#separating the art from the artist fr
gaillol-13 · 3 months
Even tho its a big bummer w/ what happened with Tobuscus, Its not gonna stop me from loving Nerville.
He is the character ever.
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He's like if Jon Arbuckle and Flint Lockwood were smushed and mixed together like playdoh.
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theklaapologist · 9 months
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yasutheculprit · 9 months
costas mandylore is a right-wing trump supporter??... oughh you were given all that tits and you decide to use it for evil gains.
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weepingseraphstranger · 2 months
I may be losing it but at least I have my questionable attractions (I would smash Nyarlathotep)
and also:
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dreamdazedworld · 24 days
Synopsis: Yingxing x Genshin! Youkai! Gender neutral Reader and the both of them are hopelessly in love.
Note(s): I was listening to 愛き夜道 on Spotify when I suddenly got this idea, now it won’t leave me alone. Anyways, I think that this is the first post I actually wrote, so yippie? Eat up, my children, you won’t be having these Yingxing crumbs for some while. This might actually turn into a full blown fic, though it depends on my motivation LOL
Warning(s): Both of them are hopelessly in love with each other, death mentioned (nothing serious, dw), oops now you have a Yandere! Blade chasing you around Teyvat
Art credit goes to my favorite artist, void/Re:era on X! Their art is really pretty, check them out if you can :o
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Imagine a Genshin! Youkai! Reader who’s a fox/kitsune (like Yae), and fell in love with YINGXING, like it has all of the potential fr.
So! Of course, Reader here is from Inazuma, and their… clan (let’s all pretend that the Youkai has separate clans) feeds only on the feelings (and emotions), positive ones, to be precise, of humans (like the dementors from Harry Potter!). Negative ones are like poison to them- And the only antidote for this is the Sacred Sakura, however, there are lasting after effects. Once poisoned, the kitsune will be significantly weakened for a long period of time, ranging from a few decades to centuries on end, depending on how much the kitsune consumed.
Kitsune! Reader, unlike the others from their clan, doesn’t like feeding on humans (because it ends up driving their victim mad and they like humans). Of course they understand that it’s necessary for them to survive, they’re not dumb, they can feel their hunger growing with each day they refused to feed on humans. So, with no more options, decides to blend into human society by protecting mankind from the ‘evil’ Youkai, and occasionally feeding on people who are about to die (with guilt). Their love for humanity and stubborn determination to protect humans ends up earning them a Pyro vision that supplies them with some energy to keep them going, since visions are literally wishes with a physical shape, and wishes have positive energy.
One day, while resting on the Sacred Sakura, Reader accidentally finds out that the Sakura has clones, which are spread across multiple worlds by waking up in the Xianzhou Luofu. There, they meet young Yingxing, who’s still learning under that grandpa, when he stumbles into the area where the clone is located. There, they become friends, and as years pass, eventually drinking buddies as well. After Yingxing meets the High-Cloud Quintet and as years fade away, our dear Reader here realizes they’re hopelessly in love with….. Yingxing!? Instantly gives up on their love as soon as they realize, because they think he doesn’t see them in that light (honey, he does), and to rub salt to the wound, in love with Bai Heng, since Yingxing talks about her a lot. But of course it doesn’t go as easily as they want it to go, so the Reader just silently suffers with their emotions.
When shit starts to go down in the Quintet after Bai Heng’s death, Reader goes “Oh fuck, Yingxing’s negative energy is going to make him choose the shittiest life options, won’t it?” and starts to suck away his pain (by kissing him in his sleep because YES). Yingxing starts getting better in exchange for Reader’s health, and in the end, Reader fucking COLLAPSES, forced to go back to Inazuma to recover, Yingxing learns about everything they were keeping from him through a letter, depression hits and oh wow, Yingxing chooses the most shittiest life decision he has ever made by teaming up with Dan Feng to cause the Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae, turning him immortal, and eventually into Blade. (I forgot to mention it but only the original Sacred Sakura has the ability to heal away the poison.)
As thousands of years pass, Reader fully recovers, though not exactly since they can’t let go of Yingxing. The Sakoku degree is lifted, and everything seems fine in Inazuma, until they come across a person who they thought were already dead- You guessed it, Blade! But not just typical Blade, Yandere! Blade who is on the brink of insanity and is hellbent on bringing Reader along with him. And so, the game of cat and mouse ensues.
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shewreckz · 7 months
Hey your art is pretty whimsical and radical my gender non specific broseph, per chance would thou be able to enlighten us on how you draw such bodacious fine art? Like how you draw bodies and fave and what have thee. (Fr tho your art really cool and I'd like to see how you make it)
okay i have whipped up a quick little visual of my thought process while drawing!! it might not be the best cause im not the greatest at teaching but if anyones curious ^_^
first lets start with how i draw bodies
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a lot of people like to do the "skeleton" method which is where you draw lines and circles to plan out where the limbs should be. honestly i really dislike doing that because i like to always have volume and shape in mind when drawing bodies, but if it works for you thats great.
instead i separate the body into different pieces, kinda like an articulated doll. i think it helps visualize all the moving parts in a 3d space and makes posing and perspective a lot easier. i can also always add the detailed anatomy on top of this basic model like you see on the left. its always important to work from simple -> complex. drawing a pose while being too worried on anatomy will really hinder your drawing process.
to improve doing this it really just takes practice and observation. i could be here all day talking about proportions, and how many heads high a person is, and each specific muscle group, but i reccomend you go and watch videos and study professional artists on your own. as someone who has been drawing and studying these things for so long, i barely think about how many heads high a person is when im drawing a body. its kind of like learning how to play and instrument or driving a car. it becomes second nature eventually, but you have to apply those skills and work through that period of time where youre still trying to program it into your brain.
