#sell my house fas
teentoospoiled · 10 months
How & Why Celibacy Works
Ussy Costs Funds, Ick is Free
Level Up Lecture: Xesual Economics 101
Disclaimer: I am an adult cisgender woman targeting a teen audience. I encourage all teens to share and/or include their parents in the conversation of our posts for the sake of transparency on my adult end. Thank you for your engagement.
The Walmarts keep the Targets in business. The Family Dollars / Dollar Generals fill in the gaps where the Walmarts fall flat
Target: Celibate
Walmart: Xesually Active Singles
Family Dollar / DG: Xes Workers or Misc.
I’m not saying if you’re a xesually active single, you’re cheap as a person. I am highlighting how celibacy is the premium product that’s preferred by customers in the market.
There are people who would drive to another Target if their local one is out of something versus heading to the Walmart or Family Dollar within their location.
POV: You’re selling ussy (p or b in front ;)
Everybody sells ussy even if they are poor businessmen. I’m gonna teach you how to market and leverage your coochie correctly.
Men (masculines) marry for the main incentive: in-house ussy.
Pick Up This Gem: This is why you do not move in with them until you’ve at least received an engagement ring.
You are aware of the fact that all masculines want access to your ussy…eventually. Now that you know this, you are going to dangle it over their heads until they give you the things (or lifestyle) you want.
Business or personal investments, etc.
Choose which ussy you have:
Target Ussy - higher prices, Starbucks, target customer is not on a tight budget seeking steals, strong brand loyalty (driving to another Target versus visiting competitors)
Walmart Ussy - mid range prices, hit or miss with consumers and their affordability thus the wide range of products
Family Dollar / DG -lowest prices, accessible for low income buyers (girls with cheap bfs or baby daddy’s, not SWers) accessible for buyers seeking instant gratification which is affordability.
Answer Now!: Who is your target customer?
Disposable income
Regular shopper
Money management, but generous spending
Most likely you listed something that aligns with Target’s target audience, right? It’s ok if you feel like it’s a Target / Walmart (hit or miss remember?).
This is how the Walmarts (xesually active singles) keep the Targets (abstinence and celibates) in business; Target has a competitor to leverage their premium product against.
If you don’t like it, go to our competitors (Walmart / DG). Why?
Because the fact that you can’t afford / don’t prefer Target (no xes until marriage) is the reason why our regular customers shop here, and many of them spend a lot each Target trip.
Customers= Masculines
There are plenty of high spending, high quality, high earning people who shop exclusively at Walmart or rotate stores for the best prices. This is how Walmart balances the market, allowing Target to market as the premium place to shop.
If you chose NO:
Quick Breakdown
This is the best time to remain abstinent or practice celibacy because the market is saturated with free / easy access opportunities for xes. It’s a marketing strategy to reserve your body for exclusive access, especially if you’ve never had xes b4.
Exclusive access has the leverage to insist on getting what they want before entry is allowed.
This leverage is lacked or lessened when you allow xesual access prior to securing your goal(s) at hand-marriage, gifts, investment, etc.
You’re not reserved, which means access to you is not exclusive even if you are rarely used. This is where the leverage of abstinence and celibacy comes in.
Bluntly: the (high quality) masculines who can offer the most fun and funds usually prefer exclusive access. Most people prefer exclusivity to feel special. Dare to tell me I’m wrong
This leverage allows you to make a luxury sale, similar to fashion houses or upscale lounges.
POV: You are a nightclub
You require patrons to book a table and a bottle of champagne before being allowed into the club.
Your “table” and “champagne” is equivalent to requiring a masculine to marry you before gaining entry into your body.
If they don’t like it, point the person to the BYOB or the club that’s more of their style.
Exclusive Access = The premium, preferred product by a higher class/ quality / spending group of consumers.
Now, I hope that made sense.
TIP 2 TEEN SELF: Learn about proper hypergamy early on. Not the SB/ SW stuff even amongst hypergamy content. Take the time out to learn how to date up and build yourself into becoming the woman who thrives in high quality environments instead of shying away or fumbling.
Homework: Listen to this Science of Birds podcast. Take notes on how the “choosy” female bird chooses which male to make babies with
BuyMeACoffee, but I prefer wine ;)
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docholligay · 5 months
Do you think having such a personalized and detailed headcanon makes it harder to enjoy fic about the show/game that's written by others?
I mean sure, probably.
But unfortunately things I adore, for people named Doc who are me, fall into one of two buckets:
The character work and plot in this show are incredible, I find myself turning it around in my mind like a rotisserie chicken. I constantly discover new things about the show/book/game or the characters in it. I do not read fic about this, because why would I? Every answer I search for is in the text. I want to talk about this with someone, but about what is THERE, not what could be there. Ex: The Haunting of Hill House, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Piranesi, Bioshock:Infinite, Watership Down, Yellowjackets, among others.
The concepts of this could be amazing but are handled so fucking badly so consistently, in a shocking contrast to how INCONSISTENT the character work is, that all I want to do is steal it and make it better. All i want to do is turn it into something that doesn't suck ass when you look at it too hard. So I am going to take it SO seriously, and I am going to develop the rich inner lives for these characters that they lack, with intense backstories and families and motivation for how they got to be the person we know, or know sometimes, in certain episodes or shorts. Ex: Sailor Moon and Overwatch are the biggies here obviously, this is actually not an emotion I feel very often. I don't have intense backstories and extra-textual feelings and ideas about most of the stuff I read and watch, these two are just my Spiders Georg.
