fucking exhausting.
People also posted about how they hated Natasha Romanoff, how they hated Jane Foster, how they hated Wanda Maximoff, how they hated Sharon Carter. 
And yes, there were Peggy-haters then too. They called her a “karate-kicking fucktoy” and a “vengeful feminazi” and those are the most polite terms I can recall. They complained that she was too powerful, they complained that she was too feminine, they complained that she was pointless without Steve, they complained that she talked about Steve too much. And so on, and so forth, ad infinitum.
Now, to be clear, I am not talking about some of the very valid criticisms people had about the Agent Carter series - its writing, its casting, etc. I am also not talking about the very valid criticisms people have about the larger MCU related to representation, or lack thereof, across multiple fronts. I believe it’s possible to enjoy a piece of media and still have issues with some (or even many) aspects of it, and I enjoy reading posts that grapple with those issues. I’m not even talking about venting about a popular character you can’t stand: that has its place, though I’d argue that the place is probably not in the tag for that character. (I guarantee you, your “unpopular opinion” is never as unpopular as you think.)
I’m talking about misogyny. The same tired, rehashed, played out bullshit woman-hating that has existed in fandoms, so many fandoms, for at least the 25+ years that I’ve been active in them.
And that’s still what’s happening.
Many of the posts I’ve seen that fall under this category are expressing anger that one character or relationship or storyline or interpretation of canon is getting airtime, while another one, one they like better, is not. I’m not going to argue with anyone about that. You like what you like, and you're entitled to be annoyed if you don't get it. But if your argument is sound, you should be able to make your point effectively without calling the character the grossest euphemism for vagina you can find, or speculating on the exact sex acts an actor had to do to keep her character popular.
Other posts I’ve seen are just absolute buckwild conspiracy theory nonsense. The only thing I have to say about that is, yikes. Get well soon.
Tumblr, like other social media platforms, recognizes that they get more engagement if people are forced to play in the same sandbox, which is why it probably feels like you're seeing a disproportionate number of hate posts. And anyone who writes for money on the internet knows that hate clicks are often the juiciest clicks, and so they will write articles and listicles and polls with titles and subjects designed to get your blood up. It’s become increasingly difficult to avoid seeing other people’s ridiculous opinions. But that’s still the strategy that I find best helps me enjoy fandom. 
So if “certain corners” of the fandom are not to your taste, anon, then my advice is this: block, blacklist, and just don’t engage. Don’t feed the trolls. Instead, put that energy into positive interactions. Make art. Comment on things you liked. Find your friends, and have conversations that inspire you and amuse you, instead of ones that make you angry and tired.
Thanks for the ask! Take care.
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microchive · 5 months
either cam or gideon for the character thing!!!
GAH!!!! picking gideon because you already did cam also i want to talk about gideon nav my best friend gideon nav
favorite thing about them: how do i even begin.... i love that she isn't a hero and doesn't become one through the narrative, i love that she is so blatantly posturing all of the time and she builds herself up to be this big confident sexy funnyman because she needs that to keep herself afloat but what she is in reality isn't any lesser! she is funny and she's shy and nervous and she's so powerfully butch to the bone in a way that avoids all negative stereotypes but still manages to highlight the pitfalls butches find themselves in. she has so many layers and people reduce her to some kind of himbo when in reality she's objectively both too mean and too intelligent to be a himbo. i love that you can sense from the very beginning that she is sitting on a massive broiling lake of sadness and for all of her posturing she is both incredibly delicate and one of the strongest characters in the story. i love that she sucks so bad and died a virgin like christ jesus and even missing half her soul she remains consistent not in her outward personality but in her ability to shield her soft underbelly through some sort of performative attitude but EVERYONE can see right through her except gideon herself because everything she does is loud and annoying. she's impulsive and passionate and. incredibly annoying. i hate her and she's my favorite person ever
least favorite thing about them: probably the war crimes but it's not like she's passionate about war crimes she just doesn't gaf. this is just what a lesbian situationship will do to a guy
favorite line: literally all of them man everything she says makes me laugh.... here are some standouts though: - "If my heart had a dick you would kick it" - "I have lots of fealty in me. I fealt the Emperor with every bone in my body. I fealt hard" - "You've got two short minutes left before I punch you right in the butthole" - everything she says when talking to ianthe
brOTP: her and camilla ooooohhhh..... also her and pal. gideon works so well with the sixth house because they're just as annoying and generally peculiar as her they're just more lowkey about it
OTP: i'd have to say griddlehark because i have never stopped thinking about them ever but i do enjoy gideon x camilla (i forgot their ship name) because the cav4cav shit is so good godddd they're just two sides of the same coin, the same story with different upbringings they would help each other out
nOTP: not a huge fan of gideon and corona just because i think corona needs to chase someone who doesn't like her for enrichment purposes and gideon's schoolgirl crush on corona probably doesn't translate well into an actual relationship (let's be real though none of these relationships are going "well") but it is an interesting dynamic
random headcanon: i think she is really gross. genuinely. she picks her nose and doesn't wash her face and harrow gets on her ass about it which i guess is reasonable. also more intense but i definitely think both gideon and harrow have food issues but while harrow copes by being intensely picky gideon has some textual evidence of binge eating which makes sense to me character wise and also would explain why she developed muscle on planet malnutrition
unpopular opinion: i don't really have any once again?? i guess i like to imagine she isn't as attractive as she thinks she is but a lot of people write and draw her as a lesbian adonis which i understand because thats how she describes herself lmao. i think she's kind of cute in a weird way and tamsyn describes her as boyishly pretty so in my mind she's the kind of hot a straight man would never agree with. she is still the hottest person in the world to me
song i associate with them: I HAVE SO MANY. main ones are: father by the front bottoms, dance in room song by sipper, bodysnatchers by radiohead, suffering jukebox by silver jews, knife in the coffee by car seat headrest
favorite picture of them: this fanart: (this artist does such a delicious gideon ohhh i need her.) https://www.tumblr.com/bastardnoodle/741903153830723584/im-in-the-middle-of-reading-harrow-and-i-miss-her?source=share
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the-black-bulls · 6 months
Hi there, friend! I heard you were eager to provide us some salt? :D
May I ask for 2, 7, 10 and 15?
