#send me an ask anytime
floating-goblin-art · 6 months
*crawls out of your carpet*
I come in peace! I wish to discuss the one called
- Big... Big lad.
- So big and strong. Will carry you if you ask.
- Gives the best hugs that are just so healing and magical.
- Sings for you. Will learn your favorite song.
- Stuck in the infirmary? He'll read to you, play Uno, etc.!
- Can absolutely cook and bake like the King he is.
- Has a frilly apron that says Kiss The Cook.
- Opens doors for you.
Until next time!
*crawls back into your carpet*
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made it himself!
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iamnmbr3 · 4 months
How many times Harry saved Draco? What events aside from Friedfyre are they? Do you think he saved Draco because he was guilty of the Sectumsempra?
1st year: threw out his arm to stop Draco walking towards a sketchy noise in the Forbidden Forest (which turned out to be Voldemort) during their detention
6th year: Harry did not disclose to school staff or MLE that Draco attempted to use a highly illegal spell (the Cruciatus Curse) on him
6th year: Harry lied to the Order and MLE to obfuscate Draco's involvement in Dumbledore’s death and Death Eaters getting into Hogwarts
7th year: Harry risked his life to save Draco from Fiendfyre
7th year: Harry stunned a Death Eater who was threatening Draco (interestingly because despite recognizing Draco the Death Eater did not believe Draco was on his side, which makes you wonder what Draco had done to prompt this...)
And no. I don't think he saved Draco because he was guilty over using Sectumsempra (though I do think he felt guilt over that). Anytime Draco is in danger Harry will always save him. And I think it's because he feels drawn to him and cares about him in a way he doesn't even fully understand (or want to acknowledge). It's just instinctive and inevitable. And it goes both ways. They can't hate each other. They always find each other. They always save each other. The drarry is so real.
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 4 months
Hello Asaka! :D
I can't read Japanese but I know you can, I was wondering if you could translate Nagito's Student File? I've seen a few translations of it, and from those I know It's confirmation he was Lying ABOUT Lying in his free time events. Which makes me happy since me and many have already gathered that from context clues, but to have confirmation about something so theorized about is really helpful. But I was wondering if you could translate it since I've only seen rough translations, I trust your judgment since you're very skilled at both languages!
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If it's too much of a hassle to translate I apologize and you can ignore my ask! 😅Thanks for everything!💕
Hi Zen! 😃 Ohh, this is interesting. I never really read what is written here. Alright! To make it easy to see which part is a translation of which part, I will write the translation for each sentence:
The 77th students were chosen through a rigorous lottery process, a super high school level good luck.
数多の偶発的な事件に巻き込まれては、 その果てに才能の恩恵とも言える幸運な出来事を体験している。
He has been involved in numerous accidental incidents, and at the end of them, he has experienced lucky events that could be called as the benefits of his talent.
One of the most notable incidents was a hijacking that took place when he was a junior high school student.
---------- 彼と彼の家族が乗り込んだ飛行機がハイジャック犯により襲撃を受けた。
The plane he and his family were boarding was attacked by hijackers*.
(* I translated it in the plural form, but since the Japanese language tends not to specify whether the subject is plural or not, it is not possible to tell from the original text whether there was one or more people who hijacked the plane.)
---------- その飛行機に拳大の隕石が墜落し、彼の両親とハイジャック犯は死亡。
A fist-sized meteorite crashed into the plane, killing his parents and the hijackers.
With his family gone*, he was left with an enormous inheritance and freedom.
(* It is not clear from the original text how far "身寄りがない" extends. It can be translated as having "no relatives", but even if some relatives are still alive, if they do not take care of him, the situation is included in "身寄りがない", because this word means something like there is no place to rely on. So I am not sure to what extent Nagito's relatives are still alive, translated that as his family, which is definitely deceased, is gone.)
この事件を彼がどのように認識しているか定かではないが、 しかし彼が抽選に選ばれたのは、ある種の必然であると考える事ができるだろう。
How he perceives this incident is not certain, but his selection for the lottery could be seen as a kind of inevitability.
