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how many of us claim the VICTIM attitude when God gave ALL of us a Spirit & Heart of Victory! Join us as we share our journey from Victim to Victory!!
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stoertebeker · 1 month
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what is thisss
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weaselbeaselpants · 1 year
Since I don't want to link it back to two scenarios so...um...immediate, I'll just say; the "Suffering just makes you hurt"-mantra is one I def subscribe to in day to day life, even in small, trivial' things like fandomwars.
I had a person get pissed at me once cuz I defended antishippers. They explained and showed me how they'd been harassed and abused by antis for no reason other than calling themselves a proshiper - no, NOT for actually liking anything with r@pe/cest/p3doshipping - just Reylo *in theory*. They got treated like a literal predator not for anything they actually did but for the title that genuine creeps have decided to use for their kink as this person did for their safe shit and they got blasted for it....and then this person proceeded to call me a cword and accused me of condoning their abuse by proxy of me saying " I don't think antis are inherently evil, actually".
I get it. When you put up with harassment from people touting their selfdeclared fandomom as some kind of badge of honor, of COURSE I understand turning your back on everyone who calls themselves that same thing! That's just, like, a survival instinct. You don't want to be reminded of your tormentor(s) because you really shouldn't have to be reminded of your tormentor(s) while you're browsing fandumb inbetween school or work. You want to keep your tormentors at bay so no triggering shit ppl are romanticizing or covert bigotry someone's hiding under the language of criticism to get in the way of your vibes when this is your fandom and your space to be creative and unwind and be you. I really get it.
The problem is, and the reason I DON'T put up with antianti or antiproshipper shit, that's labeling a whole lot of strangers inherently bad over not having the exact fandom takes and conflating that with your legitimate ethics of outing predators and bigots...THAT is what's shitty.
I know for a fact that not all the people who tag their shit #proship even fully agree on what proship means. I know they are not all predators or even don't care about predators being in their fandoms. Trust me, they care. Some of the #antiship folks I know are the most lax mf w it comes to content warnings, horror, kinks and nuance and also really hate call out posts and want to avoid them as much as they can. I know they are not all self-righteous prudes and bigots trying to get kink out of pride or some shit. THAT SAID- if I haven't already seen creepypredatorybs from proshippers or bigotedbully-tactics from antis, I can definitely believe those things exist in those spaces. But again, those behaviors exist whether or not a person uses these self-given labels. You shouldn't throw your hands in defeat anymore then your shouldn't declare yourself the sole liberator.
Blocked the proshipper-stan I was of talking about because I kind of don't like being called a cant and told I'm okay with death threats...just like I did the antishipper who was sending me death threats that same day =). I know I don't have to deal with that bs and I'm glad I took that advice from a mutual abt my own personal boundaries.
Call out shitty behavior all you want, but the absolutist-rhetoric is not healthy and, more importantly, not doing anything to help people being abused by fandomculture anymore than you were when you first got accosted for disliking a thing that made you upset/liking a thing that made someone else upset. You gotta share your fandom with everyone so long as they're not bigoted, abusive or predatory. And yeah, I kind of reserve all those notions for people I can tell ARE doing those things...so, y'know Lily Orchard.