Have a nice day! 💖
Salty Ask List
why hello there, ashen! there's no words limit in tumblr so I can go all out with and be annoying 😛 (have a nice day too!)
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
on top of the ones I mentioned in this ask, Magna/Luck is a ship that gives me more BroTP vibes. I find myself enjoying their moments and shenanigans through familial, brotherly lens. I still fw them together as a couple from time to time (especially in my friends' arts and fics), but at the end of the day Magna/Luck's dynamic will always be an important BroTP to me, much like asta and liebe 💖🤝🏻
also it doesn't really count as brotp since I ship them, but Yami and Nacht's bromance is just chef's kiss, I just happened to crack them as exes with nacht getting forced to co-parent the squad he's been avoiding for years 😂
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
fuck clover kingdom honestly I hope someone destroys it from the ground up and establish a new system :)
also fights. I'm tired of going through fights after fights after fights with cliffhangers that don't hit as often. I just want to see everyone talks and interacts and has cooldown moments more, which hasn't been an option for years now with how fast the plot runs. of course hino provided a much needed break, but I wish liebe played bigger part in the arc and I wish the bulls got to visit the land too.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
the anime-only arc not included, it used to be the royal knights arc before zora grew on me (tournaments just bore me ok), but now it's the royal capital arc with it being the least enjoyable.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
it's full of great themes and ideas but with weak execution because the mangaka rarely goes beyond the bare minimum, leading us to have an underdeveloped world and concepts that used to be hyped in the past shrugged off now because the plot moves too fast for the story to explores everything.
alright, this might not be an unpopular opinion, so for something more controvesial... Yuno doesn't belong to the golden dawn, he doesn't fit with him, they're not his friends let alone found family. Yuno has to be slowly stripped off his roots to become someone more fitting of the squad's superior aura and passive arrogance masked as pride. Yuno deserves better, and he can't get what he deserves in such a loveless and friendless environment that only offered him disdain and guilt.
in a better timeline, Yuno will become a black bull.
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natequarter · 9 months
gotta go with humphrey on this one for you
favourite thing about them: he's funny as hell, and the best improviser in the land
least favourite thing about them: not enough screentime? lets other people walk all over them and never tries to stand up for himself after a lifetime and several hundred more lifetimes of being treated as a particularly opinionated football? who knows
favourite line: i have to regularly remind myself that "i'm trying my best here!" is a doctor who line, not a ghosts line. but probably "me leave? i live here..."
brOTP: thomas. i am sadly predictable and despite how much thomas likes to use him as a prop they have a lot in common
OTP: canonically, robin. non-canonically, sophie
nOTP: also thomas :| at least as a purely romantic relationship. i can get on board with them shagging or bonding but thomas is not the one i'd go to for humphrey having a fluffy romantic relationship
random headcanon: the only person he's ever genuinely hated is his father, and he pointedly avoids honouring his father's legacy when he can
unpopular opinion: humphrey did try to learn french, and he did listen to his wife. these are two things we literally see in the bone plot. yes, he's no good at it; yes, he could probably try harder. but it's hard to want to build a relationship with someone who refuses to talk to you. i don't get why en français feels the need to show humphrey being a poor listener - that is not the problem with his marriage! also. he would not be the captain's fucking wingman. seriously? humphrey is not the bubbly extroverted member of the friend group; he's the quiet one who listens to everyone but doesn't talk much. he can be bubbly, but he's just as likely to run rings around you in lieu of a conversation, but i suspect he's most likely to listen to your troubles and not tell you his own. you won't realise how repressed he is until you leave and realise you haven't heard much from him. i mean, can you imagine him acting as a wingman? he might be cute but he WILL fuck it up
song i associate with them: don't lose ur head by six pastime with good company by henry viii for tudor reasons and emily by mika for reasons of "one day I will end up dead / that’s the only thing I said / that would ever get her smiling" and "got me falling on my knees / got me praying to st. peter / emily, see the price I have to pay? / I would give my life away / if I knew that I could reach her / emily why'd you make this hard for me? / it’s not the way it’s meant to be / i don’t want ever to hate you"
favourite picture of them: when he's just in his doublet ;)
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dearreader · 9 months
i really liked the seven husbands of evelyn hugo and i had no idea it was an unpopular opinion on tumblr until now 😭 that being said, i do want to know why (in your opinion) it's so hated bc i'd like to understand
uhhhhh i can’t fully answer why it’s hated here. i did like it at first but over time i just realized it’s not the best.
