#seeing dumbass videos smh
scribbyizback · 1 month
constantly finding these "[insert fascist fuck here] destroys [person speaking for the common man and/or minorites]" and its js some entitled white person harassing some other person and bombarding them with "but you're not [majority's perspective] so [attacking. attacking. yelling now. USA mention]" and then it cuts off the other guys response. usa mention here.
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byanyan · 4 months
byan posting a tiktok where they use a knife to draw the perfect winged eyeliner
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
Hi! First-time asker has been compelled out of her silence by your awesome posts. First off I wanna say I've been following you for a while and I love your blog! Your posts always make my day. What's it like to have a brain that big?
Secondly, not a request but just a thought. There's been a lot of talk about the tittie pockets and the boys being surprised/impressed by them, but as a B-cup member of the itty bitty tittie committee, I can't help but consider the opposite. Maybe the boys have a female family member in their lives who regularly uses the tittie pocket to store stuff and are thus a bit confused on why small-chested Yuu tries and mostly fails to put stuff in their pockets which aren't even big enough to hold their phone (as is the curse of women's pockets). I'm thinking maybe Deuce say mama spade do it a lot and asks Yuu about it out of innocence/not really considering the connotations of asking such a thing. Or maybe Floyd has seen mama Leech do it and asks because of his sheer lack of a filter/lack of giving a fuck about what might be 'socially appropriate' to ask. And Yuu's just embarrassed about being in this situation having to answer these dumbasses, but is able to explain that they really can't do that, and the boys are just like "Oh... Well I'll carry your stuff for you then :D". As I said not a request just a thought from someone who loves your blog and thought that the tiny tittie Yuus deserved some recognition too.
Aaaaa they're so sweet! Some of the guys are unaware that feminine clothes don't accommodate for things like pockets (guess with don't need pockets smh) and sometimes we're struggling to carry things. And no tiddy pockets!? Oof, maybe your bra can hold one or two smaller things like chapstick or a some cash, but that's about it. It's okay, Deuce is happily offering his pockets to hold your stuff! Some of them see you struggling, and Vil specifically gets you a bag he was sent from brand's gifting campaigns. It's not his style, he's not gonna make any videos about it, and it would be a waste to leave it collecting dust. So he's offering it to you so you can carry your stuff; I'm sure he's aware that skirts, dresses, and women/feminine clothing doesn't have deep enough pockets and stuff.
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dragonnyy · 1 year
Edit: part 2’s out, if y’all wanna check my masterlist
Dexter Erotoph General Dating HCs
he definitely holds your hand in public. He holds your hand a lot
man he's so touchy, he needs to be touching you in some way all the time
asks for piggybacks all the time!!
he will bring back dead things and offer them to u like a cat
h u g s
mmm i say he's 5'6, kinda short
little spoon <3
comes home covered in blood all the time
he's so clingy to the point it gets annoying. like when u wake up in the morning he wont let u go and he'll grab onto your foot as u try to walk out the front door
hugs > kisses
no rizz but at least he's cute
begs for affection all the time
if you pick him up HE WILL SQUEAL
i think if he watched a horror movie he would purposely cling onto you and bury his face into your chest and use it as an excuse to him being scared
"hun, this isn't even a scary part of the movie..."
dumbass but a cute one
kisses everywhere on u
like you could just be standing and breathing and he'd be worshipping you
no limits to PDA, at all
if you take any interests in anything he will try to learn more about it and relate to it
pulls pranks on you all the time just to see you get pissed and then say "It wasn't me!" and act all innocent (you know what you did.)
follows u everywhere like a puppy
tries to fluster you but ends up flustering himself instead and if you have enough rizz (which could be like none) he will get even more flustered
if you play video games he will watch if you don't mind him and give commentary
he honestly loves spending time with you in any way. like watching movies and stuff is his thing
if your into it and are qualified, he'll let you be his exterminating sidekick!
hes so silly… part 2?
(yay im on a roll tonight)
Edit: reminder that part 2’s out if you wanna read :]
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venusjaynie · 1 year
st social media au pt2
no real story line here, just another stranger things social media fic!
ST social media au masterlist here
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Liked by y/ns.priv24, stevie.h, argyledude, and others.
itsbuckleybitch: folks, here we have steven marigold harrington in his natural habitat; stacking videos at our shitty job in a shitty video store
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stevie.h: buckley that is not my name and you know it
↳ itsbuckleybitch: do i know that?
↳ stevie.h: i hate you
y/ns.priv24: babe you look depressed af in this
↳ stevie.h: aw thank you baby. you're so kind
b.hargrove: cheer up harrington. munsons party's tonight
↳ stevie.h: i know dude. it's the only thing getting me through this gd shift
↳ itsbuckleybitch: hey dingus i think i'm making this shift a little more bareable
↳ stevie.h: um. no.
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Liked by stevie.h, itsbuckleybitch, y/ns.priv24 and others.
b.hargrove: the ladies say im almost as hot as my camaro
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y/ns.priv24: your tits look good in this
↳ b.hargrove: go fuck yourself
↳ y/ns.priv24: i took that photo. i was there. don't act as if you didn't pull your jacket back to show off your chest, and don't even try to convince everyone that that's a candid pic. it took you 45 minutes and 30024 poses to get the one you wanted.
↳ thefreakmunson: jesus christ. that was harsh kid
stevie.h: tbh hargrove, my girlfriend wasn't lying when she said your tits look good
↳ y/ns.priv24: steve i appreciate you agreeing with me (for once smh) but can you stop flirting with billy for one second
↳ itsbuckleybitch: yeah dingus, shes right. its getting out of hand
↳ stevie.h: as if you didn't kiss my gf at her birthday party when you were drunk
↳ y/ns.priv24 : that was a birthday kiss. doesn't count. it was robs present to me
↳ stevie.h: oh my god
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Liked by itsbuckleybitch, nanceewheeler, y/ns.priv24 and others.
stevie.h: found this absolute fuckin gem in my snapchat memories
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y/ns.priv24: amazing. spectacular. this picture is like a christmas present i love it.
itsbuckleybitch: harrington take this down right now
↳ stevie.h: hm... nah
nanceewheeler: robin looking cute as ever
↳ itsbuckleybitch: nance stop im blushing
↳ johnnybyers: buckley stop hitting on my girlfriend
↳ nanceewheeler: byers don't tell my girlfriend what to do
↳johnnybyers: what the fuck is going on
↳ itsbuckleybitch: HA i stole your girl
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Liked by mikeymikey, ElOhEl, madmaxx, dustybunhenderson and others.
willthewise: that was some good pasta.
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LucassSinclair: where tf are you guys?
↳ ElOhEl: idk like a parking lot somewhere? i could be wrong max drove us here
↳ b.hargrove: max did what?
