#sense8 hogwarts au
avidbeader · 1 year
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @eghfeithrean for this one. Many of my WIPs are published, so a lot of these are actual titles. And there's a LOT of them.
Sheith Fairy Tale Bang
Severance (Sheith, Shiro Saves Keith Week 2023)
Give Me a Sign (Sheith as teachers AU)
Frathouse AU (Sheith)
Misunderstanding (Sheith)
The Legion of Paladins (Sheith, Sheithlentines 2022)
Going My Way? (Sheith meet-cute)
The Icarists (Sheith)
Skydancer (VLD)
QB 17 (Sheith, Quintessential Bond chapter)
Shiro Clones (started gen but may be Sheith)
Ectype (Sheith)
Hey Sweetheart Ideas (for next year's @ficwip event)
Call Against the Tide (Sheith)
Touch Bracelets (Sheith)
Rescue (Sheith)
Wedding Series 4 (Sheith)
When a Wish Comes True (Sheith, Shiro's birthday idea)
Two to Three to Two (Koliveith, Kolisheith, Sheith)
Time Travel (Sheith)
Captive Prince AU (Sheith, not really Captive Prince)
Sense8 AU (VLD)
Lab Results (Sheith)
Lotor Fix-it
The Ring (Sheith)
Olympics AU (Sheith, hopefully co-writing with @lionescence one day)
Kosmo (Sheith)
Allura (Sheith & Allurance)
Mistaken Identity (Sheith)
Ted Lasso 10 years on
Regrouping (Sense8)
Gathering Information (Sense8)
Perils 34 (Harry Potter)
Sherlolly Hogwarts AU (Sherlock, Sherlolly)
Threads (Sherlock, Sherlolly)
mollys ring (Sherlock, Sherlolly)
snowbound (Sherlock, Sherlolly)
lost and found (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries)
nightmares (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries)
Suffragette Planet (Doctor Who)
9thdocTWOTcrossover (Doctor Who)
wayofthings (Doctor Who)
mistakenidentity (Doctor Who)
Twelve Clara Rose TenToo There's too many to tag others - play if you want to!
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The Sense8 Hogwarts AU
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Chapters: 1/20 Fandom: Sense8 (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Cluster & Cluster (Sense8) Characters: The August 8 Cluster & Friends, Minerva McGonagall, Rubeus Hagrid, Angelica Turing, Jonas Maliki, The Golden Trio, The Silver Trio, Original Characters Series: Part 1 of The Arcana Quartet
1999. Britain is recovering from the aftermath of the Second Wizarding War, and Hogwarts has reopened for the first time since the Battle. Eight first-years find themselves drawn to each other through fate and folly. A series of disappearances around the nation draw suspicion to the new Hogwarts professors and an elusive man who phases between the muggle and magical worlds. As old memories resurface, connections between the children’s past and present come to light, unraveling into secrets linked to an inexplicable source. Danger still lurks in every corner as a new generation takes center stage.
Chapter 1
Kala nearly burns down Ollivander's. Riley wants the pain to stop. Sun teaches herself mildly dangerous spells. Capheus worries about his family.
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acecorvid · 6 years
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Sense8 - Hogwarts Sorting
Been meaning to update this Hogwarts sorting since season 2. Also, to be clear, fuck TERFs.
Will and Capheus, still obvious Gryffindors. They are brave to the point of recklessness, chivalrous, honorable, and just. Capheus is loyal to his family and friends but also to his people. He will fight for what is right, even if it means risking his own life. Will is the same, he will even disregard the law if it is not working for justice.
Riley and Sun are the Hufflepuffs. Riley is trustworthy and empathetic, she is dedicated to her craft and her families, she has worked hard to become who she is, and she has the biggest heart. Try to fight me on loyal, reliable, hardworking, dedicated, patient, and tolerant Sun with a beautiful heart as the perfect Hufflepuff, you will lose.
Kala and Nomi are the Ravenclaws. Kala, not just because she is a scientist and values her career above marriage, but also in the way she studies and devotes herself to religion. She is original and creative in the way she thinks, always striving for knowledge. No one needs to point out how intelligent Nomi is, she is brilliant and always on the search for more information, but she is also witty and creative, she has a keen sense of individuality and incredibly wise.
Wolfgang is a Slytherin, no one is surprised. He’s clever, resourceful, and all about fraternity (his bond with Felix is unmatched and he now extends that to his cluster). Lito is a Slytherin because he has the most subterfuge of the entire cluster, he is ambitious and determined in his career path and has a good deal of self-preservation (hence being in the closet for so long for the sake of his reputation and life). Remember, Slytherins aren’t evil - they’re just willing to do anything to achieve their goals.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
Do you know what the origin of the "sold to One Direction" thing is? I know it's a common trope (or was), but, I have no idea where I first heard of it, where I learned it was a thing. How do weird tropes like that get started, anyway? Why do some concepts take off and become huge parts of a particular fandom, but others don't? (And does this particular premise show up in other RPF contexts as much?)
tl;dr - Wattpad circa 2013, probably
I'm only familiar with that from doing Wattpad research. I don't think it's a major RPF thing, at least not under that exact name. Horny f!sub is kind of the Wattpad way, so a lot of the popular tropes there make sense from that perspective. I've definitely seen plenty of badtouch sexy slave/kidnapping victim/stalk-ee stuff with BTS and other music groups. But maybe somebody reading has more specific 1D history knowledge?
As for why one thing takes off and another doesn't, the big answer is:
Historical accident
We can look for patterns, sure, but a lot of it is ultimately survivorship bias. That's the thing where we look at what's remaining (successful companies, popular fic tropes), and we assume they have some special property that made them survivors and then extrapolate from that. But maybe it's coincidence, or maybe it's a different type of causality than the one we're looking at.
For example, a trope in a popular fandom will spread farther faster than a trope in a dinky little fandom, so maybe fandom size is what matters and not the nature of the trope. Most analyses assume it's the trope itself that matters.
On an individual basis, many specific tropes get popularized by a particular famous author or fic that other people imitate. Some get popularized by a fanworks exchange or fest. (That's how 5 Times fic spread.) But why do they stick around long term? Why do they gain traction elsewhere?
Aside from random chance, it's probably something to do with broad applicability and easy entry points.
So, for example, the show The Sentinel doesn't actually have Guides as such, but the AU added an official role for the other dude to make the two of them super destined. Sentinel AUs took off across a ton of fandoms. (Less so these days, but I've even seen them in BTS, so they're definitely not gone.) The AU version is basically soulmates + potentially codified top/bottom roles + superpowers. People like fantasy AUs. They like frameworks to fit their ship into. The trope isn't highly specific otherwise, so it can be tacked onto many settings, both real world and sff. It fits two-person ships easily, which is most popular ships. One can do some worldbuilding about whether there's One True Guide for a given Sentinel or whether the bond is more a matter of choice. Guides might be equal in numbers/prestige/public visibility to Sentinels or not. The existence of all this can be openly known by everybody or a secret like in the show.
A/B/O has a similar level of "proof my ship belongs together" stuff with room to play around with worldbuilding. It also overlaps heavily with prior popular tropes people like for pretty obvious horny reasons. Same with plenty of tropes. They're often a slight remix of already popular stuff.
