#seriously some of the stuff up on my page rn makes me absolutely die of embarrassment
I've been trying to improve my writing lately and have recently come to some very big realizations regarding characterization, the way I write interactions, pacing, and overall thematic coherency. Because of this I am, naturally, extremely embarrassed of many of my past (and current) works and am seriously considering orphaning or deleting them, as well as potentially abandoning my current Ao3 account.
It's a personal choice primarily stemming from a desire to limit the audience of my old works and potentially regain any audience I've alienated in the past with honestly pretty godawful writing thus far. I don't think most people on here follow me for my writing, but for, like, the three of you that do, would you rather I leave old stuff up, or delete it altogether?
I've had people grow annoyed over me deleting work in the past and would like to at least test the waters, though I honestly don't think anyone is so invested that this'll get any response??? Just like. Reply if you have a strong opinion ig lol, I'd rather not upset anyone if I can help it
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franeridart · 6 years
Aw thank you !!!!! It’s really just thanks to the past couple of days of cooler weather tho, ngl hahaha the earth has been indulgent to me, this past week!
Anon said:I really liked that wgole bakushima gem thing! What would bakugou do if kirishima somehow got corrupted and couldnt reverse it? (Without the other diamonds)
Thank you for liking it!!!! And I guess he’d just go ask the other diamonds? Well, he would never let it get to that, but if it were the only option it’s not like he’d leave Kiri like that!
Anon said:Quick, someone put a flashlight on diamond!Kiri
He’d be shinier than Aoyama and Hagakure using her special move put together !!!!!!! v pretty~
Anon said:your kiribaku gem AU inspired me so much that i’m finally watching steven universe just so i can understand it better because what i did understand was that i loved it
OH MAN I hope you’ll enjoy it!!!! It’s a bit silly and all over the place through the first season, but try to give it time !!
Anon said:Hi! I went and checked out your fan art for Kuroko no Basket and I absolutely adore AoKaga! Your AoKaga works make me so happy! I love them all!
Ohhhhh man thank you so much !!!!!!!!!! it’s super old stuff tho how did you even find it hhhhh haha
Anon said:Hello hello! here w bad news a instagram page posted your art and i know you dont like repost so im informing you. The page is kags.fujoshi and it was posted july 23
Yeh I know, I’ve been trying to report it and the other one I’ve been being told about but instagram won’t let me submit the thing so I guess this is how things are and I’ll just die mad about it since instagram likes to make things as hard and impossible to me as it can
Anon said:Bless your art
Thank you ;;;;;
Anon said:Omg literally your kiribaku Steven universe crossover is so fucking perfect thank you for blessing us with it; I’d love to see more if you have anything or feel like ever doing more about it but I don’t want to pressure you or anything, do what you want to do and what makes you happy :) Take care!
Ahhhhhh thank you so much!!!!! I’m super glad you liked it this much!!!!!!!
Anon said:✨Gentle reminder to take care of yourself today ✨
You too, anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Everytime I see you upload new art I end up looking through and loving your entire BNHA Art tag. It’s so wonderful
gAH thank you so SO much!!!!!!!!!! don’t waste so much time on my blog, tho hahaha
Anon said:heya! I was just wondering if u had any short bakukiri one-shot fic recommendations. i prefer to read short things bc i have some learning difficulties and i was hoping u might know some good simple reads. Thanks! (
Aw man sorry but I really don’t have the time to make a rec list rn ;; if you’re fine with it this is the tag on AO3 filtered so that it shows only complete content with a max word count of 5000 starting from the one with most kudos going down, the first ones showing are all super good fics - in case you’re not okay with explicit content you can filter that too (if youre not okay with mature either just check that out as well) and to go further this is the tag excluding the fics tagged as tddk  cause that’s not what you’re looking for and the tddk and krbk fandom sure like to put each other in the listed relationships even if the fic isn’t about them (it excludes some krbk fics too but what can we do about that)
Anon said:ASDFGHKRNOFNE your last doodle killed me!!!! soft todoroki
AHHHHH I’m super glad you liked them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;;;
Anon said:I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of your art, you beautiful gift you
Thank you smmmmm ;;;
Anon said:I am taking the SU story down for now. Please, let me know if I have your permission to post it, or if you don’t want me to. // And just to clarify - I’m not deleting the story out of spite or anything. I wrote it as a “get-well-soon” gift, but since you make it very clear you want to know how your art is used and that you must give your approval, I began to fear it would become a source of annoyance to you rather than something nice. I can put it back up if you want me to.
I don’t mind you writing the story or posting it, so if you wanna upload it again go for it! For future reference tho, if you’re in a rush to get an answer out of me (referring to the message where you asked if it was okay) your best bet is to go off-anon since those I always answer privately and as soon as I can. It can take me up to over a week to answer anon asks here, which I’d guess is sort of obvious? so seriously next time you’re in a rush to get an answer it’s better if you don’t go through the anon option!!
Anon said:How long does it take t draw one artwork for you?
Some things ten minutes, some things three days of work, it really depends on what I’m drawing? If it’s bw or colored, if it has a bg, if it’s a bust or a full body, if it’s one person or five, one drawing or a full comic, how used I am to drawing the character vs how new it is, how easy the clothes are and how many details there are on them - if you sent me an example I could specifically tell you how long it took me!
Anon said:is bakugo ticklish? what do u think?