Maybe it's something like this! I hope this translation is helpful to you! :D
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Hi, it's me again.
Valeria, Laswell, Price and Farah.
Thank you very much! I'll wait anxiously, and I'm sorry for getting so excited. <3
Hey! It's alright, but please remember my rules for the future! Also, I've never watched Arcane, I don't know Jinx in the slightest, I only really had your explanation to go off of, so sorry if it's not very good ^^;
Price, Valeria, Farah and Laswell with a Reader like Jinx (Arcane)
Price: He can read people fairly well, so you trying to hide something from him, regardless of what it could be, doesn’t evade him. He won’t force you to tell him whatever it is you’re hiding from him, but he likes to think of himself as a trustworthy person, telling you that you can just say whatever it is you wanna say. Even so, if you end up not telling him anything, then that’s alright as well, he won’t pry. As long as it doesn’t include anything that could change the course of a mission, of an important one, he’ll leave you be, for the most part. However, you liking to blow things up would concern him. Although you may not be the first person he’s met like this, with Soap being another person with an affinity for explosives, he would have his concerns. However, as long as you only hurt the enemy, he’s quite alright with you blowing things up, sometimes. There’s a fine line between an enemy KIA, and unnecessarily destroying your surroundings. Will give you an earful if you burn too many buildings, blow too many of them up. While he may be able to appreciate your abilities with technology, knowing fully well that some ingenuity is needed in that field, he hopes you won’t use your intelligence against him and his men. You’re more than welcome to use your contraptions against enemies, as long as they don’t harm your allies. You may be a very pretty person with your long, blue hair, but that doesn’t mean Price won’t be concerned with it. After all, it could get stuck somewhere and would need to be cut off. Don’t get me wrong, you’re gorgeous, but there’s a reason why people in the military tend to have shorter hair.
Valeria: She takes a liking to you immediately. You’re a threat, that much is obvious, with your interesting personality. It doesn’t particularly matter to her what you did in the past, as long as you take back your future and make the present count. Won’t bother you too much with questions regarding where you’ve been and what happened to you, she has other things to worry about. Your contraptions are of interest to her: Small things that can either walk to where they’re needed or stick to something. As long as you get out of their range of effectiveness soon enough, she’s willing to give you more materials to work with, as long as you work for her. Funds your shenanigans in general, as long as it benefits her and her cartel you’ll never run out of anything to work with. She’s not exactly a morally correct person, so you could commit literal war crimes under her watch and she wouldn’t mind. You wanna use dangerous gas to kill the enemy? Sure, go right ahead, it doesn’t matter to her since she doesn’t plan on being caught. You’ll likely get some special privileges over time as well. More quickly than other people, at the very least. While you may not look like how one would imagine someone working for the cartel would look, she certainly doesn’t mind, thinking you to be fairly pretty as well. If you need some nail polish, she can give you the best ones out there, no hesitation. Again, she’s taken a real liking to you and wants this work relationship to go well. However, you’re just about the only exception with that, Valeria doesn’t care too much about everyone else. But you stand out, so there’s that.
Farah: Although she may know that everything is fair in war, she will actively discourage you from using some of your contraptions. If it’s illegal, if it will make you and her look like war criminals, then she will not let you use it. Her country may be at war, but she’s got principles and still needs to show the world that Urzikstan is not a dangerous place. So yeah, you might not wanna use the worst of the worst when it comes to fighting around her. Other than that, she can appreciate your work, though, and what you have been doing for her. A well placed bomb can make all the difference, after all, especially when someone, who knows what they’re doing, is using it. As long as it isn’t too bad, you have her support. Don’t make yourself known, though, the wrong people might find out who you are and might have a field day with that. However, she might scold you for using unethical means of killing someone. Farah is very connected with her people, and thus knows a lot about each and every single one of them. She won’t pry either when it comes to your past, but she will gently ask about it occasionally when something seems to be bothering you. Again, she won’t force anything out of you, but will show that she does care a great deal about you. In her eyes, too, you are absolutely gorgeous. She’s not as strict with long hair as Price, for example. There are no regulations for that sort of thing in her liberation force. If you let her, and if you’re especially close, she might braid your hair as well. As mentioned previously, she does care about her people, and it’s with those small things that she shows she’s there for them.
