#sending sooo much love to you ❤️
loveandthings11 · 1 year
How Deep My Love Goes, Chapter 9
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Read on AO3 Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8
You'll See
Kendall looks up at Sophie from the Lego-covered floor on Saturday morning. Iverson is entrenched in building a spaceship and Rava’s reading on a barstool nearby. After the experience at Austerlitz, he’s turned the penthouse into a sort of energetic hideout, alternating between hanging out with the kids, sitting in Rava’s office while she works on her big case, and calling everyone he knows to try to figure out a way to get back into Waystar. He’s taken a couple of calls from Roman to plan teaming up to talk to Sandy about his mysterious plan, and he’s learned to leave the room to avoid Rava’s looks of uncertainty when they start talking about taking over the company again.
“You want to build something here, Soph?” He asks.
Sophie shrugs and spins around in her ballet skirt.
“No, I’m tired of Star Wars. I want to watch the Kardashians.”
“Uh, I don’t think that’s allowed.”
Sophie giggles and sits down on the chair by him.
“One of them’s named Kendall.”
“Uh huh. I had it first, though.” He’s focusing on finding the right piece on the floor.
“You’re both on magazines.” She smiles at him again, endlessly amused. “Maybe you should be friends.”
He calls over to Rava.
“Rav, what do you think? Should I be friends with Kendall Jenner?”
She raises her eyebrows and smiles serenely.
“No.” She returns to the page and he shrugs at Sophie.
“There you go,” he says.
“Maybe you’ll be on Vogue next!” Sophie giggles again.
“Okay. Go read a book or something.”
“Should I read Forbes?” She asks, trying everything to get a reaction.
He finally laughs.
“Yeah, go read Forbes. Let me know what changes you think I should make to our investment portfolio.”
“I don’t know how to do that!”
“Oh, not yet? Maybe you’ll learn if you read it. Or maybe you should do your homework, that sounds fun.”
“No!!!” She shrieks and runs down the hall into her room. He chuckles.
Iverson looks up.
“Mom says Sophie’s funny like you.”
“Oh yeah?” He grins over at Rava.
“Yeah.” He smiles at his dad for a second and keeps building.
Kendall gets up and walks across the room for another cup of coffee, kissing Rava’s head before sitting next to her at the counter. She looks up from her book and takes a sip from her mug as she looks at him expectantly. She can see the wheels are turning in his mind about something as he taps his fingers on the marble.
“So, uh, I guess I have to go to Tom’s party this weekend,” he says a bit hesitantly. She looks apprehensive.
“Really?” She says slowly.
“Well- I mean, I have to do something. I can’t just let this Dad shit stand. Sandy is probably my best bet, and apparently he’s going to be there. I have to act fast.”
She looks dubious.
“I just- is this whole thing the best way to move forward? What about the art thing, with Frank?”
“Well, sure, I mean, me and Frank can team up on anything, though. I’m taking him with me to the top. Obviously. I mean, and maybe I do both, you know? Take it supersonic. CEO and art expert.” He chuckles. “Just watch me next year talking about who-the-fuck-ever at the Met Gala.” He flashes her a look of real excitement and she watches him pump himself up with her chin in her hand and a weakly happy expression. She loves him like this too much to disappoint him, but the party is scaring her.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to stop you from taking it supersonic,” she says wryly. He really is cute when he gets psyched about an idea. She missed his major enthusiasm.
He puts his face right in front of hers.
“You’ll see.” He gives her a kiss and turns to walk away.
The next Friday, Kendall walks into Rava’s office at 1:45 in the afternoon looking for something. Anything. She knows he’s already worked out, eaten lunch, read a chapter of his book, checked on the markets, called Roman to argue about including Stewy in their plan, talked to Frank, and helped Iverson finish the spaceship before he even left for school. It’s endearing that he’s still buzzing with energy. She can practically feel the need for action emanating from him and she knows he’s going crazy without a job.
“Hey. No lunch break today?” He asks, trying a little too hard to sound relaxed.
She smiles at his hint at missing out on today’s afternoon delight.
“Sorry, baby. I have so much to do here.”
“Right,” he nods, glancing at the tall stacks of paper on her desk. He feels a little useless.
“Uh… can I help?” He asks.
“You want to put my assistant out of a job?”
“How long does she take to file these?” He gestures at a tall stack of papers.
“I don’t know, four hours?” Rava smiles.
“I bet I’ll be done in half that.”
She shakes her head and chuckles.
“Okay. They’d better be in the right order.”
He gestures to himself and smirks.
“Taking over a multi-billion dollar empire.”
“Sure,” she nods with a smile. “Okay. File away.”
She looks back at her screen and continues reading, and in her absorption it seems like it’s only been minutes when he comes back in with everything done.
“All right,” he says. How long was that?”
She glances at the clock and smiles as she looks up at him from the desk.
“Two and a half hours.”
“That’s pretty good, yeah?”
“Yeah!” She nods in an overly-encouraging way. He gives her an annoyed smile and nods along to her good-natured condescension.
“Okay. Yeah.” They both laugh a little. She turns back to her laptop and lets out a big sigh.
“What?” He asks.
“I don’t know if-“ She glances at him. “Well, there’s some stuff in here that I’ve never dealt with before. It’s, um, sort of business-related, but- bad. I don’t know, we have a consultant but I…” she trails off and looks back at his face.
“I kind of need some advice from someone who’s worked with this stuff before a lot.”
“Fuckin’ bad business stuff?”
“Uh… yeah, you could say that. It’s a bit dark. So I guess, someone who has maybe seen some questionable business tactics at work?” She looks at him and he furrows his brow.
“Me?” His eyes widen in surprise for a moment. “Questionable business tactics.” A flicker of amusement crosses his face. “Sure. I might have seen those. But, uh, what about your whole ‘good rule-following lawyer’ thing?”
“I think I’m in over my head,” she says quietly.
“Okay, I’m all yours.” He looks at her like she might be losing her mind. “But, you know that’s illegal, right?” He sort of smiles at her completely out-of-character request. He’s practically kicked out whenever she takes a client phone call. She gives him a really worried look and he sees the seriousness. “Okay, let’s hear it.” She takes a breath.
“Well, you know my client Tony Trume?”
“The- yeah, the one I got the judge-“
She squeezes her eyes shut in guilt as she cuts him off.
“-Yeah.” She sighs. “Well, I don’t know if you’ve dealt with this specifically, but he worked at a resort. And his low-level bosses would gather up the employees at the end of their shifts and collect ‘taxes,’ which, obviously…”
“…were not taxes,” he finishes.
“Right. And some of them were not exactly legally allowed to be working in the country, so they couldn’t do anything about it without being deported.” Kendall sighs. He can see where this is going. “So, I guess one of the guys stood up to the boss one night and refused to give him the money and said he would call the police if he did it again tomorrow. Um, but the next day that guy was gone. And Tony has a work visa so he wanted to do something. So this is- well…” She takes a nervous breath. “…Maybe they killed someone, you know?” She looks freaked out. “And it’s on me to help. I mean, maybe they didn’t kill him. Maybe he’s stuck somewhere, maybe…”
“Fuck,” Kendall says, rubbing his temple.
“Yeah. So, any suggestions? On dealing with resorts, or hospitality, or, you know, kidnapping, murder?”
“Uh… wow. Well, you know, Waystar hasn’t had resorts for like, ten years or something, but there was always some fucked-up shit happening at cruises, so I mean, I can tell you they probably all have NDAs, but if there’s a domino effect the company probably won’t go after everyone. But as for that guy- probably just deported him. Killing him would be kind of hard to cover up.”
A flicker of shock flames in her eyes as she looks at him for a second before she extinguishes it. He doesn’t miss it.
“I- I mean, I haven’t seen that, obviously. But who knows what Mo and those fuckin’ creeps did?”
“You don’t?”
“No!” He scoffs. “Come on, I don’t, we were in college when all that was happening. I didn’t even work there yet.” He’s taken aback by the assumption. “I’m just saying it’s probably good news for Tony’s coworker. He’s probably fine.” She backs off as she realizes the timeline is accurate.
“Yeah. You’re right, okay. Then why hasn’t he called?”
“I mean- would you call if you were him?” He shrugs. “He probably wants nothing to do with them ever again.”
“Just, uh, look into NDAs and talk to immigration first. I bet you’ll find him. And he can talk and you’ll get what you need. You’re gonna kill this. You got it. If you need anything, you know, I’m like, five feet away at all times,” he laughs a little. She nods and smiles and reaches for his hand for a minute.
“Thank you.”
He loves the feeling of her wanting his advice. It feels like the old days. He turns to head out of the office, but he wants to clear up the earlier weirdness. He reluctantly turns back around before he gets to the door.
“You know, when it’s me in the top job, I won’t cover for them. If our new plan works, you know, things are going to change at the firm.”
“Yeah. Yeah.” She gives him a bit of a forced smile and he doesn’t like it much. But she’ll see. He dreads the idea of going back into the living room to do nothing and decides to charm his way back into his favorite distraction.
“So you’re making me your new consultant now, right?” He looks at her intensely with only a flicker of humor.
She looks up and gives him a smile.
“Oh, sure, welcome to the exciting world of thousand-page documents!”
“I destroy thousand-page documents.”
“Of course you do,” she nods.
“You gonna be my boss?” He asks, eyebrows raised. She laughs at the floor. His efforts to lure her into a new game are beyond charming.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” She asks, meeting his eyes again.
He shakes his head.
“Absolutely not. I can be your boss, though. I’d like to see you in my office, actually.”
“Well, we’re in my office right now,” she returns smoothly and gestures to the papers. “And I think you could have filed these faster.” She makes a jokingly doubtful face. “You’re supposed to take over a media company or something?”
“That’s it,” he says, striding over to her and scooping her up from the chair by her waist. “You’re in so much trouble,” he whispers in her ear.
“No! I remember it now. Something ‘star.’” She pretends to try to get away as he nods sarcastically. “I don’t know, I was distracted by my hot new consultant.”
“Oh, right. Well, your hot new consultant is about to make moves.” He kisses her until she starts grabbing at him and then pulls back and walks out the door. She gasps playfully.
“What are you doing??” She asks. He smiles.
“Getting dressed for the party. Wait til you see what Jess got me yesterday.” Her stomach drops a bit at the reality that he’s really going to a party that will inevitably be filled with everything he shouldn’t be near. It makes her want to stick close to him. She follows him into their room and sits on the bed while he puts on his new outfit. He opens his arms to show off.
She looks amused at his t-shirt and blazer.
“That’s what you’re wearing?”
“Oh, what- you’re judging?” He smiles to cover the slight insecurity. “This is fucking awesome.”
She tries not to laugh.
“Is it?”
“Yeah.” He shakes his head and chuckles a little. “You know, not all of us want to wear cardigans all the time.”
“Wow, I like my cardigans.”
“Oh, I know,” he teases. “At night I just think about unbuttoning all those sexy sweaters you have.” His glances down her body and thinks that sounds good right now. The only good thing about their time apart was the fanning of the flame between them.
“Okay, BYE. You can leave now,” she laughs and his mind wanders.
“Remember that little green thing you wore to the club in Prague that one time that we-“
“Almost got arrested?” She crosses her arms and can’t help smiling a little bit. “Yes, I do.”
“Do you still have it?”
“Bye, Ken!”
She playfully pushes him out the bedroom door and she walks back inside.
“Will you wear it when I get home?” She hears through the door.
She sticks her head out the door.
The creepy dark and wet entryway is enough to make him want to turn around again. It makes him uneasy and he doesn’t even know why. It just feels wrong. Everything does here. He walks slowly with Roman into the party, but once he’s in, he only glances around for a second before searching for Sandy with a tunnel vision he’s been planning. He doesn’t even want to see the endless variety of what’s in everyone’s pockets here.
