#seo chan young
stuff-diary · 30 days
The Frog
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
The Frog (2024, South Korea)
Director: Mo Wan Il
Writer: Son Ho Young
Wow, I didn't think I would enjoy The Frog so much. I guess I was in the mood for a dark, propulsive thriller. I've seen some people say it's 'slow', but like... where? This kept me glued to the screen from the very first episode, and it got more and more intense throughout the next ones. It even ventures into psychological horror territory from time to time, which made it even more fun to me. The writing isn't perfect (some of the characters aren't as well developed as they should), but the directing and the acting more than make up for it. Go Min Si turns in a particularly strong performance, and it's clear she gave it her all. I'm not gonna say this is the best thriller k-drama I've seen, but it was definitely enjoyable as hell.
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The Return of High School Gangster - Kdrama Review
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Hi everyone! I just finished this very short 8 episodes web drama called The Return of High School Gangster and wanted to share my thoughts.
Before I start, I want to say that I know that this is based on a BL manhwa but as we know about mainstream media in South Korea - the director had to remove the BL elements (not really tho).
I understand that people might want to boycott the drama for removing the BL plotline but I genuinely think that you should give it a chance. The drama doesn't suggest romance but two episodes in, I could tell that it was from a BL plotline. so....
Anyways, this is about Deuk Pal, a Gangster (second in ranking) who died while saving Song Yi Heon, a High School Student who was bullied in school. Song Yi Heon was bullied in school to the point he wanted to off himself. Deuk Pal's body sadly died and somehow his spirit entered the body of Song Yi Heon.
This drama is where it's at if you're in a drama slump. It's short, funny, filled with actions (duh, gangsters) and heartwarming scenes.
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Deuk Pal as a character is a caring yet a fierce gangster. I love that the moment he entered Song Yi Heon's body, he immediately vowed to protect Song Yi Heon upon realising the abuse he had endured. Throughout the 8 episodes, his focus was to set things right for Song Yi Heon. Though we know that he is sad that his life ended, he still focused on studying hard, ending the school violence and even protecting his mum so that when Song Yi Heon comes back to his body, he gets a second chance at an easier life. Truly such a selfless character and it is understandable why his loyal underlining boys were so upset when he died.
And in Song Yi Heon's body, he build relationship with his classmates, ensured that his bullies stayed in school and graduate and protected his mum from getting hurt by his dad. He was an adult, in a 19 year old boy's body.
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We also meet Choi Se Kyung, a boy that had history with Song Yi Heon (in the manhwa, he was the love interest). Choi Se Kyung is a broken boy with daddy issues yet so caring toward his friends. The chemistry between the two main characters are off the chart. Like I said, 2 episodes in, I had to check if this was BL. His eyes are always looking at Song Yi Heon (Deuk Pal) with care and concern. But he is still sassy and feisty towards those he doesn't like.
Can we please take a minute to appreciate the beauty that is Bong Jae Hyun (Golden Child). I first saw him in Twinkling Watermelon (another recommended drama!). He played the mute brother of the main character. But here, hearing his low soft voice makes me wonder why they muted him in that drama haha! He is such a good actor that I am excited to see how he will grow in the future with different roles.
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But my main MVP for this drama is Yoon Chan Young. He was able to embody an ajusshi (he is only 23!) to the point that I could see Lee Seo Jin (the actor that played Deuk Pal) in him. And his voice doesn't sound awkward saying these really deep and mature sayings.
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Ok I am rambling. But the most important part that I want to talk about is the ending. SPOILER. Song Yi Heon ended up not wanting to go back to his body and instead gave Deuk Pal a chance to live as him. I thought about it and I think I can get behind that ending.
(This is solely based on drama plotline and not the manhwa.)
Shin Se Kyung and even the repented bully Hong Jae Min really needed a proper adult guidance. With Deuk Pal remaining in Song Yi Heon's body, they will be able to remain friends (same age, not ahjusshi and young adult). He will be able to protect and guide them. And Deuk Pal will be able to live a different life this time. A second chance at life.
And I understand, why can't real Song Yi Heon get a second chance in life? The boy had a hard life, he is depressed enough to off himself. Deuk Pal may have bettered his high school life but Song Yi Heon is still Song Yi Heon. He might not be able to be better in college. Whatever Deuk Pal build is never Song Yi Heon's because they are not the same person.
Being depressed doesn't go away even if your life is all better now. He is afraid of his tomorrow than death, hence he chose death and I respect that. Like he said "He is happy to see at least see a smile on his face."
Overall, I think both Deuk Pal and Song Yi Heon have their own happy ending. And that is what's important.
Rating: 4.75/5
-- Fary
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scenesandscreens · 2 years
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Decision to Leave (2022)
Director - Park Chan-wook, Cinematography - Kim Ji-yong
"The moment you said you loved me, your love is over. The moment your love ends, my love begins."
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neo-zone · 9 months
Alright, I finally got my hands on this full ... presscon? cast reaction? Whatever.
I already shared some screenshots from this before (by some people on Twitter) and after finally watching the full version, I fell like I need to share the rest of the season 2 world building and character lores mentioned and discussed to you guys in here (and also major spoilers for season 3)
P.S. I could be wrong on some of the points here (either misinterpreting or not paying enough attention), so please correct me if I do in the reply section
Season 2
I'm still confused af on this line : "he killed his original body as well as his personality, eventually turning into the twisted monster that he is now". Like so, does it refer to Sang-won killing his original body in season 2 or is it about monster Sang-won killing the real Sang-won?
I still don't get this line too, so interpret it however you want : "The child covered in black?" "This is where what's remaining of Sang-won disappears, uncovering the child."
Chan-young was a baseball player. Ye-seul was one of the cheerleaders
Oh, apparently monsterization does still happened inside the stadium. That's why there's a regular daily checking. Anyone showing symptoms will be out in the isolation place (yeah that place where they put the sick mom in). Some lived, some died inside the isolation => might be why Chief Ji keeping her monster son secluded somewhere deep inside the stadium
Hyun-su cut Yi-kyung's daughter hair the same style as him, hence how they're being similar appearance wise
The live action crew is adapting Shotgun Boy into Netflix Sweet Home
Yi-kyung blames herself for how her child turned out to be with her monster-turning power
Yi-kyung's inability to give affection or even touched her child stems from the fact that monsters are created from human desires, so she didn't want her child to have desire (awfully familiar with a particular old man *side glance*)
Yep, you guessed it. These three (Hyun-su, Eun-yu, and Chan-young) are dense as fuck about their own feelings to each other (minus Hyun-su to Chan-young and vice versa ofc)
Yi-kyung's daughter views Hyun-su as her own family even more than her biological mother. Because they're similar and he's the only person she could hold hands with without her power reacting
Hyun-su uses red ribbons to mark the safe area for Eun-yu because color red stands out among the greenery of Seoul post time skip
The monster cocoons are shaped like a heart because monsterization manifests from human desires
The "real Jung Wui-myeong" is one of the scientists. Sang-won (or monster Sang-won depending how you interpret the earlier points) took his identity and used it as his own, probably to separate himself from his old human self
Lmao, not them calling Sang-won's family as family of evil and there's no good apple in it. That's so fucking foul
Sang-wook is still there somewhere (I already shared this one before)
Sang-won's original abilities include the Medusa touch he did to Hyun-su in episode 3
Oh wait, Yi-kyung survived?! I thought she died after her fight with Hyun-su (uh oh *nervous glance to every instance of me mentioning "her death" in replies*)
Monster Hyun-su act according to what Hyun-su thinks and desires (I had shared this one before)
Monster Hyun-su is more proactive and extrovert (is the extrovert part really necessary?")