Sense8 AUs, however, never really took off as a thing. I saw some fans sadfacing about this, but in this case, I think we could have predicted it. Why? Simple: the concept involves OT8, and that's not going to apply to most people's fandoms unless they happen to like a kpop group or a superhero team with 8 people. The 8 also don't have specific roles that would make this simpler to write. If you're going for less OT8 and more of a complicated network of relationships, that's a complicated story to write and it has much less of a template to work from. So low applicability + high barrier to entry.
Hogwarts AUs, on the other hand, are super popular. Why? My guess is that the biggest reason is that a million bajillion times more people know Harry Potter than know Sense8. Hogwarts also has some canned roles that are more obvious: which house is your Fave? Shit that could be in a clickbait-y personality quiz is easier to write fic about than something that requires you to make up everything yourself. But also, four houses are easy to keep track of in a way that all those Myers-Briggs types are not. Add too much mandatory complexity, and it gets too confusing.
If I had to guess about the popularity of Sold To One Direction, I'd say a lot of it is due to the problem of getting Mary Sue or y/n into the room with them. Why is she there? This fic concept provides the answer in one quick title or tag. Sexy slavefic and dubcon have had broad appeal since forever. There's room to go really dark or fluffier. Some of the fics are nothing but ravishment fantasies, while others are more abuse recovery stories (where 1D are better than whatever came before).
I don't think there's some simple answer for why this specific thing and not a closely related trope became such a known trope in 1D. Probably, if some BNF had posted a ravishment fantasy with a different pithy title at just the right time, some adjacent trope would be big instead.
As for why I've heard of this trope, it's absolutely due to 1D being a fucking massive fandom such that its popular tropes occur very frequently in a sample of Wattpad writing of the right eras. It definitely owes its lulzy memeticness to fandom size: lots of people care enough about 1D and 1D fic to know what the trends are and make jokes about them.
Here's Huffpo being dicks about 1D slavefic back in 2013. They don't mention the exact phrasing though. Here's a pretty standard specimen from 2013-14.
I presume this was also a big thing on Quizilla (RIP) and I see extant examples on Quotev. Sadly, these and Wattpad are fucking hard to study, and a lot of the meta-writing types stick to AO3, so I don't see as many good analyses of this part of fandom.
Any 1D fans want to weigh in?
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echo-bleu · 5 years
Writing thoughts: October 2019 (Whumptober) 1
Since this wasn’t a regular months as I did Whumptober, I’m going to split this into two parts: this one for the regular writing thoughts, a general look at what I wrote this month and where I’m going entering November, and the second specifically about the experience that was Whumptober.
Let’s dive in. So I wrote and posted 28 fics this month, almost one a day. That’s 74k, which is pretty good! I reached 100k words of RNM fics a few days ago too.
Roswell NM Fandom
Power Through: I posted only one chapter this month and didn’t write anything new, for obvious reasons. But it’s still going strong in my head. I have one more chapter finished, and will get back to writing it this month.
As of yet unnamed Leverage AU: For Whumptober day 26, I posted a sort of prequel to it, that come just before the beginning of the story proper, Peel back the dark. I don’t have anything more written, but I have a pretty solid idea of where I want to go.
Lines of Fear and Blame series: I posted two new parts during Whumptober, which makes it four. I intended to post a fifth part for the prompt Trembling, but I realized that I wouldn’t do justice to the themes I want to get into (suicide ideation and self-harm) in just one day, so I decided to wait. I want to take my time with this one and do it right.
I have a bunch of new series and AUs that I may or may not come back to as well. Stains is complete in my mind, but I wouldn’t be against writing glimpses of Alex and Michael’s life in the time gap between the first parts and Ink Stains, or maybe afterwards. All Of You is an ongoing series that can welcome more Established Malex fun and fluff. RNM Teen Camp AU could be continued, if I find an idea I like. The three fusions I wrote a glimpse of, Impossibility (Hogwarts), By The Sword (Musketeers) and Wandering in our heads (Sense8) could be developed, if anyone is interested and if I start daydreaming about them again.
Other projects include: A pod squad+neuro/queerness exploration in vignettes, a post-season 1 movie night at Alex’s, a possible thing where Alex visits a comatose Jesse in the hospital every day and ends up talking at him, and an AU where Alex calls Michael from the hospital after losing his leg.
So there’s a lot of possibilities there. I’m a bit burnt out, but my imagination is still active ;)
The Gifted fandom
Ouch. I’ve been getting away from the fandom more and more (not that there is a fandom anymore) and obviously I was busy this month, so I got nothing. I didn’t write a word. I’m so sorry.
I still have about one chapter and a half of The Underground that aren’t posted, but I’d have to get back into it before posting. On All We Stand To Lose, I have very little. I also meant to have a look at the World sequels I started to write to see if anything is near publishable, and I will. Just...I don’t know when. Hopefully soon. The Underground is still very much dear to my heart, so I don’t want to abandon it, but I’m clearly much slower writing it.
Leverage/The Librarians fandom
I don’t think anyone here really cares, and it’s not like I have much to show. Just wanted to say that I still mean to post stuff from the Every Chance We Get AU. I have a lot written, but it’s very far from linear, and every time a part is written, I realize that I need to post another one first so it makes sense. But I’ll get there eventually.
For November
Last year I did the NaNo on all of my projects, just as a word count. It jumpstarted me into writing everyday, and I’m very grateful for that. This year though, I’ve found my rhythm, I already write a lot and keep a word count, and obviously I’ve reached and passed 50k this month. As for doing it on one project, well I don’t want to put everything else aside. Plus, I’m tired. So I’m not going to commit to anything for the month of November, especially since I have my thesis defense in early December. The only thing I’m committing to is the two RNM secret santas I signed up for.
Part 2 will be up as soon as I write it :)
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My AU Prompts Vol. 1
Here are some AUs from other works of fiction I'd love to write so feel free to use them just don't forget to credit me!
Push (2009)
Avatar: the Last Airbender (bending and all that)
Hogwarts (the classic)
X-Men (mutants)
Sky High
Power Rangers
The Good Place
I Am Number Four (the Loric)
The Mortal Instruments
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
The Maze Runner
Police Department
Movie Set
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southsidelover · 6 years
So now that I’m on the lower end of drafts, I wanted to post a little something to thank people for some of the cool plots and AUs that we have going on. Y’all are creative as fuck and give me such muse to write interesting things, or inspire me to be a better writer. So... yeah. If reading any of these made you think ‘shit, I wanna try that’, let me know, and let’s build something awesome!
In alphabetical order because I’m cool like that. Also cut for politeness because like, who wants a massive wall of text on their dash, let’s be real ( sorry mobile users though D: ). This isn’t everyone that I’ve done stuff with, just what’s top of mind, but catch me likely writing more of these at some point, cuz y’all deserve to know how wicked awesome you are with the way you build out your worlds in this writing thing we do together.
