#seho fic
okamiwind · 11 months
To you, he walks a red trail across the water, and when he meets you again, his blade will be words. 
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He tries to put it out of his head. Dreams are just dreams. They cannot hurt him. 
The dragon soars overhead, gargantuan silver wings glinting in the mid-morning sun. Junmyeon relaxes back against the rolling green hills, the sun painting him warm. It was a nice start to his day, but the worst was yet to come. 
The first day is often the hardest. 
Sehun appears as if dropped from the gods themselves, and Junmyeon groans. Like the sun. Bright and lovely, but occasionally—you find yourself burned by the presence. 
"I hate to interrupt, your grace, but you are due for your lesson."
The gigantic dragon lands next to him, wings wrapping protectively around Junmyeon, rearing back at Sehun with a snort. Junmyeon laughs, gingerly pulling the wings down so that he can see. Sehun, of course, has taken several steps backward. 
"You fear her? Even now?" 
"Yes, your grace," Sehun smiles. "For with a word, I would be—" 
"Yes, your grace. Nothing." 
"They do not have many dragons in the east, do they?" 
"None, your grace. It has been years since... since I've been in the presence." 
"Have you missed me dearly?" he teases. 
"Yes, your grace," Sehun answers, deadly honest, deadly earnest. "It is hard not to miss a man such as yourself." 
A dragon like me. Junmyeon smiles, petting the dragon along the thin bones stretching under her wings. The dragon snuffles happily, and he commands her. 
"Mazilibas, mittitsos. Ziry raqiros issa." 
The dragon immediately withdraws her large wings from around him, moving to rest behind where he lies, coiling herself into a neat circle. He stands, petting her as her eyes shut peacefully. 
"Raqia?" he asks, and she growls happily. "Ah, litse rina. Sylvie rina." 
"Your grace." 
He looks over at him, his height and the breadth of his shoulders. He is a handsome man, even more so since his return—everyone in the Seven Kingdoms agreed—but he was insistent. Determined. He thought that the title of bravo afforded him some sort of respect. In a perfect world, it would. But this was not Braavos. He was not protected by the sea and his training abroad any longer. This was King's Landing, and Sehun was in greater danger than he knew, especially given Junmyeon's affection for him. 
It was hard to know friend from foe here. 
"Soves," he orders. 
The dragon rises and ascends without another word. Sehun watches as she goes. 
"Would you like to know her name?" Junmyeon asks. 
Sehun turns back to him, appearing altogether quite confused. 
"Your dragon is named Silverwish, your grace," Sehun answers. 
"That's not her name, though," he says softly, staring at her as she circles happily in the clouds. "That is some amalgamation. Some untruth that we've been forced to adopt for the sake of the common tongue." He glances over at Sehun once more. "Would you like to know her real name?" 
"Yes, your grace. Of course, your grace." 
"Jaelagelia," he replies. "Jaelagelia sovyso gevys soves." 
"What does that mean?" Sehun asks. "If your grace allows me the knowledge." 
"Silverwish," he grins. "Silverwish flies like a beautiful butterfly." 
"I have missed the sound of such a beautiful language, your grace."
It tugs at Junmyeon's heartstrings.  
"It is beautiful, isn't it?" Junmyeon says. "A lot better than whatever bastard vulgarity you might have heard in your residency." He walks to the top of the hill, and he lets the fire of the sun paint him with heat. "Are you happy to be home, ser?" 
"Yes, your grace. Eager to instruct you in the ways of dancing." 
"Dancing," he smiles. "I like that a lot better than what it is." 
"And what is that, your grace?" 
"Getting hit with a wooden sword," Junmyeon sighs, and he cups his hands around his mouth, raising his voice. "Jaelagelia, nopot. Jas! Aderi!" 
The dragon cries as she follows his order, swooping through the sky in magnificent spirals. 
"Where is she going?" 
"To the dragonpit where she belongs," Junmyeon says, dusting off his pants. "Now come, if you insist on testing me, let's at least get out of sight. I would hate for anyone to see their king bested so." 
They were friends in their boyhood. Best friends, he would say. 
Before the war. Before his ascension. And before Sehun's trip across the Narrow Sea. 
It's hard for kings to have friends, even kings his age. 
"You still have not learned?" Sehun says. 
Junmyeon bites his lip in anger as he stands, dusting himself off from where he had fallen. Not because Sehun had pushed him, but because he had charged forward so thoughtlessly, carried off by his own momentum. Water dancing was about momentum, about seeing, about knowing which way the tides were moving. It was foreign, it was strange, and upon his return, Sehun had managed to convince the small council that it was proper for Junmyeon to learn. 
