#seriously Theo why didn’t you do anything
riverkingmarley · 9 months
So… what was the point of Theo?
They set him up as early as arc 11, but he doesn’t really do anything?
He doesn’t stop Jack. He’s kinda sad about it. His family is composed entirely of Nazis. He’s kinda sad about it. His family is grey boy bubbled. He’s kinda sad about it. He puts a rift between himself and Taylor. He’s kinda sad about it. He named himself Golem. He’s kinda sad (and weirdly mean?) about it (seriously how do you, the child of Nazis, name yourself after a Jewish thing and then talk about how you regret it because the Golem is too mindless??? That’s so messed up what is wrong with you).
Maybe it’s just me but while all of these ideas are mentioned, none of them really feel relevant or like they’re explored. What really nailed this in for me was how Theo comments on Hookwolf. He has a little internal monologue about how he didn’t like Hookwolf cause he was a jerk, but he doesn’t talk to him about it. He doesn’t even yell at him or something. Did Hookwolf ever get his memories back? He could have taunted him with his failure to accomplish his dream or with the fact Hookwolf doesn’t know who he is. But nothing ever comes of it. What was the point of bringing it up?
I feel like the story pays some lip service to all these themes and ideas but never really explores them. Is there some key to it that I was missing? It mentions that he tries to cover his emotions up to put on a front. That could explain why he doesn’t really touch too heavily on topics, but that never comes to a head either. Also, there’s already a character I like more that covers those ideas: Grue.
Here’s my fun little counter pitch though: We just replace him with Sophia.
Jack nominates Sophia instead of Oni Lee before she is shipped out of the bay and instead of being sent to prison she works out the same deal with him about killing him in two years to save herself.
She still puts up this front about not caring about anyone so she acts like she doesn’t care about her family being on the line. She might try to run away at first but she gets caught by the prt who force/convince her somehow to stay and train/fight.
Maybe something happens with the nine that scares her enough to stay and train. Maybe Bonesaw puts a tracker on her and Amy’s not around anymore to remove it. Then, when Taylor becomes weaver, she’s still scared enough to put up with her the same way Taylor is willing to put up with her because of the end of the world.
Emma’s emotional state went differently because she never separated from Sophia in the same way. After Weaver shows up, she sees Sophia and Taylor working together on the news. Maybe she feels more alone then ever. Maybe this is the push that’s needed to finally get her help.
Sophia grows and develops over the time skip. She works hard and she even reconnects with her family.
This is why it hits ten times harder when they get grey boy bubbled and Taylor kills her younger sibling. She thinks of all the time she lost when she was younger and hated/was apathetic to her family. How her family is suffering forever because of her rash decisions when she was younger.
When she fails to take down Jack it’s a major blow in how she failed both in stopping him and getting revenge. When grey boy gets taken down without her she feels more powerless than ever. She breaks down and shows emotion, maybe for the first real time in the whole book (echoing Taylor’s breakdown with the end of the world).
Maybe she even kills Hookwolf, and it doesn’t make her feel better. While it’s still good that the nazi is gone and she’s protected people from him but she realizes that having power over others doesn’t really make her feel better and she finally realizes that she needs to heal and connect with people she cares about. This made all the more tragic by how her family is gone and it’s too late.
Maybe she says something about this to Taylor at the end and it influences how she fights scion. Taylor takes one last lesson from an enemy except this time it’s a gift instead of a scar.
We see Sophia in the epilogue. Maybe Sofia’s power allows her to affect grey boys bubble a little, lessening her family’s pain somehow. Letting her move past barriers between her and others instead of dodging and running from things.
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Sunshine [3] - Downpour
AN: My loves, thank you so so much for your wonderful support and lovely comments and HCs! ❤️ You're amazing! ❤️
I hope you like this as well, and please don't forget to tell me what you think, thank you! 🥰
Thanks to @chibi-lioness for beta reading!
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Female!Reader
Summary: Evening rain comes out of nowhere.
Word Count: 4540
CW: Smoking cigars, explicit language
Series Masterlist
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Maybe you did have a crush.
And maybe the said crush was taking over all your thoughts to the point that you could barely focus on anything other than him, but that was completely normal.
Just like you and your best friend analyzing every single second of your interaction with your crush was completely normal.
“He actually lifted your car?”
You nodded your head, filling both her glass and yours with wine before tucking your legs under you.
“With one hand,” you said, leaning back to the arm of the couch. “He did that with one hand.”
“And you didn’t jump his bones right then and there?”
“No but I may have rambled about going to jail if the car fell on him and also not knowing who would take care of Theo.”
“What is that even supposed to mean?” she asked with a scoff. “I’d take care of Theo. We’d come to visit you every weekend.”
“Thanks Julie.”
“I’d even sign you up for those inmate dating websites.”
You blinked a couple of times. “Uh, no thank you.”
“Hey, if you accidentally kill the ridiculously hot mutant guy—”
“Yeah, Logan. If you accidentally kill him, you might as well exchange some dirty letters with someone else.”
“Can we please focus on the fact that I actually have a crush on him?”
“We absolutely can,” Julie grinned, swirling the wine in her glass. “Aw look at you! It’s cute.”
“It’s not cute!” you whined, slipping a little on the couch. “Julie, I talk absolute nonsense whenever he and I cross paths.”
“Babe, I mean it in the best way possible,” she said and motioned at your face. “I doubt any guy really listens to any word coming out of your mouth when you look like this, so you’re fine.”
“So not true,” you stated and sipped your wine. “I mean either way, it’s not like anything could happen between us so I’ll just, you know, fantasize about him and gaze at him longingly. Should be fine.”
Julie rolled her eyes at you. “Come on.”
“No seriously, because Theo—”
“Sweetheart,” she said. “You got pregnant at 18. Don’t get me wrong, I think Theo is the most perfect kid in the entire world but keep in mind that while we were all out partying, you were taking care of a baby.”
“It’s fine, I lived vicariously through you.”
“And now that you’re in your twenties and hot as fuck,” Julie said, ignoring your comment. “You don’t think it’s time to live a little?”
“It’d confuse Theo if I started dating around, especially with Logan—”
“Fine, then don’t date Logan. Just fuck his brains out.”
“Nope,” you said, shaking your head. “I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because the moment I sleep with him, I will be trying to decide on the wallpaper of our future cabin in the woods,” you pointed out, getting a handful of popcorn from the bowl and she scoffed.
“I still can’t believe you want a cabin in the woods.”
“I want a cabin in the woods and I want a horse and a cat and two dogs,” you insisted. “Anyway, the point is, no strings attached is not a thing for me when it comes to a guy that hot. He lifted a car for me, Julie!”
“And you want him to lift you up and down repeatedly,” Julie said with a grin, making you throw a popcorn at her.
“I doubt I’m his type,” you said and she groaned.
“You cannot be serious.”
“No I am, because men like him go for…” you trailed off and threw your head back. “Ugh, I so want to show you his picture so that you’ll know what I’m talking about but I don’t have one!”
“I have this mental image of a very hot lumberjack in mind.”
“That would be correct,” you said before taking a sip of your wine, but then your phone started vibrating on the table and you frowned, then snatched it off the table when you saw the caller ID.
“Theo?” you answered immediately. “Are you alright?”
“Hi mommy!”
You let out a breath at the cheerful tone of his voice, then pressed a hand on your chest and checked the time on the phone.
“What are you doing up, bean?” you asked. “It’s late at night.”
“I couldn’t sleep,” he said. “What are you doing?”
“I’m with auntie Julie,” you said and Julie grinned.
“Hi Theo, I missed you sweetheart!” she called out, making Theo giggle.
“Hi auntie Julie!” he said. “Mommy, I thought about it, and I solved how I can have fish.”
You closed your eyes for a moment, a smile pulling at your lips as you shook your head.
“I’m listening, bean.”
“Okay so,” he said. “We will get two fish, and we will put them in an aquarium, but like a bowl, not a huge aquarium.”
You hummed.
“That’s where they’ll stay at the weekends when I’m there,” he said. “And then, on weekdays, I will bring them here, and put them in the lake, and that’s where they can stay within the week! They’d even make friends with other fish!”
You let out a small laugh.
“Theo, my love,” you said. “How will you catch them again if you put them in the lake?”
He paused for a moment.
“Um, I’d call them by their names,” he said. “Cheeto and Popcorn. They’d come.”
“Fish don’t do that baby,” you said softly. “How about you make friends with fish there in the lake and on the weekends they can just spend time with their own friends?”
“Yes but—” he started but then got distracted for a moment by something. “It’s my mom!”
“I know bub,” you heard Logan’s deep voice and your eyes widened. You sat up straight immediately, making Julie tilt her head in confusion. “Tell her I said hi.”
“Mommy, Mr. Logan says hi to you.”
“Uh, tell him I said hi back,” you said after a beat, hearing Theo parrot what you said as you covered the bottom part of the phone with your palm, then mouthed ‘Logan’ to Julie.
“What?!” she whispered and you cleared your throat.
“And tell him to please watch that you don’t have any sweets before bed, for his sake.”
“Ugh fine!” he said. “Mr Logan, my mom says please watch that I don’t have any sweets before bed for your sake.”
You could hear Logan’s chuckle, making you bite at your lip before he spoke.
“Can I borrow the phone for a minute Theo?”
Your jaw dropped and you motioned at the phone frantically, and Julie pulled you by the arm and made you lower the phone a little so that she could hear as well. You pressed your finger to your lips, signaling her to be silent before Theo’s excited “sure!” and there was a shuffling on the other line for a moment before Logan’s voice reached you again.
“So no chocolate before bed then?”
Julie gripped your wrist, mouthing “hot voice!” to you and you let out a giggle, trying to focus.
“Nope,” you said. “Trust me, it’s for your own good.”
You could hear Theo in the background; “I think I can have one chocolate.”
“No no,” you said, shaking your head. “He can’t.”
“Sorry bub, whatever your mom says goes.”
“Um, Logan,” you said, your mind going overdrive again. “If he’s up this late, he will turn the puppy dog eyes on for dessert, and he can be very, very insistent but sugar makes him incredibly energetic, and he will end up blowing a hole in the wall because of his powers so you can’t—”
“Relax princess,” Logan said and you could almost hear his faint smile. “It’s fine.”
Julie’s eyes widened and she fell on her back onto the couch dramatically, kicking her legs in the air while slapping the pillow and you stood up, your heart beating in your ears.
“How’s the car?” he asked and you licked your lips.
“Oh I changed my mechanic, so it’s at the new mechanic’s shop for a couple of days. My friend has been driving me to work—” Julie waved a hand from where she was lying down on the couch. “But apparently it’ll be fixed the day after tomorrow so it’s totally fine.”
“Are you being safe?”
“I am,” you said. “Are you?”
“Am I being safe?”
“Yeah,” you said with a smile. “What with lifting cars and stuff, it can be dangerous.”
“Half a chocolate!” Theo said as if it was the brightest idea in the world. “Half—Mr. Logan, can I have the phone back please?”
You ran a hand over your face and cleared your throat.
“Sorry about that,” you said and Logan chuckled.
“Not a problem,” he said. “Good night.”
“Good night Logan,” you said, your head spinning with excitement and you heard the shuffling, then Theo took a deep breath.
“Mommy, half a chocolate!”
“Not at night,” you said. “We’ve talked about this bean. You can have chocolate tomorrow morning after breakfast, okay?”
“Theo,” you said. “After breakfast.”
He heaved a dramatic sigh.
“I know bean,” you said softly. “You’ll be fine, I promise.”
“Mkay,” he said with a huff. “I’m going to sleep then.”
“Okay, I love you!” you said. “Call me tomorrow and be nice to your teachers, okay?”
“I will,” he said. “Love you too!”
He hung up and you let out a breath, then tossed the phone on the couch while Julie sat up.
“Oh he talks you through it!” she said, slamming the pillow on the couch. “I just know he talks you through it!”
“Julie!” you exclaimed, your cheeks burning and she let out a laugh.
“Oh please, with that voice…”
“That’s what I mean!” you said and flung yourself on the couch. “He’s…he’s so amazing and Theo adores him and he’s so good with him too and to repeat, he lifted a car for me!”
“Aw,” Julie said. “He’s gonna be such a good stepdad to Theo.”
Your jaw dropped and you shook your head.
“We’re not even thinking about that,” you said, pointing at her. “We’re keeping our expectations very, very low, okay?”
She hummed, then tilted her head.
“Do you want to check Pinterest for cabins in the woods to see which one could be your and Logan’s in the future?”
You paused for a moment, then shrugged your shoulders.
“Yeah,” you said. “That sounds like keeping our expectations low, sure.”
Despite having drunk until midnight and consequently having a hangover in the morning, the next day went without a hitch. You’d only had a couple of rude customers, which in service industry counted as a normal day if not a good one, but because of last night you were more than ready to get home, eat a bunch of snacks and go to sleep.
Towards the end of your shift, rain started pouring and you couldn’t help the whine escaping from your lips, leaning back to the counter. You could hear your friend Stacey’s small laugh as she looked out the window, then back to you.
“It’s just summer rain love,” she said. “It’ll stop.”
“Yeah but I’ll have to walk to the subway under that rain and I don’t have a coat with me,” you pointed out. “Ugh. Great. I’ll look like a horror movie protagonist by the time I get there.”
“This is why I am a huge advocate of waterproof makeup.”
You hummed, chewing on the pen in your hand as you grabbed your phone to check the weather forecast, faintly hearing the door opening behind you.
“It says it’ll rain until—what?” you asked Stacey when you lifted your head to see her raise her brows at something by the tables area and you turned your head to look over your shoulder, your heart jumping to your throat the moment you did so.
Jesus, he looked way too handsome. He gave you a small smile, running a hand through his dark hair as if he was trying to get rid of the raindrops clinging to it, then approached the counter.
“H—hi!” you said, your voice going way too high-pitched all of a sudden. “Uh, welcome! It’s so nice to see you, what—what can I get you?”
“I can take his order love,” Stacey said helpfully. “Your shift is over, get home before rain gets worse.”
“No no, I can stay.”
“I’m not here to eat actually,” Logan said, making you pull back a little.
“…Is Theo okay?” you asked, your stomach dropping as the thought hit you and he nodded his head.
“Oh he’s fine don’t worry,” he quickly assured you. “He was trying to name all the fish in the lake with his friends while I was leaving. I came to take you home actually.”
You blinked a couple of times.
“You drove all the way here from the institute just to take me home?” you asked just to make sure you had heard him right and he nodded again as if it was completely normal.
“You said your car is at the mechanic’s.”
One of these days, you were going to melt into a puddle in front of him.
“You really didn’t have to,” you said. “I’d hate to be a bother, and I’m sure you have other things to do, so I can just—”
“What did we say about you being too polite?” he asked, his voice almost chiding in a teasing manner, making warmth spread from your chest to your fingertips and a smile you couldn’t stop lit up your face, making you shift your weight, way too excited to just stand there.
“Um,” you said. “Just—just wait here okay? Don’t go anywhere.”
The corner of his mouth twitched in amusement. “I won’t.”
You took a step back, and rushed to the kitchen, making the line cook turn his head.
“Hey, leaving already?”
“Yeah. Paul, where’s the pie?”
“Over there,” he said, motioning at the counter. “What’s the rush?”
You grabbed the pie to put it into the container while Stacey entered the kitchen.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend, and more importantly, why didn’t you tell me he was this hot?!”
“What boyfriend?” Paul asked and Stacey motioned at the window.
“Look, right there.”
“He is not my boyfriend,” you said, your cheeks burning and Paul stole a look out the window, then let out a whistle.
“I was going to try to win you over but holy shit, that’s one hot dude.”
“And get this, he came here to drive her home.”
“He’s just being nice.”
“Car sex in the rain, got it.”
“He is my friend!”
“Oh really? So you’d be okay if I went out there and gave him my number?”
You blinked a couple of times and scoffed a laugh.
“Yeah but he…” you trailed off, desperately trying to come up with an excuse. “He has a girlfri—he’s married,” you changed your mind mid-sentence, nodding solemnly. “Yeah. He’s not wearing a ring because he is having it cleaned, and also he has—he has this condition that he can’t have sex with anyone. A disease.”
Out of the corner of your eye through the small kitchen window, you could see Logan tilting his head like a confused puppy.
“When he does, his partner’s… lower region just falls off, and it’s very gruesome, and if you haven’t heard of that condition, it’s because he’s like the only person in the world who has it, they named the disease after him,” you added. “Doctors call him a medical wonder.”
Stacey turned to Paul.
“She’s so gonna fuck him in the car.”
“She’s not gonna do that!” you exclaimed and cleared your throat, pushing the box into a plastic bag. “I’m—I’m leaving, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“Theo doesn’t need a sibling yet, use protection!” Stacey teased you and you shook your head, then pushed the kitchen door and stepped out.
“Hey,” you said breathlessly, your whole face on fire and you held up the plastic bag. “The pie as promised.”
He gave you a calm smile, his eyes darting over you.
“You didn’t bring a coat?”
“Um no, but it’s fine—” you started but before you had the chance to say anything else, he had already taken his leather jacket off to put it over your shoulders.
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry about me,” Logan said as he opened the door for you and you stepped outside, Logan gently steering you to a truck with his hand on the small of your back, making you bite back a smile. As soon as you reached the truck and got in, you let out a breath and put the plastic bag on the back seat, then put your seatbelt on. Logan got in as well, then started the engine and began driving.
“Thank you,” you murmured. “Really.”
“No problem.”
“I could just put it in the GPS or…” you trailed off when you noticed that there was no screen or phone or phone holder in sight so you nodded to yourself. “I don’t—you know, I’m against being a prisoner to technology myself so I can totally relate, and yeah I’ll just put my phone here.”
You quickly found your home address and touched the screen, then carefully placed it on the dashboard and stole a look at him.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” he said. “As long as it’s not about my condition.”
“Your condition?”
“Yeah, that disease you were talking about just now?”
Your eyes widened, your jaw dropping as embarrassment hit you, your cheeks growing hot and a whine escaped from your lips.
“You heard that?”
“Mm hm.”
You slipped a little in your seat, burying your face into your hands, the sight making him chuckle as you took a deep breath and lifted your head to look at him again.
“I can explain,” you said. “It’s just that…Stacey is—you know, she’s incredibly nice but I don’t think she’s over her last boyfriend and I was trying to spare her feelings. Wait, did you want to get her number? Because if you did—”
A small spark of hope shot through your system.
“Oh,” you managed to say. “Okay. Um, sorry I made up a nonexistent STD about you.”
“No problem,” he said with a smirk. “But for future reference, you might want to go with the wife lie. I can’t get diseases.”
You nodded slowly. “Because of clean eating?”
“Because of the X-gene.”
You blinked a couple of times, staring at him.
“Wait, what?” you asked. “But Theo got sick multiple times after his powers showed.”
“Not for every mutant,” he said. “My body heals itself.”
“Against everything?”
“Mm hm.”
“What if we had a car crash right now?”
“I’ve been in car crashes, healed in a second.”
“What if someone attacked you with a knife?”
“Happened before, healed instantly.”
“What if someone shot you?”
“Multiple people did in multiple wars. I healed.”
