#sergeant damo
islandtarochips · 1 month
OCs Height Differences
Talofa everyone! I'm just gonna pop this photo of SOME of my mutuals OCs (ft. Sleepy's OC too) height difference with mine.
I'm only gonna use their MAIN OC. So my main one is Tiala. I'll be using her to make a height differences with my mutuals. I was bored. Lol. Here it is!
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Damn...never knew that Damien and Sparrow are tall as HECK!
...I'm jealous. Lol.
Damien "Damo" Whitlock - @kaitaiga
Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton - @revnah1406
Tiala "Shark" Toa - Me
Alyssa Martinez (Later Alyssa Price) - @alypink
Samantha "Scarlet" Wright - @welldonekhushi
Charlotte "Jade" Le Jardin - @sleepyconfusedpotato
I know I said MUTUALS but I want to add Sleepy's OC for I am VERY into her OC (Jade). So I hope you don't mind of me adding yours on here, Sleepy! Just want to know of how tall she is with the others!
And let me know if I did it wrong and I'll edit it! Thank you! That is all!
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kaitaiga · 11 months
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COD MW OC: Damien Whitlock
Full Name: Damien Whitlock
Nickname: Damo
Birthday: 7th March 1996 – Sydney, Australia
Face Claim: Zane Phillips
Affiliation: 2nd Commando Regiment (2CDO REGT), Tactical Assault Group East (TAG-E), SOCOMD.
Rank: Sergeant
Call sign: Bravo 2-6 (2CDO)
Height: 186cm (6’1)
Weight: 90kg
Blood Type: B- (B NEG)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Languages: English, Arabic (conversational), Indonesian (conversational)
Father: Arthur Whitlock
Mother: Audrey Mae Whitlock
Older Brother: Thomas Whitlock
Older Sister: Sienna Whitlock
Younger Sister: Zoe Whitlock
2nd Commando Regiment
→ Captain Lachlan Jones
→ Sergeant Daniel Greenhill
Task Force 141
→ Sergeant Major Hannah “Sparrow” Cayton (@revnah1406)
→ Sergeant Annabelle “Kit” Pham (@applbottmjeens)
→ Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin @sleepyconfusedpotato
→ Joyce “Joe” Hardman @mctvsh
→ Captain Price, Gaz, Laswell
Los Vaqueros
→ Alyssa “Aly” Martinez (@alypink)
Para SF
→ Captain Arjun Dhingra, LT. Aditya Tripathi (@welldonekhushi)
Urzikstan Liberation Force (ULF)
→ Farah Karim
→ Alex Keller
→ Jackson Wyatt (1CDO, Warcom)
→ Benjamin “Otter” Lee (SAS)
Hair: blond, short mullet.
Eye Colour: blue/grey
Build: tall, muscular
Scars: Bullet wound (left shoulder), knife scars (forearms)
Beauty Marks: Right jaw, above and below the left eye.
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Personality and Traits
Damien comes across as a very laidback and open guy, very easy to approach and talk to. He is a pretty big jokester, likes to crack a few jokes here and there to make people laugh or lighten the mood.
Though in the heat of battle, he has known to be brutal towards his enemies, sparing no mercy and absolutely no time - getting a job done quickly and efficiently. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind when needed, even if it may be more emotionally driven.
Nevertheless, towards those he likes, he is a very caring and loyal person. Ride or die buddy. It’s pretty damn obvious too, he’ll never stop bugging someone he cares for no matter where they are in the world. He can read their emotions like a book too; he can tell when someone’s feeling down and will try his best to cheer them up.
Damien’s also the sort of guy to take care of others but not himself. Truthfully, after he lost Daniel, he found it very hard to cope. Thus, he took on Daniel’s role of looking after others.
Damien is also really good with any sort of trade work which he learned whilst growing up on his family farm. You need an electrician, mechanic, or welder? He’s your guy.
Like any other commando, Damien has undergone a multitude of training, preparing him for anything and everything. Alone or with his squad. A few of these include:
Demolitions and Breaching
CQC/Melee Attacks
Wilderness Survival
Long Range Recon
HALO / HAHO (including water insertion)
Roping (aid climbing)
Hostage Rescue
First Aid
And so on. In his own time, Damien frequently trains in Jiu-Jitsu, earning his purple belt, further enhancing his CQC.
Coming from a family of farmers, Damien spent most of his childhood living and working out on his family farm in rural New South Wales. Throughout his younger years, he was constantly harassed/bullied by his drug addicted older brother, Thomas. Young Damien was no match for him but luckily enough, his older sister had his back at all times. Thomas would eventually runaway and was never seen again – presumed dead.
As he grew up, Damien attended an all-boys boarding school in Sydney where he met Daniel Greenhill – his best friend for many years to come. He never really excelled at any subjects other than wood/metalwork and P.E., so when it came down to his final ATAR exams he absolutely flunked them. Not wanting to continue studying or returning to farm life, Damien worked the odd job here and there to make ends meet.
Whilst working one of his jobs alongside his buddy, Daniel had dropped that he had met a special forces operator by the name of Jackson Wyatt and suggested that he should meet with him.
After hearing all about Wyatt’s career as a Commando, Damien was sold on the idea; so much so that at the age of 19, he enlisted into the Australian Army after being trained by Wyatt himself much to his parent's disapproval. He served two years as an infantryman within 3RAR before completing the Commando selection course and earning his green beret, where he was placed in Lachlan’s B Company. Turns out he had a real knack for this sort of thing as he continued to undergo a range of further Commando specialist courses after initial Commando training.
 Since then, he’s done multiple tours to Urzikstan, Afghanistan and Iraq where he was introduced to Captain Price (via Lachlan) and Benjamin “Otter” Lee (via Wyatt).
Damien has since then worked alongside Captain Price closely thanks to Lachlan’s close connection to him, particularly in Urzikstan, but isn’t opposed to flying out to lend a hand wherever.
Modern Warfare I
During 2019, Damien is first seen in the UK on a training exercise with the SAS before he is swiftly sent to London’s Piccadilly Circus to assist against AQ’s terrorist attack, alongside Gaz. Afterwards, he joins the SAS Anti-terror wing along with Price and Gaz to clear a house in Camden, full of AQ affiliates in search of any information related to the Piccadilly attack and The Wolf.
Damien returns to Urzikstan alongside 2CDO REGT, where not long after he is called to assist Captain Price, Gaz and the others at the US Embassy, also aiding to save the Ambassador’s Assistant, Stacy. Following this, he follows the rest of the team back to the ambassador’s residence only to find the Wolf had been extracted by AQ forces already. Furthermore, he is seen briefly helping SAS and CIA on the night raid to locate The Wolf at his compound.
After the events of MW19, Damien spent this time on rotation in TAG-E, though was later sent back to Urzikstan on an emergency deployment to help aid in the assassination of an AQ leader. This proved to be a struggle. They were given little to no information and thus were subsequently ambushed, leading to the death of best friend, Daniel Greenhill, who tried to pull an injured Damien out of enemy fire.
After the funeral, Damien spent his time spiralling down. He became depressed, not leaving his Sydney apartment for days at a time and ultimately almost being discharged from his duties. Though thanks to his Captain and two close friends - Lachlan, Sparrow and Aly - they helped him find the means to work towards getting better and soon enough, he was ready enough to go back to his duties.
Modern Warfare II
In 2022, Damien is first seen undercover at Café Gracht alongside Captain Price where they wait for representatives from both AQ and Las Almas Cartel to show up. After seeing Gaz tranquillise the cartel member, they all move to enter Laswell’s vehicle and leave the area swiftly.
Later on he returns to Urzikstan, where he is again enlisted for help by Price to rescue Laswell from AQ along with ULF fighters.
Modern Warfare III
Damien spends this time going home to Australia for a little while before being sent on another tour around the Middle East. It is in Urzikstan that he (and 2CDO REGT) work alongside Phillip Graves and his Shadow Company, unaware of the events in Las Almas concerning Los Vaqueros and TF141. He is only made aware when seeing his friend Sparrow again, where she rips the SC patch off of him and promptly has a go at Damien for wearing that thing around them, explaining the full story.