So! The odds on me being into something in the correct way to make me want to Seek Treasure Elsewhere but also I have a chill enough attitude about how the characters are that Any Dream Will Do is almost nil. I do not in ANY way mean this in a shady way, but I mostly read published adult fiction for entertainment and not fanfic. I am very picky about my fanfic. So, "plus these two new red and blue girls into Starbucks" often won't work for me, because the reasons to have Haruka and Michiru meet in a coffee shop are completely different from any of the reasons Fareeha and Angela might meet in a coffee shop, and so many of those types are archtypical plug and play stuff. Honestly, I have skated the idea of making a cheat sheet of fanon archetypes of various characters and buying a typewriter to sell 100-200 word 'quick fic' at cons with my sister. That's how common it is to use these archetypes. This is not a criticism! At all!
But, to take the two couples above, I have read so much BORING SHIT about both HM and FA that I could throw up. Lesbian couples have a lot of very milquetoast writing about them, and a lot of meet-cute which isn't really my bag.
But there are authors I love! @oathkeeper-of-tarth was and is one of the best harumichi writers out there and we don't even have all the same headcanons. The rare occasions @verbforverb decides to grace me with "Jewish Mercy I don't Have To Write" I pop a can of bubbly in the tub. And on both fields of battle @keyofjetwolf has stuff I've had bookmarked for years, and there are some things even within Rei's backstory and history that we disagree on.
Actually, to that point what I like is good writing. You can write me into believing nearly anything. There are things I believe about Amelie when I'm reading @lemon-embalmer's stuff that when I go back to my own world, aren't true, but when I'm in her world who the fuck cares, I'm having a great time. EVEN MORE to the point, I read @moonlight-frittata's stupid sun and moon lesbian League of Legends shit and I would rather shoot myslef than know ANYTHING about the game, but unfortunately she has a beautiful turn of phrase and plot flow to her work that I just....read anyway, because it is good. Fucking @tallangrycockatiel had me like 25 pages or so into a story before I was like, "OH SHIT, IS THIS SLASH??? WAIT I DON'T WANT TO READ ABOUT BOYS' LOVE!! NO!!" *hits next page* And I still could not care less about that podcast and would never listen to it, and if I did I would be massively disappointed because to my mind, her John and Arthur are the actual article, and whatever the fuck is going on in the source material can eat my dick.
So, yes, I DO think that having a very particular point of view is going to mean I back out of a story where like, "Lena stepped out of her Chelsea flat, custom leather high heels clicking against the step" sometimes, or, you know, "Haruka put down her copy of War and Peace, each meticulous note codified by a color-coded tab. Blue was for historical references to research, green for character analysis, yellow for themes, blah blah blah*" But I am actually shockingly open minded in what I will read, often to the point that I'm reading stuff from SHIT I DO NOT LIKE OR CARE ABOUT, because the quality of the writing is excellent. So, also no.
*I met someone who read books like this and I suddenly realized what the literary equivalent of 'knowing someone is a serial killer' was.
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holycompendium · 2 months
Ascendants OC Masterlist ⛊ Pt. 1
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⚔︎ quick context : ascendants is my upcoming descendants fic series centered around merlin academy. you can catch the first chapter of the first installment right here!
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Fate : Become cursed to live as a beast & marry Belle. Face Claim : Maxwell Jenkins
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Legacy : Daughter of a Neverlandian mermaid. Face Claim : Daniela Avanzini
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Legacy : Son of King Arthur of Camelot. Face Claim : Joshua Bassett
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Legacy : Adopted daughter of Erato, muse of lyrical poetry. Face Claim : Bailey Bass
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Legacy : Son of the Blue Fairy. Face Claim : Omar Rudberg
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Fate : Marry the beast king Adam & establish the United States of Auradon. Face Claim : Zoe Colletti
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Legacy : Son of Arista, nephew to Ariel & Eric. Face Claim : Reece King
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Fate : Become the all-powerful enchantress who curses Prince Adam. Face Claim : Choi Yunjin
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Fate : Become the villainous archdeacon of Notre-Dame. Face Claim : Case Walker
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Fate : Descend into madness and become a tyrannical heiress. Face Claim : Riele Downs
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Fate : Inherit his family's business and become a wealthy sugar baron. Face Claim : Maxwell Acee Donovan
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Fate : Abandon his royal heritage and become the thief Flynn Rider. Face Claim : Aryan Simhadri
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Legacy : Illegitimate son of Robin Hood. Face Claim : Brandon Severs
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Fate : Become an arrogant and selfish game hunter. Face Claim : Belmont Cameli
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Fate : Become the Evil Queen & stepmother to Snow White. Face Claim : Ariana Greenblatt
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Fate : Become the scheming royal vizier of Agrabah. Face Claim : Jahed
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Legacy : Daughter of Anna & Kristoff, niece to Elsa. Face Claim : Shay Rudolph
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Fate : Marry King Stefan and give birth to Aurora. Face Claim : Dior GoodJohn
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Fate : Sell his own soul in exchange for the power of a Hodou bokor. Face Claim : Niles Fitch
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Legacy : Granddaughter of Mad Madam Mim. Face Claim : Avantika Vandanapu
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Fate : Become the head of the house of Tremaine & become Cinderella's stepmother. Face Claim : Kang Haerin
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Fate : Defeat the Hun army and save the Imperial Kingdom. Face Claim : Zhou Xinyu
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Fate : Become an eccentric & benevolent Houdou priestess. Face Claim : Whitney Peak
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Fate : Serve as Captain Smith's boatswain and first loyal mate. Face Claim : Owen Joyner
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Fate : Marry Queen Leah & father Aurora. Face Claim : Kahlil Beth
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Fate : Become a fearsome sea witch. Face Claim : Chandler Kinney
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Legacy : Son of Yzma. Face Claim : Charlie Bushnell
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 4 months
Please rank the Astrid Lindgren stories
I'll only do a top 10 because this woman has written so many stories and is the closest we have to a secluded religion over here. So if I don't mention some, now you know.
