simikaurblog · 6 years
Idea 2 - mental health & examples of work
Breaking the stigma around taking a mental health - is this a issue that needs to be spoken about? How do people feel when it comes to mental health? These are things that I want to find out and research into. Again, this is a subject that I feel strongly about as I feel that everyone gets affected. It doesn’t mean that you need to be diagnosed with a serious illness, but it goes back to simple feeling too like stress, panic, anxiety, depression, loneliness. 
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I have made a mind map in my sketchbook about facts, opinions and possible ideas that I could explore. I feel that today society is really impacted by mental health and I want to make people talk about it and not hide from their feelings.  One thing that I have noticed popping up again while researching is that UK mental health services are failing young people. ‘‘Young people’‘ could this be a target audience that I can explore within in my work? I feel that I need to focus on audience in which will be effective with the work that I will be producing. This is something that I need to return to and solve out. 
Here is a article I found. 
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Mental health isn’t being talked about and there seems to be a stigma that is attached to it in genders, socially and culturally. Why is this? Is it because of history or generations that pass down on how we should act and feel? 
Mental illness has a long history from being thought of as the mark of the devil to being considered a moral punishment. Treatment has historically been brutal and inhumane. The Neolithic times, involved chipping a hole in the person's skull to release the evil spirits. I think the stigma has come out of fear and a lack of understanding. 
What types of mental health illness are there?
Eating disorders
Personality disorder 
Self-harm / sucidal 
One in four people will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives.
Around one in ten children experience mental health problems.
The number of people experiencing mental illness in the UK is 16 million
Women are more likely to have mental health issues 
11% of the NHS budget is spent on mental health
Half of all mental illness begins by the age of 14
75% of young people with a mental health problem are not receiving treatment
Drugs are the most common form of treatment
The average waiting time for effective treatment is 10 years
Up to 300,000 people with mental health problems lose their jobs each year
These facts and statics are shocking. I am disappointed that the only common treatment is drugs. I strongly disagree with this. The number of medicines given  for anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic attacks have more than doubled in the past 10 years. I feel that there are other methods of treatment that can help people and drugs is not one of them. You can get side effect and gain other illness by taking drugs. What if a person relies on drugs and starts to take too many? This is a problem I want to solve. Treatments can vary from therapy, meditation, focussing on health and food, talking to people and does not need drugs. I feel that this only a choice as the government find it easier to treat by giving some one drugs and leaving them with that. The issue does start with the government - why cannot they make new rules with health care and help people? 
Mental health stories / voices 
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How can I make thee voices be heard? How can I tell people who don’t understand what it is like? Maybe I can use visual elements and communicate the feelings, frustration and express what mental health can be like when you are dismissed and not understood. 
Examples on what has been done? 
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Mindnosis by Sara Lopez Ibanez - has created a self-assessment kit to support those with mental health issues. The artist researched how the UK approaches mental health what types of therapy they offered. She found that people struggled with the initial communication with their doctors. She solved this problem by creating a kit, which allows users to discover the type of help they need, and where they can get it from. It includes a set of eight activity cards that combine mindfulness, cognitive behaviour therapy techniques and tips from peers to help users when they feel unwell.  I like the idea and concept of the design, however feel the design is washy and dull. 
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Tear Gun by Yi-Fei Chen - created a visual metaphor in the form of a tear gun that represents her personal struggle with expressing her thoughts. The gun fires bullets made from frozen tears. The designer made this because of a  negative encounter she has with a tutor. The gun was made as a response to this as well as to show she was unable to voice her personal struggles.
I think that this product is clever, however how will this help others who are going through mental health? 
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Calming stone by Ramon Telfer - Ramon Telfer who struggles with anxiety worked with Calming stone co-founder Alex Johnson to develop a hand-held device that eases anxiety through the use of light and sound. I think that this device is appealing and if it uses light and sound I know scientifically this can effect our mind in a positive way. 
The device needs to sit in the palm of the hand, then a copper ring sensor will run around the edge while sensing the user's heart rate. It mimics the rate with a softly glowing light and a slight pulsing sensation. The designer states: ‘because stress is very real and life is a fully tactile, sensory experience, we have created and evolved our learnings into a beautiful, intimate product that anyone can hold, feel and listen to’.
I can see how this device is helpful and I like how it works. It would be cool if it had a voice which could read out some advice or do some mediation techniques. 
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Male Baggage - this is has a target audience for men who are brought up to believe talking about their feelings is a sign of weakness. 
 ‘Enough of the bollocks. Real men talk’. This aims to break the stereotypes that are formed, and encourages men to talk about their feelings without fear of judgement. It has comical point of view as it has pink balloon bollocks attached. I think that this campaign is effective and different. It has the potential to tackle a whole host of overlooked issues that  mental health has formed over many years. 