EDM and rock/metal music is what he listens to most.
He is a Mclaren F1 fan, as well as being a big fan of the AFL team: Collingwood Football Club (Magpies).
Absolute gym junkie. Has an extensive collection of pre-workout, protein powder and creatine stored in his apartment (and snuck onto base). If he wasn’t a Commando, he’d probably be a bodybuilder or athlete of some sort.
Damien keeps a scrapbook that he fills with stickers, trinkets, thoughts or drawings from various places he has visited.
During his downtime in Sydney, he likes to go café-hopping! He’s a big foodie. Also likes to take long walks during the night, overlooking the Harbour Bridge and generally just taking in the city lights. It's one of his favourite things to do to ease his mind.
Thanks to Daniel, Damien is pretty good at speaking Indonesian and really enjoys Indonesian food! His favourites are nasi campur and soda gembira. He’d mix Indonesian and English together to gossip about something to Daniel. After they both graduated high school, Daniel took Damien to visit Jakarta for the first time and he loved it! Also owns a couple batik shirts.
Drives a 79 series Landcruiser. His number plate is “WHITLOCK”.
Does jiu-jitsu and is currently at a purple belt.
Frequently visits Daniel’s grave when he has the time. He sits there for hours just catching him up on every little event or thought that has happened, as if he were there to listen like the old times. Frequently catches up with Daniel's family too, they've taken him in like he's their son.
In the past, Damien has never had a good relationship - they’ve all either cheated on him or ghosted him. He gave up looking for a partner even though he longed to have a family of his own.
Moodboard + Playlist
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Info and Masterlist
Right now I have ideas for 3 main tournaments. The first one will be movies (done!), then depending on how that goes I’ll do TV shows (happening now!) and characters (done!). I’m open to suggestions for more. I’m also only doing things that I’ve seen, so I’m excluding Rangi’s Catch, Other Halves, Mauri, The Rainbow Warrior Conspiracy, Shark In The Park, New Zealand at War, The Reluctant Hero, Te Ao Mahana, Missing Christmas, Mt. Zion, Dawn, Meke, Echo 3, The Woman in Blue, and Far North. (If anyone can point me in the direction of any of those I would love to watch them and add them to the polls. I’m in the US and don’t currently have a VPN.)
Each round of polls will last one week. I’ll add links to watch the movies/shows if it’s easily accessible and free. This is so if you haven’t seen one or both movies/shows in a poll, you can still make an educated guess as to which one(s) you would like more. If there’s a tie, I’ll count my vote as invalid and advance the one I didn’t vote for.
Masterlist of polls under the cut
Tournament 1: Movies
Finished! Results:
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Tournament 2: Characters
Note: this bracket is too big to comfortably fit everything into a summary picture, so I’m putting the winners in bold and including the results percentages in red for the losers and green for the winners.
Round 1, part 1: (posted Friday, December 29)
Briggs (Couple’s Retreat) 60% vs. Juliano (Speed 2) 40%
Madden (Hard Target 2) 7% vs. Chief Tui (Moana) 93%
Jake Heke (Once Were Warriors and What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?) 75% vs. Detective Sergeant Harris (The Grasscutter) 25%
Damo (The Marine 2) 0% vs. Jager (Six Days Seven Nights) 100%
Snakehead (The Beautiful Country) 33% vs. Powell (Dora and the Lost City of Gold) 67%
Commander Cody (Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith) 65% vs. Jango Fett (Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones) 35%
Alf Winters (Never Say Die) 8% vs. Veteran Clone Trooper (Obi Wan Kenobi) 92%
Frankie Jones (My Life Is Murder) 16% vs. Boba Fett (The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett) 84%
Selwyn Broadhead (Seekers) 4% vs. Tom Curry (Aquaman, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, and The Flash) 96%
Peter Bartlett (Occupation and Occupation: Rainfall) 75% vs. Rua Kenana (Rain of the Children) 25%
Round 1, part 2: (posted Friday, January 5)
Major Rasul (Vertical Limit) 5% vs. Captain Rex (Ahsoka) 95%
Abin Sur (Green Lantern) 57% vs. Wiremu (Gold: The Dynamiters) 43%
Hemi Crane (Fresh Meat) 17% vs. Axel Hood (Barb Wire) 83%
Te Kai Po (River Queen) 33% vs. Frank (Sons of Summer) 67%
Tim (Little White Lies) 17% vs. Maru (Adventurer) 83%
Kereama (Tracker) 40% vs. Runi (Blueberry/Renegade) 60%
Sean (Gloss) 80% vs. Manu (Broken English) 20%
Doctore (Spartacus: Gods of the Arena) 33% vs. Rangi (Rangi’s Catch) 67%
Jack Te Pania (The Barefoot Bandits) 20% vs. Don Sandovate (The Immortal Voyage of Captain Drake) 80%
Hone Ropata (Shortland Street) 86% vs. Alamein (Mortimer’s Patch) 14%
Round 2, part 1: (posted Friday, January 12)
Azazello (The Island of Dr. Moreau) 44% vs. Briggs (Couples Retreat) 56%
Chief Tui (Moana) 89% vs. Jake Heke (Once Were Warriors and What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted?) 11%
Warfield (Mosley) 63% vs. Jager (Six Days Seven Nights) 38%
Te Rangi (Frontier) 86% vs. Powell (Dora and the Lost City of Gold) 14%
Warden Mourdain (The Osiris Child) 14% vs. Commander Cody (Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith) 86%
Veteran Clone Trooper (Obi Wan Kenobi) 15% vs. Boba Fett (The Empire Strikes Back, The Mandalorian, and The Book of Boba Fett) 85%
Jack Carrigan (Whipping Boy) 0% vs. Tom Curry (Aquaman, The Flash, and Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom) 100%
King Ramusan (The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption) 20% vs. Peter Bartlett (Occupation and Occupation: Rainfall) 80%
Round 2, part 2: (posted Friday, January 19)
Tamiahana Mahana (Mahana/The Patriarch) 18% vs. Rex (Ahsoka) 82%
Abin Sur (Green Lantern) 56% vs. Axel Hood (Barb Wire) 45%
Anaru Vaipiti (Tatau) 80% vs. Frank (Sons of Summer) 20%
Tito Ihaka (Ihaka: Blunt Instrument) 57% vs. Maru (Adventurer) 43%
Mauricio (From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman’s Daughter) 25% vs. Runi (Renegade/Blueberry) 75%
Sean (Gloss) 43% vs. Rangi (Rangi’s Catch) 57%
Will Bastion (Crooked Earth) 67% vs. Don Sandovate (The Immortal Voyage of Captain Drake) 33%
Eddie Jones (The Brighton Miracle) 14% vs. Hone Ropata (Shortland Street) 86%
Round 3: (posted Friday, January 26)
Briggs 7% vs. Chief Tui 93%
Warfield 29% vs. Te Rangi 71%
Commander Cody 48% vs. Boba Fett 52%
Tom Curry 92% vs. Peter Bartlett 8%
Rex 94% vs. Abin Sur 6%
Anaru Vaipiti 40% vs. Tito Ihaka 60%
Runi 0% vs. Rangi 100%
Will Bastion 20% vs. Hone Ropata 80%
Round 4: (posted Friday, February 2)
Chief Tui 89% vs. Te Rangi 11%
Boba Fett 78% vs. Tom Curry 22%
Rex 74% vs. Tito Ihaka 26%
Rangi 67% vs. Hone Ropata 33%
Semifinals: (posted Friday, February 9)
Rex 74% vs. Rangi 26%
Chief Tui 36% vs. Boba Fett 64%
Finals: (posted Friday, February 16)
Boba Fett 54% vs. Rex 46%
Tournament 3: TV Shows
Qualifiers: (posted Friday, March 29)
Shortland Street vs. Mortimer’s Patch
Mataku vs. The Barefoot Bandits
The Mandalorian vs. Bro’Town
Gloss vs. Happy Hour
Round 1: (posted Friday, April 5)
The Book of Boba Fett vs. Shortland Street
Ahsoka vs. Spartacus: Gods of the Arena
The Tem Show vs. The Barefoot Bandits
Tatau vs. Frontier
Seekers vs. The Mandalorian
The Life and Times of Temuera Morrison vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi
Star Wars: Visions vs. Happy Hour
My Life is Murder vs. Adventurer
Round 2: (posted Friday, April 12)
The Book of Boba Fett vs. Ahsoka
The Barefoot Bandits vs. Frontier
The Mandalorian vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi
Star Wars: Visions vs. Adventurer
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princesscallyie · 3 years
Does Kandi help the DAMO?