You tilted your head. “I’m sorry, wars?”
“Like I said,” he said after a beat. “My body heals itself. Against injuries, and time.”
You frowned slightly, trying to make sense of what you’d just heard and as soon as the thought hit you, you gasped.
“Oh my God, Logan,” you said. “Did you know Marie Antoinette?”
“What?” he asked with a grimace, turning to look at you better. “What is it with you and Theo and France? He asked me if I knew Napoleon the other day.”
You raised your brows. “Did you?”
“No!” he said. “No, I was born in 1832.”
Holy shit, Julie was right.
You did have a thing for older men but having a crush on an almost 200-year-old man was just a little bit excessive, even for you.
A silence fell upon the car and he glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. “You okay there?”
“Yeah, just in disbelief,” you muttered. “Do you miss it? Back then?”
He shook his head.
“Not really,” he said. “It was terrible. Now is better, it’s just a little too...”
“Chaotic?” you asked and he scoffed, then nodded.
“Yeah,” he said. “A little too chaotic.”
“I mean I wasn’t born in the 19th century but I know what you mean,” you said. “Seriously, if I could just live in a cabin in the woods with Theo and a cat, two dogs and a horse, I’d do it. I even have all their names.”
“What are the names?”
“I’m glad you asked,” you said. “The cat will be Catapult—”
“Are you seriously going to name your cat after a pun?”
“Damn right I am,” you said, counting with your fingers. “The dogs are Underdog and Overdog.”
“And the horse’s name used to be Princess Pink Sparkle Her Highness when I was six, but now I think I’m just going to name her Hi-Horse so that someone can tell me to get off my high horse one day.”
Logan looked like he was in actual pain for some reason.
“But listen, the list used to go like, a cat, a dog and a horse, and I figured like, if I get one dog, why not have two, you know?” you asked. “I couldn’t possibly leave Underdog without a friend, because as much as I love cats, they can be kind of assholes sometimes to dogs, they can’t help it, so that’s how Overdog came into being, and there were also ducks named Comma, Colon, Semicolon, and Exclamation, and their babies were going to be named Parenthesis, Dash and Hyphen but then I realized that would mean I'd need to have the cabin next to a lake, and ever since I watched that one creepy horror movie I’m terrified of lakes at night because I really don’t think we should mess with any bodies of water and—” you managed to stop yourself and cleared your throat. “Just…feel free to stop me when I do this.”
“I like it when you do it,” Logan stated without taking his eyes off the road, as if he was talking about the weather and your heart started pacing in your chest while you gawked at him.
“…People usually hate it.”
“People are idiots.”
“Someone I used to know would cover my mouth whenever I rambled too much.”
“And you didn’t break their hand?” he asked and you scoffed a laugh, then shook your head.
“Nope,” you muttered. “That sounds like a good idea though.”
“It is,” he said, reaching out to grab the cigar resting by the gear stick, and opened his window a little.
“Do you mind?”
“Not at all,” you said. “You smoke cigars?”
“Mm hm,” he said, patting his jeans for a lighter, then looked around the car before his hazel eyes fell on you. “I think my lighter is in the jacket pocket, would you…?”
“Oh sure!” you said and felt around the leather jacket over your shoulders, then pulled out the lighter and flicked it, the warmth caressing your hand for a moment before you held it out for him. Logan stole a look at you, his gaze stopping on your face illuminated by the flame before he leaned in to hold the tip of the cigar to the flame.
You had no idea why, but it felt strangely intimate.
“Thanks,” he murmured and you offered him a hesitant smile, flicking the cap of the lighter back before carefully placing it beside the gear stick.
“Sure,” you said, trying to snap yourself out of it. “Um, I used to smoke cigarettes. Mostly to look cool.”
“Did it work?”
“Not really,” you admitted as he stole a look at the GPS, then back at the road. “Never a cigar though, do you mind if I try it?”
“Are you sure?”
Corners of his mouth curled upwards. “Are you trying to look cool right now?”
“Hey, if you don’t think I’m cool after learning my future pets’ names, I don’t think a cigar is gonna help it.”
That coaxed a chuckle out of him and he held out his hand so that you could take the cigar from him. The moment your fingertips brushed against his skin, his hand twitched, a warmth spreading from your hand to your whole body. You swallowed thickly, your heartbeat getting faster and you brought the cigar to your lips with a trembling hand, then took a drag.
“Don’t inhale—” Logan started but you had already inhaled the smoke, a sharp pain stabbing you in the chest as soon as you did. Logan pulled over and through the coughs, you realized you were right in front of your apartment but you couldn’t even thank him as you pounded your chest with your fist, then took a deep breath and wiped at your eyes with one hand while handing him the cigar back with the other.
“Ugh, that’s terrible!” you whined. “You smoke that willingly?”
“You’re not supposed to inhale it.”
You made a face and wiped at your eyes again, sniffling.
“Not supposed to inhale it?” you repeated as you straightened your back to look at him better, your brows pulled together in almost a petulant manner. “What’s the point of it then?”
The calm smile that graced his lips was almost taunting and he reached out to wipe at the remnant of a tear under your eye with a knuckle, your breath catching in your throat.
“The taste, princess,” he said, his deep voice sending an excited shiver down your spine as he pulled his hand back. “The taste is the point.”
Oh you were so going to melt in front of him one of these days.
That wasn’t supposed to sound as suggestive as it did, you were sure of it but that did nothing to stop the fire spreading over your cheeks, making you shift a little in your spot before he nodded to the window.
“Is this your place?”
You had to force yourself to drag your eyes away from him and looked outside even if you knew where you were, then nodded fervently.
“Yeah!” you said. “Yeah that’s—that’s me.”
A silence fell upon the car and you cleared your throat, trying to snap out of the daze you were in.
“Thank you,” you said after a beat. “For…for all of this, really.”
“Don’t mention it,” he said and you looked outside again, now realizing the rain had stopped so you grabbed your phone off the dashboard, unbuckled your seatbelt and slipped the jacket off your shoulders, his unwavering gaze almost too hot on your skin.
“Good night Logan,” you said softly and opened your door to step out of the car, then made your way to the building. You climbed up the stairs, a giggle you couldn’t stop escaping from your lips as you unlocked your door, then stepped into your apartment and closed the door behind you before leaning back against it.
“Alright…” you breathed out, your heart beating in your ears. “Yeah, okay. I definitely have a crush.”
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msdoodlesposts · 8 months
Part 1
(Slight blood and language)
Mrs. Rich!Player x DogDay!Rich
September 12 1992
Three years before the hour of joy.
“Richie?” You muttered lightly still between the realms of being awake and sleep, though you were starting to wake up more when you moved your hand and didn’t feel the warm body of your husband Rich, You blinked your eyes a few times to get the sleep out before turning over and turn the lamp on,
Rich came out of the bathroom at the same time, dressed in his work blues and you couldn’t help but make a face.
“Your supposed to be off today”
“I know Angel” Rich spoke as he came over making sure his shirt look presentable “I got a call, a surprise load came in and the night crew needs a manager”
You crossed your arms lightly “can’t they get someone else to watch over them?” You asked, You been waiting a whole year to celebrate your first wedding anniversary and may have bother Rich a bit to always make sure he had that day off.
“It will only be for a few hours, when you wake up, I’ll be here with breakfast and those donuts from Randy’s you like so much” Rich spoke smiling softly, leaning down giving you a gentle kiss on the lips then on the forehead before turning off the lamp next to you.
“You get some sleep angle and I’ll see you soon”
Present day.
13 years after Richard was killed, 10 years after everyone went missing.
“How the fuck were these things even approved!” You couldn’t help but yell annoyed as you shot another flare when a small unicorn and chicken plushy started craving you way. Like what was cute about blank eyes and big grinning smiles that would be like nightmare fuel!
You sigh and gently rubbed your eyes to try and get them from being blurry having not slept in about what a day if you could remember correctly.
You let out a frustrated sigh as you heard more of those tiny animal squeaks as they came closer again. You could understand why Ollie found this place terrifying but to you it was starting to get annoying with all of the critters. You saw the wires you been fallowing lead to a button and you hope that
It would open it a door thus leading to a exist.
Ok so you were half right it did lead you somewhere, when you went down the stairs beyond the door and into a indoor swimming pool(they seriously had one?) You fallowed another pair of doors into something that definitely didn’t look like a child’s place, your eyes gazed over the cell block area, a frown appearing on your lips as you remembered this was where Catnap-Theo was kept.
You took in a deep breath and slowly walked in, looking around as you went and frown as the inside of the cells, your nose twitching, smelling blood.
You walked by a door and almost jump out of your skin when you heard a voice spoke, a familiar voice.
“You…Your Poppy’s Angel”
You glance that way, eyes widening slowly as they looked over what appeared to be half of a Dogday costume, but knowing this place it was anything but that.
Your nose twitch a bit at the smell of blood coming from what was left of the Dog’s lower half.
“Come to save us” The costume wheeze a bit “nothing left to save, not here…”
You frown upon hearing that and step a bit closer, eyes trailing over the mix of belts holding the character up.
“Your in catnap’s home,Angel”
And there it was again, the nagging feeling in the back of your head, it been years since someone had called your Angel, the last one to do so was Rich…
You slowly felt your face stiffen and eyes slowly widening in horror a bit.
You could be wrong you really wish you were wrong but from the evidence you seen here and the videos you saw everything was singing a different tune.
You didn’t have a open casket for Rich’s funeral nore did you ever saw his body, you were only told that it was best for you to not see it, to remember Rich the way he was.
Your mind wander franticly trying to remember the last few days before Rich’s death.
You remember being excited about your anniversary, double checking with Rich to make sure he gotten the day off even though he had assured you a millions time that he had.
You made dinner reservations for that day and you had went over to the calendar to write it down so neither of you could forget.
You remember seeing in red pen ‘PlayCare interview’ written the day before Rich’s death.
Oh sweet god.
You made a noise and step back away from the cell before bending over and promptly lost your lunch.
You tried to take in a few deep breaths only to end up coughing a bit.
“Listen to me,you need to get out-“
“Say that again”
His head move a bit, blank eyes covered by ears, now looking annoyingly (you pretty sure he was annoyed cause you were having a bit of a crisis during his speech). “You need to leave” he spoke again, emphasize on the word leave.
You took in a deep breath and rubbed your temples “Trust me I’ve been trying since the moment I got here, I…I need you to say Angel again” you spoke, a bit embarrassed upon the request, but you did have to make sure.
You heard him wheeze again, you were sure it was a chuckle,he looked at you annoyed(this time you were sure).
You recognize that tone, the same tone Rich would you when you stared to get on his annoyed side.
Dogday’s eyes widen (as much as they could since their eyes were already big )
And saw a peice of fabric start to move bring him, wagging like a tail.
“Angel?” He ask softly.
You took in a deep breath.
(Hope you enjoy part 1, it might be a two or three parter)
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howcouldmuffin · 2 months
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In a relationship with him feels like being in hell, so you shouldn’t ever go back there again.
PAIRING : Modern!Gwayne Hightower x Fem!Reader
WARNING : NSFW, Modern AU, Toxic Relationships, Open Relationships, Mentions about the use of alcohol and drugs, Sex Content
AN : I had a lot of fun writing drama for these characters, and as always, I hope you enjoy this piece. Love.
please be kind to me English is not my first language.
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You glance at your watch again. It’s 8:14 PM, and there’s still no sign of your boyfriend. Not even a shadow. How many times has he been late like this? You feel like crying right here in the middle of the café, but it would be pointless.
After sitting a while longer, you see the person you’ve been waiting for rush into the café. There’s a red mark on his neck, clearly a kiss, and he smiles at you without the slightest hint of guilt. You’re furious at his attitude, as if he has no idea how much you want to scream at him.
“Sorry I’m late, babe.” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Kiera wanted help picking out her outfit for the party tonight.”
Seriously? He’s using the new friend he met just a month ago as an excuse, when you’ve been telling him about this movie for half a year. Heaven help you, you’ve never felt so invisible.
“I told you not to be late, but you still managed to do it.” you say sternly. “I should have never expected anything better from someone like you, Gwayne.”
“I’m sorry.” he replies. “Why don’t you go see the movie alone? You should’ve known I’d be late anyway.”
“The tickets are with you, idiot.” you snap, gathering your things from the table and standing up to leave.
“Oh, and Alicent asked me to remind you about dinner with her family tomorrow. Make sure to pick her up before you go.” With that, you walk out of the café, fuming that he can’t even manage his time between his friends properly. Prioritizing is clearly not his strong suit.
Before long, you realize that tears are streaming down your face. You didn’t want to cry over this again. Realizing that you might not be important to him hurts deeply, and lately, your conversations with him have dwindled. You barely even talk on the phone anymore. Are you two still even together?
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"Really? I can't believe he's late all the time, but when it comes to family dinners, he's always punctual." Alicent, says.
"For heaven's sake, was he late again?" Rhaenyra adds.
"And what am I supposed to do? He's just like that." you grumble. "It would be nice if he could show up on time more often." As you finish speaking, you notice your classmate walking into the cafeteria, and since there are a few things you need to discuss with him, you quickly get up and walk over.
"Theo, do you have a minute? I wanted to talk about Professor Flint's assignment." you say. You've been paired with him for group work several times, and besides Rhaenyra's group, he's probably the person you're closest to.
"Sure! But let me grab a coffee first, then we can head to the library to chat."
"Sounds good, I need to return a book there anyway." you reply. "I'll be right back, I just need to grab my bag." Theo nods in agreement, and you quickly head back to your table to get your bag. You find your boyfriend sitting there, chatting with your friends. Ignoring him might not be the best move, but you're not in the mood to talk to him right now.
"Where are you going?" Gwayne asks.
"I'm working with a friend." you reply, reaching for your bag, but he grabs it first. "Gwayne, give it back, my friend's waiting."
"The guy with glasses?" He holds your bag behind him, refusing to give it back.
"Yes. Now, can you return my bag?"
"I'll give it back if you agree to have dinner with my family tonight." he says, clearly more concerned with getting his way than with your schedule. You can't believe you agreed to date this guy.
"I have work to do this evening." you say, trying to grab your bag from behind him, but he doesn't let go easily. "Gwayne!"
"Come on, there's still time to finish Professor Flint's assignment. You should come with us." Alicent chimes in, trying to persuade you on her brother's behalf. You sigh deeply before finally agreeing to go with the two siblings. At last, you get your bag back.
"If you're late to pick me up, you're not getting away with it."
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It's another time you find yourself waiting for him at this restaurant. Today is your birthday. You’re hoping he’s just caught up with something or stuck in traffic. You don’t want to think that he might have forgotten this important day. You glance at the watch on your wrist again.
There’s less than an hour before the restaurant closes, but the person you’re longing to see is still nowhere to be found. Maybe waiting a bit longer won’t hurt. Maybe he’s just busy and is on his way to you.
“Excuse me, our restaurant is about to close. Would you like to take the remaining food home?” a waiter asks, noticing that the food on your table has barely been touched.
“No, thank you.” You nod, stand up, and leave the restaurant, unsure of what to say or do next. Just as you step outside, you see your boyfriend approaching the restaurant, and you decide to walk away before he can see you—but unfortunately, he catches sight of you.
“Don’t go, babe! Wait!” He hurries over to you. “I’m so sorry, I forgot about our date.” he says, stopping right in front of you.
“Do you even remember what day it is today?”
“What day?”
You take a deep breath. “It’s my birthday.”
His face immediately falls. Damn it. Tears well up in your eyes, and finally, they start to spill over. Seeing this, he reaches out to wipe your tears, but you push his hand away.
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, babe. I messed up, I know.”
“Is that all you can say, Gwayne?” you cry.
“I just thought you usually celebrate with your family or your friends—”
“So is it wrong that I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my boyfriend? Is it wrong that sometimes I can do things on my own, but I just wanted to do it with my boyfriend? I’m your girlfriend, Gwayne. Am I still your girlfriend?” you sob, your voice trembling as the tears run down your cheeks.
“Maybe the importance I give to you, I just thought that—” you hiccup.
“No, babe, no. Don’t say that,” he says, stepping closer and trying to hold your face to make you look at him.
“I just thought… maybe we should go back to being just friends. That would match the level of importance I seem to have for you.”
He tries to hug you, but you push him away. He starts to say all sorts of things, but you’re not ready to listen to any of it. You’ve cared about his feelings too much, to the point of neglecting your own. You’ve prioritized him too much, more than yourself. You just need a break. You just want to stop this for a while.
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It's been weeks since you last replied to any of his messages. You avoid him every time you see him in the hallway, and you've been hiding out in your room, not going out with friends. You know this isn't the right way to handle things, but you just don't want to face him or anyone else who might ask you about him.
You find it incredibly difficult to accept that you no longer have any status with Gwayne. It's hard to pretend that you don’t care about him anymore, even though you still love him deeply. But you're hurt by the way he treated you, hurt by the lack of importance he placed on you. It feels like you're dying a little inside every time you see his face.
“Do you really think avoiding him is a good way to deal with this?” Rhaenyra asks, as she listens to the professor's lecture in class. “Alicent told me he’s been going out every night, coming back drunk and smelling like women’s perfume every time.”
“What are you trying to say, Nyra?” you turn to her. “If he can forget about me quickly and finally live the life he wants, then that’s a good thing, isn’t it?”
“Don’t you know? He calls out your name every time he comes home, and he asks about you whenever he sees us.”
“Why don’t you just answer his questions for your friend?” you reply. “Just tell him whatever. He’ll be fine without me, even if he’s not sleeping with me anymore.”
“The professor is going to ask a question, Nyra, if you don’t stop.” you cut her off. She goes quiet, turning her attention back to the lecture, just as you said.
After class ends, you rush to pack up your things and wait for the right moment, when everyone is leaving the room, to sneak out and avoid your ex, who is waiting for you outside.
“Get dressed. I’m picking you up tonight.” Rhaenyra says suddenly. “You can’t miss the party tonight.”
“If you don’t come, I’m not talking to you again, ever.” Then she walks away, leaving you with no room to argue.
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You glance at the mirror in your room. You're wearing a fitted grey mini dress under a thick black jacket, paired with patterned black tights and black high-heeled boots. Your hair is beautifully curled, but you still decide to bring along a red hat.
Rhaenyra was right. Hiding away and staying in your room forever isn't the right way to handle things. So, you decide to take a step forward, an important one. But before you can think too much about it, your phone buzzes with an incoming call from Rhaenyra. She must be outside your house by now. You answer the call and tell her you're coming down. After one last check in the mirror, you wish yourself good luck.
When you arrive at the party, the music is overwhelming, mingling with the voices of countless people indulging in drinks or something else to escape into their imagination. Nyra leads you to a sofa in the middle of the party, where people are already waiting, including Gwayne.
"You're late." Alicent says. "And once again, you're the most stunning person here." She looks at you and invites you to sit beside her on the sofa. Your ex has been staring at you non-stop since you walked into the room, making you more than a little nervous.
"I'll go get us some drinks." Alicent says, getting up and walking away. You silently hope that Rhaenyra won't leave you alone too, but fate always has a way of testing you.
"Well, I'm going to grab something to eat." your friend says. "I'll bring something back for you." And with that, she walks off.