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Samaritans We Listen by MullenLowe London   - this agency has made posters to provide support to people when they are most in need. The charity works with the UK train industry to reduce suicides on the country’s railways as this is a issue that happens frequently.
After doing some research Samaritans had identified they were hearing from people when they were already at crisis point. What the best way they can do to prevent suicide is getting to people much much earlier. They want to get to the point of initial distress, rather than getting the last desperate phone call.
I like how the poster has highlighted specific words and added their details at the bottom of the poster. Could I create a poster? I feel that posters are something that gets designed easily by putting on a message and image and your done. 
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Nest by John Lewis - is an campaign created with the mental health charity Mind. The purpose was to demonstrate how your home environment can directly affect your mental health and wellbeing. This guide helps people to declutter their home. 
Anxiety and depression - health crisis of the millennial generation. 
1 in 5 of 20-35 year olds currently suffer with anxiety and / or depression in the UK . 
These are issue that still isn't being publicly addressed. I can appreciate how this charity help people declutter their homes as it does affect our mood and wellbeing unlike research I have done that shows drugs are the common treatment given. 
Looking at this for inspiration I feel like a guide is something that I can produce - I just need to find my message and what I am solving. 
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Stuart Semple - raise funds for CALM – campaign against living miserably. This artwork is apart of the band, Placebo. The artist is an ambassador for Mind, the mental health charity. Semple wanted to bring awareness to the issue of mental health and made this art piece. 
He researched into suicide and that it is the single largest cause of death amongst young men (20 – 45) in England and Wales. 
The charity helps and supports men of any ages who are down or in crisis using their telephone line and website. They also do work to challenge the stigma and culture that seems to prevent men asking for help. 
The artist states: ‘’I feel that this is vital and valuable service that goes underfunded’’. So all the bids on his work will go straight to the charity. 
I like the art piece shown and the effects that have been applied. Everyone has different pieces of design that expresses this situation. I feel that if I was to choose mental health how can I use design to express my response to this brief. 
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Xampu vegano e zero waste? Nós temos 😃💚 Para todos os tipos de cabelos. Zero parabenos, zero petrolato, não testado em animais🐇 Tipos' cabelos cacheados, tingidos, secos, oleosos, liso, anticaspa e mais! COMPRE NA LOJA ONLINE www.lojapensandoaocontrario.com.br #xampu #xampuembarra #semplastico (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPVZcu9sgpt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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taynaamarall · 4 years
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O Edifício Solarium garante a sustentabilidade em vários aspetos.⠀ ⠀ O condomínio é capaz de produzir parte da energia utilizada por meio de uma moderna usina solar instalada no telhado, com capacidade de gerar até três mil KW/mês, o que vai refletir diretamente na redução da conta.⠀ ⠀ Outro ponto de destaque é o sistema exclusivo de reaproveitamento da água gerada pelos equipamentos de ar condicionado e da chuva para uso em descargas, rega de plantas e lavagem de áreas comuns. ⠀ ⠀ O projeto ainda prevê a infraestrutura para instalação carregadores elétricos para abastecimento de carros nas garagens.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ E você ainda esta pensando em qual imóvel investir??🤔⠀ - Com tudo que eu ja te falei e muito mais que eu ainda nao falei, tenho certeza que não terá mais dúvidas!🤩⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #reciclagem #reciclagemcriativa #recicle #reciclar #reciclando #reciclado #recicla #eureciclo #reciclável #reciclavel #biodegradável #biodegradavel #menosplastico #semplastico #reaproveitamento #sustentavel #sustentabilidade #reutilize #reuso #lixozero #taynaamaral #recycling #recycle #recycled #solarium #3suites #suitescomvaranda #vistamar #oportunidade #meliga (em São Luís, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDPqvnnJdEZ/?igshid=1bxrnk4nc8n0
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manufduarte · 5 years