If there was one thing Junmyeon knew, it was this: blood of the dragon was leaving this world. And he was among the last of them. Fire, apparently, was not enough.  
"Despite the skill of my instructor, it seems I am hopeless," Junmyeon grits out. 
It was hard for him to look at Sehun for what he was—a man grown, capable of much violence, learned in the ways of war. To Junmyeon, he still looked the summer child who liked to climb the towers in the Red Keep, the boy who searched with him endlessly for the cruel, twisting passageways, the boy who wished so desperately for a gold cloak at his back.
Sehun turns his back towards the coast, seabirds yelping overhead. Greystone walls enclose their abandoned theater, but it cannot quiet the crashing tides. It is a lovely day. Junmyeon would like to spend it some other way. A glass of wine, a ride over the sea. Fruit under the bruised sky. 
Perhaps, he thinks, staring at the length of Sehun's spine beneath his clothing, even a stolen kiss. 
"Again," Sehun instructs. "You are stronger than you know." 
"All evidence to the contrary," he laughs, gripping his wooden weapon in his sword hand once more. "Shall I wait for you to strike?" 
"If you wait, you die," Sehun tells him. 
"What's all this I'm hearing about watching then?" 
"Not watching," Sehun smiles, striking suddenly and poking Junmyeon in the gut, "seeing." 
"My mistake," Junmyeon says, rolling his eyes. 
He smacks Sehun's wooden blade away, and they spar like that for longer than Junmyeon would like. It wears him out, even more than his meetings and the diplomacy, more than the treaties and the tax agreements. Something about Sehun pushes him past everything. Drags him deeper into his emotion. 
Sehun gets him up against the low wall once he is well and truly exhausted, Junmyeon's elbow brushing dust off the ledge and into the water beneath them. 
"Let me go," he seethes. "I am exhausted." 
"Fight back," Sehun tells him. 
"I cannot." 
"Your council," he says, arm nudging Junmyeon's against the rock wall towards the sea. "They mean you harm, your grace." 
Fear leaps in his mouth. 
"W-Whatever do you mean?" he asks. 
The heat of Sehun's body against his, the length of them pressed together. It is terrible and wondrous. He can barely think through it. 
"You must keep an eye on your Master of Whispers and the Master of Coin," he whispers. "You must keep all servants loyal to the dragon." He presses his lips low, against Junmyeon's neck. "They conspire to steal the throne from you, your grace. They wish to kill Silverwish so that she cannot bear her next clutch." He raises his eye, full of fire. "Soon, they will bring down the dragon pit and kill everything inside. Eggs and all." 
"W-What would you have me do?" 
"Kill them all," Sehun tells him. "Appoint me commander of the City Watch, and I will make sure they are never able to make good on their plans." He rests his forehead against Junmyeon's. "Have you lost affection for me, your grace? Have I lost your trust because of my years in Braavos?" 
"No," Junmyeon confesses. "Never." 
"I thought of you each and every day, your grace. Endlessly. Everything I have ever done has been in service to you. To your family. To your reign." He shuts his eyes, squeezing them with emotion. "My heart yearned to be by your side, but they... they were the ones to send me away."  He looks into Junmyeon's eyes with such belief. Such emotion. "They wish to control you, your grace. To control your every move. Every thought. Until they are able to destroy you entirely." 
It bleeds through him. The anger. 
"No one controls me," he answers. "No one." 
"Prove it to me," Sehun whispers, and Junmyeon lets the fire burn. 
He kisses Sehun hard, pushing him to the stone floor of the forgotten theater. His body heats absurdly, all of the rage and confusion building forth into a wall of flame. He feels it licking him all over, hungry tongues of it, and he holds Sehun by the neck as he grinds his body against him, black and red, black and red. 
"Your grace," Sehun whispers, pressing ravenous kisses down Junmyeon's throat as he moves his hips, "fuck." 
"Such foul language from a son of the Citadel," Junmyeon chastises with a smile. "What would the maesters think of you now?" 
"I was never meant for that life," Sehun answers, and he cups his hand around the back of Junmyeon's neck. "I was always meant to protect you, your grace." 
"Then protect me," Junmyeon whispers, kissing him again. "Never let them get close." 
"Never," he whispers, and he rolls Junmyeon onto his back, easily stripping him as he slips against him. 
It feels like a fucking fight, the way they rut against one another, all those years of solitude and desperate need crashing down in an instant. They had spent so many years dancing around it. It was time to plunge in headfirst. To stop watching and really see. 