Now, it's just you and Gwayne left sitting there, exactly as you'd feared. He moves over to sit next to you, and you slide away until you're at the edge of the sofa, but he just moves closer. You eventually stop trying to get away.
"You look amazing tonight." he compliments you. "So stunning that I'm completely blown away."
"Thanks!" you reply curtly, picking up your phone and pretending to do something, though you have no idea what app to open. It’s hard to think straight when someone is staring at you so intently.
"Can you please stop staring? I don't like it."
"Okay, okay." he nods and looks away. "Want to dance to a song?" He turns back to you. Seriously? Can't he take a hint that you’re not in the mood to talk?
"No, and don't follow me." You stand up and walk around the party, receiving smiles from some people who then turn back to their conversations. What's so interesting about your relationship anyway? You wander around but don’t see any sign of your friend.
You decide to grab a drink and something to eat. The party is still in full swing, with everyone riding high on hormones. Some are even close to throwing up, but thankfully, you dodge them in time. Eventually, you find a quiet spot where you can use your phone without being disturbed.
After a few hours, you notice that the crowd is thinning out, and you start spotting your friends. You decide to step out onto the balcony for some fresh air. Looking down, you see the pool area filled with intoxicated people, some of them passionately making out.
You hear someone walk up beside you. At first, you don’t pay attention until you notice the eyes watching you.
“Nice night, isn’t it?” Gwayne says, pulling something out of his pocket.
“You smoke?” you ask. “Since when did you start smoking again?” Your concern slips out before you can stop yourself.
“For a while now.” he replies.
“You quit before. Why start again?” you turn to him, not understanding why he’d want to hurt himself like that.
“No one’s around to stop me.”
“Then stop yourself.”
“Why don’t you come back and stop me?” He leans in closer, and closer still. You don’t move away like your mind tells you to, but you don’t respond to him either. When his lips meet yours, your body responds instantly, craving the familiar taste. You can't deny how much you want him too.
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Not sure what kind of new beginning you want, you lean in and kiss him passionately on the bed. As you settle around him, you hold his face gently, ensuring he remains close to you. Slowly, you grind against him, feeling the firm pressure beneath your hips, your movements deliberate and intoxicating.
Gwayne squeezes your hips, it makes you cry out, seals with his mars on your buttocks, you gently rub his neck to the abdomen tightly with his muscles and stiffness under your hips.
He took his hand off your butt to the area of your chest. “No bra?” He rubbed his finger around your nipple. It made you moan a little. You slowly move yourself from him and move down to the bottom.
“It's very hard” you stroking the center of his torso, touching it slowly and knowing the suffering caused by yourself.
“It's just like this with you.”
“Lie” you swipe down his pants, his cock almost bounces off your face.
Even if you see it often, it's not used to its size.You slowly use your hand to rub it up and down slowly, his voice moans a little before kissing it around the head and using your tongue to lick at that point over and over again, using your hand to rub it up and down faster than the same rhythm before you suck it a little and use your tongue to play with it again.
“That's it, baby.” You speed up your hand more and more and more of your ton to lick around it. He finally cums out in your mouth. He took a tissue paper by the bed to support it for you to spit it out.
“Good girl.” as you're dealing with yourself, he kisses your neck and then chases after your collarbone, and makes a kiss mark on your body as if it were a work of art.
Gwayne slowly pushes you to lie down on the bed. He pulls your dress up to your waist. He plays with the crevice in the middle of your body. You open your mouth. He knows your body too well.
He finally pulls out your panties and tights slowly and it makes you very horny, he uses his hands to separate your legs and lick to your cunt, fingering your clit, your moaning is loud all over the room.
He starts to fuck you by inserting his finger, from the first finger to the second finger, you feel the pressure, but it also feels really good, he starts to move his finger in and out more quickly, and his tongue licks your clit, you grab his head, expressing your feelings.
He makes you like going to heaven, your hips are slowly rising along his mouth and fingers, you finally twitch and orgasm, he licks every drop that comes out.
“You're so sweet.” he said. “next to start entering the real game, beautiful.”
He took off your dress and squeezed your chest slowly and licked it to your nipples intently, you could feel the hardness dragging along your crevices, it almost lost your mind, you opened your mouth and moaned to the heaven he gave.
He slowly put it in. "It's very tight." Your moaning is both coordinated. His cock went deep in the point that will definitely make you can’t walk. Your legs are shaking and losing control. But your consciousness is almost no longer left. It's all white in your opinion.
His hips hit your hips and it's getting faster and faster. Your eyes meet, and with a shared, unspoken desire, you both lean in and kiss deeply once more.
The lewd sound is loud all over the room. Your legs are intertwined. Hold the one above you tightly. He broke the kiss and moved down to leave a mark on your neck, one that everyone will definitely notice tomorrow.
"Gods! Gwayne-" His speed was faster, he grabbed it to your waist and grabbed it, slamming fearlessly in pain.
“Together” you nodded in response to him, he finally cums, he pushed his hips even deeper and his seeds flowed into you, you and he kissed again, a fiery and intoxicating embrace that left both of you breathless.
You get up, your legs visibly trembling. You slowly adjust your outfit and head to the bathroom for a personal moment. Before long, you come out and put your underwear back on where it belongs.
“You should stay here.” Gwayne says as he puts on his shirt. “I really want to hold you.”
“No, we’re not anything.” you reply.
“Do you want me to show you again?”
“Gross, Gwayne.” You decide to lie back down on the bed.
“What’s better than falling asleep with sweet dreams and holding my girlfriend?” He lies down beside you and hugs you tightly.
“I’m not your girlfriend.”
“Then forgive me, and we can get back together.”
“I’ll never forgive you until you change, Gwayne.”
“As you command, princess.” He kisses your cheek, and you both fall asleep.
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bloatedandalone04 · 5 months
Wrapped Around Your Finger - Part 1.5
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Series Masterlist | Original Fic
➪in which anakin and the guys are granted a break, but that still didn’t give him any hope that he could actually fix things between you and him - but that also didn’t stop him from trying.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 3.2k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | THANK YOU FOR 4.6K FOLLOWERS
Anakin was sitting quietly on the couch as he half listened to Theo and Helena talk at the table on the bus. 
They had been discussing something in hushed whispers for a while now, but Anakin still had no idea what they were talking about. He couldn’t focus on anything right now as he scrolled through the text thread he has with you, his expression one of misery and agony. 
He knew you were back in LA by now. You had to be. You were probably packing your things as he sits and lets his eyes flicker between his bandmate and manager. 
Anakin had left you so many messages by now, and you haven’t replied to a single one. He felt pathetic and worthless, and he hated himself. 
He dropped his phone with a huff, instead deciding to trace his index finger along your handwriting on his wrist. It can’t be over between the two of you. It just couldn’t be. You were everything to him, his entire world. How was he supposed to do this without you? 
“Helena, please, just a few weeks,” Theo begged, and Helena sighed as she rubbed her forehead harshly. “My sister just told me that our mom is getting worse. I can’t let her go through that by herself anymore. I can’t not be there for them anymore. Please.”
Anakin’s mood deteriorated further at his friend’s pleas, and he wished there was something he could do for Theo, but he can’t even fix his own mess. “I know, Theo, I know,” Helena mumbled, standing up and rummaging around in her bag. “I’ve been trying to get this thing pushed back ever since you know who decided to touch broody over there.”
The not so subtle dig had Anakin rolling his eyes and picking at the threads on the blanket he threw over his lap. “Well, can you?” Theo asked desperately. “Get it pushed back? Just a few weeks. I need to be there if my mom-” he cut himself off as he refused to say it out loud. 
Anakin felt tears prick at his eyes as he stared at the floor. His heart ached for Theo, and it ached even worse for you. How had things gotten this bad? Just to make things that much more tragic, it seems like Clara and Vinny’s relationship was on its way out, too. She had left last night on a flight back home, and Vinny hasn’t been out of bed ever since. 
Seriously, how the fuck had things gotten this bad?
Helena looked at Theo with poorly concealed pity, and she sighed as she ran her hands through her hair. “Okay, Liz’s contract will end soon, and I think I’ll be able to get the next few weeks pushed back, so she won’t be welcomed back on the tour once things go back to normal,” she started, sitting back down at the table and looking between Theo and Anakin. “So that might help fix his problem.”
She gestured over to Anakin, and he just scoffed, wondering why she was talking about him like he wasn’t sitting less than three feet from her. 
“I think I can have all of you on flights back home by the end of the week, I just need to make a few calls,” she stated and Anakin’s scowl disappeared almost instantly. 
“What?” He asked in disbelief as Theo made a beeline to his bunk to begin packing. “Really?”
Helena nodded, flipping through a notebook with various names and phone numbers in it. She was old fashioned that way, despite being not much older than Anakin. “Don’t quote me on that, but I think I can do it,” 
Anakin sprung up, the blanket falling to the floor as he pulled her out of the chair and wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you,” he rasped, aware that she might not be able to get the tour pushed back, but she was going to try, and that’s what counted. “I owe you. For everything.”
Helena huffed quietly, pulling away to look him in the eye. “We’re a team, Anakin. You guys are like my family at this point,” she murmured and Anakin felt more tears gather in his eyes. “You know I’ll try to do anything I can for you three.”
“I know,” he whispered, “Still, thank you.” 
The next morning, after Anakin got about an hour and a half of sleep, he was waiting anxiously to hear if Helena had managed to get the tour postponed. He was sure Theo had been up all night, too, if the way he couldn’t seem to get comfortable in his bunk across from Anakin’s was anything to go by. 
When she announced that she was able to push the tour back a few weeks, Anakin booked the first flight back to LA and had Theo beside him on the plane. Vinny was in no rush to go back, so he decided to stay behind for a few more days. 
Anakin had sent you a quick text before he boarded the plane, which read, 
I’m coming home. I’m going to fix everything, I promise, Princess. I love you so much. 
And when he got into an Uber after the flight, he saw that you had read his text, but didn’t reply. That was the first text of his that you had read, and as pathetic as it sounded, it gave him hope. 
Theo was in the car with him since they had decided to ride together. He lived a few minutes away from yours and Anakin’s apartment, so he would be dropped off after Anakin. He didn’t even care that Theo would involuntarily be listening to the voicemail Anakin is forced to leave you as you had once again ignored his call. “Baby, it’s me,” he started, glancing over at his friend and feeling grateful for the way Theo turned his body towards the window so Anakin could have at least a little bit of privacy in the car. “I’m ten minutes away from our place. I’m so sorry, for everything.”
He ended it after that, even though he had so much more to say. He wanted to save himself the embarrassment of pouring his heart out to you over the phone, just to have you delete it without even listening to it. 
When the car pulled up outside the apartment complex, Anakin reached over and hugged Theo. “I hope things get better for you and Mary and your mom,” he mumbled, hearing Theo sniff quietly in response as he tried to hold off tears. “Text me if you need anything, okay? I mean it.”
Theo nodded and pulled away. “Same to you,” he says with a forced smile. “Y/n will forgive you. You’ve been together for too long to just give up on it now.” 
Anakin returned a half smile, squeezing his friend’s shoulder before grabbing his bag and getting out of the car. He watched it pull away from the curb as his hand dug around in his bag for his keys, and he almost cried when he finally found them. He hadn’t used them in so long, and he was hit with the memory of the last time he was here. It was the day he left for the tour with you by his side. 
If he could go back and do it again but better, he would in a heartbeat. But he couldn’t. He just had to deal with the consequences now. 
Anakin blinked a few times as he entered the lobby and headed right over to the elevators, taking one all the way up to the fifteenth floor as he tried to think of what to say to you. 
Would you even be there? Did you read his last text and flee the second he got on that plane? God, he hoped not. 
He was a shaky, sweaty mess as he reached the floor you and he lived on, and his nerves were slowly taking over as he neared the door. Anakin couldn’t believe how nervous he was about entering his own apartment and facing you, the girl he’s loved for five years now. It had never been like that with you. Ever.
As he stuck the key in the lock and turned it, his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. He hadn’t seen you since that night in the dressing room nearly four days ago. He had so much to make up for, so much to apologize for, and he could only hope that you would listen.
When he pushed the door open and stepped inside the quiet apartment, his heart fell at how dark it was. He was sure you weren’t home and hadn’t been for a while, but then he heard some movement to his left, and he dropped his bag instantly and entered the living room. “Princess,” he whispered when he saw you sitting on the couch, your old Uni hoodie covering your upper half while a blanket covered the rest of you. 
Your hair was tied back and your eyes were sad and empty, and when you looked up at him, you dropped your phone onto your lap with a quiet huff. “Oh, you actually were ten minutes away,” you mumbled. “I thought you were lying.”
Anakin shook his head as he scanned the dark living room. It looked like you had been living in here since you got home. Water bottles, your mugs he teased you about on the day you moved in, and cracker boxes were scattered on the coffee table he and Vinny put together. “Why…why would I lie about that?” He rasped, stepping further into the room. “Why would I lie to you?”
You tore your eyes away from him and shrugged. “Because you’ve done it before,” you simply answered, looking back up at him with tears in your eyes. “You said you loved me. And that I was the person you wanted forever.”
“Baby,” he gasped and made it over to you in three strides. 
“Why are you home, Anakin?” You asked, making him stop a few centimeters away from the couch. And you. “Why are you here?”
Anakin felt hopeless and on edge. How was he supposed to fix this when he didn’t know where to start? “Because I love you. And I want you forever. Just you,” he answered. “I never lied about that.”
You bite down onto your lip and reach up to wipe at your eyes with your sleeves. “Um, Kenneth read my short story. I finished it on the flight back to London,” you tell him and he stood still, letting you say what you needed to. “He loved it. Um, he wants to get it published.”
“Y/n,” he said quietly, feeling so proud of you even though he was also feeling terrified. “That’s awesome, baby.”
You drop your hand onto your lap and look up at him with a heartbroken expression. “It’s about you,” you confess. “About us. About…how much I love you and…it’s our story, Anakin.”
Anakin’s shoulders dropped at that. You were so sweet and kind and too fucking good for him. He never deserved you. “Then publish it,” he mumbled, his own eyes welling up with tears. 
“I can’t,” you cry, covering your face with your hands. “It’s too much. It reminds me of us too much, and I don’t even know what we are anymore.”
He squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his head, unsure of what to say to that. How does he make this better? “I’m yours,” was all he could come up with. “Even if you’re not mine anymore.” 
Those words physically pained him to say, and they only made you more upset. “Fuck, Ani,” your voice broke as you called him the name he only ever let you call him. “Why are you back?”
Anakin cleared his throat and pressed the heel of his hand against his eyes. “Theo’s mom…she got worse and they don’t know if she’ll be okay or if she’ll make it,” he whispered, knowing that his friend wouldn’t be mad he told you that. Theo was your friend, too, after all. 
Your eyes widened at that and you sat up, sniffling as you began looking for your phone. “That’s…that..” you trailed off as you lifted the blanket and grabbed your phone. “I should call him. I should..call him and..” 
You were becoming less and less in control of yourself, and Anakin could see the way you were getting yourself worked up. “Hey,” he mumbled, grabbing your wrist as you started to stand up. “Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
“It’s not,” you whispered and he saw tears roll down your face again. “Why wasn’t I good enough for you? What could I have done?”
A broken gasp left his lips and Anakin fell onto the couch next to you, pulling your body into his arms as you cried against his neck. “You’re enough,” he promised, cradling the back of your head and holding you tight. “You’re more than enough. Baby, you’re…you’re everything to me. My whole world. I’m so fucking sorry for what I did, for what I allowed to happen.”
You cried harder against him, bunching up the fabric of his shirt in your fists. 
“I should’ve been there for you. I should’ve been there to support you,” he mumbled against the top of your head. “I’m so proud of you, of everything you’ve done. I’m sorry if you feel like you can’t bring yourself to get your story published because of me. I don’t want you to hold yourself back because of me.”
You cling onto him and lift your head. “I don’t know what to do, Ani,” you sobbed. “Please, tell me what I should do. Please.”
He could see just how much you needed help, and how you needed to be guided right now. And he would help you for as long as you needed, even if it ended up with you kicking him out afterwards. “What will make you feel better? Do you want me to leave? I can give you some space or time or-”
“No, I don’t want that,” you shake your head and crawl onto his lap. 
“What do you want, princess?” He desperately asked. “What can I do?”
“I want things to go back to how they were,” you cried. “I want to feel like I did before when I look at you. It hurts, Ani. I can’t do this anymore.” 
Tears fell from his eyes and landed in your hair as he held you impossibly closer. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I love you. I’m sorry.”
You were shaking against him and he felt terrible. This was all his fault. “I want to hurt her,” you mumbled. “I hate her. I fucking hate her, Ani. I hate her for what she did to you.” 
“I hate her, too,” he pathetically agreed and you lift your head. 
“What are we going to do, Anakin?” 
He lifted his hand and smoothed out your messy hair, trailing his thumb down to your lip afterwards. “That depends,” he murmured. “Do you still want me? Could you ever forgive me?” 
You brace your hands on his shoulders and nod. “Maybe…eventually,” you answer. “I still want you.”
A breath of relief left his mouth, but he still wasn’t happy with himself. “I’m back home for a couple weeks, and I’m going to spend every single day making this up to you,” he promised. 
“Then you’re back on tour?” You quietly asked and looked down. “With her?”
“No,” he said quickly. “Helena said something about pressing charges before I came here, and I might go through with it. She won’t be there, I promise. She’ll never be around me or you or us again.” 
“Do it,” you encourage, grabbing the hair on the back of his neck with shaky fingers. “I don’t want her near you ever again. I hate her so much.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” his lips curved upwards just slightly as he gently massaged your hips. “That was quite the nose job you gave her.”
You laugh quietly, lifting your gaze to meet his. “I need to know that it was a mistake, Anakin,” you went back to being serious. “If you felt anything for her, even a little bit at all, I’m out.”
Anakin panicked and shook his head. “Never. I never felt anything for her,” he assured you. “She means nothing to me at all. You’re my girl, the one I want to be with for the rest of my life. I’ve known that since I was seventeen years old.”
You nod, trailing your fingers through his hair. “You promise?” You asked and he nodded instantly. “Okay…okay. Ani, these next couple weeks…I need this to be okay. Maybe not completely fixed, but…okay.”
“I’ll fix everything,” he swore, pulling you against his body again. “I promise you, I’m going to make everything okay again. I love you so much. I always will, you’re it for me. My one and only.”
You give him a small smile, tracing your fingers along his cheek before leaning up and kissing his jaw. “I love you,” 
Hearing you say that had his heart skipping a beat. “I’m so sorry. I’m going to fix this,”
Anakin kisses you all over your face before letting you sit in his lap for as long as you wanted to.
It wasn’t okay, what he did. He knew that. But he was going to make damn sure that he made everything right again. He had to.
Three weeks later…
Being back on stage after the brief break Anakin was given felt great. 
He loved being on stage, loved the lights and the screams of fans and the feeling he got from it all.
But it wasn’t what had him feeling so happy right now. 
Theo’s mom had pulled through and was getting better by the day, and was able to stay awake for most of the day now. When she regained control of her voice, she practically forced Theo to go back and finish the tour, and told him that she would be there when it was over. 