1. Madicken
Mischievous badass little girl? I know we got Pippi but Madicken's life is tbh more appealing to me. She comes from a wealthy home, but their closest neighbours are poor, the husband is drunk and the wife is ready to sell her body to science to get some money. Their son is 14 but he's so big and cool (until he dresses up as a ghost and scares the shit out of you). Madicken's dad also refuses to be a normal upper class man, inviting their maid to the ball for example. The local mean girl who Madicken has a beef with turns out is very poor, and when she gives Madicken lice, Madicken's mom invites the girl and her sister, and cleans ALL of their hairs. They're anti child spanking in a story set in a time when hitting and spanking children was common. THEY HAVE THIS SCENE OF MADICKEN'S FAMILY TRYING TO HAVE A PICNIC AND END UP RUNNING FROM BULLS AND HAVING TO CLIMB UP TREES AND IT ALWAYS MAKES ME LAUGH. Madicken jumps from a roof with an umbrella just to see if she can fly. She's completely unhinged, yet so loveable. I also love her and her sister's relationship so much. Lisabet is also really funny.
2. The Children of Noisy Village
Just a slice of life story about children living in the countryside in early 1900s Sweden. Honestly great for a lot of historical fiction, showing how they lived back then, but also it's so cozy?? Just the kids, going through their everyday life, and causing chaos. It's april 1st, THE ENTIRE CLASS comes to the school at 6 AM to change the time, then go wake up the teacher (who DOES live in the school because this is Sweden in the countryside), and prank her. The same day, one of the boys tricks the other to go give a salesman a bunch of rocks, creating the most memeable quote "Sa du sten?!" that sweblr uses as a meme tag now. One of the kids is afraid to loose his baby teeth, so his neighbours SNEAK INTO HIS ROOM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND DRAGS IT OUT WHILE HE SLEEPS. They have the coziest christmas where all the kids lie in a row on the floor and sleep. One of the kids accidentally fall into the water as they're ice skating, and it teaches kids what to do if this ever happens to someone! At one point everyone goes out in the forest to look for a mythical creature and one of the kids strips his clothes off and sits naked on a rock with a harmonica pretending to be him. The stuff these kids get up to, you wish you lived there with them! You wish you had the childhood they had!
Also the 1987 movie adaptation has every kid have a totally different accent and it's hilarious.
3. Pippi Longstocking
Was gonna put her lower but then I remembered how many times I watched "Pippi on the run" as a kid and changed my mind. But my sister was more obsessed with the actual show adaptation, I was more into the movies. Pippi is cool! However I remember sometimes getting second hand embarrassment when she didn't act the way you're supposed to in social situations. Especially when she got invited to the reception and dipped her head in the cake and kept messing everything up. Literally not the point about Pippi, like the point is that she breaks the rules and I am happy she's just herself and doesn't care for any norms, and yet I feel second hand embarrassment during those moments she's in other people's houses (or when she broke off a mannequin arm at the store). I don't know why! I do however appreciate that she's randomly magic, like making the most scary impressions (the dark man-voice in the tree still haunts me) and in the "on the run" movie she just goes biking without wheels and ends up FLYING ON A BROOMSTICK at the end (Pippi has been a witch all along!!!!!!!!!!)
4. Lotta on troublemaker street
Lotta is every single youngest sibling combined into one person. She's that one kid in the family that everyone has a story about. Although the thing I remember the most was when her brother decided to climb a cliff and ended up falling into the water. I was for some reason also obsessed with the fact that her sister's full name was Mia-Maria. Her dad is also one of the best dads in all of Astrid Lindgren tbh. Lotta I think is just how it feels being the youngest of the family and not really being allowed the same things as your siblings because you're too young, and it's not fair! And so you revolt, and runaway to the neighbour lady who is more than happy to play with you. You wanna ride a bike like your siblings so you STEAL AN ADULT BIKE and ride down the street. It feels like the whole world is against you, but you're also literally five years old. And because of your 5 year old willpower, you also manage to save christmas and get a christmas tree for your family.
5. Ronja the Robber's Daughter
I honestly didn't find this as appealing as a kid, I remember thinking the movie adaptation was WAY TOO LONG (and it was, it was over 2 hours), but I've grown to appreciate it way more. Especially since the new adaptation they released on Netflix. Also it has one of the catchiest themes, like I hum that robber's song every day. I love just seeing her play in the forest, I love her and Birk's banters... the creatures in the forest will forever scare me but goddamn those butt gnomes... everyone quotes them and we immediately know. Although tbh I've never been a fantasy kid, it could be why I wasn't as into this.