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babyawacs · 2 months
#ve_bitter_ri_bitter_tas #veritas @veritas @thetruth #toyouthisis_theland_of_beerchocolate #they_someho wsellyoucarstoosomehow #howtheykeptthecasedaytime #intelcomas @deutschland .@snowden @haaretzcom #nobotch @scotus .@scotus @scotusblog @judge .@judges @fisa .@fisa @law .@law @harvard_law @bbc_whys @france24 @bild #not_for_spies_what_is_a_human_being #not #for #spies #what #is #a #human #being #n otforspieswhatisahumanbeing #undsoerklaereichesmeinenkindern had angels integrity they would wonder about alibis for themother alibi for the 4yearold and how all is thatway elevenyearold acne girl is allowed too that angels selfdeclared ornot they abuse civillians and give these monsters alibis to bark on the innocent and germanconvince the minors only to commit more crimes and germandeserve fromtheir crimes w e saved isabelle i wish hope we did i really really really really do according toa theme years ago she bravely cares for 200orphans t h a t is a good girl You give these monsters alibis andallknow /////
#ve_bitter_ri_bitter_tas #veritas @veritas @thetruth #toyouthisis_theland_of_beerchocolate #they_somehowsellyoucarstoosomehow #howtheykeptthecasedaytime #intelcomas @deutschland .@snowden @haaretzcom #nobotch @scotus .@scotus @scotusblog @judge .@judges @fisa .@fisa @law .@law @harvard_law @bbc_whys @france24 @bild #not_for_spies_what_is_a_human_being #not #for #spies #what #is #a #human #being��
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From "there should be more research around conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, and women who are in pain are frequently dismissed" to "im a selfdeclared expert on balancing your hormones by never eating dairy or gluten again, drinking 1 litre of horse piss a day and taking these overpriced uncontrolled supplements"
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dreamera1987-blog · 5 years
A New, But Very Old, Path
Good day my beautiful friends!
My name is Amber Lash. I am a 31 year old, recently divorced, newly awakened, optimistic, practical and open-minded, highly sensitive empath.
Yes, I said Empath. Some of you may stop reading this post right now. Some may unfriend/unfollow me where others may silently support me by continuing to read.  Some may openly support, or perhaps even relate to, this declaration.  
I have recently begun a journey into a self-development that goes beyond simply trying to find a better, more aligned to myself job and just being consciously aware of how I treat myself.  It is so much more than that.  It’s the knowledge and growing understanding of spiritual enlightenment as well.  A full absorption and acceptance of the self and the gifts God has granted me.  This post is intended to declare my truest and most authentic self to the world, or in this case maybe friends and families that make up my world.  I am on a journey of learning, understanding, and accepting a form of wisdom and practice that many are tuning into as well. I am not alone in this.
Scientific research has proven that our entire world and universe is made up of energy.  Its been proven that energy interacts with energy in both positive and negative ways.  Well, what if I told you that energy can be affected simply through true belief and intention? Many of you have heard of The Secret, a book and resulting documentary that took our world by storm several years ago and its affects are still being felt today. This publication defines and describes the Law of Attraction and how it can be used to promote betterment in the world starting with our own individual selves. It teaches others, and assists them, in reaching a happiness level that lasts, that makes one feel whole.  Now, what if I told you that there are old, ancient cultures, practices, spiritual practices, from every corner of the world that says the same thing?  What if I told you that the belief in ourselves and acceptance of our own unique individual gifts is designed to help us get there?  To bring a wholeness to ourselves that goes deeper than just physical or mental, which are as equally uplifted as the spirit, but where your energy can be aligned to match a frequency the world emits to bring joy, fulfillment, abundance, love, and so much more to your life?
Now, this is not new knowledge. I’m not telling any of you anything you haven’t heard or didn’t know from somewhere, even yourself.  But, knowing them and living them are two very different things. You don’t have to be a highly sensitive empath to meditate. You don’t have to believe a rock or crystal will align your chakras.  You don’t have to believe in shamanic power animals or divination practices and tools. You don’t have to go to church every Sunday. But, are doing these things assist people in reaching that level of connection with the spirit, energy, force, or God, or even their own level of confidence and sense of self-worth? Yes, they do.  These are some of the methods that humans have established and felt that connect us to the Earth and even the larger Universe. There are some philosophies that say if we were made in God’s image, are we not Gods?  There are some renowned spiritual leaders that tell us we are angels but we aren’t aware of it...that is, until we are.
