parkerspicedlatte · 6 years
Coffee, Cocoa and Kisses
Description: introducing Macy Stark a character made and illustrated by @selixjammm who also played a big part in co-writing this so go check her out (she's pretty awesome) so anyways Macy Stark is left to face the unfair request to pick a side *in the battle of Civil War.* It's a good thing Peter and his awkwardness are always around to help cheer her up right?
Warnings: none just fluff and an insane amount of awkward (unless you count coffee as a drug or whatever)
Word Count: 1.1K
I do not own any of the characters in this. Marvel owns most (duh) and @selixjammm​ owns Macy! Stark
Peter Parker watched as his friend Macy Stark walked around Stark tower carrying on with her day, occasionally muttering to herself, something to do with the web cartridges in her Wolf Spider suit. Though he couldn't help but to pick up on the girls' nervousness, as she paced from room to room, not settling even for a second.
"Hey Macy what's on your mind? You look distracted" Peter stated, startling the girl in the process.
"Oh hey Pete didn't see you there. I'm fine just thinking you know." she replies brushing off her jumpiness displayed earlier
"Abooouuuuttt?" he pressed further making sure to emphasise the 'T'
"Well if you really want to know, my Dad and uncle Steve are basically going to war with each other and if that wasn't bad enough they want me, little 15 year old me, to pick a side and fight against the other."
Peter just looked at the girl with a stunned expression on his face not expecting her outburst nor the reason behind it
"Do you know what side your picking?" he askes mentally drop kicking himself for asking such a sensitive question
"Dads' I guess. He'd never forgive me if I went against him, but I don't want to go against my uncle either."
"Yeah wow uhh wow..maybe they'll call it off???" he stutters with a hopeful smile
"Maybe" she grumbles, a habit she'd picked up from her father throughout the years
"I mean your dad versus your uncle, that's not very fair now is it?"
"NO IT'S NOT! THEY'RE ACTING LIKE KINDERGARDENERS ON THE PLAYGROUND! Ohhhh and you won't believe this part Peter, nobody will even tell me why this is even going on, all I've got is some shouting about Grandpa Howard."
She sits on the floor calmly after her semi-expolsion and reaches for her phone as if the last twenty seconds never happened.
"You need a drink" Peter blurted out quickly and shutting his mouth just as fast
"Uhhh I mean like a drink drink, not like an alcoholic one or anything like that your dad would kill me if I suggested it to you. I meant like or like hot cocoa or something, non-alcoholic." he turns a bright shade of pink once he's caught his breath
"Yeah I do," she agrees with him, smiling at awkward save "and I definitely like hot cocoa." she winks back
"Hey that sounds good um we could um go get some or something. I MEAN NOT LIKE A DATE or anything!"
"I don't know Pete that sounds an awful lot like a date" she teases "Come on lets go get cocoa"
"Awwwe Peter's blushing"
"Wh-wha what no um I just it's kind of warm in here and like Spidey suit is not exactly made of cotton and stuff..."
"Peter I know what the suit is made of, I helped design it remember plus it's the same material as mine."
"SPIDER'S CAMOFLAUGE!" he half shouts in embarrassment
"Riiiight" she nods smirking at his now beet red face
"So how about that hot cocoa?" he changes the subject
"Only if you carry me" Believe it or not his face got even more red "I mean you are the one with super powers if I remember correctly"
"Uh um you uh do you even know where we're going?"
"Oh believe me Peter, I know every coffee house within a twenty mile radius."
"Okay then hop on but you gotta direct though, k?"
Once she'd perched herself on his back, legs wrapped snuggly around his waist with his hands holding her thighs for extra support, she pointed to the elevator doors.
"Onwards Peter, onwards!" she commands in a horrible British accent
"Oh my goodness Mace, if you ever do that again I'm getting Thor to teach you to speak properly next time he's back, or maybe Mr Doctor Strange. I've heard he's good."