1. taylor jenkins reid got evelyns ethnicity wrong as i saw someone point out that where she says she’s from her family would drink rum and not tequila (if i remember right)
2. i personally don’t like how she handled celia’s character over time. she spent the majority of the book being biphobic and insecure that evelyn would leave her then she is just accepting of evelyn being bi right at the end. i understand it was a different time but we weren’t really given any like formal conversation about it and it feels very… cheap i guess to just throw it in at the end. (im also just really tired of seeing sapphic relationships where one party is insecure the other would leave her for a man but that’s a whole other can of worms)
3. i don’t like how connor hugo (i think that’s her name, it’s evelyn and harry’s daughter) was treated. she was a very minor character and we only see her in chunks and it’s her being stable before harry dies, her being a wild child after his death, evelyn literally telling her she’s gay and so was her dad and they had a lavender marriage only for her to say “i don’t care please just get out”, then she becomes buddy buddy with celia’s brother and magically all her issues that are from her fathers death are solved. like that’s a fine arc but we weren’t shown any of that and she in my opinion should’ve had more story time. but the point of the biography is to talk about her relationships so it wouldn’t really come up
4. i think TJR handled celia’s biphobia poorly (as stated before) but i also think she handled evelyns reaction to it poorly. like it might’ve just been evelyn assigning blame to herself in grief but the second time they broke up stemmed a lot more from celia being insecure about evelyn leaving her for a man rather than evelyn not fully considering celia’s feeling like when she married mick riva in vegas. like yes, evelyn should’ve said she was going to have sex with him but her being so fucking upset that she was planning on doing a quickie wedding to keep suspicions off them having an affair and RUINING both their lives feels really fucking weird. like yes, they shouldn’t have had to hide their relationship like celia says, but celia should be very well acquainted with what would happen to them and their careers if they’re found out. but again in my opinion celia’s reaction to that was more due to, how TJR says it, celia viewed evelyn as “a lesbian when she was happy and a straight woman when she was upset”. the second time though i’ll give more evelyn credit on her saying it’s primarily her fault since she should told celia she was going to do a sex scene with her ex husband, but celia still being so hurt and offended about harry and evelyn having sex so evelyn could get pregnant (to once again AVOID SUSPICION THAT THEYRE GAY) to the point she wouldn’t let evelyn do things for her job and career because it made her insecure doesn’t leave a good taste in my mouth. like the biphobia should’ve been explored a lot more and feels oddly used at times.
5. this book has done irreparable damage to gaylors/kaylors as a lot of them now think this somehow proves taylor swift is gay and will one day come out ala evelyn hugo style and have just now assumed she closeted despite taylor saying she’s straight and uncomfortable by people saying she’s dating/fucking her friends (like REPEATEDLY). so i personally don’t like the book for that reason too
that’s all i can think of and i’m running late ti get ready for work now but if i think of anymore i can add to this (full disclosure haven’t read this book since 2021 and i did enjoy it at first)
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girltimeswithscar · 9 months
HAI BEAUUU ^___^ 12, 22, and 25
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
12 the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them: I have no idea who is unpopular vs who is popular, i cater my dash and discord experience to myself and so I hear about my favoritest guys whenever something fun happens with them. out of everyone I hear a lot about though, I hear the least about Gem. I LOVE GEM. I genuinely think she has complete mastery over the Minecraft Video Format and frankly outshone everyone on this server pacing wise this season. She knows when to cut to grindy aspects of minecraft as breathers between high interpersonal drama and murder. She brings the best out of everyone in the funniest way possible, like she charmed Pearl into a red name alliance, she roasted Mumbo's tower and made him dig his pg13 hole deeper and deeper, you know how she is with etho. I HAVE A LOT MORE TO SAY ACTUALLY. but im a gem stan forever. 22 your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores:
I HAVE A HARD TIME ANSWERING THIS BC I DONT RLLY BELIEVE IN CANON WRT THE LIFE SERIES. I think something that might get overshadowed by people either putting Cleo into the Doting Mom Friend or Annoyed Girl With Braincell categories is that she really really really cares about her teammates and refuses to betray them until they've betrayed them first. I think you see this especially with their text on screen! Saying one thing out loud but clarifying it after the fact to give it new meaning... It's super characterful and is very much like a ["blah blah blah," he lied.] type thing. SHOUT OUT TO CLEOS INTERNAL MONOLOGUE !
25 common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing: I am sick of hearing about avoiding negativity LOL. I love complaining and I love blocking topics, characters, aus, tropes, tags, and people on my personal blog on tumblr dot com. people are allowed to say they think things are boring. they are allowed to say they think YOU are boring for liking those things. I get that this is a fandom that skews younger and I also went through a phase of taking it extremely personally when someone called the thing i like Cringe (or even worse, actually critiqued it and shredded it to smithereens), but like, please let me be a grumpy old man with my fellow grumpy old man mutuals. I am making the stuff that I want to see! I also need to talk myself into making stuff for myself and not for An Audience. Sometimes I like to post opinions to see if anyone agrees, or has a cooler idea, or see if there's secretly an entire aspect of fandom I just don't see because it's covered by the popular stuff I do not like. i dont really have a thesis but haterisms and wishing out loud for a fandom culture that doesnt exist yet is awesome and you dont need to be friends or agree with everyone in your fandom :thumbsup:
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bikelock28 · 2 years
romione please!
What made you ship it?
They're the lead couple of the series, aren't they? It's the central love story and there are so many wonderful moments- yes, cute ones, but also I love all their conflict and differences and friendly bickering unfriendly arguing. They are the main romance of a huge 7 book series so of course you have to ship them.
(....especially if you're a nerdy, bookish, average-looking girl who sees herself as Hermione, which of course maaaaaany of us did. Hermione Granger was our Holden Caulfield. Anyway, I have since humbled myself and realised NO WAY am I smart enough. Or maybe I'm a grown-up now and we never see her become one?).
I have a very clear memory of sitting on a coach from York to Whitby, the Summer DH came out, making up how Romione officially got together after the Battle of Hogwarts. I didn't know what fanfic was at the time and would have been scared to commit my little scene to the page. Though I still remember bits of it now!
What are your favourite things about the ship?
"Ah well. Worth a try, but you were a bit obvious," "Well, next time you can show me how it's done, Master of Mystery!"
"He touched the spot on his face where Hermione had kissed him, looking puzzled, as though he was not quite sure what had just happened".
"Hark whose talking. Confunded anyone lately?"
"You asked a question and she knows the answer! Why ask if you don't want to be told?"
That whole scene in OotP when Harry is telling them about kissing Cho. I tried to copy some of it here but there is too much which is hilarious, sweet and generally amazing. Some subtle, some not subtle. It is GOLD.
I looooove going back and spotting all the hints (Harry certainly didn't) and arguing about when they first liked each other etc.