Season 3 rough summary
Family drama : Nam Sang-won starts a bunch of trouble (this bitch) in order to create a world he dreams of. There are family reunions and conflicts between spouses. He also meets his child (uh oh). They fight for her custody. This custody case didn't need a court (fuck, oh come on 😂). Yi-kyung wouldn't just talk it out. She'd fight until one is dead
Sibling drama : Eun-yu will meet Eun-hyeok again, but I'm not sure it'll make her happy
Second male lead struggle : Chan-yeong faces even more hardships as the story progresses. But even then, he gives up a lot just to protect Eun-yu. He starts to understand the monsters more. There's a lot on his mind as the story goes on.
More monster Hyun-su : Hyun-su lets go of himself and lets out the monster. But the monster doesn't just do its thing. He reads Hyun-su's mind and acts as he wants.
Another Hyun-su and Yi-kyung interaction : And later on, he interacts with Yi-kyung as well. The emotion it brings also felt huge. In the narration, he tells Eun-yu how much pain Yi-kyung is in and that he has to stop it all himself. So I'm sure Hyun-su sparked a change in Yi-kyung's heart. That'll continue in Season 3.
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hanji-cafe · 2 months
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Still Be Friends?
Hi! Due to a request, I'll also be posting it here on Tumblr. Please reblog and comment if you enjoy it.
If you so care to enjoy it on AO3: Still Be Friends?
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Stray Kids (Band), K-pop Rating: Mature Warnings: Drinking, Mentions of sex,
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“Really Ahmi, how many times do I have to tell you to get out more?” Minho scoffs before piling food into his mouth. Ahmi rolled her eyes as he talked with his mouthful. 
“You’re such a fucking pig,” Ahmi scoffed in disgust. 
“But I’m your pig,” he teased gently before his girlfriend was shoving him playfully. 
“I thought you were my piggy, Min!” 
Ahmi couldn’t help but smile at the couple, but she attempted to hide it by gagging.  
Minho and Itsumi were always glued to each other's side, and as Ahmi’s roommate, Itsumi was her obligatory best friend. So when she got Itsumi, she also got Minho. 
It must have been nice. Both of them were so outgoing, and Ahmi could swear that every time she was out in public with them, the couple said ‘hi’ to at least five people. She unfortunately couldn’t relate. No matter how hard she tried, she could never jump the hurtle. 
“But really, Ahmi… you should get out more. You don’t want to be stuck with me and Minho all year, do you?” Itsumi asked with a pout. 
“Maybe I do,” Ahmi shrugged. “I don’t mind hanging out with you guys!” 
“But there’s a whole world out there waiting for you to explore!” Itsumi smiled as she wiped Minho’s mouth. “You don’t want to miss out on all the fun.” 
“And I want to fuck my girlfriend once in a while!” 
“Ew…” Ahmi cringed. “I’m just not really into parties…” 
“Is it that you don’t like parties, or you’re just scared of putting yourself out of your comfort zone?” Itsumi asks. “Maybe it’s time to step out of your personal bubble!” 
“I don’t want to get out of my comfort zone.” 
Minho patted her on the back. “Come on, Ahmi. We’ll have you acting like a party pro in no time!” 
Ahmi glared. “I said I didn’t-” 
“I know,” Minho interrupted. 
“Come on, Ahmi. Don’t you want to have a little fun? It’s the beginning of the semester! You barely have any schoolwork.” 
“I guess,” Ahmi mumbled, feeling a bit anxious about the whole idea of going to a party and not knowing how to act or what to do. “But I don’t know how to party!” 
“Like Minho said, we’ll teach you!” 
“Maybe we can even get you laid,” Minho huffs. “Then you’ll leave us alone.” 
“I'm surprised you and Hyune haven't done it,” Itsumi said. “I mean, wasn't he your first kiss?” 
“Cheeks don’t count, besides I think he’s gay.” 
“That man is definitely not gay,” Minho snorts. 
“Minho!” Itsumi scolds, hitting his head. He let out a dramatic howl. 
“ What?! ” Minho huffed, rubbing his head. “I'm just being honest. Ahmi, honey, you just need to step up your game a bit.” 
Ahmi rolled her eyes. “Oh, really? How so?” 
“Well, for starters,” Minho said before taking another bite of food, and Ahmi rolled his eyes as he began to talk with his mouth full. “You need to stop being so timid. When you do go out you’re always stumbling around, hiding in the corner, shoving your face in your phone… and you barely talk to anyone.” 
“Yeah, it’s called social anxiety!” 
“Whatever. Stop being so boring. Talk to someone. Anyone.” 
Itsumi nodded in agreement. “And you dress so conservatively all the time. You need to show a little more skin, Ahmi. Less sweatpants, more skirts! Or at least nice pants!” 
“But I don’t want to have my ass out…” Ahmi whined. “What if people stare!” 
“That’s the point,” Minho said, shaking his head. “Just show a little more skin. It’s not like you’re unattractive. The sweats look messy and hide how cute you are.” 
“Yeah, you’re actually pretty cute!” Itsumi added with a smile. 
Ahmi felt her cheeks grow warm, but she did feel a bit more confident. “Thanks guys…” she said shyly, not so used to this kind of attention. “What if they’re pink sweats…” 
Minho groaned in frustration and Itsumi cleared her throat. “You just need to loosen up with a few drinks. There’s a party tonight. Tell us you’re coming.” 
“So soon?” Ahmi asked with wide eyes, and Itsumi rolled her own. “It’s only the first Friday of the semester!
“Come on, Ahmi. We’ll start getting ready around 8 and we’ll get you all pretty for the boys there, yeah?” Itsumi asked eagerly. 
“But I don’t do any of that! Dancing and flirting with guys…” 
“Well it’s time you start! I’m coming into your room and we're getting ready, dammit! Time to change your sophomore year!” 
“Okay… fine…” Ahmi surrendered, waving her hands like a white flag. “Whatever you guys want if you’ll leave me alone after.” 
Hwang Hyunjin was a breath of fresh air that came seemingly out of nowhere on a hot summer day. He was caring and kind, and his eyes were soft enough to make any person’s walls crumble in seconds. He was Ahmi's weakness. He was the one who she clung to desperately. 
Ahmi would often hold onto him, burrowing her face in his neck and wonder how a man could feel so warm… so soft. He felt like home, like a roof over her head that no tornado or earthquake could take away from her and her dreams. And in a way, he was her home, them being best friends since they were young.
She had always felt this warmth since when they first met in kindergarten. The second both of them looked at each other, Ahmi knew that Hyunjin’s gentle eyes, and sweet voice would get her through anything. So here they were in Uni. 
Hyunjin sat across from her, the condensation from his iced americano soaked the napkin beneath it. Ahmi didn't have to say a word for Hyunjin to look at her intently, waiting for her to rattle off her worries so he could smother them to nothing. 
“Classes don't seem too bad this semester…” Ahmi hummed, flipping through her agenda. 
Hyunjin felt a wave of disappointment. It was always nice to take care of Ahmi's worries for her. It was as if making her feel better, listening to her worries, reassuring her, was the thing that gave him all the mana he needed. It gave him a sense of belonging; a purpose.
“You don't have any complaints?” 
Ahmi laughed softly, taking a sip of her latte. “Don't sound too excited. I'm sure things will change by next week.” 
“Maybe this will finally be your year,” he suggested. Ahmi shrugged, leaning back in her chair. At this point she was used to being the universe's punching bag. There wasn't anything that university could throw at her to make it sting more than it had the year before. 
When things got to their absolute worst, Ahmi would keep herself busy. Keep herself numb. As far as she could tell, things couldn't get much worse. 
“I'm trying to be optimistic,” he laughed. 
Ahmi couldn't help but smile a bit. It was that fAhmiliar, soft but unusual laugh that warmed her insides and kept her coming back for more all these years. 
