#self concept rules
milkchuu · 10 months
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𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔 | 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒕.
(personal post)
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1. i am always in childstate. i appreciate life to the smallest little piece of joy, and i am filled with childlike wonder and excitement at all times
2. i always get a confirmation of my universal purchase within 3 days
3. i do not doubt myself. ever.
4. i have a complete and utter trust in the law and in myself
5. what i want i get, end of. nothing is too big or too small for me to manifest. money nor means are a factor
6. all methods i try work for me perfectly, and i master all methods and states of consciousness effortlessly
7. everything will work out in my favor eventually, no matter the circumstances. i will have all i choose in due time
8. no limits, no struggles, everything comes naturally to me, because it is my birthright to have all i could ever want
9. my subliminal playlists always work, and i have no problem making an overwhelmingly powerful playlist and sticking to it
10. amy is a liar, and i do not even for a second believe what she says or hesitate to tell her off
11. i am the dearly beloved and overly spoiled child of the universe. i am safe, loved, protected, provided for and get all i want and need without having to lift a finger; i am the greatest benefactor of spiritual nepotism. what i say, goes
12. i easily abstain from engaging with doubts, negativity, ill will or any unproductive and unwanted influences, whether it be media, people, or my own thoughts. i can identify and discard them/cut them out effortlessly
13. i hyper-romanticise everything about me and my life. everything is perfect. i have no faults. i am the universal it girl, i embody my ideal (and highest) self. everything is beautiful, aesthetic, and lovely. my life is one huge feel-good movie, and i am the main lead
14. i am healthy, i am wealthy, i am happy, i am loved, i am beautiful, i am smart, i am mature, i am disciplined, i have great insight, i am accepted and well respected, i am fashionable, i am powerful, i am famous, i am all that and a milkshake, nobody and nothing can stop me
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DNI: terf/swerf, abdl/bdsm/nsfw blogs, pro-ed, anti-LGBTQ+/anti-MOGAI, pro-ship, pro-inc*st, anti-endo, (NO)MAP/PEAR/supporter, anti-agere, trump supporter, anti-feminist, anti-BLM/anti-ACAB, abrahamic religions (there's nothing wrong with this one, it's just a trigger for me), will add as i remember other nasty people
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violetdisasterzone · 9 months
yet another svsss hill I'm dying on despite the apparent popular opinion — bingqiu would be great parents! give them a decade of peace and quiet to start healing from the trauma of.. everything and to get comfortable in the fact that their love and commitment to the other is reciprocated equally, and I can 100% see them wanting some little ones.
Shen Qingqiu overcame both his age AND gender to become Cang Qiong's resident milf in a matter of days after his transmigration. He's great with kids - as Shen Yuan he had a younger sister who he likely helped raise or was at least somewhat close with, he obviously loves teaching and doting on his disciples, he's immediately protective of random-abandoned-toddler!Binghe in the dream realm after escaping from the Water Prison, and obviously in the Return to Childhood extra he's (the only one) having a great time. you're telling me he WOULDN'T want a baby version of Binghe for real??
and as for Luo Binghe himself, the joke/argument I see most often is that he'd be jealous of the baby for taking his shizun's time and attention away from him. first of all, by the end of the novel, do you know how many times that man has died in his arms, pushed him away, or been separated from him in some other very traumatic ways, mostly while he was being influenced by an evil sword that amplified his worst intrusive thoughts? do you know how many people WOULD take Shen Qingqiu away, given the chance?! I think he deserves to be a bit paranoid!! but again, with a bit more distance and healing from his traumas, time, and reassurance that Shen Qingqiu really is staying, I fully believe he will mellow out in that regard. with that aside, Luo Binghe is a total mama's boy, he's a part-time emperor full-time housewife, and his greatest dream has always been to be a family with Shen Qingqiu. I don't think it's a stretch at all to imagine that someday in the future, he would want to grow that family with him too. and although we don't see him interacting with children in canon the way we do Shen Qingqiu, I cannot imagine him not loving his kids, a tangible result of their love, to pieces too.
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adilynnyuri · 1 year
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⚜️Yep! You read that correctly. LAUGH AT IT! If you ask me, "who should I laugh at?? ". Your stupid ass reality which acts like it's tricking you! But guess what? You are way more powerful than the shit which is shown to you physically!
★SOO!! BABY GIRLS AND BABY BOYS LAUGH AT THE CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH ISN'T WHAT YOU WANTED. Revise that shit by saying "it isn't what I wanted, so imma laugh at it and get what I wanted". Simple like that!