↳ ElOhEl: she drove us here in your car
↳ madmaxx: whaaaaaaaaat
↳ b.hargrove: youve got some explaining to do when you get home maxine
stevie.h: is that my dog???
↳ y/ns.priv24: our** dog. but yeah is that ceasar?
↳ thefreakmunson: pfft you named your dog after a salad? that's stupid
↳ y/ns.priv24: no dumbass he's names after julius ceasar. like the famous roman general
↳ thefreakmunson: ...i knew that i was just kidding
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Liked by b.hargrove, stevie.h, itsbuckleybitch and others.
y/ns.priv24: uncle billy brought ceasar back. major slay
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b.hargrove: never call me uncle billy again
↳ stevie.h: hargrove shut up i could see the big cheesey grin on your face when you read "uncle billy"
↳ b.hargrove: dammit steve
itsbuckleybitch: i love how no one has commented some shit like 'cant tell whos cute billy or the dog' cause we all know the answer already
↳ b.hargrove: aw thanks rob
↳ itsbuckleybitch: no man i meant my pal ceasar
↳ b.hargrove: im leaving this friend group
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Liked by y/ns.priv24, willthewise, nanceewheeler and others.
johnnybyers: guys my mom just sent me this im so confused
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y/ns.priv24: shut up this is so cute
↳ johnnybyers: okay but why is she sending me this shit
↳ nanceewheeler: cause theyre in love and they wanna show it
↳ y/ns.priv24: maybe. that doesnt sound like mom or hopper though. i reckon mom knew you'd post this and she just wanted some clout
↳ johnnybyers: you're so right
itsbuckleybitch: john your mom is hot
↳ johnnybyers: not cool dude
↳ b.hargrove: i agree with buckley
↳ y/ns.priv24: you guys make me sick
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silverliningtears · 9 months
Thoughts after watching the full episode
Boston: what a fucking chaos monster, and a bad liar, feel like even Nick is a better liar than him lol. When Nick asked him if he likes Top he's like "who???? Me?!! NO!!" Like c'mon son who u fooling?? But, honestly, is the D that good?is it really worth all this..or idk if it's his issues with Mew that's really behind this
Nick: ok Nick reputation era has begun, get those receipts baby, take him down!!! I feel like Nick is gonna be the bulldozer destroying this "friend group" to the ground...I'm waiting with popcorn to enjoy the show.
Mew: I'm allowing him one night of peace before his whole world crumbles before him. But c'mon son, say something to ur FUCKBOI bf is someone hits on him IN FRONT OF U!!?!
Top: u could take a FUCKBOI to the monogamy pond, but u cannot make the FUCKBOI drink from the monogamy pond. Maybe don't fully believe the guy who wants to get into ur pants when he says he has receipts?? BUT EHAT DID HE SEE?!! WHAT IS IN THAT VIDEO??! IMMA GO CRAZY FUCK
Ray: u idiot, u don't even know how much urself fucking up are u?? U could have had another "priceless" night smh
Sand: bby get away from this incestous friend group while u can!!(we know that he's not gonna U were doing sooo good, till Ray flashed his puppy eyes and u folded like a leaf...the best part of today was him flipping Top off lmaooo I'm living for it!!
But, I kinda want Nick and Sand to team up and fuck everything up
Im still holding out for a raysand happy ending , like the dumbass i am, a girl can dream rite??
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codecicle · 6 months
whats your problem dude why are you so weird :3
im love posting now to fuck with you.
you thought this was gonna be a sneak attack but it isn't dumbass‼️ everyone point and laugh
i love you man and I mean that I love staying up texting you and altering my whole entire sleep schedule to fit yours i love getting random shit sent to me during the day and seeing your texts or asks in my notifs i love seeing your music taste and everything that comes with it i love hearing about your day and making inside jokes and bits between us that permanently change my vocabulary (ZIPPEE ^_^ sillay :3 and that dreaded Keyboard) I love being the only person who can understand what you've typed because you can't spell for shit but I also love being able to tell when you've gotten used to the keyboard your using because difficult words aren't misspelt like they normally are I love calling you in vc until your phone shuts off and playing baby sensory subway surfers videos with slimecicle gifs so you and your friends pay attention to my "very important" (no it's NOT LMAOOOO) tetris/papa's freezeria/minecraft gameplay that I always have screensharing in the background of the call. I love our shitty little minecraft world and our suicide hole (and stripper pole that Kai doesnt know about please keep it that way or we will never hear the end of it) and your inability to stay alive and our little back to back like a movie fighting and I love that one time I watched a mlp movie (which I have to do again. Btw) for you because you watched Be More Chill for me and we both ending up loving them both and I love our matching phone stickers we have that are torn to shreads and dirty as hell now but they USED to read "#1 ashton swagaythor fan" + "BOYF" with mine matching to read "#1 felix elliot 'is' fruity fan" + "REINDS" and I love how you use all of my pronouns even the unconventional ones (IT/ITS MY FAVORITE FOREVER AND EVERRR MAN) ((not really)) and how you explained how to use certain neopronouns to me without judging me at all and your little d20 rolls in the mornings to decide on what pronouns you're going to use for the day (today was he/they/she btw ^_^) and I love all of your dnd characters and/or ocs that you've shown me and explained the lore of (the dnd one that uses he/she is my favorite btw. the others are neat and all but he's my favorite by a long shot the others can't even touch her dude) and i love your amazing sense of fashion and outfit checks you'll send that just get better each time you do and I love your hair and your glasses (even though I felt VERY betrayed to find out they weren't circular irl how could you slash sillay) and every little detail on how you look and act and im so serious. i love your love of gillion titstrider and seeing you talk about jrwi AND HOW YOU STILLL HAVENT CAUGHT UP YET BUT THATS FINE SMH SMH and seeing you ramble about the play you're currently doing in our texts rn dear god those are lyrics and i love them
anyway point is i love you so much and i hope you have a wonderful rest of your night after reading this o/
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thegoblinboy · 1 year
Father of the Bride Husband
Tw; mentions of cancer though this has a happy ending
Inspiration; this came from the movie father of the bride with Steve Martin and Martin Short. It didn’t go in the direction I thought it would have and I was crying writing through it. Though I put a lot of work into it so it would mean a lot if you read. (It’s happy ending made me happy)
"Father Of The Bride- smh more like uncle of the dorky dumbass who bet fifty bucks when he was eighteen that he was never going to get married. Because and I quote, 'I will not partake in such actions of hetronormality', or whatever the word is."