"Oh I know it darling." she says fixing her accent slightly, though sounding slightly like Cruella DeVil
So he walked/carried her to the café where they sat in a cozy booth in front of a large bay window. They each ordered their drinks (Peter paying of course lol) Macy getting a double chocolate hot cocoa topped with an infinite amount of marshmallows and Peter getting himself a 4x4 coffee. For those who don't know what that is,it's a coffee with 4 cream and 4 sugar cuz he still hasn't acquired a taste for the drink but this was a treat.
"Happy now?" Peter asks setting their drinks on the table
"Yeah" she says absentmindedly sipping her cocoa while stealing a glance out of the window looking out into the busy New York streets. After a few minutes of silence he pokes again
"Penny for your thoughts?" he says smirking, holding up a copper colored coin
"Hmmm maybe"
"Oh come ooon, it's just meeee. Who's invaded your mind? Is it your dad again?"
"No  not that... its just-" she pauses sighing putting her mug down before continuing
"So there's this boy I like though im not sure if he likes me back-" Peters heart sinks as he hears the first part of her sentence
"He goes to my school, and he's like super smart. Actually he's a super hero too."
Sunken heart? When did that happen? His heart just about leaped out of his throat upon hearing the last part.
"Must be some guy." he clears his throat tring to play along
"Trust me, his is. He even buys me cocoa" she smiles as she fiddles with his fingers that lay empty on the table
"Hmmm well if he's so special, why not pursue him?" he watches as her face takes on half the blush he had earlier, complementing her lips
"Or um I guess you could um you could always wait to see if he makes the first move"
He leans closer to the table enclosing her hands in his as he does.
"Y-y-yeah I-I guess I could."
Peter slowly leans across the table, bringing his face inches away from hers, testing to see if she'd pull away. From this angle could see every little freckle that danced across her nose and even the tiny scar she'd gotten falling off of a swing when they were in grade two. Taking her lack of motion as a green light he licked his lips parting them slightly before softly pressing them against hers. Instantly, she kissed him back savoring the taste of sugary coffee on his lips while he got lost in the chocolate and cherry chap-stick on hers.
He pulled away after a few seconds though he kept his face close, resting his forehead against hers giving her one of his signature nervous smiles.
"I think he likes me back what do you think?"
"I think he wants to take you out more often."
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lovefrompeterparker · 6 years
Hey pete yesterday my boyfriend broke up with me and used me now he’s with another girl I need some love why can’t there be boys like you at my school I love you so much🌺
oh bub im sorry to hear you had to go through that, he doesnt deserve you or your love. Boys like that are a big waste of time and energy! Youre going to meet more people in life that are going to make you realise the love you deserve because you deserve lots of it and that youre one strong independent individual 💖 Love you too 😽
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sunshiney-souls · 6 years
Collar full // chp 2.5
summary: the one with all the memories
warning: idk if your hearts can take all the domestication and fluff of the trio
word count: 1284
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Skye had packed her toiletries and she had moved back to her room.
Skye was a person of memories. She kept things just for the sake of remembering that moment. So the fact that she now had to wittle all her things down to just a few was killing her.
Skye had to bookshelves in her room. Only one was filled with books; even then, it was only the top three shelves. The bottom shelves and the whole other shelf was just a place to store her things. But it wasn’t just normal books that were on these shelves, oh no. There were journals and diaries and sketch books and notebooks that Skye had written and drawn in throughout the years. One specific sketchbook caught her eye. She reached for the deep green book and flipped through the pages.
Now Skye wasn’t an artist by any means. Her drawings were not remarkable, realistic or had great shading; but they were not terrible either. Skye had found a perfect medium of a “meh” art style. Her thumb let the pages flutter by until she stopped on one specific drawing. It was of two boys, swinging on a swingset, with seemingly perfect, poofy clouds in the sky. Skye remembered the moment perfectly.
“Okay look,” the small boy said. “Aunt May taught me this. She said, you look up at the clouds, and whatever shapes you see, you have to make a story out of it!” his brown eyes were bright with that child-like wonder.
The bigger boy that sat on the swing next to him, tilted his head back, mouth agape.
“Uuuhhh, i see....
a blob. Peter how the heck am I supposed to make a story out of a blob?” He rolled his head and tilted his head back to its normal position.