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É normal acordar super bem disposta depois de um fim de semana carregado de bailados precisos e suor/samba no pé? 🤔 Sim! Isso é o que a água de coco faz por você! 😄 Hidrate-se bem nesse carnaval! Hahaha 🎉🌴😅🌴🎉 . . . Ps: lembre-se de não aceitar canudo de plástico! A melhor opção é carregar o seu na bolsa de praia ou, se não tiver, aceite apenas o de papel (menos mal, mas o melhor é não gerar mais lixo. O coco é orgânico, se decompõe bem.)! Vamos juntos fazer um carnaval mais consciente! 💪🏼💚🌎💚♻️🎉 #carnaval2020 #carnavalconsciente #semplastico #noplastic #coco #vidanatural (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8q0VhSj4ol/?igshid=1qj8rktfh5u43
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batraquio1981 · 5 years
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Por um mundo #semplastico (em Gol Linhas Aéreas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzyOZbMHdP0/?igshid=f18vdz7rjgbf
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3talheres · 6 years
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Cookie Shot, o ☕ café em copo de cookie! A delícia irresistível faz parte do cardápio da curitibana Cookie Stories, primeira casa brasileira especializada em cookies 🍪. Pena que não é em Brasília, só em Curitiba! @cookie_stories . . . . . . #Brasília #curitiba #cookie #cookieshot #cafe #cookiestories #cookies #ecologico #criativo #inovador #legal #reduzaoplastico #consunoconsciente #semplastico #creme #cafedamanha #bebida #bebidaquente #chocolate #amochocolate #chocolates https://www.instagram.com/3talheres/p/BvMb1fMAtW-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12ozzco9x86ed
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euvaleriatorres · 6 years
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Todo #plastico que a gente puder evitar é uma atitude válida para o meio ambiente. Muita gente diz que não adianta não levar uma sacolinha, um saquinho para pesagem, uma garrafinha mas eu afirmo que se cada ser humano não utilizar pelo menos um plástico ao dia serão BILHÕES que lixinhos a menos no planeta. #menosumlixo #ecofriendly #menosumplastico #noplastic #semplastico (at Salto de Pirapora) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs4Vl5IhYr5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1isywv5xnf7x3
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marisaherbal · 4 years
PARABÉNS A HERBALIFE BRASIL 🇧🇷 JÁ FORAM ELIMINADAS AS SACOLAS PLÁSTICAS DOS CENTROS DE DISTRIBUIÇÃO, SENDO ASSIM EVITADO O USO DE MAIS DE 100.000 SACOLAS/ANO 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Agora estão sendo adotadas EcoBags, e com isso revertem esse dinheiro para a Herbalife Family Fundation🇧🇷 (crianças em situação de risco no Brasil) #orgulho #somossustentáveis #recicle #♻️ #herbalifebrasil #planet #planetearth #semplastico https://www.instagram.com/p/CEKCVDGgv-h/?igshid=1fvgc29efbgz5
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hcbraziliansfans · 6 years
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Feriadão, muitas famílias indo à praia, muita gente lanchando e... #Repost @institutogremar ・・・ Mais um feriado, se você pretende ir viajar, nunca é tarde para reforçar o essencial: descartar resíduos adequadamente pode evitar desfechos terríveis e salvar a vida de várias espécies. Existem várias dicas que podem tornar seu lazer mais responsável em relação ao meio ambiente. Se produzir lixo, recolha-o e deixe-o em local adequado. Faça também trocas simples: dê preferencia às ecobags, aos canudos ecológicos e aos copos reutilizáveis ao invés de derivados de plástico. Pequenas atitudes como essas poderiam, por exemplo, ter poupado a vida deste atobá. Repense. . . . #lixozero #meioambiente #gremar #semplastico #praialimpa #praia #ocean #oceano Foto: @donadio_nofilter https://www.instagram.com/p/BpsVsqjHQ9P/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=37g7z4dno1ap
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Opções zero plástico na loja Pensando ao contrário! Potes de vidro e potes para fazer batom natural, esfoliante ou protetor labial #zerolixo #semplastico #zerowastelifestyle #lojapensandoaocontrario #potedevidro (em São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2RZ3yNArQ-/?igshid=168534kvh1hen
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whollyjoana · 6 years
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Food for thought. #didyouknow Globalmente, a indústria pesqueira despeja cerca de 150000 toneladas de plástico no oceano, anualmente. Isto não inclui, entre outras coisas, redes de plástico, bóias, linhas e embalagens. #sabiasque #vegan #waste #lesswaste #plastic #plastico #lessplastic #plasticfree #semplastico #naoaoplastico #choosetorefuse #lessimpact #zerowaste #forabetterworld #bethechange #foodforthought #environment #environmentalawareness #timeforachange #consciousconsumer #tribejldesign #tribogirassol #1millionwomen https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmli05LHVsY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ezv6yl4cyxak