6. Seacrow island
Honestly?? I found it quite boring before Skrållan was born. Weird, huh? Thought it got better because they added a baby. It could however have to do with the final movie being one I watched a lot. I do appreciate the full series a lot more now than when I was a kid. I love the islands, I love the children's shenanigans. Still is so messed up how Westerman just gaslit Stina into thinking she sold Skrållan to him, when in reality he just made her get a cocoa ball as he returned Skrållan to her mom. I felt so bad for Stina??? SHE'S LIKE 7 YEARS OLD SHE JUST WANTED A COCOA BALL, AND SHE JUST WANTED TO BABYSIT THE ONLY BABY ON THE ISLAND SO SHE COULD FEEL BIG FOR ONCE. Also always got me so nervous when they snuck into Westerman's house to retrieve his gun so that he wouldn't shoot a fox. I also wish Teddy and Freddy were more developed, it felt like they just stopped caring about them, but they were interesting.
7. Karlsson on the roof
This is ONLY because of the cartoon version. I hated the live action version as a kid and I felt SO BAD for Svante because Karlsson kept messing his life up ALL THE TIME. And then everyone blamed him because no one believed Karlsson existed. But it was slightly better in the cartoon, I think. I also remember quite liking the books, and I remember distinctly how I watched a play in Stockholm where BENJAMIN INGROSSO played Svante. Yeah, I've seen Benjamin Ingrosso when he was a literal CHILD playing on stage and that's how I'll remember him.
8. Emil in Lönneberga
It's mostly for the songs from the adaptation? Because I could never enjoy anything properly due to being so scared of Emil's dad. But the songs are such bangers. Also I have appreciated it so much more now when I'm grown than when I was a kid.
9. Mio my Mio
I remember my parents insisting on reading this to me when I was a kid and I didn't want them to, so I pretended to dislike the story. But tbh, I was kinda into it. I hate his foster parents so much, though?? Like imagine adopting a kid and being like "yeah we dislike you because you're not a girl like we wanted to adopt". Also, the theme song for the adaptation slaps, even though the adaptation is kind of... meh.
10. Brother's Lionheart
I remember as a kid not getting why everyone loved this, because I was like "I don't get it, I find it boring idk" (kid me really didn't pay attention when I watched the movie adaptation), but as I'm older... woah. Astrid Lindgren said "the two main characters, both minors, DIE in the first chapter. You're welcome". I really understand why this book caused such a controversy, ESPECIALLY due to the way it ends????? Also it got the iconic quote "All makt åt Tengil vår befriare".
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I think you’ve referenced it before, but could you explain some more about the found family aspects in toh? Like personally, I never found it very believable that Luz would consider Eda family especially when she already has such a loving mother. But when I watched Amphibia recently, the relationship between Anne and the Plantars (esp Hop pop) feels so genuine. And Anne does have loving parents as well but there’s something about the writing that makes it believable despite that. It’s like with Amphibia, I can totally understand why the character would risk her life and leave her parents again to go back and help this family, but with The Owl House, I only believe it because the characters are saying it if that makes sense. Like a lot of the dialogue mentions being family so we kinda just have to go with it even if it doesn’t feel earned (?) but with Amphibia, you can see that Anne has become part of the family without the characters even saying it.
I feel like this might just be an example of the old adage, show don’t tell. Thoroughly written stories can’t just have the narrator or protagonist tell us something; they also have to show us within the narrative that something is true. For example, I think of The Hunger Games. Katniss volunteers to be in the games in the place of her sister, and the narrative supports the decision. We learn about how Katniss took on a parental role with her sister after the death of their father which left their mom riddled with grief. We see how much she cares about her in the flashbacks and present when she spends the whole time wanting to win the games because if she doesn’t no one will take care of her sister. Like I wholeheartedly believe a character like Katniss would do this, and it’s because the narrative supports this.
Basically, I’m curious about how two shows with a similar premise both set out to explore the topic of found family but only one appears successful in my head.
Do you think it’s a matter of writing choices that hinder the success or is it a bias within myself that’s making me perceive these end results differently? For context, I watched toh first and fell in love. I watched Amphibia in the last couple of months and felt pretty indifferent to it, but by the end, it earned my respect.
So I have actually done a blog about this before! And I've talked a lot in the past that TOH has a very real problem that you just have to believe what the characters are telling you versus what they're doing. Their actions so rarely match up properly with their words after all or the context of a thing is just a problem.
An element I didn't talk about back then though, that Molly McGee actually gets right like Amphibia does, is that friction to me is necessary to sell a found family. Now, I know that might sound weird but hear me out. Everyone has heard of that meme that goes "A friend bails you out of jail, a best friend is in there with you," right? Or some variation of that?
Well, for found family, you need it to be "Your found family is in there despite being against it." It's the idea that even if they disagree, so long as the disagreement is just annoying and not harmful, they're willing to work past it because, well... You're family. Most people do shit for their family they would literally never do for anyone else because they're family. Not even best friends get this level of treatment because you don't live with them nor would you commonly want to.
Amphibia shows this off CONSTANTLY in the first season and not all of it is actually for the found family angle. Part of it is to showcase how Anne needs to grow, though the Plantars also accommodating for things like her being sick is important. But how about the cook off episode? That's pretty early in their relationship still but Anne recognizes how much effort they put into trying to make the pizza her way so when she doesn't have to join them, she still does. She suffers the consequences with them because that's part of being a family.
The episode to me though that highlights them as family instead of friends is when Sprig and Anne have to share a room together. They are very different people and don't get along entirely but there's an attempt at respect but family is frustrating. It's not perfect and it's not simple and the concessions we make to them aren't either. There is a friction but also a clear connection and care for the other. And again, that's early on.