Bakugou is ticklish but the immediate aftermath of tickling Bakugou is to be blasted into kingdom come so maybe better not to tickle him unless you’re Kiri and can protect yourself
Anon said:Bakukirikami is some good stuff my dude
It sure as heck is! Lately my old stuff for them is getting a bunch of new notes, I’m assuming people are getting into it thanks to the anime haha the magic of the license exam my doods
Anon said:hey I hope I don’t sound creepy but, I just want to say that your art really makes me happy and that you’re one of my favorite artist out there. So even if somtimes you feel like your art sucks I want you to know that I think it’s beautiful! Hope you’re doing well!
You don’t sound creepy at all!!!!! thank you SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:i live for ur kamisero art just saying
I haven’t drawn much of that, have I? I’m glad you like it tho!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Mako and Tai ♥️♥️
Anon said:This isn’t an ask, just that I love your art style and it reminds me of a beautiful and cute point and click adventure, “Harvey’s new eyes ” and “Ednas break out” Its very cute and pretty just like your art style and I love both ^^
Oh man thank you!!!
Anon said:Q U O R K
I honestly can’t even remember if this is just a random ask or if it was referring to something specific, ngl (if it’s the second, sorry about my memory being like this orz)
Anon said:Gah I keep missing preorders! I’ve only ever really wanted 2, and each time, don’t have any money, til after they’re done 😢 oh well, I guess. Hope you’re doing well!
If you’re referring to the takemyhand zine, preorders are still going tho!!! and thank you!!!!
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unfamiliarties-a · 5 years
okay, so it’s been a few hours. things are still a bit fresh. but i’m ready to talk about endgame. i was originally wanting to hold back, but i’ve been dying to write these characters for years so consider this blog a spoiler zone. i’m not actively going to spoil things for people, because i’m not a dick, but i will be taking endgame into consideration for all of my related muses. so for your own safety i would stay off my page until you’ve seen the film. i will be tagging all spoilers regardless. so, if you wanna know my thoughts and how they’ll effect my muses going forward, then please find below the cut and #dontspoiltheendgame.
tony stark. watching tony stark die broke me. it was always going to, but seriously i just had a good five minute sob after the credits bc i felt like i needed to get it out, even tho i cried when he passed. it felt like losing a friend guys. tony stark has been my hero for eleven years, it sucked to see him go. i’m sad he got the life he wanted but doesn’t get to keep it. but honestly ? i’m glad he gets to rest now. i’m glad he goes down as the man who saved the universe. i’m glad he got the best arc in the whole of the mcu. it’s what he and robert deserved and i just wanna say thank you to both, you saved my life guys. 
steve rogers. again, cap’s end felt like it fit so well for him like tony’s did for him. i felt like his was less emotional for me, but i’m glad he got to be happy with peggy, bc that’s all he’s ever wanted and he was able to pass on the shield to sam. honestly i kinda had wanted bucky to get it, but i think in the end it was done right giving it to sam. 
thor. i think people will be split on this, but i liked thor’s arc bc it seemed so real that he would lose himself a bit after all that has happened to him. he lost everything guys. seeing him trying to drink it away was heartbreaking but real. and his scene with his mom ? just .. that is the most profound thing i have ever heard in a film, that everyone fails at who they’re supposed to be and it’s okay bc you can be who you are and nothing else. the only thing that bothered me was having thor not buff up again for the final fight, but other than that i’m good. 
natasha romanoff. i know people will be split on this and honestly i have mixed emotions on it myself. i loved nat, she was my favourite and i didn’t want her to die. but i’m hard pressed to say that it was out of character, bc it wasn’t. fighting with clint to make the sacrifice, finally getting the red out of her ledger, helping her found family and putting things in motion to save the god damn world ?? that to me is natasha. but i get the criticism that it’s another example of a woman getting used to further a plot and justify some white boy man pain, which for a strongly feminist character sucks, but i don’t think nat would have chosen it differently.
clint barton. i am so fucking glad he got a real arc. one of the best i think. i loved the cold-blooded ronin stuff and how it lined up with nat’s past and just their entire relationship in that film was so real and believable of two life long friends. i’ve heard people say they don’t like renner in the role for years now and i always defend him and say no he just hasn’t had the chance to really show what he can do, and i was so fucking right guys. i’m livin’ rn.
bruce banner. i personally didn’t like the whole bruce!hulk thing but, y’know, it didn’t ruin anything. it’s just not what i would have chosen if i was writing it myself, but whatever. 
loki laufeyson. his scenes were short but i loved them and y’all can bet i’m gonna do a split-timeline verse where he gets away with the tessaract bc that was just peak loki and i loved it. do i wish there had been a pay off to “the sun will shine on us again”  ?? .. yes, absolutely. i’m disappointed that it didn’t but then there’s always the loki series, so we’ll have to see.
i’d be here forever if i went through every character, but i wanted to go through the original avengers assemble main cast so that’s all above. everyone was stellar in this film. and the shot of all the mcu ladies in one frame was powerful. i’m heartbroken for pepper, morgan and peter. especially as we know that peter is going to be dealing with the aftermath in far from home, i’m just excited to explore everything from the film and beyond that. what an amazing eleven years. 
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shadows-echoes · 6 years
Writer’s Questionnaire
tagged by: @negotiator-on-site and @deviantramblings . Thank you guys for the tag! I spent way too long thinking about these tbh.
Short stories, novels, or poems?
For reading? Novels. I love absolutely delving into a world and completely immersing myself in it. In my experience, poems/short stories are like looking through a window: the more you look, the more you’ll probably see. Reading a novel, or an entire series, is more like walking through a door into another world, and that’s exactly what I want from a story. I want it to completely consume me.
With all of that being said, what’s the exact word count that draws the line between a short story and a novel? 10,000 words might be a short story, but is 25,000 still considered a short story? 100,000? 300,000? Where is the line drawn? Tbh, I’m 100% down with any long-ish story that draws me in.