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after you get a hang of the basics you can take this basic model and draw all types of body shapes with it. i say its always important to play around with making your body types diverse. its not only fun to do but helps make all the characters you draw unique and recognizable. (dont be like vivziepop).
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dynamic posing can be the hardest thing to master for a lot of people. the best way to learn how to pose is to not think about it too much and just doing it. for example in my figure drawing class we had to sketch out gesture drawings from a picture in 15 seconds. excercises like that help a ton in making you feel more comfortable when drawing from a reference. you should definitely reference a LOT when it comes to poses, it helps build this visual database so that eventually you can get to the point where you can just draw accurate and dynamic poses from memory. after getting to this point eventually you kind of start thinking of your canvas as this tangible 3d space and considering your characters in 3d space helps make the poses feel a lot more realistic and interesting.
ok now a quick little tour into how i draw different faces yaaaayy!!!1!1!1
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main thing with my art is that i LOVEEE drawing dynamic face shapes i think its so important to avoid drawing the same slim faces over and over. shape language plays a big role into this. like for example the face on the middle is more square, the one on the left is more oval and the one on the right is more circle. shape language helps communicate so much about your character without even saying a word about them and just helps differentiate people from a glance.
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facial features also play a huge role into making your faces different. these are all drawn from the same exact face shape but look like entirely different characters by adding variety in the features. different noses, eye shapes, lips, etc. can make such a huge difference
i think before any of that its important to learn the anatomy of the face though. again im not gonna go into how many eyes wide a face it or how far the nose is from the mouth but like its always important to learn the fundamentals before stylizing stuff. again the face is a 3d space and if you dont consider your face a 3d plane the features will kind of just look like theyre floating on your characters face like soup...theres a lot of great resources and tutorials online take advantage of those!!! and reference from artists you like too it helps a ton.
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and then you mix that all together and Boom you have cool and interesting faces. you will best that same face syndrome in no time if you take my advice Trust...
anyways yeah thats the soda design philosophy hit that like button if you liked it or douse me with tomatoes and kick me off the stage if you think i give bad advice ill leave the decision up to you
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phantomram-b00 · 6 months
Why is Harry Potter trending (or was)? Can it not? Like deadass I’m being fr can it plz not. Especially that J.K Rowling is a massive TERF, a raging antisemite, and disgustingly try to deny that trans people were not affected by the Holocaust (which she was ratio’d by George Takei).
Way ahead of you: (Tw: transphobia, racism, antisemitism, holocaust, Harry Potter)
Oh and don’t get me started how Hogwart Legacy, you know that game that was sworn Jk Rowling wasn’t apart of (yeah sure-) is blood libel story. Not to mention that trans people have told you not to especially since there is a canonical transgender character named Sirona. (People said Sirona is a Celtic goddess for healing. but- come on. You can’t bullshit out of this one. There are OTHER NAMES TO NAME A TRANSGENDER CHARACTER— it make those joke with how Jk Rowling naming not far off. Because it like naming a nonbinary character “NoGendora” or smth (before you say, I’m nonbinary myself—) so idc if it already have a meaning, it still is tone deaf to name a transgender women Sirona).
“But but- you can separate the art from the artist?”
Yes. You can separate art from the artist. HOWEVER before you celebrate thinking you had a gotcha moment. You can only separate if the art itself isn’t problematic or is bigotry itself. Harry Potter is as mention in the links. Not to mention, Harry Potter himself become a cop despite the cop in that world didn’t do jack shit. And don’t get me started on how they handle the whole elf slavery. Also there is heavy fatphobia in this story, proof, look at how they would talk about Harry’s abusive aunt and uncle from his mother’s side. Don’t get me started how she would describe Rita Skeeter. There even a black character who’s last names is Shacklebolt— do I need to say more (if I’m missing any other examples please tell me)
Not to mention she benefits off of it and uses her money to donate to transphobia and just don’t give a flying fuck if she offend people (which seem to usually be the case for trans/homophobia but moving on). like, this is who you wanna support? You still want to read this wizard book when there are other that don’t have transphobia, racist, antisemitic, or any problematic rhetoric and are objectively better than Harry Potter? Really? You wanna die on this hill?
Look. I used to like Harry Potter. but that was before I knew what a dirtbag of a fucking human she is (I didn’t really have social media at the time), and I cringe as I wish I learn sooner that she was a deplorable person who hates trans people like myself (nonbinary respectfully). But, I can happily say Fuck Harry Potter that series can burn in a trash for all I care and I hope the hbo series flops on its ass. And also fuck Jk Rowling, she can fuck off for all I care. That being said, If you support Harry Potter/Jk Rowling, unfollow me. Block me. Because I do not support Harry Potter/Jk Rowling. Because Trans rights/Gender Equality, Human rights are infinitely more important than a basic ass wizard book/movie with a even basic ass magic system when there are objectively better wizard/magic books that are respectful.
