#seraphina ask
candyistoosweet · 3 months
Now since I see how much you're interested in hellcrew...Who's YOUR fav character???
Oh my fav hellcrew characters are A LOT! Almost all of them!! Well I just can't pick only one, so I'll just text it down with ranking◝(*'◡'*)◜
1. Kelly Duffy
2. Cian Lynch
3. Seamus Wrynn
4. Seraphina Shaw
5. Lucien Delaney
6. Sullivan Sweeney
7. Julius Doherty
8. Octavian Doherty
9. Devlin Doherty
10. Duvessa Doyle
11. Killian Lynch
...Haha, I'll explain in order! First off, Kelly is my fav cuz...I don't know I love his design so much! I love how he looks, and...the lack of infos or stories about him makes me feel more attracted to his mysterious aura I guess?
Next, Cian! Well, Cian is definetely at the top tier since he has so many best traits out of HC casts, don't you think? He's good with kids, cooking, social, looks handsome....so many great characteristics to tell! Definetely #1 or #2!
Seamus...I love himmm I love his aura, I really appreciate how he shows his personallity!! His face and hairstyle is also very calm and interesting...only if his way of describing 'love' as his photos weren't so twisted, I could've just gave him #2 tier, honestly.
Sera...Actually @gracilissart 's artwork of his characters and their introductions are favorite out of three creators' works in the Hellcrew project. I'm a straight girl and Sera makes me into lesbian time to time LOL🫣 I love her design!!! 8/10.
I can explain. I can explain about Lucien...I like the way how easy it is to say out his name. Lucien...And also, his job occupation is the same dream job I want! A pediatric psychiatrist! At least his JOB doesn't describe what he is like...does it? 5~6/10.
Sullivannnn!! His nationality reminds me of mine! He's part chinese, and my nationality is korean which kinda relates as the same asians. I also love how tanned his skin is compared to others, it gives unique vibe!! 7/10!
Despite how much fanarts I draw out of him, Actually Julius doesn't reaches to the highest tiers. I love his design, backstories or the way he kills, but maybe his personallity is the reason I'd say? I love him!
Octavian Doherty. Oh gosh, I won't lie, his first design before looked a lot alike Jason The Toymaker, the creepypasta. But since his design and settings changed a lot, I like this new version 10000 times better!! I just cannot understand what he talks when he texts, that's affecting his middle tier. 6/10!
Devlin? Oh he's nice...Yeah...But I don't like the way he've treated his girlfriends before, 4/10.
I don't know anything about Duvessa, just except that she's Killian's favorite woman, her hairstyle, and her eye color!! But at least she gets along with Sera and she's pretty so...I'll just place her above the worst fav tier. No rate comments yet since I don't know her yet!
Killian....Well, I know he's the best and all, but I just don't think he's my type character...Notvtrying to say he's bad character. He's still awesome, there're already too many characters who attracts me better than him, which shows him below them as the result...7/10!!!
Thereee's everything I'd say for now. I bet you guys have been shocked of how high rate I gave Lucien, but....🫠 I just admire his job. Don't blame me, it's one of my dream job ᕙ༼ ≖ᴥ≖༽ᕗ 
Julius, Killian, Cian, Duvessa, Sullivan, Octavian, Kelly - @sanityshorror
Devlin, Lucien - @scarfaxia
Seamus, Seraphina - @gracilissart
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systemofwhispers · 3 months
Hi, sorry to bother you, what does endo mean? I'm kinda new to the system side of tumblr and I haven't been in the loop for ages. (First time fronting or even being close in a while)...
That's totally ok, and I'm happy to help ya out.
Basically, an endo (or endogenic) is said to be a type of 'system' that can exist without trauma. Which... isn't exactly a thing 'cause ya need trauma to have DID/OSDD in the first place!
There's a hell of a lotta things going on about this, mostly sayin' how endos harass anti-endos (those who do not agree/believe in endogenic existence) when they have different opinions, as well as when they steal our terms.
Bottom line: endogenic systems ain't real. There are many studies done to prove this.
You, of course, are free to have your own opinion. This is not me tryin' to make ya pick a side, moreso explainin' what the hell's been goin' on 'round here.
Hope this helped, have a good day/night. - 🪖
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
How did you come to the conclusion that Cinder doesn't like to be touched? I did not notice this at all. Does this mean that Cinder actually fears being close to people?
Watch her scenes and simply pay attention and draw your own conclusions.