Laswell: Oh, she would not like you very much at first. Her work is usually comprised of not being found out, you do the opposite with your trademark bombs. You’ll butt heads a lot at first, especially since Laswell tries to keep it quiet whenever she can. It would take a while for you to get along, largely since you both know what you want. However, you’re good with technology, she gives you that much. You can be used for all sorts of things regarding that. Make a small contraption that allows you to get inside a room without the need for a keycard, she can appreciate that and will congratulate you on making something useful that is quiet. It would take something like that for the both of you to slowly be getting along. Laswell doesn’t mind you having a sad past too much. If you really feel like it, and once you’ve grown close, you can talk about it. Get it off your chest if you really need it. Might either listen to you or give you some advice, it entirely depends on what you ask of her, or what it seems like you might need at the moment. Though, another reason why you might clash at first would be your appearance. You’re pretty, don’t get me wrong, but long blue hair isn’t exactly subtle, you’ll be found out fairly quickly, you’ll be recognised wherever you go. She won’t force you to dye your hair, but you likely won’t be going out in the field too much when a disguise is needed, something like that will be left to Laswell. You, however, can plant whatever it is that is needed nearby, make a distraction by blowing something up, for example.
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measureformeasure · 3 months
Can you recommend some of your personal favourite retellings? I'm also looking for exciting and original ones and you sound like you've done your research
hell yeah i can. here are some personal faves
Iphigenia and the Furies (on Taurian Land), Ho Ka Kei (which comes in an anthology with his antigone: 方, which is also worth reading but is also I think theatre for young audiences so it doesn't make this list on its own)
Wrath Goddess Sing, Maya Deane
The Greek Trilogy of Luis Alfaro (warning: changes you on a chemical level)
The Nightingales in Plátres, Natalia Theodoridou (and while you're at it read his newest one, Aktis Aeliou, or The Machine of Margot's Destruction)
The Suitors of Helen, Stephen Squibb
Salvage the Bones, Jesmyn Ward (very loosely, but it counts)
Oresteia, Robert Icke
Autobiography of Red, Anne Carson
Cassandra, Christa Wolf
Clytemnestra, Gania Barlow
Dioscuri, Dante Émile
I don't know if I can like actively recommend Caridad Svich's Iphigenia Crash Land Falls on the Neon Shell That Was Once Her Heart but it is a favourite.
Extending to Ovid: The Names of Women by Natalia Theodoridou and If We Were Birds by Erin Shields (which is on the internet archive iirc)
looking for more? here's my spreadsheet. many of these i have not read or are not my favourites but you can poke around and see what strikes your fancy
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magpod-confessions · 5 months
Ink5oul is better than Needles 🗣
This is where I admit I dont remember Ink5ouls existence at all and genuinely thought they were a fan character for a while lol
I dont have opinions on them bc I dont know anything abt them
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heynhay · 2 months
hey i know im just a silly little anon in your asks but… i just wanted to say you’re my favorite klance artist… you’re so amazing for blessing tumblr with these masterpieces please don’t explode into flames and disappear forever
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nikkoliferous · 23 days
This is the bully list after what happened to @abby118 . It comes from a famous Loki GIFS creator on tumblr who is also getting harassed & showed in the toxic behavior of this person behind these many alts accounts. Share it with everyone !!
lokilaufeysondiaries strangegodsloki queenofstarsign85 dreamingofimpalas hereitgoesagain067 buckybarnes-winters0ldier themoonsmaven nerdconpp crackships-r-us69 lokisimp89 lowkey-lokid souls-for-fandoms cassius-blackwood fandemoniumfantasies ladylovelyfan2014 lokismilkshake goddessofvictoryy
PSA for people being targeted by any or all of the above blogs.
personally, I am agnostic on the topic of preemptively blocking people (and sharing block lists, for that matter). I don't usually block people myself unless I'm getting directly harassed and they're becoming a distraction/it's the only way to get them out of my notes. with that being said, that's a personal choice of mine, and I fully support the rights of any blogger to block any other blogger for any (or even no) reason. nobody is entitled to read or interact with anybody else's blog.