“Ken.” He turns around with dread at hearing Stewy’s voice behind him. Sandy stands talking to a few people nearby. Kendall keeps it cold when he speaks.
“I’m not here to talk to you.”
“Ohh, who told you not to, your therapist?” Kendall crosses his arms. “Tell her I say hi,” Stewy smiles. “Is she hot? I bet you got the hottest therapist in the city.”
Kendall scoffs.
“Fuck off, man, seriously. I have my life together and things cooking, despite your best efforts.”
Stewy looks slightly pained.
“Come on. I don’t want it to be like that. I told you in my many messages, I had-“
“-to follow the money,” they say in unison. Kendall rolls his eyes.
“Well, I hope it was worth it,” he says bitterly.
“Ken. Come on, talk to me about this. The vote’s in the past. And yes, I should have told you about Sandy. But maybe there’s an opportunity here. Ro Ro tell you what we have on the table?”
“Sure. Except I can’t trust you.”
“Okay. That’s fair.” Kendall’s done with this and shakes his head, starting to turn away. “And what if I told you there’s a shape for this bear hug in which you end up where you want to be?”
Kendall furrows his brow and gives him an uncertain look.
“As in…”
Stewy tilts his head and savors the words he says.
He can feel Kendall’s surge of energy from the possibility those three syllables have.
“Yeah, well, that’s- that’s not real. If the market doesn’t think-“
Stewy shrugs casually.
“We’ll sell it. It’ll work.”
He looks at Stewy suspiciously but Stewy knows there’s no way he’s walking away now.
“Well, obviously that’s bullshit. That’s not what you said last month. I want to hear it from Sandy.”
Stewy rolls his eyes.
“Sandy!” He calls. He lowers his voice. “He’s not going to appreciate you interrupting his freak time, Ken.” Kendall doesn’t smile. Sandy walks over and shakes Kendall’s hand.
“Our new business partner,” Sandy greets him. That slightly phony smile never changes, Kendall thinks.
“Sandy, good to see you.”
“I see Stewy must have been filling you in. We all have our hands full tonight, so I’ll just get to the point. We’d like to have you in charge.” Stewy gives Kendall a look.
“Uh huh. And, uh, if I can ask, why this sudden decision?”
“Well,” Sandy smiles wider. “I think we all have at least one common goal here.”
He doesn’t need to say it for Kendall to realize that his father’s biggest rival would love nothing more than simply to make Logan fly off the handle. Kendall looks away for a second. Of course that’s why they want him to lead. It was supposed to make his dad proud to see him take over. He forces a smile and tries to focus on the memory of the morning last month when he walked in the office before everyone else as interim CEO. Just for a moment, he’d felt like he was right where he was supposed to be.
“Yes, we do have one thing in common.”
“Good, good. Glad that’s settled.”
“Sure, but you should know that I know this shit inside out. I’m not looking to be a figurehead.”
“No, no, of course not. And as a non-figurehead, you do understand, then, that there may or may not be a place for your brother.”
Kendall freezes for a moment.
“Well- right, but, uh, we’ll find him something.” Sandy raises his eyebrows and it’s not beyond Kendall that this is a test. “I mean- someone must need an assistant, right?” He fake-smiles and Sandy gives him a long look of assessment.
“Right. Or not, we’ll see. Nice to see you, Kendall. Enjoy the night.” Sandy gives a conspiratorial nod and heads back toward his group.
Stewy looks at Kendall and waits for him to say something. Kendall crosses his arms again.
“So, what, I’m supposed to be happy to be a pawn in Sandy’s fucking revenge plot against my dad?”
“Don’t think of it like that. Think of it like, I get fuckin’ rich, Sandy gets his revenge, and you get the title you want so much.” Stewy says it with just enough sarcasm not to sell it.
“I want the actual role, Stewy.”
“You’ll have it!”
Kendall searches his eyes to see if it’s true. Unreadable.
Stewy’s face softens for a moment.
"Come on, you and me, bro. Let’s do this. Finally.” He opens his arms.
Kendall’s half-reluctant as he gives in and lets Stewy give him a big hug. He stares across the room and wonders if he should have told him to fuck off again instead. Stewy’s relieved and pats Kendall’s back as he lets go. He checks his phone and smiles.
“Okay. Good. So we’re set. And I have to go, I’m in high demand tonight. But hey. We’re doing this.”
“Like we always planned!” Stewy calls as he points at Kendall and walks into the throng of people.
Kendall walks away from Stewy and sighs. He hates that he always forgives everyone so easily. He grimaces at the idea of Roman and Stewy plotting how to puppet-master him together. Are they high-fiving now? How does he know that they aren’t planning to oust him after using him to make the deal with Sandy? The whole ousting-Roman thing could have been fake, conceived by Roman himself. He can’t believe he let them back in like it was nothing and gets angry at himself for always doing that. This is why he gets stepped on, he thinks, it’s why Rava knew he’d stick around for three years. Everyone takes advantage. Roman voted against him, Stewy’s only supporting him for the potential payout, Rava knew he’d come back whenever she wanted. Even Dad is probably just waiting for him to come crawling back. It makes him want to throw something at the wall. He just wants to stop feeling like this and he looks around for something, anything, to get him out of his head.
But the minute he comes back to his senses, he wishes he hadn’t.
The drinks are everywhere. Lines on the table, smoke in the air, pills in every palm. He can’t look in any direction without seeing something he would have grabbed and ingested just a few years ago. Emotional crisis or not, he needs to hear her voice, needs her to tell him what he knows he should do.
Rava picks up on the first ring. She stayed awake just in case. She always has.
“Hey. You okay? How’s everything?” She’s trying not to sound stressed. She hates the loud music in the background. It reminds of her of past phone calls she’d rather not remember.
“Hey. Everything’s fine, I just, uh, this probably isn’t the best place for me.”
She puts her book down and sits up taller in bed. She knew the bachelor party was a bad idea.
“Okay. Yeah, Ken, you should walk out of there, okay? Even if no one comes with you.”
She’s leaning onto her hand with her eyes closed.
“Okay, are you walking out?”
Tom walks by with a tall blonde carrying drinks. Kendall’s eyes follow the ice cubes.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m walking out.”
She’s desperate to hear the music stop. Her entire life depends on hearing it stop.
“Okay, like, now? You’re leaving now?”
“Uh huh. I’m… yeah. I’m gonna leave. But I don’t know, I should talk to Sandy again maybe. Yeah? I kind of think he and Stewy might be planning-“
He looks at the bar and wonders if they have any non-alcoholic beer. Her heart is pounding.
“No. No, you shouldn’t talk to Sandy again, you can call him tomorrow. Just, you have to just walk out the door and everything will be fine. Are you walking?”
He’s standing.
He’s not answering.
“Hey. You’re actually really scaring me right now, what are you doing?”
He watches Tom laughing at Greg over a powder-covered table.
He wants to clean off the entire thing himself.
“I- nothing, I’m leaving. Yeah.” He turns away from it slowly. He’s so tired of being so tightly wound all the time. Tired of being taken advantage of. He just wants to erase it all.
“I fucking forgot what it looked like to relax,” he says to her. She might have a heart attack imagining what he’s looking at.
“That is not relaxing. That is hell.” She’s thinking of texting Roman to get him out of there and trying to keep her voice even. “Is Roman with you?”
“He’s somewhere… yeah. Following me around. He’s always like that. Can’t come up with anything himself, it’s like we’re fifteen.”
“Can you go to him?” She asks, the tension killing her.
“I don’t know.. yeah. Why, you think my kid brother needs to babysit me?” She doesn’t like the edge in his voice. “He can’t be trusted. This whole thing could be a test.”
“Come on, it’s not me. You called me to tell me you shouldn’t be there. You’re right. Come home. I’m here, the kids are here… Call the driver there and come home.”
He sighs and puts serious effort into focusing on the image of the kids on the couch in the family room and Rava in his sweater in their favorite armchair.
“Yeah. Okay. Yeah.” He tries to remember the coping skills he learned in rehab, but all he feels is a desperate need for every substance around him even as it’s all threatening to destroy his life. He pictures sitting on the floor alone in his old place, sees her tears in his mind, hears her broken voice telling him to go because she can’t do this anymore and neither can the kids. His worst memories combined with his worst fears. He closes his eyes and tries as hard as he possibly can to take steps toward the door. “I’m going.”
He looks at the exit sign and focuses all his energy on taking one step at a time toward it. He sends a text to the local driver as he gets closer. He’s almost starting to feel like he’s going to make it out when Roman runs up behind him.
“Uh- hold on, Roman’s here,” he says to Rava. Her nails are digging into her skin.
“Are you leaving?” Roman asks.
“Yeah. I can’t be here.”
“Good for you.. I mean, yeah, just wanted to make sure you’re all, like, good and shit.”
He pats his little brother on the back. At least he can tell this is real.
“Yeah. I’m good.”
“Okay, good, so… we’ll talk more about this deal, right? Because I kind of think Sandy might be forgetting about me-”
“Yeah.” Kendall turns to go. He just has to get out of here, he’ll deal with Roman later.
“Hey, who are you talking to?” Roman asks suspiciously.
“Are you really talking to Rava, or are you maybe talking to Nick the candy man?”
“You want to talk to her?” Kendall glares at him and hands the phone over. He’s not in the mood to argue and just wants to leave. Roman feels bad but he takes the phone anyway.
“Yes. Hi. Can you make sure he actually walks out the door?”
Roman tries to turn away from Kendall but he hears his reply anyway.
“Yeah, I will. Just wanted to make sure it was actually-“
“I know. I appreciate it.”
“Okay. I’m gonna give you back to that idiot you married. I still think you’re too good for him, by the way.”
Kendall grabs the phone out of his hand.
“Fuck off. I’m leaving.”
“Bye, asshole. Call me,” Roman says.
Kendall rolls his eyes as Roman turns to walk back into the party.
“Okay,” he says back into the phone. “I’m going.” He finally walks through the door and the frantic rhythm of the music finally fades along with the thumping of her heart.
“Oh, my god,” she whispers with a sigh. "Wow, I really want to see you right now,” she says softly.
“Me too.”
"I wish you were home. I’m already in bed… you must be so tired.”
He glances at his watch. 2:25 AM.
“Yeah, I’m kind of.. dying, actually. Wish I was already getting in bed with you.”
She wraps her arms around her pillow.
“Me too.”
He leans against the car door in exhaustion.
"I'll be there soon.”
“How many hours?” She asks. He smiles.
“One. I love you.”
“I love you so much.” She’s relieved and missing him like crazy. “I’ll see you soon.”
The call ends and she scoots down to tuck herself into bed. It seems too big and empty tonight. She closes her eyes and counts the minutes til she can fall asleep to the sound of him breathing next to her.
An hour later, she’s sleeping but restless. Even after all that time apart, she still finds that she doesn’t really get any good sleep when he isn’t there. The sound of the elevator door opening wakes her and she’s never been so pleased to hear it. She listens to his footsteps across the marble floor. He opens the door just a crack and slips into the dark room, looking at the bed to try to see if he woke her up and whether she’s actually going to be happy to see him.
“Hey,” she whispers. The relief at actually having him in the room after that phone call is coming in waves. “I’m so glad you’re home. Come here.” She wants him to feel good about calling for support. He should know there are no punishments for that.
He wonders if he smells like booze and smoke from the party as he shrugs his jacket off and pulls off his new sneakers and jeans, walking over to kiss her. She reaches up and tugs him down toward her.
“You, uh, don’t think I should wash the party off me first?”
“No, I don’t care,” she says softly as he leans over her. “Come here, I need you to be here.”
He feels the weight lifted off his shoulders as he lets her pull him into her arms and under the covers.
She cuddles up to him as she breathes him in and smiles.
“You smell like college,” she says. He chuckles as she pulls off his t-shirt and he pulls the blanket up.
“I told you,” he whispers.
The scent brings a memory right back.