Two off the top of my head, Watts touches her and she burns him, another is Emerald taking the Grimm hand ('Shadow Hand') and she recoils from the touch.
Given the fact that she's been tortured onscreen, she probably has a complicated relationship to physical touch in general. Rhodes pats her on the head when he dies, too, so there's not a great association there.
Cinder fears being close to people, yes. I think this is an inherent wound to the character. She doesn't let anybody in. The question is, of course, what character is able to overcome these narrative obstacles.
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oplishin · 1 year
headcanons centering main cast’s passive abilities
I just think having your power constantly manifest itself in some way would be pretty impactful on your life actually
If Remi goes into a room with a lot of complex electrical stuff going on (a computer lab maybe) she’ll start getting a headache from how overstimulating it is. She functions as a portable phone charger which Blyke and Isen take full advantage of. She can identify any circuitry problem by just. feeling how the electricity is flowing through the device
Seraphina always knows exactly what time it is down to the millisecond. John always asks her what time it is just to annoy her. 
arlo tried to get more piercings once, but it didn’t work because his passive defense stopped it from happening. Any sort of invasive medical procedure does Not work on him. This includes IVs and needles in general (he hasn’t gotten vaccinated in 2 years). honestly i have a million headcanons centering arlo’s passive and his theoretical medical trauma
John uses his aura detection to sneak up on people and jumpscare them. by people i do mean arlo. 
isen’s (not a high tier but i had the idea and wanted to put it here) eyes are based on tracking movement, so he has a really hard time with focusing on things that are stationary. what im saying is that his ability gave him both adhd and dyslexia. he has hair trigger reflexes that let him crush Blyke at video games which pisses Blyke off to no end.
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gracilissart · 7 months
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Don't mind me, I'm just baking my birthday cake with this as edible paper decor on top (I feel iconic to myself rn)
HOLY SHIT ?????????????
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seraphinashaw · 27 days
Is Duvessa also trans like you? Can you tell us about Duvessa??😃
no lol... she's cis 😹 she's a bad bitch i can tell u that much 👀
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macabrecravings · 11 months
So… new character just dropped, uhh— 😥😨😫
Rosalia the Castoff !!!
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If this beautiful lady looks familiar,,, it’s because she’s Seraphina’s mom! ^.^
Before Seraphina was born, Rosalia lived in a small, shoddy house on Domus Street. Every night, she'd either work the streets, the brothel, and/or the strip club. This served her enough money each week to make ends meet. Enough to pay her rent, to buy groceries, but there wasn't much breathing room.
Soon enough, she gained a reputation for it. Notorious whore. Notorious flaunter. People on the streets recognized her and knew her well. This fame allowed her to make extra money, but it also meant more danger. She was heavily sought after. People would pay extra money to see her specifically.
At 23, a client knocked her up. After every precaution she had taken, birth control, providing condoms to most clients (due to fear of holes and poor quality brands), etc., it still happened. And Rosalia was mortified. Finally, she had a stable income, but it relied on her good looks. Pregnancy would irreparably change her body and likely drive away a good portion of her clients. Not to mention the fact that it was dangerous. Definitely not the kind of job you want while developing a baby. Clients didn't want a pregnant whore. Or, if they did-- they were freaks about it.
Against her better judgment, Rosalia kept the pregnancy and had the baby. A decision that would financially devastate her. Again. It took another 6 years before enough was enough. As much as she wanted to provide a good life for both of them, she couldn't. Her reputation was too dangerous and she didn't have the financial ability to provide for either of them. (Especially not for both of them.) So, she reluctantly turned Seraphina up to the orphanage.
As she signed papers across from Bailey at his desk, she looked visibly disturbed. He'd be one of the last people to hear from her before she disappeared.
Nowadays, her whereabouts are unknown. Rosalia is all but forgotten in the town, having disappeared 12 years ago. Due to the circumstances and state she was in the last time she was seen, most assume she's dead. Musings of her name are but whispers on the street, especially now that her daughter seems to be following in her footsteps.
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unordinary-diary · 2 months
Thoughts on the medieval au?
Medieval AU
ask game
Okay so the medieval AU focuses on John and Seraphina. It’s basically a ship fic premise, but I’m not big into shipping so I might make it platonic through sheer brute force. Haven’t decided yet. Either way, the other characters aren’t really involved.
(Side note, the name isn’t entirely accurate because it’s not historically accurate to any specific time period. It’s more like those classic fantasy settings that are loosely based on old-timey Europe — you all know what I’m talking about.)