this should also go without saying in this day and age, but I do not condone nor encourage anyone going to any of the above blogs to counter-bully them. do not spam their posts' notes, do not send them anon hate, so on and so forth. just block (or don't, if you prefer) and move on. not only for your own sake, but because from my limited direct interactions with/knowledge of a couple of them, it's clear that they crave the attention and it only feeds into their self-pitying view of themselves as the perpetual victim (despite them being the aggressors in each instance I've borne witness to). don't feed the trolls, etc etc.
stay safe out there and do what you need to do to take care of yourselves, loki fandom. 💚💛🖤
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hana-no-seiiki · 6 months
I know that majority of Batfam fans are fem/identify with she/her but good lawd the amount of asks I get with fem! reader is astounding
that’s alright in itself and all
but when I’ve rarely if never write fem! reader here??? unless it’s intrinsic to the theme of the story like midnight darling or in my early fics when i had no sense of boundaries for myself 😭
in anycase what i wanted to say is that if you guys send asks that use she/her pronouns/fem reader then expect me to answer them with a they/them instead. there are already way too little yanfics with batfam and even smoller that caters to people that don’t identify with those pronouns (*cough* me *cough*)
now i’m tempted to write more male reader fics out of spite. i’m starting to understand those fem dni posts now hhhh /lh /j
(btw afab reader is completely fine)
(though i dont think genitals matter when i dont write much explicit stuff here)
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casscainmainly · 1 month
In your recent post about Cass & Jason, you mention your read on Batgirl 19, and how you think Cass forsakes justice in her question for redemption. I think I recall seeing an earlier post that was made about this, and I'm pretty sure it was by you. Do you mind linking to it? I want to respond to that idea, but I don't want to derail your post about Cass & Jason.
Hi!! I'm so sorry (and this is my fault because I don't tag my metas) but I'm actually not sure what post you're referring to. The closest I could find is this post which briefly mentions Cass being so blinded by her morality that she doesn't see grey areas, though that's not exactly what you're looking for. Ironically it's another Jason and Cass post haha.
If anyone knows of a post that discusses Cass forsaking justice for redemption (whether mine or not), please say it in the comments!!!
But anyways, feel free to reply to the Cass & Jason post from yesterday!!! I really don't think it would be derailing it, and I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on Batgirl 19/Cass' morality. I will never be mad about people ignoring the Batboys in my posts in favour of Cass... she deserves it.
Sorry to not be of any help, but absolutely feel free to make that post, whether replying to mine or not!
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oblivious-aro · 2 months
I remember you saying you had some thoughts on Morro being a less effective version of Tai Lung from the Kung Fu Panda movie. Do you have any more thoughts on that :o
Quick introduction, both Morro and Tai Lung are students who turned evil much to the of their old teachers (Wu and Shifu respectively). If you watched Kung Fu Panda 609 times as a child like me, you probably caught on that Morro's character was taken whole cloth from Tai Lung.
Now let's get into the details!
So Tai Lung and Morro have two parts to their character: the threat/villain aspects, and the tragic relationship/falling out with their mentor.
As a villain, Morro works pretty well. Possessing Lloyd establishes him as a threat both emotionally and power wise, since he's taken someone the ninja care for deeply and robbed them of their most powerful member in one swoop. I always kind of thought of him as the dark version of Lloyd, but he’s really more of a “What season 1 Kai could've been”, further supported by Kai's unyielding determination to protect Lloyd this season, contrasted against Morro literally using Lloyd as an actual meat puppet and casually threatening to kill Lloyd to get what he wants.
He’s threatening, hateable, and thematically appropriate as a villain.
As for his “tragic” relationship with Wu, well…despite general fandom opinion, it's actually pretty weak.