"I love you," Sehun confesses, touching Junmyeon so recklessly, so hard and fast and eager. "I have always loved you." 
"Love me more," Junmyeon commands. "Love me until I cannot stand it. Until my body is burned. Until the end of it all." 
"Yes," he whispers. "Yes." 
"Don't let them hurt me," he whispers, hugging Sehun tightly. "Don't let anyone hurt me." 
"You are the dragon," Sehun tells him, and he ruts his hips, biting Junmyeon beneath the collar. "You are not hurt. You hurt." 
Junmyeon cries out against his mouth, and he sees that shadowy dream, the one that chases him. To you, he walks a red trail across the water, and when he meets you again, his blade will be words. 
So be it, Junmyeon thinks, coming hard and clinging harder. If I am stabbed by him, then I must bleed for him. But I am the blood of Old Valyria. 
Fire and blood. 
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ladycalidi · 1 year
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♡ mr.sweet | feito por @icecreambaek ou @calidi | os pedidos de capa estão abertos! você pode solicitar sua capa aqui.
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kailisto · 2 years
𖹭 azul da cor do mar
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kaesficrecarchive · 2 years
[sehun x suho]
and the rest is rust and stardust by curledupkitten (chanyeol) (1/1 | 16,296 | E)
sehun has always been hesitant to unpack.
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sehodreamsthoughts · 3 months
HELLO?? omg anterograde tomorrow was my whole personality for like years pls😭😭😭 read it in class, based a project off of it (like the sticky notes) part omg🤭🤭🤭
- 🥟 anon
10080, pecaminosoo, arbitrage, absolute Chanyeol, god there are so many exo classics that made me love fanfiction 😭
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fff777 · 2 years
more characters = more problems
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onemoonbelow · 2 years
this week's fic recs
reread: dust to flowers by bbaegi (subaek, 99k) damaged goods, the fic. lavishly indulgent slice of life, with a plot that could be summed up in two sentences, and i love it for that. neighbours to lovers is one of my most favourite tropes, and isolated, depressed junmyeon who goes from struggling with everything, from helplessness, feeling adrift—and watching, listening to the same happening to his neighbour baekhyun—to somewhat grounded and tethered and hopeful, he's everything. being with him all the way, tracing his every thought and gesture is a gift if you like fic so slow it's like watching clouds on a windless day. junmyeon in this loves wholeheartedly, if at times helplessly, and this fic is an ode to the imperfect. (romance aside: bffs xiuho will always have a special place in my heart; as evident by one particular scene i screenshotted both during my first and second read without realising.) if i was mouse presented with a big baguette, i imagine this is what eating your way through it would feel like. and: never has smoking been this romantic.
new: constellation by okamiwind (seho, 9k) this fic has so much contrasting visual texture, not sure i can explain it.
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lifeisafunnyplace · 3 years
Violins and golden jasmines 🎻
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acatwhowritesthings · 4 years
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“You gonna be much longer?” Sehun asks. He picks up the discarded feathers and drops them in the trash. Joonmyun hangs onto one and draws its vanes through his fingers.
“Are you rushing me, after sleeping in for so long?” Joonmyun crosses his arms on the edge of the tub, tail fin rising and throwing water droplets at his nearly dry boyfriend, meeting his grumpy gaze with a teasing smile.
“No, I’m just hungry.”
“Just a few more minutes,” he sighs, sitting back on his dorsal fin, “and I'll be ready.”
Joonmyun sits on a towel and watches the tub drain. As his flesh dries, the scales and fins disappear, finally leaving him with two human legs. Sehun waits nearby and blow-dries his hair and feathers, ready to help Joonmyun. His legs are always a bit unsteady after shifting.
After rinsing the remnants of his scales' slime coat from his legs, he wraps a towel around his waist and shivers until Sehun turns the blow dryer towards him.
“So where do you want to go for lunch?”
“I thought you had someplace in mind, since you offered.”
“I'm not craving anything in particular—except you—so you pick.”
Sehun shrugs, feathers a bit ruffled.
continue reading Angel of Mine on AO3
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frkann · 4 years
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“This is ridiculous.” Junmyeon is getting lost in the big, floofy, pink sky of a hoodie, almost pushing his head out one of the arms before Sehun comes to his rescue to I help get his limbs rearranged into the right holes.
“You’re usually better at finding the right hole.” Sehun winks and if it wasn’t for the two big ears falling down in front of his face, he’d smack him, or maybe, give him a strict stare or something.