She is a civilian so no. I’m sure the Sergeant will be extra strict about that. Kingsley really doesn’t want her tagging along with the league as it is. 
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crushedbyhyperbole · 4 years
Promises - Chapter Three
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A/N: I cried like a grieving widow when I wrote the previous chapter and this one sees Bucky running further from his feelings.  Guess we’ll see how well that works out for him XD
Warnings:  Angst and internal anguish, self reflection, and mentions of death in the family.
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Belated Prologue Part 2 – Distance & Denial
As far as farewells go, it was horrific.  It was all he could do not to break down when Izzy had left him like that, so he just shut himself down and let himself be carried numbly through the process.
The flight was a couple of hours but it felt like mere minutes.  Bucky just stared out of the window, looking at the clouds below.  He didn’t really think of anything in particular, he’d already locked down his emotions so there was no point in dwelling on things.  The plane was full of recruits heading to Fort Leonard Wood, same as him, and he didn’t want anyone’s first impression of him to be a weeping mess.
The first couple of weeks were hard.  Not just the physical side, but the being alone, that was harrowing at first. Sure, he wasn’t really alone, he was never really alone but he was lonely.  Eleven years of being part of the Marvellous Three, always having them there with him, even if it was just at the end of the phone.  He didn’t know what it was exactly but something about this felt final.  Like when he got back, things would never be the same.
One night in the second week, Steve called him.  After all his training sessions and his evening meal, he’d settled into his bunk and stared up at the ceiling until his phone rang.
“How you settling in?” he asked.
“It’s not bad.”  Bucky said, making his Brooklyn accent thicker to make himself feel more at home.  “I mean it ain’t The Ritzz.”
They both chuckled. It was good to hear his voice, even though it had only been a couple of weeks since he’d last seen him, Bucky was grateful of the chance to talk to his best friend.
“Is Izzy there with you?” Bucky didn’t know if he hoped she was or hoped she wasn’t.
“Nah.”  Steve sighed.  “She’s been at home all day with her mom, baking something.”
Bucky’s heart felt heavy. He missed her and would have killed to hear her voice but at the same time he didn’t think he could talk to her and not tear up.
“Baking?  She doesn’t bake.”
“I know.”  Steve snorted.  “I think it’s meant to be a distraction.  The local church is having a coffee morning tomorrow.  I bet you’re sad you’re missing that.”
“Maybe I am.”  He laughed.
“Did you tell her? Before you left, I mean?”
“Tell her what?”
“That you’re in love with her.”
“C’mon Steve.”  Why was Steve breaking his balls like that? “I came here to get over that stuff.”
“So, you’re giving her up?”
“Is that what you called me for?  To find out if our pact was still in place or to see if the path was clear for you?”
“What if I did?  Would you care?”
Bucky sighed.  This was so fucked up.
“Nah, man.  Knock yourself out.”  He pinched the bridge of his nose hard enough to make it throb. “I kinda hoped you’d just called because you’re my best friend and wanted to check up on me.”
“I did.  I am.”  Steve said. “I just wanted to see where your head was at.”
“Sure, sure.”
“I don’t have feelings for Izzy.  You should know that.  Not anymore.”
“Then why ask?”
“I was hoping you’d at least be honest about it, just this once.”
Bucky couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.
“You didn’t see her, man.” Steve sounded far away.
“I saw enough.”  The memory of her kiss goodbye, her expression of anguish, her tears, the harrowing sob as she fled.  Oh, yeah, he saw plenty.
There was silence on the line which stretched a couple of seconds out into what felt like minutes.
“Hey, listen, I should go.” Bucky said.  “I don’t know whether I’m supposed to have open contact during training and someone just came in here so I’ll talk to you when I can, ok?  Tell Izzy I’m good, or tell her you didn’t talk to me, either way it won’t matter.”
They said their goodbyes and Bucky turned over on his bunk, hugging himself for comfort.  He was alone in the room and hated lying to Steve but he couldn’t carry on that conversation, it was too painful.  Sure, Izzy would miss him, just like he would miss Steve.  But for Bucky, being without Izzy was like having a hole in his chest that would never be filled.
She’d pretty much turned him down when he asked her out.  Pact be damned he’d went for it and failed.  He was her friend only and he had a lot of work to do to get himself to a point where he could be that friend for her, and not want anything else.  The distance between them now would help.
The next eight weeks were numbing.  Everything was so much more physical, and also mentally draining.  Up at dawn, drills, weapons training, endurance training, not to mention his additional engineer’s training.  He fell into his bunk each night exhausted.  It became easier and easier to forget.
He spoke to Izzy once and Steve twice in that time.  With both of them he just stuck to the facts; what training was like, what the food was like, what the people were like, the things he liked best and the things he hated. Izzy told him about college, she was doing well.  She didn’t tell him she was dating a guy from her class, he had to hear that from Steve. It hurt but not as much as it would have weeks ago.  He felt like he was growing.  Growing up, growing as a person, growing apart from his friends.
After that gruelling eight weeks, Bucky passed basic training and moved onto advanced training. It was tougher and more mentally taxing. He threw everything he had at it.
For Christmas he was able to go home.  He had one week leave but after seeing Izzy with Damien, smug bastard Damo, he cut his leave short and went back two days early.  His New Year would be spent how he meant to carry on the next year; by himself and working his ass off to rid himself of his unrequited feelings.
Bucky beasted his way through all the training he was required to pass, and became a full fledged combat engineer; a sapper.  He skipped his leave frequently and when he couldn’t he wouldn’t go home, he’d go somewhere else instead, anywhere he could that was different.  Once a month he gave himself a day where he’d get in contact with everyone, it was usually the first of every month.
His mom, Steve and Izzy always picked up the phone, like they were always waiting for him to call. Even when he was on mission, he’d find a way to call.  The routine kept him connected but distant enough that he could just focus on what he needed to do.
“I miss you.”  Izzy said to him when he called her on her birthday.
“I know.”  Was all he could say back.  He had to be distant, for his own benefit. Couldn’t’ let the feelings back in.
“Will you visit when you next get leave?  I feel like I haven’t seen you all year.”
It had in fact been one year, three months and nine days, but who was counting.
“I’ll try.”  Was all he offered.
And try he did, showing up at his Mom’s place for two days only.  It was just enough time to see everyone but not enough time to get comfortable again.  He decided he could manage more visits like those.
Missions in the middle east were crappy.  He hated it, not because of being shot at all the damn time, or even the shitty facilities. It was the heat.  He was always sweaty.  Sand and dirt got into all the equipment, into your boots and even into your ass crack.  The only good thing was the level of focus required of him.  He barely had time to think about meals let alone personal shit.
Bucky wrote his Mom often, knowing full well that she’d probably have Steve and Izzy over to read his letters out loud together.  They both still answered the phone, every single time he called.
By the end of his second year in the army, Bucky had himself a reputation as a bit of a badass.  There was nothing he couldn’t fix, no situation he couldn’t handle, flawless detonations, only successes on his sheet. They called him The Winter Soldier because he was ice cold, calculating and cool in all situations, no matter the heat or the heat.  Grandpa Joe would have been proud of him.