Tai Lung's screen time is dedicated to building up how powerful of a threat he is, outside of two key scenes that establish and build on his relationship with Shifu. The first is a flashback that happens somewhere around the half point of the movie. Reveling that Tai Lung was groomed to work his entire life for a role he ends up being denied point-blank recontextualizes the audience's feelings about Tai Lung. Up to that point he was presented as just some dangerously power-hungry villain, but now that the audience knows that Shifu has a personal connection to Tai Lung, and that changes their feelings on both of them.
The second relationship-focused scene is the penultimate fight between Tai Lung and Shifu. Before the combat, the two of them have a conversation that is just loaded with tension, and that tension stays prominent for the rest of the fight. The audience obviously doesn’t want Tai Lung to win, but watching Shifu attempt to take down the child he raised with his whole heart doesn’t exactly feel all sunshiny. Everything from the dialogue to the dark and rainy atmosphere (later heavily contrasted against Po’s triumphant fight in the rising sun) is meant to emphasize the heaviness and tragedy of the fight, building the flashback and Shifu's character growth to twist the knife in the audience's heart.
On the surface, Morro works similarly, spending the majority of his screen time being built up as someone that needs to be stopped, outside of two scenes that focus on his relationship with Wu. While Tai Lung's flashback happens in the middle of the movie, Morro's is told in the second episode of the season. Changing the timing of the flashback changes the effect it has on the audience. Instead of establishing an evil scary guy and then going ‘oh wait, there’s also this other important aspect to him’, we see the more human (literally) side of Morro almost straight away and then spend the remaining 80% of the season showing how evil he is. If Morro’s backstory garnered any sympathy from the audience, it will inevitably be overshadowed by the proceding 8 episodes of Morro doing nothing but make selfish choices. Doing Morro's flashback earlier has the exact opposite effect that Tai Lung's flashback had on his story.
Also worth noting that while a large part of Shifu’s characterization comes from his hand in Tai Lung’s fall (his cold relationship with his new students, his need for control, etc), Ninjago shifts the fault more so onto Morro as a person:
Wu: After I told him he could be the Green Ninja, there was a hunger unmatched.
Morro: (He kicks some of the other trainees, making them fall. Aggressively) Get up. Get up!
Wu: Enough.
Morro: But Sensei, I'm gonna be the Green Ninja. I need greater tests.
Wu: I said, enough!
Kung Fu Panda meanwhile feels no need to shy away from the idea of Tai Lung's actions being the result of Shifu's failure as a teacher. In fact, it embraces it:
Tai Lung: Not your fault!? Who filled my head with dreams? Who drove me to train until my bones cracked? Who denied me my destiny!?
Shifu: I...I have always been...proud of you. From the first moment I've been proud of you. And it was my pride...that blinded me. I loved you too much too see what you were becoming...what I was turning you into...I'm s-...I'm sorry...
Ninjago doesn’t completely kill the vibes, it’s still understandable that Wu would be sad a student of his didn’t turn out well, but lessening the responsibility Wu’s bears for the way Morro turned out gives their relationship a lot less weight than Shifu and Tai Lung’s, and lessens the impact their relationship had on Wu’s character compared to Shifu’s. They do retroactively imply Morro's reaction was the reason Wu never told his new students about the green ninja prophecy, which is kind of neat, but Wu doesn't really seem to be affected by his relationship with Morro beyond that.
They're not showcasing Wu being affected by the soured relationship, or building up any kind of emotional conflict about having to oppose his old student. The fact that this season's antagonist is Morro doesn't make Wu behave any differently than he would with any other run-of-the-mill Ninjago villain.
Shifu's character, as I mentioned earlier, is felt in pretty much every moment he's on screen. You can feel his fear of history repeating itself in everything from how frugal he is with praise for his students, to the sheer panic in his voice anytime he and Oogway talk about Tai Lung returning.
In fairness to Ninjago, Shifu was a character made entirely for that movie and nothing else, so his character was built from the ground up with his relationship with his student in mind for the whole process, while Wu is an already existing character in an establised franchise (that's also on a much smaller budget than a Dreamworks movie *ahem*), but they aren't really trying to build up the relationship between Wu and Morro outside over the course of Posession at all, outside of the two specific scenes I mentioned.