“Minho and Itsumi are annoying the hell out of me. They want me to go to some party tonight… at Sigma Kappa Zeta?” Ahmi scoffed, taking a sip of her own iced coffee. 
Hyunjin nodded. “That’s the frat that Minho is in. Makes sense. You don’t seem like you want to go.” 
“Of course I don’t want to go! You know me. I’m a sit at home and mind my own business kind of girl,” Ahmi said. “But… They said I need to put myself out there. Do you agree…?” 
“It wouldn’t hurt,” he shrugged. “But it’s your choice.” 
“Maybe I should go. Just to say I’ve been at one,” she thinks aloud. “But you have to go with me.” 
“Me?” he asked, his eyes widening. 
“Yeah, I need a social crutch…” 
“Oh, Itsumi isn’t enough?” Hyunjin laughed, his eyes closing into creasents as he threw his head back slightly. “Alright, only because that sounds hilarious.” 
“Great. I think the party is a 10. Sumi is driving.” 
“I’ll meet you at your apartment,” he nods. 
Itsumi bounced on Ahmi’s bed, a mad smile on her face as she held up a little black dress with a lingerie set to match. “Viola!” 
“I’m not wearing that!” Ahmi cried in horror. 
“Yes you are! Unless you want to die an overworked virgin!” 
Ahmi looked at the dress again and hesitated. “Don’t you think it’s a bit… much?” 
Itsumi laughed. “What do you mean, much? It’s a simple black dress.” 
“I’ve never worn something so tight…” 
“It’s a party, Ahmi. You want to look like the rest of the girls right? You don’t like standing out?” 
“I… guess…” she said before hesitantly accepting the dress and turning to put it on. “Never thought to look at it that way.”
“It’s called the art of manipulation, darling,” Itsumi purred, pulling a laugh from Ahmi’s mouth. 
She pulled down the skirt once she got it on, and looked at herself in the mirror. It was tight, and hugged every curve and insecurity that she could think of, but her doubts immediately evaporated as Itsumi squealed behind her. 
“Yes, girl! You look hot!” 
Ahmi blushed. “Thanks, Sumi…” 
“Now come here and let me turn you into a fashion model,” she smiled, pulling out her makeup bag. 
“Please don’t make me look like a clown… or a brats doll!” 
“Oh, please! Do you have no faith in me at all?” Itsumi pouted. 
Ahmi offered a weary look. “I have a very different skin tone than you…” 
Itsumi waved her hand. “Yeah, yeah… whatever. I’ll use your foundation after the eyes.” 
Itsumi grabbed her phone, turning on some music before starting to work on Ahmi’s face. Once Itsumi was done drawing in her eyebrows, and applying a nude lip and a pretty eyeliner wing, she stood back to admire her work. 
“I am good!” she nodded, holding up a mirror for Ahmi to see. 
“Wow…” Ahmi said, admiring herself. “I do look hot!” 
“See! I told you,” Itsumi smiled, glancing at the time on her phone. “We should leave soon… it’s already 10. Min will be wondering where we are!” 
Just as Itsumi said that, there was a knock on Ahmi’s apartment door. A second later, Hyunjin was seeing himself in. 
“You guys didn’t leave yet, right?” he called out, and Ahmi stepped out of her room to meet him as Itsumi chose a pair of shoes. 
“Nope, we were just about to,” Ahmi said. 
Hyunjin nodded, eyes glued to his phone. He finished sending a text before looking up, and when he caught sight of Ahmi, he nearly dropped his phone. 
“What?” Ahmi said, eyebrows furrowed as she glared. 
“Ahmi… you look hot!” 
“I do?” Ahmi blinked. Never, in the twelve years they’ve been friends, has Hyunjin ever called her hot. 
“Yeah! You look amazing! Is this a new dress?” 
Ahmi blushed, nodding. “It’s Itsumi’s…” she said, taking a little twirl in it. 
“It suits you,” Hyunjin complimented, still staring at her. 
“How about these shoes?” Itsumi asked, barging out of the room with a pair of black converse. “Oh… Hi… Hyunjin.” 
“Hey, Sumi,” he said passively, eyes still on Ahmi’s figure. When he glanced up at her eyes, she was staring right back at him.
“Anyway. Put these on, and let's go!” 
Ahmi forced herself to look away from his eyes. “Sneakers?” Ahmi asked. 
“Have you ever been to a frat party? The floors aren’t the nicest. Now let’s go!” 
Later in the night, Ahmi found herself standing outside the frat house door, Hyunjin’s arm thrown over her shoulder. Ahmi tried to psych herself up for the party. She could hear the music and the sound of people laughing and cheering, and she felt a mix of excitement and nerves.
She walked inside and was immediately hit with the smell of beer and sweat. The room was packed with people dancing, drinking, and socializing. Ahmi felt a bit overwhelmed, but then she felt Hyunjin squeeze her shoulder, as she spotted Minho waving at her from across the room.
"Ahmi! You made it!" he shouted over the music. “I thought you were going to pussy out like usual.” 
“I don’t pussy out,” Ahmi argued with a pout, but smiled when she saw the Frat’s president, Chris Bang. She has met him at a few organized events on campus that she has been dragged to- “to socialize” Itsumi would insist. Chan has always been one of the easiest people to talk to despite his nickname: Sir Bangs-a-lot. It was childish, but unfortunately stuck in the frat. 
“It’s always nice to see you, Ahmi,” he smiled, handing Ahmi a solo cup of punch. “Usually, I don’t see you at these things.” 
“Thanks,” she smiled, taking the cup and beginning to drink the fruity liquid. “Sumi dragged me. It’s already going strong- the party.” 
“I’m gonna go grab a beer,” Hyunjin yelled over the music, and Ahmi nodded turning back to Chan.
“This is my empire,” he bragged. “It is almost eleven. The party hasn’t even started,” he chuckled, grabbing himself another cup of beer. He checked her out, admiring her dress. “You look great by the way. Since you finally made it to one of these, I want to introduce you to some people.” 
“Sure,” Ahmi nodded, though she was feeling rather nervous. She had already known Seungmin Kim who was an Accounting and Finance major, but Chris insisted on introducing her to some new members. 
“This is Jeno and Jaemin. They’re basically inseparable,” Chris chuckled, and Ahmi waved hi. 
“Then we have Felix. You know Felix, don’t you?” Chris asked while Felix set up the flip cup table.
“We’ve met,” Ahmi nodded. “He’s friends with Karina.” 
“More than friends I’d say,” Chan snorted, taking another sip of his drink. 
“Hey, I’m going to go find Hyunjin,” Ahmi said, excusing herself. 
“Oh, he’s going to rush this semester right?” Chris asked. “We could always use new members.” 
“I mean, you’ll have to convince him, not me. Parties aren’t usually his thing though. I’m surprised today,” she laughed, looking around for him.
“You better talk him into it,” Chan laughed, and Ahmi nodded, walking off. 
“Sumi,” Ahmi hummed, sneaking up beside her best friend. 
“Hey! Party girl,” Minho laughed, throwing his arm around her shoulders. “Ever play strip poker?” 
“No way!” Ahmi laughs. 
“He’s joking,” Itsumi clarified with a giggle. “What’s up?” 
“Have you seen Hyunjin anywhere?” 
“Nope. He’s probably off with Felix somewhere.”
“Oh, alright. I’ll look for him-” 
Itusmi wrapped her arm around her friend's waist. “Ahmi come on. Just relax. Let’s dance!” 
“Sumi, have you been drinking?” Ahmi asked. 
“No! I’m just having fun. Like you should be. Come on, Ahmi…” her best friend whined, putting her hands up and dancing to the music. Ahmi laughed at her doing the same and letting loose. The alcohol definitely helped. 