Vinny and Clara broke up, but are still friends, and Vinny decided to focus on music and the band. He had even started writing a few songs about the experience that he couldn’t wait to get out there. 
And as for Anakin, he was getting ready for a court date that was set for a few months from now. He did press charges against Liz, and though she claimed she was going to fight it, he knew he had a whole team behind him. There was no way she was winning this thing. 
And you. His sweet, beautiful and smart girlfriend. Well, he was gaining your trust back more and more as the days went on. You allowed Kenneth to send your story to his publisher, and it would be released by the end of the year. 
He was so proud of you, and when he began singing the first verse of Wrapped Around Your Finger, he glanced over to his right and saw you standing next to Helena backstage, a smile gracing your lips and the red rose he had given you before going on stage in your hand. He knew you were proud of him, too. 
And he knew things would be okay.
Goodbye, my Rockstar and Booknerd. Til we meet again.
Thank you to everyone who read and followed along with this series. I loved writing it so much ! And thank you to my sweets, @everydaydreamer for the original fic idea. Who would’ve thought we’d end up here?
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mattyriddlegf · 1 month
The Stupid Closet (13)
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SURPRISEEEE double release! thank you so much for 100 followers, it means so much more to me than you guys will ever know!
I love you all sm <3
Your gaze lingers on Mattheo, looking at his bone structure. His perfectly sharp jawline and his pink lips and his long eyelashes.
“You didn’t have to follow me up here.” 
Mattheo over to you, seeing you staring, “yeah I did” the wind had stopped blowing so your hair was a mess, Mattheo tucks a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Can I ask you a question?” You look over at him.
“Sure.” He nods.
“When did you know you were in love with me?” You ask, emphasizing the L word.
Mattheo smirks, clenching his jaw and he turns away. He looks back to you, “do I have to?”
“Yes!” You push his chest lightly. 
“Ok fine.” He pauses for a second before continuing, “last spring I saw you at the edge of the black lake alone and you just looked so…calm. You were just sitting with a book watching the sunset and I thought ‘wow she’s beautiful’.” He explains.
You furrow your eyebrows in disbelief, “ Why didn’t you tell me last year?”
“It was a couple days after I walked in on you and Theo and I didn’t want to let myself believe there was anything there. I thought maybe that it was just physical attraction but…I couldn’t stop thinking about you. It was consuming me all summer.” 
“You are unbelievable.” You say as you lean into his side, “you’re just a big softie, you know that?”
“Don’t tell anybody, I’ll have to kill you.” Mattheo mentions, his eyes widening. He was obviously joking, making you laugh.
“I won’t…on one condition.” You suggest.
“What’s that?” 
“You tell Melanie to fuck off…” you say before you lean forward and kiss Mattheo.
“Who’s Melanie?” He asks as he smiles into the kiss.
The air is silent for only a moment before Mattheo speaks up.
“I’ve never told anyone I loved them before” He says, clearly a little nervous.
“Wait seriously? Never?” You ask.
“Look I might’ve slept around a bit but it’s never really been anything more than that.” He explains.
“Mattheo Riddle is in love for the first time ever?” You tease him.
“Alright, that’s enough” He says trying to cover your mouth to stop you from talking.
You take his hands off, holding them before you continue, “ Oh you’re never gonna hear the end of it, somehow my arch nemesis fell in love with me. Are you sure you’re in love with me?”
“If you keep going, I might not be,” Mattheo said, trying to act annoyed but laughing instead.
You both break out in laughter. 
“I’m honored” you place your hand over your heart. You look at him and he’s staring back at you with those big doe eyes.
“Stop that.” You say, rolling your eyes.
“No.” Mattheo chuckles.
You look down at his nose, noticing a faint cut going across it. You place your hand on his cheek and rub your thumb over the cut.
Mattheo leans into your hand.
“What is this from?” You ask quietly.
“Quidditch.” He responds.
Your finger lingers there for a second before your hand moves to the back of his neck.
“Why do you not play-” you start to ask.
“So I was right the whole time?” You look to see Draco standing there. You take your hand off of Mattheo and you both stand up.
“Draco I’ll talk to you later…” you say, walking up to him.
“No. I want to hear it from both of you.” He stands still.
You turn around to look at Mattheo.
“I’m in love with her man.” Mattheo speaks up. You smile fondly; you weren’t expecting him to profess his love for you to someone else.
“In love? When has Mattheo riddle ever been in love? Especially with the person he hates.”
“I don’t need to explain myself to you.” Mattheo steps forward, “I love her.”
Draco turns to you, “and?”
“And I’m done with Theo.” You respond, “Draco you have to know that this isn’t a joke.”
He looks between the two of you a couple times before speaking up, “Took you long enough.”
You look at him, confused.
“We all saw that kiss at that first party…Theo might be dull enough to ignore it but the rest of us knew that it wasn’t just for the game.”
You hadn’t wanted to admit it, but they were right. That kiss started everything.
“Just don’t be gross, yeah?” he asks.
“Of course” you smile before grabbing Mattheo’s hand behind you, dragging him down the stairs, “byeee Draco!”
As you walk back to the slytherin house, you can’t help but laugh.
You walk next to Mattheo until you hear a professor walking the halls. Since it’s after curfew, you grab Mattheo and hide in an empty classroom.
You shut the door behind you and Mattheo pulls you up to him, your bodies touching.
You crash your lips onto his as you step forward, him walking back until he hits a desk. When he sits back on the desk, a book falls off, making a thud.
You both cover your mouths, trying to be quiet, careful not to get caught. You stay like that for a few moments before Mattheo walks to the door, you walking behind him, holding his hand. 
He opens the door and looks both ways, making sure the coast is clear before you guys continue to walk through the halls back to the Slytherin house. 
Once you get inside, you stop. There were a few 2nd and 3rd years in the common room but it was otherwise empty. 
“I’m gonna break it off with Theo permanently tomorrow. I’m sorry it took me this long.” You say, still holding his hand.
“Stop apologizing.” Mattheo insists.
He lets go of your hand and wraps his arms around you, kissing you one more time, this time it was passionately.
You back away, “what was that for?”
“No reason.” Mattheo smirks. His hands find their way to your ass but you wiggle out of his hold.
“Hey now! Patience.” You say. You kiss him on the cheek before heading up to your dorm.
Once you get inside your dorm, you shut the door behind you and stand against it. Pansy looks over to you, seeing you smile.
“Ok, who caused this?” She asks excitedly.
“Well…” you start.
“I know it’s not Theo so don’t try to bullshit with me.” She responds, sitting up on the edge of her bed, waiting for your response.
“Uhm…Mattheo.” You say quietly, looking up at her.
She tilts her head, “wait really?”
You nod your head, not saying anything.
“I’ve never told you because I figured you’d be mad but the chemistry between you two all these years? Undeniable.” She pauses, “have you slept with him?”
“Pansy I’m gonna tell you something but you can’t tell anyone.” You walk over and sit next to her. She crosses her heart before you continue, “he says he’s in love with me. Like head over heels.”
“The only thing Mattheo riddle has ever been in love with is his cigarettes and alcohol…” she furrowed her eyebrows, “do you think he’s serious?”
“I do…” you start fiddling with your rings, “and I might feel the same way. I haven’t told him but…I want to so badly. I never thought I could feel this way.” You can’t help but smile.
“I’ve never seen you look like this…” she smiles back to you, “just be careful, okay? Mattheo isn’t known for being a cozy, lovey boyfriend.”
“I know…” you trail off.
“Look, I’m not saying don’t go for it. Just…I don’t want to see you get hurt. And I know Draco doesn’t either.” She adds.
You smile lightly before patting her knee and going into the bathroom. You hop in the shower and as you stand under the water, you think about Theo.
You really did like him and you felt terrible about what was happening but it had been very clear for a while now that Theo wasn’t the one you were meant to be with. You knew he was already pissed at you but hopefully he’d find a way to forgive you guys…more so Mattheo than you. You could live with Theo hating you for the rest of time but Mattheo was his best friend and they needed each other…whether they want to admit it or not.
taglist: @helendeath @mayamonroem @princessluvssleep @hatakemrs @feistyfox47 @malydiavsss @schaebickel @swamp-box
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bweeeb · 3 months
Part one
Theodore Nott x Y/n Millicent reader x Mattheo Riddle
Friends to lovers
Summary: When S/n is pressured into acting out a scene with Matheo during a truth or dare game at her birthday party, Teodoro ends up having sex with the person who hurt his best friend, Anastácia Conde.
Warnings: Mention of sex, anguish, intense drama, cigarette use, communication difficulties, jealousy expressed through poor choices.
This may be pure drama on both sides, but I hope you enjoy it
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Being someone who held onto grudges was never Y/n Millicent's thing, in general, the Millicent family never kept grudges. Y/n's mother always said that resentment would cause wrinkles on her forehead, and the wrinkles would drive clients away. So, they always resolved things before any trace of hatred could linger. Believe me, no one liked having grudges with the Millicents because when they held a grudge, you would be unlucky until the end of the next generation.
In her fourth year, Y/n dismissed the wrinkles and consequences, harboring the deepest possible resentment in her heart against Anastasia Conde.
— Why do you even want to invite her? I don't see any benefit in her coming tonight. Daphne crossed her arms irritably, exasperated by the boys' idea.
— My parents have become friends with hers...
— Since when do your parents tolerate Gryffindors? Mattheo asked.
— Her father was in Slytherin and was even friends with your father. Draco replied, causing an immediate scowl on Riddle's face.
— They want me to try to integrate her into Slytherin. But I don't know, man. Anastasia seemed pretty normal when I talked to her at a charity dinner in London. He sighed, almost indignant at the silent accusations Pansy was throwing at him with her eyes. — I care about Y/n, allright? If things get out of hand, I'll just tell my parents she's just another insignificant Gryffindor.
— Seriously? Are you stupid or what? Pansy grumbled at Draco, who shrugged from the other side of the breakfast table.
— She’s changed, Pansy! Even Theo agrees. Draco countered, starting to feel bad when he saw Y/n walking toward the table.
— It's her birthday, Draco.
— It’s all good now. We’re not kids anymore. Theodore assured, but Pansy, with a scowl on her face, sulked.
— She's your best friend, Theodore. Are you really going to let the girl who made her cry for over a month come to her birthday party?
— Relax, Pansy. I told you, it’s all good! She’s talked to her therapist about it; the Millicents don’t hold grudges.
— It’s not all good, are you too dumb or too blind to see that it’s not?
— What’s all good or not all good? Y/n approached the table, smiled at her friends, and turned to look at Theo, who was seated and had saved a spot next to him.
— Hey, beautiful. Mattheo smiled at Y/n, who laughed at her friend’s flirtation and sat down after smiling and rolling her eyes.
— Ah, you and... Draco began to speak but was interrupted by Pansy. — Our outfits for the party. A mischievous smile appeared on Y/n's lips as she turned to Theo once again.
— By the way, thanks for the dress. She thanked him, and Theo hoped the trace of confusion on his face wasn’t noticed by the girl in front of him. He didn’t want to disappoint his best friend by saying the gift wasn’t from him.
— Yeah, sure.
— You didn’t have to buy me anything; my birthday is only next...
— Week, I know, principessa, I just... I just wanted you to look pretty tonight. Theodore wanted to strangle himself when those words left his mouth, and the fact that he hadn’t bought anything for Y/n made things worse. However, he knew that after telling Y/n the truth, he would buy her every dress she wanted.
— What color is the dress, Theodore? Mattheo’s sudden voice broke their little world and made them look at Riddle.
— If you don’t know, you’ll see tonight. Theodore snapped with a scowl on his face.
— I bet it’s white; our girl looks sexy in that color, doesn’t she? Y/n was already used to Mattheo’s occasional flirtations, and given their long-standing friendship, she laughed nasally, amused by how Mattheo teased just to annoy Theodore.
— Shut up, man. Theo growled, and noticing the tense atmosphere at the table, Y/n nudged her friend with her leg and placed it over his thigh, intending to make him look at her.
— It’s only seven in the morning, Merlin. Daphne sighed and turned to Pansy with a worried look. Neither of the two girls agreed to invite Anastasia to the party they planned to throw in the Slytherin common room, nor did they see the purpose of it. — Could we go to Hogsmeade before we start getting ready, please? I need to do some shopping. Daphne looked at Y/n and Pansy beside her, who agreed excitedly.
— Sure, plus, we better go because you need to help me understand the History of Magic before lunch. Pansy said, grabbing her friend’s arm and pulling her away from Theo.
— You didn’t understand the History class, Parkinson? Mattheo looked at the black-haired girl with a mocking look, to which she rolled her eyes dramatically.
— I don’t know if you know, Riddle, but I’m great with my hands, not with memory.
— Ouch. Mattheo pretended to feel pain in his chest as Pansy made a face at him.
— Hey, bella, are we still on for Italian lessons tomorrow? Theodore held his best friend’s hand, who looked at him and smiled brightly.
— If we’re still alive, yes.
— Let’s go, let’s go. Pansy grumbled, pulling Millicent out of the hall.
Around seven, Pansy, Daphne, and Y/n were finishing getting ready when the room was invaded by the four boys with their shirts unbuttoned, cigarettes lit, drinks in hand, and a dubious bottle in Mattheo’s grasp.
— All set, I think tonight we need to get drunk. And the first one to drink has to be the birthday girl. Mattheo did a little dance and gave a cheeky smile to Millicent, who was in her short, slightly see-through white dress, accompanied by a silver mesh adorned with sparkling diamonds. Her thin, silver heels hit the carpet, and Mattheo gestured for her to open her mouth. She did, and he poured the alcoholic liquid into her mouth, which she swallowed, smiling.
— Good girl. Mattheo murmured and moved away to approach Pansy and Daphne. Y/n saw Theo coming toward her with a pack of cigarettes in his mouth. He passed it to her, and she took a drag, blowing the smoke in his face.
— Good girl, who the hell does this guy think he is. Theodore groaned irritably, and Y/n laughed loudly.
— He loves to provoke you, and that reaction is exactly what he wants, Teddy.
— Uhm.
— And you guys are my best friends, so stop it today, please.
— Tutto quello che vuoi, amore mio.
— Wow, you look so hot, girl. Pansy appeared behind Y/n and hugged her.
— I think we should go down already. Blaise said, getting up from the bed where he was sitting, and Draco agreed, taking the cigarette from Theodore's hand.
Slytherin parties were always the most crowded and definitely the most anticipated by the students because either everything went right... or everything went wrong. It was always a surprise to see how the party would end.
By eleven, most of the students were already drunk and high on wizard herbs, and meanwhile, a group had formed around the sofas in the Slytherin common room with a bottle in the middle.— Isn’t spin the bottle a kid’s game? The voice made Y/n turn her gaze to the figure behind Theodore. Anastasia Conde raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms authoritatively.
— If you don’t know how to play, it is... Y/n murmured, and Draco nudged Pansy.
— See, they’re fine.
— I think I want to play. The redheaded girl, the only redhead from Gryffindor that Y/n swore had come straight from a hole in hell to earth, was sitting next to Theodore, and with all her anger, she hoped Anastasia wouldn’t ruin her night.
Draco spun the bottle once and ended up kissing Pansy on the first round, and everyone there could swear they saw Blaise’s eyes burning with fire at Malfoy for the first time. As the game continued, Daphne did a lap dance on a Hufflepuff guy, Blaise made a seventh-year boy admit to being a virgin, Theodore was forced to take off his shirt and dance while Mattheo poured dragon whiskey on his body, and when the bottle stopped for the first time, giving Y/n the choice of truth or dare, she chose: — Dare.
— That’s my girl! Daphne shouted, and Pansy clapped her hands in anticipation.
Draco didn’t go easy, and he wouldn’t go easy now that he found it satisfying to make Theo jealous of his little dolcezza. — I dare you to act like you’re having sex with Mattheo right here.
— You fucking bastard.
— Should’ve picked truth, principessa. The wrong accent made Theodore’s face turn as red as a pepper, and his anger worsened when he saw Mattheo’s satisfied smile aimed at the Italian in front of him.
— Come here, baby. Mattheo teased, and Y/n smiled at Riddle’s mockery. She stood up, lifted the silver, diamond-adorned part of the dress, and sat on Mattheo’s lap as if there wasn’t an audience watching them. She leaned into Riddle’s ear as if she knew what she was doing and whispered: — I don’t know what to do. Mattheo’s astonished look fell on Millicent’s figure, who laughed nasally, embarrassed.
— Damn, baby. I didn’t know you had such a dirty mouth. Mattheo smiled and grabbed the girl’s waist, moving her back and forth. — Just act naturally, princess. You know what to do. Riddle murmured while planting wet kisses on his friend’s neck.
— Come on, Y/n! Are you going to let him control you? Y/n heard Draco’s provocation and rolled her eyes, followed by: — Go to hell, Malfoy.
Angrily, Y/n pushed Mattheo down, causing his back to hit the floor. She then straddled his hips and moved quickly on his lap. — Now I see what I was expecting.
— Fuck. Mattheo's hands gripped Millicent's hips harder as she felt his cock harden beneath her, apparently, it was working then.
Attempting a fake moan that turned almost real, Y/n threw her head back, her curls falling to cover where her dress should have been, but it had ridden up to her waist. When she thought she had finally given everyone what they wanted, Y/n got off Matheo, who looked stunned, and went back to her usual place next to Theo, who had a scowl on his face. — Are you okay?
— Why wouldn't I be? Theodore responded without even looking at her, it was obvious to Y/n that something was wrong.
— Teddy? It was the dare... She pointed out breathlessly.
— I don't care, Y/n, I don't care, really. When she was about to say something else, the bottle stopped on Anastasia and Y/n. She never wanted the bottle to land on her as much as at that moment.
— Truth or dare? Anastasia asked in a tone that made Y/n doubt if she was really a Gryffindor and not a Slytherin.
— Truth.
— Is it true that you've never slept with anyone because you caught diseases from that flea-ridden cat of yours that was killed? Silence fell over the circle, and Y/n cursed her for decades in her head.
— Fuck you, Anastasia.
— Wait, a better question, is it true that your flea-ridden cat was killed because it caught diseases from you?
— Anastasia. Draco called the Gryffindor's attention, showing that she had crossed the line, and the redhead looked at the blonde with a mocking smile on her face.
— What?
— Let's continue, guys... Blaise said, spinning the bottle again and continuing the game without the same vibe as before.
Two more hands joined the game, and two rounds after Anastasia's questions, her friend spun the bottle and dared her to kiss someone in the circle.
— I think I'll go with Teddy Bear.
Y/n Millicent had never wanted to vomit as much as she did at that moment. Seeing her best friend and her worst enemy kissing right beside her made Y/n get up from her spot, her eyes full of tears of rage, and run after a cigarette to calm her nerves. — Fuck it. Her friends knew that wasn't the problem; she wouldn't react so badly if it were anyone else, but it was Anastasia.
After twenty minutes sitting on the stairs, Pansy's presence beside her made her look up, disheartened, and blow the smoke from her cigarette.
— I'm sorry about Theo, love. Pansy hugged her friend by the shoulders and pulled her closer to take a drag from her cigarette.