Speaking of, there’s the final scene between mentor and student that both charaters share. For Tai Lung, this was a fight, and for Morro, it's a redemption, and I don't think the writers considered how that key difference would affect Morro's story very deeply. Morro and Tai Lung follow the same structure of building up how evil and threatening they are until their ultimate defeat, and since Tai Lung’s story wasn’t building towards redemption, neither does Morro’s. This is fine for Tai Lung, because the emotional climax of his story is acceptance of the tragedy that his and Shifu’s shattered relationship is completely and totally beyond mending. Not only that, but it mainly takes place over a fight. It makes sense to just continuously ramp up Tai Lung’s threat level.
Morro on the other hand, completely switches sides at the last possible second of both his life and the season. With no buildup, his redemption feels very sudden and insincere. This guy who’s been plotting around the same obsession he had as a child for decades, kidnapped and possessed a child, put in the work to literally rewrite destiny, and made deals with satan/hell herself just decided “Actually I’m good now okay byeeeeeee!” in the space of two seconds?
Tai Lung and Shifu’s fight crushes your soul a little. Morro’s redemption just leaves you going “I guess that happened?”
They ripped off Tai Lung and only got him half-right.
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iamnmbr3 · 4 months
Random vent cause I found a post of yours in the discourse tag and it reignited my passion for a moment, feel free to totally ignore lol
Bro I am so mad that Harry & Draco don't canonically end up friends. After all that? After Draco throws him his wand and yells his name at the final battle?? AFTER ALL THAT? No way. No frickin way dude. While I do love dr/arry (don't wanna tag on accident) I don't even mean this in regards to the ship... literally you cannot convince me that they don't talk and become some kind of friends. WHO ELSE COULD UNDERSTAND BEING A PUPPET IN A WAR YOU HAVE NO DESIRE TO BE IN... 😭 (that and they were teenagers ofc they grew into "different" people than who they were made to be tbh who is the same at 24 as they are at 16? or any other age.) They were just kids... they deserve a second chance at friendship 😭
It's so true. (Though the wand throwing scene is only in the movie but still). Regardless of whether you ship drarry or not, Harry and Draco are so central to each other's arcs. I mean, Draco risks everything and throws away his last chance to get his family back into Voldemort's good graces to save Harry. Harry risks his life to save Draco. Harry defeats Voldemort with Draco's wand. They've been a key part of each other's lives since book 1. Draco even realizes he was wrong and changes his attitudes.
And there's just...no payoff. No final interaction. No conversation. It feels like something's missing. And it's so natural to bring it in since Harry needs to return Draco's wand. They could've had a moment. They could've finally shaken hands. Maybe in a callback and reversal this time it's Harry who offers his hand first. (Maybe Draco looks a little bit doubtful and indicates his left arm and makes a little quip about Harry needing to be careful not to make friends with the wrong sort. But Harry just says he can still tell who the wrong sort are and leaves his hand out till Draco takes it.) It could've been so good.
But for some reason even though JKR wrote Draco growing and changing his mind she views him as fundamentally different from Snape or Dumbledore or Regulus, whose redemption arcs she acknowledges. And that leaves a huge piece of the story feeling a bit unfinished. Because what she actually wrote doesn't seem to match what she wants us to feel about it.
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fumifooms · 7 months
Can you imagine marchil as "The Kiss" by Klimt? But with some differences: Marcille is gently kissing and Chilchuck is all like "Ugh, if you want..." (secretly loves it. Also blushing). Golden couple of (ex-)Golden Kingdom, ha!
Yes… YES… Honestly I feel like I’d thought of doing it some time ago but I never started so ty for giving me the push I needed. The Kiss is such a redraw staple for any ship ever. A gold motif with marchil bc of her blonde hair and the importance of money for Chil is like RIGHT THEREE, the golden kingdom fr fr… They have sm material to play with
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It’s gonna take me a while, I’ll post it over at @fuumiku when they’re done as always. Have some extra kiss-themed wips that have been in my files for so long. Marchil be upon ye
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davyjoneslockr · 8 months
3, 7, and 12, mista and fugo :3
TONY UNSHADOWBANNED PARTY I know this was from a month ago but I'm gonna answer it anyhow lmfao
(For this ask game)
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
For Mista, the Trish cleavage scene. You know the one. I don't think I have to explain this much. Boy Why Did You Do That. The only good thing to come out of that scene was jaunty jigglesacks + overeager horndog insane psychic damage combo of lines in the dub.