As for writing… Imma keep it real with you chiefs, the shortest stories I’ve ever written are for D:BH. Pretty much every other fic of mine is 25+ pages, and a couple of the longer ones are closer to, or exceed, 180 pages. I haven’t finished those. They’re all drafts, so to speak, and the amount of editing needed makes me balk whenever I think about it, but they’re there. The stories that I’ve actually finished are all short-ish stories lol (at least in comparison to some of the other stuff I’ve written).
What genre do you prefer reading?
FANTASY!!!! We live in a non-fiction world that can be quite depressing at times. If I’m going to fling myself into a story, I want it to be magical. I want it to have something that this world doesn’t. I want magic and dragons and mystery and soulmates and forbidden love and all the crazy shit.
What genre do you prefer writing?
Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
It depends on the story. Most times, I’ll write one scene and it develops into an entire plotline as I write it. Other times, like with Of Blood and Biocomponents for example, I’ll spend a lot of time planning everything out before I write it so I can work in a number of clues and Chekov’s guns’, etc.
What music do you listen to while writing?
When I really need to focus, I’ll listen to anything instrumental. That can range from soundtracks (e.g. from The Last of Us, LotR, Hans Zimmer’s stuff), to more individualized and upbeat songs (e.g. Lindsey Stirling, Peter Gundry, Max Richter, Hidden Citizens) to classical (e.g. Chopin, Wieniawski, Mozart), or even just ambiance rain sounds on youtube etc. Otherwise, when I need to get in the mood for a certain scene I have entire playlists dedicated to evoking a certain emotion (e.g angst -obviously-, sadness, love, adrenaline rushes).
Fave books/movies?
I don’t really have any favorite movies so I’m just going to list a whole bunch of books/series I love: 
ACoTaR by Saraj Maas
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Learning Not to Drown by Anna Shinoda
Feminist Fight Club by Jessica Bennett
ASoIaF by George Rmartin Rmartingeorge Martin
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (a classic that breaks my heart)
Night by Elie Wiesel (a classic that breaks my soul)
1984 by George Orwell (a classic we practically live in rn and it terrifies me)
Some Quiet Place by Kelsey Sutton
The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda (the plot twist at the end of this series blew me the fuck away. It’s been years and I still haven’t found my wig)
Any current WIPs?
Only around like… 16? (Excluding all of the half-formed ideas and prompts in my “Graveyard” folder, that is). Which is incredibly surprising to me? I thought it’d be way more. However, most of those WIPs are all… heartbreakingly long and only half-finished, so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Lace-up combat boots, black jeans, and a random, probably blank, t-shirt.
Create a character description for yourself:
Hi, I’m Jayde, an average human person who thinks obsessively writing and learning new stuff are fun activities. I look like Idc but I actually care too much; I’m a ride-or-die bitch. Intovert™ (I would much rather have a first conversation w/ someone be about the trolly problem or systems theory instead of the weather). Often low-key enraged by society.
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
Aspects of them? Of course. Actually writing them into a story? Nope. I totally draw on my experiences with certain people to help me write. That’s a given with any writer. However, unless I’m writing a biography on them with a full Chicago-style bibliography then I leave real people the heck alone.
Are you kill-happy with characters?
Depends on the characters. I have killed off a couple, but my soul is fueled on angst and there’s only so much of that a single death can provide. Nah, it’s usually better if people are alive and just… injured or... problematic.
Coffee or tea while writing?
I’m usually most productive writing-wise at night, so it’s either decaffeinated green tea or hot chocolate for me (bc I do try to have some kind of sleep schedule even if I fail with that goal).
Slow or fast writer?
So, so slow.
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
Anything, really. Sometimes an idea will just pop into my head and I’ll have to write it. Other times, it’ll start with a feeling, a situation, or an experience that slowly morphs into a fic the more I think about it.
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
Idk what I would be, but I’d love to be literally anything/anyone with some kind of magic or special ability. Like, bruh, I’m already human, gimme something else. Gimme some of the good shit.
Most fave book cliche? Least fave book cliche?
I’m so fuckn horny on main for a good love triangle. When they’re done badly, they’re atrocious. That’s a given. But when they’re done well??? Hot damn. Like the kind of love triangles in ACoTaR, the Shatter Me series, or even the Trylle series (which first got me into it all). The kind where problems develop naturally between the MC and the first love interest, where the MC has to work with the “bad guy” for some reason or other and it turns out he’s actually super fuckn dope (*cough* Rhysand *Cough*). The kind where the more MC learns about the people she’s/he’s/they’re around, the more their feelings start to shift based on that knowledge.
I do not mean the kind where the MC just can’t make up her/his/their mind bc omg Hot Person #1 is so hot and looks to be carved from marble, but omg Hot Person #2 is also so hot, looks to be carved from marble, and is also mysterious.
As for a cliché I hate (if the poorly written love triangle doesn’t count in and of itself), I seriously dislike the damsel-in-distress thing. Don’t get me wrong, that card can be very well played in some cases, but when it’s the only card in the whole damn deck for 200, 300, 400+ pages? Nah, brah. I’m out. I’m certainly not asking for BAMF MC every time, but like,,, at least give the MC a goddamn spine you absolute cowards.
Fave scenes to write?
Pining and angst, baby.
Most productive time of day for writing?
The ungodly hours between night and day, when the outside world falls quietly into slumber and one’s imagination runs wild in the dark.
Reason for writing?