Across from the swing set, there was Skye, sitting across from her best friends, sketchbook resting on her knees, lightly brushing the pencil across the page. Peter’s head looked back down, right at his best friend.
“Skye, what do you see in the sky?” A little smile broke out on his face due to the two words. Skye set her sketch book next to their bags at the base of the tree, and sat in the swing next to Peter, looking at Ned.
“Ned, you need to have a better imagination for this kind of thing.” She said as she situated herself into the swing. Her head fell back and she glanced up. Her imagination was running wild.
“I see a tree, and a book, some kind of circle thingy, a spider, a cat, and a pizza slice!” Skye rambled on about the different shapes. Her little head craned back around to look at the boys. “Make a story about that!” She teased, her little giggle escaping her body.
Ned had gone completely slack-jawed, not knowing how on earth Skye had just came up with so many shapes out of blobs. Skye looked over to Peter, who also was slack-jawed, but his eyes sparkled.
Skye was jerked back to reality when she continued to flip through pages to find the empty ones in the back. She shook off the memories and tossed the sketch book into her bag. Along with some pens, pencils and markers.
Skye moved from her bookshelf to her little desk, where a bunch of little odds and ends were scattered about. Some cute trinkets, paperweights, or anything Skye liked, she would get and put on her desk. There was one object in particular that jerked at Skye’s heart strings: a little box. Of course, it was what was inside the box that Skye loved so much. She reached out for it and snapped it open, revealing a stunning, and yet simple, moonstone ring.
“Skye, you promised you would keep your eyes closed!” She heard that easily recognizable voice.
“Yeah yeah, just hurry up with it! My mom said they have this big thing planned and we can’t be late for it!” Skye’s all too popular smirk had taken over her face. She held her arms out, stumbling around her own apartment, eventually grasping onto Peter and following him around.
“This will literally take like, two seconds, calm down.” Peter laughed as he spoke, causing the knot in Skye’s stomach to grow tighter. She had never been lead around her own home for her birthday. She was slightly scared.
Soon she felt the carpet under her feet, and knew it was her own bedroom. She let go of Peter. “Alright Parker, what’s going on, can I open my eyes now?” She questioned, crossing her arm, looking slightly to the left of Peter. All she heard was Peter’s soft laugh and the slight bounce of her own bed.
“Alright, alright, open your eyes!” She could hear the smile on his face as she quickly opened her eyes. 
There sat Peter, sitting on the edge of her bed, his feet dangling off the side, holding a small, black, jewelry box. Skye’s head fell to the side in confusion.
“What, are you proposing to me now?” She did her best, but she couldn’t fight the smile that was creeping up on her face. 
“Oh, stop it.” Skye seemed to miss the slight redness of his face, trying to control her own. “This,” Peter started as he opened the box. “Is a moonstone ring. I was walking through the mall once and I saw it, instantly thought of you.” He reached out for Skye’s right hand and put it on her fourth finger. “I even got one so we can match. Although,” He paused again, fishing a chain out of his front pocket. I’m keeping mine around my neck, don’t need people thinking we’re married, huh?” He said with a smile, elbowing her in her side
Skye couldn’t take it anymore. She hadn’t worn the ring in so long, and she felt guilty and ashamed. She picked up the ring and put in on her finger. She sighed and figured that was enough remembering for now. She figured she should go over to Peter’s place and get some of his things.
Aunt May was, hopefully, still at work as Skye opened their door. She quickly went to Peter’s room, looking around.
The first place she looked at was his desk. It was an absolute mess, the way Peter always was. She moved around some papers, keeping her eyes open for anything that might be useful, but her eye being distracted by something shiny; a chain. 
She reached out for it and pulled it out from under all the papers. On the end of the chain lay the very ring that Peter got to match Skye’s ring. 
“I guess he doesn’t bring it to school.” She shrugged. Peter never liked wearing necklaces to school, just another thing for Flash to grab while he was fighting. She reluctantly put the chain around her neck. She went to his closet and her eyes landed on his Midtown sweater. Peter loved wearing that sweater, and she knew she had to bring it. She grabbed that and pulled it on over her head, inhaling her best friend’s scent, hoping this wouldn’t be the last time she did so. As she was about to leave, a small journal caught her eye.