✿A lil success story : I had a lil fight w my mom and ended up crying. BUT! WHEN I WAS CRYING I REVISED SAYING THAT "me and mom never fought" "She's Always healthy and happy" "We never fought!" And guess what?? The next day she came and hugged me. She was acting like as if we didn't fought last night💀.
Even tho I was a crying mess, I still revised that situation which wasn't necessary for me and got something which is necessary for me.
⚜️You can be at whatever state, situation, circumstances. It doesn't matter. The more you stick along with the story of YOURS consistently in your mind, IT WILL REPLICATE IN YOUR REALITY TOO!!
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awhkacey · 2 years
𝐼’𝑚 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒…
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♡︎ i already have everything I want
♡︎ i always get what I want
♡︎ everything goes my way and my way only
♡︎ i only experience desirable circumstances
♡︎ if it’s not what i want then it doesn’t fucking exist
♡︎ nothing can stop stop me from getting my desires because I already have them
♡︎ everything is the way I say it is because what I say goes
♡︎ my 3D instantly reflects my 4D
♡︎ my 3D reflects the best of the best when it comes to my dreams and desires
♡︎ all my manifestations are instant because I simply said so
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seraphicial · 2 years
My loa rules
  ۫   ּ  ֗  i get whatever i want no matter what.
  ۫   ּ  ֗  i always wake up with my desires.
  ۫   ּ  ֗  all i have to do is affirm once for immediate
  ۫   ּ  ֗  i control my reality.
  ۫   ּ  ֗  i don’t have to do anything to see movement or
immediate results.
  ۫   ּ  ֗  i am limitless.
  ۫   ּ  ֗  only my desired thoughts/positive thoughts
  ۫   ּ  ֗  i have the perfect self concept.
  ۫   ּ  ֗  time does not matter.
  ۫   ּ  ֗  i always see movement.
  ۫   ּ  ֗  manifesting is so easy.
  ۫   ּ  ֗  i never fail, i am a walking success story.
ib ; @koreanbarbie
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arihi · 2 years
Betrayal is a popular concept in hypnosis and mind control fiction. More so than the betrayal of others, I love the betrayal of one’s own body/mind - when someone finds themselves clicking links or exploring further because they’re chasing the high of bad decisions, or when they rationalize and think they can just succumb one more time, to tide them over until they don’t need to anymore, when it only shortens the interval in between each “last time”, until they can’t even think of a reason to ever stop.
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acherontiasworld · 2 years
❤ My Manifestation Rules 🖤
I do not have to think, feel, believe anything or be in any state to manifest what I want instantly. All I have to do is decide.
Nothing can ruin my manifestation.
Limiting beliefs, wavering and doubts are irrelevant and powerless.
Everything I do helps me manifest faster than ever.
Manifestation is instant. The 3D always conforms before my eyes.
I don’t have to do any techniques such as affirming, visualizing, etc. because my mind automatically creates and loops affirmations, inner dialogues, and scenes 24/7 that implies I have what I want, just for it's own entertainment
If I am in a negative state of mind, my mind proves me I have my desire even more.
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pinkpossession · 1 year
My manifestation rules 2.0
Since Im basically restarting my journey I've decided the redo my rules with more detail. This is the process I went through to define how I want to manifest. Hope you enjoy <;3.
I want to manifest in the blink of an eye
I want it to happen in any circumstance.
I want it to be the easiest, quickest thing ever
I also want it to be fun
I want it to be almost magical.
I don't want it to be tricky
I don't want to have to convince myself or make myself believe anything.
I want to manifest just by basic knowledge of my manifestation
4D=3D like a mirror/ anything I think in my 4D appears instantly in my 3D
I only manifest things I want
I want to manifest in the blink of an eye
Just as it reads, I can manifest in the blink of an eye. Every time I blink, I manifest something new. It doesn't have to be logical at all! It just happens because that's how things are meant to be. Unless I want something to happen in a span of time, it happens instantly. For things that are within a span of time, as soon as I want to manifest it, it’s guaranteed to happen within that span of time instantly.
I want it to happen in any circumstance.
I can manifest in any circumstance. Whether I'm sad, happy, angry or ill, I can manifest at my full power. Along with this, just because a circumstance is unlikely to have my manifestation happen doesn't mean it won't happen. My manifestation can occur in any situation, even if it isn't logical. Even if i at some times am not aware of/ know my manifestation is mine, that doesn't mean I won't get it. If I've already claimed my manifestation as mine, even once, it is going to be mine no matter what.
I want it to be the easiest, quickest thing ever
I will always manifest quickly and easily. It is illogical for me not to. My manifestations always come to me, I never have to chase them. Manifesting is just a normal, fun part of my day. It's normal for me to manifest random things or manifest things for fun throughout the day. I can manifest anything quickly and easily.
