Class Feature Friday: Self-Perfection Discipline (Psychic Discipline)
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(art by Vincent Van Leeuwen on Artstation)
 Focus through pain, the use of mind-altering substances, the study of those who came before… every psychic has their own way to delve into the secrets of their mind. Today, we will be looking at one that does not neglect their body while they perfect their mind, and in fact uses the combination of both to achieve focus and catharsis in their power.
While thematically the self-perfection discipline bears many similarities to the enlightenment discipline, self perfection seeks not a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them (No more than any other disciplines), but rather, finds focus on sharpening the mind and honing the body.
Now, while this can indeed draw heavily from ascetism, it need not have the trappings of that lifestyle. A psychic of self-discipline may simply maintain a regimine of exercises both physical and mental, sharpening their thoughts on riddles and games of strategy before focusing on physical exercises that induce their own sort of meditative state.
The result is a psychic with a few monk-like abilities, but otherwise one that proves just as adept with their body as their mind,.
 Befitting a discipline which revolves around physical and mental perfection, the spells granted by this discipline revolve around enhancing the body and mind. From enhancing speed and strength to removing hinderances, enhancing senses, and even giving them a body like iron. The most powerful can even create a record of their mind and body to revert back to should they be at risk of death.
Tapping into the bodily awareness that monks are known for, these psychics are extremely adept at predicting and dodging incoming blows.
With disciplined thought, they can achieve supreme focus or push past their limits when performing physical tasks, making them that much easier. Succeeding even gives a little catharsis which helps recharge their phrenic reserves.
They also gain a reserve of healing energy, which can be spent to heal themselves of bodily injuries, though they can also spend more to recover from debilitating effects, push out poisons or diseases, and so on.
Interested in a psychic that doesn’t neglect the physical side of the character? This archetype might be for you. The Wisdom AC buff is very, very good for a psychic throughout their career, and having decent physical stats does mean you don’t necessarily have to rely on spells for utility actions. That being said, it’s still a full caster class, so I wouldn’t expect to do well going toe- to-toe with foes unless you’re building for that, which may take an archetype and lots more buffing spells. If you don’t go that route, you can use your magic to buff up allies instead.
 With their connection to asceticism, I can imagine that many of these psychics train in similar, or perhaps the very same monasteries as monks, particularly those that offer esoteric training such as where serpent-fire adepts might learn the arts of opening chakras. That being said, how well the monastic students mesh with these mystics may vary by school, teachings, and of course, individuals.
  It may seem strange to think about given their physique, but the trox of Iron Cliffs enjoy a peaceful existence of honing their bodies and minds. Most do so through more traditional monastic traditions, but a rare few have the spark of a psychic, and train to unlock great mental power even more fearsome than their bulk.
 The Monastery of the Open Mind has a strange secret: it was founded by a prana ghost who still roams the grounds! Demonstrating tremendous willpower, sifu Tai Fan forced themselves to remain close to the material plane and train students in their art, and though the school thrives now, they haven’t left yet.
 Not everyone who seeks self-perfection is a monk or seeks formal schooling. Indeed, the baron Tervas Volkuus is a self-taught psychic who sought the same control over his body and mind that he desires in his holding, seeing the power he has gained as validation, making him utterly convinced of his right to rule.
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drlgadbois · 2 years
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kristiblogs-stuff · 12 days
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thecorrupter123 · 2 months
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irenablogsworld · 11 days
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retquits · 9 months
see what they don't tell you is that you HAVE to make the most self-indulgent ocs and self inserts to inject into your favorite media and to have the most tender moments with your favorite blorbos and to live out every fantasy and tragedy your heart desires. you just have to
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spiralling-spires · 6 months
Being jurgen leitner the day that gerry almost killed him was probably really surreal. Imagine you’re minding your business, collecting fucked up books, and out of nowhere this goth guy covered in eye tattoos shows up and beats you half to death, then stops, goes, “no you’re too pathetic to be jurgen leitner” and leaves without further elaboration. And you dont correct him, you like being alive after all, and after that you just… continue with your life. And then several years later you tell this to some random guy in the tunnels you’ve been hiding in, and he not only knows who the goth was, but seems somewhat fond of the goth. And then you get brutal pipe murdered by the random guy’s boss. Oops
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ruushes · 22 days
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my hof was born to be a griffon rider, if they could've given him a griffon at the start of dao the blight would've been over in a week
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milenablogsstuff · 9 days
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esotericbadbitch · 10 months
Me when… me when… the identity is horror. Who are you? Can you be replicated? Is that replication you? If someone looks just like you, acts like you and is interpreted by others as you, are they you? Do your thoughts count for anything? If everything you actually think stays in your head and never comes out then you die do people grieve you? Do you respond to your name or to any name?
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