“It smells like the time you left that huge party after your finals and you came over late at night because I was so stressed about my tests the next day. You gave me a massage and told me everything would be okay even though you had just been at Sig Chi’s end-of-the-year party.”
He blinks.
“You remember that?”
“Mmhmm, you came over just to be there.” She runs her fingers through his hair.
“Kind of thought I was the only one who thinks about that stuff,” he says. “It was such a long time ago.” She shakes her head.
“Not so long.” She revels in how warm he feels and how grateful she is that he’s okay after tonight. Her voice comes out just above a whisper. “You’re still the same, you know. You’ve always been so good.”
He’s almost overwhelmed. He’s so glad he came home. He smiles and looks down for a second.
“Those are some really nice words to say to a guy who just left a pretty disgusting bachelor party.”
“Yeah. You left,” she smiles, looking up at him in the dark. He gazes back at her.
“I had a pretty amazing reason to get home.”
She gives him a little kiss. She missed his romantic moments and wants him to say more cute things.
“I did leave,” he says, more to himself than to her, and she can’t remember the last time she saw him look this genuinely proud of himself. “I hope- I didn’t mean to scare you tonight.”
“No, you didn’t… I mean, a little, but I always want you to call.” She kisses him again and he keeps it going as he tries to think of anything to say that expresses how he feels hearing that even after all they’ve been through. There’s a moment of quiet.
“So,” she starts apprehensively. She takes a breath. “Look, after all of this,  I just don’t know that you should go back into Waystar.”
“What? I have to.” The answer is immediate.
“Do you?"
“What do you- I mean, this is what I’m doing. It’s- it’s CEO. This is what I’ve been waiting for.” He looks almost confused at her lack of reaction. “And… look, tonight was hard. I don’t have to tell you because you know, but like- If I don’t have this, I just-“ There’s a pause full of history and dread. “I need it.”
“Well, I do get that. I do. I know.” She wishes she could make it easy for him, that he didn’t have to struggle so hard just to stay afloat and be himself.
She knows she’s right about one thing. Waystar might be the thing to keep him on the right path, but Logan isn’t.
“Well, if you do this, really- you have to take out your dad. We both want you to stay in this good place.” He nods, but he’s getting tired of feeling like a project. “And Logan has proven he isn’t going to help with that. So, if you do this…” She takes another breath. “I can only get behind it if you honestly think this is going to work and he’s going to be out. Is this going to work?”
“Yeah. He’s going out. We’re winning this. It’s my time.” He tries to get though to her so she’ll feel the excitement he’s been feeling all week at the prospect of getting it all back somehow. He’s trying not to let it drop just because he feels like Sandy and Stewy are using him. “I mean, come on, this is- this is the plan. I-” He pauses and realizes she really might not be behind his life plan at all. “I want this.”
He tries to stay levitated and lifts his head, looking at her expectantly. She takes too long to exhale.
“Yeah. Okay. Good. If it’s going to work, then good. Sure,” she says. He looks so disappointed and breaks eye contact as he blinks down and lays his head back down slowly. It makes her sad to feel his positive energy dissolve. She’d almost forgotten how sensitive he is when he tells her about a big idea and she worries about the assumptions he’s probably making.
“Hey, I do believe in you.” She waits for him to look back at her but he keeps his eyes down. She tilts her head to look at him more closely and playfully jostles him. “Come back. I only want what’s going to make you happy.”
“Well, I’m doing this- this is the plan,” he tells her half-heartedly. He tries to focus on imagining everyone’s impressed faces when he’s killing it. “You, Stewy, Sandy, Roman, you’ll see when it works.”
“Ouch. I am not grouped with them!” She says as lightly as she can. He shrugs.
“I mean-“ he gestures at her. She used to joke about them being Waystar royalty someday. He remembers the time she put a paper crown on his head in his home office and called him “your highness” all afternoon. He’d laughed and shaken his head, but he hadn’t taken it off. He wants that back. He mentally adds getting her faith back to his to-do list.
“No- I know you can do this,” she assures him. “I do. As long as you can- handle it all, and it’s really what you want.”
“I can. And it is.” She takes it in for a second and silently sighs.
“Okay. Then I’m with you.”
He looks at her and she nods, holding his gaze for a moment so he’ll know she means it. And so she can look a little longer.
She brushes her hand over the stubble on his cheek and he feels a bit better.
“You know, this is sexy,” she says as she moves him down so she can feel it brushing her neck. He smiles a little into her skin.
“Yeah? You like the unemployed look?”
She laughs.
“Never working, that’s always been your problem.”
“Uh huh.”
“Hey, you know what you can do when you don’t have to go to work?”
He thinks.
“Honestly, no. What?”
“Spend the whole… day… in bed.”
“Mmm,” she feels him smile again and he pulls her closer against him.
“The kids have playdates tomorrow, and you might be glad to know I found that green thing, so…”
He pulls back just to look at her and she sees his eyes flash in the dark.
He’s so easy to rile up.
“Yeah. I’m not as boring as you think.” He chuckles.
“You could never be boring. It’s actually good you don’t wear stuff like that around the house or I’d never go to work. Or- uh, out. But to be clear, you’re definitely wearing it tomorrow, right?”
She gives him a flirty smile.
“Yes.” She puts her forehead on his and sees the little spark coming back into his eyes.
He moves back down to his usual sleeping spot and kisses her shoulder. She’s so glad he’s coming back to being himself this week. The energy has returned. He has a mission. She hopes he knows he has support.
“I missed you. I’m glad you’re back,” she says as she hugs him.
“Me too.”
Chapter 10 💗
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powerful-niya · 1 year
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~His Beautiful Flower
Art + Fic Collab/ @iamdslr/@saradesuchiha (Des ü) + @powerful-niya
Special thanks to Des ü for giving me this amazing opportunity to collab with her! She's amazing!! I'm so thankful! 😭😭
-I was given permission from her to upload this art piece!
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maiteo · 1 year
I’m way too shy to send this off anon but your energy is saur lovely and how you call all of us your beloveds like it’s just beautiful girl energy like 🫶🏾 I love seeing you on my dash !!!! roses for you that’s all 🥀🌹🥀
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jooyeone · 2 years
@ the rose anon 🌹
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afterglowsainz · 22 days
hi!💘could you do a lando x messi’s daughter smau , maybe the barcalona gp. but she’s besties with joao felix so she reluctant to speak to him because of the rumors of lando and magui(felix’s ex). sorry if it’s confusing🎀
barcelona | lando norris
summary: lando takes an interest in a special guest from the barcelona gp paddock but she has no interest in him
fc: steph bohrer
warning: lando is a simp in this, we love to see it!
a/n: this was perfect timing cause i’ve been wanting to write more about lando <333 also not a lot of messi content just cause i didn’t knew how to include everything and still make this short and sweet but i hope you enjoy it!
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liked by bffusername, carlossainz55 and others
ynmessi race weekend with bestie #1 and new bestie #2 🏎
tagged joaofelix79 and carlossainz55
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username omg i didn’t knew you liked f1!!
username yn in a gp is everything i didn’t knew i needed
username okay yn i see you being a tifosi
username so real girlie
username my two boyfriends with my girlfriend this is such a special day💞
joaofelix79 send me that pic i look good 😏
ynmessi don’t cringe me out joão
username yn in the ferrari garage makes sooo much sense
username right??? like i don’t know how to explain it but ferrari girls are also barcelona girls
bffusername never thought i see the day you’d be friends with a madridista🤨
ynmessi im letting that slide for now everyone has their flaws
carlossainz55 you’re the one with an issue if you’re supporting *that* club
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liked by landonorris, pablogavi and others
ynmessi life in barcelona💫
tagged joaofelix79, pedri and leomessi
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username girl 😮‍💨😮‍💨
bffusername ughhh why don’t we just kiss
ynmessi well if you insist ☺️
username never beating the biggest culer allegations
username awww the picture of messi and her brothers so cute 🥰
username well girl DAMN
leomessi te quiero hija❤️ (i love you daughter)
ynmessi te quiero mil💘 (i love you a thousand)
username you’re UNREAL
carlossainz55 is that… a red bull cap… ???
ynmessi nooo it was pedri i swear!! forza ferrari❤️❤️
landonorris 🤠
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liked by ynmessi, carlossainz55 and others
landonorris quick pit stop
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username sir aren’t you supposed to be in england in two days???
username now what the hell is he doing in barcelona
joaofelix79 👀
username VISCA EL BARÇA💙❤️
username lando culer confirmed
carlossainz55 is this your idea of a first date?