Joseph James Buchannan was his mother’s father, WW2 survivor, and his namesake.  The man had been Bucky’s role model all his life; fearless yet compassionate, kind yet firm, funny yet responsible; strong yet gentle. He was all the things Bucky hoped to be. The remembrance tattoo he recently got on his left pectoral was for the man whose love shaped Bucky’s early life. Sadly he had died when Bucky was only twelve but he remembered the man like he’d known him all his life.  Lest we forget.
Time is funny in a way. It slips by when you don’t want it to but sticks like grit in the gears when you want nothing but its hasty passage. Turns out that four years wasn’t all that long when you were as busy as Bucky was.  He volunteered for every mission he could, learned everything he was allowed to learn.  At the end of his service agreement he left the army as Engineer Sergeant James Buchannan Barnes.
Some things about him felt different, were different.  But at the same time he was still that same boy from Brooklyn who catapulted stones at bottles in the dirt with his two closest friends.
He would have been lying to himself if he had said he wasn’t nervous to be going home.  All the leave he’d given up had dropped his inactive service requirement down to zero; he was free and clear of the army if he wanted to be.
On the plane home for the last time he was restless.  Niggling doubts in his head.  Would Steve still want to spend time with him?  Would Izzy?  At least he didn’t have to worry about a job.  Before he’d even left Fort Leonard Wood he was offered a job in his Uncle Tony’s bar, Stark’s Penthouse.  Sure, he knew his Mom had pestered Tony until he gave in but it was good to have something to start off with.  He didn’t even know what he wanted to do.  He wasn’t even sure what his qualifications amounted to out there in the real world, not that the army wasn’t the real world but things certainly worked differently.
Walking through the security doors into the arrivals hall at LaGuardia had been nerve racking.  He was equal parts nervous and excited.  His Mom had insisted on meeting him off the plane and he knew she’d cry when she saw him.  What he hadn’t expected was to see both Steve and Izzy there waiting for him.
Bucky had no sooner passed the barrier than he had his arms full of Izzy.  She was squeezing him so tight he could barely breathe but when he did was acutely aware of two things.  The first was that the last four years spent trying to get over her had been futile.  The second was that he would never not love this woman.
Sweet Jesus, she smelled amazing.  He breathed deeply, face buried in her hair, her warm breath on his neck sending tingles down his spine.  She was laughing with joy right in his ear, drowning out even the hammering of his own pulse.
Soon Steve joined them, huge arms wrapping around them both.  Steve had really bulked up, now he was like a fucking superhero.  Bucky was bigger and stronger too but it was all functional muscle, Steve looked like he’d been on roids for four years.  Bucky couldn’t help but laugh.
Pulling away from his friends, he dashed to his mom who was waiting behind the railing with a huge smile on her face.  Bucky picked her up and spun her around.
“I missed you, ma.” He kissed her on the cheek fiercely. “So, what did I miss?”
Turned out he had missed quite a lot.
Steve was now employed by the FBI and, although he couldn’t say too much about the cases he was working on, he was happy.  Steve was always the one to do the right thing, moral, virtuous, good.  He seemed to get a sense of fulfilment from his job which few people can say they have.  Bucky was proud of him.
Izzy had been taken on by a Manhattan law firm on a trial basis where she specialised in white collar crime.  She too was happy.  The excitement with which she talked about the work she was doing was infectious and Bucky found himself rapt, not just by her passion but by the woman she had become in his absence.  Confident and exuberant, at twenty-four, she had grown so much from that nineteen-year-old girl he’d left behind.  Now she was radiant and beautiful on a whole other scale, it wasn’t just her ways that had grown, she had developed a knock-out body to go with it.  He was already drowning in rekindled love by the end of his first day back and that was before he added lust on top of it. She was single now though, citing being too busy with her career to deal with man-drama, so that was at least something.  Bucky was happy she’d ditched Damien; he was an asshole.
Bucky learned from his mom that his biological father had passed away recently; heart attack.  He couldn’t’ feel sad about it having never known the man, but it seemed to have struck Dolores deep.  His mom had once loved the man who had beat her and left her while she was pregnant with their child.  Thankfully she’d stayed away from him and raised her child as a single parent with the help of her father, the amazing man, Bucky’s grandpa Joe.
Dolores had already cried her tears long ago for Bucky’s father but knowing he was gone from this world with no possibility of any further closure, she had lost a little piece of herself.  It was true what they said that when you love someone they will always carry a piece of your heart with them.  In Bucky’s mom’s case, that piece had gone to the grave with Charles Barnes.
A door closed on part of his life then.  Like Dolores, he too had no further chance of closure with the man who had helped give him life.  Part of Bucky wished he’d made a point of seeking the man out, going just to show him that he’d succeeded in making something of his life; Engineer Sergeant Barnes had a nice ring to it.  But once you’d avoided contact for so many years it became easier to let it slide for the rest.  Now it was too late, but Bucky wasn’t cut up about it, it was just a passing thought he had that maybe he wanted to smugly say to the man ‘we didn’t need you anyway’.
Continue to chapter four >>>
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islandtarochips · 1 month
*Aly and Tiala were partners for the undercover missions*
Tiala: *looking at herself in the mirror* It’s…been a while I wore this kind of dress.
Aly: *fixing her hair up and smiled at Tiala* And it looks beautiful on you.
Tiala: Hmmm……I don’t know. Don’t I look fat in this guys? *heard no response* ……guys?
*Tiala and Aly perked at hearing music playing “679 by Fetty Wap”*
*and saw Agnes, Nigel, Damien and Sparrow slides in wearing their shades*
Tiala: What the-
Aly: *snickered*
Lily, been carried by Nigel and Damien: *showing her soda* 🎶AND I GOT THIS SODA!😎🎶
Aly: *was laughing before clapping her hands*
Tiala: ………I’m gonna go change. *walked away*
Aly: No wait, Tia! The MISSION! *looked at the gang and gives them thumbs up* Great performance guys!
Everyone: 😎👍
I know the gang would support their two wonderful women with any outfits they WEAR!
P.S. Shark is embarrassed of COMPLIMENTS~😉
Characters (Left -> Right)
Tiala “Shark” Toa - Me
Agnes “Blast” Falagi - Me
Nigel “Squirrel” Harrison - Me
Alyssa Martinez (Later Alyssa Price)/Lilian Price - @alypink
Damien “Damo” Whitlock - @kaitaiga
Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton - @revnah1406
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islandtarochips · 9 days
Dumb Bitch
*Farah was pointing her gun at Hadir before calling out one of his female soldier a "Dumb Bitch"* Female Soldier: WHO ARE YOU CALLING A DUMB BITCH?!? Aelan: YOU! You DUMB bitch! YOUNG bitch! SILLY bitch! DEAD bitch! *pointed at Farah* Aelan: She got a GUN, bitch! Agnes: *wheezing* Gaz: Pffft- Damien: *covering his face with one hand while shaking a bit from trying not to LAUGH* Aly, was listening through the coms: *was not expecting Aelan to swear THIS much* 🫢 Alex: 😲 Aelan: *pointed at Hadir* Hadir! If you're going to recruit bitches in your group! Bring a SMART bitch! Price: ......I'm getting too old for this.
Inspo Vid:
Characters (Left -> Right)
Alyssa Martinez (Later Alyssa Price) -> @alypink
Damien "Damo" Whitlock -> @kaitaiga
Agnes "Blast" Falagi -> Me
Dr. Aelan Kalani -> Me
Inspo Vid:
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islandtarochips · 1 month
*Sparrow, Damien, Scarlet and Aly was being traumatized by Tiala’s driving after successfully completing the mission……luckily*
Sparrow: Do you even have a DRIVER’S license?
Tiala: Yes I do, Sparrow. *showed them her driver’s license*
Aly: …………
Damien: ………
Sparrow: …………
Tiala: Hey! I’m not a BAD driver! It’s just you people were PRESSURING me!
Damien: Maybe I’ll drive next time……
Sparrow: Yes PLEASE!