Molly McGee's big episode on this is the CHORE BOARD! Scratch just doesn't want to do chores though and that causes conflict but also once his schemes end, he does them willingly. Just him being included in that is actually really heartwarming to me though because he doesn't have to be. You don't ask a guest to do chores after all. Even with your best friend, you might tell them not to do something because they're here to hang out, not to help. Family? You can inconvenience. Not be a real problem, not be a parasite, but you can inconvenience them.
As a note, that episode also actually shows just really great family stuff because I am competitive. I don't play multiplayer games because when I lose bad, it gets to me. But I also know my dad is competitive so when it's time for family games? I manage to not take it as seriously because if I get in a bad mood from losing, or celebrate too much from winning, it will put him in a bad mood and I don't want that, just Sharon didn't want to cause her family's competitiveness to get even worse.
None of this is really present in TOH. We get stuff like Luz and King liking telling breakfast puns to each other but I mean... That's just getting along with a roommate or a housemate. That's frankly a LOT of what TOH feels like. People who live in the same place just getting along. I've lived in a place with like twelve other people who all had to share a kitchen. You bump into each other and you start conversations and treat each other friendly because, well, you have to coexist.
But you don't have to inconvenience them. We never asked each other for anything. We never just buried the hatchet on something. You had a problem with someone, it STAYED a problem. But I also had HOURS long conversations with these people about politics, about their interests, etc. like that. Did that even make them my friends? Well, two years later and I haven't talked to literally any of them since I moved out.
That's the vibe, especially for the ENTIRETY of S1 that TOH gives with how the characters treat each other. They don't hate each other and they might do something nice for one another if they feel like it but they're INVESTED in each other. The closest that comes to it is the fact that Eda helps Luz get into school and then makes Luz her cloak but like... If your roommate was freaking out about a job that could help ease the pressure of rent and get them out of your hair more because they'll be gone more and you could help them? Why wouldn't you? And Luz is leaving and the experience has been nice and Eda seems to have literally nothing better to do so why not spend a lazy afternoon making a farewell gift?
Even come like S2 with Reaching Out, Luz is in pain when Eda wraps her Grudgby jacket randomly around her (why does Eda even have that on that day frankly?). If you saw someone sobbing, let alone a roommate, would you not try to do something for them? Give them a bit of comfort and some advice?
None of it's technically bad and if they just tried to sell it as friends I would go "Yeah, I believe that." But family? Family is more. And for the fact that almost ALL of Luz's relationships are incredibly shallow and quickly give up on having any friction in them, any contrast frankly as everyone just starts trying to become S1 Luz, saying ANY of them are found family, including Vee who only gets the title because Camila effectively adopts her, NOT because of her relationship with Luz... It's almost insulting to the fact that family does mean more than just that asshole who you make jokes with.
Found family must be found. You do not find something as important as family easily. You have to work to dig and find the treasure that is there. Anne worked. Scratch worked.
Luz? Was given. And that's the exact opposite of found family as the only family you're given in this, saddled with, is your biological one. The fact that TOH doesn't understand that means it was doomed from the start.
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randomnameless · 1 year
I'm beginning to think there might have been discourse/debate between KT and IS regarding the Fodlan games. We'll never know of course but it would be amusing if that's the case considering how it translated to their audience.
Some people already thought about it, and while Nopes was a heavily marketed/produced product by KT, at the end of the day, even for FE16, IS had to pop in and give a sign of approval.
I think the interview for Engage more or less revealed that while the two games weren't developed together, they were thought of as being wildly different experiences - both in gameplay and story, and while I have my own gripes with Engage's story especially in the last chapters, Engage's big character resolution is
Alear coming to terms with what they were born as, but deciding, nonetheless, to use their power to be and act as the divine dragon Lumera was, aka use their power to do something "good" even if they were born as Sombron's kid thus supposed to do "bad" things.
Compare this with "crust BaD" - nowhere in the Fodlan games is it ever mentionned, by one character who has a crust, that crust is only a power and not inherently bad or good, it's what you decided to do, you as someone who has the opportunity to use this power, who ultimately choose to do the right thing, or the wrong thing.
Hell, it's only when Fodlan met another game (fully developed by IS, for better and worse) that his question is raised, and quickly eluded by Supreme Leader warping away from Lissa, because hey, in an IS game, that question would have been raised, and defaulting to "crusts BaD" has never been the house's recipe to make a game - especially since this specific recipe has been overused, first in FE Jugdral (Loptyr blood isn't inherently evil, that was the teaching Blaggi tried to promote that was later ignored and then forgotten), then, sort of in FE6 (no Fa, divine dragons aren't doomed to become souless war dragon producing machins or humanity's enemies!), in FE13 with Robin and their fell blood, and finally, in FE17.
I think, even if FE16 still sells a lot of alts in FEH and DLC and what not, the lack of side materials and goodies is, imo, telling enough about what IS wants to do with it - FE17 got a manga release on the shonen jump + (i think?) even when the sales are inferior to FE16's (granted, if we compare something that was around for 4 years including 2020 to a game released in January, that's not very fair) - Nopes's DLC was called off and bar FEH milking the Fodlan verse to sell units, imo, IS wants to drop it and move forward.