landonorris and she loved it sooo
ynmessi does this mean i turned you into a culer already? 🥰
carlossainz55 watch it
username well that definitely took a turn
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liked by landonorris, joaofelix79 and others
ynmessi back at it again in monzaaa🍝
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username oh yeah they’re definitely dating
username bestie what happened i thought we were tifosi
ynmessi still are! just with a bit more papaya now
username is this their dating confirmation orrrr
username my favorite wag fr
carlossainz55 i feel personally betrayed that you’re in mclaren’s garage at ferrrari’s home race 😐
landonorris cry me a river
mclaren beautiful in papaya🧡 (liked by ynmessi)
username yn back in the paddock WE WON
username praying that yn at the paddock becomes a regular thing🙇🏽‍♀️
landonorris my love you’re so beautiful😍
ynmessi 🥰🥰🥰
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fics-lovebot · 8 months
jujutsu kaisen recs
main masterlist
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs, luv you and thank you in advance❤️
gojo eating you out
gojo x dacryphilia
gojo loves fat pussy
sending gojo an accidental nude so he sends you a whole video
car sex with gojo
gojo being goofy in an elevator full of people - he´s big on PDA
gojo tried to give himself a haircut and now wants to go bald - this is fuNNY ksksks, I love the banter
trying to break up with yandere!gojo - yep, we´re talkin about lovesick toxic obsessed type of gojo, break up????? you know better than to tell him that sooo since you´re acting dUMB he has to fucc so sense into you bc clearly you forgot who tf ur talking to - LDKJSDFJDJFHLSHFLSHDF but he´s not rough bc he luvss you a lot
gojo is the pussy fairy - fwb, he´s your sneaky link when henessy makes you act up. he got a mf tongue piercing bYEE
insecure bully!gojo - angst, lil fluff, he´s a bully but he´s in love with that, but it´s not enough. part 2
the horniest - smut, ITS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD, he´s horny af, pussy drunk, obsessed, borderline crazy for that wap
phone calls - slice of life, hubby!gojo, dilf!gojo, his wife and his daughter are his only priority, this is so sdkfjskdjfh :´( i love it
cherished moments - clanleader!gojo, hubby!gojo who is a softy for his wife, #simp
family moments - fluff, slice of life, this is so wholesomeee, bf!gojo meeting your parents for the first time, i love it
someone older - smut, rich dilf!gojo, big age gap, big dicc too, talks big shit as well, "what do you do when your boyfriend cheats? you go to his house and fuck his dad" I MEAN- skdfhksdf
best of the best - smut, fwb! satoru, big sHIT talker omg, he lit asks you to be his gf wHILE he´s making you cum,,,,,best bf ever tho
love struck - fluffy, ex-fuckboy!satoru, he´s experiencing love for the first time :((((( IT´S SO CUTEEEEEEEEEE
love dumb - fluff, blurb, you make him lose his composure, can´t even focus bc you´re over there existing, someone should make a longer version of this! so good
too much - ANGSTTTYYYY, fluff too, reader and gojo are in a situationship kinda thing where they live together and love each other but nothing has been said yet, they get into an argument bc gojo has a big mouth and says a lot of hurtful things, they´re both just so exhausted
i know you still think about the times we had - angst, fluff, rich bf!gojo, his father makes you break up with him, it´s so angsty omg, they get into this HUGE argument bc gojo´s dad is a controlling mf
sanctuary - fluff, lowkey angst, weak!reader, bully!gojo, nah he´s just in love but doesn´t know how to say it
the road to falling in love - fluff, strangers to lovers, it´s a collection o moments where keeps falling harder for you, I LOVE ITTTTT, sdkfjhskdjf it´s kinda slow burn but not boring at all
loving you - fluffy af, "you’re the apple of his eyes; the love of his life. the only one who matters" ME N WHO???? pls this made my want to cry my heart out
yuji finds out gojo has a family - fluff, lowkey angst, hubby!gojo, dad!gojo, so,,, this made me cry, i love yuji sm he deserves the world :( this is part two and it also made me crY MY MF EYES OUT :))))))))
i´ll meet you forever in this memory - fluff, college au, married life au, it´s so good, he lit has this big ass plan to make you fall for him, and i mean big, like planned way ahead lmao, 10 years later he´s still asking you to go out with him,,,,even if you´re already married sdlfkjkdfhlsdjh so so cute
can´t stop drinking - ANGST, death, blood, dad!gojo, husband!gojo, mentions of wanting to die, a curse kills you and your son allegedly but in reality the elders had lied to him all these years, part 2 made me fucking cry, PLEASEEE I NEED PART 3
hype man - crack, fluff, supportive bf!gojo, he´s such an amazing bf :(, “damn, my girl ran you over with a bus, reversed, then got out and shot you twice in the foot? what did you do?? sounds like a you issue.” LMAOOOOO this is so cute and funny at the same time, i love it, such a gojo thing to say
flicker of flame - fluff, nervous soon to be dad!gojo, pregnant!reader, he´s going to be the best dad ever
when you break up and make up - nanami divorce au, angst
dorm room escapades - smut, dad´s bestfriend!nanami, age gap, GAWWDD DAMNNNN, daddy kink, this is some good stuff
you ask him to fuck you like a whore - its a short one but me likey
nanami drabbles - pwp, pls yall readdd part 2 and part 3
nanami is strong af - short blurb, smut, sdflksjd this got me giggling and shii
fifteen minutes - “Say that again. Louder. Can’t hear shit with the sound of my dick slapping into your cunt.” that´s all I have to say, your honor
protective - headcanon, hubby!kento, i love thissss
swear it´s just right for you - smut, fluff, hubby!nanami, I´m weaaaak, he´s so husband material
stressed after work - boyfriend! kento, a cute lil drabble bc he loves your mere presence
labour of love - fluff, vanilla smut, lowkey angst if you´ve been keeping up with the manga/anime, loving hubby!kento, SO DOMESTIC, love making, :(
losing his mind - smut, dom!reader, hubby!kento, sub!kento, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW, 10000/10, now this is new
his protégé - fluff, slice of life, fiancé!kento, dinner time with yuuji, it´s so wholesome :´)
my future is with you - fluff, unexpected angst, this is SICKKKKKKK, the last senteces is fucking sickening, and NOT in a good way, so fucking wrong for that, I litteraly wanna dIE
tie my tie, marry me - fluff, slice of life, "the moment nanami knew he never wanted to tie his tie by himself ever again and wanted to spend the rest of his life by your side" please just do yourself a favor and READ THIS
putting you in your place - smut, reader is gojo´s brat little sister, mean!nanami, BRAT TAMER!NANAMI, HEAVY degradation, “Maybe this was your fucking goal all along. To have me ruin you on my cock and fuck the attitude out of you.” CALL 911
edging - smut, pwp, fluff, this,,,,this is one the BEST nanami smuts out there, i just know the description of the whole thing is 100% accurate, the details, the way this is written, the visuaLSsss ldskjfhjsalfh go read it pls
married man - fluff, work au, HE IS A PROUD HUSBAND OK, the man was just waiting for somebody to say sOMETHING sljsdhfl now he can´t stop bragging about his perfect wife
toji x size kink
toji x pussy spanking ´till you´re squirting - the title says it all,,, he´s MEAN
toji doing push ups with you on his back - you´re basically a rag doll,,,bc wdym he puts you in a fULL NELSON??
toji gets embarrased - the man WHIMPERED bc the riding was gewdd so reader kinda teases him for it, how dare she right? so now he has to make her pAY bc he aint no bitch
silk sheets n sticky cum - toji can´t control himself when he sees you in a nightgown so he uses you as a cum dump,,, in a very romantic way flsjdflkssldfjlsdfh, breeding kink
toji x overstimulation - fINALLY he got what he deserved, reader got him WHIMPERING, body shaking eyes rolling to the back of his head and everythangggg, I'm here for it.
take it lil princess - toji got me fucked up, straight up size kink like FRRRR he wants to break, bend and basically snap you in half (i´ll let him tbh), daddy kink, he got a big dicc as aLWAYS, the degRADING DIRTY TALKKK???? yes. he talks and talks and tALKS. there´s a lot going on yall
mine - toji mixed with monster!porn,,, nothing else to say- HE´S A WEREWOLfff, mean asf, breeding kink, daddy kink, size kink, it´s nasty
jealous daddy - slice of life, dilf!toji, megumi is a baby, toji and megumi create a plan to keep you away from megumi´s kindergarden teacher lmaooo, its so cute
nyphomaniac - smut, nypho!reader, dom!toji, THERE´S A WHOLE LOTTA STUFF GOING ON HEREE, just read it omg
family man - fluff, soft dad!toji, baby megumi, husband!toji, he´s a softie for his son and his wife ;(
unprecedented reveal - smut, fluff, mma!toji, journalist!reader, lowkey angst, "photo leaks of toji going down on you in public is suddenly exposed for everyone to know about the infamous fighters girlfriend" wELL dssdfh that´ll do it
will always be yours - smut, fluff, so basically toji only does rough sex, doggy style being his fav, but when it comes to you he prefers the loving-face to face-intense eye contanct type of sex (more like love making) bc being with you makes him feel ten different emotions at once :) DÑFLJSLDFJ
unspoken memories - fluff, lowkey angst, dad!toji, baby!megumi, married life, my heart is so full after reading this, it´s so domestic, so adorable, such a happy read
make a mess on his face - smut, toji is a messy pussy eater, that´s it, that´s the tweet
gimme, gimme more - rich!geto x stripper!reader, lots of plot and build up, he is misteriousssss and fucking filthy and so cuTE??????? wtf, the wating game is real, he knows how to play his cards very well, LAWDD HAVE MERCY i would have folded too
gripping the headboard with one hand - smut, “what a slut.” hELP
protective hubby - teacher!suguru, pregnant wife oc, it´s cutee
focus - suggestive, flirty!geto, tutor!geto, “you’re doing so good for me… keep going.” I HATE ITTTTTTTT, i would fold like a mf lawn chair bitch OOF
dress shopping - very suggestive, WHY IS HE SO SMOOTH WITH IT ALL THE TIME??? got me blushing and sweating and shit
phoque - crack, teacher!suguru, twin girls dad!suguru, he accidentally curses in front of his daughters and now he´s gotta make up some bullshit story to save his ass, SLFHSLDKJHSLDH this is funny
picture perfect - smut, photographer choso, he´s lowkey a perv, jacks off to oc´s pictures
suckig souls - smut, succubus oc, somnophilia, sub! choso, lil dacryphilia, love love love love it
meanie - smut, mean!choso, “Why you actin’ like some dick-starved whore? I fucked you good this morning" THE WAY I SCREAMEDDDDDDDD “Is that what you needed, princess? Some good dick?" STOOOOOOOOOPPPP
your pleasure - smut, squirting, choso discovers the magic of eating pussy :))))) aND he´s a fucking natural too like ???? gTFO
it´s too much - smut, dom!reader, inexperienced!choso and sub!chose fics are like crack to me, i´m obsessed, this is so detailed, he is eager to please sdlfjls and wants to try it all at once
fingers in his hair - smut, chose loves having his hair pulled when he´s eating pussy,,,,,,,CALL A MF AMBULANCE a bitch just died
cherry blossoms - smut, virgin!choso, phone sex, it´s his first orgasm yall, not yuji talking about a "sloppy toppy" LSJFHLSJDFHLFDH he´s so outta pocket
vivid fantasies - smut, sukuna wants to bone you and he makes it yuji’s problem sakfhkshfksfd poor yuji
poly / multiple versions
gojo and geto are rich besties and they coax you into a poly relationship - smut
you slap their ass - reaction. gojo, geto, sukuna, nanami, choso, toji, megumi, itadori, yuta
too much for them to handle - toji and gojo version. it´s a LOT going here as well. gojo is a whole swiTCH. toji is a bully in the sheets so you know he´s all abou that degrading teasing dirty talk, we love it
slut him out - gojo, geto, nanami and toji version. y'know what,,,idek what to say about thi- IT´S NASTY FILTHY JUST PORN, reader is a whOre (not my words), read at your own risk bc i was SHOOk
how jjk men like it - smut, the gojo and toji one,,, i HATe it hereee
bimbo bunny - smut, choso, toji and nanami version, the vISUALs I GOT FROM THE NANAMI ONE LAWDDDD
birthday boy - smut, birthday sex, dacryphilia, i just KNOWWWW this is geto
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maplesyrupsainz · 4 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙ like a feather 🪶 | CL16 ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: charles leclerc x singer!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: none just fluff as per
summary: in which you're his celebrity crush and he eventually becomes yours too
a/n: me doing research to write this fic 🤓 (watching the feather mv)
request!!!: Hi, how are you? sooo i was thinking maybe a smau where Charles is dating a singer and he's playing the guy who Milo was (in Sabrina Carpenter's Feather music video) and this breaks the internet and this leads to them dating ??? idk, just like a really wholesome one where she was his celebrity crush like Taylor and Travis's relationship. Sabrina Carpenter as a face claim if this okay and thank you.
fc: sabrina carpenter
my masterlist
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liked by charles_leclerc, dualipa, and 1,023,821 others
yourusername virtual postcards 💋
view all 22,293 comments
gracieabrams wow wow wow
yourusername blushingg
user1 omg mother
user2 ilysm
user3 she is so insane
yourbff wow i love u
yourusername i love u more
user4 im in love
dualipa beautiful as always 💋
liked by yourusername
user5 anyone else peep charles leclerc in the likes?? anyone? just me
user6 is y/n his next victim
user7 i would never allow it
interview ->
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messages ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by yourbff, maxverstappen1, and 991,284 others
user12 urm yn??
user13 what does this mean
user14 Y/N???
yourbff ur gonna send ppl crazy with this
yourusername hehehehe
interview ->
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liked by taylorswift, charles_leclerc, and 1,827,023 others
yourusername the feather music video is urs now !!! <333 tysm for all the love on this track & to everyone who helped out with the making of the mv, u might notice a certain someone starring!!!! thank u to our mr ferrari , charles leclerc🙏🪶❤️
view all 31,294 comments
charles_leclerc thanks so much for having me, y/n! it was so much fun
yourusername tysm for being soo cooperative it was the most fun ever!!!! sorry if it was too crazy
charles_leclerc never too crazy
user20 omg 🥲🥲🥲
user21 OH MY GOD
user22 omg they are so hot
user24 this mv is my new roman empire
user25 they srsly need to date
yourbff wow congrats gorgeous girl !!
liked by yourusername
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messages ->
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charles_leclerc posted a story
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liked by yourbff, carlossainz55, and 398,183 others
user33 CHARLES????!!!!!! AND Y/N?
user34 hard launch or friends
maxverstappen1 wow wait a minute
pierregasly hello?
user35 they're dating i know it
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, and 809,841 others
charles_leclerc ✈️
view all 27,283 comments
user37 omg...
user38 ok. im speechless
user39 this looks a lot like a hard launch
alex_albon go off
liked by yourusername
gracieabrams love love loveee
charles_leclerc ❤️
yourbff omg
liked by charles_leclerc
user40 HARD LAUNCH??!
user41 omg we've come so far
user42 "she doesnt know who i am" 😭😭😭
francisca.cgomes omg please introduce me
liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 1,087,918 others
yourusername well, sure and well, my cat loves him
view all 33,293 comments
maxverstappen1 this has been amazing to watch, so thank you y/n
charles_leclerc i hate you
yourusername hahahah
yourbff i just knew this would happen
pierregasly you're not the only one
user51 everything about this is amazing
user52 most iconic crossover ever
user53 the 2024 season in the ferrari garage is going to go OFF with y/n there
liked by charles_leclerc
user54 fast times? no, fast cars
user55 charles piano feature on a y/n track when
yourusername 👀
user56 OMG
charles_leclerc i feel so lucky
yourusername you're my celebrity crush 🫶
user57 omg
user58 i screamed
2K notes · View notes
writingstoraes · 5 months
off cam 🎥
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!actress!reader
type: instagram imagine, social media au
notes: decided to use sydney sweeney as the faceclaim as well as her new movie w glen powell! (makes my job easier the pics and clips are literally everywhere)
summary: your new rom-com is gaining traction and fans can't help but notice your insane chemistry with your co-star. luckily, charles does not mind.