Aly: Sorry, Tia.
Tiala: Whatever😒
Scarlet: And I thought Jade and Ghost are bad at driving………
Tiala: I HEARD that, Sergeant!
Scarlet: U-Uh- Sorry, First Sergeant……
Characters (Left -> Right)
Tiala “Shark” Toa - Me
Alyssa Martinez (Later Alyssa Price) - @alypink
Damien “Damo” Whitlock - @kaitaiga
Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton - @revnah1406
Samantha “Scarlet” Wright - @welldonekhushi
Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin - @sleepyconfusedpotato
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islandtarochips · 13 days
THE WARRIOR WITHIN (Modern Warfare I Fanfic)
Piccadilly Circus, London
Gaz and the CTSFO were in the car. Looking for any terrorist in the road that was in the traffic jam.
He was talking to a man named Raven on the coms. While looking around through the window. Talking  about the terrorist invading the town and might use multiple attacks, a bomb threat or something worse.
Gaz did ask him if they had any snipers for an assist. Raven had advised the Sergeant to NOT engage or even give the citizens a panic. The man wouldn’t want that to alert the people. So they have to do the difficult ways to find those terrorists.
“Don’t turn London into a WARZONE. Clear?”
“......yeah. Crystal. Out.” Gaz sighed as he leaned back and turned to look at his team.
“Looks like we’re on our own lads…” One of Gaz’s teammates spoke.
Gaz nodded agreeing with what they said before looking at the other man who was next to him. “Are you ready for this, Sergeant?”
A man with short mullet blond hair, loading his gun before looking at Gaz. “Ready as you are, mate.”
This man is named Damien Whitlock. He was picked to assist Gaz and his team from training with the SAS. He is grateful to have him on his team. The more the merrier right?
Gaz smiled a bit before hearing one of his men spot the white van. Who was slowly driving by them.
“Heads up, white van.” One of them said. 
Gaz and Damien looked as they saw the van slowly passing by. “That’s them.” Gaz tapped on Damien’s shoulder to get out of the car while calling Raven.
“Sabre to Raven, white van, multiple military age males, weapons visible, moving to intercept.”
Damien quickly got out of the car with the others as Gaz followed behind.
Raven replied back saying to not engage unless they pulled even further threats.
Gaz and his team had already got one of the enemies but it was already too late that the van was trying to get away and it EXPLODED.
Gaz and Damien, even the other teams, fell back and were almost blacked out before hearing gunshots.
Gaz groaned as he looked up to see the enemy started shooting down his men. “Shit!” He pulled out his gun and shot down one before looking up behind to see if Damien was around.
He saw that the Sergeant was slowly getting up.
“Get up! And get out of here! Save the other civilians as MUCH as you can!” Gaz called out to him before shooting down the enemies.
Damien nodded at Gaz’s command before he got up and quickly went the opposite way. Avoiding the gunshots.
While Gaz is going the other direction.
Every officer in the town was doing their best to get the citizens out of the area. Even Damien, Gaz and some of Gaz’s men tried to stop the terrorist. But some of them have made it but some have not. This has been chaos.
On one side of the town, Damien was dragging one of the officers who had his leg gotten shot by the enemy’s fire. He dragged them inside a shop as he kept shooting. “Just stay low! The medic will be here soon!”
Damien told them before going out and shooting down most of the enemies. He ran out to the open before hearing someone crying.
He saw it was a little boy crying while crouching down next to a dead body. It must be his parents who got unlucky.
“Shit…” The Sergeant quickly moved toward the boy. He put his gun away and crouched down in front of the child. “Hey there, kid. You alright?”
The boy looked up at him as he kept crying and raising his hands up towards him. As he wanted to be carried.
Damien felt his heart ache to see the poor boy like this. He gently carried the boy up and ran back to the shop. “Don’t worry, I got you.” He said it softly as he held the boy close.
He was almost there to the shop before he jolted at a bullet flying through his head. “FUCK!” He quickly took cover behind a big pillar and put the boy behind him.
The boy screamed in fear as he covered his little ears from hearing the gunshots.
Damien tried to shoot the enemy but they kept on hiding behind the broken cars. It's hard for him to take a good shot. And he knows there are MORE of them.
He looked at the little boy, trying to calm him down. Before he looked at the door of the shop. It’s only a few steps away from where they are at. So he looked at the kid. “Alright, listen carefully.”
Damien started to explain to the boy while looking back to see if the enemy was popping out of their hiding spot. “On a count of THREE. You RUN over there and stay inside. I will do my best to protect you. Okay?”
He could see the fear in the boy’s eyes and saw him shake his head. 
“Hey, I know you’re scared. But you need to be brave for me, alright? You’ll be safe. I PROMISE.” Damien gently touched the little boy’s shoulder and gave him a reassuring look.
The child looked at him before breathing calmly as he slowly nodded.
“Good lad.”
The two flinched at a gunshot hitting against the pillar; before Damien tried to take a shot but missed.
“Ok. On THREE. One…two…”
As he was about to say three. He heard the sound of a helicopter flying over. “What the-” He took a peek to see a spot light was pointing at the enemies.
And he flinched a bit seeing the only two men had been shot in the head. Seeing them fall down. And that’s when he realized of taking this opportunity to run. So he took the little boy’s hand and quickly ran to the shop.
The citizens saw Damien bring the boy as he gave it to the woman. “Keep him safe and DON’T come out unless I say so, alright?”
The woman nodded as she kept the boy close.
Damien quickly ran out as he got his gun ready. And saw the spotlight is still shining down. He also saw the rope dropped down as he stayed under the shadow.
He pointed straight to where the rope was at and waited. Then he heard someone’s voice calling out.
“E te tietie saogalemu, lelei?” (You ride safe, alright?) A woman’s voice was heard from where he was standing.
Damien kept his guard up before seeing someone slide down and land on the ground. A woman who was just walking around as she signals someone in the helicopter. And saw it left before she turned around and spotted him.
“Hey! You!” The woman called out to Damien as she was waving her hand at him.
He saw that she was wearing gears, sleeveless black shirt and her hairstyle in a tight fishtail braid.
He pointed his gun at her. Being cautious as he doesn’t know if this woman is ALSO a terrorist.
“Woah woah there! I’m on YOUR side!” She showed her patch on the chest of her vest. A patch that says Warriors Task Force. While raising one hand towards him. “Not a terrorist.”
Damien slowly put his gun down as he looked at her confusingly. “Who are you?” He demanded her to speak.
“I’m Sergeant Agnes Falagi. But you can call me Blast. My General had sent me here to look for Captain Price. And I’m guessing you’re not him?”
He shook his head. “No. I’m not. But I know who he is.”
“But do you know WHERE he’s at?”
“No…” Then he heard his radio turning on and heard gunshots on the other side of the line.
“Damo?! Damo, are you there?! This is Gaz!”
Damien pressed his radio. “Damo’s here. Go for Gaz. How copy?”
“Need your help on this side mate! These bloody terrorists are everywhere! Are you able to come over?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there.” Then he looked at the woman, who is named Agnes. Seeing her looking around before looking back at him. 
She smiled at him and waved at him a little. 
“...I’m also bringing a newcomer.”
“I-I’ll explain later. Just hang tight!” Damien hung up the call and then looked at Agnes. “Okay. Listen carefully, I’m not exactly sure if I should TRUST you.”
“It’s alright! I understand! So are we gonna go help your usos (brothers or bro) or what?” Agnes asked as she tilted her head a bit.
“My what? N-Never mind. On me.”
Agnes nodded as she stepped aside. “Lead the way, handsome.”
He just rolled his eyes when she called him that as he passed by her and led the way.
The two kept their guards up as they watched each other’s six. And taking down some enemies while on their way. Before reaching one of the soldiers on the other side of town.
“Hey! I’m looking for Sergeant Garrick! Have you seen him?” Damien asked them.
The soldier nodded as he told the two that he went inside the Tanto Building for any hostages. 
