#septic household
mothgodofchaos · 2 years
This was originally just going to be platonic Marvin, but kind of turned into a Septic house fic instead. It’s just fluff. Good, warm fluff. Marvin, GN!Reader, TW: none Words: 652
You challenged a magician to play cards with you. Frankly, a poor choice. You were familiar with all of his tricks, or at least you thought you were. Watching his hands move the decks between his fingers, the illusions, how he always knew which one you were holding. He promised to teach you some, but you could never quite get the flick of the wrist right or palm the cards correctly. No matter, it was fine. You were set on beating him today. At the world’s deadliest game. Uno. At first he laughed at your challenge, but word got around that you had challenged him and others began to speak of your intensity when you play. How you almost never lose, and you don’t play nice. The specialized cards you have in your personal set. His expression changed from intrigue to fear when a time of you landing a “+20” on someone graced his ears. He returned to you the next day, extending his hand to shake yours, a glint of determination in his eye. “Alright, game on!” 
You shuffled the cards, but he dealt. An agreement that you both had agreed upon to keep the other from cheating. Dirty plays were absolutely on the table, and you were the one who knew what cards were in the deck. He just prayed that whatever he was dealt would either give him a standing chance or quickly put him out of his misery. He didn’t know which one was worse. “Scared, Marv?” “Me? Never. Ye have t’ do a lot more t’an shuffle cards t’ scare me!” Quips were exchanged back and forth as numbers were put down, the occasional skip or reverse. But no sign of any special cards as you continued through the pile, drawing one at a time. The game went on for several hours, occasionally Chase or Henrik coming in to check on you both, Chase coming back with snacks. Anti watched from the ceiling for a bit, snickering when you landed a green skip on Marvin before glitching away when Marvin threw a card at him. Something made you wonder if maybe Anti ate all the draw cards, but you knew they were in there somewhere. So the game continued on. Until an evil glint appeared in Marvin’s eye, slamming down a “+10” custom card down in front of you. You hissed through your teeth, down to your last two cards, and seeing that he would have Uno. Oh, but the poor fool forgot to call it first. “UNO- DRAW TWO CARDS, MAGIC MAN!” He glares at you, still triumphant that you had to draw more than him. But oh, you found exactly what you were looking for. You wait for him to take his turn, a simple blue “8” before you unleashed the hell that was in your hands. Four “+2”s, two “+4”s, two “+10”s, and the dreaded “+20”. So what if they normally didn’t stack, he wouldn’t have been able to play anyways. Fifty-six cards in total, and he looked at you with disbelief. “Ye, ye win. Nope. I’m not doin’ t’at. I forfeit!” He throws up his hands, walking away with a pained laugh, to which turns more genuine as you celebrate your triumph. He chuckles, extending his hand to you to shake. “Good game, ye fuckin’ trickster.” You shake his hand, just to be shocked, his maniacal laugh back. Shaking off the zap, you chase him through the house, until Henrik finds you both on the couch, exhausted from running. Anti glitches and joins you, laying across the back of the couch, Chase and Henrik in the arm chairs as you all watch a television show. JJ and Jackieboy come home that evening to find you all asleep. JJ joins you, Marvin, and Anti on the couch while Jackieboy crashes on a beanbag. As is a normal day in the Septic household.
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faucetiy · 8 months
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hsmagazine254 · 10 months
Navigating Home Waste Solutions: Bio Digester vs. Septic Tank
Making the Right Choice for Your New Home: Bio Digester or Septic Tank? Embarking on the journey of building your dream home involves crucial decisions, and one of them is choosing the right waste management solution. In this article, we delve into the distinctions between a bio digester and a septic tank, helping you make an informed choice for your new home. Understanding Bio Digesters and…
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thegreymoon · 4 months
The Story of Minglan
Two children??
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When did the second child happen??
I hate how this drama just sidelined all the Sheng siblings and gives us NOTHING on them.
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Oh, baby 😢
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Also, Minglan as a character and this actress are both excellent.
LOL, she can't even pretend properly.
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She looks like a toddler caught elbows deep in her mom's makeup.
Show that shiny spine, Minglan!
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Once you try to kill the people she loves, she does not mess around.
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Oof, I love this new powerful her!!
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This was amazing! 🔥🔥
That's right, Minglan! Don't let them sweep this under the rug!