Anyway, that being said, Trans and basic human rights matter 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 🤭
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txttletale · 10 months
media literacy and reading comprehension is getting soooo bad like i think it’s wrapped up in identity politics that people need to be X to do or play or write about X and to some extent i see your point like it would be actively harmful to cast say an able bodied actor in many disabled roles or to cast a white person in a nonwhite role but the implication that art can only be made within this narrow bubble of what you identity as and otherwise it’s bad….. like that’s not the point of art at ALL. death of the author isn’t a universally applicable concept but fr sometimes you MUST separate the art from the artist
i don't particularly disagree with your broader point but it's so weird how people always say media literacy is "getting bad". like, what was the period where population-wide media literacy was great across the board? i so often see complaints about how people interact with narrative and media wrapped up in this completely unfounded and somewhat reactionary narrative of decline & it's just kinda ahistorical
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random-vyxx · 3 months
Sooo! Nn DIALTOWN HEADCANONS!! (Tw there are brief mentions of suicide-) [ill get to dsaf headvanons in a different post]
(Also there's a LOT.)
• phonegingi and typegingi are separate beings.
• biology is determined on whats funniest in context.
• can change their sex at will,, like a frog,
• sometimes sleeps at the foot of norms bed like some fatass dog /lovingly /inspiredby that one nrom blog
• they have an immense dislike of beans.
• when asked about any sort of beans they get defensive.
• red-green colour blind
• purrs,,
• has adhd ,,, because,, they,, akt like me,, *
• thinks the narrator and it are homoerotic, the narrator just wants to go home.
• has a hang in there cat poster in its tent.,, stole it from Billy's alternary school when smuggling him out to ask for help summoning satan.
• likes liquorice.
• every 1-3 years gingi has to get a rabies shot. WILL NOT go alone. Has to get someone to take her or else he IS biting a veterinarian.
• Gingi has broken a limb before, they tried gnawing it off but got distracted by an un-watched construction site (gravel yummy yummy)
• were married. /JOKR.. /perchance?!
• is not only protective of romantic companions (me rn: 🤓👆),, just anyone she likes.
• she doesn't stim often (repressing it n whatnot), but when she does its usually something simple like bouncing onto her heels. *
• HATTTEEESSS blueberries. Oh my god unless they're ripe in the right way she physically cannot make herself eat them. Likes the taste but GOD she cant deal with them. *
• sometimes when she has a painting she didn't like the outcome of, she lets gingi gnaw on it. (She uses non-toxic paints when painting near gingi)
• smart, but she can make dumb decisions out of impulse.
• goth phase, but eventually got out of it because she just.. Didn't like it anymore.
• girlboss, i love her! !!
• her boss HATED her!
• sometimes she gets art block and stares at the canvas, contemplating if shes actually an artist.
• found a leaf that looked strangely like Charlie Chaplin, showed it to gingi and gingi devoured it instantly.
• Randy finds it very hard to sleep naturally!! He will curl up around the airvent in the ticket booth.
• shares a braincell with Oliver n Karen.
• as pathetic as he is, can be pretty damn assertive at times.
• not sexually, bro would be shook if he held your HAND.
• he daydreams about some disney ass "getting pushed onto the dance floor and #ROCKING IT!!!!! " (If he got pushed onto a dance floor hed cry.)
• HAS drempt (dreampt? ) about invader zim and rainbow dash frim mlp beating the shit out of him. Has cried to Oliver about it, and Oliver asked if he did or did not deserve their beating,, in the dream.
• honestly kinda in love with Oliver.
• has honestly known Karen a BIT longer than hes known Oliver,, probably met her after leaving his dads house at 16.
• anytime he passes by the swan pond while walking back to the funfair, he starts shaking
• religious trauma, but meeting god kinda eased his fears a bit
• maybe it was the whole "god is really just an alcoholic hobo.. Hm... Maybe im nOT going to hell! He just like me fr! ",, still scared of him tho since if his life got that bad god aint in control.
• ASS EYESIGHT!! cant afford repairs.
• Randy will scarf down ANY food given. Hes usually nervous about being given stuff, but food? No questions asked, already consumed
• has some crazy ass habits
• actually a pretty good welder, just sometimes uses it for... Evil.
• he welded a dick then him and gingi giggled about it for 38 minutes. He hides it around the scareshack sometimes and when mr dickens finds it, he sighs and places it somewhere new to continue this GOD AWFUL game.
• jokes about committing crimes, but wouldn't,, chaotic good type shiz.
• romance is boring ahh self.*
• likes randy,, but subtly, since hes greyromantic
• once listened to "kiss me son of god" by they might be giants so long he felt physical withdrawal when he WASN'T listening to it. Would pay money to listen to it for the first time again. ****
• used to overbind just because hed forget hes wearing a binder. Average conversation would be like "god randy i feel sick as FUCKK... " "maybe get that checked out..? " "like my chest hurts n shit,, iunno if its actually serious but it does hurt" ".. Oliver are you wearing the binder thingy... If thats what its called-? "*
• Oliver speaks in stage directions, instead of right, he says "stage left"
• it takes a lot to coax Bigfoot into the city, usually more responsive when karen does it.
• no longer allowed near a car. *
• actually knows several languages, just doesn't speak.
• dude its Bigfoot what can i say, he like 'naners.
• INTRUSIVE thoughts. Bro is tweaking. *
• whenever he gets intrusive thoughts he feels PHYSICALLY SICK. Like one he gets is doing what he was going to do in the bad ending. One bullet for mingus, one for himself. He wouldn't, definitely not. Giving up his happy ending would be stupid and he knows that. He cant control it though. Thats what intrusive thoughts are. He has yet to tell anybody about them. (Yes im starting his hcs with these two)
• bisexual, had the awakening during his isolation.. Fill in the blanks.
• the hat he wears is,, thank god,, not the infamous erotica hat. Though he has yet to get RID of the erotica hat.