“Thanks!” Then he looked at Agnes before nodding at her. Telling her to follow him.
Agnes nodded back before following him inside the building.
The two Sergeants stayed cautious before hearing someone’s voice. They followed it before Damien saw Gaz up on the second floor with a man who he recognized.
“Kae! That hostage has a bomb around him!” Agnes said it loudly before running upstairs.
Damien saw her run up as he tried to stop her. “Wait- Ugh!” He groaned as he started to follow her quickly.
“It won’t OPEN!” Gaz said as he tried to take the lock off.
The man, who is a hostage with a bomb around him, started to panic. “P-Please! I want to see my girls! Let me see my girls!”
Price grabbed Gaz and looked at him. “CAN you help him?!”
The two men were trying their best to help the hostages but seeing it down in 15 seconds. Gaz has no idea how to take it off.
“I-I…I can’t…” Gaz said defeatingly before jolting at Price pushing him back.
“No time!” As Price was about to push the man down-
Price and Gaz looked to see Agnes running in. She brought out her knife before stopping Price from doing to the man.
“Give me a sec!” She told him to wait as she scanned her eyes onto the wires.
“What the bloody hell are you doing?! The bomb is about to go OFF!” Price yelled at her as he saw the timer. 
Only 8 seconds left.
Damien ran in and saw this scene in front of his eyes. “SERGEANT!”
5 seconds left.
Price quickly ran towards where Gaz is at to cover him while Damien quickly took cover.
The hostage started to close his eyes tightly before Agnes cut one of the wires. And the timer had finally stopped at 1 second left.
Everything was silenced. No one was breathing after that. Except for the hostage who was sighing deeply with relief before starting to laugh with happiness.
“TH-THANK YOU! OH THANK YOU!” He loudly said with joy in his tone as he quickly hugged Agnes.
She giggled while hugging him back. “Of course! Disarming the bomb is my SPECIALTY!”
Damien, Price and Gaz looked at Agnes with shockness on their faces.
“Now, how about we get these things off and take the rest of you out of here?” Agnes said with a sweet smile before helping the man up.
After getting everyone out of the building safely. Price looked over at Damien with a small smile under that beard.
“Sergeant Whitlock. It’s been a while, lad.”
Damien smiled back at the Captain before giving him a firm shake on the hands. “It has been, sir. Still glad that you’re moving with those old bones.”
Price chuckled a bit.
“You two know each other?” Gaz asked as he stepped in.
Price smiled at Gaz as he touched Damien’s shoulder. “Of course, his Captain and I used to work together. Helping each other out.” He looked at Damien. “Helping each other arses.”
Damien smiled at Price before seeing Agnes was talking to one of the officers. Gaz and Price also looked at where Agnes was at.
“Do you know her, Sergeant?” Gaz asked Damien.
“Not at all, Garrick. I JUST met her on the other side of town. She told me that her General sent her here.” Then he looked at Price. “To assist YOU, Captain.”
Price looked at Damien with a confused look. “To assist ME? What’s the name of her General?”
“I…don’t actually know. I didn’t ask.”
The three men kept staring at this strange woman who looked so seemingly…HAPPY all the time. Even during a VERY serious situation.
“She’s…very odd.” Gaz said with a puzzle look. Trying to find out who this woman was.
Agnes had finished talking with the officers before walking over to where the boys were. She stood in front of Price before saluting to him. “Sergeant Agnes Falagi, sir! It’s an honor to meet you!”
Price had looked carefully at this woman. Looking at her up and down. “...at ease, soldier.”
Agnes lowered her hand as she smiled at him. Then Price started to ask her a few questions.
“Who sent you here?”
“General Kalani, sir.”
“Kalani?” Price paused at hearing that familiar name. “She sent you here to assist me?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Why? How did she know about this mission?”
“Your friend, Kate Laswell called her. Asking for OUR assistant.”
Price now understands. Laswell was connected with General Kalani. The woman who he thought that they’ll never be in contact with.
“Bloody hell, Kate…you sure know how to pull a few strings.” He mumbled his words to himself.
The four of them walked out and headed towards a statue. Seeing so many dead bodies covered with white sheets. Police cars' sirens were echoing through the streets while the red and blue lights kept flashing around the dark corners.
Agnes looked at every body that she passed by. Feeling sorry for the people who had died. “Never seen THIS many bodies back in Afghanistan…” She said it softly before kneeling down next to one of the dead bodies. She saw it was a small one and she knows that it’s not an adult.
Damien could see Agnes was in a moment of silence. He slowly walked over and took a look at the small body covered with a small white sheet. He tightened his grip as he felt anger and disgust.
“These bastards…they are SO going down.” 
Damien then looked at Price and Gaz were talking from afar. Before he tapped on Agnes’s shoulder and tilted his towards the Captain and the Sergeant’s talking.
She nodded as she stood up and walked with him.
“Then why have we got our hands TIED? Let’s just take the bloody gloves off and FIGHT.” Gaz said with anger in his tone. Thinking of why would everyone ignore the danger that is going on instead of fighting back.
Damien and Agnes walked in while listening to Gaz talking.
Price was also listening to him seeing him looking upset.
Price nodded for him to continue.
He took a deep breath before turning himself around as he looked at the Captain. “We don’t stand a chance in HELL with these rules of engagement, Captain.”
Price glanced at Damien who had been looking at Gaz. Seeing he was agreeing with him. Damien glanced back at Price while Gaz continued to talk.
“They can tell us where, they can tell us when. DON’T tell us how.” Gaz looked straight into Price’s eyes.
The Captain could see the anger and annoyance from the Sergeant’s eyes. For they know that they can’t do anything while following the rules.
“My men were tracking that cell for WEEKS.”
“You had actionable intel on this?”
“Quite a bit, sir.”
Price then looked at Damien. Seeing him nodded as whatever Gaz said was true.
Price took a deep breath trying to think about it before looking at Agnes. “Well, Sergeant? What do you think?”
The female Sergeant looked at Price and then at Gaz and Damien. She pondered a bit before shrugging. “Well, there’s nothing wrong with breaking a FEW rules. And besides…”
She grinned at them. “Where’s the fun in that? If their rules failed to protect them. Why follow them?”
“She’s right.” Damien started to agree with Agnes and Gaz. “These terrorists won’t stop if we don’t fight back, Captain.”
Price looked at the three Sergeants as he felt his phone buzzing. He took it out of his pocket and looked at them. “Alright then, you three are with me.” Then he walked away while answering the phone call.
Damien sighed before looking at Gaz. “You alright?”
Gaz took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah…I’m fine.” Then he looked at Agnes. “So…Falagi, right? The name’s Gaz. You came in at the wrong time during the danger.”
Agnes giggles and winked at him. “DANGER is my middle name.”
“I thought it was Blast.” Damien said while chuckling.
Gaz raised an eyebrow at Agnes. “Blast?”
“Yeeeaaah…I’ll tell you about it on our way!” Agnes said happily while walking with the two.
To Be Continued…
<- Chapter One
Words: 2912
Damien "Damo" Whitlock -> @kaitaiga
Agnes "Blast" Falagi -> Me
Tagging: @alypink @welldonekhushi @deeptrashwitch @caelums-fate
@justasmolbard @revnah1406 @sleepyconfusedpotato
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islandtarochips · 2 months
WRONG LOCATIONS (ft. The Silly Pookie Trios)
Just imagining these silly trio had went to the WRONG locations of where Tiala TOLD them to meet.
But oh boy. Were they WRONG.
Characters -> Owners: Tiala "Shark" Toa -> Me
Damien "Damo" Whitlock -> @kaitaiga
Alyssa "Aly" Martinez (Later Alyssa Price) -> @alypink
Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton -> @revnah1406
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islandtarochips · 2 months
Tiala: *angry Samoan*
Tiala: *even more angry Samoan*
Tiala: *threatening murder via Samoan*
Kanoa: ………… *looking at the trio* Ok. Which one of you three pissed of the First Sergeant?