I started writing because I had some ideas and realized that nobody could/would write them in the exact way I imagined them except for me? I’ve continued writing because it has almost become a coping mechanism to explore and organize my thoughts and feelings and daydreams in some kind of coherent way. Plus it’s fun.
Tagging: @deviantsupporter @deviancy-wasteland @sunstrain @writerscavity @aerynwrites
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Someday Darling (Part Four)
One | Two | Three
Summary: Leaving LA to go to New York to spend time with your brother might just be the worst/best decision of your life.
Words: 1,845
Student!Sebastian x Reader ; Actor!Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: SWEARING (y’all should just expect that by now) ; FLUFF & arguement flashbacks
A/N: THIS IS MY NEW STORY! WELCOME ONE WELCOME ALL! If you wanna be tagged, don’t be shy and let me know! ;) SHORT CHAPTER I AM SORRY
Tags: @221bshrlocked @potterhead1265 @shellymaesworld @titty-teetee @pawallday @chameerah @buckylicious@nerdywitch@teresaoliva20 @guera31 @i-should-probably-be-asleep-rn@hvitserksgirl @lancetucker@ssweet-empowerment @ijustreallylovezebras @amandarosemire
**GIF NOT MINE (originally posted by my girl, @lancetucker)
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A knock interrupted my thought process, "(y/n)?" It was Penn, he slid open the door and sat beside me on the bed. "Hey, you feeling okay? You're crying."
I guess the memories had brought back real tears and I wiped my cheeks, smiling, "Yeah, I'm great. Just thinking about stuff." I leaned up and hugged him side on,resting my head on his shoulder. "Did Sebastian say anything about me? I royally embarrassed myself in front of him tonight."
Penn shook his head and chuckled, "Sebastian doesn't talk much but when he does, he's loud but don't worry, he never said anything to me about you. What did you do?"
I felt my face flush, "I think I accidentally checked him out and he may have accidentally seen it. Plus I... may have vocalized it." I buried my face in my hands and shook. "Fuck. What am I gonna do now? He thinks I'm some big horn dog."
Penn laughed and hugged me tighter, "I'll let you in on a not-so-secret. You are a horn dog, but he is much more of one." He laughed and stood, kissing my hair, he left the room and shut the door.
With Penn being gone, I was forced to go back to my trail of thoughts, I remember flipping Chris off and falling to the floor. 
Several hours after of just sitting there, in a pile on the floor, I heard a quite knock on the apartment door. I gathered enough strength to peek out the hole, it was him. I pounded the door, ignoring the fresh river of tears flowing from my eyes. "Go away Chris."
"(y/n), baby, listen to me. I know you saw those pictures but trust me when I say that they mean nothing to me! Andre suggested that I take Cassie out on a date or two to make the paparazzi go crazy so that the film becomes bigger. He refused to let me call you and I had to stay over Christmas. We're done shooting now and I won't be leaving again for while. Sweetheart, just please open the door and let me explain." He sounded so hurt.
I remained silent and tried to muster up the courage to open the door and face him. After a few minutes of looking at him through the peep hole, I removed the chain and stepped back. I watched the knob turn slowly and it creak open. "(y/n), please."
I stepped further away, crossed my arms and nodded. "You have two minutes." The tears were gathering in my eyes again but I blinked them away, refusing to look weak in front of him again.
He nodded, "Cassie Margaret means nothing to me. She's just a actress that I worked in a film with. I love you and only you. Please, (y/n)." He stepped a bit closer and I kept my arms crossed in front of me but not moving. "Baby, please. That kiss meant nothing, absolutely nothing. Just something for work, I promise." I nodded and breathed in sharply, "Chris, I can't forgive you right now and it's going to take a hell of a lot longer for me to even trust you again. But ... you can bring your stuff in. I'll get you a blanket for the couch." And with that, I turned away and walked to the bedroom closet.
"(y/n)? Hey, it's Sebastian. I'm just wondering if you wanted some Thai? I'm ordering in." He was knocking at the door, I was half asleep, in my head I could have sworn it was Chris so I somehow mustered a 'come in' and turned my head slightly, my face towards the door. He opened the door and chuckled, tiptoeing closer to me and shoved my shoulder. "(y/n)? What do you want?"
I shook my head and squinted my eyes at him, "Whatever you're having is good, babe. Thanks Chris." I rolled back over and felt myself drifting away.
I don't even remember falling asleep, but when I woke up, I had my blanket over me and a note telling me there was some Thai food in the fridge. There was no name left so I just assumed it was Penn. I brushed my teeth and hair, washed my face and got dressed for the day. I sauntered out to the kitchen, roughly around 10:30 and found Penn sitting on the couch, with a cup of coffee. "Hey (y/n) , welcome back to the real world. Guess flying doesn't agree with you, eh?"
"Careful, your Canadian is showing." I flashed him the finger and he chuckled, bringing his mug back to his lip. I walked to the kitchen, searching for a coffee mug when I saw someone move from the corner of my eye. I jumped a bit when I saw Sebastian sitting there, coffee in hand, reading the newspaper. "Morning." I said quietly.
He smirked and flipped the page. "Morning, there is some Thai food in the fridge for you." I must have made a face because he continued to say, "didn't you get my note?" He filled his mouth with coffee and swallowed slowly.
My face flushed to a deep red, "Oh? I thought Penn wrote that note. Why did you get me food?"
He chuckled softly, "Uh, I asked you last night when you were half asleep and you said to get whatever I was having and then-" He sighed, cocking a brow at me.
"Then what?" I pulled the carton of food out and placed it neatly onto a plate.
He looked up swiftly, clearing his throat. "And then you called me babe and some guy named Chris."
I almost dropped my plate putting it into the microwave. "Oh god, I'm sorry."