So basically: Seraphina is a rich noble lady, and John is a peasant boy. They meet, and their relationship progresses much like canon. John helps Seraphina loosen up and let go of expectations, in large part by annoying her into being his friend.
The twist is that Sera’s John-inspired character development coincides head on with a fancy rich-people ball or something. You see, there’s gonna be a whole lot of other high-tiers there, and Sera’s mom wants her to go to this ball to find the strongest guy there and marry him. Narissa wants Sera to look her best and be on the top of her game with like, flirting and whatnot to increase her chance of getting the “best” husband. Increase the family’s status or whatever.
Sera, of course, doesn’t want this. As she’s preparing for the ball, she decides last minute to cut off her hair, and by “last minute” I mean in the dressing room. Narissa freaks out but she doesn’t have time to be mad at her daughter so she just has the servants cut her hair even so that it actually looks nice and then they send her off to the event. At the ball, John shows up (snuck in to say hi). Sera decides “fuck this shit” and sneaks off to go have fun with John instead.
So, yeah! It’s a bit trope-y but I think it’s cute.
Might decide to have Arlo also be at the ball, but I can’t think of anything notable for him to do and it would be a little unusual to have a main cast member as a background/cameo character.
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⟰: the crinkle of blankets when being tucked in extra good - for Seraphina from the sickfic prompts?
sick whump scenarios
⟰: the crinkle of blankets when being tucked in extra good
Thank you!!
Content Warnings: angel whumpee, lady whump, caught in the rain, illness, rescue, caretaking, comfort
"Why couldn't she pick a nicer day to get lost?" Jo grumbles.
The day has been relentlessly dreary. That morning, Seraphina was in a similarly bleak mood - as she often was while she adjusted to the little everyday discomforts of mortal life. She went for a walk and never returned.
"How far could she make it barefoot?" Erystos wonders. He's worried that she ran into trouble beyond the bad weather. "Maybe we should - "
"Shh!" Jo holds her hand out and they both go still.
Just over the drizzle, Erystos hears coughing in the distance. He and Jo exchange a look. She pulls out her bow and nocks an arrow, then nods. Erystos puts a hand on the handle of the knife strapped to his thigh and leads the way forward while Jo keeps an eye out behind them.
They reach a large, moss-covered tree that has been on its side for a long time, parts of it eaten away by creatures who have made it their home. The upturned roots form a little alcove just out of sight.
Jo steps around the tree first, at the ready. She immediately lowers her bow and sighs.
"Found her."
Sure enough, Seraphina is sitting with her knees pulled to her chest with her back against the underside of the tree. The angel is soaked to the bone, wearing only the t-shirt and shorts that she sleeps in. Her long hair hangs damp and limp around her. Mud cakes her feet and legs and there are scratches all over her face and arms.
Despite her miserable state, Seraphina still manages to look defensive and proud. She presses her trembling blue-tinged lips together and tries to get up on her own.
To Erystos' surprise, Jo is the first to offer a hand. When Seraphina hesitates to take it, Jo huffs and removes her cloak, tossing it over the angel's shoulders.
"You don't have to prove anything," Jo says. "Come on, we all just want to go home."
The cloak was fashioned by Jo using a coat hood and a wool blanket. It clasps together in the front with a belt buckle. It's too warm to resist; Seraphina reluctantly pulls it around her shivering body.
"And you don't have to walk," Erystos adds.
Seraphina meets his eyes. Her facade is crumbling. She looks as fragile and lost as the first day she realized that this was her life now.
Erystos approaches her not unlike a frightened animal. He holds his arms out.
"Come on. It's warm and dry inside, and there's food."
He expects at least a little resistance, so he's surprised when Seraphina closes the space between them and slumps against him The demon scoops her into his arms effortlessly and Seraphina allows it, curling up tightly and hiding her face in the fabric of the cloak.
"Look at that," Jo mutters, "maybe she likes us after all."
Likes is a stretch, but Erystos is heartened by the show of trust. He follows Jo's lead and they make the trek back home.
Between the two of them they get Seraphina cleaned up and dressed in dry clothing. She is quiet and cooperative, putting her arms in the sleeves and her feet in the socks, even allowing Erystos to braid her hair so it's out of her face.
When he's finished he lifts the edge of the comforter on Seraphina's bed. She crawls in and curls up on her side, her back to the demon.
Erystos lowers the blanket onto her, then pulls a second blanket from the end of the bed and layers it on top. When she doesn't stop shivering, he adds a third and tucks her in. That seems to help.