As the night went on, the party grew more and more wild. Ahmi watched as people climbed on top of tables and started doing keg stands, and she couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. As long as they were the center of attention and she wasn’t, she was content.
At one point, Chris leaned in close to her and whispered, "Hey, Ahmi, I think someone drugged the punch."
Ahmi's eyes widened in shock. "What? Are you serious?"
"Nah, I'm just messing with you. Relax, have some fun." Chris grinned. “You look so tense. Have you even drank anything?” 
“I’ve had a little…” she smiled shyly. 
“Come on. We’re going to do a shot!” Chan said, pulling her. 
“What?!” she shrieked in surprise, allowing Chan to drag her. 
“You can’t be sober at a frat party!” he scolded. “Jello or Vodka.” 
“J-Jello…?” Ahmi answered cluelessly. Surely Jello had to be less alcoholic… right?
Chan gave Ahmi an amused grin, handing it to her. “You gotta finger it.” 
“I have to do what?” Ahmi screamed over the music, squinting her eyes. 
“Finger it! Like this:” Chan said, sticking his finger in the Jello, loosening the gel, and sucking the Jello into his mouth. “It’s more fun if you do it with your tongue though.” 
“Uh…” Ahmi stared at the Jello shot, popping the lid off. “Okay… finger it…?” she mumbled to herself. 
“Huh?” Chan yelled. 
“Ready?” Ahmi yelled back. 
“Yeah! No finger. Only tongue!” 
Ahmi laughed nervously before nodding, and she knocked her plastic cup to Chan’s before sticking her tongue in the Jello, rotating the cup, and sucking the Jello in. 
“Hey! That- was pretty good!” Chan encouraged. 
“Are we doing Jello shots?!” Minho asked, seemingly materializing out of nowhere, making Ahmi jolt slightly.
“Yeah! Want one?” Chan said, grabbing three from the table. “No finger.” 
“No finger!” Minho cheered, raising up the Jello. 
Ahmi nervously followed before consuming another one, suddenly starting to feel dizzy. Minho grabbed her arm to keep her from falling before leading her back to dance. “Come on, Ahmi!” 
Dodging through a few people shotgunning their beers, or dancing wildly Ahmi’s eyes eventually found Hyunjin, over by the flip cup table. “I wanna go this way!” she complained, and Minho lost grip of her. She made her way over to him, making herself evident.
“There you are, Mimi!” Hyunjin said, throwing his arm around her shoulder. “Want me to teach you how to play?” 
Ahmi looked around. Chris and a few other faces were playing. It seemed fun enough, and Ahmi nodded. “Alright, I'll try.”
“Great,” Hyunjin laughed. “We go down the line. When the person before you chugs their cup and then flips their cup correctly-” Hyunjin flipped his red solo cup with ease at just the flick of a finger, “you do the same.” 
“I think I've got it,” Ahmi agreed, warming up her fingers. “When did you learn this anyway?” 
“Eh, some party last year. Ready?” 
“I thought you didn’t go to parties?” she asked. Before Hyunjin could give a response, the game was starting and Hyunjin rushed to chug his drink before cleanly flipping his cup. Ahmi panicked, the beer in the cup spilling on her chest as she choked, but she took another gulp, this one clean and set the cup on the table. It was slightly dizzy, the additional alcohol making her a bit unsteady, but thankfully it only took a couple tries to flip the cup. 
The game went on for a while, and Ahmi found herself rather talented at the game. She was surprised, but it felt great winning most of the rounds, and she felt a sense of accomplishment when everyone would cheer for her. 
Hyunjin didn’t leave her side the entire time, cheering her on and offering her encouragement when she began to doubt herself. They were having a blast together, and Ahmi's heart started feeling rather warm for her best friend, warmer than she usually let herself admit. 
After a few extra drinks, Ahmi finally began to lose her self control. Hyunjin had moved to take away her drink and secretly replace it with water, but Chris and Minho were too focused on making sure she had fun. 
Hyunjin sighed, reaching for the cup in her hand. “Okay, Ahmi, maybe that’s enough punch-” 
“Hyune, stop!” Ahmi whined, yanking the cup back from his grip, the liquid sploshing out of the cup and onto the poor bypasser. 
“Shit!” the boy said, more out of shock than anything else. 
“Oh, fuck… I’m sorry,” Ahmi said, moving to try and rub out the liquid from the guy's t-shirt, unable to think of anything else to do.
He laughed, grabbing her wrist. “It’s okay,” he said. “I think that may actually be making it worse.” Ahmi finally looked up to see his face, and his lips were curled up in a gummy smile as he laughed, seemingly amused. Ahmi watched as his eyes sparkled with happiness. 
“I got you all sticky,” Ahmi mumbled, and the guy only seemed to laugh harder. 
“That’s why you don’t wear nice things to a frat party.” 
“Okay, we should go home,” Hyunjin said, tired of watching the scene play out. 
“Boo…” Ahmi whined, pushing back against Hyunjin, but her best friend was taller and stronger. 
“Come on, Ahmi…” he said, pulling her, and Ahmi frowned, waving goodbye at the pretty stranger. 
“Itsumi, Ahmi is making a mess,” he tattled like a little boy, and Ahmi whined. 
“I don’t want to go home…” Ahmi huffed, shoving the boy. 
“Okay, let me get my keys from Minho,” Itsumi nodded. Though she was glad that Ahmi was letting loose, maybe the boys had taken it too far. 
Ahmi reached to grab her best friend’s sleeve. “Sumi…” she whined. 
“It’s time to go home, cutie,” Itsumi said, squishing her cheeks. 
Itsumi laughed at her, noticing Hyunjin’s protective grip on her. “I'll be right back. Just have to find Minho.” 
Ahmi whined at Hyunjin’s grip. “You're hurting me,” she said, pulling at his wrist.
“Come on, Ahmi. I know you're going to run off if I take my hand off of you for one second,” Hyunjin said. 
Ahmi continued to pout before wrapping her arms around Hyunjin, hugging him. “I'm kind of tired…” 
He nodded, a small fond smile growing at her cuddly state. “I know. That's why we're going home, Mimi.” 
“Hyune,” Ahmi pout, looking up at him with big eyes. “Kiss me?” 
Hyunjin stiffened, his smile fading to nothing. Instead, Hyunjin looked shocked, almost confused, looking down at Ahmi before gently pushing her away. “Ahmi, you're really drunk right now.” 
“No, m’ not,” she whined, her arms looping around his neck. “I really want to kiss you.” 
“Ahmi. You’re really drunk right now, and I don’t think you know what you’re saying-” 
“Shush…” Ahmi cut him off. “Listen. I have to tell you something. I-” 
“I've got the keys!” Itsumi said, holding the keychain up in the air. Ahmi looked at Itsumi, almost betrayed, a whine leaving her lips. “Why are we waiting?” Itsumi asked. “Let's go.” 
Ahmi held onto Hyunjin tight, but he managed to get Ahmi outside and into Itsumi's car. Itsumi could feel the tension in the air, and as she watched Ahmi doze off she looked at Hyunjin in the passenger's seat. 
“What happened?” Itsumi asked. 
“Nothing happened.” 
“You seem in a pissy mood. Didn't you drink too? Shouldn't you be happy-go-lucky right now?” 
Hyunjin glared over. “I had to keep an eye on Ahmi since your happy-go-lucky boyfriend was getting her drunk.”
“It was a party, Hyunjin,” Itsumi laughed, “Why are you being so uptight?”
Hyunjin’s eyes grew wide. “I'm not uptight! I'm just looking out for her. It’s my job. Ahmi and I are best friends.” 
“Just best friends who are overbearing. Don't think I didn't notice you dragging her away from Han Jisung,” Itsumi pointed out. 
“She was feeling him all up, and he isn’t good for her. I could tell.”