I also want it to be fun
Manifestation is never boring to me. Even if I decide to try a new method or challenge, my rules still apply. I manifest successfully every time. If I do a new challenge, I succeed. If I do a new method, I succeed.
I want it to be almost magical.
If I decide to manifest mystical or fantasy like things, they will still happen. These magical things don't interfere with my life at all. No one catches me performing magical things unless I want them to. Manifesting magical things is as easy and quick as any other manifestation.
I don't want it to be tricky
Manifestation is never tricky for me. It's beyond easy every time. I never wait, I never struggle and I never feel impatient. I get what I want exactly when I want it.
I don't want to have to convince myself or make myself believe anything
To manifest, I don't have to believe or actually think I have anything physically. All I have to do is have a basic knowing that it is mine. I don't have to keep my thoughts positive at all or think a certain way. As long as I've claimed my desire as mine, it will manifest.
I want to manifest just by basic knowledge of my manifestation
Having a basic knowing that what I'm manifesting is already mine is more than enough to manifest. I don't have to think a certain way or feel a certain way all the time. Just knowing in the back of my mind that because the law is effective, my desire is already mine, then that's what it will be. Even if I have moments of not being aware of my desires, I will still get my desires, even if I've claimed them just once. I can use things such as visualization and affirming as fun reminders of having my desires, but they aren't a requirement.
4D=3D like a mirror/ anything I think in my 4D appears instantly in my 3D
Whenever I think of something, it instantly appears in my 3D. It doesn't matter if it is illogical. If I want something to happen within a certain span of time, as soon as I start manifesting, events will instantly start taking place to ensure it will happen. My 3D conforms to me instantly. My 3D and 4D are like twins.
I only manifest things I want
Simply put, I can't manifest things that I don't want. If there's anything I can't manifest, it's things that I don't want. If I see anything in my reality that is unfavorable, it instantly goes away.
Basic steps and rules
I can manifest instantly
I manifest regardless of any circumstance.
I only manifest the things I want
I can manifest absolutely anything.
Manifestation is always easy and quick
I always get what I want
Knowing it's mine is always enough
Decide what you want
Know it is yours
Remind yourself it is yours in any way (optional)
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theprettiest-7 · 1 year
Snap out of it. You are not the fucking victim. You own this world. This is your reality. You're manifesting 24/7 so might as well get what you fucking want. Your appearance? Skin condition? Sp? Beauty? Every fucking thing you can think of is yours. You can manifest everything at once. Your life isn't focused on one thing but multiple. You can manifest all your desires at once by using blanket affirmations. It works wonders as long as you affirm, repeat and fucking persist.
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spiderwarden · 2 months
Epilogue Romanced Gale outright saying he would do godly favors for Minthara, is chef kiss.
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individuating · 6 months
my #truth:
ep 1 = ep 7 (beatriceless)
ep 2 = ep 6 (furniture)
ep 3 = ep 5 (tools)
ep 4 = ep 8 (ange focus)
#.me#umineko#weird fucked up mirror structure tht barely makes sense. but i will try to explain in the tags regardless#ep 1 and 7 revolve entirely around beatrice without her actual presence#if anything in both it’s her lack of presence that sets the mystery of the episode in motion#one is the introduction to her story and the other is the conclusion of it. fairly straightforward tbh#ep 2 and ep 6 again have very obvious similarities in that they are both shkanontrice episodes#we also have the starting point and ending point of beabato’s relationship. starting with biting and killing and ending with marriage. waho#battler’s first real gameboard vs battler’s last real gameboard. i cld go on but the shkanontrice focus is probably the meat of it#ep 3 and 5’s connection is a bit looser… ep 3 is the first to introduce the braun tubes/catbox to fight using antifantasy#and ep 5 gives us the decalogue to fight using mystery. both give battler/the player tools to understand the rules of beato’s game#we also get ronove/virgilia on one hand and erika/dlanor on the other which are extensions of the tools/concepts themselves#ep 4 and 8 is self explanatory. theyre the Ange episodes and the endings of their respective arcs. both begin and end with ange’s journey#and her trying to find the truth. really theyre so similar in theme (+ content tbh) it is probably the most obvious of these#anyways. it is an actual mirror structure if you consider 4 + 8 as epilogues… <— strying to make it work.#thinking abt umineko at 8 am the grind never stops *trips falls dies
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adilynnyuri · 1 year
(not related to manifesting)
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🕷Beliefs and opinions :
I want y'all to know that everyone have different beliefs according to their mindset. Just because "that belief" Of yours worked for you that doesn't mean it should work for others too. Respect other people's beliefs too. Debating about what method is the best is literally waste of time. Like, who cares about what method is best??? I totally understand that method helps lotta people to get their manifestations but it shouldn't lead to a situation where people fight to prove that their method is best like wah?? -
Many people are blogging, coaching about loa to help people know that they can get their desires very easily than how it seems. Don't complicate manifesting and create "new methods" Saying that "it boosts" Your manifestations. 😑😑 you create the rules. No one can restrict you! You can create a rule by saying that "I will get my desires drastically whenever I blink my eyes" And it will happen because you created that rule!!