The camera is zoomed out a bit to catch the mess that surrounded the older man in the frame. Who was now fixing his shoe? It was unclear as he was leaning forward in a foldable black chair as he lifts his shoe and flips it around dramatically. Letting a small clump of glitter out, watching the sparkling dust land all on the floor where it would be found months later. Above the frame of the video a piece of confetti falls landing on the males patchy head. No matter where the camera looked there was some form of mess happening. From the table that was behind the chair that was covered in plates, cake and even more glitter to the piles of napkins and random plastic skulls on the ground that were cheaply made.The audio barely catches the man’s grumbling under his breathe he moves his hand up and he swipes the thin paper off, allowing it to float down in a spiral until it hit the floor.
“I used to think a wedding was a simple affair.” He begins to talk as he puts his dress shoe back on. His other hand moving to the top of his head as he scratches lightly at the skin. Taking a moment as he talked to look around the room, mostly out of frame. “Boy and girl meet. They fall in love. He buys a ring. She buys a dress. They say, ‘I do,’-” the man winces as he watches something fall. Making a loud thudding noise from behind the camera. He moves his hand from the top of his head to rub his face, not bothering to get to and see what fell. His face held a exhausted look that was mixed with stress.
“I was wrong. That little notion about weddings that I had in my head? Well my boy Eddie never really fit into any of that. Sure for a while he did, but that was before I really got to know the kid. He was a crazy thing when I had started to babysit him. His mother worked twelve hour shifts some days to keep ends meet and his father was god knows where. I would find out much later that he was in prison for most of the time Eddie was a ankle biter.
When my boy started to sprout up like a tree that was when his sperm donor decided he wanted something to do with him. Which lasted for maybe a few years. It was never a consistent thing either, it was typically in small doses. Eddie wouldn’t be dropped off at mine for a few weeks at a time every other month and that’s normally when he would be with his other parent. Sure, I knew the kid. But I didn’t really know the kid. He didn’t really become my boy until I had to drive down one day and pick him up at one of them foster homes. God just remembering what that house looked like, makes me want to go drive back down and burn it to the ground-” the man’s fist tighten up as his face scrunches up in anger. Shaking his head as he looks down at the floor, his eyes glossing over a bit as he talks. Voice cracking slightly as well.
He wipes his face again as he quickly looks up at the ceiling as he fights to gather himself. “Well- back to what I was saying. Eddie didn’t become by boy until he nearly tackled me to the ground for the first time. There has only been three times that boy has hugged me like that since. The first, when I came to pick him up and take him home permanently. The second, when he came out to me and the third after spring break of ‘86. And each and every time I counted my blessings and forced myself to be a better man than what the world has set me up to be. Though the very first time when he was nothing but a green bean, I had fully accepted all the responsibilities a father would have.
Playing catch at the park, holding him after a nasty nightmare, teaching him how to drive a car, cheering him on at graduation, sitting him down and talking about the birds and the bees and most importantly standing by his side when the time came when he finally got married to a beautiful girl. Though once again, this was before I knew my Ed’s. Boy was I in for a treat, I was-” before he can finish what he’s saying a woman’s voice echos off from the side. The man quickly turns his head and concentrates for a second.
“Yeah?” He yells back. Moving to stand up, preparing to help whoever yelled out.
“Eddie wanted me to remind you to take your medication!”
Wayne pauses as his eyes once again start to get glossy. A soft sniffle leaving him as he wipes his eyes gently. Groaning as he moves to his pocket to pull a pill bottle out. Taking a random wine glass off the table, making sure it was empty before he moves to stand up and leave. To go thank the person and to go grab a drink. Returning a minute later with a bottle of grape soda, pouring it in the wine glass before taking his medication. Pausing as he gets himself situated again. Leaning back in the chair as he pauses to think. Trying to remember what he was talking about.
“Where was I? Oh! Remember everything that I just said? How I expected to do all of these things for my boy? Well somehow every single thing on my list of fatherly duties I had either messed up on or my boy went and turned in the opposite direction and made sure to not go the normal route. Playing catch in the park for the first time I gave the poor kid a black eye. We both had to go weeks explaining to the school that it was a accident, that Eddie had indeed gotten hit with a baseball. Though I would get my payback when I tried to comfort him after a nightmare. In the panic of things, the kid swung a right hook and broke my nose. Impressive as hell but hurt like a bitch. Even trying to teach him how to drive went wrong. Not in the way you would think either. The second he was behind the wheel he was a natural. Up until he accidentally locked the keys inside and had to show me how to break into a car. Or how to Hotwire said car when said keys he had locked in were the house keys and he had lost the car keys somewhere.” Wayne pauses for a second as he shakes his head a bit. A look of disgust landing on his face as he starts to talk again.
“A kid shouldn’t know how to do that shit. Though once again I have to make sure not to get into a tangent. Somehow, the list of big events as a parent was small for us. But each and every time without fail something would go wrong. I won’t even bring up how bad talking about safe sex was with him. I’m pretty sure both Ed’s and I would rather kill someone then let anyone in on that conversation.” He’s laughing gently, the tip of his nose turning pink. “Now there were only two things left on said list. Cheering him on at graduation and standing by his side at his wedding. And of course I would never hold it against him for not passing a system that was set up to fail kids like him. For three years in a row. Though I knew he was graduating one way or another. What I didn’t expect was to be cheering up on for graduating in a hospital bed-” once again he starts to wander off in his words. His face paling a bit at the thought of Eddie sick. Though he’s thankfully snapped from his thoughts again as he hears the camera start to beep.
Grumbling he moves forward and picks the electronic up. The camera is pretty much looking up his nose as he taps the frame before flipping it around to face the floor. Before everything goes all black, to then only be turned on again a second later with a pair of wide eyes under a set of curls. The video getting jostled around as a hat bumps the camera around. “Thank you Dustin, I really don’t know how to work these things.” Wayne’s hand flies as he gestures to the camera, looking embarrassed as he stands there. Dustin smiles as he moves away from the video. Moving away as he hums.
“It’s no problem Mr. Munson. Just let me know if it happens again. I should be able to fix it again. Is this the thing you were talking about doing for Eddie and Steve?” He asks curiously.
Wayne nods his head, a few more things are said off camera before Wayne is moving and sitting back in his spot. Looking a tad bit more disheveled and upset then he was before. Though he doesn’t let the camera catch onto it for much longer as he puts a smile on. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes but it’s there. He hums as he takes a sip of his grape soda from the fancy glass. Moving and cracking his knuckles and his knees as he stretches out. Taking a deep breathe.