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Go on, Minglan, beat that drum! She really thought that she could poison people unimpeded and with no consequences like her evil sister whose entire useless family failed to hold her accountable!
Enough is enough!
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He wants to hit her again so bad but he doesn't dare!
Also, you have got to love how Minglan is a "good child" and "best daughter" when it is beneficial to him, and how he is so willing to kill or disown her when his shitty reputation is at stake.
That's what you get for following the lead of your shit sister.
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Just because her spineless husband won't divorce her doesn't mean yours won't divorce you!
Also, this actress is amazing! Absolutely incredible performance!
LMAO, I feel like these old nannies are the most sensible people in any house, always saving their masters from their own idiocy 😅
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Oh, Nanny Liu, she's an imbecile.
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You're yelling in vain.
Oh my god. How stupid must you be?
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Imagine letting your sister whose own marriage is a septic tank of toxicity and whose own house is a hellhole manipulate you into blowing your own marriage up like this.
And Sheng Hong was super willing to sweep it all under the rug.
And she's still in denial.
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She seriously has rocks for brains and is then shocked and offended nobody will let her manage the household. The last time she managed the household, she set up an illegal money laundering operation for her shit sister which cost her all privileges and she still hasn't learned anything.
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nightowlwoman · 6 months
My Thoughts on a Spring Snowstorm in Maine.
In case anyone was wondering where I've been the past few days -- Maine (where I live) was hit by a massive Spring Snowstorm that started late in the evening of Wednesday, April 3rd, and continued until mid-day on Friday, April 5th. In our area - somewhat northwest of Portland - the accumulation of heavy, wet snow amounted to 12" to 15".
We lost the power (along with some 300,000 other households) some time in the early hours of Thursday, April 4th. Repair crews made it to our street this morning and electricity was restored to us by 10:30 a.m. After a bit less than 3 days managing without electricity, heat, running water, a functioning septic system, hot coffee and, of course, internet service and other modern amenities -- my husband and I were very, very happy to be returned to the 21st century!
However, I have been reminded, once again, of all the people in this world of ours who are struggling to live without what we consider the basic necessities of life - much less the modern amenities and comforts we are so fortunate to enjoy. My husband and I had food to eat that didn't need cooking (PB&J, bread, cheese, muffins & raisin bran cereal), bottles of clean water, flashlights and candles and extra matches and batteries. We had plenty of warm clothes for layering and extra blankets for warmth when we went to bed. We had a sturdy roof over our heads and felt safe in our dark and quiet neighborhood. Most importantly, we had the knowledge that there were people working out in the storm to fix things and the absolute certainty that in a few days, at most, things would be returning to normal! How awful it is to know that so many people in our world today have none of these things and, tragically, little to no hope of their lives returning to the normal they once knew. Solutions are neither easy nor simple - what is necessary is good will, kindness and generosity of spirit and action from most of us - not just some of us. I persist in clinging to the belief that while there is life, there is hope - but sometimes the world makes it very hard to continue to believe.
The worst thing about this last hurrah of Winter given to us as a slightly tardy April Fool's gift by Mother Nature is the terrible damage done to the trees and shrubs and plants - all budded and waiting for Spring warmth to open - to leaf and flower. My neighborhood is filled with giant pine trees - very old and straight and tall. The ground is now covered with their branches, from small to huge. The maples and oaks and birches fared little better. When the snow finally melts, the sound of many people and their chainsaws clearing it all will fill the air. From my kitchen window, I can see a huge pine now missing its top half - snapped like a matchstick! Amazingly, it didn't fall on the house that sits near it. I don't think the tree can survive that damage, but it will require a crew of professionals to safely take down what remains.
The smaller plantings also were heavily damaged. A row of small-leaf rhododendrons that we planted nearly 40 years ago - that have survived countless snow and ice storms over the years - are lying bent to the ground by the weight of the snow. Far too many of their branches are snapped and broken away - it remains to be seen what may survive of them and be salvageable. I and countless pollinators and hummingbirds will miss their sweet, pink beauty this Spring!