He laughed, "it's okay." He looked at me and smirked, "Who's Chris?"
I nodded and bit my bottom lip, "my boyfriend back in California."
He nodded slowly and drank his last mouthful of coffee. "Well, he's a lucky man."
 He stood up and made his way over to me. The microwave was directly over the sink so he scooted in close to me. He smelt like rain, vanilla, sex and coffee. I breathed in his scent and felt something rumble in my stomach. He was close enough that I felt his breath on my skin, his arms rubbing against mine. "Excuse me." He said, our faces inches from each other.
I didn't move back and neither did he. We stood like that, looking at each other until Penn yelled out from the living room that there was some food in the fridge for me. I cleared my throat and stepped slightly back from Sebastian. "Uh, yeah Penn, Sebastian just told me."
He stepped closer to me and I swear i could hear my own heart beat rise as he came closer. "(y/n), would you like a tour of New York?" He was inches away from me again and it took all within me not to reach out and touch his face.
I felt my face deepen in color, "I'd like to have a tour but Penn is working and you have school?"
He snorted under his breath, making coffee and toothpaste fill my nostrils. "Yeah, but it can wait."
I didn't hear anything he had said, all I could focus on was his plump, pink lips. I bit my lip and stepped backwards, "okay." It came out as a whisper.
Stepping closer, he locked eye contact with me and scanned my face, glancing at my lips. Biting his bottom lip, he lifted his hand to touch my hip. He brought me closer so I was invading his personal space, majorly. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, wrapping his arm around my waist. I knew this was wrong, and I knew I shouldn't be doing it but I kissed him back. I stepped away abruptly and sped walked to my room.
Sebastian followed behind me, long legged strides catching up to my short legs. I shut the door but he put his foot in the way, causing it to slam against his bare foot. "I’m sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you."
My back towards him, I nodded, "yeah"
He stepped farther into the room, cocking his to the side as if asking if it was okay. I nodded and he smiled lightly. "How long have you and Chris been together?"
My words got stuck in my throat, "uh, almost two years." I crawled onto my bed, bringing the throw blanket over my legs.
He rubbed the back of his neck, looking for something to say. "Long time." He nodded to the end of the bed, obviously wanting to sit down. "Why are you in New York?"
I nodded again, and pulled my legs to my chest.  "Uh, a few months ago, Chris cheated on me with a co-star and I never really got over it. Decided to get away from him for a while so I could sort some stuff out."
He was rubbing the throw blanket with the tips of his fingers, froze he whispered, "seriously?" His lips parted ever so lightly and he licked them quickly. "What kind of idiot cheats on a girl like you?"
I froze, guilt filling my stomach, making me want to throw up. I jumped from my bed and ran to the washroom, filling the toilet with my guilt. Sebastian was right after me, knocking cautiously. "(y/n)? Are you okay?"
I laid on the floor, beside the toilet, sobbing quietly. He opened the door and saw my position. Instantly fell beside me, talking softly. "What's the matter? Was it the kiss? If that's it, I'm so sorry (y/n)."
I nodded and tried pushing away from him. "I just remembered how bad I felt when I saw Chris kissing another girl and realized that I didn't want to do that him, no matter how angry I am at him."
I skittered past him and trotted back to my bed. I fell asleep sometime between being sick and waking up to find Sebastian asleep in the chair beside my bed. I gazed at his features; strong jaw line, beautiful dark eyelashes, cheekbones to die for. He stirred and noticed me staring, "Hey." He smirked, rubbing his eyes.
"Hey." I rolled over on my side so I could sit up on my elbow. "I'm sorry for that little spell I did. You don't need to hear about my problems. I just met you." I felt my face flush and he smiled.
"(y/n). I understand how it feels to have someone betray you like that. It blows. You deserve someone who is going to respect and love you enough to never hurt you like that." A tear trickled down my cheek and I wiped it quickly, smiling with tight lips. He began to stand up but decided against it. "I shouldn't have kissed you. I knew you had a boyfriend."
I rolled back over, my back towards him again and sighed. "I know. Just don't do it again .. unless I ask."
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jonesywrites · 7 years
Hey, I love your writing! I think I've consumed everything at this point. Do you have any favorite stories you can recommend? I may have blasted through all the fic updates of my own faves and just looking to see if people are reading stuff I might have missed. Looking forward to your next updates! No pressure!
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First, I am so very sorry it’s taken me so damn long to answer this. 
I actually did answer it - I wrote a very long, very beautifully gif’d post and then accidentally scrolled left on this stupid macbook and I lost the entire fucking thing and I wanted to throw my laptop out of the window.
::calming breaths::
Let us pray that doesn’t happen again this time (I am a klutz, so it’s a definite possibility). Secondly, I decided that now is the perfect time to recreate this answer because a) there are some goddamned talented ass writers out there killing the game rn, b) there are also haters out there trying to steal our joy rn and not only is it not going to work, I think now is a good time to spread the love as far and wide through Richonne as possible, so reblog the shit out of this and get reading if you haven’t already and c) I don’t have time to write the way I want at the moment so I hope this makes up for it.
I also really really need a list I can return to b/c I signed up to read a lot and am still verrry slowly getting through it.
So! Here goes…
Current Favorite Richonne fics…!
1. Round After Round by @nattah-gudgrrl
ZA Canon - Rick and Michonne after 6x10, being domestic and sexy af, round after round.