“And well, here it is. My last milestone as a father. Nothing has made me more prouder than watching my boy walk down the aisle with the love of his life. Neither of them could decide who would stand and wait, honestly I think they were both still bickering about it while they were walking down the aisle.” He laughs gently. “And as I sit here, I’m happy that everything hadn’t gone easy. Im happy that my boy found you Steve. Im happy to call you my son in law. Even if I was afraid of losing my light. Which is why I sit here now. I was hoping that everything would go smoothly around the time of the wedding. As every other milestone has had something wrong happen.” His eyes are getting teary eyed as he blinks them away. Loosing the small battle he was having with himself. Looking up at the ceiling for a second before chuckling softly as he shakes his head. “But that really isn’t the Munson way. Not for me anyone. I thought that Nothing would ever go right in my life, my own marriage, my relationship with my brother, my schooling all of it never worked out. Which is why I was shocked to realize that the one thing that I have done right in this world Eddie, is raise you.
Which is why I refuse to ruin your wedding day. If you are watching this video, you already know. I was diagnosed with cancer just a few days ago. Now I don’t know how much longer I have to live. All I know is that I will not be spending any of my time sulking. I will not cry over it, I have done everything that I have ever wanted to do thanks to you Eddie. I’m at the age where I’m ok with death but I’m just as fine with living. As that it was life comes down to. Death and Life. Though I do know one thing. I will never say I love you enough. Which is why I will say it in this video, as I hope you can have my voice to remember. I wish I could remember my moms. This is my parting gift. One last message. My goodbye if anything happens.
And I know that this is going to be a difficult thing to watch. But as I was sitting in my trailer during that spring break. That long week, where I didn’t know if you were alive or dead Eddie. It had me thinking. I couldn’t really accept that you were dead when I was told you didn’t make it. Though the acceptance for that came quicker than my acceptance for the fact that I would never be able to hear your voice again. And that-” Wayne’s voice is cracking as he talks. Wiping his eyes as he takes a deep breath.
“That sort broke me a bit more. When you came back to me, and you hugged my like the very first time. Instead of my acceptance for being a father I had to grow with the difficult acceptance of what if something bad happened. What if I die? What if some asshole decided to kill you all because you loved Steve. And let me tell you- that is something I still haven’t accepted and never will. Which is why I started to make more videos of us. You will most likely find the box of photos and tapes under my bed. They aren’t much now as I sit here, but trust me. They will be when I’m gone.” He says gently. As he moves to finish his drink off. Moving to stand up to crouch near the camera. “I love you, Eddie.” He’s smiling softly as his eyes are filled with emotion. Before the video is cut off and the video goes static.
The vhs player makes a loud noise as it kicks the tape out. Eddie is sat stunned as he sits in his Uncles room. Packing things up to make things easier. He wipes his eyes as he sniffles a little bit. Before he’s breaking down for god knows how long. Shoulders shaking as he felt the rug making imprints on his knees from where he was crouched. He sniffles more as he moves to quickly change tapes. Finding the one he needed as he makes sure everything is set up. Letting the tape digest what the camera recorded. Even though Eddie knows what’s happening in this video it still makes him emotional. The last one pulled his heart strings and only made him appreciate this video much more. The date on the bottom right corner of the screen was only a few years after the last tapes. As the process finishes he moves pressing play to watch this video.
Watching as the camera shakes, moving up the steps of a small house. The motion making him a bit sick. There’s noise and chatter coming from behind the video as someone knocks. The door opening to a much skinnier and older Wayne Munson. Who’s throwing a cane around jokingly. “Get off my lawn.” Giggling a little as he says it. He can’t help it as the camera catches a smaller human running in the door squealing. Then another some how even smaller child running in. The cane is moved to the side as the first, a splitting image of Eddie is lifted up in the air. Her curls bouncing around all over the place.
“Hi sweetie. How is grandpas little girl?” Wayne says brightly. More energy being seen from him in a long time. His mouth going open wide as he sees the other toddler. “Oh look at you. Look just like your father.” He grins. Knowing that it was still a debate in the Munson house hold whether or not if he looked more like Steve or Eddie. And Wayne loved just saying he looked like his father, which neither Steve or Eddie could figure out which father he was talking about. The video keeps going as Eddie watches happy knowing that he got to tape this. He could hear Oliver and Liza running around in the halls chasing Steve. While Wayne was grumbling about gremlins in the living room. He’s about to stop watching and just go hug Wayne when he catches on to something the man says to his grandchildren.
“You know if there’s one thing I’ve accepted as a grandfather, is that I’ll never have to put them to sleep! Let’s go, quick I got some cookies that Mrs. Henderson sent over! Let’s go eat as many as possible -” Wayne’s rambling as he starts to speed his way to the kitchen. The camera is quickly handed off and Eddie can faintly hear Steve in the background.
“Wayne! You know if they eat too much sugar-”
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kamurocho-lullaby · 10 months
So I was planning to go through and pretty this up but I just haven't had the energy so I'm just gonna dump them here.
These are my notes from my first time watching the Yakuza movie!
I've added a cut because they're long. There's typos, they're not edited, it's literally just chaos bullet points but tadaaaah. There's also a lot of cussing, swearing, whatever u call it, so sorry.
Date is just so fuckin done with the Tokyo PD's shit I love him.
Throwing down in a Don Quixote, yes Kiryu.
Wait who's this little shit bleeding in Kazuki's floor?
Kiryu's fight in the DQ reminds me of that gif of him fucking up a Poppo it's so good.
HOLY SHIT ITS MILENNIUM TOWER! I sure hope that doesn't explode.
HERE HE IS! Mr Tumblr Sexyman himself.
I can't get over the fact Majima supposedly reads the financial times
"where's Kiryu?" "Somewhere" "not good enough" *murder*
I love the idea that Majima is at the batting cages so often it's his office. Like he absolutely painted that sign himself what a dork.
This chick is insane and wants to go robbing stores when a Yakuza war is breaking out, side story material
Date is so fuckin done literally said "not my Division"
Kiryu seems a lot colder in this movie than he is in the games idk maybe he'll warm up
Who is this cocktail making silent man I am so confused
Why is Kazuki so hot?!