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, kendalljenner, and 794,294 others
yourusername The making of this movie has entirely been overwhelmingly euphoric for me. It is with great pleasure to say that Anyone But You is now out in theaters 🖤 All this would not be possible without my amazing co-star glenpowell, writers, producers, fellow actors, and everyone who helped make this script a reality.
Go get your tickets! 😘
charles_leclerc Proud of you beyond words, my world star ❤️
ynfilms everyone stand back her real man is here
jacobelordi Loved the movie!
taylorswift Had the best time recording the soundtrack 🙌
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liked by pierregasly, yourusername, scuderiaferrari, and 1,239,393 others
charles_leclerc Truly in awe of how amazing you are. Never going to love anyone else as much as I love you. Excited to see you conquer the world when you do ❤️
Anyone But You out now in theaters!
tagged: yourusername
carlossainz55 Lol you saw the tweets and ran to Instagram
yourusername I was literally beside him while he was tweeting smh monacokingz i live for this banter i really do
pierregasly Threatened now, are we? 🤔
charles_leclerc Please go log off
danielricciardo Oh Silvia is going to have a field day I just know
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liked by glenpowell, filmlovers, popbase, and 1,204,583 others
yourusername Seems I have thanked everyone except for the person I am most thankful for. Charles has spent so many days on set with me - waiting till we finish filming, bringing nearly hundreds of cups of coffee for everyone working, and reading lines with me. He was just as ecstatic about this project as I am and he has been insanely supportive 🤍
Don't have eyes for anyone but you, charles_leclerc ;)
PS. He really doesn't mind all of the tweets, he's laughing beside me right now.
charles_leclerc Why are you ratting me out I wanted them to believe I was mad
yourusername Sorry, should I delete this? charles_leclerc No way you basically declared your undying love for me
arthurleclerc Loved the movie, Y/N! 🙌
notes: this took longer than i expected lol i hope you guys liked it! thank you so much for reading <3
tagging: @slytherheign, @honethatty12, @siovhanroy, @fdl305, @iloveyou3000morgan, @cxcewg, @sassyheroneckgiant, @ang3licho3, @pitlanebabe, @riverdalexvixens, @msliz, @boherahpsody @storminacloud @leclercdream (if anyone else wants to be a part of my taglist or if i forgot anyone that asked to be tagged, pls lmk by replying or sending me a message hehe)
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cutielando · 2 months
hey angel ~ charles leclerc
instagram au
synopsis: after many years together, it is time for the leclerc family to get bigger, and you wouldn't dream of not letting your fans see the beautiful journey of parenthood you were embarking on.
my masterlist
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liked by yoursister, leclerc_pascale and 15,492,731 others
charles_leclerc & y/n.leclerc baby leclerc coming soon ❤️
view all 4,284,175 comments
leclerc_pascale congratulations, my children !!! ❤️ i am so proud of the two of you and the family you're growing together !!
y/n.leclerc je t'aime, maman !!! thank you for everything ! ❤️❤️
charles_leclerc ❤️
arthur_leclerc congrats brother 🙏🏼
charles_leclerc thank you bro 🙏🏼
y/n.leclerc thank you, uncle 'thur 🥹🥹🥹
landonorris can't believe you guys are going to be parents
y/n.leclerc we can't either
charles_leclerc very kind words mate, thanks
carlossainz55 congratulations, my friend! very happy to have an addition to the Ferrari team ❤️
charles_leclerc thank you brother❤️ we're going to put him or her in a kart as soon as possible
y/n.leclerc we haven't discussed this, mr. leclerc
carlossainz55 you better tread lightly, pregnancy hormones are no joke
y/n.leclerc carlos, watch your back
charles_leclerc oh God...
yourmother i am so happy for the two of you, sweetie!!! this baby is already so loved❤️❤️
y/n.leclerc we love you, mom ❤️
charles_leclerc sending you lots of love, mrs. y/l/n❤️
yoursister AHHHHHHH I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU❤️❤️❤️❤️
y/n.leclerc i love you !!!!! ❤️❤️
joris_trouche congrats, didn't think you had it in you brother
charles_leclerc ...
y/n.leclerc don't make fun of my husband, joris.
joris_trouche i apologize, mrs. leclerc
charles_leclerc you're in the doghouse now, mate. good luck getting out of there
y/n.leclerc you want to join him?
charles_leclerc no ma'am, my love
user2 mini y/n or mini charles 😭😭😭
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes and 3,294,127 others
y/n.leclerc being your mama is my proudest accomplishment ❤️ tagged: charles_leclerc
view all 719,427 comments
charles_leclerc watching you grow our baby has me convinced that you are a superwoman. i love you, and our baby is the luckiest in the world to have you as their mother ❤️
y/n.leclerc baby, you are going to make me cry😭😭😭😭
y/n.leclerc i love you so much and i'm so grateful to have you by my side through this journey ❤️❤️❤️
leclerc_pascale you are glowing, my dear ❤️
y/n.leclerc merci maman ❤️ i'm lucky i don't look as tired as i feel
leclerc_pascale i take it charles is taking good care of you?
charles_leclerc maman, of course i am
y/n.leclerc he takes amazing care of me ❤️ even through my mood swings
carlossainz55 you look amazing, y/n. you are glowing
charles_leclerc back off, sainz
y/n.leclerc charlie, play nice. thank you carlos ❤️
francisca.cgomes you are glowing !!! sooo beautiful
y/n.leclerc thank you so much honey !!
scuderiaferrari we cannot wait for the little one to become part of the team! ❤️
charles_leclerc i can't wait either ❤️
y/n.leclerc slow your roll
carmenmmundt ❤️❤️❤️ we're so excited!!
y/n.leclerc ❤️❤️ we miss you guys
y/n.leclerc added to their story
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seen by 718,174
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liked by sharleclerc, yourbff and 31,583 others
formula1wags Y/N Leclerc spotted in the paddock today! The wife of Charles Leclerc was glowing with her baby bump in the center of the Ferrari garage's attention, Charles dotting on her the entire time before he had to get into the car. We have spoken to Y/N and at the question about the baby's gender, she didn't comment on it but smiled and winked in return. What do you guys think the gender of their baby is going to be? 🩷💙
view all 9,284 comments
sharleclerc it's for sure going to be a boy, just look at the leclerc family 🩵
user1 i'm really hoping it's a girl, imagine charles being a girl dad 😩😩😩
user2 he's so girl dad coded, it's not even funny😭
user3 imagine a son that will follow in his father's footsteps 😭😭😭
yourbff 🤭
sharleclerc DO YOU KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T???? 🤯🤯🤯🤯
user1 spill the tea sister, we need it 😤😤😤
yourbff my lips are sealed 🤐
user2 they all love playing with us ☹️
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liked by charles_leclerc, carmenmmundt and 11,382,579 others
y/n.leclerc i am officially a girl mom 💗🩷 tagged: charles_leclerc
view all 4,285,173 comments
charles_leclerc so excited ❤️ thank you for giving me this gift, my love. you are a supermama already and i can't wait to officially begin this journey with you when our little princess joins us🩷
y/n.leclerc je t'aime 🥹🩷🩷
y/n.leclerc you just made me cry, charlie 😭😭
charles_leclerc don’t cry my love☹️❤️
arthur_leclerc i’m going to spoil her rotten
y/n.leclerc art, we talked about this
charles_leclerc listen to the mama, arthur
arthur_leclerc ☹️ you’re ruining my fun uncle duties
y/n.leclerc there are other duties you have to perform except for spoiling our child
leclerc_pascale 🩷🩷🩷thank you for giving me a niece, ma belle fille 🩷
y/n.leclerc we love you, maman 🩷
lilymhe i’m so happy for you, mama!!!!🩷🩷 can’t wait to meet the little bean 😭🩷
y/n.leclerc 🩷🩷
charles_leclerc she’s crying because of the comment
y/n.leclerc how can i not 😭😭
user2 i’m so happy for them 🩷🩷
user3 watching them grow together has been the greatest journey i have ever witnessed
user4 just a couple of years ago they were announcing their relationship online and now they’re announcing the gender of their baby, i’m not okay 😩😩🥹😭
francisca.cgomes she’s already so loved 🩷🩷
y/n.leclerc we love you, auntie kika 🥹🩷
pierregasly you made kika cry
charles_leclerc it’s contagious
carla_brocker ahhhh i knew it !!!! 🩷🩷🩷 already buying her all the baby clothes
y/n.leclerc sweetie🥹🥹🩷
arthur_leclerc why is she allowed to spoil her and i’m not?
y/n.leclerc you wouldn’t understand
carla_brocker it’s a girl thing, arthur
arthur_leclerc 😐???
carlossainz55 congratulations, my dear friends❤️ liked by y/n.leclerc and charles_leclerc
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liked by scuderiaferrari, leclerc_pascale and 28,156,048 others
y/n.leclerc & charles_leclerc camille jules leclerc🩷
view all 11,482,597 comments
leclerc_pascale congratulations, my beautiful children!! i am so proud of you and i can't wait to meet her 🩷🩷
charles_leclerc thank you maman 🩷
scuderiaferrari welcome to the team, camille!❤️ liked by charles_leclerc and y/n.leclerc
landonorris congrats, guys. hope you got my gift
y/n.leclerc thank you lando. yes, we got the gift. no, she won't be wearing papaya onesies
landonorris :(
carlossainz55 she is beautiful, good job y/n ❤️
y/n.leclerc thank you, carlos ❤️
charles_leclerc what about me?
y/n.leclerc no uterus, no say
charles_leclerc yes ma'am
user2 i'm sobbing 😭😭 they are so precious
user3 congrats guys !!!!! we cannot wait to meet the little cutie
user4 😭😭😭😭😭JULES😭😭😭😭😭
francisca.cgomes AHHHHHHH MY GIRL🥰🥰🥰🥰
y/n.leclerc she cannot wait to meet her auntie kika 🥰
pierregasly you made her cry again
y/n.leclerc sorry not sorry
francisca.cgomes HOW CAN I NOT????
charles_leclerc Y/N, I have never loved you more than I do in these moments. Seeing you grow our baby girl over the past few months has been a blessing, and seeing you heroically through the labor and birth of Camille has made me realize just how lucky I am to call you my wife and the mother of my child. I love you more than words can describe and I cannot wait for our future with our daughter 🥰
y/n.leclerc baby 🥺🥺🥺
y/n.leclerc i love you so much, i couldn't have done it without you by my side
user5 Charles' comment >>>>>>>>>>>>>
user6 if my husband isn't like this, i don't want him
user5 for real
lilymhe congratulations, love !!!! ❤️❤️❤️ i cannot wait to see her!!
y/n.leclerc ❤️❤️❤️
carmenmmundt good job, mama!!! ❤️❤️❤️
y/n.leclerc thank you love ❤️❤️
carla_brocker she is the perfect little squish, congrats you guys ❤️
y/n.leclerc thank you, sweetie ❤️
arthur_leclerc can i spoil her now?
y/n.leclerc 🙄yes
user8 i cannot wait to see her in the paddock
user7 just imagine Charles with his little daughter all dressed up in red 🥺🥺🥺
charles_leclerc we're bringing her as soon as possible
user8 YES 😭😭
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much appreciated!!