• used to play bloody knuckles. I SWEAR ITS FUN*
• bickers with Mingus a lot, but sometimes they're calm (prolly after some hijinks.)
• was a fucking hOMO for Callum, it was not mutual, and he knew that.*
• God gets him to make omelettes sometimes. Norm is somewhat freaked out by it, but does it nonetheless because its fucking god.
• sometimes sees bad edits of spaceships going into space on Facebook reels... And he HAS gotten nostalgic over it. *
• isn't ready to date anybody, no siree, but he is able to form close bonds. And thats okay!!!
• sleeps with a rifle under his pillow*
• after little to no contact with fellow humans for YEARS, he is DOGSHIT at several social cues. I dont know if its the autism or the isolation anymore.... Vro also doesn't know about several important events!
• ended up giving gingi a turnip so theyd DHUT UP.
• asked my dad for ideas, he just "double cheeseburger". I dont know what this means.
• The ink spots fan at heart 💖
Mayor Mingus
• The mingling has a specific pin to show they're in it, but nobody knows what it means so they just look fruity. Mingus didn't accept the pin idea, but they did it any ways. She REFUSES to acknowledge the fact she put it on a board in her office.
• Has cat like behaviors,, obviously,, but sometimes shit like purring shows and she HATES it.
• post chapter 3, shes less frantic about fixing callum, but wont put him down,, never.
• head overheats easily become cats cant sweat (a lot)
• tries to get people to shut up as soon as possible, but will negotiate if she deems it necessary. *
• strangely knows "McDonald's lore". Doesn't elaborate.
• Mingus and the rest of the mingling are back as a group, gods no longer in it and bunnys there!!
• has a list of citizen's she dislikes immensely!! If this got leaked, she'd be in big trouble. *
• catnip works. Well. Too well.
• tango will find her high off her ass on catnip,,, just staring at a lamp like a fucking moth.
• The mingling isnt ENTIRELY incompetent now that bunnys back, theyre kinda together as a crime force. Shooty and stabby have yet to be given real weapons but they're still there so the REST of the mafia can say "Honey... We can call the MAYOR for this disrespect. "
• Passively aggressively says "Im fine. " if shes pissed off. [Needs al-kee-hol.. Aka milk]*
• walks her paw-paw around the nursing home just to keep him a little fit. Callum does NOT know who thos strange cat lady is but hes okay with that.
• tired mom-core
• AROACSE!!!! ACE!!! ARO!!!*
[The next characters wont have as many headcanons.]
• his complaining taught everyone his legal name was "Unabel". Everyone calls him that now.
• Drinks on the job.
• going through a messy divorce. He started it.
• Abelvynny??!!!
• hes alergic to peppermint and coconut.
• strange deja vu when he sees certain phones,, like... Whoever the hell Joe and Harry are, and Tango too for some reason. It confuses him and he does NOT like it.
• Disabled because of getting slammed with a fucking machine.
• has prosthetic legs,, because,,, getting slammed with madame mediocre,, AND a call back to callum crown.
• ALSO drinks on the job
• doesn't actually like rabbits, changed his name for marketing.
• eats lemons. *
God / Local Hobo
• RARELY gets seriously mad, and when they do, its not that bad
• Churches weird him out,, but doesn't really care. *
• everyone in town knows them in some way.
• hes the one who pissed on the bank floor
• doesn't actually like eating waffles. He'll eat anything but waffles just are for decorative purposes in his mind.
• genderfluid,, but hes usually too drunk to use anything other than he/they.. Used to use everything though. Maybe when sober they'll use she/her,, but again, rarely sober.
• also has a feminine voice,,, just for sillies. *
Shooty n Stabby
• team rocket type shit
• they datin. They queer.
• their head was done by some dude in an alleyway between an applebees and a hospital.
• Originally he knife headed one is stabby, the gun headed one is shooty. They don't know that,, because they only call eachother "bro".
• dialtown mob isn't even that bad.. They're just incompetent. Like zim compared to the rest of the irken empire. Im sorry invader zim brainrots getting to me.
• HAD good weapons before, because mingus didn't know how shitty they were. Never again. Mingus learnt her lesson.
Theoraur Rustlebelt (famed adventurer and explorer)
• chronic back pain from wrangling large animals. Pain
• Put traps outside of gingis tent, gingi ate them
• sleeps holding a gun.
• likes the colour green a little.. Too much, just doesn't ever wear it.
Little Billy
• Drinks pure ketchup and its scary. *
• Neurodivergent ,, *
• weed. Lots. [[[Most people thinks it's just kid shit, hes high. who gave him weed. ]]]
• Likes breakcore music (like atari teenage riot and machine girl ) *
• hates everyone equally ♡*
• peanut allergy,, but he mainly eats macaroni so does it matter????
• has one of those silly ass spinny chairs to keep him focused in mingling meetings,, but still easily diverges topic [SPINNY CHAOR IDEA WAS TAKEN FROM SOMEONE ELSS BHT I FORGOT FROM WHOM]
• knows a little too much about knives.*
• favourite knife is a bowie knife, since he finds the history neat. Thinks Jim Bowie did some SICK stuff... But like,, jim bowies still a terrible person and he knows it. Stoll that standoff was epic. This is self projecting im sorry***
• lies a lot, even when not needed. *
• picks up spiders and gives them to people he dislikes. *
• aroace,, but hes 7 so he doesn't know yet.. Nor care.
END!!!!! the amount of aroace headcanons is for a spECIFIC REASON!! (im aroace.)