Majima and crew are goofy as fuck and I really love them literally everyone is scared of them it's fucking hilarious
HE CALLS HIS CREW KIDDIES and then ditches them to get his rocks off in a video store and the guy he beaned with a fuckin baseball in his own crew is like "ILL FOLLOE U TO THE ENDS OF THE ESRTH"
This man is goofy as fuck one second and then breaking fingers and toes to find his boyfriend the next
Oh fuck he's got a gun, nobody should allow Majima a gun
Literally the Majima fam have a "oh fuck the boss has got a gun" emergency plan
I just noticed he's wearing a studded belt omg
Kiryu needs more frown lines
Haruka got some sass I love her
"don't be corrupting her mind" what the fuck Date he found her like that
Majima was fuckin up Pink Street why didn't he go karaoke
Lol the guy at Ebisu Pawn gives zero shits about being robbed
Kiryu, Haruka and the dog make a cute picture I love it
Fuckin Majima isn't even like looking for intel he's just wandering around shouting about Kiryu-chaaaaaaaan
Lol Kiryu gets a flip phone and it's got a charm on it omg
"over the top shit is his trademark" you don't fuckin say
LOL DATE he's just like Kiryu and Majima are up to shit it's your fuckin problem I'm out "the military won't even save your asses" omg
Don't tell me the fuckin Jingweon are here I don't wanna fuckin deal with thaaaaaaat
"Yokohama's Lau Kalong" WAIT WHAT (having learned more about 7, YES that Lau Kalong apparently the Snake Flower Triad are a bunch of assholes and they're also like everywhere)
Oh fuck this kid's been sent to kill Kyohei Jingu?! no shit of course he has
Oh fuck SERENA I didn't think we'd see that in this movie
Lol Kiryu knows the RGG way, they ain't dead until you see a body and even then cough cough Kashiwagi cough cough
Lol Haruka teaching him to use a cellphone
Majima taking a break from getting his ass kicked by Kiryu to beat up his boys is so fuckin funny
Haruka's just on the sidelines like "these fuckin dumbass boys smh"
I'm sad it's not his lacquered tanto
Yo Kiryu is fuckin merciless what?!
LOL HE JUST FUCKIN DROPPED Kiryu is so done with his dumbass boyfriend flopping on the groud
Lol all the Yakuza in Kamurocho mobilising like the fuckin Avengers
LOL the bank robbers feeding everyone in the bank is just wild I love it, still can't figure out who they are tho (they're side story material)
How is Majima MORE unhinged in this movie than he is in the games
Theatre square! Honestly the shots in this movie are actually pretty good, im surprised
The Jingweon's gun is a monstrosity why the fuck
Is that supposed to be Shimano?
Kazuki getting all intimidating with the weapons dealer do be kinda hot tho why he gotta grab him by his chin like thst
Also why does Kiryu know this guy and why does he know he's a massochist?!
LOL Kiryu protecting Haruka from the creep but like why is she there?!
Kiryu hearing all this shit about his kyoudai and he's just like... Stomping around like a mad man
Wait is Kazuki an imposter yet? (Spoiler alert, probably)
Lol these idiots cleaning up Pink Street like Majima isn't just gonna whirlwind through it again
"Don't fall for hosts, they'll get you in the end" solid advice Kiryu but are u talking from experience or? Like iirc hosts weren't a thing when u went to jail my man.
What the fuck is this dramatic military shit what who is this man?!
Kiryu actually trusts Majima to not go after Haruka! And he doesn't! He's actually genuinely not a bad man he's just mad as a bag of cats
Oh that whole Majima and Kiryu not killing people thing is out the window in this movie omg
"Kiryu-chan, you're so cool" Majima says through a mouthful of blood after he's been knocked fuckin cold onto his ass. This man has it so bad I love it
Fuckin Majima just pelting Kiryu in the gut with baseballs omg this movie is wild
Dude these guys literally kick the shit out of each other it's vicious I love it
The level of choreographed homoerotic whump in this movie
He just straight up put his foot on his ass
"Fuck you murder dad you shot my boyfriend"
Wait do I get to see Nishiki?!
The fuckin Staminan X and shit in the shop that's so rad, of course Kiryu is like I'll just chug some of this shit and go fuckin kill my bro I'm fine
Oh hey it's Zombie Majima
Who allowed a military helicopter into fuckin Kamurocho airspace that's gotta be so illegal what the fuck
OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THE BANK ROBBERS I love how they're just laying on the floor with the staff resigned to their shit
Nishiki put the fish away you dumb fuck
Lol Kiryu literally doesn't give a fuck about the Tojo and here's Nishiki making it all about the Tojo like bro wise up Kiryu is done with your shit
Kiryu just stone cold dead until he gets some of that Staminan that's a full triple heat gauge baby the dragon is back omg this movie is the dumbest shit I love it
The fuckin slow mo! 2007 did not deserve this movie
Top ten ways to kill your kyoudai, number 12 will jack your dad!
Wait we're not gonna get Mr "Beautiful Eyes" here are we?
Akiyama come get ur cash!!!!
Moooooom, Millennium Tower blew up again!
Y'know Date is kinda hot...
Suzuki also has no business being that hot
Fuckin Majima's dumbass batting cages sign someone better save his ass I swear to fuck
Fuckin dumbass got shot and he thinks he's got the flu lol
Oh shit there's Kiryu oops guess he's not to blame for the dog
Question, how the fuck they gonna get down from the tower?
Oh my god okay it's done I'll clean this up later (spoiler alert, he did not clean it up later)
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rs00l2 · 11 months
looking, browsing around
the usual, anything note worthy? No not necessarily but after seeing this uhmm "newsletter" report from a local homeless center (not going to say specifically which one) there where a couple of videos that I reluctantly watch, as I suspected they are full of shit made for dumbasses with holes in their pockets to eat up in the hopes they'll throw some money at the bureaucratic institute it is, smh.
Lol, this one video in particular that opens with some old geezer talking about living under a bridge (boo-hoo)
🚩(beware of people's stories that begin or say they live/living under a bridge, believe me when I tell you often be the case those people are pretty bad. "Living under a bridge" is a kind/type of text book response, they know it works. Don't believe me? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ still, I'm gonna make this post anyway because of what I saw in the video AND the fact that nobody over at the shelter stopped and said wait a minute, this...this doesn't sound right I think we should redo it
Old man's voice in video: "I was living under a bridge, sometimes wondering if I'm going to eat something today.... then I say, nah I'ma gonna get some whiskey instead 😎"
I'm like, is this for real?...wow
...Maybe I should do the same, I'm going about it the wrong way, maybe it's time to do what they do but what can I say to really get some sympathy? 🤔hmmm
Me: I live in the outmost darkest regions of the subway(what subway? the one under the bridge), I befriended giant rats, my only company those giant rats. I sometimes wonder if I'm going eat anything today... I pull out my free government issued android phone, I call my government benefits debit card and it tells me I have an available balance amount of 3,500 dollars, *starts sobbing* I guess the only thing I can afford is beer and meth, I mean, I would like to eat something but I can't afford it 😢. Looking into housing I saw all these places that offered a two or three bedroom place for 400 up to 650 a month and all I got is 3,500 and I get like two or three checks totaling to about 2000 dollars, suppose I could go back to the workforce but I don't want to lose that disability check you know what I'm saying 😉
Is this too sarcastic? Maybe I exaggerated a bit too much
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queenharumiura · 7 months
1, 2, 5, and 20 👁👅👁💦
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| @xcedia ((This is the meme where we really get to see how big of a dumbass I am and someone is going to be in the replies like you misunderstood the question and i'll die lololol))
1 what is their sexuality/sexual preference?