Lemme say you something... We can do anything in our damn reality. Get anything what we want by doing literally NOTHING. You can drastically, totally change your reality within a second! There is no such thing called "new". Nothing is new until you assume its new.
You create every shit. Just do your business, do any method which works for you, AND DO NOT HATE/JUDGE OTHER PEOPLE'S OPINIONS/BELIEFS UNTIL IT IS SOMETHING OFFENSIVE/INAPPROPRIATE.
There is no cons/demerits in loa until you create one.
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iamtheuniverse222 · 2 years
I am God. 🌏
@magicalfairyland Thanks for the tip, I’ll be exaggerating my affirmations 🤍
I am the hottest girl on earth. No one can dare compare themselves to me. Yea I know I’m perfect. I know everyone loves me, they either wanna be me or be with me. You know damn well, I can manifest ANYTHING I want in a day or less. Lowkey running out of things to manifest. I’ve got money, my perfect body, my flawless face. My life in general is incredible. I’ve got my own apartment and get an infinite source of money without making any effort. Men love giving me money simply for being attractive. God, life is simple. I never have to work for anything. I write down that I have it and I instantly have it. I’m popular, smart and attractive. I’m talented as well. Waking up everyday knowing that I can accomplish anything is fabulous. My life is flawless, I experience infinite joy. Everyone I love is blessed and protected. The world is mine. I am the ultimate power. I know I create my universe.
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lia-333 · 1 year
It’s okie to cry and have negative intrusive thoughts they don’t affect me because they DON’T manifest
It’s ok to cry DON’T hold it in that’s not good for you
What I assume is what REALLY manifests
No matter what always label the negative thoughts as “intrusive thoughts” and then mind your business (it might still linger but it’s okie because it won’t effect me at all)
Intrusive negative thoughts is nothing compared to me because I’m EXTREMELY POWERFUL me and my subconscious mind
What I say goes period
I am the GOD of my reality so fuck them negative thoughts they’re nothing but LIES
I can NEVER mess up ANY of my manifestations
It’s okie to cry and everything and end up overthinking and having negative intrusive thoughts but at the end of the day you have that last say so, so what you say goes if you ASSUME something then that’s what you get period that’s just basically the law of assumption your intrusive negative thoughts DO NOT manifest unless that’s what you think just know that at the end of the day it’s all up to YOU
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Ficlet prompt! Russingon + fairytale AU + “I’ve got you, I’ve got you” for the dialogue, if that catches your fancy ❤️
Thank you so much @theghostinthemargins! This was a very fun exercise, super involving, hope you enjoy it <3
Prompt from this list of AUs, the ask box is always open!
The dragon had been a surprise. 
Not a very great surprise, all things considered. Fingon had faced the sheer ravines, with their deep, ragged crevasses scattered with the bones of the valiant; had fought with sword and bold will the giant spider and her entrapping maze of illusions. 
The last of the caves lead him up, up the steep mountainside. There, nestled among the rock, carved out of it, stood a high and narrow and treacherous tower.
And atop that tower glinted a light of steel, and the paleness of bare flesh; and hair like fire burning in a pyre.
 Fingon’s heart, stout in the face of horrible death, and suffering, and eldritch Powers far vaster than him, leap in his chest with fright and joy at the sight, even as the great serpent uncoiled itself from around the tower, slowly, painfully slowly. 
He had not doubted - he had not allowed himself to doubt. But that iron certainty proved true, at last. The prince in the tower was bound, naked and defiant, hanging from the crenelation - but he lived, he lived, he raised up his head and saw him, and the distant voice of his beloved called out -
“Findekáno, Finno, run!”
And, of course, there was the dragon guarding the tower; immense it was, and more frightful even than the great spider, for it breathed a sulphorous steam with every breath, and its wings were very strong, its claws as wide and as tall as him. 
 Fingon had no intentions of running from him. He had come to free his friend - to save his betrothed, to claim the prize of peace between his divided people, to bring back Maitimo, his Russandol. 