— He's going to fuck her, isn't he? Y/n asked, already knowing the answer by the tone of disgust in her voice.
— Probably.
— Stupid. Men are so stupid, and you know what? I'm tired of being stupid too. The girl got up angrily, making Pansy follow her movements.
— What do you mean, Y/n?
— You should fuck Blaise, Pans. He really wants to fuck you. The sincerity in Millicent's words made Parkinson choke on her own saliva.
— Excuse me?
— And me? I should had sex.
— With Theo?
— You know I love him, Pansy, but he doesn't feel the same, so if I'm not going to fuck him, I'll fuck my other best friend. Quickly descending the stairs, Pansy grabbed her arm and made her look at her briefly.
— Theo loves you too, dear. You're drunk and upset...
— No, Pans...actually, yes, but he doesn't love me like I love him. Maybe I'm being stupid or overly dramatic too, but screw it. She broke free and went downstairs toward the sofa where Mattheo was sitting with Draco beside him and Blaise on the chair in front.
— Remember what I said. Y/n said, glancing at Blaise before settling onto Mattheo's lap and noticing his erection pressing against her butt.
— Hi. She wrapped her arms around Riddle, who gave her a drunken smile.
— Hi, baby.
— Do you remember what I said earlier? That i didn't know what to do; what do you think about teaching me? Hmm? Mattheo's carefree look remained, as if he didn't believe what the girl in his lap was offering him.
— Mattheo! She slapped Riddle's chest, and he laughed in response.
— What?
— I'm serious.
— About what? — I want you to fuck me. As soon as the words left the girl's mouth, Mattheo straightened up on the couch with her in his lap.
— Really? He asked.
— Really. She confirmed. With this mutual agreement, Millicent's lips fell on Mattheo's neck, making him gasp and lift his hips to meet hers.
— Fuck, Y/n.
— Take me to your room, Matt. Y/n panted, and Mattheo, without thinking much, got up from the couch with her and guided her to the boys' dormitories, where upon reaching his door, his steps halted, and the hand not holding hers rubbed his face.
— Fuck. I really want to fuck you, baby, but Theo's in there... — Mattheo turned to face her, looking into her eyes.
— Get him out then.
— You want revenge, little one, I get it, let's make that bastard regret it then, baby. Mattheo said, laughing and kissing her lips before banging on the door. — Theodore. — He called his friend by name, and it didn't take long for the door to open halfway, revealing Nott with messy hair and, if seen well, regretful eyes, but Y/n tried not to notice.
— What? The boy's accent hit Y/n's ears, and she lowered her gaze to her hand held by Mattheo's.
— I need my fucking room, bro. You've already fucked, now leave. Mattheo was more rude than usual and pulled Y/n closer.
— Okay, got it, wait a minute. The door closed, and Mattheo turned to look at the girl behind him.
— Are you okay? — Nothing will change between us, right, Matt?
— We'll still be friends, Y/n. We'll just strengthen our friendship. He laughed, satisfied to see that he had made her laugh.
The door opened, and Theodore came out with Anastasia behind him. As soon as his gaze met Mattheo's and Y/n's behind him, holding hands and with her dress slightly lifted, Theodore felt the ground pulling him and leaving him breathless, suffocating him as the door closed. He knew what was happening inside.
Mattheo's hands roamed Millicent's body as they both took off their clothes. — You look so hot in that outfit, baby. — Mattheo grunted — And I knew it would look perfect on you, but I have to see you without it.
The boy laid her delicately on his bed and kissed her neck with wet kisses, provoking moans from. Y/n. — Did you give me the dress?
— Yeah. Theodore is a liar, he knew she was coming too. Anastácia, stupid. Mattheo didn't even notice what he was saying about Theo, but after speaking, he realized he just wanted to make her forget a little.
— Ugh. Son of a bitch. She moaned, feeling Mattheo sucking her neck at a specific spot.
— You like it here? Mm-hmm, you like it. Mattheo murmured and moaned in response to the girl's moans beneath him.
— Matt. She moaned.
— I know, princess. Mattheo agreed, rubbing against her. — I'm going to fuck you so well. So well, princess. He repeated while taking off the remaining clothes. — I want you to sit on me like you did earlier, so I hurt you less, princess. And I swear I'll make you feel so good...
— Matt...
In the end, Y/n could affirm the rumors were true. Mattheo Riddle knew how to use his dick very well.
Requests are open, message me if you have any ideas💞
Read part two here
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Easy On The Eyes - Derek Hale x Reader
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Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader
Prompt: Because I need a break from other stuff.
Warning: (No Stiles’ were hurt during the making of this fan fiction I love you Stiles :’C) None really just cute shit and awkward and sweet Derek Hale.
Description: You got caught up in the fight between the McCall pack and the Dread Doctors a year ago and now you have something to tell the pack but soon after, everything started going according to your plan...well except the mate part.
You sat next to Lydia, your hand in hers as Scott stared at the floor with a look of deep thought. Everyone else in the room was silent as they wrapped there head around everything you had just said. You knew it was a lot for someone to take in but they needed to know from you…not from Melissa once you couldn’t walk and she had to get you a carer.
“Why didn’t you tell us from the start…Y/N the things you’ve been doing and getting involved in…you could’ve died…” Scott looked up sadly and you let your eyes fall to the floor in shame.
“I found out last year…after the dread doctors…I thought it was because…Theo threw me into that pipe…but it wasn’t.” Stiles shot a furious glare at Theo who was staring at the floor with guilt.
“Stop it Stiles. If he hadn’t done that I wouldn’t of found out for years or until I couldn’t walk one day. I’m actually grateful for that injury but I don’t want to be on medication for the rest of my life…I want you to turn me while I’m strong enough to survive.” You asked with determination all over your face making sure he knew you had thought about it.
“I don-Are you sure?” Scott asked seriously but before you could say anything Derek let out a huff before speaking up.
“Why the hell are you hesitating? She’s ill Scott! With all due respect if she didn’t want it she wouldn’t of asked.” Derek snapped and your eyes shot up to his face in surprise. You and Derek only met shortly after the Anuk-ite attack due to joining Scott shortly after the dread doctors when they saved you from Theo and his band of merry chimera’s.
Derek was quiet but polite enough despite that Stiles calls him sourwolf, however you found him calming to be around. He didn’t speak to you much but he was always looking out for the pack since he’d been back even the members that were new. It helped that he wasn’t too bad to look at with his black stubble, piercing pale green eyes and god like body.
“Woah there sourwolf! Calm your shit. Scott is obviously going to do it if she wants the bite.” Stiles huffed sassily as he stood to get all up Derek’s face.
“Stiles sit your cute little ass down!” Lydia snorted as she grabbed Stiles’ top dragging him back down to his seat at the other side of her.
“Aww you think my ass is cute.” Stiles preened happily as she rolled her eyes affectionately at him.
“When would you like to do it?” Scott asked with a sad smile.
“It’s not like we need to arrange it Scott. You have fangs and I have my body wherever we are.” You snorted with a teary laugh earning a laugh from everyone including the parents of the pack which had been pretty quiet until now.
“Where would you feel most comfortable?” Scott asked with a little more humour this time.
“We can do it at the loft?” Derek suggested absently making you smile at him brightly.
“Why would she want to do it at your grubby loft Derek…seriously are you feeling okay today? She needs to be somewhere more sterile.” Stiles grumbled sarcastically and his dad let out a sigh before smacking Stiles round the back of his head.
“Hey that child abuse!” Stiles screeched and his dad raised his brows.
“You’re over 18…technically its just plain old abuse. Though I’m sure the Sheriff will let me off with a warning.” He informed him with a smirk as Stiles just gaped at him.
“I would actually like to do it at the loft it’s the most secluded place so if I lose control we’re far enough from people that one of your can stop me.” You commented reasonably.
“Good point. Since its winter break we have time to help you learn control before your back at Yale.” Scott replied causally and you suddenly went silent, frozen in place.
“I’m not going back to Yale I’m transferring to the same school as you Scott.” Suddenly Melissa’s voice was booming.
“Like hell you’re giving up Yale! Why would you want to transfer!? You got into a blue collar school on full scholarship honey…” Melissa looked like she was about to have a heart attack.
“Because I’m not happy there! I’m too far away…everyone at that school is either a genius or an asshole! I hate it I miss my pack…I was an orphan before this and now I have a whole family…I don’t want to be away from you guys.” You muttered sadly as you stared up at the closest person you had to a mother these days.
“Are you that miserable there?” She asked, guilt written all over her face.
“Yes…” You muttered slowly and she just nodded before walking over to you and dragging you up to wrap her arms around you.
“Okay honey.” Melissa whispered soothingly into your hair as you clung to her like a life line.
“I would like to do it tomorrow…my health isn’t too bad right now but that could change on any given day and I don’t wanna risk it.” You stated calmly as Melissa pulled away from you and everyone nodded quietly.
The rest of the night was perfect, you all had dinner while talking about classes and how relationships were going. Malia and Scott were still together, Lydia and Stiles were going strong, Mason and Corey are enjoying their first year at college together. Melissa was still seeing Chris surprisingly, Noah was still single but you’d told him about the new owner of the diner that found the Sheriff attractive earning a groan from Stiles and a laugh from everyone else.
You stared at the loft doors with serious determination, your heart racing a mile a minute as your fingers twitched against the cold hard metal handle. You nod to yourself as you yanked the door open to see Derek and Scott stood around the table in the lofts entrance.
You gave Scott a small smile before sending a nod to Derek in thanks for letting you use the loft. Scott gave you a sad smile in return like he was giving you some sort of death sentence but for you it was going to be a better life.
“Are you sure?” Scott asked on last time as you lifted your top so Scott could bite your abdomen.
“Yes I’m sure.” You huffed with a humoured smile as Derek let out a growl.
“Okay I got it Derek. Jeez you’re really demanding for a beta.” Scott snorted playfully before he bent down and bit your waist gently. You heard yourself let out a scream but after that everything went black.
“-she’ll wake up soon just stop pacing.” You heard a voice say at the side of you but you couldn’t open your eyes.
“I know but it’s been 24 hours Scott this isn’t normal…They either get stronger or get weaker…I’ve never seen someon—her heart rate changed…Y/N?” It was Scott and Derek.
You sniffed the air and suddenly the scent of something hit your nose and you eyes shot open. You sat up and looked at Scott with a frown. You stood up cautiously and began sniffing Scott which made his eyes widen. You frown as you realised as much as you could tell he was your Alpha that wasn’t what smelt so good.
You head spun round instantly and you eyes locked with Derek. It was him…why did he smell so good? You thought absently as you turned around completely and walked over to him. His eyes flashed blue at you making your flash in return.
“You smell so good…” You whispered as you started circling him as you smelt his body.
“Derek what the hell is happening?” Scott muttered with wide eyes from across the room.
“I may have failed to mention I was 98% certain she’s my mate…but only when your wolves can you detect it from both sides…” Derek chuckled awkwardly as he blushed under your constant attentions but never moved away.
“Mate?” You perked up at the word and nuzzled against Derek’s neck as he allowed you to hang off his neck like a monkey as you practically climbed him like a tree.
“Okay this is because she’s a new wolf…she’ll learn to control it eventually…maybe I should go until she can control it?” Derek whispered and you instantly started growling.
“Mine.” You snapped as Scott tried to approach.
“I have zero intention of stealing Derek, Y/N you can keep him.” Scott muttered as he got closer but the second he took one step you launched, so before you could make contact, Scott let out an almighty roar than made even Derek’s knee’s wobble as you cowered low to the ground.
You blinked and suddenly felt a little more yourself thought you could still smell how good Derek smelt but now you knew better than to climb a man you barely knew like he was Mount Everest. You looked at Derek in horror and then at Scott with an exasperated look to why he let you climb Derek before doing his alpha roar.
“S-Sorry Derek I d-didn’t mean to do that…” You stuttered until you remembered what he’d said.
“It’s okay…I get the urges but I’m a born wolf so…I can control it. I’m sorry I should’ve told you before you took the bite but…your health…” Derek looked so guilty so when you started laughing he looked…shocked wasn’t a word that could do his face justice.
“You don’t have to apologise…you being my mate would’ve just been another reason for me to turn. What girl in the world doesn’t fantasies about having one man or in this case werewolf made to be her perfect match? It helps that you’re easy on the eyes and have a six pack.” You joked and Scott looked horrified by what you had said like you said the wrong thing but suddenly Derek started laughing and Scott looked even more worried and you suddenly remembered this was the first time you’d seen the older man laugh and it was the most beautiful thing you think you’d ever seen.
“You broke Derek.” Scott snorted as Derek finally stopped laughing.
“Shut up Scott.” Derek grumbled and suddenly he was back to his usual stoic self.
“Yeah Scott shut up.” You teased as Scott’s phone started ringing. The second he answered you heard Melissa’s voice over the phone asking his a million questions.
“She’s awake mom. Yes you can come over.” Scott huffed as his mother hung up so she could make her way over.
Within twenty minutes the whole pack was in the loft with smiles but all the new smells made you uneasy so you involuntarily moved closer to Derek and you almost thought you’d gotten away with it too but Lydia’s voice echoed through the loft and everyone was looking.
“What was that?” She sassed as she pointed between you and Derek.
“What was what?” You muttered innocently as you fought the urge to creep closer to Derek again.
“You know what. You moved closer to Derek. Scott’s your alpha and we’ve known you longer…yet you moved closer to the one wolf you know less than anyone in this pack.” Lydia stated like she had you pegged.
“No I did not.” You scoffed as your eyes flickered to Derek who looked strangely amused.
“You just gonna stand there and let this interrogation ensue? I will take you down with me.” You hissed softly and he just smirked, his arms crossing defiantly.
“I’m Derek’s mate. He hid it from us.” You threw him straight under the metaphorical bus and he looked terrified.
“I can’t believe you just did that.” Derek grumbled as everyone stared at them in shock.
“I can’t believe you weren’t gonna help me. Some mate you are.” You huffed with a childish glare and suddenly Derek let out a whine and your eyes shot open fully.
“Aww I didn’t mean that I’m sorry.” You sighed sadly and he nodded with a blush on his face.
“Sourwolf has been tamed…It’s a miracle.” Stiles cheered sarcastically and Lydia slapped his arm scoldingly.
“Why does everyone think its okay to slap me?” Stiles whined with an exasperated sigh.
“Because you never learn to keep your mouth closed.” Lydia sasses back making Stile shrink instantly.
“Congratulations if anyone deserves a mate in this world its you dear nephew.” Peter stated with a sad smile.
“I don’t know much about wolves but I’d say we should probably leave them to talk about it together…alone. Let’s go you supernatural young adults and fellow pack parents.” Melissa shouted sassily as she round everyone up but not before pulling you into a motherly hug.
“I’m happy this went better than anyone had expected. I like Hale, he’s loyal and in this world that all I can ask for you. I know I didn’t give birth to you but I have loved being a mother figure for the short year you were still a kid…” Melissa whispered softly, tears in her eyes as she wiped the already fallen ones from your face.
“I could be 30 and you’d still be the only person I’d ever consider a mother. Thank you for everything you have done for me.” You sobbed happily as she pulled you into another hug.
“I’m kind of glad you’re coming home. I’ve missed you…Scott wont let me paint his nails.” Melissa chuckled humorously before pulling away.
“Me too…I love you.” You muttered through a laugh.
“I love you too kiddo. Also Chris got back from France while you were sleeping. He brought you a present.” Melissa called over her shoulder as she turned to leave.
“Someone’s trying to earn brownie points?” You giggled and she shot you a wink before leaving out the loft door, Scott pulling it shut as he turned green with disgust as he tried to ignore what he’d just heard.
The second everyone had driven off you turned to Derek with shy smile. You had no idea how you supposed to act now everyone was gone. He was your mate but you barely knew one another and that was evident by how still Derek was.
“Was it hard not acting on your impulses?” You whispered as you resisted the urge to reach for him.
“Very…It doesn’t help that you’re so sweet to everyone…” Derek grumbled and you frowned softly as if asking what he meant but he shook his head.
“If we’re going to be mates…maybe should be more open with each other?” You suggested gently and Derek let out a sigh but nodded in agreement.
“When other wolves or supernaturals come near you…my wolf see’s them as competition…since we’re not completely mated.” He admitted awkwardly.
“S-So if I hugged Liam?” You asked nervously and Derek let out a growl in reply earning a smile from you.
“Okay…got it. How do we mate completely?” You asked curiously making Derek’s eyes widen.
“Exchanging bites…during a full moon…usually done during…ya know.” Derek flung his hands around like you knew what he meant and you caught on pretty quick but you didn’t let him know you just turned your head to the side looking at him innocently.
“I’m going to hell.” Derek groaned and you couldn’t hold back your laughter anymore.
His eyes shot up at the sound when he finally realised you knew what he meant. He shot you a glare, his arms crossing angrily as he stared you down. You gave a sweet smile in return, as you approached him slowly. He froze as you got closer as if he was trying to stop himself from touching you.
“I’m not that innocent Derek. You mean we need to bite one another whilst in the midst of some passionate full moon sex?” You snickered and Derek flushed but nodded in reply.
“Sounds kinky.” You giggled as you chest your chest against at Derek’s arms that were still folded.
“Once we mate…we’re together forever… you understand that right? If one of us dies then other will likely have to be put down…” Derek spoke seriously and your eyes widened at his words.
“W-Why?” You whispered fearfully.
“Because its documented that the few mates that have lost their other half go feral…but most mates die at the same time of old age usually.” Derek stated sadly as he reached for you only to pull back at the last second.
“Oh…well don’t die on me then.” You whispered with mild humour but mostly seriousness.
“C-Can I…never mind.” Derek huffed under his breath.
“Kiss me? Hug me?” You asked as he blushed.
“I’m so down for either.” You added and his eyes widened momentarily before softening.
Instead of words Derek’s arms circled your waist as his lips pushed against yours with a firm yet loving pressure that made your wolf howl. You gripped his t-shirt as his right hand cupped your cheek so gently you hardly believed it was the same, full shifting vicious black wolf that you’d seen in battle, yet it was. As he pulled away you let out a little whine before sending him a pout which made him smile happily.
“Yeah…nope…you’re gonna have to bring that right back on in here wolf man.” You stated as you pulled him down, Derek smiled into the kiss but happily obliged with you commanding request.
“Yep you’ve ruined me. Never letting you out my paws now.” You chuckled sweetly and Derek shook his head at your confidence before placing a kiss on your cheek.
“Come on its only 8 how about I take you out for dinner?” Derek asked, a smirk slipping onto his face as his eyebrow raised in a playful way.
“Are you asking me on a date Derek Hale?” You giggled equally as playful.
“If you call the local Italian place a date.” Derek muttered with a slight blush on his face.
“Let’s go DerBear.” You giggled as you skipped towards you door.
“Yeah that’s not gonna be a thing.” Derek grumbled as he grabbed his keys.
“Mhmm yeah it is my lovely mate.” You argued as you ran off ahead of him.
You knew this was just the beginning for you and Derek but you couldn’t help the amount of affection you could already feel for the older man. He was sweet with you which probably helped since you knew he wasn’t one to be over affectionate even with Scott who he loves like a brother but you couldn’t help but be happy it was only you who could have him like this.