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relatableblorbopoll · 9 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 15
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracketPropaganda under the cut
Wen Kexing (Tian Ya Ke / Faraway Wanderers)
"Author: so theres this OP cannibal murderer who's a huge homosexual and has a dissociative disorder... Me, completely ignoring the OP cannibal murderer part: wow a huge homosexual with a dissociative disorder, hes just like me fr!!!!"
Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
No Propaganda
Nico di Angelo (Percy Jackson Series)
"gay (canon), trans (not canon but very popular headcanon), autistic (implied), depressed (canon), emo, and separated and left out by all his peers"
Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
"I too believe I am a threat but am a minor inconvenience at best."
Reki Kyan (Sk8 the Infinity)
"Sighs dramatically. Everything about him is just like me Fr I just. He’s an artist who gets excited over his art but nobody is as excited as him so he gets shut down a lot. He gets worried that his friends are gonna leave him behind because he’s not as good as them at skating. He self isolates after a fight and avoids his friends like the plague despite them only wanting to help. It takes him talking sense into SOMEONE ELSE for him to realize he doesn’t need to be good at what he does, he just needs to have fun doing what he’s passionate about."
q!Quackity (QSMP)
"No bitches. Just so bitchless it's sad. He fumbles every single bad bitch he's tried to bag. His good buddy that he clearly had some romantic feelings for? Sure he flirts with him, but he flirts with everyone and is lowkey not interested because he likes somebody else. Doesn't matter, he has two other guys he's into, and it looks like they might be into him! They both fuck off out of existence, one to become an entire different entity even. OK WELL YOU KNOW WHAT? There's this NEW guy who is interesting and good looki- Oh, the best friend from the beginning? Already dating him. And they're planning on getting MARRIED, how wonderful!!! good for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well one of the guys that left just MIGHT come back!!!! So he sticks to that hope and becomes obsessed. So much so that when the guy comes back your friends tell him how obsessed with him you are and he's like 'uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'. He just takes Ls left and right, not only in love, but on EVERYTHING. He has so many issues and is so tragic and his way of understanding relationships is so bad and is such a loser, just like me!!"
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remuslupinschocolat3 · 5 months
My stardew valley headcanons because no one can stop me!!!!!!!
Part one
In alphabetical order
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💎Hates children
💎In a Polycule with Sam and Sebastian
💎Shares a braincell with Sam
💎smoked weed once with Sebastian and threw up afterwards
💎has random beef with Haley that Haley isn't aware of
💎gets piercings just to spite her dad
💎was only good in English class in highschool
💎regrets being on 2020 alt tiktok
💎 secretly vandalizes their father's yoba shrine (he thinks it's Sebastian doing it)
💎their gay awakening was Keira Knightley in Pirates of the Caribbean (she just like me fr)
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🏈the definition of comphet
🏈gay man/lesbian alliance with Haley
🏈his first crush was the team captain of an Opponent's school gridball team
🏈 doesn't drink alcohol because he's scared to be like his father
🏈he had a pathetic crush on Elliot when Elliot first moved to the valley
🏈has a bottle of the perfume his mother used to wear and sprays it on his pillow when he's sad
🏈used to go to a gym in Zu City but stopped after a boy there asked him out
🏈dated Haley in highschool for half a year until both of them came out to the other in hopes to let the other down gently
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🍃not a single thought behind those eyes
🍃fell out of love with Pierre ten years ago
🍃grows marijuana plants in her tea house (have you seen her two heart event?)
🍃dyed her hair green once when she was 15 and never tried a different color again
🍃has a few secret tattoos
🍃the necklace she wears is a gift by Rasmodios
🍃best friends with Jodi and Robin
🍃loves to gossip, she knows everyone's business
🍃almost became an almond mom but stopped before it could affect Abigail in the long run
🍃she has no enemies, everyone loves her but hates her husband
Clint (it's red cus he's a red flag)
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🔨4chan user
🔨used to tell his mom to make him a sandwich
🔨called his parents by their first names
🔨knows the Irish dance (I don't know what it's called lmao)
🔨can't have friendships with women because he always thinks they fall in love with him
🔨hasn't exercised since he finished highschool
🔨stalks Emily (that's canon) (stay away from her)
🔨can you tell I hate him yet?