The narrative voice is so so funny about Romione. Again, too many quotes to copy out here but the narrator is the sassiest one of the Trio for sure.
How JKR avoided the Main Boy/ Main Girl romance. It's never on the cards, and I love that.
Romione has everything! Conflict- check. Pining- check. Cuteness- check. Humour- check. Best friends- check. Characters who are baffled by each other- check. Danger- check. Honestly what more could you want in a ship?
When Hermione hits Malfoy, storms out of Transfiguration, and sneaks out to get the cloak. Ron is awed, and Hermione is flattered. Aaaw.
Mrs Weasley sending Hermione a rubbish Easter Egg when she thinks Hermione is with Krum.
Ron realising his worth.
Hermione being a Queen.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think so?
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otaku-tactician · 1 year
For the blorbo bingo - any Cu of your choosing? c:
Hello fellow fate fan and Cu enjoyer, thanks for the wonderful ask!! I think I will pick Lancer this time (I'm playing it safe lmao i hope i will be able to be concise and not start screaming incoherently). But also thank you for sharing your Cu theories and analysis with me. I like talking about this guy a lot, but he is absolutely my BLIND SPOT when it comes to understanding!
I apologise in advance if any of my Cu takes are a bit off (a lot of projection can be blamed for this). Also the rambling is extremely long so you can ignore it too. Thanks again!
Note: These are all my personal opinions, not truth (cuz im far from an expert on him)
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This time I am going to be a lot more selfish (extremely selfish) and discuss my personal feelings on the character (which I tend to avoid doing)- based on all the bits I circled. Firstly yeah there is a deep seated reason why I love this character.
It's because well, Cu Chulainn does represent certain qualities that I am obsessed with and yearn deeply for. The way he guards, protects, supports, and takes care of his inner circle is pretty moving. He really cranes out his neck for those that matter to him, and as the white day quiz says; it's like he's kind of a warm blanket as an ally. Just the way he interacts with others in Fuyuki emphasises this, he can be so easy to talk to; he'll offer some great services, and though he can be annoying sometimes, he can be great company too.
Yes I get the people who say Cu is a terrifying warrior- which is especially showcased in how he plays around with weaker opponents/ kills em quickly and talks to them in a friendly yet horrifyingly cold manner concurrently- and he could kill me in my sleep (or anywhere for that matter) BUT he can be so warm as well- or cold- idk he's SEASONAL!!!!!
Yeah, his loyalty is DEFINITELY context dependent (he is a pretty loyal warrior and serves a lord and a friend very well but has had struggles when it comes to loyalty as a lover.... but I tend not to ever talk about that, in fear of pissing off the fans that believe he's a very reliable lover. I'm sorry Cu fans, but I don't quite agree, like YES he can be a good lover but also YES he can fuck up greatly too); but when he cares, he cares deeply and he does his all to be helpful to others- even to the point of self-sacrifice at times-and I really respect that a lot.
Feels like he is a great guy to have as an ally/ friend, which is why I ended up being unable to stop him from becoming MY FAVOURITE GUY OF ALL TIME (sorry gilgamesh).
But there is also a deep seated reason why I hate him so much. I think most of it is just jealousy from the fact that he embraces his role as an outsider, as the one who doesn't quite fit in anywhere; yet is also so popular despite that. I am jealous of his customer service skills, and how he knows so expertly well to craft himself in a way that showcases his best sides to others, and how he isn't afraid to show off his powers. And I am jealous that there are some who see how fucked up he can get, but they still adore him regardless; and he adores them equally too. I AM SO JEALOUS OF CU CHULAINN (especially Lancer) LMAO ITS SO FUNNY I SWEAR TO GOD! Also wtf how dare he rock his blue ponytail and garish clothing and still look sexy I hate it (joking id bang him if he even so much as offered).
And then the next point is I do not like to discuss Cu Chulainn on tumblr (but I LOVE hearing other people's opinions of him). I have witnessed just how mean Cu discourse can get for over 6 years now and it doesn't seem to be improving. However, I have also spoken to many kind and cool Cu fans as well, so the online Cu experience can vary. This is a very unpopular opinion but I LOVE the cute Cu fanarts just as much as the scary ones (cuz its hot i think the duality is SEXY AS FUCK).
But to me the main bit that exhausts me is that it's like I wish there could be a marriage between the different perspectives of this guy, cuz in my opinion I don't really think anyone has gotten him wrong, and it's more like they get him right but maybe certain aspects of him may be more to their particular focus, which is totally fine. I like hearing contrasting takes of Lancer Cu and hope that will continue forevermore.
Like Lancer Cu is full of duality and conflicting and contrasting elements, I believe he just is, y'know. Lancer Cu. But somehow there are loads of tumblr battles about which aspects are more valuable/ less worthy to look at, which REALLY CONFUSES ME!!! And people even sometimes deny Copious Cu Crimes (Cu/CCC) or want to squash out Cute Cu Content (Cu/CCC) which worries me.
(But I am the person who misunderstood his core character for over 6 years, so I admit I used to do this mistake myself. I used to focus so much on his warrior and cold side that I forgot about his affectionate and loving side!)
Why can't warrior cu, adorable cu, scary cu, criminal cu, fucked up cu, mean cu, nice cu, helper cu, loving cu, grumpy ass cu, ruthless cu, perceptive cu, monster cu and funny cu all coexist- please im begging you. And yeah, I also avoid talking about the more negative shenanigans that occurred in certain versions of his myth cuz some of his fans get really angry about it or turn it around to make it seem like I'm the one with a problem for raising it (this actually happened once lmao).