A lilac varietal that we planted over ten years ago looks to have lost almost all its branches. We had been told it was a "miniature" variety that would stay small, so we planted it in front of our walkway porch. This lilac ignored its label and embraced growth with an enthusiastic abandon - reaching the porch roof, aiming for the sky and the sun. I resisted trimming it back - even as it obscured the view and overhung the railing onto the walkway, because it's purple flowers were so abundant, so fragrant and so beautiful - well, I just couldn't bring myself to limit its zest for life! It blossomed after the rhododendrons, when the weather was warmer and the windows were open, and its fragrance filled the whole house. I shall miss everything about that lilac that is still so young and hope that enough of it survives to eventually grow and blossom again.
Our single broad-leaf rhododendron, thankfully, seems to have weathered this storm with minimal damage. It has not been so lucky multiple times over the last nearly 40 years! It is battered and yet unbowed! I am hopeful that we will be able to enjoy its bouquet-sized blossoms this Spring!
I haven't had the chance yet to assess the damage to various lilacs and forsythia - the snow needs to melt and time will tell. The "grande old dame" of our lilacs, however, took some heavy wounds - not for the first time, either. This lilac has very fragrant and abundant white blossoms and was growing here before we built our house. It has lost major branches, been split in half in a massive ice storm - but it is a survivor and has always healed and continued to grow and blossom - even as it has assumed a different shape and silouette each time. It looks like it may lose about one-third of itself this time, but it's too soon to tell. Some major branches are snapped right off and many more are flat to the ground and trapped in the snow. As I watched it today, one long branch that was held by a lighter layer of snow seemed to break free and flung itself skyward and managed to stay upright on its own - a hopeful sign! When it is completely freed, we will lend it some support where necessary, perhaps do a little trimming and I trust it will heal itself and we will all get used to the new iteration of its appearance.
There has been a lot going on for me and my husband and family throughout 2023 and so far in 2024 - with no end in sight. Multiple crises, small and large, have been overwhelming at times and have occupied much of my mind and my time. These last few days, however, have had a narrow and more simple focus. The problems weren't really personal, because they were shared by so many. I went to bed early because my old eyes don't do well by candlelight and because it was warmer under a stack of blankets! I slept long and well and recharged my old battery. I had no control over events and, thus, no need to fret or feel responsible for it. Considering that I am a world-class fretter and worrier - that was a novel experience for me! Most of all, I had some very quiet time to think and just be.
I have experienced many difficult and painful things over the years and continue to do so, but if I've learned one thing in my 72 years, it is that things can always be worse! My experience of this storm certainly could have been much worse. Except for my dismay over damage caused by the storm - and Nature will eventually heal and be restored (with a little help from us) - looking at the last few days honestly - they weren't really all that bad at all! That being said - I am totally ready for the snow to melt and for Spring to finally arrive!
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indelicateink · 11 months
Is it genuine when lestat says i have loved you with all myself because if that was true Antoinette wouldn’t have been a part of their lives
interesting question!
this is one of my favorite lines from lestat because i find it h e a r t b r e a k i n g.
“I have loved you with all myself.” = I did my best. I’m not perfect but I gave it everything I had. i.e., he is a fuckup, he knows he’s a fuckup, it ended in tragedy, but this fuckup nonetheless was ride or die for ldpdl. To me, yes: it’s genuine.
Neither Louis or Lestat comes out looking great in their relationship skills here, I’m not placing blame ANYWHERE: Louis came to this relationship with an avoidant attachment style; Lestat, an anxious attachment style, and we know why based on their histories. That combo’s a likely recipe for pain, especially when you don’t even Talk About Your Relationship.
I’m understanding from your question that you feel Lestat’s infidelity negates the intensity of his love, in which case (no judgment) I infer you bring a specific view of love and commitment to the question?
For these two queer men in the early 20th C USA (especially being AR characters) I personally suspect physical monogamy is perhaps not…wholly sacred. Louis wants (and was presumably raised to want) monogamy. Lestat also seems to want monogamy from Louis and is hypocritical in his jealousy over Louis’ body and Louis’ attentions, but! to be with Louis he’s down for a MMF threesome with Lily to help give Louis plausible deniability; the first Antoinette seduction scene (on the same damn couch lol) kinda felt to me like Lestat was down for whichever of his fantasies might play out in his bid for attention: Louis killing Antoinette in a jealous rage, another MMF threesome, Louis throwing out Antoinette and jumping Lestat’s bones, Louis being refreshingly jealous and possessive after the fact, something-something-Lestat-finally-gets-attention. When it didn’t play out as hoped I feel like Lestat stubbornly/desperately doubled down, which was just tossing a gas can on the nascent fire. (too soon for fire references lol?) And Louis was down to rub Lestat’s face in Lestat’s dumbassery by having sex with an old flame. (The sex, incidentally, he was not having with Lestat lol.)