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🧪is the reason his first marriage failed
🧪controlling and possessive (Maru's two heart event)
🧪so boring
🧪thinks missionary is the only way to have sex
🧪I know people headcanon him as autistic but I think he's just petty
🧪 arrogant, thinks he's smarter than everyone else because he knows science
🧪was actually an okay step father to Sebastian until Maru was born
🧪him and Robin are not compatible but neither of them want to go through a second divorce
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🦀 gay and proud
🦀in his mid thirties
🦀 can't swim
🦀 used to write star trek fanfiction as a teenager on fanfiction.net
🦀so fucking tall
🦀went through three separate gender identity crisis before realizing that he just isn't comfortable expressing himself as a stereotypical manly man
🦀demi romantic
🦀gay man/lesbian alliance with Leah
🦀sees Leah as the little sister he never had
🦀 isn't really broke, he's a trustfund baby who wanted to experience what it's like to be a starving artist (thinks it makes his art more valid)
🦀Leah beat him up when she found out
🦀 obsessed with his hair (I'm so jealous of his luscious curls 😭😭😭)
🦀so dramatic (used to be a theater kid for sure)
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🔮the character I headcanon as autistic
🔮 pansexual and asexual
🔮they/she, trans
🔮dating Sandy
🔮knows everyone's zodiac signs
🔮names her plants
🔮gets the zoomies after work (at night)
🔮Haley hates it
🔮Haley's biggest supporter
🔮thinks of Clint as a genuine friend (save yourself girly pop)
🔮calls Sandy the weirdest nick names "hello my cuddle bear" "it's been too long since we last saw each other my strawberry jam"
🔮suckles on Pennies (she just like me fr)
🔮reads books about crystals for hours on end, Haley has to take the book away from her and drag her to bed sometimes
🔮has befriended the junimos
🔮Sandy sells the clothes she makes
🔮hates the taste of strawberry in candy and stuff
🔮would vape if vapes existed in stardew valley but not in a I'm a thirteen year old boy way but in a I like the taste and I enjoy making smoke rings kinda way
🔮you can't tell me that she's not a pothead
🔮knows Haley is a lesbian years before her sister figures it out
🔮besties with Shane (refuses to sell him alcohol at the Stardrop saloon)
🔮gets extremely flustered around people she deems as attractive
🔮is really bad at doing her own makeup (Sandy or Haley do it for her)
🔮has a huge tattoo that covers almost her entire back
🔮her energy is contagious
🔮high School was very hard for her but college was the best time of her life
🔮wants to buzz her hair so bad but has enough restrain to keep herself from doing so
🔮loves to make cocktails (she makes Gus try them and he always loves them and puts them on his menu)
🔮makes Shane, Sandy and Haley cosplay with her (none of them want to but they can't say no when Emily looks at them with that wide eyed grin of hers)
🔮unleashed a group of rats in JoJa mart because Shane complained once (1 time) about his working conditions, the store closed for two months
🔮can you tell how much I love Emily?
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valencebagelbandit · 3 months
If that rumor/leak or whatever we should call it is true, is it not okay to like Homelander anymore? It’s already hard for me gripping with his actions and stuff but i have a hyperfixation/special interest in him and it already hurts me kind of mentally so I’m worried I’m gonna have to force myself out of it even more now
hey it's totally alright, the rumors seem fairly unsubstantiated. I had the same feeling at first but then I realized that you can separate the art from the artist especially in cases like this. I still love the character still going to enjoy it. don't let something like this stop you from enjoying what you enjoy.
plus I doubt anyone will get mad at you for still supporting him because the community on here is so niche and we all know each other. Fr like the community is so supportive of terrible interests its inspiring and questionable at the same time.
so baseline: don't worry about it :)
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pleucas · 5 months
First, I just wanna say that your art got me kicking my feet in bed like a teen girl who got a text from her crush. Words can't describe the beautiful artwork you created so all I could do is squeal ><
Second! I do wanna ask, as a digital artist, what do you think needs improvement in the art community?
ack tysm, glad you like my work <3 <3 means a lot fr
this is a bit of a broad and cheesy answer, but i think we could all do with more mutual support, particularly right now. smth i've had to comprehend by being online and also just doing art things irl is that the art community is fuckin maaaasssive. it's also very disjunct and separated into little bubbles of habits/spaces. i'm actually primarily a traditional painter (gouache and acrylic my two true loves), but some 6k ppl know me as Literary Homeless Canines Soukoku Digital Artist. from my exp, the traditional art online community is very different from the traditional art irl community, both of which are also very different and separate from the online digital art community... & those are just the little bubbles that i'm familiar with, but there are also sculptors, gallery artists, printmakers, graffiti artists, animators, designers, illustrators, fabric artists, etc...
but i think esp rn, we're all facing very very similar struggles. the world is particularly messy (and artists historically are the copers of that, even if it's by making fandom ship art on tumblr dot com), basically all our respective industries are kinda unreliable and unstable, and ofc AI "art" is becoming a thing. the separation and at times deliberate elitism between spaces is reaaallly disheartening to see, because we're basically dividing into distinct groups which makes us 2ez to take down. so yeah guys power of friendship, stay aware that shit's kinda goin down and that we are superior in our voice & numbers ALWAYS !!! support artists of all kinds
ty for sending in an ask :) this too, is support, and it means a lot. keeps us all goin
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wentdownarabbithole · 5 months
Unearth without a name
Content: TXT x reader (separate)(hyung line)
Inspired by Dirty Grass by Heretic Parfums-  Sweet secrets in spring that the hyung line carry with them - treasures with no name. Or: Txt’s favorite moments in spring they've shared with you
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Spring with Soobin is curling around each other in the quiet solitude of transitional skies. When the sun drips watercolor hues of pink and purple until dark blues and black color over it - is when Soobin favors taking you out to watch it all fade. The cusp of sunset so he can dedicate the night to you. 
The sun going down brings a glow to your skin he’s addicted to - the way light shines in your eyes and the way your lips stretch against your teeth as you smile. It's this sight he thinks is just for him to stow away - storing your visage into his chest where only he can covet it so preciously. He’d maybe consider taking a picture - one he's sure would land in museums - if only it didn’t mean the possibility of having to share you. 
As the night cools he favors wrapping around you to share warmth. He’d give everything that makes himself up to keep you smiling - so really sharing body heat is the least of his gifts. He takes this time to press into you - to soak up your scent, the pliancy of your body. He allows you to choose how you lay in the grass, watching the sun go down. He wants you to be as comfortable as possible - because it's here when he thinks you're the prettiest, with a smile. He allows his hands to smooth over your skin to steal away bits of you for his gallery, that only he can see. 