Tag list: @outerudeth @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @dardouni @saturnssunflower @moony-artemis @blissfulsunsetstuff @samantha-chicago @nikfigueiredo @therealcap @iloveyou3000morgan @daemyratwst @rqlstefanny @bwormie @hangmandruigandmav @kagome45 @enidsinclairaddamsthesecond @tallrock35 @sesamepancakes @boywondrgrayson @evlkking @evie-119 @ijustwanttoreadlols @cixrosie @poppyflower-22 @hiireadstuff @ellouisa17 @paintedbypoetry @hellowgoodbye @lpab @xlinxdax0704 @decafmickey @teti-menchon0604 @ctrlyomomma @sya-skies @likedbygaslyy @booksandflowrs @acidburnsthings @dhanihamidi @mynameisangeloflife @5starl1ght @teamnovalak @ferrarisfailedstrats @basicuniter @jxnellat
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vagabond-umlaut · 8 months
l'heure bleue
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Ferocious, fearsome, infallible. The King Of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna, has never fought a war he hasn't won.
But, does that mean he'll taste success in this battle of beliefs, raging against no one but his Queen, as well?
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▸ trueform!sukuna x wife!reader; sooo much of tooth-rotting! domestic fluff between sukuna & reader; sukuna is so exhausted, still so fond of his dear wife; said wife is not too soft towards her husband [she has valid reasons, dw]; talks on death; indirect talk on periods & pregnancy; 0% ANGST IN THIS– ONLY FLUFFY HUMOR; spoiler alert— would-be-dad!sukuna x would-be-mom!reader
▸ belongs to the series 'mine? yes, mine.' but you can treat this as a stand-alone fic if you wanna!
▸ i don't own the characters, the image or the divider used. please don't plagiarize or translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
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"I'm dying. Very soon."
While not the deep kiss you've always welcomed him with, into your chambers, every night of your married life— Sukuna reckons, he will take this many many times over the tense hush you've been offering him these days.
Shrugging his heavy cloak off his shoulders, the King of Curses walks over to where you're on the bed and frowns, fingers moving to thread through your unkempt hair, then run down the side of your face. Your eyes flutter close for a beat– undoubtedly, from the gentle caress, he surmises– before they grow wide open, blinking with tears of fear.
Rubbing the pad of his thumb over your wobbling lower lip, your lover sighs, knowing full well where this conversation might be going– still, as always, he decides to humor your concerns with an ask of his own.
"Did my Queen visit the royal physician, along with Uraume today?"
"No," you shake your head meekly, "I did not visit the physician. I was resting in our room the entire day."
"If you weren't feeling well, you could have asked her to visit you here, right?" your husband queries, sitting down beside you and pulling you into his lap. Snuggling into him with a soft hum, you send a miserable look his way— eliciting something eerily similar to the emotions, your husband knows, no curse like him should ever be able to feel.
Yet here he is, feeling every one of those, with his wife in his grasp.
You shake your head a second time; however, with greater force than before. "No. I knew I would be dying soon but I did not want to hear it from her. I wanted you to tell me that awful news, my king. I love you, I wanted you to say it. To confirm it."
You love him, so he must confirm your imminent death!?!?— Stunned by your odd words of reasoning, Sukuna gapes at you, dumbfounded; before he shakes himself free of the shock, discerning you to be three words, or even less, away from dissolving into your pathetic wails.
He smooths the top of your head with a palm, whilst another palm of his squeezes your hip, hoping the action will bring you some comfort. You place a small palm over the latter, voice growing shaky when you say, "Won't you confirm the terrible news, my lord?"
"No," Sukuna's quick to deny you in an instant, "Because I firmly don't believe you're anywhere close to dying. You're as healthy as a horse— or whatever idiotic creature, you humans use in your idiotic idioms."
A facsimile of a smile threatens to erupt onto your lips— it is vanished before the next second— with you crumbling into a mess of tears and snot, face pressed into his chest, whilst your fingers dig into his back.
Sukuna stifles a weary sigh, before wrapping his arms gingerly round your midsection, taking extra care not to jostle you or anything. "You aren't dying anytime soon, my Queen," he struggles to coo, but ends up grumbling, "I won't let you ever leave my side– you stupid woman. You're stuck with me forever– don't I always tell you that, my Queen?"
"You do, Sukuna," you mumble, with a weak nod of your head, "But I do feel so close to dying every moment of the day— so weak and so dizzy and so nauseous– even you've become so careful with me, my king!" you exclaim, red-rimmed swollen eyes glaring accusingly into every ruby eye of his.
Filling him with an addicting thrilling delight he has never felt before.
"You've always been so rough with me— Now, when you're being so gentle with me, out of nowhere, tell me: must the implication of you thinking me to be fragile, along with those awful symptoms– not be worrisome? Must I not think, you consider me to be near my death– hence, this newfound wariness? Hence, you, and even Uraume, who has always been so free to speak their mind before me– the both of you walking on stupid fucking eggshells around me– tell me, 'Kuna!"
A silence punctuates your outburst, filled only by the sounds of your noisy breathing– the latter replacing the sounds of your crying.— An odd yet not unpleasant, emotion taking over the shape of his mouth and curving it upwards, Sukuna drags a finger down your backbone, relishing in the way you shiver, then relax with a sigh under his touch.
Letting your temper to ebb away for another good minute, your lover inquires, keeping his tone void of anything except curiosity, "When is the last time you used your pain-relieving bath salts, pet?"
Your eyes blinking slowly, Sukuna watches them travel to the cabinet where you keep them stored in stacks, before returning to him, quite puzzled. And fatigued.
Adorably small yawns escaping, you murmur.
"I only use them when it's that time of month, which was..." Your eyes flutter open and close, painfully slowly, yet again— before they widen, becoming not unlike the full moon in the sky tonight.
You gasp, shaky fingers poking your belly before reaching a rest on it.
Covering them with his much larger ones, your lover hums, "Happy?"
"Not at all," you shake your head, reaching your other hand to trail the many tattoos on your husband's face, before stopping at the apple of his cheek.
Sukuna swears time ceases to exist in the momentary pause you take— restored only by the blinding beam you offer next, followed by your sweet voice uttering those words, he knows he'll remember for all the millennia he will live.
"I'm very, very happy— you dummy prehistoric curse."
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sweeterlovers · 2 months
daniel ricciardo x influencer reader / SMAU FIC
FACE CLAIM / jazmyn makenna
WARNINGS / suggestive comments/banter
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liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1, and 230,467 others
yourusername went to daniel’s 2nd homeland (texas)
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user8 she makes texas look so aesthetic
user01 it’s the YN effect
user09 her cowgirl boots are so adorable wth
danielricciardo hey cowgirl 🤠
yourusername hey cowboy 😏
danielricciardo ;)))))
user234 🏟️🏟️🏟️
user2 isn’t the austin gp in like a week? or am i crazy??
user766 last time i checked it was next monday soo idk
yourusername me and daniel decided to go a little earlier and spend some time around texas. we even rented out a little cabin and everything soo im excited 😊
user2 OHHHH! that makes a lot more sense, have fun :)
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, and 465,086 others
danielricciardo me and my cowgirl ❤️
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user20 “MY COWGIRL” i’m crying 😭
user20 me and you both
user5 they match each others vibes
user13 one of my favorite couples on the grid
yourusername you know what they say?
danielricciardo what?
yourusername save a horse ride a cowboy……
danielricciardo is that so?
yourusername mhmm
danielricciardo do you want to test that out?
yourusername 🙈
user566 they went to texas and know they are all over each other in the comments
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liked by danielricciardo, yourbestfriend, 304,672 others
yourusername me and my cowboy went out to a bar last night and pretended to be southern 👍 so if you think you saw us you didn’t
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user572 that dress thooooo
user0083 it fits her perfectly 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
user0872 she is soo scrumptious
danielricciardo roar 🦁 🦁
yourusername roar roar roar ki ki 🤲
maxverstappen1 she sounds hungover
danielricciardo she is :)
yourusername hello max, do you have a crush on charles?
maxverstappen1 i’m leaving
user076 i need more of hungover YN
user34 i would be a furry for her ngl
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[ twitter is right, how on earth did i pull this goddess? ]
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ynismygf really tho?
motheryn that’s what we are all wondering
yourusername pleasee how did i pull you?
danielricciardo don’t even….you are the most gorgeous woman i have ever met + half of F1 twitter thinks your “mother” what ever that means?
yourusername i am in fact mother 💋
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liked by danielricciardo, yourbestfriend, and 560,789 others
yourusername guess who took these photos? 💋💋
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user0966 mommy.
user086 let me guess..daniel!
danielricciardo yeah i’m basically her photography now :)
yourusername don’t worry i’m not forcing him…..photo credits to dani 🤠
user54 🤍
user037 he could be a photographer honestly
yourusername you should check his jpg account :)
danielricciardo thanks for the promotion baby
yourusername anytime 👏
user05 she is sooo fineee
yourbestfriend GORGEOUS GIRL
yourusername uno reverse 🔄
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liked by yourusername, yourbestfriend, and 245,783 others
daniel3.jpg since i’m YN’s photographer, i thought i would post some photos from her many many shopping sprees that couldn’t make it on instagram 🤍 @ yourusername
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user80 they are so cute
yourbestfriend MOTHER IS MOTHERING ‼️‼️
daniel3.jpg soo i hate to interrupt this moment but she is my girlfriend 🙏
yourbestfriend is she though? is she?
daniel3.jpg i’d like to think so
user50 daniel is a tad confused
user085 if YN was my girlfriend i would fight over he 24/7
user6 that’s so true tho
4/10/24 - send in requests!!!! xoxo sweeterlovers
661 notes · View notes
lewisvinga · 2 months
hint hint | fernando alonso x fem! reader
summary; in which fernando and his wife, y/n, try to hint at their pregnancy
fc; adriana lima
warnings: ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minkyungseokie @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03
note; requested !
masterlist !
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liked by fernandoalo_official, yourbestfriend, and others !
yourusername: looks like we’ll ( more like i’ll ) be enjoying almave for the next few months ! thank you so much lewis 🫶
tagged; almave, yourbestfriend
fernandoalo_official: hermosa 😍😍😍 [beautiful]
yourusername: ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
lewishamilton: will be sure to be sending you almave every month 😉
yourusername: oh PLEASE we love it really!
username: y/n is gorgeous 😖
username: i need to try almave omgggg
yourbestfriend: i prefer the real thing 😋
yourusername: we all know you do !
username: queen
username: y/n and y/b/f the best models itw 😍
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
yourusername uploaded to their story !
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[caption 1; my nephew loves him😍❤️] [caption 2; my beautiful niece, she does make great practice ! 🥰]
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liked by yourusername, lance_stroll, and others !
fernandoalo_official: last few months of just the two of us 🥰
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: mi amorrrr [my love] 🥰 i love youuuuu
fernandoalo_official: te quiero, mi reina😍 [i love you, my queen]
username: fernando calling y/n mi reina is my roman empire 😖😖
username: why do they keep talking abt ‘next few months’ ‘few months’ WHAT DOES IT MEANNN
username: call me crazy but i think she’s pregnant
username: OMG I AGREE username
username: oomf ur crazy username
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by fernandoalo_official, lance_stroll, and others !
yourusername: see you in just a few months, mi hija [my daughter] 💞 papá and i love you very much🫶
tagged; fernandoalo_official
fernandoalo_official: mis amores, los quiero mucho❤️ [my loves, i love you so much]
yourusername: we love you sooo much💞💞
username: she’s gonna be THE birkin omg
yourbestfriend: will never forget the day you called me in a panic and told me u thought u were pregnant 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
yourusername: i think you cried more than me!!
lance_stroll: congratulations you two! 💚( it was very hard to keep this in )
yourusername: thank you, lance!💝 ( believe me, it was tough for me too )
username: oomf was right LMAO
username: they’re so🥹
850 notes · View notes
holllandtrash · 11 months
in you, i trust | mick schumacher social media au
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
after the it couple of formula 1 go months without any interactions, the fans start to speculate what's going on. there's no way mick and you are over...right?