And while it makes me sad because there are things I'm legit interested in (war of heroes guide like the tellius recollection guide plz), given what "Fodlan" ended up when KT was left (mostly?) alone in the form of Nopes (you effing beat up refugees to steal their gold! Like, we're the red units beating the green npcs, or the bandits burning houses??) - I am less and less sure I want to see more Fodlan content, even if I was pleasantly surprised with the Fodlan content - especially regarding Nabateans who are completely ignored by their source game - IS made up for FEH.
Sure we have some issues that are inherent to FEH's nature as a gacha selling game cajoling units who can sell a lot (Hilda's family never had slaves unfed servants! Syrup just had some adventures in Goneril!) but to the FEH team - from IS - Sothis is more pissed at Agarthans for having genocided her children and turned them into pincushions than for Billy's dad's death.
Hell, for what it's worth, Emblem!Dimitri mentions how much he likes the idea of a world/place without discriminations based on origins or races, something he cannot say in the KT Fodlan games, because it stars Ms "You are a Nabatean, you should not rule over Humans!" as the main character of the game - so it's not a lot, but imo, FEH + FE17 gives us clues as to what IS would have done with the Fodlan cast -
Even if I'm not kidding myself, Hresvelg Tea was always supposed to be the main selling point of that verse, so while I don't think we would have had less uwus, maybe we might have had some sort of "sekrit brainwash" to make Ashnard in an onesie still be marketable for FEH.
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libertastandem · 1 year
I wanna join too! I know it's such a common topic, but I wanna read your headcanons of the main characters (I mean the ones with most screentimes) in modern world. What activity are they up to? What matters they're involved in? Their relationship with people? So on and so on. I'll be waiting! Thank you!
Thank you again for requesting!
I only did the ones I have a pretty good idea about what they would do.
(English isn't my first language so please ignore grammatical mistakes lol)
I see Yuzuriha being either a stylist, an actress or an influencer. A stylist because she seems the kind of person who'd be into fashion and curating/organising clothing and accessories. An actress because, since being a kunoichi entails gaining trust of people to ease infiltration, information-gathering, and espionage, it would be "easy" for her to employ those skills in the modern world as well. I think she could also be an influencer because, since she values her freedom, being an influencer would grant her more options. Yuzuriha puts up a very friendly and carefree façade so it's very easy for people to like her. She'd have many friends but she would "use" them both for her own entertainment and to get what she wants, whatever that may be.
You know how, in the one shot, he became a farmer temporarily to help his wife? I don't think Gabimaru would have a permanent job. I think he would take up multiple small jobs, both to get money to support Yui and to learn skills to help her around the house.
He doesn't particurarly care about making friends but Yui would encourage him to do so.
Even though Yui gives me major housewife vibes, I can easily see her being a preschool or elementary school teacher. EVERYONE loves her (how can you not?). Her students almost see her as a mother figure. She has many friends (mostly coworkers) and they all adore her. Have I mentioned that everyone loves her?
Mei and Nurugai
Both Mei and Nurugai are students and, just like with Yui, everyone loves them.
Nurugai is a middle school student. She's a little bit of a rebel but still behaves pretty well. She makes friends very easily and she doesn't hesitate to stand up for them. Shion will go pick her up every day.
Mei is very caring. She likes to help and comfort her classmates/schoolmates. Although she's a little shy at first, she can come off her shell pretty easily when making friends. She's very "proper" and hardworking. She loves school because she gets to learn new things and hang out with her friends. Hoko will be the one to pick her up from preschool/kindergarten, since Gui Fa doesn't want to show his* eyes to anyone.
Speaking of Hoko, this man is a chef. Mark my words. He learned how to cook just to spoil Mei. He doesn't enjoy going out of the house (he lives with Gui Fa and Mei) but when he does he's very well-liked, since he's very polite and "noble".
Senta is a painter (duh). He taking painting lessons to further master his craft and he ended up selling his art online. This brought him a lot of recognition. So much so that he started setting up art exhibitions and galleries. His nervous and humble demeanor gained him many friends.
Last but not least, Fuchi is a pathologist/medical examiner. What else could he be up to? He really enjoys performing autopsies and find out new things about the human body. He's helped/helps solving many crime cases thanks to his profession. He's very reserved so he doesn't have many friends but most people (especially colleagues) respect him a lot.
* "In terms of referring to themselves, Gui Fa uses the Japanese pronoun "boku" (僕), which is most commonly used by males." His wiki page, however, refers to them with they/them pronouns. They also like to keep an androgynous appearance. I think it's safe to assume he uses he/they pronouns? Let me know what you think!
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hey @crutchie-69
a lil gift
except it has shoe in it because i have no self restraint <3
oh btw you never really gave an age for socks so hes 17 in this <3
shoe knew he wasn't lost, that much was obvious. he knew the streets like the back of his hand, and the map of the city he had memorized last winter hadn't changed as far as he knew.
so he wasn't lost.
just...in an unfamiliar situation.
he knew he was somewhere near the manhattan lodging house, and he knew it wouldn't be hard to get home once he found it, but for now he had no clue where he was, as he had gotten distracted and forgotten to look at street signs he passed.
as he looked into an alley to his left, he saw a stocky redheaded teen sitting on the stoop of a building, a cigarette hanging from his fingers, suspenders off his shoulders and pooled around his hips on the top step; he looked relaxed, but a second look told shoe he was well muscled and built like an ox, and could put up a good fight, even if he was a good deal shorter than shoe.
he looked for a minute before deciding to keep walking, when a stange voice piped up from the alley.