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@brassloyalty : we have so many god damned things on the go! But you’re so willing to always throw down and try new stuff and I love that about you. Trying out like what’s jail like! What if Fangs was apart of their relationship! What’s it like for them if they were out at Hogwarts! What if they were the rich kids! Etc, etc, etc. Your flexibility is astounding, and I really appreciate how much you’re willing to go above and beyond and try out new universes and build up new things to see what sticks or what doesn’t and... yeah man, I adore this, and love you for that so much. Thank you for always being willing to do new things!
@chaosblossomed : there’s so much to love about writing with you Steph, but specifically, I want to say that I love love love our greek gods verse. I’m so into it? And it’s so cool because I feel I’ve been learning so much on the side and figuring out all this cool shit that I didn’t expect and how awesome that is because r e a l l y it’s like... a learning experience and a beautiful writing opportunity, all rolled into one. That, and our Afterlife verse because HOW ARE WE LIKE 50 REPLIES IN ALREADY? Like, it’s too bad the group verse didn’t work out but fuck it, we made that shit work for us!
@goodnessfilled : your Serpent verse for Archie is the shit, full stop. I love writing it with you because I feel the Serpents are able to fill in a lot of the things that Archie’s missing in the series. It’s not that he doesn’t have friends, or goodness, but he’s missing people who will tell him shit straight to his face when things are fucked, and would fight hella in his name, and it’s nice to see how much? Happier he seems? Despite all the sad shit in his life. Yeah. Love writing this.
@holyxgrail : you honestly work so hard to create your muses and make something special and unique for them all. I wanna let you know that I fucking notice that shit and that whenever we do something new, that it’s always fun, and that I literally don’t give a fuck that it takes a while for replies to come, because they’re always worth it. I love each and every thing we do, and I’ll always be here to support all the new shit you come up with!
@kalxidoscopc : we have so many AUs on the go with our muses it’s dizzying, but I specifically want to say that I love the way that you’ve developed Jug as a former soldier with PTSD and how that’s impacted his life. It’s sort of a more quiet AU for us that’s more about little moments and the ways that they try to rebuild a tiny sense of normalcy, but it’s really? Poetic and beautiful, and I want to say thanks for taking a moment to craft something like that, because not all RP has to be big, bad, and splashy.
@mcntlethemagnificent : chace, you are incredible. I’ve tried the whole shipping thing with Reggie in the past, and either it always feels weirdly blackmailish, or just doesn’t click, but the way you’ve fleshed him out is just wonderful and writing the two of them is actually so much fun for me. It’s kind of this awful mix of love and self loathing and for me that’s my fucking wheelhouse baby, and getting to do it so well is really something I’m loving, so thank you for being open and always feeding it with your awesome replies and meme responses, cuz I’m about it.
@oragod : wow, honestly? I fucking love everything we write together. I’ve gushed about you a few times, but I want to say why, specifically, it’s so interesting to write Aramis and Toni together. I’ve never had the chance to write Toni in this abusive relationship kind of way. Where she’s just had so much of herself stripped away and taken and what that means to build that back up. Specifically, what it means for her as a woman of colour to have been taken away from her home, and that process of rebuilding herself in this friendship and wherever this is going with Aramis. It’s inspirational stuff, and so interesting to play Toni in which her life has just utterly spiralled in the opposite direction, and... honestly, how frighteningly easy it is for that to happen to anybody.
@ragingicarus, @rainkilled, anybody still writing in our Sense8 verse : I still love writing this, I think it’s fun and having that out of body but with each other feeling, that intimacy and affection, all of it, feels... really nice, honestly, to play out. I’m really excited to still do memes and replies for it, and hope you’re all still down to do more because I’d love to! Plus, it’s been fun to meet all the new people that I have.
@yourpaljughead : girl, I love you because you let me live out and play out all my fave kpop concepts and videos in rp and we get to tie everything into this gorgeous dreamy aesthetic feeling. Like I love that and you because not only have you been here to watch my writing evolve over the years, but we’ve tried so many styles and types of friendships and loves and we talk through the good and ugly, and in the end we’re still out here making beautiful plots and writing so much and I love it?? Like it really comes together and I feel like our muses are living out their lives like a music video, which is goals.
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Verse Masterlist
So this is a very long post therefore I’ve put it under a readmore. These are my current verses all of which are open to everyone
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1st regeneration tag - v: daughter of the silence This is Melody’s life growing up under the care of Dr Renfrew and the Silence. 
2nd regeneration tag - v: going full circle After regenerating in 1969 Melody was taken to Leadworth in 1991. She grew up with foster parents who were very absent. Her best friends were her own parents. Goes up to episode Lets Kill Hitler.
University Verse tag - v: becoming river song This verse follows River when she’s becoming the woman we know. She’s at university studying to be an archaeologist. It’s the first time she’s been free from the Silence.
Professor Verse tag - v: professor river song After being released from prison River went back to university. She became a professor lecturing archaeology. This verse is for both pre and post library. The majority of threads are post library.
Darillium Verse tag - v: twenty-four years Pretty much what it says on the tin, this verse is for River and the Doctor’s time on the planet Darillium.
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Stayed Verse tag - v: if she stayed This is AU from ‘The Angels Take Manhattan’ River stayed with the Doctor aboard the TARDIS. They still went to The Pasternoster Gang and stayed there to mourn meaning they met Clara. It means that the plots of the show still go just as they did without River but obviously she’s there too. Open Starters for this verse are here and mostly towards the Doctor.
Returned Verse tag - v: if she returned Following on from 'if she stayed' after River’s twenty-four years with the Doctor she goes to the Library but is very quickly reanimated and brought back to the Doctor. So she travels with him and his companion(s).It means that the plots of the show still go just as they did without River but obviously she’s there too.Open Starters for this verse are here and mostly towards the Doctor.
Mum Verse tag - v: talks with mum or v: mothering river A nice simple verse. My main verse River cannot have children so this verse is for my interactions with OCs (to whom I am very welcome) and also any threads where River discusses having children, is pregnant or has children.
Fobwatched Verse tag - v: fobwatched verse River was as she is in the main!verse, she had gotten out of The Library and for a while The Doctor and she were safe, but then she fell pregnant. The Doctor soon realised that she wouldn’t survive the pregnancy in her current biological standing. They decided that a fobwatch would be the safest outcome. River was meant to be dropped off in Leadworth 2015 and the Doctor would meet her and wake her up, once the pregnancy was over. But something went wrong and she ended up in Victorian England, she doesn’t know where her husband is or who he is, only that he is a good man and will come home soon. She now has a three year old son named Rory and works as a Nanny.
Kovarian’s Verse stockholm syndrome tw tag - v: madame kovarian’s daughter In this verse River did kill the Doctor but she’s not that evil. She just wants to please Madame Kovarian who she has a case of Stockholm Syndrome towards. She is completely dependent on Madame Kovarian and is very defensive if people try to talk against her.
Master’s Verse stockholm syndrome tw, abuse tw tag - v: the year that never was This verse is set in the Year That Never Was, where River is kept as The Master’s prisoner aboard the Valiant. Due to the paradox she sort of lost who she was. River is practically the Master’s pet, she does as he asks when he asks and won’t talk to many other people. She’s been abused by The Master to become this way.