So here’s the great big YMMV issue, and it’s super personal: you are wedded to someone for literally eternity. You have a high sex drive. They have recently decided the amazing sex life you guys shared is on hiatus for the foreseeable future—possibly also even any kind of physical affection. It has proven impossible for you two to discuss this productively or even directly. You love each other too much to end the relationship. But you still need sex and physical affection. What do you do? What does sex mean to you? To your partner? To the society you live in? What weight do you give to needing sex?
Lestat—ruled by jealously and a fear of abandonment, in addition to that high sex drive—he chose to get his sexual needs met quietly (at first) elsewhere. Everyone’s going to judge that differently based on their personal feelings about sex drives and definitions of/feelings abt monogamy.
I feel like when the Antoinette jealousy ploy didn’t work out, he just transitioned to using her as low-maintenance sex on the side, and she then progressed to being a secret outlet for him outside the household where he was the odd man out in the Louis-Claudia Club. (And then much later there’s the offhand comment at the Mardi Gras party about him dragging some socialite under the stairs years ago, so who knows where he was dipping his wick during the Depression Years and the Separation Years.) I feel like by the late ‘30s Antoinette was still a familiar crutch because fundamental conflicts in Lestat and Louis’ relationship were still unsolved, and Lestat was no less insecure. What started out early on for Lestat as a band-aid became a major septic mess that only helped accelerate loustat’s descent into crazytown.
I’m not blaming Louis, not blaming Lestat; this is the conflict of valid needs they find themselves in.
Lestat loved Louis too much to end their relationship (and those years of Louis’ deep post-claudia depression—both of their depressions—looked Super Grueling). So, being who he is, I feel like he did what he had to do to stay, messy as it was; I’m not saying he handled it well in my opinion. But we each get to decide how important a sex drive is, if celibacy for an indefinite period of time was ever really an option for Lestat, how long this character should have been willing to wait for withheld intimacy, could someone so insecure and needy ever possibly gracefully navigate secret infidelity, if he should’ve raw dogged a thousand randos in the greater New Orleans area instead of settling on mostly one person (who was a sore point), how much compassion if any do we grant the dysfunctional.
So back to your question—is it genuine? For me it is genuine. For me “with all myself” means with everything he had to work with, imperfections and all, it was all for Louis.
idk, it’s an interesting question and this apparently is my novel on my perspective on it lol
lol caveat: all i’m saying here is based on the story as we know it so far in S1, as told from Louis’ unreliable memory lol. good times!
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http-anti · 2 years
Scary Promotion [ x ]
It was a seemingly normal day at the septic household, things going by as per usual. Anti was down in Hell doing work in his office while Star spent time with Jackie, it being one of his days off. Some of the other guys were around as well since they liked to coordinate their off days. Unfortunately, the only reason Anti wasn't there was because he had something important to finish.
The day was going by smoothly, Star and Jackie hanging out in the livingroom and chatting while finishing up a snack. Star was just getting up to grab some napkins when Anti suddenly appeared in the entryway, bursting into the room. He was slightly out of breath, holding the doorway as he looked at the two of them.
"Good, you're still here-" he breathed out, trying to catch his breath. "I've- I've got some news... fuck, lemme catch my breath."
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star-kissed583 · 8 months
Rubber duck infestation | Jackie & septic egos
Jackie and his weird rubber duck obsession ruins the others
#3rd person POV#
Jackie had a strange obsession. While some people wouldn't think much of it at first-
Jackie has a big obsession with rubber ducks. Something about them he absolutely loves. And he's unsure if it's the cute adorable faces or the cool designs they have. But he does know-that since he has so many (a chest box or two full)-why not mess around a bit??
It first started with Jay. Jay could never get upset for the life of him. If he ever did-well that would be a shock.
Jay had woken up one morning and gone to change. Upon opening his closet door-he was meet with a dapper looking rubber duck sitting at the middle shelf-right in front of his face.
Jay could only smile, knowing full well who's duck it was.