"oi, you! ya stare fa' that long, ya think a guy ain't gettin' s'picious?" the boy shouted, his odd way of speaking making shoe whip around to face him again. the other boy flicked the ash off his cigarette and stood up, slowly walking towards shoe.
"uh- i- sorry, i swears i didnt mean nothin, i-" shoe fumbled, still surprised.
"kiddin, bucko. ya looks a lit'tle lost, s'all." the mystery boy took a pull from his cigarette and took another step closer, his other hand in his pocket as he stepped forward again.
shoe swallowed. "i-uh, do you- I-" he stuttered. he silently cursed himself and stopped, collecting his thoughts. whenever this happened, there was always the reassuring weight of eel's hand on the small of his back, a whisper of "take ya time, love," and a kiss on his shoulder blade.
but eel wasn't here, so he took a deep breath, and tried again. the redhead looked unconcerned, just watching with dark green eyes fixed on some point to the left of shoe's face, not quite looking at him. shoe was glad. he hated it when people looked him in the eyes.
"do youse knows- uh, where i can find uhm. a newsie by the name of racetrack? i-i'm a newsie too," he rushed, gesturing to his cap and bag. the boy nodded.
"i know racer real well, we sell together sometimes." he stomped out his cigarette butt and offered a handshake to the taller boy. "names' socks, on account'a the fact my mates are asses an i wears these every day." he tugs up the leg of his pants with his other hand to show his colourful mismatched socks.
shoe shook his hand gratefully, glad to be able to name the mystery redhead. "'m shoe, ise queens' second, my- eel's the king, we're...we's best friends."
an eyebrow raises slightly, but socks has the decency to keep his trap shut.
"i can take ya to racer if ya wants...?" he offers, shifting his weight onto one foot awkwardly.
shoe nods vigorously. "please, that'd be swell. i normally know whereabouts i am vaguely, but i must'a gotten turned around." socks nods and gestures for the taller boy to follow him down the alley, past where he had been sitting before.
"so ya wanna speak to racer, huh? what gives? guy owe ya money?" socks grinned, a crooked smile with gleaming white teeth.
shoe barked a laugh. "not me personally, but i think he owes at least half'a queens' newsies a fair amount. dimes especially, damn can that kid gamble." socks looked surprised.
"a kid beat racer? the racetrack higgins, beat at the one thing he's good at, by a kid?" he whistled. "i gotta meet the lad, bring 'im over sometime."
shoe nodded, and looked around. "oh, well now i know where i am." he turned to the redhead beside him, spitting in his hand and holding it out. "think i can find m'way from here, thanks."
socks spat in his hand and gave him a firm shake and with a toss of his fiery head, he turned on his heel and left.
shoe hurried on through the alley towards the statue of horace greely where he knew race would be, stopping short when he saw two figures close together up ahead, partially hidden by the dumpster.
not wanting to sneak up on anyone, he glanced around quickly, and spotted a can.
he kicked it, hard, and the silhouettes snapped apart at the loud resounding clang.
now that the two had separated, the two figures were extremely recognizable. shoe snorted, and started walking towards them. "if ya wanted privacy, the middle of an alley ain't exactly the best place to..." his lips quirked upward as he drew nearer and saw the expressions on the two boys' faces.
"tell that to eel and y'self," spot grumbled, his ears practically glowing with how red they were. "you know how many times i seen ya 'sharin a smoke' in an alley somewheres in queens?" he made sarcastic quotations with one hand, the other still firmly on race's waist. shoe gaped, flustered, before turning to the other boy, the entire reason he was in manhattan anyway.
the latter had turned pink, fiddling with the chain of his pocket watch.
"race, ignoring the inconsiderate jabs of your personal midget here-" spot spluttered indignantly. "the reason ise is here," shoe continued, mirth gleaming in his eyes.
"eel says he has someone he wants youse to meet, so if spot an y'self could come back with me to queens that'd be swell." race nodded, still pink.
the three set off, shoe making teasing jabs the entire walk back.
anywhizzle :)))))))
hope youse likes this riff <3 lmk if i got socks' accent wrong at any point lmao
bonus: tjis is what socks looks like in my head <3
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my brain just went 'hngghghnggh hes just a little guy' and this is what came out of it <3
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dru-reblogs-stuff · 1 year
Updates from the Balcony (+ inside)
It's been a few weeks, so I think it's time for another plant-update!
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The triffids are constantly trying to get into the house 😆️ The tomato plant has just asploded, the bluberry has got new branches all of a sudden and even the strawberry is trying it's best to get out of it's pot. Talking of the strawberry's pot... Man that thing sucks. I meant to get a second one of those grey baskets and repot the strawberry before growing season and just straight up forgot. But I'm going into town for some other bits this weekend so I will definitely get a new basket so it's in less of an annoying spot.
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There are however berries and tomatoes coming along very nicely! I've no idea what's up with the blueberry though - it's got loads of berries but none of them are ripening? I would have expected by this time of year for them to be doing their thing and going purple, but they're all still green. It's a bit worrying - I feel like I've done something wrong, but I don't know what...
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At least the Dianthus and Sea Thrift loves me again.
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Talking of potting things out, before I went to Albania (I'm still working on a 'what I did on my hols' thing for that (even though it wasn't really hols) hopefully I can finish it soon because Tirana deserves some good rep) I potted out the zebra plant and cactus. The Zebra went into the pretty terracotta pot from Mum and the cactus has gone into the Zebra's old pot. It's hard to tell with the Zebra, but I can already see the cactus has new growth which is exciting.