You couldn’t wait to find out what your lives had in store for you and your mate.
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sheeple · 1 year
Miracles don't exist | 17: Exploding hippogriffs
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): Non-con kissing? / angry Harry A/n: I know Death Eaters can't cast a patronus, but I don't care. [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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Meet me in the Viaduct courtyard. — Harry
You look up from the letter and meet the boy’s eyes from across the Great Hall. Did he seriously owl you to talk to you? That’s bold. You nod and stand up from your seat at the table. “I’m going for a walk. The pudding isn’t sitting right with me.”
“Do you want me to join you?” Theodore is already halfway standing, but you lay a hand on his shoulder and push him down.
“I’m fine, I just need some air.”
You give Harry one last glance before walking as casually as possible out of the Great Hall as possible. Making your way to one of the secluded areas of the courtyard, you wait for Harry to show up.
And once he does, he immediately rushes towards you. A bold smile grows on his face before he kisses you. It’s not a peck or on the cheek. No. It’s a full-blown kiss.
Surprised, your hands are suspended in the air and eyes blown wide. Finally breaking from your shock, you push Harry away. Before he can question your action, you blurt out the truth. “I’m engaged!”
His shoulder sag and you feel guilty. You clutch a hand in over your mouth. “I-I’m sorry, Harry. I shouldn’t have said it like—”
“To who?”
You flinch at his harsh tone. “Theodore Nott”, you say in a small voice, almost a whisper. You take a cautious step back as the anger rolls off Harry in waves.
Harry’s face hardens. “The git ignored you all last term and suddenly you’re engaged to him? You’re unbelievable, Black.”
“I-I can’t… It was not my decision. If I had the choice to get out of the stupid tradition, I would! Besides, you knew! I told you!”
Shaking his head, Harry turns around. His fists are balled and his nostrils flared. “It’s always you lot that blames your own wrongdoings on ‘traditions’.”
“My lot? Who, Harry? Slytherins? Purebloods?” You cock your head to the side, getting pissed off. You’re seriously taken aback by his sudden demeanour.
“Death Eaters!”
You can feel something snap between the both of you. Both your eyes are wide. You’re shocked. Baffled by what he just said. And Harry’s are wide with shame.
“So that’s how you think about me.” You take a step away from The Boy Who Lived, betrail tasting sour on your tongue. “Guess Weasely was right. There are no nice Slytherins.”
Shaking wildly his head, Harry tries to grab your hand, but you’re quick to snatch it away from his touch like he burns you. “N-no! You’re not one of them! You’re good! I don’t… I don’t know why I said that.”
“You wouldn’t say it if you didn’t mean it. I know who my family is, and what they have done. Not everybody is like their family. Not everybody is amazing Harry Potter, whose parents are considered heroes.”
You raise your head high and turn to walk away. Yes, you have so much more to say to him, but that would only lead to pain and heartbreak. And you do not have the energy to do that right now.
Even later that day, when you're laying like a sea star on your bed. Theodore's sitting at the foot, actually studying for once. You're still hurt by Harry's words. You should have said those words to hurt Harry just as much as he has you.
But you want to be better. You don't want to be the person they expect you to be.
"Theo", you say suddenly, wanting to talk about anything else. The dark-haired boy hums as a sign that he is listening. "Why did you join the Inquisitorial Squad?"
Theo's quill hovers a couple of inches above the parchment as his neck turns a blotchy red. "Do you promise to not laugh?"
That pulls your attention and you flip onto your belly, you head next to Theo's. You nod and keep your face as neutral as possible.
"I knew you joined that illegal DADA study group of Potter's, and I want to... I don't know. I was so irritated with that. And once Malfoy and the others spoke about joining Umbridge's squad to catch Potter, I joined too."
A smile grows on your face as you lean up on your elbows. "Theodore Nott, were you so jealous that you joined Umbridge's ass-kissing force?"
A vibrant blush colours Theo's cheeks and he turns his face away embarrassed. You roar with laughter, rolling onto your back. Theo jumps up from his position on the ground and jumps on top of you.
His hands find your sides and he starts to tickle you. Uncontrollable laughter rings loudly through the dorm room. You trash wildly, trying to take hold of Theo's hands to stop his assault.
Finally, when Theo stops, he's hovering over you. One hand next to your face and the other resting on your side. He has a look in his eyes, one you recognise from Harry. A pit forms in your stomach and your smile drops, turning your head to the side.
A concerned frown grows on Theo’s face. He softly and slowly lays a hand on your cheek, making you face him again. “I won’t force you. No matter how much I am dying to kiss you, I will never do it if you’re not one hundred per cent okay with it.”
You gaze into his eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity in the dark-haired boy. A shy smile grows on your face and you reach up, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you", you whisper, grabbing his elbow and squeezing it.
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Harry won't look at you. And to be fair, you're relieved. Ron also seems to give you dirty glances and you figured that he told his best friend. Of course, you would do the same. If you had one. On the other hand, Hermione looks at you in pity. If Ron knows, so does Hermione. You haven't had the chance to speak to her, as the next DA meeting is in fifteen minutes.
You're moving as swiftly as you're possible through the hallways, all to avoid Filch and the Inquisitorial Squad. You hear footsteps getting near so you move to the furthermost corner of the hallway. Hidden in the darkness you spot Goyle, some guy from the Slytherin quidditch team, and Theo pass by you.
Whsipering his name, you make Theo stop in his tracks. His eyes search around until he spots you. You sign for him to keep silent as the two dum heads keep on walking.
"What are you doing here?", he whispers harshly as he grasps both your arms. He looks over his shoulders, seeing the two boys disappearing behind a corner. "Listen, I don't know how or why but Umbridge is planning something for Potter's study group. You should not go tonight."
Frowning, you lay a hand on top of his. "I have to go. He's teaching the Patronus charm tonight. It's important..."
Theodore sighs but relaxes his hold on you. "Fine— just stay safe okay? I'll try to hold them off as long as possible but I can't promise anything."
With a nod and a smile, you press a featherlight kiss on his cheek before hurrying down the corridor and to the suddenly-appearing door.
You try to get Harry's attention, try to speak to him about Umbridge's plan, but the Griffydor boy is dead set to dodge you. After half an hour you give up and focus on the lesson at hand.
"Make a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember." Harry walks across the room, helping people raise their wands. 
You sigh, knowing this will be a difficult task. Hermione, next to you, looks at you and gives you a sympathetic glance. "You have one in mind?"
"One... maybe two could work", you shrug, "you?"
"Let's try!"
"A full-bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents. Just remember, your patronus can only stay as long as you are focused."
Okay. Focus. You've got this. Happy memory. Happy memory... ah! You start to envision the Yule ball. Dancing with Theodore and Gjol. Weak white whisps come out of the tip of your wand. No, not good enough.
You look at Hermione and see that she has conjured up a full-bodied Patronus. An otter.
Determined to do better, you search for a happier memory. Theodore... the muggle film theatre... popcorn... kissing Theo on the cheek... Something powerful travels through you and out comes a- a hippogriff?
The majestic beast struts through the chamber, spreading its wings and knocking two people off their feet. Everybody stops to stare at you and your hippogriff.
Just as you want to reach out and touch your Patronus, the room starts to shake. Like it's an earthquake. But the trembles are too rhythmic. Too controlled. The lights flicker and you all slowly walk towards where the booming comes from- the entrance.
The mirrors crack and fall, revealing a small hole in the wall. And just Harry goes to look through it, you all head, "bombarda maxima", and Harry can jump out of the way just in time before the wall explodes.
Through the gaping hole in the wall stands Umbridge with her squad and Cho Chang looking like she wants to cry being held by Draco. At the far back, you see Theo and you make eye contact. He gives you a look that says he's sorry. And you nod. You understand. It's not his fault. And it's not yours, for wanting to do the right thing for once.
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry  @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtassoo @literallyobsessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyz @theroyalmanatee @shinrjj @hegdus @kermits-bitch @m1kasawps @noah-uhhh-what @mypolicemanharryyy @fals3-g0d @decapitated-coffee
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bubblegump-1-nk · 1 year
As She Walks By pt. 2
summary: Theodore and you are just best friends (or not), but when he finally hooks up with the Hufflepuff girl who’s had a crush on him for years, things may start to change
- based off of the song Heather by Conan Gray (a little bit), set in three perspectives: yours, Theos, and the Hufflepuff girl (an OC I called Althenea Circ). I made you a Gryffindor but if you want to change your house just imagine whatever house I want. You’re also kind of a home-wrecker (respect people’s relationships please lol) in this so..
- warnings: insecurity, angst, not really cheating but idk, typos probably, cussing, toxic relationships, time skips (?) - (these warnings apply to the upcoming parts as well, so you might not see some of them in some of the parts, if that makes sense) I think that’s all but tell me if you find anything else pls!
-your POV-
My mouth dried up, and suddenly I felt like I was trapped in a little box.
“Y/n?” Cho asked. She had just told you about the interaction she had overheard. Althenea Circ had asked Theo to Hogsmeade and he said yes. What was wrong with me? Why do I care? Why should I care? I snogged Dean Thomas yesterday, god why am I such a hypocrite.
“Y/n? Are you ok?” Cho asked again, interrupting my thoughts.
“Er, uh, yeah, sorry Cho.”
“It’s ok. I just thought I should tell you because, you know, Theo’s your friend.” She said, emphasizing the word ‘friend’ in a weird way. Somehow insinuating we weren’t just friends.
“Yeah, thank you. I’m going to go finish my potions essay now, but, er, I’ll see you later.” I said, quickly getting up from the library table.
“Oh, um, ok? Why not just stay in the library.” She said, giggling at my silly antics.
“Oh, I just have to grab some supplies is all.” I said, stacking my papers crudely just so I could get out quickly.
We said our goodbyes and I was quickly walking down the corridor, hoping to find an empty bathroom. I turned the corridor quickly and entered the girls lavatory and quickly locked myself in the stall.
What was wrong with me? Why did I care? Shouldn’t I be happy for Theo, and Althenea who’s practically been in love with him since forever. Why was I suddenly so possessive. None of his other flings have made me feel this way. I was being unfair. I snog whoever I want, he can do the same, right?
-Althenea’s POV-
I was getting ready in my dorm, my best friend Wesley was helping me get ready for my date with Theodore Nott. THE Theodore Nott. I seriously could not believe it.
“And his arms were around my waist, and god- he is such a good kisser.” I gushed to my friend, who was curling my hair.
“I know. I seriously could not believe it when he came up to you. I mean I’d always thought him and y/n were going to end up together.”
A sour taste entered my mouth and I fell silent - y/n. Oh Merlin how I hated her.
“Yeah,” I said with a fake laugh. “She’s nice.” I said, because she really was. One time in fourth year she helped me with my Charms Essay. But oh god how I hated her.
“Her and Theo are always together. Honestly you’d think they were soulmates!” Said Wesley.
“Ok, I get it. You think they belong together. Whatever.” I said, frustrated with my friend.
“Oh Merlin- I’m sorry A, I didn’t even realize what I was saying.” She said, suddenly realizing what she was really saying and who she was really saying it to.
“Don’t worry, I get it. I mean she is perfect” I said quietly, looking down.
“Oh come on Althenea. You know I didn’t mean it like that. Plus, you’re the one going out with him.” She said, squeezing my shoulder lightly.
“Exactly!” I said, happily.
-Theo’s POV-
I was sitting in my comfy bed, reading my good book, in my comfy sweater when Blaise interrupted me.
“Oi mate you’re still here? I thought you were supposed to go out with that, uh, Athena girl?” He said, forgetting her name.
“Holy shit!” I yelled, practically jumping out from under the covers.
“I totally forgot about that.” I said, rushing to the mirror to check how I looked.
I was wearing my quidditch sweater and some black sweatpants - that should be good for the date right? Well whatever, it’s not like I cared anyway.
“Thanks for reminding me, I guess.” I said, adding the last part as I ran out the door.
I rushed to the Hufflepuff common room, that’s what house she was in right? As I was running I bumped harshly into someone, causing them to fall backwards. I looked down and saw her, Althenea. Looking rather… mediocre.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry.” I said, helping her up.
“Oh don’t worry about it really. It’s sort of funny!” She said.
“Er, yeah, I guess so.” I said, scratching the back of my neck.
“Well, are you ready? I was thinking the Three Broomsticks, of course, but if you don’t like that than we could of course-“
I cut off her rambling, her stupid rambling, by saying “Three Broomsticks is fine.”
-At the pub-
“…and then I said that we should have trolls in the bathroom!” Althenea said, telling me a story I was trying so hard to be focused on.
I let out a dry chuckle before saying, “Do you want anything else?” Nodding my head down to her empty plate of food.
“Oh, no thank you! It was really nice of you to pay, you know.” She said, beaming.
“Er, yeah, it was no problem.”
We were silent for a minute or two before I said, “well, it’s getting sort of late and I have to finish up some homework.”
“Oh, yeah of course! Me too. I cant keep putting off those essays!” She said, giggling. She didn’t even think it was weird that I had said it ‘was late’ at 3 in the afternoon.
We finished up at the table and started to walk back, Althenea walking a little too close to me.
“So… what homework do you have to work on?” She asked, trying to fill the void of silence.
“Er, potions and transfigurations.” I said, saying the first two subjects I could think of.
“Me too! Maybe we could work on them together?” She asked, overly exited.
“Oh, well, um, I usually do my homework alone, sorry.” I responded, looking down at her.
“Oh, yeah, how stupid of me!” She said, lightly slapping her forehead.
Before I knew it we were back at the castle and we parted ways, not before she kissed me on the cheek. She skipped away after her lips left my side, and I just stood there dumbstruck. You know, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. I could finally get my mind off of you, someone I could never have, and Althenea wasn’t all that bad really.
-your POV-
“I’m done with him. Really.” I told Hermione, adding the last part after she gave me a strange look.
“We’re just friends. This jealousy is just forming out of something possessive, nothing else. It’s not fair of me to do that to him. Plus, she seems like a nice girl.” I continued, ranting to Hermione.
“I’m glad. The quicker you get over this the easier your life will get.” She responded.
“Exactly! I don’t want anything weird going on in our friendship and this new relationship will not be the end of Theo and I’s lifelong friendship.” I said.
-At Dinner-
“I still can’t believe it. Theodore Nott with that Hufflepuff, it just doesn’t fit.” Said Ron, loading his already overflowing plate with more food.
Theodore Nott and Althenea Circ’s date had been the talk of the night, already having been spread around all of Hogwarts.
“Did he say anything to you y/n?” Harry asked, pouring me more pumpkin juice after he noticed that I had finished my cup.
“Thank you, and, er, no. We didn’t really talk about it. You know, now that I think of it, we haven’t talked since the party.” I said, remembering my last conversation with Teddy.
“Interesting.” Said Ron, taking a bite out of his Shepard’s pie.
“It really isn’t. Nothings going on, we’ve just been busy.” I responded, aggravated by his comment.
“I’m sure you’re right, y/n. There’s nothing wrong.” Hermione said, reassuring me.
“Thanks ‘minoe.” I said, sending her a smile.
“Why don’t you go talk to him bow. Go over there and tell them all about what we heard Snape talking about.” Said Harry, trying to help me out.
“Good idea! I’ll go do it now, just to make sure there’s no tension or anything.” I said, getting up from the Gryffindor table to go tell the Slytherins about Snape saying he had always thought Sirius Black was cute.
As I began walking over to the Slytherin table, I noticed a pair of eyes on me. I turned and saw Althenea glaring at me from her table. Suddenly, she got up, and walked very quickly over to the Slytherin’s table, and sat down right next to Theo.
I stood their shocked, surely she didn’t think of me as competition right? The Slytherin friend group looked uncomfortable, but no one looked more uncomfortable than Theo. He looked around, wondering what made Circ think she could come sit with them. I saw his eyes go to the Gryffindor table, to look for me. When he didn’t find them, he looked away, but he quickly locked eyes with mine after another quick scan of the room. He sent me a smile, and a small ‘help’.
I smiled back, and began walking towards their table after my delay. I wasn’t going to let some insecure bitch ruin my friendships.
“Y/n! Thank god.” Said Mattheo, eyes darting to the Hufflepuff quickly.
“Hey guys. You won’t believe what I heard.” I said.
Theo subtly pushed Althenea away, making room for me next to him. But I wasn’t going to be that girl. So, instead I sat next to Draco. Theo looked at me confused, and I whispered just loud enough for him to hear “the Hufflepuff.” He nodded his understanding but looked sad anyway.
“Ok well tell us!” Said Pansy, reaching over the table to play with my rings.
“Well, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were walking down the corridor when we heard Snape talking to Mcgonagall. So, obviously we eavesdropped on their conversation and Snape said ‘you know, Sirius Black was always cute. I think that’s why I hated him.’”
The group burst out laughing, all except for Althenea.
“Sirius Black? Like the murderer?” She asked, confused as to why we were all amused.
The group all knew Sirius was innocent, but I couldn’t spill information like that to Althenea, not without Harry’s permission.
“Er, yeah. But they went to school together before he was a murderer.” I explained, causing her to lightly smile to try to fit into the group.
“Ok well, I’ll be going now.” I said getting up, sending Pansy a face that she laughed at before I got up.
“Wait,” Theo said, grabbing my forearm. “Meet me in the astronomy tower later?” He asked, eyes filled with want.
“9:00, don’t be late, Nott.” I said, which he smiled at, before I walked away.
-Theo’s POV-
I stood on the tower at 8:57 PM. I leaned down on the railing, staring out onto the beautiful night sky. The wind ruffled my hair, and I noticed a strong scent of firewood. Suddenly I heard your footsteps, and your sweet perfume filled my nose.
“Hello stranger.” You said, walking up behind me.
I turned around and took a good look at your face. The moon light made you look even more ethereal than I had ever seen you, and I had no idea that was even possible.
“Stop looking at me like that.” You said, turning away from me as you leaned your arms against the railing and looked out at the view.
“Like what?” I asked.
“You know how, Teddy.”
The nickname made my heart swell up, and I didn’t have it in me to fake hating it. I was locked in your trance before you spoke again.
“Plus, I don’t think your girlfriend would be too happy about it.”
“She’s not my girlfriend!” I said, it came out angrier than I expected.
You let out a small laugh before saying, “I like her. She’s good to you.”
She’s not as good as you, is what I wanted to say, but I couldn’t.
“Yeah, I guess she is.” Is what I ended up saying instead.
We were both now leaning on the railing, looking out at Hogwarts’ vast territory, our shoulders leaning against each other.
“She’s really pretty too, and she’s sweet.” You said, your sweet voice ringing in my ears.
“Sounds like someone’s jealous.” I said, chuckling.
“What?” You said, turning to be swiftly, your eyes wide.
“Oh, uh, I only meant that you seem jealous that I’m with her. Because you talk so nicely of her. Like you want her to yourself.” I said, struggling to find an explanation.
“Oh,” you said, you’re demeanor becoming calm again. “You got me there Nott. I’m head over heels for your girl.” You said, giggling, which only made me laugh.