“He seemed to be amused-”
“Oh, fine. Whatever! I don't have to explain myself to you.” Hyunjin crossed her arms, looking out the window. 
“Why do you have to be so childish,” Sumi tisked, pulling over in front of his apartment unit. “Ahmi has spent her whole life without barely even being kissed. I wonder why… maybe because her best friend acts like her father?” 
“You have Ahmi handled?” Hyunjin asks, ignoring Itsumi’s accusations. 
“I've got it,” she assured, waving the boy off. “Get going.” 
“Okay… I'll see you Monday,” Hyunjin said and Itsumi nodded. 
“See you Monday.” 
In their usual corner of the cafe, Itsumi and Minho sat across from each other. Minho knew the look in Itsumi’s eyes. She had a plan and she was about to get Minho involved. 
“What did you want to talk about?” 
“I have a plan!” Itsumi smiled deviously. “A plan for Ahmi.” 
Minho raised his eyebrows. “A prank?” 
Itsumi rolled her eyes. “You’re insufferable. No! We are going to get Ahmi a boyfriend. We need a foolproof plan to help Ahmi find her Prince Charming.” 
“Oh…” Minho said, seemingly no longer interested. “I thought she said she’s busy and all that…” 
“I was driving her and Hyunjin home last night and I had this moment of realization: Ahmi has never had a boyfriend because of Hyunjin.” 
“Seems like an Ahmi problem,” Minho said, his hand moving under Itsumi’s skirt, and she slapped his hand. 
“We’re in public,” she pouted. “Besides. I need your help with this.” 
“My help?” Minho pouted. 
“Yeah! Last night she started talking to Han before Hyunjin totally dragged her away. Didn’t you say he just broke up with his girlfriend before summer break?” 
“Yeah? But Chaewon is still obsessed  with him, and I think he’s just wanting to play around. Do you think Ahmi would be able to handle being played around with?” 
Itsumi pouted. “No…” 
“Look, as much as I rarely admit, I care about Ahmi. I don't want her to get hurt. Any attention is going to be like crack to her little virgin brain. She'd be dead by tomorrow if Jisung got involved.” 
“Jisung is nice.” 
“Jisung is a horny frat boy.” 
Itsumi rolled her eyes. “Well what then??” 
“Okay, okay, babe…” Minho said, raising his hands in surrender. “Let’s take a step back and think this through so we don’t hurt Ahmi.” 
Itsumi sulked in chair, pouting. “You’re right…” 
“So not Han. What are our other options?” 
“There is no way that Ahmi is going to willingly go on a blind date. We’re going to have to make it seem genuine.” 
“Should we pay someone?” 
“Minho!” Itsumi scolds. “That would break her heart even more if she ever found out.” 
“If who ever found out?” Ahmi said, sitting down at the table. 
Minho and Itsumi exchanged a quick glance, caught off guard by Ahmi's sudden appearance at their table. Itsumi's heart raced, but she managed to put on a casual smile. "Hey, Ahmi! We were just... uh, discussing some random stuff."
Ahmi raised an eyebrow, a suspicious look on her face. "Random stuff? You two looked pretty intense. And why did my name come up?"
Minho cleared his throat, his attempt at nonchalance coming off slightly awkward. "Well, you know, we were just thinking about how you've been so focused on your studies lately, and we thought you might need a little break."
“... The semester just started,” Ahmi said, raising her brow. 
“And you’re already working so hard!” Itsumi insisted. “How was your day?” 
Ahmi sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Busy, as always. But I managed to catch a break, so I thought I'd join you two for a little coffee break."
Minho glanced at Itsumi, silently conveying a question about whether they should mention their ongoing discussion. Itsumi responded with a subtle shake of her head, indicating they should wait until Ahmi was more relaxed.
"Sounds good," Itsumi said with a smile. "You deserve a break."
“Me and Hyune are having a movie tonight at his apartment so that will let me relax even more,” Ahmi said softly, taking a bite of the coffee cake she ordered. 
“Yeah, relax,” Minho said, making a motion before Itsumi was gasping, pushing his hands away. 
“You know it isn’t like that,” Ahmi complained. “Me and Hyunjin are just…” 
“Friends?” Minho scoffed. 
"Me and Hyunjin are just really close friends," Ahmi complained, her frustration evident in her tone. She leaned back in her chair, arms crossed defensively.
Itsumi and Minho exchanged a knowing glance, both suppressing amused smiles. It wasn't the first time Ahmi had downplayed her relationship with Hyunjin, and they knew better than to take her words at face value.
Something about Ahmi’s attitude made Itsumi’s smile fade though. Something was going on… She would have to wait and see. 
“What were you two even talking about last night? He seemed kind of grumpy.” 
“I can’t even remember. I think I split something on this really hot guy… or maybe that was a dream? That’s the last thing I remember.” 
“Huh,” Itsumi said. “Wonder what happened. Oh well, you guys have fun.” 
“Hopefully…” Ahmi pouted, she had a feeling she forgot something important, and she was scared it might come up tonight… 
The soft glow of Hyunjin’s small apartment TV lit up Ahmi’s face as she sat snuggled up on the couch. It was time for her and Hyunjin’s cherished movie night, but Ahmi couldn’t help but feel sick about tonight especially. Though the other night was rather fuzzy, Ahmi was sure that she would make everything clear tonight. The unknown of what exactly had happened the night before gnawed at her bones, but she toned it out. 
“Hey, Ahmi!” Hyunjin said, walking through the door and holding up grocery bags. “I’m back! I brought snacks!” 
“Aw, Hyunjin, I just made Popcorn,” Ahmi pouted, standing up from the couch as walking into the kitchen, her bare feel patting on the cold lAhminate floor.
Ahmi couldn’t deny the tension as Hyunjin looked up, his eyes making contact with hers. She wore short PJ shorts, and an oversized hoodie from the mens section. Hyunjin could smell her soft coconut shampoo from where he was standing as she pushed up her sleeves. 
“You brought my favorite chips!” Ahmi cheered cutely, tearing open the package of cheddar and sour cream crisps. 
“Mac and Cheese too,” he smiled gently. 
“Yes! I’ll get the water boiling,” Ahmi said, bending over to grab a pot from the cabinet. 
Hyunjin turned to lean back against the counter. “So what are we watching tonight?” 
“I was going to let you choose, you know, since I made you watch a barbie movie last time,” Ahmi giggled. 
“It was a good movie! I liked how sassy the love interest was. That polar bear was annoying as fuck though.” 
Ahmi laughed harder, as she placed the pot of water on the stovetop. “Yeah, Shiver was pretty annoying.” 
“Hmm, why don’t we watch- like… an action movie? Tokyo Drift?” he asked. 
“I think it just got put on Netflix,” she nodded. 
The two continued to make small talk as the noodles boiled, and before they knew it they were finishing up eating as they sat on the couch watching their movie, watching with anticipation, for Ahmi: a completely different reason. 
She gradually lost focus of the movie before she couldn’t keep up at all. Hyunjin watched closely as Ahmi reached for the remote. She pressed pause causing Hyunjin to gasp. 
“Ahmi, what the hell! This is the good part!” he whined before turning and seeing her worried face. “... Are you okay?” 
“I need to ask you something,” Ahmi said, a serious tone in her voice. “I mean it. Something really important.” 
Hyunjin stiffened, his memories from the day before worrying him. “Ahmi, I really think you should be resting right now. Just relax. It’s the weekend.” 
Ahmi shook her head, trying to get her thoughts in order. “No, I have to get this off my chest, Hyune. It’s been bothering me for a while now.” 
Please be something else. Please-
“I feel like I’m forgetting something last night… did I do something to upset you?” Ahmi asked cluelessly. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Hyunjin denied, reaching for the remote. “Now play the movie.” 