Setting the toy aside to give it back to its owner-Jay continued with his daily routine. He changed into his clothes before heading to the bathroom to groom his mustache and hair.
When opening  the mirror cabinets-he let out a silent yelp at seeing suddenly two more ducks. One with a white cowboy hat sitting on his combing brush, and the other with a cute helmet with a propeller and some glasses on a cream he puts on his hair.
Jay blinks in shock. Gently taking those ducks off and setting them off to the side with the Dapper's duck. Deciding to leave it for now as he went and got ready.
Guess, as JJ went downstairs all prepared for the day, he wasn't expecting to see more ducks. Yet here he was, staring down his cup that he usually pours tea, seeing another duck. This one having bunny ears and tail.
In his sugar cube jar, sitting on top was another duck-and then another in his kettle, on the pot, stove, hell even inside sitting on the bread bag.
These ducks. They. Were. EVERYWHERE.
Jay didn't think he'd ever been more cautious with his tasks. Just in the first couple minutes of his morning-he'd find a little duck in the most unexpected areas! And he was the first one awake!!
Finally, Jay stood in front of the table that was filled with an army of rubber ducks. All with their own designs. Jay picked one up, inspecting it before filing it upside down-and his face paled...
Why was there a number 90 underneath...
Soon enough Henrik came down, holding about 8 ducks already. Though he froze at seeing the amount of ducks on the kitchen table. There must've been about 18 already.
"Lemme guess...Jackie?" Henrik asked with a raised brow. Jay only responding with a nod.
Jay shows the number underneath the duck he held-showing the number.
"Ughh!! So what I'm getting at is-there is at LEAST 90 ducks around??! Great!! Just amazing!! Just Vhat I needed!" Henrik groaned-heading to get his mug for coffee-only to spot another duck inside his mug. A soft huff leaving him.
Soon enough-almost everyone in the household had came downstairs with their own handfuls of ducks. It seemed to scare them when Chase found one-that was in his hat that morning-having the number 120.
Slowly Jackie pranced his way downstairs with a hum. When he entered the kitchen-he didn't expect to see everyone there and surrounding a table full of ducks.
Jackie couldn't help but smile, "Love the ducks guys??” He asked happily-having a packed bag with him.
Anti growls as he looks at Jackie annoyed, “What the hell, Red?! You know how terrifying it is to see five ducks waiting in the shower!?”
Jackie snickers as he shrugs, “Well, I hope y’all find all 150! Make sure to-“
“150?! WHAT?!” Chase shouted.
Jackie blinks like it was obvious, “Yeah, 150. I number all my duckies. ANYWAYS! Make sure to put them back in my room! I got a mission three towns over-so imma be gone for a month” he spoke while grabbing one of the waffles Jay made, “Anywho I’m heading now! Toodles!”
With that-Jackie had left the house. The others standing there in shock, feeling a sense of almost paranoia knowing they had so many ducks to find.
Marvin huffed, “We’ll pile them in one spot and then put them away. I’m sure we can find them” he says determined.
Anti scoffs, “We can shove all his ducks in his bathtub.” He says while heading to grab a box of cereal. Opening it up-he let out a groan seeing two devil ducks staring up at him.
A month later-Jackie sighs as he enters the house. He stretched and popped his bones-letting out a happy groan.
“guys!! I’m back!! Guess what I found!” He hums while entering the living room, only to snicker seeing all of the others basically deep searching the living room.
“y’all what’s going on??” He asked with a snicker.
Chase looks back and glares at Jackie, “How come we found all but ONE! One duck is missing and it’s no where!! Henrik and Jay went outside, Anti went to the rooms, Marvin looked in the kitchen, laundry, basement! It’s no where!” He rambled while searching deep into the couch.
“Where’s the duck Jackie?” Anti’s arms crossed while staring right at Jackie.
Jackie grinned, eyes flickering up to the ceiling fan so quick-almost unnoticeable-before shrugging as he stared at Anti’s eyes, “You guys are gonna have to find him.” He snickered, walking off to his room, “Oh and I bought like 12 more ducks! They’re so cute!” He hummed.
His laughter leaving him hearing the groans from the others just as he entered his room.
The rubber duck #150 stared down from the ceiling fan as everyone went back to searching the room once again.
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feralthembo · 1 year
today is one giant tragedy cosmic comedy for our household.