We stood there, laughing like some idiots as we stared out at the beautiful world.
The laughing stopped and you spoke again, “look what I brought.” You said, pulling something out of your pocket.
“Cauldron Cakes! You’re the best, you know that?” I said, grabbing the one you handed me.
We sat down with our backs leaning against the wall, eating our cauldron cakes and talking about everything and nothing. That’s the thing about you, no matter if we were talking about the recent quidditch match or ancient runes for fucks sake, it was never boring, not with you.
The wind was blowing, and I felt you shiver from under my arm.
“Here, have my sweater.” I said, lifting my arm up off your shoulder to take my quidditch sweater off.
“Oh thank you, Theo.” You said, grabbing my sweater and putting it on.
You looked so cute engulfed in my large sweater, with my last name sprawled on the back of it.
“I’ll give it back to you someday.” You said, and I hoped you never gave it back so that everyone would know you were mine. Except your not.
-Altheneas POV (a week later)-
Theo and I have been… dating(?) for a week now. I didn’t know what to call it. He hadn’t asked me out yet, but we’ve been going out on dates, and I’ve spent two nights under him already. He was starting to let me hold his hand more, but he kept saying public affection wasn’t really his thing. Except that, it always had been. Theodore Nott was known for being a softie when it came to his girlfriends, especially when it came to his girl-friend y/n. But people change, right?
Wesley has been reassuring me, but my other friend Quincy keeps telling me to get away from him. I don’t care though, Theo is mine now. For the most part.
“Hey, can you pass me your notes?” Whispered Quincy, taking me out of my thoughts.
“Oh, yeah, sure.” I said, sliding them over, trying to focus on the lesson.
“You’re the best.” She whispered back, sending me a smile.
Class ended after what felt like hours and it was finally time for lunch. Quincy and I met up with Wesley before we began walking to the Dining Hall.
“Yeah, and I heard that Avanore and Seamus hooked up.” Said Wesley.
“Avanore Dorian? Isn’t she dating Hermes?” I asked, shocked at the news.
“You bet she is. And if it’s true Seamus is in for one hell of a beating.” She responded.
Suddenly, Quincy stopped, holding both of their arms out to stop Wes and I.
“What?” I said, exasperated.
“Um..” She said.
Wesley and I looked around, trying to find the reason for Quincy’s abruptness. Wesley found it first.
“Oh my.. Are you still with Theo, A?” She asked, mouth agape.
I suddenly became very nervous, “yeah.” I said, worried.
“Look. At. That.” Wesley said, pointing to someone.
I followed her finger and when I found the object of her pointing my mouth fell open.
It was you, y/n l/n, wearing my boy’s quidditch sweater. His name sprawled out boldly on the back. How could you be walking to lunch, chatting and laughing with your friend so calmly knowing that you’re wearing another girl’s boyfriend’s sweater.
“Move please.” Said a voice, belonging to Pansy Parkinson, as she pushed past my stopped figure.
“Y/n, Hermione, wait up!” She said, causing you two to stop and wait for her.
“I like the sweater.” She said, sending you a wink.
“I know right!” Responded Hermione, giving you a playful nudge on the shoulder.
“Guys, it’s just friendly! Plus he’s with that other girl.” You said.
I couldn’t believe it. ‘That other girl’?? Seriously?? You couldn’t even say my name. I seriously couldn’t believe it. My eyes began to well up with tears.
“I’m not so hungry anymore.” Said Quincy.
“Me neither.” Said Wesley.
-your POV (later that night)-
I walked into the library, looking for Althenea.
I felt bad for what happened today, I didn’t realize it would be such a big deal. I mean, everyone knew Theo and I were best friends, and it wasn’t uncommon for me to wear his clothes. But after Hannah Abbot told me that I had made you sob, I felt terrible. And I was on a mission to find you.
I spotted you sitting in the back, with your friends Quincy and Wesley.
I walked over to your table, and cleared my throat. The girls looked up at me: Quincy was sending me a death stare, Wesley had a pathetic attempt at a glare, and you couldn’t even look me in the eye.
“Is this seat open?” I asked, pointing to the empty seat at the table.
Quincy began to say no, covering the seat with her hand but you spoke up, “yeah. It is.”
The two other girls were shocked, sending her looks of ‘are you sure??’ Which she nodded to.
“Thanks.” I said, sitting down.
We sat in silence for a few beats before I finally said, “look I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to feel insecure or anything. I’m not trying to take Teddy from you, definitely not. He’s all yours. We’re just best friends, and we have been since forever, but it’s not like that. I was only wearing his sweater because he gave it to me at the astronomy tower a week ago and it was the first thing I grabbed since I was late for class today. And trust me, you have nothing to worry about. You’re beautiful, and smart, everything Theo likes. So, really, I am sorry. But believe me when I say it was a misunderstanding. So… here.” I said, taking the sweater off and handing it to you. The three girls looked at me surprised, but I quickly got up before they could say anything.
“Thank you!” You called out as I was leaving the library, and I sent you a thumbs up as I walked out the door.
I hate being this part but it’s getting soo long so part 3 (hopefully I can write it quickly :))
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legally-lupin · 1 year
The Hypemen- hp boys x reader
Requested by : @thesonglyricchick
I hope you like this. I’m so sorry if you don’t <3
You were walking down the halls when you noticed people gaping at you when you walked by. You quickly whipped out your pocket mirror to see if you had anything on your face. Thankfully you didn’t. What was everyone’s problem? You thought as you continued your journey. Loud whistles caught your attention as you looked behind you
“Looking good y/n!” Fred shouted Angelina smacked him with her book shaking her head he put his hands up in defence
“Yeah your looking gorgeous!!!” George shouted winking at you. You cocked an eyebrow laughing before shouting a ‘Thankyou boys!’ and walked away their continued whistling turned into echos .
You felt confident as you continued your journey to meet your friends. Once again you was stopped by Cedric he smiled warmly at you.
“Y/n. I just wanted to say you look so ravishing today” the hufflepuff boy placed a kiss to your hand giving you one last look before walking away with his mates.
You frowned thinking someone’s put something on you for everyone to act like this. You spot Hermione reading by a pillar and sped walked to her.
“Hermione! I need you to smell me” the girl looked at her friend confused
“I’m sorry?” She laughed y/n went up to her
“Please I think someone put a love Potion on me or something cause I’ve got like 3 complaints and everyone is staring at me” panic struck the poor girl as she smelt her jumper multiple times. Hermione laughed
“I assure you y/n it’s not that. Can’t you see how amazing you look today. Your literally glowing !” Mione chuckled at her friend shutting her book and focusing on her.
“Y/n?! Is that you? MERLINS BEARD YOUR SMOKING HOT” you turned to see Mattheo, Draco, Theo and Blaise behind you. You smiled shyly
“Really?” The boys smirked look at her up and down
“Merlin I might have to kidnap you” Mattheo winked at you. Your eyes widened did you look that good ?!
“I’m sure your part Veela at this point” Hermione was clearly amused by all the boy’s behaviour
“You always look good but today. Wow wow” Theo remarked eyeing you up and down
“Dam mami!” Blaise said grabbing your hand spinning you. A giggle escaped your mouth as you spun around
“Who you getting all dressed up for?” Draco said smirking. They were really hyping you up
“Thanks, guys” y/n shyly said a blush creeping up to her face as the boys hugged her goodbye and walked away.
Y/n and Hermione sat there for a few before Harry, Ron and Neville came to them
“Hey ladies” Harry sang you snickered at him
“Y-y/n you look r-really p-pretty today,” Neville’s said shyly gripping his plant
“ aww thanks, Neville” the boy let out a toothy grin holding on to his plant tighter
“Why do you look so good today y/n? What did you do ?” Ron questioned staring at his friend
“Geez thanks Ron way to give a girl confidence” y/n laughed
“Seriously have you got a date?” Harry asked eagerly
“No I literally got up had a shower got dressed and came out” y/n recalled her routine the boys mouth gaped
“Then why the hell do you look like you crawled out a magazine!” Ron examined your features you pulled away
“Ok i think I’m done with compliments for one day. Mione you wanna go to the lake?” Her friend nodded and they linked arms and walked away.
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mjadedaring · 9 months
Takes place on the eve of Draco's and Astoria’s wedding. Preview of this new idea for a Dramione WIP swirling in my head...
“Why do you want to marry me?”
Draco Malfoy was staring at a dying flame at the hearth of the fireplace in his mid-century modern decorated living room holding a glass of Muggle bourbon filled to the brim. At first, he barely heard her.
“Why do you want to marry me?”
There was no change to her volume, tone, or inflection of her question, but the words finally registered to Draco despite his alcohol-induced haze. He had not even heard her enter his home, but he turned to find his fiancée, Astoria Greengrass, leaning on the doorway that led to the foyer. She was wearing a hooded cloak over slate blue dress robes with her dark hair in low chignon at the nape of her neck, looking back at him with an unreadable expression on her face. In fact, she was practically stoic.
“What do you mean why do I want to marry you?”
“It’s a perfectly simple question, Draco,” Astoria replied, her expression still indecipherable.
Draco turned away, just wanting to get back to studying the fire fizzle out and downing glass upon glass of the bronze liquid as fast as possible. He didn't have the time nor the energy for this. However, his fiancée made no move to leave and remained standing in his doorway, her face impassive, yet expecting him to respond.
That was new. She usually left immediately when he refused to engage in conversation or dismissed her by turning his back towards her…but this time, he continued to feel her eyes on him. He cursed inwardly.
“You are seriously asking me this now?” Draco said irritated, turning to her once again and setting his drink down onto a console table situated by a velvet sectional. “On the eve of our wedding?”
Astoria went from leaning to standing straight and took a step towards him.
“Yes, Draco, now."
Almost immediately, the stoicity of her features dropped. 
Her eyebrows knitted together and Draco inwardly winced at the sudden sharpness of her voice.
“Because for the past six months, you have spent every damn night gazing at a fire until it dies out, despite the fact that you can reignite it with a flick of your wand." She brandished her own and nonverbally cast Incendio towards the fireplace. The flames came roaring back to life. Draco bristled, but she wasn’t done.
“You constantly drown yourself in Muggle liquor because for some reason Blishen’s Firewhisky doesn’t cut it anymore!” She sighed heavily. “The rest of the time you’re like a ghost. You repeatedly ignore owls from Theo, Blaise, Pansy, and even your mother. You lock yourself in your townhouse for hours and when you do show up…you’re never really there. Your mind is always somewhere far away. I can’t watch you do this yourself another night. And goddamn you, I deserve a solid answer!”
“Because I bloody well wanted to! That’s why!” Draco yelled at her. “For Merlin’s sake – Astoria, you got your answer. Now, please leave me the hell alone!”
“Don’t talk to me like that,” Astoria snapped back. “And don’t insult my intelligence. We both know you didn’t want this. You again thought you had no choice so you did what your parents and what my family wanted… I was just stupid enough then to go along with it.”
She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. Draco had denied it many times but she knew he had grown to resent her, whether consciously or subconsciously, because of the situation they were in. This whole mess had put a strain on their friendship. No matter how many times she had tried to show him she was on his side, his frustration always made him feel the need to attack.
“You’re one of my best friends, Draco,” Astoria said finally. “But we don’t feel  – not for each other anyway. Not in the way that we needed to.”
“This is total bollocks,” Draco said to himself angrily. He made a motion to dismiss her. “And you’re being utterly ridiculous –”
“Do you love me?”
If anything could make Draco stone-cold sober for even just a moment, it was that question. He looked up at her to make out if she was serious as the dancing flames continued to cast shadows on her face.
She had never asked him that question before and they never discussed love; much less shared any enamored feelings for each other, despite being close friends. It just wasn’t an important nor a pertinent subject for either of their families. Whether it was clearly expressed or just implicit, they knew love, romantic love in particular, was never a significant part of the equation to gaining approval from the Malfoys and Greengrasses.
“W-what?” Draco sputtered.
“Let me rephrase. Do you actually want to spend the rest of your life with me?” Astoria said. “It’s another simple question, Draco.”
Draco ran an irate hand through his hair. A simple question? A simply loaded one at that, he was certain.
“I honestly don’t know where this is coming from, Astoria, and why, of all times, tonight,” Draco said exasperatedly. “Why would you think otherwise?”
“Because I’m not her,” She said simply.
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https-tia · 6 months
Beg For It
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PAIRING: Theodore Nott x reader
INFO: You and Theo argue a lot but you can never stay mad at him, and he can never stay mad at you.
WARNINGS: SMUT 18+, blindfolding, angst, fingering,
You and Theo argue a lot, but you can never stay mad at him and he can never stay mad at you. The current argument the two of you were engaging in was because you thought Theo went out with his friends or played video games too much.
“It’s not the end of the world y/n! Get over it. My god” Theo stood infront of you speaking in a harsh tone, he folded his arms and rolled his eyes clearly not about to take any interest in your side of the argument. “Yes Theo, it is the end of the world because you never have time for me anymore!” you yelled back, he looked deep in your eyes arms still crossed.
“You’re being so dramatic. We see each other everyday! Just because i’m going out with my friends tonight doesn’t mean we’re breaking up” he groans looking at you for a split second before shaking his head and turning around to leave his dorm room. “Theo. Don’t walk away from me.” you said in a serious tone, the tension in the room could slice through ice.
He frantically turned around to face you once again, “Y/n, i can’t believe you’re being this clingy right now. Look, just give me some space” he mutters as he once again goes to turn around haltering as he hears your voice. “Are you kidding me, i’m the clingy one? you get all pissy whenever i say i’m going out with my friends so why should it be any different for you” you say with anger in your tone, you knew he was a hypocrite but you didn’t dare say anything not tempting the situation to get any worse.
He chuckled, obviously not taking your comment very seriously “The difference is, you’re out with your friend every night, y/n! Look, i’ll make it up to you later on but i’m not cancelling just because you’re needy”. That really riled you, how dare he accuse you of being out with your friends every night when you haven’t even been out in a week.
“I’m not needy, we planned this movie night ages ago! and now you’re bailing on me, i can’t believe you” you rolled your eyes and turned on your heels starting to walk away, you thought to yourself if he was going to cancel on you, you were going to give him a hard time about it “you know what, stay out as long as you want”.
This was one of the more tame fights you and Theo had, usually they ended in things being thrown across your dorm and shouting loud enough to be heard in the great hall. “okay, fine. Have fun watching a stupid ‘girly’ film on your own” and with that he left the room brushing past you and closing the door behind him.
And with that he left you all alone in your dorm room, with nothing to do but watch a ‘stupid girly film’ to occupy your mind. This was usually what happened when you and Theo had an argument, he’d leave and you’d be stuck all on your own for the next 3 hours. You slowly waltzed over to your bed, climbing in between the sheets grabbing the tv remote control and putting on something random.
Hours pass, this was longer than he usually goes out for and you couldn’t help but worry. With the news on the television still lying down in bed, you hear your phone buzz from across the room. It was on charge and you knew it was probably Theo. Whenever you argue, he goes out smoking with Mattheo, Blaise and Draco before texting you saying sorry.
You reluctantly pushed back your duvet and walked over to your desk, picking up your phone you see a notification that reads [baby, i’m sorry for being a dick earlier. Wanna make up ;)]. You couldn’t believe him, not talking to you for nearly 5 hours and now he suddenly wants to make up. You weren’t having it, you took your phone off the charger throwing it down on the desk and walking back over to your bed, climbing in and pulling up the duvet before replying. [no] was all you said back to him, trying to act cold and make him feel bad for the way he reacted to you earlier on.
After at least 5 minutes of him begging you to forgive him, it’s clear he wasn’t taking no for an answer. You were messaging him back and forth trying to tell him you weren’t going to give it up so easily, he left your most recent text on read just riled you even more. Placing your phone down on your bedside cabinet you rolled over, just drifting off to sleep you hear a loud bang on your dorm door. “Who is it?” you shouted hoping it was Theo but also hoping it wasn’t. You waited 10 seconds, no reply. 20 seconds, still no reply. Giving up with asking who it was you just shouted for them to come in.
As the door opens, Theodore is stood there holding a bouquet of flowers and chocolate, his puppy eyes on full display. “Please don’t stay angry at me principessa, it’s killing me knowing that you’re disappointed with me” he states still standing at the door, he always sounds so genuine when he apologises in person. You couldn’t help but give in to him with the gifts he showered you with. “I still hate you y’know” you spoke in a low joking tone, smiling you patted the spot next to you on the bed and he walked over, set down the flowers and chocolate and sat down next to you.
You stand up grasping your phone, walking back over to your desk where you had previously discarded your charger, setting your phone down plugging it in. “So, i uh, have something planned if you wanna come back to bed” he spoke with a clear smirk plastered on his face, you walked back over to the bed intruded in what he had planned.
Sitting down beside him you questioned what he was talking about, not saying anything he waltzed over to the wardrobe opening the doors, venturing into one of the many drawers inside he pulled out a piece of fabric. Confused as to what he had in his hands you just ignored it and watched as he strolled back over to the bed situating himself next to you again.
He sensed your baffled expression “it’s a blindfold tesoro” he stated so calmly, as if everyone just had a blindfold hidden away in their girlfriends room “i hid it here in hope of using it one day” he chuckles and inches closer.
You didn’t know what to do or say about this new found side to Theo. You and him had never used anything out of the ordinary before so this was shock to the both of you. “Just put this on for me amore”. Unsure, you agreed and took the blindfold from Theo’s hands wrapping it around the back of your head and tying it tight.
After you place the blindfold on, you hear Theo slowly shifting on the bed inching closer and closer to you until he was nearly flush against you. After a minute you feel him soft fingers running up and down your back, he wraps his arms around you pulling you into his lap. You feel his hands snake their way into your hair pulling you in for for a passionate kiss. This new sensation of not being able to see only feel had sparked something inside you. Excitement and arousal.
“What are you doing Theo?” you questioned growing more and more wet by the second. One leg either side of him you could feel his erection growing beneath you. Theo meant forward and placed his finger over your mouth hushing you before speaking “don’t ask questions baby, just enjoy it”. He voice low and patronising, his hands move from your hair to your hips, flipping you over in one swift motion him now on top.
You felt Theo leaning down his hot breath on your neck before he started sucking and kissing at the flesh. Theo moves him lips up to your ear whispering “now remember how hot it feels when i do this, relax amore”. Theo straced his hands from your hips along your stomach all the way to your chest teasingly, leaning his head down he kisses you again, but this time more lust filled and desperate whilst moving his hands to your breast slowly massaging.
He moves his hands to unbutton your school blouse, placing small kisses from you lips to your neck all the way down to your belly button, occasionally biting softly just to emit those sweet sounds from you that he loves so much. He makes his way back up grabbing you wrists in one swift motion pinning them above your head with one hand, the other sliding up your thigh getting strangely close to your heat.
Slightly lifting your skirt from in his way Theo pauses, confused as to why he does this before he speaks “beg for it”. What? Theo had never asked you to beg before, never, not because you didn’t want to but because you didn’t know how. Theo could see the puzzled look on you face “tell me what you want baby, what do you want me to do to you?” there it was again, that patronising voice he always used with you.