So... if i'm understanding the question correctly-- how to answer this. We know that Haru can be shy and she's pretty prudish. Haru doesn't really think about sex much in general, is the vibe that I get from her. She more so focuses on building relationships with others (friendships, or otherwise) and so she doesn't really put much thought to it, if it makes sense?
If asking about sexual preference, it's really a question of who is she romantically involved with. Haru is the kind of person who would only want to sleep with her romantic partner. Otherwise, she doesn't really feel anything towards anyone else. She can appreciate someone's visuals, but that's all it amounts to. So, if she's seeing someone romantically, they are her sexual preference. Be it man or woman //motions to the answer below
Will throw out there that while she is a prudish person and is very shy, she's also a person of passion. So, I do see her being that girl who if she did start sleeping with her partner, you do see her having more interest in sex afterwards. Still only in relation to her partner. If she can feel comfortable with her partner you may start seeing her try to initiate somewhere down the line. You didn't hear that from me.
2 what is their romantic preference or inclination?
I can say that she leans more towards males, but I honestly do feel as though if things aligned right, she could also find herself falling in love with a woman as well. It all truly is dependent on the chemistry between her and another person and how well she can connect to them. I've consistently felt this way for years about Haru. She's just big on love and if she found herself connecting with a woman, she'd be like 'oh- okay, guess that's how it's going to be!'
5 what are their most common turn-ons
This is me understanding this question to be what can turn her on? Or possibly a 'what most commonly does turn her on. Either way it'll just be me going mmm what turns her on? Put it on the list.
I've mentioned in a few memes/threads/etc here and there but Haru's ears are sensitive. On one hand whispering in her ear can tickle, but if you were to speak/whisper with a husk into her ear? You're actively seducing her and you need to stop. To build off of that, nipping her ear is also a turn on for her.
May have mentioned before that she does find it hot if her partner is a bit rough with her, so honestly anything in the realm of pinning her down against a wall, throwing her onto a bed (don't throw her somewhere where it could hurt her, that's opposite effect), biting her neck, things like that- that turns her on, not gonna lie.
I've seen a video before of guys just picking up their significant others and sitting them down onto a counter or something and Haru just went: yep. Take that how you will.
To cycle back to #1 for a quick second, we know she's an emotional bean who's very passionate. Assuming her and her partner are already sexually active, if you appeal to her emotional side by telling her things about how much you love her/need her in your life, that honestly does turn her on a little bit. lol She's the kinda girl who would probably just cling to her partner be very cuddly, kiss a lot, and it'll probably escalate from there. smh
I'm sure there's more but I can't think of anything else atm. I'm having one of those 'I ate a lot and i'm getting sleepy' brain moments.
[edit] Oh, she loves feeling claimed btw. So anything like biting her and saying something along the lines of 'You're mine' 'Need I remind you who you belong to?' anything like that, that turns her on.
20 do they prefer to give or receive sexually?
So--- Haru prefers to do things for others. She likes to make others happy, so she'd probably have a small lean towards giving, but she's also big shy... so it wouldn't be easy for her to one admit it, but also two, to try to begin with. Be patient with the shy bean. Encourage the learning bean. She'd love to know that she's able to pleasure her partner.
Which isn't to say she wouldn't like to receive. Both are good. Ultimately it does matter a lot what her partner likes as she's more the type to want to adjust to their tastes than her own. If they're happy, then she's happy.
If her partner prefers to give, then she'll receive all you want. If they prefer to take, then let her slowly learn how, tell her what you like and don't like and she'll commit it to memory. She'll be more of a giver then.
Will point out that she wouldn't be a 100% a giver or a receiver. There has to be some reciprocation, you know?
Hope I answered all the questions properly lol
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wasabis-stuff · 1 year
⁠♡ — ; | 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙖𝙨.
Xielle, an active and famous girl who self destructed due to the unbearable agony of life of being in the spotlight where every move is being judged and criticized.
Chapter II
As I make my way to my designated room, I can see a lot of people clicking their cameras to me and asking me for a pose but I can't at the moment because I have to prepare right away for the make ups and the fits that I have to wear to the Runway. The Staffs greeted me and I smiled at them and they started to do what they need to do, As a responsible being (lmao) I helped them out a bit so that the pace will be more faster and to lessen the hassles that they have to face, although, they feel guilty about it but I assured them it's nothing to worry about. The set up in my room's done and I made my way next to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I found Louvié sitting on my chair and as soon as he landed his eyes on me he immediately got up and gave up the seat to me and dried my hair with a blower since my Makeup Artist is not here yet.
Mind you, Louviè is already used to seeing me in a towel and sometimes naked specially whenever he comes with me here in Runway because, to tell you? Its pretty normal for us now.
"Your hair's damn frizzy by the way" He commented.
"Cus you kept on hurrying me earlier dumbass" I said as I roll my eyes and he laughed.
"𝘑𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘳è𝘴 𝘥é𝘴𝘰𝘭é 𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘳, I was just really panicking earlier because I don't want us to be late" he said.
I smiled and leaned my head backwards and he hugged my head and literally did a head lock on me as a joke and we laughed. My hair's dry now and he then started combing it, the silence followed for minutes until he suddenly asked.
"Xielle, it's crazy how we're still surviving in this world, no?"
I chuckled as I get what he's trying to say.
"Well, we don't have a choice Louvière, we were born with the kind of parents we have right now, we need to suck all this pressure out" I sighed and hold his hands that's now resting on my shoulders.
"Yeah you're right, I mean it's not that we're new to this type of living but you know, a part of me wants to run away from all of this and just live normally" I can see him finally showing his real expression (resting face) as he say these words and he looked down on me and gave me a soft hair ruffle and we both just sighed and smile.
We were interrupted by my MUA barging in and greeting us.
"𝘉𝘰𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘊𝘩𝘭𝘰é!" Louviè greeted Chloé, my MUA ever since me and Louvière are still kids and also mom's cousin.
"𝘉𝘰𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘦𝘯𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘴!" Chloé greeted as she gave both of us a cheek kiss and hugged us both.
Chloé asked how are we doing as she pulls out the sweets in her bag and Louviè's eyes are sparkling like a kid and she then started to tie my hair and set up clip pins on it and we eat a little first and brushed our teeth's after. She now started to apply moisturizer on my face and the next of skin care layer follows.
Minutes had passed and now she's going to do my make up. Louviè is taking pictures for us and taking a short video, and a mirror shot that includes all of us. He asked if my phone's low battery and I said yes and immediately handed it to him so he can charge it, he Faced ID his face on it and Airdrop all the pictures and videos he took when I heard a notification ping.
"Oh, it's from your delusional ex" his stern voice is scary like damn but i'm more annoyed that my ex contacted me again.
"what the fuck, I thought I blocked that jackass already? Or did he make a new account again?" I responded.