The amaryllis (seen in the background above) just keeps putting out it's one long-ass leaf and doing sweet FA else. Baby needs some more fertilizer over Christmas I think (since IIRC they flower in Feb).
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Aside from being really difficult to photograph, the aloe vera seems to be putting out babies which are then rooting themselves back into the trough. That's quite annoying because there's two big plants in there which I would like to give two smaller pots so they can stop relying on that case being there (case belongs to housemate and she wants to sell it), but I'm worried about breaking their roots if I tried to pot them out. That one I did manage to pot out is going back to the office this Friday because there's more space there than there is here 😅️
Also being difficult to photograph is the Bird of Paradise, which is just doing what it does and occasionally puts out a new leaf every so often. I've resigned myself to the fact that it's never going to flower because it doesn't get enough heat or sun. So it just sits there being leafy and green and occasionally getting in the way 😅️
I got some lovely pics of my Mum and Aunts gardens from the May bank hols, but I think I'll post those separately as this is long enough already.
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grosspotoo · 1 year
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So I've posted this on my FA but I would like to spread it around. My dad had to have open heart surgery the same week he and my mom lost their house to a flood All the situation and updates can be found on a GFM I organized for them https://gofund.me/1292692b As it stands right now: - Dad is recovering well, but the post surgical depression has been hitting him pretty hard the past couple of days. - He and my mom have been stuck in the middle of a few arguments where they're currently staying; brother and his wife are in the middle of some marital issues and sister in law basically told them they're not welcome to stay - Currently trying to get them funds for a week at a hotel before they come stay with us for the remainder of his recovery - We would let them stay NOW, but we have an issue of a roommate overstaying her welcome and not making attempts to move out. We've discussed a move out date with her, but she's made no efforts to find accomodations; this is on top of other issues she's been causing us. All in all, they have no income to speak of as my dad can not return to work and living situations are being continually hostile to them. I'd like to get some money raised via their GFM in order to give them a place for him to comfortably recover or at least have a break. Any bit helps at all, and I'm also selling adopts and bases on my ko-fi to help them out. https://ko-fi.com/grosspotootips Thanks again for looking and thank you all who have helped! Check the GFM if curious about further updates
Posted using PostyBirb
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sellhousefastusa · 1 month
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kyrodo · 5 months
I can think up all these petty comebacks you'd make like me putting easter eggs in journal comments or posting/editing things between fa, Twitter, Tumblr and fb so you'd check for them.
Right. One thing still stands. I didn't fucking hack you. I didn't group harass. I didn't go out of my way to bother you, I was was musing to myself on my journal comments before your friends decided to respond to it. And I seem to recall "protesting" for direct language. You're not getting a fucking pass. You didn't let the coals cooldown, you exacerbated it when you had the chance to let things settle. Fuck you. I leave my thoughts out in the open whether people like it or not, but you don't get to fucking control it no matter how many numbers you throw at me. If you didn't like it don't look at it. What was fucking stopping you.
These are my accounts not yours, what I do with it is my choice, and what few times I even named you are few and far between, And hardly anyone knows where to read it but you, back the fuck off. You want to go on a "higher" power trip on someone, find someone else.Who the fuck goes to someone's house and acts like the owner is intruding? Excuse me? I am not your fucking property.
Getting burnt out, I hope you remember that was your choice. This was your fucking quest. If you didn't like it you shouldn't have done it to begin with. You keep acting like everything is my fault when you're the one making all the shitty choices. Frankly I don't know how you sell this to the rest of your friends cause I'm pretty sure everyone was watching through whatever methods were available to them.
Here's an idea, next time you get heartbroken over someone, don't cry wolf on them. Just fucking cry and fuck off. I don't care if they subtext you with the very perfume they use or some shit, just fuck off. When your business is done with someone there's nothing stopping you from blocking and moving on. None of my friends are your friends so I don't know what your fucking problem is. You're not losing anything you ever had, and certainly not anything you made any real effort for.
I can get along so well with Choskey but he's not full of thorns either. You never made things comfortable for me, communication wise or socially. At every last turn you made my life miserable. And the only person you can blame is yourself.
I hope that one way or another I at least broke your fucking shell.
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formulalfc · 9 months
I wanna ask a question. I really want to come to a Liverpool game but the only way to do that is to literally pay hundreds of pounds and as a uni student im broke af😭 also i live all the way in scotland so want to have everything organised before i come. Do you know where i can get a ticket that doesnt cost a fortune or any tips at all? ❤️
ooo honey it's hard tbh
there's quite a few good facebook groups out there that sell them for reasonable prices depending on the game, premier league you're looking at £100+ but for europa/fa cup/carbao cup they're like £40/50/60, of course you've gotta make sure they're not scammers but if your relatively tech savey you should be fine.
if not that then do you know anyone that has a season ticket? i would help you out but i can't pass my ticket on/get access to more.
i would say make sure you have a membership to the club cause that can help and once you go to one game that will help you get tickets much easier.
honestly i would fully let you stay at my house if you wanted to, i feel so bad that it's so hard for people to get tickets and when they do they're so expensive
honestly i think that's all the advice i have rn babe <3
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jhelite023 · 10 months
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sell-your-house · 10 months
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diamondequitypa · 10 months
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Do you need to sell your inherited house fast in Phoenix? Contact us and say,” I need to sell my house fast in Phoenix.” We are one of the most renowned cash home investors in Phoenix. Sell your house without making any expensive repairs or renovations.
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