Sorry, I know he did his best to protect his masters in fate and his province as a myth-hero, but the man still also a war criminal in my eyes; through and through. LMAO that is an unpopular take, though. But tbh, I mean if I was a citizen in a holy grail war and Lancer had a master that was like 'hey lancer, drink em for mana' I feel like even if he disapproved, he'd still do it anyway.... That's just how I view him. He can be so wonderful and lovely, but duty comes before all else. That's the vibe he gives me personally. That's why I see his loyalty as context dependent based on individuals involved and the situation itself.
Next yeah, I have unwillingly come around to him because I really did not want to like him at first (I found him intimidating and thought he was wearing a clownsuit at first) but so much for that! Thanks a lot Cu!!! Seriously. One second I was shocked when I witnessed him coldly and ruthlessly kill Shirou on orders and hated on his outfit; next second I was pissing myself with laughter at his banter with Tohsaka Rin- and drooling over that EXACT SAME OUTFIT. How the hell does Lancer Cu even DO THAT? He was just so easy for me to like that I didn't even realise he was my blorbo until I was in deep and I haven't come out since (help me).
Oh gosh it's tough answering every circle. I want to give up! But if he can crack my spine like a crawfish and slurp me up I would likely be grateful. Is this an innuendo or literal though, because if it is literal I will be screaming in pain. But hey, if he's worth it he can slurp my insides anytime (nah i'd cry).
Yeah, my worst mistake and the reason why I struggle so much to characterise Lancer Cu decently is because I have projected so heavily and so MESSILY onto him that I accidentally gave him some of my real life headcanons. And it is so creepy because hopefully me and this guy aren't similar. I mean, I don't think I'm like Lancer Cu at all (most people say I'm like Archer, who I don't really see myself as either). But sorry Lancer Cu, I definitely threw some of my trauma of feeling like an outsider onto you. MY BAD!
Could I make him worse? HAHAHA, YES. Because I can challenge him in terms of ideals (I doubt he'd take me seriously though), and could very easily piss him off. I think my personality is definitely an antithesis to his, maybe I'm even his opposite. Because he's like 'ENJOY THE MOMENT, KEEP BALLING EVEN IF YOUR LIFE IS SHIT, OVERCOME AND ADAPT TO SUFFERING' and he does that very well, even when things knock him to the floor he keeps going (but then in turn runs away from certain issues and struggles to share his traumas).
But I could probably piss him off by saying 'IM BALLING AND OVERCOMING THINGS LIKE YOU BUT THE SUFFERING ISNT FUCKING ENDING AND THE PAIN IS GETTING WORSE THIS IS BULLSHIT' is that a clown 2 clown communication???? I have no idea. I bet he'd hate me for saying that though but that's okay, maybe he'd simply brush me off- but if he was a debate guy I would debate him!
Yeah the pretty privilage, he is a really beautiful man. That's all. He is so beautiful- stunning, even. TT-TT Super pretty. Doesn't help that his personality is interesting as well. Maybe I am just obsessed with him?? And yeah, he is kinda the white noise in my brain, he infiltrates my own actions and life choices by a great deal, I often think sometimes 'HEY WHAT WOULD LANCER CU DO? HOW WOULD HE REACT?' to even the simplest things and start laughing, or someone can remind me of him and I start laughing, or I think 'oh damn wish i could talk to him' I am like the PARASOCIAL FAN! HELP!!!! Also I think about him at random times. Lately, I have become more normal(?) about him but all it takes is 1 thing and he's back in my brain full time again.
Yeah, he is very complex and well written in my personal opinion. I think Nasu and the crew have done really well. I love how great a job they've done of making him seem like an annoying bawdy loud man as well as an incredibly intelligent, perceptive and agile warrior at the same time (and then he can even be bashful too). He a great character, he has so much nuances like a real human being so he gets a 10/10 from me. One personal example I have is that I used to think Cu was ALWAYS the happy loud funny annoying flirt guy off the job, until I started seeing scenes in anime like Emiya Gohan which showcases how no actually he also can be quiet sometimes and enjoy a bit of time alone, or needs time to disengage and cool off by himself.
I mean I don't usually even notice these aspects of characters. But with Lancer Cu, I constantly have to re-learn how to appreciate him because of how varied his character is.
Yeah I got the brainrot, but it's the brainrot of constantly having to readjust the way in which I view him. And the extreme brainrot I get whenever I start going bazongas about his hotness. I keep my Lancer Cu horny thoughts to myself for that reason lmao, I mean I have a crapload of suppressed horny thoughts so i think its horny brainrot in regards to him :)
Idk... I am biting my fist? The more appearances, the better. I am glad he is popular = more canon and fanon content.
As for putting him in situations, I would say stop but .... it's kind of entertaining. But I'd like to see him win a grail war someday. ALSO THOUGH THE WHOLE BAZETT STORY IS SO SAD BRUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i pray for an alternate saga where Cu and Bazett remain master/servant for the whole war cuz I'd cry if that happened and enshrine it my heart 4eva. I forgot my point for this part now....
For the next one, I used to need Lancer Cu in this way. It was an extremely unhealthy and scary time in my life to be frank. It took me through a journey where I had to confront some very personal issues and traumas. SO THANK YOU LANCER CU FOR FORCING ME TO FACE MY TRAUMAS!!!! Cuz yeah when I say I used to rely heavily on this blorbo to live.... my god. Yeah. It was not a good time. Hahahaha... yeah it was the worst time ever. It took me a long time to even admit he was my blorbo, cuz of all the issues it unleashed in my own personal life.