“Please clarify why I have to be photographed in this... “ he puffs one fluffy ear out of his vision, “... creation.”
“Because it’s Christmas.” Sehun hands him a poster to hold and picks up his camera.
Junmyeon raises one eyebrow in question. “That doesn’t make sense, I’m a pink cotton candy with bunny ears. What’s Christmasy about that?”
Sehun lowers his camera and smiles that way that alway melts Junmyeon’s strict. Junmyeon is weak like that, even inside an enormous pink sweater.
“Yes you are and your beautiful fans will love it! It’s your Christmas present for them. Now smile for me?” The camera is pointing at him again.
“And you’re suddenly a photographer?” Junmyeon tilts his head cutely and holds up the poster, internally rolling his eyes at Sehun thinking he can possibly take a decent picture.
“Didn’t you wan’t to try that new bunny tail later? Pull at one ear to confirm.”
Junmyeon suddenly feels warm all over, a fluffy pompom attached to black silicone binking across his train of thoughts.
A flash pulls him back to reality and the wide grin below the lens is telling him he lost this round .
“Aaaaw! Now aren’t you pretty in pink?”
🎀 Merry Christmas 🎀 @multibiasdreams 🎀
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okamiwind · 6 months
For the fanfic asks, 📥, 🧠, and 💭! Thank you :3
hehehhe thank YOU for the ask! :D
📥: What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on? omg i am really simple because my first instinct was to say that it doesnt matter, like, i get a comment email and a jolt of joy runs through me im so happy like it really is just so nice to get any comment at all. but if i had to pick, i would say any of my chaptered fics. outside of... chronos and maybe sweet sleep, i think, i usually write and post my chapters as i go without prewriting. i'm pretty good at generating will power on my own bc im insane and i have a compulsion to finish whatever i start, but any encouragement i get from an outside source really does help.
🧠: What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet? i've said before that i'm trying not to get ahead of myself, just focus on finishing up my big projects (like iatbye still probably has 30-40k of book two left and then a whole NOTHER part, so seeing that makes me like, itchy lol) but i do have a seho hadrian/antinous fic that i poke at whenever i feel particularly uninspired with current projects. i don't know that i would ever post it on ao3 as it kinda handwaves some of the less (by our modern standards) morally acceptable features of the historical relationship, but every now and again i return to it and im like hell yeah. i love to write you and think about you. i am obsessed with the roman empire (which is My Roman Empire) and i am particularly interested in emperor hadrian, who fascinates and delights me. i love when gay people have power.
💭: What is a headcanon you have about your own work? i think i must be the worst writer of all time because my imagination stretches exactly to the edges of what i write lmao, like i do not do any work that does not directly contribute to the story im telling. i should get better about that bc i love lore and its one of the things that really pulls me into universes, but i just feel like i suck so bad at it. hm. a headcanon. scrolling through my ao3 real quick. OH. username: papercotton. i think eventually their couple channel gets so huge and successful that sehun quits his cafe job and maybe later down the line, they start their own cafe, kind of a hybrid cafe and stationery store with a third space where people can eat, drink, work, do their little journaling or photocard decorations heh. something like that.
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taey6on · 5 years
seho fic 😳
in which junmyeon has a twin brother who is the definition of popularity. spot on the cheer team, boys wrapped around his finger, and undeniable beauty. junmyeon is the nerd of the school who somehow attracts varsity football player, oh sehun’s attention one night at a party. can junmyeon remind himself and others that he is not his brother, or will the newfound attention change him in ways he’d never imagine?
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jongaed · 5 years
A Helping Hand
Title: A Helping Hand Pairing: Seho/Hunho Length: 26k Rating: NC-17 Genre: non-au Description: Junmyeon knows him and Sehun are close. They share a bed often, go on holidays together, are two of the closest people in the band. So when one day Sehun asks him for a hand job in name of "experimenting", who is Junmyeon to say no?
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fff777 · 11 months
Thank you @okamiwind for tagging me in this writing meme :3
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
I haven't written that many fics so I'm sorry that this is going to be very repetitive T_T
1) First fic I ever published
A Union of Sorts - Hockey RPF, Patrick Sharp/Jason Spezza
What a blast from the past. This fic began as me sending a prompt as an anonymous ask to a bnf and they were interested to hear more. I wrote the entire fic as asks in this blog's inbox before compiling it and posting it as my first fic to AO3.