How did he expect you to beg, and for what exactly. You thought to yourself that you might as well give it your best go, after all your body was begging him to touch you so why not verbalise it. “Theo, please touch me” you muttered not believing that he was asking you to do this right now. When you and Theo had sex it was usually very vanilla, surprisingly, so him pulling this one was a definitely a surprise.
“Hm… you’re gonna have to do a lot better than that my love” he said voice deep laced with lust, you could tell he was itching to touch you too. “Theo please. I need you, please” you had never been more desperate for him to touch you in your life, by the smirk that appeared on his face it was obvious he was pleased with your words, even though you couldn’t see him.
His hand traveled higher until he reached your heat, pushing your panties to the side he traced a finger along your slit all the way up to your clit. Eliciting a breathy moan, you arched your back hinting for him to do something more, without warning he pushed two fingers inside of you. The noises you were making were unholy, Theo continuing his movement thumb brushing against your clit with just the right amount of friction.
You could feel your body tense, getting closer and closer to your high. However, Theo didn’t slow his pace but in-fact sped up, “keep going baby, beg me to let you cum. beg for it” he said in a low, husky voice and you could tell he was enjoying this just as much as you were.
You wanted to cum but you didn’t want to beg for it, Theo had always been so caring for you during the times you spent together but now he wasn’t as caring, as if he wanted one thing and one thing only. You to completely give yourself over to him, surrender to his touch. You couldn’t hold on much longer and gave in to his filthy command “please Theo, please i need to-“ and before you could finish your sentence you released all over his fingers, before he had said you could.
Theo slowly pulled his fingers from you entrance and looked you in the eyes “did i say you could finish?” he said in a harsh tone that could cut through ice. The thought of Theo like this frightened you but the arousal between your legs grew more and more with every word he spoke.
His hands reached for the blindfold covering your eyes and pulled it up so you could see again. He looked you up and down with a seductive smirk playing on his lips. “Well are you going to do something or just sit there like an idiot” you shot at him with a snarky tone, he clearly didn’t like that by the look on his face.
to be continued…
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spartazia-blog · 1 year
Listening vs Obeying
Something I’ve been mulling over since seeing another round of discussion about Penelope and her choices specifically around the Marina and her children and Eloise LW publications is the notion of listening to someone vs obeying them. When we talk to people or provide advice, what is our expectation and goal in doing so? Are we helping and being a sounding board or are we trying to give marching orders? And, at the end of it, do we respect that ultimate decision maker in someone’s life is and should be them?
I ask because a common theme I see pop up is the idea that Pen “had” to resort to Whistledown because “no one listens to her.” But is that true? Did they really just close their ears and go “lalala” when she spoke to them? Or, is it that she was heard but she just wasn’t *obeyed*? And why do so many Penelope stans seem to have this absolute conviction that if she expresses something to someone or gives them advice, she is entitled to unquestioning compliance?
Colin listened to her about Marina loving someone else before him, he just didn’t go along with what she wanted him to do which was be horrified and cast Marina aside. In fact, he quite maturely expresses that it would hypocritical of him to do so given that he also has a past with other women. That’s really cool of him! It shows that he’s a solid and reasonable man who doesn’t judge others against a bar he wouldn’t use for himself.
Eloise listened to Penelope about she concerns (which Penelope was mostly lying about to outright gaslighting Eloise with to keep from getting caught as LW. Not to mention the hypocrisy over lecturing Eloise about going to ‘bad parts of town unchaperoned’ while Penelope was doing the exact same thing), Eloise just decided that her conversations and friendship with Theo along with expanding her mind at the rallies she was attending were worth the risk. Which, again, very cool. No matter how people try to spin Eloise as some selfish asshole, her pushing back against the box the patriarchal society she exists in and wanting to reach beyond the arbitrary barriers of class and gender placed on her is very brave and admirable.
Even Marina listened to Penelope about her objections to the Colin plan but was in desperate straits after Portia (whom the fandom never seems to want to blame for her part in that whole debacle or who does get to be applauded for doing whatever she needs for her children…hmmm…qWHITE interesting that point) locked her away, put the fear of God into her, and tried to sell her to a man who INSPECTED MARINA’S TEETH, so forged ahead. Marina’s choices are definitely murky and unfair to Colin but the idea that she was doing anything for some sort of diabolical and cruel reason and not out of desperation and fear driven by the terrible way society would treat her and, more importantly, her innocent children, is just not borne out by the narrative. And anyone trying to claim otherwise is not someone I can take seriously. Marina’s first choice being her children should be more admired than Portia’s choices but somehow, Marina is a villain while Portia is “complicated and flawed.” I cannot talk about Marina without wanting to wrap her in blankets and protect her from both the fandom and what I fear the show has in store for her. I admit this bias freely.
Penelope is never fully honest with people and then, when they don’t follow her marching orders on how she thinks they should operate, she goes nuclear and takes their choices away from them. Penelope is not the god of the people in her life’s lives. She is not *entitled* to being obeyed (even if you think she is 100% in the right when giving advice, this is still the case). People have their own minds, their own free will, and the right to make their own decisions and mistakes. Penelope needs to learn both to fully be honest and speak up as herself AND to accept that she is not the boss of the people in her life. There is no way she can be a healthy partner in her relationship with Colin (or anyone!) if she operates under the theory that if someone won’t take her advice willingly, she will just force their hand. And her stans need to learn the difference between being listened to and being obeyed.
I think she can. And I think, if her arc is done well, that will be a big point of growth for her. She will learn to use her words and her voice, as herself. She’ll learn to trust the people in her life - because she doesn’t really trust anyone right now - and she’ll learn to see the people in her life are entitled to autonomy. I just hope the fandom can learn the same.
P. S. This is all coming from someone who is a Polin fan desperately hoping their season gives me the growth and story I desire while dreading what I think is actually in store for them so miss me with the “hater” bs I can already sense coming.
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mattyriddlegf · 3 months
The Stupid Closet (3)
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Happy Sunday! Hope everyone enjoys this one, it's a little bit longer this week!
Comment if you'd like to be added to the taglist :)
(This is a series, read previous parts first!)
About two weeks had passed since your and Mattheo’s argument. You had avoided him since then, spending most of your time with Theo. You really liked Theo and didn’t want to screw anything up. Whenever you were around Mattheo, your mind seemed to wander to places it didn’t belong. 
You had been studying all day and you felt like your brain was about to explode. Theo, Blaise, and Draco had quidditch and Pansy chose to watch instead of study. Unfortunately for you, you were towards the top of your class and wanted to maintain perfect grades so you had decided to study instead.
I need a break.
You close the book in front of you and look at your window. The weather was nice and sunny. You decided to take a break and head outside to the gardens, sitting on a bench by yourself. You loved nature and enjoyed being in the fresh air, it was so peaceful for you.
You close your eyes, taking in the warm breeze.
“Wow I’ve barely seen you out and about without Theo lately” You hear a voice sound behind you. Mattheo’s voice.
You open your eyes and look back to see Mattheo standing there, holding a brown leather notebook. You watch as he sits down next to you.
“What’s that?” You ask him, pointing to the notebook.
“Nothing…” He trails off, looking out to the flowers around you.
“Oh come on. Let me see!” You try to grab the book, him moving it away, holding it in the air.
“No! Nobody has ever seen this.” Mattheo responds.
“What…are you hiding something gross in there?” You ask, looking up at him with puppy eyes.
“No, but-” He says until you grab the book from him and hold it on the other side of you so he can’t take it back.
As he sighs, you open the book to see sketches and poems written throughout. Most of the sketches are of birds and other animals, nature, and the castle. They were extremely detailed.
“Matty these are beautiful” You breathe out as you flip through the pages.
“Matty? Is that my new nickname?” He laughs. You had never seen this side of Mattheo.
“Maybe” The nickname had just come out without a second thought. You respond as you look up to him for a moment before looking back towards the book, “Seriously did you draw all of these yourself?”
“Yeah I did. I love drawing and honestly even poetry sometimes is really peaceful” He says, shrugging his shoulders. He pauses before adding, “but don’t tell anybody…please.”
You look up and stare into his large brown puppy eyes. You swear you could get lost in them.
“I won’t” You breathe out. You looked down to his lips for a moment.
“Fuck” Mattheo whispers before leaning forward and connecting your lips. He places his hand on your cheek. It took you by surprise but after a moment, you came to your senses.
You back away, “We can’t do this Mattheo.” You scoot over a little bit, putting some space between you two, “I’m with Theo.”
“I’m sorry.” Mattheo apologizes.
 You hand his book back to him, “I uh have to go.” He blurts out before standing up. He walks away, looking back at you before you’re out of his sight.
You were so screwed. 
You had never seen the softer side of Mattheo but you liked it. He was sweet and sensitive, nothing like the Mattheo you had known all these years. What brought him out, you weren’t sure of but you were glad he did.
You stayed sitting on the bench, touching your lips. His kiss lingered once again. You stayed there for a while, trying to think of Theo and how much you liked him. Why did this keep happening with Mattheo? This was twice now and it had only been less than a month back at Hogwarts.
You went back to your room, studying until Pansy came back. 
“How’d they do?” You ask.
“They did great! Theo seemed in a good mood when I left…” She trailed off, winking with a wide smile on her face.
While you guys had managed to keep it somewhat private, it was known throughout the group that you and Theo had been having sex quite often. 
“Pansy, that doesn’t mean we’re gonna hook up” You roll your eyes.
“I know…but I love you two together, it just makes so much sense” She squeals. 
You laugh, “Ready to head down to dinner?” You ask. Pansy nods her head and walks down to the dinner hall with you, joining your group at the Slytherin table.
You sit down next to Theo, across from Mattheo. Mattheo keeps his head down, eating his food. Throughout the entire dinner, he doesn’t look at you once nor does he speak up at all. Mattheo was usually on the more quiet side but never was he this silent. 
After dinner, you walk back with Theo. He takes you to his room, Mattheo walking in as you guys kiss. It wasn’t going anywhere but as soon as Mattheo walks in, you back away. 
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick” Theo says before getting up and walking into the bathroom, leaving you and Mattheo alone.
You sit on Theo’s bed as Mattheo looks through his dresser. You didn’t know what to say so you just blurt it out, “Mattheo are we ok?”
“Why wouldn’t we be?” He says, continuing to dig through his dresser.
“I mean I don’t know, I just thought-” You start.
“Well don’t. As far as I’m concerned nothing happened.” Mattheo stops and looks at you.
“Well it did…” You trail off.
“Look. Like you said, you’re with Theo. Just forget it ever happened because it won’t again.” Mattheo slams his dresser drawer shut.
Theo walks back into the room, looking between us, “Is everything ok?”
“Everything’s fine.” Mattheo responds as he walks past Theo and leaves the room, shutting it behind him. Theo looks over to you as you furrow your eyebrows. 
“What was that?” Theo asks as he sits down next to you.
“Mattheo being Mattheo I guess.” You raise your eyebrows as you pinch the bridge of your nose, “He hurts my head”
“I think I can fix that” Theo grabs your face, bringing you in for a kiss. The kisses heat up, you pushing Theo beneath you as you take your top off. 
Theo flips you around, holding himself up on top of you. He goes down and starts kissing your chest and stomach.
“Wait.” You say. He looks up, stopping what he’s doing, “Maybe we shouldn’t do this right now, Mattheo could be back at any second…”
“Don’t worry about it” Theo says, starting to go back down.
“Theo seriously” You say. He backs off of you and stands up, sighing. 
“I don’t understand, you’ve been all over me for the past ten days and now you suddenly don’t want to?” Theo asks.
“I just don’t want Mattheo to-”
“Why does he matter in this situation?” Theo interrupts.
“Because Theo, he walked in on us once and-” You say as you pull your shirt back on.
“And what?” Theo asks quietly.
“And he saw me. All of me. And I just don’t want it happening again.” You blurt out.
“What do you mean he saw all of you?”
“He saw my tattoo…” You whisper. You were hoping that Theo wouldn’t hear but he did.
“Did he bring this up to you?” He asks, urgency in his voice.
“Yeah but we’re past it and-” you start rambling.
“Oh I’m gonna kill him.” Theo says as he opens the door and walks out of the Slytherin house, you running after him.
“Theo it’s fine, please don’t” You plead as Theo walks up to the astronomy tower. Both Theo and Mattheo went up there to smoke quite often.
When you guys reach the tower, Theo walks straight up to Mattheo and punches him in the nose, “What the fuck!” Mattheo shouts.
“You fucking talk about her again, I swear to god” Theo gets in his face, pointing at his chest.
“Theo please” You say as you try to pull him away.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Mattheo spits.
“Mention her body again and you’re dead, hear me Riddle?”
“Back the fuck off Theo. I won’t mess with your perfect little girlfriend or your relationship ok?” Mattheo looks past Theo over to you. His nose was bleeding, sweat dripping off his forehead.
Theo backed off, staring at Mattheo before turning around and walking away. He was fuming and didn’t even notice you still there, watching him leave. After he’s gone, you turn around and look at Mattheo who’s watching you as his jaw is clenched.
“I’m sorry, It just came out and-” you start trying to explain yourself.
“Just leave it.” Mattheo responds quietly, leaning on one side, placing his hand on his hip, the other touching the blood under his nose.
“You’re bleeding.” You mention as you walk towards him.
“I’m fine.” Mattheo twitches his nose, breathing in as he does, looking at the ground.
“Mattheo please…let me help.” He looks up at you, his brown eyes staring into your soul.
He takes a moment to look at you before nodding. You both walk down to the girls bathroom nobody uses. You get a cloth, wetting it as he leans back against the sink next to you.
You take the cloth and start wiping his nose off as you stand there, your thighs up against his.
“You know, it’s not even that bad” You mention, still wiping the blood off absentmindedly.
Mattheo grabs your wrist and looks at you, “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” You mutter out.
“Kissing you in that bottle game. It was stupid of me.” You hold eye contact with him the entire time.
“Don’t worry about it.” You reply as he lets go of your wrist. You look down before you add on, “It was actually kinda good.”
“The kiss?” Mattheo smiles and lightly laughs.
“I said only kinda” You respond, laughing with him. This was nice. You and Mattheo finally didn’t hate each other and it felt…normal.
“I better go check in with Theo.” You say, washing your hands. 
“Right” Mattheo nods pursing his lips.
“Look. Matty he's your best friend, he just-“ you sigh, “I turned him down because I didn’t want you to walk in on us again.”
“You turned him down? Because of me?” Mattheo asks.
“Don’t let that go to your head” you respond, “I’ll go talk to him ok?”
“Ok.” Mattheo responds emotionless, “…thanks”
You lightly smile as he pushes his weight off the sink and starts walking to the door. He leaves the bathroom, leaving you alone in your thoughts. What was happening between you two? And why did you have butterflies in your stomach?
taglist: @helendeath @mayamonroem
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theninth09 · 15 days
hey, my name is emily. your account is really great, you’re like too smart.
i introduced my mum to teen wolf and she’s been watching for the past few months. we just finished s5 and you need to hear this.
basically, i asked her off hand do you like liam and theo? and she was like yeh i really like liam and gave all her reasoning. she said she didn’t like theo. and she hasn’t seen s6 yet so i was like okay valid.
but even so, i asked her why. and her response is something else. she went on a whole spiel. these were her exact words (p.s. she’s a bit of a character):
“the guy has three metal doctors who are like supernatural encyclopaedias and an entire lab of a chemicals and gadgets and materials and information and chimeras and all that jazz. and he chooses to become an free escort and learn how to fake cry to make his ends meet? like you have all of that and you couldn’t think of anything else? crying and acting like an escort is what people in the 1700s are on the streets did to make a living because they had no other option. he has all of this and he couldn’t think of anything else? …”
she said some other stuff that i don’t remember but i remembered this word for word because its so funny.
hi emily!! first of all, thank you! this is seriously so sweet, i loved getting this message :( i was like "wow. someone watched tw with their mom and had the thought 'tumblr user theninth09 needs to hear about this.'" im honored, like actually!
and thank you again for sharing this with me, because this is hilarious. actually laughed at your mom calling theo a 1700s escort like nsiebwjs omg??? he really is, i fucking can't 😭 because im me, ill briefly rant about the reasons why theo acts like that instead of trying to find a different solution. this is absolutely nothing against your lovely mom, i think shes hilarious and i 100% get why people dont like theo in s5!! gladly let me know if she changes her opinion about him as you watch s6 and i hope she has fun watching <3
funnily enough, i actually think she answered her question with her own words. "crying and acting [...] because [he] had no other option." theo grew up with the dread doctors, they groomed him into the person that he is. he must've learned how to act like that over the years, they must've trained him into doing whatever they want. so its not really him "choosing" to act like that, but rather that hes 1. so used to it that he doesnt even consider there being another option and 2. the doctors Expect from him that he does that. i know that theo seems like this guy that just does whatever he wants, especially in s5b. but the doctors hold a lot of power over him and hes absolutely not unaffected by that. hes actively scared of them and listens to everything they say.
when theo speaks with donovan (the guy that stiles later accidentally kills) he says that the doctors dont usually let him speak to other experiments. meaning that this time, they did allow him. he doesnt ignore their orders: if hes forbidden from doing something, he doesnt do it. he only talks to donovan because he got the doctors approval for that. when he tells the doctors that he needs hayden alive, that he needs more time (he also literally says I did everything you wanted in this same scene) just the doctors turning to look at him is enough to scare him. he takes a step back, it almost looks like there are tears in his eyes, he doesnt try to argue again even though hes obviously not happy.
when him, scott and liam find mason attached to the doctors tube-thing (or whatever that thing was) theo says that he doesnt know either what that is: the doctors dont tell him everything, perhaps forbid him from touching certain things, keep him in the dark about stuff they consider too important. theo and the dread doctors aren't allies, theo isn't with the doctors. theo is like their pet, their minion. they use him and tell him what to do and only as long as he doesn't interfere with their work, they tolerate him trying to reach his own goal. they classify him as a failure despite him not having bled mercury and theos voice shakes, hes terrified as he says "im not a failure."
yes, theo talks back and hes arrogant and impulsive. but hes also a traumatized child that more or less got raised by the dread doctors. he doesnt try to figure out a different way to reach his goal, because he doesnt even consider it a possibility. hes scared of the repercussions. and also: lets say none of what i just said is relevant (or true, im aware that some of this goes into subtext/headcanon territory.) then there'd actually still be a reason why he doesn't use the dread doctors stuff: he doesn't want to.
his main goal, his desire is to become a real werewolf. that's what's most important to him. after he gets the chimera pack, he says to the doctors, frustrated, that hes still not an actual alpha, that his eyes are still golden. when he kills scott, he asks "because im not a real werewolf?" with his insecurity regarding that obviously shining through. he calls chimeras "cheap knock-off versions." cody has talked about theo's inferiority complex in interviews, too. tinkering with the dread doctors stuff and whatever information they may have wouldn't help him. he wants to be a real werewolf. and if the doctors themselves couldnt even manage to have him be the successful chimera to turn into the beast, hes probably long abandoned any ideas about a way to do it himself. trying to steal someone else's powers is, in theo's mind, his only option.
(also: tv logic reasons and him finding a different way would've been boring to watch lmao)
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