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eldritchsurveys · 11 months
Last Best and Final Survey by foxandforest
Is there anything that you continue to do despite always regretting it/paying for it later? Why won’t you give it up? >> there really isn't anything like that for me and I don't think anything that truly felt awful after doing would be something I continued doing. like, I just don't have the impulse to do things that feel that bad, even if the badness is delayed. this sounds great but unfortunately the aversion applies universally -- so it also applies to having to do things that feel bad the whole time but do have a payoff, like, you know, chores
What was the last “unpopular opinion” you saw that gave you a visceral oppositional reaction? >> this happens to me so regularly that I don't even mark the occasion anymore so I have no idea. like even if I agree with the opinion sometimes my mind will be like "well now I'm gonna argue for the opposite opinion" for no reason except pettiness lol
Do you feel the need to do and see a lot of different things in life—as in having as much of a full and varied life as possible? >> hmm. sometimes, but like... as a reaction to feeling activated. like, when my nervous system is out of whack it just reaches for every possible thing to show me how my life is Bad and Sad and Not Enough, and "you need to Do More" is low-hanging fruit in that regard. but I don't actually believe I need to do and see a bunch of stuff in order to feel fulfilled, I just think that at the moment, I'm not getting the things I do need to feel fulfilled I do enjoy interacting with a lot of different art/media, though, I feel like that enriches my life
What was the last thing you lost your fucking mind over—something so awful or stupid you couldn’t believe it? .
What are some books you’re interested in reading soon? >> eh, idk. the most recent book I added to my tbr is Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver
What’s an item of clothing you think your wardrobe lacks and would benefit from? >> that's a question I've been asking myself repeatedly especially after having done the wardrobe cleanout (finally). the fact of the matter is I have a hard time actually envisioning what kind of clothes I want (aside from fantastical ass shit that I'd either have to make myself or pay someone oodles of money to make), I just know I definitely do not have enough for my comfort
What is an old person, out-of-touch, things were better in my day, etc. thought you’ve had? >> I had that feeling when Sparrow was telling me about the state of youth literacy these days (good reminder, I meant to do some research about that because what the fuck is going on) (ok I looked it up and this article elaborates more on it while also reassuring me that there's been backlash at least)
What is the worst (i.e., lowest paying, poorly compensated based on intensity of work, etc.) way you’ve ever made money? >> begging the government for pennies so I can avoid starving or freezing to death
Do you have anything going on that could be your signature look, such as always having the same go-to hairstyle or lip color or anything? >> my battle vest is my signature, I think
What is something that you used to put a lot of effort into but not anymore? >> bios/about pages/that sort of thing on social media
If you have children, what are some things you want to make sure they experience or have the chance to experience if they desire? .
On a scale from 1 to 10 how much confidence do you have in your country’s government? When was the last time this number was different? >> I have no confidence in the US government and I don't recall ever feeling otherwise
What is something that a lot of people do that you don’t find the value in? >> a lot of social rituals feel like this for me, like I just don't see the benefit. I don't mean like small talk and shit, I mean like going out to bars and drinking a lot and then feeling like shit the next day but you do it because your friends wanted you to or whatever
Do you ever think about quitting taking surveys? What about just quitting taking them on LJ? >> nah. I mean, I think about it in the abstract, because I've been taking them for literally half my life and that sometimes strikes me as pretty wild, but I know if I haven't gotten bored with the practice by now I probably won't any time soon. I think it would be real neat to be still taking surveys in my 50s, 60s... like, I don't keep diaries well, but I do have these! they serve a similar purpose, I think -- sometimes even better than just open-ended journalling as far as quitting taking them on LJ specifically -- yeah, lol, I was thinkin about that last week in fact. mostly because I am on the fringes community-wise and generally don't get much interaction so there's no real benefit to posting in one place vs another, so I tend to come and go at whim I was gonna just go back to my survey tumblr but I think I'll do the secret third thing and post in both places. I have no actual reasoning for this decision except "fuck it, why not" which is the best reason to do anything
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heliianth · 11 months
I'm not the same asker, but may I inquire about the opinions on Sonic you think are unpopular? If you're uncomfortable still then... What do you think of Silver haha
im not uncomfortable per se, just dont want to rain on other peoples parade. i usually make characterization posts looking for feedback and similar viewpoints, and bc i know my sonic opinions are unpopular at least from what i can see i wont receive that so it makes this subject offputting for me. but u asked so i shall deliver
im not a huge fan of the interpretation that sonic internalizes or suppresses everything, or considers his "hero role" restrictive or burdensome in the sense that he cant show weakness, etc... maybe im just an adventurehead and new games have more basis for this interpretation, but it kind of feels like the fandom exaggerating traits in order to make sonic an interesting pov character when hes really not meant to be...? thats not to say sonic isnt interesting in general, but i dont think hes equipped for carrying a narrative by himself so usually people try to give him some deeper traumatic internal world to explore when i personally dont think its there, lol. ive said before that i think the most interesting sonic stories to me arent really about Him so much as his effect on other characters and thats why im so mehhh abt this take.
thats not to say sonic doesnt withhold information about himself. in sa2 he very blatantly lies to amy about his thoughts and oftentimes tries to keep others out of harms way by doing stuff himself. but i dont think this is martyrdom or needing to "fulfill his role as a hero" so much as him just feeling some responsibility as, for a while, the oldest kid in the friend group. he doesnt consider himself a hero but hes aware that younger characters, like amy and tails, look up to him so he doesnt want to talk to them like he would a peer. he is generally more serious with characters like knuckles who are around his same age and do not hold him to this pedestal. we see as tails and amy grow he begins to be more relaxed and less "big kid needing to remember his audience" now that they arent as young or star-struck.
splitting up this paragraph to avoid more wall of text but in regards to this ^^^ i also think most of it is just that... hes a private guy. he doesnt particularly want ppl to know whats going on in his brain all the time, has a personal space bubble, doesnt hang around the public often and lots of times doesnt talk much in very social situations. tho i wont knock ppl for trying to find a deeper more psychological reason for it, i dont personally think there is one... hes just an introverted dude. some ppl just dont like talking abt themselves and get awkward abt it.
also what i think of silver? not sure. i think he has good potential... but sonic teams fear of 06 after it flopped so hard didnt let him grow to meet it. i think his arc in that game was unfinished and suffered from the timeline reset. but i also dont remember lots from his story, so i may have to revisit it. i like him in those early days like in rivals, but im afraid to say i dont find him very fascinating nowadays :( sorry! i get why others do tho
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elthadriel · 2 years
hi hello 😁
for the ship ask game…
lemme ask: codywan, fox/thorn, and i always want to know more about lepi/rion bc ur boys live rent free
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You're evil Tru.