Glaurung rained flame upon him. He found he could not look away frm those glittering golden eyes, cat-like and full of malice, and such a vast intelligence it made all the cunning of atisans and all the cleverness of craft, and rhetoric, and ruling, seem pale and petty and clumsy.
“It is no use,” the beast laughed. Its voice was very great, and deceptively soft: it slithered in the air, and the stones, coiled darkly around the nerves of the skull and the courage of the heart. “Deceiver and betrayer, false friend and false leader I name you: cowardly at heart, and evil the courage of your blade. Come not nearer, and I might let you go free, Findekáno Astaldo. It is a mercy I give you, and better than you have earned; the thing you mean to free for yourself would bring you to worse evil than mine own.”
“That may be,” Fingon said. “It likely would be. But I have heard some stories of your kind, worm. And great and mighty as you are, potent as the Doom laid upon my kin, still I say there is a thing that may defeat your evil, and kill the prophecy of evil over the Noldor. Hail, and listen!”
Hail, and listen!, he called in his heart to Maedhros, willing his fiercely to enter into his scheme. Listen, and believe, for I cannot believe enough for both of us -
He could not know whether Maedhros even heard him. All of this journey had been made on cunning and courage and faith, and here was the greatest challenge of all. 
Fingon filled his lungs with air, raised his bow, but he did not take aim. He did something else - wilder, and more foolish, the sort of thing a hero from a tale might do.
He sang. He sang of love lost, and love found; he sang of love that lead to slaughter, of distant fires and insurmountable betrayal. He sang of the Ice, which too was insurmountably, and which he did cross. 
Glaurung stepped back; but Fingon did not pursue. He did not have to. He sang of his sorrow, and his love’s sorrow; and he sang of his long journey. The journey’s end, as well: the curve of the arrow in the sky, the shuddering of the tower-stones as the dragon fell, the warmth of his beloved falling into his arms at last.
This is the thing about songs of love, in great tales. They can break every curse; all of them, all of them, if someone is mad and foolish and valiant enough to believe they might. To know, and make it known into the greater Music - this here is a great deed, a great love, and nothing shall stain it. 
Fingon believed it so, entirely. It filled him up, voice and marrow. It aimed the arrow for him, his faith, and bled his palms for him as he scrambled upwards to meet Maedhros, and pull him up, and up, and into his arms - at last, just as in the song.
Then, he was quiet. He was very tired, gasping; and Maedhros too trembled with terrible weariness. His arm was chained still, and would not be unchained. Great love might end curses, Fingon knew, but it demanded its price.
“Finno,” said Maedhros. His face was stark with bruises, hidden in filth. His eyes shone with a terrible light; he was smiling, and that was a terrible smile as well. “I could not credit it, I very nearly could not believe it - what madness possessed you -”
Maedhros had not hoped from escape, during all his torment, had been quite without hope in all things for to hope would be to imagine any of his kin coming to awful danger - but he had ceased to disbelieve, as Fingon sang. He, too, was a prince of the Noldor, and a scholar and lore-master, a splendid orator in his own right. He knew all the tales, and the laws that governed the world; how very much the boundaries of it were laid upon mad trust, mad belief.
Fingon had needed his faith, for the spell to hold its power against a dragon’s might; and so, for him, for him only, Maedhros had believed. Defiance would have been easier to ask from him; endurance would have been easier. But love demanded much, and Fingon had not climbed terrible cliffs and faced pitiless memories for a small love.
And he had done it.
To hang in estel as Fingon did battle and believe fully in his victory, to lend his faith and press it against thirty years of despair, against chains and torment and Glaurung’s smothering power, had been a very great working of power. Magic, in its truest sense: a spell made up all of will, strong and burning. 
That had always been Maedhros’ strength, the foundation of the skills that had made him mighty in war-magics; and that had been that which his enemies most sought to ruin. He laughed, victorious in survival, uncanny with the last of his power running hot in his veins; and then at last it dimmed, and he wept as he laughed, holding Fingon all the more tightly.
“I have you,” Fingon whispered back, voice torn to shreds, never to be strong enough to sing again. His own price, and gladly given.
He closed his arms around the feverish warmth of his beloved, let go of the bow, did not care to watch it fall unheeded upon the wreck of the dragon beneath. “I knew you could do it. I knew we could - Ai, Maitimo, Marítimo. My Russandol. I have got you, I have got you."
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I just touched my tarot decks for the first time since middle school and got a reading really early appropriate for my current situation, and I know that’s like, the point, they are designed to do that, they are designed to be vague enough that they could apply to any situation, that stillllll made my heart race a little bit.
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