Human Verse tag - v: a human life As the name might suggest River is human in this verse, she doesn’t know the Doctor, she doesn’t know her parents or anything about aliens. She is just an archaeology professor at Oxford University.
Melody Pond Verse tag - v: beloved melody pond This is what would have happened if baby Melody had not been taken by The Silence. She is a normal little girl with Amy and Rory raising her.
Sick Verse tag - v: the doctor’s patient To get out of the Library River was placed in a new body however due to the body being completely new it’s immune system was very weak and soon she found herself unable to go very long without medical help and so she called her Doctor.Now she stays aboard the TARDIS where she is connected to a life support system. She still does archaeological research and writes textbooks instead of going on actual digs. She misses it but knows it’s for the best.
Pond Verse tag - v: melody williams is a superhero This is a very AU verse. Melody didn’t regenerate in New York and turn into Mels, instead she stayed as a very sick little girl looking for her parents and somehow she does finding them in Manhattan.Basically Melody getting the childhood she deserved and Amy and Rory getting to raise her.
SJA Verse tagged - v: sarah jane’s niece Based on this gifset. Knowing where to find Melody the Doctor took her from the Silence, with the help of Jack Harkness and Torchwood, however Melody was still in a lot of danger and so the Doctor felt she was unable to go with Rory and Amy, yet.And so he left her on Sarah Jane’s doorstep with an explanation of what was going on. From then on she stayed with Sarah Jane, Luke and a few years later Skye. She is known as Melody Williams and is known to others to be Sarah Jane’s niece.Amy and Rory are able to visit, and do, as often as they like.
Vault Verse tag - v: stay alive This verse is set in series 10. Instead of Missy in the vault it is River. The Doctor finds a way of saving River and he works out how to do it after reassembling Nardole. He found a way of attaching River’s consciousness and head into the robot that had kept King Hydroflax alive for so long. As it was stated that it was basically built in life support he argued that until he could keep River asleep until a new body had been created.And it worked, almost, River was transferred into the body and it was successful with all memories intact. But she couldn’t sleep, instead she works up periodically and cannot control the robot she has been placed in, that is why she has been placed in the vault. For her own safety, as she has poor health and immune system, and others from the robot.
Sisters Verse (mainly with @madasateacup) tag - v: strength of a sister AU as of Angels Take Manhattan where Amy and Rory didn't get taken back in time and instead continued their life in Leadworth. Soon afterwards they adopted a little girl named Collie. Although originally nervous River soon fell in love with being a big sister. Follows their interactions as Collie grows up.
Doctor Verse tag - v: i am the doctor This AU takes place where 'River' is in the place of the Doctor. She's one of the reincarnations who just decides to call herself River sometimes.
Dark Verse tag - v: dark river As the name might suggest this verse is for a dark version of River. Having gone mad after several brainwashing sessions following the Doctor's 'death' by the Silence River doesn't believe anyone anymore.She killed her way out of Stormcage and now roams the universe bringing havoc and destruction on the people she believes have wronged her.
So I am in a lot of fandoms, chances are if I follow you and you’re not in the DW fandom then yours will be listed here. I always prefer to rp in these verses rather than a crossover verse where there’s lots of confusion.
OUAT tag - v: ouat
HARRY POTTER tag - v: hogwarts
DIVERGENT tag - v: divergent
X-MEN tag - v: mutant xmen
SHIELD/MCU tag - v: shield
THE HUNGER GAMES tag - v: hunger games
PIRATES tag - v: a pirates life for me
VIKINGS tag - v: how to train your dragon
WICKED tag - wicked
LOTR/THE HOBBIT tag - v: elf in middle earth
THE 100 tag- v: the 100
JURASSIC PARK/WORLD tag - v: jurassic world
VAMPIRE tag - v: vampire
POLICE tag - v: di river song
ELEMENTARY (AND OTHER SHERLOCK SHOWS) tag - v: sherlock’s consultant
Z NATION (AND OTHER ZOMBIE SHOWS) tag - v: post z nation
RICK RIORDAN BOOKS tag - v: camp half blood
NEWSIES THE MUSICAL tag - v: seize the day
THE ADDAMS FAMILY tag - v: when you’re an addams
SENSE8  tag - v: last of her cluster
CRIMINAL MINDS tag - v: interpol agent
HOUSE tag - v: house
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missgoalie75 · 7 years
i think i was tagged by both @alciavikkander​ and @direwolvess​ forever ago so...
which of your fics are you most proud of?
gilmore girls: chilton au, roadtrip au teen wolf: easy a au, hogwarts au glee: blaine+emma fic spn: claire fic
which of your fics do you think could be expanded on if you had time?
well i’m always expanding on sense8 au and one day i would like to do a follow up on vegas au and i’m definitely going to write more in my theodore nott/daphne greengrass ‘verse.
what fics are you reading at the moment?
none right now.
do you have any fics that you go back to reread?
yes but i’m a little too lazy to point them out. if you check my fic rec tag there are gems in there.
how many fic ideas have you got ‘on the back burner’?
er...a few.
can you share any?
gg: a massive band au where literally everyone is involved in the music industry, ilvermorny au
misc: jeyton fantasy boy draft au, teddy lupin fic, klaroline canon divergence/post-series traveling fic
what will you NEVER include in a fic?
is there a phrase you find yourself repeating in your fics?
i’m sure i have a number of go-to phrases.
i’ll tag: @goodqueenalys, @rumaan, @marlahey
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Chapters: 3/28 Fandom: Sense8 (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Cluster & Cluster (Sense8) Characters: The August 8 Cluster & Friends, Minerva McGonagall, Rubeus Hagrid, Angelica Turing, Jonas Maliki, The Golden Trio, The Silver Trio, Original Characters Series: Part 1 of The Arcana Quartet
1999. Britain is recovering from the aftermath of the Second Wizarding War, and Hogwarts has reopened for the first time since the Battle. Eight first-years find themselves drawn to each other through fate and folly. A series of disappearances around the nation draw suspicion to the new Hogwarts professors and an elusive man who phases between the muggle and magical worlds. As old memories resurface, connections between the children’s past and present come to light, unraveling into secrets linked to an inexplicable source. Danger still lurks in every corner as a new generation takes center stage.
Chapter 3: 24-25 December, 1996
Will, eight years old, spends Christmas Eve away from his dad. Aurors attempt to track down a missing girl as Voldemort is inflicting terror upon the country once more.
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bhb-writes · 5 years
Works In Progress
{Harry Potter}
Rye Prince and the Sorting Conundrum -- Severus is Harry’s father, but Harry is ‘Rye’ now and doesn’t have any idea he’s Harry Potter; Severus/Regulus. Eileen Prince lives, Regulus Black lives. AU and Canon Divergence.
Harry Potter and the School for Particular Magick --  What happens when Harry Potter ends up at Ementine (School for Particular Magick) instead of Hogwarts? No pairings as of yet.
Harry Potter and the Truth of Being Saved - Chaptered WIP. Harry has a sister, and James is alive. What happens with a Harry who was aware of magick and actively practicing it before he goes to Hogwarts? How will he be affected by his father sending him to live with Minerva McGonagall (temporarily) while his sister and James go to America for two years?