I woke up with a calf cramp
conversation with a moot got derailed by someone sending them anon hate
roomie had to clean a septic situation at work
i got jumpscared by a spricket so hard im still half out my body
whats next god, i know you have something up your sleeve
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imeosw · 2 months
The Evolution of E-Commerce in the UK: A Closer Look at My-Jose.com
E-commerce has reshaped the retail landscape in the United Kingdom, offering consumers unprecedented convenience, variety, and competitive pricing. This shift has also provided businesses with new avenues for growth and customer engagement. One such success story is My-Jose.com, an online retailer that has rapidly established itself as a leader in the home maintenance and improvement sector. This article explores the rise of e-commerce in the UK and delves into the strategies and strengths that have propelled My-Jose.com to success.
The E-Commerce Boom in the UK
The UK has seen a significant surge in e-commerce, driven by widespread internet access, a tech-savvy population, and robust logistics infrastructure. According to the Office for National Statistics, online sales accounted for over 30% of total retail sales in 2021, a trend that has only accelerated in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The convenience of shopping from home, coupled with competitive pricing and extensive product ranges, has made e-commerce the preferred choice for many UK consumers.
My-Jose.com: An Overview
My-Jose.com is a notable player in the UK’s online retail market, specializing in home maintenance and improvement products. The company has quickly gained a reputation for offering high-quality, effective solutions to common household problems. From powerful cleaners and degreasers to specialized items like Bacteria for Septic Tanks, My-Jose.com caters to a wide range of needs, ensuring that homeowners can find the right products for their specific requirements.
Diverse and High-Quality Product Range
One of the key factors behind My-Jose.com's success is its diverse and high-quality product range. The company carefully selects products that meet stringent performance and safety standards. For example, their bacteria for septic tanks is designed to enhance the efficiency and longevity of septic systems. This product works by breaking down waste and preventing blockages, ensuring smooth operation and reducing maintenance costs for homeowners. Such specialized products highlight My-Jose.com's dedication to providing practical and reliable solutions tailored to customer needs.
Innovation and Continuous Improvement
My-Jose.com is committed to innovation and continuous improvement. The company regularly updates its product offerings to include the latest and most effective solutions in the market. By staying ahead of industry trends and leveraging new technologies, My-Jose.com ensures that its customers have access to cutting-edge products that make household maintenance easier and more efficient.
Customer-Centric Approach
Delivering an exceptional customer experience is a cornerstone of My-Jose.com's business strategy. The website is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing customers to find what they need quickly. Detailed product descriptions and customer reviews provide valuable information, helping shoppers make informed decisions. The checkout process is streamlined, offering multiple payment options and reliable delivery services. Additionally, My-Jose.com's customer support team is readily available to assist with any queries or concerns, further enhancing the overall shopping experience.
Importance of Customer Feedback
Customer feedback plays a crucial role in My-Jose.com's operations. The company actively encourages customers to leave reviews and prominently displays them on their site. Positive testimonials not only build trust and credibility but also provide insights into customer preferences and areas for improvement. This transparent approach to customer feedback highlights My-Jose.com's commitment to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.
Competitive Pricing and Promotional Strategies
In a competitive market, offering value for money is essential. My-Jose.com understands this and strives to provide high-quality products at competitive prices. The company regularly offers promotions and discounts, making their products even more accessible to customers. Additionally, My-Jose.com features bundles and bulk purchase options, allowing customers to save more on essential items. These strategies help attract a loyal customer base and differentiate My-Jose.com from other online retailers.
Commitment to Sustainability
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to consumers, and My-Jose.com is committed to adopting eco-friendly practices. The company offers environmentally safe products, such as their septic tank bacteria solutions, which provide effective results without harming the ecosystem. My-Jose.com also minimizes packaging and collaborates with suppliers who adhere to green practices, reflecting a broader commitment to sustainability.
Leveraging SEO and Digital Marketing
Visibility is crucial in the digital marketplace, and My-Jose.com has effectively leveraged SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and digital marketing to enhance its online presence. By targeting relevant keywords and creating high-quality content, the company attracts a steady stream of organic traffic. For example, focusing on keywords like "Bacteria for Septic Tanks" drives targeted traffic to their site. My-Jose.com also maintains an active presence on social media platforms, engaging with customers and promoting their products. These efforts ensure that My-Jose.com remains top-of-mind for potential customers.