*Aly, Damien and Sparrow sweat a bit*
Damien: *pointed at Sparrow* It was Sparrow, Captain. She didn’t do the dishes just like Shark ask her to do.
Sparrow: You said you wouldn’t SNITCH, asshole!
Kanoa: 🤦🏽‍♂️
Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton - @revnah1406
Damien “Damo” Withlock - @kaitaiga
Alyssa “Aly” Martinez - @alypink
Kanoa Toa and Tiala “Shark” Toa - Me
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islandtarochips · 7 days
Sparrow in Charge
*Sparrow, Damien, Nigel, Agnes, Aly and Tiala were in a plane getting ready to jump and hop on the Enemy's plane* Sparrow, got her small weapon ready: Alright, you know the plan! *jumped off* Agnes, saw Sparrow jumped and saw she left her parachute: ......um, GUYS? Tiala, was helping Aly to tighten her straps: What? Agnes, looked at the gang and pointed at the open door: She jumped... *everyone looked and saw a parachute was still hanging as Sparrow didn't even TAKE it* Tiala: ......SHE WHAT?!? Damien: ...*shrugged and went to jump out without it too* See you guys down there! Tiala: WAIT! Agnes: Wait for me! *jumped out as well* Nigel: BLAST! *ran after her and jumped out* Tiala: *groaned and glanced at Aly* ......Aly, don't you DARE. Aly: ...see you down there, Shark! *ran out and jumped* Tiala: WAIT- Ugh! ......fuck it. *followed*
Arthur's Note: Follow the LEADER! I know for sure that whatever Sparrow had in planned. Everyone just FOLLOW! Lol. And I'm sure Tiala will most DEFINITELY need to talk to the Sergeant Major about this. Hahaha! Gotta love this girl!
Characters (Left -> Right)
Hannah "Sparrow" Clayton -> @revnah1406
Damien "Damo" Whitlock -> @kaitaiga
Alyssa Martinez (Later Alyssa Price) -> @alypink
Tiala "Shark" Toa -> Me
Agnes "Blast" Falagi -> Me
Nigel "Squirrel" Harrison -> Me
Inspo Vid from TikTok:
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islandtarochips · 29 days
🕯️(for Damien perhaps? 👀✨)
Oooooo! Of course, pele! Let us see of what the WTF thought about your Aussie boy! When they first met him!
Tiala - "Hmmm. Strong, swift and has good killer skills. And yet, he's STILL single? Hm. I guess him and Kanoa should have a drink sometimes."
Kanoa - "Ah! An Aussie boy! Been a while I've seen one since I enlisted into the Marines! Wonder if his Cap is ok for me to pull him out from work."
Agnes - "Oooooo~ He looks cute~ Wonder if he's single~"
Nigel - "...................fuck. Looks like he's gonna snap my neck if he finds out about my past work-"
Aelan - "A good healthy looking young man. He must've eaten well. Wish Tiala will do the same..."
Alana - "A nice and respected young man. Hm. He'll be a great leader one day. I admired him."
There you go! I'm sure the team will like him VERY much! AHEM- Agnes- AHEM. Thanks for the ask, Kai!
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kaitaiga · 2 months
I was looking through some very old drafts and found this snippet, set before the MWII mission “Violence and Timing”. This is a scene right after Captain Price commed Lachlan for help in finding and saving Laswell.
Disclaimer: I suck at writing LMAO
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Lachlan leaves the tent in search of his sergeant. Knowing him, he'd be catching up on some sleep, it was just a matter of where.
Off in the distance he spotted Damien sprawled out on top of a few crates with his M4 beside him, his jaw slightly hanging as snored.
Lachlan moved to stand in front of him, casting his shadow over Damien.
"Oi.” He said sharply, no response.
“Oi, Damo. Wake up." Lachlan shoved him harshly, jolting Damien awake and nearly sending him off the creates.
"Mmh...what?" He mumbled and rubbed his eyes.
Lachlan sighed. "We gotta job to do, get your shit together and be ready to move out in 10."
Damien groaned in response. He'd been awake for close to 24 hours at this rate and was looking forward for some shut eye, even for just an hour or two.
Damien rubbed his eyes again and yawned, sending him a thumbs up. "You got it, cap...”
Just as Lachlan began to walk away, he did a double take at Damien and saw he was drifting off to sleep again. He watched him for a moment before flicking Damien’s forehead forcefully. That got him up.
"OH- you dick-!" Damien rubbed his forehead before stumbling off of the crates and grabbing his rifle, following behind Lachlan.
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Dividers belong to @cafekitsune !
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kaitaiga · 1 year
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OC Interview
G'day! I felt like doing some writing tonight and I remembered I saw this OC Interview thing going around, so I thought I'd give it a crack! I did something like this a while back but in an ask game. I had so much fun with it so why not do it again!
It's pretty long and is written from your pov (the interviewer!). I hope you enjoy and I'd 100% recommend you give it a go yourself with ur own ocs!
August 2022
You trailed behind a tall man with a thick moustache and cap, trying your best to keep up with his quick pace and long strides.
“You, wouldn’t think he would mind, right?”
“Hm?” He glances over his shoulder at you. “What? Nah. You’d actually probably make his day more than anything. Bit of time off trainin’ would make any bloke ‘ere happy.”
You were visiting the main barracks of the 2nd Commando Regiment in hopes of interviewing a special forces operator about his life outside the military for your class assignment. A brother of a friend of yours just so happened to be an acquaintance to one, and he agreed to meet you.
The man, who introduced himself as Lachlan, lead you over to a quiet corner overlooking a large grassy field with soldiers running about, fitted with a small round table and two chairs. He gestures his head for you to take a seat.
“Right. I’ll be back for ya with Damo in a moment. Don’t go runnin’ off now, will ya?” He says firmly.
“O-okay.” Not like you were, anyways.
Ten minutes go by…
Sigh. He is taking an awfully long time. You skim over the questions you had prepared on your laptop once more, making sure everything was in order. You didn’t want to take up more of the valuable training time of that soldier. When suddenly…
“G’day,” startles you and you swivel around in the chair, looking up at the tall, blond man as he places a hand on your shoulder to ground you. “Haha! Sorry darl’ didn’t mean to scare ya” he says with a warm smile.
He moves past to sit in the chair across the table from you and as he does so, you could smell the overwhelming scent of men’s body spray, deducing that he just applied some before coming to see you out of consideration.
“You must be Damien, right?”
“Yep, that’s me, love.”
“Alright! Are you ready to answer a few questions?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Damien Whitlock. You can just call me Damo though, that’s what most blokes refer to me as. Sergeant in the Second Commando Regiment.”
Are you single?
“Woah! Crackin’ onto me ‘ere, are we love? We just met! *laughs* Buy me a drink first, would ya? Haha. Nah yeah, I’m single alright.”
“Was born in Sydney, though was raised on a farm in the countryside for most of me life. Only really came up to Sydney to go to boardin’ school.”
Hair colour?
He reaches up and tugs on a chunk of his hair. “What colour does this look like to ya?” he snorts. “Red? You callin’ me a ranga? Don’t insult me. Blond.”
Eye colour?
He hums and leans forward so you can get a better look into his eyes over your laptop screen. “Blue. Blue, Gray. Something of the sorts, I reckon.”
a/n: puppy eyes…
“7th March. 26 right now…gettin’ bit old now, aren’t I?”
“Male, last time I checked.”
He shrugs, “Eh. Livin’ the dream, honestly. Not much to whinge about right now, and not much to be over the moon about either.”
Are you happy?
“Pleasantly. It’s because I’m not havin’ to do what those fellas down there are doing right now” he says whilst peering out of the window besides you.
Are you angry?
“Nah. Cool as a cucumber.”
“How ‘bout neither. I’m an autumn man. Not too hot and not too cold to get shit done. If I had to choose though, winter. Nice to rug up in layers of clothes or walk anywhere without bustin’ a sweat.”