Harry Potter: Time Traveler -- The Redo - Part 3 of a Series. Chaptered WIP. No pairings as of yet, as currently they’re all 11 and he’s back in time. Harry’s not a Gryffindor in this one!
The Wicked Narrative - Harry/Draco. Harry is Elphaba. Draco is Galinda. Story pulls from both the Wicked book, but largely it pulls from the Musical. Backgrounds are Ron as Boq; Ron/Nessarose and Cedric and Fiyero (with NO romantic association with Harry); Cedric/Cho. This is also a Alive!James fic.
All Around the World Was Waking - Part 2 of the Sensate series. WIP. Harry/Draco. A lot of original characters. Luna/Neville, Luna/Hikau, Cloestra/Evelyn, Cloestra/Declan. Harry, Draco, Charlie, Severus, Luna, Evelyn, Cloestra and Hikaru are the cluster. Other canon characters include: Neville, Hermione, Ron, Augusta Longbottom. This second (and probably final) part has a lot of world expansion included. Inspired by Sense8.
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avidbeader · 7 years
“The Perils of Innocence”, a Potter fanfic - Chapter 33
So, I started this story several years ago and got a hefty way in. And then my job went crazy and I basically didn’t write anything for over a year. And once I was able to start writing again, my muses wanted to play with shiny Netflix shows like “Sense8″ and “Voltron”. But I am finally blowing the dust off and hoping to update this regularly.
Summary: AU. In an institute to help children with mental and psychological problems, a child is abandoned by his guardians because he does extraordinary things. Rather than fear him, the doctors work to help him try to control this ability. They discover other children with these incredible powers. And then odd letters arrive one summer day. Rating will probably go up later. Eventual H/Hr.
It’s probably simplest to just read over on FF.Net or AO3 instead of trying to follow the tag.
Chapter 32
11 December 1991
 The goblin observed a wizard entering into the bank. While this was a daily occurrence in any Gringotts branch, Beltdirk could smell the difference. This wizard was also a werewolf. And the London branch had put the word out, offering a hefty bonus from the heirs of a pair of prominent families in Wizarding Britain for locating a werewolf here in Western Canada.
 Beltdirk stepped forward, intercepting the wizard. “How may Gringotts be of assistance to you today?”
 The wizard looked down at him, slightly puzzled at being approached first. “I need to access my vault and exchange some galleons for dollars.”
 “That can be arranged. Your name and your vault key?”
 The wizard handed over a key. “Remus Lupin.”
 Beltdirk affected surprise, pleased that he had guessed correctly. “Really? We have something for you, then. Please follow me to our director’s office. I will be pleased to bring your dollars to you if you will tell me how much you need.”
 The wizard blinked, taken aback at a goblin being anything other than barely helpful. “I need one hundred dollars, please.”
 Beltdirk led him to an office, where a second goblin looked up from a desk as they entered. Beltdirk saluted. “Director Strikeblade, this is Remus Lupin.”
 Strikeblade opened a drawer and pulled out a bowl and a sharp knife. He tore a scrap of parchment from a scroll on his desk and dropped it into the bowl. “I need to verify your identity. It only requires a drop of blood.”
 Remus held out his hand with some hesitation, but the goblin was true to his word and only pricked one finger with the tip of the knife before running his finger along the parchment. The resulting red slash glowed, then began streaking out in thin lines, like an insect emerging from a cocoon. The lines quickly formed into words: Remus John Lupin.
 Strikeblade looked up with a satisfied expression. He scrawled a note on another parchment and handed it to Beltdirk. “Take this to Accounting for your bonus.”
 Beltdirk grinned eagerly and left. Remus looked back to Strikeblade in confusion.
 “Mr. Lupin, all Gringotts locations in this area were requested to keep a watch for you so we might deliver a message. Master Harry Potter wishes to pay your way back to England so he might spend Christmas with both his godfather and his honorary uncle for the first time in ten years.”
 Remus blinked in surprise. “What? I told Sirius I wouldn’t accept any money from him!”
 Strikeblade nodded. “Yes, we were aware of your instructions in regard to Mr Black. This request comes from Master Potter. We have been asked to obtain a reply.”
 Remus ground his teeth at the goblin’s pedantic tone. “Very well.  But I don’t think I’ll make it in time for Christmas. I won’t be able to travel between the 20th through the 22nd and international portkeys before then are almost certainly booked.”
 “Do you have a passport?”
 Remus raised his eyebrows at that. “Yes. It makes things a little easier.”
 “Then airline tickets will be arranged well in advance of the 20th. You can leave as soon as you make your own arrangements, as soon as the day after tomorrow. Do you have a preference between flying from Calgary or Edmonton?”
 “I…ah…sorry. I wasn’t expecting this. May I send an owl tomorrow?”
 Strikeblade nodded and looked up at some invisible signal. “Enter.”
 Beltdirk came in with a money pouch and a rolled parchment. He handed both to Remus. “This arrived from our Ottawa branch as I was returning from the vaults.”
 Remus unrolled the scroll addressed to him and found a note. A few simple lines were scrawled across the parchment:
 Moony, do NOT blame me! This was all Harry’s idea! But please come home.
 Remus laughed in joy for the first time in a very long while.
 13 December 1991
 Emily exited the taxi and glanced around uneasily at the dingy London neighbourhood. Sirius emerged behind her, followed by Pippa. Patrick got out of the front passenger seat after paying the driver, who drove off immediately for better pickings than a side street in Camden Town. They were standing in front of Number 11, a week’s worth of refuse sitting on its front steps.
 As they had planned, the three non-magicals surrounded Sirius so he could draw his wand. He waved it as discreetly as possible, verifying the existence of the new wards.
 “Looks like the goblins did a perfect job. All the usual wards for a magical home in a Muggle neighbourhood – repellers and concealers – with extra defence wards and the Fidelius as requested. Since I am the Secret Keeper, I can do this.” He handed the three of them scraps of parchment with identical messages on them.
 The Town Residence for the Black Family is located at Number 12 Grimmauld Place, London.
 After reading the note, Emily looked up and blinked. There was now another residence between Number 11 and Number 13, looking in much better repair than its neighbours. Sirius poked his wand toward each of them in turn, muttering an incantation. When Pippa raised one eyebrow at him, he explained.
 “Just something so you can pass through all the wards. Come on, let’s see how bad the inside is. I only paid the Goblins to clear out any dangerous infestations and correct structural defects.”
 Draco Malfoy signed his name to the letter and addressed it to his father. It had taken far too many weeks of hovering around students from other houses, trying to hide his interest as he listened in on conversations, dealing with Pansy Parkinson’s annoying presence as she gathered and shared gossip. But he finally had the information his father wanted: Potter was going to spend the winter holiday at the place he had been living before coming to Hogwarts, with plans to visit Granger and Thomas.
 He had no idea why his father wanted to know this. Lucius Malfoy had gone very quiet since Black had been exonerated from his crimes, not even appearing for charity events like usual. Draco had even asked his mother about it in a personal letter, but received only assurances that his father was very busy with more important things.