Future Prospects
Looking ahead, My-Jose.com is well-positioned to capitalize on the continued growth of e-commerce in the UK. The company plans to expand its product range further, incorporating more innovative and eco-friendly solutions. Enhancements to the website and improvements in logistics are also on the horizon, aimed at providing an even better customer experience. By staying attuned to market trends and consumer needs, My-Jose.com is poised to sustain its growth and success in the competitive online retail market.
The evolution of e-commerce in the UK has created new opportunities for online businesses. My-Jose.com exemplifies how a focus on quality, customer satisfaction, and sustainability can drive success in the e-commerce space. By continuously innovating and adapting to changing consumer demands, My-Jose.com is set to remain a key player in the UK's online retail landscape. For more information and to explore their extensive product range, visit their official website.
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sigilsongs-a · 8 months
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𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐄𝐃𝐌𝐘𝐍 𝐓𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 ; 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞.
how edmyn came to be the lord of house tully during the conquer of westeros by aegon targaryen. [canon characters are linked , whilst NPCs are italicised.]
Lord Tommen Tully, his great-grandfather, was the head of House Tully during the time when Harwyn Hoare, a King of the Iron Islands conquered the riverlands and became the first King of the Isles and the Rivers. Lord Tommen died along with hundreds of riverland bannermen at Raventree Hall when the last battles against King Harwyn Hoare were fought, after which House Tully was ruled by Tommen's widow and Edmyn's great-grandmother, Madelyn Tully, until their eldest son came of age.
Wendmyre Tully, Edmyn's grandfather, was the eldest son in question. He had several children in his first marriage, with Bella Tully, and then more in his second marriage to Tissa Tully. Amongst the five born to Wendmyre and Bella, was Gedwyn Tully, Edmyn's father, and overall he was one of nine children of Lord Wendmyre Tully. In Gedwyn's youth, a bout of sickness ravaged a section of the Riverlands for several weeks and, though he survived, it claimed the lives of Wendmyre, Tissa, two of Gedwyn's half-sisters, a full-blood brother, and it reduced a fourth sibling, the youngest sister, to a frailness that lead to her death the following year. Dozens more commonfolk died, as well as many workers and members of the household, though some small solace came in the fact that Gedwyn's eldest brother, Tomm Tully, also survived, along with the remaining siblings.
Later in life, Edmyn's father married a young noblewoman named Gwyn, and the couple had their son Edmyn Tully within the first two years of marriage. Lord Gedwyn was often distracted outside of the immediate family home having been a commander for much of his life, at the side of his brother, who succeeded as Lord of Riverrun upon the mass deaths after the sickness. This time was a horrible time for the Riverlands as King Harren Hoare, known better as 'Black Harren' or 'Harren the Black', had beggared the riverland and ironborn people, noble and common, to execute the forty-year project of the castle of Harrenhal.
Sadly, Edmyn, as a young boy recalled the day his two cousins, Bennen and Ralf, were killed in a starvation-incited riot in the markets near Riverrun — one of many such incidents caused by the state King Harren had put his lands in. The year following this, Edmyn's aunt died of a wasting sickness brought on by the death of her sons, and his uncle Tomm slipped into an understandable depression at the losses. Many of the decisions executed and decreed by House Tully were henceforth made by Gedwyn in his elder brother's stead, with young Edmyn growing at his side as he learned to support his kin; 'Family, Duty, Honour'. Six years later, Gedwyn Tully took an arrow in the shoulder and the wound turned horribly septic: with Gedwyn upon his deathbed, cousins both long dead, and Lord Tomm waning in both age and spirit, Edmyn Tully was called by his uncle and formally named heir of his uncle and heir of House Tully, of Riverrun as the closest (and trusted) living male family member.
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faucetiy · 8 months
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mothgodofchaos · 2 years
for the bingo card, if you do other people's versions of the septics, what about d-structive's robbie?
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I just wanna watch the bastard while he's working. Giant undead man, show me your experiments.
@d-structive's character design and art style is just delicious in general.
We love an unhinged Marvin in this household.
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euclydya · 9 months
Are there any activities your system members like to do together? Collective hobbies? Talk about those!
What sort of music do people in your system like?