“Mornin’. The air feels nice and it’s quiet. Just the way I like it, believe it or not.”
Eight Things About Your Love Life
Are you in love?
“Can confirm that I am indeed, not in love.” He nods. “Maybe with my ute though.”
Who ended your last relationship?
“Uhm,” he clears his throat and looks away at the floor, “Reckon it was me? Given I did in fact catch her with another bloke, in me own bed may I add, and kicked her out. You could also argue that she ended it when she started havin’ it with him. I dunno, really.”
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
“Probably.” He shrugs, “Look, like I’ve turned down people for sure, but they were mostly some randos you’d find at the pub. Not someone I’ve known for a while.”
Are you afraid of commitments?
“Uh, probs not. They sure as hell scared of me though, that’s for sure. Not one relationship I’ve had where I’ve caught the misses doing dodgy shit behind me back. Can guarantee ya that I’m a very loyal person, even when I’m away. Marriage? Not gonna beat around the bush ‘ere, I do wanna get married it’s just…*sigh* never mind...”
Have you hugged someone within the last week?
“Nope. Would be nice, though.” You look up and notice he’s staring intently at you.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
“Yeah, this one chick over in the US. My mate told me ‘bout ‘er. I reckon I only had about one convo with this chick and all of a sudden, she starts anon sendin’ me things and placing things near my gear. Though it was nice until I found out she was literally tryna do a ritual on me or somethin’. Crazy stuff.”
Six Choices
Love or Lust?
Iced Tea or Lemonade?
“I would absolutely kill for a Lipton right ‘bout now. Iced tea.”
Cats or Dogs?
“Doooogs all the way! Love ‘em to bits. Cats are just lil pieces of shit that try to scratch me whenever they can. Also, I’ve been told I look like a dog, can you confirm- “
A few best friends or many regular friends?
“Couple close friends will do. As long as they’ve got my back and I’ve got theirs, that’s all I need.”
Wild night out or romantic night in?
“Night in, thanks. Piggin’ out on food with my misses and watchin’ a movie sounds fucking mint to me.”
Day or Night?
“Love the night. So peaceful and beautiful when you walk around the city, lookin’ at all the lights or when you can see the stars clearly in the country.”
Four Have You Evers
Been caught sneaking out?
He laughs. “Yeah, this one time back in school, Daniel and I snuck out of our dorms to go grab some grub. We were raaaavishing! The food they served us in that school was criminal. They caught us jumpin’ the fence ‘round back.”
Fell up/down the stairs?
“Yeah. Ate shit tryna run up ten floors of stairs during PT. Never seen ol’ Lachy boy laugh so hard, so I guess it’s a win?”
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?
“…Physically? Yeah, probably joining commandos. Christ, I couldn’t even tell you how much pain and suffering I went through in training and the selection course. Worthwhile though, look at me now.”
Wanted to disappear?
“Yeah…For sure. Losing Daniel was hard, but what came after, the grievin’ and the possibility that he could’ve been saved…*sigh*...I’ll stop there for now.” His voice subtly cracked, and you noted seeing his eyes water before he turned away.
Four Preferences
Smile or Eyes?
He pauses to think, staring at the table. You notice a pink tinge appear across his cheeks. “That’s hard…can I pick both? I can get lost in some beautiful, big eyes…the way they look at ya…” He notices himself getting carried away and clears his throat, “B-but a nice smile always makes me heart melt also…”
Shorter or Taller?
“Shorter. Love to just pick ‘em up for the shits ‘n giggles, throw ‘em over my shoulder. Also, great arm and head rests.”
Intelligence or Attraction?
“Intelligence. Love me a smart woman, like yeah tell me about the thermodynamics of a kettle. Draw me the free-body diagram while you’re at it, too... Don’t ask how I know all this.”
Hook-up or Relationship?
“Relationship for sure. Lookin’ for my misses. Not sure if I’ll ever get one the way things are going but oh well.” He shrugs, “Not gonna sit here and pretend that I haven’t had my own fair share of hook-ups, though.”
Do you and your family get along?
“I get on well with my sisters. They’re probably the ones I keep most in touch with, the rascals. Parents I do keep in touch with but…even less than before. They’re still not happy about me enlistin’. Brother fucked off years ago without a trace.”
Would you say you have a ‘messed up’ life?
“Nah. Well, before joinin’ the army at least. No real issues growin’ up but after enlistin’…Let’s just say I’ve seen and done some shit that only so little have the balls to do.”
Have you ever run away from home?
“Nah. Where would I run off to anyways in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere?”
Have you ever gotten kicked out?
“Again, no. I’d like to think of myself as a good boy.”
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
“If I did, I wouldn’t be friends with any of ‘em now, would I?”
Have you considered all your friends’ good friends?
“For the most part yes. To be fair, we’re all in the military so we’re all a little fucked in the head, honestly. We’re just here to do our bit and clean up a mess.”
Who is your best friend?
“Ah…” His smile fades, “Daniel. Danny, Dano. Doesn’t matter. He’s…long gone now…went to school together and enlisted together. He passed a while ago, tryin’ to save me. Smart fella he was.”
Who knows everything about you?
“Again, that would be Daniel. We grew up together so, he’s seen all the embarrassing stuff. I don’t think anyone else knows me on the level that he did, could be Lachlan but even I’m hidin’ stuff from him.”
“Well, that’s all of the questions I have for now, Damien! Thanks for letting me interview you!”
“Ah, no worries. Thanks for takin’ me outta PT.”
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kaitaiga · 1 year
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‘Twas having a bit of a chat today when I realised I’ve never actually introduced my two other ocs! Since I’m always so focused on Damien + I haven’t fully fleshed them out yet. They’re both part of Damien’s 2nd Regiment Commando unit and should have more appearances soon (like in an upcoming fic *wink wink*)! so here is Captain Lachlan ‘Lachy’ Jones and Sergeant Daniel Greenhill!
Their profile summary is under the cut, though keep in mind it is subject to change.
Captain Lachlan ‘Lachy’ Jones
2nd Commando Regiment Captain
~36 to 40 years old, born in Perth.
Status: Alive
6'4 (194cm)
Appearance: Scar on his right cheek as well as on his left neck. Large tattoo on the right side of the neck (to be added). Brown, greying hair as well as blue eyes. 5 o'clock shadow. Likes to wear his cap with a pair of sunglasses behind his ears backwards.
Will soon retire from 2CDO and transfer to reserves (1CDO) where he will serve in WAPOL's Tactical Response Group (TRG)
Has two children and an ex-wife. Things didn't work out due to not being able to sacrifice time for one another, so they mutually agreed to end the marriage. He wants to rekindle things after leaving 2CDO. Loves his children more than anything.
Personality-wise, he is a bit of a grump. That's just due to him wanting things to go smoothly in addition to a lot of stress running a whole commando unit. He can let loose though when in downtime. Since he isn't able to see his children a whole lot, you'll often see him take younger commando recruits under his wing like they're his own.
Sergeant Daniel 'Danny' Greenhill
2nd Commando Regiment Combat Medic
28 years old, born in Sydney.
Status: KIA. Tried to patch up Damien after he got shot in an ambush, but unfortunately was sniped before Lachlan was able to take him down. (...for now i think i like him too much to kill)
5'10 (178cm)
Appearance: Brown hair and brown eyes. Prescription glasses, black frames. Mole just above the front of his right eyebrow. Some sort of tattoo on his back/arm (again, will be added later).
Did have a fiancée. Were together for about 8/9 years.
Damien's best friend. Known each other since grade two. Watched each other grow up, and barely left each other's side since. He is also the one who introduced Damien to Jackson Wyatt.
His personality is similar to Damien's honestly. Chill guy who can joke around but is way more ambitious than Damo, hence why he jumped at the opportunity to join the ADF as well as earn his degree in medicine. In saying this though, he does take his job very seriously and is very proud of what he can and has accomplished.
Well, I reckon that's all for now! I hope you look forward to seeing them again soon!
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