"block him." I ordered Louvière before he say another word because God knows how much scolding will I get from him again, smh.
My phase with Louvière saving me from that guy is, something I don't want to remember again because, Louviè did a lot for me back then, the efforts and sacrifices he did just to stay with me that time. I got a nonstop scoldings and nag from him tho but I don't blame him, he's literally the only person who could knock out some sense to me because i'm too dumb and numb to realize it on my own when i'm in my in love or blind phase of life.
My makeup's finally done and i'm now wearing the outfit that Chloé have for me for the first round, she did my long hair wavy and attached a bangs so she doesn't have to cut my hair, The theme for tonight is office wears so im basically wearing a unique suit and a tight top inside of it and a shape taker slacks and it's a monochrome tone and the fabric's smooth.
Louvière escorted me to the back stage and he greeted mom and gave her a cheek to cheek and sat beside her, my mom is quite a talkative one so yes, Louviè's in hell right now, my mom talks nonstop about me and he knows that she won't stop giving me comments if I fail tonight's walk to the runway. My dad is running late tonight since he still have a meeting when we messaged him earlier but he said he's on the way 7 minutes ago so I'm expecting him to be here 20 minutes from now since it's not that far from here.
I'm 8th in the line to walk and we also practiced some kind of staged drama earlier like collision while walking with an insulting expression from our faces before walking again.
When the 5th model is almost going back the 6th followed to walk forward and they collided lol, I still can't believe we can make a straight face despite all this but professionalism right? I saw my dad getting assisted by the event organizer towards the seat beside my mom and they greeted each other and shaked hands with Louviè.
The 6th model came back and it's now the 7th who's going to walk, they're all stunning to be honest and also these heels we're all wearing is a leg killer but can't argue with it.
7th's coming back so i'm now next to walk, and as practiced, we collided as well and our expressions are grinning this time and not insulting.
"Goodluck babe, i root for you" She whispers before we parted ways and I said "thanks you look stunning tonight" and faced the crowd. I could hear it roar as soon as the video camera moved its motion to me and I'm all over the screens, I started walking with a resting bitch face expression on my face and then look side by side and give the cameras a grin. I could see and hear clearly the crowd giving me a very big round of applause, I now took a twirl turn and looked at the camera for a pose then made my way back to the starting point to collide with the 9th model and I gave a wink and she smiled.
As I made my way to the back stage, some of the models formed a crowd and congratulated me and some are awed because they're finally seeing me in personal which they say their dream come trues. I felt happy ofcourse, these stunning ladies complimenting me and that. I also complimented them back because they really deserve it and their beauties are so fine like wines. When all of the models came back, I borrowed my phone from Chloé and set it to 0.5x and I asked them to take a picture with me and they giggly posed then I asked one of the staff to take a picture for all of us. I airdrop it first and thanked them for going here and told them I'll see them next time around and they're smiles are genuine I could tell and we bid our goodbyes.
I was only told to walk on the first round so after this I got changed and sat beside Louvière to continue watching the rest.
My mom is giggling like a teen and hugged me while congratulating me, my dad's smiling as well and told me congrats before we all take our seats.
"If only you've seen their eyes while watching you walk 𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘳" Louviè whispered to my ears and I gave him a smile before responding.
"How did I look earlier tho?" I asked.
"Stunning as always, your walk is outstanding and perfect as ever" he complimented me and I thanked him for that as well.
Well at least my parents aren't disappointed is what matters to me right now. I'm so exhausted that I asked my parents if I could go first with Louviè accompanying me and they gave us a go signal for it. We go to my designated room first to take a shower and remove my makeup then get changed to something comfortable, Louvière followed after me and get changed as well and later on gather all our stuffs and greeted Chloé goodbye and made our way towards the parking lot and he pressed my keys and found my car immediately and opened the doors for me, I checked the time and it's almost 11pm in the evening.
When everything's set, he started driving and the traffic's pretty bad. I can feel my eyes being heavy or is it because it's so comfortable because it's cold?
"take a nap first princess, tonight's pretty exhausting for us" he said with a soft voice and reached out to the backseat for my blanket and adjusted my seat.
"What about you tho? I bothered you enough today" I said and he shrugged and said "Nah"
"You should rest tonight in our house, how's that?" I suggested.
"Fine, i'll call Ma" he said and started to dial his mom, he got directed to the voicemail so he just left a message there.
The green light blinked so he started driving again, I closed my eyes because I can't take it anymore.
I woke up to the voices of people only to find out Louviè carrying me in bridal style with my blanket still on me and asking our Maids to prepare his room and my room then started to make his way upstairs followed by our Maids then he patiently stood there carrying me while he waits for my Maids to come out then he lay me down and removed my shoes for me. I was too tired and hazy to say goodbye but he kissed my forehead goodnight then got out of my room.
I got back to sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night and tapped everywhere to find my phone, when I can't touch it anywhere, I took a breath first then slowly opened my eyes then got up, I found it sitting on top of my lamp table and I checked the time.
Holy shit it's 3am? I washed my face and immediately rushed out to my room to find Louviè, he's staying in the guest's room and I knocked to see if he's awake. I received no response so I guess he's sleeping.
I was about to go back to my room when I felt an arm grabbing me.
"What the hell do you know what time is it right now for you to knock?" His bed hair and squinty eyes are looking down on me while he's grabbing the back collar of my sweater. I feel bad for knocking damn, I must've disturbed his sleep big time.
I was ready to get scolded when he asked "Do you want to sleep beside me? I'm still too tired to talk to you right now" I nodded because I literally miss our sleepovers, it's been awhile after all.
He let go of my sweater and I entered his room and lay down beside him while we hug.
"Goodnight" we both said.
I closed my eyes again.
I could hear his heartbeat, time flies so fast he grew up so quick, he outgrown my height, I was taller than him before, unfair. He's now bigger than me like those bulky sexy dudes in the magazine, he's caressing my hair while sleeping, his habits never go huh.
To be honest, we're inseparable ever since we're kids, everyone often mistaken us as a couple although we're not. This kind of bond we have is normal for us, though he stopped being like this when I was still with my ex as a respect and the same goes for me when he was still dating his ex. We've been every ups and downs of our lives, helping each other every struggles. Our families actually wants us to be together, they approve us so much that they're hoping that we should date soon but we actually don't have that in mind because there's still more to explore.
Tho we made a pact that if we're still not married by the age of 30s is we'll marry each other, tho you know it's kind of impossible to happen knowing that we both have suitors, I've seen Louviè getting terrified over a girl who's courting him and I was laughing the entire time.
My thoughts got cut when my brain finally stopped thinking and I fell asleep.
𝒊𝒕 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒎 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆...
— end of chapter 2.