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liked by jemmaf1, formula1wags and 23,403 others
tagged: dbook & yourusername
wagupdatesf1 (ex?)Girlfriend of Mercedes Reserve Driver, Mick Schumacher seen with a man during her Cabo trip - pictures taken 14 hours apart
view all 315 comments
orangelando "with a man" YOU MEAN DEVIN BOOKER
44hamilton how does she go from f1 driver and certified lover boy mick to a phoenix suns basketball player HOW DO THEY EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER
mickisbabyboy so does this mean her and mick are over...? 🥺
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michschumacher added to their story
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liked by riabish, lissiemackintosh and 54,203 others
yourusername i'm doing better than i ever was
view all 59 comments
schumyys only here to see if mick commented
boxboxpls remember when mick used to comment 500 heart eye emojis i miss those days
sebbymick am i reading into the caption too much or is this her fr announcing she's single
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liked by mickschumacher, mercedesamgf1 and 580,024 others
f1 Mick Schumacher is going to drive father Michael's @mercedesamgf1 W02 from the 2011 season at the Goodwood Festival of Speed! ✨
Now this, is special 🥹
view all 892 comments
mercedesamgf1 can't wait to see it!!
formulafanclub sooo exciting!!! complimentary tissues better be given with each ticket purchase
wtf1jemma so if yn doesn't show up to the goodwood festival of speed then we know something's up
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liked by yourusername, lewishamilton and 312,384 others
tagged: lewishamilton & georgerussell
mercedesamgf1 Blimey! It’s British GP Race Week at Silverstone. ❤️🤍💙
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lewishamilton ❤️
lightsoutmick if y/n isn't there this weekend i will actually throw myself onto the track at lights out she HAS to be there
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liked by landonorris, mickschumacher and 36,024 others
yourusername good vibes good friends good city
view all 236 comments
whoislewis it has officially been 5 months since we got any mick content from y/n
formulanever no i think it's been 6
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mickschumacher added to their story
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liked by mickschumacher, dbook and 76,203 others
yourusername As many of you know, I spent majority of 2021 and 2022 traveling the world with Mick for formula 1. Because of that, my life was put on hold. While I cherish those days, I lost sight of who I was. 
Six months ago, Mick and I amicably decided to take a break. While the decision wasn’t easy, it was what was best for both of us as we both were in transitional points in our lives. During this time, I have traveled the world, for myself, and started to journal what I learned from locals, friends and strangers. Early on into this journey, I realized that my experiences were something that should be shared as I know we all go through times times when we feel lost and unsure of who we are. 
‘In Me, I Trust’ is available now and is a collection of my stories, thoughts and advice. I hope you take what you need from it ♡ 
view all 728 comments
dbook 10/10 stars
yourusername dev you're only saying that because there's a whole page dedicated to you dbook only a page??? i thought i had a whole chapter
slowdowninthepits SHE WAS WRITING A BOOK THIS WHOLE TIME!! sneaky sneaky
kissformick wait so does this mean her and mick are officially over 🥺🥺🥺 we really are children of divorce
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo and 414,500 others
mickschumacher worth the wait
view all 1,303 comments
0304mclarenss stop did y/n really send him a personalized copy im sobbing
ricciardoscafe "much like this book has found its way to you, i know my love will too" THAT MEANS THEY'RE GETTING BACK TOGETHER RIGHT?? RIGHT???/ SAY YES RIGHT NOW
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liked by mercedesamgf1, dbook and 73,22 others
tagged: mickschumacher
yourusername in you, i trust
view all 833 comments
mickschumacher did you re-name your book?
yourusername no that's the sequel, limited copies though, probably just for your eyes only
mcnorris all is right in the world!! mom and dad are reunited!!!
lovelylewis only y/n would write a book on being single and how to grow while being alone and then go right back to mick
formulanever i don't blame her
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haven't done a smau in a while, hope ya'll liked it ♡
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harrysfolklore · 9 months
Do you think we can get an Insta blurb with face claim as Georgia Fowler? Idk she’s just sooo pretty!
tysm for the request! i hope you like this 💕
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liked by bellahadid, harrystyles and 48,836 others
yourinstagram Good morning sunshines ☀️
view all 2,937 comments
selenagomez That’s my bestie ❤️
harryupdates Harry liked this post !
↳harryfan1 of course she’s a victoria secret model
ynfan2 best girlll
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 10,826 others
harryupdates Harry on model YN’s snapchat story !
view all 968 comments
harryfan1 OH GOOOODDD
ynfan1 omfg they’re dating
harryfan2 idk how to feel
harryfan3 he looks so cuddly
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 12,836 others
harryupdates Harry and YN in St Barts today 😬
view all 1,004 comments
harryfan1 oh lord
ynfan1 we knew this was coming
harryfan2 harry this is literally the second day of the year
ynfan2 CUTIES
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liked by niallhoran, yourinstagram and 3,927,290 others
harrystyles Happy New Year x
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liked by harrystyles, selenagomez and 1,023,678 others
yourinstagram thank you for loving me for 1826 days. happy anniversary my love 🤍
view all 39,826 comments
ynfan1 AWEEEEE
harryfan1 my bub
bellahadid Happy Anniversary loves ❤️
ynfan2 and some harry fans swore they wouldn’t last
harrystyles You make me so happy x
↳ harryfan3 STOP RIGHT NOW
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liked by spaceykacey, yourinstagram and 5,023,836 others
harrystyles Half a decade with you. I love you x
view all 76,098 comments
harryfan1 AHHHH
ynfan1 they always post each other
annetwist ❤️
jefezoff 🥺
harryfan2 wow they’re pretty committed
yourinstagram I love you so much, bubs 🤍
↳ ynfan2 my heart
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liked by emrata, harrystyles and 2,017,549 others
yourinstagram It’s been hard to keep this one quiet, but now it’s pretty hard to hide. Harry and I couldn’t be happier to share our exciting news with you. We cannot wait to meet you little one and begin our next chapter together. The best is yet to come 🤍
view all 59,023 comments
harryfan1 NO WAY NO WAY
arianagrande 🥺🤍
emilyblunt Congratulations to your two ❤️ Loveliest family
ynfan2 she’s going to be the prettiest mummy
harrystyles I can’t wait to start a family with you, lover x
↳ harryfan3 STOP IT
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liked by yourinstagram, sza and 7,937,629 others
harrystyles Final month. We can’t wait to meet you, baby x
view all 81,026 comments
annetwist Stunning ❤️
harryfan3 do y’all realize that almost all of the one direction members had babies out of wedlock 😭
↳ yourinstagram 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂
niallhoran Sending love to you and your missus!
↳ harryfan1 NARRY IS SO ALIVE
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liked by adele, yourinstagram and 10,826,189 others
harrystyles Faye Anne Styles. Welcome to the world, baby x
view all 102,087 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGG
spaceykacey Congratulations 💗
annetwist My perfect granddaughter ❤️
selenagomez I can’t believe my best friend is a mummy now 🥹
yourinstagram I’m (literally) living in a daydream
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 5,092 others
theharrytea IS THIS ABOUT HARRY AND YN????
view all 901 comments
harryfan1 not y’all believing deuxmoi
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liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 1,029,728 others
niallhoran LOVE WINS 🥰
view all 49,278 comments
niallfan1 BABYYYY
harryfan1 call me crazy but this looks like a wedding attire
↳ ynfan1 those wedding rumors don’t sound so crazy now
harrystyles Thank you for always being there, brother x
↳ narryfan1 MY NARRY HEART
yourinstagram we love you ❤️
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liked by dualipa, yourinstagram and 6,937,579 others
selenagomez I got to be my best friend’s maid of honor 🥺 Life = made
view all 87,389 comments
arianagrande 💓
yourinstagram you're my sister forever ily 🥺
ynfan2 I NEED THE WEDDING PICS but also whenever they feel like it
harrystyles Much love, Sel-sel x
↳ harryfan2 MY HEARTTTT
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liked by dualipa, yourinstagram and 4,098,278 others
voguemagazine @yourinstagram and @harrystyles are married! The couple tied the knot in Italy, on Harry's property, which doubles as an event venue, surrounded by family and friends. YN and Harry plan to celebrate with a larger wedding in California in the fall. "This past weekend was supposed to be an intimate event, but we ended up having 115 guests in the end because there are a lot of people we care about, and we wanted them all to be there," says YN Styles.
Tap the link in our bio for an exclusive look inside the couple's wedding.
view all 49,005 comments
harryfan1 OH LORDDDDD
adele ❤
ynfan2 so many celebrities were in attendance i cant
emilyblunt Congratulations 😍
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liked by harrystyles, sza and 5,098,378 others
yourinstagram So many things to say about this last few days, but right now I'll leave it at this: I have the hottest husband in the world.
view all 87,936 comments
ynfan1 I CAAAANT
harryfan1 SHES SO ME
annetwist 😍😍
ynfan2 shes so real for this
niallhoran Love you mates !
harryfan2 she said emotional post ??? nahhh let me flex my husband
harrystyles I love youuuuu, wifey x
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liked by adele, yourinstagram and 10,056,389 others
harrystyles Beautiful daughter. Beautiful wife. Beautiful life x
view all 102,826 comments
harryfan1 NO I CANTTTT
ynfan1 this is so beautiful
jefezoff ❤️❤️
harryfan2 little val on their wedding 🥹🥹 my heart
taylorswift Much love to your beautiful family 💕
↳ harryfan3 TAYLOR ?????
ynfan2 we’ve come a long way 🥲
gemmachan 🤍
yourinstagram thank you for giving me all that i’ve dreamed of and more, i love you
↳ ynfan3 STOOOP
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily @watermelonsugacry @rayisthehoe @drewrry
774 notes · View notes
norizz-nation · 5 months
Hi, it’s me again
Sooo i liked the part 2…to max x Horners daughter ..
So here’s an idea to spark up your imagination
So you didn’t talk w your father after he caught you, but you were still invited for Christmas.
There it’s kinda awkward, but you have a lot of fun, Max gets heart to heart with your father promising him that you’ll be always loved,( n asking him if he can marry you) and when everyone was kinda done giving gifts, max n u slipped out to cuddle on the couch. Sleeping there peacefully as Max is clinging onto you. As you’re both passed out on the big couch, both parents stand still looking at y’all, mama admires, papa stares in realisation that you actually love each other.
And then he tears up.
Fuck , this is too sweet for me, maybe cause I’m half in of my all nighter studying and still haven’t done anything, I had like a red bull n 2shots of coffee, I’m shaking.
Sending 💗
Thank you so much, love! 🥹 Also its a little bit different but i hope you like it ❤️
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Click here to read part 3 sweethearts!
All his 💛 (Part 4)
Summary: things had to change and be better since it’s the most wonderful time of the year
"I don't think he will understand" you said quitely as you looked at the reflection of your dress in the bathroom mirror in front of you. Max pulled your dress zip up in the back and looked at your reflection. "Of course he will, baby" he said as he placed a soft kiss on the side of your neck. You just let out a deep sigh and shook your head. “He won’t…” you said as you turned around to face him. You looked up at him trying to collect all your words. Max then caressed your cheek and brushed your jaw with his thumb. “It has been a month since he hasn’t talked with me. Not even a single text from him. Seeing him tonight is gonna kill me. I can’t take this any-” you got cut off by max as his lips met yours.