 As he climbed stairs toward the Owlery, he heard voices coming from above. Recognizing the despised plummy tones of Finch-Fletchley, Draco backtracked and hid behind a tapestry. Every time they had crossed paths, the dratted mudblood had been able to talk rings around him. As the steps grew closer, he heard Granger answer him and was doubly glad to avoid them. After a few missteps in the classes using wands, she had risen to the top of every single subject in their year and rumour had it she was putting the second years to shame as well.
 As they passed him, Granger was chattering excitedly. “And Mr Black has invited all of us to his place in London for the New Year! Do you think you’ll be able to come?”
 “I don’t know, but I’ll ask Father. That’s great that Harry gets to spend more time with him.”
 “And Harry said they made contact with the other friend of his dad, Mr Lupin! So he might be there as well!”
 Their voices faded as they continued down the stairs. Draco frowned. He slipped out and dashed up the stairs to the Owlery, seizing one of the bespelled self-inking quills from the pot and opening the scroll. His father needed this new information.
 14 December 1991
Remus followed the other first-class passengers into the hallway that led to the terminal. He had not yet shaken off the dazed feeling of being in some other dimension, one where a werewolf like him rode on a plane, overwhelmed by top-notch customer service. He stepped through the doorway and was surprised yet again to see someone holding a sign that clearly bore his name: R.J. Lupin.
 Remus moved forward, looking from the sign to the man holding it. He waved uncertainly at the sign. “Er, I’m Remus Lupin.”
 The man smiled, teeth peeking from behind an impressive walrus-like mustache. “A pleasure to meet you. I’m Patrick Aymler. Sirius should be back any minute – he wanted to read the display with arrival times again—”
 “MOONY!” The bellow made them both jump and then Sirius was on Remus, his arms wrapped around the other man in a bear hug.
 Remus returned the hug, laughing, and pushed back to get a look at his friend. His eyebrows quirked up at seeing Sirius remarkably turned out in jeans and jumper, topped by an overcoat. There wasn’t a single wrong note to mark him as a wizard in disguise. Then he took in the pale tone of his skin and the prominence of his jawline and cheekbones. Remus pulled him close again.
 “Merlin, I am so sorry.”
 “What do you have to be sorry about? We kept you out of the plan because we suspected you. No one would have believed you if you had known.” Sirius pulled back and looked him in the eye. “It was a cock-up and it sucked, but it’s over and we have a kid to get to know again.”
 Remus blinked. This was not the Sirius he knew from a decade ago. “That is…remarkably mature of you.”
 Sirius grinned and clapped Aymler on the shoulder, drawing him into the circle. “I’ve had some very good listeners the last few months. You should try them. Now, let’s get your things and get out of here. There’s a lot to catch up on.”
 15 December 1991
 “Excuse me, Albus, but I don’t think I heard you correctly.”
 “No, my dear, you heard very clearly.”
 “The minister has no right to demand that Harry stay in Hogwarts for the holidays!”
 “He claims it’s for Harry’s own safety.”
 “And he hasn’t been safe the last six years at Esperança House?”
 “My dear, I know. I am only sharing what the minister said because you are Harry’s head of house.”
 “Have you contacted Sirius yet?”
 “I have sent an owl. I am awaiting a reply.”
 Minerva grumbled, thinking of the speed of those telephone things that the Esperança House doctors and parents used.
 The doctors… So far Patrick and Emily had been extremely clever in figuring out ways to work in the children’s best interests no matter what the magical world demanded. She fished for a little more information so she could give them all the ammunition possible. “It isn’t like Fudge to interfere like this without being pushed. Who put him up to it?”
 Dumbledore offered a cynical smile. “Who else? Malfoy expressed concerns, based on a run-in he had with the group back in August. I believe the issues involved the only scion of House Potter, a most important wizard in our society, continuing to associate so closely with muggleborn riffraff.”
 “And if Harry gets on the train anyway…”
 “Then my understanding is that Fudge will have his people meet the train in London and take Harry somewhere deemed safe for the holidays.”
 Minerva snorted. “Like hell he will. Sirius was awarded custody in the magical world in October.”
 “I know, but questions of Sirius’ mental state after so many years of exposure to dementors persist, especially as he has been keeping a low profile somewhere. And there were also concerns expressed about the presence of Remus Lupin, a werewolf.”
 She let out an exasperated bark. “Harry won’t even be arriving at Grimmauld Place until well after the full moon! This is ludicrous, Albus!”
 “I agree, but I am not sure how we can avoid it. If Sirius is up to the task of stepping in—”
 “Oh!” Minerva threw up her hands. “Albus, your insistence on treating incompetent people like they’re competent and evildoers like they’re misguided is infuriating! I will handle this and Harry will go home for the holidays!”
 She spun on her heel and left, slamming the door behind her.
 Emily was taking advantage of the empty upstairs rooms to organize the holiday gifts for the current residents and the staff. She was using Hermione’s room to store and organize and the makeshift conference room for wrapping. She was almost to the point where she could bring Pippa in to help.
 She had filled a box with enough tissue to cushion the snowglobe she had chosen for Pippa and lifted it to set it inside. A loud pop made her jump and lose her hold. Emily cried out as the glass globe crashed onto the hardwood floor and shattered.
 “Oh, I am so sorry! Here!” Professor McGonagall whipped out her wand and pointed it at the drenched wreckage. “Reparo!”
 Emily couldn’t hold in the gasp as the pieces flew back together on the floor, the water regathering and the glitter swirling inside.
 “Is that right?”
 Emily nodded, staring at the recovered snowglobe and remembering the Grangers’ description so long ago of a destroyed kitchen fixing itself. She shook her head, bringing herself back to the present, and replied. “Yes, that’s perfect. Thank you so much!”
 “Well, it’s only fair since I’m the one who caused you to drop it.”
 Emily put the snowglobe in its box and closed the lid. The professor held up her wand again. “May I?”
 She nodded, puzzled. McGonagall pointed at the box with her wand and waved it in a zigzag motion. She intoned, “Involvere.” Pristine white wrapping paper appeared from nowhere, crawling up the box and surrounding it, followed by a sky-blue ribbon with a glittery snowflake design. Emily stared at the beautifully wrapped package.
 “That’s…thank you. I’m tempted to ask you to stick around. I hate wrapping gifts.”
 McGonagall smiled at that, but her expression faded. “Ordinarily, I would be happy to. But I came because I need your help.”
 Emily paid fast attention. “Are the kids all right?”
 “Yes, it’s nothing like that. But some of those problem pureblood families have decided to poke their noses where they’re not wanted. They’ve convinced the minister to demand that Harry stay at Hogwarts for the holidays. For his ‘own safety’, although they’re really trying to find a way to become an influence in his life.”
 “I don’t understand. We still have legal custody.”
 “In this world, yes. And Sirius has custody in the magical world.”
 “So why do they think they can dictate Harry’s movements?”
 McGonagall held out her hands in a helpless gesture. “Because no one’s ever told them they can’t? At the time I objected to Albus dumping Harry with those awful Dursleys, but he was right in one regard. It was better for Harry to grow up away from the magical world, away from all these people trying to use him.”
 “So, how do we fight this?”