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banguelababy-blog · 6 years
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Ecobag Odontologia ❤️ Confira todas as profissões na loja! #ecobag #bolsaecologica #bolsaecobag #meioambiente #noplastic #semplastico #menosumlixo #sustentabilidade (em Banguela Baby)
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sigavalemais · 6 years
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Tá tranquilo​, tá favorável. Frete irresistível para São Paulo capital, toda a região metropolitana e mais dezenas de cidades no Interior do Estado de São Paulo. Confira a listagem no stories e comece já a beijar a Natureza com produtos eco-friendly e com algodão orgânico Pau-Brasil. Muito 💕 envolvido. Peça seus produtos aqui mesmo pelo direct. ou compre online no link do perfil. . . #saquinhoreutilizavel #fruta #verdura #sedexbarato #desperdiciozero #semdesperidicio #ecobag #fretebarato #producebag #duravel #supermercado #menos1lixo #reuse #coadordeleitevegetal #precobaixo #ecofriendly #reutilizar #duravel #produtospaubrasil #produtoecofriendly #menoslixo #ecobag #semplastico #menosplastico #compraonline #homem #julhosemplastico #responsabilidadeambiental #plasticfreejuly #plasticfree
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wellsbones · 6 years
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Regrann from @menos1lixo - Alô alô Brasil! Alô alô Planeta Terra! A Copa do Mundo começa hoje e você já sabe que cerveja e futebol andam juntinhos né? A gente já tá cansado de saber que copinho...só se for reutilizável💙💚💛 Como já é de costume, listamos os nossos pontos de venda aqui nesse post☺ Fica de olho que tem novidade aqui👍 Rio de Janeiro @ahlma.cc @gaiaartcafe @alafruteria @orgbistro @dnaemporiobarradatijuca @emporiumprodutosnaturaisalice @rio2love @yoganamare @casa111urca @ezedenim @celeirodogranel @mudaloja @armazem14produtosnaturais Nova Friburgo @armazemmanjericao São Paulo @viladasrosas @estelapassoni @goiabaurbana @suacasacomvida @insectashoes @arcah_oficial Campinas @emporioviver Goiânia @lepetit_petshop @cafedomundobogainville @upside_acrobaciasaereas @espacovilaverdegoiania @jardimmacro @aconchegarnucleoterapeutico Brasília @inspira.verde Aracajú @vivabrumar Recife @manutenoriocafe Fortaleza @mercadinhossaoluiz @cantinholiberte Salvador @veganzasalvador @somosalend Porto Alegre @mercadobrasco @bendita_horta Florianópolis @botanicofloripa Itajaí @armazemgalo Curitiba @vegvegacasa @supernovacoffee Vitória @kaffacafeteria Online @pazemgaia @rio2love @adorofarm @armazemmanjericao @nosmaisarvores @vitalholistico @b.live_ @atlanticoarte @vivabrumar @vivabaleiasgolfinhosecia @haiafrica 📸@kaffacafeteria #menos1lixo #copomenos1lixo #noplastic #semplastico #lixozero #zerowaste #meioambiente #sustentabilidade #copa2018 #copadomundo - #regrann (at Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
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New in! Tooth Soap Stick ♻ Sabão dentário em stick natural e numa embalagem desperdício zero 💚 Disponível na Sapato Verde na Rua das Chagas 33 Lisboa ou online. #zerowaste #biodegradável #crueltyfree #plasticfree #semplastico #ecoveganstore
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Nuestra empresa Ningbo Leadway Machinery Technology Co., Ltd es un fabricante profesional de máquinas de moldeo por inyección de plástico. Participamos en el proyecto ITALIA máquinas OEM desde 2006. Por lo tanto, somos profesionales en diseño y fabricamos máquinas de inyección de estilo europeo. Y somos el primer proveedor (quizás el único) involucrado en la fabricación de máquinas de inyección Eurostyle. Nuestra calidad es la más cercana a la calidad de las máquinas europeas. Nuestra calidad es líder en China. Podemos competir con haitianos en calidad. Nuestras máquinas son de sujeción fuerte, inyección rápida, ahorro de energía, alta precisión, fácil de usar, principalmente para uso medio alto. Ahora hemos desarrollado Italia, España, República Checa, Polonia, Túnez, Irán, India, Filipinas, Malasia, Rusia, México, Brasil, Argentina, Perú, etc.⁠ ⁠ @fuhrungplasticinjectionmachine ⁣⁠ www.fuhrung.com ⁣⁠ [email protected] ⁣⁠ whatsapp:008618969867076⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #plastico #plástico #plasticos #plasticover #artistaplastico #cirujanoplastico #plásticos #sinplastico #nomasplastico #artistaplástico #menosplastico #cirujanoplástico #cirurgiãoplástico #ceroplastico #plasticoceans #plasticorplanet #planetaoplastico #menosplástico #mardeplastico #cirujanoplasticocertificado #semplastico #sinplástico #nomásplástico #plásticobolha #noplastico #plasticoreciclado #chirurgoplastico #plasticonoband #plasticobolha ⁠ ⁠ https://www.instagram.com/p/BzQcmHMlaYx/?igshid=lqilmtyiswi
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