Seraphina closes her eyes and sniffles. "Maybe you're not really a demon," she murmurs.
Erystos chuckles. "Why do you say that?"
"Demons aren't gentle."
He doesn't argue. Considering her experience of the world so far, it isn't surprising that she feels that way.
"Get some rest," he tells her. "We'll wake you for dinner."
Seraphina's reply is muffled by the pile of blankets...but Erystos would swear it sounds like thank you.
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sunshinenextdoor · 1 year
Letter Prompts! Give me the [ Mistake ] letter! :> That one sounds like it can be fun!
((Tried to make it open so that anyone can join in if they would want to:> ))
Someone woke up to find a mysterious letter in their mailbox. It's soft to the touch and ornated with green leave stickers, sealed with a beautiful light teal wax seal that has a wind chime flower stamped into it. They find it a bit strange at first, as they have never gotten any kind of mail like this before, but went on to opening it nonetheless. Since it could only be meant for them, right?
As their hands go on to open the neatly decorated case, they get slapped by an intense smell of lotus honey and probably some kind of hibiscus and lavender scented perfume, just oozing out of the slightly crampled paper inside. "Wow, okay, this is getting *really* weird" they probably think to themselves.
A few minutes later, after the intense aroma wears off, it may be possible to read it afterall! The letter reads as followed:
"Oh my Dearest, Only Love, my heart aches to be with you again. I miss every little breath, every warming glimpse you give to me. It's only been a day, but I already feel the urge to feel the touch of your fingers, the imprint they make on my skin as they burn, and how they get hotter as your blush grows on your body when I embrace you. I know I act coy, and I'm a jerk sometimes, but in reality, you are the only one who ever saw me this way, and the thought of it makes me drunk. No one can know of our relationship, for they don't understand, but I still want to pursue your love, for it is sweeter than honey, and truer than any word Nivara could say in a thousand years. (Please don't tell her I said that..) Ahem, I wish to meet up in secret again, unknown from the world. I'll be waiting for you by night. I need to feel your warmth again.
- Wesley"
Well. Seems like someone's in big trouble at the Nel'Vari post office! Maybe try to find the person who this could be addressed to?
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nalascat · 1 year
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nightingaletrash · 2 months
So I'm writing scenes for the Thief sequel fic, purely so they're down and I'm not keeping them locked in my head until its their turn and wow Garrett really has just allied himself with a bunch of fellow autistics
He's the Struggles with Social Interactions and Passion for Special Interest autistic
There's Viktoria the Strong Sense of Justice autistic
Ector is the Difficulty with Social Cues and Love of Special Interest autistic
And then there's Seraphina the 'I know you asked a simple yes no question but I will talk at length because its my Special Interest' autistic
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systemofwhispers · 3 months
Another thing I just noticed. Tulpas? What's that?
Hello again.
Tulpamancy is the concept that came from Tibetan Buddhism which is essentially the practice of created beings or thoughts created through heavy concentration and spiritual practices.
These people, who call themselves 'Tulpamancers', or tulpas, believe these creations have their own personalities and identities, vaguely similar to an alter/headmate.
Now, some 'systems' have claimed to be tulpagenic, meanin' that their system originated from tulpamancy. Aka, meanin' that their alters/headmates/parts were created via intense concentration and spiritual practices.
Now, I have nothin' against tulpamancy. However, when others claim it to be the origin of their system, it just don't make sense. Since, once again, you have to have/endure trauma to be a system.
As I mentioned previously, this post is not to persuade you or anyone else to feel a certain way, but rather to inform y'all.
I hoped this helped, have a good day/night. - 🪖
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averythebusinessman · 8 months
heeyyyy avery ^_^ !!! i know we havent gone on a date or evn talked in likeee 4ever ahaha (& i kind ignored u 4 ages) but i was wonderinggg
do u still think i’m pretty :(
— Seraphina (@xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx)
Yes, it's been a while. You know I don't like being stood up...
[Avery sighs and collects himself. He doesn't want to show his full rage online. That would make him look bad.]
If I had actually seen you recently, maybe I could answer that. If you let me take you out to dinner, I'll give you an answer.
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murasakiyuzu · 3 days
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the holy quartet is complete
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gracilissart · 5 months
sera and Seamus smoking together would be fun lol
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this took ages my God.
anyways, Seamus isn't a smoker. Seraphina, however, is, so here you go 🤞
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