 “That’s why I came to you. I was hoping you all would have some ideas.” Emily thought for a moment. “Have you gotten in touch with Sirius yet?”
 “No, Albus sent an owl but he hadn’t got a response before I left.”
 Emily chewed her lip, recalling a discussion with the other doctors on getting pagers and whether mobile or car phones would be worth their expensive prices. Right now it would be very helpful to be able to find Patrick immediately instead of waiting for him to return from his Christmas shopping. “So, what’s their plan?”
 The professor filled her in and Emily thought. “So we have two ways to approach this. One way is to send Harry back to London on the train and have Sirius and some of us be there to intercept whoever the minister sends to collect him. That has the advantage of making it clear that we won’t tolerate others trying to interfere with Harry’s life but also turns it into an incident that might cause retaliation. The other way is to have Harry stay behind and Sirius can just pick him up from Hogwarts that afternoon. That could keep the whole issue under the radar for a while if the minister or whoever doesn’t bother to check up on him.”
 McGonagall frowned. “I rather feel that we need to make a stand. If the minister thinks he’s won this time, he’ll simply try again at Easter. And then possibly the summer holidays as well.”
 “Yes, I see that. But we can’t expect Sirius to take on a whole squad of security officers or whatever. He just got out of prison.”
 “I can think of at least two others who could help him. Amelia Bones and Augusta Longbottom will be picking up their children from the train as well. If we forewarn them, we have more wands at the ready to make our point.”
 Emily nodded slowly, considering the implications of having a leader in their parliament and their Lord Chief Justice equivalent standing next to them. “That might work. Let me see what Pat thinks and we can decide by tomorrow? Sirius said something about coming over, so we can tell him and have him tell you.”
 “Or I can send Nyctimine to wait on your reply.”
 “My owl. She can stay here for the night and take your note whenever you are ready.”
 “Oh… Sure. That’s a good idea. Although I wish we could just pick up a phone and call you in an emergency.”
 McGonagall shook her head. “Such a thing would be ruined the minute it entered Hogsmeade or the castle grounds. But I’ve wished for the same thing several times since Harry and the others arrived.”
 “Is there really no other way to communicate?”
 “Some people speak through the floo network, but that requires a working fireplace that is connected. It’s a potential breach of security if the proper wards aren’t in place. The next best thing is a specific charm that can deliver a message with the caster’s voice, but it is one-way and is also a very difficult piece of magic.”
 Emily pursed her lips. “All this magic stuff and there’s no way to communicate effectively. We need to figure out something better.”
 McGonagall nodded and got a thoughtful look on her face, as if an idea had just occurred to her.
 20 December 1991
 As the train slowed, everyone stood and began pulling down bags. Dean and Justin helped Neville get his trunk down.
 “We’ll get you a suitcase for Christmas, Neville. That way you won’t have to bring a whacking great trunk home every hols,” Wayne said. He cuffed Neville on the shoulder as the other boy blushed.
 “I’m not sure what my gran would say…”
 Hermione gave him a one-armed hug as she picked up her holdall in the other hand. “I would think she’d see the convenience of it, honestly.”
 “Oi, Trevor!” Terry scooped up the toad as he tried to hop out the door and handed him to Neville.
 “The boys can get your suitcase. Hermione and I are going to a pet shop and getting you a carrier for Trevor,” Sally-Anne declared.
 Hermione beamed. “That’s a brilliant idea! We can give them to you at New Year’s!”
 Neville turned bright pink. “You…you don’t have to…”
 Harry laid a hand on his shoulder. “No, but we want to. That’s what friends are for. Now, come on.”
 As they had arranged after Professor McGonagall had talked with them about the minister’s plans, the other children surrounded Harry after they got off the train so that no one would be able to simply walk up and grab his arm. Harry added his baseball cap to hide his scar and part of his face. They all scanned for a trusted adult and Dean was the first to spot his parents. “There!” He waved and his mother waved back. The two groups moved toward one another and the children continued to scan the crowds.
 Harry was the one to spot Clott and hissed to the others. “On our six! The Clod!” Terry shifted so he was between them.
 “Pippa!” Hermione cried, and Harry’s eyes snapped in her direction. His first friend was there, with Sirius Black next to her. They started to converge, and then another Hogwarts student shifted into their group.
 “Oi!” Dean cried, itching to shove back as she had run her trolley over his foot.
 “Sorry! Auntie told me to find you lot and stick with you!”
 Neville looked her over, tightening his grip on Trevor as the toad made a break for it. “Bones? Why?”
 “She’s going to help if Fudge’s people try something. Keep moving!”
 Harry peeked toward where he had seen Clott and they made eye contact. Harry bit back a curse and hooked his arm with Hermione’s. “He saw us.”
 But then Dean’s parents and Sirius arrived at the same time. Sirius lifted two fingers to his mouth and let out an ear-splitting whistle. As the people around them jumped, Sirius bellowed, “Found them! Heading to the exit!” He slid in and put a hand to Harry’s shoulder. “Pippa’s gone to collect the doctors and as many parents as she can find. We’ll be out of here in a few minutes.”
 “Black,” a voice drawled near them and Sirius glanced over.
 “Malfoy,” he replied in the same tone, adding an eye-roll for good measure.
 Harry looked up to see the same man from Diagon Alley, with long hair the same shade as his son. Two men in brown auror robes were behind him. The man was toying with a cane and as Harry watched, the silver snake-head lifted up slightly from the body of it.
 Harry wanted to laugh. This pretentious blighter had his wand made like a sword-cane. He focused on the cane, making the head stick to the wood, while the men began verbally sparring.
 “I’m not sure why you’re here, Black. Surely you received word that young Harry is staying in a secure location for the holidays.”
 “And as his legal guardian, I thanked the minister for his concern and declined. Surely you received word of that as well.”
 The press of people grew and Harry glanced around, relieved to see the doctors, the Grangers, and the Finch-Fletchleys. Another woman stepped forward, one eyebrow raised over a monocle, and Harry recognized Amelia Bones.
 “Malfoy, I am aware that you were told of Mr Black’s decision. There is also the claim of Mr Potter’s muggle guardians to be considered. Please go collect your own child, and only your own child.”
 Malfoy glanced around. The aurors retreated at the sight of their immediate superior. Clott was trying to work through the crowd but was still too far away.
 And then Augusta Longbottom was there as well, reaching in for her grandson. “Ah, there you are, Neville! Shall we get a trolley?”
 Neville glanced at Harry, a bright look in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. “No, gran, thank you. My friends are helping me.”
 Dean and Wayne straightened and Dean spoke. “That’s right, ma’am. We’ve got it. Let’s go.”
 Outnumbered, Malfoy glared as the group moved toward the exit.
 As they began exiting through the portal, Sirius pulled Harry closer. “Oh, I wish Remus could have been here! That was perfect!”
 Harry grinned and threw an arm around the man’s waist. “This is going to be the best Christmas ever!”
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starrypawz · 7 years
A List of Axi AUs
Axi’s ended up in a few AUs so I’m gonna sum some of them up
Imperial!AU: Instead of noping out of the Empire Lyee stayed in the Empire, Axi’s born in the Empire and grows up BFFS with Roscoe and Jona
Sense8 AU: Uh pretty self explanatory 
Firefly AU: Self explanatory?  