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fmhiphop · 2 years
Blueface and Chrisean Rock Split Again, 'she’s not reliable enough’
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LA rapper Blueface has had a very public and hectic relationship with Chrisean Rock that might be over for good. Messy isn’t even the word for this controversial pair.  From family brawls to stolen cars, Blueface and Chrisean Rock have been through a lot. Fans noticed recently that things seemed to be on a downward spiral again when The 'Bleed It' rapper allegedly blocked/unfollowed Rock on Instagram. In an unusual move by the former athlete, Chrisean was spotted with Fivio Foreign at the club without her boyfriend present. It’s presumed this led to the following internet fallout. Blueface gets cold The 25-year-old hopped on his Instagram story this weekend to clarify his feelings on Chrisean. "I didn't block her. Me and Rock, we vibe. She's not reliable enough-| mean we had an agreement and she didn't hold up her end of the agreement, simple as that.” He explained. "That's all that is. It's not a breakup. We still vibing. We still connecting. We still ahh ahh ahh. She's just not reliable enough for me. That's it. That's all it is. t's important to have a person that you can depend on." He seemingly confirmed the couple isn’t broken up in a traditional sense, but he doesn’t see Rock as trustworthy. As far as the aforementioned “agreement” Blueface never detailed what it was exactly. In a later video posted to his story, Blueface gave more insight into why Chrisean is in the dog house. "Since y'all want to be so f**king nosey, I told Rock,” he began. “You can't be coming in and out of my house any time of day and any time of night. I got an HOA, I got neighbors. I got real responsibilities that I'm not always there to take care of."   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by HOLLYWOOD UNLOCKED (@hollywoodunlocked) All is fair in love and war Of course, the Baddies South star responded similarly. Chrisean posted on her story to tell her side and urge Blueface to be more honest. “U putting on a front to hurt me .. I really don't know what's the point to act like u don't really love me” she typed. "Whatever it is u doing it won't last long. Ima just keep going n keep getting busy n pray that the dark cloud go away fr.” The last big blowout involving  Rock and Blueface occurred last month. You may remember a video surfaced of Rock, Blueface's mother. and sister fighting outside the rappers LA home. The viral video drew heavy criticism from those who didn’t understand how a toxic relationship could come before family. In an attempt to explain the attack, Blueface asked Rock on his IG story why she got in the fight. According to the Baltimore artist, she had no choice. https://twitter.com/bestspovtv/status/1531399244346802179?s=21&t=VhB7Zt3fFVXHnWiaFgGpnA In February, Rock was arrested after attempting to steal her boyfriends G Wagon and drive it to her hometown of Baltimore, Maryland. According to arrest records, she had crack cocaine in her possession at the time. In a video posted to the 'Thotiana' rappers story, he calls Rock a “dumbass” and a “thief”. He also confirms reporting the vehicle as stolen, likely leading to Rock's arrest. Chrisean stays determined Clearly, this couple has gone through some tough trials. Still, this most recent bump in the road obviously has Chrisean hurt. She continued to address Blueface, “The fact u saying all dat stuff to look a certain way just shows ppl what immature guy you are never knew you being scared to show wassup is crazy to me. You acting like u not scared to lose me is funny ” In another post she accuses her ex of acting indifferent because he can’t handle someone attractive. “Blueface can't deal with the fact that he's dealing with someone everyone to” she claimed. Chrisean ended her rant with a declaration of love, despite the harsh words exchanged. In addition to the long message, Rock also posted a broken heart emoji and a reply to a tweet. The tweet from Blueface reads: “thought I had me one” with a caption from Chrisean just underneath. “Smh u did have one but u just trynna find reasons to break up w her for no reason weirdo” she responded. If social media is any indicator, it’s doubtful this is really the end for this duo. After all, they’ve certainly survived worse than some late-night doorbell rings. Also, Follow FM Hip Hop on Instagram and Facebook Dreema Carrington|IG: @dr3amgirl79 | Twitter: @notdreema Read the full article
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kindahoping4forever · 3 years
Via Ash IG Story
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p0wderedmarbl3s · 2 years
im literally obsessed with hunter's friendships with willow and the emerald entrails so here are my dumbass hcs I LOVE THIS GROUP SM (mainly hunter gus and willow ill make more later) (also sorry for my poor english smh)
they decide to have a sleepover at willow's house the night before a scrimmage but hunter completely forgot that he was wearing his Flapjack Socks™️ until viney pointed them out and he was so worried that they were gonna make fun of him he started trying to hide them/explain himself but everyone immediately just started freaking out and asking him if he could teach them to make their own pairs
when hunter first made a penstagram account he didn't bother to set it up at all so all willow saw when he first messaged her was "user152645 messaged you" and it was just a completely blank account greeting her by her full government name
hunter likes to send willow pictures of flapjack a lot, but one time his finger slipped and flipped the camera back on his face so he accidentally ended up sending her a very blurry pic of him trying and failing to duck out of the camera's view in time and he didn't send any more pics to her for a solid month afterwards
hunter doesn't really get the concept of emojis, he just likes the colors of the plant and animal ones so he likes to randomly spam willow and gus with them just to see the different patterns
HUNTER at 4am: 🌵🌲🌹🌸🕷🦟🦗🪱💐🦟🪰🦭🐉🐋🦕🐢🦖🦜🐲🐍🐢🐸🐊🌻🌸🏵🌾🥀
HUNTER: Aren't they pretty
WILLOW and GUS after nearly having heart attacks bc of the notification: what
luz likes to make really vague threats towards hunter as jokes but half the time it doesn't even match the context of their original convo so it just freaks him out
LUZ: i will you.
HUNTER: Human you will what
HUNTER, distressed: ANSWER ME
hunter likes to spam post pictures of flapjack but he sucks at it so they're all just blurry images of red and black feathers and the one time someone pointed out that they couldn't see anything in the comments he threatened to arrest them out of pure embarrasment
hunter and willow have a hard time falling asleep so at first they would text each other late at night, but then it evolved into video calls but he doesn't know how to hold a camera and ends up dropping his scroll 80% of the time bc he can't figure out how to aim the camera right and willow almost always ends up waking up her dads bc she was laughing too loud
(based off of my hunter sketches post) gus likes to send hunter really obscure pictures at really concerning hours of the day/night and hunter just ends up overanalyzing them and sending him a huge essay trying to decipher them in response and it's one of the most entertaining parts of gus' day (despite him taking 5 hours to type it)
GUS at the asscrack of dawn:
Tumblr media
GUS: gm hunter!! :)
HUNTER: Who is that. Is he a friend of yourswh y is he looking at me like that. What does he wantwhy does he look like a fish why is it in blackan d white. Why is he so shortan d why is he at your doorbell are you ok Where did you get this from
HUNTER: Agustus why did you send me this
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