His touch always comforted you. No matter how hard things were, he would always make things better for you. Even in an apocalypse if you could just hold his hand, it would soothe your heart. He’s everything you ever wanted. Ever needed.
“Shh baby, please don’t stress about it. I’m gonna fix it. Everything will be fine. I love you” he said after pulling away from the kiss. You just nodded your head saying nothing. But somehow his words gave you hope. Max then pulled you in for a hug as he brushed your hair softly. “I love you too, max” you said as you let out a deep breath.
The whole time you’re in the car, you stayed silent. You just looked at the window and your mind wandered in your thoughts. Sometimes it makes you wonder what made max love you so much. What did he see in you? Maybe you’ll never know.
But, what you also don’t know is that he wants to marry you. Start a family with you. Have kids. Get a pet dog and a cat. Be a good husband for you. Be a great dad. You didn’t know all that.
“My love, it’s gonna be alright” max said as he rested his hand on your thigh and you looked at him, smiling softly. “Yeah… hope so” you said hoping for the best to happen.
“Fuck, it’s killing me” you said as you stood in front of the main door. Max wrapped his arms around your waist and squeezed it lightly and kissed your head. “Just relax, baby” he said as he rang the bell. Your mother, Geri opened the door and smiled big at you two. “Oh finally you two are here! Merry Christmas!” she said sounding relieved as she leaned in to hug you. “Merry Christmas mum. I missed you so much!” you said as you hugged her tightly, almost breaking into tears. “I missed you more darling” she said as she kissed your cheek.
“Max, don’t just stand there. Come here!” she said as he called him for a hug. “Merry Christmas, geri” he said, smiling at her. “Merry Christmas, max. How are you?” your mother, geri asked. “Great, doing good” he said and you looked at her. “Mum?” you called out. Geri then turned around and looked at you. “What is it darling?” she asked. “How’s dad doing? Is he alright?” you asked her as tears started forming in your eyes. You sniffled a little as you looked at her. “Oh honey, he’s okay. He just needed a little time, I guess” she said as she hugged you again.
The whole evening went well. House filled with your uncles, aunts, cousins and so many closed ones. It felt so nice to be around them.
Most of your relatives left and your mum told you to help her in the kitchen. But, you couldn’t focus on your work since your eyes were glued to max’s way. Well, max and your dad’s way. They were talking about something but all you could hear was whispers that are not understandable. “So you really like that boy, huh?” your mum, geri asked as you flinched and looked at her. “What?” you asked confusingly. Your mum smiled softly and looked at max. “That boy. Max. You really like him?” she asked, chuckling a little. You couldn’t find your words as you stayed silent for a while. “I mean, he’s always been there for me. He’s so kind and funny” you said as geri chuckled again. “And he’s someone I always wanted” you finished and looked at your mum. “I really like him, mum” you said softly. Your mum, geri then smiled and started to tear up a little as she pulled you in for a hug.
“Y/n, really loves you two” max said as he looked at you and your mum from the couch. Your father, Christian looked at max confusingly then looked at you and your mum’s direction and his gaze became soft. “Yeah… she does” he said as he sounded upset. “Christian, I know you love your daughter a lot. But, the way you’re reacting is not acceptable. We’re not teenagers. We know what’s right and what’s wrong. I love her so much. She’s the most perfect person I’ve ever met. I’m gonna keep her happy forever. Please just talk to her. She misses you a lot” he said as Christian’s eyes softened.
Your father, Christian didn’t realize that this would hurt you so much. It broke his heart. He can’t do this to his little girl.
“And, I really want to marry her” max said as your father looked at him with shock in his face. “Max, what?” he asked, still not being able to process to what he just said. Max nodded and looked down on the ground as he continued, “Yeah, I do. She’s the only one for me. I haven’t asked her yet because i wanted to ask you first. So Christian, can I please marry your daughter? I’ll always love her. I’m gonna love her till my last breath” max said looking up at him as he started to become emotional.
The expression plastered on your father’s face was something max can never forget. The way he was so happy that he really loves his daughter but also the fact that his little girl is going to leave him and geri made him upset.
Nervousness rushed through your body when you saw max and your father talk this intensely. You don’t know why but this situation was killing you. What if it’s not gonna turn out right? What if your father never understands?
What if… what if… what if…
“What did he say?” you asked max as you sat beside him when your father left. Max then chuckled and shook his head. “No, nothing” he said as you got frustrated. “What? No, max tell me!” you insisted but max just didn’t tell you anything. “Is he okay with it tho?” you asked again, just to make sure your father isn’t mad at you anymore. “Yes baby, he is” he assured you and you finally felt relieved.
But, yet he wasn’t talking with you. At all. This was making you overthink more. You couldn’t stop stressing about it the whole time.
“Oh, I’m so tired” max said as he lied down on the couch, pulling the blanket up to his chest. You then brushed his hair with your fingers and tugged on it gently to relax him and he groaned in pleasure. “Get some sleep. It was a long day” you said as you kissed his forehead. Max then pulled you closer by your waist and hugged you from behind, snuggling his nose in your shoulder as he kissed it softly. “I love you, y/n” he said as he cuddled you and you smiled at him. “I love you too” you said as he caressed his face.
You don’t remember when you fell asleep but right now you and max both are asleep. Your mum, geri did all her works and got herself a glass of wine and another for Christian. “Thank you” your dad said as he smiled at your mum. “Come here!” your mum excitingly said as Christian got curious and followed her.
Christian’s eyes were softened when he saw you two so comfortable and so in love. That is when he realized that he was wrong this whole time. His girl never made the wrong decision. He couldn’t help but tear up when he realized all that. Your mum admired you two and hugged your dad, comforting him.
The daylight bothered you as you turned around and snuggled your face in max’s chest. After snuggling with him for a little while, you were finally awoken and got up and made coffee for yourself. You took a deep breath and looked down at the mug you’re holding as you started to think about last night.
If he isn’t mad at me anymore then why didn’t he talk to me? Should I go first? Was dad lying to him?
Your mind wandered around as you went to your pocket to get your phone but instead felt something else. It was a paper. You furrowed your brows and got it out. It was a letter. Who put it here?
I don’t know why this is very difficult for me. I feel like I can never say all these in person. Because it will sound very stupid. I still think you’re my little girl. But, I guess I just couldn’t accept the reality. I couldn’t accept the fact that you’re not a kid anymore. You’re growing. You’re changing. If you want me to be honest. I don’t want that. I still miss coloring and drawing with you in the yard. Watching late night movies. Going to the beach with your little elephant you always said was your best friend. I miss all that. But it’s gonna make me look very selfish if I want things to stay like that. I just didn’t want my girl to drift away from me. I hated this change. But, I guess you found someone who can really love you more than I could ever. I know Max for a long while now. I know he’s a good guy. Maybe, I just couldn’t accept it. Although I hate changes but keep on changing honey and learn the best from everything. When you’re reading this, I won’t be home because I have got an emergency meeting to attend and I told your mum not to tell you about it. You can never ever disappoint me. You’re always my precious daughter who makes me proud all the time. I love you.
A/N: requests are open! feel free to ask what you want me to write! luv you ❤️
Tagging: @golden-flora @crlsummer @lichterfee @charmisticdisappointment @chrisdr3 @i-wish-this-was-me @sav-f1-girl @woweewoowa @f1driverszona
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thesassypadawan · 2 months
Like Rabbits (Hayden x FemReader)
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Summary: After realizing that Hay and you share the same desire, you two have been acting like a pair of horny rabbits. ‘Hopping’ all day and night long. (Hope you enjoy the sequel, Maple Flavored Sausage ❤️)
Warnings: 18+ (mdni), because there sooo much of the smut. Breeding and, as always…Hayden’s big dick.
Notes: Hoppy Belated Easter, my lovelies! And Happy First Day of Hayden's (And Mine) Birthday Event! In honor of the man, the myth, the legend; I will be posting nothing but Anakin, Vader, and Hay stories all of April!
- Thirty-two hours. Thirty-two hours of nearly non-stop raw passion, of carnal desire. All in the hopes of…successfully knocking you up.
- After the whole ‘milk someday’ affair, as it came to be known, Hayden and you have a nice long chat. One that makes you both quickly realize that you’re clearly on the same page.
- And, well, since that’s the case, you two have been, um, rather busy. Especially during those magical thirty-two hours when you’re at the peak of your fertility.
- Yeah, let’s just say you’re like a pair of horny rabbits. ‘Hopping’ all day and night long…
- Eyes flutter open and a soft moan escapes you. You’re awoken by his cock pumping slowly into you, fingers playing and teasing your clit. “Haay…sleepy.”
- “Nope, rise and shine, angel. Nap’s over; it’s baby making time,” he chuckles in your ear. Free hand slides to grasp your ass firmly. Pulling your hip over him, so he can thrust deeper.
- You whine a little in protest, but, nonetheless, happily accept your fate. Hand moving up his throat, coming to rest on the back of his head. Fingers tugging his hair gently, causing him to growl…the sound rumbling in his chest.
- Cunt clenches hard in response, which only spurs him on. Pace picking up, dick practically bottoming out with each plunge. “Fuck. How are you still this tight?”
- Whimpering, your face grows flush. Orgasm approaching embarrassingly fast, overwhelming your brain. “Hay… Hay…”
- “Cum,” he mutters. Pinching your clit, sending you soaring. Head tilting upwards, crying out. Chest pressing against his while you clamp down around him.
- Hayden stills, gripping you as your body goes limp in his hold. Face burying into his neck, the fog in your mind rolling in. All you can think of is… “Sleepy.”
- A good smack to the butt jolts you back to reality. “Not yet, babe; we’re not finished.”
- Grasping your sides, he pulls you fully on top of him. Knees instinctively parting, setting on either side of his thighs. Upper body laying flat on his, you let out a small squeak. “Haaayden!”
- Arms wrap around your waist, and he starts to move again. Almost rapidly, eagerly pounding into your soaked cunt. Hips bouncing off his while he smirks. “What? I haven’t given you more of my baby batter yet.”
- Fingers dig into his shoulder; whines fly from your mouth. He’s stretching you out so deliciously, slapping against you so wonderfully. Both sensations overstimulate you further, another release quickly building in your core.
- His grip on you tightens. Rocking back and forth, he bucks up into you wildly. Grunting, voice low and gravelly. “Going to pump you so full…to the absolute brim. Going to stay in this perfect, little pussy…all through the night and into the morning.”
- Walls flutter at his words. Whines now more high-pitched and needy. Clawing and scratching at him desperately. “Yes… Please…”
- “You’d like that, huh?” Hay growls, slamming into that sweet spot deep inside over and over. “Me cumming in you until it takes…until you have your own cute bump to show off.”
- Nails sink deeper into his skin and his hips stutter. Hands grabbing your ass harshly, holding you firmly in place. Cock twitching, shooting rope after rope of hot cum into you.
- While you mewl and pant. Quivering and trembling, back arching in ecstasy. Milking him greedily for every last drop…before collapsing.
- Stroking your back, his heart racing underneath you. He kisses the top of your head, muttering. “You okay, angel?”
- Spent, your body is so spent. Totally exhausted from cumming back-to-back, not counting all the times prior to this lovely session. “Sleepy…so sleepy,” you mumble into his chest.
- Eyes grow heavy and just as you’re drifting off…you feel him start to lazily thrust. “Come one, we only have like twelve hours left until you’re done ovulating. Don’t want to waste a single minute, do you?”
- You hate it when he’s right. Groaning and grumbling, your hips begin to move in sync with him. “Better make it twins then.”
- “Can’t guarantee that,” Hayden chuckles, speeding up a bit. “But I promise to have you round…those tits milky and swollen soon enough. My adorable baby mama.”
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16
336 notes · View notes