Does your system have a headspace? Are there multiple of them? What are they like?
How would you describe your system in 3 words or less?
Do you have any cool/funny stories from inside the headspace that you’d like to share?
What’s some advice you’d give to yourself when you were first discovering your system?
we like drawing and listening to music together!! we also daydream a Lot so generally just hanging out & vibing in the headspace is smth we enjoy too :3c
Our music taste varies tbh!! rn tho we're hyperfixated music-wise on queens of the stone age and that's like. 100% PT & Gideon's faults SJDJDJDJDJSJDJ genre-wise primarily we listen to rock but a fewww of us r into electronic stuff & whatnot!
Yes and yes!! our main headspace rn is Harry's, it's a buncha disconnected-ish bedrooms that we all kinda fast travel to and from. Almost every Skill has their own room or they share a room w others but funnily enough Harry himself doesn't have a room here. then again he barely visits HFJDJSJDJFFJ and our headspace outside Harry's is very large and expansive! rn the main area is a giant meadow with a cave entrance in the distance, and a couple houses—the houses belong to Dark andddd.... I think Chase?? idk. whoever the fuck is in charge of the Septic household owns the house but I'm gonna be honest I don't think they ever decided who's in charge AUAISJSJDJDJ. We've got plenty more bits n pieces in our headspace but that's the main layer!
Chaotic, incomprehensive, and colourful! Chaotic bc. Have U Seen Us SJSJDJDJDJDJ incomprehensive because of the word salad and thought disorder shit, and colourful bc of our synesthesia!
HMMMMM,,, nothing much comes to mind as of recent sadly </3
Advice to past self: don't. share this with anyone offline! holy shit. you will make your life hell if you do. dhdjisaiaiskdk
thank you !! -Electrochem
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triciamfoster · 1 year
Essential Oils: Rosemary  Rosmarinus officinalis
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The following information is from Essential Oils for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Althea Press.
DESCRIPTION  Rosemary essential oil is extremely versatile, as it is useful for treating a number of illnesses as well as for aromatherapy and meditation. It is derived from the flowers of Rosmarinus officinalis. Though some companies provide rosemary oil derived from other rosemary species with similar fragrances, those oils have different properties. Rosemary essential oil is an evergreen, but its fragrance is not overly woody. Instead, it is fresh, sweet, and strongly herbal, with slightly medicinal undertones. With a thin consistency, this essential oil is typically steam distilled. When used in aromatherapy, it is considered a middle note.  
ORIGIN  France, Spain, Tunisia  
PROPERTIES  Analgesic, antiarthritic, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, antirheumatic, anti- septic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, cordial, decongestant, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, hepatic, hypertensive, nervine, restorative, rubefacient, stimulant, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary  
APPLICATION  Rosemary essential oil should be diluted 50:50 with a carrier oil prior to use. It is suitable for direct inhalation, diffusion, and topical application. It is also suitable for ingestion.
PRIMARY USES  Improves circulation; eases arthritis and rheumatism pain; relieves muscle cramps; combats dandruff, hair loss, and dull skin; reduces oily skin and acne; alleviates respiratory discomfort; helps colds and congestion; repels insects.  Rosemary essential oil can be used to formulate nontoxic disinfectants and other household products, bath products, and lotions. It is an excellent addition to massage oils, particularly when blended with lavender. It is extremely stimulating to the mind and is great for combating mental fatigue. Heralded for its ability to help users remain focused and alert while studying, working on mentally draining projects, and driving long distances, rosemary essential oil is even a great natural remedy for easing mental fog caused by hangovers.  When used in meditation, rosemary essential oil alleviates stress and anxiety, aids in promoting focus and mental clarity, and increases intuition.
SAFE USE  Conduct a patch test before using rosemary essential oil on your skin. This is one of the few essential oils that is considered to be safe for applying undiluted; however, some individuals can suffer skin irritation when the oil is applied topically. Rosemary essential oil can be toxic if ingested, and is best for aromatherapy and topical applications.
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In the latest chapter in a long-running dispute, a Minnesota appeals court sided last week with an Amish community whose religious beliefs reject the use of septic tank systems to handle “gray water,” or nontoilet household waste water. But an attorney for the Swartzentruber Amish community in Fillmore County, Minn., says the dispute is still percolating even if the wastewater is not…
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