Now, some of you are saying, “This bitch be crazy...” If so, tell me then why thousands of people across the world pay hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars to attend public motivational speakers, life coaches, consciousness conferences, retreats, and trainings on bettering themselves and the connection they have to the world. Tell me why these things have boomed in the last 10 to 15 years. When was the first time you heard of yoga?  It’s not because they’re crazy and brainwashed. No. Not because they’re un-Christian blasphemers. No. But, because life has become so superficial, so shallow in substance and the human soul is meant to live deeper and more connected then what we’ve done so far.  People craving that depth, that sense of purpose, all seem to find their way to something that leads to personal development and some frame of spiritual awakening.
How many of you have had bad things happen in your life and you blame something outside of yourself for it?  I have. And I’m not alone. Oh, but how quickly does that shift when you realize the saying, “everything happens for a reason”, is one of the most true statements ever made.  Let’s rephrase it as I’ve recently heard it...a phrase that has become a mantra for me.  When something is frustrating, angering, saddening, or even when something really beautiful and amazing happens:
“The world happens for me, not to me”
Take that in for a second. Think of a terrible experience where you blamed something on someone beyond yourself and spin it on its head with that phrase? What do you come up with? How did realizing that boyfriend who cheated on you was probably for you? I know...bristle at it all you want, but all I ask is for you to consider it for a moment.  Maybe you left that boy/man and in doing so you reclaimed self-respect for the first time in years. You took back your power and that is no small thing! Own that for a moment.  What positive thing came out of that suffering? What lesson were you supposed to learn? Once you answer that, your world changes, brightens and you have an opportunity to see the world and its challenges with new and a more self empowered point of view.  Welcome to the beginning of a new, but very old, path.
John 8:32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free
There is so much more I could write on the subject. So much more knowledge I’m learning that I would love to share. This is the passion I have been searching for. My unique place. This post was only a first step; learning to accept, know, and love myself and the gifts that make up that self is ongoing and I’ve only just begun.  So thank you, if you got this far in the declaration.  Thank you so much for your openness and non-judgment.  I love all of you.  We are all gifted in unique ways.  We all have the power to end our own suffering and there are just as many methods in which to explore and learn to accept and love and empower ourselves as there are people on the planet. No way down this path is wrong.  All these methods just use different words, rituals, and practices to do, say and/or experience the same thing.
I’ll leave you with this...its all about setting your intentions, visualizing it, releasing it into the world, then taking action when God or the world or the energies (whatever you prefer) align for an opportunity to arise for you. It can truly be that simple.
I love you all my beautiful, fabulous friends and have a blessed day.
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From 2 Months to 3 Weeks: Govt Updates Self-declaration Covid-19 Form for Air Passengers
From 2 Months to 3 Weeks: Govt Updates Self-declaration Covid-19 Form for Air Passengers
Image for Representation. (Pic Source: Reuters)
The officers instructed PTI that as there are a lot of individuals in India now who’ve recovered from the lethal virus, a necessity was felt to replace the self-declaration type to keep away from any hardships to them.
Last Updated: July 12, 2020, 12:56 PM IST
The Civil Aviation Ministry has instructed the airways…
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From July, Register Enterprise On-line With Aadhaar, Self-declaration
The federal government on Friday notified new norms to permit on-line registration of recent enterprises based mostly on self-declaration, doing away the requirement to add paperwork and certificates, from July 1.
Officers mentioned that this has been made attainable with the mixing of the Udyam Registration course of with the Techniques of Revenue Tax and GST and the small print crammed in…
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sparrowsfall · 2 years
@selfdeclared​ confessed : 13!
from: 42 character development questions | no longer accepting
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13. How do they greet the world — what is their typical attitude towards life? How does it differ in different circumstances, or towards different subjects? Why do they take these attitudes, and why do they change? How do these tend to be expressed?
he greets life with an easy sort of confidence. one does not speak to him and sense much unease about his role in the world, about his mere presence on Earth. he is here and therefore he belongs, soon settles into the crowds more skeptical of him thanks to such a convincing and charismatic aura. not because he boasts it --- if anything, he blends more easily simply because he doesn’t boast much at all. 