We'll do this out of order for... reasons
What made you ship it?
I actually have no idea. I probably read something? Have any of our friends written it? Maybe it was that?
When I'm new to a fandom I'm game for pretty much any ship before I start getting salty, so I might just have seen art and been like "awh, that's sweet" and then I wrote fic for it and I was lost.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I want these two making pathetic eyes at each other for fucking ever before anything happens.
I think Fox is all sharp edges and as a rule the people he's closest to are all sharp edges too. I think he struggles with vulnerability and Thorn is just patient and doesn't have a sharp edge in his body. I think being treated kindly by someone who won't rise to any of the bullshit Fox tries to start is good for getting him to stop posturing.
And I think Fox is good for Thorn as well, though it takes a little longer for that to become apparent. I think Thorn can be a people pleaser, I think he puts people before himself sometimes to his detriment and I think Fox being the stubborn bastard that he is helps Thorn be comfortable taking up more space and putting up firm boundaries on what he'll allow.
On an angsty note, Thorn dying is delicious angst, as is Fox falling deeper and deeper into Palps bullshit. I'm a sucker for stories about people watching their loved ones go down bad paths and when unable to stop them drawing a line in the sand. If Thorn walking away is enough to get Fox to actually examine what he's doing, who knows.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I've said this before, but I don't like the uwu'ing of the CG. I'm only interested in Fox when he is very aware of the fucked up things he's doing for the chancellor and is justifying them. And I think that conflict is key to what I like about Thorn/Fox.
lepi/rion are my beautiful boys
What made you ship it?
So these are OCs obviously, so I didn't really start shipping it as a made them to be shipped.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I like that there's some opposites attract stuff. Lepi is cheerful and bouncy and Rion is sullen and very introverted. They're both neurodivergent, sometimes in ways that don't mesh well eg. when Lepi is stressed he gets antsy, he talks and moves around and talks more, while Rion gets overstimulated when he's stressed.
I like that they had to work at it. They want this to work and so they talk about it and they get better at communicating their needs and how to slot together.
They're also just very sweet.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Uh... I think the only unpopular opinion I could have is that due to O66 this will inevitably end in tragedy, which considering how you specifically feel about that will be popular or unpopular 😂
Putting codywan under a cut so people don't need to see me being negative all over the place
As you well know, I don't ship codywan
Why don’t you ship it?
I don't like how fandom characterises either of these characters, particularly Obi Wan. I shipped it when I first entered the fandom and have gone more and more off it the more time I spent in fandom. I'm not gonna get into details because I'm not actually here to start fights, but I can rant about this for hours 😂
What would have made you like it?
An entirely different fandom
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Honestly, not really. I have so soured on this ship that I do literally everything in my power to avoid having to see it. I won't read fic that even mentions it in passing. I don't even make exceptions for my friends stuff anymore.
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will80sbyers · 2 years
Do not feel 'sad' or 'nervous' if people act like we are going against the majority. Because it is actually nice to have different takes when it is about something non-confirmed. Mike can be both bi, gay, or unlabelled/just queer without a necessary label. I personally am on the 'the writers will never confirm or label Mike's sexuality' opinion, I think he is written to be as 'queer' without any specific label.
I also want to say that I am actually on the most unpopular side of the fandom in this case, because my readings are more unpopular than your readings even. I do not think Mike is realizing anything, I think he is specifically written to be oblivious as being the center of the love triangle in this. Even in S4, I do not think he was realizing his feelings for Will or was confused.
In my understanding, Mike was scared that he lost Will as a friend and that is why he could not hug Will at the airport. I do not think it was about his secret romantic feelings. I think Hermione-Ron parallels do not hold in this case bc the situations are vastly different when it comes to these characters' emotional states. I believe Mike is 100% telling the truth in the things he said. Him not hugging Will was about him thinking he lost Will as a friend, he addresses this when he apologizes. Him not being able to say ily to El was because he was insecure and thought El would not need him anymore, and was scared of losing El if that day came. I believe he is 100% telling the truth in the van scene and during the monologue scene.
What I think is happening in this arc is that, Mike does not realize that he is not loving El as he is supposed to. He does not realize that he does not love El romantically. El is the one who realizes this, and she's the one who realizes that she does not love Mike romantically which is why I believe she will be the one to break up with Mike. He addresses that he does not see himself as nothing special, and El is a superhero in Mike's eyes. That makes them incompitable. Mike has a complex in wanting to be special . It makes their relationship incompitable. El has accepted herself as just a girl, not a monster or a superhero. The way Mike sees her as a superhero does go against El's emotional arc.
I think the moment El breaks up with him, El will say that she does not believe Mike loves him romantically, and this will push Mike to think what love does actually mean etc. (Btw I think the painting reveal will not trigger this, I think the painting reveal will be solved later on instead of it being the thing that triggers Mike's realization or something).
Anyways sorry for the long ask, I just like talking about this with someone who at least shares similar opinions to mine. So, let me what you think if you have time! And have a nice day.