“No, seriously, Hyunjin. Did we… did we kiss?” Ahmi asked urgently. “Did I kiss someone else?” 
“No! No, we didn’t kiss!” Hyunjin denied immediately. “What the fuck , Ahmi.” 
“I don’t know…” she mumbled, shrinking into herself. “It felt something like that…” 
“We definitely didn’t kiss. You were way too drunk anyway,” Hyunjin scoffed, suddenly defensive. “It would have been weird for you to be kissing anyone.” 
Ahmi shook her head. “Wait a second… it would be weird if I kissed someone? What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Oh come on, Ahmi. I don’t mean it like that. You know what I mean, alcohol takes away consent and all that jazz,” he excused. “Can we get back to the movie now?” 
“You think it’s that absurd for me to be kissed? Really ?” Ahmi snapped. “Yeah, I’m so awf-” 
“Don’t you dare put words into my mouth, Ahmi,” Hyunjin said, beginning to grow irritated. “I never said that!” 
“No, but yet I’ve never been kissed, so obviously there is something wrong.”
“Maybe it's because you never leave my apartment. Ever thought of that?!” Hyunjin snapped. “You never even meet anyone to be kissed… ever! Jeez even I can’t go to parties with you around.” 
Ahmi gasped, her mouth falling open. She looked at Hyunjin betrayed. Where did this sudden resentment come from? They were friends… of course they would hang out. “You know, you could always say no, but yet you always accept. Whatever, go to all the parties you want,” she grumbled, getting off the couch. 
“Where are you going?” Hyunjin asked, turning to watch her scamper to the door. 
“Home! So you can go to your stupid fucking parties!” Ahmi snapped before slamming the door behind her. As she stormed down the hall, she heard Hyunjin’s door open. 
“Ahmi! Seriously? Don’t be dramatic!” he argued, yelling after her. 
Ahmi felt her lip quiver at his harsh tone. Ahmi couldn’t stand the thought of him hanging out with her out of pity… or obligation. If he didn’t want to be around her then she would just be alone! Like always… and if he really cared, he’d be running after her, but instead she made her way down the stairwell alone, and just like that, she was more lonely than ever. 
Ahmi’s cheeks were stained with tears as she shoved her keys in the door handle and turned the knob. When she walked in, she could barely see Itsumi and Minho making out on the couch through her tear-filled eyes. But it finally processed in her brain what they had been getting up to when Itsumi shot up, alarmed, to see who was at the door. 
“You guys are fucking nasty!” Ahmi cried, yet not able to see anything through the tears. The worst part of her best friend getting fucked on the couch was the fact that she just got basically rejected by her best friend. “I’m gonna die a virgin,” she sobbed, running off to her room. 
Itsumi gave Minho a look that only caused him to tighten his grip. “Can’t she wait?!” 
“No!” Itsumi snapped. “You don’t even have your pants down yet!” she scolded, pushing herself off Minho and rushing to Ahmi’s bedroom. Itsumi knocked at Ahmi’s door gently. “Mimi?” 
“You guys are deep cleaning the couch!’ Ahmi cried from inside the room. Itsumi rolled her eyes, pushing into the room. 
“You’ve sat on the couch without it being deep cleaned,” Itsumi teased, and Ahmi whined. 
“Ew!” she cried with a tear stained face as Itsumi adjusted Ahmi’s bedsheets.
“Besides, we were just kissing…So, are you going to tell me what happened, cutie?” Itsumi said, laying down beside Ahmi. 
“I asked Hyunjin,” I sniffled. “I messed up last night. I told him I felt like something happened that I couldn’t remember. I was drunk and wasn't thinking, b-but when I asked him-” Ahmi sobbed, gripping Itsumi tightly, “He said it was ridiculous that I would kiss anyone!” 
Itsumi rubbed Ahmi’s back gently, trying to soothe her. “Oh Ahmi…” 
“I told him that I was insecure about that kind of stuff, and he said ‘I never leave his apartment’ and that ‘he can’t go to parties because I’m always there’! What kind of fucking bullshit is that?! He’s the one that invites me over!” Ahmi wailed. Itsumi nodded, listening attentively. 
“I’m so sorry, Ahmi,” she said, squeezing her friend in a tight hug. “It must have just broken your heart. I’m sure he does like having you around.” 
“Y-yeah… it did. It was…” Ahmi let out a shaky breath. “I just didn’t even know he wanted to go to parties! And he made it seem like I wasn’t even wanted, you know?” 
Itsumi nodded. “I know. He’s such an ass for leading you on. Especially last night! The way he was looking at you the whole time was totally leading you on! He even told you how sexy you looked and then rejected you! How dare he!” 
“H-he was leading me on?” Ahmi hiccuped.
“Yes! Oh yes he was Ahmi,” Itsumi cooed, “Calling you hot and dragging you away from all those cute boys? No wonder you're always with him. He hogs you!” 
“Want me to strangle him for you?” Minho asked from the doorway, standing in boxers and a hoodie.
“Now is not the time, Min!” Itsumi snapped, and Minho raised his hands up in surrender, walking farther into the room. 
“All I’m saying is he took up what? Fourteen years of your life, chasing off boys and any eligible dates just to end up acting like he doesn’t want you around? He’s an ass.” 
Itsumi nodded. “He did pull you away from that guy last night. I thought maybe he was going to work up a confession, but I guess to him he wasn’t really interested in that. He is an ass!” 
“You guys are just saying that,” Ahmi mumbled from under the sheets. 
Itsumi nudged her. “Hey, if I was gay, you’d be just my type, Ahmi. You’re adorable!” 
“What does it matter if hyunjin doesn’t like me? I can’t even look back on our friendship without regret!” 
Minho raised his brows before nodding to Itsumi. He would think of something to cheer the younger girl up. Itsumi watched his leave before turning to Ahmi, pulling up the sheets. “Come on, cutie. We can watch a movie. Something cute like Ponyo?” 
“I am not sitting on that couch,” Ahmi pouted, making a face. 
“I told you we were just kissing!…” Itsumi laughed. “Come on cutie… you can sit on the chair.” 
Ahmi nodded, relaxing only a bit. 
“Should we drink? I have some Soju in the fridge!” Itsumi said enthusiastically. 
“No…” Ahmi sniffled, “I make big mistakes when I’m drunk…” 
“Hey,” Minho said, reappearing and knocking on the door. “I’m going out to the house. Let me know if you guys need anything.” 
Itsumi nodded, getting up and pecking his lips. “Thank you. Have fun!” 
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soapver4 · 3 months
He, a Gangsta, Became a Productivity Cherub
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Merch idea: An app with which you boost your work or study productivity by boosting that of a college-aspiring dead 47-year-old gangster given a new lease on life in the body of a severely bullied high schooler he tried to save from suicide. By "you," this concept includes the underprivileged and misfits among us who particularly feel small in front of the chic spaces and perfectly manicured accoutrements prevalent in popular YouTube productivity livestreams.
Helping people by facilitating them to help others may well overcome the real or perceived dehumanizing and enfeebling aspects of helping that either cause resistance to aid or deskill aid recipients:
Dehumanizing: Some benefactors and aid recipients see or experience aid as a manifestation or shift in power. Such benefactors may relish in the subjugation of aid recipients to their benevolence and in the visible evidence of their comparative strengths, whereas certain recipients feel threats to their identity, personal agency and sense of dominance as the direction of aid confirms their own positions on the need hierarchy. Many aid recipients are actually used to being benefactors. And wouldn't you rather be a benefactor yourself? While insightful character education may attenuate the deep-seated, not-always-rational human thirst for power, aid mechanisms that boost the self-esteem and morale of recipients, whose unhelpful mindsets, if any, are not necessarily a matter of will or justification for drastic consequences, can enhance their cooperativeness in the aid effort in the meantime.