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Holy crap, Anon. I was hooked from the first few words. I’m not finished yet, but this is incredibly sexy and beautifully well-written. Nattah’s writing is hypnotic and poetic. She drops precious gems throughout each chapter with her words, the way she phrases things is so original and addictive. Rick and Michonne are pitch perfect, but so is everyone else (and she’s hilarious, btw). She includes music to score her amazing writing, and trust me, listening to her suggested tracks while reading will only suck you deeper into the tantalizing atmosphere she’s created with these two. AND THE SMUT. HOLY SHIT. Prepare yourself. I love opening up to a chapter and letting myself fall. I almost feel like I need to smoke a joint, turn out the lights, and close my door reading this, no joke. (no seriously, i’m not joking, be alone b/c you will feel thangs down there)
2. Musings of Rick Grimes by @nyese3529
NonZA AU - Rick as a NYC photographer slowly falling head over heels for a charismatic college student Michonne as she becomes his muse.
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OKAY. I’m not sure anything I say here will do this amazing piece of fanfiction justice. I’m not even caught up, but the chapters I have read so far are PURE FIRE. Nyese is a master at unfolding a real, atmospheric, moody, sexy, intense, and totally riveting Rick and Michonne for us to fall in love with from the start. Rick’s attraction to Michonne leaps off the page, as does she. She is so damn cute and sexy and seeing her through Rick’s eyes the way Nyese has written them is just to die for. Nyese also NAILS New York City life, especially as a southern transplant and artist (I feel you Rick) AND as a young, gifted black woman looking to make a difference while everyone else covets her light (I feel you Michonne). It’s a beautiful read, and I encourage you to ASAP. The smut is off the chain, as in every fucking moment of it had me squirming around wishing I had me a Rick Grimes here in NYC damn you Nyese you’ve ruined me!
3. The Art of Control by @avintagekiss24
NonZA AU - Rick as a sexy, wealthy contractor Dom and Michonne the comic book shop/cafe owner as his sub in Atlanta (bonus: featuring probably the best version of Maggie I have ever read)
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GOTDAMN. Let me tell you something. THIS IS THE SEXIEST RICK GRIMES OF ALL TIME FOR ME. Every fucking word Miss Kiss wrote for him to utter had my panties wet and my brow sweating, do you hear me? This fic is hot as fuck. Even before Rick Grimes shows up in the story, I was feeling hot and bothered about his mere existence, just like Michonne. The way Miss Kiss writes the buildup throughout their relationship is simply riveting. She’s a very visual writer, just like Nyese, so I can see, taste, feel, and ground myself in this stunning world of money, undeniable attraction and absolutely delicious sex. AND DID I MENTION HER MAGGIE IS SEXY AF, FUNNY AF, NAUGHTY AF, AND GODDAMN IT I WOULD SO BE HER PLAYTHING?? The plot is really good, too, like really good. Screw 50 Shades of Garbage. Miss Kiss’s sub!Michonne and Dom!Rick Grimes are what you want, what you need, what you deserve. Go forth, and savor every moment of this. In fact, I need to catch up, myself. Hell yeah.
4. Sirens of the ZA, by @isisnicole
ZA AU - Michonne and her two sisters, fierce, trained fighters, find and protect Carl. Richonne begins to develop once Carl is finally reunited with Rick three years later.
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Sigh, I love this fic. Miss Isis hooked me with her stellar opening, and the plot just got more and more compelling the more I read. Carl is still very Carl, but he’s got that “loved, protected, and taught to survive by three amazing black women” vibe to him that makes my heart melt. Ila, Luna, and especially Michonne are just everything in this. EVERYTHING. Their relationship is tight af, they keep it real, they are badass warriors (trained, medal-winning warriors, mind) and even though your heart yearns for Rick and Carl to reunite and for Richonne to soar, you cannot help but fall in love with the family dynamic that Miss Isis has written for them with Carl. The tension between Rick and Michonne is even more intense in this than in canon when they first meet, I’d say, but deliciously so. And once they both start to realize the business, it’s time to pull out the popcorn because the buildup is sooooo good. And did I mention an alive Shane and Merle, also written so well you kinda sorta forget they didn’t make it in canon? Yeah. Read this.
5. Red Dirt Road by @siancore
NonZA AU - Young!Richonne in southern af King County, Georgia, teenagers that fall in love one summer along a red, dirt road.
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Honestly, this fic is just perfect. The world is real. I can smell the dirt. I can feel the heat. Rick in this is juuuuuuuust….! He’s everything we think of when we think of a teenaged Rick (but not underage of course). Kind, responsible, stoic, patient, respectful, and sexy. Michonne is a vessel for us all, transporting us back in time to when we went to our grandmama’s house and she bossed us while loving us like nobody else could. The whole gang is there and they’re all written to perfection, especially Shane. He’s as shady and selfish and yet completely charismatic as you’d expect a young Shane to be. The story is so sweet and the pacing is comfortable, fun, and easy, just like those summers we spent messing around with our friends, falling in love, learning to drive, staying out after curfew. I adore Sian’s writing and this is by far my all-time favorite of hers right now. It’s a must, must read! 
To Continue Reading, So Help Me…!
1. HALO, by leeeel
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Holy smokes. I have only read chapter one so far and it is absolutely amazing. AMAZING. I reeeeaalllyy need to get back into this one. Rick and Michonne meet under dire circumstances, and the mystery begins. The writing transports you, and I actually got chills reading this. CHILLS.
2. Deception by @severelybabykryptonite
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YO. I HIGH KEY LOVE “THE BODYGUARD” AND THIS IS THE RICHONNE VERSION AND IT IS EVERYTHING. Rick as a no-nonsense bodyguard to Michonne’s sexy, vulnerable star is a dream come true. I really need to catch up on this one, it’s just so good and it’s visual and it makes my geeky movie+Richonne loving heart soar. 