He finds his lips loose with you, as if you're a sweet liquor that's hidden in a drink that has lowered his inhibitions, only he just needs your presence. From praises to prophecies each word that drips from his mouth is a promise to you. A promise for a loving tomorrow, for a soft future, and for a warm night where you can exist together just as lovers on a hill, watching the sun go down but losing no heat. 
This is the picture he keeps to himself to gaze at through his memory. To him there's nothing that could come close to a masterpiece as long as he has this. The way the grass curls along your skin, the way twilight shines on your lips and the lazy love tying you together as a promise. Van Gogh has his starry night, Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, and Soobin has you - his darling draped in love. Just as any other piece of artwork. 
Soobin's head is buried into your neck, arms wrapped around your waist and legs tangled. You’d almost be able to assume he was asleep if you couldn't hear the small erratic breaths near your ear. This long into the relationship - yet Soobin is just as shy and obsessive as the first time he’s ever had you in his arms. In this moment Soobin almost could swear his brain melts in his skull - spewing out his ears all so he can think about you in totality. The way you feel in his arms, your weight pressing against him - it's euphoria. Just being able to be here - it's intoxicating. Like a sort of high, his brain ceases to function but to think of you - and the very thought of you further melts him into his madness. If he’d have to label the bone deep satisfactory pleasure seeing you smile gave him, he’d call it love. 
 Yeonjun thrives under your attention - like how a sunflower seeks the sun he’s always turned towards you, to see if your eyes are on him, if your lips speak of him, if you carry him with you the way he does. He wants everything you are to himself - because he’s already given everything he is to you - neatly wrapped in ribbons and a kiss. 
He favors golden hours in spring - a weak man for the way the sun seems to shine just for you. Like he’s living in a photo - everything is picturesque and you're the most beautiful picture in the world. Oftentimes he sets the scene fr you - a picnic under a flower tree is his favorite. Like how artists often paint stars and the moon as their muse - this is his art - framing you in everything beautiful. 
He could sit for hours - he has - listening to you talk - and even if you feel quiet for the day he's content soaking in your presence. He’ll steal a kiss of two occasionally - just to be able to keep your taste on his tongue. It often tastes of sweet fruits he cut for you, of your favorite food he’s brought so he could see you smile as you eat. If you’ll allow him, he’d be prone to keeping his lips on your skin - sometimes with the intention to kiss or suck, but mostly to just keep it there as an eternal imprint on your flesh - like a knight swearing faulty to his royalty. 
Yeonjun needs you to feel full in a way - and he makes these scenes to be able to ravish you until he can feel you on his skin even when you're miles away. He truly feels as if your very presence could nourish him, he swears does better in practice if you let him savor you to himself just before - as if on a sugar rush. He swears it's because he takes a bit of you with him in his chest. It's what gets him through the day - like how a morning coffee powers an office worker, all he needs is you. 
The sun allows an alluring glow to set your skin alight in a way that reminds Yeonjun of a bonfire. A honey color painting you in a way that leaves him insatiable for a taste - he presses in again just to leave a messy kiss near the back of your ear. Your responding laugh is just as addicting as he swallows it down as well. He doesn't know how he’s lived without you before but now with a belly full of warmth and love that practically drips from his teeth he'll never let you go. Soon the sun will fall but it will take none of your glory with it - Yeonjun could write pages on how it's you who allows the sun to glow instead. He doesn't need a time or place to fall into your arms - he just needs you. Now and forever - you and your Yeonjun. 
Beomgyu is a bit of a social chameleon - he knows how to read energy- how to make people laugh. Sometimes he thinks it's all he can do - butchering his own character into a jester's clothes just so he can entertain the court. Despite this, it's not as if he despises laughter itself - he loves it, especially in your voice - the way you shake with it when he tells a particularly good joke. But most of all Beomgyu loves laughing with you, sharing your joy - not because of something particularly funny - but rather because you're having fun.  A laugher of joy, of content and warmth and love -shared between you as you drag him off the lime lighted stage and into the crowd below. 
He loves stealing you away when the sun has long settled and given the sky to its moon. The world is under a curtain - a spell and here in this world it's just him and you -just partners under the sky. His heart walking around without him - gorgeously pliant in his arms. He loves making you laugh, it's practically his heart beat - what keeps him alive. His blood dances to your breath. 
His favorite activity while the world is still warm in season is to find fireflies on grassy plains - little will-o-wisp lanterns that punctuate the night. They are beautiful and familiar - like a guiding light in the dark - it's only fighting that you're surrounded by them in a scenery that matches you. Catching fireflies takes a bit of stealth and a gentle hand - he’ll walk you through it if you need it. But if you take a quick look during your chase you’ll see him giggling to himself - pink with love and rushing blood and eyes blind except for you. 
This is what he lives for, what's keeping him in his own skin. Because Beomgyu only knows one fact for sure that's etched in his bones, Beomgyu loves you - and the joy he feels bubbling from his chest can't be anything else. I love you, I love you, I love you - his existence is a confession. 
You tumble home with grass stains on your knees and stray pieces of plants tangled in your hair - remainders form the playful tumble down a hill. Beomgyu shields you on the way down - though he barely notices his body move - it's instinctual for him, like a rib cage protecting its heat. He was far too busy listening to your laugh - allowing his own to soar free from where it was caught in his through. A joint joy or orchestral content that colors the air. Hand in hand - occasionally twirling each other on the street just to watch you smile - Beomgyu walks with you forward into the future. 