he is quietly sure of himself. sure of the plans God has for him and the trajectory of his life. maybe a little too sure, in some respects. has a little too much faith that everything that happens around him is all for the best, save maybe a few hard-drawn lines. because he can be all-too-quick to accept the unacceptable being laid bare before him. has trouble labeling the horrible as just horrible, no silver lining to be found. excusing it if he initially thought it good. until it no longer benefits him and his plans, no longer benefits God’s plans. GOD’S EVER-CHANGING WILL is the true deciding factor of his approach to life and all of the things that happen around him. and in this respect, he expresses himself in a web of contradictions. over and over, to convince himself and those around them that this must be so. reassurances that God does not negate personal responsibility can quickly degrade into excuses for himself, for others, if he believes it is all part of His plan. the end will surely justify his means. will justify GOD’s means.
for most of his adult life, he has taken the attitude that he is where he needs to be. that it all happens for a reason. now, he struggles to grapple with the truth: an old man in his state never should have been sent on pilgrimage. alone. he never should have been able to stumble into the mouth of a beast. alone. it had nothing to do with God’s plan for him, and everything to do with oversight on the part of his congregation. their ultimate fates? everything to do with his own inability to take the horrors of life at face value, and his refusal to give up on the family he so desperately wanted a chance with.
some 84 years later, he finally learns the answer to the question that led him deep down the path of his faith and career: why do terrible things happen? because life, sometimes, is just that. fucking terrible.
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fatestricken · 3 years
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                                        ❛   i’d   end   my   days   with   him   ,   in   a   hail   of   bullets .   ❜
@selfdeclared​    //    lyric   sc .
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potentempath · 3 years
📜 uwu
incorrect quotes meme: accepting.
@selfdeclared said: 📜 uwu
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babyawacs · 1 year
@ufob0t  didthey butcher quark and moogie from the gasstation ridehome o r wasit morelike the evil faschist ideolgy deformed leader of geneticallym odified eugenics selfdeclared superhumans playign mankind as suckers as a liens from afar tried to conquer sth then lunch . @potus . @vp highfive
@ufob0t didthey butcher quark and moogie from the gasstation ridehome or wasit morelike the evil faschist ideolgy deformed leader of geneticallymodified eugenics selfdeclared superhumans playign mankind as suckers as aliens from afar tried to conquer sth then lunch .@potus .@vp highfive I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE…
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dralanabloom · 3 years
everybody's always on about hannibal's red sweater, BUT LOOK AT ALANA'S RED SWEATER. BABE.
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that sweater, those pants, those less high boots than normal. she's got hannibal's red sweater vibes beat.
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cardiomyapathy · 3 years
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@selfdeclared​ : "You look more generic white guy than I do, so your opinion holds even more irrelevance."
“ Yeah, to anyone who isn’t ALSO a white guy, but when    it’s just you and me, our opinions are EQUALLY bullshit.    You can’t be a minority white guy, I D I O T. ”
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notthedyingtype · 3 years
@selfdeclared gets a random thing from RILEY
        Parts of him still remember that first night in that cell. The kid that had tossed that Bible into the trash to never be looked at again -- wishing the same that could be said for the nightmare that played on loop in the dark whether his eyes are open or not. That girl with the glass in her face. Tara -- if memory serves him well ( &&. it does, he never forgot; even after all the years. )
        Hazel hues fixate on the bunk above him, one arm beneath his head &&. the other crossed over his stomach, debating if he should speak what is on his mind or not. He didn’t know if Zee was awake or not &&. he didn’t want to disturb his slumber if he was. Nerves, &&. a brief wave of excitement, were keeping him awake. They were both out of here tomorrow. Back to a life that they don’t belong to anymore.
        “...are you awake?” There’s a brief hesitation in when Riley draws in a breath &&. when he speaks, as if he’s terrified of waking the rest of the world up.
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From July, register enterprise online with Aadhaar, self-declaration Image Source : PTI From July, register enterprise online with Aadhaar, self-declaration The government on Friday notified new norms to allow online registration of new enterprises based on self-declaration, doing away the requirement to upload documents and certificates, from July 1.
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