It was peaking out from under his mattress. She reached for the small, black book and opened it to a random page before realizing it was a diary. She quickly closed it and saw there were two other journals under the mattress. A blue and red one. Without thinking, she put all three in her backpack and went back to meet Ned before heading off to Stark Tower.
A/N: Hey guys! sorry if this absolutely sucks, but I’ve been insanely busy these past few days and I wanted to finish this as fast as I could so y’all could know that I’m still writing this story :) Also, there were some people that asked to be in the taglist for this series and i forgot their urls (i’M SORRY) so if you’re not on this list and want to, p l e a s e tell me again and i will write it down and remember it.
Anyways, i hope you all enjoyed this little extra chapter thingy, and i will do my best to get chapter 3 out as soon as possible :) thank you for reading and please please please give me feedback!
Tag list:
@ninjamidnight @scarlettxspider @selixjammm @multiposting @choke-me-sweet-pea @peters-vlogs @royalparker @sierramalfoy514 @serpentbucky @topisdead 
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lovefrompeterparker · 6 years
H hey peter so I have been having a though day today I need hugs and cuddles~Macy Stark
Hi darling 💕 Sorry to hear you’ve had a rough day. Have loads of squishy hugs and cuddles!! 💗💗💗💗💗 You know what dont worry im going to bring some puppies, puppies always help ✨ Youre going to be okay honey. You’ll go to sleep tonight and get another chance tomorrow, a fresh beginning and youre gonna kick ass. You’re going to be okay and I love you loads 💓😊❤️✨
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parkerspicedlatte · 6 years
Reetz's Follower Celebration!!!!
Hey so im gonna play a game as a celebration for hitting 250 followers. The instructions are:
Send me a prompt number from below and the name of a FICTIONAL character
I will then have that character tell you his or her story of how that sentence came into a conversation
That's it. Simple as that. Send them to the ask box 
I do mainly Marvel and Riverdale though my arm could be twisted to come up with some for a few other fandoms...
EXAPMPLE: Steve Rogers #6.... then wait for response!
#1:There is no way in hell you're giving me a tattoo, you drew a penis on me two weeks ago and its still wont go away
#2: Yeah no ive seen you naked before, you don't have half the bragging rights you think you have
#3: Oh don't you worry your pretty head, Im only here in case someone decides to get naked
#4: I heard a G note! WHERE'S MY EYELINER!!!
#5: That's because she's the equivalent of the twentieth time you've redone your eyeliner
#6: So he asked me which twin I thought he should date and apparently "the ugly one" was the wrong answer 
#7: His four year old son asked him if he was PMSing after I told him that it just meant someone really liked chocolate. I didn't feel like explaining.
#8: Kay im not the one who got you pregnant so you either need to buy me a new bronzer or apologize
#9 He looks like the ugly step sister in Shrek...
#10: Sorry I gave my last damn to ___
#11: Just do what I do. No not that, no, you should definitely be wearing underwear
#12: Yah no his sex drive could power a small country...
#13: He thinks his wife is up in heaven with the aliens
#14: No, I'm just debating on whether or not to be offended by your previous statement
#15: Ewwww! He just gleeked on me!!!
#16: I smell burning hair
#17: Get him drunk. He's super cuddly when he's hung-over
#18: Oh no, she's starting to act like me
#19: Thank god they don't have your ugly nose
#20: He referred to his right arm as 'the brains' and to his left arm as 'the bronze'
#21: Im feeling a little Sam Pucket today
#22: How did you mistake the chicken nugget for a condom?
#23: I asked him to bring me my chap stick and he brought me a tampon....
#24: I'm so confused right now. You look like an anime about to join the black parade
#25: Who's Larry Stylinson and why is everyone talking about him?
tagging some I think are awesome people so hopefully this won't completely flop
@choke-me-sweet-pea @tomsfireheart @selixjammm @lushholland @lokiislowkeyhot @the-claire-bitch-project @marvelsswansong @newtlovesorder @underoospeter @pumpkinsandparker
love you guys <3
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