3. The Day I Met You, by @chezza3009
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I almost don’t know how to describe this one. It’s dark. It’s riveting. It’s nothing like I’ve ever read in Richonne before. Rick and Michonne in the aftermath of an affair that leaves Michonne devastated and Rick a mess. I don’t recognize this version of Michonne or Rick, but then I need to continue reading. What I’ve read so far makes me very, very intrigued by this story. And it shall have my undivided attention ASAP.
4. The Beginning, by @vegasloversteel
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Once again, Vegaslover has an uncanny ability to hook you with great story telling, dialogue that flows like “how is she doing this??” and chemistry between Rick and Michonne that vibrates off the page. Richonne is hot hot hot in this. Set in their college years with a great plot and fun with all your faves. Gotta catch up!
5. Palm Trees, by @cake-by-thepound
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I AM SO UPSET I CANNOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THE JUICY FIC TALK GOING ON ABOUT THIS STORY RN. Arrrrgggh the spoilers I’ve seen alone are killing me not so softly. I just loooove the way Cake writes Richonne’s worlds. Rich, grounded, dramatic but in a real, honest-to-goodness “that could totally happen to me” way that makes me want to stand up and cheer. I know this is going to be a beautiful ride, so far everything I’ve read is perfection, as usual, so I’m really looking forward to the day I am finally caught up and I can (too late, of course) dip into the forums and be like “GURL. BUT CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT PART WHEN…” 
You Thought I Was Done? LOL.
These are the stories I haven’t gotten to yet, but that are also on my list. I’ve heard nothing but good things and I am hoping to get to them soon!
Right Where We’re Supposed to Be by @tigerwalk3 - I’ve read her mini-fic Sparklers and I cannot wait to dive into this one. Her characterization alone is amazing, and the way she puts phrases and details together makes me low key jealous.
Honey Bees by @cranesinthe-sky - I don’t get enough Michonne and Judith in my fandom diet and I’ve heard some really awesome things about this one. I’ve heard nothing but praise for Lady Cranes’ writing, so I’m excited!
The TWD Chronicles by @yellehughes - I read Yelle’s Richonne Secret Fantasy fic and loved it, and I actually feel rather ashamed that I haven’t gone back to dive into this epic Olympian take on Richonne!! Allow me to correct this, with the quickness. 
The Hunter of Screams, by @codename-me - I started this, and holy crap is it amazing so far. Like me, Lady Codename has a thing for sci-fi and fantasy, and her writing is rich and detailed and visual, which totally turns me on. 
The End of Wanting, by @glowysweetfab​ - I have started this, and love this period AU, it’s immersive and the plot is so interesting I’m not even all that fussed to get to the romance bits (well that’s a lie, of course I’m trolling for smut but I’m really enjoying the ride).
Honestly, there are so many more stories I have favorited/followed that it would take me all night to list them all here. But I will do more posts like these as I finish fics and move on to others, it’s important to me to show the same support for all of these amazingly talented writers that they have shown to me, and to spread as much positivity as possible because they deserve it. 
This fandom is chock a block full of major talent, huge hearts, astonishing intellect, and abundant passion. No one can deny that, and anyone who does is lying. 
Thanks for the ask, Anon! 
P.S. I promise I will get back to updating as soon as I can. I’m in the middle of preparing myself to move across the country and transition to a new career. But my beloved fics are always on my mind, and boy do I have such glorious Richonne in store for you! Thanks for sticking with me! I promise you won’t regret adding a few of these ladies to your reading list, either, if you haven’t already. 
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thegeminisage · 8 years
since i FINALLY finished the comic page im gonna make the poor choice of playing zelda ALL NIGHT get ready for The Longest Post which is full of Big Super Spoilers
since lynel thoroughly kicked my can last night i need defense food and preferably stronger weapons
i technically already had more than enough shock arrows to proceed but i wanna kill him!!!!
okay but in all seriousness i only have like 3 defense things........
i guess i'll try it fuck i dont feel like scouring the world for ironshrooms rn
ok. slept on the bed to get my stamina wheel & 3 hearts, will use my 21 hearts when those run out, got 3 defense things for about 14m of defense, I Can Do This
really i wish i had a one-handed weapon, two-handers are so slow :/
well here we go again :|||
lol why does my heartrate always go up for shit like smh.....
getting better at dodging
ooh he hates my ice arrows
maybe i can get a snapchat pic
YES i did i didn't attack him in that perfect moment but hey some thing are more important
im so fucking annoyed lmao i was so close
oh well at least now i can use that whole mount
aaand again
oh. im out of ice arrows.
YIKES i forgot to refresh my thing again just for a sec and almost died
YES i got a perfect dodge purely on accident NICE!!!!
i can see everything from shatterback point, even naydra, but im too scared to jump while the beast is down there
no yk what fuck it. im turning this paraglider around
first tho i really wanna wait to see if i can catch another rainbow...they were so pretty and i lost the other pics i took when i died ):
oh!!! there it is!!!!! and i was just about to give up
ah it last such a short time - but it comes at the same time every day, around 4:05
i'm sure it won;t appear here anymore after the divine beasts knocks it off with the water though, haha
okay.......time to dive
/saves first
i mean it didnt even move im just Scared. ok
duuude i gave the lynel pic to the lady and got swim pants?! FUCKING SICK where do i get a helm
okay time to go free the divine beast!!
haha wait i came out here without defense stuff. i didn't cook anymore
oh well yolo
or actually this is a game so i live as many times as i want #determination
i do still have some extra hearts left, and stamina, and some healing items, and even some electricity elixirs, sowow!! okay! still huge!!!!!