Modern!AU: Axi and her childhood friend Jona go off to university, Axi studies makeup artistry, Jona studies music, Gev is a counsellor in training/yoga instructor, Roscoe is a theatre student, scarf stealing occurs btw 
Supernatural!AU: Axi is a Hunter runs around with the Bryn-Riggs, Gev is a pastor
Robin Hood AU: Uh pretty self explanatory, 
Con Artist AU: Axi’s a con artist, so is Roscoe ‘hilarity’ ensues, (Gev might crop up as a cute police officer)
GOTG AU: Also pretty self explanatory
Sith AU: Not well explored but yeah FS Axi, she’s a Sith 
Jedi AU: Axi’s FS but ends up with the Jedi 
Role Swap AU: Axi’s a a Jedi, Gev is a smuggler  
Hogwarts AU: Self explanatory, Axi’s a gryffindor 
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dineshgilfoyle · 7 years
Drabble Jukebox
Send me a letter and a number for a short fic!
A.     Dinesh/Gilfoyle (SV)
B.     Jared/Richard (SV)
C.     Jared/Gilfoyle (SV)
D.     Nomi/Amanita (Sense8)
E.     Gavin/Gilfoyle (SV)
F.     Gavin/Peter (SV)
G.     Fred/FP (Riverdale)
H.     Ben/Chris (Parks and Recreation)
I.     Gavin/Richard (SV)
J. Alice/FP (Riverdale)
K. Darryl/Nathaniel (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
L. Mac/Dennis (It’s Always Sunny)
M. Jake/Ray (B99)
N. Joe/Gordon (Halt and Catch Fire)
O. Dean/Garth (SPN)
P. Rory/Paris (Gilmore Girls)
Q. Ray/Shoshanna (Girls)
R. Nathan/Monty (The 100)
S. Leslie/Ben (Parks and Recreation)
T. Emily/Alison (PLL)
U. Archer/Pam (Archer)
V. Jonah/Garrett (Superstore)
W. Samar/Aram (The Blacklist)
X. Forrest/Grant (Review)
Y. Abbi/Trey (Broad City)
Z. Miles/Tristan (Degrassi: Next Class)
 1.     Soulmate AU
2.     Blind date
3.     Hogwarts AU
4.     College AU
5.     Fake dating
6.     High school AU
7.     Secretly dating
8.     Android AU
9.     Single parents AU
10. Your choice (please specify)
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balexi · 8 years
Tagged by: @darlinglena [maybe as an afterthought, but I suppose I can forgive her:) ]
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
Nicknames: Alex is legitimately the only thing people call me besides my name or Balexi.
Star sign: Taurus
Height: 5’ 7.5″
Time right now: 11:24pm ‘Straya
Last thing you googled: Dev Patel
Fave music artist: Ugh. SO many, but all time fave: Joni Mitchell
Song stuck in my head: All We Know, specifically this cover by BILLbilly01 ft. Alyn and Violette Wautier
Last movie I watched: Lion
Last tv show I watched: Supergirl
What I’m wearing right now: Peter Alexander Vegimite pyjama pants, a black Hogwarts t-shirt, and purple thongs ;)
When I created this blog: 2012
The kind of stuff I post: Gay stuff, tattoo pics, fandom whatnot, lots of words - I’m a big language nerd. More gay stuff, probably. 
Do I get asks regularly?: Not on this blog, but some of my side blogs, yes.
Why did I choose my url: It’s half my old twitter username/my fic username Bal3xicon. It’s written using the phonetic alphabet because, again, language/word nerd.
Gender: God, we’re getting down to it now, eh? Cis female, I guess. I prefer pronoun questions tbh. She/Her. 
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Pokémon team: bless you
Favorite color: Green. I’m really particular about my favourite shade though :)
Average hours of sleep: 6-7
Lucky number: Long story: I have odd things about numbers. Lets say 3 and be done with it, okay?
Favorite characters: In no particular order because thats too much pressure, BUT number 1: Lexa Kom Trikru (The 100) AND 2: Raven Reyes (The 100), Hermione Granger (HP), Alex Danvers (Supergirl), Zoe Morgan (POI), Joss Carter (POI), Marcy Warton (Travelers), Lisbeth Salander (TGWTDT), Nomi Marks (Sense8), Octavia Blake (The 100), Anya (The 100), Alicia Clark (FtWD), Chiron/Black (Moonlight), David Mailer (Travelers), Sarah Manning (OB), Bea Smith (Wentworth), Cosima Niehaus (OB), Franky Doyle (Wentworth), Kara Danvers (Supergirl) - how am I supposed to stop? Lexa Woods (in every The 100 AU), Me (in every AU of my life, ever).
Dream job: Writing/Teaching. I’d like to be able be a full time writer but still teach kids because I kind of get to do my dream job every day, so...
Number of blankets I sleep with: one (double thickness)
Tagging: @golferchick84, @charmedmom8, @shipsbecomearmadas, @i-like-heda, @salexandra, @breakingbeauty, @love-is-unlimited, @orangeyouglad8, @ohthesass, @agentalex (that’s 10...this is so much pressure...) @joe-the-lion, @chuckleshan, @emptyskiesrunawaywithmyheart, @uhhuhdaggr, @mad-cow-mama,@comfortablyobsessed, @madquinn13 , @badasscommanderleksa What if I already know a bunch of things about some of you? Ugh. The rules. @lordtubprivateeye, @gayathomemom
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kruciatus · 8 years
Rules: Tag 10 people you would like to get to know better. Tagged by: @longbottomed, thank you chickpea ♡ (I hope you don’t mind I sorta completely changed the whole thing)
Name: Dakota-Jade Nickname(s): Kota, Cocoa, DK Pro-Nouns: she, her Birthday: 10/04/1996 Current Location: Brisbane, Aus Hogwarts House: Slytherin Star Sign: The most aries’ aries that ever aries’d Hobbies: reading, classical music, baking, and illegally streaming tv shows Favourite place: Montville Village, Queensland & this fried chicken joint in Mangre, Auckland Favourite Fictional Character: Dorian Havilliard & Gina Linetti Favourite Colour: dark green, gold and black Favourite Singer/ Band: Simon and Garfunkel Favourite TV show: Parks & Rec, Sense8, Brooklyn 99 and Game of Thrones Favourite Animal: Corgi Dogs & Green Anacondas Last song I listened to: Jungle- Tash Sultana Last person you texted: My Boyfriend (trying to convince him to bring me food) Last book you finished: ACOMAF by Sarah J Maas (OBSESSED) Last meal: CHICKEN NUGGETS! First fandom: ⚡️ Harry Potter ⚡️ First kiss: My best friend Angus, in Grade 8 First heartbreaking realisation:Finding out the moon didn’t follow me at night to because I was the Queen of the Sky and it was assigned to protect me
I would so love to learn more about: @pctter, @ewatson, @hwfflpuff, @pomonasprowt, @drunkdraco, @fleurrdelacour,@padampatil, @owvlery, @gdricgryffindor & @longbottomed (You should do it again because I changed it because I’m terrible)
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