Enfeebling: Remember that repeated substitutions or diminishment of the recipients' potential effort can erode their capacity for independent problem-solving and rob them of opportunities for intellectual or character growth. Yet we sometimes look at people as they are today and fail to envision the people they can mature or shape themselves into tomorrow. We say, "It's pointless to teach you how to fish! How can you haul up fish when you can barely haul up yourself? Let us just give you the fish!" Such attitudes can destroy recipients' belief in themselves while trapping them in a dependent mentality. The convenience direct assistance offers benefactors in many cases and the immediate results come at the probable expense of aid recipients' long-term prospects. Not all needs for aid arise in emergency situations or in an excessively incapacitated person.
Besides, since individuals perhaps excel more at designing solutions for others' problems than at doing that for their own, placing aid recipients in the position of benefactor can endow them with fresh, unencumbered perspectives that point to a way out of their quagmires. If not, the exercise at least has the potential to enhance their empathy for seemingly stubborn, pessimistic real individuals they themselves still try to be benefactors to.
This app would thus be an addition to important experiments already out there on this kind of chain aid. But for all the lofty exposition of its purpose, how exactly do you administer self-aid through aiding gangster soul productivity? Here are the mechanics:
Every time you commence a sequence of Pomodoro sessions, you log on to a screen featuring Deuk-pal struggling to revise while old clutches and bandage rolls hang around, gang notifications pop up and menacing thugs taunt him from outside his windows. In the anti-bullying web series High School Return of a Gangster, Deuk-pal confronts problems head-on, but let us accept that there are battles not worth any minute of our time and battles that can wait. To motivate commencement of Pomodoro sequences, different Pomodoro sequences would display different notifications and taunts.
Only at the end of each 25-minute session would you see Deuk-pal's witty and funny responses to more and more of the lines. Picture as the responses a middle-aged soul's wild misinterpretations of neologisms, his antiquated, pompous idioms prone to young'uns' absurd misinterpretations, and dad jokes so cold they stupefy the thugs. Picture also a middle-ager's wisdom from the natural time travel we call the passing of ages, as well as a possessed person's paranormal references. Again, these may not exactly match viewers' image of Deuk-pal, but recall that Deuk-pal upgrades himself over time and navigates different phases of life and different generations of peers in the series, so it would be reasonable to see a Deuk-pal with humor and more verbal drama in his arsenal but not necessarily immune to psychological aging.
You may want to enable cross-app functions that track webpages and apps you visit during the sessions, and if you visit those irrelevant to your anticipated tasks, the app would get the high-schooler ghost (acting by Yoon Chan-young) who [spoiler caution] decided to leave the body to the gangster for good to sigh eerily at this waste of his own sacrifice whereas Deuk-pal's actors (Lee Seo-jin and Yoon Chan-young) yelp out aegyo / cute apologies. Now, we wouldn't want to waste the actors' voice sacrifices, would we?
Ideally, under consent, the app would tap into AI-enabled motion and voice detection technologies that trigger Deuk-pal to groan about his sleepiness or fears about his upcoming deadlines to get your help whenever you rest your head on a desk for too long or you, God forbid, snore.
Better still, cerebral oximeters and electroencephalography sensors you may like to wear would monitor (but hopefully not transmit to the app developer or other parties) your concentration level and brain health, triggering the groans when the concentration level falls below a threshold and transitioning the screen to a scene of emergency responders calling out to Deuk-pal when your brain health is sub-optimal. Provided the science behind the technologies is solid, that might strike a balance between the pros of hustle culture and the danger of over-exertion.
Each Pomodoro sequence ends with an upbeat song from the web series and Deuk-pal exercising by teaching his young new friends confidence-building self-defense moves.
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At the conclusion of the series, [spoiler caution] successful gangster-turned-college-student Deuk-pal may have realized that an upright life based on honest effort is forever a work in progress. We are all works in progress, wherever on a need hierarchy we find ourselves.
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A Business Proposal (Avis)
Planifiez-vous de, ou avez-vous déjà, regarder A Business Proposal ? N'hésitez pas à venir en parler ! Et/Ou laisser un 🩷 !
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myromancedramas · 2 years
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novelswithariana · 8 months
How come no one thought that a pink bunny in a Killer's video is odd is beyond me. But I have to admit they are building the suspense pretty good. Right now I am leaning toward Mr. Lee being connected to The Killing Vote more than Ji Hoon. Doesn't mean I have striked out Ji Hoon's name. But Professor was right, it's suspicious how Moo Chan is so closely connected to the case.
Another question I have is that who the boy from Professor's drawings is? The boy is in every drawing but we don't know anything about him. Also from where did Jin Soo recognize Mr Lee?
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Lee Seo-jin becomes 47-year-old gangster... 'I am a gangster and I became a high school student'
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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rookie-critic · 2 years
Decision to Leave (2022, dir. Park Chan-wook) - review by Rookie-Critic
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Decision to Leave is a tense noir-ish thriller with a ton of style and great performances. The newest from Oldboy director Park Chan-wook, the film is a subdued effort from the filmmaker, who is normally noted for the striking brutal violence in his films like the Vengeance series and Oldboy. While the difference in tone and intensity is noticeably different, the visual style of the film is still unmistakably his, and it's great. The cinematography of this film is gorgeous, and one of the biggest triumphs the movie has is the lighting. All of the decisions regarding the way things were lit and framed in this film feel very intentional and like it was done with purpose. It's a truly beautiful film and everything on the technical and visually artistic level is near perfection.
On the flip side, while the story is also very good, it feels like it can't quite keep up with that stellar style. There are a good handful of scenes that definitely feel like they are done with a style-over-substance mindset, and while there's nothing inherently wrong with that, it can be done to great effect, here I found it more distracting than anything. The story of a respected, hard-boiled detective that gets too emotionally invested in the personal life of a suspect in a murder case (the victim's widow, at that), this movie screams film-noir from a plot perspective, equal parts Maltese Falcon and Casablanca. It plays out with plenty of twists and reveals that are all very gripping, and the film manages to keep the audience's attention through most of its runtime. I can't really say the film dragged or rushed itself at all, but there was something about the way it all plays out and that semi-frequent sacrifice of style over substance that kept this from being truly great for me. In the spirit of full transparency, I did see this on a day where I was particularly physically and mentally fried, and I don't think I really gave this film the full breadth of my attention and mental focus, so maybe upon a re-watch (which I do plan on doing at some point) I will change my tune, but for now, I will give it this score, which is still pretty great, if you ask me.
Score: 8/10
Currently streaming on MUBI.
I really do hate when I feel like I haven't given a movie everything I've got prior to writing its review, and I thought about not even putting this up right now until I did have that chance to re-watch. So, with that in mind, I might make an amended review once that happens.
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stuff-diary · 10 months
Twinkling Watermelon
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2023
Twinkling Watermelon (2023, South Korea)
Directors: Son Jung Hyun & Yoo Beom Sang
Writer: Jin Soo Wan
I loved Twinkling Watermelon so so much. This drama made my Mondays and Tuesdays for eight weeks. The story might not be groundbreaking, but it's incredibly well-written and fun. I was afraid the plot would be too simple to make it through 16 one-hour episodes, but it never dragged at all. There was always something to look forward to, and many of the twists caught me by surprise. On top of that, the writer gave us two fantastic love stories. Seriously, both of them are among the best I've seen in a K-drama. But the real focus of the show is the friendship between all the main characters, and its portrayal of youth was really heartwarming and nostalgic. And the whole cast was incredible too, they absolutely delivered at every turn. The only flaw I can point out is that the representation wasn't perfect, and they should've hired at least some deaf actors. Besides that, I don't have any complaints. I might go as far as saying this is one of my favorite dramas of all time, and I'm gonna miss it so much.