ah i love sidon so much
he tries so hard and he's so ready and he loves his people so dearly
i bet he's gonna die lol
if it's like, a sage thing, maybe he has to replace mipha if she really is gone
jesus please don't die sidon PLEASE
oh my gos he's talking he's talking there's voice acting im literally dying i cant handle!!!!!! this!!!!!! i lvoe him so much
omg omg
dude that was SO cool
and link got to ride on his back and then say goodbye!!! and sidon BELIEVES in him!!!!!!!!!!
god i wish i had gotten the helm before i did this haha i looked up the location but i don't think i can back out now
i feel like she's about to die like the old man like Move On but
to see her again!!!!!!! im so emotional
oh my god oh my god
no okay i can leave and i need a second too im gonna go get the helm
apparently theres a quest you can do that doesnt give you the helm but tells you where to find it? but i can do that later rn i just want complete armor
alright nice full set hell yeah
HOLY fuck i was paragliding back and i tried to paraglide over the divine beast and it fucking OBLITERATED ME jesus CHRIST
dude there are these absolutely freaky eyeball things you gotta shoot to get rid of gunk and the music gets all creepy near them lsdksjfgh
oh no i found the cockpit but it's all closed up...is her corpse in there? her ghost? oh my god it says the terminals are unactivated
i'll be honest im a BIT stuck here i hate to have to use a guide, but
NO wait oh my god my runes!!! dumbass
i can lift the bars lol
oh my god the CONTROLS are on???
this map is fucking 3D a 3D map!!!! in the other games they were flat holy shit!!!!
i can even see it moving on the minimap!!! holy FUCK
LMAO i was trying to move this crank with stasis and all along i needed to use magnesis. jesus
uh the music got freaky as fuck after i did the first terminal??? no?? thank you????
LOL YOU GOTTA RIDE THE TRUNK oh my god. oh my god.jesus christ
i am so small. it is so big. oh my god
who is the boss of this dungeon? there's gotta be a boss
don't tell me i fight it
or the undead mipha
jesus god
i have had to ride this trunk 3 times now and i am not at all comfortable
reminds me of the big windmill in mirror's edge
okay yep i did all the terminals and now the music is downright terrifying!!! nice good Okay
"my demise 100 years ago" is she Really gone
omg no mipahs talking to me as i fight!!!
im straight up gonna look up what to do im too weak and defense-potionless to do this the hard way
ooh motherfucker doesnt like my shock arrows and lynel bow ahaha
huh that was actually like SUPER easy compared to some of the other stuff i've done
holy fuck
i straight up just cried
she's a spirit and i thought she was gonna like, move on? which is sad enough
but no she's hanging around to pilot the divine beast from the afterlife
she even talked to it i was so sad it's been her only companion for a century of course she fucking talks to it
and i was staying strong!!! i was!!!!!
but she talked about how she wished she could see her dad again and i cried lmao why does this game give me dad feels of all things
i hope she gets to see her dad one more time too i'm so sad she's really dead and not alive like link
jesus fuck
oooh dorephan's talking about the master sword...gimme gimme gimme!!!
aww he was nice to sidon as everyone should be!!!!
holy shit he's really big?? i didn't realize it but he's like twice link's height JESUS
man. i am fucking wrecked lol
time to...explore...the rest of the province...i guess
i got a trident but i can never use it bc it will break. it was mipha's!!!!
on the other hand all three pieces of armor, my shield, weapon, AND bow are all zora themed i took a pic of myself to remember it by lol bc they will all break
i wonder where i should go after this...?
my brother went up to death mountain but i kinda want to do something different so we have something to tell each other about
but i kinda want to do the same so we don't spoil each other
i also REALLY wanna do the southeastmost province for some reason, all that water
tbh tho im getting ahead of myself i still have lots of this left to cover
it's getting harder to tell where i've already been, haha - when the things had borders and there was less visible that was easier
ooooh mipha's ability brings me back from death and she speaks briefly to me ;_; and it's active again in 23 minutes nice!
so i guess each champion gives you a different one and you can chose which to have active but tbh this one seems like it's gonna be the most helpful already
aww i did a little quest in kakariko to root out a theif and i love the way they built up dorian's past that's so cool
i think i was supposed to be able to pick up that yiga dude's sword tho and it glitched on me bc i was too fast :/
ugh i'm doing this oen shrine puzzle where you have to mount a male deer
and i finally mounted one after losing 10000 times and it was past some hills it wouldn't climb down
every time i find one thats close enough they fucking bolt im so fed up :|
and my sheikah sensor isn't picking up any more so i must have literally scared away all of them. fantastic. what a huge waste of time!! guess i will go somewhere else!
also can't solve the puzzle on how to open the shrine at veiled falls so im just batting a thousand today so much for sidequesting tbqh
urgh and a blue hinox
exploring might not be worth my time either tbh
yeah no that's two shrines i haven't been able to open and this has stopped being fun, got one more ridge to explore before im done with this province - and some weird islands waaaay out there too but idk if i can get to them yet, and i'd just as soon wait until i unlocked the one next to them
yyyeah looking at them from here it makes much more sense to explore them when i get to that province
at least im all done with this one!! still plenty of sidequests and stuff, but those i can come back t more easily...it's harder to remember which terrain i have and haven't covered when i don't do it like this
i was thinking about how big the divine beast was when i saw it in the distance and
this sounds nuts but i bet im right - what if that flying island thing is a divine beast. WHAT IF
and that is The Day's Liveblog, more tomorrow, except probably not much bc of stream
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