I could take this a lot of ways for Fugo tbh. Because there's a lot of things that drive me insane about him as a person, but looking at him as a character, I LOVE that he's rash and hurts his friends and his defining character moment is him making a selfish, cowardly decision. I guess I'd say his misogyny in Purple Haze Feedback? I'm admittedly a believer that, yes, he would fucking say that, but it sucks that he would. At least he gets better by the end lol. Fugo voice I'm sorry women Sheila E is me
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I love that Mista has been designated Beautiful Brown-Eyed Bisexual Man by literally the entire fandom. Bi Mista brings us all together. And I do like the idea that his queerness is something he discovered much more slowly, and as a direct result of the gang. Something about that really ties in with the idea of the Bucci Gang as less of a realistic gang, more akin to a drag house or similar queer pseudo-family. Credit to that concept to Fox figcookie01 btw this is one of my favorite Vento Aureo analyses ever and it really informs how I conceptualize the Bucci Gang. Anyhow.
I also really like when people actually take care to explore his character and make him a very distinct, smarter-than-he-looks, older brother-type figure. It's really interesting when people explore his spirituality, too, whatever religion that may be, because that's a pretty important part of him. AND also OCD Mista truthers who know when to treat his superstitions and compulsions with some weight I love you forever. I think he's a character that gets watered down in fanworks a lot, but when his characterization's good, it's really good. There's plenty of artists and writers that have really blown me away with their Mista (and I say this as someone who's picky about characterization lol)
With Fugo, first of all. The PHF scars. Another thing that Mandela Effected the PHF fandom, but it's so so important to me. I love you physical, tangible, blatantly visible proof that Fugo has grown as a person since the day he abandoned the gang. Awesome. I also like that people mix and match his manga/anime colors, and every artist kinda draws him in a different way.
My favorite thing is probably the Fugo-Abbacchio stepkid and stepparent/siblings/Big Goth and Baby Emo Who Secretly Looks Up To Them dynamic. It’s awesome when it’s cartoonishly antagonistic and it’s awesome when it’s actually very sweet and heartfelt. Out of all the Bucci Gang dynamic interpretations the fandom’s produced, theirs is one of my favorites <3
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
SO MANY FOR BOTH OF THEM LOL. But I’ll try to list some I don’t talk about as much.
Besides The Carpenters, Mista’s a big fan of folk, acoustic singer-songwriter pop, and soft classic R&B/gospel. Artists with really strong voices tend to catch his attention. The Mamas and the Papas, Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye, Simon and Garfunkel, The Seekers, and Gordon Lightfoot are some of his favorites. He’s also just a big sucker for love songs in general, and the hopeless romantic in him loves old girl groups like The Ronettes and The Shirelles. He’s also very much Schrödinger’s Guy to me. Cis? Trans? Who knows. Depends on what the situation calls for (though more often trans to me as of late). He’s just Some Dude.
Fugo’s a surprisingly good singer, but he’ll rarely do it if he knows other people are listening. A lot of times, he’ll sing in the shower, or when he’s alone in the car. As he gets older, he gets less self-conscious about it, and he’ll sing around the house when he’s with Giorno, or do duets with Mista for fun. There are also very much timelines in the Vento Aureo Multiverse in my brain where Fugo’s transfem. This also tends to coincide with transfem Abbacchio timelines, so there’s another layer added to Fugo looking up to Abbacchio, and I think Giorno (always transmasc to me) is really instrumental in helping her work through things and take pride in her transness. Maybe a little bit of a self-indulgent fluffy comfort hc that helps me work though my own genderisms lol
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ultrainfinitepit · 8 months
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chongyun-official · 7 months
is anybody else from liyue on here still or did everyone leave :(
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