#senior tony
delicatefalice · 2 months
going absolutely insane
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casualstea · 10 months
That reluctant but genuine smile from Gibbs that only Tony can achieve-
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mortispbf · 8 months
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dantesunbreaker · 8 months
Tomorrow my baby turns 16 years old. Kind of hard to believe. So here I am formally requesting mutuals, followers, or literally anyone to send in some birthday wishes for my boy Luke! Trying decide what I should cook him up for a birthday meal.
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soullessjack · 5 days
i think jack and mcu peter parker could probably bond over having their entire character be reduced to the precious smol bean lovechild for a popular ship
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television-overload · 7 months
Do you think Senior knew Ziva was alive? Would Tali have instantly spilled the beans? (or spilled the peas, as Ziva might say). Did Tony tell him?
I'm thinking of all the times he popped up in episodes after Tony left, wondering if the entire time he was keeping that secret. I bet he was practically about to explode not being able to tell anyone.
Aaaaand now I need a Senior-reunites-with-Ziva-for-the-first-time fic
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benedettabeby · 5 months
Senior always calls Ziva "my beautiful daughter in law" and Ziva giggles everytime
Change my mind
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cipher-fresh · 4 months
It is one of life’s little agonies that the prettiest days with the best weather always happen when you are busy with work on the computer
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silverfoxstole · 2 years
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nehswritesstuffs · 9 months
Don't Tell Dad I'm Dating the Straw Hat
As promised, I'm now beginning to bring over my older One Piece fics from FFN to AO3. Some other stuff might end up migrating as well in the process, but for now, One Piece!
Don't Tell Dad I'm Dating the Straw Hat - 12.9k words - originally posted April-May 2007 - crackfic where the crew is stopped on their way from Drum to Alabasta, where they accidentally get involved with the circus, fangirls, and some dangers none of the guys were expecting - contains so much cringe please read tags/notes
Chapter 1: [AO3]
The Log Pose needs time to reset. In the meantime, a circus is in town, which pulls in the male members of the crew in more ways than one.
Chapter 2: [AO3]
Zoro realizes the danger he and and the cook are in, while Usopp has to contend with Luffy having Sanji Thoughts.
Chapter 3: [AO3]
Nami's dinner is late, Sanji and Zoro seem to catch a break, Luffy and Usopp make progress, and Chopper's nose continues to have a bad time.
Chapter 4: [AO3]
Nami finally decides to take matters into her own hands.
Chapter 5: [AO3]
It's showtime! Wait, she's related to WHO?! And what are those fangirls making Zoro and Sanji do?!
Thanks for reading!
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watch-joey-collect · 8 months
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nofatclips · 2 years
Disco 2000 by Pulp from the album Different Class - Director: Pedro Romhanyi
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casualstea · 10 months
So I’m rewatching NCIS and I can really see when the writing starts to get a little wonky (spoiler, it’s s7) in this case it’s in regards to senior.
So They clearly wanted to do a reconciliation story (similar to Gibbs and his father) with Tony and Senior and to be fair, in Senior’s first appearance they didn’t shy away to much from the less fixable things about there relationship. I particularly enjoyed the fact that Gibbs wasnt charmed by Senior like the others. Yet it didn’t set up anywhere near enough sufficient ground work to make Senior’s redemption all that believable.
For seasons we got little facts about Tony’s fucked up childhood - not just in the first few either. It was a consistent character trait of Tony’s that had been a through line from the very first series and continued throughout. Yet, it doesn’t get anywhere near enough attention when Senior is actually on screen. The blatant neglect set up and repeatedly referenced is barley mentioned - and when it is, it’s half heartedly mentioned and tossed aside - not to mention the fact that ZIVA (who is supposed to be someone who knows Tony as well as Gibbs) is so easily charmed by senior.
This wouldn’t be as bad (it would still be poor writing just to not the same extent) if it wasn’t such an integral part to Tony’s character - but it is!
In season 1 we have Tony snapping at Kate about how despite money, the Dinozzo’s weren’t what she thought they were. In season 2 tony states that his father was to drunk to anything (and that was a MOMENT, to. The camera lingered and everything), and as the seasons come we get continuous neglectful facts dropped. This so clearly shapes Tony’s personality. The class clown act, the defence mechanism, the need to make Gibbs proud etc…
Anyway. Sure, they could have handled this particular storyline worse but they could have handled it a hell of a lot better. It’s a shame senior didn’t turn up prior to s7 as I think the writing was much more character driven rather than having character interactions altered in order to drive forward a chosen plot of the week.
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al-coded · 2 years
just changed my whatsapp pfp for the first time after like 3/4 years
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bye guys:')
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1 minute 30 sec to the first yellow flag, under 5 minutes to the first safety car. are they aware this is a 24h race?
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astralcat · 1 year
do you like my chopper design for golden sun & silver moon?
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og for comparison (i got rid of the hat because it would be complete hell for me to draw):
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