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Decision to Leave (헤어질 결심) (Heojil kyolshim) (2022) Park Chan-wook
December 26th 2022
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ybklix · 1 month
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˚‧。⋆ SKZ ‘24, the masterlist:
⁺˚⋆。✧ ° ₊ ☆⋆。°‧★
OT8 INTRO: LUST october 1st
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synopsis: Lee Minho plans a little getaway with his closest friends, their wives, and you, his girlfriend and most adored and prized possession, right after he intentionally reads your private diary and leaves him wandering with your writing about something particular.
꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦ ꒷꒦︶꒷꒦︶ ๋ ࣭ ⭑꒷꒦
☾ BANG CHAN ☽˚.⋆
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synopsis: As part of a college assignment, you interview a peculiar doctor about his success and long career, but then he starts telling you about the odd and unbelievable lifestyle he used to lead that got him there, claiming to be something you find funny at first, but then you get caught up in the details, causing tension and questioning reality. pairing: vampire!chrisbahng x inexperiencedfem!reader ˚˖𓍢ִ໋ 🦇 ✧˚.🔮 cw: corruption kink, breeding, choking, +more...
☾ LEE KNOW ☽˚.⋆
somebody’s watching me october 7th
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synopsis: Meeting a mysterious and secretive man thrills every part of you, but unknowingly, he watches you from his window on a lonely night, not realizing that it will ignite a new behavior in him. pairing: lee minho x camgirl!femreader ★ ₊ .˙⊹.🕯️˚˖ cw: voyeurism, sex toys, perv tendencies, +more...
like lovers do october 11th
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synopsis: Your new boss is quite interesting, so the night lends itself to a few drinks and the discovery of never-before-explored bodies in such an inappropriate but magnetic act. pairing: ceo!seochangbin x fem!reader ˚˖𓍢ִ໋ 🦇 ✧˚.🔮 cw: deepthroat, dom/sub tendencies, sir kink, +more...
☾ HYUNJIN ☽˚.⋆
ART DECO october 14th
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synopsis: An eccentric and peculiar artist, whose art is well known for its captivating and erotic method, is fascinated by you, who naively thought you just accepted a small job for him. pairing: dom!hyunjin x sub!femreader ★ ₊ .˙⊹.🕯️˚˖ cw: shibari ropeplay, bdsm, +more...
☾ HAN ☽˚.⋆
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synopsis: After discovering his wife's infidelity, a sorrowful man seeks fun and solace on a peculiar and dark night, whose twisted games of fate lead him to meet you, in such a strange way, in what seems to be a forbidden place where he shouldn't be. pairing: han jisung x fem!reader ˚˖𓍢ִ໋ 🦇 ✧˚.🔮 cw: amaurophilia, facefucking, impact play, +more...
☾ FELIX ☽˚.⋆
nocturnal whispers october 21st
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synopsis: On a long and tedious night, you and your boyfriend decide to spend some time, openly trying new things. pairing: lee felix x fem!femreader ★ ₊ .˙⊹.🕯️˚˖ cw: roleplay, sex toys, dreg kink, +more...
unspoken storm october 25th
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synopsis: On an unfortunate night of heavy rain you find yourself stuck without being able to move forward, until a kind man sees you and offers to give you lodging until the rain stops but he turns out to be your teacher; once being alone leads you to get to know each other better in such a specific way, exploring dangerous territories and forbidden fantasies. pairing: kim seungmin x fem!reader ˚˖𓍢ִ໋ 🦇 ✧˚.🔮 cw: spanking, corruption kink, +more...
☾ I.N. ☽˚.⋆
hotel california october 28th
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synopsis: A young and naive Jeongin stays for a few days in a mysterious hotel with a certain strange vibe out of necessity but decides to stay after meeting you and in a way, until he has you, but everyone around him seems to keep secrets. pairing: rockstar!yangjeongin x fem!reader ★ ₊ .˙⊹.🕯️˚˖ cw: roleplay, chocking, +more...
⁺˚⋆。✧ ° ₊ ☆⋆。°‧★
OT8: Season of the witch october 31st
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⁺˚⋆。✧ ° ₊ ☆⋆。°‧★ ⁺˚⋆。✧ ° ₊ ☆⋆。°‧★
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⊹  ︶︶  ୨୧  ︶︶  ⊹
⟶ pretty when you cry
⟶ in the night
⟶ teacher’s pet
⟶ dollhouse
⟶ playground
⟶ big bad wolf
⟶ be my daddy
⟶ sweater weather
⟶ little red riding hood
⟶ enjoy the ride
⊹  ︶︶  ୨୧  ︶︶  ⊹
⟶ the uninvited
⟶ sad girl
⟶ behind closed doors
⊹  ︶︶  ୨୧  ︶︶  ⊹
⟶ asylum
⟶ onsen
⊹  ︶︶  ୨୧  ︶︶  ⊹
⟶ lost muse ₊
⟶ ultraviolence
⟶ night time, my time
⟶ allure
⊹  ︶︶  ୨୧  ︶︶  ⊹
⟶ doll parts
⟶ don’t talk to strangers
⊹  ︶︶  ୨୧  ︶︶  ⊹
⟶ trick or treat!
⟶ sinner
⊹  ︶︶  ୨୧  ︶︶  ⊹
⟶ illicit affairs
⟶ veil of innocence
⊹  ︶︶  ୨୧  ︶︶  ⊹
⟶ a little death
⟶ gods & monsters
⊹  ︶︶  ୨୧  ︶︶  ⊹
OT8 / fem!reader x specific members:
⟶ LIAR (ot8)
⟶ burning desire (ot8 - 3 part series)
⟶ fight club (chan & minho)
⟶ I put a spell on you (han, felix, seungmin)
⟶ intruders (han & felix)
🎃 ̊ ̟ ꒷ ꒦ 🦇 ꒦ ꒷ ̟ ̊ 🎃
happy fall and spooky season⭒✧˖°.🕷 ๋࣭ ⭑✮₊ ⊹
playlist (i'm still working on it)
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mantaypeli · 2 years
Decision To Leave
★★★☆☆ Sobresaliente en lo visual, pero bastante más convencional en lo argumental; este intrincado noir que deriva en romance tempestuoso supone una más que digna obra en la soberbia filmografía del surcoreano Park Chan-wook. Sin embargo, para el espectador curtido, la historia que aborda Decision To Leave (Heojil kyolshim), a lo largo de casi dos horas y veinte minutos está repleta de lugares…
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hanji-cafe · 2 months
Still Be Friends? Masterlist
Hi! Due to a request, I'll also be posting it here on Tumblr. Please reblog and comment if you enjoy it.
If you so care to enjoy it on AO3: Still Be Friends?
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Stray Kids (Band), K-pop Rating: Mature Warnings: Drinking, Drug Use (Normal Frat Boy shit), Dubcon (Due to alcohol), swearing, sex, look at the chapter for further warnings.
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Aurora University is a place where the vibrant atmosphere and endless opportunities have joy naturally finds you. Regardless of your major, interests, or personality, you're sure to find your place here. At least that's what the brochure says.
Ahmi finds that fact debatable. Between her tight schedule of classes to studying and her constant attempt to escape the eyes of everyone else on campus, she barely had time to let 'joy naturally find her'. Especially when tension between her and best friend, Hwang Hyunjin, tighten without reason. Yet, when her roommate-turned-best friend Itsumi suddenly convinces her to join on a frat adventure and even a join a sorority, maybe her luck finding that joy will suddenly change. Especially when Frat Boy Han Jisung is involved. If not with him, then where?
You know what they say: "If you can't find happiness in Aurora, you can't find it anywhere."
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Chapter 1: The Rotten Beginning
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4: When Shit Hits the Fan
Make sure to check out SKZ Party Playlist on Spotify!
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