I don't agree with this take that he's completely unaware because I can't explain some scenes and parallels if Mike doesn't already feel at least a bit different for Will, like the triple take in the desert for example or other stuff... But it's an interesting take, it could be!
personally I think he is beginning to understand his feelings for Will in season 4 but he's scared and wants to avoid avoid avoid and "keep the status quo" and keep being El's boyfriend
I definitely agree with some of the things you wrote, I do believe he's being very honest and saying the truth both to Will and El, I believe El is the one that realized she doesn't love Mike this season and will be the one breaking up with him... I also believe it's possible he will know his feelings for Will before knowing about the painting, I'm not sure on how they will handle that, they could do it in a lot of different ways!
and honestly what I care about is just that all the arcs make sense and that they end up together and happy
I'm good with Mike being unlabeled in the show, I don't know if they confirm that he's bi or not but I personally will keep thinking he's bisexual if they leave him unlabeled because I see his crush on El as genuine... unless they make him say he never was attracted to her I will still keep seeing the crush when I watch the show 🤔
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vanillahub · 1 year
the salty af munday meme [Accepting]
☄ Have you ever been in the middle of drama?
// In all of my years RPing here, I've managed to avoid big dramas for the most part! Thank fuck.
So, the one that did involve was mainly due to misunderstandings, from another person. This happened about 4-5 years ago, and the person in question has come clean and apologised for jumping the gun, the way they did. It's all good between us, but the incident in question has kinda of stuck in my mind.
Essentially I had responded to one of those unpopular opinions memes, and this person's former friend looked @ my post and went straight to this person, try to push the idea I was somehow vagueposting about them and their muse. And they believed their so-called friend in question.
Which I really wasn't..... At all. Things escalated for like an hour, thankfully it all ended within that night, and next to nothing hit the public dashboards. But it was still seen as an odd incident, because other rpers who knew this person better, found their reaction to my post odd (they could tell my post wasn't a jab at all at them). Then about an year later, I was reached out by this person and we both cleared things up.
read more bc iT GETS LONG LMAO
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
// SEE, I'm SO confrontational avoidant, it is really difficult for me to pop off in the instant something is happening. I may grow angry and develop resentment, but that only happens after the matter.
So, looking back on some of my shit experiences. I'll have to say that it for sure was back when, I had to deal with ppl who loved cherrypicking everything I said, and distort beyond belief what I was trying to communicate. I don't hide the fact I'm not native in English, and I try my HARDEST to be as clear and straightforward as possible.
BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP TO ATTRACT PEOPLE, who cannot have a rational and level-headed discussion, and have to resort to low moves with me. Why bother coming up with arguments and yknow, keep it within the realm of things we are discussing. When you can just start acting as if, you can't understand a single sentence I write?
Yes gringos, show us how you guys simply cannot communicate with us, because we may have made a small grammar mistake while talking to you in an informal setting like Discord DMs. Just make it all about the semantics, that's such a big brain move. Only native english speakers can do this, we are the pleb and must be thankful, you guys even talk to us foreigners at all. This has unfortunately happened more than once with me, and let me tell you: this shit can get under my skin so FAST. It happened with my writing, and it has happened with some of my muses portrayals as well.
I'm being clear with my statements, but people CHOOSE to misinterpret to suit their views of me. I have always been clear about what my muses are about, but people CHOOSE to run with whatever they want to believe.
✂ A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting?
// I've been through a handful of Fandoms around here, and I'm going to say it. The RPC that's the worst one, in being the most newcommer unfriendly. That would be League of Legends. Things were already pretty bad, back when I was into it and part of that RPC. And by the looks of it, it only got progressively worse. The Arcane show, only added to that toxicity according to some of my folks, who are still in touch with that series one way or another.
You just don't hear a lot from it now, bc now there is competition for the prize of "the most toxic online community".
❦ Has someone been jealous of you?
// There could have been, and at the same time no one may have felt like that about me. Either way, I really don't care about it, I'm not dying to find that one out. And honestly? That's entirely a their problem.
I genuinely have better things to do in my day. I pity anyone who develops jealousy of others, over tumblr RP of all things.
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chronicparagon · 2 years
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
[ Okay! I have something I wanted to rant about that may be very unpopular. I think this is more of an American thing, but if this happens in other places in the world, please let me know. So, around the fall and into the winter, a channel called the Hallmark channel releases holiday movies, which is not a bad thing...They are mainly a bunch of romance movies around Christmas, which is not really a bad thing either. But the thing is that every, single movie from that channel is like the same thing.
It always centered around white, straight couples. Now, I have not bothered to see many of these movies, so maybe I'm wrong. If I am, then I'm sorry. But from all the ads shoved in my face about the movies, there is not one Hallmark Christmas movie that's about couples of other races, mixed race, or LGBT+ couples. They always have to be about straight love between white people. I don't know why, but that bothers me because this is so overrepresented and it would be nice to have some variety.
Another big complaint is a lot of these movies have these tropes. Lovers meeting on the wrong foot, well-meaning meddling in the main characters' love lives/matchmaking, or some big romantic misunderstanding that stirs up drama. Also having one of the lovers from the big city has to come to a small town, or come home to a small town for Christmas. Other tropes are how some big Christmas event will save the town, someone secretly in love with their best friend (but must ALWAYS be the opposite sex), and how the female lead must choose between family and career. Having both? THAT'S SACRILEGE!
The criticism of wanting a family and still having a career has been my lot in life. I believe you don't have to choose and the people who push you to choose is wrong. It's just that trope has especially put a lot of pressure on my life since I spent my 20's working out of homelessness and getting my degrees. I came back to my childhood hometown from a bigger city in early 2021, and I see more people influenced by these movies. It doesn’t help when people give me comments about not having a husband and I should be at home once I do. I mean, I want to get married one day and have a family but I want to keep my career too. I was even told that a professional woman won’t have much luck where I am which makes me sad.  
I don't know why, but these tropes from these Hallmark movies irritate me and I try to avoid them. There's nothing wrong with romance movies. It's just I can't stand my area being so into them and pushing these ideas. It's more common in smaller towns and at least in the US. I try to avoid Facebook around this time because people don’t stop talking about these movies. Ads are all over there and on TV, too. I usually keep all of thise to myself but after so long, it gets annoying.]
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