2) Last fic I published
Gilded Thread - EXO/Cpop, Huang Zitao/Lay Zhang
This is a fic that I thought I'd never write, and technically I didn't because how I initially envisioned this fic is very different from the final product. But I'm still pleased with how it turned out. It might be recency bias but this fic is kind of my special baby right now so I've listed it a few more times below OTL
3) Any fic that I wrote for a fandom/ship only once
Can't Stop Waiting - S.C.I. Mystery, Bai Yutong/Zhan Yao
I picked this fic because this is the only fic I've written for fictional media. Of all the BL and BL-inspired dramas I've seen so far, it was this cheesy buddy cop (adapted from a webnovel that was itself a fanfic) that had me most invested in the main ship. I'm not sure where the idea for this fic came from because it had a serious tone compared to the drama that was pretty lighthearted lol. Anyway, it puts a smile on my face when I see kudos on this fic because it means people are still watching this fun little drama.
4) Favourite fic I wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works
Roam, Wander - EXO, Sehun/Suho
For this question I picked a favourite fic for the most popular ship that I've written (Seho). I won't lie, I do think I received so many nice comments about this fic because it was for a popular ship ^^;; This was the first long fic I'd ever written, a fun self-indulgent fic that I wrote based on vibes. I didn't plan to write any big overarching theme, it was just about guys in a sequence of events lol. I had a ton of fun writing all of the Exos into this setting :3
5) Fic I wish more people read
Gilded Thread - EXO/Cpop, Huang Zitao/Lay Zhang
I knew this fic was going to have limited appeal. LayHanTao have limited popularity (at least in English speaking fandom) nowadays and they barely interact. This story was inspired by my love of historical political Cdramas, and I really wanted to write a story that had a similar kind of story, where the politics was the centre of everything and the relationships were constantly conscious of and secondary to it. So I knew I wasn't really going to grab the crowd that wanted more of a romantic story line. I guess I wished more people read this because I want to find more people who are interested in political stories.
Weekend Bunnies - EXO, Suho/Lay
I'm kind of shy about sharing this pwp series, but I think I'd like it if more people read it because I've received some pretty interesting feedback on this fic series despite it being smut. Most of the comments are people talking about how they interpret the relationship and idk I think that's neat.
6) Fic I agonized over the most
Gilded Thread - EXO/Cpop, Huang Zitao/Lay Zhang
I originally wanted to write a story that had a very ambitious political story line. The kind where several princes were vying for the throne, or one where the evil chancellor was deposed of. I did a lot of research on both history and the genre and after drawing up several plans, I realized I was NOT smart enough to write such a story. I have close to no military knowledge and also the only kind of shenanigans I was comfortable writing was financial crime which would get old real fast lol.
So I had to drop major aspects of the story to focus on only a few. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out though. If I had included everything, maybe it would have felt a bit generic and all over the place.
7) Fic that sprang fully formed from my mind without any effort
Now that I think about it, nearly all the pwps I've written have been done in one sitting without much effort lol. No thoughts just horny.
Double Dairy - EXO, Suho/Lay
I wrote the majority of this 10k smut piece in one sitting while at work lmao. I had been writing Roam, Wander (at work) and needed a break. At the time, nobody sat behind me and thus nobody could see my monitor. So I opened a new Google Doc and started typing out horny thoughts lmfao. I don't work at that office anymore XD
Choose Me - EXO, Chanyeol/Lay
If I remember correctly, I'd written this fic quickly too. I'd been on a Chanlay kick and had just written my first one but still wanted to write some pwp so I wrote this canon timeline fic. Both my Chanlay fics are a bit special to me because they were my first Exo fics :P
8) Work I am proud of
I am NOT going to write Gilded Thread but please know I am proud of myself for writing it XD
Branches - EXO/Cpop, Kai/Lay
I wasn't sure I was ever actually going to write this fic. I'm normally more interested in AUs than canon compliant or canon divergent fics. I'm kind of proud because I managed to put this together. Also because sometimes I write fic to find closure for myself, and for this fic it helped me gain a bit of closure (with regards to Yixing and his relationship with EXO).
Tagging @amphitheatre-heart, @of-asteriaa, @roguetaemincat, and anyone else who wants to do this meme! :3
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reddoll123 · 6 years
Author: London9calling
Summary: Love is complicated, especially when the new lion king shows up and animals start disappearing.
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nowherecarlos · 3 years
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HELLO!!! I've come here to promote this fest, it's on Twitter and the sign ups are OPEN.
The fest is about a secret Santa! you write a fic for an author and another author gives you a fic! Of the ship you like with your Likes and respecting your don't.
So sign up! It'll be fun!
Any ship is welcomed and any trope, au, etc!
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