He can hear it behind his eardrums, feel it hammering against his chest so violently he's surprised it hasn't burst out yet. His heart responded in boisterous beating to the joy that ricochets out of his chest in a laugh, trying to break free to be next to you. He’s sure you can feel his heartbeat from where he holds you, your head is close to his chest and Beomgyu is conveyed all his body serves to do is act as a speaker yelling on how it loves you. Each pump is another steady confession like the night he first asked you out - cheeks ruddy as he stuttered out a confession. There's nobody else on the street to see him pull you into a tacky dance lit only by the moon, no audience to your resounding laughters adding together as if built to be one. There's no one else to share the sight of Beomgyu holding two hearts - one in his chest and one he presses a kiss to in the secret of the night. 
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Author's note: ACK. We are doing our best with questionable results. Anyways - sudden TXT brain rot hit at like 3 am. Also! Their recent comeback is based on the little prince and I was OBSESSED with that book. 
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ratective · 1 year
Just a sudden idea, but i think Dr Octopus from spiderverse would look great in your style. Oh! Or maybe the gems in the ancient roman era, idk it just came to mind.
Btw i love your style beacuse, its hard to explain, but the way you draw characters makes them feel "real" while they are still stylised, idk if that makes sense.
ALso no clue where you are from but you have an eastern european digital artist vibe to your stuff, would be crazy if i was right. I noticed something like this before, somethimes people can even have diferent styles but just the way they color and shade or something like that gives away that they are east asian for example. I wonder how this works. Maybe these broader areas have traditioanally diferent ways to teach art in school and even when students develop their own styles the foundations are still showing, idk.
she was definitely fun to draw! this reminded me how much i love liv actually so thank you
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the roman era was a cool idea so i'll post it just separately cause i dont like posting multiple fandoms at once lol i think i get it wdym by "real" and its the biggest compliment ever fr fr
i indeed am eastern european and I AGREE WTF IS UP WITH THAT its true that certain groups have a similar vibe when it comes to their art
like us eastern europeans get this kinda dark, detailed, low exposure, vibe of despair or nostalgia (to me lol) that makes me think of post soviet living blocks on a cold evening??? i dont know if thats just me but you brought up an interesting point honestly.....
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deathlessathanasia · 6 months
It's so funny (and annoying) seeing people associate Artemis with the moon and Apollo with the sun. Like, people? That's Roman gods Diana and Apollo.
As far as I know Apollo was associated only with the light in Greek mythology but not with the sun, right? That was Helios. And of course Artemis had nothing to do with the moon.
I can see what you mean. It is particularly annoying when "god of the sun/goddess of the moon" are used as their primary identifications, and one of my biggest pet peeves in Trojan War retellings is the characters calling the sun Apollo. It's so anachronistic please stop.
That said, while this idea doesn't really seem to be attested in the Archaic period, the association between these two gods and the sun and moon apparently existed in Classical Greece. To quote Timothy Gantz's Early Greek Myth: A Guide to Literary and Artistic Sources:
„Whatever his other early interests, no source prior to the fifth century ever calls (Apollo) the sun (the latter is always Helios or Hyperion). Parmenides and Empedokles may have done so, if a late source can be trusted, but seemingly in the context of philosophic structures that found physical equivalents for many of the gods. Eventually, and for perhaps the same reasons, the idea also surfaces in Orphic texts. But the first sure literary identification of Apollo with the sun occurs no earlier than Euripides, in a fragment of his lost Phaethon (fr 781.10-12 N2), and we cannot tell from the text whether the innovation is his or something previously in circulation. Earlier in the century there are admittedly some suspect moments in Aischylos on this point: we have seen that the playwright probably does link the moon with Artemis (fr 170 R), and his Hiketides (212–14) has been thought by some to call the rays of the sun Apollo. In addition, the same poet's lost Bassarides may have contained a reference to the dismemberment of Orpheus by those women, who we are told were sent by Dionysos because Orpheus ignored him and worshipped only Helios, whom he called Apollo (p. 138 R).
I must confess that I am skeptical of most of this evidence: the tale of Orpheus comes from Ps-Eratosthenes, who cites Aischylos for one brief point near the end of the story, suggesting that the rest of the account (including Helios/Apollo) derives from other sources (Katast 24). 37 As for the Hiketides, the link between Apollo and the sun there is achieved largely by emendation of an (admittedly corrupt) text that originally implied just the opposite. 38 And while different plays are entitled to different views, we should note that in the Choephoroi Helios is addressed by Orestes in a way that emphasizes his separation from Apollo (Cho 984-86). Still, there is the reference to Artemis as the moon, if we have read the fragment correctly. Whenever the connection between god and sun was made, it was surely fostered by Apollo's title of Phoibos, used so often by Homer and the Hymn to Apollo (with or without Apollo added), and meaning (or thought to mean) "shining." But on balance we should probably conclude that the myths of the Archaic period (virtually) always made Helios and Apollo two separate figures; they are never confused in early art.”
In the Iliad scholia, the Theomachy from Books 20-21 is interpreted allegorically and Artemis is said to represent the moon (Hera the air, Hermes reason, etc, and possibly Theagenes of Rhegium (6th century BCE) is responsible for this idea. I can't confirm though whether or not he was cited as a source in the scholia, I'll need to look more into this. Artemis is clearly associated with the moon by Greek authors dating from the Roman period (ex. Plutarch), but her identification with the moon goddess Diana most probably explains why.
Personally I don't refer to Artemis as the goddess of the moon or Apollo the god of the sun, let alone as the actual moon or sun.
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